The King 2 Hearts: Episode 19

Hold onto your hats. And brains. And hearts. No one ever accused this show of doing too LITTLE, that’s for sure.


King 2 Hearts OST – “항아의 꿈” (Hang-ah’s Dream) [ Download ]

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We open on a birthday party, and already I’m screaming But I want to know what happens with Shi-kyung! It’s someone on the royal staff, and Jae-shin comes in to join the festivities and offer a present, remembering Shi-kyung’s homework for her to learn to be with other people.

Flashback to their date in the garden. This is making me really nervous.

And then we resume to the standoff on the cliff. Shi-kyung’s gun is drawn at Jae-ha, and Bong-gu grins from ear to ear. He motions for Jae-ha to sit on his throne (the theatricality of the setup is so befitting the exhibitionist) and Shi-kyung walks him there with a gun at his back.

Jae-ha sits down tensely and looks over at Shi-kyung again in disbelief. Bong-gu tells Shi-kyung he can sit this one out if it’s too hard on him, but he says he’ll remain. Bong-gu: “Cancel the case against me, split up with Kim Hang-ah, and step down as king.”

But Jae-ha doesn’t take one hairy eyeball off of Shi-kyung the whole time. Bong-gu: “If you don’t…” Jae-ha: “Then he kills me?” Bong-gu says that part’s a given, but the choice is this – either he dies, or Korea ends up in danger. He’s literally making the king choose between himself and his people?

Hang-ah tells her father that she’s going to turn back—there’s something she and Jae-ha arranged that they didn’t tell him about. Is it a Rescue King and Bot plan? Because that’s pretty high on the priority list right now.

Bong-gu asks expectantly, “How does it feel to see your person sticking to my side?” Oozing confidence, he says not to be too hard on Shi-kyung. “What did you ever do to earn him, anyway? Me buying him with money, you with the king’s title – what’s the difference?”

Jae-ha finally turns to Shi-kyung, “Is that how it is?”

Shi-kyung: What is there to like about a powerless king? There was a time I was shaken – when you said you’d resign, when you said you couldn’t send me here. But that was all. You didn’t blame anyone else or lie down in defeat. When it was a 99% improbable reality, you plotted and schemed to find that remaining one percent. I didn’t serve you because you were the king. I served you because even in the pit of despair, you did not give up.

As the speech starts to turn, in that last line, he whirls around and aims his gun at Bong-gu. Aaaahhhhh! So good!

I love that the speech is read by Bong-gu as the reasons why he wouldn’t follow a powerless king (he was “shaken,” ie. moved to be on Jae-ha’s side when he tried to stop him) but is in truth a speech about why he believes in Jae-ha the person, not the king. (And in that context, those are honestly the moments of weakness when his faith in Jae-ha was actually shaken.) Love.

Of course, as soon as Shi-kyung shows his true colors (We never doubted you, we swears it!) Bong-gu’s face goes white, Bon Bon draws her weapon, and the firing squad of minions surrounds them. This was the big plan? TELL ME THIS WAS NOT THE BIG PLAN. Jae-ha, are you even armed??

And then suddenly, an army descends on them, led by Young-bae and Dong-ha. Ohthankgod. I was seriously sweating bullets for that second. It was a long second.

And in the distance, Hang-ah arrives on a bluff above them, and takes out a sniper rifle. Nice. I love the things this girl can do in a skirt. She’s so my kind of badass – I like this rifle, but, does it go with my outfit?

She scans the scene below and stops right at Bon Bon. I can just hear the chorus of everyone chanting, “Shoot! Shoot!”

Flashback to the code that Jae-ha and Shi-kyung set up. The trigger phrase was “Are you in a position to talk?” And then it was up to Shi-kyung to respond to that phrase with the true location, in code.

So he had responded on the phone call with the somewhat awkward phrase, “I have secured it.” (It’s not that weird a sentence, but more the way you’d describe getting your driver’s license, rather than winning over a person’s trust, but in case you were wondering, it makes perfect sense given the context.) And then we see Dong-ha and his team enter the phrase into the code-o-matic for the real location.

Back to the present, where Jae-ha now answers Bong-gu’s question. “What’d you tell me to choose between, Korea or my life? I choose… YOU.” Ha. Awesome.

And then Shi-kyung inches forward right into the path of the guns, and yells at everyone to drop their weapons. The minions all comply… except for one. Bon Bon holds out, and then finally moves to put her gun down in defeat.

But at the last second she raises her gun at Jae-ha… and Hang-ah shoots her in the arm. And just a split second behind her, Shi-kyung shoots too, this one a kill shot straight through her chest. They open fire and all the minions go down, and Bon Bon dies bloody.

The ICC comes to arrest Bong-gu and cuff his hands above his head. As they read him his rights, Shi-kyung and Jae-ha turn to each other and breathe a sigh of relief, Shi-kyung beaming now that it’s all done.

But Bong-gu is still reeling from Shi-kyung’s betrayal, and in a split second opportunity, he pulls out a tiny handgun he had literally up his sleeve, and shoots.


Shi-kyung gets hit right in the chest, his blood splattering onto Jae-ha. He’s the last one to register it—everyone scrambles to secure Bong-gu, and he turns to look up at Jae-ha, who’s gaping at him in horror.

He staggers and Jae-ha catches him as he goes down. He puts his hand over the wound, bleeding profusely. They look over at Bong-gu, who’s still seething, “Why do make me be this way?” Jae-ha looks at him in utter disbelief.

Shi-kyung looks down at his body, still a little confused, and tries to speak. But Jae-ha tells him not to talk and screams for the ambulance to get here. Dong-ha breaks from his shock to run for help. He’s gonna make it right? RIGHT?

Jae-ha cradles him and starts to cry as the panic sets in, “What do we do, what do we do… because of me…” By now Shi-kyung is coughing up blood, but he strains to say, “You can’t think that way. It was my choice. We caught Bong-gu. And from now on, you can’t give up, ever.”

Gah, he uses his last dying breath to make sure Jae-ha doesn’t feel BAD about his death? Not that I expected anything less of course.

Jae-ha clutches him, screaming, “Eun Shi-kyung! Don’t die! Shi-kyung-ah… It’s an order! DON’T DIE!” Ohgodohgodohgodohgod. He’s gonna die, isn’t he? This can’t be happening…

We see Shi-kyung lying there in Jae-ha’s arms, and then in voiceover we hear him sing Jae-shin’s song, as flash back to their happy memories. Fuck. Happy flashbacks mean he’s a goner. WTF, Show?

It leads into her version of the song, and then to her singing it in the present, doing her homework just like she promised. We fade back and forth between him lying there and their moments together, ending on his group photo with the WOC team.

Back in the present, Jae-ha screams for Shi-kyung not to die, as Young-bae and Hang-ah watch, frozen in place.

And then Shi-kyung’s eyes close and he goes limp in Jae-ha’s arms, as Jae-ha keeps pleading with him not to die, even after he’s gone.

I’m honestly still in denial, but I don’t think there’s any way out of this. There isn’t going to be any happy reunion in the hospital where everyone gives him a hard time about the big scare, is there? BUT. BUT. WHY CAN’T THERE BE?

Cut to later, in the palace, where Hang-ah tells Jae-shin that Shi-kyung is dead. She looks up in disbelief, “He said he was going on vacation… Really… He doesn’t know how to lie…”

Hang-ah hands her a little box, and Jae-shin starts to tremble and cry. She opens it. It’s Shi-kyung’s dogtags. Shit. It really did happen, didn’t it? It’s only now starting to sink in that he’s really dead.

Jae-shin starts to cry inconsolably, and between sobs she wails that he said he’d return, and if she did her homework, and sang…

Hang-ah starts to cry and hugs her, as Jae-shin loses it, “He said he’d come back! He said he’d come back!” *waaaaaaaaah*

Dad sits in Shi-kyung’s empty office, running his hand over the nameplate. Jae-ha comes in and says, “We’re thinking the same thing right now: ‘I killed him. He died because of me.’ But because I’m the king, I can’t just sit here thinking those thoughts. And you can’t either.”

He runs his hand over the nameplate too, tears filling his eyes. “I’m a little different from him. But what do you think of me? I’ll treat you as my own father.” I don’t know why, but that’s the moment I lose it. I can’t stop crying.

He bows to ajusshi and then gives him a hug. It’s sort of perfect, because Dad doesn’t deserve this kind of love or forgiveness, but that’s the point—this is about Shi-kyung and what he deserves.

