You’re Beautiful: Episode 4

The ratings battle looks like it’s going to be Iris‘s to lose, but at least You’re Beautiful improved slightly from yesterday. (Their numbers came in at a respective 25.3% and 8.9%. Heading to the Ground sank further to hit its series low, a 3.3%.) I don’t really buy the argument that the audiences for the two dramas are so vastly different, but I enjoy the contrasting tones. (I’m sure there are differences in viewership, but all in all, drama lovers like dramas when they’re fun and entertaining, and don’t confine themselves to certain genres.)


You’re Beautiful OST – “여전히” (Still). This is the main song sung by A.N.JELL in this episode.
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Tae-kyung jumps into the pool to rescue Mi-nam, who is starting to lose consciousness. He shakes her underwater until she rouses, and swims for the surface. Unfortunately, in her struggle to get to the surface, she kicks him on the head, shoving him back down.

He gurgles angrily, “Go… Mi… Nam…” and sinks.

(HAHAHA. I had a feeling the writers were going to subvert this touching gesture with a punchline.)

Mi-nyeo surfaces and sighs in relief at her near miss. She gets dressed, wondering who it was who came to save her. Just as she thinks back and is struck with the possibility of it being Tae-kyung, she looks at the pool in alarm — just as his body floats to the surface.

Soon, an ambulance arrives and a weakened Tae-kyung is being wheeled out on a stretcher. He sees Mi-nyeo by his side, gripping his hand worriedly. He raises his head, and with the last of his strength, he puts his hand on top of hers… and flings it off. (HAHA.)

On the upside, as a result of this news, the fans come around and praise Mi-nam for (supposedly) saving Tae-kyung’s life. Sayuri leads the rest of the fan club in a chant, “Go Mi-nam, thank you!”

On the other hand, Tae-kyung is peeved to hear that Mi-nam has been made into the hero. He mutters, “Who saved whom?” Sung-chan thinks Tae-kyung should stay longer at the hospital. Tae-kyung grumps that he’s fine, but Sung-chan says that the public response has been really good. Staying longer would take advantage of that. LOL.

Meanwhile, another celebrity is at the hospital today — top pop star Yoo Heyi. (Hyee? Hae-yi?) She visits a sick child and cries in compassion, all while a camera crew busily films the proceedings. Heyi is loved by all and called “Korea’s fairy” as an endearment (similar to “America’s sweetheart,” it’s the label that both Eugene and Sung Yuri were called back in their idol days).

Heyi has to excuse herself because she’s so overcome with her emotions, and steps outside while the others marvel at her kind heart. Of course, they don’t see her walking away like a pop-diva Keyser Soze, her tearful sniffles gradually turning into a derisive sneer. Back in her van, she gripes about the photo op and orders her assistant to hand her a tissue.

But wait — it’s not an assistant, it’s Tae-kyung sitting in the backseat. She stepped into the wrong van! Gathering her wits, she quickly assumes her public persona, adding a hint of flirtatiousness, but he’s not fooled since he’s seen her true side. She drops the act and says, “I’m no fairy, like you’re no angel.”

Still, she sees his comments as an interest in her (no doubt because everyone else fawns over her). He’s turned off by her conceit (although it rather mirrors his own), and tells her to leave with her trash (dirty tissues) and to leave the door so he can air out her noxious perfume.

Heyi leaves in a huff. As she heads back to the hospital, a reporter spies the A.N.JELL decal on the van, and wonders at the connection…

Jeremy confronts Mi-nyeo, demanding to know what happened at the pool between her and Tae-kyung. He threatens to spray her with water if she doesn’t spill, and she can’t think of an answer, so he makes good on his threat. He chases her around with the garden hose, spraying her with water and asking for the truth.

But at some point, his mind starts to get away from him again, because the sight of Mi-nam dripping with water takes on a suggestive (appealing) vibe. Alarmed at his own reaction, Jeremy raises the hose to spray her again — but this time he’s sprayed instead.

Shin-woo has stepped in to stop him, and reminds Jeremy that their first performance as the new group is approaching, and Mi-nam can’t get sick.

