The King 2 Hearts: Episode 10

My Hero! I knew you’d swoop in to save the day. It’s bromance and brothers and tough love, in an episode filled with harsh truths for everyone. Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse, they do, and that’s just the tip of the Iceberg of Doom.


Jae-ha storms in to tell his staff that Hang-ah will be returning to North Korea. Mom and Jae-shin get word and scramble to go see her, but they’re told that Secretary Eun is taking care of it. No! Not Cruella de Eun!

He tells Hang-ah that North Korea has sent the order for her to return, and she says she was going to stick it out, but if Jae-ha has turned his back on her, then…

It does put a damper on the whole I-will-forsake-my-country-for-love if the love feels unrequited. I say feels because I don’t think it’s one-sided, but if you’re going to let your princess bride get extradited because she hurt your feelings, well, then your feelings don’t count.

Secretary Eun asks if she knows what the position means – not her love for Jae-ha, but what it means to be queen. He tells her that if she really wants it, he’ll help her get there. Well what’s this now? Suddenly you’re her fairy godmother?

Perhaps it’s sincere, or perhaps he knew that when he posed it as such, she wouldn’t stay to serve her ambition. She says that she’s a simple girl who wanted to live happily in a simple marriage—the position, the pressure, the people, the foreign country—they all scare her. And now that the king has turned away… (her voice trails off). All this solidifies the fact that the only reason she was ever here was for love, not that this is a surprise to anyone.

Jae-ha walks through the new memorial hall built in Jae-kang’s honor, lingering on the pictures of hyung. The prime minister is at his side, and he gets the report that Hang-ah is headed back North, and asks gingerly if he broke the engagement.

Jae-ha counters that they were never engaged, but when the prime minister suggests adding an official South Korean extradition order for her (to save face with the North), Jae-ha shoots him down with a glare.

He moves down the wall of pictures, and stops at the one of Hang-ah, smiling back at him.

She prepares to leave the palace, and Jae-shin meets her at the front door. Hang-ah tells her that she said something to Jae-ha once, that there’s nothing people can’t do, if their hearts are in it. “But it turns out that’s not true.” Aw, her broken spirit is the saddest loss of all.

Jae-shin tells her that it’s because it’s people—nothing can ever be done perfectly. “Please come back. When North-South relations are better. Please come back.” But Hang-ah has no intention of ever returning: “I’m sorry.”

She rides away, and the queen mother watches somberly from her window.

Jae-ha sighs to see engagement banners being stripped from buildings, and returns to the palace with heavy steps. He goes to see Mom, who’s silently burning up with rage, though on the outside she’s calmly tending to her plants, as always.

He opens his mouth to ask if Hang-ah left okay, and Mom hurls the rag in her hand right at him. Heh. Gotta love Mom. Though I would’ve gone with the potted plant for better hulksmash effect.

She demands to know what the hell happened, and he turns away to say that Mom was right all along, about how you should never show your weaknesses to anyone. She practically mocks him, asking if Hang-ah hurt his poor wittle feelings. I love that for this conversation, she has reverted back to banmal, clearly talking to him as her childish son, not the king.

She tells him that his father used to have to pee in a bedpan, and once she joked about it and he flipped out, telling her to get botox for her wrinkly face and that this is why royals shouldn’t marry commoners. Eeesh.

Jae-ha says this is different, but Mom cuts him off, “People are like that. They’re so childish that once you start countering every word, there is no end or limit in sight. Weaknesses? Secrets? You start seeing them as ways to inflict pain and grab them at any chance. You forget WHY you were fighting in the first place, and can only think of how you can inflict the most pain, scar the deepest.”

Gee, sound like anyone you know?

She says that the one line you do not cross is “Let’s break up.” There’s no going back from that. She says that if it was Hang-ah who crossed that line, then fine, she can’t forgive her either. But if it was Jae-ha…

He starts to give an excuse and she literally rolls her eyes to realize he was the one who said it first. “You really are trash!” OH. Damn. Mom doesn’t mince words, that’s for sure. And how much do I love that the smackdown is so immediate, and comes from her?

He looks back at her with a pained expression, and her eyes grow even bigger to realize that was the phrase Hang-ah must’ve said to piss him off. Her expression kills me, as if his girlfriend stole his favorite Mr. Bear so he pulled her pigtails and came to tattle on her.

Mom: “The whole WORLD knows you’re trash!” Pwahahaha. Her perspective is making their argument seem so silly. She says “trash” over and over and over, saying that he’s worse than trash from leftover food that leaks a trail of soup wherever it goes, and he’s like, “Mooooo~m!”

She’s on fire, screaming at him now, wondering how bad it must’ve gotten for Hang-ah to have even said those things. Didn’t he see what she said at the hearing? He looks back at her blankly and asks what she said. Another eyeroll. She tells him to watch for himself.

Oh, I sense a massive tsunami of regret headed this way…

He sits down in his room and watches the rest of the hearing, which he skipped out on the first time to go yell at the prime minister. When they ask Hang-ah about what she considers her national identity to be, she had answered more obliquely, about her relationship with the king.

She says that they fight a lot. And in the beginning, he even told her she wasn’t a woman in his eyes. She says she must have a taste for what they in the South call “bad boys.” Girl, that’s an international affliction.

But she continues to say that they bicker and they butt heads, but they’ve deepened their affection for each other as well, and now she thinks she can guess what crazy thing he’ll say next, and sometimes she even looks forward to what new tantrum he’ll throw. Ha. And aw.

She says that her heart races. And though sometimes her feelings get hurt, and sometimes she feels like she likes him more so that hurts her pride, “But, so what? Just the fact that he’s there, makes me very happy.”

He watches with tears in his eyes. Those had better be tears of oh-shit-I-fucked-it-up-real-good, otherwise you don’t get to cry.

While all this is happening, Hang-ah arrives at the crossing point, and then the royal aide tells her that she needs to leave all her princess wear behind. Augh, it’s not heartbreaking enough to send her away, but you’re making her strip off every last remnant of clothing?

She sits quietly alone in a room, and begins to de-cinderellafy, piece by piece.

She finally gets ready to cross back over the border, wearing the same hanbok she wore when she arrived. Dad is waiting for her on the other side, and once she rounds the corner out of view, she collapses on his shoulder in the most sorrowful wails.

Oof these tears are heartbreaking. It’s her first real chance to break down, now that she can lean on Dad.

As she cries, we hear the rest of her answer at the hearing in voiceover: “My identity? You’re asking who I really am? I’m just a woman who kept a man deep in her heart.”

Jae-ha sits in his office, mindlessly trying to crack hyung’s password, this time with a string of all the foods he can think of. Really? You think Jae-kang’s password might be “hamburger”? Jae-shin comes by with her pet parrot, who calls him “Comrade Lee Jae-ha” on sight. Ha. Did the bird spend time with Hang-ah?

He snaps at her to get rid of the bird, and she just smiles to know it ruffled his feathers. Now that she’s up to speed on what really happened, she lays into him for being so petty and unpredictable, “So different from someone, who was always the same.” Ouch, I know he screwed up, but comparing him to Big Oppa is mean.

He growls back at her that she’s right—he IS trash, and he knows it’s all his fault. He says he secretly hoped someone would stop him, but both North and South rushed her away at a moment’s notice. “I want to argue that I was swayed, but I know it’s my fault.”