And then Shi-kyung gets his military funeral, with a medal of honor. Dong-ha tells Jae-ha that Shi-kyung is technically still under orders to carry out his mission abroad, and he asks Jae-ha to change the order so that “at least his soul can return.”

It’s not something that makes sense to most of us, but I understand why Dong-ha would say it—they are soldiers who follow the king’s orders, and I sort of love the sentiment that Shi-kyung would be the same in the afterlife, or that Dong-ha at least sees him that way.

So Jae-ha officially orders Shi-kyung to return to his unit and salutes him. And then my heart breaks all over again.

The ICC case against Bong-gu gets under way, but Club M fights to get him out on bail. Wut? If you let him out after Shi-kyung died to get him there, imma bust some kneecaps. Jae-ha pretty much says the same, and presses them to keep him under lock and key.

With bail denied, Bong-gu asks what on earth their contacts in the U.S. and China are doing, and tells his lawyer to leak their Club M ties – some will have to be sacrificed to make it clear this is not okay.

Hang-ah continues her charity work (gradually becoming more comfortable with a Seoul accent), and tells Mother that she’s doing fine. Jae-ha calls (“Who were you talking to on the other line? Was it a man?” Hee.) and tells her everyone’s liking August 15 as their wedding date.

She doesn’t say anything (too busy swooning) so he’s like, “Hello, hello? You do still want to marry me, right?” Ha. She teases that it wouldn’t be so bad not to, and he reminds her of what they’ve been through to get here, so there’s no goin’ back now.

He tells her to come an hour earlier to the pro-reunification event later that day, and he scurries into a corner to whisper that he wants to have some time to walk around together, “holding hands,” which he says like it’s super sneaky and wrong.

She gasps, “Can we?” Haha, these two. She wonders if they can really have a normal date like a couple of regular joes, and he’s like fine, if you don’t want to, I’ll just go with someone else then. Heh.

He asks if they should go crazy and have a drink in the middle of the day, and she blushes and stammers a no to that. Is that because every time you guys drink, it ends in smooches? They make a date for later, grinning from ear to ear.

Problems arise in the ICC, and the international pressure to get Bong-gu out on bail starts to push back against Jae-ha and Korea. He counters the threats with an If this isn’t your country’s official position, I don’t want to hear it, which holds them off for now, but the pressure mounts for them to relent on the issue of bail.

It’s most effective where Bong-gu is strongest—an attack on the economy. China cuts off access to an oil pipeline, for instance, and suddenly Korea’s in a panic. Advisors are asking Jae-ha to agree to bail, while Secretary Eun tells him not to relent.

Hang-ah comes by in good spirits, only to overhear the conversation and Jae-ha canceling the promotional event later today (and their date, natch). She asks Dad what the hell is going on, and he fills her in.

She urges him to get North Korea onboard, but he tells her there’s equal pressure on them too. He tells her it’s a South Korean matter, but she tells him that’s her job now, to protect Jae-ha and this country. “You were the one who told me that I was a South Korean now.”

Hang-ah watches Jae-ha up to his neck in stress, and puts her hands on his shoulders. He takes her hand and apologizes for their date, and she tells him that North Korea is going to help and take their side with the ICC.

She’s also decided that going there herself is the best way to make their presence count in this fight, and says that she’ll be going too. He quickly says no, pleading with her to just stay put and stay by his side until Bong-gu is put away.

She tries to reason with him but he can’t live with her being captured or hurt again, and yells, “Can’t you just stay put?!” Hang-ah asks for how long—until Bong-gu is put away? What if he isn’t? Then what?

“Am I supposed to spend the rest of my life hiding in the palace because I’m afraid of Kim Bong-gu?!” GAH, I love that we have a heroine who asks these questions. Jae-ha knows it’s the wrong answer but he says it anyway: “Yes.” She storms out. He buries his head in his hands.

A little while later, he gets Hang-ah out under the guise of some midnight charity work (how she falls for it is beyond me) and she finds herself dropped off in the middle of nowhere in the dark.

Suddenly fireworks go off, and a fountain turns on, and Jae-ha appears in the center with a big goofy grin. She just laugh-sighs, used to his brand of crazy gestures by now.

She pouts that this doesn’t make up for their promised street date—there’s no people (Jae-ha: “I’m here”), no sun (Jae-ha: “There’s moonlight”). And then she adds for good measure, “And what if Kim Bong-gu appears? I’m sooooo scared.” Ha. He breaks into a laugh.

Jae-ha: “I’m sorry. I can’t hold your hand or buy you tea like regular people do. I’m sorry that we can’t even go for a walk. I’m sorry that I do nothing but yell, and I’m sorry that all I do is get angry. I said I’d make you happy, but I let all the worst things happen to you, for that I’m so sorry. That’s why I can’t let you go. I can’t do anything without you anymore.”

AW. Okay, I-can’t-function-without-you is way better than you-can’t-leave-for-your-own-safety-even-though-you-are-totally-more-badass-than-I-am. Because that makes sense to nobody. You’re still gonna lose this argument, but the apology is awesome.

She grabs him in a hug. It’s adorable.

Then they go for a midnight date in the amusement park, which I’d say was a good idea except for the last time you were held hostage in one. He has to drag her onto a roller coaster kicking and screaming, and then we cut to his glazed-over face and her screaming, “Again! Again!” Hahaha.

They feed the bears, they feed each other, and Jae-ha stops to tie her shoelaces, saying that an untied shoelace means someone’s thinking of her right now—who could that be? You are the king of cheese, but it’s so friggin’ cute.

They sit for a while and then she asks, “Weren’t we going together?” She means life, which I love. “Don’t look at me as a woman, but as a person, going forward with you hand in hand.”

He sighs—so she’s insisting on going to the ICC after all? She turns to him, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha,” but he replies in his pissy mood, “I said I wouldn’t be your comrade!” She pouts.

He lets out a deep sigh, and then says fine, let’s just say you run into Bong-gu there—what will you do? So she grabs his arm, twists it behind him, stands up, and pins him down in all of three seconds. HA.

She introduces herself as the king’s fiancée, and then leans in close, choking him, “You made my man cry tears of blood? Today will be your funeral.”

And then Jae-ha answers the same way he did that first day in the bathroom, when she mopped him: “I’ll do well!” HEE.

She softens her face and her grip and says it’ll just be for three days. He tells her to go. Hang-ah: “You know that I’m always by your side, right?” He gets up and gives her a little peck on the lips.

She returns it with a sweet little lip graze, and then he wraps his arms around her for real kiss.

Hang-ah goes to make her case with the ICC, but she’s too late—Bong-gu’s bail has been approved, citing health problems. My ass. Hang-ah tries, but can’t get them to delay the ruling any longer, so by the time she exits the building, Bong-gu is already on his way out. URG.

He stops to greet her, smug as ever. He asks how the wedding plans are going and warns her that he’ll be meddling, since he’s going to take the fight to them.

Meanwhile Jae-ha gets the warning that the U.S. might maybe attack North Korea, if they feel like it. Bong-gu’s influence over international affairs already stretches the limits of believability to their ends—should we really be pulling harder in the final stretch, Show?

Jae-ha makes sure to record the conversation with his keyword phrase, though nothing is stated outright in the exchange. Jae-ha returns the threat with one of his own—that the second the U.S. attacks North Korea, they won’t be able to step one foot inside South Korea.

So basically Bong-gu’s idea of keeping their unholy union from coming to pass is to send their countries into war. Which frankly, I expected this show to pull out sooner. Welcome to worst-case scenario. Sort of wish we could’ve gotten here sooner, though I know that’s sadistic of me.

Hang-ah tells him that his eyes are giving him away—it’s the first thing she trains her soldiers to do, and clearly Bong-gu is more afraid than he’s letting on. He chuckles that she should read the wedding present he sent, which will give helpful suggestions for how her country will remain on this planet.

He turns to add that South Korea probably won’t be so lucky, and calls her out for letting her eyes betray her emotions. He walks away laughing. He gets to just walk away? How can that be? Somebody DIED to put him there! For the love of all that is right in this forsaken place! GRAR.

Hang-ah returns to the palace and she and Jae-ha ask Secretary Eun if their wedding is going to cause a war. Should they stop?

He tells Jae-ha that there are two choices: the first is to agree to Bong-gu’s terms and resign, and the second is to do everything in their power to keep war from breaking out while continuing their fight.

