Coffee Prince: Tenth Cup

Oh holy frijoles this was a good episode.

I’ve been careful (I think) to indicate that I’ve been enjoying Coffee Prince, but held off on a verdict… Given a history of disappointments, I kept expectations low in starting this series; I just hoped it would be light fun. As of today’s episode, I can say with certainty that I love Coffee Prince. I was so curious to see how they’d handle the pseudo-homosexuality angle, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised.

The story works whether you see Eun Chan as a girl, of course, but also if, like me, you find yourselves occasionally forgetting and thinking she really is a male, or at least some kind of new hybrid gender. I’m telling ya, the actors are selling it, particularly Mr. Gong Yoo (Yoon Eun Hye is doing wonderfully as well, but I’m speaking specifically to the struggle with sexuality-questioning here). I actually believe Han Gyul as someone struggling with feelings of homosexuality, rather than merely thinking, “But she’s a girl so this is all moot.” It’s NOT moot — because the way they’re exploring his struggle is really rewarding for me.

(Background) SONG OF THE DAY

Arco – “Alien.” One of a few songs used in today’s episode.

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Eun Chan runs into Han Sung at a neighborhood convenience store, and they sit down for an awkward talk. Han Sung apologizes to her for startling her with his kiss, and she says she’s been having some trouble with that, too: “Should we just forget about it?” Han Sung replies he has a good memory, and she revises: “Then, should we pretend we’ve forgotten?”

Han Sung asks why they need to forget, and seems disappointed in her answer that they should, in order to be friends again. Han Sung: “Friends? You want to be friends with me?” Eun Chan readily answers yes, so he says (not totally convincingly), “So I’ve made another good friend. It feels great.”

Eun Chan tells him about Han Gyul wanting her to quit the cafe. “I guess I like him. No, I really do like him, a lot.” She asks if he’s surprised, and Han Sung says he’s not — he already sensed it. “But things are bound to get complicated, since he thinks you’re a guy. Are you going to confess to him?” Eun Chan answers, showing her insecurity: “I think it’s better to get along as a male than to be rejected as a female.”

Worried about Han Gyul, Ha Rim goes to his place and is concerned to see the place in such a wreck and Han Gyul looking so rough. Ha Rim asks what’s wrong, persisting until Han Gyul responds.

Han Gyul: “I… I like him. Go Eun Chan.”
Ha Rim: “My Chan? Come on, I like him too…”

Ha Rim trails off, realizing the implication. Stunned, Ha Rim asks if Eun Chan knows, and Han Gyul just says, “What’s there for that guy to know? Don’t worry. I’ll get over it soon.”

Ha Rim’s concern for Han Gyul puts him in an irritable mood. He sees Eun Chan’s (feigned) indifference to Han Gyul’s continued absence, and snaps at her. Doesn’t she care about their boss at all? Without knowing the full story, Ha Rim assumes that Han Gyul is alone in his personal torment, and that Eun Chan is blissfully unconcerned, so her attitude fills him with indignation.

Just as Ha Rim’s accusing Eun Chan of being rude and uncaring, Han Gyul arrives. He greets everyone but Eun Chan, whom he ignores and won’t even look at.

Eun Chan fights back tears as she tells Sun Ki, “He looks like he went through a lot of pain.” Sun Ki agrees: “Yeah, looked like it.”

Yu Ju’s considering going back to New York for work. Han Sung asks if she’s decided yet, and she replies, “Choice one, I go. Two, I wait. Three, I don’t go or wait, but we break up. Which number will it be?”

Han Sung: “Can you give me some time?”
Yu Ju: “How much? A week? Ten days?… Looks like you’ll need more than that.”

While cleaning up that night, Han Gyul and Eun Chan steal glances at each other, but Han Gyul looks away immediately every time. Ha Rim asks him: “Is it that hard just to look at him? It’s written all over your face — you’re so tense you can’t even turn in that direction.”

Eun Chan waits for him outside, but he keeps her firmly at a distance. He tells her not to hang around him, to stay away (physically), and not to concern herself with his affairs: “If you don’t like it, you can pack up and leave.” Eun Chan bristles at his coldness, and rides her scooter in front of his car, forcing him to look at her. Unable to move, he angrily honks the horn. Throwing a resentful glare his way, she leaves.

