Playful Kiss: Episode 13

FINALLY! I’ve been waiting twelve episodes (nearly thirteen, really) for this turn in the story. I’m not saying Ha-ni has to become a different person or that Seung-jo needs to turn into a considerate human being overnight for me to be satisfied — I just needed some balance to this relationship. I’m not even so greedy as to hope for a 50-50 balance — I’m talking one teeny, tiny, friggin’ step toward Ha-ni, Mr. Robot Boy. Something that gives me assurance that I’m not wasting my time hoping that these two kiddos can work it without necessitating a complete destruction of Ha-ni’s dignity. I was beginning to think that wouldn’t be possible.


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He-ra’s grandfather, President Yoon, arranges the seon between He-ra and Seung-jo, to his satisfaction. (A seon is more than a blind date; it’s a formal step toward finding a potential spouse, often arranged by parents or elders.) Despite her light mood, He-ra observes Seung-jo’s reaction closely as she explains that she had been opposed to date initially, until she found out it was him.

She supposes he doesn’t like the idea of being pimped out to save his father’s company (since President Yoon is a crucial investor). Seung-jo explains that he was relieved that it was her, but he only went on the date because he needs her grandfather in order to launch the company’s next game. Shouldn’t she hate that that was his reason?

He-ra doesn’t intend to force things with Seung-jo, but suggests that they give dating a try: “Let’s just take the opportunity with each other.” To her surprise (and glee), he agrees. Am I gonna have to call you Gigolo Seung-jo now?

When he gets home, he’s a little defensive as Ha-ni hesitantly asks about the date, and whether he’s going to marry He-ra. Seung-jo answers with a casual “Sure” — isn’t that what a seon is for?

Crushed, Ha-ni takes Seung-jo’s words to heart. The next day at school (where she has gone instead of working at the office), her mood is glum as she tries to come to grips with this.

He-ra sends a girlfriend-y text, and tellingly, Seung-jo picks up the phone to send a text of his own — to Ha-ni.

Of course, he can’t ever do a nice thing without undercutting it (that boy has spikes of steel guarding his heart, or maybe it’s his pride) so the text tells Ha-ni that he’s deducting her pay for her absence. I know, it woulda killed you to just say a simple “Hi,” right?

Joon-gu calls Ha-ni over to try a new dish he’s concocted, since he always wants her to be the first to try his creations. In light of her heartbreak, Ha-ni seems to appreciate his unflagging devotion even more than usual and thanks him, saying, “Hearing you talk like that makes me feel like a valuable person.”

Joon-gu hems and haws as he nervously tries to ask her out on a date. And while Ha-ni feels no romantic spark, she has been seeing Joon-gu through new eyes lately — at least she’s not taking his devotion for granted anymore! — and agrees to go out with him.

The date takes them through the standard activities (lunch, a movie, street shopping, etc.), and despite Ha-ni’s subdued mood, she enjoys herself.

At one point, she smiles up at Joon-gu happily, thanking him earnestly: “You’re a really good person. I already knew that, but these days I’m feeling it again.” Aw. I know these two can’t be, but this is the first time I’ve really wished they could make it work, because Ha-ni deserves a guy who adores her, who cares more for her well-being than he does for his own pride/image/status.

Speaking of whom… Seung-jo hears from his brother that Ha-ni went on a date today, and while he doesn’t react (much) to the news, Eun-jo sends him a curious look.

Seung-jo heads out on a date of his own, but little details trigger memories involving Ha-ni — a fact that doesn’t escape the notice of He-ra. Of course, coincidence dictates that the two couples run into each other — Ha-ni and Duckie arrive at a cafe on the river just as Team Genius Robots are leaving.

Seung-jo subscribes to “the best defense is a good offense” school of thought, and lashes out at Ha-ni by telling her that she and Joon-gu don’t fit in at a place like this — they’re better suited for the kiddie arcade. The problem with this (well, other than the obvious part where HE’S AN ASS) is that Ha-ni is so defeated that she doesn’t fight back, and concedes the point to him, turning to leave with Joon-gu.

Seung-jo’s just trying to get a rise out of her, and because he’s about as emotionally developed as an eight-year-old boy, he calls her back just so he can say with derision, “You sure look good together.” (Again, this doesn’t have the intended effect, since Joon-gu’s pleased with the comment.)

He-ra’s pretty sharp, and at the end of the evening she notices how Seung-jo holds the car door open for her when he would’ve tossed a rude comment if it were Ha-ni. She asks why he’s so mean to Ha-ni, and comments that it’s strange that she almost wants him to be mean to her as well.

As Ha-ni and Joon-gu walk along the river (he must’ve missed the memo that No good news ever happens at the river), he screws up his courage to make his big move… and asks Ha-ni to marry him. Oh, Duckie. As if the huge (physical) space between you weren’t already a huge sign that this is not meant to be…

Joon-gu says earnestly that he can wait for her — but even so, Seung-jo has someone now, and it’s time for Ha-ni to stop staring at his back. “If you just turn around, I’m here.” Sigh, this love triangle is just so tragic. (Or it would be in a drama that prized, yunno, drama.) You can’t fault him for hoping that she’ll turn around, even though the very same hope is what keeps her back turned away from him.

Mom intercepts Seung-jo when he arrives home that night, telling him he doesn’t have to date He-ra for the company’s sake. He laughs at that, albeit humorlessly, saying that that’s not why he’s doing this. Casting a glance upstairs, as though he wants the words to sting Ha-ni, he says, “It’s because I like [He-ra].”

While I don’t consider Seung-jo malicious here, it’s that thing a person would do to hurt the person in return for hurting you — even though the reason they hurt you is because you hurt them first… Sigh. People can be so silly and cruel. Why do we suck so much?

Upstairs, Seung-jo tosses out the comment, spoken with an edge to his voice, that she sure looked like she was having fun on her date. Ha-ni answers in kind, telling him that it was fun and her date was nice — he didn’t make fun of her, unlike somebody else.

