Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

This episode was, as I suspected it might be, entirely full of small, sweet moments. As much as my romantic-loving side would love to believe things remain in an Episode 13 zone of optimistic happiness, the side that’s all too familiar with dramas can only brace itself for what lies ahead.

It’s like walking along a razor’s edge of tentative, hopeful, but momentary happiness — lovely in the moment, but you’re aware that at any point the teeniest misstep may cut you.

Or maybe that’s just my uneasiness born of cynicism — creating problems where they don’t (yet) exist.


Crispy Rhodes / 크리스피로즈 – “Crispy Paradise” [ zShare download ]

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Note: To anyone who requests that I post a recap “quickly” —

These episodes air in Korea from approx 10pm-11pm, which is 6am in my time zone. After the rippers upload the file, I download it, watch it, take screencaps, upload images, find songs, translate and write recaps. I’ve been managing a turnaround of half a day. I’m fast. Honestly, there’s little I can do to hasten my process. I’m not offended at requests — I’m just letting you know this so you’ll understand why I can’t oblige. And now, onward.


Adorably, Han Gyul asks Eun Chan on a date for that evening. But Eun Chan, who’s been studying extra hard lately, says she was going to study that night (Han Gyul: “Do it tomorrow”), then declines again because her mother’s been complaining that she’s been out late too much.

Han Gyul blusters, “Then when can we go on a date—?” before realizing, with amused surprise, “You’re playing hard to get?!”

Eun Chan makes a series of suggestions, all of which Han Gyul summarily dismisses for one reason or another — amusement parks, shopping, plays, musicals, the park, out driving. Han Gyul’s decision: “Home. DVDs. It’ll be cozy.” He walks off before she can respond, grinning to himself.


Meanwhile, Eun Sae, who’s a bit of a brat this episode, acts like a queen while Min Yub loyally follows her around, doing her bidding. Ha Rim hears about this and can’t stand seeing Min Yub reduced to such a puppet state. He tells him to dump Eun Sae immediately — he’ll introduce him to a different girl.


That night, Eun Chan and Han Gyul play a little game to decide who has to do the dishes — all questions and answers must be given in five syllables, and the first person to mess up loses.

Han Gyul: “You like me, don’t you?”
Eun Chan: “Ob-vi-ous ans-wer.”
Han Gyul: “Since when has that been?”
Eun Chan: “From when you kissed me.”
Han Gyul: “The kiss from which time?”
Eun Chan: “Match-mak-ing date kiss.”
Han Gyul: “It was that early?”
Eun Chan: “The ramyun is done.” [Eun Chan cheers]
Han Gyul: “Look at you, acting weird all on your own.”

Thus Han Gyul loses.


Han Gyul asks about Eun Chan’s feelings for him (it’s cute how, now that they’re happily dating, he keeps fishing for affirmation from her — not because he needs it, but because he likes hearing her say it). She answers that she’d thought they were on such different levels — he’s handsome, comes from a good family, and has great qualifications. On the other hand, she’s not that pretty or feminine, and her family background is nothing impressive…

Eun Chan: “There aren’t that many things to like about me, but still, you do.”
Han Gyul: “No kidding. But what can I do? Those qualifications don’t mean much to me. I just like you.”


Eun Chan mentions his plans to leave in a month, and Han Gyul asks, “Should I not go?” Eun Chan: “You know you’re going.” Han Gyul: “Do you want to go with me?” He mentions all the things they could do together if she went with him to New York — they’d live in his family’s place, and while he’s at work, she could go to the park to read. After work, they could eat dinner in the East Village, and go listen to music.

She likes the idea, but knows she can’t really go with him. He asks why not, and she answers, “Because I’m not thinking about marriage right now.” Han Gyul doesn’t follow, but she answers, if he wants her to go with him to the States, aren’t they going to be living together? Doesn’t that imply marriage? Han Gyul tells her people can live together without being married, and her surprised expression makes him amend embarrassedly that they could live in separate rooms. But, surely she can’t mean that for them to sleep together, they’d have to get married, right? “People who love each other can sleep together. Can’t they?” At Eun Chan’s continued silence, he grows more embarrassed.

