To the Beautiful You: Episode 4

It’s a remarkable thing when a drama can elicit such a strong reaction from you within the first three minutes. What a good drama should know how to do is cater to their target audience. What happened to the cute? Whilst thou abandon me so soon adorableness? Here’s looking at you, drama.

Ratings dipped this week in Episodes 3 and 4 to 5.1% and 5.4% respectively.


Onew – “In Your Eyes” [ Download ]

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Back at the pension, Seung-ri’s mother wonders why Chang-hyun, the nameless hyung/employee from the previous episode, is missing. You didn’t send him on an errand, did you?

Tae-joon thinks the same, and Chang-hyun’s numerous inappropriate behaviors flash in his mind before he rides off on a bike.

Meanwhile, Chang-hyun panics when Jae-hee asks to borrow his cellphone. Tae-joon’s frantic voice leaves her confused and Chang-yun swipes the phone before she can describe their current location. In a scarily calm voice, he tells her, “Stay still and nothing too bad will happen to you.”

Waitaminit. Drama are you telling me that he’s a McCreeperson sexual predator? I wanna throw up already.

He locks the door and stops in front of an abandoned yard. He scoffs when Jae-hee addresses him as ‘hyung’ and chuckles, “You’re a girl.”

The air grows increasingly tense and horrific as he grabs her wrist, preventing her escape. Oh my god, oh my god. Then he jumps her and she pushes him off and slaps him upside the head in retaliation.

With a poke in the eye, she runs out. I feel thoroughly disgusted right now. We’re only three minutes in, drama!

McCreeperson gives chase just as Tae-joon arrives and searches through the now abandoned van. At the same time, McCreeperson catches her and as they fall, the bracelet falls out of her pocket.

Grabbing her by the shirt, he punches her and he taunts her to scream for her life. She’s terrified and he mocks her shouts for help with maddening eyes.

…and then a flying kick by Tae-joon knocks McCreeperson over. The two engage in a slo-mo fight, punching and kicking each other. Tae-joon delivers a righteous punch that sends McCreeperson flying into the ground.

Jae-hee finally intervenes before Tae-joon can deal more damage, pleading for him to stop. And McCreeperson gets away? WHAT?!

Tae-joon breathes hard for a few moments and then gives a half-laugh, “Sorry for being late.” He pulls her in a tight hug. Oh hai there romantic music cue. Sorry Onew.

Her ankle’s shot and he offers to piggyback her back. Tae-joon silently picks up the fallen bracelet before hoisting her up.

Night falls and Doc grows concerned that neither Tae-joon or Jae-hee have returned. He proposes that they organize a search party.

They search through the woods and no luck. Doc breaks the group up into pairs and Eun-gyul and Hanna gape back, Me? With her?! There’s no time to lose and they continue to search.

Taking a short rest on their return trip, Jae-hee asks why he started high jumping, dissatisfied with his answers that “it just happened” and that it was a sport that wouldn’t get him dirty.

However, he sympathizes when he learns that Jae-hee moved to America after her father passed away and her mother remarried. She reflects, “But it was okay. Because of you.”

They continue on using the lighted bracelets to direct their path and Jae-hee wonders what Tae-joon must feel when he’s high jumping.

That triggers a time when his mother asked the same question from him when he was younger. His answer back then was, “When I’m jumping, it feels like I can touch the sky.” And for Mom, it warmed her heart to see him jump.

After they’re found by Eun-gyul and Hanna in the woods, they head back to the pension where Doc tends to Jae-hee’s sprain. He tells her to take it easy or else her injury could worsen.

Seung-ri asks about what happened – wasn’t she with Chang-hyun? Tae-joon swoops in with the simple explanation that they were fighting while Eun-gyul and Hanna cast worried looks at Jae-hee.

Jae-hee sits in her room, still shaken up and Tae-joon thinks to himself, concerned.

Eun-gyul tries to lift Jae-hee’s spirits by singing a cute song. He starts to dance which gets her to start laughing. And then right outside the door, we see Tae-joon hold a plate of milk and snacks.

Drama, are you expecting me to believe that this is how you’re going to deal with a girl who was sexually assaulted? Giving us subtext along with a song and dance? *headdesk*

Jae-hee is unsurprisingly quiet at breakfast and the others note that Doc is missing at the table. Seung-ri’s mom sighs that he’s too busy to date and at this rate, he’ll die as an old unmarried man.

Hanna confronts Jae-hee about what’s wrong because her intuition is telling her that something’s off. But she’s in no mood to empathize today.

Before they head back to school, the group gathers for a souvenir photo.

Jae-hee checks her email in the van and hits her head in surprise when she reads that her brother is planning to see her this week.

It turns out that Doc came back to town early to attend a seminar. In the bathroom, he notices another handsome, well-dressed young man. I love how he’s enamored by every small detail down to the cufflinks. Omo, does this mean our Doc is gay in this version as well?

He gives a surprise look when the Western man makes small talk in Korean. And then he’s further impressed when he’s a prominent doctor.

Director Jang fills up Tae-joon’s upcoming schedule with more CFs and wonders if they should move up his retirement since he’s not jumping.

We jump into the middle of the CF shoot where the director is ready to pull his hair out for the multiple takes, citing how difficult it was to get to shoot here. And then his assistant says that the principal is just fine with it.

At that moment, the principal walks in giving the director an earful about how Tae-joon is this school’s “Jang Dong-gun and Won Bin.” Pfft – is this supposed to be a Secret Garden reference?

Jae-hee reads her brother’s email as if it were a conversation. It seems that her brother has no idea that little sis has chopped off her locks and is attending a boys school. Jae-hee contemplates what to do about obtaining a female student’s uniform.

As if on cue, Hanna comes bursting in the room and isn’t inclined to hear Jae-hee’s request. But while she’s busy shooting the CF with Tae-joon, we see that Jae-hee has spotted Hanna’s uniform in the distance and swipes it before Hanna returns.

Meanwhile, Hyun-jae is busy training for the upcoming competition. Coach Baek runs him through drills and literally sets the bar high at Tae-joon’s record.

Hyun-jae fails to clear and beats himself over about it. Coach Baek gives him an encouraging pat on the back, telling him that the tiniest bit can mean the difference between gold and silver. Hyun-jae stares at the height with determined eyes.

