The Moon That Embraces the Sun: Episode 12

All right, time to up the stakes, and ratchet up the emotion on all sides. People are pushed into corners, and characters take one step closer to making some finite decisions. Hwon takes one step forward in the big mystery of years past, but also suffers a setback as the baddies get crafty, too. And that cliffhanger leaves us wondering if we’ve hit a point of no return, or if our hero can find a way out. (Okay, I’m pretty sure it’s not a real point of no return, but at the same time I’ll have to remain in suspense another week. As will we all.)


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A discouraged Yang-myung walks away from the puppet show, having seen Hwon and Wol sitting together. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Without looking, he addresses the silent follower he knows is nearby, asking, “How long have you known?” Woon steps forward and asks if she really looks that much like that child. That’s enough to tell Yang-myung that the king has that same feeling of deja vu, and he suspects that this was meant to be kept a secret from him. He tells his friend, “Now you’ve become the king’s man entirely.” Woon looks sad, but can’t exactly protest that.

That evening, Hwon and Wol walk through the town. He says he enjoyed the show, but calls the story ridiculous — a commoner girl meets a king without knowing he’s the king, and they fall in love? How does a king even have time for romance with all his duties? The nation’s in trouble with such a foolish ruler at its helm. You might want to tread lightly there, King Loverpants, you’re pretty much asking to be smacked on the head with an anvil of irony.

Then he adds that the girl is just as absurd, for not realizing he’s the king from his kingly aura. Lol, I enjoy that Hwon has a streak of vanity. He starts to go on a rant about the implausibility of the script, but finds Wol looking at him, and she says, “The story is possible, because they are people. How can you explain what happens between person to person using only logic?”

He says he’ll pay her back later, and as he goes, she thinks to herself sadly that she won’t be seeing him tonight.

Yang-myung approaches as she walks along, telling her he sent Jan-shil back home. She confirms that he’s Jan-shil’s supposed generous and free-spirited helper, having worried that she’d gotten caught in a scam. Yang-myung steps up and asks, “If such a scammer were this handsome, wouldn’t it be worth being caught once?” Ooh, yes please.

Wol turns to leave, and he gets serious all of a sudden, asking why, if she was so worried, she’d only remembered Jan-shil now? He asks if she was so captivated by something that she forgot who she’d come for, and who would be waiting for her. He says he doesn’t know if he can do it again: “Watching you looking at another place, another person.”

He leaves her wondering at those words.

Hwon is prepared for bed by a nagging Hyung-sun, who is lecturing him about the wild snowman chase from earlier and all the pains he went through to get the pointless thing, with fresh snow from the roof. Hwon just says, “But luckily, you’re still alive.”

Hyung-sun whines about his poor hands, so cold from all the snow, so Hwon grabs them in his own. He pulls Hyung-sun toward himself and says, “Let me warm your hands with my hot chest.” Omg, he cracks me up. Hyung-sun is the very definition of “can’t take a joke” and given the rumors that are already swirling about the king’s preferred bedmate, Hyung-sun reliably freaks out and scrambles to leave, arms crossed over his chest.

Hwon smiles as he anticipates Wol’s arrival, having prepared money as repayment for the puppet theater.

At the same time, Nok-young is giving Wol her instructions for leaving the capital the next morning. Wol has misgivings and asks if she can see the king one last time, wanting to say goodbye and last words. She promises to leave right away, and pleads for permission.

Bo-kyung stews in her chambers, recalling her spy’s latest report about Wol’s resemblance to Yeon-woo. So she sets out and intercepts the shaman-charm on her way to the king; she slaps on a smile and asks Wol to uncover herself so she can speak to her.

She complies, but it’s not Wol — just another shaman. Bo-kyung finds nothing remarkable in her appearance, and looks appeased.

Hwon hears his doors opening and starts to address Wol, but when he looks up his face hardens — it’s Bo-kyung standing there. She tells him she has figured out what he’s been hiding from her, because eight years ago when she first met him in the Silver/Hidden Moon building, he had shot her the same look when he realized she wasn’t who he meant to see.

Hwon angrily reminds her of his warning not to drop in unannounced. Bo-kyung raises her voice too, asking what about that lowly shaman has him so captivated. She tells him to go ahead and take that shaman into his heart; she won’t care. Because no matter whom he loves, she is the one seated at his side: “You will have to acknowledge that soon.”

The new shaman enters, explaining that she is the new amulet, working to facilitate the consummation. The amulet to draw out evil has finished her duty and will be leaving Seongsucheong soon.

Seol can tell from Wol’s expression that she’s on the verge of tears as she packs her things, saying that the hard-hearted Nok-young could have at least consented to let her say goodbye. Just then Nok-young enters and orders Wol to dress as the amulet; she’s been called by the king.

As he leads her, Hyung-sun tries to politely ask her not to upset the king, but she understands without being told and assures him that she won’t.

Hwon paces anxiously, and when Wol enters he demands to know who gave her permission to leave, especially after she told him she would ease his pain. She says that her job is done now, and that she can’t replace that other woman. He loses his temper and she reminds him forcefully that he’s the one who ordered her not to come close. Hwon yells back, “I did not order you to go far away!”

He calms down and tells her she’s right. Looking at her now throws him into confusion, because he can’t tell if he’s looking at that child or Wol’s past self: “But until I can put that confusion to rest, until I can know what it is I feel, don’t you dare… go far away. That is a royal order.”

Queen mother tells Bo-kyung of their new consummation date, which is in several days’ time. She’s smug that this time Hwon won’t be able to thwart the issue with excuses of his health, and asks to see her father.

Minister Yoon finds record books being taken outside and confers with the minister in charge. He hears of Hwon’s angry fit, and how the damaged books are now being laid out in the sun. Now they realize that a few volumes are missing from eight years ago, and this fact strikes Minister Yoon as alarming. And yet, when the official goes to check, the books are back in their place, thanks to Woon.

That’s one point for Team King, but they’re met with bad news: the former attendant to the previous king has committed suicide.

Officers swarm the estate, where they find the man’s body hanging from the ceiling. The chief officer declares that it’s a pretty obvious case of suicide, so what they should look at is the reason for the death.

Hwon fixates on the mystery: What was the man hiding? What is it that he’s being kept from finding out? He sends Hwon to bring every relevant record on file with the Euigeumbu (a royal investigative/judicial department, like a cross between police and courthouse), and to make sure this remains hushed up.

This calls for the reappearance of a familiar face, and a man is brought before the king, wondering at the summons and feeling a sense of deja vu. It’s the same Sungkyunkwan scholar young Hwon had once persuaded into leading students in a rally, now in service at the Euigeumbu, named Hong Kyu-tae.

Hwon explains that when records pass through other hands first, he is kept from the truth. Therefore, he assigns Hong Kyu-tae to pretend to be investigating the suicide, while actually finding out the truth of the princess’s death eight years ago.

Minister Yoon is wary enough to report to the queen dowager that the king has been engaging in suspicious behavior that seems linked to the events of eight years past. On the other hand, queenie is feeling comfortable, saying that moving up the consummation was a heavenly boon.

