Myung-wol the Spy: Episode 10

Holy crap. Just when I’d thought this drama had hit a slump, it pulls out this nice surprise. Things just took a turn, and for the better — the stakes (and not to mention the emotional quotient) just got kicked up a real big notch.


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Kang-woo tells the reporters that he’s considering marriage with In-ah, which sets off a wave of fan protests at their beloved star being linked to the bitchy actress of limited talents.

In-ah’s initially pleased to hear the unexpected news of Kang-woo’s intentions, until her assistant starts reading her some of the comments. They’re all about how Kang-woo’s wasted on her, so In-ah tells her assistant to put up a comment in support of her. The the immediate netizen response is: “Do you work for In-ah? You’re In-ah, right?” Heh.

Myung-wol is crushed, for the dual reason of liking Kang-woo and (probably more importantly) the fact that failure to win him over means death and dishonor.

This pisses off Chairman Joo, who understands that Kang-woo is rebelling. He can’t exactly find fault with Kang-woo’s response, though, which is that In-ah has been dangling after him so persistently that he decided to date her after all.

Chairman Joo accuses Kang-woo of backstabbing the person who made him into a star out of nothing, but Kang-woo returns that he got here on his own work — the chairman only threw him support once it became clear Kang-woo would be a good investment.

On his way out, Kang-woo runs into In-ah, who’s always has to look that gift horse in the mouth; she got what she wanted, but she snits that he didn’t ask her before making the announcement. He offers to cancel it, so she backpedals and tries to save face by telling him she’ll date him, since he wants it so much. Kang-woo lets her preserve her pride and tells her thanks, but adds, “And sorry.”

In-ah brags to her assistant that her bold moves have paid off, which is so not the lesson she should be taking from this.

Kang-woo thinks back to his early trainee days, when Chairman Joo had seen him dance and brutally declared him a lost cause. Resentful and indignant, Kang-woo had spoken up and vowed to make him regret that judgment, earning him a slap and some more insults.

Myung-wol asks why Kang-woo helped her with her audition, and he replies that he felt sorry for her. Using her own words about marrying to turn her fortune around, he says he’s doing the same thing with In-ah, so she’d best give up now.

She only digs in her heels deeper, vowing to succeed and change his mind.

Chairman Joo won’t let Kang-woo dictate this scenario, so he goes into damage control mode, telling the press that Kang-woo’s announcement was one-sided: In-ah only sees him as a good friend.

That means In-ah’s bubble bursts right away, hearing that her own reps have declared the dating rumors false. To keep her from interfering with his intentions, Chairman Joo orders Ryu to keep her confined to the house, using force if necessary. (It’s necessary.)

Kang-woo hears that Chairman Joo plans to speak to the press today at the book launch of his autobiography. It’s likely that he’s going to bring out the big guns against Kang-woo, so Kang-woo decides he’ll have to swing by the event himself. He orders Myung-wol to pick up an order of congratulatory flowers and accompany him.

Spy Mom and Dad contemplate their dire circumstanaces over soju, worrying that with Kang-woo’s romance out in the public, it really is too late for them to alter their fates. Dae-kang joins them in glum spirits, but for a different reason: He’s seen the latest news from In-ah’s camp denying the rumors, and that kills his hopes that this will free Myung-wol’s affections. Immediately our spies cheer up and exult.

Kang-woo strolls into Chairman Joo’s launch event, bombarded with questions regarding his relationship. Kang-woo shoots a challenging look at the chairman and announces that this is his answer — and grabs In-ah in for a kiss.

Back at spy central, the kiss makes the news, and immediately the atmosphere flip-flops again: Dae-kang perks up, and the spies sink back into despair. Heh. It’s like watching a seesaw with this group. I kind of want this to go on indefinitely, just to watch them deflate and inflate accordingly.

Now that the Chairman’s statements have been refuted right in his face, he’s cornered for now. With reporters watching, the Chairman chuckles and fakes that “Aw-shucks-this-old-guy-was-left-out-of-the-loop-by-those-crazy-kids” amusement as he says that this must be the start of their romance. One asks about Kang-woo’s allegedly faked academic background — which the Chairman had been planning to reveal — but now he has to take the opposite tack and show public support for Kang-woo.

