Playful Kiss: Episode 13

FINALLY! I’ve been waiting twelve episodes (nearly thirteen, really) for this turn in the story. I’m not saying Ha-ni has to become a different person or that Seung-jo needs to turn into a considerate human being overnight for me to be satisfied — I just needed some balance to this relationship. I’m not even so greedy as to hope for a 50-50 balance — I’m talking one teeny, tiny, friggin’ step toward Ha-ni, Mr. Robot Boy. Something that gives me assurance that I’m not wasting my time hoping that these two kiddos can work it without necessitating a complete destruction of Ha-ni’s dignity. I was beginning to think that wouldn’t be possible.


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He-ra’s grandfather, President Yoon, arranges the seon between He-ra and Seung-jo, to his satisfaction. (A seon is more than a blind date; it’s a formal step toward finding a potential spouse, often arranged by parents or elders.) Despite her light mood, He-ra observes Seung-jo’s reaction closely as she explains that she had been opposed to date initially, until she found out it was him.

She supposes he doesn’t like the idea of being pimped out to save his father’s company (since President Yoon is a crucial investor). Seung-jo explains that he was relieved that it was her, but he only went on the date because he needs her grandfather in order to launch the company’s next game. Shouldn’t she hate that that was his reason?

He-ra doesn’t intend to force things with Seung-jo, but suggests that they give dating a try: “Let’s just take the opportunity with each other.” To her surprise (and glee), he agrees. Am I gonna have to call you Gigolo Seung-jo now?

When he gets home, he’s a little defensive as Ha-ni hesitantly asks about the date, and whether he’s going to marry He-ra. Seung-jo answers with a casual “Sure” — isn’t that what a seon is for?

Crushed, Ha-ni takes Seung-jo’s words to heart. The next day at school (where she has gone instead of working at the office), her mood is glum as she tries to come to grips with this.

He-ra sends a girlfriend-y text, and tellingly, Seung-jo picks up the phone to send a text of his own — to Ha-ni.

Of course, he can’t ever do a nice thing without undercutting it (that boy has spikes of steel guarding his heart, or maybe it’s his pride) so the text tells Ha-ni that he’s deducting her pay for her absence. I know, it woulda killed you to just say a simple “Hi,” right?

Joon-gu calls Ha-ni over to try a new dish he’s concocted, since he always wants her to be the first to try his creations. In light of her heartbreak, Ha-ni seems to appreciate his unflagging devotion even more than usual and thanks him, saying, “Hearing you talk like that makes me feel like a valuable person.”

Joon-gu hems and haws as he nervously tries to ask her out on a date. And while Ha-ni feels no romantic spark, she has been seeing Joon-gu through new eyes lately — at least she’s not taking his devotion for granted anymore! — and agrees to go out with him.

The date takes them through the standard activities (lunch, a movie, street shopping, etc.), and despite Ha-ni’s subdued mood, she enjoys herself.

At one point, she smiles up at Joon-gu happily, thanking him earnestly: “You’re a really good person. I already knew that, but these days I’m feeling it again.” Aw. I know these two can’t be, but this is the first time I’ve really wished they could make it work, because Ha-ni deserves a guy who adores her, who cares more for her well-being than he does for his own pride/image/status.

Speaking of whom… Seung-jo hears from his brother that Ha-ni went on a date today, and while he doesn’t react (much) to the news, Eun-jo sends him a curious look.

Seung-jo heads out on a date of his own, but little details trigger memories involving Ha-ni — a fact that doesn’t escape the notice of He-ra. Of course, coincidence dictates that the two couples run into each other — Ha-ni and Duckie arrive at a cafe on the river just as Team Genius Robots are leaving.

Seung-jo subscribes to “the best defense is a good offense” school of thought, and lashes out at Ha-ni by telling her that she and Joon-gu don’t fit in at a place like this — they’re better suited for the kiddie arcade. The problem with this (well, other than the obvious part where HE’S AN ASS) is that Ha-ni is so defeated that she doesn’t fight back, and concedes the point to him, turning to leave with Joon-gu.

Seung-jo’s just trying to get a rise out of her, and because he’s about as emotionally developed as an eight-year-old boy, he calls her back just so he can say with derision, “You sure look good together.” (Again, this doesn’t have the intended effect, since Joon-gu’s pleased with the comment.)

He-ra’s pretty sharp, and at the end of the evening she notices how Seung-jo holds the car door open for her when he would’ve tossed a rude comment if it were Ha-ni. She asks why he’s so mean to Ha-ni, and comments that it’s strange that she almost wants him to be mean to her as well.

As Ha-ni and Joon-gu walk along the river (he must’ve missed the memo that No good news ever happens at the river), he screws up his courage to make his big move… and asks Ha-ni to marry him. Oh, Duckie. As if the huge (physical) space between you weren’t already a huge sign that this is not meant to be…

Joon-gu says earnestly that he can wait for her — but even so, Seung-jo has someone now, and it’s time for Ha-ni to stop staring at his back. “If you just turn around, I’m here.” Sigh, this love triangle is just so tragic. (Or it would be in a drama that prized, yunno, drama.) You can’t fault him for hoping that she’ll turn around, even though the very same hope is what keeps her back turned away from him.

Mom intercepts Seung-jo when he arrives home that night, telling him he doesn’t have to date He-ra for the company’s sake. He laughs at that, albeit humorlessly, saying that that’s not why he’s doing this. Casting a glance upstairs, as though he wants the words to sting Ha-ni, he says, “It’s because I like [He-ra].”

While I don’t consider Seung-jo malicious here, it’s that thing a person would do to hurt the person in return for hurting you — even though the reason they hurt you is because you hurt them first… Sigh. People can be so silly and cruel. Why do we suck so much?

Upstairs, Seung-jo tosses out the comment, spoken with an edge to his voice, that she sure looked like she was having fun on her date. Ha-ni answers in kind, telling him that it was fun and her date was nice — he didn’t make fun of her, unlike somebody else.

Too bad she can’t make her heart follow her mind: Ha-ni understands that Joon-gu is the nicer, more thoughtful guy for her, but he just doesn’t make her feel those butterflies. Her friends prod her to think seriously about Joon-gu’s proposal, because he’s better for her than Seung-jo. Faced with reality, Ha-ni starts to consider that maybe that romantic excitement isn’t necessary, and concedes that Joon-gu’s very comfortable, “like family.”

As she walks along considering the proposal, she runs into He-ra and Seung-jo on a shopping date together. He-re greets her cheerily, but Seung-jo surprises them all by inviting Ha-ni along to dinner with them. Uh, awkward?