Secretary Eun: “If you were a citizen, what kind of king would you want?” Jae-ha looks over at Hang-ah, and then breaks out into a smile, “Let’s start with diplomatic relations.”

Dong-ha brings a safe deposit box to Jae-shin, full of Shi-kyung’s personal effects that were requested to be brought to her. She tentatively asks for the combination to open it, and he gives the first few numbers and pauses to look up the rest, but she realizes it’s her birthday, which opens the safe.

She pulls something out. OHGOD, it’s a video letter. Break out the tissues. Dong-ha brings her to Shi-kyung’s old office (now his) which is the only room in the whole palace that has a VHS player, and he muses that it’s so like Shi-kyung to be so old-school.

She finally presses play and Shi-kyung peeps into the frame timidly. He coughs awkwardly and says that he tried to write her a letter, but that didn’t go so well. Flashback to that night he started to write the letter and promptly realized he couldn’t write one. Aw, Bot.

So he digs out an old VHS camcorder from the cabinet and reads the manual (I swear, this guy) and finally starts the recording. What’s great is that he records it in the very spot she’s looking at, so when cut together, it’s like they’re sitting across the table from each other. It kind of kills me.

He starts with an apology for the kiss, wherein he can barely even say the word. “I was a coward. I thought that because I’m so frustrating and not any fun, the second I showed any weakness you’d get tired of me.”

He says that’s why he had resigned himself to just looking at her from afar. And then the way he sighs, and then bites his lip as he looks up at the camera while admitting, “But I couldn’t,” it turns me into a puddle of goo.

And then we get a two-shot of them across the divide, sitting at the table together, with him bathed in angelic light. He confesses now that he liked her from the moment they met, because she was everything he wasn’t—so carefree and bold.

He says that he always wished he could be someone who was right for her, and that’s why he decided to go on this mission – to be someone worthy of her. He starts to say, “If you’re watching this…” but chokes on the words and waves the thought aside.

He smiles and says she won’t ever have to see this, and she breaks into tears. He promises to return an impressive person, and holds up a little book about humor that he’s bringing along. Hahahaha. Oh, Bot.

He tells her that he won’t be frustrating from now on. It makes her cry harder but smile too. He holds up his fist in this super awkward gesture to say that he’ll totally be smooth from now on. He laughs at himself.

“I’ll return someone as impressive and bold as you are. And I’ll tell you myself in person. That I love you.”

*tears* Gah, that’s so mean. Why are you doing this to us?

He smiles to himself, giddy at the thought of saying those words to her when he returns. He gives a little salute, and then it ends. We cut back out to Jae-shin bawling in front of the tv.

Bong-gu sees that Jae-ha isn’t backing down, disappointed at not getting a response to his wedding present. He says they’ll have to give the U.S. a little push, and bombs the hell out of Michigan. Michigan? Whatever, anyway, North Korea is “found” to be responsible, so now they have proper motivation for a counterattack.

It’s a totally ridiculous super-speed version which takes out a lot of the punch (had this been a major plot arc carried out with some time spent on it, it would’ve been more interesting than half a dozen other Bong-gu moves up till now), but anyway the upshot is, Bong-gu has successfully driven his wedge.

North Korea flips out, and Hang-ah’s father suggests the prime minister reach out to the South and ask for their help. He folds his pride and does so, but at the same time, the South Korean prime minister caves with a phone call from the U.S.

North Korea waits on pins and needles, as the South announces that its troops are siding with the U.S. and gearing up for war. Oh crap. So then North Korea reacts, and it announces that they’ll attack the South. Double crap.

The orders come down the pipeline, and Dong-ha gets a call. He doesn’t like what he hears, but he’s told to follow orders. He goes down to tell Hang-ah that her father is there to see her, but Jae-ha has to go to the palace. Oh no, Dong-ha, don’t do it!

They take Jae-ha back to the palace, while Hang-ah’s father comes to take her to lunch. Neither is told what’s going on, but Jae-ha is greeted by a line of generals, while Hang-ah’s dad takes her to the border. They both stop in their tracks and ask what’s going on.

Dong-ha finally tells Jae-ha that it’s war.

Dad tells Hang-ah the same – that the U.S. will attack Pyongyang, and then they’ll attack Seoul. Her face goes white.

The words sink in and Jae-ha looks up, “Hang-ah… WHERE IS HANG-AH?!”

Hang-ah begs her father not to do this, but he has her dragged to the gate. She turns back, screaming, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha!”


Damn, another good ending. The thing is, this war plotline was one that I expected to happen eons ago (after all, a North-South union’s biggest and most obvious threat is war), and one that could’ve been so much more effective had it been built up with a stronger foundation. It has a few things on its side—namely the history of civil strife in Korea—that it doesn’t really have to do the groundwork, and yet I think that’s lazy writing. If the ICC was gonna go to shit anyway, what the fuck did we spend all that story time on it for? And more importantly, WHY DID SHI-KYUNG HAVE TO DIE?

Had war been the central point of Bong-gu’s attack (and made evident through a carefully planned out arc for him), this final turn would’ve carried much more impact, because then we’d see that this was his endgame, and it would feel like a momentous climax. It IS, in terms of level of conflict (that, they got right, and of course the dramatic separation) but it’s not the kind of satisfying narrative climax it could have been.

We spent a hell of a lot of time out of a precious pre-finale episode setting up plot points that all felt rushed and shoehorned in because they weren’t planned and placed ahead of time. I really don’t want to spend the final two episodes watching foreign day players. You already relied on them too much in other episodes, and the setup should’ve already been there. To take time away from the characters at their emotional climaxes to give exposition at this hour was really annoying, more so than usual.

I really held out hope that Shi-kyung wouldn’t die, and I understand why you could argue that a person like him can’t even exist in the real world. And he was given a beautifully heart-wrenching death that ran the gamut of emotions for him, for Jae-ha, and for Jae-shin. (Though I’m still holding out hope that the drama will give us a beat for Jae-ha to mourn Shi-kyung properly.) But right now I’m having trouble seeing the good in it, when Bong-gu is running around freely. What did he die for? I know HE would answer that he died for what the king represents—his people, and honor and duty and justice and all that. But I want to see that his death had a palpable result – Bong-gu’s capture gave me some small tangible thing to cling to, and then when he got out, I felt like I got stripped of that. I NEEDED THAT. Why are you taking it from me?!

Though the setup of the final stretch was clunky (and that’s judging by this drama’s standards because everything else had much more lead time and solid blueprint work going in) the final separation of the couple with the threat of war is a great place to be for the final episode. Their fight over Hang-ah going to ICC was really the setup for their final separation, and the question that has always been the big giant elephant in this engagement: What happens when your countries go to war?

We find out tomorrow, come hell or high water.


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they killed the bromance! which is e best selling point of this drama!

WTH!! RAWR!!!!!!! feel the wrath of bot fangirls!!!!


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Well, I never thought I would say this, but I'm officially happy about Prosecutor's death, because it prepared me for this. I kept comparing the two, and then preparing for the worst...

At least Bon Bon's death was super cathartic :)

Also--I was sooooo angry to see that super obnoxious American guy back....salt in the wound.....


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Bon Bon was great at dying LOL! The woman still creeps me out even at her last breath.


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*sniff* okay, now I'm upset. I was totally planning on watching this drama for Shi-kyung, but then they kill him off and let the bad guy go FREE?! WTF Show?? There had better be one heck of finale.

Thanks for the recaps as always, GF


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whoops - I was commenting on the recap, cos that information is in the recap. didn't know that counted as a spoiler. apologies if you read my comment w/o reading the recap and were spoiled as a result. I don't know how this show - K2H - really ends (the episode hasn't aired, natch) so at least you still have that?


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I think it's a misunderstanding. Someone else posted a spoiler on Fashion King and that got deleted. Your comment is just fine.


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lol okay so the comments under mine weren't responding to my comment. *phew*!


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yes, ditto to that. i expect no less from them after what we've all been through


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Jesus, King 2 Hearts...It's literally this show's mission to take my heart from my chest and stomp on it. Still, this entire post is gonna be an unpopular opinion but whatevs...

I am upset. For real upset over this. My heart is breaking but, you know, part of me wasn't surprised at all. I had been preparing for such an ending for Shi Kyung for a while now. I think way back when Bong Gu decided to take Jae Ha's 'saram' in Episode 15. The writers had built the story in such a way that it could have gone either way with him. As an Eun Shi Kyung lover I am devastated but from a writer's standpoint I can understand why they did it. Yes, it was a good percentage for shock value. But King 2 Hearts is a dark drama...a dark comedy. It has never professed to be anything else. I kind of like that they didn't go the 'everybody gets a happy ending' route because that doesn't always happen.

