Big: Episode 6

Okay, I don’t know if they did that time jump because the previous episodes were missing that spark, but man I’m glad they did. It’s a new year and a new show, as far as I’m concerned. I might be putting too much stock in the potential that comes out of where we find all our characters a year later, but I’m hoping the change in the tide is one that’s here to stay. Best time skip ever: Nobody gets a lobotomy, and the plot gets a conflict. Win-win?


So we’re now a year ahead of the original story, and Da-ran attends a friend’s wedding. Yoon-jae’s shell walks right up to her and stands at the elevator, and she looks over in shock, “Kyung-joon-ah!”

But he doesn’t answer, so she asks haltingly, “Yoon-jae-sshi?” He turns and says it’s been a long time. She’s so floored she nearly misses the elevator, and then asks again skeptically, “You’re Kyung-joon-ie, right?”

He shrugs. Okay, that’s a dead giveaway, right? She asks why he hasn’t called, when he came back, what he’s doing here. He just says he’s here for a friend’s wedding, and she gets confused again, “Yoon-jae-sshi?”

Kyung-joon (I’m almost positive) looks over at her and wonders how she got so old in such a short time, and declares with almost too much nonchalance to be believable, “You’re not pretty anymore.”

She scowls, now sure, “You ARE Kang Kyun-joon!” He continues, “When I first saw you, you were so pretty I followed you around.” So it was true! That spins her around again though, “Yoon Jae-sshi?”

Kyung-joon smiles, “I’ve changed so much you can’t even recognize me anymore.” He leaves her dumbfounded in the elevator, and turns back with his trademark, “Uh-oh, mental explosion.”

When she snaps out of it, Da-ran shouts after him, “You ARE Kang Kyung-joon!” as the doors close on her. She catches up to him in the banquet hall and sits down to talk to him tenderly as Kyung-joon, not realizing that the entire wedding party sees her as desperately trying to cling to ex-fiancé Yoon-jae.

Wait, don’t touch his face! He likes you! He smiles to himself to see that she really was confused about who’s soul was in there, and then points out that the whole room is staring at them. Has she already forgotten about whose shell he’s in?

She covers her face in horror, “I only see Kang Kyung-joon, but they all see Yoon-jae-sshi.” Aw, I still find the sentiment really sweet, despite the social mortification happening right now.

Kyung-joon figures that the first person to stand up and walk away hangs onto their pride, and she agrees, suggesting they both get up at the count of three. One… two… and of course Kyung-joon springs up first, “Three.” Derp.

She’s left to clean up the mess, or rather get humiliated by having all her girlfriends run up and publicly console her. ‘Cause that’s so helpful. A real girlfriend would drag her ass out and into a bathroom first.

But just as she’s about to drown in a vat of her own pride, Kyung-joon opens the double doors and hero-walks back in. He beelines straight for her and says he’s counting to three.

She panics, not knowing what’s going on, and springs up at three. He grabs her hand and they go running out of the wedding hall like the end of a nineties music video.

Outside, she thanks Kyung-joon for saving her from an awkward situation, and he has to point out that she just got back together with “Yoon-jae.” He shows her their hands, still clasped.

It finally dawns on her what she did, only to have Kyung-joon tell her that’s actually why he’s here—”They’re telling me to get married.”

And then at the same time (or is it a flashback?), Mom is asking Se-young to stay by Yoon-jae’s side. Great. Now the monsters have teamed up?

Kyung-joon says Mom keeps pushing him to marry Se-young. Da-ran understands, “Because to Yoon-jae’s mother, you’re not an eighteen-year old blood clot.”

He makes this awesome silent oh-no-you-did-not-just-call-me-that face and tamps down his would-be outburst. “That’s a NINETEEN-year old blood clot to you!” Hee.

He says that’s what he needs Gil Teacher for—if he has to get married, then well, Da-ran is the only one who knows the real him. She hilariously leans in and narrows her eyes, asking if this is because he still likes her.

Kyung-joon: “I’m different now. I was too young then.” Da-ran: “You’re STILL young.” He explains that it’s not a real proposal—he just needs her to be his shield against Mom’s parade of women, including Se-young. Da-ran turns him down.

He catches up to her in his car, purposely making another show of their togetherness in front of her friends. She argues that if he’s looking for a girlfriend-shield, he should be looking for girls his own age.

He astutely points out that in his body, going after girls his own age would land him in jail. “I guess if I go to jail, I can’t get married.” HA. Plan B is jail then?

She says she can’t do it—after everything she did to break up with Yoon-jae and forget him, how can she be by his side again and look at him daily? He mutters, “Do you still like Seo Yoon-jae that much? Does it hurt that much to see me?”

He drops her off at home and then stops her, “Gil Teacher, will you say my name?” Da-ran: “Kang Kyung-joon. Kang Kyung-joon. Kang Kyung-joon.” If only this were Beetlejuice.

He watches her go with a wistful look. “I missed you. The one person who calls me Kang Kyung-joon.” Just break mah heart why don’t you.

Da-ran goes home and looks through her box of Yoon-jae stuff, stopping at the picture of Kyung-joon kissing her. I wonder if there are more Yoon-jae memories or Kyung-joon memories in that box, when all is said and done.

Kyung-joon dresses for work, now wearing his grown-up clothes with ease. His room is this strange mix of kiddie bed and figurines, with… medical books? Wait, he’s not going to attempt to be a DOCTOR after a year’s worth of self-teaching, is he? UM…

He meets his colleagues at the hospital and says he’s planning to return to work. He reads another medical text and murmurs to himself that he’s almost filled his brain. Dude. Not the matrix. You can’t just upload that stuff.

And sure enough, as soon as he walks into a ward, he cringes at the sight of blood. Oh, whoops, that part.

He sits with his comatose body for a while, and Mari greets him with surprise. Man, that’s some hardcore love for someone so young. He asks her about that very thing, and she says that because she liked Kyung-joon, he lost the person he loved most in the world.