Eun Chan: “If we sleep together, of course we should get married.”
Han Gyul: “So, if sleeping together means you have to get married, does holding hands mean you have to get engaged?”

She doesn’t really have an answer for that, and Han Gyul distracts her with ice cream to sneak a kiss. He tells her once again, “I’m really glad you’re a girl.”


Eun Chan’s family thinks the same way she does, though, and Eun Sae assumes that talk of taking her to New York means that Han Gyul’s proposed. Eun Chan says no, they’re not getting married. Eun Sae’s first concern is if Han Gyul will provide for the family (i.e., get them an apartment), and Eun Chan chides her — why should he do that? Eun Sae rants that Eun Chan’s only thinking of herself — she’s just happy at the idea of going to New York and leaving her family behind to fend for themselves. How will they manage without her? How will Eun Sae pay for college and make their rent?

(Before you hate Eun Sae too much, she explains herself in a following scene. So don’t judge her too strongly — yet.) Their mother tells Eun Chan not to be too upset — Eun Sae’s just acting up because she’s sad at having a guy steal her sister’s attention.

Sun Ki goes to see the woman he’s been searching for, meeting her face to face at her apartment, and that’s all we get this episode.

Min Yub takes Ha Rim’s advice and goes on a date with another girl — one who’s not only pretty and sweet, but who’s particularly good at taking care of the guy. Min Yub finds himself happy to be doing well — the girl agrees to a second date — and blows Eun Sae off when she calls.

Bummed, Eun Sae chats with Mr. Gu, who’s excited to hear Eun Chan might be on the verge of marriage — she really met a good man. Eun Sae jumps over him: “Why is he good, because he’s rich? My sister’s not the type to go after someone just because of his money, you know!”

Eun Sae glumly tells Mr. Gu she’d intended to buy her sister a car and her own cafe when she succeeded as a singer — but now Eun Chan’s being strung along blindly by a guy. After her mother leaves her (implying she’ll end up marrying Mr. Gu), Eun Sae will be all alone. In a sweet, fatherly gesture, Mr. Gu tells the despondent Eun Sae that he does want to marry her mother, but if she doesn’t want him to, he won’t pursue it — he’ll wait until she accepts the idea. Also, if her mother marries, she’s not losing a family member, she’s gaining new ones. (Okay, if you want to hate Eun Sae, now you can judge her.)


Now that everything’s out in the open, Eun Chan gushes to Sun Ki about how handsome Han Gyul is, practically drooling over his broad shoulders, long legs, good-looking face… Sun Ki just smiles knowingly. Bringing up the issue of Han Gyul leaving for the States, Sun Ki advises her to talk out her issues (about needing to provide for her family) together: “Don’t just worry about it on your own.”

Sun Ki: “Grab onto him. He liked you even when he thought you were a guy. Who knows, maybe he won’t go.”
Eun Chan: “An ambitious man… They say it’s really low to cling to someone using love as an excuse.”

That night, Eun Chan eats ramyun with her mother, who’s supportive of her daughter’s romance with Han Gyul but wonders if the social disparity between the two families isn’t too great. Eun Chan defends their family — what’s there to be ashamed of? — but in a clever transition, the director takes us from Eun Chan’s pot of ramyun to Han Gyul’s pot of expensive crab soup, made by his elegant mother.

Han Gyul’s family has decided it’s finally time to reveal the entire truth about everything, and his grandmother takes him to his birth mother’s crypt. As they look at the slab marking her resting place, his grandmother tells him that Lee Myung Jae, the man he’d met a few days earlier, is his biological father.

