Dream High: Episode 11

Get ready to have your hearts broken, people. See, this is what happens when you follow a girl to the big city. She stomps on your heart and you end up slinging drinks at a nightclub as you drink your sorrows away…wait, aren’t you a minor? So, the bar is just shorthand for Angst, and he’s drinking juice boxes, right? Or has the show finally gone ahead and made him legal, to keep the world’s noonas from going to hell? You know what they say…the road to hell is paved with pretty boys.


Park Jin-young – “너의 뒤에서” [ Download ]

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We see Sam-dong relive the tragic kiss between his girl and his bestie. Gah, high school is so cruel sometimes. He goes to see the doctor (thank goodness) but it’s what we suspected all along…he’s losing his hearing. Noooo! The doctor gives him something to relieve the pain, but it’s a condition that can’t be cured. Double Nooooes!

He gets a haircut, because nothing says “I’m over you so you can’t have this anymore” than a Hottie Haircut. He even adds an I Can Be a Badboy Earring for good measure. Not that he’s actually over her, mind you. It’s just symbolic of his emotional trauma. And his budding hotness. Erm…I didn’t just say that.

As he walks through the streets, he thinks aloud to his mother in voiceover:

Sam-dong: Mother, you lied to me. You said that the heavens would only give me hardship I can handle. But that must not be true for me. The hardship I’m facing is unbearably heavy, and cruel. Mother, I’ve barely started, but I think I have to say farewell to my dreams. What am I supposed to do now?

Just grind up my heart and serve it to the dogs, why don’t you. There he cries, kneeling in the street, sobbing as his dreams come crashing down to earth.

At school, Oh-hyuk offers up his resignation, as promised. He asks Principal Shi to keep his promise about protecting the kids in exchange, and he ushers him out happily, with a goodbye hug in the heat of the moment.

Kyung-jin happens to walk in right at that moment, and stares agape. Her father explains that Oh-hyuk is finally leaving for good, at which she chases him down for an explanation. He doesn’t tell her about her father’s conditions, but just reminds her that he’s leaving his kids in her care now, and walks away.

Hye-mi gets a call from Top Entertainment, and heads to the offices where she runs into Baek-hee in the lobby. She gets offered a contract to join group K, and has till the end of the month to decide. She can’t believe this is happening, pinching her cheeks and knocking her head against a wall to make sure it’s not a dream, and heads home to ask Oh-hyuk about the contract.

He says that it’s a good contract, and seeing her smile giddily, he asks if she really wants to debut that badly. Hye-mi says that it’s because she can clear their debts this way. Oh-hyuk tells her not to debut then, if that’s the reason. He tells her that the terms of the debt are so flexible that it doesn’t even feel like a debt, and that debuting doesn’t necessarily equal big paychecks. He tells her to consider it carefully.

Hye-mi asks if anyone’s seen Sam-dong, and her sister tells her that he went back home for winter break, and said not to call for a while. Hye-mi goes up to his room, wondering aloud that still…he should’ve called. She doesn’t notice that he’s left her cell phone charm behind.

Sam-dong isn’t back home, but wandering the streets of Seoul in a daze. He follows the sound of music to a club, where he watches the concert full of mixed emotions. He cries, moved by the music and utterly broken at the prospect of never hearing it again.

He follows the sound of the beat to the amp, placing his hand on it to feel the vibration and hear it properly. He closes his eyes, and when he opens them, the club is empty.

In-sung finds him sitting there, and tells him not to tell anyone that he’s working there part-time. He asks why he’s not going home, and Sam-dong replies blankly that there’s no sound there, but here, there’s sound, and it doesn’t feel like it’s running away from him. Aw, you’re killing me.

Oh-hyuk stays up late sending out his resume while everyone else sleeps. Meanwhile, Group K has a meeting, and the agency sends Jason and Ria on a photo shoot in London over the winter break.

Jason tells him that he’s going to skip out on this one, since he’s enrolled in the special songwriting class over break, and he’s got Japanese class too. Jin-gook marvels at this new side of Jason, since no one’s ever seen him try hard at…well, anything. He even throws on a pair of glasses to signify that he’s going to be Brainy Chipmunk from now on.

Baek-hee sees that Jason’s attitude to study harder gets him in good with the agency president, so she raises her hand that she’ll be doing the same, and Ria follows suit as well.

At school, Pil-sook puts up Jason’s daily lollipop, and then notices something on her locker. Oh! Omo, is Jason finally reciprocating with candy of his very own? She gapes at a Japanese test taped to her locker, with a giant A+ on it. Omg, that’s so cute. It’s even better than candy! It’s nerdtastic!

She realizes that Jason’s put it there to show her that he’s getting his ass in gear, and she grins from ear to ear. Jason walks past her, trying to play it cool, and picks up his lollipop like it’s no big deal. Pil-sook jumps up and down to congratulate him, walking straight into a pillar mid-thumbs-up. Heh.

Jin-man waits around for Kyung-jin, finally working up the courage to ask her…if she’s seen Oh-hyuk. Keh. Not what she was expecting. Doo-shik shows up behind them, just in time to hear the news that Oh-hyuk resigned to protect his students from the showcase fallout.

It turns out that they have yet another eavesdropper, as Hye-mi walks up, stunned. She marches straight into the staff meeting to ask Principal Shi what he did to make Oh-hyuk quit, because she’s delightfully tactless that way.