Jeremy’s reaction is hilarious as he exclaims in a hurt tone, “Did you just spray me to save that guy?!” Feeling betrayed by his hyung, Jeremy turns to his dog for comfort.

Shin-woo again dries Mi-nyeo off, then asks what happened yesterday. Why was she around when Tae-kyung fell into the pool?

Before she can respond, Tae-kyung announces, “It was my mistake.” He says that he had slipped and fallen, and Mi-nam helped him. Shin-woo accepts this and lets the matter drop, but he finds it even odder that Tae-kyung would make a mistake (and admit to it). Clearly he senses there is more to the story.

Tae-kyung heads to his room to find that Mi-nyeo has left food for him. She’s learning, because when she pops by, this time she stays at the threshhold until he (reluctantly) invites her in.

It’s a good sign that he makes a move to eat it, even if he does stop before he gets the chance — he’s allergic to shellfish. She apologizes, saying she didn’t know, to which he answers, “Yeah, I’m sure you didn’t. That’s why you’re frightening.” Mi-nyeo replies that she just wanted to be useful.

Rehearsals. The guys get down to business preparing for their upcoming performance, and Mi-nyeo gradually improves until finally, the guys are satisfied. (There’s a moment when Mi-nyeo angles for a high-five, is left hanging by Tae-kyung, and then self-fives.)

Meanwhile, Mi-nyeo asks Hoon-yi and the stylist to help her find the woman who brought her the photograph.

Jeremy watches Heyi’s video clip of the hospital visit, enamored of the pop star, and uses this as an opportunity to suss out his hyungs. He prods them to admit that they like Heyi, or that they like girls (emphasis on girls) like her. He’s disappointed when neither Shin-woo nor Tae-kyung agrees with him, then pointedly asks Mi-nam for an opinion on Heyi.

The two others tense briefly, but Mi-nyeo just answers blankly, “Who’s Yoo Heyi?”

Hoon-yi and the stylist (who really needs a name other than “Stylist Wang”) therefore teach Mi-nyeo all the various idol stars using a child’s rhyme (used to learn multiplication tables) altered with the names of idol stars.

Her training is progressing well, but Mi-nyeo has a sticky moment when another group of trainees(?) find her in the bathroom. Quickly, she slips into a stall to avoid their attention, but the lead guy grows offended. He knows she’s avoiding him, and accuses her of being snobby now that she’s made it into a group. Mi-nyeo protests and makes grunting noises to try to convince them that she’s really in the stall for gastrointestinal purposes, although they don’t buy it.

She tells herself sadly, “I guess everyone hates me. It’s only because I’m afraid I’ll get caught as a girl.” But when she steps out of the stall, she finds the three trainees staring at her in shock: “Are you a girl?”

They grow suspicious and decide they have to check, spurring her to run out.

As they pursue her down the hall, Sung-chan hears the guys’ accusations and asks, “Go Mi-nam, you’re a girl?” She keeps running through the crowd of fans, who overhear the shouts and also catch on.

As she runs down the front walk, Mother Superior pulls up in a taxi. (Never thought I’d write that sentence, ha.) Wisely, the nun asks, “You’ve run hard, but are you short of breath? Do you hurt where you were hit? Does something seem odd to you?”

This, as you may have guessed, is all a dream. Mi-nyeo awakens in the stall and breathes a sigh of relief.

When the A.N.JELL guys head out, Mi-nyeo is startled to find a few signs with the name Mi-nam on it. Sayuri now faces her with nervous excitement, asking for an autograph. When Mi-nyeo asks, “Didn’t you hate me?” Sayuri shakes her head vehemently.

Mi-nyeo carefully signs her name, but her letters are block-like and childish. Tae-kyung catches a glimpse of them and smirks, then wields his own pen with a flourish. He pretends to do this nonchalantly, but he’s totally showing off for her benefit. Mi-nyeo is duly impressed with his cool signature, and feels sad about hers in comparison.

Therefore, she practices various different styles, and asks for Tae-kyung’s help picking out the best one. When he says they all suck, she requests his help in devising a new autograph.

He declines (and Mi-nyeo, now used to his prickly personality, doesn’t take it personally, but backs off). However, when she leaves, Tae-kyung grabs some paper and gets work on a cool autograph anyway.