Ah, and here we have another fissure in this alliance, with one side using logic and the other relying heavily on the Powers That Be. I find the queen’s obsession with the supernatural intriguing, and wonder if it will be her undoing.

The queen dowager says the king won’t find anything, and even if he does, they’ll cover it up. What, with six feet of dirt? Her complacency is interesting, and satisfying (given that she’ll get hers in the end).

Yeom reads, bathed in soft backlighting, which is the way Min-hwa views him through her lovestruck eyes. She tells him dreamily that he’s at his most handsome while reading, but then sighs that he won’t spare a glance for her. An idea pops into her head: “If I covered myself in writing… would you look at me more?” Ha. I dare you to say yes, just to make her do it.

But a servant is on hand to dash the romance in that idea, telling her that erasing the writing is sure to be a pain. And then we see that Yeom isn’t in the room after all — since he’s away on his travels — and Min-hwa had been fantasizing the whole thing. Hilariously, she’s annoyed at her servant for interrupting just when she was about to meet Fantasy Yeom’s gaze. What, you can’t even make him love you in your dreams?

She decides to look after Yeom’s mother, per his request, finding her reading a letter from the queen dowager. Hearing about the soon-to-be consummation night, Min-hwa decides to drop by the palace to see Bo-kyung.

First, Min-hwa consults her books to jot down some helpful tips, like how lying on one side increases your likelihood of bearing a son.

She runs into her grandmother at the palace, who teases her about never visiting. Min-hwa visibly stiffens to confront her grandmother; it’s likely she’s never been comfortable around her since witnessing Yeon-woo’s death rite. She stammers at Granny’s invitation to walk together, inventing an excuse to leave right away.

Hwon is visited by the head of the royal astrology office, which is in charge of designating those consummation dates. He is given the new date, and responds that his health is not improved enough, overriding the physician who declares him fit. The astrology officers urge him to make use of this fortune before the heavenly energy shifts, but he angrily orders them away.

Bo-kyung tells her father she’s not worried that this upcoming date may not happen, saying that she’ll find a way. Her father is alarmed when Bo-kyung tells him that the king’s behavior points to him being in love with the shaman, and he wants to dismiss her immediately. Bo-kyung says no, that until the royal consummation, that charm must remain by his side. She will use the king’s affections in ensuring the consummation. Um, I hope we’re not talking about costume changes or tricks, because I foresee that ending badly for all.

Bo-kyung has accepted — prehaps for the first time — that she wno’t win Hwon’s love after all, so now she says that if she can’t have it, she’ll at least use it to her own ends.

An extravagant delivery is made to Seongsucheong, containing shamanic accessories of high quality. Jan-shil (who has been accepted back after all, perhaps after Nok-young was assured she’s been scared straight) hands over the deliverer’s letter — Yang-myung.

Wol immediately heads out and finds Yang-myung waiting. She asks why he sent her the gifts, and he says, “Because I like you.” Woot woot for the assertive prince! She tells him the joke is inappropriate (the same words Yeon-woo used), and he says he’s not joking.

She says he can’t know enough about her to declare affection. He replies, “Because you were the first. You told me not to hide behind laughs, and not to deceive myself. That I should let go of the pain in my heart. You were the first to say that to me, and those words comforted me.” He concedes that she’s right in saying he knew little about her, but for her resemblance to someone else, “But now that’s not the case. The person I see now is you.”

Aww. Pick him! Pick him!

Nok-young stands before her shrine, worried that the fates of those who must not meet are once again entwining. Bad mojo is in the wind, and it makes her uneasy. She’s with her old accomplice, who wonders how a human can interfere with the winds of fate. Nok-young answers that the chance to end all this disruption comes in three days’ time. If the consummation is successful, the connection will sever and she will be able to send Wol away to safety.

Her accomplice warns her of “the truth we buried” coming to light, but she says that it won’t matter even if it does.

That night, Wol sits with Hwon, looking at him while he reads. He tells her that he knows he’s good-looking, but that she shouldn’t stare, and she laughs. He gets all, “Did you just laugh at me?” and orders her to follow him out for a walk.

Standing outside in the snowy courtyard, Wol asks what has him especially troubled today. He tells her that a man took his life today, and that he was the reason for it: “Death’s shadow always follows those around me. The people I care for all fall into danger. I could not protect them all, and not only that, but I could not ease their bitterness.”

Wol tells him this is not his fault, and that those people all know how he tried to protect them. He tells her to use her mystical powers to answer him: Will the truth he seeks come to light? She says yes, and he repeats the question, asking her to answer with her personal thoughts this time. She says yes again, telling him she has faith in him: “A tangled knot will not unravel all at once. But if you pull at each part of that knot, one by one, one day that hidden truth will be revealed.”

He thanks her, moved by her faith: “That is the first warm comfort I have received in a long time.”

Minister Yoon presses to retain the new consummation date, to the ire of Hwon, who insists he’s not well enough. But the minister has prepared a crafty trap of technicalities, saying that he has kept the evil-warding amulet with him for quite some time now. Is he saying that it has had no effect? Because if not, perhaps it’s the fault of the amulet, who will be have to be dealt with accordingly. You know, destroyed in the name of national security.

Ah, so this is how Bo-kyung will manipulate Hwon using his love. The end result will be that Wol leaves the palace, either alive or dead. Minister Yoon had asked her what she would do if Hwon insisted on keeping Wol with him even after the consummation.

She had replied that this means Daddy gets to step up and mobilize the scholars for his purposes, because how could the king, the model of the state, justify hiding a woman away in the palace in light of the Confucian principles holding up the nation?

The shamans busily clean Seongsucheong, and when Jan-shil protests at the excessive chores, another shaman tells her that they have to prepare for prayers, in light of the consummation tonight. Wol registers this with alarm, while Hwon sits in gloom, immune to Hyung-sun’s attempts to reason with him.

Hwon bursts out, “How can you say that, too?” Hyung-sun tells him that continued refusal only increases the danger to Wol. Hwon puts his head in his hand and tells Hyung-sun not to bring her to him tonight.

He is attended to that night by the royal physician, dressed, and treated with acupuncture and medicine.

Bo-kyung, meanwhile, is dressed in her own finery and awaits the king’s arrival. He makes the walk to her quarters like someone heading to his execution, stone-faced and morose.

Wol is given an order to stay away. Yang-myung finds her fighting tears in the courtyard, having guessed she heard the news. He tells her that this is to be expected of the king, who must provide an heir, which doesn’t ease her heartsickness any. She knows everything he’s telling her but her tears come anyway, and with hers come his. He asks if he can’t be the one for her.

The king and queen sit together, and he starts to undress according to the procedure outlined for them. Are they not even to have this allowed them in their own way? Yeesh. I’m pretty sure the order of hat-belt-sock removal won’t affect rate of conception.

Unforgiving to the last, Hwon says that Bo-kyung must be happy to finally have gotten her way. She answers that this isn’t something only she wants; it’s the hope of everybody, including their citizens.