She leaves Han Gyul to give him space to digest this latest bit of shocking news…

Han Gyul then sees his adopted father for more answers. His adopted father had liked Han Gyul’s mother (and so had Lee Myung Jae), and even wanted to marry her. But because of his mother’s fierce opposition (Han Gyul’s mother was orphaned), in the end, he ended up leaving her.

Han Gyul: “It makes me angry, but I don’t know why, exactly. Maybe it’s because of the biological father who’s just now appeared, or because you and Grandmother suddenly revealed this now, or because of myself, for believing I was part of your bloodline.”


Ha Rim tells Eun Chan (jokingly referring to her as the Mrs., aka Han Gyul’s wife) that Han Gyul recently got an offer from the toy company in New York to be one of their designers. It’s an amazing accomplishment — he worked his ass off for three years to get the offer — and he strongly advises her not to let love get in the way of a man’s aspirations. If she wants to stay together , she should go with him — Han Gyul would take care of everything for her (living expenses, etc.). But she refuses to just receive everything from him. Eun Chan tells Ha Rim not to worry that she’ll hold Han Gyul back: “Even if you don’t say all this, I’m going to let him go.”


Han Gyul, quiet and withdrawn, asks about Eun Chan’s day, and she relates all the events that happened at the cafe. He prods her after each vignette (“What else?”) until she finally gets around to it: “Without you around… I kinda missed you.” He says he missed her too.

Han Gyul tells her everything he’s learned today — his adopted father was friends with his birth parents, who’d divorced within a year, after which his birth father left for Australia. Shortly thereafter, his mother passed away in an accident, and his current family took him in and raised him as their own.

“I was completely fooled by my grandmother, father, and mother. They treated me so well, I didn’t have a clue. The three of them were so good to me… but still, I feel resentment. Why didn’t they tell me earlier? Or, they should’ve kept it from me through the end — what’s the point now?”


Han Gyul asks Eun Chan again to go with him to New York, and she answers that she can’t because she has to take care of her family here, but she’ll write often. Han Gyul starts to say, “If it’s because of your family’s circumstances, I can—” but Eun Chan tells him she’ll manage. He should go, do a good job, and come back. She warns him: “I didn’t say this before because I thought you’d get cocky… Don’t wear black shirts. Last time, all the female customers couldn’t stop staring.”

Han Gyul asks, “Eun Chan, should I not go?”

Eun Chan can’t let him do that, hearing how he worked so hard for the past three years. She tells him she’ll think of it as him going off to do his military service, and wait patiently:

“So don’t you dare go off and have an affair or anything, or else you’re dead!”

Ephemera’s “Balloons and Champagne” ::

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But, if they miss each other too much, maybe they can see each other once a year… or once every six months. Han Gyul, on the other hand, would much prefer to fly back and forth every weekend.


Eun Chan tells her sister not to worry anymore since she won’t be going away with Han Gyul. Eun Sae, young and flighty, is entirely too happy about it. I’m trying not to place too much weight on Eun Chan’s (casually delivered) line after she tells Eun Sae that Han Gyul wanted to fly back every week to see her: “Honestly, if we do all that and still end up breaking up, it’s better to break up now.”

Eun Sae exults to her mother that Eun Chan isn’t leaving, but her mother looks troubled to hear it.


Han Sung comes home expecting to spend another lonely night wondering where Yu Ju is… but to his shock, he finds her sleeping in his bed. I love that hesitant, relieved, hopeful smile on Han Sung’s face enough to forgive this couple for their awkwardly uncomfortable fight in the previous episode.

Fanny Fink’s “좋은 사람” (good person) ::

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In the morning, Yu Ju awakens first, and tells Han Sung she’ll step out for some groceries for breakfast. Han Sung takes her arm as she walks by, and tells her, “Hurry back.”


