Shut Up: Flower Boy Band: Episode 8

This show breaks my heart, in the best way. The boys face their first brush with success, and it tests their loyalty, one by one. Our major relationships encounter some crossroads as well, as Su-ah makes a decision and Ji-hyuk finally confronts the question he’s been too scared to face about Su-ah: is liking her the same as betraying his bestie Byung-hee?


Hot Potato – “고백” (Confession) — in honor of Kim C’s cameo [ Download ]

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Seung-hoon’s noona at HR Entertainment offers them the contract—for Ji-hyuk and Hyun-soo—and tells them to think it over. Ji-hyuk says it’s not necessary, and rips it up in her face. Kyung-jong can barely hide his smile. Aw.

They get up to walk out, and she tells them she’ll be here when they change their minds. “Think carefully, whether you’re doing music because you want friends, or if you have friends because you want to make music.”

Er… how ’bout you have both, lady? Not everyone’s gotta be a hermitty genius who gave up bromance for rock. Once they’re gone, she makes a call to someone saying that she’s got a band worth seeing. Hm.

They trudge back to their basement, where Woo-kyung is on pins and needles, ready to celebrate their new success. They tell her what happened, Kyung-jong happily reliving Ji-hyuk’s loyalty…

But Woo-kyung turns it around on them, asking if they’re really Ji-hyuk’s friends. She asks what the big deal is to be separated now, when they really should be scrambling to help any one of them get up out of this basement.

She actually says the words, “You’re blocking Ji-hyuk’s path,” and Ji-hyuk grits through his teeth for her to stop and walks out. Hyun-soo sighs, and I’m thinking he’s not entirely on Ji-hyuk’s wavelength on this. Urg, I’m scared he’s going to cut loose and take the deal.

While Hyun-soo sleeps, his mom comes in and finds the HR Ent contract sitting pristinely on his desk. Oh noes! Don’t do it, Hyun-soo! She tells his dad excitedly, and Hyun-soo sighs, clearly thinking about signing it.

Ji-hyuk walks home and Su-ah catches up to him and calls out his name. He doesn’t turn around so she runs up, winding up to throw an egg at his head… I hope that’s hard-boiled… But he turns around just in time to catch her egg-handed.

She erupts into hiccups immediately, and tries to cover it up by casually offering him an egg. He takes it, and then cracks it on her head. Hee. She frowns that she’s always the victim, but he says hey, at least her hiccups went away.

Ha, that is the very definition of the Korean saying, to give the illness and then the medicine. He smiles and says he was having a crap day, but she just made it better. In her room, she smiles at her bag of eggs, and then sees Seung-hoon’s notebook. She puts it in her bag, clearly having made some sort of decision about it.

At school, Eye Candy continues to music-video-strut down the halls because pretty people just walk in slow motion, don’t you know. The girls squeal in delight, and one decides bravely that she should ask for their autographs before they become too famous.

So her friend launches her into their path, where Hyun-soo gives her an icy stare, and then Ha-jin stops to coo over her and make sure she’s okay. Ha. So true to form. Strawberry Fields looks on jealously.

The rumor of their HR Ent contract has spread throughout school, and Pyo-joo asks if Seung-hoon’s sister would really betray them, as if brotherly loyalty would mean anything to her. Seung-hoon just sighs and walks away.

But the contract continues to loom over Eye Candy’s heads, and things finally come to a head between Ha-jin and Hyun-soo, who still haven’t quite smoothed things over fully since the festival.

Ha-jin says that if someone hadn’t messed up their concert, she would’ve witnessed his awesome bass skills. Hyun-soo gets the implication loud and clear: it’s all his fault. Ha-jin asks if he’s not really dying to sign the contract and go be famous, and Hyun-soo speaks frankly that of course he does—is that so wrong?

What’s great is that you can see plainly both sides of the argument and why they’re both right. But it kills me that the group is getting fractured more and more by the day. Ji-hyuk tries to stop them, and finally Do-il gets fed up and stalks off silently.

Su-ah comes to Seung-hoon’s practice room, his notebook and mp3 player in hand. She sits down at the piano and starts tinkering away, and suddenly Seung-hoon appears behind her, wrapping his arms around her to play the song for her.

She stops and tells him that he sure has a way of stealing her thunder, and he just says he thought she wanted to hear that song. She points out that this is exactly his problem—he doesn’t consider what the other person wants, and just DOES.

Seung-hoon doesn’t get it: “Isn’t that more convenient?” Because of course, pampered rich boy doesn’t understand why a girl wouldn’t just want things to be easier. Sigh.

She gives him back his class notes and the mp3 player, which she says she lost, but has replaced with money from her part-time job. She tells him that she didn’t realize how much she had been accepting from him without thinking about it, and adds that she won’t be accepting anything from him anymore. “Because I can’t accept your heart.”

Oh thank GAWD. I really thought she might ride the wishy-washy two-timing train for a while longer. He asks, “Is it because you’ve found someone else you like?” She pauses… “I think I have.” Wow, I didn’t expect her to say that. I like her even more.

Do-il tells Ji-hyuk to stop thinking of them and just sign the contract. Ji-hyuk sighs, running his hand along one of the pool tables, recalling Byung-hee. He says so what—he’d get up on stage to sing, and Hyun-soo would play guitar… but who would play the drums?