Still thinking that Eun Chan is ignorant of Han Gyul’s feelings, Ha Rim asks her what she thinks about homosexuality (she doesn’t really have an opinion on it). In a misguided attempt to help, Ha Rim prepares to go on a coffee delivery run with Han Gyul, then fakes a stomachache and calls Eun Chan to take his place.

Eun Chan keeps trying to smooth things over to maintain a friendly conversation, but that just makes Han Gyul angrier. Upset that he won’t talk to her, as soon as she gets in the car, Eun Chan turns on the radio, which he turns off. That fuels her mood, and after a brief battle over the radio dial, Han Gyul orders her out of the car. When she won’t leave, he walks over to her door and drags her out by the arm. She glares at him furiously, and asks why he’s toying with her.

Eun Chan: “You said you liked me! You said you wanted to be sworn brothers!”
Han Gyul: “Do you really want me to be your brother? Would you really like that?”
Eun Chan: “I don’t like that either. Do you think I do? You said you wouldn’t like me as a girl, that you liked me as a guy. And in a month, you’re going off to America. What do you expect me to do?”

Starting to blink back tears, she goes on: “I really liked being at the beach… I was doing fine all on my own, and you came and made me into this…” Han Gyul reminds her of the time she asked him to leave her alone so she could get over her feelings for him: “Let me borrow those words. Leave me alone.” This time, when she doesn’t follow him back to the car, Han Gyul grabs her and drags her back.

Han Gyul: “It’s only a month at most. In one month, it’s over. I’ll bear it till then, so you do the same.”
Eun Chan: “It’s over for you as soon as you leave, isn’t it? You don’t bother thinking about who you leave behind. Fine. Let’s get along for the remaining month.”

Barely able to control himself, Han Gyul tells her to shut her mouth. One more word and she’s asking to be hit.

Arco’s “Alien” (also posted up top)

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They drive in silence. Han Gyul looks over surreptitiously while Eun Chan wipes away angry tears. In a small gesture of remorse(? compromise?), he turns on the radio.

Eun Chan tells her sister (who’s annoyed that Min Yub is ignoring her, which is driving her crazy) that she and Han Gyul had a huge fight. But:

“He says I’m making things hard on him. Why am I so stupid? Thinking about it, he’s the one who’s been wronged. What did I do that gives me a right to cry, or yell? What do I do now? It really seems like he’s hurting because of me.”

Eun Sae tells her to tell him the truth.

Eun Chan: “If I tell him… I might not see him again. I’m afraid of how angry he’ll be that I lied to him. It might not be the right thing to do, but he’s going to America in a month anyway. Just for one month… just… I’ll just…”

Over the next few days, the Coffee Princes prepare for their public performance (meant as a promotion for the cafe). They start off haphazard and unskilled, but gradually manage to pull it together.

Han Gyul and Eun Chan continue not to talk. The most they can do is look at each other.

In a nicely poignant, wordless scene, Han Gyul carries dirty plates to the kitchen, where Eun Chan is washing the dishes. Slowly, he moves next to her, first washing alongside her, then using the dishes as an excuse to reach across her for closer proximity. And finally, they both reach into the soapy water — and freeze completely still, alarmed, unsure how to react to the accidental touch. Han Gyul quickly withdraws his hand from the sink and leaves.

While setting up for their performance, Eun Chan is greeted as “oppa” by a flock of girls (Eun Sae and company). Han Gyul witnesses the scene from above, disturbed to see Eun Chan receiving so much female attention. He’s even more bothered to see Han Sung arrive to give Eun Chan congratulatory flowers.

The performance gets off to a lively start with Min Yub as the MC. They use instruments made of coffee-related implements (beans, crates, utensils) in keeping with their coffee theme, as well as singing and dancing. Even Eun Sae is impressed to see Min Yub onstage, getting lots of attention. One of the songs they sing is “Java Jive” (this is the song, although this track itself isn’t used in the show).

“Java Jive”

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After the performance, Han Sung sits with Han Gyul while the Coffee Princes dance around energetically. Han Gyul fights his jealousy when Sun Ki grabs Eun Chan to dance (Min Yub intervenes, taking Eun Chan’s place).

