City Hunter: Episode 9

Somebody pinch me. Is it possible that this drama is this good, or am I under some kind of spell? Did my coffee come laced with crack from a drug bust gone wrong? Is it maybe something to do with Lee Min-ho’s lips? (I’m not discounting that this is a possibility.) I mean, I find this show to be so consistently off-the-charts good that I’m starting to wonder if my judgment’s been impaired. But I feel normal, and just as snarky as ever. So maybe, just maybe… this show IS THAT GOOD.

Can it be true?


Yoon-sung grabs Nana just as she’s about to lose her grip, and she hangs on for dear life. His arm makes a horrible sound like it’s coming out of its socket (ewwww) and blood starts dripping down onto her hands.

He finally gathers all his strength and pulls her up with both hands and lifts her over the edge. She falls on top of him and he quickly gets up to get away. She stops him, “Wait, it was you who saved me the last time, wasn’t it?” He doesn’t answer and runs in the target’s direction.

Seo makes a run for the exit with Young-ju close at his heels. But Jin-pyo’s been watching the whole scene unfold, and sends his man Sang-gook to trap Young-ju in the revolving door (ha) so they can get to Seo first.

Jin-pyo catches up to him just as he’s held up a getaway car, knocking him down with a few swift blows. He very dramatically unsheathes his cane, revealing a sword inside. He holds it in Seo Yong-hak’s face, aiming right in his eye.

Thankfully Yoon-sung runs up in time to keep Dad from poking an eye out, literally, and they load Seo into the car and take off.

Young-ju and his team arrive a second too late, but he tells them that he put a tracking device on the City Hunter as they were fighting. OH. Badass. I’m now back to being impressed, after laughing at you for being stuck in the revolving door.

Dad leads his crew to an abandoned warehouse, where he first berates Son for saving the girl. Yeah, let’s save the birds and the bees lecture for later, Dad. Cops are on your tail.

He then proceeds to take all but one bullet out of his gun, and begins to play Russian roulette at Seo Yong-hak’s face. Holy Hardcore, Batman.

He asks for the names of the others involved in the ’83 Incident. Seo suspected as much, and quickly agrees to give up the other names of the Big Five, if he gets taken somewhere safe. Jin-pyo tells him that he’s rotted to the core, for so easily selling them out. Yes, this is true, but you WANT him to sell them out…

They hear the sirens approach. Jin-pyo doesn’t flinch and tells Seo that their arrival doesn’t mean that he won’t die. He’s down to his last bullet. He starts to pull the trigger…

Seo cracks, and the first name he gives up is Kim Jong-shik. Ooooooh I didn’t think we’d get to him so soon, but I’m excited. Target No. 3 it is. Kim Jong-shik, father of Young-ju, culprit in Nana’s parents’ accident. Jin-pyo asks for the rest, and he says he’ll give them up, but we cut away to Young-ju outside, so we don’t know how much he gives away. I’m thinking not much else, to keep the one-target-at-a-time pace of the drama, which I’m a fan of, so no need to blow your wad with Targets 4 and 5 yet.

The S.W.A.T. team readies outside, but then suddenly Yoon-sung and Ajusshi gas the place and put masks on. Oh! Double cross by Son! It’s not even ten minutes yet and I’ve already been surprised three times. I love this drama!

Jin-pyo fires his gun into the air as he goes down, and Young-ju and his team hear the shot and bust in. Only when they get inside, the room is empty, and all they find is the gun and Young-ju’s tracker, sitting on the table. God, is there anything hotter than three badass guys outsmarting each other?

The thing I find hard to believe is how he and Ajusshi dragged three grown and gassed men out of there in time. But by the time Young-ju gets in there, Yoon-sung is driving an ambulance with Seo in the back.

He calls Young-ju to tell him to get to his office, because he’s on his way to deliver Seo Yong-hak. Ha. Yoon-sung cryptically adds the question: “Why did I have to bring Seo to that warehouse? That’s one of the things you have to find out.”

What they do find is a piece of clothing that Yoon-sung took off and left behind. Young-ju smells it (well that’s awfully brave of you) and tells his assistant to find out whatever perfume it is.

Meanwhile Yoon-sung drops off Seo Yong-hak with the same sash that he had put on Senator Lee, with a note: “To Prosecutor Kim Young-ju.” Hee. Why do I find this part of the City Hunter’s routine so adorable? Perhaps it’s the grade-school note, the way he always addresses the packages to Young-ju personally?

Young-ju arrives just in time to see the ambulance drive off, and the reporters come rushing down to snap photos. He looks down and sees more dog tags around Seo’s neck, and Seo carefully opening his eyes to peek at his surroundings.

Jin-pyo opens his eyes, confused to find himself back in his own office. He looks up at a very contrite Shik-joong. Oh no. Why’d you leave Ajusshi to explain things to Dad? That’s so mean! And then of course, Dad just flips his lid and beats Shik-joong to a pulp for his insubordination.

The cops track down Yoon-sung’s ambulance, but he’s ditched it by the river and is long gone. But on his way out he gets a call from Dad, breathing fire from Yoon-sung’s betrayal. He tries to explain that he did it all for both of them, but Dad interrupts with a visual message—he pulls Shik-joong up by the collar, so Yoon-sung can see his bloodied face.

Yoon-sung: “Ajusshi!!” What did you think would happen when you left him there? That Dad would chuckle and say ‘gosh darn that rascal,’ and bake him cookies?!

Yoon-sung rushes over there, and when Sang-gook comes out to try and stop him, he beats the living hell out of Dad’s Number 2, and makes his entrance by throwing him at Dad’s feet. Hahahaha. Tit for tat. Goddamn, sometimes I love this fucked up family.

It’s so awesome that he goes from total gladiator one minute, all blood and fists of fury, to worrying over Ajusshi so tenderly the next. He makes sure that Ajusshi is okay, and he is, just mostly scared more than hurt.

Dad gets up in a furor, raising his cane… but Yoon-sung stands up and blocks it. The two of them stand there in a deadlock…

Jin-pyo: You could have died. Why did you go to the prosecutor?!
Yoon-sung: Because I don’t want to make any more children like me! If it weren’t for those five men, I would’ve grown up under a mother and father, just like everyone else. More than anyone, I want to kill those five men. But we have to stop blood spilling more blood for vengeance. When this is over… I want to try to live happily with you Father.
Jin-pyo: I will follow them to the edge of hell to kill them. Will you still oppose me then?! Answer me.
Yoon-sung: Yes. Because that is my revenge.
Jin-pyo: Even if it’s going to war with me?
Yoon-sung: Even if you go beyond war. Don’t touch the people who are precious to me. I will protect them. Even you, Father.

