Secret Garden: Episode 4

I didn’t necessarily get the “you’re prettier when you’re angry” thing, but I definitely get it now… Joo-won and Ra-im are totally angry-hot, as in having especially explosive chemistry… when they’re at each other’s throats. I mean, I always knew the bickering hate phase was intended to spark a few flames, but these two are downright X-rated. I swear, every time they yell at each other, I half expect them to rip each other’s clothes off. Whew! Is it getting hot in here?


Joo-won sees Ra-im standing in his department store, and takes her up to his office to talk. He can’t believe that she came all the way down here, just to pick up a stupid raffle prize, as if her desire for a free vacuum cleaner is a direct affront to him. Did you maybe stop to think she came here to see YOU, doofus?

She asks if maybe he put her name into the drawing, and he scoffs that he doesn’t have the time to do something like that, and belittles her coldly, that he really must’ve been crazy to fall for a woman without family or education, who’d come all the way here to claim some dinky vacuum cleaner. Oh, you are an ASS.

Ra-im’s jaw drops as she hears the angry, haughty words come out of his mouth, which he even repeats, just to get his point across, adding that she’s embarrassing him at work. For someone so obsessed with manner and upbringing, you really are the biggest asshole of them all. No doubt he’s reacting in this childish way to cover up his own insecurities and troubling obsession, but still. If it walks like an ass and talks like an ass…

Ra-im steels herself and then apologizes, retaliating with a, “You said I’m pretty when I’m angry, but I’m pretty when I smile too, right?” Heh. If you’re planning to make him more obsessed with you for revenge, that’s pretty ingenious, but a little passive for my taste. I prefer it when you kick him in the shins. She insists on taking the vacuum cleaner, just to prove a point.

She says that if he’s that embarrassed, he can tell everyone that she was just someone he played with and threw away. He flares up at those words, saying that he can’t, and drags her down to the department store. He starts throwing shoes and clothes at her feet, angrily yelling, “Play? Play with you? You’re not even at the level for me to play with!”

Dude, you are taking rich bastard to new heights. He basically throws the evidence down at her feet, of how far apart they are in social standing. It’s beyond insulting—it’s degrading and hurts her where she’s most insecure.

He grabs a dress and drags her into a dressing room to put it on. He follows her in there, and they end up face to face in that tiny space, within kissing distance and tension flaring high. Gah, it’s unfair if you’re evil AND sexy. That’s just not right.

He tells her to put it on: “Should I put it on for you?” He reaches to undress her, and she stops him angrily. She asks him what he’s trying to prove—what he’ll do with her if she puts on the dress. He replies that he’ll do nothing; he’s just trying to show her how far apart they really are. Listen, if all you’re doing is trying to prove that you’re unattainable, you’re sending a girl mixed messages, what with your stalking of her and all. I know you’re nuts, but that’s no excuse.

Beads of sweat start to pour down his face, as he looks up at the four walls of the tiny dressing room, realizing how small a space he’s in, all the while trying not to lose the argument. You’re the one who pushed her in there, Mr. Claustrophobia. He holds his panic in for just a moment longer, and then can’t stand it anymore and pushes her aside to clamor out of there. He runs out, barely breathing, and has a panic attack in the middle of his store.

Ra-im leaves in a daze, and arrives at the action school, late for training. She decides to spend a few hours taking out her frustrations…by hurling herself at a car. Repeatedly. Sheesh. I guess stunt people can’t just punch a wall or something.

Meanwhile, Joo-won drives home, and has another panic attack in the middle of a tunnel. It’s a nice visual sequence, and the tunnel is great literally and figuratively as a motif for his fear of being trapped. He barely manages to make it out to the other side, and pulls over on the side of the road. He calls number 1 on his speed dial: his therapist. God, I love that his shrink is speed dial 1. That’s so telling.

She comes over to check on him, but because they’re old friends, he refuses to actually tell her what’s going on with him. I’d like to ask his shrink, but I bet half the stuff he suffers from is made up in his head to give him an excuse to keep himself locked away. He finally tells her not to think of him strangely, since he just read it in a book, but…”What are the symptoms of lovesickness?” Hahahaha. His sincerity about this just cracks me up.

Later, he sits outside in his garden, and starts picking the petals off a flower, saying, “She’s cursing at me, she’s not; she is; she’s not…” until he picks the final one, landing at: “She is.” He gets mad at her for cursing him (in his mind, but that seems to be no different for him, hilariously), and stalks off angrily. Heh.

As he walks away, the camera pans down and we see that he’s left a giant pile of those yellow daisies, having plucked the petals off of a hundred of them. Little twinkly lights start to work their magic on the daisy patch, and one lands on the last flower that he dropped, magically re-growing one last petal. Aw, cute.

