
The King 2 Hearts: Episode 18

I love a drama that deepens the conflict as we go. So many shows will spin their wheels in the final stretch to just prolong the inevitable, but here we launch into a whole new conflict, as the final battle begins to unfold. And I swear, it feels like a reward just for me, but bromance takes center stage, and it is awesome.


King 2 Hearts OST – Taeyeon – “미치게 보고싶은” (Miss You Like Crazy) [Download]

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Hang-ah stumbles into a building to ask the couple inside if she can make one international phone call. The man inside eyes her warily, noting her accent and her bloody arm, and tells her to wait. He goes in the back, while his wife pours her a cup of tea.

Grateful, Hang-ah takes off her watch and puts it on the table. The woman gives it back, and then warns, “Run away, now! Hurry!” But it’s too late – as soon as she stands up to go, police officers march in to arrest her. Damnit.

She gets hauled off to be investigated as a North Korean fugitive, and when she gives her name, the guy just laughs, “The Kim Hang-ah who’s engaged to the king of South Korea? Yeah right.” HA. There is a certain irony to fame working against you.

The guy in charge gets a call from Bong-gu, who assures them that they should by all means follow their protocol… but there’s nothing to stop them from, say, detaining her a little longer, is there?

He reminds them that he didn’t not kill Hang-ah because he was afraid of them, but because she’s such a good pawn in the North-South game. Oh, ’cause I thought you couldn’t kill her because she escaped from your cookie fortress.

Hang-ah rattles the cage in her jail cell, asking when she’ll get to see a doctor for her arm. The guard tells her she’ll be transferred in a week, and the doctor will treat her then. A week? For a bullet wound? Though she’s more concerned about where she’ll be transferred to than anything.

Despite the injured arm, she spends her time working out like the badass soldier that she is, always preparing for her escape.

She finally sits down to rest, a wave of despair about to hit her, but suddenly Jae-ha’s hand appears on her shoulder. With her bruised and battered hand, she reaches out to touch it.

She looks up and suddenly he’s there, sitting right beside her, his arm around her shoulders. He smiles and she looks up at him with tear-filled eyes.

He wraps both arms around her tightly, and she closes her eyes. They sit like that for just a moment, and then he fades, leaving her sitting there with her hand on her own shoulder.

Man, it’s that moment he fades that really stabs you in the heart. Beautifully played. I like this vision even more than his a few episodes back, because it’s wordless but delivers a stronger impact.

She opens her eyes to find him gone. A tear falls, and she holds her hand to her heart as she sinks back.

Meanwhile, Jae-ha pursues his plan of attack: prosecuting Bong-gu in the International Criminal Court.

Secretary Eun heads out to his fishing spot and stops in his tracks to see Shi-kyung waiting there for him. He stands there with a smile on his face. It’s enough for Dad to know how he feels.

I’m glad Shi-kyung isn’t totally broken, but the reconciliation does come too fast for me—you were just sobbing in the pouring rain, remember? These are all things I want for them, but paced waaay way slower.

They sit down and Shi-kyung says that he always found Dad difficult. He knew what Dad wanted of him, but also that he could never deliver on those expectations. So he was always scared of him.

He says that’s probably why he screamed at him—to make up for all the complexes Dad gave him. “But I’m happy now. I think I can finally be independent of you.” Good for you.

He tells Dad not to think that anything he does is because of him. He repeats Jae-ha’s words: “You’re you, and I’m me.” So no matter what he does, it’s his choice. Hm, that sounds like dangerous martyr talk to me. Don’t you go doing anything stupid, ya hear me?

They have a nice father-son bonding moment over fish, or lack thereof, and laugh and smile together.

But then Dong-ha bursts into Jae-ha’s meeting to warn him that Shi-kyung is trying to go to China anyway. Drat. I KNEW you were being too smiley for a regular day! He gets yelled at by his commanding officer, and just replies, “I haven’t once taken vacation days, so I’m just going to use them.” Ha. Did you really think that would work??

It doesn’t, so then he takes out his resignation letter. What? You’re quitting to go be a hero? Dong-ha tries to stop him as he packs up his things, but his mind’s made up. Dong-ha sighs, “You can’t leave the country anyway.”

OH. SNAP. Did Jae-ha put you on a no-fly list? HAHAHA.

He storms into Jae-ha’s office yelling, but the secretary tells him no one’s allowed inside. He can only talk from outside the door. Hee.

Shi-kyung says that they have to do this to make sure Bong-gu appears in the International Criminal Court, otherwise mounting a case against him does no good. Jae-ha counters that he has plenty of super secret spies he can send in to do that job.

But Shi-kyung asks what happens when Bong-gu kills all those agents. Bong-gu knows that Shi-kyung is Jae-ha’s right-hand man. That means that for the sake of driving Jae-ha crazy, he’ll keep Shi-kyung by his side. Damnit, stop making sense!

He yells, “Why can’t I go? Because I’m your friend? If it’s that then don’t worry. I have never once thought of you as a friend!”

W-wu-wuh? Nooooooo! We survived this long without noble idiots in this drama, and now you’re telling me the bromance is going there? Take it back! You ARE FRIENDS! You are! You… are… *whimper.*

He pleads with Jae-ha to be stronger than this. He turns to go, but then suddenly he swivels back, grim with determination. He yells, “Lee Jae-ha!” OMG. Did you just call the king by name? In banmal?

“Go ahead and spend the rest of your life in there, looking for friends! Because Kim Hang-ah is gone, you’re scared of losing me too, aren’t you? I’ve long let go of my guilt. So GET IT TOGETHER!”

That was so awesome. That gets Jae-ha out of the room right quick. He fumes, “Lee? Jae? Ha?

Shi-kyung: “You said we were friends.” HEE. I love Quippy Comeback Bot best of all. Jae-ha roars, calling him a bastard.

But then Shi-kyung just stares with his super earnest puppy eyes, and Jae-ha caves with a sigh. Perhaps this is why you weren’t allowed in the room in the first place. I love that this part of the exchange needs no words.

Shi-kyung promises (now back to formal speech), “I will return.” Jae-ha lets out a shaky sigh. I’m not even going to warn you that you’d better return, because there’s no option to do otherwise. You WILL return, gorramit.

Bromantic study montage time. They plan their mission, down to the letter, complete with A SECRET CODE. Is there a secret handshake to go with? Sometimes I really love this drama.

Jae-ha asks Shi-kyung to do one last thing before leaving—go see Jae-shin. “You know the condition she’s in. And you know her heart. No matter how frustrating you are, if you don’t know that…”

Shi-kyung: “Can I do whatever I want?” Rawr?

Jae-ha: “You mean you haven’t, till now?” Dude, you don’t even know the half of it. Shi-kyung asks if he really can, just once, treat her not as the princess but meet her person-to-person. Jae-ha corrects him: “It’s man-to-woman.”

Shi-kyung: “Can I, just this once, follow my heart, and see her?” Jae-ha doesn’t answer, and instead turns around and picks up the phone. He orders that Jae-shin be brought out to the garden, and no one allowed within two kilometers of her, “…except Eun Shi-kyung.”

Wingman for the win. He turns around, “Will that do?” Shi-kyung starts hyperventilating now that he has no excuses left.

Jae-shin gets brought outside and then they take her wheelchair away, leaving her with nothing but a picnic basket. She wonders what’s going on, and then Shi-kyung comes up the road to meet her.

She asks if he knows about the memory she recovered, “It’s like a monster, isn’t it?” She starts to cry. But he tells her that the person who gave away the Anmyundo location was his father, and he’s decided that he’s not going to let himself feel guilty about that. “Because my father is my father, and I’m me.”

He kneels down in front of her. “It’s the same for you. It was because of them. It wasn’t your fault.” He takes her hand and tells her that recovering the memory alone makes her impressive.

He says it again, “It’s not your fault.” He holds her hand as she sobs.

Then a little while later, he piggybacks her through the garden, as he tells her that he’s taking a short vacation. He says that he’ll give her some homework, and once she completes it, he’ll have returned.

“Say It’s not my fault a hundred times a day.” Aw. She tells him that he has to do the same then. They both agree. “Laugh three times a day, even if you have to force it.” He adds going to therapy diligently and practicing being in front of people, and she agrees.

They reach her wheelchair and he puts her back in it. Still kneeling, he adds one last thing: “Sing again.” She kisses him on the cheek, startling him, and asks what else.

He stands up to give his answer, and plants a kiss on her.

But his own impulsive move sends him reeling, and he steps away from her, more in shock than she is. Heh. He quickly apologizes, and she asks what for, but he feels so awkward that he just gets behind her and speed-wheels her back to the palace. Pfft. What happened to the gutsy guy who told her oppa that he was gonna do whatever he wanted? Cracks me up.

And then he berates himself in his office for losing control. That was you, losing control? Whoa there, wild child. He thinks of something and decides to write a letter. I will admit, I hope it’s to Jae-ha, but it’s probably for Jae-shin.

Secretary Eun sits at his fishing spot and this time an entire royal entourage arrives. It’s Jae-ha. He tells ajusshi about what Shi-kyung did, and starts to say that he tried to stop him, but corrects himself: “No, I sent him.”

He says he pretended to put up a fight because sending him freely made him such a bad person. But Secretary Eun sees right through the guilt parade. Jae-ha says that there’s so much to prepare for the case, and asks him to return to the palace: “Like you did for hyung, come be by my side.”

Secretary Eun looks over at him, moved and startled. Jae-ha warns that the pay will be downgraded though—times are tough. Heh. They smile, and then ajusshi says he has to seek forgiveness from one person first.

He goes to see the queen mother, to confess his wrongdoing. She already knows, but I think it’s important that he says it and seeks forgiveness. She just asks with tears in her eyes about how Jae-kang was that day, since Secretary Eun is the last person to see him alive.

He tells her that the king was happy and smiling, and she says that’s enough for her.

The good guys get a break and finally recover the video player from Jae-ha’s hostage standoff in North Korea, but it’s too damaged to recover any data. Drat.

Jae-ha sighs and turns to hyung’s portrait, “You happy?” He’s just talking, but that phrase is the one that opens up his diary recorder, which he ignores. But then suddenly, something dawns on him. Aww, yeah.

He looks up at the portrait, and then over to the table and chairs sitting across the room, and then back at the recorder. Nice. I KNEW it would come in handy that his keyword was so conversational.

The music swells. He calls Shi-kyung. Mission is on. He walks down the memorial hall and into the pressroom to make his live public announcement. The world tunes in, and so does Bong-gu.

Jae-ha announces that the late king’s death was murder, and he has the proof. He plays the video. Hell yeah. It’s a top-angle view (because it’s aimed at the desk, if you remember Jae-kang’s footage from before) but it captures both Jae-ha and Bong-gu sitting across from each other that day that he confessed to the murder.

Backtrack to that day, when Bong-gu himself had said the phrase, “You happy?” which started the recording that neither of them noticed. The reporters and the public watch, horrified, as Bong-gu lays it all out on the video—that the real reason he killed Jae-kang was because he kept him out of the country, and sent him peacefully like a drunk idiot.

