City Hall’s Mayor Kim Sun-ah

Watch out, here comes Mayor Kim Sun-ah!

In her last photo shoot (displaying a slimmer figure and newly shorn hair for her role in the drama City Hall), Kim carried off a vibe that was sexy and strong, but not exactly one that screams “public servant.” Well, in these latest photos, she is in character and looking the part of a woman who worked her way up from the bottom.

The SBS miniseries also held a recent shoot (on the 25th) for its promo and character posters, which you can see below:

The drama is being described as a “romantic comedy melodrama,” which is about as broad and vague a description as I’ve heard for a series. (Do you want to clarify that it’s about “people” who “do things,” producers?) Probably a better indicator of the drama’s tone will be looking to the writer and PD’s previous collaborations in the Lovers dramas and On Air. It’s not a combo I’ve enjoyed in the past, but from a market standpoint it’s a successful repeat partnership, as most of those projects were successes. (Writer is Kim Eun-sook; director is Shin Woo-chul.)

City Hall follows Cain & Abel on Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning April 29.

Below are Kim Sun-ah with co-star Cha Seung-won:

Supporting cast includes Lee Hyung-chul and Chu Sang-mi:

Via Hankyung


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Seeing the pictures makes me look forward to it more than before... in the beginning I decided to watch it purely for Cha Seung-won.

But since I liked the writers other dramas, it might turn out okay for me ^^
And since it's suppose to be a "comedy" (in the world of k-drama... most dramas dont stay comedy in the end til they decide to make a dramatic turn.) I look more forward to it, since I'm not in a mood for a serious politic drama.

And Kim Sunah's hair in the first picture makes her look too much older TT____TT
And Lee Hyung-chul should take off the glasses... not use to seeing him in those and they dont seem to fit him well :/


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"Probably a better indicator of the drama’s tone will be looking to the writer and PD’s previous collaborations in the Lovers dramas and On Air."

Definitely. The only questions in my mind are how broad Kim Sun Ah's character is going to be, how many plot twists we're going to get (woohoo!!) Oh and can we move the City Hall to Prague, because it's really pretty over there.

Yup, definitely looking forward to City Hall. Oh and "romanc comedy melodrama" means that the first half of the show is comedy, then the 2nd half of the show is melodrama. That's more or less the Lovers formula, and it's crack for people like me. :D


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:( @ the pseudo-ahjummahair. She is still too young and too hot to be rockin' that 'do.


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Ughh, that first pic makes her look like an old ajumma. I don't like it, Kim Sun-Ah can't start looking old... she only has a few years on me and I'm not ready for that. Mostly though I think its the haircut.....


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Uhh.. "romantic comedy melodrama" worries me. As long as it's Kim Sun Ah I guess it will be tolerable? Plus, Cha Seung Won seems like a sexy actor.


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LOL Belleza!

Yes, it is addictive. Comedy, melo-drama, romance, tension and plot twists.... cannot get enough.

The problem with watching these shows in real time though, is that you can only watch it as fast as they make and broadcast it.

That's the reason we didn't watch Boys Before Flowers with the rest of the k-drama addicts of the world. My personality is not conducive to waiting a week before I get two more episodes. If I were a billionaire, I would move to Korea and become a Korean citizen so that I can own large percentages of Korean domestic corporations, and then I would buy up all of the Korean drama production companies' shares and then force them to give me all advance episodes at once, so that I don't have to wait.

So when City Hall comes out, I think I will have to wait for the DVDs to come out.

It is just too difficult to wait. What if City Hall is soooooooooo good, and then I go completely bonkers just waiting for another episode?

It's dangerous. That's why DVDs are so great. =)



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Any updates on Goo Hyesun's book? I thought it was supposed to be released today?


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TRIPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! I can't wait for it either. I haven't even finished BBF yet (I'm like at ep 8? And I'm dropping it for the moment *hides from the hordes of fangirls*, but I WILL finish it cos Lee Min ho is just too good to pass up. Heh)

"The drama is being described as a “romantic comedy melodrama,” "

LOL. Well, if at each dramatic moment follows one of a lighter tone (like in MNIKSS), then we're settled, I guess? I mean, if tptb don't take the melodrama too seriously, then we might be in a for a fairly decent result. BUT I'm reserving judgement for later: you never know with Kdramas.