I guess there’s some grandfatherly concern mixed into his motivations, but mostly it’s a sense of self-preservation driving Chairman Joo — if he’s going to destroy Kang-woo, he’s got to do it in a way that keeps the blowback from damaging his own reputation. For now, his hands have been tied, but no question he’s going to find another way to retaliate.

You know, I might have felt the teeniest sliver of sympathy for In-ah, being used as a pawn by these two men, if only she weren’t such a pill. In her case, it’s a good thing ignorance is bliss, ’cause ignorance is all she’s got.

Spy Parental Units decide that they can’t sit by and await their demise; they’ll do whatever they can to break up the star couple. Hee. First it’s Operation Couple Making, now it’s Operation Couple Breaking. Based on their track record, let’s hope that these two have more luck with the latter than they do the former.

And how do they begin? By registering for the Kang-Joo Couple Anti-Fan Club, naturally. HAHA. They head to the neighborhood PC bang and log on, eager to begin flooding the internet, only to find that their technical skills aren’t quite up to snuff. They appeal to a student sitting next to them for help, but the kid is annoyed to be pulled away from his game and refuses. They can’t even be properly affronted at his rudeness because they don’t understand the South Korean slang he uses in telling them off. Ha.

Ryu asks Myung-wol if she’s okay, and she answers that she won’t let this get her down. She doesn’t have any time to waste on despair, and assures him not to worry about her. When she asks after his injury, he says the same — he’s okay, don’t worry.

He congratulates her on the successful audition, and she tells him with pluck that she, Hallyu Crackdown Squad’s Han Myung-wol, will burn down the South Korean entertainment industry. Funny, I’m thinking (and hoping) that she’ll set it ablaze, but in the other, more figurative way.

It’s time for her to shoot her minor role, and Myung-wol prepares for her first take. In-ah comes up, eager to stomp on her hopes, and smirks that she’s ill-equipped to be playing a chaebol. She wonders why she got stuck playing the chaebol’s secretary (a bigger role, but an ironic turnaround) and In-ah’s secretary gets the best line, musing that In-ah would have been perfect as the bratty, mannerless chaebol.

Sure enough, Myung-wol struggles through the scene, her innate politness at odds with the script. In-ah isn’t doing much better, actually, strutting like a princess while Myung-wol shrinks back and delivers her line. (Heh — the line literally means “What [awful] taste,” which is a riff off Han Ye-seul’s famous catchphrase from Fantasy Couple, “Look at that.”)

The director gets angry while In-ah gloats (and tweets about the awful actress getting reamed by the director). Watching on the sidelines, Kang-woo finally can’t take it anymore and calls an end to the shoot, grabbing Myung-wol off the set.

In-ah gets pelted with eggs outside the studio, where a group of angry fangirls demands she relinquish her claim on Kang-woo. Joining them are an odd pair of anti’s, Spy Mom and Dad, who assure the barely-pubescents that they’re totally part of the anti cafe. Hehe.

Kang-woo takes Myung-wol to a fancy boutique to be dressed in their finest, then takes her to a restaurant where he orders the place closed and requests the most expensive meal. Aw, are you using this “lesson” as an excuse to take her out on a date?

He tells her to go ahead and eat, because “There’s nobody here to insult you. Do you know why? Because you look expensive.”

She doesn’t follow, and he says that money and class aren’t things you’re given or denied based on birth — anybody can enjoy fancy clothes or food. Now that we’ve heard about his poor beginnings, going from orphan to street rat to trainee, his advice makes some sense, since he’s basically telling her that she’s no less worthy of nice things than himself. Granted, you still need money for these things, but his point is that if you work hard, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get to enjoy the spoils of your work like other people.

Kang-woo keeps his encouragement brusque, but it’s clearly encouragement. He says that if she wants to succeed, if she wants people to treat her with respect, she should keep her head up and act like she’s worth it, rather than apologizing to everyone.

Ryu tells Chairman Joo that the fourth book was bought at the secret auction in Singapore, but doesn’t give away that Kang-woo was that buyer. Instead, he reports that the man was described as an ordinary looking Asian man. Chairman Joo gets shifty when Ryu shows him an old newspaper clipping that mention the books. He’s definitely connected, but keeps that from Ryu.

