Lie To Me: Episode 16 Open Thread (Final)


Ki-joon asks why she’s turning down his proposal. Yes, WHY? Ah-jung says that she loves him, but feels scared, like she’s lost something… but she doesn’t know what. Is it freedom? The chance to snog a bunch of men? The right to dance around your room naked?

He promises to wait. She goes to Jeju on a work trip and he sends her off with a watch and a kiss.

She spends a month working and ‘finding herself,’ which mostly consists of writing in a journal about Ki-joon. I’d be more inclined to be with you on this type of journey if you, say, had a different career path you wanted to take, or whatever. But we just spent entire stretches of drama time fighting for your civil service job that Defines You As A Person, so I dunno what we’re doing now.

So-ran finds out she’s pregnant, only to come home to find that Jae-bum’s run out on her. So she comes down to Jeju where the main cast has assembled, and reunites with her wayward hubby. The foursome go on a double date at Ki-joon’s request, in an attempt to make Ah-jung wish she were married too. That might’ve worked with Episode 1 Ah-jung, but she no longer lives here.

Ki-joon has to make up a thousand excuses to get invited into her apartment that night, and finally has to drag her in there. Sadly, it’s a bunch of false starts. Who killed the Libido Fairy up in here?

Dad calls to say that he’s getting married. (What? I thought you did that last episode.) Ki-joon gets deflated at the thought that Dad is getting married before he does. But Ah-jung just keeps pushing him away and away and away…

Ki-joon eventually gives her the engagement necklace and heads back to Seoul. He asks her to come up to have lunch with his aunt, and says that if she shows up wearing that necklace, he’ll take it as a sign that she wants to marry him. Basically, it’s an ultimatum. She frets over the decision, trying to prepare him for the fact that she might not show up.

Sure enough, come the day of the lunch, she gets swamped with a work emergency — an artifact goes missing in the museum. She finally calls Ki-joon with a curt apology that she can’t make it and his aunt fumes at being stood up. Ah-jung runs around in a panic until she discovers the artifact in question, not lost but just misplaced.

She cries, “I’ve found it! I’ve found it!” The curator finds her weeping and asks, “Is there something other than this that you lost, and were looking for?”


Wow, that metaphor could sink a battleship. Show, don’t stretch yourself beyond your means. It hurts us more than it hurts you.

Ki-joon comes down to Jeju for a short trip and asks to see her to hear an explanation. She writes him a letter and takes the necklace out. She puts the letter in the box and this is what she hands him at the airport, saying, “This is my answer.” Um… you don’t think he’ll mistake that as a big fat NO and just toss the box aside?

Which is exactly what he does, of course. Until trusty Park Hoon finds it the next day and he finally reads it. Ah-jung apologizes for not being there that day, but tells him that she’s finally found what she’d lost — her heart. And she’s prepared to run to him now.

He flies down to Jeju the second after he reads it. But the box of stuff he’s sent to her arrives first — ducks, tomato juice, cola — memories of their better moments (and the drama’s, sadly). They run to each other on the beach and profess their love, and in voiceover Ah-jung tells So-ran that they’re getting married soon, and this time for realsies.

Ah-jung: Love came and found us like a lie. And that lie became love.
Ki-joon: And we learned that in a lie, there is sometimes sincerity which is hotter than truth.

HAHAHA. Well, I learned that in a drama, there are sometimes entire final episodes filled with invented conflict in order to turn a NO into a YES.



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they should change the title with ' Don't be shy to kiss me'


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Lie To Me was definitely not amazing. Especially since I've been watching this drama along The Greatest Love and Romance Town which are both much better. Lie To Me failed to impress me, but it's not as bad as many say it is and there are much worst dramas then this. I loved the story between the two main leads. All the rest was pretty much useless. Yoonju and Sanghee both had roles that didn't do much (or nothing) to the story. Especially Sanghee. I liked the other couple better (the frenemies!) and I loved how at the end they became friends again. I also enjoyed the love triangle between Ah Jung's dad etc. BUT, it was still pretty weak (compared to Seri/Doctor and basically all the other characters in Romance Town). The conflicts in Lie To Me were a bit too much... as in random and over-the-top. The "lie" was funny at first, but when you think about it... it doesn't really make much sense. Overall, the storyline was pretty weak and the direction of the drama wasn't up to my standards but some of it was still enjoyable.