So she’s going to keep liking him, and then become the person he loves most in the world. That’s… sweet. He gets it now, that it’s more like a loyalty thing for her. And if there’s guilt attached, it makes even more sense to me.

He taps his fingers on her head and that makes her ask directly if he’s got some special connection to Kyung-joon: “Are you… his dad?” Kyung-joon rolls his eyes and says that would mean Seo Yoon-jae would’ve fathered him at the age of twelve. He makes a cheesy Mari pun [Mari mari andwae = Mari makes no sense] and leaves her growling.

Aunt and Uncle work through the connection too—if he’s not Kyung-joon’s dad, then he must be some relative from the dad’s side of the family (they think maybe uncle), otherwise what’s all this talk about the inheritance?

Kyung-joon drops by the school, sending everyone into a tailspin (especially Na Teacher, who thought his competition long gone). He meets with the vice principal to ask about Kyung-joon’s credits required to graduate, and is surprised to learn that everyone thinks Da-ran was dumped.

He announces in front of everyone that he was the dumpee, and so he left to go improve himself and came back to ask again, and got squarely rejected. So cute. I do love that the guy walking around in Seo Yoon-jae’s body has no concern for Seo Yoon-jae’s pride.

As they walk out, Da-ran accuses him of making up an excuse just to come here and do that. He calls her smart and says he needed to do that so she could still save face if she were to date him again.

They argue over the issue again over dinner, and at one point she calls him a little blood clot again and he nearly stabs his fork right through his plate. He wants her to go see Mom with him, and when she refuses, he orders her to get all her newlywed stuff out of his house. Like right now.

She looks around at all the stuff, muttering as she wonders why Kyung-joon became so cold. What, do you even have to ask that? She starts packing up her things, and he arrives after meeting with Mom (just to update her that he’ll stay at the house alone and return to the hospital).

They bicker about when she’s going to move the stuff out, and he tells her to clean the kitchen while she’s at it. So petty. He then goes to the store to buy cleaning supplies and asks, “Which is one that doesn’t clean well, so it’s takes the longest time?” Cute.

Choong-shik goes shoe shopping with Mari, and I’m amazed that they got through a year and he’s STILL got pizzas left on his tab. He actually alludes to the fact that he’s winding down on pizzas, and says he has something to tell her when he’s no longer her slave. Heh.

Mari in turn muses that she never imagined Kyung-joon would still be asleep, three hundred pizzas later. Choong-shik asks if she’s heard anything about Yoon-jae returning to the hospital. For some reason she says no, and Choong-shik nearly murders a shoe as he says he’s been hearing rumblings about Yoon-jae’s return.

Se-young arrives at Yoon-jae’s house with a box of his belongings from the hospital. She walks in smiling in anticipation, but finds Da-ran there instead. They have a standoff in the living room, each wondering why the other is there.

But the hilarious part is, Da-ran is no longer concerned so much about Se-young and Yoon-jae, as she is about Kyung-joon having a hot, scantily-clad lady friend visiting him at night, and tries to reason that Yoon-jae has the mind of a 19-year old right now.

It flies right over Se-young’s head, and she acknowledges that Yoon-jae is different after the accident, but she’s not going to give up on him like someone. But all Da-ran sees is her long legs in her tiny skirt, and chases her out the door before Kyung-joon gets home.

Kyung-joon arrives just in time to see Se-young leave, and smiles to hear that Da-ran chased her out. She tattles that Da-ran thinks he’s a childish kid. Kyung-joon: “I am. I’m a kid. And I’m very childish. Can you handle it?”

Se-young argues that he’s not at all childish, or he didn’t used to be. And she’s not going to give up on him like Da-ran. He sighs, “Fine. If, IF that guy returns, you can have him.” You don’t think that’s a mixed message to the dog with a bone?

He comes in still smiling about Da-ran chasing Se-young out, but frowns to see her lost in thought as she looks at Yoon-jae’s stuff from the office.

She checks out his room and marvels at all the medical texts, amazed that he’s really as smart as he claimed to be. He says it’s not so bad, zooming to thirty in one go. But he doesn’t want to be married off the same way.

She agrees that it’s pretty serious if Se-young is dropping by this late at night. He pointedly mmmm-aaaahs at the thought of that sexy lady coming by at this hour. “Teach, this is a brain that knows no self-control.” Rawr? Or is that icky? Still confused. Though her face at his o-face is awesome.

She tsk-tsks that Se-young would turn right around if she knew that his brain was more blood-clot, kiddy-bed level. Determined to prove her wrong, he gets right up in her face, inching her backward, “Then Gil Teacher would never… ever… feel that pull?”

She says that’s right. Uh-huh. He plops down on his bed and says that’s why Gil Teacher is the only one who can protect his innocent kid-brain. Argh. Still the same Kyung-joon: a man when it’s convenient and a kid when it’s convenient.

She goes home and sighs—what is she going to do about Kyung-joon? She can’t just leave him like that. Kyung-joon looks at the picture Da-ran was holding when he walked in, sighing that the hearts were still coming out of her eyes. Aw, kid.

At school, Na Teacher bemoans never having made a move (for a whole friggin’ year, I might add) and asks Ae-kyung to shoot his heart into the race. She complies, only it backfires and makes her fall for him.

Kyung-joon decides to face the music with Da-ran’s family, but then hides in fear the second Mom appears outside the mandoo restaurant. “That ajumma is the scariest one!” He sneaks in posing as a customer and hides behind a fan.

Thinking himself cowardly, he puts the fan down and gears up to face them, only to see Dad wielding two sharp butcher blades and Mom tapping a rolling pin in her hand. He quickly hides again and makes his way to the door…

Where Mari appears and blocks his exit. They have a silent standoff while Mom and Dad greet her, and he begs her not to give him away. She lets him off the hook and has his mandoo packaged to-go.

They eat in the park and she scowls at another Kyung-joon-copying behavior, taking two radishes per mandoo (I hate that too!) and he gives her the excuse that he normally eats three.