When Kang-woo arrives at home that night, Myung-wol is fast asleep in the car, and rather than wake her, he reclines her seat so she can rest.

Just as Kang-woo is leaning over her to lower the seat, Ryu drives up and sees him hovering, which looks like a more intimate moment from his angle. Making the decision that it’s better for princess In-ah, sitting in the backseat, not to see this, Ryu backs up his car quickly. Declaring that it’s too late for In-ah to visit Kang-woo, he ignores her protests and drives her home instead.

That allows Kang-woo to sit there peacefully without interruption, and he sits back and looks up at the sky, all the while holding Myung-wol’s hand.

Kang-woo’s restaurant “date” with Myung-wol hits the gossip rags, sending In-ah into pissy mode. Er, given that that’s a constant state of being for her, let’s say pissier. So she’s gratified to hear that Myung-wol has been fired from her small role after her terrible takes yesterday, and tells Kang-woo that with satisfaction.

Myung-wol takes the setback hard, feeling that she’s failed again. Ryu gives her words of encouragement and reaches out to pat her on the arm, stopping just short of touching her. Aw. You can touch her! She won’t break!

After he leaves, Myung-wol spots his tablet computer bearing a familiar image that triggers her memory. It’s a photo of the ancient book, and she flashes back to the masked fight in Singapore when Kang-woo had been attacked. She’s been aware for a while that Ryu must be on a separate mission, but now she figures out that it must have something to do with the book Kang-woo bought at the auction.

Ryu returns to take the computer wordlessly from her, not confirming or denying anything. She pleads with him to allow her to help on his mission, but he tells her to keep her focus on her own.

Kang-woo preps for his new drama, right on the tails of Assassin. It’s a similar role, but President Kyung points out that fans don’t want to see Kang-woo transform; they want more of the same. The drama comes from the same PD and writer as Assassin, and also stars In-ah. So… basically we’re creating a new drama-in-drama that’s just like the old drama-in-drama?

I’d be rolling my eyes at this change-that-isn’t-really-a-change, if not for one key point that makes it worth it: The new drama has to recast when a cast member gets into a car accident. That means that until they can find a substitute, the PD will have to shoot with a stand-in, preferably one who can manage action scenes. Hmm, where do we have one of those lying around?

The PD’s not thrilled with having to use Myung-wol since he’s seen her acting, and tells her just to fake the action as best she can, since they’ll cut in the real footage later. But acting as a North Korean spy? That’s one thing Myung-wol CAN do, and she makes jaws drop as she shoots and stabs the dummies with deadly precision.

The PD forgets all about how much he thinks she sucks and realizes he’s sitting on a hot property. Myung-wol instantly goes from faceless stand-in to prominent supporting lead. Score! Ha, all we need now is for Ryu to magically be cast too, to make this a perfect meta-upon-meta drama-in-drama.

Myung-wol even gets prominent placement on the drama poster — which, by the way, is titled Shiri 2. HAHAHA.

The director explains Myung-wol’s drama role to her: She’s a North Korean spy (named Myung-hyun, heh) who slips into South Korea, creates a false identity, and approaches a South Korean agent. At first, she attempts to get close to him because of her orders, but as time passes, she falls for him. Myung-wol asks, afraid and hopeful, “How does it end?” He says that she ends up shooting the guy, then is shot herself.

Dae-kang fills in the Spy Parents on the drama after Myung-hyun’s departure: Kang-woo doesn’t actually die but wakes up in a strange place with amnesia. He’s tended to by In-ah in the hospital, falls in love with her, then finds out, “You’re…the woman I loved…’s…sister?”

And then (using a photo of children with their heads pasted on): “And…we’re half-siblings?”

On top of that, he contracts a fatal illness, and goes through with a tearful wedding with his forbidden love.

Hee-bok: “It’s got every makjang concept in the book.”
Dae-kang: “That’s how you get high ratings!”

At home, Kang-woo coolly congratulates Myung-wol on her role, then says sarcastically that he’s not sure if he’ll be able to act the part of falling in love with her. Here’s a hint, buddy: You don’t have to act.