Eun-gyul positively beams as he looks through the vacay photos on his phone, stopping at a photo of Jae-hee. He shakes himself out of it and looks up the word “gay” out of curiosity.

He raises an eyebrow at the first definition, “Mirthful joy?” Aw, I’m not sure if that’s what you were looking for.

He imagines marrying Jae-hee and their married life where their son comes crying that the kids are making fun of him for having two Dads. (Eun-gyul tells him, “But that’s a joyous thing!”) How awesome is that Jae-hee is the one who’s all scruffy?

Then one question gives the both of them pause, “Which one of you had me?” HAHAHA.

He snaps himself out of the daydream and exclaims, “There’s nothing to be joyful about!”

Director Jang pays Tae-joon a visit after the CF shoot. She looks on with pride about how much he’s grown since he first signed to their company when he was in middle school.

She reminds him that it wasn’t just a contract but that he was entering a family. With a deep breath, she suggests that they look into an earlier retirement. And as usual, Tae-joon doesn’t put up a fight.

Coach Baek arrives to school in his beat up car to meet his crush, Teacher Lee. He asks her where she lives (Boon-dang) and then offers to carpool since he lives near the area. When she asks where, he replies, “…Ilsan.”

Hahaha. Which is on the opposite end of the city. Your crush is too cute, Coach Baek.

Doc is in the middle of googling the mysterious handsome doctor when Jae-hee bursts into his office for a pass.

I love that she forgets herself for a moment while waiting for her brother and sits with her legs wide open. It’s the little things that get me.

It’s no surprise then that her brother, Daniel Dawson (Julien Kang), is the same doctor we saw earlier. At lunch, he zips through a litany of questions in excitement about Jae-hee’s new life in Korea.

Daniel clucks at his sister for living in Korea without a cell phone. Commence shopping spree!

He finds that it amusing that Jae-hee peruses the men’s clothing selection and he lavishes her with new clothes and accessories. Aww, it is kind of nice to see Jae-hee enjoy an afternoon as a girl.

Jae-hee slips away to use the bathroom (and runs into the men’s one first out of habit, heh) and gasps aloud when Hanna walks in. She tries to leave unnoticed when Hanna stops her… and returns her hairpin.

Hanna cocks her head in slight recognition. But it’s not Jae-hee’s face that gives her pause but the uniform. Heh.

Just when Jae-hee thinks she’s out in the clear, Daniel tells her that she’s in luck – Tae-joon is here to sign autographs. Like a good older brother, he ignores her protests, telling her not to regret missing the chance to meet her idol.

Jae-hee does her best to cover her face when they approach Tae-joon. He asks for her name and she answers, “Goo-jil (grungy).” Because he affectionately calls you “goo-jil goo-jil” now?

She takes the autograph and gets ready to dart out of there when Hanna stops her in her tracks. Hanna narrows her eyes – she’s sure that she’s seen her face somewhere – and asks to see Jae-hee’s face.

Tae-joon interrupts that it’s likely they saw each other at school given the same uniform. He lets Jae-hee go but Hanna can’t shake off her hunch.

Jae-hee sees her brother off and then heads back to Genie High.

Tae-joon enters the darkened gymnasium and packs up his locker with a deep sigh. It’s sad to see him stare at an old photo with his mother and past headlines that marked his success.

Coach Baek interrupts him and takes it as a sign that Tae-joon that he really intends to quit. Tae-joon says that it’s better that a real athlete should take his place. At that, Coach Baek raises his voice, warning him that he won’t be able to come back if he quits.

Tae-joon takes his leave.

Jae-hee stays up late on her computer and gets caught in the middle of class for yawning. At least she’s not the only one since Eun-gyul gets kicked out soon after.

They get caught again and while they run laps, Eun-gyul asks what kept her up so late. Was she up “watching videos”? You mean porn? Oh you and your raging hormones.

He lights up in surprise when she answers that she’s been making one instead. I’m pretty sure it’s not what you’re thinking, Eun-gyul.

She in turn asks about his mysterious caller who got him kicked out of class – was she his first love? But nay, Eun-gyul recalls it as a dark spot in his past.

Aww, young Eun-gyul is so cute! He gets hit on the head for teasing the girl’s drawing. Some time later, after she told him she was moving to the States and he told her to just go on ahead, she kicked him. Just thinking about it makes his teeth grit.

Doc calls Jae-hee inside to gush, uh I mean, inform her about the doctor he met at the conference. He just so happens to be an expert about Yips syndrome and Doc asks for her help to translate.

Jae-hee is happy to help but then who do you know walks in the door. Daniel gapes, “Jae-hee?!” Ruh-roh.

Back in her room, Daniel is understandably angry at the entire situation. He grabs Tae-joon’s picture – did she come to this school for him?

But Jae-hee insists that she didn’t come solely for that reason, “Because of Tae-joon I was able to step out into the world again! After I saw him jump, I found a reason, a desire, and courage to come back into the world again!”

Tae-joon is done for because of the yips but what about her own dreams? Her own life? Jae-hee tries to calm him down but Daniel finally bursts, “Does it make sense for a girl to live in a guy’s dorm?!”

And right outside, we see Tae-joon has heard the entire exchange.

Inside, Daniel asks Jae-hee to assess what help she can really be to Tae-joon. Oh thank God for you, Daniel; you’re asking all the questions we want to ask. He asks if Tae-joon has changed at all since she arrived.

She can’t give him an answer and Daniel softly sympathizes with her intentions but this isn’t the way to go about it. He tells her that he’ll take her back to the States.

Tae-joon sits outside with Sangchu and wonders if he was good to her because Jae-hee’s a girl. He thinks aloud about how a girl could be gutsy enough to enter a guy’s school.

He ponders, “I should send her back right? To America?”

Jae-hee is surprised to see her bags packed when she returns to the room. She does her best to try to play it off when Tae-joon tells her that he wants her to move out.

But he isn’t joking this time and remains firm. If she won’t leave, then he will.

Keeping up his cold facade, he tells Jae-hee that it’s no use trying to convince him to start jumping again because he’s already quit.

That’s news to Jae-hee and when she mentions his injury, he flares that it isn’t. He’d already been wrestling with this decision and decided to quit. He adds, “So you should quit too.”