He tells her that Oh-hyuk has had the lowest scoring students the entire time he’s been teaching at Kirin, making him the lowest scoring teacher (though I don’t understand why there’s a one-to-one correlation there, but whatever). Hye-mi reminds them that her class scored well on every exam, and the other teachers start to nod their heads in agreement.

But Kyung-jin steps in to tell her that their good scores don’t erase the years of bad ones, and ups the ante. If they can all gets A’s in the songwriting class, then they’ll acknowledge Oh-hyuk’s skills and Principal Shi will reconsider him.

Hye-mi accepts the challenge, adding that if they all get As, that means Oh-hyuk gets reinstated. Principal Shi grabs Kyung-jin aside, wondering why she’s undoing all his effort to get rid of Oh-hyuk. She makes excuses about credibility, either lying to cover up her feelings, or in a great big vat of denial about them.

Baek-hee gets called in by her agency president, who’s ready to cut her loose because her star’s not rising like the other members of the group. Baek-hee pleads on her last leg, saying that she’ll become the kind of performer that he wants, and that she’ll work on songwriting.

She begs him to reconsider, once she comes back with her scores from her songwriting class. Obviously it’s a way to manufacture stakes for this songwriting class, which is fine for dramatic purposes, but really, does the one class have to have everyone’s fate on the line?

Speaking of which, Hye-mi fills Pil-sook in on their stakes—all A’s to get Oh-hyuk back his job. Pil-sook stares agape, and then realizes that their ace Sam-dong is MIA. Hye-mi says she’ll just have to get him back, and tells Pil-sook to work on faking Sam-dong’s accent, so that they can at least get him past roll call until they get him here.

Pil-sook hilariously practices her saturi accent, as Jason listens from the next table over. Hye-mi calls Sam-dong’s mom, only to figure out that he’s not home at all…he’s disappeared.

They go to class, where Teacher Maeng introduces their songwriting teacher. (A cameo by Joo Young-hoon, Lee Yoon-mi‘s real-life husband, hence the inside jokes at the poor soul who has to live with her and the flashing of his wedding ring.)

He starts with roll call, and Hye-mi and Pil-sook share a moment of panic, and when the teacher calls Sam-dong’s name, Pil-sook squeaks out a tiny “Here.” The teacher calls for Sam-dong again, but this time Jason jumps in to save them. Aw. Pil-sook looks over at him, stunned, and he flashes her a smile.

Jin-man calls Oh-hyuk for the billionth time, yelling into his phone for him to just pick up. Oh-hyuk is busy taking English classes and giving little adult education classes in music, as he struggles to find a new job.

Baek-hee gets shopped around by her agent for publicity gigs, to no avail, so she digs her heels into songwriting. She struggles with it for a while, until she spies some sheet music sitting in the studio, and in her moment of desperation, she considers poaching a song. Oh, Baek-hee. If I could spoon-feed you some self-esteem, I would.

Meanwhile, Hye-mi goes out in search of Sam-dong, combing through every possible place he might be. She finally gets a call from In-sung, who figures out that something’s seriously wrong with Sam-dong, who’s become dark and angry.

Hye-mi rushes to the club to try and take him home, but he shakes her off and tells her to go. After the concert, she tries again, trying to take his hand and lead him out. She tells him that they need him to save Oh-hyuk. He shakes her off again, as he says, “You’re asking me to come with you again. Do you know what I’m thinking these days? A thousand, ten thousand times a day, I regret following you to Seoul.”

He tosses her hand aside angrily, as he stands up. “Why did I get off that stage and take your hand that day? Why did I believe your unbelievable lies? Why did I hear your song?! Why did I follow you…and end up crazy about music?” Oof.

He tells her to get lost and walks out, leaving her crying.

She heads home to find Oh-hyuk asleep on the couch, and wakes him up out of spite. She asks with tears welling up in her eyes how he could leave them like that, and if he only knew how hard she was trying, he’d never throw them away. She storms off and Oh-hyuk sighs to himself that he could never throw them away.

Hye-mi learns and takes notes diligently, and then shows up at Sam-dong’s club day after day to drop off her notes. He ignores her repeatedly and pushes her aside, but she tells him that she’s never going to give up, on him or on Oh-hyuk. Nice to see the tables turning in this relationship, and to hear her say what he used to say to her.

The songwriter teacher gives them their assignment—he hands them lyrics, called “Dreaming,” and tells them to write a song. Pil-sook and Hye-mi ponder how they’re supposed to write something that, as the teacher suggested, calls upon true emotions.

Kyung-jin sneaks up on them to suggest watching a movie or talking to adults, to help them figure out emotions that they might not have encountered yet. They wonder if she’s possibly helping them, and she sneaks back to assure them that she’s on their side this time, and she’s rooting for them to get A’s. Oh, you.

Hye-mi asks Jin-man for some help, so he starts to tell her the beautiful story about how he met his girlfriend, which quickly devolves into a bitchfest over how he sold his livelihood to buy her a ring but she didn’t understand the sacrifice. When he finishes his story, he realizes that Hye-mi’s long gone. Ha. The story’s soundtrack is Park Jin-young’s “너의 뒤에서” (Behind You), posted above. Cracks me up, this show.