Filming commences. The Myung-hyun loveline takes place in the early portion of the drama, so they kick off shooting with a montage of the two characters’ happy-in-love scenes. This starts out awkwardly as both Myung-wol and Kang-woo stand stiffly and look away from each other, until Kang-woo tells her not to think of it as acting. He instructs her to follow his lead, and they do the typical date scenes of browsing shops and stands and sharing ice cream.

The date montage ends with a dash through the rain, which leads to a kiss. That much is scripted, but the two of them have long since stopped acting and they lose track of the shoot, not even registering the PD yelling, “Cut!”

In-ah’s quick to claim Kang-woo after the shoot, leaving Myung-wol reeling from the kiss. She asks Dae-kang for advice on what to do to keep herself from thinking or feeling.

Cut to: Myung-wol stumbling along, drunk. Ryu supports her even as she insists she can walk straight. Her drunken mumbling ends with her sad question, “Would it be impossible to just quit this all? I guess it would.”

With that, she falls asleep against him. Ryu admits, “I’d like to quit, too.”

Kang-woo broods that night, and I have to say, as annoying and assy he’s being with his treatment of Myung-wol, I do get where he’s coming from. Hehates that he fell for her and then found out she was (supposedly) using him for mercenary reasons, which means that he has to fight his own feelings as well as fight her continued insistence on popping up in his life. Just the fact that he sits in the dark, looking at photos of her on his phone that he hasn’t been able to delete — aww, poor guy.

He thinks back to their kiss, telling himself it was just acting. He tries (again) to delete the photos, but can’t bring himself to do it.

Doorbell. Ryu carries in a passed-out Myung-wol, lays her down, and turns to leave. Kang-woo stops him to say, “If you like her, please stop her. Tell her to stop.” Ryu answers, “It’s not something I can tell her to quit.”

Shiri 2 premieres to hit ratings…and Myung-wol shoots to overnight fame. Everyone’s abuzz to know more about the new face. In-ah hates this, but she tells Myung-wol that even if she’s the flavor of the day, she’s dying in the drama soon. And when she makes her drama exit, In-ah wants her to move out of Kang-woo’s place.

In-ah waits restlessly for Kang-woo to come home, and finds DVDs marked “Singapore Showcase.” She turns on the footage of his concert, and catches a glimpse of Myung-wol’s face in the crowd. Uh-oh. Dare we suppose that In-ah’s limited brain capacity is enough to make something of this discovery?

Myung-wol reads through the script of her exit, picturing the scene as she goes. In it, she and Kang-woo’s character face off, guns pointed at each other, and he asks if everything was a lie. She says yes, that even their happy, loving moments were just an act.

She’s not completely robotic as she says this, but cool enough that we can see her spy persona in control as she shoots him, then is shot. Both fall to the ground, and as she dies, she admits, “Not being able to think of you as an enemy…I regret that.”

Kang-woo finds Myung-wol with her script and joins her on the bench. Tentatively, she asks how he would react if the script’s scenario were real life, and deflates when he tells her firmly that he wouldn’t forgive. In fact, he’d probably be the one to shoot first.

Therefore, he reminds Myung-wol of her lies and warns that he’ll never forgive her, so she’d better just give up.

And yet, once he’s home his cool composure slips away as he hears Myung-wol’s question again. This time he answers, “I keep forgiving, and that drives me crazy.”

When the time comes to film that pivotal scene, it’s just as Myung-wol imagined and they run through the same dialogue, with Kang-woo asking if everything was a lie. Only this time, when he asks about their happier, loving moments, Myung-wol fights real tears and says, “That was for real.”

She’s ignored the actual line, which tells Kang-woo that she’s talking about herself now, and both of them get lost in the emotion of the moment as she adds, “I was happy. Truly. The time I spent with you .”

Kang-woo absorbs this…then stuns everyone by going off-script, too: “Then live here with me. Whatever you want, I’ll do it for you.” Eee! I love how everyone’s completely confused except for the two people acting out the scene, who aren’t even acting anymore. The scriptwriter starts to protest at their ad-libbing, but the director is riveted by the unfolding drama and lets it go, wanting to see where it heads.