He makes that shudder-inducing quueck noise, and everyone who’s watching jumps out of their skin. Man, this is so awesome. And strangely even more horrifying out of context—he just seems like a pure monster. One of the reporters asks the man’s identity, and Jae-ah confirms it. Bong-gu sits frozen in his chair.

Jae-ha: “A king is not just a king. He is South Korea itself, and its 50 million people. Club M’s John Mayer murdered those 50 million people.” And with his game face on, he declares that he’ll be prosecuting him according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. (Specifically used to prosecute crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, etc.)

Cut to Secretary Eun delivering their case to the court. Jae-ha continues: “We will fight. And we will capture him. We will uphold justice, and make him face the strict judgment of the law.”

Gah, goosebumps. I love a hero who fights within the system. Renegades are cool, but a king IS the system, and if he doesn’t have faith in that, his position is meaningless.

Needless to say, Bong-gu starts to panic, though he does his best not to show it. He tells his minion that it’s time to lay low, and orders him to call the prison and have Hang-ah moved.

But instead of doing that, Minion calls someone else in Club M to say that Bong-gu is now a liability. He orders a hit on Bong-gu… which Bong-gu overhears. I wish I could say that I’m surprised and shocked that you’d be betrayed by your own people, but who’re we kidding. Most of us were wondering how he lasted that long. Mia walks into the room, and minion starts crying instantly. Ha.

Shi-kyung and Dong-ha are hiding outside the compound, and Dong-ha worries about the plan, but Shi-kyung tells him to just do as he said, and pets him on the head before going in. Aw.

By the time we get back to Bong-gu, his minion’s already a dead fish. Shots ring out and they scramble, and Shi-kyung sneaks his way in. He gets into a fight with Mia, and I want him to kick her ass, but sigh, that’s not the plan, and he lets himself be captured.

She hauls onto his knees in front of Bong-gu and trains a gun to his head. Shi-kyung just tells him to kill him and get it over with. But Bong-gu thinks back to Shi-kyung’s initial rejection of rotten cookies, looks over at dead fish backstabber, and orders them to treat him well.

Shi-kyung hides his reaction, and Dong-ha watches him get hauled away from afar, crying. Aw. He calls Jae-ha to tell him that phase one is complete. Jae-ha hangs his head with a heavy sigh.

And then begins the horrible torture. They knew this going in—Jae-ha told him that he’d have to endure for an unbearably long time, otherwise giving in too quickly would seem false. I know they’re right, but aaauuuugh. They lay him on the ground and she threads a stick through his fingers, and then GRINDS his hand till his fingers break under her heel. Oof.

Hang-ah finally gets treated by a doctor in the prison. She winces from the pain, but he says it’s already healed over, so she’s overreacting. But of course it’s just a diversion…

While he turns his head to speak to the guards, she grabs him in a headlock and screams at the guards to step back. They panic and she orders the doctor to hand over his cell phone.

Jae-ha sits with Secretary Eun discussing the trial and IF YOU IGNORE THIS CALL I WILL KICK YOU IN THE NUTS. Thankfully, he answers. Hang-ah yells frantically into the phone, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha!”

She barely has time to tell him that she’s in a Chinese prison before an armed guard comes running in. He fires a shot into the air, and she drops the phone. He’s left screaming her name, not knowing if she’s dead or alive.

He tells Secretary Eun that he’s going to China right now. They rush to try and move her before the king arrives. He comes with troops both North and South (Dong-ha and Young-bae are both present).

He tells the prison’s commanding officer that a call from his fiancée originated here, and sends his men in to look for her. They search frantically, Young-bae especially falling all over the place, desperate to find Hang-ah in time.

They call out her name over and over, and then she finally hears it faintly. The guards have her somewhere removed, held at gunpoint, but she fights them off long enough to scream for Jae-ha.

He hears her, and takes off running toward the building off to the side. The agents follow. At the same time, the guards gag her and start to move her out, on the upper level.

They nearly miss each other, but then Hang-ah sees Jae-ha from behind, below her. She screams through her gag, and he hears her and comes running, and they finally lock eyes.

But they’re still moving her, and he races to catch up. She fights them off and manages to free herself long enough to run, but one of them grabs his gun and fires. Oh. Fuck.

She goes down. Jae-ha freezes just below her.

Blood drips down through the metal-grate floor to the lower level, at his feet.

He runs up the stairs as his agents secure the guards. She isn’t moving. He stumbles over to her with his head in his hands, not sure what to do, not ready to face it. He crouches down, hands shaking, and turns her over.

She looks up at him. He calls out her name like a wave of relief, and she screams from the pain. He looks down. It’s her leg. She was shot in the leg. Ohthankgoodness.

He cradles her in his arms, and she looks up and smiles, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha, it’s no big deal.” He clutches her to his chest for dear life, crying uncontrollably.

Wow, I was so wrapped up in that, I thought for sure it was the end of the episode. Man alive.

Bong-gu’s associate gives him the update and suggests they use Shi-kyung. He’s bloodied and currently enduring Chinese water torture. (Is that like a when in Rome thing?)

Bong-gu finds him being treated thusly and slaps Mia across the face. This is why you have no friends. He sits Shi-kyung down to make the offer: join his side. He seems to be playing right into their plan.

But Bong-gu is as shrewd as he is crazy, and needles Shi-kyung to take the offer as planned—after all, isn’t this a double agent mission? He points out Shi-kyung’s lack of a poker face, saying that someone with his personality isn’t cut out for mole work. I’m starting to agree. And worry.

Bong-gu says that really, Jae-ha is the bad guy for sending his friend into the enemy’s lair. I mean, he probably even pretended to put up a fight to appear less callous, but “he’s actually more ruthless [than me].”

He muses that if Jae-ha were born in a different time, he’d have slapped the faces of Yeonsangun and Nero. Ha. Shi-kyung counters that that’s all people like Bong-gu can see—what’s in front of his face.

He appeals to Shi-kyung’s vanity, asking him to set him straight then. He offers to let him get rid of anyone on his staff with a foul stench. Shi-kyung: “Aren’t you the cause of that stench?” Damn.

I love that knowing their plan doesn’t stop Bong-gu from trying to make Shi-kyung go darkside anyway. That’s HIS vanity, and they know it. Attempt #1 is a failure, but Bong-gu is determined to win Shi-kyung over. The fish is on the hook.

Hang-ah wakes up in bed (they’re still in China) and Dad scampers around to make sure she’s okay and getting rest, but she will have none of that—she asks for Jae-ha right this instant, freaking out about not wasting another minute in finding Bong-gu.

Jae-ha rushes in and she asks him, eyes wide with panic, if he has a plan for catching Bong-gu because they can’t let another minute pass with him out there. Jae-ha and Dad exchange worried looks and Dad leaves the room.

She asks again and again, and he tells her not to think about anything, and just rest. But she shakes her head no, getting more and more frantic. Tears start to fall, as she gasps, “How can I rest? Do you know what a scary person Kim Bong-gu is?”

She’s never once shown fear before this. Now I get why he and Dad were looking at each other so strangely.

He hugs her tight. “I’m sorry, Hang-ah-ya, for not protecting you. I know. I get it now, seeing you like this… how scared you were, how difficult it was for you. I know it now. I’m sorry Hang-ah-ya. I said I’d make you happy. But I’m a powerless bastard. I’m so sorry.”

She cries into his shoulder, her panic subsiding. Gah, the sight of her blue and purple hand clutching onto him just breaks my heart.

Jae-ha and Dad meet with a Chinese official who apologizes for the “incident” and Dad freaks out, but Jae-ha holds him back. He says that if they’re sorry, they can show it, by letting South Korean troops in country to catch Bong-gu.

The Chinese official in turn tells Bong-gu they’re no longer in cahoots, and orders him out of China in three hours. How perfect is it that Bong-gu’s bedroom is decorated like a child’s, full of oversized stuffed animals? It’s exactly as I pictured.

He’s short on time and moves, so he calls Shi-kyung over to make threats—what he got a taste of was Torture Lite, so if he doesn’t want to be begging to die, he should sign up for Team Blackhats.

His plan: have Shi-kyung pretend he’s succeeded in Mission Double Agent and then be a double-double agent, and feed Jae-ha false information about his whereabouts. He gives Shi-kyung time to think it over, or else he’ll end in bloody torture. And then he screams, “Why do you MAKE ME be this way?!” Yunno, I always found that to be the creepiest thing serial killers say.

Jae-ha sits with Hang-ah in bed and fills her in on everything. She freaks out at the news that he sent Shi-kyung. “That’s like entrusting a piece of meat to a tiger!” Aw, you think he’s a beefcake too?

Hang-ah: “If something goes wrong…” Jae-ha: “Then I’ll spend the rest of my life blaming myself…” He’s worried because there hasn’t been any contact, but says all they can do is wait. “We have to trust him.”

Shi-kyung’s torture just gets worse and worse, and Mia goes to town, threatening Dad and the princess like it’s Torture Christmas. Shi-kyung trembles, screaming out in pain. Did they finally do it? Did they break him?

Jae-ha gets a call. It’s Shi-kyung. He says that the plan worked and gives him the coordinates where Bong-gu will be… as Bong-gu listens. Jae-ha says their troops are arriving soon in country, so they’ll meet him there.

Shi-kyung asks if Jae-ha will come himself, but he says no—he’s found Hang-ah and she needs medical care. But Shi-kyung tells him he should come and witness Bong-gu’s capture with his own eyes, since this is what he’s been working towards. Bong-gu practically licks his chops at the king headed straight for his trap.

Jae-ha agrees and Shi-kyung gives him a place to meet. He sends Hang-ah home first, and she worries but he says it’ll be fine—it’s Eun Shi-kyung after all. He gives her a kiss and heads out.

Shi-kyung waits at an industrial plant and Jae-ha arrives, happy to see him. But Shi-kyung seems different, detached. Jae-ha asks why he’s lost so much weight, but he says nothing. We see snipers on the roof, and a bug behind Shi-kyung’s ear.

He takes Jae-ha in his own car without a security escort, and Jae-ha tries to make conversation on the way but Shi-kyung remains cryptically aloof. Hang-ah and Dad are on their way out, but she asks them to turn the car around—something doesn’t feel right.

Jae-ha and Shi-kyung arrive at a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean, and Jae-ha looks out, confused. Bong-gu is here? Shi-kyung says yes, so he follows. They climb through some rocks and come out onto the cliff, where Bong-gu is waiting with a team of gunmen.

Sitting across from each other are two thrones. One is empty, while Bong-gu sits in the other. He greets him with a smile and a bow, “Welcome, your majesty.”

Jae-ha turns slowly toward Shi-kyung…

Shi-kyung raises his gun in Jae-ha’s face.

Oh. Holy. Hell.


AAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH. Damn is that a good ending. You finally learn how to do a cliffhanger right, just when it counts. The thing is, I still hold out faith that Shi-kyung is being a quadruple agent (or something, the math is confusing) – in that I think he and Jae-ha were banking on Bong-gu’s counter moves. This is chess, after all. Just with live pieces.