Too bad she can’t make her heart follow her mind: Ha-ni understands that Joon-gu is the nicer, more thoughtful guy for her, but he just doesn’t make her feel those butterflies. Her friends prod her to think seriously about Joon-gu’s proposal, because he’s better for her than Seung-jo. Faced with reality, Ha-ni starts to consider that maybe that romantic excitement isn’t necessary, and concedes that Joon-gu’s very comfortable, “like family.”

As she walks along considering the proposal, she runs into He-ra and Seung-jo on a shopping date together. He-re greets her cheerily, but Seung-jo surprises them all by inviting Ha-ni along to dinner with them. Uh, awkward?

Thus the trio end up at Ha-ni’s father’s restaurant. When Joon-gu serves them with tips for how to eat the dish correctly, Seung-jo can’t resist shooting a barb at Ha-ni at how great it must be that her boyfriend knows so much.

When Dad is released from the hospital, He-ra drops by to pay her respects. Mom, being firmly in Ha-ni’s camp, is delightfully aloof to her, greeting her with an indifferent “Oh, have we met? Perhaps you seem familiar. You must not have made an impression.”

He-ra isn’t intimidated, and nothing Mom says ruffles her good mood, not even when Mom lays out all Seung-jo’s faults, calling him selfish and haughty. She adds, “Seung-jo looks smart, doesn’t he? But he’s really stupid. He doesn’t know his own feelings.”

Mom’s strategy is about as smooth and subtle as a tap-dancer on crack, but funny enough, this is the one thing that seems to make an impact on He-ra — she recognizes the truth as Mom states that Seung-jo treats a person colder and meaner the more he likes them. Feelings aren’t easily solved like math problems, and he’s afraid of his being found out.

Afterward, Seung-jo faces off with his mother, calling her tactics childish. Although Mom takes him to task for lacking basic decency in bringing He-ra home when he knows how Ha-ni feels, Seung-jo insists that she stop interfering in his life now.

Despite her earlier conviction, Mom starts to feel doubt — she’d truly believed Seung-jo liked Ha-ni, but perhaps she was wrong. If that’s true, she fears she has wronged both Seung-jo and Ha-ni by forcing them together, and wrings her hands in guilt.

Eun-jo — who has been observing all this with a sharp eye — finally speaks up in order to get his mother to stop crying and announces, “He does like her.” He refuses to give any further explanation, but he asks Seung-jo if he really means to marry He-ra. Seung-jo replies that He-ra suits him and that he’ll probably grow to like her, but he doesn’t sound convinced so much as he’s trying to convince himself.

Little Bro is smarter than that, and doesn’t buy that at all — especially in light of the scene he witnessed in a previous episode. Now we see the scene from the woods, where Seung-jo had come upon a sleeping Ha-ni and kissed her. Eun-jo decides that his brother definitely does like Ha-ni, no matter what he says.

Thinking more about the proposal, Ha-ni asks her father how he’d feel if she dated Joon-gu. Dad answers essentially as her friends did — that Joon-gu is devoted to her and wouldn’t be a bad match.

Understanding that He-ra is the girl Seung-jo is thinking of marrying, Dad sighs that they shouldn’t have moved back to this house. Things will only continue to grow more awkward if they keep living here, and this is a good chance for them to think it over.

Seung-jo puts in a rare appearance at tennis club — looking around for Ha-ni, of course, only to be told that she’s been busy dating her boyfriend lately.

As he leaves, Min-ah and Ju-ri run into him and talk extra-loudly-on-purpose to make sure he hears that Joon-gu proposed to Ha-ni, and that she is supposed to give him her answer today. Seung-jo doesn’t give them the satisfaction of reacting, but this news does NOT make him happy.

Joon-gu treats Ha-ni to more new dishes, and hesitantly brings up his proposal from the other night, wondering if she’s thought it over. In spite of his willingness to be patient, he’s frustrated by her request for more time and reminds her that he’ll always be here for her, like a home — but a house that stands empty too long is no good, either. Better an empty house than one that caves in around you, I say.

A clap of thunder sends her recoiling in fright, and Joon-gu grabs her to make sure she’s safe — and that closeness prompts him to attempt a kiss. Ha-ni resists, but he’s caught up in his emotions and tries to move in anyway, and in the almost-struggle they both fall to the ground. Ha-ni shoves him away.

Joon-gu asks sadly if that means she’s saying no to him. Feeling guilty and upset, Ha-ni blurts out that she’s sorry and rushes out into the rain.

(Sigh — and you were doing so well, Duckie! Patience was suiting you so well, and then you had to go and get all Traditional Second Lead on us and try to force your suit. Don’t you watch dramas, ever?)

Ha-ni beats herself up about it on the way home, feeling guilty for raising Joon-gu’s expectations and then hurting him.

She finds Seung-jo waiting for her at the bus stop, and he gruffly offers her the cover of his umbrella (with a sharp look and the backhanded comment that he knew she’d be foolish enough to be without an umbrella).

As mean as ever, Seung-jo brings up Joon-gu’s proposal and prods her to explain. Losing patience, he snaps, “So what did you tell him?!”

Ha-ni retorts that her answer has nothing to do with him, and adds — to his shock — that she’s going to move out. She doesn’t want to be a hindrance to Seung-jo’s relationship, and now she’ll turn her attention to helping her father and Joon-gu. It all works out, since Dad likes Joon-gu.

Seung-jo looks at Ha-ni sharply and asks, “Do you like him?” Irritated at her yes, he asks if she is just going to like whoever likes her back.

But Ha-ni has tired of this one-sided love, and wants to be with someone who likes her back. She states, “I like Joon-gu.”