Wol tells Yang-myung to go back home, but he presses — will she come with him? It’s an echo of their earlier conversation as teenagers, only this time he won’t back down and play it off as a joke. He says he’s tired of being a prince and wants to leave that position. He is ready to run away, and furthermore, continuing as shaman is not good for Wol, either. If she wants to run away, will she run with him?

Hwon sits silently simmering, and Bo-kyung reminds him that no matter what, she is his woman. And all of a sudden he grabs her, pulling her toward him, and touches her face. He says, “Even if you cannot have my heart, you still want to mother the nation’s next king. Fine. For you, I will untie my robe.”


Lordy, this drama takes “Will they or won’t they” literally, and to extremes. It’s an interesting conflict, and one we don’t often see, so I welcome the fact that we’re exploring a familiar problem (two lovers who Cannot Be) in a new way.

That said, it does keep the romantic angst at a fairly basic level, which makes me wish there were more to this story. Somewhere in the past week or two, the story has become all about the king refusing to bed his queen, and the opposition insisting he do it. The arguments have been going around in circles for a while now, and every time the king roared, “I cannot!” and “This is a royal order!” I felt like we were pulling the string in the back of the talking doll.

I wish the Hwon-Wol romance had more development to it, because now it’s in that stage of the story where they’re apart, then they’re not, and then they are again. If this were a modern drama, this would mark the umpteenth time the hero moved out of the apartment, or the heroine ran away to spare him pain, or maybe an enraged parent stepped in to oppose the relationship. Round and round we go.

On one hand, I really like that the hero is married, on a narrative level. It takes the forbidden romance to a realistic place, with some real stakes. But on the other hand, this also trips me up a little, because he’s married. It wasn’t to the woman of his choice, but as a head of state in a patrilineal system of rulership, he’s also got a duty to procreate. (Not saying I agree it’s right, but them’s the facts of the time and of the position.)

So when he refuses to bed his wife out of hatred for her clan, I don’t know what to make of it. Is he actually defying the entire dynastic system and determined to let it die out? Or is he just crossing his arms and digging in his heels like an angsty teenager refusing to be ordered around? I’d like to believe his stance has a nobler intent behind it, but since he’s never expressed a problem with the nature of succession or an ideological resistance to monarchial rule, I can’t help but feel the latter is more likely. And that feels like a narrative problem to me.

I suspect that if the romance felt more… desperate, I might be rooting more for him to chuck aside the wife. I buy that he loves Yeon-woo and is attracted to Wol, and I buy that she’s starting to fall for him too, but their attachment seems so tentative. I might be pulling for them if their relationship felt stronger, if it conveyed the feeling of star-crossed lovers like Moon Chae-won and Park Shi-hoo in The Princess’s Man — there, the connection ran so deep and was fueled with such fierce attachment that you believed they’d do anything to stay together. Here, not so much. I don’t need them to be like the other couple; they just have to have more rapport. He’s the king who — like the puppet he mocked — is preoccupied with a love life that keeps him in fits, and she’s a morose, fatalistic heroine who decides she has to just let things happen as they’re meant to happen.

Yang-myung is the only character who’s showing some gumption now, which is such a relief. Despite my love of Jung Il-woo, I was pretty much on the Hwon train all this while, more than anything because Wol/Yeon-woo has never shown interest in him. But when he gave his “I see you” speech, I felt myself pulling for him for the first time.

I don’t know. The show’s entertaining, for sure, but it’s not really sticking with me these days. There isn’t enough to cling to, because the story’s sort of stuck at surface level. At least it’s a very pretty, elaborately designed surface. I hope the upcoming murder investigation delving into Yeon-woo’s death will bring some of that excitement back.


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okay this show has the best/worst cliffhangers...it kills me everytime....

but thank you again for recaps!!


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First ....JB, you ROCK as always. (Thank You ~♥)


---► I'm not hugely bothered that pretty much the entire story is about the fated/ill-fated loves. From the very first episodes that was the message - loud and clear.

...difference is--- then, it was charming and well-acted by peachy-faced adorable kids...even with *thin* dialogue. Now, it's treading in circles and the biggest plot point is: "Will the King get busy with the Dark Moon.. producing an heir which basically signs his death warrant?"

... everything in Joseon depends on the King's *bouncy, bouncy*...that's the plot? really? O.o

---► I'm demanding that Yeom, Pr. MinHwa & Seol have some sort of further character development, or I'm emotionally kicking all 3 of them (and the writer) to the curb. Get. on. with. it.

---►MOAR close ups of Woon. Don't care what he's doing or saying...just..MOAR.
Additionally...if he doesn't have a scene soon where he whips out his sword and kicks some bootay...I will cease to think of him as effective in any way as the King's bodyguard.

p.s. Hyung Sun ((((((squeeze)))) ~❤


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thanks for the recap =)

Jomo, you crack me up! bwahahahaha! you had me at "white pajamas". can't wait to see what's gonna happen next week. wish there'll be more woon scenes. and more hyung sun-ah funny moments.

ahhhh- Yang Myung, you break my heart into a million pieces.

KimMin Seo is so good she's bad - I just hate her Bo Kyung. If ever they really have to consummate, hope she farts in the middle of it. That's a real mood killer, i'd say. hmm, maybe that's how it's NOT gonna go through.


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@luna - re: "...hope she farts in the middle of it"

LOLz !

....actually, I was thinking that since they both drank the "broths of consummation"....perhaps chicken, dunno, but clearly they had a spare nearby if needed ~

...that Hwon took a page from the Dowager/Shaman book...and had arranged a special dose of Knock-out-juice for Queen B. (?)

it's a less dramatic way, than say....Hwon coercing HyungSun to set the palace on fire.....but I wouldn't put it past him.

My guess....It. ain't. gonna. happen.
He's just not that into you ~;)


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I liked this drama when it started. The interaction of teenage Yeon-woo, Hwon and Yang Myung was far more exciting to watch. I'm starting to get bored. I'm still interested, though, because of Kim Soo Hyun and Jung Il Woo (girly laugh).

I just hope that the next episode will be more gripping. I want the writers to make us more invested with the story and not just with the actors/actresses playing the characters.


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I hate how each episode ends with a cliffhanger all the time...UGHHHHHH

I hope something/someone stops the consummation! I don't want BoKyung to do it with Hwon.

Also, HWON is so hot when he is teasing like with HyungSun touching his HOT heart. Dude can play a player.

I like how we are seeing some other emotions out of Han Ga In but I feel her Shaman role is making her a little too demure in her character. She was more intelligently teasing as young YH. Until Monday/Tuesday for the previews....I would like more too the plot too. All this love triangles and star crossed lovers is too plain. Could there be more to the plot? Like who will destroy BoKyung's dad as ARi predicted. Woon and Seol maybe? JanShil and YMyung ? It's like all we get is love/ starcrossed/ power hungry/

I'll keep watching because Hwon compels me. He makes a great king. Cheeky and playful when he needs to be but it seems like he yells at Wol a lot...hahaha


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Yes, I notice the story is getting very mundane. Although the ending had me at the edge of my, the rest of my drama couldn't keep me in my seat, lol. Hopefully next week's episode will be better, but I'm sure it will be since we got the "I can't share my bed w/ the queen because I'm unwell" out of the way.