Shin-woo offers a hand, and is a little disappointed to hear that she asked Tae-kyung for help first. He tells Mi-nyeo to come to him first in the future. He devises a cutesy signature that suits her personality, and she is grateful for it.

The subject of autographs makes Shin-woo wonder how she came upon her name, which leads to mention of her parents. He’d heard she doesn’t have parents, but she answers cheerily that her mother is alive. “Or, she may be alive. She must have left us right after giving birth to us for some reason.”

Her name is unique enough to be memorable, so Mi-nyeo is confident that it will help in reuniting with her mother: “If I become famous, she will come find me. I’m waiting for that.”

Meanwhile, Tae-kyung is pleased with himself for coming up with an adequate autograph and leaves it in Mi-nam’s room. (It’s very cute how he leaves it on the desk, but worries that it’ll get lost in the clutter, so he finds a better place to store it — with one corner sticking out of her trunk.)

As he leaves her room, he runs into her and is about to tell her about the autograph, but is cut short when she tells him happily, “Shin-woo hyung made one for me.”

He waves her aside and pretends not to care, but back in his room, he pouts; he’s annoyed that he bothered to help. But he’s also struck with the thought that Mi-nam will find the paper he left behind, and imagines her mocking him, saying Shin-woo’s is better. He must get his back!

Thus Tae-kyung sneaks into Mi-nam’s room, where she’s asleep on top of the chest. (Spying the autograph Shin-woo came up with, he sniffs, “It’s not so great.”)

He has to pull her away from the chest to retrieve his paper, and doing so causes her to topple backward — still asleep — onto him. The movement turns out the light, and Tae-kyung finds himself lost in the dark. He suffers from “night blindness” — an inability to see anything without adequate light — and has to fumble his way to the door.

Once out in the safety of the (lit) hallway, he says, “Go Mi-nam really is dangerous.”

Now for the aunt. Being rather flighty and brash, Auntie Dearest has gotten into some kind of brawl, and complains to her fellow cellmate, “Did I know that bitch’s nose was an $8,000 nose?” Hehe. Furthermore, she takes out a loan to secure her release, figuring she can count on her famous nephew Mi-nam to repay her debt.

As Mi-nyeo wonders what kind of person her parents were, her aunt explains to her cellmate that the father was a well-known songwriter — in fact, he even wrote for the famous singer, Mo Hwa-ran. We learn from a televised interview that Hwa-ran’s favorite song is the one that Go Jae-hyun — Mi-nam’s father — wrote for her, and she describes it as holding memories of the purest love she’s ever received.

At the music festival, Jeremy eagerly approaches Heyi, who is hosting the event. Using her sweet public persona, Heyi says she’s a fan, and greets each of the members — until she gets to Tae-kyung, whose name she pretends not to know. (He can’t believe her nerve, and calls her immature.)

As the guys ready for rehearsal, Hoon-yi tells Mi-nam that the woman with the photograph has returned and is ready to meet her. However, because of the performance, she can’t obey her impulse to leave right away, and Hoon-yi assures her that he’ll take care of the meeting and call her with details right away. He points Mi-nam back to Studio B for makeup and rehearsal.

Unfortunately, Mi-nyeo mistakes that for Studio D, and wanders in the wrong hallway. Inside that room, she finds Mo Hwa-ran sitting alone, who mistakes her for her assistant.

When Mi-nyeo clarifies her identity, Hwa-ran takes the chance to ask questions about Tae-kyung. Mi-nyeo doesn’t know about their bad blood and is happy to tell her, “Tae-kyung hyung is your fan!” He even has her movies and music in her room.

Hwa-ran sizes up the innocent Mi-nyeo and offers to give an autograph to be given to Tae-kyung. And when she hears the name Mi-nam, she muses, “Go Mi-nam — so there was another with that name.”

Because of her detour, Mi-nyeo is running late and races to the right studio, where she is prepped for rehearsal, all the while nervously eyeing her phone for Hoon-yi’s call. Hoon-yi is meeting with her aunt, who wants to meet Mi-nam, but the manager presses for information of the mother.