And how adorable is it that the guy’s the one killing flowers over “She loves me; she loves me not”?

The next morning, Joo-won wakes up to find that Seul’s family has sent him a strange present, out of the blue. He walks outside to find himself face to face with a herd of…deer? He asks if he’s supposed to eat them (to the horror of his assistant: “Omo”) and tells him to send them back. It’s a totally random, hilarious comment on the oddities that rich people spend their money on.

He gets a call for his monthly obligatory family dinner, and heads over to his grandfather’s mansion, where everyone takes turns being passive-aggressive over the steak course. With a family like this, I’m surprised Joo-won doesn’t have a few more neuroses under his belt. In particular, he gets outed for only showing up to work two days a week, making his disappointed grandfather even more disappointed in him.

Also, random fashion note, but how neurotic and nerdy is it that he’s wearing three highlighters in his pocket as an accessory?

Oska goes all the way down to Jeju to find Tae-sun, who rebuffs him yet again, this time acknowledging who he is, but saying that it doesn’t make his music any less crappy. Oska just stands there slackjawed, unfamiliar with people who don’t worship at his feet for being a Hallyu star. I love that he constantly refers to himself as “The Hallyu Star,” making him just that extra bit of ridiculous self-aggrandizing.

Oska has punked out on his music video shoot in Thailand, but it doesn’t seem to matter much to the director, who has washed his hands of the project at Seul’s request. Or rather, her payment of large sums of money. She takes over the music video, with the excuse that she doesn’t need to spend any time improving her looks or her schooling, so she may as well have some fun. Oh, okay, princess.

She goes straight to Jong-soo’s action school, embarrassing herself with her VERY LOUD and off-putting use of English. Gah, the horror! I’m cleaning my ears out with soap. Jong-soo replies, but looks at her strangely, as well he should. Because girl’s off her rocker. She asks for his help in the music video shoot, announcing that Oska is the star.

Ra-im continues to work out her angst, thinking back to the department store fight with Joo-won. As she was leaving earlier, she had paused in front of a mirror, holding the dress up wistfully. I like these little touches that reveal her girly side, that she doesn’t show to anyone.

Her roommate Ah-young arrives home with the dreaded vacuum cleaner in tow, causing Ra-im to freak out that she accepted it on her behalf. She calls Joo-won right away, who goes from brooding to instant happy face when he realizes that she’s calling.

But of course he can’t let HER know his excitement, and just snaps at her to return it herself or throw it away if she doesn’t want it. He hangs up abruptly and returns to the task of art-buying with a renewed sense of interest. He even starts seeing the paintings differently, now that Ra-im is back in his orbit. Heh. And aw.

He insists that the house in one of the paintings had its lights on a minute ago, making everyone think that he’s insane, but we see that it’s the same bit of whimsy that’s been re-petaling the daisies and such in his life, having a bit of fun.

Ra-im heads out to give Joo-won a piece of her mind, and when Ah-young tells her that he isn’t at work today, she calls her action school sunbae to get Joo-won’s address off of his registration form. Jong-soo overhears and hangs his head.

Joo-won, meanwhile, sits on his patio with sheets blowing in the wind and desserts and…wait…did I fall asleep and land in some fantasy? He is totally going to such lengths on purpose, waiting for her to show. (Also, he happens to be reading a book about why there are starving people in the world, as if he can read a book to study her, like she’s some social experiment.)

Ra-im rides in on her motorcycle, vacuum strapped to the back. She marvels at the expansive grounds as she rides around, and stops to ask an employee where Kim Joo-won lives. The lady’s like, um…here. Ra-im: “I know here, but which house is his?” “They’re ALL HIS.” Haha.

She finally finds him, and throws the vacuumn down at his feet, demanding to know what he meant by sending it to her. Oh, honey. Don’t you know when a boy is pulling your pigtails? He did it so you’d do this.

She leaves it there and turns to go, when she hears a splash. She turns around to find the vacuumn floating in his lake, and Joo-won sitting there without a care. He tells her that he doesn’t need it, so if she wants it, she can fish it out herself.

She looks at him in shock, then walks right into the lake and hauls the box out, carrying it back to her bike. It’s enough to finally get Joo-won out of his seat and yelling at her. He can’t believe that she’d go in there herself, instead of making him apologize. (And you couldn’t have, say, apologized yourself WITHOUT the tantrum?) Sheesh. He basically calls her a charity case, making her feel as low as she can go.

She fights him off and to keep her from leaving, he grabs her key and throws it in the lake. You are so transparent, buddy. He ends up dragging her into the house to get cleaned up (rawr), only to come face to face with his dragon lady mother. Damn it, Mom. You have the worst timing ever.