She still tries to get on his good side and Tae-joon burns his final words, “Get lost.”

He storms out and Jae-hee silently cries.

Eun-gyul finds Jae-hee crying outside and he asks, “Why is sweat coming out of your eyes?” Boy, have you never seen tears before?

He sits there, waiting, and Jae-hee finally opens up that she must be a burden to other people. Because she’s impulsive and always does things her own way, people end up hurt.

Eun-gyul tells her that it isn’t so and Jae-hee rests her head on his shoulder. His heart goes thump thump again.

They sit there for a moment and then Eun-gyul slowly turns his head towards Jae-hee’s… and then suddenly gets up to excuse himself.

Eun-gyul runs until he finally collapses to the ground. He picks up the phone and calls the girl from elementary school.

Tae-joon pretends to sleep when Jae-hee returns to the room. He listens as she apologizes that she was selfish to try and help him when he didn’t need her. Even though their time was short together, she was happy.

She tells him to take care and then leaves, rolling her bag behind her.



O Drama, hear my plea – wherefore art thou so dramatic so soon?

We left off Episode 3 wondering what would happen to Jae-hee in the car with Chang-hyun. I knew he’d been bordering on sexual predator territory but the very moment he tried to jump to rape her, I wanted to gag several times. And the fact that he got away without consequence angered me to no end. In that same vein, how did Seung-ri’s mother pick up the van at the police station – was it abandoned? Did no one think it was odd that the van was just lying there?

What upsets me more is how the storyline immediately handles this conflict. Sure someone just tried to sexually assault you, but don’t worry because your hero will rescue you and then hug it out. Because we think he thinks you’re a girl… or maybe not yet. Then we get a whole lot of subtext with some brooding sessions and Eun-gyul dances away our pain? Nope drama – unacceptable. You can’t possibly take out this kind of conflict and then brush it under the table like something didn’t happen. Doing so is doing a disservice to your audience and suggesting that it’s no big deal when it certainly is. Commenters have mentioned that this plot point is true to the manga and I wished that the production team took that creative liberty to address the conflict properly and let the audience know that a sexual attack on a minor is not okay.

It’s too bad that this episode started off this way because when we were introduced back to some welcomed lighter moments in the latter part of the hour, all I could think of is how I wanted to take several showers to wash away my disgust.

Moving on, I came in thinking that we’d be spending some time at school, getting to know our classmates at Genie High and then you brought the main couple front and center. Part of the charm from the 2007 Japanese version was the various crazy personalities we met in the dorm leaders and the other classmates (I’m still sad Ghost Boy is a no-show). It makes me wonder if the writing doesn’t know how to handle an ensemble or if the High Kick 3 writer will follow a similar pattern of focusing on a few characters at a time. I do dearly hope that we get to settle at school for a while to get to know some minor students who have already faded to the background. Can we go back to Genie High, add a dash of zany and then plunge back into the romance? *crosses fingers*

I am impressed with the drama slowly bringing up the issues around homosexuality, especially within a romantic comedy geared towards a younger audience. For Eun-gyul to explore and question his sexual identity (and reference his hormones) is something more than I could ask for and I’m with him at every step, even when his imagination gets the best of him. I loved his daydreams about marrying Jae-hee and even starting a family because even a light hearted reference suggests that at least the drama is brave enough to mention it. Before the drama started airing, I heard that Ki Tae-young’s character would not be gay but we’re seeing clues that the team has kept that in to this version as well.

Additionally, I understand that the production team is trying to stick to the source material moreso than previous adaptations. However, we’re seeing a string of lightly touched upon stringed scenes that keep moving along. It makes it difficult to discern which scenes are important to the overall plot or scenes that let us know that we haven’t lost our minor characters yet. Which is then jarring when we spend an ample amount of time with our main couple… and still not glean enough information about what went on.

Drama, I want to know more about you! My arms are wide open to love you – can’t you open up your heart to me?


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I like them taking out all the side characters. Frankly, I thought their parts got OTT and annoying after a while. I do completely agree with your other points on the openness with the gay issue and the horrible handling of the molestation.

The romance is cute enough to where I'll definitely continue, but am saddened by the disappointments.


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The handling of the attempted rape scene has been beaten to a pulp, so I will take the time to talk about something else which bugs me. Why didn't they just make Tae Joon find out in the 1st episode that Jae Hee is a girl? I mean he DID see her underwear when she was flying down the stairs. They should have at least made him appear more suspicious if anything. When he finally rescued her from Creepy Pension Hyung and then hugged her, I was thinking for sure, he knows. Then when he heard the fight Jae Hee and her brother were having, he didn't act too terribly surprised. I don't know. They should have made it clearer how he found out that Jae Hee was a girl, but it would have made it a lot clearer if they did it at the end of episode 1/beginning of episode 2.


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Right? I'm waiting for a flashback when he realizes that she's a girl...because this reaction can't be it. Biggest under-reaction ever!

His actions toward her so far only make sense if he knew she was a girl since he carried her.


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Agreed. I was getting major disconnected vibes between how he acted and what his reactions were. I know Eun-gyul has a different personality, and is possibly more in touch with his inner feelings enough to understand that he's attracted and be (adorably) freaked out about it.

Still, I don't think Tae-joon would have been as protective, with the Creepster, or the bus and the rain puddle, or a million other occasions, if he hadn't figured it out. I'm enjoying this version so I'm trying not to compare too much, but he's possibly gotten more dense, or just poorly-planned editing. In the manga, he picked her up after the injury and got it after about the 2nd chapter, the J-version was also after the brother conversation but he was so standoffish that he wouldn't have guessed in that one.


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Here's a thought. They did not report the attempted rape because then the creepy hyung would have told she was a girl. And to be realistic if 1 out of 4 women in the U.S. are sexually molested, a lot of those assaults are men they know, and are not reported in large numbers....but I'm just overthinking a kdrama or the manga, right?


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Well, yes, but this is not a percentage we want to encourage. I think steps could have been taken to make sure the police knew. Also I think the mom found out, at least in the manga, that she was a girl, so it's not that far out of the realm of possibility to at least make her aware of the creepy.

Bottom line, if you were going to deviate from the original story, this would be the perfect place to do it. Or just leave it out entirely; the J-version did and suffered not at all.