Tearfully, she shakes her head no to Kang-woo’s desperate proposal. He asks, “Why not?! I’m saying I’m forgiving you!” Losing his temper, he points his gun upward and shoots the blanks into the sky, then drops the weapon at his feet.

Myung-wol’s face twists into tears and she tells him, “Don’t forgive me.” She holds the gun up to her own temple…and shoots. She falls to the concrete, temple bloody from the force of the blank.

Kang-woo rushes to her side, completely lost in the reality of the moment as he gathers her to himself, sobbing.


Aw, yeah. Way to pull out a shocker at the end, huh? I’d been wondering if the drama was going to keep spinning its wheels in place till the end, because it had felt in this episode and the last that it was revisiting a lot of the same plot points. But with the last scene totally amping up the emotion and conflict, it’s like we’ve just shot miles ahead of where we were.

The ending totally gets me because there’s that moment when the acting goes from pretend to real, and I love seeing the two get lost in the moment. The drama-in-drama, Shiri 2, provides the mechanism for getting the two facing each other and confronting their feelings, and provides the excuse for them to say what they really feel in a way that they wouldn’t say in real life, just out of the blue. They need that push to get them opening up and honest with each other (heck, honest with themselves, too) — but once they’re there, it’s allllll laid out there, raw and bare.

There’s a thing about dramas-in-dramas where the acting in the fake drama is always one notch below the “real” acting. By which I mean, Kang-woo’s acting is one cut below — less realistic, less invested than — Eric acting as Kang-woo. (Also see: Dokko Jin acting in character, or Choi Siwon versus his Min-woo in Oh My Lady.) It may be subtle, but there’s a deliberate difference between actors acting in dramas, and actors acting as actors acting in dramas. So in a scene like this ending one, it helps us pinpoint the moment when Kang-woo and Myung-wol go from acting into just being. It ain’t no City Hunter, but I still love it.


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I think she switched it with a real gun, if not, seeing as how the blank gun was so close to her head, I'm guessing she got injured... ugh.. we have to wait a week to know!!!


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Nevermind what i said!!!!


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I can't tell how much I am loving this drama! Han Ye Seul and Eric and all the characters are rocking this show!!! I can't wait for the next episode!!! I wish I could fall in love with a spy...haha


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Thanks you guys are fast.


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Thanks for the recaps.
It kills that she would literally put the gun to her head for having lied to him. I hope next episode takes off exactly where it left off because the realization as it hits them is going to be epic. He or she might try to play it off as just acting in the moment or whatever but they will know...and so will Ryu. Feel so bad for him.


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Does anyone out there watching actually care about the Ancient Books? I'm not the least bit curious about what's in them. Is it just me. Can we not drop this boring storyline so Ryu can focus on being a viable corner of the Love Square?


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I'm interested if they become some plot impatence for Myung Wol.


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Ep. 10 had me laughing for more than just the drama being funny.

Here's what I I had posted on Aug, 2 on soompi:

This is what I posted in soompi, on Aug. 2nd:

Posted 02 August 2011 - 11:21 AM
Here's my wacky explanation for this wonderfully wacky drama:

The irony is that they are all from the North. Chairman Joo, KW and the lady manager are all part of an earlier mission that has been long forgotten. And, their missions were 1) to learn how to create a hallyu star and 2) find the books.

And, now, they think MW and CR are a rival team, from the South, also after the books. So, the Chairman starts various schemes to 'eliminate' MW and CR, which will require MW & CR to demonstrate their fighting and survival skills even more. Somehow, this is recorded or seen by the director filming KW's drama series. He is so impressed that he puts MW and CR into the show. They become mega hits in dramaland and has multiple offers for fame and fortune.