Swoon. When he stands up to Dad, while still loving him like a dutiful son, it just makes me die a little inside. It’s so heartbreaking.

But as soon as Yoon-sung and Ajusshi walk out, Dad orders Sang-gook to find the agent who Yoon-sung saved today. Oh crap. I knew there’d be a swift turnaround on that.

Nana gets her shoulder wrapped at the hospital, and the police question her about the City Hunter. She says that he’s tall and she could only see his eyes. The cop asks what the eyes looked like, and she starts to describe them, all of a sudden flashing back to the way the City Hunter looked at her on the ledge, and then that moment, when Yoon-sung almost kissed her.

Eeeeeeeeee! She knows! Does she KNOW-know? It might just be a flicker rather than a realization, but how much do I love that doesn’t have Lois Lane’s Black Hole of Eyewear? There’s still plenty of room for him to wriggle out of this, but the seed of uncovering his identity… it’s there.

Back at home, Yoon-sung holds Ajusshi’s hand as he apologizes. Ajusshi: “Oh, it’s okay. I guess Boss is human… he didn’t kill me.” He laughs, which is really messed up. That shouldn’t really be a moment of levity, but for this family, it is.

He worries about Nana and gets up to find out what happened to her, but the instant he stands, he collapses. It’s about time. I was wondering when the day’s events were going to take their toll.

Ajusshi runs to get Sae-hee and brings her back to the house to treat Yoon-sung. He tells her that she’s just in more danger now, since she knows yet another secret. She thinks just the opposite, grateful that he called for her.

He sleeps for a while, and when he comes to, the first thing he asks is how Nana is. Ajusshi tells him that she got checked out at the hospital and wasn’t badly injured. He sighs in relief, still worried that she’s probably shaken up.

He decides he has to move out of her house (Nooooo!) to keep Dad from coming after her. I think Dad’s smarter than you think, and will find her regardless of where you’re living. Ajusshi asks, “Do you like Nana? Is that why you didn’t go after Seo Yong-hak and rescued Nana? If you had to do it all over again, would you make the same choice?”

Yoon-sung turns his head, brushing him off with an “I don’t know. I don’t know,” but then answers honestly, “I’m scared… that something might happen to Nana.” Ajusshi just feels terrible, thinking it’s his fault for asking him to look out for her in the first place.

She calls, asking where he is and if he’s hurt, but he answers brusquely that he’s busy and hangs up. Aw, so heartbreaking that he cares so much but can’t show it.

He falls asleep and has another dream, this time back on the ledge holding Nana. He struggles and then loses his grip, and she falls to the ground with a thud. She dies instantly, the blood pooling around her. Dude, your nightmares are starting to give ME nightmares.

It startles him awake, and he decides he can’t take it—he has to go see her right now to make sure she’s okay. Aw, puppy, if you’re that worried about her now, how do you plan on living away from her?

Nana tosses and turns in bed, worried and wide awake. She finally gets up and goes to the roof for some air. She says aloud, “I miss him. I’m worried.” And then he’s there, calling out her name…

Yoon-sung: Kim Nana, do you know what time it is? It’s past 2am. It’s not enough that you shower without locking the front door, you’re out catching the night air because you think you’re good at judo?!
Nana: Do you think I want to be out here at night? I can’t sleep. I’m worried. I just came out to get some air. Why don’t you come and go early instead of worrying people?! And why don’t you answer your phone, keeping me awake and putting me in a bad mood? Who’s the cause of all this and you’re yelling at me…

Their outbursts are of course just I-love-you, I-miss-you, I-was-worried, dressed in their prickly banter. But tonight the meaning is clear enough to cut through the crap. And Yoon-sung interrupts her and grabs her in a kiss.

The camera slows down just enough to make each moment linger and float away, as he kisses her over and over again.

He holds her close and then proceeds to tell her to always lock the door, and be wary of strangers, not to eat only kimchi, and not to just take care of the dog, but to take care of herself too. Oh no. You’re saying goodbye. No, no, no, no, no!

He adds wistfully that her coffee was always the best. Not catching his drift, she sweetly offers to make him a cup, so he sends her down with a “Will you?” Don’t do it!

She goes down and makes coffee, but by the time she comes back up, he’s gone. All he’s left behind is his jacket where it fell when he kissed her. She looks around, confused and stunned.

Yoon-sung drives away, telling himself, “I’m going to protect you. This is the only way.” Aaaaargh. I mean, I know. Noble idiocy actually makes sense in the superhero’s world. It’s a trope borne of this genre and in fact I think it fits this setup nicely. It doesn’t change the fact that it pains me through the heart like a very stabby wound, but I suppose that’s a testament to the fact that it’s played effectively.

But STILL. *wail*

Yoon-sung recovers well through the night, and Sae-hee tells him that he’s doing much better. She asks how he knows Kim Jong-shik, since she heard him say the name in his sleep. He and Ajusshi freeze. Yeah, you guys need to work on your stealth mode in the reaction department.

Sae-hee coolly answers, “I wonder if the City Hunter knows… that Minister of Education Kim Jong-shik’s top-university-educated son is Prosecutor Kim Young-ju.” Oh, she’s just outright handing him information now, all by the by, if the City Hunter is interested… She’s quickly on her way to becoming the girl friday ’round here. Wait. That’s my job.

Yoon-sung and Ajusshi stare at each other in disbelief.

At the same time, Dad finds out the same connection, including the fact that the father-son relationship is strained, and that it’s also kept very secret, because Young-ju doesn’t want to be accused of riding Daddy’s coattails.

Yoon-sung paces back and forth, “So have we entrusted a mouse in a fox’s lair, all this time?” (A common metaphor that means what you think, like asking Cookie Monster to hold your cookies for a minute.)

He berates himself for the massive mistake, in handing over his first two targets to the son of a member of the Council of Five. Ajusshi tells him that it’s not his fault — how could he have known? But Yoon-sung doesn’t relent, saying he should have prepared, should have known.

To make matters worse, Dad calls to rub salt in it, and declares that all three, including the targets he’s already turned over to Young-ju, will die by his hand. Yoon-sung slams his fist down in the face of his first real screw-up.

Nana gets shredded at work for failing as an agent, and most of all for getting her gun taken from her in the line of duty. Yeah, not gonna lie. That’s bad. She’s told to write her resignation and clear out her desk, and in a week’s time the committee will reach a decision.

She cleans out her stuff and runs into Yoon-sung on her way out. She calls out his name but he just stops to stare, and then goes on his way, not even a flicker of interest in his eye.