Seung-jo fires back, “You like me.” It’s both a statement and a command, and he follows that with the declaration that she can’t like anyone other than him. Frustrated, Ha-ni admits angrily that he’s right — she does still like him — “But what good is that?” After all, he won’t have anything to do with her, and he treats her like—

Dropping the umbrella, he grabs her in a kiss.

Pulling back, he instructs Ha-ni not to say that she likes anybody but him. Mollified, Ha-ni nods in agreement, then notes that this is their second kiss.

Smiling, he gathers her to his chest and corrects her: “It’s the third.” And then he adds, “It’s okay, you don’t have to count anymore.”


Okay, you got me there. Pretty awesome way to get Seung-jo to man up and make his confession, finally. It’s been mighty frustrating to watch Ha-ni pine over Seung-jo all this while, and while WE know that her love isn’t futile, SHE doesn’t. It’s been nearly painful at times to see her entertaining flimsy hopes in the face of such blatant (outward) disinterest.

I don’t actually have a problem with Ha-ni’s constant following around of Seung-jo, and I’ve long accepted that her persistence is just a part of her nature, so my issues with her weren’t based on that. What gets me is the idea that she has no sense of self without Seung-jo, that she doesn’t value herself as a human being if/when apart from him. There’s a sweet moment in this episode when she thanks Joon-gu for liking her so much, because it makes her feel “like a valuable person,” but that kind of thinking is like a slap in MY face, as someone who loves Ha-ni’s character for her heart and life. It hurts that she would buy into the idea that she isn’t worth a concern if she isn’t liked by a guy.

I was pretty irritated with Seung-jo in this episode, even though I knew that Big Moment was coming at the end of it (thanks, spoilers!), and I think you only get so many passes for being a socially awkward genius robot who treats people like crap due to a lack of artificial emotional intelligence. He gets some sympathy for being emotionally stunted, but let’s face it — the boy’s got a pretty privileged, cushy life. At a certain point you pass being a mere misunderstood hero to plain jerkface poopypants, and Seung-jo has long crossed that line with me.

(On a perfectly shallow note, I am willing to entertain the idea that I am possibly less forgiving because Seung-jo’s perm is straightening out. For some insane and unfathomable reason, without that head of messy curls, I just don’t find him as appealing. I KNOW! It’s weird.)

(Now, if only the sound in the ending scene were anywhere near halfway decent. Gah, I haven’t heard such atrocious sound engineering in a drama in perhaps ever — and certainly not at such a crucial moment. Can we get on that, drama crew, and fast?)


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The date scene with Joon-gu and Ha-ni killed me because they were so cute together. *Sigh* If it hadn't been for when Joon-gu was trying to force himself on her, I'd probably still be rooting for him, even though I know it's hopeless.

Did anyone else not like the scene where Hae-ra came to visit Seung-jo's family? Not because it was awkward, but I just felt really irritated with Seung-jo's mom. I know, that's how she is, she's helping to bring them together, blah, blah, blah, and normally I love her, but she was just really annoying to me. What she said about Seung-jo was right, but I think there was a better way she could have acted.

I was actually excited about the last scene, even though I knew what was coming (because EVERYONE kept talking about it) but something about it just throws me off. Seung-jo doesn't actually say he likes Ha-ni and I know it's implied, but I would have been more satisifed if he had said, "I like you," instead of, "You like me." I like the fact that he's being assertive about their relationship, but I feel like he's still putting pride first. You like me, and that's the end of it does not satisfy me. I guess that's what makes Seung-jo Seung-jo though. This is probably a big emotional leap for him, so I can somewhat accept it, though it still bothers me. He's changing a little bit, but I want more. Hopefully that will happen with the last three episodes.

On a totally superficial note, I want Seung-jo's permy hair back. I know lots of people hated it, but I loved it. Also, I think it would be totally appropiate since he and Ha-ni are now officially together.


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I want PERMY hair back too~


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Yeah I noticed the lack of those three words too. it would have been nice if he had said I like you after everything :(


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i thought eun jo was really cute and thoughtful in this episode.. the power of hani, her caring ways has also melted EJ's heart to become a more adorable kid! he'll grow up to be less robotic compared to SJ..


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lol.. so i'm not the only one to adore eun jo.. i was even about to write im in love with him but it sounds creepy even though i don't mean it in THAT way...
and yes, with the influence of hani, he hopefully won't be as cold as seungjo, especially since he imitates seungjo who is himself changing...
also, because he has less reason to be a jerk aside from being a bsj mini me.
seungjo is not only emotionally stunted but also mean because he is afraid of people leaving him like he experienced when he was a child but thankfully, eunjo doesnt have to experience that...
he has to be one of the cutest child actor out there...
hehe... future heartbreaker


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yup eun jo is the cutest!!!! i suddenly wish i have a brother like him!!!

as i mentioned in ockoala, he see right through his big bro's emotions. he is smarter then his genius bro when its comes to EQ's.


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Can I have Joon-gu? I much prefer him (plus, he can cook!). *sigh*


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love the kiss, hate the umbrella

PD please order your cameraman to focus on the kiss


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haha, that's exactly what I was thinking!!

Here, they have a pivotal moment going on... and what do they do? Pause to show us their umbrella. I mean, what in the what??


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thank u so much for the fast recap...so love the drama and the kiss...


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Um.. yeah.. I think Seung Jo HAS made many teeny tiny step toward this moment. If you haven't seen that, too bad, but I have. Maybe I'm the only one who is similar to him and I tease the crap out of the people I really like? He's definitely shown her more attention than anyone else. Anywho..

Yes.. I love this scene and the line "You can't love anyone else but me". It's beautiful. He knows that she literally CAN'T and he also knows that he needs that love in order to continue on. He NEEDS her. :)

And even though he hasn't said it yet.. I'm pretty sure deep down he's known it for a while.