It didn't really come out of nowhere. Come on...he was preparing for this; he wrote a will (video) and then went to visit his family and friends. He was a soldier on a mission. He was preparing for the eventuality that he might not make it back. Could his death have been plotted out better? Yes. Do I feel as betrayed as others? Not really.

It's interesting to think about Jae Ha's reaction, though. I remember earlier when he said if something happened to Shi Kyung he'd carry it the rest of his life and I think of his near inability to cope when his brother and sister-in-law died. Then I think about his complete breakdown when Hang Ah was taken.

That is, of course, what Bong Gu wants to happen to Jae Ha again. He killed Shi Kyung partly for his own twisted sense of betrayal that, in the end, Shi Kyung chose Jae Ha ("Why do you make me this way?") but he also killed him because he wants to take away Jae Ha's 'saram.' If Bong Gu can't have him, Jae Ha certainly can't. He wants to shake Jae Ha but Jae Ha is different now. Unlike those times before, he will not falter.

That's the purpose of Shi Kyung's death from a writer's standpoint. To show that Jae Ha is finally someone who can separate his identity as a man from his identity as a king. I think of that scene right after that Jae Ha tells Secretary Eun that as a king he cannot waste time blaming himself. He doesn't mean that he can't allow himself to feel grief/guilt but rather he can't allow his emotions to obstruct his duty as king. And that's the kind of king South Korea needs in this story.

Now for Jae Shin...Eun Shi Kyung has been her rock and her pillar for this series. She has relied on him for strength and support in ways she hasn't with anyone else. The question now is with Shi Kyung gone, will Jae Shin fold like she did before or will she persevere and continue to regain her will? Jae SHin has spent most of this drama broken in spirit (Considering the circumstances, this is not a criticism.) and only recently began to regain her strength. This could break her for good but I think the writers are going to take this opportunity to show how much stronger Jae Shin has become. To show that even though the love of her life is dead, she will not buckle and she will get back the life she deserves. That scene when she watches that video of Eun Shi Kyung gave me hope that she will not fold. Even as she was crying she was also smiling. The scene left me with the impression of broken-heartedness but not brokenness and that makes all the difference for me.

Alright, just some initial thoughts on this episode. I'll probably be more coherent later.


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That's a great analysis. SK's death is sort of JH's final tough test to transit from "JH the brat" to "JH the King". JH always doubted his abilities; now with his trusted right hand man dead, he has proven that he can survive and carry on. Nice way that you've put it!


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Just trying to see some kind of silver lining in his death. I refuse to let him die in vain. NEVER!!!


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Also? This line?

"That’s the purpose of Shi Kyung’s death from a writer’s standpoint. To show that Jae Ha is finally someone who can separate his identity as a man from his identity as a king."

...gave me goosebumps. I salute your ability to wade through an emotional reaction to the show to write such a beautiful, insightful analysis.


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Someone in twitter commenting about a beautiful comment in #102, and by no surprise it's @ravens_nest :)

I'm so agree with you, and @topper, as said before, there is no sacred character here. Yes, like GF and Ms. Koala said (I'll summarize them just to cut this) I also think that his death isn't necessary for the plot...yes, I also similar with others here, blaming and cursing the writer,,, but due to the sadness..I can't find reason WHY HE MUST DIE , thanks to you for lining up the reason.

What BOng Gu has is possesion, he want the power, he want to recognized, thus he sees shi kyun as his 1st step. Just like you said, if he can't have Shi Kyung then Jae Ha can't either.

Hats off for you to keep analyze it


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That & "the scene left me with the impression of broken-heartedness but not brokenness and that makes all the difference for me."

Thanks again for sharing your wonderful insight and helping us come to terms with our loss, ravens_nest! Loved your analysis.


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I just figured out how I would have plotted his death better. If I didn't do it earlier, I would have done it after Bong Gu got out on bail and started his manufactured "war."

It would've still felt like Bong Gu's revenge for Shi Kyung's perceived "betrayal" and it would have packed a more significant punch for the plot because they could have made it a reason for the political factions to see that letting Bong Gu out on bail was a mistake. Then the next episode would have been about trying to catch the fugitive Bong Gu, get revenge/justice for Shi Kyung, and cooling down the near war.


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Exactly, it's not the death that was the problem for me, it's HOW and WHY you die that matters, and what happens later too.


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Loved your analysis. I commend you for sorting out the logic behind the madness. Comments like yours can start the "healing process" for the loss brought by Shi-kyung's death.

Like x100


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I'm too emotional to articulate it as well as you did, but I pretty much agree with you.

But for now? PAIN. Oh so much pain.


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Have any of you read Watase Yuu's mangas? Like Fushigi Yuugi (the worst offender), Ayashi No Ceres, Alice 19th or Zettai Kareshi? She is one of those authors who will not hesitate to rip your heart out, stomp on it, shred it to pieces, decide to feed it to a wolf, and then throw that wolf to the other end of the world. Watching these last few episodes of TK2H gives me the same feeling. Gawd Mummy, it's broken me TT_TT


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No, I haven't, and your description of them pretty much ensures that I never will. LOL!


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I read it...
she never hesitate to kill one by one my favourite characters...

Fushigi Yuugi is the worst, Ayashi no ceres is the 2nd worst, Alice 19th and Zettai Kareshi pretty much easier to digest

Tough ironic, but I should say that Ayashi no Ceres is one of the most realistic turn (though it's actually fantasy).

And yes, like you said Nutella, TK2H gave the same feeling...


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I have read a couple of those and your description is spot on.

Then again, I also come from the Joss Whedon and Russell T. Davies School of Gratuitous Character Death so I feel like I'm even more prepared to weather this storm of wtf!characterdeath feels.

After Fred, Tara, Tosh, and Ianto nothing can truly phase me...


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Oh God, Ianto... why did you just do that to me?? Really after Ianto and Jack and Nine and Ten and Eleven and Rose and Martha and.. wait, I'm listing the whole damn cast ain't I? Either way, those shows killed a part of me, but never did I expect to be cornered from here as well TT_TT


Okay, this comment made me laugh because while I was ranting on twitter about Shikyung's death (without mentioning the specifics) last night, a friend of mine replied with the single line: "They just Whedon'd the hero didn't they?"


I've seen Fushigi Yugi! and you are right!


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I think everything you've said is spot on ravens_nest, but I still feel we were short changed with the way this death came about. IF Shikyung must die, he deserved better than this, your suggestion below (102.2) is way better than what the writers came up with. Frustration.


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Great analysis! I agree with you.

I hated literature when I had to take it in secondary 1 and 2. Stopped taking it in secondary 3. I was so glad that I didn't have to study literature forever. But after watching TK2H and participating in the discussion on drama beans, I regretted not continuing with literature. I wish I can analyze as well as you.

Schools should introduce TK2H as part of the syllabus of literature. This will surely motivate the students to have an interest in literature.


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Thank you for your wonderful insight. Now it'll be easier for me to set Shi Kyung free.

"Even as she was crying she was also smiling. The scene left me with the impression of broken-heartedness but not brokenness and that makes all the difference for me."

I do believe Jae Shin is a brave, courageous, and smart girl. She will be able to move on without Shi Kyung on her side, knowingly that's what SK wants her to do. *darn it! Why can't I stop my tears from flowing again*


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Finally! A thoughtful and objective analysis!


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That is a great analysis. I always thought HA and SK were the push JH needed to grow and step up to his role as a King and I guess this was the final push and indeed JH is now a totally different person from how he started out.

Even the scene with the Dad, JH of old even bragged about how long he can hold a grudge and now he's come full circle. He's going to forgive not only EK but himself as well.

Thanks. Though I'm still heart-broken that he was killed.


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I like your analysis even if I kinda disagree with it. If it was done with the purpose of cementing Jae Ha's growth from a man to true king, that would be excellent crafting. But where it fails is in the timing. If it had happened earlier or later, as you later pointed out, it would make sense.

But at the moment, it reeks of pettiness. We feel cheated not only because it was an act of pettiness from John Mayo a la "if I can't have him, neither can you" but also because Jae Ha has already grown into a true king. The last episode demonstrated this and it feels manufactured, manipulative and a desperate act of ratings manoeuvering at a this stage.

Shi Kyung's death entreaty to him to never give up is actually redundant. In fact, his death was redundant.