Thus the trio end up at Ha-ni’s father’s restaurant. When Joon-gu serves them with tips for how to eat the dish correctly, Seung-jo can’t resist shooting a barb at Ha-ni at how great it must be that her boyfriend knows so much.

When Dad is released from the hospital, He-ra drops by to pay her respects. Mom, being firmly in Ha-ni’s camp, is delightfully aloof to her, greeting her with an indifferent “Oh, have we met? Perhaps you seem familiar. You must not have made an impression.”

He-ra isn’t intimidated, and nothing Mom says ruffles her good mood, not even when Mom lays out all Seung-jo’s faults, calling him selfish and haughty. She adds, “Seung-jo looks smart, doesn’t he? But he’s really stupid. He doesn’t know his own feelings.”

Mom’s strategy is about as smooth and subtle as a tap-dancer on crack, but funny enough, this is the one thing that seems to make an impact on He-ra — she recognizes the truth as Mom states that Seung-jo treats a person colder and meaner the more he likes them. Feelings aren’t easily solved like math problems, and he’s afraid of his being found out.

Afterward, Seung-jo faces off with his mother, calling her tactics childish. Although Mom takes him to task for lacking basic decency in bringing He-ra home when he knows how Ha-ni feels, Seung-jo insists that she stop interfering in his life now.

Despite her earlier conviction, Mom starts to feel doubt — she’d truly believed Seung-jo liked Ha-ni, but perhaps she was wrong. If that’s true, she fears she has wronged both Seung-jo and Ha-ni by forcing them together, and wrings her hands in guilt.

Eun-jo — who has been observing all this with a sharp eye — finally speaks up in order to get his mother to stop crying and announces, “He does like her.” He refuses to give any further explanation, but he asks Seung-jo if he really means to marry He-ra. Seung-jo replies that He-ra suits him and that he’ll probably grow to like her, but he doesn’t sound convinced so much as he’s trying to convince himself.

Little Bro is smarter than that, and doesn’t buy that at all — especially in light of the scene he witnessed in a previous episode. Now we see the scene from the woods, where Seung-jo had come upon a sleeping Ha-ni and kissed her. Eun-jo decides that his brother definitely does like Ha-ni, no matter what he says.

Thinking more about the proposal, Ha-ni asks her father how he’d feel if she dated Joon-gu. Dad answers essentially as her friends did — that Joon-gu is devoted to her and wouldn’t be a bad match.

Understanding that He-ra is the girl Seung-jo is thinking of marrying, Dad sighs that they shouldn’t have moved back to this house. Things will only continue to grow more awkward if they keep living here, and this is a good chance for them to think it over.

Seung-jo puts in a rare appearance at tennis club — looking around for Ha-ni, of course, only to be told that she’s been busy dating her boyfriend lately.

As he leaves, Min-ah and Ju-ri run into him and talk extra-loudly-on-purpose to make sure he hears that Joon-gu proposed to Ha-ni, and that she is supposed to give him her answer today. Seung-jo doesn’t give them the satisfaction of reacting, but this news does NOT make him happy.

Joon-gu treats Ha-ni to more new dishes, and hesitantly brings up his proposal from the other night, wondering if she’s thought it over. In spite of his willingness to be patient, he’s frustrated by her request for more time and reminds her that he’ll always be here for her, like a home — but a house that stands empty too long is no good, either. Better an empty house than one that caves in around you, I say.

A clap of thunder sends her recoiling in fright, and Joon-gu grabs her to make sure she’s safe — and that closeness prompts him to attempt a kiss. Ha-ni resists, but he’s caught up in his emotions and tries to move in anyway, and in the almost-struggle they both fall to the ground. Ha-ni shoves him away.

Joon-gu asks sadly if that means she’s saying no to him. Feeling guilty and upset, Ha-ni blurts out that she’s sorry and rushes out into the rain.

(Sigh — and you were doing so well, Duckie! Patience was suiting you so well, and then you had to go and get all Traditional Second Lead on us and try to force your suit. Don’t you watch dramas, ever?)

Ha-ni beats herself up about it on the way home, feeling guilty for raising Joon-gu’s expectations and then hurting him.

She finds Seung-jo waiting for her at the bus stop, and he gruffly offers her the cover of his umbrella (with a sharp look and the backhanded comment that he knew she’d be foolish enough to be without an umbrella).

As mean as ever, Seung-jo brings up Joon-gu’s proposal and prods her to explain. Losing patience, he snaps, “So what did you tell him?!”

Ha-ni retorts that her answer has nothing to do with him, and adds — to his shock — that she’s going to move out. She doesn’t want to be a hindrance to Seung-jo’s relationship, and now she’ll turn her attention to helping her father and Joon-gu. It all works out, since Dad likes Joon-gu.

Seung-jo looks at Ha-ni sharply and asks, “Do you like him?” Irritated at her yes, he asks if she is just going to like whoever likes her back.

But Ha-ni has tired of this one-sided love, and wants to be with someone who likes her back. She states, “I like Joon-gu.”

Seung-jo fires back, “You like me.” It’s both a statement and a command, and he follows that with the declaration that she can’t like anyone other than him. Frustrated, Ha-ni admits angrily that he’s right — she does still like him — “But what good is that?” After all, he won’t have anything to do with her, and he treats her like—

Dropping the umbrella, he grabs her in a kiss.

Pulling back, he instructs Ha-ni not to say that she likes anybody but him. Mollified, Ha-ni nods in agreement, then notes that this is their second kiss.

Smiling, he gathers her to his chest and corrects her: “It’s the third.” And then he adds, “It’s okay, you don’t have to count anymore.”


Okay, you got me there. Pretty awesome way to get Seung-jo to man up and make his confession, finally. It’s been mighty frustrating to watch Ha-ni pine over Seung-jo all this while, and while WE know that her love isn’t futile, SHE doesn’t. It’s been nearly painful at times to see her entertaining flimsy hopes in the face of such blatant (outward) disinterest.

I don’t actually have a problem with Ha-ni’s constant following around of Seung-jo, and I’ve long accepted that her persistence is just a part of her nature, so my issues with her weren’t based on that. What gets me is the idea that she has no sense of self without Seung-jo, that she doesn’t value herself as a human being if/when apart from him. There’s a sweet moment in this episode when she thanks Joon-gu for liking her so much, because it makes her feel “like a valuable person,” but that kind of thinking is like a slap in MY face, as someone who loves Ha-ni’s character for her heart and life. It hurts that she would buy into the idea that she isn’t worth a concern if she isn’t liked by a guy.