It worsens when Eun Chan gives Han Sung a present — her first attempt at roasting coffee beans. Han Sung happily accepts: “How can I drink this coffee? I’ll want to save it.”

Unable to contain his jealousy, Han Gyul needles them both, telling Han Sung he’s treating Eun Chan like she’s a girl. Han Sung merely smiles knowingly while Han Gyul keeps picking on her. He asks Han Sung how he can stand Eun Chan’s attention — he couldn’t. “Ugh, I can’t look at you guys — you look like a couple.”

He deliberately brings up the name Yu Ju to provoke Eun Chan, and she gets the message, leaving right away. Han Sung walks her home as she tells him despondently how Han Gyul wants her to quit work. Starting to cry, Eun Chan explains:

“But I don’t want to quit… because I need to earn money. No, that’s an excuse. It’s because I like coffee… another excuse. He’s so warm, and fun, and I like him. I like him so much I wish I could forget about the lie I told… I know I was wrong… but still…”

Now crying in earnest, she continues, in between sobs:

“I wish I could have him by my side… that he’d like only me… that he wouldn’t go away to America… But what is this? I’m not a man or a woman. And I’m so scared I can’t say a word.”

Han Sung can only offer her a silent pat on the back (and he seems to see that there’s no room for him in her heart). As they near her house, Eun Chan regains her composure and thanks Han Sung for his comfort.

Han Sung: “I don’t really know what this is… but I’ve found I like being with you, whether you’re laughing or crying. Promise me something, that in front of me, you’ll act however you want. That you won’t hide your mood or your emotions. What do you say?”

She promises.

Han Sung talks to Yu Ju on the phone while she’s with Han Gyul, who tries not to notice when Yu Ju mentions Eun Chan. Han Sung tells her that Han Gyul and Eun Chan both like each other.

Yu Ju doesn’t know what to do with that knowledge, but tells Han Gyul she’s sorry, though she doesn’t explain why: “I wish nobody would get hurt… but that’s too much to ask for.”

At work, Ha Rim asks Eun Chan if she’s good friends with Han Sung, and she says yes — they meet often, hang out, ride bikes, eat and drink together. Around the corner, Han Gyul overhears this with dissatisfaction.

Finally, Han Gyul looks up to see Eun Chan, and notices the belt on her apron has come undone. Without warning, he goes up her, putting his arms around her to retie it.

Uncomfortable, she takes over. Min Yub rushes in, elated that Eun Sae has texted him to meet for dinner, and grabs her in a huge hug. Unable to stand watching that, Han Gyul immediately breaks them apart.

Later, Han Gyul overhears Eun Chan talking cheefully to Han Sung over the phone as she does the dishes. Ha Rim brings in an improperly washed cup (a customer complained), and Han Gyul vents his jealousy by scolding her. She apologizes, and offers to do the after-hours cleaning.

Yu Ju tells Han Sung she’s decided to leave for New York and start over with DK. She tries to make it sound like she’s leaving him (like she’s cold and flighty), but she’s merely pretending to be. Alarmed, Han Sung tells her not to go:

Yu Ju: “Thanks for saying that.”
Han Sung: “All right, like you said, I wavered. No, to be frank, I still am. But don’t leave. I know I’ll come around soon, so don’t go!”
Yu Ju: “You’re not just wavering. You’re in love with her. How foolish of you, not to realize you’ve found a new love.”

Done for the night, the Coffee Princes leave without Eun Chan, to whom Han Gyul has given instructions to clean the entire cafe as punishment for her carelessness.

Ha Rim: “He’s leaving My Chan alone to suffer by himself.”
Min Yub: “Yeah, no matter how strong he is, it’s too much to make him do it alone.”
Ha Rim: “How much nicer would it be if he were a girl?”
Mr. Hong: “Leave them alone, if they like each other, what does it matter if they’re men or women?”

Ha Rim latches on to Mr. Hong’s words —

Ha Rim: “Do you know something?”
Sun Ki: “There were people who didn’t know? What’s wrong, they’re good together.”
Ha Rim: “You talk so easily about other people’s—”
Sun Ki: “Eun Chan’s a girl. Where’s the problem?”