Pil-sook finds a movie ticket taped to her locker with the words “For Studying Songwriting” written on it. She (very trustingly) goes to the movie by herself (which happens to be Love Story), and Jason sits down next to her, insisting that this is for research purposes only. Too cute.

She immediately starts jotting down the music in her head, inspired by her not-a-date. At home, Hye-mi finds inspiration in Sam-dong’s drawings, as she thinks about when they first met, and all the times he’s been there to save her. She starts writing her song.

Baek-hee struggles with her song, and in a moment of weakness, steals the song she found the other day. Oh, dear.

Hye-mi writes her song and goes to the club to give the assignment to Sam-dong, but this time he hides and tells In-sung to lie that he’s moved on to some other club. Hye-mi searches every single club in the neighborhood looking for him that night.

She gets accosted by some drunk guys who happen not to care that she’s a high school student (ew) but Sam-dong finally appears to save her, and get some of his aggression out at the same time. He reminds her that he said to get the hell out of his life.

Hye-mi: And I told you, I’m not giving up on you. When I hit rock bottom, you and Kang Teacher were the ones who pulled me up. Now it’s my turn.

She gives him the songwriting assignment, and then hands him the K pendant. (Awwww, yeah!) She tells him that she doesn’t really believe that the pendant brings good luck, but she hopes it does, for him.

He finally turns to her, and caresses her hair. Sam-dong: “I told you to go. You’re the one who came. Later you’ll come to regret this day.” Well that’s not ominous or anything.

Triumphant music starts to build, as Sam-dong sits at the keyboard and opens up the notebook. He finally puts his hands on the keys, and as the music swells, he starts composing.

The next day, they show up for the final class and turn in their songs. At the last moment, Sam-dong walks in, making Hye-mi silently squeal in delight. After grading their songs, the teacher announces the only three A’s: Pil-sook, whose song he describes as heartfelt and full of love, as if she’s dating right now (aw), Hye-mi, and Baek-hee.

He points out that Baek-hee’s was particularly professional-grade. Uh, that’d be because it is. The teacher also gives an honorable mention to Sam-dong’s song, which he describes as mature beyond his years, and full of sadness. He says that though he didn’t get an A, his song will be performed at the showcase with the other three.

Jin-gook seeks out Oh-hyuk at his ajumma trot class (wearing a sequined jacket, no less) and asks how he could turn his back on them. Oh-hyuk assures him that he’s never going to leave them, adding, “How could I, when I made that grandiose speech in front of everyone?” He assures him that he’ll find a way back.

To that end, the teachers present Principal Shi with the three finalists for Oh-hyuk’s replacement, chosen exactly as he requested, based on objective criteria alone. He’s shocked to find Oh-hyuk’s resume picture staring back at him. Oh-hyuk heads back to Kirin for his entrance interview.

Kyung-jin finds Baek-hee to ask her about the song. She notes that she’s been Baek-hee’s teacher for over a year, and she knows exactly the extent of Baek-hee’s skills, as well as the lengths she’ll go to win.

When she accuses her of plagiarizing the song, Baek-hee doesn’t even deny it. She asks defiantly, “So what if it is? You’re the one who taught me how.” Kyung-jin can’t abide this kind of cheating and reels at Baek-hee’s attitude, but Baek-hee reminds her that she’s the one who taught her to win at any cost, and looked the other way when she lied or sabotaged her competition.

She says that those were her first steps down this path, and now she’s taken ten steps without a second thought. Shaking with tears, she tells her teacher that she’s worked this hard to get where she is, but she’s about to be replaced by Hye-mi in group K, but she’ll die before she gives it up.

Around the corner, Hye-mi overhears the conversation, and gasps.


Not as song- or dance-filled as yesterday’s episode, but this one was awesomely Sam-dong-centric, and full of delicious angst. I don’t want Sam-dong to go deaf, but I have to admit, it’s a pretty great arc for his character and Kim Soo-hyun has the emotional vulnerability and gravitas to pull it off. It’s poetic and tragic, and adds such great story weight to the dream-the-impossible-dream motif.

It’s also not hopelessly tragic, as this marks the major turning point in Sam-dong’s character, who needed to do a little maturing. He faces the truth for the first time, and though it’s a dark turn, it’s a necessary kick in the pants, for him to grow up.

What’s nice is seeing Hye-mi come to his rescue for the first time, and chase him the way he used to chase her. While I miss the puppy dog cuteness, I do enjoy the reversal. Let’s have Hye-mi miss him a little more, and come to her senses about his newfound broody hotness.

I have the sneaking suspicion that Park Jin-young is somehow running away with each show on purpose, but I can’t be annoyed because he’s just hilarious. I have this vision of Dream High turning into Saved By the Bell: The New Class, where he’s Mr. Belding. Or is that just his real life, as JYP?

Can I also tell you, my new favorite thing is Pil-sook and Hye-mi as BFFs? Adorable.


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Quick question you guys!!! Does anybody else know in the drama that Sam dong is going to lose his hearing? Or did he just keep it to himself?


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no one knows yet.
they dont even know that samdong has had terrible earaches either.
and i think he's going to keep it that way >.<


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Awwwww so he is suffering all by himself:( what a tragic character.....But if he really is K , then probably he will gain his hearing back....cuz k is a singer right, not a composer Right???Ahhhhhhh why is this happening to him!!! He better have a happy ending at the end of the drama!!!