She glares a hole through Ra-im’s skull, making it all too clear that she’d rather her precious son play with others “at his level.” Shivers. Now we know where his horrid snobbery comes from. Ra-im insists that she’s not here to play, and that she dare not deign to be someone that Joo-won sees romantically, since she’s just a charity case (nice job, to use his words back at him). Mom is offended at her tone and the mere presence of a poor person, and sneers as Ra-im makes her exit, even as Joo-won ineffectually tries to stop his mother.

He’s interrupted with a call that Oska has gone AWOL to Jeju, and does some damage control. Looks like the music video will have to be shot there, along with the department store contest, since that lands him in Jeju anyway. He comes out to find Ra-im’s bike still there, and jumps into the lake to retrieve her key.

Ra-im returns to the action school to find the guys planning a car stunt for Oska’s music video shoot in Jeju, and excitedly asks what part she’ll get to play. Jong-soo tells her that she doesn’t have enough experience with car stunts, and when she begs him for the chance, he snaps at her that it’s too dangerous; he can barely tolerate the danger she puts herself in now, but he does it because it’s what she wants to do.

Jong-soo broods for a while, then calls Ah-young for a favor. He gives her a purse for Ra-im, and has her pretend that she bought it for her at work. Ra-im swoons from the pretty. See, this is why you’ll never get the girl, Tall dark and handsome. Because even though Joo-won is a petty bastard, he’ll take credit and endure the backlash. Silent protector never wins against self-righteous asshole. I know. It’s unfair. But them’s the rules.

Oska calls Joo-won from Jeju, having landed himself in jail for an altercation with some gangsters. He’s being extorted for harassing a woman, but he tells Joo-won: “You know me. If I sleep with a girl, I sleep with her. But I’m not the type to harass.” Haha. I love that he’s so forthright—he is who he is.

Joo-won makes sure that he’s repaid, tit for tat, and has his lawyer sent to bail him out. He asks Secretary Kim about the winner of the trip to Jeju, and finds out that the first- and second-place winners had to forfeit out, so that leaves third place, which is Ra-im of course, former winner of the vacuum cleaner, now upgraded to vacation with her favorite pop singer.

Joo-won immediately cries, “NO! Send the fourth-place winner!” But she’s already gone, because her stunt team is down there for the music video shoot. Joo-won: “So, what you’re telling me is…Oska and Ra-im are on a vacation, and I’M paying for it?!” Haha. Well, that’s karma for ya, babe.

Ra-im arrives on the island and sneaks a peek at her stunt team, who report to Seul for the shoot. Well this isn’t going to get complicated or anything.

Oska sees Ra-im lurking and greets her warmly, surprised that she’s the winner of the contest. He warns her that he believes in fate, and invites her to lunch. He chomps down on some tofu in the meanwhile (having just gotten out of jail) and when Ra-im asks why, he says, “Because I stole something. Someone’s…heart?” Hahaha. Cheesetastic, as always.

They head over to the restaurant for lunch, where Joo-won is waiting for them. Ra-im’s eyes widen, and he smirks, “You’re ten minutes late.”


The maneuvering of every single character to Jeju is clunky, but I do love Joo-won’s reaction to realizing that he just sent his crush on her dream vacation with her idol, and his lifetime rival…on his dime. It’s as delicious a revenge as you can get, for the assholery that went on throughout this episode.

Which isn’t to say that I hate Joo-won, because I love his character, with all of his rich boy eccentricities and girlish affectations. I like the little touches, like the fact that he cares enough to accessorize his outfits down to every last detail, or that he always has fresh flowers nearby. Ra-im in contrast is so oblivious to the kinds of things he puts so much painstaking care into, that it actually angers him—because he can’t control the situation. She’s outside his wheelhouse, which throws him, and he can’t control his feelings, which is even stranger. It’s the perfect wrench to throw in the neurotic control-freak’s world, made even more delicious by the crackling sexual tension that they can’t ignore.

I seriously feel invasive when I’m watching the close-quarters angry fighting scenes, because they play it like they’re two seconds away from tearing their clothes off. The acting in those moments is so amazingly layered, from both of them. They go from I hate you, you disgusting excuse for a human being, to Kiss me now, and I’ll forget it all in a matter of seconds, in just a look. It’s crazy good.

What’s great about the pair is that they’re both incessantly stubborn (Joo-won’s haughty stubborn versus Ra-im’s prideful stubborn) that it seems like if left to their own devices, these two would NEVER work out their differences. Neither of them would give an inch, ever, and even if their fights landed them in bed, they’d never be able to sustain a relationship that way.

It makes the body switch necessary, if we ever want to see them grow up, and start to inch toward understanding one another and their circumstances. By now I’m dying for the switch to happen, not because I don’t enjoy this stage, but because I can see the potential hijinks around the corner.