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I wish more of Jae Hee's background and reason for coming here were explained. Little things like how she slowly tries to approach Tae Joon, and when she justifies that she's staying to help Tae Joon, it would be more logical that in the beginning, the media reports that he's faltering in his high jump activities and shows signs of never going back again - then I'd understand more why it was so important for her to jump on a plane for her idol.

I also like Kim Ji Won from previous works, but I'm baffled at the purpose of this additional character Han Na. Could she be a foil to Jae Hee, in that here's a brat who is actually more like a stalker but selfishly pressures Tae Joon to like her? Whereas Jae Hee is more interested in being friends, slowly have him open up, and help him get back into high jump. It doesn't seem like Han Na's a love interest when Tae Joon clearly expresses no interest and even Jae Hee questions if she could be his girlfriend. The love triangle between the two guys and Jae Hee is far stronger. I just want her to be more than Uee's role from YAB or Jang Mari from Big.


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The only think that I felt really weird was when Tae Joon hugs Jae Hee. At that time, I assumed he already knew that she is a girl, like in the manga. But, it seems that he just knows it when Jae Hee talks with his brother. I found it is confusing.
Also, I'm not a directing expert, but the scene when Tae Joon knows the truth is a fail of directing. I like Tae Joon's face at that time, but it will be better if the directing style is more dramatic since it is the moment when he finds out that his roommate dresses up as a boy just to help him back to high jump again.
I found this Korean version is quite funny and neat, but still doesn't have some epic funny moment like the Japanese version. Aaarrrggghh, I don't want to compare it to the Japanese version but it keeps happening!!


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I had so much WTF moments watching this ep.
I was fricking scared of that creeper in both eps 3&4 that I wanted him to go to jail.
Moreover. Minho is such a bad actor. I though I watched him doing photoshoot in every single scene.
This drama, it was cute at the beginning but getting worse now.
I do not find a "heart" in this drama.


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YOOGEUN!! <3 I miss Shinee Hello Baby~ I need to see behind the scenes with YooGeun playing with MinHo appa! :D

For the first time in four episodes, I actually thought MinHo could act. I hated how Jae Hee just sat there during the fight. Stand up. Run. Help. Do something! I can understand why Tae Joon tried to cover up the truth about Chang Hyun -- Tae Joon has known all along that Jae Hee is a girl and feared outing her would get her kicked out of school -- but I still think they should have told someone about the rape attempt under the disguise of Jae Hee being a boy. Is the stigma of male sexual predators on young boys that big for it to go unreported? Jae Hee must be scarred for life. :(

I really think the purpose of adding Seol Hanna to the Korean version is for her to end up with Eun Gyul, given all their bickering back and forth. If the Korean version is going to change things up, I really hope they let Eun Gyul find out that Jae Hee is a girl.

All in all, I thought this episode was the best episode yet. Excluding the horrific sexual assault, there was forward movement in our hero, the introduction of Jae Hee's brother who, so far, is the only character to speak some sense, and lots of comedic gems (I burst out laughing at Eun Gyul reading the definition of "gay" aloud).

Thanks for the recap, gummimochi!


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after this ep, i don't even think i can give it a 6 episode test. i'd rather see a solidly written original drama than another korean remake of a popular japanese drama that most korean audiences have already seen.

i'd love to see what korean netizens are saying about this because iirc, hana kimi and other japanese dramas are available over there. and the manga has been translated over there.

so somewhere on a korean net cafe, blog, or bbs, people are having the same discussion and gripes that we are :-/


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Man, don't compare this to J-dorama vers or T-version. Compare this to the manga please. This is the remake for the manga. Not J/T-version.


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The assault situation along with the whole set up of a girl living in a boys' dorm is consistent in that it shows this girl is reckless and not thinking about the potential consequences.
If she really grew up in the States though, she would know that she has to keep her eyes peeled and be vigilant 24x7. Hence this set up is a fail for me.
So, while I am absolutely horrified and absolutely do not condone what the perv did to her, I am surprised that none of the commenters here asked - what was she doing in the boys' school/dorm in the first place, and isnt' she putting herself in a dangerous situation - so many young men with raging hormones together... I shudder to think...
I hope that there is a moral to the story, and our heroine learns a thing or two and grows up a bit, because she was really lucky up until now. Hope her brother takes care of her, and well.


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none of the commenters asked that because most have the good sense not to blame women for their own sexual assault. plus most of us aren't expecting sexual assault to be a prevalent theme in a television program billed as teen romantic comedy....

women are conditioned to 'remain vigilant' and rearrange their entire lives to prevent their own sexual assault. this starts from birth. even with all that conditioning, we are still assaulted. and then when it happens (note that 1 in 4 stat each hour and that's only reported rape), we somehow didn't "play by the rules" or it's our fault for "letting our guard down". that's absolutely ridiculous and completely unfair.

regarding the "but she grew up in the us and should know better" comment. a good portion of survivors of sexual assault in the us are attacked by people they know or are familiar with. so that 'stranger in the bushes' bs doesn't really fly in reality. if you've ever been in that unfortunate situation in which you're unable to fight back bc you're paralyzed by fear, you'd realize how horribly gross and offensive your statement is.


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Amen to all of this. People who blame victims for not doing something during a rape attempt make me fucking table flip.


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I like this drama actually. I think some of the negative comments here are valid. But I think it's a bit too early to say that it's not making sense at all.

About the attempted rape scene, I agree, to a certain extent, that common sense tells us that someone should have done something about it and the writers could have dealt with it more delicately. But we also have to remember the characters involved here. JH is a girl pretending to be a boy so her actions are to be expected. She was shocked with what has transpired as depicted in the scenes after, but at the same time, she does not want her real gender to be discovered. TJ, on the other hand, could have done something, or at least, that's what we want the drama to go with - for TJ to do something. However, we should also consider the idea that TJ might be thinking that the best way to protect her is to not tell anyone about it. Of course, this will only makes sense if he already knows or had suspicions that JH is a girl. And I honestly think that he knows. I will explain further later.