“I can’t sing unless YOU play the drums, you ass.” Pfft. I’m laughing and crying at the same time.

Do-il smiles, and Ji-hyuk says that if they want to show Byung-hee’s music to the world, they’ll need that witch, but no matter what, “We run together.” He calls the band for a meeting.

Ji-hyuk announces that they will get a five-member contract out of “that witch.” She’s never really seen a true performance from them, so they’ll show her what they’re really made of, and if she still says no, then they’ll have tried their best and can give up cleanly.

Suddenly a strange man pops up, “You’re gonna give up that easily? Hey, do you have any booze around here?” The boys jump back in shock. OMG, it’s Kim C!! Kim C’s back on my tv? Oh happy day.

They ask who the weirdo ajusshi is, and then Do-il does a double take: “Isn’t that… Rock Kim?” They stare dumbfounded, rubbing their eyes, and Rock Kim scoffs, “Have you seen a ghost?”

He says that he heard they were the neighborhood punks so he came to check them out, but they look on the verge of breaking up. “There’s no fun, no booze… I’m outta here.” He says they should call him when they break up and want to sell off their instruments—he’ll get them a good deal.

They stand there bewildered, wondering if they just hallucinated, musing that there’s no way Rock Kim would be in Korea. Hey, I’m as surprised as you are. I thought Kim C was in Germany. They wonder if maybe it was just some guy that looks like him.

Ji-hyuk says it doesn’t matter, ’cause if they don’t want to end up selling their instruments like the man said, then they have to work their asses off, do or die. Hyun-soo and Ha-jin look over at each other… and break into smiles. Yay!

Ji-hyuk throws his fist in the center, and they join in. Kyung-jong throws in his other hand too, “This one’s Byung-hee’s.” Urrrrumph. I’m not crying!

Ji-hyuk: “Shut up, and run!” And run they do, each logging in more practice time than ever.

Meanwhile the HR Witch fields a call from a music program PD who wants to feature Eye Candy, but she says it’s still early and they’re not hurrying to put them out there too soon. Hm, why are you acting like their agent when you’re not their agent?

At school, Teacher Kim overhears Pyo-joo and Maro griping about Eye Candy, calling them the poor kids, and Teach gets all huffy. They treat him like a bug, so he yells at them not to disrespect a teacher, and brings Pyo-joo down to the ground.

That of course causes a giant fuss, with students taking pictures and Pyo-joo just laughing. Ji-hyuk runs up and holds Teach back, but I think the damage is already done. Argh. Just when he was turning around to be a good person, too! Is he gonna lose his job over this?

Seung-hoon storms into noona’s office to ask why Eye Candy, and she just breezes that she’s planning to make something out of them, and besides, it’s not like she can sign Little Bro, not with Dad looming over them with his big plans.

He blows up at her, asking why them, but that just makes her want to sign Eye Candy even more, guessing that Seung-hoon sees something in them too. He says that they’re just kids playing around with instruments, but she sees the appeal in that—they know how to have fun, which in itself is a talent. She leaves him fuming.

Eye Candy practice their hearts out, feeling ready to go find that witch and show her what they’ve got. No need though, ’cause she comes walking right into their basement, having heard them play already.

She says they’ll take it slow and offers to put out their single. The boys cheer, and Do-il asks to be sure—is she acknowledging their skill, on drums, bass, and keyboard? She smiles.

Flashback to her office, where Rock Kim sits watching their festival performance. So he’s the sunbae she called after all. He tells her not to split them up, and she’s shocked that he’s figured that out already.

He points to his head, “You may have this, but you’re a little lacking here,” and points to his heart. “There are times when the heart wins out over the head.”

Back with the boys, she answers that they can go ahead and consider it an acknowledgment of their talents.

They go back to rejoicing, only to have Noona’s assistant remind them to show up with their parents, since minors can’t sign contracts without their parents’ permission. That brings them back down to earth pretty damn fast.

It’s clearly a bigger issue for some of our boys, like Do-il and Ji-hyuk, who look at each other and sigh.

Su-ah waits on her rooftop for Ji-hyuk to come home, giggling when she sees him down below. She runs up to him outside his door, hands him a banana milk, and then cracks an egg on his head.

She giggles, “It’s revenge!” and sticks out her tongue before running away. How cute are you? He goes running after her.

He chases her down into the street, where they run smack dab into Do-il, Woo-kyung, Ha-jin, and Kyung-jong, on their way to throw a party. Woo-kyung makes her disappointment clear, and Ha-jin adds insult to injury by noting that they look just like they were in the middle of a round of catch-me-if-you-can.

Ji-hyuk comes up with a lame excuse about her needing to borrow something, and tells Su-ah to go home. Kyung-jong invites her along, since she’s Byung-hee’s muse, but Ji-hyuk grumbles, sighing at that tired use of “Byung-hee’s muse.” Aw. She clearly hears it as I’m sick and tired of you, which is so not what he’s saying.

They awkwardly part ways, leaving Su-ah alone in the street. Woo-kyung trails behind and Do-il waits for her, of course, letting her vent. She sighs that Ji-hyuk was smiling—he never smiles like that when he’s with her.

Do-il says it’s probably just ’cause they’re neighbors and they’re friendly, but Woo-kyung knows better and says it makes her nervous.

Su-ah stands outside on her rooftop, listening to the happy ruckus coming from Ji-hyuk’s room, feeling lonelier than ever.