Han Sung: “I really missed you.”
Yu Ju: “When?”
Han Sung: “When the wind blew, when I walked, when I fell asleep alone at night, when I woke up alone in the morning…”
Yu Ju: “What about Eun Chan?”
Han Sung: “After being briefly swayed, the moment you packed your bags, I came back to my senses, and got over my feelings for her… Thank you for coming back.”
Yu Ju: “I never thought I’d be left behind, since you were always the one who loved me more. But seeing the small changes in your gaze, your sighs, your expressions… made my heart fall with a thump. It’s funny, that as my feelings for you grew, I lost confidence. And so, I thought, ‘Let’s preserve the last of my pride. Before I’m left, let’s leave first.’ That’s why I ran away. I was so afraid of what would happen if you didn’t grab hold of me.”
Han Sung: “Wily fox.”
Yu Ju: “Thank you, for holding onto me till the very end.”


Ha Rim prods Eun Chan for some details of her love life, asking what she and Han Gyul do so late at night. What’s the extent of their physical contact? She shyly admits they hug, and he tells her with exasperation that she’s gonna drive the guy crazy. She doesn’t get it, so Ha Rim tries to explain from a man’s point of view… and it’s hysterical watching him attempt to convey a guy’s, um, raging hormones, which dominate his mind all day long. She innocently wonders what guys do, and just as Ha Rim brings up porn, Han Gyul overhears and jumps in, alarmed, telling Ha Rim not to tell Eun Chan stuff like that. Ha Rim just says he’s just educating her to help Han Gyul.

Han Gyul takes offense to the way the other Princes heap chores on Eun Chan, and yells at them to take care of it themselves — why are they making Eun Chan do all the work? The Princes grumble at how protective Han Gyul is being. In exaggerated theatrics, they accost Eun Chan, calling her madam (effectively saying Mrs. Han Gyul, really), fanning her, feeding her, etc.



Han Gyul gets a call from his mother telling him Lee Myung Jae is leaving for Australia tomorrow morning, and that he should go send him off. If he doesn’t, he’ll probably regret it later.

He tells Eun Chan about it, and she doesn’t quite know what to tell him, how to react, so instead, she goes to his apartment early the next morning to leave him with a cheer-up message (the song is Casker’s “Mocha,” on the OST and posted on the song list, if you’re curious):

Han Gyul finds it on his way out, and reads the message on the milk carton: “Super-strength-supplying milk! Go Eun Chan Milk. Be strong. Kiss, muah!”


Neither man refers to their true relationship, but it’s clear that both are aware — and both know that the other person knows. They make fairly generic goodbyes, but at the last minute, Han Gyul asks one more question: “I heard you have a son. What’s his name?” Lee Myung Jae tells him he’s Lee Han Young, twenty-two: “He’s about your height. He resembles you a lot, too.”

They shake hands, and Han Gyul watches his father leave with a small smile.



On his way home, Han Gyul calls Eun Chan to report his successful morning venture, thanks to her strength-providing milk. He informs her proudly that he sent off his father grandly with a handshake and no tears. He’s now on his way to report sales figures to his grandmother, and will return to the cafe in the afternoon.

Han Gyul: “Eun Chan, let’s tell each other everything.”
Eun Chan: “About what?”
Han Gyul: “Just everything. Saying that we love each other, or that we’re sad, that we miss each other, that we’re angry, that we’re feeling spiteful, everything. Let’s not stay in the dark, not knowing and being unable to do anything, and causing pain. Let’s talk about everything, all right?”
Eun Chan: “Okay, I’ll say it all. I won’t hold back anymore, I’ll tell you everything. Everything.”
Han Gyul: “Good.”



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thanks a lot!! this episode is great!!!
it helped me look at eun sae in a different light... made me understand her better...

thanks!! you're really great!


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thanks a bunch. wait for your posting every week.



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I can't believe that after taking a sleeping pill last night, i am already awake at 0300H ...whaaaaa...i am craving for more CP....I dont know which makes me more anxious today...my impending surgery or CP 14th cup...Anyways, i gave up trying to pretend to be asleep after tossing and turning for about 30 minutes and came in to your site to read all the comments that have accumulated while i was having my beauty sleep...wow!!! 98 comments in about 6 hours...I enjoyed reading the comments as much as i enjoyed reading your summaries...both of them manage to make me smile all the time. I am thankful I found this site.