Furthermore, doing something about the attempted rape would conflict with the whole idea that he is to keep JH's real gender a secret and protect that secret, which TJ is supposed to do or is expected to do throughout the series if we based it on the manga and the previous adaptations. Even if he can do something about it without people asking a lot of questions and opening a can of worms, it would just digress from the whole focus of the drama. The attempted rape is not the focus, but what happens next - some alone time with the 2 main characters. Perhaps the writers just found it more convenient to include the attempted sexual assault (which I heard was in the manga) as an excuse for the 2 main characters to have their precious bonding time in the woods or wherever that is. I am not sure if this is a flaw in the writing or a flaw inherent in compressing volumes and chapters of a manga into 16 hours of Korean drama. There is just not enough time to focus on the details that are of no or little consequence to the core of the manga.

Now, let's go back to the idea that TJ knows that JH is a girl. I have been thinking about it for a while now. I think the drama is implying that TJ already knows even before he overheard the conversation between JH and her brother. If you think about it - the rain scene and the way he looked at her, the scene when he looked at JH and noticed her collar bone and shoulder exposed, the scenes when he was suspicious of the hyungs' advances, and finally, the hugging and piggy back scene. Something is up. He was acting as if he already knows or had suspicions that were waiting to be confirmed.

Going back to the scene where TJ was talking to the dog. People point to this scene as somewhat confusing in that if TJ already knew that JH is a girl then why would he talk to the dog as if he just found out? I think he was talking to the dog to merely imply that he had his suspicions and this just confirmed it or just plain talking to the dog to reaffirm what he just heard. People talk to themselves or to others to get a better grasp of what is going on. Based on his reactions, he was not at all surprised that JH is indeed a girl, but more concerned about her reason for being there.

In any case, I honestly hope that there is a deeper reason for JH being there, and I hope they stay true to the manga when it comes to it because JH's explanations and reasons so far seem vague and seem too simple for someone to go through all the trouble that she is going through. If there is, then I am really excited to hear it.


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The near-rape scene made me sick to my stomach. The way it was (mis)handled when it was over sickened me more. Anyway.

One thing that really annoyed me was the fact that they used a Canadian for an American. I also don't understand why he looks so Caucasian when his sister looks completely Korean. I'd understand it if they were half siblings, but from what I understand, they aren't. If I'm delving into the picki-ness of it all, I might as well tack on the 1st episode's language annoyance for me: Sulli's "I've got to do this." Doesn't sound like she's lived in America for 10 or so years. Ah, I'm being picky. I'm really watching for the pretty. :) Thank you for the recap!


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As far as using a Canadian actor for an American's role - why not?

Very few people English as a first language speakers would be able pinpoint his accent and nobody in the SK audience would care. I am thrilled we have an actor who is fluent in BOTH K and Eng.


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Yeah, and it's not nearly as bad as say, Memoirs of a Geisha where all the Geisha were Chinese actresses cause they director thought "they are prettier." ^^;;


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That is VERY true. That's just wrong on so many levels!


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Attempted rape scene- I don't need the aftermath to be a public service announcement, but it was overall not very smoothly executed. To be fair, I guess Jae-hee wasn't as shaken up as Mizuki from the manga, because the creep didn't get as far. I think in the manga and in the taiwan version, the creep was yanking up her shirt and kissing her. We got a slightly less dark version of the assault scene here. The rapist hyung seemed more like a psychopath serial killer than a rapist.

I've managed to squeak out a few laughs in this episode with Eun-gyul's daydream and the autograph scene with Jae-hee mumbling out her name. I'm surprised I'm not laughing more. Sure the director did BOF, but he also did My Girl, which had me laughing until I had to reach for my inhaler. And the writer is from the High Kick series. But I'm just not feeling the funny or the quirkiness. Or even the camaraderie between the students. It just doesn't make sense.

Enjoyed the brother scene too. Julien Kang's looks so good in this, I nearly forgot he was Julien Kang (and there aren't that many korean speaking mix guys in the kdrama industry)! He was pretty charismatic in this episode.

I'm disappointed that Taejoon found out Jae-hee was a girl in this episode. I know people have been clamoring for the reveal, but I was willing to buy that perhaps, we will find out in episode 10 that he had known since episode 1, but just didn't let on. But it turned out that he really didn't know until this episode when he overheard the convo between Jae-hee and her brother...which then made all the actions these past few episodes really confusing...

Another bright side is that Hanna's become less painful to watch. I want her to end up with Eun-gyul!


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thanks gummimochi

looks like eun ghul ex-classmate coming from america is jae hee's classmate too from america !.


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Young Eun-gyeol is so cute! - Of course.
"the girl [...] moving to the States [...]" = Goo Jae-hee??? I think not... :(
*gasp* maybe Julia?!!!

nearly sexual assault - Hmmm...I think there's also that thread in the orig.manga

gay Dr. Eugene - of course~! All renditions from manga to TV has him gay~! And his first scene looking at Yon-sama is a giveaway already, LOL~! I think drama will have no boyffie for Dr. Eugene, since manga has the orig. character have a boyfriend.

Daniel Dawson - I think he's Ashiya Shizuki and Gilbert Lang (the character looking like Leo DiCarpio, and was Mizuki's friend back in the US) combined. Jus' thinking.

"[W]e see Tae-joon has heard the entire exchange." - Fuq. And just when I thought he knew all along. Why did you have to follow the 2007 Japanese version?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Thanks for the recap!

I was wondering if I was going to watch this show, because I am afraid I will end up comparing it to Hana Kimi 2007 that I absolutely adored (except for Sano's character who was just soooo dull). I think I'm just gonna stick to the recaps for the time being and see if it gets better, because as for now, it doesn't seem that good.

That rape thing! I so agree with everybody here, it seems really badly handled. I mean, I can understand that Jae-Hee would be afraid of blowing up her cover and that she may be still under the shock so she wouldn't be thinking straightly, but wth, Tae-joon??? He should have reported that guy to the police, whether he knew Jae-Hee was a girl or not! I mean, this is just irresponsible! What if the Creepy Dude goes and rapes someone else? If he knew she was a girl (which I think he didn't as he seemed to learn it from the brother-sister conversation), did he think maintaining a cover is more important than saving potential future rape victims? And even if he doesn't know she's a girl, he must have understood that Creepy Guy wanted to rape her, so what? Does he let him go because it's not a big deal to rape guys??? WTF!!!