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is it wrong to be smitten to Oh hyuk more than anyone of the kirin students? you should see him with the bangs neatly combed up. ahhh hot


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Oh Hyuk makes me have teacher envy. So inspirational... Sigh.


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its not even the envy wanting him to be my mentor whatsoever.. he's just hot and i want him.

trust me when i say i dont see a taec in this photo. Oh hyuk is just HOT.



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And he's really really tiny in this photo too!!!


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SD should have pierced both ears instead of one....


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KSH has both ears pierced :he has at least four piercing


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why is taec not wearing the neck tie? its supposed to be a three-piece uniform...havent seen him worn te tie, its always rugged in uniform


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i guess for the bad boy look??
everyone wears vest under their blazers too, and taec doesn't, his white shirt is always half-buttoned too.


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Am I the only one who thought it was hot when SD brushed HM hair aside and you saw the bruises on his hand. You like a nice guy and love a bad boy, that's just how it is.


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Yes I felt it too!! The way SD was looking at HM omo omo hot and sizzling!!!!


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Me too! Sax..ual tension there, aww Hot Hot sizzling.


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i thought it was darn hot i also thought he would say something sexy too but lol he was full of angst the boy can act n the chemistry is good very good


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the scene where Pil Sook runs into the pole while giving the thumbs up and the 2PM song 'I'll be back' that features the thumbs up dance? Meta Dream high, meta.


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Hehe. The thumb-lowering parody of "I'll be back" is awesome.

Am I the only one who's not a fan of the dark Sam-dong? I get that it's development and that he can't stay happy and cute forever, but it's killing me.

The whole Samdong-is-losing-his-hearing-and-he-lost-the-girl-so-he-turns-angry-and-badass isn't very appealing. At all.

Which, by the way, brings me to say: what the heck? So, Hye-mi and Jin-gook kiss....and then? No afterstory? They don't even see each other or talk? And the only reason he comes out for like two seconds is to see Oh-hyuk?

I get that Sam-dong is the central focus of the episode, but, plot-wise, it seemed more of a mess than usual.


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i was wondering the same thing. after all that confession and a kiss, and breaking samdong's heart.. there's no followups? jingook only had 2 scenes and none of it had hyemi in it :O whatttt?


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Ya, there was no follow-up to the Hye-mi and Jin-gook kiss... like how they interact with each other afterwards. Makes me think that the actor for Jin-gook was unavailable for the shooting of most of this episode for some reason.

I don't like the full-on dark Sam Dong in this episode either, and would have been pissed at his character if he only did it because of seeing the kiss (since he knew Hye Mi liked Jin-gook all this time, and it would have made him seem like he was throwing a tantrum). But he had a lot of other crap that just happened to him (i.e., learning about his hearing), so it made this turn to the dark side more acceptable to me. But he won't stay that way for long. I also thought he needed to mature more from his former character (the lovesick puppy dog to Hye Mi), he needed to grow up more and not base everything around trying to please Hye Mi to make her like him. So a happy middle ground between lovesick puppy and dark Sam Dong would be nice. I'm actually hoping he's K at the end, just to make him happy.


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First of all its great that Sam Dong is finally maturing and growing.. I do miss his puppy dog ways.. He didn't do everything to please HM, he did things for her because he was in love with her. His character overall was a cute, nice, sweet, naive teenager. When has it become wrong to be innocent and caring and to do stuff for the people you care about (he's not doing it to please her, he's doing because he care about her). It call having a pure heart.. everyone has one,, until they grow up and realize the world can be pretty cruel.. and that is what is happening to Sam Dong.


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I think his declaration to Jin-gook that he was not giving up on Hye-mi pretty much shows he was trying to win her heart (i.e., trying to please her to win her over). No, it's not wrong to be innocent and caring and naive, and it would have been great if Hye-mi liked him back... but she liked Jin-gook, so by being the way he was before, he was really only hurting himself. He knew Hye-mi liked Jin-gook, but he was so sure he could win her over. When she was crying because of Jin-gook, he shouted out he did not even want to hear that it was about Jin-gook, trying to overlook her feelings for Jin-gook. By seeing the kiss, he now realizes he cannot ignore that, and maybe he can stop hurting himself like that. So growing up is really the best thing he can do right now.


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Okay, read my response and it seems I'm saying he's only doing all these nice things for her because he wants to please her. I meant to say that yes, he's in love with her so he's doing these things because he loves her. But there is also the underlying feeling that "hopefully she will see all these things I did for her and she will fall in love with me" because he wants her to love him. Okay, spending too much time on this subject. oops!


However you want to say it love is like pleasing... Of course he wants to win her heart.. he loves her.. example- you do something nice for your boyfriend/girlfrined/mother/siblings.. is that pleasing or is that love.. (its both- you please because you love them). It's better to say I love you than I please you.

And of course he wants a chance to be with her, because JG and HM aren't together yet.

""But there is also the underlying feeling that “hopefully she will see all these things I did for her and she will fall in love with me” because he wants her to love him. ""- of course he wants her love.. but he's not doing it because he expect her to return his love , he's doing it because of his own feeling of love for her. Example like repainting the pic on the wall of HM, blocking HM from the eggs, getting hit with the flower pot- all those thing he did out of love happen before his declaration to Jin-gook. SO even without the declaration or without JG in the picture , he would've still done all that he could for HM.