The thing that’s selling the other side though (that he really put on a black hat) is Shi-kyung’s performance, because he really did endure an insane amount of torture, and afterwards he seems hollowed out and lifeless. Even though I firmly believe he’s still got it together on the inside, seeing him that way puts everything into question. Nicely played.

No matter if this is Shi-kyung being a triple agent or not, that last image just kills me—him holding his gun out at Jae-ha like their first meeting. Before it meant nothing, but now it’s betrayal because of the friendship they’ve formed. Their relationship might honestly be my favorite thing about this drama, and if you kill that bromance, Show, I will break up with you.

I’m so glad that Jae-ha has finally made his move against Bong-gu and proud of the kind of king he’s become. He once laughed at Jae-kang for saying that the king was the people and that the throne belonged to them. He was the guy who called the royal family puppets and empty scarecrows, but in the end he puts his faith in the system and the people.

And I like the question of morality that Bong-gu raises, because after all, a king is often as ruthless and tyrannical as any mass murderer. But again that difference is people. At the end of the day, a king still answers to his people. A murderer does not. Though the system Jae-ha operates in is flawed and can be abused, it has a balance in place that keeps any one person from having too much power. Bong-gu just consumes endless power and wealth thinking that it’s enough, and is left asking why he doesn’t have what Jae-ha has. I love that it’s so simple – he has too much power to ever have what he really wants.

And Shi-kyung is the embodiment of that. He is in the purest sense the faith of the people in their king, and Bong-gu sees it. He wants it for himself like a shiny toy, thinking that possessing Shi-kyung will be the same as having his faith. The fact that Bong-gu and Jae-ha stand there on the cliff, waging war over one soldier – (besides the fact that the bromance tickles me pink) is the perfect distillation of that conflict. I didn’t think his capturing Hang-ah or Mom was anything more than a plot device, but the war over Shi-kyung feels vastly different—it’s their ideological war, and it’ll get at the heart of the central hero/villain conflict, which is exactly where I want to be before the finale.

Warning: I’ve been pretty lax about the spoiler posts in this thread, but if you post spoilers about next week’s finale (and I mean both episodes), you will get a pair of VERY CRANKY recaps from me. [Note: Proper spoiler etiquette is to mark anything even remotely spoilery in CLEAR, no uncertain terms, short of neon lights, so that anyone who doesn’t want to read it (namely ME) could see it from a mile away and swerve around your comment.] You have been warned. I hold a mean grudge, Lee-Jae-ha-style, and not the kind with revengey kisses either.


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I had some thoughts on "scenes I would have liked to have seen".

1. After HA has gone on a blind date, JH flips out in jealousy and wants to know all the details. He'll caution HA on not to be taken in by smooth-talking guys!

2. After JH's blind date (remember they talked in French?), he tells HA about it, hoping to get her jealous. Instead, HA plays it very cool and tells him that she hopes he is lucky this time in finding someone suitable. Just a thought I've always had about this blind date: Did he talk about the HA's bag because he wanted to sabotage the date or was it because he unconsciously was already under HA's spell and couldn't stop talking about her, even on a date with another woman?

3. During their Jeju date, just after the incident with JH's cell phone, HA will get a call from a male friend while in JH's company, peaking his interest.

4. Flashbacks which will tell us what really happened during the "bed scene". I know, this is bringing out the perv in me, but it would be nice to see some tender moments.....

5. Sec. Bong? brings all the jewelry, clothes, and accessories that HA took off before crossing the SK/NK border and gives them to JH, who becomes very angry at the palace attendant for humiliating HA like that, and upset again with himself and regretful.

6. After JH's "date" with Tara, HA questions him about what happened. He'll have to bring in SK for a coherent explanation, after stuttering and failing miserably to make HA understand.

7. I would have loved to have seen Kang seok with his bazooka, blasting a hole in the prison wall holding HA. We have two more episodes so my wish might still come true, lol!!


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2. My thought for your question: Of course the latter! Remember when he was a bit disappointed when JK told him that HA didn't make it to the list? It was pretty obvious. And plus, knowing JH's character who likes those kinda woman; sexy, stylish and non-North Korean character, he should have been flirting around with his blind date. But he somehow talked about HA in every chance!

So yeah, he was under her spell!


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Can I know where are you downloading the 1n2d episodes off of?

Apologize if I seem rude but didn't know if you'd be reading this comment on the previous page. Thanx in advance!!


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I usually download it in Ahboo's: boosaysharingiscaring.com you need to register first, but everything is free ;)


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@saima - job held me up today till midnite. just got home. that's y i cudn't reply ur comment before. anyway, thanks @reglest for the answer and yup, i download it from there. :D

i've been missing u hearties here! and I've been reading bout all tk2h tidbits. heard they are filming final scene together. TT__TT

The ending is real eh? I gotta prepare myself.. TT____TT


or you can try it here: http://www.youtube.com/user/zozory2000


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those 1night2days videos on youtube is good but some parts are cut out...


Thank you ladies!! <3


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Please sign my name under wishes 2 and 7.:)


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Oh my. It's actually 4 and 7!


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I'll go with 4 and 7...love and action!


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4, 4, 4, 4, 4... Get my drift? Still waiting for those flashbacks. Might be forced to fanfic it for some "closure" (haha).


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While I'd have wanted to see all these possible scenes come to fruition but the one I'd have really like to see would be #5!!

He'd have stewed and virtually beaten himself for having HA go through the humiliation in the name of following the Palace's guidelines.

Lovely suggestions!


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Ooooh, love your list! I want to see 2 & 4, 5 & 4, 7 & 4. hee hee hee. (all the inner pervs are coming out. well, it's the writer's fault - the fridge kiss was like lightyears ago. are we moving into a quasi-Victorian kdramaworld?). Skinship! Skinship! Skinship! :P


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A round of applause to all you Hearties! Great analysis, thoughts, comments, rants, blogs, BS, etc...this has been a very busy thread and I am happy to be a part of it all. I just wish that I would have the time to respond to all the ones that I want to respond to. While I'm reading the many many many comments from all you hearties, I find myself saying "Oooh! Aaaa!" and I want to immediately reply with my 2 cents...that alone would add over 300 comments here LOL!

I fear the most about the end is what will happen to SK. I have come to adore him...yes, even more than our JH in the last few episodes. And then what about Princess JS??? How will she carry on? SK is literally her backbone. He gives her so much strength and makes her want to better herself. Oh...my mind is all over the place. I cannot be at peace right now...


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Initially want to topped the comment page, but real life intruding, LOL

Hearties, Sout East Airen fanbase (Malaysia, thailand, Indonesia) proposing to do Trending in twitter at last episode TK2H airing, as suggested by @maeye86. What hashtag to uses?
For now, there are already choices:

Hearties, please choose, and reply this comment. By tomorrow, I'll tell the airen to consider our choices and tell the fanbase to spread it^^


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how about #TK2Hforever.. :)


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#TK2Hhearties.. :)
please reglest infrom us what hashtag to use coz i'm on twitter all the time..let's trend TK2H worldwide as one way of giving our support till the end.. :)


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I'm all for #TK2Hhearties!


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#TK2Hhearties would be great... don't say annyeong or anything means goodbye.. because this drama is surely in our favorite list FOREVER


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#TK2Hhearties ..... I love it. I'll start tweeting today!


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TK2Hearties, TK2Hhearties or Hearties are my votes..


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Facebook friends say's #TK2H.. :)


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I'm Facebook person, but I'll be happy to be on Twitter for hearties...


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If I must choose ¤TK2H


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add me up on twitter hearties @marneh11...:)


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will do!


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Add me to: mtoh_mtoh...thanks


@mtoh and marneh11 , in case u guys get a request from ainishamsi, that wud be me. :P


i can't find u hearties on twitter... :(


Ya, hearties, you all kill me!! LOL

How can I negotiate with them to make the trending if you keep make your own choice, please pick one from the choices above,OK? ;) please consider it as vote. Or if you think the suggestion need to be considered, please reply 'I agree with this' or likely.

I'll wait until 00.00 KST, 22 May, to tell them what is our choice :D

PS: I can't suggest anything with 's' in the end, too many misspell due to the 's' before hehe

Do you need the towel hearties?


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lets all use TK2H for twitter because it is short and we can add a message.


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We had decided #TK2H...^^

The time is during the airing of the last episode..
I'll tell the next instruction later :)


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This is hands down one of the best dramas I've seen. I similtaneously read your recaps while I watch. Sometimes while I'm watching it just gets so intense, I need to turn my eyes away and read what's coming up!

LSG and HJW are fantastically cast....and I had my doubts there would not be any chemistry between them!


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probably bec of the eclipse and all and my friends moving away plus this show ending i suddenly feel emotional over the weekend and reading all your intelligent, most of the time funny and insightful comments so i can't help but say and i know it's been said many times many ways but this show is the BEST!!! :D

and the people here i love you all.. :D


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Oooo Maria...luv you 2!
Fighting :)


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This will forever be my favorite k-drama in terms of how emotionally invested i was and how addicted i was.
Despite some plotline holes, i cannot deny how CRAZY it made me feel. And that's how you know you're addicted. You're doing things that is totally out of character.
Some will watch and cannot understand, but all you hearties know what I mean.
We followed each other throughout each recap, learning, laughing, and crying.
This is an experience provided at dramabeans that cannot be replaced.
This is going to be the most wild adventure yet for me here at dramabeans.
Why am i speaking as though it's already over?
*sigh* I just can't bear to believe that this upcoming week will be our final week together.


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ilikemango is this you?

i wished i could give us all here a big hug!! you've all been spectacular companions throughout this addiction of mine :)


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the id names are getting ridiculously farni and absurd... i love u, guys!! u are LOL hilarious!!

This is the first time i have spazzed so much on DB on a TV show. have been lurking since i caught the K-drama bug two years ago, and even my love for 1N2D Season didn't elicited so much emotions from me. :)

thanks for allowing me to enjoy all the the chingu-ship here heheh.


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Oooo Mango we are graduating this week, should we have a prom ;,) ?
Yes this is final week, but we must celebrate TK2H every year!!!!


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Let's see how we can create a graduate cert for Hearties to print out. :)


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Love that idea!


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mtoh, i'd choose you over my current prom date in a heartbeat!
Come with me and we shall discuss all things K2H
a fellow heartie is a keeper. :)
Ending this year with a BAM because of K2H.
Even FINALS can't bring me down


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oh dearie, now you're a bruised mango?

Oh how I'm gonna miss this kinda stuff... ridiculous and hilarious id names, a collective cyber squeal over LSG/JH's acting, voice, sexy moves etc, *told you I can no longer tell them apart ;p* or Earnest Bot and other sweet things in this drama, and of course the discussion here (I enjoy being a silent reader and active commenter).


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aww!! Is this our mango lovin' maknae?!! *hugs*

We need you to be fully healed before we go cray cray and finish off this epic & monumental drama with a bang!!