And yeah, I'm actually rooting with the brother here. What the Hell are you doing in that school, Jae-Hee? Throwing up your future for a guy like if you were a creepy stalker? I didn't want to compare, but to me it was much more acceptable in Hana Kimi because of the fact that they actually told us it was supposed to be a crazy, not serious, story. And it was so much fun because of it.

However, this is being too serious to me, so I'm not buying it. If they want to make it serious, then Jae-Hee's reasons of being there have to be serious as well. To me, it just doesn't seem enough, so she just turns into some kind of stalker. I hope she will explain it more in details and add something more serious, like being the cause of Tae-yoon's injury like in the jdrama, because to me, regaining hope or whatever because of the guy is not enough. Because, hey, I'm sure there's a lot of people who had some very tough time too, and went through it with the help of some actor's smile or some singer's songs.

Anyway, as for the actors, I actually like Sulli's look, she seems to be a believable boy. And Eun-gyul seems to be good too, and that was a hard thing because after Toma's Nakatsu, it seemed difficult to me to stand the comparison. And well, as for Tae-joon...I don't think he can be worse than Sano...

Still waiting for more role from the other characters, and more fun. Then I'll see if I'll watch it. :)


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Thanks for the recap!

I was wondering if I was going to watch this show, because I am afraid I will end up comparing it to Hana Kimi 2007 that I absolutely adored (except for Sano's character who was just soooo dull). I think I'm just gonna stick to the recaps for the time being and see if it gets better, because as for now, it doesn't seem that good.

That rape thing! I so agree with everybody here, it seems really badly handled. I mean, I can understand that Jae-Hee would be afraid of blowing up her cover and that she may be still under the shock so she wouldn't be thinking straightly, but wth, Tae-joon??? He should have reported that guy to the police, whether he knew Jae-Hee was a girl or not! I mean, this is just irresponsible! What if the Creepy Dude goes and rapes someone else? If he knew she was a girl (which I think he didn't as he seemed to learn it from the brother-sister conversation), did he think maintaining a cover is more important than saving potential future rape victims? And even if he doesn't know she's a girl, he must have understood that Creepy Guy wanted to rape her, so what? Does he let him go because it's not a big deal to rape guys??? WTF!!!

And yeah, I'm actually rooting with the brother here. What the Hell are you doing in that school, Jae-Hee? Throwing up your future for a guy like if you were a creepy stalker? I didn't want to compare, but to me it was much more acceptable in Hana Kimi because of the fact that they actually told us it was supposed to be a crazy, not serious, story. And it was so much fun because of it.

However, this is being too serious to me, so I'm not buying it. If they want to make it serious, then Jae-Hee's reasons of being there have to be serious as well. To me, it just doesn't seem enough, so she just turns into some kind of stalker. I hope she will explain it more in details and add something more serious, like being the cause of Tae-yoon's injury like in the jdrama, because to me, regaining hope or whatever because of the guy is not enough. Because, hey, I'm sure there's a lot of people who had some very tough time too, and went through it with the help of some actor's smile or some singer's songs.

Anyway, as for the actors, I actually like Sulli's look, she seems to be a believable boy. And Eun-gyul seems to be good too, and that was a hard thing because after Toma's Nakatsu, it seemed difficult to me to stand the comparison. And well, as for Tae-joon...I don't think he can be worse than Sano...

Still waiting for more role from the other characters, and more fun. Then I'll see if I watch it. :)


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Oh noes!!! It duplicated!!! Stupid me, that's because I tried correcting a mistake at the last minute so bim! it posted the thing two times!

Sorry!!! :(


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Hana Kimi is supposed to be a fun mix of ridiculous and cute. What we see happening here is that the Kdrama tries go heavy on the dramatic side, and it totally upsets the balance cos Hana Kimi is not something you can go dramatic all of a sudden and then immediately go back to the regular ridiculous and cute. They need to decide on how they gonna approach Hana Kimi, and smoothen out their transitioning. Though i get the sense that we as viewers probably should gear ourselves for more and more dramatic angst to come in this version.

I think i came to terms with my own expectations of this drama after the first two eps and found myself able to enjoy eps 3 and 4 better. I am just very confused when exactly did Tae Joon realised Jae Hee is a girl. Like many had pointed out, he seemed to suddenly care a lot for her. He could have rescued her from creepy hyung because he knew, too. But then we get the scene here in ep 4 that he overheard the conversation Jae Hee had with her oppa and went telling the dog "What guts she has, to come here under the guise of a boy." I don't know if we're only gonna get an answer later on, but i just wish we could get a better sense from the acting (or directing) cos it is really annoying me.


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...is it just me or the fact that he didn't know she was a girl during rape rescue mission and bus splash-covering mission, that it makes him appear ...semi...homosexual.
Imagine if he was close friends with any other dude from this drama. Like an actual dude. And they're walking in the rain together, suddenly he sees the bus coming and blocks the guy from the rain in very close, close, creepy proximity.
Then later, he magically comes to the guy's rescue, hugs him close, then carries him home. Also bringing food for the guy, but later backs out from giving the food when he sees his male buddy bonding with another male buddy.

My gay radar is going off right now.

This version is just weird! If they showed us that he knew she was a girl, then all of this would be sweet. But because they're basically telling us now that he just found out she's a girl from overhearing her conversation with her brother, i just think he's ....bisexual...now.



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I am going to give the creative team more credit than they deserve with what I am going to write.

I like to think that we are seeing a contrast between the panic that EG feels when he starts to feel attraction to JH vs the calmer, roll with it, reaction that TJ has.
Both meet JH at the same time, both see and experience similar girlie characteristics jumping off of "him."

TJ doesn't seem to have the same "you can only like this gender" hang ups that EG is struggling with. It seems that TJ's feelings towards JH are protective - because he is obviously smaller and weaker than most boys, and friendly. I don't think the fact that TJ reaches out and hugs JH in relief means that he is physically attracted, at least not conciously. Just that he cares a lot, and was worried that this person could have gotten really hurt.

Was that too fast? Yes.
Did it feel like we missed some bonding moments? I think so.

That is my theory on why TJ had a less than shocked reaction to finding out JH is a girl. They set us up to believe he didn't care either way. That is how the J-dorama version handled it, too.