I love Joss Wheldon (have you seen The Avengers? LOVE!) but gratuitous death was never my thing.


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Great analysis. But if the writer wanted to really go all out and have Bong Gu take away Jae Ha's saram, Bong Gu would have killed Hang Ah. (And since war is starting anyway I don't see the reason for that not happening - of course besides the fact that it would be ridiculously sad and leave us heartbroken). Sure Shi Kyung was one of Jae Ha's people and his right-hand man, but Shi Kyung was Jae Shin's 'saram' more so than Jae Ha's.

I think Shi Kyung was narratively a very predictable death. It left a bad taste in my mouth. I would have been rolling my eyes if I weren't so angry at the whole thing. Most of us can spot who's gonna die in these kinds of shows and no surprise they kill off the good one's that everyone loves so they can twist that knife around in your gut. Too bad this time around there doesn't seem to be much other reason for him dying.


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Thanks GF for your recap. Totally expected the outlash on SK's death. I feel sad but life goes on. I still love this drama no matter what !


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It’s here, it’s here!

Girlfriday, you’re awesome as always. Thanks a lot!

Whew, what can I say? Hmm.. Ep 19 left me with:
1.overflowing tear ducts (and piles of used tissue to dispose of),
2.swollen eyes,
3.dark eyebags,
4.a bleeding heart,
5.an amused yet worried mind,
6.a panic-stricken and dehydrated body,
7.a vengeful spirit,
8.but still with a grateful and HOPEFUL soul

Thank you, Show. I haven’t felt this alive in a while!

9.Oh, I also acquired this alternate persona with whom I have been having arguments with for hours! Dear, these theories, they kill me again and again and again..


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Thanks for the recap, GF. As expected, so much backlash from fans when SK died. I am sad but life goes on. Still super love this drama, my fave drama for many years to come, I am sure.


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waaaaaaa i miss shin yunggggggg........cant wait for the next episode......happy ending pls...hang gah n jaeha..FIGHTING!!!!


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WHY? WHY? yes, i do agree with you, if they are gonna let BongGu walks free (and able to threaten USA n China and created war between USA, NK n SK n what other countries it would be), why must killed SK? NOOOO!!! and i havent even really forgave them for killed Jae Kang n his wife in such a lame way!!! how come ICC freed BongGu so easily? he was proven to kidnap n tried to kill South Korea future queen, and also attempted to kill the current King. have killed the current KIng's right hand in front of TONS OF WITNESSES, and also under suspicion to be involved in the death of SOuth Korea previous King n Queen, in which JaeHa announced it to public that can be accessed world wide.. and ICC not even rejcted when he asked for a bail? WTH drama!!! this man not only a serial n notorius killer, he killed n tried to kill a country leader(s) and you even considered a bail? heck! i dont see any of US Presidents killers could asked for a bail for earth sake. and top of all that, they LET HIM WALKS AWAY? W-T-F!!! oh, not only walks free but he also able to creates world war 3 so to speak.. i mean.. he just have money right? money make him so powerful, but can he really ordered so many countries, let alone CHina n USA to follow his order? heck! i hope Bill Gates wont suddenly wakes up n decided to created a world war 3, i mean the real one..

still... WHY MUST THEY KILLED SHIKYUNG??? WHY??? WHY?? and if soon after his death, ICC just let BongGu walks free, and JaeHa n HangAh would be thinking to have commoner's date (while JaeHa who was in a state of mess, cried miserably overhis death)... WHY MUST KILL HIM??? IT DIDNT CHANGE ANYTHING!!! T_T and i still cant get over how fast JaeHa n others moved on after JK's death... but to ShiKyung too T_T

and.. i dont really understand (maybe i will if i wathced this ep with sub), but.. BongGu (using ClubM) make China to embargo (?) SK, and bombed USA, but USA blamed NK, and threaten to a war with NK, SK choose to sided with USA but NK announced war with.. SK? (shouldnt they care more abt USA since they were asked SK cooperation to face USA's declaration of war, rite?) so it was like ClubM->USA->NK->SK=world war 3? ok.. i gave up..

still.. cant get over how or why they must kill ShiKyung.. he could be a big help for both of them in such time T_T
and i cried reading JaeShin's part.. and also ShiKyung dying scene T_T sigh, still hope it wasnt true, but... T_T

dont know how the last eps will concluded the war.. the only thing i could see it possible is if BongGu died... but it has to happened soon since it seems the ww3 is right infront of their door..


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They should put into place the final solution which is to assassinate Bong Gu - going through the proper channels of the ICC is not working due to the heavy political pressure and the deviousness of the evil mastermind! This aspect of the drama is certainly true to life! I hope there will be internal strife within Club M that would take out Bong Gu. Perhaps our ESK is on another undercover mission to assassinate the mad man. The death of ESK has to be real so that Club M and the world has to believe in. I guess I am in denial like many of us. Looking at how the plot has developed so far I am of the same opinion that his death is unnecessary. To give us more angst? It would have been better to focus more on the case of BG in the ICC. Well let's see what the last episode brings....


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Why show, why? There was no need to kill him. argh.....I should have known when they gave him so many great scenes and a kiss that he was a goner. Why show why? This is just bringing up old wounds from city hunter...
Also this is one time where there was room for an extension. They have to fit a lot in tomorrow.


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I'm still in shock and in state of denial...I thought it was just a gimmick but Shi Kyung was shot straight to his chest and it must be a miracle if he can survive...even though I still hope miracle will happen.

Jae Ha and Hang Ah will face the biggest test in their relationship...I wonder how the writers going to unfold their complicated love fate for a happy ending.

So many things to be resolved with only 70 minutes remaining...let it come, I'm ready!

Thank you GF:)


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Thanks writers....because of you we couldn't even enjoy Ah-ha's date and kiss!!


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Me, too. I'm still mourning so what a could have been a squee-inducing moment turned to waste.


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After watching episode 18 last week, I already had a feeling that ESK will die. Honestly, he's my favorite character, He and Jae Shin. I kept on watching K2H because of them. I didn't care much about the main couple, sometimes I would even skip scenes and get right through scenes with ESK and JS on it.

Though it's proven that no one will die of a broken heart, isn't it logical to say that the only reason the princess is still sane after that tragic thing BG made her do is because of ESK? How can she move on now, drama? She's crippled and now you want her completely paralyzed..

Thanks for the recap by the way..


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I hate you, show. Let's break up!


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No, don't do that yet. We will need all the connections. We have to avenge ESK's death.


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Don't break up with the show yet.

Agree with @abou, we have to avenge SK's death.

And we can NOT lose to BG. We need to see him get arrested and suffered. And I want the most sadistic death for BG.


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abu, apologize for the typo *I mean abu*...


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Agree, now I'm preparing some peeler to peel off his skin, some grating to ..yeah grating..and a drill to dig his head...

I dont know a show could turn me into this sadistic


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@reglest's body only
"I dont know a show could turn me into this sadistic"

Agree! and aside from being sadistic, it turned me into a perv too! Damn you show!!!


Indeed, we cannot lose. We better get ready fast. I'll help with the drill. I don't think I'll be able to stand seeing what's inside Bong-gu.


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LOL, send them a pair of shoes!


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oh ive watched that! and theres one of him shirtless with only the leather hot pants on *__*

fangirl in me died of pure happiness


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He was playing a drag queen for a play. A lot of guys did it. Shows that he has guts and can over come being labeled.


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"Shows that he has guts and can over come being labeled."

*nods* uh huh, i love how he has taken on a whole range of roles. have you seen him in the korean version of Spring Awakening? ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyrFFA4VRCs

(his part starts at 1:00)


whatever this man wears, i'm all over him. he's so handsome and talented, i can't take it anymore. i need him to be lead in a drama soon.


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Oh...I've been rivers of tears over Shi Kyung's death....

I just watched that scene again and noticed that right before Bong Gu shot him, he turned to Jae Ha with this trimphant smile on this face. I think he was silently conveying a "we did it!!" to his King.

That last unsuspecting smile of his did me in again....so heartbreaking that at the moment of his triumph, he had to die..............



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Oh..obviously the mind is still not straight...and vision is blur from all the crying :-(

Oh…I’ve been *crying* rivers of tears over Shi Kyung’s death….

"..he turned to Jae Ha with this trimphant smile on this face." - on *his face I mean.....


