The Ending Scene to My Love Patzzi: Is This Love, Or Am I Dreaming?

In an effort to get a full analysis of whether My Love Patzzi had an ambiguous ending (as proposed by javabeans) or not, I feel the only possible way to do this is is to go ahead and re-translate from scratch, and then recap, the Final Episode scene where Jang Nara as Yang Song Yi, comes back to Kim Rae Won. I’ve done my best to translate the dialogue verbatim, no tricks or omissions or half-way translations, and I’ve added screen-caps just like a real episode recap. Then you guys can decide whether Jang Nara has actually chosen Kim! Rae! Won!


Jang Nara – “I’ll Be There For You” [ Download ]

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Song Yi has apparently gone with Kim Jae Won to Germany. It’s all over for Kim Rae Won, whose heart is broken. A very sad KRW wanders an empty amusement park, remembering the things he loves about Song Yi. He ends up by the fountain, the site of many a heart-to-heart chat with her.


KRW wades into the fountain as he spots a coin in the water, which looks alot like the coin that Song Yi dropped in there, when she maked aloud her fervent wish (in front of KRW) that she would realize her true love. Here she is, in the past, making that wish, and then tossing the coin.


KRW, at the time, joked around with Song Yi about the efficacy of a fountain wish. And later, he had waded into the water and tossed out the coin because he didn’t want her to be in love any more (and thus be hurt, if the love wasn’t returned) with KJW.  Well, apparently that didn’t work. KRW grabs the coin, laughs ruefully as he says to himself: “Wow, there’s at least another person as half-witted as Yang Song Yi.”

Yang Song Yi‘s voice from off screen.

Song Yi:  “Ya, what do you mean half-witted, where am I lacking that would make you think that!”


KRW slows turns around, not sure what he will see… and he sees Song Yi, alone, standing nearby. Song Yi walks toward KRW.

Song Yi: “Ya! When did you turn out to be sub-human like that? What’s with insulting people when they aren’t around?”


Song Yi walks up to a stunned KRW , taking the coin out of his hand and tossing it back into the water.

Song Yi:  That’s my coin, dummy. In truth, I threw two coins in this fountain. One that I would realize my true love, and one so that I would get caught for the parade car fire. But you know what, any which way I think about it, I think that the coin you fished out of fountain was the SECOND coin… since my FIRST wish already came true… that’s totally amazing, no?


(Samsooki note: Song Yi’s other wish, the second coin wish, was that she wouldn’t get caught for causing the parade car fire. That wish failed to come true, however, as the evil bitch Kongzzi made sure that Song Yi would get caught, and it appears that the scriptwriter wants to emphasize that maybe it’s actually because KRW tossed out THAT coin, thinking it was the true love wish coin.)

KRW: wha-what happened? isn’t today the day you were supposed to leave?


Song Yi (looking MIGHTY CUTE):  I……. didn’t go?

KRW (still confused): Why not?


Song Yi (still looking MIGHTY CUTE):  Just because…


Song Yi (continuing): Ya.  When you look at me, does your heart race and do you get all nervous and stuff?

KRW: ….


Song Yi : But you know, I don’t think that I will get that kind of feeling with respect to you.

KRW (feeling a bit insulted): Ya ima, Yang Song Yi…

(Samsooki note:  the word “ima” is a korean word like the way that Southern ppl in America call each other “chile” or “child”…  as in, “Oh child, you have NO idea…”)

Song YiBut even so, what I want is to be with you now.

KRW:  ….

Song Yi (thinking back to what KJW told her): He told me to choose based on what was most important to me, and so I chose you…whether this is really lurrrve, or whether it is only friendship, or if not both of those, maybe it is some of crazy mix… I really don’t know…


Song Yi: Fighting with you, talking with you, just being with you, those are the things I want more… and that’s what I didn’t leave.

KRW (searching Song Yi’s face): ….

Song Yi (embarrassed): …


KRW sighs and then embraces Song Yi in a patented Kim! Rae! Won! hug. Rocking her back and forth.


Song Yi smiles happily. KRW smiles happily.