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congratulations jb for another blockbuster recap...

some comments:

i agree with you about hani's self worth. this was my biggest issue with the other versions too. i was hoping they will fix it here.

to some of the commenters, please do not compare PK to TKA... that's unfair. compare with ISWAK but not to TKA because the relationships, hence the lovey-dovey is very different...

what i love about the korean version is the insights to Seung jo... he is not just a boy that ha-ni is blindly in love with... he is a character that i understand and can feel for. he is such a boy!!!

duckie is the star of this episode. when he is not fooling around, duckie is actually very handsome.... hotness!!! he got me when he said "just turn around so you will see me...." i love you duckie!!! why do i always fall for the second leads????? did i mention im in love with duckie???

mommy baek is scarry..... she is the best mother in law if she happens to like you but isnt she scarry if she doesnt.... shiver shiver shiver...

cant wait to watch for tomorrow.


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GF, I agree with every single word of your comments. I have been irritated by Ha Ni's inability to create her identity separate from Seung Jo. Yes, you can love a person, but you must also have your own identity. Ha Ni must have been someone before she had a crush on Seung Jo. I pity those who loses themselves when they fall in love. How can you forget who you are as a person? What if you break-up? Who are you then? I think that's a big problem with some relationships. People like that lose their identity when they marry or are in relationships and during the course of the relationship will start to feel like they don't know who they are anymore. If they don't feel like that during the relationship, they will come to realize that after the termination of the relationship. However, for some people they will just jump into the next relationship with the mentality of giving up their identity to be loved. People need to realize that before someone can love you, you need to love yourself first.

I'm happy that Ha-Ni slightly gave Seung Jo up and showed that she could move on. It shows that as much as she "love" Seung Jo she will not waste her life away by waiting for him. This shows that utter devotion will not bring you love; instead you must also show that you can be without that person. To some degree Ha Ni has become something that Seung Jo could always rely on. He knows that even if rejects Ha Ni she would still come back. Therefore, why should he bother to tell he likes her. He does have his reputation to maintain, right? This episode changes the tunes a little bit to show that even someone as devoted as Ha Ni could move on.


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You do realize that Ha Ni is only 19 years old. I really haven't met alot of 19 year olds who knows what they want except love.

Cut her some slack. If she were in her late 20s or something, then yeah...you can bash on her.


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I'm 21 and I wasn't like that when I was her age. I think everyone's different, but I don't think age is that important.

I know some 30 year olds who are like ha-Ni where some 19 year olds are very mature.

It just depends.


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i also know a lot of teens to early 20s who hate the hani-types, but then they become like hani once they mature (both in age and in perspective) more :)


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lol "on a perfectly shallow note"

i've been skimming this series and what annoys me about hani is that she doesn't seem to have a life of her own. trailing seung-jo around, like you said, is fine on its own. but it seems like her entire world revolves around what seung-jo does, what he eats, who he sees. when have we ever once seen her do something and live for herself? she even said she had a dream of becoming a nurse and seung-jo a doctor, and them working together.

not only do i despise female characters who put all their eggs into one basket and worship it like it was the buddha, but i always get the feeling that hani is lowering herself a notch in comparison to seung-jo. it seems like she only wants to become a nurse to be with seung-jo, but why can't she become a doctor too? it seems like she should challenge herself to the highest of heights. we saw this in high school too, when she was just happy to make it into the smart study class and didn't mind that she had just barely made it. she's too busy daydreaming over seung-jo.

lol there's my rant. i just hate female characters like this... however i acknowledge that there's still time for the drama to develop her character more in this aspect. and i guess jung so-min plays her with enough charm that it doesn't annoy me AS much as it could.

again thank you for all your recaps and this site, it's been one of my favorites since discovering it during BOF :)


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Two things that I love from this eps:

1. Eunjo comes to the rescue! Haha...I love how he blurts out telling mom to not cry coz Seungjo likes Hani :)

2. The kissing scene. After what happen with duckie in the restaurant (duckie, you disappoint me), Hani needs some comforts. Thus, I'm glad that instead of wild, the kissing is mild and yet passionate one.

I love how Seungjo smiles after the kiss and says, 'It's okay. You don't have to count anymore".

Yeah coz they're gonna have million of kisses in the future anyway...haha..


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"million of kisses"



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I was cursing BSJ this whole episode!!! my gosh I feel that I'm having heart attack because of Mr. Robot guy is being seriously mean to Hani. Good thing he realizes his feelings finally! otherwise it will be too late for him to confess. the whole kiss is okay, very sweet and the natural, unlike in ISWAK too much wet and kinda disgusting ewwww..hehehe sorry ISWAK fans, I admit the first few kisses are like wall kiss but this one is a big improvement for these two actors, I can't finally wait for the next episode! thanks for the recap!


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For me, the end was such a fail. There was no tension or drama. It's all the writers and director knew we knew what was coming and so did the actors, because Ha-ni and Seung-jo's voices sounded so flat and emotionless.

I don't know if I'm unconsciously comparing this scene to the one at the end of ISWAK which is packed with sexual tension and drama, but this scene just fell flat for me.
I wish Ha-Ni had a bit more of a backbone, maybe even some spite in her to be like, you know what, I'm tired of liking all on my own, so I'm going to live my own life. AND then he kisses her in defiance of that statement. But all she says is, yup, I like you, I'm lying when I saw I like Joon-Gu which is when the Robot decides to kiss her.

I dunno, I was thoroughly bored...I might be the only one though.


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why in the world do you bother wasting 13 hours of your life watching something that that you don't like or bores you?

lighten up...and stop watching.


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oohhh totally not. i don't really get taken in by kiss scenes very much (cos they pale in comparison to what i've got in real life hehe). but THIS! there was so much jealous tension and a sense of finality. finally Seungjo realises he cannot take her for granted when he thinks she might be marrying someone else. WAY TO GO OH HANI! so happy you didn't cave in straight away and slobber pathetically after him like you've been doing all series long. and when it finally hits seungjo when she declares that she likes joongu OH BOY he cannot have that!!! what you get is a kiss that speaks everything he has been feeling and hiding from her and from himself. well done baek seungjo!