She gets sand in her eye on their way out, and for a moment, while her vision is impaired, when Kyung-joon tells her she’ll be okay and tousles her bangs, she sees him… as the real Kyung-joon. When she blinks the ajusshi returns, and it leaves her puzzled more than ever.

Meanwhile, Yoon-jae’s mother tells Da-ran to clean her stuff out of the house because she’s selling it. Da-ran says that there’s someone who’s supposed to buy it back from Yoon-jae, but obviously Mom doesn’t care.

She looks around the house and worries, remembering how much Kyung-joon had wanted to protect his last remaining possession, and what lengths he went to, to keep it.

Se-young comes by to check in on Kyung-joon as a patient, and finds out from a nurse that Yoon-jae stopped by the hospital to visit this kid. She wonders why and starts digging around, and finds out the connection: they were in the same accident.

Da-ran gets a call to come home to meet a visitor, but Kyung-joon gets there first, to see Na Teacher (who he just calls Phys Ed, ha) making nice with the family. Dad delights in the prospect of having a son-in-law follow in his footsteps, and also squeals to find that his last name isn’t Seo (having long since come to hate the term Seo-suh-bang).

Kyung-joon sees Da-ran walk up, and stops her from going inside. His distraction tactic? An existential crisis about soul and body.

While she ponders his crisis, he sneaks in little questions about Phys Ed. Have they gotten close? She says no really quickly and without thought, and he smiles.

She doesn’t know how to solve his dilemma, but she knows one thing for sure: “You’re just Kyung-joon-ie.” She tells him that he’s young, so he shouldn’t be around adults who are drinking, and he can never smoke, and even though he has a license, the driving still worries her so.

He beams. Awww, that smile is freaking adorable.

Mari watches over Kyung-joon in the hospital, thinking over all the weird signs that Yoon-jae and Kyung-joon are so alike in every way. She wonders aloud, “In this world, is there such a thing as two people who feel the same?”

Uncle comes in to ask if she knows the relationship between the doctor and Kyung-joon, and then gives her yet another puzzling clue: that Yoon-jae bought Kyung-joon’s house.

She asks Choong-shik about it, and he says he doesn’t really understand all the changes that happened to Yoon-jae after the accident. Mari locks in on that—what accident? When? The clues are a-convergin’.

Da-ran and Kyung-joon get coffee, and he sits down first, squeamish at the sight of a barista’s bloody finger. She wonders how he read all those medical books then.

She looks over at him, noticing that his lean-back-hand-in-pocket posture is exactly the same way he sat in class every day. Aw, is she really starting to see him as Kyung-joon? She smiles at him.

But while she’s waiting for the coffee, a girl knocks into him with her drink, not even trying to pretend it wasn’t on purpose. She asks for his number. He takes out his phone and Da-ran grumbles that that kid is really easy, just as her phone rings.

Kyung-joon: “Are you just gonna watch?” HA. He reminds her that she’s supposed to protect him, so she goes running over with their coffee.

The girl asks if she’s the girlfriend, and Da-ran can only manage a “Well… um…” but it’s enough to make the girl go away. He scowls at her lackluster response to the question. He asks again if she’s going play along for his sake, and she says she’s still thinking it over.

He sighs that if Gil Teacher’s thoughts get long (gil-da-ran), her confusion just grows too. He illustrates with a piece of candy taken from a bowl.

“The bait is Kang Kyung-joon. Just bite. The only person in the entire world who knows the real me is Gil Da-ran. This isn’t happy fishing, where I’m trying to catch a lot of fish. It’s sad fishing, where there’s only one fish, and I’m hanging onto it. Gil Teacher, please bite.”

He pushes his metaphor candy across the table as bait. (There you are, Hong sisters trademark! Where have you beeeeeen?)

Meanwhile, Mari has hopped the fence into Kyung-joon’s yard, and discovered his bed inside the house. She fumes and starts attacking the glass. When that doesn’t work, she tosses a chair clean through the window. What’s a little B&E for a true-blue stalker, eh? She’s officially back to being creepy.

She hardly even registers the cut on her arm as she walks past the broken glass, and goes straight for the bedroom, kept exactly as Kyung-joon would. At the same time, Se-young visits Kyung-joon’s body and wonders about the accident that left one asleep and the other without his memories.

Back at the coffee shop, Da-ran guesses that in other people’s eyes, it’ll look like she’s getting back together with Yoon-jae. He says this in-between will never work: it’s either all or nothing, and she has to choose.

Da-ran: “Kyung-joon-ah, I really want to stay by your side and help you. But I don’t want to see Yoon-jae-sshi’s face. It took so much to clean up my feelings, but seeing you with that face… can I stop myself from being swayed? Will I be able to not feel that pull in my heart?”

His face falls as she says the words. He says she’s made her decision then, and agrees not to see each other ever again. He gets up to go. Why does this feel like a break up? A real one? It’s confusing in a really good way.

Her heart sinks as she watches him walk away, and she picks up the candy on the table with a sigh.

Kyung-joon comes home to find his window bashed in and Mari waiting for him. She gives him the third degree and then sticks out her bloody arm for him to treat. He turns away at the sight of blood.

Mari: “Are you afraid of blood too?” Eeep!

Da-ran arrives outside, apparently having changed her mind. I’m happy about that, but too panicked to register it right now.

Mari finally lets the missile fly: “You’re not a doctor, are you? Are you… Kyung-joon-ie?”

Her eyes fill with tears and he says nothing, frozen in shock. Da-ran comes in, of all things calling out, “Kyung-joon-ah!”

Oh NO. Looks of panic, three ways across. Mari asks if it’s true, and then grabs him in a hug, crying, “Kyung-joon-ah. Kyung-joon-ah!”


She found out! I’m actually a little impressed that she sleuthed it all herself, and it seems fitting that the only one who could actually get to that conclusion on her own would be the nineteen-year old. Because body swap is not a logical adult answer to anything. Excited to see what changes her new knowledge will bring.