Yesterday I was listening to TK2H OST whilst running....the dam broke and I was a mess out there!! I always knew I would dread when time came to bid adieu to this wonderful drama but that 'lil breakdown came out of left field and made me realize just how difficult it would be!

I decided to give QIHM a go and stopped watching it after a few minutes!! No doubt it's a wonderful drama but I just couldn't continue. Looks like I'll be taking a little breather from K-dramas for a bit. hahaaa.


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A 'lil giftie since you love them hands. Check out gif #3!! ackkkk


For laughs those blinding shoes he wore in the "me too" scene are golden in colour (bottom two gifs)!! hahaa


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our LSG looks dreamy and in love? He is glowing here!!!
golden shoes ???LOL


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Yeah, he's lookin' fist-bitingly fine!! hahaaaa

I like that he's looking mighty fresh despite working on the drama what with their crazy schedule and all!! It must be the fact that he's in love!! (sorry couldn't help myself....thnx Seung-gi for turning me into a rabid & annoying fangirl)


How can 1 dimple be so lethal? LOL'd at the golden shoes.


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unni you know me too well. *hugs*
*swoons*I looked at the shoes and laughed, flashback to mission seduce tara.
I'm going to be so ready for the next 2 episodes.
Life without K2H will be hard, but i'll try to bear. I'll be marathoning Queen In Hyuns man up till latest episode, hopefully that fills up the empty gap in my heart.
I saw some spoilers at koala's & am totally SQUEALING.


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Dear Mango,

Cheer up. Let's enjoy the last two episodes. And for you, my dear, prom and graduation are just around the corner. What an exciting time!

Be happy and good luck!


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=) AnnMichelle,

Thank you so much! And i will! so excited.. K2H is just totally killing it for me too.
I am slowly regaining my self for the next episodes to come.
(ilikemango's soul has now returned to her body, although she is still somewhat bruised)


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LOL. Mango, I fear that you'll be Slain Mango after Thursday if you're already like this.


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I was thinking she would be "Chopped Mango" LOL

@bruised mango
Hope you'll have a good time on your prom night and we'll see you on our doomsday next week :D


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"I was thinking she would be “Chopped Mango” LOL"

Hahaha! Too funny.


Maknae, you have to be strong! You cannot become salsa yet. *quickly calls Hang Ah to deliver pep talk ala Jae Shin*


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You guys... are so.funny.
Hahahah. This is why i'll miss everyone SO much.

Slain Mango, chopped mango. LOL.
To every one i ever replied to, to everyone who ever replied to me... I shall remember you guys with joy.
To all the K2H fanbase who followed this drama with such commitment and effort.. I love you guys.


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I just wanna share some videos of 1N2D that I found on youtube.
Lee Seung Gi is so adorable and lovely.Even ahjummas,kids and teenager love him. :D
Watching this video made me think that LSG is definitely gonna be a great dad :D

His teengage fans were so lucky being hugged by him



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Aw, cute and funny and touching. Such a sweet guy. I have converted to Airenism! Or LSG-ism. Love LSG.


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I envy those ajummas! I would have done the same - maybe back hug him too. As ajumma, it would be ok. Ha ha!


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Hello hearties! I dunno if someone has already posted this video but im want to share it again. It's exquisitely beautiful!



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Ahh...The FULL MV!!
I share the previes a few days, ago, thank you comrade @piamari!


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Swooning so hard, with flailing arms, & heart turned into a puddle of buttery goo!!

How am I ever going to find a semblance of sanity & orderliness in my life after encountering THE OTP (of OTPs)?!

That's one incredible fanvid!!


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Thanks for sharing! That really was beautiful. A work of art.


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Why did my tears start flowing uncontrollably?

I'm not ready to say goodbye.


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The tears -- I KNOW!!



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Thks, Saima! *hug back* Really needed it!


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Thank you so much for the link, @piamari.

I remember seeing an earlier (?) version of this. Everything is perfect. The edit, the scenes selected, the music (that seems to be the most difficult part as the BGM can easily be out-staged by our OTP), and the tenderest, sexist voice over. Oh my god, just love it!


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Oh WOW! Thank you @Piamari! This is really beautiful, I wonder if they were done by professionals. Thanks for sharing :D


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Oh my goodness! Thanks for the link. It's so beautiful.


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This fanvid exquisitely elevated Jae-ha's proposal with equally stunning editing, scene selection, and BGM!!

I didn't think I'd be any more in love with the Ah-Ha couple but this video dispelled that belief. And, now i'm screwed!!


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TK2H will be one of the most memorable kdrama in my entire asian drama watching history. it has all the elements that will keep you more and more interested as you watch it.... romance, comedy, suspense, and action. oh, and there's one thing more.... horror. thanks to bong-gu!


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True abt. the horror, though I hate to thank him for anything, so I'll just say "acknowledge." Yuck, I don't even like the sound of that!


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yeah the BongGu character supplies the" Hitchcock -ish " element , psychological horror- he knows how to screw up the minds, not necessarily a blood and gore villain ..

His dialogues are really twisted --- very cleverly written.
The actor did a fantastic job - he should get a supporting actor award.
in this drama - there are more than who could be nominees for best supporting actor (SK, BongGu,Eun Tae,- & actress (Queen and Jae Shin) . The characters are all memorable.
even Bon bon...can be best foreign actress? she is really creepy gets under your skin portrayal.


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ladies and gentleman...I'm off to watch these two wonderful episodes..please pray that I don't swell my eyes that much this time...

*still humiliated by the memories of friend's wedding last two weeks*


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Yay! Don't forget your facial tissues, or more economically (as someone wise said here), a towel.


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TK2H, Cry me a river...hahaheee...Towel is good suggestion ;)


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Indeed...this drama, still tearing and ripped me up even though I've known the plot. *Wiping tears with towel*

While watching, again I amazed at this drama. It's truly different experience just read the recaps and watch it.
Both of it has it's own benefit, by reading recaps, I found to understand the view and while watching, I'm deliberately putting myself into their emotion and catch the reason and all.

Just wait til I finished this episode #TK2H18 *push pause button


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Someone from previous posts also suggested to drink lots of water or you'll get dehydrated. Also was it @Nutella who taped tea bags on her eyes? LMAO


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Tea bags is good. Maybe cucumber slices, too.


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Thank you Girlfriday for doing the great recap & enjoy reading your personal views abt K2H.

The ending of ep18 made me nervous! I have no idea what was shi kyung thinking at that time, and what is his plan. Agree with you, I have the writer won't kill the bromance. I really love jaeha & shikyung relationship. I believe SK is someone with full of dignity & respect. Let's see what happen in the next ep.

And one of scenes that make my tears flowing:
• when hang ah imagined jaeha hugged her
• when jaeha rescued hangah in china prison. I really love seunggi acting here. His tears flowing naturally. He's not sobbing uncontrollably, he showed his sadness, we can feel his sadness through his expression, tears. He doesn't need to scream, or have a sob sob cry. I really salute seunggi acting!
• when princess jaeshin cried when SK brought her to a garden.

and there are many more memorable scenes which i love. I'm so loving King 2 Hearts! I really enjoyed these 2 months. Have a great times with all the cast in K2H, esp king jaeha.

My love to seunggi is more and more! haha! so sad that this week, we need to say goodbye to K2H.


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News update from WHO:
Scientists have been monitoring the development of the TK2H virus and discovered that those infected have been exhibiting more serious symptoms that were previously reported under comments of ep 16 recaps. These are the symptoms and by no means are they exhaustive:
1. Compulsive checking of comments under drama beans recaps and refreshing of websites related to TK2H.
2. Increased heart rate activity and blood pressure while watching TK2H.
3. Reconsidering friendships based on friends' appreciation of TK2H
4. Wishing for more skinships between Jae Ha and Kim Hang Ah
5. Having a silly grin on face while thinking about the kissing scenes between JH and HA.
6. Studying and analyzing TK2H harder than studying for literature in school.
7. Wishing that you should have studied harder for literature or had studied literature so that you can participate in the eloquent and intelligent analysis of TK2H. (that's me)
8. Were formerly a pacifist but now devising ways of torture for Bong Goo.
9. Constant drooling over Lsg.

Friends, co-workers and family members are advised to show interest or at least smile benevolently when those infected with TK2H virus or hearties(that is what they call themselves) want to share the drama(or the virus) with them.

Hearties are advised to check themselves into TK2H Anonymous when the drama is over. WHO expects that there will be overwhelming numbers of Hearties checking themselves in.


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How do we get vaccine, and is this curable?


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CRAP. I basically have all the symptoms you've listed...

Lovecityhall- this made me laugh so hard. I wish I could show this to everyone I know so they know how to handle me for the next week...


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I'm experiencing all of those! Is anyone of you going to TK2H Anonymous? I guess I'll be needing much help when it's all over.


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Waaaaaa! I still have all those symptoms from your previous post plus more of the above mentioned especially #7! LOLZ!

Please sign me up on the TK2H Anonymous ASAP. WARNING: People stay away from me for a few days after this drama ends if you want to live longer :D


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So true!! XD

We had discussed his dimple, his cheek, his mainly hand, his back, I mentioned his long legs, someone else mentioned his long and curly eye lash...what else the next?

Oh yea, Before I forgot, someone requesting we discuss about his lip, what do you think? ;) *pervy


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Discuss any parts of LSG bodies...I am IN! LOLZ


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Actually I had found one more part of LSG that might spark off new discussion...

His cute and sexy vamp teeth~


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I totally agree with your observation. Waaaaaaa.


o.O....Waw..this one..never discussed before kkk


Sssttttt.....His lips are kissable. *blush


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@Hang Ah
Yah! Hwangbin Mama...please don't rub it in...but hmmmm can you tell me more in details please *puppy eyes*


Speaking of his lips being kissable (and sorry if this has already been discussed), but LSG seems to me to be a better kisser than HJW. No offense to our lovely lady (sorry Hang Ah!), but the way he "gathers" her lips with his..nice. Um, maybe that was too graphic...


Clinic is full. WHO now recommends isolation, on an island due to overwhelming numbers. And to avoid further infection to family and friends.

No effective vaccine found yet. Cold Turkey doesn't work as Hearties continue to write intelligently and share comments since ep1-20 have been fully committed to memory.

WHO resort to daily TK2H drama + BTS dosage, as an alternative cure. But it is unknown how long it will take.

World Bank + IMF agree to help fund the cost of the island and treatment. It is estimated to be in billions like the 2008 US bailout of subprime loan crisis.


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@ lovecityhall. I tried ... but they told me it's full ... :P


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LOL.... I am travelling to S Korea to find a natural cure for TK2H virus. Perhaps the King can offer his guidance?


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save your money, I'm in South Korea and the people here are in line to see The King but as of now we haven't seen a glimpse of him...I think he's busy probably making some babies! LOLZ


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LOL! hahaha. oh, the mental picture you paint. *gets mind out of the gutter - with difficulty*


"....busy making babies"


On a serious note, I will have to give to give credit to his parents since this guy's so level-headed and down-to-earth. To be UBER famous and yet be real....woww!!