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first because I almost lost hope that Seungjo will turn from his robotic self into his human form.
second because I was afraid it's gonna be just lips-to-lips and suddenly I was more concerned if Hani's still got her tongue after that;D or didn't suffocate.
third because JB had to recap this! we all know that GF mostly gets the more exciting "things" to recap since they happen in the latter of the two episodes during the week so I'm glad JB had her share! CELEBRATION TIME~! in the rain. with curly head. just you two. and me behind a tree.

on a side note: Eunjo, I love you. I really do. be my husband/son/brother, whatever. I just miss you when you're not there.

thank you for the recap JB!


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oh and I forgot to tell, very randomly, that I WANT THOSE GLASSES. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/javabeans122/drama/2010/kiss/pk1/pk13-00068.jpg and the ones Joongu has after that, with the beers!;D


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omo... those glasses are absolutely ADORKABLE...
me like as well... sign me in.

as for the song which played during their date... Proposal by Bye Bye Sea... tried to find it on soribada but i couldn't...
does anyone know how to find it? or did i type my hangul wrong? (청혼)
i really love the song.


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Merci buckets for recap so fast!

When they were all at the Baek house, I liked how BSJ yelled "Omani!" in defense of Hera, and himself. I had been saying, "OK, Mom, you'd better shut up soon!" because she was getting more overbearing than usual. I have to say the actress did a great job showing how frustrating parenting is. You know when you are right, but those darn kids won't admit it!!!

His mother's interference brings out the most interesting aspect of BSJ conflicted feelings for OHN.

Because he DOES like OHN, and has liked her for some time. BUT, he DOESN'T want his mother to control him. He doesn't want her to think she has won.
Most of what he said about HR, and his feelings about an possible marriage was directed at Momma Baek, not OHN.

So when he finally gives in to his feelings, he really is showing emotional growth. He is saying that his love for OHN is stronger than his wanting to be RIGHT.

I know my need to separate myself from my parents drove many of my actions when I was his age. He is allowing himself to be vulnerable for OHN. That is wonderful.

Totally agree on the RAIN!! They had better clean that up for the DVD, and repeats. It is ridiculously amateur.


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I feel like if this drama had more compelling music that went along with the scenes, it would have been better.


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agreed! the pitter patter of rain was most annoying >_>


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Great recap! I liked this episode a lot. I never get excited about kdrama kissing scenes because they almost always suck. The one in personal taste almost blew me away because it was so not kdrama-like. :) Is it because Koreans are so conservative? Why do they keep having romantic drams with leads who are clearly afraid to touch each other? The guys kiss weird and girls balls up their hands and hunch away like it smells bad or something. Everyone is talking about KHJ's kiss here but notice how Hani places her hands and balls them up like she is afraid to touch? I noticed that in the hospital scene she hugged the little boy...and it looked so "fake Beverly Hills shoulder grab" I wanted to laugh. Let's be fair, it's hard to show any sort of chemistry at all when both the leads are afraid of catching cooties.

Kdrama land needs a skinship class in it's acting curriculum.


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I agree that the way female leads mostly react to kisses in k-dramas are akward, but I can somewhat understand where it comes from. When I read the fanacc of how they filmed this particular kiss, I got horrified. You have to kiss a man who's loved by almost the whole country and there are at least 50 fangirls behind you screaming their heads off because you're touching their idol. I know they should be professional about it but the pressure must be so high that it might show undirectly in these small reactions. No wonder the chemistry washes off quickly if they have to film it at least 10times.
On the other hand, if I were to kiss KHJ and then die because of the fangirls, I'd do it right - at least I'd have some fun before they chop my head off.;D


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I suppose you have a point. Having to kiss some hot guy over and over while his fangirls stand bye screaming murder...I think I would risk it. I understand the reason they keep getting idols for these dramas but it's frustrating. Just limit them to disney shows where they won't have to kiss or touch and can stand around and look pretty.


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So, we've all waited for this moment -- this KISS! It was sweet but lacked a bit of chemistry, no? The editing of the rain/sound was horrible at the end! Did they did not review it before airing it?!

I have to say Duckie is such a cutie & I hope to see more of him in future projects!


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I think, BSJ invited Ha Ni to lunch with him and He Ra because he misses her, and he's sweet in that way. Like you said he's as emotionally developed as an eight year old boy.

I actually liked that part more than the kiss scene, it's kind of a tell tale of SJ's repressed feelings and how his insecurity shows that he's losing his foothold on Ha Ni's eternal adulation.

DRAMABEANS, you're becoming my daily caffeine fix. Thanks!


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Thanks for the recap.

I'm beginning the think I haven't truly seen the episode until I've read the recap.

Today I was like the folktale fox caught between the grapes on the vine and their reflection in the water. I couldn't decide what I should do first, watch the subtitled episode or read the recap.

Because I can be a little impatient, I had watched the raw episode earlier. I was very disappointed. I didn't understand a word that was said and thought that BSJ hadn't worked hard enough to win OHN. (Yes I know, she didn't need winning)

However, after watching the subtitled episode, I'm beginning to reconsider. There were some interesting nuances.

1. YHR attempts to get some of BSJ spite directed at her. I think she figured out the way to hold his fascination was to be imperfect, hence "I'm not good with chopsticks"

2. BSJ looking around for OHN at the dining table only to discover that she had gone out on a date.

3. BSJ inviting OHN on his date with YHR. [What' up with that?]

4. BSJ haunting the tennis court looking for OHN.

I would find this romance much more satisfying if at some point they showed what led up to BSJ waiting at the bus stop. A scene of him desperately looking for OHN in the rain before realizing he could intersect hat the bus stop would make me VERY happy.

And that would have added some satisfying heat to the kiss. But, while it wasn't perfect, the confession was in character with BSJ, and we must remember the cool, smart, dispassionate BSJ was who OHN fell in love with.