I actually much prefer the one-year-into-his-adult-body version of Kyung-joon, so the time skip works wonders for me. The previous setup had zero chance of working out—perhaps one reason why many of us, me included, felt emotionally detached from the show as a whole despite liking it (though there could be many other explanations). For me, one thing was clear before: Da-ran was in love with the shell, and almost never saw Kyung-joon or put him first. To the point that it made me question her heart (or lack of one).

But now it’s a new game. For one, Da-ran sees him now and her go-to is Kyung-joon, not Yoon-jae. And he’s come back as an even more confusing version of the manchild that he was—now he seems more mature, more caught up to the body, but also knows better how to play that angle. Because he’s only aged a year, technically, but he seems like he’s closed the gap more than Da-ran will let herself believe. Or is he just playing adult because he’s figured out how to act like one? It’s more of a mind-bender, but in a good way.

Now Da-ran’s number one concern isn’t Seo Yoon-jae. Giving her a year to get over him offscreen is pretty much a godsend, in that now she’s no longer a Seo-Yoon-jae-comes-first mindless robot. She’s finally putting herself first, and has spent the year passing the teaching exam and growing from her pain, like a normal person. Honestly didn’t know she had it in her.

This puts the Body/Soul conundrum in a MUCH more interesting place. Before, Kyung-joon found himself having to compete with his shell, and always losing, which is a given. But now there’s a more interesting conflict: he’s trapped in the body of the man she least wants to see. Like of all the human beings ever. And that’s how she should feel. That’s what we wanted for her—to wake the hell up and grow a spine. Only, now she has… and he’s still trapped in that guy’s body. Whoops.

It’s a million times better a problem than the first one, which was rather simplistic. Before, the body swap wasn’t that big a problem. Sure, it was inconvenient, but fundamentally, it didn’t have a huge conflict that drove it (a mistake, I think, in expecting the body swap itself to BE the conflict). But now, the romance is pitted against the body swap in a crucial way: Will Kyung-joon ever get the girl wearing the body of the man who broke her heart? And if he succeeds, how much of that will be her residual feelings for her last love? Why we didn’t just start here is killing me. I suppose it needs some setup, but I don’t know if we needed five episodes’ worth.

Being stuck in the body that got Da-ran’s heart-eyes was bad, but now his shell actively causes her pain. And his hurt at that unfixable problem (FINALLY) starts to get me in the heart. I hope it’s a conflict that we tease out more, since Kyung-joon thankfully kept his crush going strong while he was away. The soul-body jealousy has been good from the beginning, but with this new dimension, it’s got some serious potential.

And I’m so glad that of all things, Kyung-joon learned to hate being considered a kid. It didn’t bother him before, but now the way he reacts whenever Da-ran calls him a kid or a blood clot is perfect. He’s figured out how to get the entire world to see him as a grown man, but the one woman he wants to impress still sees him as a tiny baby. He spent the first five episodes just wanting to be a kid again, which I understand but care less about. But now he desperately wants to grow up to get the girl, which tugs at the heart in a new way. I hope this is where the central conflict will stay for a good long while.


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I was about to give up because my hope in KJDR was fading fast.
Now I feel like this give it an opportunity to happen! I still will just be so miserable if it doesn't. Screw age gaps, this isn't the first Kdrama with an age gap and it's not like DR is the most mature woman. ha!

I'm totally shipping Teacher Na with DR's teacher friend as well. I predict DR's teacher friend (forgot her name!) will be making the first move! :)

WTF was up with Mari. Seriously? Throwing a chair through the window? You'd think she'd know him enough to figure out the passcode for the door or something. But jeez, this just takes it way too far. Not cool at all and I'd be seriously terrified by her. She needs to be locked up and realize that she is infatuated and guilty and nothing more than that.

Then she can be released and be with Choong-Shik.


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I agree with you that Mari is very annoying and completely crazy. Whether it's KJ's house or not, she has no right to trespass, she should be jailed at once. No wonder, KJ doesn't want to reveal his true identity to her coz she's really very clingy and so obssessed.


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I am guessing this is a turning point for Mari...hoping, actually...Let's take her out of crazy second lead zone, and make her a rival we can respect, OK, writers?


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Yeah, I mean, I could handle her wanting to be near him and stuff - what friend wouldn't in that situation? But breaking and entering and stalking? Not cool!


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Thank you for saying that about Mari. I would be scared of her if I met her in real life. You don't know if/when she's going to snap. She was smart enough to figure out other things, but she was so desperate to get into KJ's house that she resorted to vandalism? I would tell KJ to run for his life.


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Isn't that why KJ is so afraid of letting her know about the body switch? He knows her character, and she was in character when throwing the chair.


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I wonder, what will happen if kyung joon goes to Mari?! because, NOW, she also knows his real ID, she found out.

OR, What will happen if Da ran and Kyung joon fall in love, but suddenly, another soul exchange happens?!

WHAT should Da ran do in that situation?


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I don't think KJ goes Mari even she knows truth...but reading your comment makes me wonder why Hong sister set up DR character so naive. Even "BIG" suppose to be KJ/DR grow up story, I can't imagine DR act decisive tough girl in next situation anymore (because I believe ppl can grow up but can't change the character).


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"Dude. Not the matrix. You can’t just upload that stuff."



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this show is a flop. disappointing


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but im gritting my teeth as i stick with this show because of gong yoo. i mean, it's gong yoo! tho im kinda hoping that the prince charming version of YJ would make his comeback soon and make everything all right. and i realize now that no matter how sucky this drama turns out to be, ill keep holding on to the bitter end, bravely, with my lower lip trembling, copious tears streaming down my face, my heart breaking. wae yo? because it's gong yoo!

pathetic, isn't it? ;D


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TOTALLY AGREED. I only care about 2 words. It's GONG YOO. period!


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Do not agree. It is not a work angling for popularity, but is pushing the boundaries and thought provoking.


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This I agree. Yes, it's not your typical Hong Sisters drama with all the slapstick and whatever but I think this has more depth and substance than their previous works and I like it.


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Ahhhhhh! I'm so in love with Big, even before this episode!! Main guys who struggle hard to get the main girl ALWAYS gets to my heart. ALWAYS.