Young-ju catches up to her to ask if she got a good look at the City Hunter’s face, and wonders if his eyes aren’t familiar. She just stammers that they’re not and asks what Young-ju thinks. He tells her that they’re comparing blood samples from both incidents right now, and they should have an identity soon.

He notices the little Pororo doll in her stuff, and asks if it’s hers. She starts to say that it’s Yoon-sung’s, but says that Yoon-sung gave it to her. Young-ju remembers picking up the same doll while questioning Jin-pyo, but a common Pororo doll is no smoking gun. Yoon-sung listens to the whole exchange and slips away.

Seo Yong-hak comes in for questioning, mobbed with eggs in front of the courthouse. He confesses to everything without hesitation and asks hurriedly to be placed in safe custody. “You don’t think that the City Hunter will follow me all the way there and kill me, right?”

Young-ju is surprised at Seo’s level of fear. He knows the City Hunter to be the guy who drops these guys off on his doorstep, but Seo seems to think he’s out for blood. Young-ju asks if he knows anything about the dog tags and a special forces team in ’83, but Seo remains tight-lipped about that.

The results are in from examining the anonymous note detailing Seo’s crimes – and it identifies the City Hunter as… Senator Lee Kyung-wan, aka Target No. 1. Hahahahaha. Awesome. How’d you do it?

Ki-joon’s little brother gets honorably discharged from the army, and the President attends the ceremony in his honor. Yoon-sung sits in the audience as well, watching proudly. He gives a speech that actually brings tears to my eyes:

Go Ki-wook: I’m standing here after losing a leg, but I don’t ever regret going to the army. I wanted to serve handsomely, but my time was cut short. It’s what I regret the most. If it weren’t for the City Hunter, we might’ve elected a president who rotted his soldiers’ bodies with faulty boots. Young men sacrifice their youth to protect this land. All those in politics, instead of thinking that you’re sending others’ sons to the army, I would like to ask you to protect the beautiful youth of Korea.

He salutes, and the whole audience stands and salutes him in return, the President down below, and Yoon-sung in the very back. It’s a wonderful moment, because it gives meaning to capturing Seo Yong-hak and bringing him to justice, beyond vengeance.

But of course the President isn’t without fault in this very dilemma of a nation’s promise to protect its soldiers – and Jin-pyo doesn’t lose the opportunity to remind him of his sins. He appears in the crowd, dressed in uniform, just long enough for the President to catch a glimpse of him before he disappears like a hallucination.

It’s moments like this where I soften a little to Jin-pyo’s pain. His story will never have the neat resolution like this one, with commendations and flowers and rousing speeches. There’s only the death of his brothers, which will never see the light of day.

His psychological torture is effective on President Choi, who is the only one of the Council of Five to have ever shown remorse, and the complexity of their relationship definitely makes him the most interesting of the five targets, even before counting the obstacle of his being the sitting president.

Young-ju uses this opportunity to approach the President about giving him access to classified military files—those pertaining to the ’83 Incident. He’s been denied at every stage, and so he’s come as a last resort, to the top of the food chain.

The President answers carefully that it’s not a matter he can clear on his own, but promises to look into it. Man, I love how all the threads are really starting to intertwine.

Young-ju catches up to Yoon-sung to ask if he knows a Steve Lee, checking on that hunch about the Pororo toy he found in Dad’s office. Yoon-sung says no and walks off.

During judo training today, Eun-ah takes all her frustrations at Nana’s dismissal out on poor Ki-joon, who basically serves as a large lanky punching bag. Yoon-sung comes for his lesson and Nana’s boss steps in to take over for her, telling him that the change might be permanent, if the committee decides to fire her.

This is the first Yoon-sung is hearing about it, so he asks defiantly if this is because she got her gun taken from her. Her boss gripes that her being a female agent is the problem. Oh, NO YOU DI’N’T! I thought you were just strict, but you’re sexist too? He takes Yoon-sung’s arm to throw him over his shoulder, but Yoon-sung doesn’t budge, instead picking him up and slamming him down with a, “Agent Kim Nana taught me that!” So. Satisfying.

Back in the office, Ki-joon rolls over to ask for something and sees Nana’s present sitting in Yoon-sung’s desk. He gets giddy, asking if it’s for his girlfriend. “Did you go on a sogaeting? Hunting? Booking?” Hahaha. You could say he goes hunting.

He gets a call from Nana and he answers curtly again, but this time she asks straightaway for him to come over… and the camera pans up to show Dad, looming right behind her. Oh crap. He takes the phone out of her hand, “Are you very busy?”

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. Yoon-sung darts out of his chair and zooms over there, biting his lip in a panic the whole way.

Turns out Dad’s not here to threaten directly, well not in a hold-a-gun-to-her-head kind of way, although in some sense this nice dad act is way creepier. He sees Yoon-sung’s bullet necklace around her neck (oh god, you HAD to wear it today?), the bullet that he dug out of his own chest to give to Yoon-sung. Oh, this is BAD. Very bad.

Yoon-sung runs in there, thinking the worst, only to find Dad smiling and having a tea party with Nana. HA. Dad’s message is effective though, and Yoon-sung trembles, his hand shaking as he clenches his fist.

They walk out and Dad asks if he loves this girl. Yoon-sung gulps and quickly says no. Dad: “Foolish kid. I told you not to fall in love. Know this: because of you, she could die.”

Yoon-sung’s eyes dart back to Dad in fear – is it a threat? A warning? Dad says nothing more and turns to walk away. I do read some genuine fatherly concern in his words though. Not the happy-kittens-and-rainbows kind, just yunno, the I’m-worried kind.

Nana runs down, concerned that Dad misunderstood their situation. The living together situation? Well who would do that? All that was missing was you walking around in his shirt. But Yoon-sung cuts her off coldly: “Butt out. My relationships with women are so complicated that my Dad’s long since stopped caring.” Damn.

Ajusshi freaks out at the news that Dad went to see Nana. Yoon-sung tells him the message was loud and clear: I’m going to kill Kim Jong-shik, and if you get in the way, something happens to Nana. He decides to clear his stuff out of there first thing. He notices Nana’s earring on the floor and picks it up.

For now Target No. 3 is out of the country, and Yoon-sung figures that he has to find some sort of dirty secret before he’s back. Ajusshi blathers quickly, “He has one! I know he does!” Yoon-sung: “How do you know?” Ajusshi: “I just do!”

Um… now might be the time for you to spill the beans about the accident, no?

The next day he sends Ajusshi to pack up his stuff, and stops in to get treated at Sae-hee’s clinic.

At the same time, Young-ju gets the results from testing that piece of clothing found at the warehouse. It’s a particularly unique designer shower gel… Oh NO. He scans the list of people who order it directly… and stops at one name: Lee Yoon-sung.