Samsooki smiles happily.


Now, you tell me, is that love, or am I still dreaming?

My contention is that the first coin, the true love wish coin, DID come true, because it never got tossed away. It was the second coin, the trying not to get caught causing the fire wish coin, did not come true because KRW tossed it out, thinking it was the true love wish coin.

Song Yi says to KRW that the true love wish coin came true. I think she is talking about him, and the way she feels about him. She may not get the goose-bumps and the heart-racing kind of feeling that some people get, but that doesn’t mean that what she feels toward KRW isn’t real, and isn’t true love. She is just being as honest as she can toward him, and what she is saying is, “My love for you is true, even though I might not get the goose-bumpy kind of feelings.” That’s why she didn’t go to Germany with Kim Jae Won. Boo-ya!


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Reading all this posts is actually much more fun than watching MLP, I watched it 5 or 6 years ago, it didn't leave me any strong feeling, the eye candies definitely a plus to make me finished the drama. Story wise, this is not a good drama that worth to discuss about. The acting is not that impressive either. To me it is just the timing of the Korean Wave swift all over the world and this drama happened to produce at the same time that it became well known and popular at then.

My idea about the JNR's love interest is towards KRW, her ending scene with both guys did not change my feeling. She chose to stay and that's enough say to her decision.

This is my 2 cents.


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"Lord, this is fun! I love that this old drama has created so much passion. Can you guys find another show which you disagree passionately and argue about that next?"

WORD TO THAT! This is possibly one of the single most awesome debate I've ever read online... Love the passion that comes with the writing!

I thought it'll end with the rebuttal... but this is very erm... Samsooki!

I remember vaguely watching it when it was on TV and oh yes it was un-memorable... I remember Sucessful Story of a Bright Girl better maybe coz of Jang Hyuk? But thanks for the trip down memory lane...

Thanks for bringing the awesome-ness JB,Dahee, Samsooki and not forgetting Thundie... You guys rock...


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the screencaps tell me to anticipate bad acting from Jang Na Ra. Hopefully I will not cringe when I watch the drama.


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@ Agent Darwin

Have a safe and enlightning trip to the Himalayas! Don't let the DB rotating banners hit you on your way out. Sorry you had to waste your time reading DB posts and comments rather than working to solve the tragedies and problems of our time. Your admonition is greatly appreciated, and if you can find someone to watch my kids, I'll book a flight to Haiti to help with the relief efforts, but for now, I've just sent financial aid, hope that is good enough?


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This scene told me: Duh, she chose KRW. But the later part where KJW comes back makes me wall: "Buuuuh? I thought--"

If they hadn't included that ending bit later on, I would totally agree that this was a decisive ending and that she definitely chose KRW. But because of that dumb-ass addition, I don't see it.


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I enjoyed all the discussions and comment. It's actually better than MLP. I've seen Jang Nara in Bright Girl and I already found her annoying there so to watch MLP was a definite no for me. She definitely gets an A for overacting of the little I've seen of her. Kim Rae Won is okay but I'm not into him. I'm glad I passed MLP back in the day but I'm sure glad for this enjoyable discussion everyone is having.


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whoa i think i will start to watch My Love Patzzi now.. just because it's equally entertaining and crazy for our bloggers to be in this deep discussion of a drama that aired ALMOST A DECADE AGO.. I want to be part of the cool crowd. ^^


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@ samsooki

you never give up do you? hehe. i love the patented Kim! Rae! Won! hug. Thanks for the visual as well as the translation/recap to the ending. :)


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I remember watching this when it first aired, and I remember being frustrated with Jang Nara's character (and Kim Rae Won's hair). As stated in the rebuttals, I couldn't understand how and why two great guys would fall in love with that girl! And then the ending.. I remember thinking, Okay she ends up with Kim Rae Won.. wait, she didn't? What? What was the whole point then??
If I rewatch the drama, I MIGHT have a different feeling about it, but I don't really have a desire to rewatch it.