Tae-kyung sees how distracted she is, and takes her phone away. This is her first performance and she has to focus. Does she want to get kicked out?

That was a rhetorical question, so he is taken aback when she answers, “I may be able to leave soon.” She’s found the person who came looking for her, which means she’ll be able to find her mother soon. Thanking Tae-kyung for all his help, she brightens at the prospect of being able to leave and reunite with her mother.

We can infer from his reaction that Tae-kyung is partly disappointed at the thought, even though he tells himself that this is a good thing for him, that as soon as she gets that fateful phone call, she’ll be out of the group.

The performance goes well, and afterward, Mi-nyeo looks around for Tae-kyung, eager to check for messages. She can’t find him because Tae-kyung has slipped back into the dressing room, where he checks Mi-nyeo’s phone. So she borrows Jeremy’s phone to call her manager, just as Tae-kyung sees that she has received a text message, sent earlier by Hoon-yi.

Tae-kyung reads it: “I don’t think we’ll be able to find your mother. I’m sorry…”

Mi-nyeo calls Hoon-yi, who says regretfully, “I think she passed away.”

Jeremy finds her sobbing by herself, and is alarmed. Is she sick? Is she hurt? Panicking, he tells her to stay put, and rushes outside to get help. He finds Shin-woo and tells him Mi-nam is sobbing alone, and they race together to get to her.

In the interim, Tae-kyung finds her still sobbing, and looks at her with a conflicted reaction. She cries, “They say she cannot be found. She is not on this earth.”

As she bawls, Tae-kyung stares at her for a long, silent moment, and then crouches to hold her comfortingly…

…which is, of course, how Jeremy and Shin-woo find them.


I have said that the issue I most have with the Hong sisters’ writing is their lack of subtlety. I still think that’s true, but it doesn’t mean they can’t do it. They just tend to prefer the big jokey joke, like with their parody sequences. But when they do choose to be subtle(r), it’s can be pretty sly. Everything in this world is basically a parody of the real idol world — take, for instance, the entire character of Sung-chan — and they don’t necessarily have to make a big statement about every little thing. Just by including a point, they’re acknowledging and poking fun at it. Like with Sung-chan telling Tae-kyung to stay in the hospital because it’s good for his image. Or Heyi faking compassion to win brownie points with the public.

Also: I love angsty comedies! If we were in another, less exuberant romantic drama, it would be something of a letdown to head into heavier territory rather quickly like this. But in You’re Beautiful, I find that the comedy still undercuts the big moments (like Mi-nyeo kicking Tae-kyung unconscious, or Tae-kyung suffering night blindness) so that the angst doesn’t overpower. (Or so I hope it will prove to be.)

And Shin-woo! I still think he’s a yummy character, but I’ll admit that he’s got some acting weaknesses. Hhoney, I love you but you’ve gotta work on that line delivery.

All in all, a fun, lively episode.


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out of topic: lol I just realized other people are also using "popcorn"

for a while there...I was wondering "When did I write this?" ahhaa



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@z: "But, pull that hair out of his face and he’s quite the looker… you know, for a skinny emo kid."

...oh, so true.

I was obsessively watching the trailer clip (because it's going to be a looong week until next Wednesday), and I still have no clues as to what's going on, except that MN's dressed in Yoo Hee-yi's clothes for a while. Man, Tae Kyung saying 'you just have do to as you usually do' makes me think that he'll get Yoo hee-yi to go on TV and plead for people to seach for Mi-Nam's lost mom,.

Did anyone else find how Jeremy's taking of the bottle of water adorable? I think he's suffering for some attention here. ;) And all that time spent suspecting Mi-Nam...if they're going to develop his character a bit more (and I really hope they do), I highly suspect he's going to have to grow up some - or maybe it'll turn out that he's the gay one. :O!


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i'm really enjoying this drama. thanks for the recap javabeans!


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i had to wait to watch this because of exams grrrr....i hate school! this episode was sooo fun to watch. i like the serious stuff a lot, but there's so many funny moments to balance it out which is great. can't wait for the next ep!!!