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i hope at the end..
KJ and YJ soul swapped back and ma ri transformed into a better person and yoon jae feel guilty to Gil da ran ...
and finally yoon jae w da ran and kyung joon w jang ma ri <3 i think ma ri and kyung joon is the perfect couple..

dramabeans fighting!! and hong sisters daebak!!


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im with u on that, but the way the dramas going i think we will be very heart broken


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time skip, i like! it will never be win-win.....its a love quadrangle now...


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FINALLY. I'm definitely a heckuva lot more invested in this set up. Hopefully I'll start to get into this drama more. I'm still not totally hooked, but things are tugging at my heart more. Especially that look he gave her when she left the car <3


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the problem with having a serious relationship w/ KJ is that he's still borrowing YJ's body. what if the real YJ wakes up, and they revert back to their original bodies? would da ran really date openly the real KJ? it'll open an entirely new can of worms.
and i just simply can't follow the KJ-DR ship and am just waiting for the real YJ to wake up, and he always been truly in love with DR who now harbors enormous resentment against him. that's the conflict i want to see and not this borderline pedophilia with which the drama is butterflying.


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Yes I agree. I hope YJ wakes up by episode 8 (halfway point) and get things really going.


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Sorry, but pedophilia is when people obsessed with and like PREPUBESCENT children. KJ is well past puberty (and can actually be classified as a pedophile himself if he were to take interest in prepubescent children.)

And at this point, I don't really care whether YJ really loved DR or not. He was never up front with her about any of his feelings or his intentions to go to L.A. She was never herself around him because she was always so insecure about her position versus his (him being a superstar doctor at his hospital and all.) Bottom line is they didn't know each other very well before agreeing to getting married.

I'd like the misunderstanding that YJ is a lying, cheating bastard to be cleared up, but I don't think DR-YJ will ever work.


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Errr '' He was never up front with her about any of his feelings or his intentions to go to L.A. ''

I believe he was going to tell the truth about LA plus about loving her before the accident.

I want YJ and DR to clean up things and make it work because I can't ship KJ/DR...

I don't see a woman-man relationship, but brother and Big sister.

KJ might even be misunderstanding his feelings for DR because she gives more a mother/sister vibe which he needs since he is all alone and couldn't tell nobody about being KJ on YJ's body. I think KJ needs a family not a girlfriend, but whatever.


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"I believe he was going to tell the truth about LA plus about loving her before the accident."

Of course, we don't know at this point what he was or was not going to tell Da-ran, but I think it is fair to say that regardless of what he may have been planning on telling DR, YJ was a bit squirrelly about sharing information with her in general. Their relationship was certainly not one founded on honesty and open communication. The fact that Da-ran didn't even know whether or not her fiance loved her speaks to that. Add to that the fact that YJ was only going to open up to DR after she basically gave him an ultimatum, and it's pretty clear that their relationship was not healthy, nor was YJ ever open about his feelings with DR. I don't think it's fair to say at this point that they could NEVER work, but IMO they'd basically have to start over from square one and change a lot about how they communicate with each other.


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Which is what I think can happen. They can go back to square one and restart their relationship on a more honest foundation.


and that's what the qualifier 'borderline' is for.


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Then you must seem to think the same of Da Ran's parents. She married her teacher when she was 19 years old as well, according to character charts.

Plus, now that one year has passed, KJ is basically considered legal and another one of his birthdays coming up very soon too.


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paedophilia??!! seriously?


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i meant my use of the word.


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dude im with u all the way, my heart skips a beat when i see YJ and DR together, the same doesn't happen to me, with KJ and DR. And im not really a fan of teacher student relation ships


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Do you know the definition of pedophilia? KJ has always been overage in this drama - at least in American terms and now is overage in Korean terms as well.

He's young, but he is not pedo-bait.


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So, I see that the Vitamin Water is back with a vengeance.


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the vitamin water appearing on wedding tables was weird.. product placement at the wrong place!


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Mari is effin crazy.. I don't find it funny or cute. It's just insane and she's psycho. Yes, it's just a drama.

I don't like the whole teacher/student relationship thing. I think this is a spin off of the American movie "Big" with Tom Hanks.

I want to throw rocks at LMJ bc sometimes she's just stupid and needs a backbone. I hate when they have to play the stupid weak, naive, and slow defenseless woman. I like the Bitch's vicious attitude, but not where it's going.. I hate that she's trying to take someone else's man..

I just want to know what will happen. It's good so far.. but I mean if I miss an episode or something I won't die.


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Ummm.... Didn't you get the memo that this was supposed to be based on the movie "Big" starring Tom Hanks... Thus why it is called "Big?" ^^;; That was posted several times prior to the airing of this drama on this blog...

So far they are hitting the main plot points of that movie too.

The kid acts like a kid for a while, relishes his adult body, forgets what it is like to be a kid, falls in love, and then goes back and permanently loses the girl. There are even small allusions to his bunk bed in the movie and several mentions of his mom, who was also pivotal in the movie...

So far we're to the point (in the movie) where the kid tries to impress the girl and act more adult and yet fails and then where he starts acting more adult.


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... And the boy prince in the man's body sought the aid of the finest surgeons in the land, acquired a new face (but kept the choco abs), and lived happily ever after with his teacher princess.

How's that for a nonsensical k-ent ending? :p


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Where are the donated eyes, the leukemia, the noble idiot syndrome, squeaky car tires against the rubber garage, random act of AIDS/cancer/heart problem/fatal disease, and the forbidden relationship while they run on the beach/field of flowers/walk in the rain/flower petals/snow while accidentally passing shot with each other?

HUH? Where is that? Did I manage to describe all of the season dramas (which have no plot flavoring?). Can you tell that I watch a lot of K-dramas yet?

Don't worry, I doubt Hong sisters will pull that off. Though they probably are going for the opposing chebal chaebol mother...


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My guilty pleasure is Stairway to Heaven, which crosses off several of the cliches listed.

Btw I don't think Big falls into cliche land at all, in case that's what you thought ... I was just imagining an amusing alternate solution to the Da-Ran-doesn't-want-to-see-Yoon -Jae's face problem.