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Yep I saw that one too. Shi Kyung expression was really good after he got shot ~ like "WTF" look

Bong Gu did a Chow Yun Fat stunt on me! I knew he's got something on his back/neck. Why can't he just do his magic tricks and banished into thin air and never come back???!!!


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I'm gutted.
..can't even bring myself to watch this...or the final episode.

I'll read the recap to have *closure* ----but as others have mentioned---the writer's pulled a "City Hunter" on us and I find it exceedingly distasteful.

Especially to have a supposedly honorable death immediately followed by the murderer walking and the bereaved out on a cutesy-date. wtf?

I have not watched 18 episodes *specifically* for my favorite character only to see my least-favored-waste-of-space murder my beloved...while in handcuffs?! really? REALLY show?! ಠ_ಠ# ◄---- angry, angry face.
p.s. however, Thank you for the re-cap, as always you are appreciated.


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A representative of this drama said, “There will be huge surprises at the end that nobody could predict so I hope the viewers are waiting patiently because it will be worth it.”

I broke into a million pieces with Eun Shi Kyung's "death," but I firmly do not believe that he died. If there is one thing that this show taught me, it was that in times of despair, where hope seems like a distant memory, if you have faith and believe, the power of faith can conquer all. Ultimately, that's what Jaeha has over Bonggu, the faith of his people, which as gf pointed out, is what Eun Shi Kyung embodies as a whole. So Hearties let's have faith in our writers. Like Eun Shi Kyung said, "When it was a 99% improbable reality, you plotted and schemed to find that remaining one percent. I didn’t serve you because you were the king. I served you because even in the pit of despair, you did not give up." So Hearties let's ride that 1% hope and believe that Faith will not die, and ultimately that Faith(Eun Shi Kyung) will be the driving force of Bonggu's death.


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omg so beautifully said! *sniffles* i want to believe in that too ^^


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Shi Kyung comes back? oh I hope so.
but I frickin don't know how they would do that. It would be awesome if the writers could surprise us. But of course it has to make sense and not lame.


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I think I kinda know what's going to happen and I'm not gonna tell because GF will kick me out into thin air! hehehe


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come come, you can whisper into my ear. i wont tell a soul *shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*


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I'm afraid that GF will hear too! LMAO


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Thanks for the recap, GF! Hope for a happy ending for this show tonight, though i kinda expect there will be some blood shed for the this episode and tonight's one. This is K-drama after all. Just hope blood shed for the baddies tonight!!

Arrgh, so many things does not make sense in the episode. I am not trained in law, but there are so many witnesses saw Kim Bong Gu shot Shi-Kyung in point blank. should not that count for something? a criminal charges without bail?

i agree with GF, why the threat of war now? should not it come earlier?

so far, this show has plenty of realistic and sensible moments (which rarely happen in most dramas), but this episode... sigh....

anyway, Lee Jae Ha, Kim Hang Ah... Fighting!!


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i'm still in denial. i dont want to believe that SK died. i'm telling myself to believe Ms.Koala's conspiracy theory :D that it's fake death.


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Ya know? I'm too emotional to attempt any sort of coherent analysis right now, but I will say...

Any show that manages to build a character that is so rich and so inspiring as to elicit buckets of tears from me when he dies, to make me feel like I've lost a dear friend or family member...well, that show is pretty damn magnificent.

Love or hate Shi-kyung's death (and I know where most of us stand), the fact that we are all in mourning right now speaks to the power of this show and its writing. I have honestly never had this much of an emotional reaction to anything I've watched, ever. The most I've cried even at the most devastating kdrama was maybe a handful of tears here and there. But this episode had me sobbing in my bedroom, to the point where I had to pause it to get a hold of myself (repeatedly).

Now, I don't condone tragedy just for tragedy's sake, and I haven't yet thought through all the dramatic implications/justifications of killing off Shi-kyung, but the writers are getting a ton of flack for this choice, and I just wanted to take a moment to praise them for creating such a lovely, realistic character.

Aaaand now I'm crying again. Ha. This is ridiculous!


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Tell me about it.
Earnest was the creme of the crop amidst all this crazy shit happening.
I don't usually cry much for second leads that die.. But the fact that we all just fell so much in love with him..
But you are so right, you soulless body.. The writers created such a wonderful character.. embodies a role model that everyone should strive to become.


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So true. Everything you both said. He's such a beautiful character, the way he's fleshed out, that his death is just so hard to accept. Even now, just flashing back to his death and that video letter and I can't control my tears.

He's the greatest second lead ever written (and acted), bar none. Nobody comes close.


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I'm just like you ~ I didn't even cry when the prosecutor died in City Hunter but here, I used my blanket to wipe my tears because it's just pouring nonstop last night and I run out of my kleenex! :( I couldn't even enjoy when Jae Ha was flirting with Hang Ah ~ I was still wiping my freaking tears!!!


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I'm with you. When Prosecutor died in Shitty Hunter, I cried so much, I needed a towel as I ran out of Kleenex.

Then Jae Kang died and the same happened.

Perhaps I was getting numb because this time even though I cried like a baby, I did not need a towel. Maybe because they are all packed up.

I am gonna go buy more Kleenex before I watch the finale just in case ...


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@rearwindow's soulless body

you got me started again.....

"Any show that manages to build a character that is so rich and so inspiring as to elicit buckets of tears from me when he dies, to make me feel like I’ve lost a dear friend or family member…well, that show is pretty damn magnificent. "

Couldn't agree more....while watching the episode live last night, I was sobbing uncontrollably. A tiny, still rationale voice in me made the same observation as what you just mentioned. I was literally sobbing as if someone near and dear had passed on.....

This is the most I've ever cried in my entire KDrama viewing life......


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I'm with you, poor soulless body of rearwindow.
The writers are fantastic, they saw what true Hearties are longing for and created such a lovable character ... just to push us off the cliff.
Had to pause as well often to get hold on myself.

But there is a dimly silver lining on the horizon. I think we will hear his name again. Later, and in an other form. But to all those believing in reincarnation it means a fragile hope for a better ending. So far my assumption for todays last episode.


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Arhazivory's Zombie ->"I still want to see in ep 20 that Shi-Kyung is secretly in a hospital somewhere because of whatever reason. Even if its a dumbass reason, I'll take it. '

Thank you. I'm not the only one thinking about that scenario. No matter how, yeah, as per your words, "dumbass" it is, I'm secretly hoping he'll show himself alive on the final stretch..*sob*


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Thanks for the recap! Omo first off WAE!!!! He didnt have to die especially the second to last episode. >.> so many feels throughtout this episode I even teared up again. Reading through it! Can't wait til next episode!!


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10 minutes in, and I was screaming like a mad man. In the middle of the night.

I mean, seriously: WHAT THE F*CK SHOW?!!!!! I told you not to pull on that damn City Hunter stunt on me!!! *kicking air ineffectually* *sobs*

This drama is killing me.


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WHAT?! after a long waiting, hoping to get a good ending, they ended it up with killing SK?! WTF?! what a stupid ending? what a d*mn writer?! after killing SK, you think you can comfort us by giving that not-in-the-right-time date? Thanks for wasting my time, writers! I won't watch the last episode, I won't! I REGRET watching this drama.


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OH MY FREAKING GAWSH. i'm still in shock over Shi Kyung's death even after watching the live broadcast, reading the recaps and rewatching and re-reading......


Before the airing of episode 19, I honestly had a bad feeling that the writers' would end up killing SK off. the heavy dreadful feeling was always there till last night. i crossed my fingers, ate all my vegetables and prayed to the Gods of Optimism to guide me. BUT DAMN. his death. it still hit me hard. i felt numb and then the tears started to come. T_T
right now, i still feel numb.

why the hell did he have to die? did the writers want it to be a pushing point for Jae Ha to go all out to catch Bong Gu after losing his right hand man? did it like represent the death all things good? did he die for a good cause? did they kill him off so as to represent how death occurs when we least expect it to? to represent the fragility of life? to always never give up and to live in the moment? WHY WHY WHY WHY? oh the feelings....all the feelings i have right now.

it was a stupid death. watching jae shin deal with the pain makes things even worse. the poor girl lost the use of her legs, lost her freedom, lost her older brother, found out that she had a hand in sending her brother to his death...... why did they have to take away her pillar of support?!!!?

i dont know about the rest of you but after watching him die, i couldnt stomach the romantic scenes between the OTP. it felt so unnatural.

gotta hand it to the writers though, for writing a character so well that i got so absolutely attached to him. his strong belief in doing the right thing, his loyalty, his adorable love-struck behaviour....

clinging on to a shred of hope for the sake of my sanity, i am hoping that his death was a staged one; okay factoring in the funeral and everybody's grief, this seems too far-fetched. but im going batshit crazy right now that anything else seems a better solution. for now i'm playing Gareth Gates's "Say it isn't so" on replay T_T


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SK whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
this drama died to me with his death!!!!