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This is just a copy and paste of another comment I made... I will write more later on as I have many things to say on this episode but this week has been exhausting for me...
I loved this episode, expectations lowered or not, comparison with ISWAK withstanding or notwithstanding. I didn’t want to raise my expectations but found myself increasingly hyped as the teasers/previews/photos poured out until by the time I finally watched the episode, I was already in a high state of anticipation. And still, I wasn’t disappointed and squealed like mad not only at the end, but also during all the cute/sad/maddening moments in the episode.
KHJ had received many criticism for his acting in general, and in the rain scene in particular. I didn’t feel the same… As I have always stated, I’m not his fan, nor do I think his acting is anywhere near what it should be. However, because HE, KHJ, is awkward, HE fits BSJ’s personality perfectly. The blank look on his face is a perfectly believable reaction, even if not enough “satisfying” for some. Having a brother with the same social awkwardness, I can say that his portrayal of such a character is perfectly authentic I sometimes wonder if he is not acting and actually being himself. I also find it not a necessity for the two to be yelling at each other. Seungjo being who he is, just snapping out of frustration is already his equivalent of fury. As for Hani, she is resigned so why would she shout. The way ISWAK executed the scene was fine (and still one of the most memorable scenes in any dramas I’ve watched) but the subdued, but nevertheless emotionally charged korean scene delivered just as much. Like I said somewhere else, sometimes, the suppression of emotions can seem even more explosive than an outburst of them. As for the kiss in itself, it wasn’t forceful (which worked for ISWAK) but tender which in this case, worked perfectly for PK and is equally squeal-worthy. As for the aftermath, I LOVED the way KHJ’s eyes expressed his joy, and gentleness towards Hani. For a boy who still can’t act that well, it is quite a feat. Quite honestly, I am a bit tired of all the comparisons (especially the negative ones… haha. sorry, I’m totally subjective here) made between ISWAK and PK. In a sense, they are almost two entirely different dramas, or genre/style, from the way they are executed. You know, like comparing the two Iljimae and RoI, but less extreme than that.
As for Joongu, my heart broke, several times for him. For Haera, I still respect the way she acts with Seungjo. In a way, I wish I could behave like either Haera or Hani, both with the one I would like.
Some blame BSJ for acting like an ass… and I too feel like he was a jerk. However, I am more inclined to excuse him or rather, perhaps bear with it more, mainly because his reason is more than him being emotionally stunted. In his childhood, his friends who said they liked him left and mocked him and I believe that he is still now scared of that happening to him again. In a way, that’s why he would rather push Hani away.
Haha… for a supposedly “short” comment from tired me, this is quite a rant… guess I still had some energy left in me. or more likely, I seem to be inexhaustible whenever PK is concerned.
I am starting to think that even episodes are edited by an editor and odds one by a monkey. i don't wish anyone to lose their job so i suggest editing classes to mr. odd editor. if it IS really a monkey, then I don’t mind firing it. not likely though. I’m not sure I remember all episodes but I still remember the VAST improvement from ep 1 to ep 2 and one of the episodes that impacted me the most remain ep 8, and 10, both of which are even numbers. Sigh. The curse of odd numbers. If my memory serves right, the same thing happened with BOF.
and now, my brain seriously needs some rest, aka another round of KHJ’s jawline before I come back him and spam some more.


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I have heard a lot of carping about KHJ's acting on his blog, but I don't get it. I think that the actor served the script well. If he played the character as more emotionally available, more emotionally expressive, then what change would we see OHN bring about in him. The frequency of his smile towards the end of the series indicates growth. I hate bad acting, but I can't complain about the work done in PK.

Also, since I am bucking trends right now, I might as well say I like the bears. I think they are adorable.


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"I am starting to think that even episodes are edited by an editor and odds one by a monkey. i don’t wish anyone to lose their job so i suggest editing classes to mr. odd editor. if it IS really a monkey, then I don’t mind firing it."

That is funny.

Now, I do think you should spare some sympathy for the very talented monkey that edits the odd episodes. Editing is a precise skill, and although monkeys have opposable thumbs, their fine motor skills don' compare to human being's. So the monkey editor is actually doing a fine job considering his inherent disadvantages.


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yours is even funnier! kuddos! XD


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loved this episode! such a hottie! ^^


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With PK, I also feel like I just ran a marathon and the kiss-in-the-rain was my finish line.

I think I just about went through the whole gamut of emotions with this drama, from nervous anticipation to initial disappointment with the first few eps, to pleasantly surprised and falling in love with a curly-haired robot, to stalking blogs, writing long commentaries, and contemplating about feminism, Sartre, existentialism --- yesss, all that and more. What started out as a mild addiction to all things pluffy turned into another level of emotional investment entirely.

But having crossed that finish line, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and say that I am done with The Thinking. Now I fully intend to bask in The Shallow again and indulge that 15-year old in me who's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her crush's name, that girl who missed classes just to watch Clueless whilst clutching an old copy of Pride and Prejudice inside the theater. Now I don't even care about the plot anymore or the horrible editing, I'm just waiting for The Cute. Ha.

That said, can we talk about KHJ's sexy jawline? I cannot, for the life of me, take my eyes off that jawline while he was kissing Hani in the rain. ;)


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"That said, can we talk about KHJ’s sexy jawline? I cannot, for the life of me, take my eyes off that jawline while he was kissing Hani in the rain"



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yay!...I can finally breath lol....took them long enough


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while we wait for GF's recap... ockoala's for ep 14 is out..
you can check it at ockoala.wordpress.com


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OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This episode was A-MAZ-ING!!!!!!!!!!!! I found my constantly talking to the computer. Not only that but i watched the kiss scene like 10 times. The first time i actually had to go out and get air (i think i have a serious problem). Sigh so good so good. I'm psyched for the next episode and wondering what the final 3 episodes are ganna have in them since the whole romance issue is sorted out (at least with Ha Ni and BSJ) AAARRRRRGHHHHH I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^


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I think that the ending (kiss) was too short and stuff. It was not very dramatic or emotional. I felt it could've been done better. But I love it anyways, haha!