It's really need luck to meet Seung Gi (and you are lucky girl!!). I regret he steeped down from 1n2d and Strong Heart, not only for my weekly dosage but if he still in 1n2d,or strong heart at least we know where we can find him at Friday morning or when strong heart recording XD

Keep your head in line girl! *talk to my self*

LOL, you just remind me with one episode in 1n2d: a country grandmother didn't recognize seung gi as artist, and she need to back home by her self after sent off her daughter, the kindly Seung Gi offer to accompany her since their camera has light. At the end, the halmoni who still didn't know Seung Gi is a celebrity, with her back face Seung Gi and walked to her door, she said 'Someone raises their kid right'-(with her back face him, I catch that she didn't said this as a grateful gesture, but more like a mumble). I feel so touched at that moment!!


May i add in one more symptom?
* Neglecting household chores, children and hubbies.


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Oh dear, that is the symptom I exhibit the worst.


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Love your list! Pffft. Funny as always.

This virus really mutates at breakneck speed. I still exhibit the symptoms from your last list!

#7 is hilarious. That goes to me, too. (shit! I knew I shouldn't have slept through Lit 101 - it's coming back to haunt me :))

But heck! I EMBRACE all the symptoms willingly.

TK2H . . . you have forever branded me. *stands up proudly and show my scars (and eyebags)*


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I've stepped in the next symptom: sleep deprivation which make me sleepy all the time, even in the office...but I can't stop to look for the comment section *stare*


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I think I show symptoms like yours too.


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I've got basically all of these symptoms.. o_o
Wait! i need a vaccine for this because I need to be able to graduate with a sane mind.
Else i'll pass out and be wheel chaired down the aisle...


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OMG! I have all the symptoms! I've got it bad!! But worse, I don't want to be cured! This virus is truly amazing!


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Hearties a treat for your eyes! Found some really hot photos of lsg.


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I simply need to share these - especially those of you who love LSG. These are his 2 live performances which sealed my fate as an Airen for ever and ever :-)

Because You're My Woman

White Lie


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So Hot, and so cool. If that's possible. There's something about a man singing while playing on the piano, esp if that said man is handsome and charmimg!


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Tell me about it. And he plays basketball, too? Pick me up off the floor now, please.


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How does Seung gi do all these things -
singing career, tv hosting career, drama actor, variety shows, play piano, guitar, write songs, bachelors degree, masters degree-in progress,modelling, international shows....he is all of these and he also has good values and character which is most important and to top it off - embodied in a handsome hunk!!!!!!
I think he is an alien, a real gumiho???? - i mean he is like a super super man?
when does he find time to do these ??and he does each thing really well.
he is only 25 years old - what does that make me?

He is a role model to young people- no wonder even babies are attracted to him - and guys are jealous of him but can't help liking him--LOL, he does have fans from all ages.


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@ pervy mcpervy (Comment # 223):

Looks like Korean fans agree with you...they've petitioned for more kiss/skinship scenes b/w our OTP!!


Korean or int'l fans...we all want the same things, eh?!! :P


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haha, I'm pervy mcperv!

If only it would have an effect on the writers...


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@ Saima
Me too. Hands and legs all raised up! Would love to see more kisses between lsg and hjw. Just watched the video. The fridge kiss is really quite erotic. The chemistry between lsg and hjw is really off the charts.


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kkkkkk. definitely. more kisses. passionate ones. Can we have something sweeter and hotter than the fridge kiss? *shame on my pervy mind sometimes, but I love replaying the BTS fridge kiss---the longer version one, of course because the 'raw' one, the unedited one, is waaaaay hotter*


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No, no,no rule for spoilers is killing me! Awwwww...


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The vaccine will be revealed after ep 20. As for me, I don't want to be cured yet. I want to savour these last few days before the drama yet. Sob sob......


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No use for vaccine, it's strongly mutative. One week it's JH +positive, next week it's HA +positive, then SK +positive, then BG -negative, then JH+HA +positive .. then then JH bodyparts +positive. The combination is infinite. :P


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oh Wood! how true!! the mutation's bad over here too...


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"then then JH bodyparts +positive"

I lol'd at that. HAHAHA! Him and his bodyparts are so notorious.


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you are hopelessly K2H-addicted. i love your mutation theories. --- it is scary the way this virus travels - it is transferred via exposure to a screen - any type of screen - TV, computer, smartphone.....whoaaaaa
and at the moment incurable and no one is taking the task of finding one.


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I really wish that lsg and hjw will end up together in real life. They are so perfectly made for each other as mentioned in my comments in ep 16 recap. I feel that the man hjw has been waiting for has finally arrived. He didn't arrive earlier on because he was not ready yet. Now, finally he is ready! He is a man now and no longer a boy.


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Dunno if you know this but my poor fangirl heart swooned upon reading that Seung-gi has chosen Ji-won for the second time as his ideal type!!

Seung-gi do us fangirls/shippers proud!! Heck, Ji-won's even claimed recently that she cries just by looking into his eyes!! Quite a statement, eh?!


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Seung-gi really is bold hehhehe... Go seung gi!!!! :p


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the odds are big! but im all for it! can you imagine the chaos that will ensue if they DID date and it broke out??Cause for one its not just some ordinary celeb-dating-type of news..its an older woman-younger man relationship, and additionally, the younger man is Lee Seunggi, the original and ultimate noona-killer..
seunggi-yah! please date her already!


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The odds may be high but it's not like they have to get married. Just have a 'lil fling, please!! hahaaa


Me, too. Gosh! I can't focus at work with all these delicious thoughts you guys are suggesting. I just had to take a peek! I hope their reel love story continue in real life. *squeee*


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erm... this is Korea. i don't think celebrity flings are condoned. so if they are planning a fling, it'll be super secretive and we won't know about it.


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I don't think he thought about what he's saying...
And that's way is so honest ;)


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Quote : "Ho-dong notes that Seung-gi seems less like a cute kid and more like a man these days"

1N2D Ep 342 DB :



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No trailer for ep 19 yet? I've been lurking the mbc site and various lsg sites but there has been no updates.


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Nope, I haven't seen one either...*biting my fingernails*


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I'll be missing this drama a lot.Goodbye to all the hearties and commenters. Will be hard to watch another show since K2H set a high standard.


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Er, do you guys have any news if there's another OST that's gonna come out soon?


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hmm, no news yet if there will be a part 2!! :/


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crossing my fingers there's going to be one!!


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I like to say my thankyous too, to everyone now when I can still “see” and “touch”, the recovered souls. Who knows what will happen after this week final eps ?

Everyone have been so welcoming, it’s nice to be able to write something fairly decent and still receive so much feedback.

If I may borrow rearwindow’s “two facets of Hang Ah” metaphor, I see all of you have that too : One minute writing such insightful and intelligent comments, another minute turning into lusty broads and open perv, lol .. But it's fun how we switches between the 2. Then very soon, the two facets becomes one, it turns out that everyone are such awesome individuals.

To be so comfortable in both facets, I think, one probably live a fulfilling life "out there", don't you think so ?

It is fate that brought this dream team together - pd, writer, casts. It is also fate that brought us together - this drama, here in DB, among the many dramas, and TK2H sites.

It’s been my privilege watching and writing alongside with all of you... What a journey it has been ! I hope to “see” you again at Ep20. Meanwhile, please drink lots of water, take Vit Cs, and catch more sleep while you can... love, :)


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Why am I suddenly tearing up? Aw, Wood! You're making me so emotional right now. And it's not even Wednesday yet!

But cheers to us who have serendipitously found DB, this TK2H Beanut Gallery, and ultimately, each other. My viewing experience would not have been the same without you. To all of you kindred souls, I am forever grateful for all the happy times and spazz-tastic and laugh-out-loud moments.

Two more episodes to go, so this is not yet goodbye. Let's buck up and prepare physically (see Wood's prep list above) and mentally for one more pair of emotional rollercoaster rides.

And don't forget the towels (and security blankets). We'll surely gonna need it.


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I'm tearing up,...why do everybody already saying goodbye?? I don't want to..

I don't want to ..don't want TT___TT...


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I'm not doing this...it's not over until is over!!!!!
Wood I don't wanna use towel!


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Ooohhhh.. Everything eventually ends, I know. But it's just hard to prepare for this inevitable goodbye.:(


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:( *sobs


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I'm still in denial right now. I don't want it to end yet. Nope, it's not ending yet...lalalalalalala...I can't hear you! What did you say? llaalalalalala :(


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See I can't even put my post right! It's suppose to go under "273"!!! Is it Wednesday yet? I want it to be Wednesday already but at the same time I don't...waaaaa! I'm going CRAZY! I need to go to bed but I can't sleep...*counting JAE HA 1 JAE HA 2 JAE HA 3* Nyahahaha


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I am prepared for this week. I bought 2 Nutella jars...


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Oh, funny you should say that, because I went to the store to buy ONLY MILK but ended up buying some Nutella dip stick thingies, too. Our Nutella inspired me to buy something I didn't originally intend to buy. Of course, my hunger had something to do with it. But I might have more likely bought a favorite of mine, Twinkies, except that "Nutella" jumped out at me (on the way to the milk aisle).

Hey, we have a Twinkie here, too, right, come to think of it. Oh dear, I am eating before my next trip to the store.


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Oops! I just noticed it's Twinkle, not Twinkie. Sorry!


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get me a jar and a spoon and i'll clean it all for you within an episode of K2H.


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Since it's Victoria Day here in Canada....have been lounging and Seung-gi cyber-stalking. I came upon perhaps the most heart-melting post ever on our boy!!

Ladies, if you weren't in love with him before you will be NOW!!


Swooooon @ #2, 3, 6, 7, and last (ackkk, my heart)!!

His mum sounds awesome. No wonder he's soo friggin' awesome. There's nothing more heartwarming than a guy who's good to his parents and the elders!! <3


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The last one! Oh my goodness! He's too perfect. Wow! What a dreamboat! No wonder every mother wants him to be their son-in-law.

I don't know if I should thank you or not for wreaking havoc to my (in)sanity with that link. heeheehee. Much appreciated. Thanks, Saima!


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If I'm gonna go down in my rabid fangirl love for Seung-gi, I'm gonna take the rest of ya'll down as well!! heh.



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I'm with you, sister.:)


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Every mom dream...


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The following quote sounds more accurate to me than the previously stated quotes from LSG during his interview this weekend. which is true? I dont know, however I cannot believe that he would state the previous statement at this point in time even if true, it just would not be a smart move ... here is the other quote"

The actor revealed in the new interview, “My ideal type changed from the dumb and voluptuous type recently. Ha Ji Won sunbaenim (senior) is my ideal type. I found her very attractive while filming together with her.”


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Am I the only one who's o.O at his prior ideal type to being "dumb..." types?!

Is it still Seung-gi that we're talking about, right?! hahaa


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I think there was something lost in translation and context there. I believe he said that his type were ditzy, glamourous types- but he said it in a way that was obvious he was just going for the laugh. I don't think he was being serious. Also they were starting promotions for K2H, so he was also referencing his character liking those types.