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(: this has to be one of the best kdramas i've watched! haha. i was so impatient for episode 4 to be subbed that i came here to read the recaps first! tho it may be quite a spoiler, but i really can't wait to know what will happen between them!
sighs. the last scene was just so heartwrenching. i squealed so hard when min-nyeo lay down on tae kyung's shoulders and him hugging her, but then i got so sad when i saw shin woo's expression! it was just so AHH. as much as i want min neyo and tae kyung to be together, i can't bear to see shin woo so hurt! D:
ah i hope this series will remain as good as it is now (since it's only episode 4)!!! i wonder how will the series progress! and i definitely DO NOT want them to turn up as half bros and sisters. i will really hate that (even tho something in me tells me that that won't happen. (: )
oh and iris is quite awesome too! totally different genres, but both of these shows take my breath away all the same. (: totally agree with JB when you said that drama lovers like all types of dramas if these dramas are good.
ahhhh. but i hope you're beautiful ratings will be higher tho!


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TK has definitely emerged as my favorite after the 4 episodes. But I can’t help feeling like I’m drowning in SW’s deep gaze every time he looks at MN. Jeremy is just hilarious. As mai (#85) mentioned, he provides the comic relief. Even with that last scene. I was crying with MN but couldn’t help breaking into a smile at Jeremy’s expression.

@48 gracefulmoonie
Those are my favorite scenes from this episode too. That ice cream scene was funny and cute. That last scene was touching, sad and painful. Touching because of TK’s reaction. I like how he kept bringing her closer to comfort her. Sad for MN for the news of her mum. Painful watching SW. It dawned on him that he really has got competition now. He may have some inclination with the pool and autograph signature, but now with TK holding MN, it’s more real.

@22 thankyou
I love your observation of TK – ‘He is holding her not because she is crying and alone but because he wants to’. TK may seem cold and mean on the outside. But it’s just a shell that he uses to protect himself from further hurt. In reality, he really is warm and loving. He can’t help caring just like how he cared for his mum. His shell is breaking down because of the unrelenting MN with the pure heart. And of course I would like to think that he’s slowly having a different type of feeling for MN without realizing it.

@64 Anonymous
I sure hope you are right about Go Mi Nam. That would also mean that TK’s mum is not MN’s mum too. I would be very upset if it ends with TK and MN being siblings/half-siblings.

By the way, I’m listening to the OST. Can’t get enough of the songs. And can't wait for the next episode!!


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Okay, 3 more days (give or take depending on when raws and subs emerge!) to go! :)

One thing I'm looking forward to this next episode from the trailer is that after Jeremy sees the 'human side' of MN (i.e., crying at the loss of 'his' mom), he seems to be so much more accepting of 'him'. It was quite cute that they have a celebration, presumably around their first 4-person concert success, and Jeremy hops around MN talking about partying! Jeremy really is a fun and loyal guy- I want to think he and MN get to be good friends too!

BTW, I think it was quite sweet of the manager to cry when he was telling MN he thinks MN's mom is gone... the manager is another comic character I'm starting to really like because he's more than just comic relief, he's a feeling, responding person in his own right!

Latest hilarious thing from the manager, after the pop-group parodies... "MN not only likes Yoo He Yi, he likes _women_ very much" Not overly subtle attempt by the manager foiled, as usual, by MN's literal minded "He Yi who?" ;)

Re: Shin woo- I agree, he doesn't pay enough attention to getting to know the inner MN, but it might be in character- he's a little more passive, more "let's watch and see"- as he told Jeremy about his take on MN). To be fair getting to know the real MN is not what TK wants to do by far either, but the three sister fates (here personified by the 2 Hong sisters!) have other plans for him!

So ultimately you're right, SW just doesn't get enough screen-time attention... though he does get a lot of lovely close-up's of him looking at MN with affection... which, given TK looks at MN with rolling eyes & Jeremy with suspicion, makes him stand out as the one with the thus-far warmest relationship with MN- hence I think the entirely justified warm audience response to him!

(And that's not even taking into account the fact that he plays the guitar like a dream... ;)... )

Alright, back to rewatching the concert and MN and TK singing "I love you" in echo-coordination with one another after MN's solo.... sigh... is it _really_ still 70 over hours to this airing in Korea?!