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thank you JB

Actually both drank fake medicine and they can't perform that night and slept through.

As for the cliffhanger, the king as usual mock his wife lowly and will be telling her till death do us part I will not bed you or love you but I will go the round face shaman wol !!. I know the script from watching it.

YANG MYUNG always breaking my heart, no point lamenting or running off with the shaman wol because her heart is always for the king since their childhood days no matter what YM does for her.

So Yang myung what are you going to do with your life from now on ?..


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I not only wonder what YM will do with his life from now on, I wonder what he has been doing all his life so far? Seems like all he does is go around lamenting & moping, and doesn't seem to be doing anything useful? Are his expenses all paid for by the court or something, since he's part of the royal family? So, only the king is working?

Writer, please wake up and develop YM's character. At the moment, he's just a useless wastrel who does not have any goal in life except to run away with Wol! How to ship him with Wol - just because he wants her? How can Wol even find him attractive? Despite his pretty face, his character is so bland and uncharismatic! How will they survive if they run away together, will the king continue to give him an allowance?

I'm really disappointed in the storyline & character development. At least in SKKS, all the characters had better developed backgrounds and were busy studying (the scholars), writing exam/cheat guides (PMY), running around on rooftops/shooting arrows (YAI) or running businesses (SJK).

JIW's talent is really wasted in this drama. And for some strange reason, he's not as pretty as usual - I think the hat/hairstyle does not suit him?


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Yeah. I think he looks better with his bang to cover his forehead and narrow the side of his face. He looks much cutter with fashion clothing.


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I mean cuter.


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Just couldn't wait for next week ep. However, l agreed that the love between two leads should be highlighted by ep 12. Its so dissapointed that the two are against the love confession of each other. There is a lot to cover with only 8 eps left.

This is not my favourite ep though, only consumation night between H and BK really unexpected.

Easy to be YM who ex[press his feelings without any doubt. Go Jung Il woo.


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SPOILERS.. maybe, I don't know if it's accurate I got from a fan page, but it seems plausible

"Spoiler (Episode 13)

Hwon: 'Ok I will take my clothes off for your sake'. He tends to BK and strokes lightly her lips...'you dont know how much, how long I craved for you, you dont know why I am this cold towards everybody. Can't you see that I am doing this for you? Since that day...since that day I saw you for the first time, noone has ever entered in my heart'. BK while glowing with pleasure answers: 'My lord, this...this....I ....I ...'. Hwon cuts her off by leaning into her and whispers into her ear: 'Then, now and forever ever I am yours my Yeon Woo'. BK looks as if a knife pierced through her heart and she was about to die because of frustrations. Hwon then suddenly collapsed and the physicians were being called.

OK after he was still not awake, they called for Wol, and while being in the same room, he became awake but everybody else has had to left the room, so it was only them in this room while HS and Woon were blocking his chamber outside. Finally they were alone. And Hwon woke up with a satisfied smile. Wol was astonished, relieved and happy. Hwon then grabbed her and pushed her down (scene of ep 8/9). He told her: I am not myself, not myself...why did I drank that medicine? Wol, help me'. And with this he silenced her with a angry kiss."


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I think I saw this on the Soompi blog but it was someone's preferred script ... don't think it was based on the book or anything. It was a fan's imagination (I think).


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Lol yes this is not from the novel but someone's imagination.


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Oo Alona, is that true?. Nothing happened between them that night?. Ha ha ha!! l knew it. By the way, how did u know? Did u read the novel.

Where can l read the novel in English?? ElectricGround had only translated until Chapter 6.

Can anybody tell me??


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no! it is my own script, not from the book or from any where else,

I am guessing dear !. We have to wait till next week.


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I'm sorry. I have to disagree the brother is getting on my nerves. I mean come on, he act like he is the only one that is living a certain way. How in the hell do he know how Hwon is living? He is only seeing things how he see fit and in his own way. He don't live in the palace to see how Hwon lives or as a matter of fact seen him in 8 years. So how can he continuiously say that the king gets whatever he wants. When in fact he doesn't. Theres a reason why everyone worry.

The king is not even a king. He is a puppet that his father in law and big ass teeth wife pull around to get what they want. Hwon even know how fake she is. The prince on the other hand is actually the lucky one. He gets to live his life whatever he see fit. But Hwon can't. I found him annoying in this episode. All the things that are meant to be sweet was not sweet to me. Everytime he spoke to Wol i wanted to throw up. and it pissed me off. and why do he always ask people to run away with him. At least he has a chance to run away unlike somebody else he know.

And why is he so mad that Woon is on his side. You know what Woon and Hwon servant is the only two people that is trustworthy. Everybody else in that palace are back stabbing whores including his own grandmother.


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thats very true, I was thinking the same thing when myung get mad at how the king always take the things he wanted or belong to him. I actually have more sympathy for the king than myung because he find love freely and is always trap in the place. At least myung can find another girl, like wol's friend would be a good match. Hwon really only have 2 people that is loyal to him, and i think that might explain his longterm ilness...


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I like how you mention the couple in Princess Man. They really show that they are crazy for each other and meant for each other. Wol in here is just not aggressive, and he is just too confused about his feeling. I hope their feeling can evolve faster to the point where she determine she loves him so much that she would do anything and he can realize that he love her even if she is not yeo-woo. As much as I enjoy the intensity of their acting in every scene, i really hope to see more plot moving forward, and not just circulate over the is she yeowoo or not issue.


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first of all thank you as always for your witty and entetaining recaps.. once again the way you play with words in your recaps id nothing short of amazing!! just like watching the episode with subs.. well i agree with everyone saying that this episode maybe was a little flat in pace to speed the storyline up already.. its high time wol regains her memory already!! i hope the king fakes a heart attack just before he kisses the queen... that wipe that silly look on her face.. lol.. well had put my 5cents worth in.. hehehe


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Omg yes that could be it! If he really does have a heart attack because in some parts it's hard to tell whether he is really sick or not.
I mean the evil ministers can plot all they want about getting rid of Wol if she isn't helping the king feel better because push come to shove I'm sure Nok young wouldn't allow it. Also what if the king does have a heart attack and Wol does leave with Yang Myung??

Eeeekkk I can't wait for next week, I'll be guessing what happens next all week!!


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g8 recap as always gf.I thought i was the only one who found that scene with the king and queen weird.Does someone really have to tell them how to disrobe?What does that have to do with mating?
Cant wait for nxt week


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The manufacturing process has to be certified, its QC problem in case the Queen bears someone else's product! Hehe.. Lol, I enjoy saying this..


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I was literally screaming no at the end. MUST WAIT ANOTHER WEEK....EVERYBODY SCREAM!!!!