In a later interview he says that the ditzy glamourous types are great too, but they have never really been his ideal, however through Jaeha he can see how that type of girl would be well liked.


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Thank you for clearing it up!!

I wanted to point out I wasn't being disrespectful to the type mentioned previously. From his 1n2d personality it just surprised me that he'd have gone with said type!!


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@ Saima
Someone commented about that interview. Said that the interpreters had got it wrong. Seunggi was not referring to his personal type of girls, but Jae Ha's. That interview was conducted before the first airing of TK2H and they asked Jiwon what type of men Hang Ah liked. Then they asked SG about his preferential type (implied as JH), but interpreters got it wrong.

I watched the interview again and concur with the comment. SG answered as JH's character. Initially, I was stumped that he could say something like that. So sexist and out of character. So I'm relieved that it was a misinterpretation. just that it was not edited.


This is favorite translation:

“Senior Ha Ji Won is my real dream lover. After cooperating, I completely fall into her.”



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ha ha that one makes me laugh, the way its phrased..

I swear they all do this for the shows publicity, these stars and their management team are too smart to allow serious comments of this nature to be put out there. The interviews are half scripted, and the questions are asked to get these kind of responses. But if it makes some viewers believe all the hype, and the viewers like the nonsense than that's great. LOL


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Glad I'm not the only one think it's just for PR purpose, LSG is known as promotion master. I also think if LSG really has feeling for HJW, he'll never give a direct answer like that, it's not good for both of them. More important, ideal type and the one you love isn't always the same person (like Jae Ha - Hang Ah). And with their character, I have a feeling both will end up with non-celerities.


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Care to elaborate more? I'm interested in hearing your views.


*dehydrated* I enjoyed each moment of episode 17, even with tears eversince. But, I still post my comment for episode 17-very late eh?-:

-Someone here had noticed it...I remember...Jae Ha’s face when Hang Ah’s suddenlt tearing up. Lee Seung Gi is great, I don’t know how many times I had typed that before. Previously I thought he’ll do some overacting bit, but seriously, the king just raises his eyebrow a bit....but we know he know ‘something is not right’. Lee Seung Gi’s acting is improved, we know what happen inside of Lee Jae Ha through his tiny gesture, grinding teeth, eyes...all portraying Jae ha perfectly. Surely, it must be part of the script, but as a whole? I don’t think so. Lee Seung Gi definitely has his turning point of being an actor, and I say this...not based on how he tears up like before...but how he portray the emption through tiny changes.

- The more I watch, the more I'm amazed at the detail that had been prepared by the staff for us. Do you noticed that we actually only introduced to 3 intruders for 'rescue' mission? Dong Ha, Yong Bae, and Not-Shi-Kyung? But...do you notice that you suddenly know who is the 4th member by the time he walk into the China border? Yes, a royal guard. I always laugh at him, I mean, how can be this royal guard is being anywhere in the whole drama, even mostly in frontline...
He was there when Bonbon search for jae kang's pension, in fact, he is the dumb royal guard who shakes hand with Bonbon's minions. When the captain comes to informs th (former) king about Jae Shin, he was stepping into camera focus. He was also there when sec. eun publicize Jae Ha is now a king. He was following jae Ha when he went to North. He really is everywhere! No, as the production team keep giving us details, I'm thinking, probably for this? So we can notice easily who is the 'rescue team' even without introduce him formally?

-The next thing I know, I’m cursing the OST album! They need to included all!! The BGM during escape, Jae Shin hostage in pension perfectly grasp my heart, and ripped it little by little

-When Jae Ha pick up call from Eun Kyu Tae..is a beginning that he start to forgive him, He is ready to talk now, even not much.

-I’m watching a drama series right? Not a movie? But why do many little details? The photograph from light to shadow? The shadow-rain between father and son? the wormholes in leaves? Why does this drama keep amazed me?

-It’s Shi Kyung who becames Jae Shin turning point to dig her memory, when she saw him cries...but what she doesn’t know that...it’s her that makes shi kyung cry.

I..definitely want to praise the sound director...the thunder during Shikyeong’s rage, chirping sound when Jae Shin captured..wow..just wow...

Will continue later...for now I need big mug(s) of water


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Bad grammar, sorry...I'm still sleepy...


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LOL just think if it did not have spell check


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@ reglest

Enjoy reading your comment :) - I think i watched ep 17 and 18 so many times that I have also noticed all these little things all. It's to the point where I'm even checking out the bodyguards to see who is who. It's kind of nice to have a sense of familiarity when they're all there for Jae Ha.

I wish sometimes they'll have more facial expression than just looking like a bodyguard lol - Like at that time in ep 18 when they see Hang Ah in the prison. Anyways they're all cool so don't mind me.

And I also agree with LSG's expressions. Actually HJW's expression is also awesome. Actually all of them's really good. But it's those tiny little expressions that just say it all.


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Keke...Ha Ji Won is off the chart-in good way- No one doubt her^^


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Yay!!! It is already Tuesday and I think we will all be surprise by Ep 19 because even up to now there has been no leaks as to pictures or previews. Which I must say in this day and age is truly amazing.


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Guam if you have time go to Koala's playground...have some fun...enjoy until wednesday...it's coming...


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I am not familiar with the site. Can you give me the link?


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Please ignore my previous request. Do not give me any information. I appreciate it and thank you! ^_^


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Hehe, there are actually quite a bit of spoiler pics floating around now, one of them particular huge XD but since there's a no-spoiler policy here, head over to soompi if you want to see them, but I doubt you want to anyway, it's just one day left till it airs, better to resist the urges hehe


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I am dying. How do you resist such urges. I don't know if I can. Oh my gosh, what have I done to myself. I shouldn't have asked in the first place. Stupid me, all my fault. Oh, what to do???


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lol hang in there! only one day left! :P I'm one of those who succumbed to their urges haha but don't be like me! you can do it! fighting! XD but really though, the writer always surprises us even with all the spoilers around, remembering back to all the previous episodes, there's always a twist somewhere hehe


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*~Holds Guam back~* Hang in there it's only one more day! And think of how awesome it will be to be on the edge of your seat with no idea what's coming! You can do it. Be strong! Guam fighting!


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I'm a spoiler freak so any good spoiler is one less worry for me.

*is happy/anxious*


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Watching Sec Eun and Shi Kyung fishing together reminds me of Seung Gi fishing in 1n2d. So I watch the episode after rewatching ep 18 for the nth time.
When his hyungs get many fish, he even doesn't get a single one. All his hyungs are back to the basecamp now, but he insists to stay until he gets one. How adorable he is when he finally gets one after a long wait. Oh, and at the same episode we get to see cute seung gi with puppy. So cute.
After having crying tears, now I have laughing tears. Countdown to episode 19.


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Is that the same episode where he went to Ahjumma truck lady to make Sushi for his hyungs after catching all those fish? :D


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Yeah, it's actually Episode 176 (Manjae-Do trip) aired on 31 Oct 2010 (unsubbed ver).

Seunggi was so cute, after catching all the fishes, he said goodbye to loads of them and released them back into the sea. The rest became sushi as Osi mentioned above.... :-)


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Sorry, LSGLover - re : sushi :-)


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You're right hearties. It's episode 176. ;)
TK2H sometimes reminds me of 1n2d.
When seung gi said that HA is a heodang, I rewatch 1n2d ep 36 when Kim C gave him that nickname.
The scenes where HA and QD swims in the river reminds me of 1n2d ep 102, trip with best friend. It reminds me of the stream they used for the water game. And yes, I've rewatched it as well.


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I mean *JH said that HA is a heodang....
not seung gi


and dont forget when JH suggests to do mok-ji-pa (?) during the WOC... :D


LOL, this drama using Seung Gi as reference for 1n2d, remember in episode 5 when queen mother tell the boys that Jae Shin will be back? Jae Ha suggesting three of them plays Kkung-Kkung-Ta like the past :D

In episode 14: Muk-Ji-Bba, Kkung-Kung-ta Gong-Gong-Chil-Pang ? LOLOLOL


and... of course the big white bear in Bonggu's room! That gigantic bear totally reminds me of an 1n2d!


It would be nice if they add Jae Ha, Shi Kyung, and Dong Ha together in a shower scene...just like in 1N2D hehehe


Oh yeah now I remember and he said something like "Oppa will set you free" I'm like "ahhhh lucky fish on the hands of LSG" LOLZ


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Seung gi proves that NOONAS are HOT!!! Cheers to all noonas like me hahahaha!


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I am with youuuuu.......


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@ Minea
Showed my hubby Seunggi's clip ,where he meets a battalion of ahjummas .Told hubby to take a look at what I'd like ,correction , LOVE for a Son in law . Think I'm getting too kraaazy over this sweetheart .Its gonna be tough for my girls if LSG's gonna be my yardstick!
@ Saima
Yes , I willingly jump in wt u in fangirling .No Push required .
No, u aren't d only one who's O_o over his choice . Doesn't compute with all that he is. But in reality, there r really such guys who specifically want this typpa gals.
(Hubby Best buddy whose ws a double E scholar fr USC & Yale stated his type 'not too bright , chirpy all d time , full of aegyo , dun question & argue , & physically voluptous. He Really got what he wanted.Says he dsn't need intellectual conversations when he gets home fr hard day's work .Just a aegyo-fied question-free(stress free) ample-endowed wife.2 kids later,he's still v happy. But its conversationally stifling for double dates though. )
@ Ship-mates
LSG gifted our ship wt a Bright Huge Fresh Sail !
It doesn't matter how his intentions are dissected & scrutinised to death . Whether its a calculated move by his management or a puppy's gut move.
My rules for fangirling aren't too strict.This is what dreams are made of . All for da Love of Romance !
I Hear . I See . I Squee . I Dream.


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Reminder of what GirlFriday said about spoilers.


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I want to be able to read her awesome recaps.


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Oh please! Pretty please...
I'm resisting my self from spoiler and all because I want to read GF's awesome recap!!


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Official preview from MBC shouldn't be considered spoilers. And people can choose whether to click anyway so I think this is within the rules.


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Thank you Topper. I think the same way as you.
That's why i decided to post for my fellow hearties.
Even after each episode ended, preview will always show. however, this round, the preview is not available.

In any case, if this is meant as a spoiler, I am sorry.
The only thing that human cannot fathom is the heart. If it is to blame, please blame my heart for loving this TK2H drama and my heart for my fellow hearties to ease them this long wait. You can spit on me, throw stones or step on me...

(sounds familiar? can you quote which episode is that?)


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I think it is episode 5.


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Hmm.. I don't know since GF said 'even remote spoiler' so I'm a bit afraid, sorry for being panic.

But, @panda, next time -to avoid probability for spoiler is- I think it's better to just tell us: the spoiler already out in MBC official site, it should be safer. Thanks in advance


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ep. 11? the line JH said to Sec. Eun when they heard the news about the miscarriage?


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Jae Ha's public announcement at the stadium that he loves Hang Ah :P


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argh yeah, right. I should've just checked it on GF's recap -__-"


I think the same as Topper and Panda. Previews usually flash at the end of epis and most people watch those. They don't have to if they don't want to. Same way - you can click link if you want to and not click if you don't.