I was pretty irritated with Seung-jo in this episode, even though I knew that Big Moment was coming at the end of it (thanks, spoilers!), and I think you only get so many passes for being a socially awkward genius robot who treats people like crap due to a lack of artificial emotional intelligence. He gets some sympathy for being emotionally stunted, but let’s face it — the boy’s got a pretty privileged, cushy life. At a certain point you pass being a mere misunderstood hero to plain jerkface poopypants, and Seung-jo has long crossed that line with me.

(On a perfectly shallow note, I am willing to entertain the idea that I am possibly less forgiving because Seung-jo’s perm is straightening out. For some insane and unfathomable reason, without that head of messy curls, I just don’t find him as appealing. I KNOW! It’s weird.)

(Now, if only the sound in the ending scene were anywhere near halfway decent. Gah, I haven’t heard such atrocious sound engineering in a drama in perhaps ever — and certainly not at such a crucial moment. Can we get on that, drama crew, and fast?)


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I'm TOTALLY with you on liking the mop of curly hair. In this episode, I was losing focus because his hair seemed to get straighter in each passing scene. The curly hair surprisingly made his character and aura more compelling!

The kissing scene wasn't as intense or climactic as ISWAK's, so it didn't pull at my heartstrings. It was building up so well for the last scene, but sadly deflated at the end. What happened to the strong feeling of urgency that you might lose someone you love to someone else?

Also, I loved the way ISWAK's handled the scene where Zhi Shu is on a date with his fiance, but while she's talking and expressing uncertainty about what kind of wedding she wants, he imagines Xiang Qin describing her dream wedding with girlish certainty. I thought that scene was so important in him realizing his love for Xiang Qin, but that scene in PK, which was different, didn't have the same impact.

It's interesting to read different comments about Hani's character, but while watching the drama, I never had the sense that she didn't value herself without SJ or that she felt she was only worth something when someone liked her. I don't think she has a low self-esteem; she was just blindly in love.


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I think that if you saw the other versions, you knew what lines were going to come out of his mouth and hers. You also knew what the end result was going to be, that took away some of the thunder from the kiss.

ISWAK also had a couple with serious heat on the the kissing. Chemistry like that translated to the audience and was powerful enough to bring tears to many. Yes, I was one of those many that cried buckets at that scene.

Add to that the sexiest scene of all television time anywhere, in any language, is the honeymoon sequence of They Kiss Again. And that is shot entirely from the shoulder up.

Wow just thinking about it and (acting skills aside)I know this couple in PK didn't have the time to build up the rapport needed to achieve anything like those two scenes from the Taiwan version. I don't think it is fair to compare apples to 7 course prime rib dinner.


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Actually, I don't need a 7 course prime rib dinner to be satisfied; I'm a vegetarian ;) I much prefer apples, especially those that leave a strong and lasting taste, but sadly it just didn't exist in this particular scene for me.

I saw ISWAK and Itazura na Kiss, yes, but it didn't take away from the feelings I had in PK even though I knew what was going to happen.

The kiss was sweet; it didn't need to have heat to move me. In fact, the whole episode was great in building tension with hidden emotions and undeclared love, but I didn't think it carried those feelings to the most important scene in the drama where those feelings should have been revealed with urgency and surprise. Even SJ and Hani didn't seem surprised as they read their lines and went through the motions.


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i was thinking of skipping this weeks episodes since i only have 1 day to watch series this week and of course my 1st priority is SKKS but realizing that this is the episode that i've been waiting for the whole time..GAH! dont know what to do..i think im losing my mind!

thanks for the recap JB!


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great request

please post the following episodes as soon as possible because i can't wait to watch them. i'm from Myanmar and we haven't get the DVD yet



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can anyone tell me where can i watch this drama?


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you can watch this drama with english subs at viikii.net.
they are usually updated!



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This drama has me torn. I know I'm meant to support Hani and for the most part I do, but at the same time He-ra is perfect and she still can't get the guy. It's like oh she's pretty, smart share similar interest with seung-jo, BUT that's not enough! You need to be crazy and obsessively dedicated like Hani in order to win a guy over.



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lol.. you need Hani to win SEUNGJO over... because he's an emotionally deficient jerk...
haera can get any other guy... i'm fine with that


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You took the words right out of my mouth, Javabean! Hani needs to realize that she should be living her life according to how she wants to live it, sans Seung-jo, and she needs to realize that she doesn't need a guy to be happy and valued..or I will discontinue watching this drama LOL.


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dont want to be a spoiler much but i its safe to say that hani would find her own way. dont worry!


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Oh, yay, a recap already! I totally wasn't expecting it so soon. I guess it was easier because the episode was actually enjoyable for you? XD; This was the episode we've all been waiting for, and it felt quite complete and satisfactory.

Thanks once again for the very entertaining recap, Javabeans! You filled in the blanks of the parts I couldn't infer the meaning of, and you made it just as fun and exciting as the show, and of course, I appreciate your sassy commentary. ^_^

I think I liked all the characters in Ep 13! Joon-gu was such a cute puppy, and I'm glad we finally got the Ha-ni/Joon-gu date, but I am heartbroken for him now. He-ra was pretty cool for noticing and understanding Seung-jo's behavior and trying to get him to like her but not forcing him. Ha-ni's friends were funny and supportive. Mom was, of course, awesome, for knowing her son so well, even though her attempts to shove him into happiness are sometimes questionable. ^^; Ah, I loved Eun-jo, the sweetie! He really wants his brother to be happy, too.

Now, about Seung-jo, I think he had already accepted his feelings for Ha-ni in the last episode and was quite optimistic about his future, until his dad's heart attack made him give up his dream. Ha-ni had encouraged him to take a chance and follow his heart, but all the good that did. The disillusion forced him to return to his logical world in which one does what's expected of him. So naturally, he would take over the family company and marry a suitable trophy wife of advantageous connections. When he had to leave his dreams behind, he resigned himself to the fact that Ha-ni doesn't fit into his world. Hence, he pushed her away, not because he was denying his feelings like before, but because he couldn't anymore and forcing himself to give her up was painful.

And Ha-ni kinda does the same thing as Seung-jo; she finally gives in to what everyone says, choosing what "looks right" instead of what feels right (someone who is perfect for her in theory over someone she actually loves).

And isn't it wonderful when both FINALLY are on the same page?! I loved the kiss! Not just a touch, but a series of real, good kisses. *swoon* I love their lines at the end, too. *sigh* This has made all the stupidity in the past 13 episodes worthwhile. And since our leads are finally together and with 3 episodes to spare, I'm hoping we'll get to see that character development we've all been wishing for Ha-ni. It can't be 3 episodes of just their married bliss (and hopefully, the happy endings for the side characters, too), so I'm looking forward to Ha-ni coming full circle and proving that love really did make both of them better people.