As a result of which, the Chairman and MW's fake mother have an occasion to see each other. They recognize each other and makes the connection that they are all on the same side. Everyone returns to the North to set up their own dramaland to rival the one in the South, since they have their own corp of hallyu stars now. :lol:

As for the books, they're all fakes. :P As to which guy wins MW's affections . . . that story continues . . . back home. ;)

P.S. The real spy, from the South, is Dae Kyung (KW's boy-friday). :w00t:


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Seriously? Or u just kidding around? anyhow, i ejoyed the theory tho'.. :)


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BWAHAHAHA!! I LOVE IT!! so wacky!! :D


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Wow. Those last five minutes were killer. I usually just reads the recaps for this drama, but that last scene convinced me that its worth watching the episode. too bad i have to wait another seven days. :(


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Thank you for the recap! :) Always a pleasure to read recap when watching the episode without subtitle. :)


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ya. the ending of this one punched me in the gut.

thanks for the recap JB :) how i'm going to make it until next week is beyond me.


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Thank you JB sfm for this recap! I especially love your comment about drama-in-drama, the ingeniousness of such method is hard to explain, but you've worded everything so perfectly =)))

This drama literally drives its fans insane. I was rolling on the floor laughing (over the fake makjang drama), then awwwing (over KW's struggle to stop feeling for MW), and finally crying like a baby over the fake-turned-real standoff in a span of minutes.

I love how everything in this drama is done *just right*. It mocks the entertainment industry, its participants & the public (audience/fans/media) almost every other minute, yet the mockery has always been funny instead of mean. It has some of the wackiest plots, but never so wacky that it's merely ridiculous. And the melodrama, oh the melodrama! The melodrama element is one that is so easily delivered cheaply and unconvincingly, yet in MWS, it's done with such convincing realness it made me seriously FEEL ;__;

What I adore the most on KW's part was that- he's the one who surrendered first. He told her he'd forgive her, and he /dropped the gun/ which was such a fitting gesture. I also adore when he asked CR to make MW stop if CR really liked her (because he couldn't stop feeling for MW, and I believe also because he trusts CR would take good care of MW), when he admitted to himself that his forgiving MW time and again despite of himself drove him nut, when angsted over the kiss/MW's photos, and when he sat beside the sleeping MW in the car... oh sorry I basically loved them all ^^;; / bricked.

As for MW, she's officially my all-time favorite female lead in a k-drama, and HYS now one of my absolute favorite actress. I lost count of the times that I awwwed over her cuteness and went all fangirly when she was absolutely badass. Her 'confession' in the end seriously killed me.... /dies.

And I realized in this episode that I love every single supporting character, other than chairman Joo & In-Ah. Well even though In-Ah isn't likeable herself, she made me lol a lot in this episode so I would even venture to say I like *seeing* her hahaha. Her assistant got some of the best lines in this ep., I kinda wanted to be her XD

The book-plot has also got more intriguing with CR deliberately misleading Joo about who got one of the book at the Singapore auction. And he brought up the 1991 incident (when KW's father died). Ohhhhh, interesting... And I love the detail that IA found out about MW in Singapore through the live footage. Shows how all these were planned from the very beginning. (MW shooting herself at the temple mirrors KW shooting himself at the temple in beginning of ep. 1, thought that was clever too)

Lastly I want to rant on the amazing onscreen chemistry between MW & CR- which is sizzling to be main couple level in many other dramas- and the chemistry between MW & KW??? Make that DOUBLE the usual main couple level XDDD

I love this show!!!


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OOOH!!! You really dig this show! And goodies for all the connections you're making. I totally wouldn't have noticed. Thanks!

Yes, the last scene, all the scenes in which Kang Woo is tortured, love love love love love!!!

Until this episode, I couldn't understand why everyone's so gaga over Eric. Now, I have an inkling. I dig.


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O my GAWWWD. Amazing ending. The drama really was hitting a slump and I wasn't really feeling too good about it... but MAN O MAN!

My favourite thing about dramabeans is being able to read and understand what happens before the subs even come out. Can't wait till Monday comes!! Thanks javabeans and girlfriday!!! <3


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loved the ending of this episode. can't wait to watch next week's episodes.


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YAYAYA! Good episode!


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question, at the end, when he "gathers her up in his arms" is he calling her by her actual name or the fake one for the movie? I listened to it over and over again, but i couldn't figure out... music was too loud


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He called out her real name....so poignant.


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her actual name


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I teared towards the end just reading the recap, those screen caps are marvelous, they captured the moment so well. Really scared to watch the actual episode now.