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That's where I am too, Jomo. I thought the humor and touchingness of this manga/drama/adaptation/adaptation series is BASED on the fact that they THINK he's a boy and yet RESPOND to him as if he were a girl. Ikuta Toma/Lee Hyun Woo struggle with the attraction is very definitely laid out for us. Sano knew early on that he was girl. In this one am not so sure that Tae Joon knew but it could be just a case of poor writing/directing. If the writers meant for us to think he knew or suspected, they did a bad job of sharing it with us. Or perhaps Tae Joonie was supposed to give a lot of side eye glances that would clue us in and that would mean it's not the writers but the director and the actor....

who knows. For the most part, it's fluffy fun and I'm ok. I don't really care when he knows. I would like a more responsible treatment of the sexual assault/aftermath. But there's still time. Maybe it's coming.


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So first of all, @CinDee: I agree that the interactions are a bit odd, but I don't think potential bi- or homosexual interactions should be termed "creepy".

@Jomo: Yeah, I think this could also be poorly-planned editing. I agree with you for the most part, but I feel like a lot of the close interactions came in the other versions after he figured it out.

My other theory is that Tae-joon is not as in touch with his feelings as Eun-gyul is. He's pretty reclusive, and might also be unconsciously refusing to acknowledge romantic attraction because of his mother's death, since it seems like he and the National Fairy/ Bitch once had more of a connection. So anyway, he might be rationalizing to the point where he doesn't realize what he's feeling for Jae-hee is attraction.


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"Why are you hugging me so hard ? I can't breathe?.."

What is that supposed to mean ?,

if same gender, do you hug a woman till she can't breathe unless it is something else ?


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I think they forgot to put together the beginning pieces where he realizes she's a girl during her soccer falling concussion scene. And then they went on to make other moments in the plot, only to slap their forehead and say "shit! now we're making tae joon appear so gay! lets stick this sudden reveal of her identity out of nowhere so it would make a little sense. "


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First off I well watch this to the end, it an Idol drama and the lead girl cute enough for me to give it a couple of hours out of a week worth to watch. But when I watched the Japanese version 1 or two though more 1, I did so with that fluttering of butterflies in my belly and a little giggle at the back of my throat, with this version ........
waiting...waiting....nothing..ow ke ke..that was funny..I have to almost force myself to see the funny rather than it just reacting to what on the screen...


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I'm sure (bathroom scene) Tae Joon noticed that JH is a girl when she had the towel wrapped around her body above her chest. Their gestures when she fell on her knees in front of him after the marathon. TJ's been checking her out in a subtle manner, sometimes obviously, thinking "no adam's apple", " smooth feminine neckline". TJ hearing TH's bro just confirmed it. Maybe he's not surprised but a relief. He cares enough to let her go as he's reminded after hearing the bro tell JH that she must care more for her goals too.

TH has a big crush on TJ, maybe she has fallen in love w/ him. Not just a fan but she cares for him. She cares that he must heal to be an elite high jumper again. She feels that she must be there w/him to push him. He's been her inspiration while lonely in the US. As room mates they have bonded. For TH to accept TJ"s hug & the piggy back is not a surprise or how can she accept a piggy back from a man she likes after being punched by a pervert she just met. After a scary ordeal & saved by TJ, I feel that the hug is a relief & comfort for both who have bonded & care for each other. As a viewer, I was touched as they hugged w/ Onew's OST soothing voice.

I watched TTBY without thinking about the manga or Hana Kimi. Thank goodness, ignorance is a bliss otherwise would I be holding a plackard in front of TTBY production set to protest? I don't think so because I'm enjoying TTBY. Love Shinee Minho & Sulli OTP.


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Honestly when I read this recap, I was like...in which episode does Tae joon get to know that Jae Hee is a girl? or does he know yet?
What's the point of this scene then? Why would Tae joon consider Jae hee to be so unsafe with another man?
What? huh? I don't get it.


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I'd like to add to my #72 comment...
That surely... TJ must have noticed TH's feminine personal items when he packed her bag (ie if he packed from her drawer) the first time he rejected her as her room mate.

Its also possible that one of the reasons he wanted her out of his room is that he suspected or knew he was a girl. Had the drama shown that to us already, then there wouldn't be much curiousity from the viewers. Perhaps later, flashbacks will show us the clues when TJ found out.

For me, TJ is shown in a subtle way that he knows. He's a young man whose male hormones are active & zapping to notice or smell the female hormones!


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...when he rejected her as HIS room mate.

Thank you for the recap(s).


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where are the three dorm leaders ?,

the japanese version of them, can't forget their antics comedies !.


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It feels as if the writers want to get it over and done with. They touch and go on the original plot points just to satisfy fans. But I do hope that this means that the latter half of the drama would be better.


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thank u so much recapper for recaping the dramas.

i have a request could u plz recap only you 2005 drama i watched that drama but i also like to read in your bog or u only recap new drama?... please consider my request if possible.

thank u


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So this might have been mentioned before but I haven't looked through every single comment although every one has nice and critical points.

I think the thing that I'm mostly disappointed about this episode is realizing that this drama is mainly lacking in connecting and threading all the pieces together.

I really hate how we can't penetrate through Tae Joon's thoughts and feelings towards Jae Hee. Yes there are little gestures, yet he just comes off to be this bipolar character and doing things without basis because we really don't know what he's thinking about. I think what I'm really disappointed about is how I thought that he knew all along since episode 1 that she's a girl... and just the special concern that he shows for her all through the past episodes. HE EVEN HUGGED HER ROMANTICALLY and the umbrella scene.. and I'm pretty sure he's not confused with his sexuality all along compared to Eun Gyeol. Yet they reveal that he only found out that Jae hee is actually a she in this episode. There's obviously a lack of connection there and NO BASIS.

It's funny and amusing, but plot-wise, I'm getting really frustrated.


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Thanks for the recap (:

Not too sure if anyone mentioned this, but i was a little disappointed with how little attention the writers payed to the obvious "engreesh" that was shown throughout the drama. I hate being a nit pick, but i just thought these face palm's were a little too humorous to keep to myself :D

In the brothers email, he makes two very obvious spelling errors. "Hey THER sis, want to grab some LAUNCH?"
COME ON SM. THE BROTHER IS A JOHNS HOPKINS ALUMNI DOCTOR. I know that the targeted audience is younger Korean teens, but I sincerely doubt that it would have been too hard for them to actually double check this with someone else. English speaking Koreans are not too hard to find.