At school, the video of Teacher Kim’s unfortunate outburst spreads, and Kyung-jong admits to feeling kinda sad about it. Ha-jin: “Do you want him following us around for the rest of our lives?” Kyung-jong: “No, not that… but still…” The conversation shifts to parents, and Do-il asks Ji-hyuk if he called his mom. No answer, just an exit. Ruh-roh.

Teacher Kim gets his ass handed to him by the principal, with Pyo-joo and Maro snickering behind him, no less. He begs to keep his job, and the principal says he can, but he’ll have to take a six-month leave. Poor Teacher Grumpypants.

It’s contract-signing time for the boys, as they each show up with their parents. Haha, the array of family members is truly comical. Hyun-soo shows up with his nightclub-singer parents, whom we’ve met before.

Ye-rim sees him come in and grabs his hand, asking if he’s okay now, if he can still play guitar. He treats her as icily as ever, and she apologizes again for that night.

Ha-jin shows up with his gaggle of noonas in tow, (this time his real ones, not the sugar-mamma kind), and Kyung-jong comes with his embarrassingly loud mommy.

Do-il and Ji-hyuk trail behind, no parents in sight. They ask each other if anyone will show. Shoulder shrugs all around. But the next to enter is a scary-looking mob boss with two henchmen on either side of him, so I guess Do-il’s dad is a rather supportive mobster daddy after all.

It’s even funnier when they all get into a room together, like they’re competing for most embarrassing parent of the year. Each of the boys takes his turn cringing. It’s a hilarious mess of “My baby’s a born singer,” and “My baby needs skincare,” and “Mo~m, just sign it and go home!” Pffft.

But it’s also really sweet, ’cause sure they’re embarrassing, but they’re all really supportive and loving, except for Do-il’s dad who kind of talks about him like an underling proposing a business deal rather than a son. But hey, he showed up and pushed his gangster weight around.

Through all the hubbub, Ji-hyuk hangs back in the corner, totally alone. Gah, somebody hug him, please.

It doesn’t look like anyone’s gonna show, but then the assistant walks in and hands over Ji-hyuk’s contract, signed by Mom and delivered via lawyer. Aw, puppy. Well, at least she signed.

But the meeting gets cut short with a news bomb: Seung-hoon’s name gets splashed all over the internet as the mysterious “genius songwriter” Ryu. Guess he’s figured out ways to circumvent Noona after all.

The school buzzes with the news, and when Noona calls, Seung-hoon says she might be afraid of Daddy, but he’s not. “From now on, I’m not going to hide the things that I want to have, and want to do.”

Pyo-joo and Maro walk in, just as surprised as everyone else. They ask eagerly if this means he’ll debut now, and wonder what they should do to prepare. But Seung-hoon cuts them off, “I debut alone.”

Oh dayum. And herein lies the difference between Ji-hyuk and Seung-hoon. His friends gape, asking what they are, what Strawberry Fields is, then. Seung-hoon: “A high school memory.” He lays it out plainly, that his future road isn’t one they can share. Pyo-joo fumes, and Maro smirks, “How like you,” disappointed but hardly surprised.

Su-ah sits in a café, mulling over the news that Eye Candy signed contracts, which Ji-hyuk never told her. She thinks back to his dismissal the other night, when he said he was sick and tired of her being called Byung-hee’s muse. Aw, if you only knew why.

The boys celebrate their success over chicken in their basement, and talk turns to Seung-hoon. Kyung-jong says that Su-ah must be happy since they’re dating, and Ji-hyuk oh-so-casually mentions that she denied it in front of all of them.

But they all agree that was probably bullshit, which annoys him enough to get up and leave. Heh.

Su-ah comes home to find Seung-hoon waiting for her. He says that he rushed things and that he’ll wait for her. She tells him not to. Good girl.

But he’s not about to take no for an answer (grar) and takes her hand: “I’m not going to back down now.”

Suddenly Ji-hyuk calls out, “Let go of that hand.” Su-ah pulls her hand away. Seung-hoon tells Ji-hyuk to go home, while Su-ah tells Seung-hoon to go home.

But Ji-hyuk’s already in a foul mood and he spits out, “This is why school’s lined with rumors. You’re running around stuck together, and still, you’re gonna say that there’s nothing between you two?”

Oh, foot in mouth, buddy.

That pisses her off royally, so she fires back, “What’s it to you whether or not we date? I’m plenty tired these days without either of you, so you can both leave me alone.”

While all this has been going on, Woo-kyung has arrived just behind Ji-hyuk, and she calls out to him now. Seung-hoon sees her and laughs, as he turns to go.

Woo-kyung follows Ji-hyuk upstairs and says “Not her.” She says it’s not the first time she’s dealt with some other girl being by his side, but this one’s different: “She’s the girl that Byung-hee liked!”

She asks if he can tell the other guys about her. He can’t answer. She warns him to end it. Aw, I get that it’s not the most kosher of girlfriend choices, but it’s not like Byung-hee had anything but a totally one-sided fantasy crush on the girl. Clearly, this is more about dealing with the fact that Byung-hee’s gone than it is about moving in on his girl.

Teacher Kim fills his evenings with a new part-time job as a designated driver, and gets called to pick up Rock Kim… who recognizes him immediately as Kim Soo-bo, a drummer who used to play at the same clubs he did back in the day. Awwww, yeah! Teach rocks out? Nice.