My idea: While Seung-jo is still resigned to working for the gaming company, Ha-ni decides nursing as her own path because she wants to take care of sick children (please have closure for that sick little boy; it's too depressing leaving him crying at the window), and at the same time, nursing would, in a way, help Ha-ni realize Seung-jo's unfulfilled dream of becoming a doctor, which later, he does become, and they can work and live together happily ever after. See, writers, you can give Ha-ni a sense of self separate from Seung-jo but still keep to the heart of the story that Ha-ni is able to do her best because of him (and vice-versa). Please end the show nicely! XD;

Oh, one more thing before I end this monster review: Kim Hyun Joong's acting was pretty great in Ep 13. @_@ His reactions, expressions, and line delivery were fairly natural and convincing. When talking to Ha-ni or his mom, he was mean but always with an undertone of hurt. When he was alone, he looked so defeated. I especially liked the part when Seung-jo tried to cheerfully say he would like He-ra and then turned around and looked like just saying it had taken a lot of effort and caused a lot of pain. Then at the end, he just let all that tension and passion burst out. This is the best I've seen from him, and I hope it continues til the end. :D


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I agree with letting Ha Ni become a nurse for the sake of helping children...it will give her a sense of independence especially if SJ is going to continue to work at the company for some more months (his dad can't possibly go back to work right now!)


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That was Hani's point in going to College anyway. Referring back to that conversation when BSJ retrieved her application. She was commenting how she doesn't know quite yet what she wants and even though it's a long shot for her to get into Parang, she'll take it because she feels as if she can find what she wants to do there.

I can agree with her here. I could have gone to other colleges but I chose my safety school. However, my story, the guy I liked (yes for all of high school) followed me there too. I was thrown into confusion for a bout a semester (since we had eternally long breaks together) as to what should I do? How will our time together develop and change.

The only difference between Hani and I is that after a while I was like "screw this, I'm going to do my own thing" and I physically removed myself from situations where I had to hang out with him--not more than necessary. (He followed me around too~ but I'm pretty good at hiding/disappearing.) Hani forgot herself. In a way, she did find what she wanted to do, she wants to be aside BSJ. Admirable...in different levels and degrees (and to some).

As for the nursing part, once she finally climbs that big mountain (do i or don't i have BSJ's love?), which she eventually does. She'll get everything back into perspective. In this case, I think BSJ's the catalyst. Which I don't think is all bad. I mean, I had good grades, but at the teasing and prodding of the guy I liked, I swore I'd top his average. And I did. I don't find anything wrong with that...

She's in BSJ's heart now, and now she's at peace. She'll be able to tackle other things.

Ugh, to and for all those "all encompassing dramas" that take your time and energy away. T_T


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loved this episode. i don't know why people have problem with sj being robot and bad boy and oh ha ni being little annoying (cute) and being crazy about the person she loves. because the whole point of this drama is to show how two different type of people ended up feeling the same way.


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If Hani and Seung-jo end up getting married, he definitely does not deserve her, her babies, her children, her love, etc. etc. etc. It'd be better if Hani were just single or married someone else LOL.


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ahhh my KHJ ..as usual ..you are amazing.. in WGM ..you can't even kiss your Buin in her cheek ( 'member your wedding pictorial? ) in BOF you kissed those girls lips ( its just that your lips at that time is SEALED not even a single amount of oxygen came in and out of it) and NOW ..wow! open mouth! hah!beat that...you are improving your craft.. have you been practicing lately? hahahha ..ILOVE YOU! thanks for the recap!


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LOL!!! I died reading your comment. Ish exactly what went through my mind about his kissing scenes.. :P


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Thanks for the recap!! Honestly, I didn't expect it that fast cuz I thought you would hate the ep...
I loved it but I'm surprised you did, partially, too as well. XD

and um... i'll only talk about the kiss for now, because that's the only thing in my mind...
ever since i've reached that spot in your recap, i've been grinning non-stop like a fool even though this is the second recap of this episode i've read, and the gazillionth time i've been rewatching that scene... grin grin grin.... cheeks hurt... too bad... grin some more...

1. The more i rewatch it, the more i LOVE the kiss
2. The more I rewatch it, the more i hate the editing
3. BSJ's jawline is pure sexyness. Chest, hair, neck, jawline... what's next?
4. Umbrella... what r you doing here? get out of the way! If you're here to hide the brick hani is standing on. no need, just focus on the upper body will you???
5. He totally moved his mouth
6. She totally kissed back (i love HD glory)
7. The rain sound is awful
8. But you can hear BSJ gulp before talking to Hani after the kiss... sexy (i guess i got my answer... chest, hair, neck, jawline, gulp... what's next???)
9. triple s are going to be so jealous... heck, i'm jealous too... but i LOVE it!
10. that's the most unrealistic rain scene i've ever scene... water wasn't even raining ON them... you couldn't see water dripping down their faces at all

I'm praying like hell even though i think it's not going to happen that they are going to start next ep with the kiss, with different angle and editing.... it would be a great way to start the ep... my grin would be plastered on my face for the rest of the episode guaranteed. Cheers.

Ps:i'll talk about something other than the kiss later... now, just indulge me.


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that's what i'm actually wanting to have...the continuation of the kiss...longer and enhanced editing...


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longer kissing... it would totally drive me crazy in a good way...
already today, i was screaming like crazy my dorm floormates were worried something happened to me...


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i've ever seen... not scene...
guess spelling walked out of my head to leave place for some more kissing...


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i kinda like the scene where he said "you like me", he delivered it calmly (though most of the viewers may expect something like Tversion screaming in the rain). He wants to reassure himself that the HN's feelings towards him is still the same, and when HN confirmed it, you will see on his face kinda relieved and shut HN's mouth through kissing passionately. In my opinion, the kiss is so passionate that you don't need to explain it though yelling and screaming. The kiss itself speaks. All i want in episode 14 is the continuation of the kiss and the aftermath...how SJ will explain to HN his real feelings.


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oh.. i TOTALLY liked the seen where he said "you like me"... honestly, i loved the tw version of it... but i love the korean version equally, if not more... it might be more toned down but that doesn't mean it wasn't emotionally charged...
in a way, suppression of emotions seems even more explosive than an outburst of them...

and yes... i want the kiss.. again. i don't care if u need an excuse to reshow it... just do it show.


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you're totally right...it doesn't really need to shout or scream to feel the intensity...i really don't know why i'm in here because love stories like this isn't my type...i just don't know what's the charisma of this show...maybe because of Lee Tae sung that i adore, or JUng so MIn's acting, or KHJ's persona, but it has become a magnet that keeps me lurking and wanting for more...


lol... i know right? usually... when i read a recap, i write a comment to give my opinion and then it's done and i move on to the next thing...
with pk, i just come back again and again even though i'm telling myself it's not necessary and i should use my time for something else...
pk.. u have me, bad.