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Finally!!! Now they're talking!!! God, how i've waited for a closing like this!!! I mean..okey it's not good when your heart keep jumping up and down in every 5 seconds but hell it's worth it!!! Can't wait for epi 11 now..whatever the rating is, i am soooo hooked now!!! Owh, btw, thanks alot JB!!! I'm new here and i loved your preview and comments. Please update more.


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Awwww!!! I love this drama and thanks for the recap!! ^^
I always had my browser on each Tuesday and Wednesday at 11.55 and will start to refresh it after 12.00 just to see your recap. Many many thanks!!
Can't wait to see next episode..can they change the airing day to Wed-Thu starting from today so we can have 4 consecutive day of Myung Wol?? Kekekekeke..


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Totally agreed!!!! :)


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Uh that was a fake gun wasn't it?? How come Myung Wol acted like she really fainted? And Kang Woo acted like she really died or something by calling her by her real name and all..........


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Okey..haven't thought about that tho'..it was a fake gun right??? OMG!!! Now i can't breath!!! JB? It was a fake gun right? For heaven sake, we have like 6 more episodes?? Owh..no...gosh, i'm crazy...


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It's probably a blank gun. I think the blank ammo won't kill MW. But the impact probably knocked her out );


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You're correct about the blanks being strong enough to knock you out. Actually there have also been instances where it can kill.
One example is:

Hexum was apparently unaware that his actions were dangerous. Blanks use paper or plastic wadding to seal gun powder into the cartridge, and this wadding is propelled from the barrel of the gun with enough force to cause severe injury or death if the weapon is fired within a few inches of the body, especially if pointed at a particularly vulnerable spot, such as the temple or the eye. Although the paper wadding in the blank that Hexum discharged did not penetrate his skull, the wad struck him in the temple with enough blunt force trauma to shatter a quarter-sized piece of his skull and propel the pieces into his brain, causing massive hemorrhaging.


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It didn't contain bullets but it did contain a blank which is used often in movies because it produces the gun sound. When used correctly, blanks are generally safe but she shot herself in the head with it which can lead to severe and even fatal wounds. In cases, it has even led to death so even though it's "fake', it's actually not.

People underestimate the power of a blank.



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love the last scene!!! now i can't wait for sub to watch the whole episode again. thanks for the recaps, ladies, you gals rock!!


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That ending scene was great. I can't wait for the next episode!


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why...i didn't see this coming..so sad for this ending..please next episode come faster ^_^


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That last scene was awesome; cried twice - once reading the recap, and once watching the actual scene....so sad....I saw blood at her temple, means she's really hurt. I love this show for its zaniness, but the sad part is starting now....oh dear, not a repeat of Couple or Trouble , I hope?


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Thanks for the recap!!

This may just be the first REALLY good episode, but I am worried abt the the future episodes. It felt like they put in all their best stuff into this episode.


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OMG!! it's 1st time for me to comment in here.. thank u for recap this drama.. this episode make me speak out. it was really surprised!! i have never bored for every episode and really excited to watch and wait for every ep.. this drama really make me go wild and crazy.. oh! please monday come faster


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but... when i repeat it for a few times, i feel sooooo sad.. it ruined my day.. my mood became so gloomy same like the weather in here.. i can't handle happy conversation with my frens.. untill my frens says that something went wrong in me.. ottoke!! this episode really leave deep feeling inside me.. how can i live until next monday or to be exact, next teusday coz i need to wait for download link and softsub..

the emotion that i need to recover from it.. do i need to repeat watch it from the 1st ep which is shows the happy part until next monday..


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Great episode!

Thanks so much JB!

The makjang elements got me so bad. Hahahaha!! :D
I agree. It's finally getting somewhere. Yay! Took only about 10 episodes ^^


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omg. i just cried from reading your recap. can't wait for the subbed episodes! thanks jb you're the best. :)


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why myung wol keep wearing the same outfit when she filming for ''shirin 2'' drama?


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Could the blood at her temple be fake?? Fake gun, fake bullets, so I suppose there will be fake blood? Lol.


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She wasn't supposed to shoot herself in that scene. It was written that someone off camera shoots her, so there wouldn't be any fake blood ampules on her at that spot.