But he asks what he’s supposed to do about it. She reminds him that he’s the king. He scoffs that the king might as well be a barking dog, since clearly all that blustering he did got him nowhere, and the truth about the North and the assassination stayed buried. “What strength does this country’s king have?”

He says that even if he brought Hang-ah back, the situation is exactly the same as before. What he has to do is find who’s responsible first. He sits back down at the computer, saying that makes this priority number one.

Well at least he’s thinking of what he needs to do to bring her back. But Jae-shin cries foul, “And when will that be? Will you bring unni back when she’s a grandma?!” And while we’re at it, would it kill you to at least clear up how you feel about her before you go crusading for the truth?

He fixates on the password all night long, until he’s lying on the floor like a carcass. I sort of enjoy the rhythm of the phrase-beep-rejection-from-password-lady over and over. It’s the perfect metaphor for his state of being, and also his bullheaded one-track mind.

It doesn’t help matters that his day gets filled with a meaningless exercise in publicity, shooting reaction shots for a soccer match that has yet to occur. This cracks me up, and now I’m curious if anything public figures do is real.

Jae-ha barely sleepwalks through the thing, but then something the director says triggers a memory—of a specific moment in a world cup match that he watched with hyung.

Yay, flashback! The brothers were kicking and screaming and flailing around in front of the tv, watching the game with their matching red shirts like a couple of regular guys.

Jae-ha had been his usual pessimistic self, but hyung was always the optimistic one, saying that their team would recover. He cheered at the top of his lungs – you know the one, the sing-song, “Repub-lic of Kor-ea!” Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap!

Suddenly he stands up, jerked back to reality. He goes straight to his computer to try that as the password. He chants, “Repub-lic of Kor-ea!” Nope. But then it occurs to him to try it again, this time the whole cheer, complete with clapping.

Presto! Open sesame. He beams, and then in the same breath, he sighs at hyung’s insistence on adding the friggin’ clap-clapping. So uncool.

He clicks on the first recording (I LOVE that we get more of Lee Sung-min this way) and Jae-kang addresses their father with a shaky voice, saying he didn’t know he’d have to sit in this seat so soon. Aw, I hope it helps him to see that hyung was just as scared when he started.

He sits back and watches a few entries, a drunk and happy one from the day that he entered the WOC, wishing that Dad was around to see it. In another he’s sad and defeated, from the time that Jae-ha had screwed things up in training.

He lets off some steam about Little Bro, and how he caused an international incident over a girl group, and Jae-ha clicks quickly to the next entry. Aw, is it like you’re still getting yelled at?

But in the next one he’s cheering with his fists in the air, that Jae-ha came through and completed the 60km course, calling him dependable. Aw, the smile on both brothers’ faces!

Jae-kang beams and teeters towards the camera (how hilarious is it that he’s almost always drunk in these?) and says all that’s left now is to find Jae-ha a wife, and shows Dad the finalists’ pictures.

He says Hang-ah is his first choice, but guesses that it’ll be hard to make that happen, and Jae-ha watches the moment with a bittersweet smile.

But then his ears perk up at the first mention in the recordings of Club M. Jae-kang brings them up in reference to the difficult union between Jae-ha and Hang-ah, saying that “Club M won’t be happy.”

He finds another where hyung is asking father what he’s supposed to do when someone is standing in the way of what he set out to accomplish, and talks about the bombing, and Bong-gu’s outright threats that he’s the true king.

“I think he’d kill me.” And then shaking, “I can’t… be scared… right?”

Jae-ha flashes back to his encounter with Bong-gu/John Meyer, the warnings from Hang-ah’s father, and he grows horrified to see his hyung trembling in fear. Yay for cracked passwords and forward plot movement.

Secretary Eun enters a secure library of records, where he finds Jae-ha camped out and knee-deep in research. Gotta love a prince who does his homework. Jae-ha rattles off deals with Club M and asks for confirmation of what he’s already figured out—that they’re an international conglomerate that makes money by lobbying and making backdoor deals, and in particular (as most arms dealers do) gains via warfare and strife, say that between North and South Korea, for instance.

Jae-ha asks about John Meyer, and the likelihood that he’s responsible for Jae-kang’s murder. Secretary Eun can’t hide his startled reaction, but answers truthfully that there’s a chance. Jae-ha asks to see him, but Secretary Eun quickly adds that it’s just as likely that anyone else could be responsible.

But Jae-ha ignores him and asks about his personality, reading descriptions in the press calling him a 21st century Gollum (ha) and a magician. He asks about that, and Secretary Eun confirms that it’s literal—he likes to perform magic tricks.

Jae-ha mulls it over, and concludes that he’s got an exhibitionist complex, like he’s profiling him. Okay, that’s hot. Can you be this smart every day?

He thinks back to the meeting, and then looks down at his pen. And then it comes back—the memory of the pen stabbing, the writing on the window. It dawns on him that they are one and the same guy, and Jae-ha looks up, a smile slowly spreading across his face.

I love that moment, like yeah, I got you now. He tells Secretary Eun to call him here, promising not to do anything stupid. The old man does not like where this is headed.

Bong-gu jumps for joy at the news that Jae-ha asked to see him, guessing that he’s finally remembered the pen stabbing. The man is literally giddy. He realizes that his heart is racing, and concludes, “I must be in love with him!” Ha.

He arrives the next day via helicopter, and Secretary Eun launches into this long explanation of why he needs to sit in on this meeting for national security and blah blah, and Jae-ha’s like, yeah whatever.

Bong-gu arrives and greets Secretary Eun with a big “HA!” but he just rushes right past him, and listens in on the meeting via security feed. Bong-gu stops on his way to peek in on Jae-shin, giving her a creepy-ass wave.

He walks in to meet Jae-ha all puffed up with expectation, only Jae-ha greets him with a smile. He asks if there’s a chance that Club M is responsible for Jae-kang’s murder, citing all the reasons why they’re the most logical culprits (because they have the most to gain), but then answering his own question with, “But you just run a tiny little resort, right?”

Bong-gu: “It’s not… tiny.” HA. Jae-ha laughs that they’re all the same, and continues on this hilarious fake-nice commentary about all the accusations against Club M, like it’s ridiculous that he’d have that kind of power.

He reads a description of him as an Al Capone, looks Bong-gu up and down, and chuckles. It’s awesome. He feigns concern for his little business and suggests that he take care of every last tiny venture while he can.

Bong-gu: “I took care of Anmyundo myself.” Oh shit. The air turns to ice. He leans forward, “Your hyung… I said, I’ll take care of him, you son of a bitch.” Jae-ha freezes.

Bong-gu: “Did you like it? Were you exhilarated when I fell for your provocation?” Jae-ha’s eyes widen in terror. He says he fell for it knowingly, why? “Because the puppet king of a tiny country is no match for someone as great as me.” Eeep!

He says that sure, the WOC, the North-South marriage scheme, they were annoyances, but that’s not the reason he killed Jae-kang. He proceeds to explain very calmly that he killed Jae-kang because he dared to ban his entry into the country. Whoa.

“You know he went without knowing anything, right? Like a fool.” Okay, you have finally succeeded in creeping me out in a sufficiently threatening manner.

Jae-ha can barely hold in his horror and fear. His hands tremble, as Bong-gu laughs in his face. Secretary Eun makes a mad dash toward the room.

And then… Jae-ha laughs. Oh NICE. “Are you high?” Ha. Way to pull it together. He coos that one oughtn’t tell such lies.