And I actually really like the unexplained, whimsical magic fairy dust or whatever you want to call it. Because this isn’t a mythology-laden show with a gumiho that needs a mystical throughline, I prefer it that the magical element is just left oblique, without driving an explanation into the ground. It can just be seen as an extension of Fate, with sprinkles on top.


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I'm so loving this drama...the tension is killing me! Everytime they face-off, I'd go "get a room already!" Joowon's such an ass but he is so charmingly eccentric that you'd half forget his rich bastard actions. And the visuals are stunning. It's subtle but it is so great!

I love 2010 kdramas! It's been an amazing year and Athena hasn't even aired yet! And thanks JB & GF for recapping most of the good ones!!!


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this drama sure knows how to keep me on my toes ! ;-)


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Thanks GF for an awesome recap.

When I saw the petal pulling scene I wondered what fateful thing that he wanted to know. Usually in such a scene the character will want to know if, "She loves me. She loves me not..." But in this scene at last I knew, from your recap, it's, "She’s cursing at me, she’s not; she is; she’s not…” The last petal is," She is." To me the whimsical scene of showing another petal re-growing is a sign that Ra im is not cursing on Joo Won. But he doesn't know that ^^

The chemistry between the two leads is awesome. Ep 3 sit up, and ep 4 changing room scene...I can actually feel the room I'm in getting hotter by the seconds. Great acting by both leads.


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Wow its getting steamy or is it just me??? lol


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I'm so in love with cute dramas like this.. <3<3


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yaaaa! i loved this. i want subtitles. :(


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love the scene he was so jealous that Ra im was with Oska and the next thing we know he is at the location also. Waiting for her ...

I just love how he looks at her so longingly and vocally nasty.



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The frustrating thing about Ra-im and Joo-won now is that they're both making such huge sacrifices for the other party...but the other party doesn't realise it.

Case in point: the open-top cars, the tiny dressing room - for Joo-won, who refuses flat outright to use the elevator and uses the escalator every time he goes to work, to OFFER to close the roof top for her if she rides in his car, and to bring her into the dressing room, it's actually a huge step for him. (Or tiny, depending on your POV) He knows he's neurotic, but for her, he's offering to change. Same for her - she's always been seen by others as "cool", but for him, she wants to dress up, be more feminine, and enjoy his company the way a woman enjoys a man's.

Yet neither realises how much the other party or what the other party has done for them. Which makes the body switch all that much more fun, when they finally step into the other's shoes and view the world from the other side.

The other thing I wanted to say about the vacuum cleaner being thrown into Joo-won's lake thing is this: I think subconsciously, what Joo-won is actually unhappy about is the fact that Ra-im doesn't need anyone to help her. She doesn't even think about it; it doesn't register with her because all along, no one has ever done that. So he's trying to poke and prod her so that she'll lean on him, but she doesn't, which infuriates him further. And of course, she's infuriated because he just doesn't seem to respect her, and he's able to dig accurately into her sore spots. (But it just shows how well they get under each other's skin, thus translating into allllll thattttt pent-up passion *whew*)

The other thing I love about this drama is the love-hate relationship between the cousins. Joo-won and Oska's one-way conversations allllll the time, and how they barge into each other's spaces without second thoughts, and how Joo-won always seeks Oska's advice on women (HAHAHA).

So far I'm really digging this drama. The whimsical fantasy elements are awesome, like the petals of the flowers and the lights in the house clicking on and off. But most of all, I dig all the characters (sans the awful ex and her terribly loud and obnoxious English. I winced and almost threw something at the screen. Fortunately Phillip Lee saved the scene. His look of mixed ridiculousness and horror was awesome.) and the different layers of the drama. Hope the writer's able to keep up the pacing JUST so.

Thanks for the awful fast recap GF! You and JB are the bestttt.


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Yes, I agree with you too about the part that JW is angry because R does not need his help!!!!!!


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Yes,he wants her to need him and therefore want him....


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Using your words, 'You're crazy good' @ writing. Keep them coming.


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goshh i really didn't expect myself to be enjoying this series so much! i love all of JW's neurotic antics and the complexity of his character because of that. relishing the little details that subvert my expectations and make me guffaw at my screen (highlighter PFFFTTT).

thank you so much for the recap! i enjoy reading them as much as i enjoy watching the show!


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how come a nutcase be so darn sexy...joo-won so unbelievable yummy...and yes this drama made me think of mr. darcy n liz bennet too. Great writing as always GF...thank youuu...


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Just a random thought:

How did he travel to Jeju?

Perhaps his private plane is a convertible as well? Because if he took his car and a boat, the trip should have taken quite some time...


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maybe he has a glass plane??!!