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Aw man pretty sure my stomach just flipped at the end.. although it would be interesting to see what happened afterwards if they did sleep together, I would be pretty upset cos to me that would imply he will stay with the queen.
I think if this was a longer running series then Hwon might stay with Bo Kyung and Wol may end up with Yang Myung because that gives us more time to develop both relationships (although I really just want Hwon and Yeon Woo back together!!).
I reckon Wol will say no to leaving with Yang Myung and because she looks so upset about Hwon having to bed Bo Kyung and because Yang Myung cares for her so much, he will help the king out by causing a scene and somehow stopping the consumation.


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Wow. I really enjoyed this drama. Haven't pluck up the courage to watch yet, just reading. Reading n rereading had consumed so much of my time d. I m perplexed to read some unfavorable comments about this show. To me this drama is very captivating. I really don't understand why some fans are able to sympathize with Bo kung. I just hate her. Loathe her. Why? Oh why?k Drama always potray the second male lead as a terrible loser for love? M.Y. Poured his heart out but never receive a single drop in return. So cruel!


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Watch the drama from the beginning until the most recent episode and you'll understand why some people (such as myself) are already getting bored and see for yourself just how different the story was when the younger actors (yeo jin go, kim young jung, lee min ho, siwan, and jin ji hee) were still playing the adult roles.


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"M.Y. Poured his heart out but never receive a single drop in return. So cruel!"
Haha, that’s how unrequited love works! But YM's obsession with YW is becoming irritating, it's time to move on. Can't he understand that the girl doesn't like him in that way? Not when they were young and not now! How can a soppy and teary prince compare with a hot and charismatic king who is not afraid of close body contact with lowly shamans? So HOT!


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Yeah, Jen. I agree. MY must move on. Off to serious watching now. Arrrh... I hate getting hooked but I can't resist anymore!


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Love your comment so much! That's how unrequited love works!


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I really think that the goal of the dowager queen and family is for Hwon to produce an heir, at which point, they can kill him and use the heir to run the country. And I think that Hwon knows this. If true, then I think that Hwon's reluctance to consummate wedding is expected.


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I hope the consummation will not occur, that for some reason the king will feel consummated already just thinking of his first love. Fainting out during the process is a good excuse and I can see the severe chaos on the parts of all who aspire for their power and advantage. It's awesome to watch them in agony while the king inside him rejoicing for his perfect escape of the century, he has all the time to find the truth of what happens 8 years ago., hopefully he will makes some effort to see the light of the mysterious death of the crown princess 8 years ago.Can't wait for the next episode it's firing me up!!!!


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LOL @ fainting during the processes.I'm going to freak the freak out if that happens.I won't watch it till I know he ends up with Wol


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I'm still wondering what Moon Gun-Young could have done with YW/Wol character. She's certainly better actress than HGI.


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Finding this overrated as of ep.9. Wol's not engaging me at all. Made me appreciate PMY's acting more in SKKS. I wasn't appreciative of her as much as I was with YAI & SJK's acting, but looking back I can say that she was good in expressing whatever the character is feeling even if I find her crying a little laughable (also in CH). Yoochun too. His character was quiet but I can sense his emotions even if he does not say or do much.

Re: last scene
(1) was thinking that Hwon will call out Yeon-woo's name just to piss of the queen (how can anyone go on with their "wifely duty" if the husband calls out someone else's name?)

(2) I remembered Nok-young's thought in a previous episode that the queen will not bear The Heir

(3) Hwon might get sick again because that is what has been happening whenever the dark moon's near him right? On one hand, if he does get sick then that's consistent with his character. On the other hand, Wol might be blamed as a talisman that didn't work if he falls sick.

On the whole, the storyline's a little bit shallow but doesn't look it while I'm watching because of some of the cast's performance. Props to KSH & KMS. Much as I love JIW, his character bores me. I thought he was supposed to be a playboy prince not the mopey prince? *sigh* More developments please next week, dear writers.

@#67 - You've got to watch it to know why. Reading recaps are good, but unless you've watched the show, you might have a different reaction from the writer.


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I also recall the earlier episode where Nok-young's voice over thought indicated that the Queen would not have the King's heir. So if this indeed prescient, I can only surmise there will be some interesting coitus interruptus in ep.13.

What happened to Jin-Shil's blue bundle? They didn't show Wol handing this off to her, and what happened to the hairpin that was wrapped in that bundle? I hope this is pulled together in subsequent episodes.

I look forward to watching this drama, but it seems like it's losing some momentum and getting stuck in a writer's loop.


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The reason why Hwon keeps refusing to bed Bo-Kyung, aside from the fact that he's still in love with Yeon-Woo and might think that Bo-Kyung stole the position of Yeon-Woo, I think it's also because of his own safety.

If you recall the conversation Hwon had with Woon in some episodes back, Hwon said that he was still safe even if the Council of Evil was building their own army, because he was still useful for them. Yang-myung also once remarked that the Great Queen Dowager wasn't worried because Yang-myung's existence was a threat to Hwon, but because Hwon had no heir. What's the exact meaning of these? It means, Hwon is safe because right now he still hasn't had a heir yet!
Bo-Kyung's father and the Great Queen Dowager are hungry for powers, but they can't sit on the throne themselves. So they need someone they can control, instead of Hwon - who is uncontrollable and is trying to limit their powers, and that someone would be the infant heir of Hwon.

So if Hwon bed Bo-Kyung and she's pregnant, then Hwon is done for.


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if The Council of Evil isn't out of the picture, a kid with Wol could bring him the same fate - the kid on the throne while mom and dad 6 feet under.


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Hwon really cracked me up this episode. KSH has such a natural touch with comedy.

I internally winced through Bo-kung's tirade. Some political diplomacy, or even a hint of subtlety would've been wise. Instead, she's all, 'I hold you in contempt, I don't care, you really have no control, I am going to get my way in the end!' Plus the no bow upon departure! If that is not saying: 'You are a powerless puppet king', I don't know what does. From demurely scheming to outright contempt for the king; phew, talk about guts - or er...a hanging death sentence.

I like to bring attention to the wonderful interaction between Wol and Hyung-sun. The latter unconsciously starts using respectful address to Wol. I thought this a poignant turning point in Hyung-sun's recognition of Wol's place in his king's world. In the past, although sympathetic, Hyung-sun didn't really care that deeply for Yeon Woo/Wol - she mattered as a by product of the king's attention. I thought it touching, that without the influence of the king, or even the necessity of position, Hyung-sun chose to use respectful address to honour Wol because she deserved it, not because it was expected. And Wol responding as if sharing the same wavelength, demonstrating a political wisdom beyond her years; validating Hyung-sun's esteem for her.

I don't understand Korean, but by the dialogue translations, Chinese subtitles seem to be very similar. I got "don't leave me" rather than "go far away" for Hwon's outburst. At least the central sentiment seemed more "don't leave me". I'm being pedantic about language, but the latter phrase has more a clear ring of underlying loneliness and desperation, don't you think Javabeans? Observation: I find, phoentically, Korean seems to be similar to Cantonese more so than Mandarin.

Nok-young is seriously starting to bug me. I find she is becoming obssessed with controlling people, with Yeon Woo/Wol's safety as the motivational scapegoat.