Bong-gu laughs at first, telling him to stop blustering. But Jae-ha holds his ground, saying that he must be mad at him or something, for not remembering him from before. He says he can’t remember any stabbing, but he does vaguely remember someone writing something…

Bong-gu totally gets reeled in, nodding as he urges Jae-ha to recall. He helps him along, saying it was a frosted window. Jae-ha mimics the motion with his finger, “I… am… Tom? Jane? No, that’s not it…” Hahahaha.

Bong-gu actually mouths king, and Jae-ha continues, “But your name is John, right? Or no… It’s Bong-gu. That’s your Korean name, right? Kim. Bong. Gu.” It’s the perfect way to cut him down to size, because you can read it on his face, how he hates that common, nobody name.

Jae-ha laughs, “That’s right, it was: I am Bong-gu!” Bong-gu SCREEEEAMS just as Secretary Eun barges in, and Jae-ha coolly gets up to say that he’ll definitely remember him from now on, “Kim Bong-gu-sshi.” So. Awesome. He leaves Bong-gu fuming impotently.

But the second he reaches his inner office, Jae-ha grabs the phone and calls Shi-kyung trembling, “In the lobby, you’ll find a whack job. Catch that bastard. Right now. Capture him immediately and cut his throat. Or TEAR HIS LIMBS APART UNTIL HE DIES!” Oh shit. That terrified me.

Shi-kyung and Dong-ha go tearing into the lobby and find Bong-gu being dragged away to his helicopter, screaming at the top of his lungs that they’re all dead. Aaaaaaaa my heart won’t stop pounding.

Secretary Eun calls Shi-kyung to tell him to stay out of it and do nothing. Jae-ha says he heard him admit it—that he killed Jae-kang. He asks Secretary Eun to bear witness to that fact. But the old man reminds him that he is the king.

Jae-ha, still shaking: “Who says I’m not? The person he killed was a king too—the king of the Republic of Korea.”

Secretary Eun asks if he’s going to run off on a personal vendetta, when he has no strength to do anything. He lays out the obvious consequences of attacking Club M with nothing but a confession.

It’s heartbreaking the way he looks up at Secretary Eun with those entreating eyes, wanting to catch his brother’s killer, while the man tells him why that’s not within his power to do. He even adds that they took contributions from Club M, though unwittingly. LIAR. Well, yunno, liar about most things, so that’s relative, but dude, you totally knew when you took that money!

Secretary Eun: “There is no justice in this world. Only power. Money.” Urg. Jae-kang is rolling over in his grave, old man. Damn.

Shi-kyung comes by looking for them, and overhears this next part: Jae-ha asks if they’re supposed to do nothing then, and Secretary Eun says the only road to true revenge is to follow through on the things that Jae-kang started that pissed off Club M in the first place: the WOC and the North-South marriage.

But that’s all water under the bridge now. Secretary Eun says that when he’s prepared to actually do something real, he knows where to find him. Shi-kyung is waiting outside the door, and asks Dad what Club M is.

Dad marches into his office without another word, and calls to upgrade security clearance three levels higher for royal archives, just enough that Shi-kyung has access to nothing. Wow, with him standing right there?

Shi-kyung just barrels right through, asking if Club M is responsible for the king’s murder. But Dad barks back, calling him by rank, and tells him to follow orders like a good little soldier.

Shi-kyung fires back that Dad is the one who told him that a good soldier does more than just blindly follow orders (it’s like he can’t compute how a person could say one thing and do another), and Dad says he’s the one who didn’t want to be more because he “didn’t have the ability to.”

Shi-kyung: “Is that why you’re disregarding the king? Because he lacks ability? The king just has different methods than you, father.” Dad says he’s seen Jae-ha grow up and knows exactly what he’s made of.

But Shi-kyung is just as sure that Jae-ha is made of tougher stuff, because he trained with him, and has seen his character. I love that he’s defending him so vehemently.

Dad doesn’t budge, belittling Shi-kyung for thinking he knows anything of true danger, or real character. He says he’s seeing what he wants to believe, because he’s always been that way—trust someone, trust them to the end. Yes, one would call that loyal. You should look it up.

This time Shi-kyung doesn’t back down, and argues that Dad’s the same—once he makes a judgment, he believes it till the end. I’m so glad someone said it, but it breaks my heart that it had to be your upright son.

He leaves Dad with a bow and finds Jae-ha in the memorial hall, looking up at hyung’s portrait. Jae-ha wonders to himself in voiceover, “Hyung, do I really have no ability?”

Shi-kyung watches him from afar, and Jae-ha asks if he’s here to tell him that he’s pathetic too, like a father-son combo pack. But Shi-kyung just approaches solemnly, and says with conviction:

Shi-kyung: You don’t need to be swayed by the words of others. Believe in yourself. You are already strong. The king that I’ve seen is very sensitive, and hates sincerity. But he knows the real world only too well, and has deep scars, which keeps him from leaping out ahead. So he wears a mask of laughter. I’m asking you to take off that mask now. Though you have complexes and people perceive you as weak, your highness is, to me, the most powerful king in the world. Please be fearless, your majesty.

He clicks his heels at attention, and bows at the waist. Proper chills, Eun Shi-kyung. You give me goosebumps.

Jae-ha stands there in shock, moved, but not sure how to react, and he slowly turns back toward hyung’s portrait to speak, as if addressing the sincerity directly is impossible for him. “Hyung, why’s he like this? I think he’s lost his mind.”

But Shi-kyung doesn’t move. He stands there, staring right at Jae-ha’s back, as if to say I’m not going to let you joke this away.

Meanwhile Secretary Eun begins to document what he knows about Jae-kang’s death, and writes an account of his meeting with the lobbyist that ended in his coincidental suggestion of Anmyundo as a place to vacation. But apparently the man has a conscience somewhere in there (a teeny, tiny, itty bitty kernel of one) because he goes back and erases “coincidentally.” Oh, YOU THINK?

Bong-gu calls, furious that his mole is being so useless and not keeping his king in line. He calls Eun Kyu-tae out on his delusions of sincerity and honor, laughing that actually, he’s much more useful with that one percent sincerity that keeps him thinking he’s on the side of right. It’s disturbing when the madman makes sense.

Jae-ha pours Shi-kyung a drink in the greenhouse, and Shi-kyung just sits there, not knowing what to do. Jae-ha tells him to drink comfortably, looking down in embarrassment… “Let’s be friends.”

SQUEE. Please invent a secret handshake. Please invent a secret handshake. I always knew you were meant to be BFFs!

He reaches out his glass to cheers, only that’s when Shi-kyung pulls his away, to turn and drink like a subordinate is supposed to. Aw. Jae-ha scoffs that he’s frustrating, just like he always used to say about hyung.

Shi-kyung asks right away about Club M, and Jae-ha tells him to begin investigating them down to every last detail. He says their code word for it will be: Bong-gu. Hee. Code word.

Shi-kyung asks him to be a little understanding of his father, and to his credit, Jae-ha needs no convincing on the matter. He smiles and says that Secretary Eun is super old-school, but he’s been serving this nation’s monarchs for thirty years. He knows that ajusshi is loyal and a pure-hearted person.

Now I’m heartbroken for the BOTH of you, who have faith in the old man. For now Shi-kyung smiles in gratitude. Jae-ha asks, “What should I do about Hang-ah?”

Apparently they try to call, but her father refuses to answer. He goes to meet her outside, where she’s returning from a walk with the bastard who fake-proposed to her. She complains of a stomachache, deciding it must be cramps, babbling on about how she’s a little late. Oh noes.