Ha Rim can’t believe it (Min Yub carries him inside before he can react), and becomes angry with Eun Chan for tricking Han Gyul. He’s also upset with the others for keeping it a secret, though they’re of the opinion that it’s not their decision to say anything. Ha Rim has seen Han Gyul’s suffering up close and feels how unfair it is to him, but Sun Ki says he can understand Eun Chan, needing to take care of her struggling family — “Do you think she found it easy to lie?”

Ha Rim tries to call Han Gyul immediately, but is stopped. He yells out furiously when Min Yub snatches his phone and shoves him in a room to prevent him from going to Han Gyul.

어른아이 (Adult Child) – “Sad Thing”

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Han Gyul drives home, assailed with memories of Eun Chan along the way. How she cried in his car earlier that day… how he tied her apron… how she blew air in his face while he slept…

Coming to some kind of decision, he turns around and heads back to the cafe. He runs in to face Eun Chan, staring intensely at her face…

Startled, Eun Chan starts to explain that she’s trying to fix some damage to Yu Ju’s mural drawing.

Still silent, Han Gyul swoops in purposefully —

After a brief kiss, Han Gyul backs off. This time Eun Chan grabs him and initiates another, longer kiss.

Breaking apart, Han Gyul tells her, “I’ll say this just once, so listen to me. I like you.”

As a small smile appears on his lips: “Whether you’re a man, or an alien… I don’t care anymore.”

And, continuing as Eun Chan absorbs this: “I tried getting rid of my feelings, but I couldn’t… So let’s go, as far as we can go.”

Additional thoughts:

I know a lot of people didn’t see Que Sera Sera or read my recaps of it, but for those of you who did, hopefully you know what I mean when I say that this episode reminded me a lot of QSS’s Episode 9 — you know, the big one. That one.

Not because of the content — but rather in the feeling that everything has been cracked wide open. The heroes (Han Gyul here, Tae Joo in QSS) have tried — and failed — to contain their feelings. Their jealousies have caused them to lash out at the source of their affections, because deep down they’re actually upset with themselves. And they spend all episode alternately trying to ignore the source of their frustrations, and being unable to tear their eyes away.

And now that our heroes’ efforts prove ultimately futile, the denial is swept away. Where we go from here is completely up in the air.


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thanx for the summery^_^..... i cant wait for the next episode to come out..too exiting!!


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Some really lovely comments!

-- Yes, I'm enjoying seeing this transition from an Eun Chan-ish gender-bender comedy of errors to a Han Gyul-ian identity struggle and his "emotional journey into adulthood." A significant point, given that he was a frivolous slacker who'd never done a day of decent work before encountering the Coffee Prince cafe. Gong Yoo is stepping up to the challenge marvelously.

-- I noticed the camera work in the final scenes as well, and they did a lovely job conveying his inner thought processes with nary a word spoken. Nice.

-- I'm in the group of people who naturally WANTS Eun Chan to reveal her identity but also completely understands why she hasn't been able to. In retrospect, I'm sure she wishes she told him at any of her prior opportunities, but he just keeps upgrading her friendship package, contingent upon the one condition of her being male. And now that she actually has his admission of love (or like, at least), how the hell is she going to put that on the line, after everything that's happened thus far?? Now that's the question.

-- "During the Lego’s scene, my thought was that HG and EC were just two little kids playing Lego’s that also had very adult feelings of love and sexuality for each other, which could be very problematic."
Wonderfully keen. I love this concept, and wish I'd thought it.


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almost had a heart attack when i saw the final scene last night... wow! and i'm still trying to catch my breath... well, the whole episode was like a roller coaster actually and it was really amazing when han-gyul finally came around... as for han-sung, i like him too and such a good friend to eun-chan. This drama is really different from the other drama's that i've watched before coz normally they'd have another guy fighting over for a girl and would do crazy stuff or another girl trying to steal away the other guy -- those kind of stuffs -- but here, they're so calm and understanding... more on the battle on how they will deal with her secret and han gyul's confusion on his sexuality -- the story seem more natural... oh and besides that, when he went back to the coffee shop... the emotion that he showed there was so natural... love it! and thanks javabeans again!