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Time machine


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thanks for the recap. u totally speak my mind gf!

i so agree with u on the bit about them looking like they were about to rip their clothes off... seriously though... if im this hyped up when theyre not even touching each other, i cant imagine how im going to survive if there's a hot kiss coming up (ill be ready for death when they do)

im thinking the next episode is the switch seeing as joo won is going into the forest in the previews. i just had a funny thought though, isn't it kind of awkward if they're gonna kiss, because it'd be like kissing themselves..?! i mean, there's not much visual attraction there...


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First of all thanks girlfriday for the recap! :)

It seems like many think that Joo-won is being a tad too harsh for this episode, but what redeemed him for me was actually the dressing-room scene, where he said to Ra-im (omitted in the recap): "At least I've tried before. What have you done so far? Do you know what really makes me angry? At the beginning when I told you who I was and what I do for a living, you never even considered me for 5 minutes." And imo that really made me sympathize with him, because he showed that he wasn't just a jerk ~playing with her. All things considering, he actually put in a lot more effort in pursuing her and getting to know her when she hasn't even shown any sign of remote interest, and his defense mechanism of being asshole-y is actually completely understandable to me. So yeah, two cents here :)


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Yes,aren't we all have been there before? Most times when couples fight,whatever reasons are on the surface,deep down it's about seeking the other's attention....


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French couple


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hi everyone
this wil be a blogbuster fo all kdrama for this year

i watched and watched it again en wanted to watch it once more.

its a long time like drama city hall , hong gil dong, hana yori dango jdrama, iswak twdrama are all dramas i liked and watched again

but this one even 1 episode i am rewatching till i fel asleep never getting tired.

i dont know why episode 2 has gonne a little down
because episode 2 is even better than 1
with his crazy imagination and kim soo han wori woriwori

and the both leading actors wat a great chemistray they have onscreen

like the girl in episode 1 really cool

i cant wait till saturday!


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I've never seen such a narrow dressing room.


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Like some of the other readers, I didn't totally get JW's temper tantrum - throwing clothes on the floor (yeah, I know about the sexual tension but it still doesn't make sense!). I think that the actors transcended some pretty weak writing and although I love the series so far, I am worried about this. I hope that the writers don't just go for dramatic effect and forget about motivation and the internal logic of the story.


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Thanks for the recap - funny and insightful as always.

Just wanted to share with you all...After "discovering" Hyun Bin last week with this cute little drama (yeah, I know where the hell have I been right?) - I’ve now decided to become a big old fan girl and watch all his previous movies and drama's. This is an attempt the fill the void (aka a whole week) between now and the next fabulous episode.

Through sheer luck, I’ve managed to find the entire series “my name is Kim Sam Soon” to watch on line, no missing videos, no broken links or translations in espanol and for the first time in 3 years of K Drama fandom I can watch the Mecca of K Drama’s and my own personal holy grail (the one to beat according to Girl Friday).

But now I’ve found it, I’m rather apprehensive about watching it….Can it live up to its hype or will I be crushed by the sheer disappointment of not understanding what the hell everyone was raving about.

Its status has been raised to new levels of heights in my esteem; now that my new K drama crush is in it…Oh drama, please don’t disappoint me.

Ok deep breathe, here I go!


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Watch Kim Sam Soon! You will NOT regret it!


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agree , Kim sam soon is a cute drama , eventhough I didn't like binnie in that drama like I'm doing right now with SG


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that's the drama that got me hooked/addicted to k-drama. and i re-watch it from time to time. Kim Sun Ah at her best! and nice story too, some dramatic scenes amidst the funny ones. They also have a love-hate relationship at the start.


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MNIKSS = Best kdrama ever! You will love it. Samsoon is a character for the ages, and Samshik ain't too shabby either.


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The highlighter pens in his pockets actually ALSO bothered me throughout the whole episode!!! I was thinking...is this some kind of high society new fashion statements...or WAT?
I have to admit that t is visually pleasing but definitey logically annoying.


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I must be insane like Joo Won, cause I actually thought: "OH wow highlighters in your pocket that's so cool, and smart"


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I think the highlighters were used as a props to further establish KJW's neurotic tendencies and not just for any fashion statement. Being with his grandfather in a family gathering, they were not required to be dressed in a business-like manner. But perhaps he wanted to show his grandfather that he means business and so the highlighters, multicolored at that :-) and visibly adorning his outfit, would be one way to relay this without him the need to call attention to them. Remember KJW's character is extra conscious of his appearance and would always use "sparkly" and attention-grabbing stuff to communicate to whomever he wishes to communicate, GRI for instance. The highlighters are actually a genius touch! :-)

We see a trend here in the outfits he uses. I think, and hope, the writers are using these costumes/props to good advantage to move the story along/define the character better. I also wondered why KJW would wear the tracksuits with the front all zipped up to his face/covering his mouth. But this is the snob KJW saying Im somebody important but im too important that not just anybody should know/have heard of me...and so covers his face partially for that dramatic/mysterious effect. he'd like to think he is better than his cousin, who shouts celebrity and does not try to hide from people. we have to remember he is always competing with him.

this particular tic, if u might call it, might be instrumental for the viewers when the body switch takes place. this could help us identify that inside the body of Raim is already JooWon because of this tell-tale signs.