This time it’s Ji-hyuk’s turn to wait for Su-ah on his rooftop, calling her over and over again, to no avail. He tries to sleep but can’t do that either, and ends up running like crazy to her restaurant, and waiting there until close.

She finally comes out after what seems like an eternity, and he trails after her, asking if she’s mad. She gives him the silent treatment, so he asks peevishly why she isn’t answering her phone.

Su-ah: “You told me not to go anywhere! You made it so that I wouldn’t go anywhere and now you’re sick of me?”

He tries to explain that, but she just says he’s always doing whatever he feels like: “So now I’m not going to be swayed by you anymore.”

She whirls around to go but he stops her, turning her back to face him. Ji-hyuk: “I don’t know how things will turn out either! Whether this is right… my head is upside-down and backwards… I’m going crazy! I’m going crazy… because I like you.”


Yay, good for you for confessing your feelings. Because as much as we see the drama from Ji-hyuk’s point of view, Su-ah has no cause to believe he’s anything other than a big ol’ playboy flirt, given his actions. Yeah, Seung-hoon’s always around, but so is Woo-kyung, not to mention the groups of screaming girls left and right. He certainly needs to do more to win her, especially now that she’s turned Seung-hoon down. (My one massive gripe is that the result of her being very clear in rejecting him is that he just becomes more dogged. Hello, message! How many ways can a girl say no before you become creepy?)

The question of her being Byung-hee’s muse is an interesting one, I think, not because he’s got some claim to her from beyond the grave, but because it makes Ji-hyuk face the fact that Byung-hee’s gone. The boys sort of function with that heart-wrenching thing they do, like including Byung-hee in group fist-bumps, as if he’s still there. They have to, and it fuels them in a positive way to live out his dream and put his music out in the world.

But it’s going to cause a problem when they find out that Ji-hyuk’s in love with Byung-hee’s muse – like he’s saying that Byung-hee is gone even though they’re acting like Byung-hee is with them, every day. It already breaks my heart knowing the clash that’ll come of it, which is why I get his conflict, and love where they’re going with it, much more than the traditional Seung-hoon/Woo-kyung love square.

I really like all the ways the boys’ loyalty gets tested, whether it’s bloody concerts or contracts for fame and fortune. It says so much about Ji-hyuk that he never considers signing alone as an option, compared to Seung-hoon, who actively sheds his bandmates even though no one is asking him to. I like the range of conflict within Eye Candy too, and I don’t fault Hyun-soo for being tempted to sign without them, though I’m severely relieved he never got a chance to. His ups and downs with Ha-jin always keep me on edge in a good way, because I never know how far one of them will go in blaming the other or spitting out something hateful that they can’t take back.

The Do-il/Ji-hyuk friendship has also been one of my favorite developments so far, and though it’s a subtler one with fewer fireworks, I like how they support each other quietly. They’re both taciturn guys anyway, so I like that their friendship is one of silent knowing looks, like being the odd ones out when it comes time for embarrassing parent meetings, or sharing a memory of Byung-hee. That’s why it kills me when Ji-hyuk tells him directly in so many words that he can’t sing unless Do-il plays the drums, to make it clear he’s not going anywhere without him.

I don’t know if Rock Kim will be hanging around for more episodes, or if Teacher Kim’s rock past means the guru mantle has been passed to him, but either way I’m excited for the prospect of a mentor for these guys. Bring on the rock guru hijinks, karate-kid-style!


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Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, recap's here! Thanks GF!

I always read SUFBB recaps last... the icing on the cake, so to speak. ;)


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Thank you for the excellent recap.

I love how honest and sincere the characters are. They don't um and ah about things but once they have the courage they just spit things out.

Initially when I read the character description for Su-Ah I was worried but I must say she is cool but not ice queen cold.

I still can't figure Seung-hoon out. I mean he grew up with Su-ah so maybe there are real feeling there and this isn't just about territory, pride and ego. However I don't think Su-ah could have been any clearer.

Why is it that when a girl says no, a guy hears 'try again tomorrow.'

Anyway, once again thanks for the wonderful recap.


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I'm totally digging the bromance between Ha-jin and Kyung-jong.

I thought it was quite curious that they behaved (in ep 7) like Hyun-so's parents, stuffing food into each other's mouth, which made me wonder whether the show as trying to hint at something. I don't think the show will go in that direction, but if it did - it would be quite refreshing. Maybe in 5 years...


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Oh my god, I would be SO HAPPY if they ended up dating. SKKS did not do my shipping heart justice, but if these two got together. God, it would just be the best. I might ship them more than Su Ah and Ji Hyuk. Great eye, by the way. And I love that their friendship is like the bedrock of the rest of the friendships in the group. Like, Ji Hyuk and Hyun Soo can stop talking for a few days and it's fine, but if these two are at odds then it just throws everything out of whack.


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I would be too... but realistically I just don't think it's gonna happen. We aren't at that point in k-drama land yet of seeing a real gay couple on screen, but at least it seems there is someone sympathetic to that idea in Flower Boy Band and hinting at it.

Lovely blog by the way! I like the way you & your sister write!


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Alua! Find me on the OT on Friday if you can...I saw a wonderful movie this week!