But this whole debate thing, and reading the different angles and opinions.. it was very interesting and entertaining. Thanks to the three writers. You guys should do this again sometime. :)


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Something should be said for the male point of view. Both Dramabeans and the other blogger are female so perhaps what men find cute in a girl may not be so for female audiences. Since such dramas primarily cater to female ajummas and fangirls, it is important that the main character appeals to their sense of what is appropriate / irritating etc. If you can make concessions for a hot mess like Boys Over Flowers simply for its fangirliness, the same standard should apply to Patzzi that somehow works for guys that find cuteness irresistible. How many of your reviews even take such "fan-guy" feeling into account?


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Guys this is fun..more entertaining than watching drama...enlighten me pls.how did this war start?

one thing i always hear from my dad you will never win an arguement w/ women
better give up...sorry :(

I'm watching MLP right now...i think she chose friendship..
i dont like Jang Nara something wrong w/her mouth?lips or teeth?!......i love both guys :)


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Regardless of who she ended up with, It's kinda nice to see a drama where all the characters are still close friends at the end in spite of all the rivalry/drama they went through during the main story. Often the loser is forced to move away to America or something, or go wander off alone to hopefully find some other love interest.

Personally, I'm all for the Happy Threesome ending, where she gets to end up with BOTH of them (why choose?! lol) and they all live happily ever after together ^_^ But alas, that is not likely to happen :)


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Finally, a cmt that truly gets it! #OT3 ending is the best one! ;P


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I can't let this go. Here is my very last word...for now.

She didn't end up with either guy. She was so wishy washy that they both decided to become buddies and they walked away leaving her smelling the flowers or something. I distinctly remember them both sitting on a bench and she was behind them and they just looked at one another and got up and walked out of the scene.
Or did I only remember how I wanted it to end.?
It's all in the mind...



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From that recap above, I would think she ended up with Kim Rae Won's character.. then I went down and read JB's comment ..I'm still so confused. LOL

Oh well, moving on.

Does he always hug that way? The patented KRW hug? I never noticed that before.


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I *would* say you have a valid point, Samsooki . . . however, you misrepresented the drama by only showing the part of the ending that could actually back up your claim. Yes, this scene screams true-love-overpowers-all (hello, romantic fountain); however, this isn't the REAL ending. IF the drama had ended here, the result of the love-triangle would have been a no-brainer . . . but it didn't.

Take Titanic for example. It's like seeing Rose telling Jack, "Oh, I'll never let go!" And then promptly turning the tv off, while thinking, "Yay! They lived happily ever after. That's great!"

But, ya know . . . if you *keep* watching, she *does* let go. . . and Jack. He DIES.

So if you *really* want to back-up your claim, you need to address the scene that immediately FOLLOWS this one. Otherwise, I'm forced to walk away with my original understanding: she's still "waffling" and has yet to make up her mind.

I'm sorry. But I think you may need to let this argument die, lol. I will lend you a shovel, if you want to dig its grave.


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so, uh, dahee - did you ever do samsooki's laundry!?

(this is based off the fact that you dared him to do it in your post's comments)

hehe - the thing is, samsooki, the ending that you described in this post only applies to your argument - not the drama as a whole. the last thing people are going to remember is the three of them walking off into the distance. admittedly, i have never seen this drama, but i saw the last ten minutes of it to see what the fuss was all about.

i think she "ends up" with KRW in the sense that she chooses to stay in korea with someone she's comfortable with. but i think she sees it as platonic love, while he sees it as a more amorous love. and with that, he's basically stuck to waiting until JNR comes around.

perhaps the writers did not want to upset any fans, so they tacked on the one year later ending to satisfy all palates.

*you guys are all so hilarious!* =)


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@65, angela -

LOL! I never saw Titanic! Now I know that he dies. AND, earlier, I learned that Old Yeller dies too! Spoilers! Sigh! Heh, no worries, I wasn't going to watch it anyway. I pretty much could have predicted that the boat would sink, having read the comic book before the movie came out.

Unfortunately, life moves on, and other duties prevents me from disabusing you of your presumption. While I could not disagree more with javabeans as to who Yang Song Yi ends up with, but it is possible in this world to have the utmost of respect for someone you disagree with.