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i love this drama..i cant wait for the next episodes!


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I was just on here a few hours ago...I'm so upset I'm so late to read this! Since I downloaded episode 4 yesterday I've been stalking ViiKii's site waiting for them to post the sub for it...waiting...waiting ...waiting.

Great post...I can't wait to watch it.


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So speaking of whimsical feeling...I kind of have that with Korean dramas. I don't know how to explain it but I have one with really good drama. It makes me feel good watching it and have that cloud-nine feeling. I also like the fact that I watch it alone. It's my thing...my secret garden.


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i should be studying my ASS off but guess what? im dying to watch the the drama coz how girlfriday funnily and insightly recapped it. Thank YOU Lord.


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Hey ya.

Thanks for the recaps. Happy to see that I was on the right path for most of this episode but also to see where I was totally off track ie. the petals were not 'She loves me...' and the jail scene wasn't because maybe Oska through a tanty down at the port. Also I had no idea Ra-im was up for the romantic vacation prize. Somehow I can't remember Seul's English in this episode but I do remember her using it in the first and thought it awful-perfect to make us think she's a pretentious b#tch. I mean why use English when all around you are Koreans? And if you're determined to use it you should at least be able to do it well...

Am now totally for the soul/body swop. As others can see why it's needed because of the personalities of the main characters. I like how many fantasy elements there have been so far and how they've been introduced so smoothly. I think the writers have got it perfect.

Like others I noticed Hyun Bin's looked gaunt face when I first saw him in Ep. 1 but by the end of the episode I was OK with it as I think it suits Joo-won's character and he's not unhealthy. I mean how could you do such amazing sit-ups if you weren't fit? Joo-won's 'imperfections'(?) like his OTT frustration with himself at liking someone like Ra-im, his love for the tracksuits and the highlighters in his jacket pocket make him that more endearing.


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Its been so long since I fell in love with such an eccentric character. And I cannot imagine anyone else paying Joo-Won better than HB. He just nailed it... You feel like choking him to death when he insults Ra-Im but its funny...Joo- Won can dress up anyway- do anything and get away with it...although he checks in all the essential traits of a rotten rich hero ,somehow he is still different.. he is sometimes an adorable idiot that you can't get enough of....... I started watching this drama because of HB and had little knowledge about the storyline but now I am all excited for the soul switching thing and more than that I am eager to see what Ra-Im does with all thos"DESIGNER ITALIAN" sparkly track suits..... how she handles the Mother and ofcourse how she manages with her favourite " Hallyu Star" Oska all the while being in JW's body.... and how he manages her job of a stuntwoman when he is no way an athletic body


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Thanks for the drama recap!!! I had to watch ep 5 without subtitles and was completely lost.

I also agree with you, why did he wear three highlighters in his pocket.... weird fashion sense!


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There's an instrumental piece every now and then that reminds of disney's fairytale stuff. Like something magical in the air is waiting...


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Thank you so much for this recap Girlfriday...this helps so much because I haven't seen the raw 4 episode.

I am away from home spending time with family for Thanksgiving and it seemed that we have lots of activities and things to do that I don't have time to watch my kdrama. And my in-laws would probably will ask a dozen questionsa why I am watching a Korean drama in the middle of an Italian/Spanish family gathering....lol

I am so inlove with Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won's character...can't wait to see the video.

Anybody have luck finding the episodes with English sub? Thanks in advance....


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"Silent protector never wins against self-righteous asshole. I know. It’s unfair. But them’s the rules. "
HA! Aren't we seeing too much of this kind of dramas nowadays.... Usually they vary. Ah well.

I love how this drama is so so frank. First, it is not like "I like you but I am in denial and I am jealous." it is "I don't understand why I am crazy for you." Second, Joo-won is so frank “So, what you’re telling me is…Oska and Ra-im are on a vacation, and I’M paying for it?!” He does not hold his love for Ra-im in. He does not suppress it. He just scoffs at it. which denies conventional conflict but gives the character enough inner conflict about the "love". In contrast to marry me mary, this show has so much more layers. Marry me mary has too many lame excuses. I roll my eyes every time I hear the drama reference.

I love how secret garden is so real. I had to throw logic aside to watch PK, skks, marry me mary. I love when a drama makes the effort to explore the human character in all its dimensions.


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The fitting room scene turned me into a puddle of goo. The sexual tension was fantastic. I was holding my breath expecting them to start tearing their clothes apart any minute. It was that good!!

I am totally addicted to this drama and want more of it!!!