IA, and calm suits this SJ. Also, about the "you like me"...

TY JB for particularly this part of your recap:

>>Seung-jo fires back, “You like me.” It’s both a statement AND A COMMAND [my caps], and he follows that with the declaration that she can’t like anyone other than him.

I read some were disappointed with SJ's not having said I-love-you or some full-confession equivalent (in addition to its being less shouty), but for negative-EQ boy, the command of it shows the extent to which it is a confession, implicitly. Needy little adorable git.


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sharing same sentiments of having a big grin on my face til now after watching their version of kiss in the rain.

and here's to hoping that they would open episode 14 with the kiss with a better editing and angles as you said. that would be a great opener and a great treat to viewers. to relive a great moment of our OTP.


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hehe... glad i'm not the only one looking like a fool grinning like mad.
i was even grinning in class for no apparent reason... i had to go sit at the back of the class even though i sit in the front usually because i was afraid my professor would think there was a problem with me.


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im at work, and my colleagues are asking why i have this big grin paste on my face and i just said that as of the moment im the 16old year girl that they didnt know about and in return they just stare at me as if im losing my mind. LOL!


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lol... only members of the PKissers-kiss-craze would know why we act like this...
it's our little guilty secret.


I, too, have a thing for jawlines and KHJ's is very, very, very hot! And yes he totally moved his mouth >_>.


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hehe... khj's jawline... i'm obsessed.
and he moved his mouth alright....

i know comparing with the tw version is tiring but since so many people did, i wanted to have my say on it...
sure, that tw kiss looked more "hot" in a sense that it was more forceful joe's part... he literally pressed his lips on ariel's to shut her up... but he barely moved his lips... in a way, it was clumsy once you look past the build up. and yes, the kiss is still in my list of most memorable drama kisses but...
that doesn't mean the kr kiss isn't as passionate... and the tenderness factor was totally winning.


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same here, 2nd recap, watched that kiss endless times...wished it laster longer but nevertheless one of the better kiss scene in K-drama.

I never really understood those frozen postures lip-touching kiss scenes in kdrama.


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I swear... I will never ever doubt again that KHJ can't kiss...

and yes... those notoriously infamous cold-pressing of lips in korean dramas are awful... even kindergarten smooches are hotter...
to all kr PDs.... it's okay to make us swoon... we won't die of it... and even if we did have a heart attack, even then, you'll help us fly to heaven....


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this has got to be the coolest comment I've read so far. Hands down. :D


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Thank you. I'm surprised and flattered...:) guess you can't go wrong if it has anything to do with THAT kiss. swoon.


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v was searching for ur comment :D
Loved also the kiss , it wasn't hot and that was ok for me , I hate kisses on TV ( maybe becoz my cultural and religious background ) but this kiss was perfect and I also want episode 14 to start with it too but this time from an other angle , more centred on BSJ , in the after the kiss scene he wasn't clearly shown eventhough he was smiling when he was asking her not to worry anymore about counting te kisses .
what I didn't like is SJM's acting in the after the kiss scene , wanted her emote more , I mean to show surprise and lost and hapiness all together , I mean she wasn't expecting BSJ to kiss her in such passioante way showing that he loves her so she must have been surprised by his reaction na , unbelieving what is happening to her , not realising that the cold BSJ finally confessed through that kiss and feeling happy for the same reason , I felt JSM didn't show that in the after kiss scene so I wish in today's epi they go back to the kiss scene so we can see much more expressions from SJM/OHN side


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My 46" HDTV/good YT clip proved that it was


lips, jaw, neck muscles moving.

I'm waiting until Viikii comes out with theirs on HULU cause OMO, I'll be replaying it. :D

JSM was out of breath when KHJ pulled away.

His thumb was firm on her cheek, like "I'm not going to let you get out of it"


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I feel so bad for Joon Gu but OMG he finally admitted that he likes her... hurray!! :D


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can i just say jung so min is just awesome...can u believe this is her second drama....her crying scenes are amazing....she always brings tears to my eyes when shes crying ...but i never never cry in shows like this

i really want to see seung jo follow hani around, like the reversal that happened in MGIAG when miho gets a job and woong gets anxious shes not following him around...


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wow... super fast recap! thanks jb!

why, hello not-so-curly-haired-SJ... so nice to see you! you can wait for me with your umbrella anytime now, as long as you don't go back to your hair dresser that did your awful perm!


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Hi here Bvdddddddddd higher


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Oh god I love your recaps Javabeans.
Its so much comfortable to read your recaps instead of "others".
I like you, I really do!
Keep it up, Looking forward to the up coming episodes :)


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To be honest I like the taiwanese version more. It has a longer run and there was a lot more space for character development from the main to sidecast.

Although I think Hani is cute and Seungjo is handsome there isn´t quite the chemistry. I think the main problem is that Kin Hyun Joong is too lacking in his acting ability. It always seems a little awkward. I just don´t believe his role. I can´t feel his feelings.

Don´t get me wrong I do like Kim Hyun Joong to some extent but he isn´t the least bit authentic.


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why do we always need to compare the two versions? You already said the reason, tversion has more epis than kversion... and as for KHJ's acting, I think he did justice to the role, he may not be the best actor but he i think he did well here. I know KHJ still needs improvement in the acting dept but he's okay with me...the fact that an ahjumma fan like me was swayed in this episode, i think i can feel the chemistry in them.

Come on people, i don't like HJ as an actor but hey, I don't wanna be stingy in praising him. He did well in this episode and I don't want to admit it also to myself, but I guess some people just don't like him to be praised...


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I agree with you....
No need to compare the two versions... they have their own flavours, which work on their own way...
In a sense, it's almost like two different dramas.

and give KH some slack... i'm not his fan and i don't think he's a good actor... however, he totally fits the role of BSJ... it was a wise choice of him to take on that role because the awkwardness in his acting here is PERFECT to portray BSJ... who himself is awfully socially awkward... i've a brother who's awkward like that and trust me, that's authentic right there... cuz it's almost like he's not acting awkward, he IS awkward... and the best acting is when you're really feeling it.


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They did take over the rain scene from the Taiwan version. I liked that very much, it was a intense scene. Maybe chemistry between them would be better from now.


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The rain sequence is in the original manga as well...I think we need to remember that the T version is an adaptation of the manga/anime


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I know, but in the manga it is a lot less passionate :P. There are some things you can not really show in a comic .


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JangKiss Subs releases ep 14 tease sub

and old NG footage

and there's pics everywhere of hyun joong flying to Jeju island... are we getting a honeymoon???