Again SM doesn't exactly do background checks when the older brother storms in to Jaehee's room and starts to scold her with very convincing logic. Here I can follow the story well and I can see where he's coming from! .....Until he blurts out "weren't you going to follow my footsteps into the ivy league??" oh snap.

Johns Hopkins isn't an Ivy League School. Awk. Yes, Hopkins is one of the best pre-med schools in america but it isn't ivy league.

Don't get me wrong, I love the drama and I can't wait to continue watching it! I also do love how the producers casted someone who could actually speak Korean and English fluently. But SM if you're going to use a foreign language make sure you're using it RIGHT.


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I really don't think that the attack was swept under the rug.

You can tell that it really bothered Jae-Hee and that it had at least some effect on her. I thought the subtle acting was excellent.

I think the main reason it wasn't brought up to the others was to save Jae-Hee, who is thought by everyone to be male, from the embarrassment and humiliation of being sexual assaulted by an older male.

Tae-Joon has no idea of her true gender, otherwise he would be referring to her as "she/her" instead of "he/him" while talking to himself/thinking to himself, which he doesn't do. No, HE is still male to Tae-Joon.

I've drawn this conclusion and I believe it fits in well by using the theory that the writers attempted to use a subtler and simpler approach to handling the situation whilst keeping in mind how a male would deal with the situation of another male being sexually assaulted by an older man. Remember, this isn't FEMALE Jae-Hee being attacked, it's MALE Jae-Hee. I have no doubt that had her true gender been know, Tae-Joon wouldn't have stopped with a few kicks and punches. And it most certainly would have been mentioned to the rest of the group as well as the police.

Jae-Hee cannot bring attention to the sexual assault. If she does, it will focus too much attention on why the skeevy pervert did it in the first place. People would begin questioning Jae-Hee's appearance and, by effect, her gender. I admit that they might first question Chang-Hyun's sexuality, but eventually they will begin wondering what it was about Jae-Hee that made him such a creeper. Too much attention on an aspect of her life that she MUST keep secret.

Tae-Joon will not bring attention to the sexual assault. He still thinks that Jae-Hee is a guy. How embarrassing and emasculating it must be for Jae-Hee to be sexually assaulted by another man! He probably wants to be sympathetic toward the sensitive Jae-Hee, who is visibly frailer and gentler than the rest of the boys, as well, which is why he steers clear of mentioning the assault. No need to give the others another reason to think Jae-Hee is different besides her "dough-boy" build and actions. And he also probably notices how Jae-Hee is acting after the attack and doesn't want to make her even more uncomfortable in such a large group of people. He's thinking that Jae-Hee will bring it up if or when she feels she needs to.

I also want to address the sexual assault on a MINOR thing. Sexual assault in itself is a terrible thing, but when inflicted upon a minor it becomes horrific and disgusting. However, I don't think Jae-Hee's age was considered at all. Tae-Joon and Jae-Hee are the same age. I don't know about you, but I never considered any of my peers as "minors" when I was still underage. When you're young, you don't generally associate people of your age group with being a minor, especially if they're a close peer such as a roommate, as in Jae-Hee's and Tae-Joon's case. Why? Because they are your equals and you don't consider yourself a minor. If something terrible happened to a peer of mine, I always thought "Oh, how awful!" Not, "Oh, he/she is so young, too!" The age never factored in. That's why I don't think the bit about Jae-Hee being a minor was addressed. Tae-Joon wouldn't have really thought about that, given they are the same age and close peers. She is just Jae-Hee. I don't even think it would be a major factor with the rest of the group because they are also the same age. The ones that would have a problem with it would be the mother and Doc. I can only imagine Doc would be even more upset than his noona, because he actually knows that Jae-Hee is a girl as well. But that really doesn't matter in the least. They never find out about it because they aren't told.

Just my opinion, but I think it has some weight behind it.

I really like this drama and I love reading the dramabeans deconstruction blogs on all the K-dramas I watch.

Thanks a bunch for posting your reviews! I love them!


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Just want to point out why the K Version feels off, because in the manga there is more reason for every scene that not be told or been put aside by K Version.

1. Sano(Taejon) already know Ashiya(Jaehee) is a girl from the 2nd or 3rd day she join the school. And from curious of her reason, it is become his habit and affection to protecting her identity. That so he already notice the strange behavior of the hyung, when he try to make a move to Ashiya(Jaehee). He has warned her, but she just too dense until the attemp rape happend. (It is also the reason Sano(Taejon) give her his clothe when he saw her clothe is wet.)

2. More peoples know Ashiya (Jaehee) is a girl, so there is more peoples helping her, such as Doc's Sister, the Doctor and Sano(Taejon), (Ashiya must to convince every of them every time she get caught, the one she don't know already know her identity just Sano(Taejon).
So there is why althought they want to punish the hyung, they all take the safest way to punish him while protecting her identity.(they don't want to make everybody know she is a girl.

3. Ashiya(Jaehee) obviously shaken by the attempt rape, and in the manga, she running out direct to the forest when Sano(Taejon) come and attack the hyung, even after that, when she fall from running and Sano(Taejon) get to chase her, she reject Sano(Taejon)'s touch. that until he hug her to press her to calm down. And then she have a fever and faint from the shaken, rain and sprained ankle, and they was find by the other by the next morning.

But for the K Version Sano(Taejon) don't know she is a girl from the begining, and Doc's sister also don't know, so it's look strange he suddenly care for her and come to rescue her. And the Hyung get off easilly.
I still feel dissapointed by this factor, why they make he don't know that she is a girl from the begining? It is the point that make the story interesting, that the person she mostly don't want to know her identity, is actually the first person know, and silently protecting her.
And with that condition, she try hard to safe him, by make him back to high jump, and he try hard to pretend don't know she is a girl while keep her by his side, his feeling changed from curious to falling for her.

That is my opinion, one important point which are the reason for many stories happened in this drama, get erased and that made everythings off, because not been handled properly.

Sorry for my english, hope it still understandable.


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