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Hongki's character really reminds me of GD. Something to do with the hair and the apple eating habit. Or maybe, it's just me? But I got the hang of it and while watching most of GD's interviews and past shows--I know the basis for the resemblance's quite shallow. I mean it's quite a fact that most Koreans look alike (though) and idols are not excempted.

I'm good now that's out.


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I finally watched Episode 4 and loved it! Thanks for the great recap JB! I'm really excited about next episodes, especially since Mi-nyeo is starting to feel something for Tae-kyung and I've really missed a good romantic comedy. And it'll be interesting since Yoo He-yi finds out (I think?) Go Mi-nam is really a girl. Oh and I think the leads are doing a great job! Especially, JGS...while he does go a little OTT with the sneer sometimes, but he's so natural like in the end of this episode. Loved how the ending of this episode was done (though the look on Shin-woo's face was really sad).


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it's monday , and the rant/ raves for this drama here is 160+ compared to IRIS's 112.. (granted some of the posts probably comes from the same person but that only shows how much this drama has grabbed our attention...)

heh heh... I LOVE THIS DRAMA!!! i still laugh like a crazy person @ TK's expression and water-spitting-out-choking reaction when he was watching the stylist trying to get GMN's pants off. and i watched this drama EVERYDAY.....

can't wait for wednesday...


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It's been a while since I last posted on your site, but I'm feeling the itch to because of this drama! The ending of this episode was just beautifully done. I think I watched it a few times and downloaded the song. It's title is "Without a word" and the lyrics matched so well with what was going on.

I'm glad that JGS

And just to comment on the "apple" scene. My thoughts on it was the apple was symbol for "the forbidden apple", and funny who was offering it to who.


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I'm LOVING this drama so much! It's been a while since I'm so passionate about a drama. The whole cast is superior! JGS is amazing, both being a snob and a sensitive person (LOVE HIM!); SW is such an eye-candy, and Hongki is plain hilarious (his expression at the end was priceless). PSH is naturally cute without trying too hard or acting in an over-the-top-way. BRAVO! One the best drama I've watched! And thanks for the wonderful recaps JB! Can't wait for the next episode. I've watched episode 4 like a million times already! ;)


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Pleas let it be wednesday already!!!! :D


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On the OST- interestingly "Without a Word" is translated in mandarin in two ways, one is indeed "Wordlessly" and the other somehow implies wordlessly as in "it goes without saying" (i.e., self-evident)

Rather cool alternative translation title I thought- though Korean readers/speakers will have to tell me whether the same implication is carried in the original title.

I've been watching YB with Chinese subs in the hope that with another, independently translation but to a more closely related language to triangulate with less will be lost in translation.


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P.S. I was reading JBs your IRIS reviews somewhat ruefully... I mean the hot leads there get a sizzling kiss and a cozy bed scene within a couple of episodes! And here I am on the YB thread trying to convince myself that an idol concert should be considered "romantic" for the lead singer and back-up singer based on the fact that they _sing_the_chorus_ together?! Sigh! ;)


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Wednesday seems so far awayyy..needless to say I still need to wait till Thursday night to see the sub episode. Hopefully JB episode recap will be up during noon so I can see it during work first. Hehe

Love it when TK tied his hair up like the one shown in the concert! I don't really fancy the new hair style shown in episode 5 preview, make him lost all the appeal. I really hope TK won't change his hair style because it really goes well with his sneer look. I must admit I really hate it at during the first episode because it is just so duhz. But it is starting to grow on me, suit his image very well. It's super funny to see his messy hair the day after MN vomit on him just to show just how despair he was. Thumbs up for Hong sisters for merely including a point, but in fact acknowledging and poking fun at it, like JB mentioned above.

Can't wait to see how TK slowly open up to MN, all those heart warming scenes =)


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@ 166, Fan: I noticed that too! Isn't it so sweet when TK kept glancing over MN several times during the concert? Especially the part when they sing sa rang hey together *melts*

I wonder if it is the work of the director. Simply brilliant!!

TK looks damn charming when he strummed the guitar hard at those high notes during Still and at the end for Promise. Aw..

