Overseas love for Kang Ji Hwan, and not just from me

I love Kang Ji Hwan. Not merely because he’s both adorable and sexy-hot (not necessarily a combination easy to come across), but because he’s the type of actor who stands out no matter what he’s doing — whether it’s period romance (Capital Scandal), fluff romantic comedy (Exhibition of Fireworks), or tragic tearjerker melodrama (90 Days’ Time to Love).

It’s not just his charisma or acting talent, but some unnameable combination of both.

And so, I will find any excuse to post hot pictures of him, using the flimsiest of reasons to do so. (This image, btw, is used in one of my headers.)

According to the article posted below, Kang Ji Hwan is currently in Japan doing promotional activities for several of his series — his prior dramas Be Strong Geum Soon and Exhibition of Fireworks earned him popularity with Japanese audiences (read: ajummas), and two more of his recent series, 90 Days’ Time to Love and Capital Scandal, will soon be airing there. There’s also some interest in the upcoming fusion sageuk drama Hong Gil Dong, which he’ll be starring in with actors Sung Yuri and Jang Geun Seok.


The Name – “This Is Me” (a cappella version), from the R&B group’s second album.
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And, just for added warm fuzzies, the article points out that Kang Ji Hwan has received a lot of praise for his loyal devotion to taking care of his parents as the family’s youngest child. His mother’s also famous for sending homemade kimchee to the people at his management company in a warm display of thanks and affection.


Source: Mydaily

강지환 일본 출국, 현지서 인터뷰, 홈페이지 준비
2007-09-24 09:36:44

[마이데일리 = 이경호 기자] 드라마 ‘경성스캔들’ 종영직후 KBS 드라마 ‘홍길동’에 캐스팅돼 촬영 준비에 한창인 강지환이 추석연휴기간에도 휴식없이 일본에서 스케줄을 소화하고 있다.

강지환은 24일 일본 도쿄를 방문해 현지 잡지사와 인터뷰를 진행할 예정이다. 특히 인터뷰 이후에는 현지에서 개설을 앞두고 있는 자신의 홈페이지의 막바지 점검도 할 예정이다.

강지환은 ‘굳세어라 금순아’, ‘불꽃놀이’가 일본에 방송되며 큰 인기를 끌고 있다. 특히 ‘90일 사랑할 시간’과 ‘경성스캔들’까지 곧 일본에서 방송될 예정이다. 또한 강지환이 주인공 홍길동을 맡은 ‘홍길동’ 역시 일본에 선판매가 논의되고 있다.

강지환은 추석연휴를 가족과 함께 보내지 못해 아쉬움이 크다. 강지환은 1남 1녀의 막내로 평소 부모를 극진히 모시는 효자로 주위에서 많은 칭찬을 받아왔다. 강지환의 어머니 역시 해외로 장기 출장을 떠나는 강지환 소속사 직원들에게 직접 김치를 담가, 챙겨주는 등 정이 많은 화목한 가정으로 유명하다.




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omo omo JB sooooooooooo glad u got this in your archives...i'm falling for kang ji hwan after watching him at length recently in be strong geum soon and now i'm watching capital scandal --- i guess i'm having the so-called kang ji hwan marathon watch these days, i hvnt seen hong gil dong but this will be in the queue of must watch...the other day i finished my g/friend is an agent, i still hv to finish cap scandal and see 90 days also. i really was smitten by his looks & acting ever since i saw him first in save the last dance & fr then on i'm one of his biggest fans in America! thanks for this nice article JB!


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what a guy who's looking or taking care of his parents .... lucky is the girl who will win his heart! i'm available hahaha


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OMG, i'm a totally late fan!! but i agree with all of you guys, he's just an adorable person. thank you dramabeans for providing such a news about our gorgeous jihwan-news i've been longing search on the net-
i really appreciated the interviews you posted, it makes me really feel how nice and honest jihwan is. and how he's not a bad boy like i've assumed before..
thank you much and keep on supporting uri hwannie!!


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I'm from the Philippines -- i love kang ji-hwan! aside from his looks, i like a lot of things about him --- his brilliance in acting, his perseverance, dedication, and passion for his craft, his diligence in studying and preparing for the character he's playing--up to the smallest details, his immersion in the emotion of the character, his strong desire to learn, level up, and succeed, and his smartness. I will watch all his past films and tv dramas. I am so glad to have ("found") watched him in "Lie to Me' with my fave Yoon euh Hye. Now, he is already my favorite male Korean actor!


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I first watched him in LIE TO ME, & now I am backtracking all his series & movies, I simply adore this man, he's such a charmer, I fell in love with him in LIE TO ME, he makes me felt what his character was, I can always feel his emotions it connects with us who watches him. I fell in love with him everyday, I have other Korean actors whom I love but after watching their series then it's also the end of my fantasy with them, not with KANG JI HWAN, he has this strong charisma that I have to research everything just to see him act, & how I wish he will have another series soon, much more to my delight if it will be with YOON EUN HYE again, I would love to see them both again... PERFECT CHEMISTRY


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