I completely disagree with everyone who say that the leads are bad actors. I loved both of them. Yoon Eun Hye ALWAYS impresses me. Ki Joon was good but felt like his character changed WAYYY too much throughout the drama. He began with a cold/OCD/rich personality and then it suddenly changed to cheesy/romantic/funny!

And I would also like to say that I hated all the negativity in these open threads. Honestly, it kinda ruined the show for me. Seeing people write "thank god it's over! it was so bad!" really confuses me. If I hate a show, I just stop watching it and forget about it, move on to other things. I don't understand why some insist on coming back simply to hate on the drama. It seems so immature to me.


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i really love YEH & KJH together in real life. hope they will end up real couple. KJH please date her..........


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YEH dresses in lie to me are sooooo baddddddddddd and not sexy and unflattering. that's contribute also the low rating coz we not get excited when we see her dressing like an old maid......... at least she should wear sexy. Just look at their cola kiss, they way she dress there, yukssss. the kiss so wonderful and magical but her dress smeard it allll


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I noticed that YEH's dresses in LTM were a bit frumpish too, but I kinda understand that. She is a civil servant, and civil servants aren't exactly rolling in cash, so it's understandable that she wears clothes that doesn't look expensive.


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This is the most effed up drama I have ever seen. I apologize to the fans of this drama for my bluntness, but it is the truth. What a waste of talented actors. Seriously. That's, what, four months(?) that they'll never get back. The ending was not surprising in the slightest. We all knew they were going to get together. They could've compressed all this into four episodes at least. Honestly, what a let down.


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With all the raving, ranting, hating, dissatisfaction. LTM became so much watch drama. From its plot to the writer to the actors to everying including the dresses they wore, some of us can't stop commenting about it.


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omo! KJH's kisses melt me over and over.this is what we called true kissing >o<


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"Lie To Me" kdrama is interesting and it's about love, building relationships and so forth. KEH and KJH are great actors and very evident passionate about their craft. It is baffling how this kdrama became an expectacle for some. We've watched several kdramas and we found several glaring flaws, but surprisingly praised here. In our literary class, and we're not koreans either, nobody said negative views of what were written in DB on LTM. So it boils down to the word preference, nothing more, nothing less. LTM has an interesting concept/storyline, it has flaws just about found also in the best kdramas out there. Nothing is perfect in this world. Relax.


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@ ep well said.


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i hated the fact that she loves him so much but then when he proposed to her, she kinda had cold feet & said if he cld wait! wahhhhh what's there to wait for? i thought ah jeong was so intent in being with him, crying & all that when he's not by her side? i blame the writer/s or PD on this & not the actors! they've acted so well in their roles it's just unfortunate it was not well written! overall, it's OK i liked their sweet moments, both are good kissers :)


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Thanks for the weecaps, didn't watch the drama, but enjoyed the reading the summaries. Reading the comments was equally fun as well. Hope people would just chill. Taste is indisputable. Let's leave it at that.
For a non-Korean who enjoys K-dramas, I am thankful for sites like JB's and for the effort and time they put in these things. And the fact that they take the time and effort explain the culture, language, Korean nuances, sometimes even with backstories etc makes me appreciate the drama more.
Cheers to you JB and GF!


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had high expectations for this series that boasted such a star-studded lineup!! As much as I loved the chemistry between KJH and YEH, even their presence didn't prevent me from cringing at their lines or at how the series flowed/were directed. The beginning was really quirky, but somehow it lost a lot of steam, and became a collection of generic 'Korean drama must-haves'.


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To the author of these recaps:

First of all, I thank you for taking the time to write these recaps, despite you not personally enjoying the drama.

However, with that being said, there ARE viewers out there who have enjoyed watching Lie to Me. The fact that you have written these recaps so disparagingly and sarcastically is not helpful nor encouraging.

Yes, the ratings have indicated that the drama is not charming.
Yes, the flatness of the drama does not overcome the two actors' chemistry.
Yes to all these other flaws you have pointedly emphasized.