Damn that fruity shower gel! I knew your obsession with that was going to bite you in the ass, but I didn’t think it’d be the clincher! Gah, who needs false DNA tests when you use some shower gel that only 50 other people use? Just buy your soap at the drugstore like a regular dude!

Young-ju puts all the pieces together, all the clues that have been hovering around him for weeks. He lands at that suit—his suit, from the night after the City Hunter was shot. Sae-hee.

He rushes over to Sae-hee, questioning her like a suspect, and calling out all her tells, like her finger motions when she’s lying. She holds up well enough, just acting like it’s uncomfortable for her to talk about her new man with her old husband. But Young-ju isn’t buying it.

He runs outside to dig through her trash, hoping to find anything used to treat Yoon-sung. But he finds nothing.

Once he’s gone Sae-hee opens the door to the next room, where Yoon-sung has been sitting the entire time. She hands him a bag of his bloody clothes and the supplies she had used that night. Smart girl.

He thanks her for her help yet again, and wonders why she’s always saving his hide. She tells him, “I feel bad for a dog that’s lost its way. And you seem lost.” Aw.

Ajusshi packs up Yoon-sung’s things in Nana’s apartment (with no fear that she’ll come home at any point?) and sighs to himself that since living here, he’s seen Yoon-sung genuinely laugh and smile. He drops something while packing but doesn’t notice. Oh god, it’s not Nana’s picture is it?

Yoon-sung sends him home first with his stuff and waits to say goodbye to Nana. She’s busy buying groceries, and decides to make Yoon-sung’s favorite dish as requested, with no veggies and just beef. She thinks again about the City Hunter and Yoon-sung, and says aloud, “It can’t be, right? It’s not.”

She comes home to find him asleep on the couch, and makes him dinner. She goes to wake him up and he doesn’t stir. Then she suddenly thinks back to the City Hunter. Slowly, trembling, she raises her hand toward his face…

She covers everything but his eyes. She flashes back to the City Hunter. And back to his eyes.

Her eyes grow wide. SHE KNOWS!

She covers her mouth as she gasps, and he darts awake. She tells him to eat and turns away, the recognition settling in on her face. They sit awkwardly over dinner, both their heads spinning over different things.

Yoon-sung looks at her, and at his bullet around her neck. He finally starts in:

Yoon-sung: Forget what happened that day. You’re such a prideful stick-in-the-mud that I just played around with you, but if you’re like this it’s no fun. We kissed once and the way you look at me has changed. Turns out there’s not much to you. You’re easy… So easy it’s no fun. I’ve lost my taste for it. The me you saw in the beginning is right—I’m really that guy.

Daaaaaayum. Why you gotta rip a girl’s insides out to save her?

He adds that he’s already moved his stuff out. She can stay as long as she wants and he won’t tell her to leave. He suggests that they can at least say hi to each other at work, to make things comfortable. And with that he makes his exit, Nana frozen from his ice-cold words.

He leaves and looks out at the night, “I can’t love. That is my fate.”

He comes home and finds Ajusshi unpacking his things. Ajusshi asks why he’s collected all these old news stories on Kim Jong-shik, and he looks at the file—it’s Nana’s, not his. He flips through it, wondering why she’s collecting information on him. Ajusshi worries, realizing that his wires might cross and he’ll find out about Nana’s parents.

Just then, news breaks of Lee Kyung-wan being rushed to the hospital from prison. Yoon-sung looks up at the tv, and standing at the hospital’s entrance ready to receive Target No. 1? Is Dad, in a white coat.

Yoon-sung races to stop him…

At the same time, Young-ju gets a call that Lee Kyung-wan is ready to talk about the ’83 Incident. He rushes to hospital…

They get there at the same time, eyes meeting in the corridor. But they’re too late. The bodies of two police officers get carted away between them.

Young-ju goes in to Lee Kyung-wan’s room… and finds him dead.

Yoon-sung watches from behind the police line, and then turns to see Dad with a look of grim determination on his face.

He’s too late.


I seriously cannot remember the last time I watched a show this gripping and tightly, rapidly plotted. It’s enough to make a recapper giddy. I could go on endlessly about the awesome badassery at every turn, but in the end what really seals it for me is that this show has heart. It’s so bleeding-heart earnest and idealistic, and the epic journey of a young hero that it makes me swoon a thousand times, and then pump my fist in ever-living glory. Why yes, I AM that geeky.

And I don’t normally have to moderate too many spoilers since most of you know not to do it, but please for the love of superheroes, don’t spoil me on Episode 10! I will hunt you down and poke you with my sword-cane!


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City Hunter has cast his spell ! I shudder to think what might happen when this drama ends. Girlfriday, will you be joining the line to have his babies?? LOL

I am very impressed with the camerawork. The kiss is more romantic than it is actually is due to the perfect lighting ,the way the camera slows down and the angle. There's fantastic camerawork in other scenes as well.

I think Park Min Young has to study carefully her facial expressions and her intonations because she can do better with more thought.Her expressions in the two kisses are almost identical. She is not great but also not bad, acting wise.

The plot has too many holes and coincidences and some solutions are too simplistic especially when you are supposed to be dealing with the 5 most powerful men in Korea. And they seem to only have goons under their employ.

In spite of all these, the drama is entertaining and has a lot of heart. Kudos to the director and cast esp the veteran actors and LMH for being able to bring out the emotions and make the viewers feel. Badass dad is awesome.


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ooh recap came in early! yes! :D


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It is just amazing. It's my favorite drama thus far this year. I love it so much that I watch it raw! Not even with Coffee Prince I did that!


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loving this drama so much right now.


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Cracktastic!!! my next crack after BL ending!! Thanks GF!! you are on a roll!! BL recap + City Hunter recap in one day!!
Thanks a bunch!!!


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GAH! Like you GF, I also had to wonder whether I'm like being drugged to like this drama so much.

I still remembered how when the trailers/ posters first came out, it was like the oddest/most confusing thing ever. But I'm so glad it's not!


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yay, they kiss ^^ lol

thanks for doing the recap so fast girlfriday !!!


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young-ju should have been jin-pyo's son maybe then jin-pyo would have got the revenge he wanted !!!

young-ju is so obsessive so determined to catch the bad guy, he forgot to protect nana someone he's literally bound himself to do instead the only thing he does is sheepishly approach her to ask for more info no wonder the vet lady left him!!!

i wish he'd actually focus on the bigger pic here and figure out wat it is the city hunter is trying to do. For a man of reason he seems to have become annoyingly persistant abt catching the city hunter, plus he seems to have too much clout in this story and needs to change his prof to maybe the join the police force !!