Dad drives her home, sweet-talking her into dating the guy, and she snaps that he’s just trying to hurry and marry her off because of what people think. He doesn’t deny that it looks bad, but tells her that there was no official engagement, so to just think of her sojourn to the South as a blip and nothing more. She starts to say that she’ll just… but trails off.

Shi-kyung is busy investigating Club M when Dong-ha calls with an emergency. Jae-shin is at the hospital for a checkup, but word got out and the exits are lined with reporters.

She grabs the phone and barks at Shi-kyung to get his ass down here and sneak her out undetected right this instant. He races down there, and deploys two teams of decoys, and then he and Dong-ha drive her out in an ambulance.

Meanwhile Hang-ah’s condition worsens, and she can barely stand from the pain. She falls the ground just trying to take some painkillers, and calls Dad in a panic.

Jae-shin’s ambulance picks up a tail, and they end up in a blocked intersection because of an accident up ahead. Dong-ha and Shi-kyung get out to try and clear the road, and Shi-kyung promises the nervous Jae-shin that he’ll be right back.

But once she’s alone, someone comes up behind the ambulance. Jae-shin turns back, and there’s the assassin, looking in the window right back at her.

The doctor comes out to tell Hang-ah’s father that they tried, but they’re sorry, they couldn’t save the baby. His jaw drops, “Baby?” Oof. She lost it before she even knew?

Jae-ha massages Mom’s shoulders as they watch a drama, and she asks if he knows why the man onscreen ended up handicapped. “It’s because he abandoned his wife.” Ha. Is that going to be her answer for everything?

But Secretary Eun interrupts to change the channel. And there it is, breaking international news: Hang-ah’s miscarriage, and King Lee Jae-ha’s irresponsibility as the father.

Oh. Shit.

Mom turns back, confused, “Baby? But you had separate rooms.” Jae-ha stares in shock as the news finally sinks in.


There’s nothing worse than that—finding out you were pregnant the day you lose the baby? AUGH. And the fact that they’re apart when it happens? Is there even a way to recover from that? Wow, I know I said this show pulls no punches before, but this is hardcore. It really is rock bottom at the halfway point. I feel gutted.

Once Hang-ah really did leave to go back to the North, it did occur to me that they might use a pregnancy to reconnect them (which I dreaded), but losing the baby this way, alone, I did not expect. And then the immediate public backlash? I mean, how do you ever shed the entire world thinking you’re the bastard who abandoned your fiancée and your child? I know he didn’t know, but there’s no leniency of public opinion on that.

And just when he met his first real challenge as king, and began to believe in something. It seriously filled my heart when Shi-kyung pledged his loyalty to Jae-ha, not simply out of duty or honor, but a deep belief in his character. The only thing that could ever break through Jae-ha’s incessant jokey façade is someone like Shi-kyung, who is so earnest that all that stuff just goes right over his head. It’s like they’re made for each other.

What really moves me is that every character has a hand in shaping Jae-ha into a king. It’s the it-takes-a-village mentality, like a community project to turn a boy into a man, only on a much grander scale. More like it takes a country to make a king. And it’s not just one incident, or one relationship that flips a switch. He grows inch by inch, one tough love speech at a time, whether it’s a smackdown from Mom or a heartfelt pledge from a soldier who believes in him with every fiber of his being.

Even at his best, Jae-ha will never believe in himself as much as Shi-kyung does, but that’s why he’s needed, and why a leader is only as strong as his most faithful soldier. I just love their relationship So. Much. I miss Jae-ha’s brotherly affection with Jae-kang, but his bromance with Shi-kyung is a nice substitute, especially because he is cut from that same mold as hyung. It drives Jae-ha crazy but it’s what he ultimately needs in his life.

Though this episode spent very little time with the couple, I liked the ramping up of villain conflict (he’s SO much more interesting when you put him in a room with Jae-ha), and the crucial development of Jae-ha as a leader. I know there’s only going up from here, but damn, little did I know rock bottom could be so low. Hold me.


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Thank you for the recap! Shi-kyung was the bomb diggity in this episode. I loved how the queen mom totally schooled Jae-ha. I feel bad for Hang-ah. That Kyu-tae needs to leave the palace or something. Kinda messed up, he is. I have to tune in next week to see how they're going to start to fix all this mess.


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WHAT THE EFF!!! Omigod. Just when i thought they spend the night without havin sex!!!!! Urgh, i hate the fact that im so naive with the whole what north korean woman who never dated anyone knows about sex. I thought they just spend the night sleeping in one bed like how sleepover friends do! Tho idk why i didnt think anything wrong having a hot guy being topless and sleeping beside you. Cause i thought girl doesnt know WHATS UP!!! now i dislike this episode more than ep 9. Geez writer, imma kill you for throwing this baby thing on my face.


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you really thought they didn't sleep together? i mean, he had his shirt off and she was in her night gown. did you really not think they slept together? cause that is pretty sad.


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heh -- you were probably in denial because in k-dramaland, the main couple is not bound to be sleeping together so soon. sleeping together at all nonetheless.
That's one of the reasons why i like this drama -- because the plot moves swiftly, all the while getting us right in the gut with tears.
atleast they cleared this up with people who still believed they didn't have sex


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My heart was literally shred into pieces. Poor Hang-ah. :(


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Thanks for the recap!!! This episode is PURE DAEBAK!!! So much surprises!!!! Love it and off to watch it again!! :)


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Bong Gu finally came alive for me! All those fancy settings, props and magic tricks weren't hold a candle than a face to face meeting between him and Jae Ha. Gosh, the atmosphere and tension in that scene!

And I love Jae Ha watching Jae Kang's video diary. How he laughed with JK during JK's (and JH's) triumphs and how he fast forwarded when his bad deed put his hyung at a foul mood. My heart broke when Jae Kang put up a brave face talking about the threats from BG. You could tell he was still trembling from that exchange.

Yes, Jae Ha, go get BG. But before that, don't forget your union with Hang Ah is not only a matter of love, but also a force that might bring down the evil.


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Wow. I cried when se cried on her dads shoulder n I suddenly remembered mine. This episode left me speechless. Their acting is just brilliant. Thanks GF!


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Me too! My tears kept coming. That scene was so hurtful. Thumbs up for HJW!!! I wasn't crying because it's a sad scene. I felt I was crying with her.


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me three. I don't know why but she makes me want to cry with her too.


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I heart this drama. I heart Shi-Kyung, I heart Jae-ha, I heart Hang-ah, I heart omma, I heart Jae-shin, I heart hyung ... everyone rocks.

Unlike everyone else here, I'm thinking that Secretary Eun is just trying to test Jae-ha, to make Jae-ha prove his worth. Yes yes, I know the method he uses is a little unconventional and not so blatant, but heck, if you'd seen a kid grow up for the past 30 years and all he did was play around, you too would be less than 'understanding'.

I'm not sure the miscarriage was needed as a plot development but I love how the message of being isolated and alone is being depicted in the drama. That's what you face when you marry into either a rich family, a family of prominence or a family from another country/background. I think this drama resonates with a lot of folk in this turn of the century where marriages cross cultures and people move to a foreign country and away from family and friends to be with the person they love. But also similarly, maybe a lot of us can't identify with this feeling as we're thinking ... in this day and age of social networking and telecommunications, how can a girl feel so isolated that she has no girlfriend to call on when she is feeling down? The reunion between Hang-ah and her dad in this episode killed me. I felt the hurt and suffering that Hang-ah went through and to finally let it all out on daddy's shoulders ... gah! I was crying along with her.