Well atleast now that he got to see her kiss JG he can grow and not let his love for her take over his life..


1st reason why there is a afterstory on the kiss. The only reason that HM let Jg kiss her was because he was giving her a sob story about his father.. so she felt bad.. and let him lean in for a kiss....

2nd- she just hasn't realize that Sam Dong means more to her than JG... Because as she had stated to Sam Dong: "And I told you, I’m not giving up on you. When I hit rock bottom, you and Kang Teacher were the ones who pulled me up. Now it’s my turn."
HM starting to realize that JG was never there for her... (well, maybe the first 2 ep)

3rd- the kiss setup was just for Sam Dong- so he can grow as a person.. not really for a romantic relationship for hm and JG


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You rock .Just my thoughts
This is a k-drama and not an "Agatha Christie"
The main lead always get the girl (sadly in 99,9999999% of the dramas ):
KSH is the main lead ->Sam Dong will be K->Sam Dong will get the Girl ,period LOL
The whole JG-HM thing was just fanservice to increase the ratings and get more people on board (not that i mind)


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Unless you're Park Shi Hoo, who was not the main lead in neither How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor or Prosecutor Princess and somehow managed to get the girl in both.

And I'm sorry but Taecyeon is not nearly as charming as Park Shi Hoo.


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My thoughts exactly!!!
The whole kiss scene is just a set up for our Samdong's
heartbreak scene.

For Jingook as well. He's never been there for her. He's in and out, comes and goes as he pleases. Some people think that that's what makes Hyemi independent. I mean what the?
In every relationship, trust, reliability and commitment are the main pillars. How can you trust and stay with a guy who is not there for you in your hardest time?
Its a plot point that hightlight the SD and JG characters.
If you can see that point, the choice can be easily made.

For more, SD challenged JG about did he change his mind?
JG always changes his mind. One time he denied and the next he accept. His has no sense of loyalty to any other. not to his girl, not to his teacher, not to his friends, even not to his daddy.

SD makes you think like he's a cute puppy but he's more of a man than JG. He knows exactly what he's wants and try to make it happens. JG never tries. He just let things happen.

Do you know why he put the helmet on for Hyemi? because that's his character. He's not trying to make things reverse or better just watches and let her cry.

For SD, he puts his every effort into his love. He repainted the mural. When he didn't know the comic characters, he went and looked for it and drew for her. He's always there for her to catch her back when she falls and moreover makes her stands up again.

I know a lot of people are caught up with his back story about his dad and Hyemi. But if you just stop for a second and think about these points, you can easily see JG is definitely not for Hyemi.


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totally agree with you.
This is Sam Dong- ep 9- he says to HM "There is a possibility .. If I do better than Jason than I could do the solo. --If I don't give up, even if there is no improvement than don't I have a chance?"- That is how SD is. He knew that his chances of getting the girl was low but he still tried just for that very slim chance. He won the solo,, so hopefully he'll win the girl.


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YOOOU ROCK!!!! THANKS FOR THAT EXPLANATION> I ES[ECIALLY LIKE UR LAST POINT abt jg and hyemi kissing. ya it was a reason for our hero samdongah to grow and become a genius music composer of whatever!!! he is gonna be a bethoven!!!!


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Wow. Okay.

That's dumb if the kiss is just a device to get Sam-dong to mature. Having a kiss with the two of them makes for some complications and the way that they left it off doesn't make sense.

I mean, I doubt they're going to leave it at that--they'll probably revisit it next week, but still.

And I'm not saying all this because I'm shipping Jin-gook & Hye-mi as a pairing. I like Sam-dong MUCH better, but I think it's dumb (again) that they executed the episode the way they did.


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I'm pleasantly surprised by the acting of IU , Miss A Suzy, and some of the members of 2PM. They are so young and talented. I'm blown away by their musical talent, acting ability, and dancing.
I'm glad Sam Dong cut his hair. So much better.It makes him look more distinguish. He is transforming from a naive and goofy country bumpkin into a more mature person even though he is angry and sad that he loses his girl, his dream, and his hearing all at the same time.
Kim Soo Hyun is doing an excellent job. When he cried, I had to get out the tissue box.My heart is breaking too. Please let there be a miracle, and he gets his hearing back! I think he's K.


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This episode was not a ride on a ferris wheel, but on a short loop roller-coaster. One minute, I was crying as a result of KHS' performance as Sam Dong. (And, I don't easily cry at these dramas.) The next moment I was ROFL with the scene of Ji Man, Doo Sik and Kyung Ji reactions at seeing each other.

For some reason, "Star Wars" came to mind, in this episode. Both Sam Dong and Bak Kee, reminded me Luke Skywalker's predicament where the Emperor told him to 'come over to the dark side'.

As for Sam Dong's illness, just tell him to follow Du Ra Mi's path. (I wish the writer had been more creative. Deafness had already been used in "Beethoven's Virus".)

Lastly, i adore the 'Milky' couple. They are the "Couple of The Year" ... even if it's only February now.

Thanks so much for the recap.


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doesn't it make more sense for ria to be the one fired from the K group (wat's ther name again?)- she can't even sing

ahh the world of kdrama


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Ria is like the Yoona/Sandara of K so they'll have to find someone to match her beauty *cough*Pilsuk*cough.*


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yoona of SNSD and SAndara of 2ne1... the prettiest of the respective groups? i agree with sandara but not yoona... there's tiffany.