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Trying so hard not to read the recap coz I'm only up to Ep 4.....Love, love the action scenes. His long legs just amplified the whole fighting scene.

My eyes just got too busy everytime he appears - should i start with the eyes, the mouth..oh wait, he's gone, gotta to rewind.... His looks is too mesmerizing (I'm feeling a little embarassed!!)


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This was such a nice treat after the letdown that was the time skip after surgery in BL.


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because i knew it was gonna happen beforehand (completely spoiled), i was all looking forward to the kiss but after i watched the whole episode 9....

am i the only one who thinks he should've never kissed her??

i mean, i like a good drama kiss scene as much as the next person, but if i was na-na's girlfriend in real life i would have been raging at the situation. now i know that he is turning na-na away for her own good because he fears his father's wrath, but he KNEW he was going to have to move out and stay away from her before he went over to her place and kissed her. also the way he muttered to himself "nana, this is for your own good" as he was speeding away in his car immediately afterwards, looks like he was planning on being all mean to her already at that point.

well then, yoon-sung, you should have kept your hands and lips to yourself! poor na-na, you are just making her miserable! ugh.


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Yes, he needed to kiss her...how else was she going to "KNOW" that he loves her?

The kiss conveyed every feeling he held back for the past 7 years.


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I understand where you're coming from and I think you're right that "he shouldn't" have done so, and, looking back at the episode, I don't think he really intended to.

He went over there after the nightmare because he was afraid that their relationship could lead to her death, which says to me that he went over to more say goodbye than to confess.

But it's pretty easy to lose control of yourself, to act against your own will when you're looking into the eyes of someone you love. I'm sure many of us have done things we shouldn't have done for love. I won't fault him too heavily for that.

As for reasons outside of the story, Celexa makes a point about the kiss being necessary so that both of them can think about it in future scenes. Even with what YS has done since it's happened, it drives their relationship forward in a powerful way. Their relationship probably needs to be at this point for the sake of the plot. It gives viewers what they want, especially after being teased with a kiss in epi 8.


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@celexa @ cam, i totally agree with you...

and to quote celexa...

"He went over there after the nightmare because he was afraid that their relationship could lead to her death, which says to me that he went over to more say goodbye than to confess.

But it’s pretty easy to lose control of yourself, to act against your own will when you’re looking into the eyes of someone you love. I’m sure many of us have done things we shouldn’t have done for love. I won’t fault him too heavily for that. "

you dearie have a way of putting into words what I already have in heart and mind...hahaha!

And after that day's event, with all the turmoil going around, with him already losing color (and blood for that matter) he's still on about her...ABOUT HER! How can you think of revenge and bad things when all he's seeing in his mind is NANA?


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Ugh, I have so much course work but here I am obsessing over City Hunter. GOD, that episode was SO GOOD. What is it with good dramas lately? They make me unable to control myself!!! First Dream High, then 49 Days, now City Hunter?? GAHH.

I really hope Prosecutor Kim doesn't think that Yoon-sung is behind the killings... GAHH, I can't take it. I'm gonna go watch episode 10. Looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight.


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More kisses please!! He's so good at it, its bordering erotica...


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Thanks GF for this recap...I was so thrilled to see this that I ignored my dinner...:))

The KISSSSSSs...am so happy that it was great...not the usual kiss we see because I would have rolled my eyes. LMH now is in the top kissers of kdrama in my list..(not that I have plenty, rarely see hot kissers..lol)

I never thought I will get hooked on CH as I am now. But am so eager to see it that I watched it raw even if I know I don't understand 90% of it. As usual, I have to count the days when it is Wed-Thurs again...:(


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this is such a great show. Hwang Sun Hee's Sae Hee is so subtly played and totally fits the tone of outsider-with-scars-but-knows-batman's-secret mold. though in many ways the performances are similar, i hated her character in "sign" just as much as i love her Sae Hee in this. I love getting this kind of disparate reaction to actors. it means they are really good at what they do, to me.


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All this is doing is making me want to reread all the old Batman comics (and new) just because it reminds me of Batman's constant war with himself to not cross THAT line that separates him from all the other crazies in Gotham City. Truthfully I feel that Yoon-sung has already tipped completely towards the side of justice/"good" (or maybe there's more to be seen on that), but with Batman, it was an ongoing battle with darkness on his part. And I quote from a Superhero study by Deepak Chopra:

"Even [Batman's] greatest adversaries - like the Joker or the Riddler - reflect [Batman's] own contained chaos. They are his own fears and nightmares unchecked and come to life, for within him tremble some of the same qualities that left to fester, may overwhelm him. He could become them. He exists on the razor's edge, constantly at risk, tempted by darkness..."

What I love about Yoon-sung is that he pretty much has the Batman thing going, especially since he took his tragedy and instead of using it as reason to spill blood, he chose it as a reason to try to end the blood vengeance. And so, Batman echoes in my head (okay, and because I read Chopra's book recently and it reminded me of this line from yesteryear) that "It's not the moments of tragedy that define our lives so much as the choices we make to deal with them." (Dude, Miri so needs to read Batman comics. Just sayin'.) I don't know much about analyzing kdramas and the ins/outs of it all, but I can appreciate the goosebumps City Hunter gives me concerning my love for complex superheroes.

P.S. Obviously my favorite from the DC Universe is Batman.


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Okay - now I have a mental picture of Miri pouring over a Batman comic, looking at the good, heroic Batman with puzzlement and squeeing over Two-Face...


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HAHAHAHAHAHA. That comment on "squeeing over Two-Face" made me think of JustSomeRandomGuy and his videos with Harley Quinn and her love triangle with Mr. J (The Joker) and Green Goblin. Miri can so pull a Harley if she went all psycho and trigger happy on us. XD


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thanks for the recap! city hunter is great! each week just keeps you wanting more. i can't wait till next week.


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First of I love love love this show! But is the hero part of him supposed to have that bad of a flaw? Leaving many evidence behind every thing he does? And, not everyone notice who he is? Cause if it was me I would be like that LMHot lol! (run and kidnapped him lol) k maybe not on the drama but still he trained for so long. The finger print and etc. Or am I seeing everything wrong coz he is supposed to be like that?


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ahhh~ love your recap, lol i read it fully then watched ep 10.

i wont say anything i promise.. except WHY CAN'T IT BE NEXT WEEK ALREADY?


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"What did you think would happen when you left him there? That Dad would chuckle and say ‘gosh darn that rascal,’ and bake him cookies?!"
I'm still laughing at this XD


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This episode was just soaked with awesomesauce. There wasn't a moment to catch my breath because the pacing was going at jet speed.