Lee Seung-gi is outdoing himself in this drama. I just had to look up how old he is. The boy is 25! (26 in Korean age) and Ha Ji-won is almost 34!! They are 9 years apart?!?! WTF?!?! Are we now seeing the dawn of noona-dongseng pairings? It gives me hope (kekekeke).

As for Jo Jung-seok .... boy, I am loving every minute that you are on screen. I can't wait for you to have your own leading role one day. You seem like a hoot! (contrary to your Shi-kyung character). P-P-PLEASE let him have more air time on this drama!!!


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The pairing has been phenomenal! This is one drama that I have a vested interest in a lot of characters! Jo Jung-seok was excellent in What's Up and now this!! I definitely see a leading role in the future!! Can you see him as a villain??! That would blow me away!


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I can see him as one of the villains that you love to hate, and hate him more coz he made you love him. With his acting chops he would be epic!
u knw i was thinking the same thing, Instead of him as the lead in his next project I want him to be the villain. Not one of those half baked ones but something solid- the only one that comes to mind is City Hunter's adopted dad.


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I peaked in on this re-cap because everyone was saying how heart-wrenching it is. Just the pictures and not the words. Tears everywhere! Why is everyone crying?? O: Questions that will haunt me until I am able to watch the show...when it's finished lol.


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oh man i dont know how you do it.
I wouldn't be able to wait for any drama to be finished before i start.


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and LOL, i had no idea alot of the pics had shown our characters in tears.
if one were to peak on that, i would say yes, everyone is crying all over the place.
by the end of this drama, i say they would have filled an ocean as big as the pacific.


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My gaaawd. Speechless.

Seung gi is SO. GOOD.


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YES he is.. Seung Gi is so freakin' delivered it here....


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so glad to see our puppy boy grow so much..


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Seung Gi should be accepting the nomination for best acting lead with full justification!


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"Mom turns back, confused, “Baby? But you had separate rooms.”

Why does mom think that having separate rooms can’t get her preggy? There's such thing as sneaking in.


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Ha. I was thinking the same thing.


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Omma was probably born in the 50's.


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LMAO. i was saying, g-ma, this is the 21st century. people do this anywhere, anytime.
no beds even necessary
tee-hee, a true elder. love her. =)


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Poor Hang-ah ! :( I didn't see the miscarriage coming at all, tear. and how much does it suck that both rooftop and TK2H are both at the midway point a.k.a. angst overload point :(


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The "I.Am.Bongu" scene was a total Rumplestiltskin-Rumplestiltskin-Rumplestiltskin moment. I loved it.


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That scene and turn around was played brilliantly! :-D


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LOL, exact moment of Rumplestiltskin-
Rumplestiltskin-Rumplestiltskin. So fitting!

And he isn't just reveal that, but bring him to the down with: Bong. Gu.
I've lost count how many times I replayed that scene


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I didnt expect pregnancy and miscarriage....it was so heartbreaking and it made JH a really bad boy, at least he knew he spent a night with HA and yet he sent her back to her home land just because she said "youre trash"?
Im really disappointed and i will keep my fingers crossed for next episode.
now I wanna see happy HA with the man he loves(JH), but how can she forgive this "nappun namja"?


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JH believes he is trash, but he tries to make light of it. When he opened his heart to HA and called himself trash, he trusted her not to mock him. I know that he did a lot to break her trust as well, but men are sometimes more vulnerable. Most men I know will not call themselves trash. They have too big egos to do that. So when JH called himself one, he was kinda sticking his head out.

Thus, I feel that HA words were very hurting, esp when she asked if she should tell everyone that.


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I think the demise of their relationship was caused by Secretary Eun! Did anyone catch the brief moment when he admitted the truth the Jae Hae never wanted Hang AH to go the public trial?! The whole breakup was orchestrated by him and it was sad to watch!


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agree with you and when the king wanted to see hang ah after the trial the secretary said he should see her tomorrow, he also did the same thing to Hang ah, at first he did not tell her that the king did not allow her to go to the trial, and then he told her the king is busy. and what did he tell the king, it was hang ah who wanted to appear in the trial... what a trick... it could have been a different story if he allowed the king to see hang ah that very night after the trial


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When he admitted that he went against the King's wishes vis-a-vis the public trial I was like o.O!! So, atleast she knows that JH wielded his powers to protect her!!


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in a way I agree with you.. but if we place our selves in her shoes.. (I have tried that) than we will be able to understand more and why she said that.. having missing Jae Ha since a few days, she really is dying to see him and feels his support.. not to mention what she gave to him (Love, Trust, Pride and Virginity) is something she treasures for as long as she lives...
My point is.. I hate when misunderstanding separates lovers, why don't they communicate more often.. I mean, JH.. she'll be your wife.. no matter how busy and stress you are, isn't 5 minutes not worth it to call her???


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Tell me about it. i hope jae ha will learn to move on from his sometimes immaturity.
as much as he was hurt by her words, he should have taken a step bad, exhale, and talk it out.
Yup, with 10 eps left, he has alot of growing up to do, and this is just the beginnign for us.


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I think that it's a bit too much to call the prince "transh" constantly. He doesn't fit my definition for "trash" in the meaning of "good for nothing person". It's true that he made some mistakes, but don't we all make mistakes in our relationships, don't we all say harmful words and then regret doing this when we realize we don't really mean them and don't we all have trouble saying the word "sorry"afterwards. He is no exception and I love how his character is so realistic. I did expect the "pregnancy" and the way this would be used to reconect the characters, but I didn't expect the "miscarage" :( The story is getting more intense, can't wait until next week...


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I think his mom was trying to say that any close relationship will have moments where insults get traded back and forth, and he needed to be a lot less sensitive if was going to be in it for the long run.

There is a saying "Intimacy breeds contempt."

By repeating "trash" over and over, she was trying to show that the word itself won't have power over him if he doesn't let it have power over him.


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Saw beautiful BTS shots of sakura trees along both sides of a quiet road...Seems , it was mentioned tt Jae Ha's gonna propose in this site. Was also alleged to be
in Epi 12. My heart did a double whoppy!!! But WHy Oh Why , do I have a sneaking feeling , she's gonna
say " No"..for now . WHatever. I just need some lovey dovey scene & some grovelling.
Yes. Next week. Love & Grovelling & Kisses & Love .
Waiting with bated breath.


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ME TOO.. I think it will be hard for Hang Ah to forgive him. as much as I hate this heartbreaking condition, I think we have to wait until the 12th episode or maybe 13th to get out from this condition.


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OMG thank you.
he better propose.
oh jeez, they already sucked us dry of our tears since ep. 7 all the way up until 10.
I need me some happy moments.. sweet moments are fine, too.


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why does the evil secretary have 2 hair tones? Maybe it's from his previous drama? but he could easily dye it one color.... just saying.
HA scene where she cries on dad's shoulders made all of us cry -- 7 ahjumah's watching ep 10 together. You should hear the cuss words when HA stripped off the palace things. Aigoo...


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aigooo, they sound crazy!! haha. I wonder what they thought of the miscarriage? Are they thirsting for JH's blood?!! :D


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Just realized that was a typo....I was yelling at my bro that he's crazy and that's what i ended up typing!! *facepalm* I meant "they sound scary!!"