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Will do... but it will be a few hours late, I'm working till early evening (European time). :-)


not true! There have been gay relationships in k-dramas: Life Is Beautiful is probably the most prominent one:

also there was a drama special centered around gay women:


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I love this show and this episode was actually a great one, the more I get to see Su-Ah with Ji-hyjuk, the happier I am. Can't wait till next week <3


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Ji-hyuk's turmoil about 'stealing' Byung-hee's muse - I wonder if there was a vague foreshadowing of it in an earlier episode when Byung-hee was introducing Su-ah to the guys as his muse, and they were tossing out examples. Ji-hyuk offered 'Layla', written by George Harrison for his wife, and Do-il corrected him - it was written by Eric Clapton for George Harrison's wife, whom he eventually 'stole'. Hmmmm.


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This drama is so good in so many levels I think I can write a very, very long essay about its awesomeness and how much I love it. But since I don't really have time for that I will keep it short, SUFBB is one of the best drama I've ever watched. I'm very picky with movies and dramas but Flower Boy Band wins my heart totally.

Su-ah rocks in this episode...I love her when she put some sense to both SH AND JH, how cool is that?
The contract signing with all of their parents/sisters is also my favorite scene in this episode. It's funny and at the same time effectively giving us an idea of each boy's life out side Eye Candy, a genius scene IMO.

Seriously, I panic we are half-way through this wonderful drama already....only 8 episodes left??? I kinda wish I can watch these boys and their bromance for a little longer ;___;


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I'm addicted to Sung Joon's 무단횡단 (Jaywalking). Been playing that over and over. When the characters were watching Eye Candy's performance I was thinking where can I find that video? I wanna watch it too! Add me to the 50,000+ views! ;) This show's awesome. Great start to the new year.


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exactly! I wanna grow their fan count too. and I have to keep reminding myself it is a drama. I totally go along with this "band". I want to root for them and be their fan. it is amazing how this fictional band can win people over and make something seem so real.


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Ladies you can also add me to the Eye Candy Groupie fan club . :P :D I have "Jaywalking" on instant replay .


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THANK YOU^^ wish all the recaps would come out at once. sometimes reading jb's and gf's writing is just as good as watching the dramas

i love their side comments~


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To chime in on the Woo-kyung debate, I also think she needs to move on...but that's certainly not the easiest thing to do--at least she's not being creepy and Seung-hoon like...And Do-il is doing the exact same thing, just possibly being a little less cilngy, and no one is yelling at him for it...

I'm torn about the Seung-hoon issue...I was enjoying how perfect he was, but then feeling conflicted about not hating "the bad guy." However, now that he is starting to clearly become the second male lead villain, I'm a little disappointed. I love the show because of all of the complex characterization, as described so well by our lovely authors :) I hope the show's writers don't fall into cliches with him...


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I think Do-il likes Woo Kyoung..


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I don't think Do-il is doing the same as Woo-kyung. Woo-kyung, from the beginning, declared her affection for Ji-hyuk and has been laying claim on him (when faced with fan girls as well as with Su Ah) in the presence of all the boys, including Ji-hyuk.

Do-il is as silent as a stone. He hasn't said a word, nor pushed the issue in any way - he just happens to be there whenever Woo-kyung experiences a low point. He'd probably continue that way even if Ji-hyuk did get together with Woo-kyung (which isn't going to happen of course), while Woo-kyung is willing to fight at least to some degree (I'm saying "to some degree" because I don't think she'll go all-out evil and fight for Ji-hyuk till the end - she will concede at some point because of the friendship between her, him and the other boys.)

Agree on Seung-hoon. I hope he doesn't become a cliché - I would hate that!


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Woo Kyung seems to want to be the Yoko factor...whereas Suah is going to end up being the Yoko factor (it seems...)

Totally disappointed that Seung-hoon is falling apart. Though thinking about it, not surprised. His only real friend is Su-ah. She was the only one, besides his evil-robot sister, that knew his "True" identity as the song writer. The other two guys he seems to tolerate but not have that much in common with, besides being rich snobs. He is doing whatever he can to hold onto Su-ah, which unfortunately isn't going to work because he is doing exactly what he shouldn't... though he'll always have Deo-mi. She's a hardcore fan. The question is how far is he going to fall apart? Who is going to be able to help put him back together? Can he do it himself? I don't see his sister or the other guys of Strawberry Fields helping. Will it be Eye Candy? (It seems like he'd reject themss) Su-ah? Teacher Kim? (Okay that last one is a total wild card.)

There is something wonderfully Shakespearean in how the relationships in this story are laid out and enacted. Love it!

And those teases! They are so building up for when we do actually get to see Ji-Hyuk's family. Loved the gangsta' entrance that Do-Il'ls dad made.

And agreed. Love how his relationship with Ji-Hyuk is being portrayed. He really does have some honest to goodness leadership skills, but it is a quiet authority and not the edgy attitude that Hyun Soo has. He seems more like a Yoda, the force behind the leader (I'm not even a big Star Wars fan, so I don't know where that bad pun came from.). A gentle guiding hand.

Am I the only one that wants them to sign with some other PR firm besides The Witch's? She just rubs me wrong.


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Hello. Did you know the title of the song at the end of EP8? That song keep playing in my head.


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Last scene with Su-ah & Ji-hyuk - it's 어쩌다 널 (can't find an official English title) by Kim Min Suk, SU:FBB OST Part.3.