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Well, it's because Yoona is considered the "face" of SNSD by many. That's why she was the focal point in Genie and Gee.


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they want to get rid of BH not because of talent but because BH isn't popular enough, she doesn't get gigs and apparently she's the least popular one out of the group


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Every time I watch Dream High I can't help but scream at my television screen. My family must think I'm crazy or something, but this drama hits all the right spots so it's almost impossible to not laugh/cry/hope that everything turns out alright in the end alongside the characters. I honestly think this is the first drama I've enjoyed this much in a long time.

I think I enjoyed happy-go-lucky SD more, but I don't mind angsty SD either. Let's face it, KSH is sexy regardless of his character's emotional state. I wish I could just give him a big hug and comfort him. I would make things all better... but then again I bet we all wish we could do that. ;)

Pilsook and Jason are adorable together! I'm glad that there's at least one couple that everyone is rooting for and will definitely end up together. And I love how emotions don't spring up out of nowhere in this drama. Relationships and characters evolve. There's no I thought you were a complete jerkface and hated you yesterday but I'm madly in love with you today.

Thank you GF/JB for your awesome recaps. I don't know what we'd all do without you. The only thing that makes me sad is that I now have to wait an ENTIRE week to watch another episode.


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This ep's milky couple got me going all ga ga!
I am in love with them! They even get matching nerd eyewear!! <3


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So Jin Gook got the kiss but Sam Dong gets the girl?

I just skimmed to this episode ( have to work TT__TT ), so thanks again for the recap as always, gf!

Ah poor Baek Hee. Once you did a bad deed, 2nd time will become easier, hh. I wish Hyemi will save her.

Pilsook Jason! I love IU's talking voice...so cute! I like IU before DH, but now I like her more, she's sooo talented. I don't think we'll get a kiss scene between these two, IU already said her concern with her ajusshis fans' reaction..hehehe. BUT, one can always hope, right! so I'm with you, Wooyoung, I hope you can kiss IU!! :P

JYP, he's awesome like that. From what I learn ( I watched tons of K-variety shows ), he's cool in real life. What kind of boss who would embarrassed himself by scratching his butt in national TV!


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i haven't seen this episode yet but i think i'm gonna cry. My hear goes out to my sam dong. Please drama gods don't let him lose his hearing!!! Sob. :(


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I just love JYP's goofy character. It's just epically awesome. X)

I am loving the Pilsook and Hyemi friendship thing. ANd I'm loving the Milk Couple even more! Now, Oh-hyuk and Miss Snooty pants need to get together ASAP! Thanks fri!


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GF! Thank you so much the recap. I love it so much.


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I love DH much more than anticipated.Ahh...that's how a high school drama should be like.

My heart bled for poor SD.

However I must admit.The Milk couple are too cute for words.It's different from shipping for an adult couple.

Golly gosh...Brainy Chipmunk and you report card.Aigoo..aigoo aigoo.Can I bottle you and PS cute factor? Every time he smiles at PS...I 'swoon'


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thank you girlfriday and javabeans so soo much. i live off of your guy's recaps.

You guys have no idea how EXCITED i get over seeing that a recap is up. lol. so muahh thanks :D

i love you guys! and congrats on getting more and more viewers on dramabeans! (: you guys deserve all the viewers in the world.


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Hope Sam-Dong will not be a new Beethoven of kpop music


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OMO.. Sam Dongs Voiceover line about his mother made me cry..TT..Why why.. I feel so sorry for him but somehow I wish that he don't loose his hearing TT

hahah Brain Chipmunk XD.. Nerdtastic.. XD

OK about Sam Dong being angry at Hye Mi, I'm so glad he finally coming to his senses cause this girl don't like cute puppy boy (she got problem there) but anyway I hope this way he can make her in love with her.. I like him better than the other guy.. ^__^..



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Aww, I was finally starting to warm up to Baek-hee again too. Also, this episode just totally firms my belief that Sam-dong will end up being K.

And seriously, how cute are Jason and Pil-sook?!? Love love love them. Also looking forward to the developing love line between teachers Kang and Shi.


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loving it.


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Wow! Great episode. And not just because there was more Sam-dong and less Jin-gook. I won't count the ways Sam-dong was great here because it has already been mentioned by GF and previous posters.

- how cute is Pil-sook hugging and kissing Hye-mi? I replayed that scene lots of times. Go ne BFFs!

- Hye-mi is awesome! Confronting the principal regarding Oh-hyuk's resignation, not giving up on Sam-dong, and writing a song thinking about Sam-dong NOT Jin-gook!

- Milky couple non-date! Nerdtastic couple glasses! Test papers taped on locker! Hehehe. Cuteness overload.

- I'm liking Kyung-jin with each episode. Her expressions and reactions to both Oh-hyuk and Jin-man are hilarious. Always trying to be cool but couldn't quite pull it off. Loved her cheer when Hye-mi got an A on the songwriting.
I wonder what her motives were when she was giving all those hints to Baek-hee at the beginning. At the end, it's still Baek-hee's choices and she should own up to her actions, but. But.