I just had a thought....maybe the conflict would arise in the form of family opposition( HK's adoptive family)...I remember in first cup, there was a small segment where the grandmother was scolding Mr. Hong about trying to keep the cafe open eventhough it wasnt making any profit. I remember him saying that he gave his youth to that place but the grandmother countered by telling him he gave up his 20 year relationship just because of a stupid girl...I always thought that the "girl" they were referring to is EC's mom... I was thinking that maybe the grandmother would oppose to HK/EC union because of EC's mom and what she did to Mr. Hong years earlier...Again, this is just my thought. For some odd reason that scene is stuck to my brain and i just can't shake it off.

Have a nice day everyone . Loking forward to your 14th cup summary, Javabeans. As always, many thanks to your generosity in sharing your talent and time with us.


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Awwww....thanks for the summary!! I think you are super-fast in doing the summary. I am just glad you are doing it already!!!
Why do I feel so unsettled after reading the last part where they promised to tell each other everything?? Oh..that hidden kiss will spell trouble in the future.


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hey thanks for the summary.
don't bother about what others say about hurrying you.
i do get impatient sometimes but then i know there's alot to do to get such great summaries up and i appreciate that you even took time to dl the episode so fast to entertain our demands.
and i think you're doing it quite fast already.
if people want immediate summaries, they can just read soompi for them.
thank you so much. :]
keep up the good work.
oh, do you only watch coffee prince now? i actually started watching 9 innings 2 outs and it's actually quite funny. but i think it's going to be abit like witch yoo hee.
:p thanks again!


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Thanks a lot for this post! =) I am actually on the verge of breaking down because I can't find subtitled videos for episodes 11-13. I can't find them in youtube. Can you suggest sites to surf to look for the episodes? Thanks a lot. :)

Your post just made my day extra-extra special. I LOVE COFFEE PRINCE!♥


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Wow - how can people complain that you're not quick enough! You work at the speed of light ... and I love you for it! *chu* Hey you impatient guys, give her a break! *takes up fighting stance* LOL! ^-^
Awww - such a cute episode. But like you, I can feel the storm-clouds gathering ........ I mean there's how many more episodes to go so of course SOMETHING(S) are going to happen. Can't wait (as always) for the next episode! >.


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Yeah, you work really fast! I always come here for your caps before I dl subbed episodes.. love the way you go into all the details
I wish I knew Korean T_T Can't wait for subs to be out~~


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Thank you so much for your wonderful recap. ^_^


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tks a ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur summary is amazingly sweet, clear and useful \(^.^)/ love coffee prince love coffee prince love coffee prince love..................


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A whole day for you to do all this, that is pretty damn fast. Hey for me waiting for the latest installment of Coffee Prince is 1/4 of the fun. The build-up of anticipation until you finally get to read the latest post, wowwee!!! it makes my night. Thanks for all your efforts it is really appreciated. You are so right, waiting for the next episode and the heartbreak that they might or might not heap on you is a real killer... anyway my heart can take it, it has been hardened and trained by previous K-drama. So I say bring it on!!!


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Javabeans, the things that you do in the name of blogging is by far faster than a speeding virus in the internet. haha! Many many thanks for the recap! The success of your blog surely reflects your remarkable writing skills. So don't get pressured uploading stuff for us. You started this blog because you love to write and just wanted to share your insights. If at any point it became a chore just to appease us, then we apologise for the inconvenience. The least we can do is wait (right everyone?). And everything you do is really worth the wait. :)

And about this episode, we're definitely in the eye of the storm. 14th eppy is in the midst...(uhm, no pressure there Ms. Javabeans. Seriously)


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wow it's been quite busy out here! THANK YOU THANK YOU for your wonderful summaries. i am smitten by cp beyond words, as with the rest of the people who clock in to check your blog regularly. anywhere in the world, you make all of us fall in love with this series with every summary you make. THANK YOU THANK YOU lots! :D


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Thanks a bunch for this! Your summaries help so much since there are no subs out yet.