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can i just say that i am in complete and utter shock.... omg just to think that the greatest possible moment of this whole series has finally happened i am so happy but very curious and antsy to see what happens next.... why do we have to wait another week to find out... thanks for the summary i'm gonna go crazy thinking about this episode. ♥ :D :P


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Again and Again, I try not to come to your blog and spoil myself before the subs come out. Again and Again I fail.

Thanks for the summary.


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thanks for the summary! for this episode everyone has said...it's getting better and better and i couldn't wait til next week!
thanks again!


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Haha yes upgrades is the word I was looking for wrt to the "friendship packages" -- haha LOL I just realised that in a way this actually is a parallel to your server-upgrade situation, in an odd way. Okay possibly only in my head sorry.
I just wanted to say also, thank you so, so, much, Javabeans, for your dedication to this site and these summaries. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say they really enhance the viewing experience, so that what passes too quickly on video is given a chance to linger, and simmer, and I really appreciate all the effort and time and money you've put in. Thank you so much! :)


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thanks for the summary! I'm dying to know what happens in the next episode!


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i find myself liking yu ju, respecting her for her maturity and totally feeling sorry foe her as well....
its great how the writers avoided the cliche of "just tell him/her and it'd be solved" in this case if eun chan tells HG she could end up losing him in so many ways...
and i agree with javabeans, gong yoo is doing a FANTASTIC job, i can realli empathise with his agony... its so palpable...


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hmm...while i am waiting for the next episode which i hope will keep getting better and better, i'm left with a thought of what if the last few episodes didnt reach our expectations???, if you guys got what i mean. It will be a total blow to me, an avid fan who's desperately want this drama to be the 'best' kdrama i've ever seen so far after all those past weeks of emotional roller-coster ride, both to HG/EC and us the viewers....*sigh*...6 days and counting... damn!!! waiting isn't a bliss..it's a torture!!!!


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love the new summary! thank you, as always! :)


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OH... MY... GOD... (In a Janice/Chandler way ;o) )

This seems to be the best episode of Coffee Prince thus far ; I love how the story's unraveling ! I agree with the general feeling of comments : Yoo Joo has grown on me in the last few episodes, so much that I actually feel bad for her now (and I was one of her most severe critics at the beginning of the show), especially so when she's not turning into the psycho (ex-)girlfriend we are so accustomed to in K-dramas...

Truth is, I feel much worse for Han Seung... It was patent almost from the start he was falling for Eun Chan more and more, up to THE kiss - actually in a situation kind of a symmetrical with Han Gyul - though not as painful and struggle-provoking for him. He had Yoo Joo but was starting to feel things beyond simple friendship for Eun Chan - one could sense it as early as episode 3, when he was so happy to give her his phone number, and even more in episode 4, during the course of their interaction after Han Gyul's Eun Chan bashing, until he walks her home (saying to Sseulja : “Seeing that girl makes you feel great, doesn’t it?”, to quote your translation). Since he was in arelationship with Yoo Joo, he struggled - hence the failure of bringing her to the art show/hence not responding at once when she confesses (which would have been a good idea for him, since she wasn't much into Han Gyul at the time, by the way) - until he finally decided to kiss her (even the kiss wasa struggle : after he put his hands on the earphones, there was a latence before he actually went for her lips). But well, I just think the cousins' struggles with their feelings for Eun Chan is curiously symmetrical in some ways...

As to our favorite couple, although I'm also now wanting them together, I feel the "betrayal" is going to be very hard to swallow for Han Gyul (at least, it seems that it can't be otherwise), so I hope they're going to take sufficient time to explore this angle - but considering their work thus far, I'm pretty confident they're not going to go "abracadabra-in-fact-I'm-a-girl-so-let's-be-eternal-blissful-lovers" on us. Han Gyul just can't - considering who they've made him to be - take the truth without resenting Eun Chan a LOT a LOT ; his main source of struggle was her gender, and it was a non-issue in reality : though he's really very grown mentally - he can accept those feelings he has regardless of his initial prejudice -, I think no one, and especially him, can take useless suffering well. Still, let's hope, since Eun Chan suffered just as much, if not more, that the resolution will be satisfying...