I know we're only halfway through 2011, but if this isn't The Drama of the year, then it's the one to beat.


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Wow I wasn't expecting this recap! But it's a happy surprise. I get to live through the excitement one more time through the recaps. I kept on nodding my head while reading this, haha. Can't wait for your episode 10 recap!

This show really is that good.


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YAY!!! I'm so happy the recaps are out so quickly for this ep so I can share my obsession for this show with all of you. It's fantastic to know many of you out there share my luff for CH.

We're now just about midway through the show. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the show sustains its onscreen chemistry between the two leads, fast-paced plot, and the loveability of LMH. (Man, does he look good, walk good, kiss good!)

This show definitely "has heart" and for me, it's a must-see for Film Production 101 for all future producers and scriptwriters.

Can't wait for more!!!! In the meantime, I'm re-watching my fave scenes (i.e. bus scene, by the river scene and of course, kissing scene) again and again and again.


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Thanks GF for your recap...
this show is totally hooked me...
rapid development and surprising turn of events in each episode


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Thanks GF for recapping this awesome show!

Dad needs a Prozac!
Ajushhi is adorable
And that kiss was smokin!

More, more more!


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OMG SO GOOD! Favorite show ever. EVER!


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Thanks for the recap!! This drama reminds me of the Dream High days. I know they're nothing alike, but it's the feeling of earlier low expectations and then being made to eat my words when I was hit in the face with all its awesomness. This suspense and the emotions are what Athena should have delivered, but didn't.

kdrama hospitals are the sketchiest places ever - your right to privacy is violated willynilly and then creepy assassins can just waltz in posing as doctors and no one suspects.

Sae-hee is just 10 thousand different kinds of awesome! So is Nana for suspecting and then figuring out that Yoon-sung is the City Hunter. I was afraid they series will won't let her find out until 3/4s of the way through!

the shower gel!!! *groans* WHY, Yoon-sung, WHY?!! Wasn't he like raised in the wilds of Thailand - how did he even get into using expensive shower gel?!


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You're right on about the sketchy hospital!

Why isn't he just buying his shower gel online? Funny how the product placement for Chanel shower gel has become a plot turning device (twice now). I'm fine with this as long as it's done well (so far so good) and I hope it profits them well for bringing us such a lovely drama.


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Did you forget he studied at MIT in the US? Besides, Chanel is not unknown to the uber rich which in this case he is.


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MIT is, like, the least hygienic place ever. Trust me. During finals, they sometimes hand out deodorant in the reading rooms and libraries. There's a shower (and signs in the hallway advertising it) in the student center so that we don't have to go back to our dorms and stop studying. It's sort of gross. I'd love to say YS picked up his squeaky clean habits and MIT, but students are driven in the opposite direction. DX


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Omo! I'm sooo late

but what a great way to start a day:D


Thank u GF..<3<3<3


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I love the kiss..their lips were moving!!!

Another great recap..love u GF:)


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can't agree with you more, Olsen dear! ;)

i literally swooned from Lee Min-Ho's
tender yet hotter than hot kiss... ;)


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Olsen dearest!! ;)

i am in sch now attending meetings before the start of Semester 2 next Mon...
BUT my mind is right here
with you, GF, JB, CH and the-you-know-who...hehe

how's this recap for you? ;)

as for me, im still trying to put my thoughts together
before posting my impression of it
so as to do justice to GF's effort...

but...for now, permit me to do the following :


*faints from the screaming fit*


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kdl! I remember you fondly from the last ep because your obsession matched mine. Hahaha - I faint with you, my friend, I faint with you.

*Fangirl solidarity faint*


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Eleven11!!! My dear Eleven11!!
Where have you been? ;)

I remember you just as fondly (if not more)
precisely because we are equally obsessed
with LMH and CH!!! ;)

Sooo glad to hear from
my friend-in-obsession-of-Lee-Min-Hot!! ;)

*fangirl solidarity faint* X 1000!!! ;)


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Kay..was missing u!

Another great and funny recap from GF. Seriously, she is sooo funny it's not even funny!

I my heart was breaking for Nana.
WE know that YS is doing this FOR HER but if I were in her shoes,
I probably would have to be hospitalised after those harsh words from YS:(
Ya, I'm a softie!

The fact that YS always had that certain 'connection' with Nana even before he met her makes it harder to watch her being so cruel to her.

Oh..how i hate all this 'cruel to kind' stuff!

The kiss was awesome though:)
But, am still waiting for the kiss that rivals the ones from 'A love to Kill'.
Never mind the plot of that drama, the kisses were awesome!

I love that YS has a heart - a big one at that.
His interaction with agushhi always makes me smile.

Just hoping that the coming episodes would be filled with cute cute kisses:)


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cruel to be kind*


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Olsen...missed you too!!

i can't tell you how LONG today felt like...
the whole time i was physically in meetings,
my mind and heart were right here,
with all my lovely, insanely-in-love-with-LMH
comrades in arms... ;)

another insanely superlative recap by the-one-who-is-as-obsessed-with-LMH-as-the-rest-of-us Girlfriday... ;)
but more on that later...


"my heart was breaking for Nana"

i can't agree with you more -
in fact so ACUTE was the pain i felt
listening to YS's words-i-don't-mean-to-say-but-for-the-life-of-me-couldn't-stop-saying-them to Nana,
that i was literally alternating between
pumping my fist on my chest and
clutching it in my fruitless attempt to stop the pain,
with tears flowing without me fully realising it... ;(

never before have i heard words more cruel
or searingly painful being thrown about in Kdramaland
that the shock was truly unbearable...aaarrrrgghhh...

and yes, knowing YS has been in love with Nana
for so long makes the whole incident all the more

and yes, had i been on the receiving end
of such heart-breakingly cruel words,
i would probably have either stopped breathing
there and then, or suffered a cardiac arrest...

i agree -
being cruel to be kind is just CRUEL...


as for the breathtaking kiss,
having seen LMH produce THE KISS in Personal Taste,
i was not at all shocked by the kiss,

but somehow, this kiss FELT a lot more...HONEST? ;)
heart-breakingly, searingly, yearningly honest

considering the premise - star-crossed lovers...


and yes, YS has the biggest heart -
a gigantic HEART OF GOLD,
reminiscent of what Son Ye Jin as Park Gae In
said to Lee Min Ho as Jeon Jin Ho in Personal Taste -
"your heart is as big as the Pacific Ocean"... ;)


YS's interactions with the Ajusshi reveals to us
the essentially tender-hearted soul within YS,
providing YS with the warmth, compassion,
tenderness and normalcy that every single human being
craves and thrives on...