Ok, back to watching episode 4 for the nth time.


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For those as desperate as myself, in case you haven't seen it yet, a 10 minute, Korean speech only clip on the rehersals leading up to the mini-concert.

Cute bits of YH in glasses (they should sooo give Shinwoo glasses, he looks great in them!), and even a wee segment of JGS and PSH dancing around (so wee you'll miss it if you blink though) Hong Ki looks a little bored on the drums, but everyone seems to be having fun overall. :)


On a completely unrelated note- yes I agree with a bunch of people who posted on the new hairdo's. I too have finally gotten used to JGS's hair only to have them change it on us! Sigh... just when I'd adjusted to this different looking person being weird and silly TK and not cute and cheery JGS- they go and pull the rug out from under me!


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hey guys! watch this! this is sooooo cute! it's a cf of jgs and psh!:D this is not the cf with the kiss thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIRwMwsSc6Q


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hmm while i raaaave for the first 3 ep, suddenly im not feeling this ep. my biggest problem is:
1. hong sisters didnt give SW enough time to fall in love with MN (for us to see). all of sudden he feel jealous. why? why would he? shin woo act like the script told him to
2. park shin hye crying scene, oh come on, that is the worst crying scene (ok, i'm exaggerating, but you get my point) ive seen lately. she looks like she's acting, and i'm not convinced or moved or anything
3. the drama have major detail issue. too many bloopers, like in the end of ep 3, TK wet hair. wet-not-wet-not-wet-not. the practice scene (horrible!), concert scene, just too many
4. i hope the theme song (which i like) didnt turn into almost paraaaaaaadise. kdrama music producer/team, please, we know you're selling the album, but using instrumental is ok

well thats all my rant. some of you said that TK's character feels like kim myung min. while i never watch beethoven virus, i thought the character feels like the man who can't get married/kekkon dekinai otoko
im amazed by jgs's ability that he can act stupid night blindness scene into, well,... acceptable


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thanks for the recaps. i've just finished the first four episodes.

while the story is a good one, the acting can't keep up with it. at times i felt the acting dulled the lively story. there were still a few good moments. but i think i'll stop now to save time for better dramas.


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while it boggles my mind how some people can dislike this drama, i do agree that there were a few missed details/ inconsistencies... but in the words of 2NE1.. 'i don't care...eh eh eh eh eh eh...'
heh... sorry about that...
as long as it gives me a few good laughs and eye candies... i'm in.

anyways... i wanted to ask if anyone knows how far along in filming they are right now. the reason i ask is because of the recently released bts pics and the open set thing which will be aired in ep5/6. isn't it cutting it a bit close? if they start filming in real time the quality might suffer... (BOF anyone?) this drama is too good to let that happen...(well, i think so, anyway. i am after all, a blind fangirl ;) )


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just wanted to thank you for putting up the two songs that are featured prominently in the series, javabeans!
i've absolutely fallen in love with 장근석's voice. it's perfect. ^_^

too bad that one song you posted way back then, the one when he's autotuned, doesn't really showcase his smooth full voice.


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Ep 5 just aired!!! cant wait for the recaps to arrive ^-^ craving for more (:


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ep 5 meowww ...


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@budsdiana: my girl & hong gil dong..


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what happened to the scene where Jeremy freaks out (he was in an orange outfit) and shrieked "you think I like you?" like in the preview for ep. 4? I was really looking forward to that.


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i think this was a good episode granted nothing happened beside the fact that tae was able to comfort min in the end but it won't be long


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I usually check out your site for any interesting KDrama but lately nothing really got to me (including Boys Over Flowers which i finished just for the sake of finishing it T_T) but that's until this drama came out. it's like seeing Coffee Prince (the cross dressing) and BOF (the glamor) only its better in some perspectives. Episode 1 was definitely hilarious and made me crave for more...