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yeah, i saw that pics as well... is it really possible that they will include the honeymoon?

well, all we can do for now is wait and see if it will happen.


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*sigh* i knew this was gonna happen... watched the taiwanese one too many times but still YAY as much as i wanna spoil it right now.... i know i shouldnt LOL


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totally annoying me when people keep compare this version with twversion...
its ok if u want to stating ur opinion but its totally irritate others especially ME...

this recap for PLAYFUL KISS NOT ISWAK!!!

anyway i totally love the kiss scene!!!
totally hot!!!

good job KHJ and JSM!!!

cant wait for tonight episode...
anticipate 3x =)


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(On a perfectly shallow note, I am willing to entertain the idea that I am possibly less forgiving because Seung-jo’s perm is straightening out. For some insane and unfathomable reason, without that head of messy curls, I just don’t find him as appealing. I KNOW! It’s weird.)

hahhaha i know right!! word on that


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averting my eyes, as i've still yet to start watching this!

but i am glad to see through your recaps that unlike the taiwanese version of this series, it does not take 20 episodes for some real indication that the male lead likes the main character! i think it wasn't until like episode 22 that the guy confessed his feelings!


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Episode 27! lol it took forever!


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best kiss, it felt so real


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that's so fast..thank u so much!!


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Totally agree with newbie... this kiss sure is one great kiss that I've ever seen KHJ done..

Compared to the previous 2 kisses whereby their lips just met...this kiss really was deep enough... and KHJ was kissing her so real...not like what he's been doing before in BOF.... I'm squealing with excitement when I saw the kiss.....


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Thanks Javabean! Grrrrrr SJ should have more emotional backing under his belt. Im not sure if he's tired lately or just lacking everything, I feel like he just memorized all his lines and just acted it out! Hani on ther other hand has been pulling all the heavy weight! I know that it suppose to be meany mean Seung Jo but its not cutting it for me! It seems like its a little improvement from BOF!
The thing that gets me more is that he's a male lead in which gets all the attention and praises he's cute that, great this but in reality its Hani and the mother that makes this story move and bring you thru channels of emotions! Its so one sided!


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I think the reason why he gets all the attention is because he is the most famous in all the cast. Let's face it, KHJ is mostly the reason why people are watching it.

I do agree the Hani and mother moves us in this story but i beg to disagree that KHJ is all flat here in this episode. It is amusing on my part as I don't like KHJ's acting but I have to admit to myself that he quite improved here. He may be flat in other episodes but in this episode, he impressed me a bit. I wanna give him an applause for that for I gave him more criticisms before and I think he deserve one praise from me.


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i hate to admit it. but seungjo looks mighty comfortable and non-robot-like with hera. he's even flirting with her. with the asking for the handkerchief and spraying her back bit. and it's not like he can only unload his heart with hani around. he did do a bit of talking with hera too.


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Kyyyaaaaaaa!!! OMG i almost died at the end of this episode!!! i could not contain myself! *scream*
Seung-jo ya, i like how ur hair is straightening out again! :)


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When I was watching this episode on OhCASTra, I was flipping out and I LOVED IT. I was literally squeeing out loud with joy. :)


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hmm.... seems like nobody posted the ep 14 long preview yet ?? it was out for a while now.

oh well.


i don't like this... at all... angst already?? i want the HAPPY.


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Thanks for the recap! It came out before I got to see the episode. You are speedy.

Squee!!! The kiss was very sweet.

I wish the Kversion would include BSJ's thoughts in voice over like the Tversion does. It would be great to hear Robot Boy turning into a real boy. Hint, KDrama makers?

I also loved KHJ's expressions after trying to convince his brother, "It will work that way, right? One will come to like HR, right?" His eyes said otherwise.

Looking forward to more drama and more recaps. Thanks.


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This episode is probably the most awaited because of the "kiss in the rain" scene along with the confession of Seung Jo about his true feelings with Hani...

Though, we often say that Hani should stop liking Seung Jo because she doesn't deserve to be treated like that and she should value herself more than anything else, yet, the "kiss in the rain" reveals that the underdog finally tastes her own victory...this is one of the reasons why we all love the character of Hani...that behind her stupidity, foolishness, agony and failures in winning the heart of Seung Jo in the first part of this drama, lies at last the silver-lining and sweet success of all her endeavors...

I truly enjoy watching this drama...a bit sad because next week is the last 2 remaining episodes...i'll miss them all....

congrats to the production casts and crews for the success of this drama...eventhough there are rumors that it has a bad rating in Korea that's why it has only 16 episodes yet outside Korea, this drama is very popular and well-watched over the internet...


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lol... there's articles complimenting that KHJ's mouth is like a vacuum cleaner (how is THAT a compliment????? i don't get it but as long as it's praise, ill take it) since the kiss was hot...

and azi767@soompi made a hilarious comment:

"I think if they start manufacturing vacuum cleaners like this, I might consider being a stockholder for the manufacturing company...

But then again the stocks gonna be worth Billions of Dollars & I for sure cant afford it.


i would totally want that kind of vacuum cleaner... to the hell with house chores...


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OK, I'm in the queue


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lol... someone else said that she wants to be a QC in the company... that way, she can do the testing...
lol... i won't even ask for my salary.


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there was indeed "suction" in that kiss.


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When he corrected her, man..that got me. Thanks for the recap!! Great job as usual!


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I finally read recap and the comments. Just want to share as well my opinion.

I totally love the kiss scene and after kiss. I repeated that scene endlessly. I was in the office grinning like crazy(trying hard to hide it but couln't help). My boss came in and asked me why I'm grinning like so much. I had to lie or else I would get in trouble.

Like V, the more I watched that scene, the more I love it. The kiss was totally fitted for SJ. He's cold and mean but that kiss was gentle and very romantic. I saw the Tversion. The screaming kinda annoy me and the kiss, it was more like forceful kiss to claim/seal his territory.

This kver is very well done. The HN-SG date was very nice too. *better sleep now before I start not making sense.*


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Thanks for the Recap!!!
This episode was phenomenal from beginning to end! I was on edge during the whole episode, feeling so sorry for HaNi. Seung Jo's Mum is great!!!I love her, best Mum ever "he's my son but he's cold...etc""I know you! you're so scared of your feelings!" :)
I also enjoyed the date scenes of HaNi and Joon Gu! Poor Joon Gu...he was happy for so short a while!
I was waiting for Seung Jo to finally make a move towards HaNi! that scene at the end was worth waiting. The flashback of the scene when he kisses her on the bench while she's asleep is so beautiful!!! sweet!!


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The sound and editing crew of PK...why. Why! Why are you always cutting off my scenes mid-way (aka the restaurant scene where I seriously thought Oh Ha Ni was going to subtly tell Seung Jo that Duckie proposed!!)!