Nevertheless, I would appreciate it if you stay objective in your summaries. Even though you are entitled to your own opinions, please do not let them show through in the recaps, but before or afterwards.


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Well said. this drama is not fairly treated equaly here. Thats my honest opinion.


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I wonder why other people criticize this drama so much...and I wonder why they stopped recapping this drama....compared to 'Take Care of the Young Lady'?? I stopped watching that drama around the 5th episode then I tried to check here that it was recapped until the last episode....reading the last episode recap, it is way to predictable and strange compared to lie to me...

I think this drama is not for teenager..with all the kissing and passion that the main character shows..I believe people of any age can relate to it..people who knows how to fall in love ^_^


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i seriously loled at the ending. i was cringing with that run-to-each-other-then-embrace scene! what a cliche!!! haha... but over all i still loved the drama. thank you for my bias on both leads... me still likey. :)


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Its so funny that even thou this is just a weecap, even thou the plot is that bad, the content makes no sense watsoever...This drama has gotten so many comments, complains compared w/ all other higher rating dramas. LTM may not be a good drama but it still gets so much attention. People who love YEH&KJW, Im one of you!
Their chemistry is so addictive.


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Can't wait to see this drama.....


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Love this drama very much and also the actor and actress, thanks for making such a lovely drama!


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I loved the plot of the drama But it turned out to be a cliche and so i skipped parts that im not interested of watching. But i loved the chemistry. And the way they kissed. Haha


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*sigh* they really killed the drama at the end.... but it had an awesome start and i enjoyed the first 11 episodes though.


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For me, oddly, the series became far more enjoyable beginning with Episode 11, once the hero of the drama made up his mind about the heroine and decided to go for her. I even came to like the leading actor, Kang Ji Hwan.

Yes, the series wore all its numerous shortcomings out in the open. But the largest share of the blame for its failure goes to the actress playing the heroine, Yoon Eun Hye. I really hope that this is the last time this actress appears on screen, who should have remained in retirement post-Coffee Prince.

Yoon Eun Hye possesses neither presence nor ability to act. Her ungainly face is hard to stomach for more than a minute, what with her Barbara Streisand nose and street-urchin-like profile. Her acting exists in two modes: 1) speak incoherently in tears or 2) scream and shout without syntax, never mind grammar, with nothing in-between. Clearly, subtlety is an alien concept for her. DIction does not worry her, either. She displays the most disgusting eating habit on screen: either using her fingers to pick foods without wiping her fingers clean afterwards or showing half-chewed food in her open mouth, virtually in every episode.

In Lie To Me, she simply recycled the persona and acting identical to that of Coffee Prince. Why on earth the hero falls for this particular heroine, no matter how many plot devices are employed, is never successfully established, thanks to the heroine's lack of, well, everything.


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That's a bit harsh don


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Oh damn, YEH must have gotten on someone's bad side @_@ She's one of my favorite actresses and I think she's brilliant. Her crying scenes are the ONLY ones that can bring me to tears too. No other k-actress has been able to do this so far. But, to each their own @_@


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Yo! I'm not this 'Ace'. Geez. Hated LTM & dislike YEH now too.


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I just read ep 16 recap and it's really funny/fresh the way GF give the comments. Definitely will read ep 1 – 15 recaps.

I can say that this drama is a flop and not recommended. Even this is the first one, which I’ve ever watched. Starting at the middle the storyline is very boring and too many flaws and missing link. I’m very disappointed, because not as my expectation. Because of it, I collected the blooper and made summary. You can check it at link below.



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sad i miss lie to me this well be my most favorite rom com of 2011 so fun to watch i always love how the lead shared there loved and passion..if only i can see both of them in a movie together aaa wish wish wish<3<3<3


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this drama stopped being good at episode 6..after that, it was a total BOREVILLE...i literally was bored to tears with the remaining 10 episodes of it


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It is is sad some people cannot see the gem that is LTM and frankly the negativity here is really grating on me.

Why? Cos LTM, especially in the latter episodes speaks to the heart and the mind. This is the only KDrama that made me rego through the scenes, paying attention to what is being said (and unsaid)..enjoying how the couple interact and develop their relationship.

Sometimes i wonder if the 2 leads were actually "acting" out their true feelings cos it seems so real and uncontrived, their facial expressions, body language and all.