Just viewing (without any other action) Panda's comment does not spoil us. Clicking the link might.

*off to watch epi 5*


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I agree. It's just the link. And that's clearly worded. Click at your own risk I say. I'm going to resist! Only one more day.


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thanks for this!!

tsk all good things must come to an end. :(


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Seung-gi deffo knows how to 'werk it'!! *squees*

Performing with Baek Ji Young (in 2009) who's 11 yrs his senior and they have sizzling chemistry onstage:


He's a veteran when it comes to turning the puppy on/off!



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one of the things that I'm gonna miss when this drama ends is how we, the hearties, share some linkies... *sigh*


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oh yes, definitely going to be miss all of you....it's been a real treat hanging out on DB with all the Hearties !!!


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and I sense lots of Airens around also :-)


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You know...
It's because we discuss it here that this drama being so meaningful...

We have many heads to think, many eyes to see...

Imagine if we just watch it alone..we might be don't understand the drama since it's so complex and deep. And to know there are too many truth not revealing yet..

@yellow buttercup:
Do you think we need to make Hearties conference after this? For indonesian?XD


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kkkkk... I guess that's a great idea!


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You are so right ~I've missed so many points/scenes that I'm to the point I felt so dumb for not realizing or seeing them myself! LOLZ

Thank you hearties for sharing your intelligent/high quality reviews for people like me who only knows how to watch dramas without analyzing it in detail. It's really a great honor to be part of this and learn so much from all of you who are from different parts of the world.

The last two episodes are almost here that makes me excited and sad at the same time.


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Eva, I think everybody here also feel the same. Surely we can't catch it all, Since we have very limited brain! Thus many heads here summed it all, and we found awesome conclusion at the end.

But what makes this interesting...is the discussion toward the process...we learn, we think, we argue, we agree...that's what makes this thread awesome. For me, I tried to tell our conclusion here to fellow hearties out there, but the reaction isn't as good as I expected. Just 'WOW!' Then it's the end, I think it's understandable because they don't involved in the process.

Btw..this is definitely syndrom #6 and #7 that wood mentioned above..*shakes head*


Syndrome #6 and #7 plus the fact that English is my second language and I hated english subjects back then and still now! But it's the language that I have to read & write here in DB! HA! The story of my life! LOLZ! :D


One more example cute + funny + hawt + sexy


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this one KILLED me in epic way.... listen to this everyday tens of time made me feel like live in heavenly kingdom of LSG....


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Absolutely agree.....I always love his live performances....

Here's one more of him singing I Was Born To Love You


Just as @Nobody said "cute + hawt + sexy"


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I CAN'T WITHOUT SPOILRS. But If you must...resist.


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Try to hang in there my friend...we are almost there...next thing you know this drama is over....waaaaaa *can't stop myself from crying* sniff


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Dear K2H,

I know I'll be seeing you tomorrow. But the uncertainty of what you'll be bringing kills me. Your nature suggests that you'll have grand gifts with you; I just hope that everyone gets their share of your good treats (except Bong-gu, please). I have spent the past week preparing for our meeting, and, sadly, for our inevitable goodbye. So please stop entering my mind even just for today. In that way, when tomorrow comes, I can stay with you for as long I want and linger in the memories you'll be leaving behind.


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Just read that Moon geun Young , another A lister actress , upon watching K2H , admires & envies HJW . I absolutely adore & appreciate MGY & know she's can do most every portrayal expected ,and then some. She's more for intense emotional projections.
I hope Geun Young gets a chance soon to work wt Seunggi . That should be great to watch to . When that happens , I'll be glued to d screen again .
But for action-pack kick butt shows , I know she can't replace HJW . Its a special Niche carved out by HjW for herself . She's untouchable as Queen of Action with the perfect blend of Beauty & Brawn .


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Well said @Jade Butterfly. i can't think of another actress in the k-drama space like Ha Ji Won. In fact, even outside of k-drama/movie space!


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Let's add one more "B" word to that: beauty, brawn, and brains! I'm consistently impressed by how smart Hang-ah is about what dramas and what roles she wants to tackle. Is there anything this woman can't do?


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@Jade Butterfly
"She’s untouchable as Queen of Action with the perfect blend of Beauty & Brawn"

Absolutely agree! I don't think I'll ever get tired of her seeing in action scenes. She's ooozzzinng with amazingness when she 's doing her stunts!
- Jumping on top of the carnival and kicking all those bad guys trying to harm the King
- The scenes when she and the Queen Mother escaping from Bong Gu's lair ~ firing her gun, breaking someone's neck, etc
- Jail break scene with all those stu*** chinese guards

Wish she's got more of kick a$$ action scenes on the final 2 episodes :D


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Wish she’s got more of kick a$$ action scenes on the final 2 episodes

Errmmm...was going to comment on that but since we've got a "no spoiler" policy in place, if you've seen the preview, you'll know what I mean....:-)


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Thanks for the info...I'll check the preview right now...I don't want you to get into trouble :D


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Did you watch her on Win Win recently? She gets so very badly injured cos she's really in on the action. My heartso aches for her. She's a lady & at 34 , I'm guessing she's only got a few good years of flying from tree to any hot tin roof . I'm concerned.
This glorifying title of Queen of Action has a hidden double edged cut
. Hope people in d industry don't typecast her as JUST a 'great for Action ' Star only. Oh yes , Asian Star Michelle Yeoh is still kicking butts at d grand age of 49yrs. Hope HJW will have an industrious acting career whether kicking butts or not. Me thinks she needs a husband.
To echo Kang Ho Dong on Golden Fishery, when HJW expressed loneliness , he said " You need to find Love "
Agreed . She's high-kicking her way into her 30s so beautifully but I wish Crazy happiness & Love for her!


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@Jade Butterfly,
Oh yeah I've seen her on Win Win and I really admire her for being so professional and devoted to her career. She's really one of a kind. When I saw her in person, I can't actually believe my eyes that she's so tiny but healthy looking gorgeous female. I think she's actually a lot prettier in person than on screen just like LSG.

When you said "You need to find love" ~ I agree with you because I know how it feels like to be single and I'm 3% too! LOL! Everybody deserves to have that one special person in their life but if not, I wish that she'll stay happy and content with her life. I'd love to see her more on screen or on TV!


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@ LSGLover
Thats a good age. Confident in yr own skin .And ince you're in SK , may I wish you success in finding your 'Seunggi' & hope that Love & Romance follow you thru out !
* sprinkling fairy/ angel dust on LSGlover *


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@Jade Butterfly
Thank you for the fairy/angel dust! *grabbing my beach umbrella right now* don't want to waste any of it! LOL!


Is there any link to watch that episode of Win Win with English subs? I can't seem to find it... :(


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I don't have the Win Win with eng subs...this is the closest I can find for you. I'm sorry :(



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Boosaysharingiscaring usually record Win Win too, let's hope she will record this episode too, :)


hi @Angel. try Ha Ji Won's page on soompi forum. I found it there, it's 4 videos on facebook. check the last few pages on the forum - it shd be there still. Gd luck!


@ Angel
been digging everywhere to find it for you.Not been succesful .Sorry . I dug for weeks ,then found & saw it AND forgot where I ventured into. it was embedded in a video wh was embedded in anothe. Ya know what I mean. Will give u a whistle when I finally find it.


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I'm your angel for now. :D

Here are the facebook vids of Ha Ji Won's Win Win Interview (with subs) & Happy Together Interview with subs (the interview where she said that LSG is her ideal costar) cr: Amazing Couple (Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won) FB page

part 1: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=278331412261225&set=o.225259534171368&type=2

part 2: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=278331578927875&set=o.225259534171368&type=2

part 3: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=278354405592259&set=o.225259534171368&type=2

part 4: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=279119005515799&set=o.225259534171368&type=2

part 5: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=279221525505547&set=o.225259534171368&type=2

Happy Together Guesting of Ha Ji Won (she arrived halfway that's why there are only two parts)

part 1: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=292151580879208&set=o.225259534171368&type=2

part 2: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=292185064209193&set=o.225259534171368&type=2



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Kamsahamida Kumon! I really enjoyed watching both shows. Have a deep respect for Ha Jiwon now. She not just a pretty face!

Btw, do you happen to know which episode of Happy Together Seunggi was in?


Ha Ji Won is not really just a pretty face. She's a complete package just like Seung Gi. :) I don't know what episode of Happy Together Seung Gi was in. Mianhamnida(in Hang Ah's accent)


Today was the most boring day...but seeing these clips, made my day. Thanks for sharing kumon. I had a glimpse of who Ha Jiwon is in real life.


Right, ok..before I post a long comment about episode 18 -and cursing the non appearing BGM in the OST album- I'd like to say something: I believe 100% with Shi Kyung!

First, we should crack the code! -anyone success? I'm not XD- But I believe it's not that easy as it seem..well it's Jae Ha by the way

2nd. The moment Shi Kyung answer his question in call, Jae Ha's face being a bit different, yunno he looked up,like remember something. No one notice? Well, maybe it's just me imagine that XD

3rd.. I hate to say this, but don't you feel Jae Ha's kiss and 'I'll be back' to Hang Ah similar with Shi Kyung to Jae Shin's? Plus, when Hang Ah said she want to go, Jae Ha put his hand over her. This is a subconscious gesture of upperhand, in other word Jae Ha wasn't requesting Hang Ah to not go, but he was ordering her to not go.

4th. In the meeting point, I don't see Dong Ha. As far as I know, Dong Ha is the 2nd in line Jae Ha's side kick after Shi Kyung. Where is he by the way? -hoping and praying he is ordered to trailing Jae Ha after-

5th. Since the director is a VERY.DETAILED person. I convince my self that the when they shows us the chip behind Shi Kyung's ear, Shi Kyung mouthing something to Jae Ha..or that's what I hope so...

Now...let's pray what I think is right..and.. IS IT WEDNESDAY YET?


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Kyaaaa hearties!! I just read a major daebak spoiler and i'm dying since i can't say it here! I think i'm going to explode from ***********!!!!!


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Haha...I think I just saw the same spoiler that you mentioned !!!

Mums the word !!!!!!!!


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Any hint you can give us without breaking GF rules about spoilers because I am dying to know. Please!


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I don't know how.. i'm not even sure if i can give you the link...otttookeee! can someone help Guam2000...hmmm let me think...google tryp96 and go to that site... I didn't disobey GF law right?


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Lets scoot outside to scream together . Shhh...this way!


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One....two....three !



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Let me join you guys~~~!


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You guys are killin' me! *breathe in, breathe out* *hyperventilate!*


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OK! Don't ! DON'T TELL ME THERE IS SPOILER AVAILABLE!!*resisting hands to type the site name* Heeeelllppp~!!please tie my hand or just brain wash it to avoid the spoiler..pleaseee!!! Jaeball!! *seung gi's song*


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*evil grin* I know you want to...c'mon do it! there's rotten cookies with nutella spread waiting for you if you click on that site...hihihihihi

ooohhhh Jaebal (Please) I love that song!!!