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thanks for the summaries!!


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ezra =], the reason you can't find 11-13 with English subtitles is because they haven't been released yet. (even though, frankly, we've requested repeatedly, to no avail, that people NOT post hardsubs of our subs online, because it puts our team at greater legal risk. sigh. many people don't respect the team's wishes though.) the team is working on the subtitles and hopefully we'll be able to get them out soon.

Acey and Gramps, thanks for taking note of the 5-syllable word game! Frankly, it's stuff that gives me a kick -- it's fun, and provides me with a little built-in game for myself to see just how much original intent I can squeeze in with a standard translation. And before everyone thinks I'm just being selfless, all this translation is doing wonders for my own comprehension skills (which I'll bet anyone who's studied language and translation can attest to), and these recaps are a wonderful writing exercise, so all told, this is all worth it for me.


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Thanks for this. That was such a cute episode. Im scared to think of what twist they will throw to us in the upcoming episodes to make us cry! I liked the convo between Yu Ju and Han Sung, their story seems to be as important as Go Eun Chan and Han Gyul in this drama, its nice...
I like that Min Yub is ignoring Eun Sae!! Fighting!!!! She better work hard to get him back. Anyway, cant wait til todays translations. Its going to be awesome!


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Javabeans thanks so much for all the work that you've been putting in! You've garnered a huge following.. I can see :D This episode looks so cute! Can't wait for the subs to come out, I've downloaded the raw versions of the episodes from 10 onwards but have yet to watch it because I'm waiting for subs! Can't complain because subbing is a long process and it has been pretty efficient so far! So your site has been keeping me hooked on Coffee Prince in the meantime. You're really fast at putting up the episodes actually (downloading, watching, writing, uploading, searching for songs, all that takes time :D) so yeah loads and loads of love to you! YAY :D


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first off love this site, and not only for coffee prince, but for all the other bits as well.
Add my little bit to the talk of what going to happen next.
Korean drama..need a life and death hospital scene
Didn't the book have a fight where Eun Chan was seriously hurt?
Just kidding kind of :-)
{come to think of it if she really unwell in realtime it would make a perfect chance for her to get some rest, laying in the hospital in a coma or something}


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i just saw 14th cup in korea and it was cute & stuff but again....no previews...not used to kdramas so not sure what to expect next week. does anyone else feel like the story is dragging a bit this week??? kim sam soon & full house ended well so i'm holding out for that kinda happy ending....please god...let the only drama i liked in months end well!!!!
anyway ignore all those people who are rushing you...bet they feel bad now after knowing all the trouble you go through. keep up the great work!!!
there is a new song in 14th cup that reminds me of "May" by belle epoque that i love


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YAY! thanks so much! u are sooo fast on putting these up! thanks.


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Here is Coffee Prince fourteenth cup's last scene video clip

Eunchan and Hankyul kissing

▼ Click the link ▼


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aww such a cute episode
Thanks so much for providing such great summaries :)


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this episode is just down-right romantic..
thanks for the thorough summary....^_^


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jk - "does anyone else feel like the story is dragging a bit this week".

Well, I didn't, no way. I want to stick with my basic (if sometimes hard-to-spot) respect for this blog as javabeans' domain by not venturing any comments on ep 14 before she has had her say, especially since I'm only dreaming that I understand the dialogue... But wow, what an amazing and wonderful and moving and wholly believable variant on the all-too-familiar motif of elder-who-holds-the-financial-purse-strings disapproves-of-intended bride PD Lee has come up with here (including a "bride" whom said elder still thought long after most other people knew better, was .... and who disconcerts said elder by saying that she's no intention of becoming a.... but SHUTUP GRAMPS! OK OK, I'll just add that there's also a piquant, corner-of-the-eye-tingling variant of that other old standby: namely "Koreans love their cellphones so much that they call people who are actually standing only 5 metres away from them".