And what's with the rain? It annoyed me. My sis and I were leaning in towards our computer to hear what they were saying. (Also the Chinese subtitles suck. Totally misleading and different from what you recapped JB! Now that I read what you wrote about their ending, I feel more pacified. It was more in line with what the actual story was about...)


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The sound and editing crew of PK...why. Why! Why are you always cutting off my scenes mid-way (aka the restaurant scene where I seriously thought Oh Ha Ni was going to subtly tell Seung Jo that Duckie proposed!!)!

And what's with the rain? It annoyed me. My sis and I were leaning in towards our computer to hear what they were saying. (Also the Chinese subtitles suck. Totally misleading and different from what you recapped JB! Now that I read what you wrote about their ending, I feel more pacified. It was more in line with what the actual story was about...)

Also, my sis would like to ask if anyone knows the title of the song that was played in the mall when Duckie was meeting Ha Ni in the cinema for the movie? If anyone knows the title or the artist, please let me know!!

Anyways, awesome recap JB!


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Can take a moment to just say how much I adore JSM, the actress? She is the major force behind my liking of PK. I started PK because of my fascination for KHJ from his WGM days, but he's pretty much a secondary factor now. JSM runs circles around him. (Everyone of the cast runs circles around him...but darn the boy is so dang pretty to look at, I cut him plenty of slack.)

Even though, I get frustrated with OHN. I find myself smiling when she's happy and my heart aches when she cries. That can only be because of JSM making OHN so real. Her eyes speaks volumes. And I love the way she bites her lips when she's nervous.

My heart hurts so much she was breaking down after BSJ told her that marriage with YHR is a possibility. I wanted to cry so badly.
But when she had her date with BJG, I was so happy, because she was actually enjoying herself. You can distinguish between her giddiness with her picnic date with BSJ and her subdued but fun date with BJG. I am having a hard time describing the difference, but I can feel the difference, ye?

What really broke my heart the conversation on the balcony with her dad…I loved that scene. OHN putting a brave face on for her father, yet you can see the unshed tears just shimmering in her eyes. I just wanted to hug her…and to slap BSJ silly for being a darn meanie bobeanie.

Aw man, that kiss! I liked it…lots. One of the better kdrama kisses. Just enough but not too much? I think it would have been over done if it was an outpouring of loud emotions and yelling. It was subdued just like the characters. It would have been out of character for BSJ to suddenly show tons of emotions…but we do have 3 more episodes, so I will expect more from him towards the end. And OHN did raise her voice without shrieking and over emoting, very OHN like.

I cannot wait for some cute date moments between the two. They are just so adorable together. I hope that they do some to the things that OHN had written in her schoolbook. Hehehe…for JoongBoers, wouldn't it be hilarious to see BSJ and OHN at an amusement park riding a rollercoaster with a bet on who can withhold their expressions longer? Sigh...I might have to pull out my WGM files and rewatch after this.


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I forgot to thank you for the recap. Thanks a heap. The recaps at Dramabeans are big part of my kdrama enjoyment.


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Kim Hyun Joong's acting resolve would break in about .00001 seconds and he'd be all Shillang on a roller coaster. XD


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love Shillang and his Buin.

but i am also loving this pairing. they are so adorable.


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yes... i love both the lettuce couple and this couple... but i also love KHJ with ryeo won... their interaction was short, just for Gummy's As A Man MV but they had so much chemistry I wished they could make a drama/movie together... somehow, it seems like KHJ has great chemistry with his co-stars... well, except for GHS that is... but then again, she had zilch chemistry with any of the boys, ji hoo sunbae or gu jun pyo alike.


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Whatever it is, just enjoy the drama... No matter which versions... just relax and be entertained.. Thank you for the recap JB. :)


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Thanks JB for the update ( eventhough I felt it was a bit short than usual )
loved today's epi and even felt sorry for BSJ becoz he was suffering as much as OHN and it was shown so many times in the epi ( when he was sitting on his bed lost in his thoughts when he declared to OHN that he's gonna marry YHR / when he closed the door and didn't move after he was back from his second date with YHR and be mean to OHN about her date ) , the guy was suffering also since he has to give up his dreams ( whether to become a doc or to be with OHN ) that's why I couldn't hate him when he was mean with OHN becoz it was his way to protect himself from that feeling of sadness and emptiness he is having .Also I felt that by being mean he was trying to push OHN to let him go and try to find happiness with someonelse and stop loving him so she won't be hurt anymore , I felt his mean behaviour was kind ofa way of protecting her from being much more hurt in the future ( if she continue loving him and watching him marrying and living with someonelse ) , but he also couldn't stop himself from being jealous and I can understnd that , he loves her , how can he stand the fact that she is with someone else and not him .
loved BEJ so much , the way he was concerned about his unnie and his Hyung it was just so touching and cute .
felt sad for YHR and duckie ( sorry for calling him this way but how much I tried to remember his name but I each time I fail ) but tell u the truth not that much LOL .
the kiss was good and liked the fact that it wasn't so hot becoz I wold have felt disgusted ( as I already mantioned it's due to my religious and cultrual background )
but the after Kissing OHN , that I didn't like becoz her reaction wasn't what I expected , I thought she would be surprised , shocked but at the same time dreamy and happy but she was kind of cold or I dunno how , ok maybe it's just me who think so :)
anyway , all in all , it was a good epi and loved it just like I lovd the anime same epi :)
eagerly waiting for epi 14 to see how BSJ is smiling all th way , he just look a sweetypie when he smiles .


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hehe... i too find myself looking for your comments at DB or ockoala... XD
I agree with most of what you said as well!! aren't we addicted??
as for the kiss, I thought I read somewhere that you didn't have your hopes up because kdramas are infamously notorious for not delivering those?? maybe my memory failed me... -_-"
And for me too, not religiously, but with my bringing up, a kiss is quite awkward as well.. I've gotten a bit used to it now (ok, who am I kidding, i totally watch the kisses when I am alone) but if I watch it with anyone else, be it my parents, or roomates or in class, I usually automatically turn my head away... maybe it's hypocrisy but it's not on purpose. it's like instinct for me to not be able to watch a kiss with anyone else watching it with me. probably because my parents made a big deal of kissing when i was young... they were so afraid to "traumatize" me that they even led me to believe up until i was quite old (middle school) that the kissing was fake and that the lips didn't really touch... consider me awfully schocked when i watched more "obvious" kissing where there was no way it was fake... XD.
slowly got used to it though. and quite frankly enjoying and squealing at some of those scenes as well.