This debate series was born out of whitterings of k-drama enthusiasts, and I thought it would be fun to share and debate with the immortals, javabeans and dahee. Not surprisingly, both licked their chops at the prospect, like ravenous wolves against a baby lamb. BABY LAMB!


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Whoops! I'm so sorry. I forget there are people out there who *haven't* seen Titanic. Now I feel guilty... but still, the comparison *is* a legitimate one. And I actually LIKE Jang Nara, so I was trying to do you a favor, lol. Sometimes, baby lambs just need to rest...

However, I hope you guys disagree about another drama. It's very entertaining to watch you banter back and forth. ^_^


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@68, i'm kidding! don't feel bad! Honestly, I've not seen Titanic (no intention to see it), but I knew what happened... please take whatever I say with the understanding that i'm generally just playing around... if I'm being serious, it will be extremely obvious. otherwise, i'm fairly harmless. :D


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Okay, will do. I guess we're even anyway, since I didn't know Old Yeller dies.

haha, just kidding. ;)

(my fiance and his friends actually made a pact that they'd never watch Titanic, so I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised, lol)


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this is seriously entertaining! Now i really need to finish My Love Patzzi!


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Samsooki, you are awesome! But I agree with those who say that the ending is ambiguous. I believe that the reason why Song Yi stayed behind was not because she wants a romantic relationship with KRW but because she is more comfortable with him and working at the park than going to Germany with KJW. :-)


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This debate would be a lot more interesting if it was done on a more intelligent DRAMA


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hahaha... Baby lamb! Samsooki, I highly doubt that!
lol, like the rest, I've been catching up with this debate for days and hours. Very entertaining and refreshing. You guys should do another session in the future!



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I've never seen My Love Patzzi and may watch it in the future due to this debate. I'm just confused about Jang Nara's claim that her first coin wish for True Love came true and her comment "whether this is really lurrrve, or whether it is only friendship, or if not both of those, maybe it is some of crazy mix… I really don’t know…". How can she be make that claim while not really knowing whether it's True Love or not. That seem like a contradiction to me because if she really don't know, then she shouldn't conclude that her wish came true. Or should I throw out common logic when watching this drama?


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samsooki a baby lamb?!? HA! that's my laugh for the day ;)


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@76 lovenyc52
LOL! Totally choked on my drink when I read that!

Samsooki, as others have mentioned your argument is not exactly accurate when you didn't show/discuss the real final scene of the drama. I would've agree with you that she had chosen KRW if only the drama ended at the fountain scene. But good effort! Though, I'm not surprised how adamant you are on protecting JNR and MLP since you have been a vocal advocate regarding both for a long time :)

I had so much fun reading the discussion b/t you three! And I agree, please do this more often!


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@ 54 ockoala

"@ Agent Darwin

Have a safe and enlightning trip to the Himalayas! Don’t let the DB rotating banners hit you on your way out. Sorry you had to waste your time reading DB posts and comments rather than working to solve the tragedies and problems of our time. Your admonition is greatly appreciated, and if you can find someone to watch my kids, I’ll book a flight to Haiti to help with the relief efforts, but for now, I’ve just sent financial aid, hope that is good enough?"

And maybe Agent Darwin could use a patented Kim! Rae! Won! hug, too, on the way out the door.

Samsooki the baby lamb... ???? Our samsooki? I don't think so.
Oh, now I'm thinking about lamb. Lambchops. Mmmm.


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More: 'This debate would be a lot more interesting if it was done on a more intelligent DRAMA'
I think you just confirmed the point raised by samsooki on the idea of so called elitist dramas.


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Maybe, the production was trying for something new, at least for K-dramas. So, they gave her both guys. ????