But maybe my drag sensitivity is abnormally low because I look forward to these episodes so intensely, and have never yet been disappointed. I normally watch these Monday+Tuesday then Wednesday+Thursday dramas sitting crosslegged on the wooden floor in front of the TV plugged into my laptop. Not just because, well, how else can you watch KDrama, but because if I sit in an armchair after lunch (which is when the live streams hit the UK) I risk falling asleep through sheer boredom during the sports report that always precedes them, so I'm in danger of missing the start, not to mention my favourite game of practicing speed reading of Sino-Korean numerals by shouting out the phone numbers on screen in the A-I-G-DRING-DRING ads a microsecond ahead of the voiceover. But I bet I could even stay awake in a comfy armchair through yet another East Asian perspective on the wonders of Manchester United Football Club if CP were coming up next. I'm not going to try that with Dog and Wolf tomorrow, though.


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all these cutesy stuff is scaring the heck out of me. looks like a set-up for a major meltdown. hope not. anyway, thanks javabeans!


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Thank you so much for the summaries and all your hard work that you put into this. (yes, you ARE damn fast....if you're wondering) I've got to say though that some ppl are putting way too much blame on Eun Sae's shoulders....but i think i can understand from her point of view....shes scared that if Eun Chan leaves...that she wont be able to pursue her dream because she woudl have to take care of the rent and the family Eun Chan left behind....it makes sense to be scared of so much upcoming responsibility. I can relate, sort to speak.
ALSO...*ahem*...they have three episodes left to fill in....i'm kinda worried that either the last episode will be draggy or the the other two...hopefully something will happen... :D AGAIN, gamsamida...(i dun noe how to spell that...sry)


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His grandma or his mom are not going to agree to their relationship. I bet


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thank u so much!!!!!


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jennyo "His grandma or his mom are not going to agree to their relationship. I bet"

I'll just say that this is a drama which is both envigoratingly youthful (in its evocation of the far-from-simple predicaments faced and in their own way mastered by people not far across the threshold of adulthood) and thought-provokingly mature (in its understanding of how the world, including the world of the young, looks and feels to members of more senior generations). Yes, a confict is in the offing (and it's not been resolved in ep14 either) but it isn't going to be played out in anything like the entrenched formations dug for the many previous "Cinderalla-motif" dramas. And now I really will shut down my browser and leave this site until our dear javabeans has had chance to roll out her next batch of magic spells for our illumination and delight.


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Thankyou sooooo much!!!!!! now i can do my japanese summer packet in peace. i was all excited and couldnt concentrate!!! cant wait for next ep!!! No Pressure tho!!!!


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i dont understand why in kdramas, they always have to throw in "going to america" card ? why is that such an ultimatum for a relationship, it will either end here or they have to get married ???
in these days, people can just fly to america in moment's notice, right ? why is that a big deal ?
i like the fact that eun chan suggesting that they will continue talking on the phone and see each other once in a while .. that would be more realistic !


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THANK YOU SO MUCH :) While reading and listening to the provided music, I couldn't help but tear up a bit, esp. the bit on Han Gyul and his biological father. Thanks again and keep doing what you're doing. Awesome work. :)


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Thank you so much for the summaries


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Thank you sarah! and i don't care how fast the summaries can be posted, im just thankful enough that i have something to browse when i got home from work lol!


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Java have i ever told you that i loved you??? you are the best... you keep me cheesing for hours....thanks for the hard work, its incredibly appreciated...kudos


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Hm if it's really as hot as Han Gyul claims it is at the beginning of the episode, then why is he wearing a vest? Not that I'm complaining, really, heh. I think it's really funny how Harim is poking his nose into everyone's relationship! He's like the resident ajumma. And Eun Sae and Min Yub's relationship is weird, but kinda cute. It seems Eun Sae responds better when you treat her coldly heh.