Girlfriday, thanks for the recaps! You never let us down.


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Loving it! :oD
Thanks, girlfriday.


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You know why Ha Ji Won is soo supercool, cause she survived the clothing throwing tantrum of Hyun Bin. If it was me, I would have started to cry, I mean in real life it is pretty scary right?
But I still love his character, drama's really are an alternate universe. LOL


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"I know you’re nuts, but that’s no excuse." the best to describe hot Biienny.


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SG reminds me of Stairway to Heaven for some reason
I am enjoying this drama big time and the good part is that it has a huge fan base so the recaps and translations are available 2 hours from airing time which is really great but again even if I read all the recaps and translation of others the javabeans recaps are still the most valuable – analytically speaking and higher literacy of words usage 
I love the look he gave her at the end of the episode it says “so you’re cheating on me ha .. as if I will let you do that”
also I’m addicted to SG now even more than YAB addiction .. oh mama help!!?


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SG reminds me of Stairway to Heaven for some reason
I am enjoying this drama big time and the good part is that it has a huge fan base so the recaps and translations are available 2 hours from airing time which is really great but again even if I read all the recaps and translation of others the javabeans recaps are still the most valuable – analytically speaking and higher literacy of words usage :)
I love the look he gave her at the end of the episode it says “so you’re cheating on me ha .. as if I will let you do that”
also I’m addicted to SG now even more than YAB addiction .. oh mama help!!?


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"It makes the body switch necessary, if we ever want to see them grow up, and start to inch toward understanding one another and their circumstances. By now I’m dying for the switch to happen, not because I don’t enjoy this stage, but because I can see the potential hijinks around the corner."

GF!! Exactly! My thoughts exactly. I'm also dying for the switch now because they don't understand each other, they will never be, and that will kill me. These two need to be together. /end spazz

p.s. last night as I walked 1 mile home in the snowstorm in Seattle, I kept my spirits up by saying binnie's name over and over. took me 5.5 hrs to get home, and without the help of a good samaritan, i would have been stranded with nowhere to go in the middle of my commute. i hope other seattle area dramabeans readers were safe and warm and home last night.


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i didn't check the author of the review until i finished reading!^^ awesome awesome awesome review gf!^^ *spazz* i love reading db recaps before AND after watching an ep...=P i read it before since the subs come out late and then after to check if i missed anything... kkkk~~~~XD this drama is seriously something that's got me hooked since ep 2!^^ i'm SOOOOOO PRAYING show won't let me down.=D


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@ Girlfiday Thanks for the recap. :D Those two seriously sizzle when they get close to each other. Loved the changing room scene! Where was the track suit this episode? Also, where was our princess carry? HA! I was LOLing when Philip answered back in his flawless English :P
The ending was fabulous, "You are ten minutes late" Showing a tinny bit of jealousy there HA!!!!!! Can't wait till the weekend for my next dose of this hilarious, neurosis filled drama :D


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This episode truly proves, some individuals make nerdy glasses look HOT while others just don't.

Someone is trying something out of his element.

I think a guy helping a girl to change clothes is very hot.


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the story so far reminds me of the scene in Pride and Prejudice, when Mr Darcy 1st proposes to Lizzy but is so insulting that even if she wanted to accept, she just got angry.
these 2 are both pride and prejudice.


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i wish hyunbin was this good in the world that we live in.... his chemistry with female actresses are alwaays awesome :) and btw, hows he doing with songhyegyo? i havent heard about them in awhilee


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i love what you said about tall dark and handsome . his loosing the battle already and the war hasn't started . the girl is in his space 24/7 and his doing NOTHING about it .gah i want to write him a note !


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The recap is so good it will sustain me until the drama is subbed, thanks Girlfriday appreciate you doing this for us.


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I find it interesting that during one and two of the episodes some were okay for the delay of the soul switch, now were into 3 and 4 and it is bring it on please. I know now that the actor who is playing JooWon was replaced with the current actor, and though I'm not familar with the actor who backed out I can't see anyone but Hyun Bin playing JooWon, he is fabulous. JooWon is endearing falling in love against his better judgement. In romantic stories people coming from different classes fall in love and overcome all social and economim barriers, well my guy is a realist, life just doesn't usually work that way. He is falling and she's just standing their turning his world upside down, because she really doesn't fit his criteria for a future mate. Best moments the cousins love thier intereaciton. Fave eye candy Phillip love him rock climbing. Most hated moment the end of this drama, all parties are doing a fabulous job, love the writing for so far...


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Okay, honestly, I'm glad you have your opinions and everything, but can you stop stating them on the recap and just tell what happens? Nobody cares if you think that guy is an ass or if you hate something. I'm not trying to be rude but it just makes me kind of mad.