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lol... the ahjumah's here ARE crazy. The youngest one is 37 and the oldest is 82. We are hooked on this drama. As for the miscarriage, oh the wailing and the "I knew that would happen!" and "I want to slap that bratty king!" But we all still love him. We watch it at our public library 'cos Hawaii is da Kdrama love land!


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I wanna come over and play with you guys!
I wish I was there, too.


hula, i'm in hawaii too (and an ajumma as well). this is making me giggle that you're all sitting around a monitor at the public library watching this drama. and it sounds like fun!


Me too!! If they're just using the 2-tone hair to remind us of his seeming bipolar loyalities , then....
WE.GET.IT !!! Nobody , at his official level , with such stringent grooming within d palace , shd b allowed wt that unfashionable statement!

How absolutely delightful to hv a whole room of frens & fans to watch it together? I'm watching from my computer alone..Laughing ..crying...cussing...squeeeling alone!!
I envy your own Cheer & Jeer Team!
My cousin's is in Hawaii for work till today. Been trying to get her on my crack of K2H but she's too busy!
I aim to get her addicted when bk in my side o d world!!


PUBLIC LIBRARY?! o.O sooo awesome!! Hold on, I want to know how everybody maintained their composure when the sizzling kiss happened, Jae-kang died, and Jae-ha wanted SK to tear BG's limbs apart?!!


He's a skunk, that is why.


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WELPS he aint called cruella de eun for nothin'


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You ahjumahs are so cool watching such a hip drama together. Respect!


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Thank you for your entertaining recaps as they fill in the gaps while waiting for english subs. TK2H is a quality drama top to bottom.


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gosh! this is the most heartbreaking episode. after what hang ah gone through, i wish she won't easily forgive jae ha till she's fully convinced that he loves her. haist, stress!


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1 Corinthians 13:4-7

This is the hope I have that AH will be like this!

1 Corinthians 13:11
An this might apply to JH

Lets see...


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Arrgh! I cried just reading the recap. Good job!


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first thank sooooooooooooo much for the great recap ' i have to say this the first drama that i Addicted even for the comment and for me the rating it can go down to zero Because i dont care i dont know about the rating thing in korea but Believe me it in the first place in other countery if it south or north and it will Certainly win at least 3 Awards ,and for actors deserves an international award ,it great drama that make everything soo alive and i am the Picky tybe and it sure break the hearts so much ,but it the first drama that been so fair that show that the proplem is not in the south or north alone it in the pepole hearts that no matters what the countery did or how much bad you see her people it not the realy proplem - the real proplem that when you allowed Yourself to judgment on the person and allow yourself to do and say what you want because of this is and that makes you the real monster, and it soooooo sad but this proplem with all the divided countries or countries with a memory of long years of war on All over the world.


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Normally when you miscarry for the first time, you dont tend to mull over it for long... especially when you hardly knew you were pregnant. Its only after you actually become a mother or were heavily pregnant or miscarried many times does it hurt real deep. Yah I know a life was lost.. but she didn't even know she was pregnant. She didn't have the "time" to connect with the baby. I think what hurt Hang Ah the most is that her unrequited love is making her lose things that she once held on to very preciously. I really want see her old self where she was strong and didn't take no shit from no one


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I agree that she might not mull over it. But if she had been trying and this was the first attempt it might be different.


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Unlike Secret Garden and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. I am sort of missing the clues of how much time might have gone by. I mean from Ep 8 to 10 we are suppose to have it be a whole month?
Both SG and MGiG gave us a sense of time passing. It would help a great deal but who knows they might get the clues to us a bit easier as things go by.


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yeah -- i agree. i guess we're just supposed to overlook this.
they had sex in what? ep 8?9?
and when i heard that she was in her 1st month i was like say what?!


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first they killed the king abruptly now the baby (wailing). i hope the goth assassin is next.

this show is soooo good! the writing is soooo good!


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LOL!! Here's hoping "the goth assassin" is the next one to bite it. She's super annoying.


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So in love with kdrama!
Can't wait for next wed-trust....


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Seriously, I love this drama so much that I had my chingu watched TK2H and she is now HOOKED! :)


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Let's spread the TK2H love!! my brothers make fun of me good naturedly about my love for all things K-ent!! I made my brother watch the good scenes in the first couple of episodes. On Thursday I watched Ep 10 raw and was studying for an exam....he comes and 'tried' to be all slick and goes, "so Jae-ah..." That name was enough to perk up my ears and I UNLOAD him with all the current happenings....and guess what he watched Ep 10 part raw!! haha, LOVE IT!! Later, I was patronizing him with "see K-dramas are awesome!!" <3


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love that


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It seems to me, and Evil-two-toned-secretary (Who knew his hair was a metaphor for his character??) actually stated it, that POWER is really what is driving this whole story.

The BoyKing has it, but doesn't exactly know what to do with it properly.

Annoying Magician wants it like a pig in heat.

And who is really, really abusing their power and actually successfully holding onto it thus far? Evil-two-toned secretary.

So to successfully be the king he needs to 1) defeat Magician and 2) reclaim the power that he doesn't even know he is bleeding out into the secretary's hands. HA is probably going to be able to help with both of these, if given the chance, because her perspective is so fresh to the situation. She will question things that boy-king blindly accepted.

I need them to be in a scene together, next week and it needs to not be a heart smashing fight. K? Thx


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(Who knew his hair was a metaphor for his character??) You took the observation right out of my mouth! Love your comment.


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I know HA went through a lot, but I hope she also realize that it was a misunderstanding between the two all thanks to that evil secretary. HA was going through a lot emotionally, thinking that JH agreed to the public trial then to find out that he missed most of it drove her to the edge...not knowing he actually went to see the president to broadcast that N. Korea was not responsible for the late king's death. JH was so proud of himself too for doing that ha!

SK is currently my favorite character right now. I adore his innocence.


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Another thought...how can a comedy suddenly turned into a tear jerker! I'm at work and cannot concentrate.


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Wonderful recap, gf-- thank you so much! I appreciated your "it takes a village" comment. Another example of that occurred to me when I was watching the scene where Bong Gu bragged about being the mastermind behind the murders. If the shooting incident hadn't happened, and Jae Ha hadn't been admonished by his hyung for reacting "like an animal" without thinking (regardless of how high the stakes may be), I don't think Jae Ha would have had the presence of mind to rein himself in and not go all nuclear on Bong Gu's ass. I'm sure Jae Kang would have been really proud of his bro for not letting his emotions get the best of him in that situation.

So many good moments in this ep. but Jae Ha receiving the "heartfelt pledge from a soldier who believes in him with every fiber of his being" scene was my favorite. I can't even begin to say how much I love Shi Kyung, who clearly is a Knight in Shining Earnestness for both Jae Shin and Jae Ha. (And as the romance and the bromance develop, I suspect we'll see him in his full glory as the Knight in Shining Ardor.)

Speaking of Jae Kang, I'm so glad that 1) we'll get to see more of him, and 2) he'll be able to continue guiding Jae Ha via the video diary. It's nice that he tended to make the recordings while "under the influence"-- so we get the animated Jae Kang speaking, rather than the diplomatic, more restrained "king".


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I like your recaps, it's like reviewing my thoughts and recalling back the enjoyment of watching TK2H.

It seems like the story continues by the assassination of JH when he is trying to get back HA, which probably almost succeed but failed. And this event make HA to realize that she need to be with JH, the one person she love(d) after she lost their baby. I guess we saw HA's soft side, and we will she the team leader inside her when she get back to JH.....