something decidedly lacking in the interaction between
YS and his adoptive dad, JP, which to me is based
solely on JP taking advantage of an innocent and
impressionable child with the intention of using him as
an instrument for exacting revenge, not justice,
for the wrong done to JP and his comrades
because JP is too much of a coward to do it himself...

if anyone disagrees with my opinion abt JP,
just watch YS's mother cry so heart-breakingly
for the son she lost so many years ago,
and tell me you believe that JP is a good person...

what's more, JP blatantly lied to YS's mother
and said that YS is in America
and living a good life, even though he can see
with his own eyes, the terrible damage he has done
to the poor woman...not to mention the damage
he has done to the child he cruelly snatched from her...

how can anyone justify JP's actions as correct, right
or acceptable even in the face of the tragic life of an innocent mother facing a desperately lonely life without her child by her side?????!!!!

how could anyone justify subjecting this poor soul,
who lost her husband so suddenly,
to the endless torturous pain of losing her child???

how could anyone in his/her right mind BELIEVE it is morally right to do what JP has done and is still doing???

i am literally dying inside thinking of how tragic a life YS's poor mother has gone through...

my heart is breaking so... ;(


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Ya..I can understand about JP wanting to take revenge, but the way(s) he's trying to execute that might not be the best way.

As for taking away YS when he was a baby, I think that's the one of the hardest things one can suffer about one's own child. With death, you can have closure and you can somehow move on after sometime. But with a missing child, you can never stop wondering how the child is doing, is he alive, is he safe, etc.

The first episode proves that JP, in his own way loves YS (enough to risk his own life).
But the way things are moving put us on the edge of our seats..wanting MOAAARR....
so I can't really complain about the whole twisted relationship!
I feel bad for YS of course, but the fact that he hasn't turned into someone like JP makes him even more lovable (as if that's possible).


Exactly, Olsen! ;)

my elder brother passed away suddenly at age 6
because of high fever and my parents have never
forgotten him nor has the excruciating pain
of losing one's beloved, flesh and blood so young
diminished all these years...

and so i feel YS's mother pain and suffering
all the more because the pain of a mother's loss
in CH comes so close to home...

and yes, i am so glad CH has heart,
thru Yoon-Sung, which is the perfect choice
to drive home what is most important in life -
no matter how impossible the odds are in life,
no matter how unjustly we have been treated,
we still have a choice how to react -
heartlessly or heartfeltly (with or without heart),
so that there is still HOPE for a better life/future
than the one that passed,
for what is life if devoid of hope and dreams?

and the only way for us to feel there is still HOPE
for a better tomorrow is thru our heart
and how we manage, control and nudge it
to feel and guide us to go down the right path...

after all, there is a saying :

it is not what happens to us that matters,
but HOW we react to what happens to us that is important...

Jin Pyo chose to react in the most destructive and
endlessly painful way to deal with the event that
happened to him and his comrades,
while Yoon-Sung chooses to react in the way
that does not condemn him to become
a hopelessly embittered and broken man
like Jin Pyo.

Eleanor Roosevelt said it best :

Nobody can make us feel inferior if we don't allow it.


Dear kdl

I cannot even begin to understand the pain your family must have gone through

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother


Thank you so much for your kind words, Olsen dear! ;)

I could feel your compassion and warmth and
i hope you know how much comfort your words
have given to me... ;)

I was not even born when my elder brother passed
and so i have no memories of him but
his memory lives on with my parents' love and yearning
for him which have never dissipated
for 41 years now...

and so i can truly appreciate City Hunter's
YS's mother's yearning for the son she has lost
because it is not something a mother ever loses
especially as you said yourself -
at least when the separation is as permanent as death,
there is the closure that is needed to move on with life,
but when the separation is because a loved one
has been taken away, as in YS's case,
the pain of loss has no closure or end
because of the endless questioning and wondering -
if the child is still alive?
and if so, how/where is he living?
who is living with?
does he know about his biological family?

the questioning and wondering never ends
for as long as the loved one is still missing...

subjecting YS's mother to this pain
is one of the reasons i cannot ever sympathise/
empathise with or accept Jin Pyo's actions
from the moment he snatched Yoon-Sung
from the loving arms of his mother...

Jin Pyo is the cause of the separation of
mother and child and as a result has inflicted
unbearable pain and suffering on both parties
for so many years and he is still doing it now
even after mother and child has found one another
albeit without the acknowledgement
because of Jin Pyo's lies to Yoon-Sung
that his mother abandoned him,
and his lies to YS's mother as well...

so no matter what Jin Pyo had felt for the betrayal
he had to undergo one terrible night a long time ago,
he has used that experience NOT for good,
but for EVIL and destruction of the mind and soul,
and so I reiterate my point -

Jin Pyo does not know what real love is,
and thus he DOES NOT love Yoon-Sung,
for his actions speak louder
than the words he said to Yoon-Sung -

real love DOES NOT inflict pain and suffering
on the loved ones but Jin Pyo has done that
to Yoon-Sung and his mother DELIBERATELY...

how can anyone believe that Jin Pyo loves Yoon-Sung
when his actions contradict his words?

Jin Pyo's idea and notion of love
has been distorted by his life experience
and thus he needs to be taught what real love is -
and i believe Yoon-Sung should be the one to do that...

Yoon-Sung is a pure soul, with a heart of gold,
and despite being brought up by Jin Pyo
who taught him to be full of hate and vengeful spirit,
i believe Yoon-Sung's pure soul and heart of gold
will be the CATALYST for the change that has to happen
to the characters who need to change the most -
Jin Pyo and those responsible for the massacre of
the men who gave their lives for their country...

i am waiting to see if the writers has this same idea
in mind and how this drama will progress...


This ep was really good, thanks for the reacap GF.


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Demmit, I really gotta marathon this when it's done.

Recap alone's already got me breathless. Thank you so much for the good stuff, GF!!! <3333


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City Hunter has the be the best superhero show ever made in Korea.


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Thank you so much for the recap. I LOVE THIS DRAMA!!! and BEST LOVE of course !!


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Agrhhhhh! CH recap is on today! Thanks, GF.
I couldn't remember enjoying watching action Kdrama this good! Love love, and it's not just Min Ho lips ^^, it's the whole package deal! Wahhhhh...last night (no spoiler) I gasped at the last scene cuz I wanted mooooooooooooore!!!


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Yes - it is THAT good!

Thanks so much for speedy coverage. Even though Eng Suns for this sprout quickly like mushrooms after rain I don't speak Korean and really need Dramabeans recaps and reviews for good series to get the best handle on all the nuances of what is actually happening - eg, City Hunter; and also esp Hong sisters dramas


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And that should be Eng Subs of course!