Anyway the kisses were the real deal..watch the BTS for the cola kiss and admire how much of the leads gave of themselves to each other..even though it was acting (or was it??)


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You're right! I've been repeating the scenes over and over again just becos its so addictive to watch their cute romance. :)


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I dont understand you people can be so critical of this drama. I found this series to be one of the best this yr. I love their CUTE romance, their SIZZLING kisses. Both chemistry were one the best. Somehow the plot reflects on how we're living on lies and love these days. Be positive. Just sit back and enjoy this drama. Im pretty sure u will LOVE this.


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Thanks for saving me 6 hrs worth of sheer, mind-numbing boredom, Dramabeans. The first 6 episodes were promising, and then I don't know what happened to this show. I still sat thru 4 more episodes (thru will-power alone, and some teeth-grinding) before finally calling it quits. If it weren't for your recaps, I would never know this was the right choice. I have never wanted to like a show so much and yet been so unable to like it. Lie to me = Epic Fail.


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I'm only on episode 3... Wondering if I should bother finishing it. So far it's really funny, but I wish she would end up with his brother instead.


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well I just recently finished watching this drama. the chemistry is bursting that I don't care about the plot anymore.
nevertheless, worst drama of 2011??? I think not. it had flaws but the drama is not that bad


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I didn't feel any boredom while watching this drama so I can't relate to those who said so. YEH is great, perfect with all the male leads, at least her four dramas I had watched, coffee prince, goong, take care of the young lady and lie to me. I like them all. I'm looking forward to her next project.


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I personally didn't think it was all bad. The two leads were so cute together even though the plot was whacked out at points. I love how Kijoon was so enthusiastic about her and he wasn't afraid to show his devotion and love to her. You don't see this kind of crazy profession of love in other dramas and I found it refreshing.


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hey! Change your handle! To Ace2 if you wanna stick to ace. Been using Ace since forever at most blogs.


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All I can say is I watched this. Its not memorable but it was tolerable enough to finish. But unfortunately that is all I remember.


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Thanks for sticking thru the show with the weecaps at least, guys! :)

With your low, low scores on your list I was expecting much worse. I was pretty on board with the show until her stupid quest for self.

I could see that she probably did need one, what with her pinning so much self worth on her lie to So-Ran, but that isn't why she went on the quest. And what exactly did she find?

The show was totally worth watching for the Cola-Kiss though. The camera man was clearly having some fun with that one, as were the leads ;)


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Kang Ji Hwan does comedy better than melo

His pouts are priceless


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On paper, this is one of the best combinations you can get but this was somewhat disappointing. I struggled to get past the first 6 or 7 episodes

And at some point, this felt like a Full House/insert random drama title mesh up but in a bad kind of way

YEH is not your prettiest actress but she is (still) an A lister and has her fair share of following

KJH - looks (damn) good, acts well, what else do you need?

They disposed of the second female lead Yoonju but failed to tackle the Sang Hee part which I was more interested it. Heck they didnt even develop it, let alone take care of it Mayhe they ran out of time
Or careless writing - put him there but don't know what to do with him. Or stick him there simply because you need a love rectangle

The plot was overall weak and not engaging enough but it had a few interesting moments, mostly found towards the end.

YEH and KJH started out with little chemistry but it got better as it progressed, i guess it comes with time.


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glad its over. what a waste of time watching it.

episode 6 was quite cute they kissed after singing a duet. the cherry blossom scenes were also nice. but the in the latter part, the writer seemed do not know what he's doing. they should have ended it right away.

disappointed to watch YEH and LJK in that kdrama. il pretend i did not watched it. so is YEH's my fair lady. i hated it to the last epi. wish YEH choose her next project carefully. im a fan. il always watch her shows no matter what. but such a waste of talent.

wish they will do coffee prince 2. love to see them together with Gong Yoo ssi.


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Lol I'm still confused... soooo what exactly was she looking for? I'm a bit slow on the uptake apparently...


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You read the wrong blog if you want to understand what Ah jung looking for, because in this weecaps you only can read subjectively bashing, cursing and hating..., no wonder they can't find love that showing in Lie To Me.