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Okay, honestly, I'm glad you have your opinions and everything, but can you stop stating them in the comments and just write something without giving any of your personal opinions? Nobody cares if you don't like what girlfriday writes, on a blog where her role IS to provide opinionated commentary on the dramas. I'm not trying to be rude (okay, maybe a little) but it just makes me kind of mad.

Now for an honest question: Do you really want a recap without any personal comments? Think carefully before you answer, because you might get what you wish for.

We're not a translation service. If you don't like what we do, my advice is that you just wait for the subtitles and watch the drama straight. Then you won't have to deal with anyone's pesky thoughts ruining your drama experience!


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naaaa , JB and GF's comments are the bestest parts of their updates , as yous said JB if I wanted to understand the epi only , I would only wait for the english subs and never read ur updates but I love ur funny comments and deep thoughts when both of you are updating so keep up the amazing work :)
and thankuuuuuuu :)


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Agreed! The witty, fangirly, insightful (and sometimes snarky) comments are definitely the "bestest" part. My sense from reading the other "rant and/or rave" comments is that most DB readers love all of the the asides and commentaries and like me, are really grateful to JB, GF and the other recappers for bringing us so much pleasure.


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Okay I apologize for being an ass. Lol, sorry.


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Glad that you realized that you were being an ass and apologized.


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hahahaha! javabeans, you rock! :-)

i clicked on your highlighted phrase "you might get what you wish for" on your reply to Jay Lee and it brought me to the recap by santa claus on Bad Guy. LOL!

indeed, this kind of recap would save you lots of energy and website space for the benefit of our dear friends like Jay Lee here...

nothing of this kind for me, pls! i stalk this site for all the side goodies you and all your cohorts here at dramabeans concoct for all of us who dig this type of good ole insightful, perceptive and fun recap.

dont change a bit! :-)


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Seriously? This is the best thing in this site! You not only get the recaps but you also get JB & GFs funny, witty, sarcastic, snarky comments and opinions too.

We care about what they say even if you don't. "If it walks like an ass and talk like an ass..." =)


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wow, you are not rude but childish~ don't read if you don't like it. there's a whole bunch of people came here every day just to read good fast opinionated commentaries duh~


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Jay Lee, how is it possible for you to say what you said, in someone else's blog?

Firstly, how ironic it is that you asked other people to NOT give their opinions, and yet, your words in that paragraph "Nobody cares if you think that guy is an ass or if you hate something" are basically YOU giving YOUR opinion, aren't you?

So, it is ok for YOU to give YOUR opinion, but its not ok for others to do so, if YOU don't like it?

Secondly, what right have you got to dictate to Javabeans/Girlfriday what they should or should not do, when you are just a visitor to this blog that does not even belong to you?

Thirdly, everyone who comes to Dramabeans DO care about the personal opinions/thoughts that Javabeans, Girlfriday and the other recappers who are kind enough to spend so much of their time, energy, intellect and heart in sharing their thoughts/ideas/opinions with all of us mere visitors to this wonderful blog - that belongs to Javabeans and co. - not to you or anyone else.

And lastly, to echo some of the other commentors, if you do not like what you see/read, you need not continue reading. Then, you can end your "suffering", right?

Just, please do not include the rest of us in YOUR opinion because I guarantee you, none of us would like to be included because we categorically do NOT agree with YOUR opinion.

Thank you so much Javabeans, Girlfriday and the other recappers for all your hard work. :)

I trust that you will ignore the comments of the ignobles who had the audacity to say what they said in your wonderful blog. :)


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Haha I'm really glad that my comment started an uproar. Oh this is what I love about commenting. There's always somebody who has something to say. Truly, this is my entertainment. :) PS: It really wasn't supposed to be rude. I'm happy you thought to analyze what I said.


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Jay Lee, if you notice from the words that i used throughout my comment directed at you, not once did i use words such as stupid, rude or uncouth to say about you as a person.

What i did was to highlight your behaviour from your use of the words in your comment.

Because personally i believe that we should not be focusing on calling each other names but focusing instead on the behaviour because behaviour can and should be able to change.

I am glad you said the comment was not supposed to be rude and your response to my comment is not negative. Good for you.

Let's hope that as you continue reading the recaps (with the personal comments/opinions from the recappers), you will eventually learn to appreciate their value and like them as much as the rest of us do. :)


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I'm loving this episode because it makes the body/soul swapping become necessary and "natural". This is the only episode where I really wished they'd switch their bodies already. Good plot, good strategies, and lovely actors.


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is SG going to be cancelled this week due to the nk and sk tension? does anyone know?


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I have no idea, I think all we can do is pray that the situation is resolved, and both countries can come to a mutual understanding, in the scheme of things a weekly drama is not quite as important as resolving the unfolding events, my hopes and prayers are with the people of South and North Korea.


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yes I read about that too , I wish everything will be fine soon


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