- And my longest laugh was during the awkward pause by Jin-man when he was working up the courage to ask Kyung-jin...about Oh-hyuk's whereabouts. LOL


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i just watched it and i have the same mickey mouse pen as pilsuk :) haha


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Hyemi is quite the eavesdropper.


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I cried a little for Sam Dong. It's just sooo sad to have found a dream, something he can be so passionate about then find out that he's going to lose his hearing. GAHHHH....

I can't wait for next week's episodes! This drama is building up beautifully for me. Love love love it! (random sidenote: i realllly liked Hye Mi's purple scarf in this episode, it looks so warm and fluffy and it's such a pretty color!)


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I can't believe Sam Dong is becoming deaf!!! Or is it a deaf-genius composer story?Nooooo

Now that i think about, I'm quite sure Sam Dong is "K", he has to be: judging from the pictures showed in the 1st episode(K has the same body build as KSH) and the story's turn now, I believe(and hope) Some miracle will happen to make Sam Dong recover & become the World's most famous entertainer =D (Am I too cheerful?)


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Don't worry, they will come up with technical medical magical procedure to revive his hearing , I'm sure and there better be!


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"and there better be!"
Exactly what should be said ;)


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If Sam-dong is K (I'm pretty sure he is, although who knows?) and if he gets the girl (now I really want him to end up with Hye-mi, though I'd been rooting for Jin-gook until ep9), then what will Jin-gook get? Isn't it too unfair? :( If I had to choose, I would prefer to see Jin-gook as K and Sam-dong and Hye-mi just living happily ever after :) enjoying music and singing to each other rather than on big stage...
As for Baek-hee, somehow I can't hate her (though I can't forgive her that flower pot either). I pity her but what really annoys me is that she is always blaming other people and not herself. That time she said it was Hyemi who had made her such a beast. This time she is blaming Kyung-jin for teaching her breaking rules.


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you know Sam Dong is going to lose his hearing no matter what... so he should get the girl and K...and Jin-gook can get his father, cause that what he's always wanted his father love.. Every time the story revolves around him, its about his father.
That sounds like a happy ending to me.


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i wouldn't say that it's their fault, but more like they were the causes. had HM and KJ not been in BH's life, i think she would have turned out a nice, normal girl. if HM had been more of a friend, if KJ hadn't given BH the okay, BH wouldn't have done these things. yes, she's responsible for her own actions, but these 2 sort of gave her the push towards that path


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Plus her mother who didn't have faith in her own daughter's abilities


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uh...just curious... how come no one says anything about Jin-gook aka Taecyon? All comments are all about Sam dong aka KSH? Just curious.... I thought Taecyon was popular?


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maybe coz its a kdrama blog haha not a 2pm fansite haha
and most i think is already charmed by KSH


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thats right!!! I love 2pm.. but not JG.
Sam dong all the way!!


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because Jin Gook only showed up for 5mins in this episode?
We talked about him more in the previous episode's post.


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between Taec and KSH.... KSH wins my attention by far!!!!!
i thought i was the only one who didn't miss Taec, hehe.


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I don't miss him either.


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Well, as someone stated above, he was hardly in this episode (why is that? Is he in some singing group and had other commitments? Did he get sick? Just wondering...).

I noticed most people on the Dream High site mostly talk about characters that are the cute, wholesome, no baggage characters with hardly any angst or bad characteristics. Hence all the talk about Sam Dong (well, he got a whole lot of angst with this episode) and Pil-sook. They talk about Jason mostly when referring to his relationship with Pil-sook. Hardly anyone talks about Jin-gook or Hye-mi, the good characters (good as in not the "bad guys") with the baggage and angst.

But they also talk about Sam Dong because KSH is cute and really killing his role, acting-wise (shades of Jae Shin in SKKS).


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because JG was basically not here in this ep. what's there to say? lol. and all kdrama lovers love them some kim soohyun


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Thanks for the episode recap! This week's episodes were full of angst, but the good kind~ hee

This drama really knows how to keep the viewer guessing; it's been a while since I've watched a drama that could do that.

At this point in the story, I'd say K is SamDong because he currently has the biggest problems to overcome, but heck, it could still really be anyone of them.


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sam dong make me completely fallen for him in this episode...
Actually, I do like tragic angst, and sam dong expressed it so well in the extend until i can felt his pain....
tho I JG/HM shipper from the very beginning....
But i cant help to fall on sam dong charm in the beginning..
hope he will get good ending later.. No deaf or whatever..
he don't deserve to get it...
please let sam dong to be "K"!!!


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okay, i have NOT finished reading. I read the first 2 paragraphs a out sam dong and started crying. PLEASE PLEASE HAVE A HAPPY ENDING FOR HIM D:


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again many thanks...Sam Dong, FIGHTING!!!

thinking that there are just 5 more episodes left to Dream High makes me sad...TT


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They always do such a great job with the opening sequences in this show. The music is soft and then it fades slowly into the sparkly lights. Its very pleasing.


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ok show why does SD have to be the village boy who lost his girl,dream n hearing at the same time ....oh yehhh drama gods why bully this beautiful clueless boy SHAME ON U is this the best you can do


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New SD * gulp* too hot. *noona melt*
No more Hae-mi ah~

Jeez, Taec, despite his less screen time, he managed to show his weak acting, didn't he smile too much when he came to see Mr.Kang while HM cried that he's out? I think I saw Taec not JG in this episode.