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I can see KJ talking to the plastic surgeon:
Seriously, seriously, how can I keep the abs?


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YJ says to KJ, "You, too can have beautiful abs that you can mention or show in every episode if you go to the army."

KJ says, "But Yoon Jae Older Brother, are abs enough?"

YJ nods. "Of course. Just come back, shower in front of her by accident, scream a few times, talk about how your body is hot, put down your own body on screen because you've been working on it so much, and you can get any lady you want. It helps if you are on cable--TvN, I hear is good. More kisses, you know, and a few bed scenes. (Though those can be more difficult than action scenes.)"

KJ, "I'll do it! But I don't want an ending like Ramyeon Flower Boys~"

YJ, "It's the cost we pay for screaming women who want to touch our chests and mid sections."

... And that's how KJ, too, got his abs.


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I'm getting tired with the story line even with the time leap.
I hope they will allow Kyung Joon's body with (yoon jae) to wake up from the lengthy coma. They don't need to body swap yet,but just wake up and see how Shin will act as a 30 year old.I think that would be cute and hilarious.So far, the comedy hasn't been that funny so they need to bring it up a notch.

Ma ri is a crazy weirdo stalker girl.Why is she so desperate?Is she a thug?Throwing a chair into a window is dangerous. It's trespassing and breaking and entering a person's home without permission.Doesn't her parents care what she does looking after Kyung Joon and that she hasn't been going to school for a year?


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I love Suzy's acting in the end....J'adore! <3 Also, she really nails the stalkerish-snob girl type hahaha.


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I love the new Kyung Jae but I really dislike Mari finding out that Kyung Joon is in Yoon Jae's body...The ONLY way I will like it is if Mari uses her b**chy attitude to join forces with Da Ran and Kyung Joon against Se-Young and over protective pushy mom. Otherwise I don't like Mari knowing cuz she'll come between Da Ran and Kyung Joon. I haven't decided if i am shipping Da Ran and Yoon Jae or Da Ran and Kyung joon yet but I don't like Mari or Se-young butting in. Can't wait for next week.


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Suzy is multi-talented..I hope she won the Movie Award in Mnet 20..hehehe


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DR and Kyung-joon should get together. why not? look at DR's parents. Her father was her mom's professor and they got married when she was 19, the same age as Kyung-joon. it seems fitting that DR marries her student. it is like history is repeating itself, except in reverse this time. It's such a double standard that a male professor can marry his student, but it is frowned upon for a female teacher to do the same thing.


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I don't see anyone gushing over the parents' relationship... I still can't wrap my head around the fact that KJ is only 19. I wish the Hong sisters had made his character a little older.


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Thanks GF for the recap.

I've stopped watching the drama but will keep reading the recaps.


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Wow, Thank you GF!
You mentioned everything what I felt between ep1 to ep5, and now all frustrations I felt for those episodes are half gone.

Actually I was ready to say "OK, I'm done with this show" until I see last 10mins of ep6.

Now Mari found out the truth and finally (really finally!) the story start moving, so I'll check two more episodes and see how this show can progress (actually I'm not convinced DR/KJ couple yet though).

My questions are "Can KJ be really grow up man in 1 year even he worked so hard?" "Isn't it just acting like grow up man?""Can DR recognize KJ as different person like that?"


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I forgot to say..I feel this show is trying to be a bit too much "extra funny"or "extra dramatic". OK, this is Hong sisters drama so people expect funny (me as well), but don't do too much.....Like Mari throwing a chair is really unnecessary (even this purpose was showing Mari's injured arm with blood). Those actions destroy each characters (same as DR case).


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dang Gong Yoo is too darn HOt sizzlinggg....the girl who would be his wife in real life and catch his heart is so freakin lucky I wanted to kick her joke.....


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How sad that Lee Min Jung had another failed attempt in getting married!


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is it just me, because im slightly rooting for GDR and SYJ, i mean we dont really knw if he was bad or anything , and when they do switch bodies Goong yo would be acting SYJ, and it would be kinda of weird if he gets the heart break


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No you're not alone. I'm rooting for DR/YJ too and I hope we get YJ's side of the story soon.


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Thanks for the recap!! I am just swooning at GY. More please!! OMG. How to last til next week for another dose of Big?!


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Well, let see. Watch Ghost, Bridal Mask, & Gentlemen's Dignity while we wait until Monday...:-)


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and i kinda of feel sorry for maeri , u can tell she really loves kj


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kyung joon need to wake up and swapped back their souls to their original bodies


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WoW! I love this show!
I love how the ground for developments was (an still is) done! I believe that in one moment all the points will collide in a BIGger picture.

I'm intrigued to see what will happen now that DR isn't the only "woman who knows the truth" in KJ's life. He will have his age appropriate girlfriend to choose.
So my wish is that they don't deny the mind-body swap, and just honestly tell Maeri about it.

There is another thing I'm looking forward in the next two eps. All hints show that we will know by then the real connection between KJ and YJ. So two more eps for that and then another two eps to let the mind return to its real body.
My speculation is that when YJ awakes, KJ's mind will automatically return to it's original place.


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This episode kicked it up a lot! It was getting repetitive and boring for me these past few episodes. I'm excited now that they aren't the only ones who know about the switch! I knew the Hong Sister's will come along. The beginning of every drama is quite rough.


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In the scene where Mari got sand in her eyes, wasn't there a hand that pulled her back when she was seeing KJ and about to follow him?


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Hi! I've been reading your blog for a while now, and I thought I could give my opinion for once. Sorry if my English isn't really fluent, though.

You said in your comment "Because he’s only aged a year, technically, but he seems like he’s closed the gap more than Da-ran will let herself believe. Or is he just playing adult because he’s figured out how to act like one? It’s more of a mind-bender, but in a good way."
I just don't agree. He learned how to act otherwise, but I don't see him as a grown up at all. He's wrong when he wants to skip the growing part of being an adult : no studying then chosing what you want to do with your life, finding a job, etc. No matter what, he's still stuck in someone else's life and he just tries to deal with it. Obvisously he's okay with it to some extent because he's smart but you can't become a doctor after one year of intensive studying and learning by heart, can you? (and I won't even bring up the fear of blood hurdle...)