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Fast recap JB! Thank you!!

EunJo was sweet in this episode...He wanted BSJ to admit he likes OHN. Aww...has she grown on you too "mini BSJ"?

The recap of the forest kiss was cute. BSJ holding his finger up to his lips to tell EunJo to keep quiet. That was just endearing to me.

"Team Genius Robots" (great one JB!) & "Nothing good happens at the river" :)

My favorite part:
'Smiling, he gathers her to his chest and corrects her: “It’s the third.” And then he adds, “It’s okay, you don’t have to count anymore.” '

I do have to admit that I was wanting/hoping for more of a "Goong-esque" kiss to happen here. I mean, that kiss in Goong was HOT (am I right???) and I so wanted BSJ to live up to that kiss. Alas, all kisses aren't equal. That being said, DAYUM -- The kiss was good! I read some comments above that it wasn't good enough. I just think that it was perfect for "Robot Boy".

My stomach did flip flops all day just remembering the kiss scene. Much improved over those so-called kisses of his in BOF.

When he said she didn't have to count anymore...I could've died & I did cry a little.


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This show is really about how a real relationship would work. I always keep this to myself but I feel like I want to share my real sentiment that I get from this wonderful story; from a big heart Oh Ha Ni and a troubled genius Baek Seung Jo…

Oh Ha Ni is a giver; with a big heart and an innocent mind of a child. The kind of person who will probably lend you a helping hand when she encounters people in trouble. She helps out without having the other to ask. She helps without having something in return. As she was raised without a mother, she aware that love isn’t just about receiving, love is more when you can give and that is the reason why she has a big heart to share with others. I would have to disagree, when it is said that OHN has no sense of self-value; especially that scene where OHN was really overwhelmed when receiving such big appreciation from BJG (Who is another perfect example of a giver). She is not familiar with that kind of feeling as she is a giver herself. She felt overwhelmed by the big gesture not because that she didn’t have any sense of self-value, it’s because she didn’t need that kind of gesture. Her values is felt when she offers others something. That’s what makes her feel special. And that’s why she identified BJG as someone who is familiar like herself, who gives comfort to others; like a family. She sees BJG as herself. However, there is a problem since OHN ability is limited, that’s probably the reason why she takes notice of BSJ in the first place; someone who is perfect-genius who can offer so much more than anyone can. And she attracted more to BSJ as he is not a giver type. She feels that she can give him something instead. Thus makes her feels special; even more special, when she receives something back from BSJ; even if just so little. For a non-giver to give something back, it’s a miracle. And OHN is thrilled to be a part of it.

Yup, Baek Seung Jo is more of a receiver. Ever since his bad history of growing up, he walls himself of from others. He is the kind of person who needs a helping hand, but won’t ask for it. He is the kind of person who won’t offer help unless it was requested or needed. Yup, someone has to reach out to him; someone like OHN (a giver). The word share only exists in a dictionary and not in his mind/heart. He is used to be on the other end, as he has everything that he ever needed. He is comfortable living with receiving so many. When he met OHN, he is overwhelmed with a new feeling to give something back to others. She gets under his skin. That’s why he resisted a lot when OHN asked him to help her with her grades; or help her friends and the whole class. But through that process, with OHN, BSJ finds his little satisfaction in giving something back to others. Only the problem with BSJ is he doesn’t know how. So he needs OHN helping hand to reach out to him. Same thing with YHR (another example of a receiver), BSJ identifies her as his other self who is capable to offer more to others. She also has everything. And like BSJ, YHR somehow look for that feeling to give something back, particularly to BSJ; only she doesn’t know how or what; since he is as capable as her. What can she offer to someone who is already has everything? That’s why when BSJ was doing stuff for her or pleasing her; she doesn’t feel extra special at all. It just won’t work.

What irks me is that, people always say that OHN, who is clinging to BSJ most of the time, loses her identity. That she won’t make it if BSJ leaves her or dies or anything that keep them apart. I on the other hand think it’s the other way around. BSJ is the one who will be needed her the most. It is BSJ who won’t make it if OHN isn’t around. OHN is always fine even before she knew him. Her involvement with BSJ is to assist him in finding himself, including finding her own as well in the process. Her identity or self-value is still remain the same as the ones who give out a helping hand; her identity as giver.

The hands that give are far better than the ones who receive.


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Well said! I completely agree with you.


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"The hands that give are far better than the ones who receive."


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hear! hear!

- It is BSJ who won’t make it if OHN isn’t around. -

>> my sentiments exactly! Ha-ni is the sunshine that brings light & life to Seung-jo.. and he admits it in the following ep. :D


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JB thanks for the recaps. I'm 'watching' through the recaps.


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I'm not really going to compare the two cause I think they are different and meant to be different. I remember that A/J saying that they had a hard time hearing each other in the rain and I think that editing wasn't all that great. So I don't really love this one.

K version I think is just fine the way it is. Just judging by the tone of the entire series, I wasn't expecting too much. And the actress is pretty young right? So I think it's fits just fine. Did I love it? Not particularly - I wasn't all that moved but still I think it's fitting.


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Watching episode 14 right now! I'm giggling and muffling my screams of joy so as not to alarm the neighbors! I LOVE PK!!!! What is it about this show that causes me to act like I'm 13 again, instead of nearly 25?


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Haha I hear you!


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My best friend and I also can't understand why we are still giggling about this drama even though we are almost 25 years old,lol


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jb, i really like how you recap this drama. you grasp the subtlety and nuances well and convey them to us, your readers, in a nice and witty way and make us better understand the story. also, your comments are insightful even though i may not agree with you on some points.

in this episode, i remember having a more subdued mood while watching compared to reading your recaps. and although i am liking this show a lot, and there will be no recap that can really replace the actual episode especially in this kind of small-on-plot-show, i sometimes feel more excited reading your recaps. so here is a big THANKS to you.