Dude, I can SO relate! That's like the dilemma of my life. I'm actually very worried for Triple. I'm not sure I can wait till the whole drama is over and yet, and yet waiting a whole week for an ep can have unthinkable consequences. Heh


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I watched the first 8 episodes of Lovers in Paris 3 times, and then accepted that I was never going to get further than halfway through the show. I gave Lovers 20 minutes - I read your reviews of On Air and gave it a pass. So I'll admit I'm going into City Hall rather hesitantly, even though I loooove Kim Sun-ah. Plus I don't really have any space for further k-drama emotional investment cause everything is currently used up on Triiiipppllllleeeee (yes - I have invested in a drama that is 3 months away from airing)

** Sidenote: I've had to stay away from this blog for the past couple weeks since I havent watched BBF eps 22 - 25 yet. Now I feel way behind on everything.... :(


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@ #8 Sere

"I’m actually very worried for Triple. I’m not sure I can wait till the whole drama is over and yet, and yet waiting a whole week for an ep can have unthinkable consequences. Heh"

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person who is already planning her life around Triple :D I don't think I have the self restraint to wait till the entire series is out to be honest. If I didn't watch the show as it was airing, I'd probably end up sneaking onto dramabeans and reading reviews. So I've decided I'll just "tough it out" and endure the long long (loooong) wait in between episodes.


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@Sere: are you talking about the drama or the book >.<
If you were responding to Sarah (#7) the book is Tango, but were you talking about the drama :O?


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"I’m glad to see that I’m not the only person who is already planning her life around Triple"
Ahahah, same here. I thought I was the only one, too. The hype started months ago...and it's all fault of this blog! Tsk! But yeah, I'd like to wait till the drama's over, but I think it's going to be harder. I don't know. There're still months before it airs. I might go stir crazy before it even starts *headdesk*

I was responding to javabean's twitter. I was talking about Triple, yeah! Sorry, I shoul've clarified.


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"I mean, if tptb don’t take the melodrama too seriously, then we might be in a for a fairly decent result."

That's the thing. Kim Eun-sook is notorious for PILING up the melodrama in her shows. You know how Choi Wan Kyu loves high body counts in his shows? Kim Eun-sook loves tragic twists of fate in hers. (Oh Soo Yun's known for this too I guess, but the truth is she just hates marraige, committed relationships, mothers, fathers, God . . . . she's wonderful like that :D )

And you don't see it coming initially. Often her shows start out frothy for a few episodes, and usually there's a few catchphrases (her trademark) that repeat throughout the show (Loves in Paris was actually the show that got the hermit kingdom to say "aja!! hwaiting!!" for just about anything) Then WHAM somebody is in a hospital!! Then WHAM somebody is revealed as the brother of another mother who had amnesia that was really faked amnesia in order to protect the President's daughter from a hockey accident.

That's part of the underappreciated genius of On Air. It's a Kim Eun-sook drama about making Kim Eun-sook dramas. That's like doing a Family Guy episode about making Family Guy. You'll have a normal scene where writers discuss Stewie's latest homoeroticidal adventure, then WHAM a chicken pops out to fight Seth McFarlane. The writer was absolutely bat-ish crazy in On Air . . . and that's the point. You either took to the cheekiness or you didn't.

City Hall will be anything but straight. It'll look normal for 4-6 episodes, and then WHAM we're guaranteed to have a meteor flatten City Hall. I can't wait.



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The scenario you paint is scary! I guess we'll have to wait and see?I don't know...that's yet another reason why watching the dramas as they air is dangerous imho. You invest in something that might turn out to be sooo bad and you end up disappointed. I'll probably give City Hall a try, but I'm waaaayyyy too hyper for Triple so I'm really, really counting on *that* one not to be a total letdown, you know?

Anyway, you always crack me up! \o/


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"I’ll probably give City Hall a try, but I’m waaaayyyy too hyper for Triple so I’m really, really counting on *that* one not to be a total letdown, you know?"

Oh I know. Originally, when Kang Ji Hwan was cast, I had envisioned Triple with lots of "boy love" >_< :D

However, the fact that Triple is being cast with My Man and Ha Na (darling), I am compelled, Compelled to watch!! And if we get a "triple" with My Man, Lee Sung Gyun and Yoon Kye Sang, the better. :D

(And yes, I know that Nam Gyu Ri is probably the focal point of the show, and yes it's mighty fine timing Triple will come after Yuna Kim's historic win at the World Figure Skate, and yes I'm looking forward to seeing Ms. Luxury Nose complete a Luxury Triple Sauchau . . . whatever, boy love FTW!!)


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i might give this series and the upcoming ones like Cinderella Man and Story of Men..it depends on the first 4 episodes if i will continue (watching) or not these upcoming series...


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"Oh I know. Originally, when Kang Ji Hwan was cast, I had envisioned Triple with lots of “boy love” >_<"

funny, I thought the same thing! *g* BL is a thing of beauty ;) Oh you naughty...you have the bestest ideas ever! *g*

BTW, I'm still torn about Kang Ji Hwan. Your man is awesome, but Kang Ji Hwan...*lesigh* I watched Rough cut a few days ago and it was freakin' awesome!


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looks interesting ^^
i reallllllyyyyy liked sunah in mnikss ^^ and i really love to see more of her, but none other drama's of her caught my attention... this one kinda has, even though the vague description XD


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Suna always look younger than her age, but now, she looks older, who invented that hair style, I want to kill that person...LOL! I`m happy that she looked more sexier now and from what I have seen from the clips (First shooting day of CH), her role in as SMR is crazier than KSS. Suna wore red short and joined beauty contest, that is something to look forward in this drama. Plus Cha is a very good comedian also.