Your points and counter-points about this drama is so interesting to read. Thank you so much for a K-drama version of the "Hatfield and McCoy's" Feud. hahaha


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loved this debate! MLP was one of the first few k-dramas i watched and in fact, it was the very first box set i ever bought! i had rewatched it dozens of times years ago when it came home from the shop and never ONCE did i ever think twice about the ending. for a deluded romantic like me, the "true love" coin was the final say and the drama ended at the fountain and whatever followed after was purely a fan service for KJW followers so that they won't go protest at the broadcast station! haha!

i especially loved KRW's maggie noodle hairstyle - totally charming on him. he got the gal, alright!


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I am so happy to see this debate.
I watched My Love Pazzie more than 5 times. ^__________^
In 2010, dramas like this are hard to appeal viewers' passion.
We are already used to watch stories like MLP, but in 2002, it was enough refreshing for me to be obsessed with it for several weeks.
I spent my entire life in seoul and I never thought the ending would be confusing international viewers. ^_^;

" Then the guys both get up and leave jokingly, saying she’s too mean so they’ll let her be single, which again would not make sense if she were actually dating Kim Rae-won. " (Javabeans)

Javabeans' comment is actually logical enough, but it seems it's a bit different from typical korean sentiment. ^_^; I think most koreans sometimes casually, jokingly can say like that. Actually, the last line of KRW in korean was less serious and more light-hearted than translation in English., so I could be pretty sure that Songyi would be together with KRW, maintaining friendship with Mr. President.

As kdramas get more popular, I found that not a few scenes and lines in kdramas would confuse non-korean viewers or koreans who didn't spend their entire life. For adult koreans who totally understand korean sentiment, I think the ending is never deliberately ambiguous. ^_________^>


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(i posted this in your first post about MLP). :P

samsooki, you are so right! i think many of javabeans’ readers are influenced by her taste that when she doesn’t like a drama – they don’t like it either.

There is a term for that in psychology.

The researcher’s own subjectivity may influence the objectivity of the data.

The observer-expectancy effect (also called the experimenter-expectancy effect, observer effect, or experimenter effect) is a form of reactivity, in which a researcher’s cognitive bias causes them to unconsciously influence the participants of an experiment.

So basically, while everyone has their tastes in dramas – because we’re reading javabeans’s opinion on it, we’re also influenced by her own bias. :)

Props to you for fighting it!


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sorry, correction..;
I mean " not a few scenes and lines in kdramas would confuse non-korean viewers or koreans who didn’t spend their entire life IN KOREA " ^_^;;

In conclusion, I am with Samsooki. ^__^
When it aired in Korea, there was no different insight on the ending between people around me at least. I remember we just agreed that KRW deserved to get heroine because he trusted and supported Songyi even while KJW doubted her honesty.


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Wow!! that drama was long time ago and I can't even remember the ending. But it's fun to read Dahee and Java againts Samsooki. Hi Thundie, maybe you should watch MLP and give us your respected opinion. Just a request.


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@Agent Darwin -- pinky swear?

@ockoala -- totally agree.


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Samsooki Oppa, one of the things I love about you is your loyalty and persistence...but I'm sure Mrs. Samsooki can also say it's a flaw at times. lols. But I'm sure she still loves you, just like us.

Again, I haven't seen the drama in almost 8 years but I remember being sorely upset for weeks over the ending (Unlike Dahee though, I'll reserve my tombstone engraving for MFL). B/c I obviously concluded it was a purposely ambiguous ending, with only a leaning for KRW, rather than a definite conclusion.

For what its worth, I really enjoy reading these Drama Wars commentaries. Can we have another one? Or I am being too much of a malicious bystander? Hehehe.


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Never seen this drama, but it looks...ick. I'm not a big Jang Nara fan (tried listening to a song, liked it the first time and afterwards it got dull). She's cute, but she looks much better with black hair (what's with the early 21st century and dying your hair to look like a runny brown? I know people who would die to have my Korean hair).

In terms of ending, wishy washy endings are a no. From what I've seen this ending seems too ambiguous and it doesn't help to ultimately conclude things. Yeah, she may be like, "Hey, I like you better." but that doesn't mean anything. A weak ending is a sign of a weak story telling (though not always the case admittedly). It looks fun, but at the same time just really really...annoying (sorry).