Yang-myung has won me over. My eyes only ever perked when he was playing cheeky, but his confession! I don't think any woman would go: 'Yeah whatever' to that speech! It strikes a contrast to Hwon's 'Stay with me until [I'm basically] tired of you when I find someone else'. That boy needs to go back to courting school. But I suppose Wol is already bedazzled by Hwon, the 'most beautiful king the cosmos'. Fabio watch out!

Regarding the bedding, I see Hwon as making a last stand, even using the whole act as a weapon against Team Evil. Perhaps it is petty, but I think it reflects the only way he can fight against something which he can't control. This is sad for essentially a person who should hold absolute control. I agree with Hwon's seemingly lack of attention to dynastic succession. Why he couldn't bed a concubine to politically shut everyone up is beyond me. Or command a court physician to declare Bok-kyung infertile is also beyond me. Yes, very un-Confucian, but in the given circumstances, the grand game of politics doesn't seem to leave room for morality. Then again, why the previous king didn't do something about the imbalance of court power is further beyond me. Great legacy daddy.


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The late King's hands were tied and if I'm not mistakened we saw a flash back of Hwon's dad getting poured some type of death tea by his assistant. Could this be the reason the assistant killed himself? Um, probably. The Yoon clan must have murked the late King, his brother and there was an attempted murder of YW. Now the suicide, the bodies are stacking up.

I think the previous King was in the works of doing something about his mom. Why else would she start to kill off people? She and her clan must have felt threatened.

Why we are mired in this consummation mess I really don't know. When the police procedural investigation will get us the results we want. Anyway I'm rooting for a King and Queen consummation and a baby. Hear me out -- when the chips fall the baby will be declared illegitimate, YW/Wol will be queen again she'll allow it to live at the palace b/c of her kind heart and since the ratings were so great for this series, we can get a sun-moon 2 a la Dream High. That's what we all want anyway (snarktastic).

Think about it, what screwed up situation allowed the late King to have an illegitmate brother in the last generation? Apparently this 2 suns 2 moons thing is a family curse and I don't why the characters are acting all brand new. This dynasty is something else.


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The sentiment of "don't leave me" is there in the subtext, but it's not literally what he said.

He orders Wol not to go far away in response to her comment of him warning her not to approach. As in, "You told me not to get too close!" "But I didn't tell you to go far away, either!"


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Okay this is probably a dumb question. Could someone remind me again, what the heck is Nokyoung’s goal? I get it that she tries to keepYW/Wol alive, but isn’t she also believe that they were fated, right? So why NY tries so hard to separate them?? Isn’t she is also interested to put YW back to her rightful place? Isn’t it more logical if she advises YW to play amulet and secret mistress, for good measure ^_^ or reveal the truth to YW but they still have to keep it secret now, so then they can figure out a plan to beat the Father in Law and QD together? That'd be interesting.....Yea I’m only watching it for Kim! Soo! Hyun! and my JIW


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Yeah, it makes no sense. She should work on a way to savely get YW and the King together, not sabotage them. This show is so full of plot holes.


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NY has powers to get rid of bad people, right?
why doesn't she use use it to fight against bad people around Hwon and Yeon Woo?
She's the most powerful shaman in the palace, isn't she?


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NK's motivation seems to be that she wants to keep the Celestial Hall safe--and she's not heeding anyone else even her dead best friend on what she really should be doing--which is protecting YW.

She should be heeding Ah-ri's words, but she's really confused as to which moon it is so she's taking the middle path.

What she really needs is to be hit with a clue stick or Jan-shil to channel Ah-ri and ask her why she isn't doing her duty. I wouldn't mind Dues ex Machina with this character.


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This show has lost its way, plain and simple. There is no point to this story every character is going around in circle, yet noboby takes action. Its frustrating cause this drama has pontetial to be a love story of epic proportion, yet the writers can't seems to tied up the stories or loose strings.

This whole "I bed you, but I hate you" is just a overkill! make it happend damn it, that will make the story more intesem, have the Queen get pregnant, and during childbirth she dies. Then have Wol raised the baby as her with the King of course.

Also can we stop with the whole mopping around its getting too much. I personally I'm about to abort this ship.


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Noooooooo,Noooooooo,no no Noooooooo!!!


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Thanks, really impressive and enjoy to read it


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"Okay, I’m pretty sure it’s not a real point of no return, but at the same time I’ll have to remain in suspense another week. As will we all." 'Cept the people who read the book :)


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I don't really care anymore. The first few episodes (up to 8) is climbing up and now this show is going down? I hate that I don't really care anymore. I just want this to finish as soon as possible so I can cry in relief "yeaah, finally! Its over!"

The beginning is so promising that what happening now is disappointing.
Or maybe as some of you point out, there's nothing happening anymore. On the contrary, in the beginning everything is happening so much so fast so when the show is slowing, my interest to it also slows down.

I love this show so much for the first few weeks that I can't stop talking about it to my friends and do everything to make them watch. Now, i just sad what's up is finished and can't wait for shut up: flower boy band next week.

I don't think there'll be any steamy scenes, its not cable and all. But how they going to turn it back is interesting and dangerous for Wol.

Well, Han Ga In didn't disappoint me. She improves a lot here. I can recall she has the same expression in whole drama Witch amusement. Unfortunately for her, she is working along with really good actors. Kim Soo Hyun and Jung Il Woo is acting they heart out here and buried her performance.

Show, please improve next week!


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I agree with you, Nuri. The first 5 episodes were fastpased, intriguing, lighthearted, amussing, and fun.

Now is just a mess, I feel like we have lost the main point to this whole drama. We have wasted like what, 3 episodes on this "Sex or No Sex" dance. This episode was mediocre at best, the only thing saving this drama is the acting from KSH and Il-Woon.

I also feel the drama hasn't stablished the love triangle to be something that have us fans at the edge of our seat. Rant Over.


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I agree. This drama is over-rated. I have watched a lot of sageuks and many are better than this one. Granted that the young actors did a great job of bringing the characters to life in the earlier episodes. The story is just boring. I really do not know what the hype is about.


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So my thoughts:

When N said B won't bear a children I thought that maybe she is infertile. And I hope she is. Because one night is enough to her say she got pregnant (even if didn't she can always get pregnant sleeping with another man)

If she can't have children it would be a good punishment for her father, for Dowager and her. It would be very deserved.

I think H will have a heart attack or faints and so no sex.

Or I believe, he will say something that will hurt B's pride so much that she won't have sex with him.

Like, he was saying to her

''Okay, if you beg this much, I'll sleep with you''

Like ''there there, I pity you, so I'll sleep with you''

LOL this have to hurt someone's pride no?

Or maybe they don't sleep, but because B's pride is soo hurt she won't say to anyone that they didn't.


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I hope the honeymoon thingy doesn’t happen! I feel sooo sad for Wol! :D


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arghhh point of no return


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I cannot watch it because, it's against my religion belief.