Is it just me , recently, JG sticked out not blended in with other students? which really made his older age surface.
Thanks GF for your recap.


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Sam-dong: “I told you to go. You’re the one who came. Later you’ll come to regret this day.”


It's very cliche dialog but somehow it says that "I'm not giving up on you too .."

I miss his puppy smiles that melts my heart. Hang in there. there is miracle in everywhere.


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Thank you Girlfriday for this recap!! It made me change the bad opinion I had about Samdong after watching this ep.
It so easy to blame fake girlfriends for changing bad.
At least he'd be tankful to her for helping him showing his true colors & coming out of his fantasy world.

But keeping in mind he is just a cute, angsty kdrama boy it helps a lot ;)

Btw, some parts of this drama reminds me a lot of Japanese anime Slam Dunk. Especially JG &SD parts. Like getting cut after a trauma & letting a girl convince you on your carer choice, having an worth opponent etc.. it's funny..

Loving PS & Eson ;)


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aww did Pil Sook just give Hye Mi a peck on the cheek in the last screencap? <3 they're adorable :D


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Sam Dong reminds me of Duckie (from Playful Kiss) in some of the screencaps... They even sound alike (speaking voice).


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They both do the Busan accent well.


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Dear girlfriday,
You sound like quite the cougar in the first couple of paragraphs! Rowr!*swipes a claw motion*

I'm only speaking from Experience here. I almost became the mayor of Lowes in my section of town. Lots of pretty boys there...wearing tool belts and working on their bachelors.


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The writers are playing tug-of-war with the hearts of JG/HM + SD/HM shippers episodes after episodes. I'm beginning to wonder whether the series will end with Hyemi's pairing being open ended? Like I totally see how it could go either way even though I'm more Samdong biased. Since the show is centred on youth and DREAMS I could probably let it slide if they didn't conclude with a romantic couple between the leads. It's interesting to find out how K becomes K, even though at this point most bets are on our semi-deaf hottie.

Kyung Jin (Lee Yoon Ji)... I was not wrong about you! I loved her even when she was the "bitch" since the beginning.

And seriously this show abounds with meta references and inside jokes. Maybe someone should start compiling a list.


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Yeah, clue us in! I almost have it all figured out but....it would also be nice to know exactly who the idols are and which groups they belong to.


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That lucky pendant had better cure Sam-dong's hearing, or else the writers of this drama are getting a bitter tear-stained letter from me.


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Just watched the episode, did anybody else realized that they played IU's Good Day when she chased after Jason with the A+ jap test, just nice at the "Oppa I like you" part of the song;) And when she hit the pillar with her thumbs up, they played 2pm's I'll be back? LOL


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my dearest Sam Dong!!!!! he's crying his heart out all the episode and i loved it was all about him, finally! The new haircut is hotter than hell but i'm not crazy for the earing.
hope he doesn't lose his hearing because of the k pendant.
thank u for the recap GF!


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actually, i think this is the major turning point, eaded right to the climax of climaxes. suzy is now caring about samdong in a friendly way, and i think she's gonna fall in love with him anytime soon. i also think she and baekhee will make up near the end, and she will do the right thing and refuse the contract. why? it all points to suzy and samdong debuting together. and as one person cleverly pointed out, most scenarios seem to start with jingook, but they end with samdong.
oh, and, i don't care what the writers make up, samdong cannot lose his hearing!!!!!!! he has to be a successful star!!!!!


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I couldn't agree with you more.


I loved their "Waiting" duet in Ep. 10! I can't stop listening to it...even with the pesky dialogue. LOL. I hope it gets released in the soundtrack soon!


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taecyeon who? hehehe


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haha seriously taecyon who whaat?

lol seriously i thought i was the only one who didn't want to see him much in the drama, but i guess lots more people dont want to see him and his sad father love story to get the girl.

WOOT WOOT KIM HYUN SOO!!! ive been rooting for him ever since the beginning, he is an amazing actor at such a young age! GO GO! i want him to get the girl mostly than being the K as i know it will make him more happy to be with the girl he loves :)


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I was patiently waiting for your recap. Thanks for make it so quick!

Oh my goodness! Usually, I'm for the "right/proper" endings over "happy" endings in k-dramas, but here, please drama, happy ending tied up in a perfect bow for the characters... I can't bare to see Sam Dong go deaf. It is called Dream High, right? I want an irrational miracle for Sam Dong... I want to believe that miracles do happen and with perseverance and hard work dreams do come true. I want him to live and pursue his dream fully... I want to feel good at the end!

Kim Soo Hyun was so good as Sam Dong in this episode. LOVE the angst. LOVE the haircut.


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Thanks so much Girlfriday for the recaps!

Why show! Why can't Sam-dong's hearing loss be temporary? I wouldn't be surprise if there's a new experimental procedure that restores his hearing.
Pil-sook and Hye-mi are so cute together! Seeing Brainy Chipmunk trying to impress Pil-sook, made me giddy.

JYP never fails to make me laugh when he appears. I also love the reversal in the Ok-hyuk/Jin-man bromance. Before, it was Ok-hyuk following, calling and dragging Jin-man into his plans. But now it was Jin-man who was trying to find Ok-hyuk.

I hope Teacher Shi realizes the problem she created by giving such awful advice to Baek Hee, since she's the one who gave her the push into this direction.


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