Don't know the title of Seung-hoon's "composition" played when they were showing previous scenes instead of the next episode's preview.


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When I downloaded the song at another site, the English title translation was "How Come". Don't know if that's accurate or not.


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I loved the part where all the families came. It was interesting for example to see where Ha jin gets his playboy tendencies. Lol. With all those girls in his family, I guess he's learned to understand them haha. Although poor Ji Hyuk and Do-il.


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Yaaaaaaay show! I'm glad it's turned out so raw and gritty, which is surprising considering that literally all the teenage cast looks like they're fresh out of Seventeen magazine. You guys are pretty much saying everything I'm thinking about it, so rock on.

This is probably one of the most realistic fictional band depictions I've ever seen. Not like there're really a lot of them, but everyone here is such a great actor, and they perfectly capture the youthful exuberance that high school rockers would show. I'm not sure if Do-il's character is quieter because his acting skills aren't as good or what, but the interactions and back stories are all pretty well fleshed-out. I'm surprised that Hyun-soo isn't the right hand man as much, but it adds extra conflict.

I am adding my cheers that Ji-hyuk confessed. Sung Joon is so excellent at slouching around scowling sexily at the world, and it's absolutely adorable to see him being awkward around Su-ah. He does a great job of portraying that facade that Ji-hyuk puts up, where he's alternately daring and begging the world to give him a break. Although if he's a chaebol I'm going to kick something.

I predict that Seung-hoon will get over himself and write music for Eye Candy. Hopefully we'll get to see a character development arc for he and his friends. Also, come ooooon, Woo-kyung! Notice the adorable Do-il!

And the big question- will Su-ah smile into his arms or slap him upside the head???Ahhhh so long until next week!


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You took all my thoughts and wrote it out beautifully (about Sung Joon's portrayal of Ji-hyuk).

I agree, next week is too long from now. =)


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I've arrived a bit late to this drama party, but I must say that this series has been quite refreshing to view..
... after watching Jo Bo-Ah, she is quite the lovely ingenue, and I don't know if others have drawn this comparison, but she bears a striking resemblance to a youthful Han Se Yeul. Sung Joon commands the screen and is clearly someone to watch as time marches on.


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I screamed when I saw Kim C crawl out in his beggar-ly way. OMGGGGG


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I love these boys. That is all. XD


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something i'd like to share regarding one of the characters; kim hajin (aka yoo min kyu).

he won the reality casting show for the "flower boy casting: oh! boy" series, of which he was granted a spot on being cast for SUFF. and seriously, his acting is NO JOKE after seeing his audition clip. i'm glad the the casting directors and the writers for SUFF decided to make him one of the important characters (and not a villain or a side characters) and have a background storyline, cause he really shine when it comes to intense situations. love to see yoo minkyu's character becoming more aggressive as the episodes progress.

here's a clip of his audition scene. starts @ 5:54 and so on...



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That's great to see. I was wary when I first heard that it was reality show casting, but he's doing a great job.


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I got to say this drama got a lot of heart! i fell in love with it ! it is not over dramatic and it allows the characters to naturally evolve. Nothing feels forced. As for Hyun-soo, OMG! his eyes! I'm soo in love with his eyes! overall he is just gorgeous, he truly live up to his name Eye Candy! LOL! I get so excited to see this drama every week. I honestly, haven't felt this way recently about a drama since City Hunter. If I was to compare the two, I notice I really get into drama's that allows the characters & plot to naturally evolve. Thanks for the re caps girls! as always a job well done! :)


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Totally agree with you! City hunter and SUFBB allow the characters to develop so naturally and realistically that it touches your heart! (: (: Love how its not too polished and fairy-tale like, like BOF. Am loving hyunsoo too haha. his complexion is like...flawless. Cant wait for ep 9!!! Really grateful for recaps after watching the eps so i can keep reliving the moments :D


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Am I the only one who doesn't like Woo Kyung? == I hate clingy girls and she's the perfect example of that. Sure, you gotta stand up to what you like, but the fact that Do Il is ALWAYS with her and she just keeps going on and on and on and on about Ji Hyuk makes me wonder if she's just blind. Do Il clearly cares for Woo Kyung and I disliked her even more when she told the guys that they were blocking Ji Hyuk's future. Ji Hyuk clearly wants all of them in the band to be together even though he doesn't really act like it. Ugh, I can go on forever about Woo Kyung.
The ending made me scream. TT Now I have to wait for another week to see how the Ji Hyuk and Su Ah pairing goes. Sigh.


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I don't straight out dislike her, but I did not like her telling the other boys that they were holding Woo Kyung back. It didn't quite make sense - well, maybe as an immediate reaction, but she should have taken a step back a second later, because she knows them and knows the level of their friendship.

Honestly, that reaction of hers surprised me a little.


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It didn't surprise me. I don't know...I just had the feeling (based on her previous behavior) that she'd either blame the other guys for not playing well, or she'd just blindly support Ji-hyuk no matter what happened to the other guys. I remember in ep 4 (I think) while they were sitting in the pool hall, Ha-jin even says something like, "How come [Woo-kyung] treats Ji-hyuk like a saint and treats us like gangsters?" I don't think she'll turn evil, but she definitely needs to snap out of her like for Ji-hyuk, because it's affecting the other guys as well -- especially Do-il, obviously.