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In this drama they don't use shamanism as a religion to believe in... but more as a plot device... even though shamanism in Korea it is practised by around 8% of the population as of 2007 reports(wiki)

Even more - the motifs and symbolism are in your face to see them but there isn't even a scene to tell us Shamanism is good for you, more it shows that our beliefs can kill people... NK's doing when she "killed" YW show us that not necessarily God kills people - YW was brought in that estate with herbs and poison not with the dark smoke - only if that smoke was put by someone near her room. Allah or Jesus taught us to be kind, yet people kill people from religious matters.

BTW medieval Korean marines used poisoned smoke against Japanese ships... I've seen a documentary 2 or 3 days ago about it on History Channel

It is against your religion if you choose to believe the religion presented in this universe, but to me your point of view about your religion sounds more like ACTA - don't read books, don't watch movies coz God forbid to have some knowledge.

if a Buddhist would come to you and say ... my religion is the best, a Christian will say the same thing and a muslim would say his religion is the best... whom would you believe? I think you will believe your own religion because it looks wrong from my point of view to betray the education mom and dad gave you, not even saying how wrong is to deny your own God.

btw I have a question... what is your level of education? PhD? MBA? college? or high school?


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Finally, the two best actors who are really good in their roles, KSH and KMS some screen time together.

Although I don't like the Queen, I like the actress who portrays her. I hate to say it, but they have more chemistry, love-hate, than KSH and HGI. There is something about HGI who isn't right for her role as Wol.

The last two episodes were really boring;however, love this episodes's cliff hanger," For you I will untie my robe". Even though the King unties his robe, I believe that he will kick the Queen to the curb. It's been 8 years, and she hasn't been bedded. If she becomes the mother of his heir, her clan will kill him and proclaim his heir whom the clan can control more easily as King. It's his death sentence and hopefully he smart enough to forego the big C.

Wol should finally WAKE UP and get this plot moving along faster. It's getting very tedious with YM and the King going around in circles about her true identity.


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I agree I would have preferred someone like Han Hyo Joo as Yeon Woo/Wol she actually really looks like the younger actress. The past very episodes have felt like a dog chasing its tail. :/


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Hey does anybody think that Hwon is going to pretend to have one of those almost fainting spells? Waiting till about then to pretend he actually was going to be with Bo Kyung but then pretending to almost faint again and say he doesn't feel well.


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I don't normally watch sagueks bec all the war talk bores me; whereas this story is all abt the romance. Ep11 was good, but Ep 12 went back to uuugh bec it was all about the whole one night stand!

First love pining aside: either way-- bear the heir, or don't bear the heir - Hwon will never be the king who actually rules. Let's be honest, he seems to be nothing for the state/people. they are still poor and discriminated against.

So if Wol isn't YW, why doesn't he sleep with the Queen, bear the heir, and die/live in "paradise" with YW, or in the next life. He seems pretty miserable in this life since she's died. If he doesn't sleep wt the Q, and even if Wol is YW, and H&W get together, the whole palace will stop plot to kill off Hwon and give them some more death tea, won't they? Isn't that how most kingdoms change hands - the greedy powers plot, and then you have the next gen king? Magic death teas... it reminds of some chinese movie I watched once and that's how the king/queen died. teas & daggers, yup. It is HIS duty to produce an heir. That's his fate whether he likes it or not.

I love Hwon's devotion to his first love; but i'm pretty annoyed with W's characters pace. 12 Eps and we don't know if she loves (anyone) at all?? How could she lose the package? Even if someone else finds it, how is that going to link back up to Wol being the owner? Or if she's really adamant that she's not YW, then why does she hang around? He's a married man. There's an evil queen. She should be religious & pure. Does she want to be an exiled religioned concubine? With her out of the courts, maybe the Queen wouldn't corner the king into his chambers and eyeball him naked head to toe every chance she gets pass Woon.

And yea, NY's character is so annoying. If she doesn't want to be discovered that YW isn't dead, why didn't she give W to another shaman community? Bringing W with her everywhere is more dangerous than leaving her in the woods to start a new life. All ties are cut.

I 'm watching bec I want the romance. either ship bec I just love KSH & JIW's acting. The story itself.. getting too dragged out that W doesn't know who she is, all evidence is going out the door, and you have one 'heated' queen who will never get the acceptance she wants, even if the king rips off all his layers of white pjs bec he's been fed the love potion?


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"Bringing W with her everywhere is more dangerous than leaving her in the woods to start a new life. All ties are cut."

Ah-ri said that NY has to protect the "Moon" or did you miss the heavy handed-hit-you-over-the-head symbolism?

So NY has been trying to do that.

And remember NY said that the Queen will never bear and heir, which means the Queen Dowager will go the way of a Frog and YW will bear the royal heir. (from the flashes the Queen had, I think she'd going to be reinstated as Queen at some point since she did get married to him first.)

This drama is proving that you can't pay attention only to the front plot, but also you have to pay attention to the hint--dropping, even the blunt force objects like Moon==Queen sun==King and Jan Shil is definitely Ahri reincarnated (Best guess on my part since there are hints in that direction.)


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I wish they would reveal "The big secret" already and get on with it--I think the whole fighting for the throne of the Queen would be far more interesting to the love and political scene that dragging out the love plot for 4-5 episodes.

The strength of "a Tree with Deep Roots" was that it wasn't slow. When you thought it was going to get draggy with "Big Secret" it moved on and then still managed to play with your emotions.

I feel that this drama needs to take a risk, do the big reveal and get onto the next part--Chick brawl for the position of Queen. 'cause really Yeon Woo had the position first, and the upheaval is something I would wish for. Add in the whole brother plot, and you have a recipe for some fun times. If they continue like this til the very end, I swear I'll only watch it cause I have an acting crush on Kim Soo Hyun... he gives me shivers with his acting in all the right ways.

Yeon Woo is the Tabimama and that Dowager Queen needs some paddle spanking. That'll be more entertaining than what we've seen so far.


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Oh and I'm still putting bets on Jan Shil is Ah-Ri. Anyone with me? Guess not since it's not likely anyone will see this.


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Ah Ri loved the prince, JanShil has chemistry with the actual prince... so is her fate to love a prince... maybe in this life her with would come true

I like her connection with the prince, but I want their relationship to have more substance,

btw I'm on the team "I can't believe the prince could ask Wol to like him without any basis" Lil Prince wash you face with some snow and verify some other cute shamans ( I think Prince Sado had something to do with some nuns and was heavily criticized about it - it was one of the drop to fill his cup for the death sentence - I speak about the real Prince Sado - not the fictional version from Yi San, SKKS or WBDS) - even the King himself won't dare that easily to take the shaman Wol from Seongsucheong without proving that she was his first Princess and not a shaman.

They could do some kickass battles between Woon and Seol and do some love hate in a battlefield something a la Duelist (rawrrrrrrr). It looks like the PD does pretty well the love hate therefore he can do a good job with this couple too. Seol and Yeom are a bore to me, Yeom and his wifey are cute.