And to conclude, as always : thanks so much for doing those wonderful recaps, Javabeans! As of now, I'm officially addicated to them (8am, holidays, eyes barely open, but on your blog first thing in the morning to read...)


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Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! what an eppie!! Im loving how they are handling everything in Cp. Sarah, I agree full on this is so much like what happenned i QSS ep9. TaeJoo and Han Gyul both unleash their inner most feelings, its that break in the whole thing. I know in the soompi thread people are talking about the Homo-sexuality part of it all, how if HG is really gay and stuff. Although for some people, they might get turned off by the EC-HG thing even if EC is really a girl I really think they are showing this in a different light. Watching HG's transistion of emotions play out and also this own revelations of feelings was so emotional, you want to understand him. This eppie was just so powerful, this drama is soooo unique, quirky and different i love it. Thanks sarah!! I love ur summaries! :D Oh, I heard they are extending this to 18 eps...


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OMG...i read the translation/ summary earlier but i just had to come back and read the comments that everybody left. Now, i dont feel like i am not normal after all...basing from the comments ive read...i lot of people feels the same way i do...hehehehe

the last 3 episodes has really been intense...it feels like they are building the excitement up for the BIG revelation...i cant wait to see HG's reaction when he finally learns of EC's gender...that would be like seeing a high rise building being blasted into many, many tiny fragments...I cant wait.

I have a new found respect and admiration to GY's acting abilities...Although i liked his acting in One Fine Day but it is nothing compared to CP. Same goes for YEh. When i watched her in Goong, her character was cute and adorable but in CP, i see her in a new light.

2 more weeks to go before the series ends...Hey i am having surgery for my shoulder the same day as the end of the series but i sure am not going to miss any of it even if i have to use my toes to try to navigate javabean's and veoh's site to watch and read the narration...hahahaha

Cheers to Javabeans ...thank you and keep up the good work.


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Did they just added 2 more episodes to CP?
Thanks Javabeans for the summaries. I was referred by my friend Vjah to your site and so glad she did. I love your insights on each episodes as well as everybody's.
Gong Yoo is the primary reason I watch this show and very happy that he is very appreciated, as somebody mentioned, kudos too for the director on how they visually presented the characters' story. Not just the main lead's but on others too. All of them became important.


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i hate the fact that EC is being very selfish in her reasoning to not tell HG about her gender, i mean it's a HUGE thing to tell someone "Hey, by the way, I'm not a guy, I'm actually a girl."
Her reasoning "I want him to be near me/ I want to be with him," is totally unfair to HG and this wacked up relationship they have going. She's going to have to face the consequences one day, no matter if he's going to be leaving in a month. Going out of country is not the end of the world, people do have phones and email; they keep in touch! I figure he's going to find out eventually at the rate they're going and it'll be a whole lot more awkward when that happens. Oh! Eun Chan what will the fictional world do with such a coward?!


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Thanks for summarizing this series because it's fun reading your take on the entire thing.
I'll say it again, Thanks!

I loved the QSS comparison but if things turn out the way did in QSS, then it will get worse for this already screwed up couple (screwed as in EC can't be honest to HG, that's some serious trust/honesty issues right there).

I really loved QSS and despite my criticism of EC character and personality, I really like Coffee Prince.


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OMG!! SO AWESOME!! I'M CRYING!! i love all ur summaries!! ur so fantastic at writing them!! it's like i'm in ur head!!! its so cool!! u write how i think! lol! thanx HEAPS!! i can't wait for this epi to be subbed!!


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it seems that there are talks that they are extending coffee prince beyong the planned 16 eps. hope that even if they do extend it, the quality of the show won't go down.

but does this mean that there might be room for han gyul-eun chan-han sung triangle. or maybe the exploration of han gyul's birth and that new old guy talking to han gyul's dad. am not that interested in that though. am more interested with han gyul, eun chan, han sung, and even the other coffee princes.

for next week, the preview has been hinting that han gyul may finally find out that eun chan is a girl. he punches han sung and says why didn't you tell me she was a woman.....

can't wait for next week.