As for your question: "Will Kyung-joon ever get the girl wearing the body of the man who broke her heart?", I have to admit that I'm not rooting for them at all. Their relationship isn't going toward love ("romantic love" at least) because he just sees her as the only one who somehow has taken care of him since his mother died (or since he came to Korea). She's older and he's like her little brother. It kinda creeps me out.
Well, I could be fine with the age gap and the yearning for mother/son love if it wasn't for the enigmatic real doctor trapped in a coma. I hate the fact that we still don't know anything about him except small unreliable bits and pieces.
I feel like the problem between Da Ran and Yoon Jae is that they never really talked at all. Da Ran seemed stupid in the way she loved him, and he was and still is silent... but both quick to get married when they met. The only time we could have known what's on his mind, he had a car accident, how convenient.
I would hate for him to wake up near the end in whichever body and be like "what the hell happened?" with some big stupid revelation of him being Kyung Joon's brother or uncle or father or whatever as long as it explains the body swap awkwardly and in a rushed way because the teenager ends up with the teacher.
I think the two main characters have grown already thanks to the time gap, but they still have a long way to go, and we can't forget about the comatose, the sleuth, the bitchy doctor and maybe the bitchy mom (but parents never really grow in kdrama land, do they?)

I would really hate that the rest of the drama evolves around the teacher/student relationship and that's why I have big expectations about Ma Ri finding out the body swap, and maybe the bitchy doctor too later on (she seemed close enough).


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I would also hate it if YJ didn't wake up until the end. But...I think that he will wake up as soon as things seem kind of settled between DR and KJ, so that he can have a double freak-out...about the body-switch, and about his body-snatcher having a relationship with DR.


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I think that DR will fall in love with KJ and maybe even marry him and then...there will be a body switch and YJ will get his body back and try to redeem himself with DR. Also, it is a common kdrama motif that a man who teases and quarrels a woman and pats her head ends up loving her. So...although KJ is suffering from first love syndrome with DR, he will almost certainly end up with M.

PS thanks for the subs!


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The only problem I have with KJ in GY body's is that he's still practicing medicine without having to go to med. school. You cant' catch up with just 1 yr of cramming.


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That's also my problem. even if he studies for several years, he can never be a surgeon. Yo need so many years of extensive practical trainings in the hospital, that's why there's the internship and residency. You can not be a surgeon ore ven just a medical practitioner by reading medical books alone.


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Well the drama agrees with you, and showed real life obstacles like fear of blood that stops him. He can try, but he can never become YJ. And it's not GY's, it's YJ's body.


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Oopss, my last sentence is for namcha.


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Okay, let me be the only one not enamored with the last two episodes! Not sure where they are going with all the women now knowing or suspecting. I think I preferred the unknown more. So, I think I might stick to the recaps now. I always enjoy the work that you ladies do!


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Two things to do before I die:
* Hug Gong Yoo
* Make out with Gong Yoo


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lol. i'll add a third. ;D.


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Tell us how?


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i cant accept DR falling for KJ while he's in YJ body!!..too much of being nonsense..im sure she wont feel the same if KJ as KJ..if not..n obody would like this drama.KJ is too comfortable to be YJ untill he Didnt even bother his own body lying in hospital for god sake
This drama is absolutely using beautiful actor/actresssfor comercial purpose..at least that what i think for now.
Just hope YJ is actually having split personality for becoming Kj(his long lost brother)..though i know it wont happen.i cant see GY neither as KJ nor YJ,both character will remind me of shin?..urghh..sad..
Suffering fromm too much expection i guess..


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Some people see it as nonsense, some sees it as asking questions and exploring issues using a fantasy body switching premise.
If your own values and beliefs gets in the way, it's hard to continue.


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off topic: Suzy is one lucky girl. she got to work with all of my favorite guys, Taecyeon, Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Je Hoon and now Gong Yoo. sigh..


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Hmmm.. I can't help but think of this...

When KJ & DR were taking wedding photos, and KJ claimed to have given his first kiss to DR...

It wasn't his first kiss was it!??!?!

Didn't he SLEEP with Se young?!?! Did I miss something here?


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They only SLEPT. There was nothing more that went on there.

At least that is how I took it.


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No, he was passed out.
He panicked because he had at one point thought he had, but later on he says he was sure nothing happened between them.


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I suppose it is more complicated to perform.


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Ok... I don't think there was any cheating going on with Yoon Jae.. And you know there is some connection between Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon... Brothers? I hope not...

I am really REALLY liking this show. You can definitely see the similarities to the movie but I'm glad they only made it the basic premise. So not completely original, but still pretty great!


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Strange as it is , Suzy's character is the only one that I can relate with, this girl surprised me that her scenes with GY and LMJ, she could stand out on her own which is very rare to see from a rookie. The ending helps that she will shine more from now, her freshness/interpretation of the character is what puzzled me and made me feel hopeful for the show.

To be the Hong Sisters' character, the actors/actresses have to be be able to put charm/life into the character beside acting, and a little touch from a comic book flair as well. IMO, Zuzy (and I'm not her fan) is the only who is able to depict the Hong Sister' trademark character just right. GY and LMJ are doing their own and good but the problem is this is the Hong Sister' drama. More imagination, more out of the world, more unique that we don't normally see, more of these into the character or else all will fall flat because they are being too real, think The Greatest Love how the leads were so creative and fun with their characters. May be the leads here are not the die-hard fan of the Hong Sisters, that's why,just may be........


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To be honest,Mari is my favorite characters. I enjoy the hotness of Gong Yoo but i'm so looking forward to her story the most. I hope we get more back story of her.


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I like Suzy acting too. I Wonder why there are so many people didn't like her character..