I feel like for you your biggest positive for this drama is Jang Nara who is "majorly cute". It's not bad to want to see a drama for eye candy (I do it all the time), but to make it one of your big points is kinda eh. Samsooki the Deluded, indeed.


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The things that still remain my mind about this series are that I like it at first but then hate the ending.

If I'm asked to make a recommendation my advise would be: "Don't see it, unless you want to upset yourself for nothing."

Even after all these years I still can feel the frustation it cause. It's not worth it.


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I remember that I like it at first, but then truly hate the ending. My advice: "Don't see it unless you want to upset yourself for nothing."
After all these years, I still remember the frustation it caused.


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oh man, I totally LOVED this kdrama back in high school. My very first! I remember rushing home so I could catch it on TV. KJW was uber cute, I remember him everytime I see Onew now. :D


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so THIS is what fanboylism looks like! :P


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I just finished watching this drama on DramaFever. I was aware of this discussion before watching it, so I looked carefully at hints throughout the drama.I believe that Kang, Seung- joon KNOWS that Yang, Song-yi loves Kim, Hyun-sung. My feeling from the acting and characterizations is that Seung-joon loves her enough to let her go. He gives her every opportunity to follow her heart, because he knows her heart. He proves this by believing in her from the start, even though others despise her. She is grateful to him for paying attention to her and gets swept away by his caring and love. it is very clear that she enjoys being with Hyun-sung MUCH more than with Seung-joon. The quarreling is what makes their relationship so fun. They are comfortable with each other and have difficulty with serious talk.This is a manifestation of their personalities!!! It is very obvious that she never wants to go to Germany. She is stewing about it at the airport and Seung-joon notes this very profoundly. I think the threesome at the end is there to show us that the "bad little GOOD girl" gets both guys hearts in the end and the "good little BAD girl gets neither. The quarreling continues between Song-yi and Hyun-sung, but they know it is true love. There is no need for jealousy at this point. This is my impression of the well acted series. Kim, Hyun-sung's heart is fixed, remember? That says more to me than the coins!!!


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I totally agree with you, Phyllis. I realize that I am dependent on the subtitles, but it seemed clear to me that Song-yi loves KRW. It just took her a long while to realize it. KJW also knows that, as you said, and gave her the opportunity to stay behind. Even a year later, Song-yi tells KJW that she had thought about it a lot and she did not regret her decision. The playful exchanges between Song-yi and KRW are in line with their characters, but they obviously had a deep love and care for each other. I think the "year later" scene is just for fun. It doesn't take away from the fact that she gave up KJW for KRW. She made a choice and was not sorry about it, even a year later.


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i want the Kim! Rae! Won! hug too...... :D


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In my opinion, I think she likes Seung Joon but also feels grateful to what Hyun Sung did for her and also she knows that he has heart problem. Even we know that she decides to stay but their relationship is none other than friendship. The ending wants to emphasize the friendship between three of them. Even the ending likes this, but i still prefer Seung Joon to her.


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i agree with#14lilly...I much rather prefer Song yi end up with KJW character...their love scene is so good and besides I am a KJW fan!!!WOOHOO!!!^_^


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I suddenly thought of this post when i read something related to 'baby faced beauty' and 'can you hear my heart'.

After reading the comments here and the comments on youtube i realize mot people preferred KRW & JNR.

I think she didn't end up with either person as i want her to be with KJW. When i watched this show , i thought KJW is the lead guy and back when i was young i thought the lead girl MUST end up with the lead guy.

After watching this drama , i become a KJW fan and didn't really care JNR and KRW.(But i like KRW after watching attic cat)


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Kim rae won always reminds me of Kimura Takuya. is it just me? Also everytime i see kim rae won im stuck with a distant feeling like nostalgia ._. because of these feelings he gives off it's intriuging to watch him. these stars have one thing in common other than looking alike, they both act real naturally <3 Kimura takuya is more handsome tho x3


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oh i don't like ending -___-


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I vote for polymorphism and she gets to keep both the men. It was a fun ride and almost unbelievable, the young KRW to his current day self.


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