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Thank you once again for the wonderful update of the tenth cup!
i have a bad feeling that hk, after knowing ec is a girl, is going to pack up & leave for america (is that the place?) which his grandma has wanted him to go. It can be an excuse to further punish ec for giving him hell of a roller coaster ride with his emotional and sexuality. although i would be able to understand the predicament that ec was in to provide for her family, there was no reason for her to lie about her gender since they click well. but this brings about the story as you can see, if ec has revealed her gender to hk initially, she would have never got the job at coffee prince, never had the chance to be 'that' close hk, to the extend of both of them deciding to be hyung-dongsaeng (although they have accumulated their feelings into something romantic), its a mask covering their new found feelings. ec would never have reached the state of confession from hk that he likes her no matter whether she is a 'he' or an 'alien' shows how much hk have fought with his emotional struggles to finally admit. yes and ec finally managed to get hk to reveal his innermost feelings which he has been projecting as a vent of frustration towards her all these while. only ec can do that. i only hope hk will see it positively after his realization of ec's real gender. frankly if hk were me, my first reaction is betrayal, seeing how close they were to the extend where he was fighting with his emotional struggles, she refuses to admit that she was a female to him only letting him find out much later. i rest my case and will be looking out for the next ep of another exciting coffee cup. thanks again javabeans, really appreciate your steadfast in keeping up with the wonderful updates!


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This show is taking this absurd idea to it's logical conclusion. :)
Now that takes guts. It's only getting good....


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Sorry guys, i'm just really over the top because of this episode. i can't believe how a single episode can lodge my heart in my throat for the whole one hour-- laugh, cry, be mad.. this series has been such a pleasure to watch/discussed/scrutinize and definitely worth the wait (i still remember the first time YEH announced she's gonna be in it).. after the 1st ep, i watch not only coz of YEH but coz of the story. it's crazy how i've been missing hours of sleep everyday coz i can't not check javabeans,0CoffeePrince0, iMBC, youtube and soompi!

THANK U EVERYONE-- all your comments are read and appreciated :)

thanks javabeans, gonna wait for the next cup of coffee (Lord, please give me patience..)


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I couldn't add much to what had already been said - though I can say I agree with the many points regarding how much Eun Chan has to lose at this point in this story. It's really difficult to tell the truth, especially when you know it's going to have a great, big negative effect on the other person.

Also, I'm relieved Yu Ju didn't become the typical "psycho ex-girlfriend". I don't like or hate her, but I do appreciate her mature way of handling things (i.e. blaming Eun Chan for making Han Sung fall for her or something - or extracting revenge for it).

I wonder how Han Gyul will learn the truth - accidentally, from Eun Chan, or from some other person. Or when he'll discover it.

Anyway, thanks again for the summaries, both for the book and the drama! :D


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oh, this episode's gonna make me like hyun gyul a lot more! Wow, just a wow episode.


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omg i can't believe this is happening... i love the ending its so sweet. han gyul couldn't keep his feelings any longer! thanks for another wonderful summary!


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does anyone knows the music being played while hg tying ec apron...i kinda like the song...



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omg, I almost died waiting for this episode and then i have to go meet a client. I was in tenterhooks. I think i forgot to jot down what we talked about. anyway, this episode is the best. This is the first time i saw EunHye open kiss, as in the real kiss unlike what you saw in other kdrama, making it more romantic. The situation is both heavy for the 2 lead stars. Han gyul still know that he's a man, but can't help being attractive to EC. Now i understand those straight guys who fell in love to gays. they can't really help it. Truly love is blind. Thanks Sarah for this wonderful transcript. I will read it again later at home while watching (again) the 10th episode. God Bless.


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to tabsttaba/ the song is in the O. S. T. "for a while"
to javabeans/ i really like your summarys and the comments hear.


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you know ,thank you very much..... i cried while reading your summary...up to now.......so thank you very much. im sooooo inlove this drama...


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Love the episode!


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so far the best episode..there was a really good build up of tension in 9 and it exploded here god can't wait to see this with subs...did you see gong yoo's face in the end...awww i want to take him home!!!!


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Wow this episod was very great... I'can't wait to see the eleventh episod...
Great Job Javabeans. I love your summary, who can describe this drama very very well...
Acha Acha Fighting...


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Thanks Beans , I do admit I love your recaps. I can watch the eps w/o subs with minimal korean that I know , but it's so lovely to read your caps. And yes, I have loved coffee prince since ep 1 , so I feel you on the love there.