Well, just anticipating, who knows. I am just hoping the writers have a better storyline....


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I just read that before coming here!
i am absolutely thrilled. i dont think i could have held out for more crying episodes.


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that question has been bugging me. >.<i mean, i know it was probably bong gu's plan but i just want the writers to show us how and tie all these loose ends.

i'm ranting because i felt really bad about the miscarriage!! i didn't saw that coming. :( i feel bad for all of them. sigh!

shi kyung, you are the saving grace of this episode. well, the whole kingdom anyway. lol. man, everyone is so good in their acting even bong gu although written badly is good.

hayst! wed-thurs can you please come soon :))


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I've been wondering the same thing too! I was hoping that would have been resolved by ep. 6, but we still don't know who was behind it.

I do expect them to address it in future episodes. What we know so far is that it's:
1) not Jae-Kang
2) not Club M

any chance that it could have been the North?


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or it could be cruella de eun..... but then what would be his motive when he was against it anyway.....

this has been really bugging me but more so on bong gu's real motive. i just don't see it and if all that rumors about him as an illegitimate son i'm seriously going to ?? i really don't know what but i'll be disappointed. like, really! not that again!!!!

but at this point anything can happen now and we are in kdramaland. >. so....

this is my first time to watch an ongoing drama and I'M TRAUMATIZED!!!
i swear i am not going to watch anymore new dramas that are still ongoing / live. too much STRESS!!!! LOL!!!!


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I'm choosing not to believe the illegitimate son rumor. How could anyone have two adorable sons like Jae-Kang and Jae-Ha and then a maniac like Bong-gu?!

I think as the series progresses we might learn more of Bong-gu's relationship with his father who died in ep. 1, because he still remains a big question mark to me.

I'm so glad he's met Jae-Ha though. I always used to cringe seeing Bong-gu scenes, but when Jae-Ha pulled the "I am Tom" gag I couldn't stop laughing!


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me too and i hope not!

best face-off scene in a movie or drama in a long time. seung gi was just brilliant in that. :)

first time i wanted a weekend to end so that i can just wake up for a wed-thurs dose of this. lol.
i'm in the US so the waiting here means 1 am - 5 am in the morning just for the video uploaded with no full subs yet. :/

let's see and cross our fingers that the writers will bring us the goods this week.


LOL wtheck.
I seriously doubt bong gu is an illegitimate son.
yeah, he is definitely a question mark to me and stays that way until they finally reveal to us his motivation and his reason. other than that i will conclude him to be a crazy and useless character.


I am crying buckets here...buckets!!!


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Anybody noted that Bonggu said "choon nia" (did you like it) when he confessed to jaeha he murdered hyung?? That will activate the diary camera won't it???


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I was thinking that, too. If Sec Skunk panics and deletes the sound recording, it'll be preserved for posterity anyway.


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I notice that too, will they be able to took benefit of this and make it into evidence?

But why do I foreseen this as something bad? :( as if someone else open JaeHa's record because he can't? Well, I hope it's not gonna happen, because I"ll be so. So. Sad if the writer throw us into the hell once more


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I think there's certain button that have to be pressed before the diary come out of the wall. Then, there's this lady in the recording who will guide the king before saying the password. And also, I think the king does the recording at night, so the diary is off when they're talking (it's daytime at that time).


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I was just imagining JaeKang secretly watching soccer matches and the recording starts each time he do the Korean cheer~


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KC, you have such a good ear for detecting that and then connecting it..
clever, clever if they used that as evidence.


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GF you are the best "Cruella de Eun."


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argh! why do they have to take back all the things from the palace? it was a big insult. they should have just allowed hang ah to take with her what she was wearing on that time. or at least, before she left the palace, they made it clear to her that she can't take with her what belongs to the palace. for sure hang ah would be most willing to leave it behind. anyway, who wants something that will only reminds you of the painful memories of the past?!


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i know.. that scene was so humiliating yet somewhat necessary for emotional impact..
she leaves south korea, and she must shed off anything related to south korea..as well as the baby.
Too sad.


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I thought that scene was amazing, though definitely heartbreaking!


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oh god!!


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I just don't know how the reunion will be pulled off! This will be the best writing of the year if they can and make it believable! WOW! Bad enough sending her back but the pregnancy all out there in public? in Korea?! WOW! Kudos to the writers big time!! Next week is not going to come fast enough for me!


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This and Equator Man are my must see dramas! RTP and Se Na have just about turned me off!!


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Can we please have our King serenade his woman?!! The writers have an ear for awesome music and umm, having a multi-talented cast like LSG and JJS.....they should exploit it for all it's worth but I guess they don't do fanservice! bleghhh, yunno Ep 10 called for a brooding shower scene what with Seung-gi's choco abs but yeah never happened!!

Writers, you suck for not succumbing to our fangirly demands!! :P


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was anyone else tearing up at
1. Hang ah crying on her fathers shoulder
2. Seeing our king frightened at the end of the videos.
3. Shi kyungs completely sincere speech about how he believes in him

Man.. even if i'm not bawling this drama hits it just right by knowing just which heartstring to tug


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wow just WOW!!! I think I just watched some of the best acting of any K-drama or anything out of Hollywood or wherever. LSG just knocked it our of the park & the rest of the cast including Mr. Looney Bin just made it stellar. I'm not normally a fan of these political wordy kind of dramas but this episode just made all the draggy scenes from the past episodes worth it. so K2H fighting!
& girlfriday's recap was amazing! matched the awesomeness of the episode so big thank you from one thankful reader!


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Hi, thanks so much for your recaps I'm really glad I found this site!! Just wanted to mention, when evil guy told boy king that he was the one killing older brother king and jae-ha started shaking and clenched his fist it seemed to me that it was a furious and full of hate reaction but not fear. I even thought he would loose it and start attacking evil madman for a second but he managed to keep it under control untill he left the room. Did I miss something that made you believe it was fear?


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To me, it seemed like he was in utter fear.
his eyes welled up, his hands were shaking..
Even though jae ha is known to be arrogant and what not, underneath that is a very fragile guy.
I don't know about you, but if i just found out some guy murdered my older sib i'd be freaked out.
THEN i would be in absolute anger.. which is where jae ha phoned shi-kyung to kill him.
anger wouldn't be the first reaction, i think


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I keep repeating the part where JaeHa shouted into the phone, "Tear his limps apart!!!"

Love it!!!
but why is the place so big that when Shi Kyung reach the door, that loony is already so far away and hopping onto the heli and he has so many guards with him...


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I am with you. It's fury. Red Hot Fury! And hatred!

Remember this was after Jae Ha witnessed (from the video) how Jae Kang was shaking because of the threats. And how he predicted his own fate. So sad! Jae Ha was so protective of his brother. Can you imagine how he felt after watching it???

I also love the library scene, whe JH just oh so casually asked the secretary whether it is POSSIBLE for Club M to be involved in his hyung's murder. He twitched his lips and gave that terrifying and chilling smile! Lee Seung Gi, you are the best!


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I'm in the hatred/fury camp too esp when you recall the fight they were in during their childhood in ep 1. JK was getting bullied and little JH would not stand for it and fought back though he was the smallest.

When his eyes opened wide, I thought it was bcos he was taken aback by BG's sudden confession though he was hoping for it. He started shaking bcos he probably felt like throttling BG's neck straight away but had to keep it under control.