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Aiiiiiii~ Noooooo~ Please stop my handdddd~ Seung Gi Oppaaaaa~




I saw some of these things that you commented on but somehow convinced myself that I was reading too much into it. (Guess I thought I was imagining it)


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No, you must CONVINCED that you see it!
Look at episode 10! I saw the password screen, but I ignore that, and now it's come true! We don't know how many tricks hidden in the writers and director's sleeve...


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*seeking for friends to comporting self*


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Let me call Bon Bon for you *speed dial #1,000,000*


Make sure you hang up on her too ... it's de rigueur now for that camp.


Interesting, interesting observations. need to watch ep 18 again.


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pssst on your #3 Check out my post #239...LOLZ


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I noticed that ;)


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I am having a mental breakdown right now.... somebody pleaseeee help me!!!!!


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Let me hug you tightly!


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OMG please.. safe my soul..... Jae Ha oppa!!!!!


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Oh dear, I envy you. Can I also get a hug?


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here's some rotten cookies for you. enjoy! these are enough for you to eat while waiting for the 19th episode *evil laugh


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YA!! You fake!!
How dare you to use that name hoooo....??


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yaaa Kim Bong Gu.. get a plastic surgery please OMG.... what's with the face???


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@ reglest
"the director is a VERY.DETAILED person."
I totally agree. Writer & Director are colluding to spin our minds into a twirl with all their details & hidden clues . I think they are on to us .
They know we're Sherlock Hearties & Co here !


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@Jade Butterfly:
Dear...We've found some interesting things over this drama which make us popping eyes literally, there are some that I keep for now...wait until the last episode..I'll tell you another that I've discussed with another hearties out there :)


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OooooH ! Please don't forget you'd share.
I so wanna know dear. Dun get too excited that you forget huh!hee hee


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Dear Hearties

I truly enjoy all the witty, intelligent and sometimes "pervy" comments and discussions. This is the first time I have taken such a great or obsessive interest in a kdrama. But I have no regrets because I get to do it together with all of you here.

I'm the only daughter in my family and I always long for a sister. I think I have found my long for sister! Not only have I found a sister here but many sisters. We are like a real family here. Though we have different opinions and yet we help to bring out the best in each other. Almost everyone here is so generous and big hearted, wanting to share the good stuff that they know about the drama.

The best part about being infected with the TK2H virus is that I am part of a wonderful family of Hearties! You guys are awesome and I really hope that we can get to meet one day if any of you come to Singapore.


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I'm an only child so I'd love me a sis or bro too.
I'm from Singapore too .hee hee.
on top of being totally obsess wt K2H , I loved loved loved City Hall ( starring KSA & CSW ). unless you mean you mean our country's City Hall...Hahaha!
Tomorrow ,I'll think of my S'pore hearties who are watching & spazzing over k2H at the same airtime together!


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@Jade butterfly @LoveCityhall @babes @ Jia Min and other hearties from Singapore

Been thinking about this for some time. I'm from Singapore too. Shall we have a hearties gathering after the last episode? It'll be school hols then. S'pore so small, we can easily meet, say over high tea and discuss and spazz over TH2K till our hearts' content. Also it would be lovely to actually meet you guys in person?

What do you think?


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I think its a SUPER IdeA!!
We shd do it the week right after when we're all still having withdrawal syndrome! How about d rest?


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That sounds fun! I wish I have Boong Do's talisman so I can teleport and join you hearties *sniffs*


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I'd like to stare into da eyes that stared into da video that stared at LSG too!!


I would have love to go plus I have friends over there that I'd love to see too but the timing is so wrong... :( Hope you all have fun ^_*


Count me in! How are we going to do this?


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I love you too dear.. we are the Hearties Sisterhood!!!!


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I love my City Hall, too! (nah) Actually, I loved City Hall, the kdrama.

I'm not from Singapore, but I love that we come from all over the world, all walks of life, and are able to meet here to converse with one another about a favorite kdrama, TK2H. Someone's dream that we all watch the finale together...that would be superb. Though we'll not be in the same room, we will be watching from our corners of the world.

I am one of six siblings, but I feel everyone here is like an extended family. I've been having so much fun here, and it's an education, too. I'll be needing my towel so bad when it ends, but hopefully we can meet again (so it doesn't need to get too drenched).


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I have been mostly reading all the comments but I have to say that it felt like I belong!!! An extended family indeed, mirroring the great relationships in the drama.


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And I'm sure you also have found some brothers. ;)

Kim Sun Ah is one of my favorite actresses.


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@ OSi
KSA,Her show's taking over next week. Think I'll watch it to try & calm my nerves K2H withdrawal trauma.


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Yes, yes. But somehow, it hasn't fully grab my interest yet.


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Okay, a fail post. lol

and *grabbed


@HANG AH @Osi:
LOLs...Osi..this is also you?? Hahaha..
Ok..so what post now you being Hang Ah? Oh, wait...or do you do this consciously? Or not? Aigoo..I'm used to looking too far because of this drama


Latest update from WHO
Latest symptom discovered by scientists today:
Many hearties are pulling out their hair in frustration over the preview. They are greatly troubled over what is going to happen.

Freinds, colleagues and family members are advised to bear with their preoccupied minds. Please repeat instructions or conversation loudly if the Hearties seem to have a out of body moment. This will help to bring them back to earth from TK2H land.


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they should build a mental institution for us.. how do we have to continue on living if we can never have our pre TK2H normal life back??? OTTOKE??


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Does your insurance cover the mental breakdown? I'm seriously need that after this drama!!


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too bad it doesn't.... but I don't mind.. torcher me more please... this cruel world is so boring thank God for the warm and breezy Hallyu wave that amazingly touching this boring grey, cold and windy beach of my pre TK2H heart.......

a zombie die hard TK2H heartie deep rooted in the core of every cell of my bones.


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Hearties, been following all the witty comments that made me squeal more often than enough.

I just love your on-going description of the symptoms! Too true!!!


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Loveliest Hang Ah's OST... Hang Ah's dream.

Finally my lovely Hang Ah.. all your dreams and wishes are about to become reality. You voiced all of our biggest achievement in womankind.. You, Kim Hang Ah.. is the proof of the successful of God's creation. I am proud to have the same gender!!!

Who run the world??? us!!!! WOMEN!!!



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Aww, this is my favorite track. This is the first BGM I recognized from the episode 1. I love it.


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'Who run the world??? us!!! WOMEN!!!' thumbs up!
We all rock like Kim Hang Ah! Yeojas Fighting! :D


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Yah! Bong Gu-ya! I knew it! You're one of us! You're in love with Jae Ha! Go back at the end of the line and wait for your turn OK! Or I will break your neck just like what Hang Ah did on one of your guys!


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Bong Gu-yah, so, you.are.a.woman? LoL ;) Hah, i knew it, that's why you face-punched our dear Kim Hang Ah...


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love love love this.
thanks!!! :)


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The password has to be for something. During Shi Kyung and Jae Ha's debrief, they came up with a password. What is it for? Please tell me it's some kind or mental mechanism that they learned from the therapist to suppress Shi Kyung's memory and when u say it, he'll be free and back to normal. Hahahaha.....my mind is that open.


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@Jade Butterfly
Hurray there is another Singaporean here! Let's high five! None of my friends are interested in this show. I thought Singaporeans are not interested in this kdrama. I love city hall too! It was my no 1 kdrama but has been dethroned by TK2H. I live in Punggol. How about you?

@ kappy
I m so glad you like city hall too. I thought the chemistry between csw and ksa was amazing but the chemistry between lsg n hjw is off the charts. Long live TK2H!

Isn't it amazing that though we are of different races, languages, religions and family backgrounds, we can bond so seamlessly over TK2H.

Love all of you!


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I'm at Bukit Timah . Ponggol..are you teochew ? Cos historically , thats a teochew enclave. I'm a true blue teochew( all paternal & maternal grandparents r teochews).If not, then I've jz talked alot..sowwy.
I love KSA & CSW's amazing chemistry but was deprived of shipping them cos CSW's happily married.
So I'm having heaps of fun here , dreaming that Seunggi's now even more crushed over his crush ,HJW . And imagining poor HJW trying to control her 'cougar' side.
Are u gonna watch 'live' 2mw night ? I'm gonna.
Can't wait!


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Oops sorry to include brothers! Welcome to the Hearties family!
I am also a fan of KSA. I m looking forward to I do I do!

@Jade Butterfly
I m not a teochew, I m a Hakka.
Oh we think alike! I love them together but didn't ship them as csw is married.
I enjoy shipping lsg and Hjw as everyone can see they have such amazing chemistry together and they are so compatible.
I have been watching live for 2 weeks on ionairtv ever since pps stopped screening TK2H. I m going to watch live tomorrow too! SOoooo excited!!!!


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Um, just to make thing clear, I am a girl. Hehe.
I know some boys are also here. So yes, you've got brothers too.
TK2H and hearties are big family.


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Oh my gosh...hearties !!

This one is laugh-out-loud hilarious......ROFL !!!!



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LMAO!!! LSG is sooo cute! Aigooo what am I going to do with my heart :D


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Like mine...store it in a mug, to go ????!!!!!!

Do make sure it's leak proof...it's imbued with essence of LSG...very precious commodity !!!


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Thank you dear...let me grab one right now...aigooo aigoo...need to mark the mug too just in case someone mistake it as their cup of coffee in the morning...ottoekke


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String all the hearts of the hearties together then tie & wrap it as many times as possible around Seunggi!


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@Jade Butterfly
I'm wondering if that's a good idea coz he'll be stuck in one place ~ imagine with all those millions of hearts around him? ~ how will he be able to move? I apologize for my weird imagination and lack of common sense! :D


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Thats da point . We'll just allll smother him with hugs & kisses and ply him with a million questions.Oh , yes , all queue up for a number so that we can bring him home.
remember he's da moch tout albout Son in law material ?


Found another thing that made me love TK2H more. Had just finished watching ep 16 again. Somehow didn't catch it the first time round, but this time read from subs that HA's mother used to read to her Anne of Green Gables! I just LOVE Anne of Green Gables! Have the entire collection of Anne books. Collected them when I was younger, and still have them! I love Anne, spelt with an 'e'. Even named my eldest daughter after her!


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OMG!I've been Anne's fan since I was 12!One of my all time favorites(actually I'm a fan of the writer,I've read almost all of her works:p). So nice to meet a fellow fan!I noticed that the first time I watched that ep with subs, but since no one mentioned it,I figured no one knew her.It made me love HA (and the writers) even more:D


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Yes I love L.H.Montgomery's other works too!


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@crazyahjummafan -

Love Anne of Green Gables, too. I caught that part but didn't think too much on it. However, thinking more on it now, we could say that Hang Ah is like Anne in that they are both they are both tough, have this innocence about them, are smart, and in their new environments they both wanted so much to fit in and be loved and appreciated.

Oh, and there's this special guy...


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Sorry for the duplicity of "they are both."


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