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CH is my drug atm too <33 ahhhh show, how I love thee <333 next week can't come fast enough!

thanks for the quick recap GF :) enjoy episode 10! <3 the ending to that one hehehe~ no worries, won't spoil it for you :D


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Thank you GirlFriday for the recap! I read your intro and just before I started to read the recap... I stopped myself and looked for "Glory of the City" to play while I read your recap! I was like I was watching it for the third time!

I highly recommend CH addicts to pick your favorite CH OST instrumental and enjoy reading the recaps!


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This is the first time I'm reading CH recaps without having watched the show! Can't wait to get my hands on the latest 2 episodes tonight!
Thanks GF for the prompt recaps!


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Just finished epi 10 (actually, I also rewatched epis 8 and 9 right afterwards. CH is so much good) and I cannot wait for episode 11. I realized I'm going to be in France in an apartment that has no internet connection for the rest of the time this drama's on. If I can't watch it, I think I'll just fall apart. My need for YS-Kim Nana make out fests is so huge.

Amazing recap amazingly fast.


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OMO! That was just INTENSE than reading about Dr. Hannibal Lecter. So, I haven't really realized how cruel dad Jin Pyo is until that last part. I was all along convincing myself until now that, yeah, that is how he shows his love. He's gone through tough times, too, right? But, still somehow, I know he doesn't want to lose Yoon Sung because he loves him. And yes, the worst than a battle between father and son has begun. *dugun dugun dugun thump thump thump*

Okay, so everyone's loosing everyone now. Nana loosing her job and Yoon Sung. Yoon Sung loosing Nana and Lee Kyeong Wan. It was so heartbreaking and I loooove it. And I never realized I was raping the replay button during that 3-step kiss *was that the name?*, especially that part where Yoon Sung turned his head to the other side. That moment was just.. *ahhhhhh* okay I admit, I bit my lower lip so hard like I was watching a porn movie on my screen. Oh yooouuuu.. How can you kiss her like that and leave her like that?! I want to get these two in my arms for a group hug and say, "KINCHANA." The tragedy... *which is why I love kdramas anyway and having Memories of Bali as my favorite*

But, what really amazed me in this episode was that the bullet wound was not gone! Now, that is what you call COOOOOOL. Instead, it stays there and is getting worse. and that's what you call HUMAAAAAN. <3. And City Hunter as well as PROSECUTOR is DAMN SMART.

And yes GF, Show is OFF-THE-CHARTS GOOOOOD. I really never felt this way before where I can't sleep no matter how I use to because I cried with the drama. How can this make me feel this way. It feels like they're REAL and I'M NOT. Why do I feel you, DRAMA!!!!!!


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subs out before recaps wow. <3 city hunter~ ahhh i hope this has a happy ending, I really like kim na na, i wish she was a bit more badass though, and a better body guard, hopefully she gets a chance to prove herself!


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Very good show, indeed. Thanks for the recap.


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oh, and I forgot to say how much I love everything about it!


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Thanks so much for the recap. I always come here to read after I've watched the episode because you all never fail to make me smile over some little detail I either overlooked or caught but thought no-one else would see the same level of awesomeness in.

I adore City Hunter... which is crazy because I had next to zero interest in watching it before browsing through the first recap out of sheer boredom one night, lol. Now I'm hooked, and I can only hope the show keeps being as first rate for the rest of it's run. :)


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no matter ho hard i try, i cant hate daddy jin pyo. actually i find him downright hot sometimes LMAO theres my ajusshi crush right there, for his steeling determination. and if you think about it, hes letting yoon sung do all the work in bringing them down socially, and then he brings them don PHYSICALLY. so its a win for him.

but hes just SO deliciously layered and no matter what i want him to be able to live happily with yoon sung and not die which is a long shot but still. ofcourse hes more than justified in his killings so ill always be sympathetic for him, and despite everything, he still shows so many flashes of his love of yoon sung.

watched ep 9 and 0 live streaming and at every ending i was pulling my hair out SCREAMING because i was so enthralled. this shows suspense techniques are BOSS.

LOL now that nana knows, and sae hee knows as well, maybe they can have a battle of the girl fridays? may the best gf win to be yoonsungs partner, in more ways than one if you know what i mean ;)


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Sometime the unrealistic scene like for example the changing of place in one and only fight in ep10 or the lucky coincidences turn me off.But so far City Hunter still has my attention.


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in my desperate yearning for more Lee Minho , i watched city hunter`s 10th episode raw. it`s amazing how body language & contextual understanding can make a different language comprehensible.

& i completely agree with GF! this drama is just amazingly consistent!

& i love, love, love the writer/s who just wittingly embed seemingly-irrelevant things (i.e. chanel showergel) & surprise us with a bang!


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This recap came earlier than I expected.

My thoughts/Comments:
- Its the BEST EPISODE SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I usually say, Best episode ever, but I am expecting more equally as awesome or even better episodes to come.)

2) *Sigh* Evil Daddy Badass makes Junpyo's mother look like a Saint! Poor Ajusshi!!!!! My heart totally broke at the sight of Ajusshi after being beaten by Daddy.
- I LOVED how he came to Ajusshi's rescue, AND beat the crap out of Daddy's bitch. (An Eye for an Eye)
- Daddy is...
as a character, totally Awesomely Badass.
as a dad, scary, abusive, a lying bastard.
- I like and dislike Jinpyo.....

3) Most Kdrama kisses are kinda wack anyways, but their kiss was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4) Daddy paying a visit to Nana, was TERRIFYING, yet kinda Cute, and comical.
- Though this whole episode was heart wrenching, I'd have to say, this and the Ajusshi beating was the most heart wrenching for me.


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I withdraw my letter to Minho about breaking up with this Drama. I am fully on board to the very end now. This the best episode since the first episode. I am a true believer in Kdrama gods now, I asked for more action like episode 1, and they gave it to me.


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"Daddy’s bitch"



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I just loved that the shower gel helped Young-ju to join the pieces. When Yoon-sung mentioned that he was the 28 on the wait list I found it hilarious. I thought it was insignificant and it was just a comment that was according to his appearance of metrosexual player. I love this writer.

Thinking back in Personal taste days, I was expecting a hot kiss from Lee Min Ho. He didn't dissapoint me. More cooperation from Park Min Young would have been better but the kiss was good.

Thank you for the recap!


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"Noble idiocy actually makes sense in the superhero’s world."

How true, sigh, it so sad that it makes sense though! Aaaargh!


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this drama is way better than i expected. couldn't believe that i'm so addicted to this drama. just finished downloading ep10. i haven't watch ep10. i need to hunt the engsub asap.


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