May i say again that that was one piece of solid acting by LSG. The way he turned it around and laugh if off; the tapping of his fingers on his lap so casually like he totally didn't buy BG's confession. Makes me wish I can vote for him to win the best actor award this year.


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im holding a voodoo ritual to curse secretary forked-tongue through all the levels of hell. who wants to join?


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i shall join you on this ritual.


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Awww. I absolutely love the bromance between Shi-kyung and Jae-ha.

Omg...I can't believe that Hang-ah lost the baby. I was crying so much. This show...it kills me.


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WOW that miscarriage was totally unexpected.

I hope we get to see more bad-ass HJW, she was so wicked cool in the beginning of the series.

Her life is so way difficult because she loves JH way more than he loves her.

Maybe next week she'll give JH a hard time when he tries to get her back rather than giving in right away? (I can only hope...)

Can't wait!!!!


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I KNOW! i kind of even miss hang ah in the beginning, where she was so fierce, witty, and strong.. and didn't have all this royalty stuff to worry about..

Let's hope she regains herself later on, to help our king whip out all enemies..


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I absolutely loved this episode,it was so intense...Sure it wasn't moments between Jae Ha& Hang Ha...it was so sad when she stripped her royal persona and left crying on dad's sholder...the music was so perfect for that moment and her declaration as well,so sad...
But for me the stealer was the enconter between Jae Ha&John Mayer...Pure awesome scene,loved it...it was so creepy and the music was so perfect as well for that tense moment and Seung Gi played so well,his eyes shoed pure terroir...and after that the cold sanse to bluff to it...just exelent...i love Jae Ha the smart ruller,he sure has that dark side in him that its just awesome in this kind of situation and cold blood to put a poker face...
I also like our evil mad man,he sure is a villian worth it...
And Shi-kyung is just awesome,no more to say...loyal to the end...hope that they will not kill him...
But at an plot action would be so dramatic a scene between him and his traitor daddy face to face with kill or survive thing...
I really didn't think they would make her loose the baby that we didn't even knew she had...i guess the awesomness it's just starting...
Oh and i so miss Jae Kang...


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Cuz out of nowhere, with something you never expected to , comes and steals your heart!!!


There is so much that can be said and has to be said, but right now am just spell bound!!!!

The story telling is just brilliant!

And when they were hurting, I was feeling for Jae ha when they showed his side and feeling for hang ah, when they showed that!


I dont give a damn, if the ratings are down, this is one of the best orginal dramas ever I have seen recently!!!

K2H Stay this way till end! FIGHTING!!!


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Forgot to say, LEE SEUNG GI, I liked you in Gumiho, Loved you in shining inheritance, but this??????????????




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I am astonished at his growth as an actor since BL!! Is it possible with somebody who was as busy as him in the past couple of years to make an acting comeback as he did!! I'm all ears, Seung-gi ahhhh!!


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Do you mind sharing what "daebak" means? I see it all over the place and have no clue.

And yes, TOTALLY agree that this is one of the best dramas (kdramas or otherwise) I have seen so far.


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It means fantastic, something like hitting gold.
Dae literally means big,
Bak means rich or plentiful.


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Thank you! And yes, then, this episode was totally daebak!


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To rearwindow (are you a Hitchcock fan?)

You are a fast learner!!! Daebak!!!


Alexie: Yes, Rear Window is one of my all-time favorite films. Also, sorry I couldn't respond directly to you...for some reason "Reply" wasn't showing up under your comment.


LOL! Silly...


ahha. i remember watching we got married with lee jang woo & eunjung from t-ara and when they kept saying "daebak" i was like wtheck does that mean.
so i searched it up, and it is, like topper says "hitting god"
i hope each episode is daebak for us.. been a while since i've seen such an emotional yet thrilling drama. last one was city hunter.. T__T
How's equator man? i might start picking up that drama, since everyone seems to think it's good!


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SAME HERE ilikemangos!


You know how a love story is supposed to be? Like they need to be together. MOre than the characters, we the viewers must feel it, that they are supposed to be together and there is no other way how it could work out!

Make me feel that way, you have won my heart. No need for stupid meaningless angst that is shown in too many kdramas!


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OMG same hur. well, if you consider a modern day drama.
last one after city hunter was princesses man.
i just LOVE dramas with a good blend of family, friends, crime, justice..
Not to mention action is my favorite genre of books, movies,dramas, anything.
SO.. K2H continues to rock my boat.


Yeah, based on context, I figured it meant "awesome" or "off the hook" or something like that. But I thought I should probably ask, in case somehow it means "boring" or "melodramatic" or "smells like moldy shoes." :)


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LMAO. it's either one or the other.


Hope Shi kyung won't die, let him have a happy ending with the princess. The death of King Jae kang and wife should the last death in this drama.... I really wish this won't end tragically or hang ah Jae ha will not end up together. Hope this won't give us an awful ending as 49 days LOL...

I also hope Hang ah to go back into action... I know a situation will force her to fight the scary lady assasins, she can defeat her I know, because they won't show her defeating a bigger man in first episode for nothing. Observe this drama some event will definitely have a connection to the future event... for example that scene where Hang ah and Jae ha slept together, suggestive though but someone mentioned here, I think the name is thopper (sorry not sure with the spelling) in KDrama norms, a girl in negligee and a man without shirt is = to deed done... and you see, we just all surprised by Hang ah miscarriage, and this miscarriage scene is leading to another scene. but aside from that I am more excited with the action... hope I am right thinking that only Hang Ah can defeat bonbon or bong bong ..


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i was excited when this drama start. i had high hopes. but then, it got deflated. some parts became ridiculous. i dont like the snsd thing. but... i keep watching.. and this ep is my turning point.
finally.. the drama BEGINS!!!


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Ahh~ interesting perspective!

Idk, is it because Lee Seung Gi - Ha Ji Won is my bias so I overlooked the 'deflated' parts..
All the scenes seem interesting to me...

Honestly, I want to know which part is being deflated? Seriously! I sincerely want to know about it, need to know a more objective view actually hehehe ^^


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You are not alone. I cannot find anything wrong with the drama, honestly.

Okay, maybe the earlier scenes with the magic - I understand the need to build a strong and colorful villain, but it just took too much time and the effect was not worth it.

Look at this episode - just put the bad guy and Jae Ha together and lock the doors. OMG. I got chills just thinking about it.


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totally agree. i was trying to search for any "deflated" areas of this drama since people seem to be saying it is slow or draggy.
i think the snsd thing was funny.
shows how because north korea is not known for any of their idols or much of entertainment, when they are exposed to such like snsd, it's too much to handle!
The drama has began for me since the beginning :D
I think it all depends on what type of drama you're in for.
The first portion of the drama took place in the WOC training, and alot of it had dealt with military-based training and such. I think that part of the drama will be one of my most missed parts, and i can't help but smile when they call each other comrade... brings back good memories. I think it really shows a deeper meaning this couple has that sets them apart from others -- before they loved each other, they had camaraderie feelings, watching each other's backs on the field.


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This drama is just so amazing right now. I'm am so invested in all the characters and I can't wait for Jae Ha and Hang Ah to kick that Villain's ass. Did anyone else think that conversation with JH and Meyer was recorded? Maybe later they can use it as evidence.


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Oh my God.. this episode.. I still have tears in my eyes from the ending!

I'm not looking forward to Hang-ah finding out about the baby... I just hope Jae-ha does something to really change everyone's minds (including ours!) otherwise I'll only be 95% happy once they get back together!


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