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As for me, that kiss was a winner. Lips were in action (surprise, surprise as I was expecting the kdrama cold kiss of death, your-breath-stinks lips-barely-touching kind), eyes were closed (no wide-eyed lady here, OHN really felt that one, and responded!), bodies were "nearly" touching (or was that OHN just clutching the front of BSJ's shirt? either way, at least some form of skinship was involved), and a full-body hug from both parties (not the kind where lady is wood-stiff and for the life of her wouldn't even deign reach around and hug her man back--yes, I'm talking about you Pal-Gang sshi of WUAS)!
The editing and sound were just terrible at the end, but for me, that moment was just perfect- no histrionics, but the quietness was so real; it was low-key, but intense.. If I were in OHN's shoes, I wouldn't want it any other way.
And who taught that boy KHJ how to kiss?? THAT was not a beginner's kiss! That was a-- well, who am I kidding? I'ms sure he's had lots of practice elsewhere.. eek!
On the other hand, although there were plenty of tear-worthy scenes in this episode, the only part where water actually leaked from mine eyes was---when I watched the preview and saw how Duckie's face fell when he saw that BSJ and OHN are finally together. That just broke my heart; it's too sad and too bad for Duckie who tried so hard with his love.. And I don't think this drama can even give him a Duckie worthy ending as there's just NOT ENOUGH TIME. Argh!

Thanks so much for the recap JB!


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Smiling, he gathers her to his chest and corrects her: “It’s the third.” And then he adds, “It’s okay, you don’t have to count anymore.” - quote

*smiling from ear to ear* :D

I was planning on launching some hate-rants in the wake of the previous episode, but somehow this statement [the one I quoted] just melts all the anger out :) like I was reminded why I always loved this drama ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥

thanks for this recap, JB!


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I do have to say that the dude playing Joon-gu is soooooo much better than Jiro was in taiwan version. Even though you know the story you want him to get the girl, he's just so damn lovable.


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this episode and the next made me squeal like a little fan girl


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Thanks for the recap!

I always feel sorry for you since you already stated to not compare this version to other versions and still, people give comment about that and as a result, it became spoilers to you :)


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Luv Luv Luv Luv Luv Luv!!!! :) i hope there's english subs soon!


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Hi Queen Pinay
U can watch english sub at Viikii.net


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Comments have been made about HJL's stone faced expression especially for the critical scenes in Ep 13 & 14 ( sorry for spoiler for some ) ie the KISS scene and the ensuing proposal scene back at home. Initially, I thought likewise that his emoting was rather flat but on reviewing and some thought to BSJ's character, how do you emote

1) when an emotionally dysfunctional genius suddenly finds the ON button to the Love
2) when all your reason and defenses all come crashing down
3) when you are totally consumed by the Jealousy bug and you can't even put a name to it ( if I recall, it was his former rival in love who nailed it for somewhere in the course of his marriage ). And we have an inkling of how BSJ reacts to this
4) when you think you've lost the love of your life and it's all too late ( Hani didn't put him out of his suffering before the Kiss )

Combine all 4 together = Stone face

Regardless I enjoyed Ep 13 & 14 immensely and overall, HJL did justice to the role of BSJ in PK. I like the human touches he injected into the character.


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Turning point of this whole drama, finally!
Loved the Dialouge in this episode.
What BGJ says is always just right. <3


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I hate Seung Jo's ties in this episode. And that horrible jacket with a white line too. O_O he was always dressed so well...


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JB, your recaps are immensely more artful and entertaining than the episodes you recap.

Unfortunately, it seems Japan and Taiwan's renditions of this famous anime has entirely ruined me for this drama. As much as I like HJ and think his acting in later eps have improved, did not have high expectations, like many of the actors in the drama...I can not connect in anything other the shallowest of feelings.

I don't know if its the haphazard way the drama seems to piece plot points together, or the often abrupt way characters seem to show emotion, or if the 2 pivotal kiss scenes (1st prank kiss, and 3rd rain kiss) was so disappointing...but I simply shook my head too many times to count. With such a successful & classic story to back the drama up, they still manage to miss the aura/fireworks needs for climatic scenes. *sigh* Gosh, I feel like I've became embittered. Oh well, at least it doesn't affect my affections for HJ and appreciation for the other casts.


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Unlike Java, I have been the most frustrated with this episode out of all. Any fan of ISWAK will tell you that the rain scene is a quintessential turning point in the relationship. I don't know if it is a cultural thing, but BSJ's calm and commanding tone did NOT sit well with me at all. Someone said Joe acted out of character during this scene in ISWAK, but I think it was perfect. It is a BIG deal for BSJ to overcome his denial of his feelings for Hani, so his reaction should reflect as such. We gotten a bigger rise out of him for much less. The whole ordeal left me beating my chest in frustration in the end. UGH!


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I am totally loving playful kiss! Finally, there's some improvement already on Seung Jo!!!


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Does anyone know what is the model of the phone that the actors are using in this kdrama?


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it's called anycall nori
it was sponsored by 2pm before.


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thanks for your reply about the phone :)


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lol. you're welcome.


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I love Kim Hyun Joong. The only reason I am watching this show is because of Kim Hyun Joong. Most times, i can't bear to watch the girl make a fool of herself. What a pathetic excuse for a being. She is an idiot! If I were a man, I wouldn't fall in love with this pathetic loser. Ugh!!! Am glad this is ending soon. Kim Hyun Joong should accept a better project next time.


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loooooooooove the song of the day!


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Jealousy was the answer to everything after all. He had to be jealous ENOUGH to confess! Loved the ending of this episode a lot....

and it's dejavu with the umbrella =)


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