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OOOO..less than 4 weeks to go. I hate waiting for the next epis to come up..this is my dilemma..to watch or not to watch streaming videos. If i should decide to watch streaming videos, I hope i don't die while holding my breath. And even if I wait for the entire series to complete, I may still die from impatience.

Methinks the promo guys are deliberately keeping the plot skimpy. don't know if this is a don't-let-the-competitors-know-too-much or keep-the-public-in-suspense ploy. Chemistry between the lead actors is looking good and that is a promising start.


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Oh =S agree the first pic is not looking so well for Suna

Although i like her style when i saw at Allure's magazine but now
mmm no way She looks really older.........

City Hall i think we have to wait a little to talk about it but i think this year
all dramas have good actors and actress the thing is the script??
Hope City Hall goes well....... FIGHTING CITY HALL ^^


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She looks skinny now, good for her. I think im looking forward to this drama. I havent even finish the drama When its at Night with lee dong gun because i couldnt find any subtitled videos.


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thanks javabeans..!
i have to say, it'll be an interesting match-up between Sun-Ah and Ah-Joong (under the same talent agency) going against Cinderella Man.

@starz, BON subber team just released episode 15 at http://bonchu.net46.net/when-its-at-night/

her hair is okay, i'm sure it's for her role...^^

I am kinna missing her (little) chubby face...


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Yeah, curls and body are back in a big way right now in Korea, not just among ajummas. (It's kinda jarring when you watch stuff back from 2002, when people were still bleaching and having long, very fine hair.) As much as I love BBF, I hope the pama doesn't catch on. For the love of God, I hope not. :D


"BL is a thing of beauty ;) Oh you naughty…you have the bestest ideas ever! *g*"

*Belleza visualizes Kang Ji Hwan being spanked by a Yaoi Paddle*

*Belleza has a heart attack*

*Belleza is resucitated by Dr. Kang Ji Hwan*

I endorse this idea. Very good idea. :D

Kim Sun Ah and Chae Seung Won interviewed for City Hall


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totally non-related to the post but to your twitter:

yup, waiting for TRIPLE!

so, javabeans, which drama are u recapping now? triple is still quite long way to go isn't it?


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I love Kim Sun Ah and I hope that they will show her as
a pretty lady and not as an "aunty" . She's still young and
she should be dressed like the "youngest" mayor ever -
a pretty, cute, charming and elegant mayor.


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Oh God! *faints*


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OMG, Kim Sun Ah looks completely ajummafied in that first photo. She looks lovely in the other photos though so I'm hoping the first one is just a fluke. She's too young to be an ajumma.


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OMG. What's with the ahjumma hair?? Will the real shexy Kim Sunah come out please? This is so depressing. :(


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oh... i thought we will be able to enjoy watching this series with you... but you will have to wait for the DVD first. :(

"Methinks the promo guys are deliberately keeping the plot skimpy. don’t know if this is a don’t-let-the-competitors-know-too-much or keep-the-public-in-suspense ploy."

- me thinks the same way... i hope their 'strategy' works..

@omo again
"Chemistry between the lead actors is looking good and that is a promising start."
Agree! One of the things i'm looking forward to on this drama. Thought the writer-pd combo still scares me a bit, CSW and KSA's tandem is enough to keep me hooked. Saw some bts and they look fine. Watching CSW old drama 'Bodyguard' since I don't know him that much and after watching Sun Ah for a few years now, I can say they will really jive.

Still keeping my fingers crossed for this drama... (and silently praying that this will be good enough for javebeans to recap lol)


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@ 30 Alodia

hi hi...i am glad you agree with me and that you are looking forward to City Hall...it feels like a long way to go. writer-pd combo more than scares me a bit because i didn't like lovers series and on air at all.

I don't know much about CSW which is why i have visited youtube to look for some clips. At first when I saw the movie trailer he was in (forgot the name) with that awful, freaky hairdo, I almost bit my nails off. But the city hall interview did put me at ease though. hmmm..like you, I think I will have to watch a few epis of Bodyguard again to look out for CSW's acting...I recall I didn't quite like the story.


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i love you my sun( ms.kim sun ah)


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hello my sun....(ms.kim sun ah)sarang meda = i love you


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I love City Hall! This is my most favorite of all k dramas i've seen. I've liked Kim Sun Ah since My Name is Kim Sam Soon but i came to love her via CIty Hall. And the best thing about CH, is that i came to know the great Cha Seung Won! He's amazing ! ----with his great looks and talent, charming and attractive personality, depth in acting, versatility, he is my favorite forever! Since watching CH, i came to watch more of his dramas and films. I'm looking forward to more of CSW's dramas and movies. He is a great guy, an admirable family man, wonderful actor! :)


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