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Once again a big THANK YOU for your wonderful summary. This is one good kdrama, the acting by GY, YEH and the rest of the cast are super. Hey guys I really loved all of your comments and in total agreement.....komapsumnida.


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Thanks javabeans! I'am also half cooked into believing before this episode came out that the writer (and all the heads involve in this project) could actually sew every plot precisely as they want it to appeal to the people whose crazy about this drama. but to my surprise!!!!!!!!!! asian film makers are really improving a whole lot in film production!
... and i thought that this was just another gender-hyped-kind-of-drama...didn't expect it to be as vividly human as it can be lol!
... again great summaries, sooooooooo looking forward for the next episodes!


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another lovely summary that has never failed to make me fall deeper in love with CP. thanks as always javabeans! :)


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tis is so gay!!! *shudder*


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thank u! yes do understand the QSS feeling... and am absolutely in love with this series... am so looking forward to next week episode..


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Thank you very much for the summary. I saw the episode 10 in a Chinese youtube. Wow! the story is unravelling really well!! It looks like Han Gyul will finally find out that Eun Chan is a girl! atleast, it looks like it... great story! great summary from Javabeans! MANY THANKS!


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thanks sarah! it was a wonderful read as always. you never fail to disappoint us. in fact, i could go on just reading your cup summaries and forego watching the actual shows. it's basically the same thing . it's just as enjoyable. good job!


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I totally agree with you javabeans.. Gong Yoo mastered his act and even made me forget at so many scenes that EC is a girl.. the way how he stare at her looks like a man liking a man...
I really can't wait to see the scene when he face for the first time her knowing that she is a girl..
also I really liked QSS ep 9 because I was boiling with Tae Joo when she ignored him after telling him that she likes him.. (because he was mean to her) .. he was denying the fact that he was in love with her..which he decided that he can't go on.. and then THE BIG SCENE..
really the same feeling takes over you.. if you have watched the drama..
thanks alot for ur sammaries..


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Thanks so much for providing this! Some of us can't even get this channel, let alone understand it, and it's just the best stuff out this summer! This ep was pretty breathtaking, too. *squee!*


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OMG...I am so HAPPY now. I finally read your recap..yey;) I have been crazily refreshing your page. Mayb it's my fault your server wen down. Sowwy;) I'm just not complete without looking at your page. This is INSANE. I love this show. You're right about your comparison with QSS and this ep. I am totally hooked! Thank you for making my day!


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I was dying yesterday to get home from work in order to watch this episode! Ha Rim has really surprised me over the last 2 episodes. Has quite a temper, don't you think? (Of course for good reason.) And I do like where the story is taking these characters. I just wonder how HK is now going to find out. Whether Ha Rim is going to be the one to tell him or if he is going to find out through other means. I think also when HK was looking at EC getting admiration from the girls who came to watch the show, EC mentioned that to them that they better behave and not reveal that she's a girl. Although she was very vague about it, I thought I noticed a difference in expression in HK... or is it just me? And I especially liked that line at the end where he doesn't care if EC is a man or an alien. Haha... All in all an excellent episode. But we have 6 more episodes to go? I'm just wondering if they are going to stretch things out or what? I have a feeling that HK won't find out until at least the end of the next episode, maybe longer, which makes me think if Ha Rim is going to keep her secret. And what will EC say to him to make him keep it? I'm also think that it is HK that punches out Ha Rim in the preview for the next ep. but the version I saw was really low quality so I'm not completely sure. So I'll have to check on that later to see who it was... Anyways, I guess we'll just have to see what brews next!


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intense scene, intense summary... great job...


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Love the ending; very poignant as they reach a point of no return. Can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out he's been duped all along. This is an appropriate time to spill the beans. I bet everything will come out of the bag next episode. Let's see how this goes.


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i think the next episode is going to be even more interesting because now the pressure is even more on her to tell the truth to HG as he start to accept his own feeling for "her".


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Thank you for the summary, I love this episode, the truth will probably come out soon.
I just cannot wait.


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Ayyayyay! Coffee Prince, you break my heart! And Javabeans, you're crushing it!
It's always a pleasure reading your blog! Thanks!


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