I also think it's cute that Eun Chan chooses to refer to Han Gyul's imminent departure as military service... since that is what Gong Yu is about to do in real life. In the last scene, Han Gyul also gives her a beaming military-style report. I love love love their interaction here... that scene in the middle when Han Gyul appears in a black shirt after Eun Chan told him not to? After grumbling a bit they do the cutest thing where Eun Chan's like, lookin' good, boss ;) , and Han Gyul, pleased, literally puffs up and is like, well it's hard, but I just gotta do what I gotta do ;)

I've replayed that scene like 20 million times! It's so lighthearted but also shows the chemistry between them - Han Gyul responds to Eun Chan's playful mood PERFECTLY, and the exchange pleases him so much that he hollers, GOOOOD MORNING to a disgruntled Sun Ki. I'm grinning like mad just typing this my friends think I'm mad but aaaaa


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Keep up the good work. Your summaries are great and keep people wanting more and more!!!!


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BIG HUG FOR YOU!!=DD Thank you soo muchh!!


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Thank you drama beans!!! I can understand that you need some time to summarize everything .. and i love your work!!!! keep working on it!! and i'll be waiting and not complaining.
And mine is the same too...i ve been studying for final exams so i woke up in the early morning and open up my laptop and yup, exactly 6.00 or sometimes 6.15 am... coffee prince will be broadcasted!


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uh oh.
Eun Chan: “Okay, I’ll say it all. I won’t hold back anymore, I’ll tell you everything. Everything.”
there is that kiss eh..
thanks sarah-java-beans for yet another awesome recap!


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woah i just came to see how many ppl commented bfore i go to bed
it's crazy the number of people that love coffee prince this much!
thank u again!


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These episodes leave me speechless .. I just want to watch them over and over again..
The way Han Gyul said "Eh?" when Eun Chan said she is not thinking of marriage yet .. melt me in my place..
His voice was so.. the way he said it was to ask for explanation but in the same time was so calm with no intention of teasing or making fun of her .. loved it!


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Ah, I see. ;) Do let me know if they have been released already. My knees are shaking hard! haha. =D I think I'll settle to your summaries for now.

Thanks again!ü


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i've enjoyed all your summaries. I like to read them
all after i've watched an episode...
thanks for all the intersitng music selection
i've gottas ask.. where do you find this selection


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In french:
Infiniment merci pour tes résumés des épisodes, c'est vraiement trop bien redigé et facile à lire surtout avec les sublimes image qui illustrent le tout. Ce doit être un rude travail mais je suis sur que beaucoup comme moi apprécie le resultat. Bonne continuation.



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Allo Missy! ça me fait plaisir que vouz ayez trouvé mon site. Pardonnez-moi pour les erreurs; je n'avais pas étudié le français depuis longtemps. Merci pour votre commentaire, et j'espère que vous vous amusiez ici.
(aie, le subjonctif, you kill me. :( )

and annie, do you mean where do I hear about music, or where to I physically find them? i just keep my eyes (and ears) open and try to find as much stuff worth listening to as i can. it requires a certain amount of wading through crap (or at least tons of mediocrity), though.


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That was a sweet episode, and Han Gyul is quite charming in his antics, makes a girl go gaga over him.


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Formidable!! Est-ce qu'il y'a une seule langue que Mlle javabeans ne connusse pas à perfection?
Don't forget to vote for my "add a subjunctive to Korean to make it even more fun to learn" campaign.


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Hi thanks sooo much..u are really an angel.
without your summary i will be sooo sad..this really help alot
it's a pity that u dont do summaries on Dog and Wolf too, but can see
that u watch mostly romance drama..
but thanks anyway for this!!

keep it up!


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