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SHI KYUNG!!!! Why do you have to die!!!!

damn you Show! TT_TT

thanks GF! :)


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OMG, I love you guys, you are so hard working people...
While I slept you wrote 300 comments..bravo.


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mtoh-- join us.
our eyes are sucked dry.. and we keep asking the same questions...
Why? Why? WHY!?


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And NO one to provide us with answers!!

How awesome would it have been if these writers/TK2H team were on some social networking site!! I would create an account just to send hate msgs!!


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Am so piss...I couldn't believe. I had nightmares and now looking like a zombi. I'm goona remember this for the rest of my life.


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let's not lose hope. the future is bleak but there's still that 1% chance everything will fall into their rightful places.


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Agreed. Shi-kyung loves how Jae-ha fights for that 1% possibility.


yessssssss i really really really need somebody to answer my questions. if not i'll be a vengeful ghost wandering the halls of MBC/TK2H production team building moaning "groan...WHY WHY WHY WHYYYYYYY..groan"


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I still think that the writers have greater purpose for letting BG free in the meantime so SK's death will not be in vain, I agree since SK's death JH had been strong specially now that he needs to deal with the NK and SK war situation. If anything , I am heartbroken to see Jae SHin's heartbreak.

Shi Kyung will be Jae SHin's love that could never be


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I think I have an urgent need to time travel to watch a bit of Big to have a laugh to be better. LOL


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Till now I didn't read Girlfriday's recap. I'll do as soon as I've posted this one. Thanks in advance for your wonderful words!

Since yesterday my emotions became one big unclear mess. Still I try to add one plus one together. But it's so hard. It's so freaking hard …

It happened right in front of me. I saw his body go limp. In the arms of his best friend Jae Ha.

Shi Kyung is dead.

The most sincere, innocent, trustworthy, big-hearted, brave man.
No more we will see his earnest puppy eyes, no more we will hear his soft voice trembling with emotions, no more moments of strong bromance, no more heart-melting awkwardness for the princess … Oh, poor Jae Shin!

I saw that scene coming. Since MBC released the preview for this episode.
Bong Gu was already handcuffed, but as the magician he is he still had an ace up his sleeve.
Girlfriday phrased it at her recap of episode 18:
"And Shi-kyung is the embodiment of that. He is in the purest sense the faith of the people in their king, and Bong-gu sees it. He wants it for himself like a shiny toy, thinking that possessing Shi-kyung will be the same as having his faith."
Bong Gu, who just possessed this shiny toy for short, don't want to give it away anymore. He rather destroys it.
He used that tiny weapon to do harm right there where it hurts most, not only Jae Ha in fiction but also all of us, who fell in love with Shi Kyung.

Never in my entire life I cried so hard and long as here for the death of a fictional character. And while I wasn't able to stop the tears even hours after watching I realized what Shi Kyung became for me.
I don't know at which point he changed from a pure fictional character into the embodiment of THAT man I profoundly wish to have at my side. Even when his innocence is nearly beyond reality, it makes it not less beautiful. Even when he symbolizes an ideal which is rarely found among humankind, it is not less worth striving for.
With Shi Kyung suddenly a man came alive I never thought I'll see in any form, be it at screen or in reality, but only within my heart. Surely, I was absolutely aware that neither his character is real nor the story of our wonderful king will last forever. Still I feel like I suffer a real loss of a beloved person. Does my foolish heart care about my minds knowledge? Well, it never did.

This song I've chosen for you, Shi Kyung, and your innocence you've never lost.

I know I'm completely emotional.
The rest of my thoughts I'll post when my agitated heart calmed down a little bit … T__T

R. I. P. Eun Shi Kyung


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@chethaera "I don’t know at which point he changed from a pure fictional character into the embodiment of THAT man I profoundly wish to have at my side."

after reading that, i realised that is exactly what Eun Shi Kyung became to me and i'm sure to a whole lot of other people. very well put :)

this is the first time i fell so hard for a kdrama character. i dont know when i'll get over his death but i must hand it to the writers AND Jo Jung Suk for this character. ESK is so well-written and well-acted.


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Can we agree on making Earnest come back in episode 20, like it was to trick Bong-gu or something?

I f%%$% can't stand this!!!
I officially hate the writers now..
Its so unfair for Jae Shin

I kinda hate the JH and HA sweet scene in ep 19...
pls somebody agree with me its so wrong... right after
Earnest' passing!

And its as if JS is the only one mourning!
and us of course on our Computer screens...



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Damn you drama!!!! Why?!?!? Why?!?!! Shi Kyung!!!!!!!!!! I was so not hoping (and ready) for you to die!!!

Another awesome episode! Thank you!


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SKyung dies for nothing, crazy bastard BG sitting in fancy hotel...he got the bail...
I will only be happy If I see him death...eye for eye...
I'm so piss, and just woke up...
GF awesome as usually.


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In the last episode when Eun Shi Kyung is standing in the park and the Princess turns around and spots him, I thought,"OMG, I've never seen two people that looked like they just stepped out of a manga/manhwa before!" Both of them so pretty/handsome in their costumes and the idyllic setting. I was wishing that these two could have had their own series. I would have looked forward to that as much as I've looked forward to this show. I don't think I've ever been as dissapointed in a plot twist as this one. Major boo's to writers who are stingy with happily ever afters.


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Let's hope for a better tomorrow. PLEASE BRING THIS BEAUTIFUL GUY BACK TOMORROW. They are both such lovely people. I think I want more from this couple too.


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I bawled my eyes out yesterday while watching this episode, then had to slap on my happy face to go to a friend's birthday party. My friends were wondering why my eyes were swollen, and I couldn't tell them that I was mourning the death of a character in a drama!! I felt so stupid, but couldn't help it at the same time.

Been reading the comments here, and saw that a lot has mentioned that SK's death is so senseless, and didn't have to happen, plotwise. I agree, but then again when has death ever made any sense? I am upset that the drama killed off our earnestbot. But when I looked back at JM/BG's track record and his patented response to betrayal, it makes sense that he will want SK dead. He'd probably see it as an even greater betrayal than that of his former right hand man, as SK's loyalty was something he had always coveted. When he took out that gun, he could have chosen to kill JH, but it looked to me that he made the choice to kill SK instead. I'm convinced that even if SK had made it out of that cliff alive, BG/JM would have put out a hit on him the first chance he gets. That's classic JM/BG response.

As for why JM/BG gets out of jail so fast, despite everything that he has done, including killing SK right in front of ICC investigators? Well things like that happen all the time in some parts of the world, including the country I grew up in. When the perpetrator has so much money, influence and power, they can pretty much get away with anything, including multiple counts of murder. Heck, in my neck of the woods, some people can have their own private armies, use them to kill off the political opposition (and a busload of innocents in the process), get caught with the arsenal in his backyard, and still get away with it. That's money and power at work for you. I had hoped that the ICC strategy would have worked for JH and HA, but I wasn't surprised when it didn't. But given how powerful JM/BG had been painted in this world, and how far reaching his sphere of influence stretched, and how he supposedly has tentacles in literally every government and most industries, it wasn't such a surprise when he got bail so easily and how international pressure started mounting for Korea. Despite all the trappings of progress and civilisation we see, there are still people out there for whom following the law is not mandatory but an option.

Looking forward to today's conclusion, and hope that we all get what we've been clamoring for all this time - a happy and satisfying ending for the good guys, and fitting punishment for the bad guy!

Many thanks for the recap GF!


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"I agree, but then again when has death ever made any sense?"

That's a really good point, and I love your insights into this episode.


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Am feeling very, very, very, very naive after reading your comment. And sad. Hard truths about the world we live in. Is there no semblance of justice?


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Thank you for your wonderful comment. Things you've said are sad but true. I know that this is only drama but isn't ever since it started, we all praised the writer(s) for having the gut to deliver us the real and sensitive issues that our world is going through? People die every second every minute of the day and most of those deaths are senseless / unnecessary deaths and some of them were even unheard of. If we just look at the recent events like the war at Middle East ~ lots of lives were sacrificed all for what they believe in. In Shi Kyung's part ~ he knew the danger that he's facing and he even got lucky to be able to bring Bong Gu to Jae Ha's trap. The good thing (not really) was that Bong Gu was the one who killed him, and not just some random guy, which will add more to his list of crimes.