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oh.. wanted to add something about what you said about hani's reaction after the kiss... for me, it totally worked... and so would your choice as well...
i wouldn't say hani's reaction is perfect in the sense that it didn't satisfy everybody (but it did satisfy me) but that it was perfectly appropriate. that would be how i would have reacted as well, if i still haven't fainted...
and my brain must be really dead from the lack of sleep but I find it hard to transcribe down my thoughts into a coherent and articulate reason it is so... so ill get to sleep first, or maybe a nap, and go back to this later.
random shout out because i suddenly feel like it... tunisia is cool!


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thanks javabeans! you made my day!


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Wow. just wow, seung jo claiming ha-ni.

now i'm wondering what the conflict/s will be in the remaining episodes.


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The kiss in the rain totally blew me away. Haha, I kept replaying it! (oh dear, am I turning into a perv??!!) But, it was about one of the sweetest kisses I've seen, and I reeeeaaally wanted to be Jung So Min!

The only thing I wish is that the scene might have been prolonged just a wee bit longer, and slow-mo from the umbrella till their lips touch (but not too slow), as I felt the change in timing a little abrupt.

But, I'm still very happy with this episode! Like finally! Too bad there're only 2 episodes left and we can't see much of their married and working life (would be quite interesting to see what cute antics they have in store) like in the anime =((((


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totally agree with all that you've said...
and i might join you for the club of newly self-discovered potential pervs...
i feel like one too, putting the kiss on repeat... and swooning/screaming/squealing over it.


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I can't wait for SJ's mom's reaction to them getting together! I think her mouth will drop, then she'll rush Ha Ni like a line-backer, hold her, scream, and jump. Then she'll walk around in a fog of happniess for days!
This morning I woke up and thought about PK for awhile, myself :) This show is seriously addictive. Only 3 more eps :(


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Did you guys hear my deafeningly loud girlish squeals wherever you are?

I swear that there is no amount of arm flailing in the world that would describe how much i loved every single minute of this episodes ending...

The PK weather forecast said that on episode 13 there will be chances of rain but i didn't know that i will be swept away by a literal TYPHOON of emotions as i watch Seung Jo come off from his high horse as he finally confess about his real feelings...

Ohhhh....don't get me wrong, I knew it was coming... I was anticipating it... itching for it... talking about it my sleep even to the point that my fiancee thought i was speaking in parseltongue and that Lord Voldemort had just taken over my body...

But seeing it happen right in front of my screen?

BAM! The effect on me was soooo overwhelming that he almost called 911 while i kicked my legs and stomped my feet as if i was falling into a trance and being possesed by the exorcist all at the same time...


It was just 10 seconds of PURE, SIZZLING, GOOD HOTNESS...

Kim Hyun Joong, i didn't know that it was possible to love you even more than i do now but can i just say?

YOU MAKE THAT KISS SEEM SO DARNED GOOD that i felt my knees quake and my heart almost leap out of my chest as i melted into a big liquid pool of goo while i sat openmouthed watching your lips work its magic...


Dang it! I would totally be your BISH if you just asked me to!

Although the start of this episode was sooo painful to watch as Seung Jo literally rubs salt into that huge, gaping cavity in Ha Ni's chest where her heart used to be... The ending sure did make up for the heartbreak that i felt as i watch Ha Ni struggle with her feelings...

Like a woman that has a bad case of PMS, Seung Jo was on a rampage because of all the feelings that he is suddenly faced with at the thought of losing Ha Ni...

(Jealousy, regret, longing, fear... *shrugs* who knows what else is going on inside that boys mind?)

However, even if that is the case, there is a part of me that understands Seung Jo's meanness in a way because it's not really only all about his being emotionally stunted or socially inept but there is also the fact that he has this innate fear of letting people get too close to him because of the trauma that he has gone through as a child...

Seung Jo is a person who does not really express his feelings well...

Coldness and being standoffish is what he had used from the very beginning in order to cover up for the embarassment that he had felt in the past and just because he fell in love does not mean that he'd undergo a 100% change otherwise he would not be the same person...

To me the small concessions he makes and the gradual attitude shift that he does for Ha Ni and only for her is a promising sign that yes, there will be good times ahead if they do get together...

He does not need to become what he's not to prove the fact to me that he is as lovable as anybody else because i loved him for him and i've accepted him for who and what he is...

Well, pretty much just like what Ha Ni had also done...

If there's one thing that had hit me hard in this episode, it would be the fact that oftentimes we come up with all these ideals and checklists of what we should like and fall in love with in a person but the moment we meet THE ONE, it all goes flying out the window...

He might not be as goodlooking as Brad Pitt or as rich as the prince of Brunei or as charming as George Clooney but at the end of the day, what matters is how we feel for them even if sometimes they turn out to be such jerks...

Well, what can i say? The heart wants what it wants...

And for Ha Ni?

Her heart wants Seung Jo and no one else...

Joon Gu might be the sweetest guy in the planet and he might love Ha Ni with all his heart but even that is not enough since Ha Ni does not feel even a tenth of what he feels for her ...

(same with Hae Ra who is trying soooo hard too in her own way but whom Seung Jo just don't feel for the same way...)

We might meet somebody who might seem like a perfect fit for us in all aspects but if something does not click together or if we just don't feel for that person, it will all be for naught even if he walks on fire or eat glass just to prove the depth of his love for us... (yes, sometimes we might be moved by pity or guilt but how fleeting would that feeling then be?)

In closing, I would like to compare this drama to a situation where you have a friend who turns into your boyfriend...

It may have started off slow but the more we got together the more i fell in love with it... There are times though when we went

through some rough patches and when i hated it just a teeny weeny bit but just when i was about to give up, It does something grand that makes me remember all the reasons why i loved it in the first place....

The grand gesture?


Show, you sure do know how to reel me in and for that, i gotta give you props!


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(clapping) I love your comments on this episode! I feel I'm as enthusiastic with this dramas as you are! lol
That was a he****of an episode! I enjoyed every moment of it, anticipating a litlle at the same time that the ending would be quite surprising and satisfying! :)
It may seem stupid but I felt so happy for HaNi by the end of the episode, for I suffered with her when Seung Jo said hurtful things to her!!!
wow! I'll definitely try to buy the DVD!


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scenes from ep 14.. will be deleted by uploader soon
all sweet scenes. if u don't want to be spoiled. don't watch



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Sjshirt when he kissed Ha-ni was the one Ha-ni picked when she stayed overnight at SJ's place isn'nt it. the one that he refuse to wear.


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wow, the rain scene was NOWHERE near as good as the taiwanese version of playful kiss... seung jo lacked.. well, pretty much everything. sound was forgivable but seung jo's lacking of acting skills not so much.

but he's still adorable, obvi.


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