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when i actually watched the scene again, u were right Jomo..she wasn't supposed to shoot herself..she supposed to shoot KW..and someone else shoot her..but since she got off from the script, therefore the blood might be hers..i mean blank bullet could caused injuries looking at the close point she has..i just hope she woke up the next day (in the next epi) without having amnesia or anything like that..


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thanks for the recap..ep 10, is really my favorite..^^
I do not care even though many do not like the drama that pentin I really like this drama does not matter what I'll watch this drama until the end..
can not wait for the next episode...^^


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couldn't agree more..i don't care if people lost interest with this drama..because i REALLY LOVE this drama.


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il love the last scene


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thanks a lot for the fast recaps ^^


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This drama it's really good to "push and pull" me to watch it...


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OMG!!! I love Kang woo just tell her that u love Myung..huhu


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That was a great episode! Thank you for the recap.


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I love the restaurant-scene. Their features are so good


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wahhh i died from the last scene! thanks for always sharing!~


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I am still waiting for the english sub... thanks for the recap... your right... the turn of events is brilliant. It redeems both MW and KW from the lies and even the slap...


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finally....this is the episode i've waited !! i almost drop this drama bcoz of the story for last couples weeks. it boost my mood now !! more romance pls :p


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also....before the English sub release....i've been read the last paragraph of the recap for multiple times XD


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DAMN!!!!!!! that was...that was *speechless* I can't even describe what that was. I think i found my favorite scene in this drama <3333333 (The last part, just in case you didn't know :))


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I watched again last scene (for maybe...10th times..) and reading this recap on and on... This drama makes me crazy..
Don't talk about Myung Wol died please..it should be happy ending..*selfish me* kekekek


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The BEST confession ever!!!


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AWWW..i'm so loving this drama even more!
great ending! i was crying when i saw the raw..and even sadder after know what theyre saying T__T

thank you JB and GF!!!


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I hate how this drama goes good every other episode. Like when I watched episode 7, I was yawning so much, and then episode 8 and so awesome. And then episode 9 was just so-so, and now episode 10 is super super super, badass. The ratings for this drama has been doing quite badly it seems, but I think after this episode the ratings will pick up. I kept repeating and repeating the drama-in-drama filming. It was so real. Han Ye Seul and Eric's acting are both really top top notch. The expression on Han Ye Seul's face in the 3rd from last screencap was just.........so perfect. This drama would've have this effect on me if it wasn't these two people.

Now I'm going to watch both their dramas....Fantasy Couple...Super Rookie...just to satisfy myself before Monday comes :)


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wow I love how one episode is totally not what you expected it to be. Episode 10 sure seems like a big turn of events as for their relationship at the end. But with what the scriptwriters have been giving us up till now, I can really not predict any paths this drama is taking us, really love it!
Myung Wol the Spy is daebak!


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Ryu is the best rival ever but with what should Myung-wol stop?

omo I also fell in love with the younger KW :) his real name is Gun ?lol


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KW only acted as her lover? well then I have to go to catch pikatchu and to fight against voldemort!looks like Pokemon and Harry Potter are real!

Damn you man you love her! You didn't act at all!


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OMO! That was such a high and twisted ending! I was rooting for Ryu all the way. While I understand he had to withhold his feelings but I am sick of him being the passive second lead who does nothing. The last scene totally swayed me over to Team KW! He was awesome and so sincere and pained! Damn, I wish I could get my hands on the synopsis for the next few episodes! 7 days is such a killer!
Thanks for this!


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I kinda started losing interest in episode 9. But episode 10 OMG. I watched the last scene over and over again. Such emotions and anguish the two shows. Oh I just love it. Hopefully, the drama doesn't just slide off from here.


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TOTALLY agree!! ep 9 was okay, but i had to fast forward, but man....ep 10 was just Great!

thx for the recaps!


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i couldn't resist the temptations so i watched raw ,, hehe..
the last scene so heartbreaking and i'm luving it!

how i wish we can have a series of monday+tuesday until the drama ends, and let all the other days come later..


p/s: i kinda like the In-Ah in the drama Shiri 2.. haha.. looks so naive and innocent..


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