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There is a sweetness and a shyness to the DR-YJ relationship that touched me in the early episodes. YJ comes across as a man of honour, reticent and reserved, who falls in love at first sight with the ditzy and insecure young teacher, gives in to impulse for the first time in his so-carefully ordered life and proposes to her.

I would prefer YJ to wake up and be himself, in his own body, a man, an adult. Not a boy on the verge of adulthood, as they keep drumming into us every opportunity they can. "You're the adult,"/ I'm just a kid"/ You don't take me seriously" are refrains that occur over and over again, and frankly, I'm getting rather tired. I just feel we are stuck in limbo, much like YJ is. The characters move round and round in circles but they cannot proceed nor progress far as long as YJ sleeps. So writers, please, have YJ wake up. We really really need to move on.


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What you view as having no progress is actually what this show is exploring and questioning. So I don't really think you will enjoy this show as it goes on.


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I am in love with your first paragraph. That's exactly how I feel when it comes to DR-YJ and YJ, which is why I'm holding out for both of them in the end.

I hope YJ wakes up by episode 8 (halfway point). The last remaining episodes can clear up his story, hopefully!


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I guess I am a DR-YJ shipper at heart after all. I am "swayed" by the protectiveness of KJ and the pain of his unrequited love, but it is the enigmatic mystery of the distant YJ and the tenderness in his eyes that he reveals at unguarded moments that compel me to continue watching this drama. It is obvious he loves her, but DR's feelings for him seem to be more hero-worship than true love. But from the latest episodes it is obvious that the hero of this drama is not YJ but KJ. It is the story about his growth, not only physically, but emotionally as well. Who DR ends up with is a question mark, but to those who feel uneasy about the teacher-student relationship, fear not; they will effect a five-year time leap for the couple if they are destined to be the OTP. If they are not, it will be a bitter-sweet experience for the young KJ on his road to maturity.


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Thank you so much for the recap~

I just keep finding myself on dramabeans after watching each episode. I just love, love, love your comments ^^


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Thanks for the review! I always read this after I've watched the show..

after watching, i was just thinking that shin won ho should have some more screen time.. and part of me was wondering how it would be like if it they had the effect like in Secret Garden where we can see the actual character playing that part (meaning shin won ho playing erm the not-in-coma KJ)... I feel that maybe that will make me feel more 'connected' to KJ as himself, rather than KJ-in-YJ-body. Right now I'm supporting kyungjoon+daran, but I feel like I will find it weird if they switched bodies back.. But THEN again, I wanna see gong yoo on screen too! lol.. or maybe it was just purposely made this way so that the audience will have some attachment to the yoon-jae-body...
ahhh i'm confused..

well, it's probably still too early and I'll have to wait and see the development in future episodes....


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i am loving this show, cant wait for episode 7..the story gets more and more interesting..and i think the real conflict of the show will be seen in the coming episodes..

the end part of ep.6 is such a cliffhanger..i am wondering why DR went bck to KJ's house if she declined his proposal..but i have a strong feeling that she changer her mind and will help KJ instead.. =)

i dont care about the age gap difference,there is nothing wrong about it..hope its KJ (in YG's body) and DR in the end..there characters make them look good together! i have a strong feeling that KJ will remain in YG's body till the end..

i hope MaRi's character as well will not be the type of villain like YG's dr friend and mom..


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Me too! I'm worried for Mari. I have a feeling that MariXChoong-shik might happen, though.


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When is Yoon Jae going to wake up? I never thought her and KJ couldn't be a possibility. Her parents were teacher and student too. Them mentioning that makes their pairing a possibility. However, having YJ out of the story so far makes everything one-sided. I don't have a clear picture of him and I don't believe he cheated. There is no evidence of him cheating. So he had a key that doesn't mean he used it and from what Seyoung said he never did.


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You have to admit, though, the plane ticket was suspicious. I agree that I don't think he was cheating, but I do think he was planning to ditch her.


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yeah that plane ticket is indeed suspicious..but im still hoping that the story will give YG a chance to explain his side..i still want to know his answer to DR's question to him before the accident happened..

i think YG really loves DR but not as much as KJ loves DR..


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That ticket to LA probably concerns KJ in a way. He was from LA too after all.


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One comment that I think hasn't been made yet in the recaps is how nice these screencaps look. It doesn't look blurry or awkward in any of them, and every shot is clear, almost as if it was meant to be screencapped. For some reason this makes me like the drama much much more.


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Although I agree that the dir of photog is hitting it out of the part visually, I have to say the art of getting a good screencap requires a LOT of trial and error.
For every one you see up there, it prolly took 5 or 6 blurry ones.


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"...they go running out of the wedding hall like the end of a nineties music video" -- hi.la.rious


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Do you want to learn to use bold, italics and strickthrough in your posts?


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i love how LMJ acts DR's character..she is a really good actress..and pretty indeed! i love her style in the drama as well..GY on the other hand, is so handsome and amazing! i started to like him in coffee prince, but i think he is much better in this drama..LMJ and GY looks so good together,hope they'll date in real life..

this show is getting more interesting..cant wait for the next coming episodes..i wonder why they dont have a preview for ep.7.. =(

i hope it will be KJ (in YG's body) and DR in the end..love their chemistry,they suit it each other..fighting DR and KJ!


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i think the reason why we only get glimpses of the real YJ is that when YJ finally wakes up in KJ's body, shin won-ho has rather big shoes to fill playing the adult YJ. i mean GY is a great actor, it would be a tall order for any actor to play him, esp for a rookie one. also, saw spoiler pics of mari and KJ(SWH) dating. but of course, it could be a fantasy scene, mari only imagining KJ in his own body.


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You made a pretty clear comment that permits to appreciate the value of the episode.
I really want to see the real Shin , it becomes annoying to see him asleep.
and even if I'm a fan of Lucy...She is so overwhelming!!!


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I know Big is doing right when I see all these comments with different views, when people gets affronted because of their own values and beliefs. Just my type of drama.

And I am loving the unraveling of the secret by the other parties, looking forward to the next episode. Only thing I do not like is the mother, just want to skip her. Weekend drama mother type.


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