about the cliche's, that i HAVE to agree with you. The writers twists their cliched scenes into unpredictable drama to hilariousness. it really gets into your skin and it's quite hard to be annoyed with it when things don't turn out how you thought it would be. like a scene in this episode where Tae Kyung saved Min Nam in the pool, i was expecting the usual; where he ends up saving her unconscious ass out of the water-give mouth to mouth resuscitation (which always happens a lot in most dramas) and lastly the girl thanks him for saving her life and eventually falls in love with her savior... BUT NO. instead she gets to kick him and leave him to drown!!! that was epic for me. ^_____^ that scene made me think and laugh for quite some time. who would have thought the savior would end up drowning?

ah... i just had to get that out. will be looking forward to your future recaps, i definitely like how you comment on certain scenes and its nice to see things in other people's point of view as well. ;)


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omg i don't want TK and MN to be siblings..and dont want her to be a nun...don't do this to us..theres still SW and Jeremy..she can choose from either one of them =p


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i like the song mo hwa ran sang during her interview. i was told that the title is 'what can i do'. does anybody know the name of the singer? i can't find it online


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This is good drama but i feel sorry for actresses , honestely they are not pretty as the actors . Jang acting skill is excellent , actress as So mi Nam acting skill is just ok , she looks cute in tomboy clothes but not in girl' ones , her look is more boyish than Jang . Again as in coffee 'prince the lead actress is only good in that drama but in my fair lady she looks so dump , poor acting skill , my opinions.


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good drama...


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I don't really buy the TV ratings thing for indicators of how good or popular a show is. A show like YAB naturally garners greater number of younger fans, i.e., teens and 20's (not to say others don't watch either but just talking in terms of masses). Younger fans tend to watch the shows online and not necessarily run home every night to catch the show on tv. More and more people are choosing the internet as their medium for watching shows (in the US I know many people who don't even have tv and just watch their shows on Hulu.com). Therefore, just because YAB didn't generate high tv ratings, it doesn't mean much because the core audience probably caught it on the internet, like the way we all have been doing.


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HI Jang Geum Seok....I am from Iran...
loved this drama...I love it so much
U are the best actor in korea!!!!!!!
I hope U have a good and happy life...
always be happy....
always smile...


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I'm gonna apologize in advance. Sorry, but I honestly can't make myself like this show. It's extremely cliche and shallow. The only character I like is Blondie; the others are much too overdramatic. In fact, everything about this show is overdone. Ya, I get it; Tae Kyung's a bitch, Go Mi Nam is pure and innocent, and Shin Woo is the awesome nice dude. But that's it; their characters don't go any deeper. The only redeeming quality is the humor, the single reason that i've been able to make it to episode 4. Also, Tae Kyung IS a complete bitch to Go Mi Nam, yet she falls for him cuz he has a couple of nice moments, when Shin Woo is much kinder and more understanding towards her. It makes absolutely no sense. Again, sorry. Don't hate me for expressing my opinion, cuz that's all it is, an OPINION, and i do think that this drama had a lot of wasted potential and is highly overrated.


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I like them Sooo Much... Like the movie Too....Cute!!!!


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this drama was really good! sometimes i will read all the recaps before starting to watch the drama. but after reading the recap for episode 1, i decided to watch it. i knew this drama would be good! it's too bad that IRIS was also airing...or it would have gotten 20%+ viewers!!! the hong sisters are awesome. javabeans, thank you so much for recapping this drama!
and i think how its cute that tae-kyung ties his hair in little ponytails but acts so harsh.


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@iwantceral omg tae kyung is not a bitch!! It's so obvious dude. If he is a bitch then bof's jun pyo and lee seung gi in shining blah blah are bitches too. Pls. Don't comment any bad. I know it's your opinion but u can just keep it to heart.


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yahy... luv this drama soo much.. great actors wit their gr8 talents..yaha.. hwang tae kyung who studied in nelson new zealand.. luv lots


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this drama it is very nice ko mi nam you are so beautiful this drama amazying i very love ko mi nam


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please anyone can give me the name of the song which was singed by mo hwa ran in the televisid interview


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hi all,

does anyone know whether really exist the song sung by Tae Kyung's mother in this episode?

thanik you sooo much


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My fav Drama ever,,, Love love lovedddddddd it. shin woo drives me maddddddd... Love him, loved him more in heartstringssssssssssss.............. ♥


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5 stars for this episode


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