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I'm wondering if we'll get some kind of childhood flashback where Ji-hyuk saved Woo-kyung from somebody terrible or something. Most everybody else has motivation, so I want to believe that she has more dimension. I'm beginning to think that's not the case, though, because those things have generally come out by now.

I think she has the potential to become a great person and a loyal friend outside of her myopic Ji-hyuk obsession, so here's hoping the writers let her grow.


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the romantic relations in KDramas are absolutely important to me and decisive, whether I watch the show or not. and I love the JH/SA coupling in this show. to me KDramas all happen in a fantasy world, so it is really important that the romantic moments are fantastic too. I think SA is a girl, who every boy could fall in love with. she is beautiful and cute. so you can imagine that 3 (hot) boys fall for her. I don't see this in many KDramas and lose the interest to watch them (as a non-Korean viewer) Cheers,


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Has no one mentioned the moment where Ji-hyuk turned Su-ah around to face him in the last scene? Oh god, just the way he did it and his face... I swear, I kept replaying that scene. What a turn on.


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Another great episode! I love it how they continue to play up Lee Min Ki's cameo! Who knew how powerful his presence would be with just 2 episodes? Just like how the boys still think about him, viewers still do too!
And love Su Ah and her spunky character =)


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Does anyone else find it funny how both of Do-Il's parents look straight up asian and he looks...white-ish?


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not much to add on the fangirling side of things (swooning over the boys, loving the story, etc) but I do want to share my thoughts about Woo-kyung and Seung-hoon.

Woo-kyung: Yes, clingy, but loyal and there for the whole band as a friend and not just Ji-hyuk's groupie. It feels as if Woo-kyung staked her claim on Ji-hyuk when they were younger, and he just never corrected her because he doesn't like dealing with feelings - at least, not when they're unrequited. He should tell her plainly that they're not going to work, otherwise she'll keep hanging on to hope that if she hangs around long enough, he'll notice her. She should also take the hint, but she clearly likes him a lot, and knows what she's getting herself into, so I don't fault her too much for it. At least she knows she's in a crappy place, and isn't in denial like a lot of k-drama girls. She's not just clinging to the hopes of romance either - there's a platonic relationship at stake here as well. Maybe she'd just rather leave things as is than admit that her longtime friend/crush isn't the one for her. Not to mention Do-il keeps encouraging her - obviously because he doesn't want to hurt her, but he needs to be clear about his feelings too. Take a page out of Ji-hyuk's book or something.

Anyway, I like Woo-kyung because she's refreshing. Self-aware, confident, not afraid to speak her mind - why are these girls always the side characters, and never the leads??

Seung-hoon: The boy has issues. Never had to work for anything in his life, but now finds that he has something worth working hard for: Su-ah. He should let it go, definitely, but I do like this character turn for him, especially coupled with his admission of his secret songwriter identity and the signing of the Eye Candy boys. He's slowly finding out that the things he wants - following his passion for music, getting recognition (as opposed to servile or sibling praise) for his talents, and the girl he likes - won't just be handed to him on a silver platter. He'll have to sweat a little. It's like for the first time since the drama began he actually wants something - he's not just pursuing things because he's bored. In that way he reminds me of Lee Dong Wook's character from that drama he did with Kim Sun-ah last year - I forget the name. I'm interested in seeing how Seung-hoon deals with the roadblocks that his lack of heart and his dad's wishes will inevitably put in his path. Who knows - maybe he'll find some dreams of his own, not coupled with his pursuit of Su-ah or his jealousy re: Eye Candy. At least, I hope that's what they do with his character. I do like Jung Eui-chul as an actor - it would be such a waste if he turned stereotypical baddie/second-lead.


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haha, you said pretty much what I said. Should've read through more comments before I posted!


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haha but you put a different spin on it so it's still a good observation! Wait though - does this make us Team Seung-hoon now? lol cos we might get bricked..


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I'm gonna have to step in and put out my two cents about the people thinking Seung-Hoon getting annoying as a character. Of course we all of our own opinions but inside my head I was just thinking, why is it that when girls won't give up liking a guy and keep pursuing them, society think that's okay, but on the other hand when a guy that sincerely loves the girl and won't give up we automatically label them as "stalker" or creepy or the guy that can't take a hint or take no as an answer. I'm pretty sure a lot of girls in a lot of dramas and in real life, who gets rejected the first time around does keep trying to win over their love and yet no one seems to think anything wrong of it. So how come a guy can't do the same thing? I actually admire Seung-Hoon for doing such a thing because it shows that his love isn't just superficial. And picture this, if you were a guy and the girl you've loved since you were a small child fell in love with a person that she's only known for a couple of months, wouldn't you be pissed and try to do whatever you can to get the girl back? And this is exactly what I think he's doing. I mean I know the way he's doing it is a bit selfish and is a little bit harsh but I can honestly think that's a pretty normal reaction. And wouldn't you be a little worried if a guy that you've known since childhood confesses that he likes you and when you refuse and simply say "no", he's response would be "okay, I understand I'll leave you alone". I think I would be a little more worried if he's response was something of the sort. But don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want him saying "I'll win you over even if I have to go to hell and back sorta deal" although that would make him sound a tad cooler *get's hit* That's all I really wanted to say and obviously this was only my opinion and again I can understand why some people are not liking his character, but to be honest with you, he's actually what's making the show more interesting for me.