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this story was so very beautiful.... Spent 2 days just to finish the entire 16 episodes..Love korean dramas a lot.


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crazy how others even have the audacity to hate this kind of drama, when it was very good and very funny. Maybe many people has lost their humor lately but this is a really good movie especially when you really understand what you are watching, it catches my attention and drags me till the end, boring parts, uhm, yeah there were those but the presence of anticipation was more highly than anything else. Yoon eun hye ang kang ji hwan has a positively very very great chemistry. I hope this isnt the last drama for them together cause they just look so perfect for each other, i wish more projects with both of them in it! Lie to me by far for me is the best comedy love story!


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This drama is cool. I can feel the sweetness of the couple :""""> This is not a bad drama,,


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having experienced "falling in love" myself, I know why this drama appealed to me. This drama brought back all those wonderful memories.. and being a hopeless romantic, well, watching it makes me feel good. I think that's the only thing that matters.

To JB & GF: I have read the summary given by koala and michael. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest that you do. Maybe you'll understand "us" better ^_^


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My two cents worth:

A boyfriend-girlfriend relationship and marriage are indeed two different worlds, which entail a different kind of commitment. I think that was the unique point in this drama, wherein the the girl truly discerned if marriage was right for her at that period of her life, and the guy understood it to be important. :D


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Happy 29th Birthday to YEH!

I have become a huge fan of Yoon Eun Hye. When she cries (quite often) I cry along, when she is cheerful, I am cheerful.

I read a lot of less than enthused comments about the Lie to Me Drama series, but I personal feel this drama is close to being flawless. I am a seasoned engineer so I pride myself being very logical, so I feel the script is basically perfect. All the little things were well fitted into the story. I was upset when Ah-Jeong wouldn't marry her great boyfriend the last two episodes, but even then I feel she was justified. I was totally offended by Aunt's comment about how she should be a trophy wife. I told many people how being a middle class person in USA is the perfect life. I heard if you are super rich in Asia, you are constantly worried about being kidnapped. If Ah-Jeong marries into the rich family, there is no guarantee that she would be happy. I can see why she could hesitate.

The other point that I couldn't really follow was Ah-Jeong's obsession about revenge on So-Ran. But since I am a guy, I am not equip to understand it. But I feel it is realistic as well. I am glad I watch this series and I was addicted to it. Thank you for the great effort, I wish the ratings were a little bit better.


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this was definitely not the worst drama, and besides not every drama can be THE BEST there has to be some drama's that aren't crazy amazing or else there wouldn't be a scale


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So good for the first episode, so boring the second, the third I dropped it. But ep 4, I only caught a brief glimpse of the drama and saw that there was finally some plot movement (Ki Joon and Ah Jung will marry). Of course, from then on, I pretty much predicted what the next episodes will be about so from the Cola Kiss, I dropped it (for real). Show, I loved your kisses, but I hated your plot. The only thing that fueled me were the scenes of Ah Jung and Ki Joon together....it was cute. Everything else, boring!!


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you can criticize it, but at least appreciate the people who write this story
they have made this drama with time and hard work
you know, to make 1 drama is NOT easy


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I think this drama is one of the best one over time. So simple, so easy to watch, and plus, it's funny. I had lots of fun watching the show (you know, unlike some shows that are just too heavy with moods are so sad that they just drive us nuts, and leave us all stressed out and frustrated every other episode).

Perhaps it's about taste, perhaps it's about needs (some people need something light to watch, or re-watch!). I like how this show resolves most of its problems immediately (that makes us less addicted, so we can be refreshed and go back to work peacefully), and putting in all the cuteness, fun and humor here and there in each of its episodes (for us to return!).

For me, it's PERFECT. :)


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Oh, and anyone who think this show is bad should really watch "You're The Best: Lee Soon Shin".

YTB:LSS is not a heavy drama, yet it's so tiring for me to watch it. I gave up after ep....10 (? can't remember), and decided to read the recaps instead (even THAT is very boring to do, since the story is so dragging and uninteresting. I ended up scrolling a lot and watch the pics only :p ---and I still think LTM has way better and way entertaining pictures).


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i dont care what anyone says, this show is awesome!!!!! when is the next season coming out!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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