I can't wait to see how Jae Ha will give justice to all Bong Gu's crime tonight. Please writer-nim don't disappoint us.


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It's so true what you said about when has death made any sense.

Perhaps, we have lost that sense of reality because this drama treads so closely to reality even if it is set in a totally fantastical premise. It has confused the boundaries and lines which we have gotten used to in most dramas.

But again, I have watched this drama with a writer's eyes and this development has disappointed me.

Perhaps the true genius of K2H is that it fused reality and fiction so successfully, we all became mired in its world and felt the same loss, senselessness and shell-shock of any of our real-life brethren who have experience senseless acts of violence.


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I have NEVER cried this hard over the death of a character in a K-Drama. I mean Lee Dae-Gil in Chuno was hurtful, Jung Jong in the Princess' Man was heartbreaking but Eun Shi Kyung DEVESTATED me. I bawled through half of this damn episode and when I read the recap afterwards I just started crying all over again. Jo Jong-Seok needs to win best supporting actor at the MBC Drama Awards, no question. Earnest-Bot could have come off incredibly flat and dull because on paper there aren't many facets to him but Jong-Seok brought him to life and clearly into our hearts because this is the first time I've seen so many people practically mourn a character in unison. Amazing.


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same sentiments! he has got to win. his character's personality was stuffy but Jo Jung Suk played him so well, with his little facial expressions and gestures. anyhoo, how do they vote for a winner or is it decided by a panel of judges?


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I want to keep that 1% faith in writer-nim to bring shi kyung back.. I don't care how... Killing our shi kyung meaning taking half of our lives away.. And that means WAR!! How can you compensate love scenes when you already killed our souls in the first place... I'm through bawling, I just want my shi kyung back!


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Goodbye everyone, Hearties, I died with Shi Kyung.. If you see, or rather feel a soul, that would be me, haunting BG...


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LOL all the missing souls around here should go find bong gu in his sleep.
Maybe that's where they're all chillin' at.


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no, no, mangoes, it's like giving Bong Gu a peaceful death, I want his death sorta like Bon Bon's.. or worse. Even hell will not accept him as its resident.


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"Even hell will not accept him as its resident."

So right. he might take over.


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LOL. He really might. And he better find a good place to hide. I'm sure we'll crash and smash him soon enough.


Question! Question!

Did anyone notice Jae Ha was pouting before smiling upon Hang Ah's reaction on his presence at the park? Anyone? ANyone?? I hope I'm not delusional coz I found that waaaayyy tooo cutee!! acckkk!!


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omg eagle eye.
I must replay scene


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first time being called eagle eye. :P love it!


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Yeah, I saw that one, too. I'll probably relieve that moment in the next few days.


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That was so cute. Loved how he was in a quieter mood as well...thought it was very convincing dynamics for having fought earlier in the evening...very real!
love how relationships are portrayed in such as realistic way in this show.


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this drama has given an entirely new meaning to the phrase "a princess' life". JS was forced to murder her own brother and his wife, she lost the use of her legs, she had to abandon her dream of becoming a singer - st that affords her freedom, gives her an identity and life outside and separate from her life as a princess - and now she lost the man she loves, the kind of man who is truly her match, that she needed (royals need their bodyguards).
this is a korean drama. show better "undie" shi-kyung - however way you do it - else you'll know an entirely new meaning to the phrase "long, drawn-out retribution"! ;D


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Yeah, Jae-shin totally gets the shaft in this show. Her character's great, but she gets put through the WRINGER. Poor girl.


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Quite! I have been getting the impression that Jae Shin is like the bitch for the scriptwriters' every puerile and tragic endings tendencies!

What more would they like to shovel her way? She's actually adopted? Her real mum was a hooker with AIDs? She becomes blind from crying too much? Loses her voice too and can never sing? She becomes the next drug-laced bon bon addict? WHAT???


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What the heck was this episode 19? WTH! I feel cheated, bamboozled, finagled…seriously, I want my time back—all of it (from ep 1 to 18 and 3/4); I want it all back!

I'm in serious disbelief over this entire episode! Nothing jived for me… I felt like I was watching a brand new beginning drama instead of a next to last drama episode…

WTH! WTH! WTH! I am sooooooooooo ticked about this entire episode to the point I want to slap the writer/s!

And the cliff hanger (which I haven't even bothered to see; just read it here)… What the…OMG; the writer is going to make me lose my mind up in here—OMG! WTH!

WARRRRRRRRRR! Really? All this time and WAR is just now…as an intro for episode 20; the last F'ing epi-freaking-sode!

I'm like ????????

I mean seriously; an F'ing war at the end of the show! At this point I don't even want JH and HA to get together… just have her play the matyr—she can kill Bong Gu and then be exiled or whatever—I don't care anymore!


*the so knew I should have stayed away from this drama the moment I read the writer is the same writer for Beethoven's Virus—I F'ing knew it! I have no one to blame but myself!*


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Adjovie you must calm down my friend!
Deep breaths! inhale, exhale.
I think you've gone too far to turn back now. Might as well finish this series!
Who knows what these writers have in plan. Honestly, right now, anythings unexpected.
If we got some black magic going on in the next episode -- surely you'll have to stay to find out.
I'm totally upset they decided to just kill off Earnest, probably for some angst, but we've been following this drama too fervently to drop it in a snap.
Surely though, this drama keeps coming with the surprises. eeep next episode T__T


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@ilikemangos :)

I was writing out my raw emotions as I as watching—didn't even take time to edit much cause I was (a little calmer now) very upset…

I simply can't take anymore angst for the sake of angst—Ernest Bot had better magically appear (back to life) in the last episode or I'm flying to Korea to give the writer/s a piece of my mind!

*trying to keep my sanity* :)


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It's okay.. i think all of us have lost our marbles at some point.
We're all just here to keep each other at least as close to normalcy as we can before someone drops from heart attack/stroke.
Surely though, i've already phoned a K2H ep 20 Finale DOCTOR to help bring everyone out of tough times and a dark day.


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Aaaw, I still love the show, though I feel like we're in an abusive relationship right now...the show, of course, being the abuser. And me being the beaten-down partner who comes crawling back for more.


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Masochists--that's who we are..


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hehehe...agree! Romantic Masochists ~ if ever there's one :D


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yup that's us alright! we keep coming back...


argh.....eventhough i allready predict this when i saw him writing the letter last week...i still crying a bucket for him..
Eun shi kyung ...no.....................


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Sssshhh. Here, some tissue for you. *hugs*


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Can't they use the fact that he SHOT AND KILLED Eun Shi Kyung after being arrested by the ICC as a reason to hold him?? Like... logic, where'd you go?

I also think that Jae Ha needs to call up the US Soldiers he made friends with in the WOC so they can throw their weight around. They must have some, getting to participate in that event. (And why not? It isn't like it wouldn't make sense in this crazy world.)


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Apparently a villain who is an obvious danger to the public is not at all threatening. ;)


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Actually the murder of Shi Kyung is not under the jurisdiction of the ICC, but the authorities of the location where he killed him (China) will have the right to arrest him.


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And yeah, I can soooo see China taking up the case ... *cough*.


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no... shi kyung..... why?!!!!!


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Numb. I am numb. And speechless.

Shikyung-ah, I did my homework! I believed in you!
And I will continue doing my homework. I will say, over and over again "Eun Shi Kyung is coming back."

If there's a 1% chance that you will come back and say "I love you" to Jae Shin, I will continue to believe. I will cling to that 1%. Yes I will.

Denial is good thing. I am not ready to move on yet.


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I feel you, Carmen. I'm tightly holding on to that 1%.


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I love spoilers, but for once, i'm not gonna go on sites containing spoilers for this finale.
It's gotta hit me unknowingly and HARD.
And then i'll decide whether or not this drama ended on a satisfying note.
This makes me worried.


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question, is there any spoiler so far? dun think there's any today.


is that a good thing or bad thing? hurrmmm


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Yes, it is out already!


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Hmmm since both countries are attacked by same other country, maybe they'll unite and join hands and beat the crap out of the other country? I mean what better way to the path of reunification than a war declared against them by the big brother?

And maybe our 2nd hero didn't die? Could it be? Maybe not. Can't be that cheesy. Maybe their son will be named after him.


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