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Yay! Another Seung-hoon advocate! I think you, me and myspiffyrosegirl should form Team Seung-hoon or something. Let's show the boy some love!

I totally see your point - it seems most people on the thread are against the wont-take-the-hint people on the whole though - that is, both Woo-kyung and Seung-hoon. But sometimes sentiment is biased in the girl's favor. I suppose it's simply because we're rooting for the main couple, so we get upset when the side-characters butt in, even though they don't see the relationship developing the way we do and simply want to hang on to their people.


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Seung-hoon advocates unite! lolol.

It's nice to see how there are other people who feel the same way I do. I thought I was always the "off" person lol. Anywho, the reason why I just liked Seung-hoon's character so much is because he felt "real". And again like you said so many people get blinded rooting for the main couple (and I"m guilty of this as well for other dramas). But I was just getting sick of seeing the so called nice-but-only-friends-guy get dumped in dramas. I don't think I have seen one drama so far where the girl ends up with the nice guy guy that comforts her or the so antagonist (which I think would be a really good plot twist for a change).

And besides who wouldn't love Seung-hoon especially after seeing the whole piano-back-hug scene! I swear that's exactly the kind of thing that only stays in my head xDDD


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Ya ya! SO HOT!! though it was a bit of a douche move to come in and start playing her song for her. I have to say Jung Eui-chul is a big reason why I'm rooting for Seung-hoon - a tall drink of water if I ever saw one ;) Plus, I adore his puppy dog eyes whenever Su-ah's around. *sigh. He better man up and put up a real fight for Su-ah - not just throwing his weight (money) around either, but really being there for her and appreciating her for who she is.


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*assy move, sorry. trying to wean myself off of using the word "douche[bag]" - it's a bit more insulting and inappropriate than intended to be, lol


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I love Ji-Hyuk. I love Su-Ah. I love the two of them together. But you know what? I love all the other characters, including (surprisingly, or not) Seung-hoon. Why? Because he's not a static character. Yes, he's getting annoying clinging onto Su-Ah so much, and yes, what a d-bag for abandoning his friends selfishly (but that wasn't a surprise, was it?). Yet, he's so interesting because his actions are not all about him wanting Su-Ah. His character does not depend solely on his relationship with Su-Ah but more significantly with Ji-hyuk. Here is Ji-hyuk who walks into his school seemingly without anything--money, status, smarts--and within a short matter of time steals the limelight and his girl. And what's more is that, throughout the whole time, Ji-hyuk never did anything terribly wrong to get it all. Ji-Hyuk gets under his skin. Really makes his skin crawl. Makes him for once in his life fight for things he wants. Seung-hoon made a point at the beginning of the series that he doesn't like trying, because what's yours should easily fall into your hands--and now that outlook on life has completely been upended. And notice that when he confesses to his noona that he finds school fun now, it's not because he finds joy in fighting for Su-Ah, but because of Ji-Hyuk. Ji-Hyuk is someone that he'd love to hate and hate to love, and alas, he does both.

Yes, it was a total bitch move for him to abandon his friends, but it's refreshing at the same time to see some fight in him. I think his character is actually quite relatable. Because Seung-hoon wasn't ever the "evil" character. He technically never did anything wrong. He was just an innocent rich boy, enjoying his luxurious life. I think many of us are the same. We're at a comfortable point in our life, whether that's in terms of money, our job, our relationships, our dreams that we've put away...We, like him, have flaws, and for Seung-hoon, it hasn't mattered--until now. It's like Ji-Hyuk is a life lesson for him: this is what happens when you don't even try to live your life. I love the trajectory so far, and I hope they keep going with it. I hope they don't end up making him a cardboard cut out antagonist.

Love this drama. Keep up the great work javabeans & girlfriday!


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And oh my, I should've read that were other members of Seung-hoon lol I hadn't noticed there was a 2nd page for comments until now ._.

From what you said previously, know what who cares if we get bricked for being his fans lol I'll sign up! *prepares armors (my pots and lids)*


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Ah, I'm so glad that I decided to watch this! I didn't know /anything/ about it but was really put off by the title and assumed it would be another silly fluffy drama - nothing wrong with that, but not what I've been in the mood for. But this show is AWESOME! It reminds me of the British show Skins :D I'm always thrilled when a drama has characters that act like real people, and this one sure is delivering that.


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About to watch episode 8! I'm a little late, but I've started to really like this drama :) Oh, and for all the worry over Hyun-soo, I think that he is a really decent guy. He feels tempted by the contract, but he's honest about it. And I think we need to have faith in him! He'll always put his friends first, and I think he's proven that.


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Omfg, Hyun-soo is SOOOO DREAMY. His smouldering narrowed-eyes-look is irresistible. But it's in a cute way though. I want to hug him. He's so cute with his parents omg. Loved that scene.

And Su Ah is really pretty. And I'm not going to comment on the plot/events because I don't really care lol. The only reason I'm watching this drama (or random parts of it on YouTube) is because of Myungsoo *_* He is captivatingly and effortlessly beautiful.

Sorry, this is probably going to get deleted because it's so off-topic and fangirly LOL.


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Anyone find that girl annoying….Woo-kyung….seriously ji hyuk as made is CLEAR that he doesn’t LIKE you.

Yet she stills acts like a jealous girlfriend..get the hint girl!


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