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Princess Min-Hwa is my favorite character--the switch was consistent with what I expect--the switch on some of the other characters were a little rough, but I'm getting used to it. Plus she's more fun than the current Wol (the younger Wol was a ton more fun to watch because watching her peg down the King a few notches was lots of fun).

Still waiting for Jan-Shil to be declared Ah-ri. I also favor her with the actual Prince... I think that pair is a nice match. He still sees her as a little girl, though, I think.


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I’m sorry. I have to disagree the brother is getting on my nerves. I mean come on, he act like he is the only one that is living a certain way. How in the hell do he know how Hwon is living? He is only seeing things how he see fit and in his own way. He don’t live in the palace to see how Hwon lives or as a matter of fact seen him in 8 years. So how can he continuiously say that the king gets whatever he wants. When in fact he doesn’t. Theres a reason why everyone worry.

The king is not even a king. He is a puppet that his father in law and big ass teeth wife pull around to get what they want. Hwon even know how fake she is. The prince on the other hand is actually the lucky one. He gets to live his life whatever he see fit. But Hwon can’t. I found him annoying in this episode. All the things that are meant to be sweet was not sweet to me. Everytime he spoke to Wol i wanted to throw up. and it pissed me off. and why do he always ask people to run away with him. At least he has a chance to run away unlike somebody else he know.

And why is he so mad that Woon is on his side. You know what Woon and Hwon servant is the only two people that is trustworthy. Everybody else in that palace are back stabbing whores including his own grandmother (and i mean GRANDMOTHER). Her old ass need to retire.


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I agree with you on a lot of aspects, Java but really, this show happens to be one of the most entertaining dramas that I've seen in awhile...or maybe that's because I don't have so much time to watch dramas...but anyhooo, what I really wanted to acknowledge was how this drama is shot. It is extremely purtyful and Wol/Hwon's relationship is to me, fine the way it is right now. In fact, it would make sense given that period of time in which romance isn't as heavily acknowledged. That said, it's a very sweet drama with bitter cliffies. I hate cliffies...

Jung Il Woo breaks my heart when he goes all angsty with that "I want you so bad can't you see?" look in his eyes...heart breaking...but I am completely won over by Hwon. I'm sorry, but the man is so hot on six completely different levels. It's so cute :) And I know she's not acknowledged a lot but Han Ga In has improved so much. That said, she could be more like her child actress counterpart but that's asking too much lol Her tears do break my heart though and as the story progresses it seems that her character is starting to loosen up a little more. They are adorable :)

That being said, I hope Moon/sun doesn't disappoint but even if it does, I will forever be byul that embraces itself...after all, who needs the sun? lol jk I need Hwon. Desperately...


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JB is missing the point. This isn't a Sageuk, it's a fairytale. Apples and Oranges.


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A fairytale dressed as a sageuk is still... dressed as a sageuk and will be taken as such.

It would be missing the point more to say that a sageuk drama isn't a sageuk because it tonally is not sageuk-y.


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You know, I actually like that Hwon and Wol don't have that intense 'fated' connection. I like that the uncertainty principle is still in play when the stakes go up and Bokyoung starts being an active character, and I like that Hwon, while being a totally selfish ass, is upfront with his confusion, unlike Yangmyung who I think is lying (or, at least, not being entirely truthful) when he says that he likes Wol for Wol not because she reminds him of Yeonwoo. In a drama that's so heavy-handed about 'THIS IS FATE' and Nokyoung's whole deal of wanting to prevent fate (or whatever it is her goal is; I'm confused about that), I appreciate the factor of human uncertainty coming into play, especially because just about the only thing Hwon is absolutely certain of is the love he had/has for Yeonwoo.

That said, I really wish the writer would deal with this uncertainty principle better. The king clearly doesn't want to consummate his marriage with the queen, and I ask, 'Why?' to this as well because it appears to be more than a simple 'I don't like her.' The drama hinted at the danger the presence of heir will pose to the king but then dropped it and didn't really bring it up again. I'm personally wondering if maybe the lack of consummation leaves open a window for the king, when he finds out that Yeonwoo was 'murdered,' to declare the marriage invalid (but this might be me projecting my Western knowledge on Korea).

The drama's definitely been lagging a lot, which isn't helped by the fact that the story has never been complex and that the characters are mostly pretty one-dimensional, but I feel like it started picking up its pace with this episode (& it's about time) because Hwon has been shaken out of his [this is a bit strong of a word, but I'm running with it] complacency. If he wants to outsmart Minister Yoon, he has to do more than rely on royal order (I loved that scene when Minister Yoon exploits Hwon's feelings for Wol and Hwon realises that he's trapped himself), and he no longer has the time or luxury to sit around and mull over his feelings for Wol.

It's also about time for Wol to start being an active character instead of being so damn passive. I don't mind the wishy-washy ('I'll leave; no, I won't leave; blahblahblah'), but I'm so tired of this passive heroine I'm supposed to root for when she's not doing anything or herself other than one or two instances where she stops to think about what she thinks are visions. I'd say she's had enough of these weird flashbacks to wonder what the hell is going on -- and seriously, the hairpin finally resurfaces and (01) elicits no reaction from Wol and (02) is very promptly smothered again? Really??? Major plot fail, I say.

Also, g;k;slkdjfsf, Kim Soohyun!


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Can someone further explain what Yang myung meant by “Now you’ve become the king’s man entirely”?

Thank you!


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Now your loyalties are entirely with the king. I.e., you are his man more than you are my friend.


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Lol JB beats me to it.


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this is a warning statement ..maybe won-a will betray the king...it will break my heart.could it happend?????


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I think he meant that Woon's loyalty is with the king now, that is he's on the king's side. It's not like he didnt know that will eventually happen right?.

The writers are cruel, YM is going to break soon and go against his brother but in the end I think he'll sacrifice himself to protect Hwon and Yeon Woo... And my real hero will be YM. The end.


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OMG................................................................ i feel like he's just going to say "Not! I'm just kidding." and goes to sleep or smt. butomg.... next episode. nao roflmao


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Can they really be together? It would make brother and sister with a brother and sister, I that that was unholy in Korea.


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Thanks for the recap! i dunno if it's just me.. I think kim soo hyun is outstanding thruout the drama.. but i dun feel any chemistry between him and han ga in!


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han ga in and jung il woo don't have any chemistry either. but the story line really has the strong chemistry in me


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Yes, I agree. Kim Soo Hyun has more chemistry with the Queen! So HOT...


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I just wish yang myung ends up with wol. but, it's just an empty wish. That will not happen T_T


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you can't expect for things to be cute all the time.. the story has to continue you know.. though the story is becoming dull (for some) I like the fact that it's becoming serious. It just shows reality.. ♥ it, still. thanks for the recap! :D


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I´m just watching for Il Woo now. This show has no direction and the characters are painfully flat. There is so much wasted potential here, there are a million better storylines they could do, than the one they are doing right now.


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This drama is entertaining. That is it. The story line is too dry and too fantasy. Too overrated.


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i like ur thoughts. episode 12 doesnt excited me much. lets for the coming episode will be spiking with excitement and truth-revealing.


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