Nice Guy: Episode 6

Feelings become more sincere, at least on one end, which leaves Maru wrestling with his better self and losing while he’s at it. Our star-crossed twisted human beings finally get to hash things out, leaving one thing clear – no one’s going to let go of their grudges any time soon. And if that means leaving a trail of hurt feelings in their wake, then so be it. Surprise surprise, Maru’s not such a nice guy after all.

Ratings are still going up, up, and away, with Episode 6 clocking in at 16.0%. Nice.


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During a flashback of Maru and Jae-hee’s first meeting, we hear Maru say in voiceover: “To be exact, my dream came true on that day. The one who made my heart flutter at the sound of her name, Jae-hee, was in front of me, smiling at me.”

Flash forward to their college years, and then to Maru writing all of this in a letter. In it, he’d written to Jae-hee how much he would cherish and love her.

And over that same line, we pick back up with Maru and Eun-ki’s kiss… Only Maru opens his eyes to give that soulless look of his, which means this kiss was all a calculated plan on his part. Shame on you, Maru.

“I will never let you feel lonely,” Maru’s love letter to Jae-hee continues. “I won’t ever leave you alone. No matter what, just like now, I will never let go of your hand.” As he says that, we see him and Eun-ki watching the parade as he interlaces his fingers with hers.

“I will always be standing close enough for Noona to reach out to me.”

Somehow, Eun-ki loses Maru in the crowd and runs through the street, terrified at all the foreign sights and sounds assaulting her. Maru stands nearby, watching.

“I promise, my start is Jae-hee Noona. And my end will also be Noona. I promise that.”

She finally spots him across the way, and couldn’t look more relieved. He holds up two drinks innocently, like he’d just meant to be gone for a moment, but Eun-ki just throws her arms around him like he’s the only piece of driftwood keeping her from drowning.

“I wish for Jae-hee Noona to have the same feelings.”

Maru hugs her back with dead eyes staring forward, mentally checked out again. That stare gets scarier every time I see it.

Eun-ki is literally glowing on her ride home from the airport, and can’t help telling Secretary Hyun why there’s such a skip in her step: “It’s because I’m in love. This thing called love, can it make humans helpless and absurd? What was I doing all this time?” My ‘Feel Bad for Eun-ki-O-Meter’ has now been turned up to a ten.

Secretary Hyun keeps her lips sealed, especially since she remembers how much Chairman Seo hated Maru. Eun-ki doesn’t care, and fills the silence with talk of getting a new wardrobe (with more feminine stuff, like dresses and clothes) and learning how to put on makeup. Hah.

She makes Secretary Hyun promise to keep this a secret from Dad, and weirdly enough Secretary Hyun offers her some calming pills for the trials ahead, which Eun-ki rejects on the basis of her being her fly self.

Eun-ki isn’t surprised when she sees Joon-ha standing by a pile of all her packed things. Jae-hee wheels Chairman Seo out so he can give Eun-ki a good talking to, and meekly excuses herself to bathe her son.

Dad is kicking Eun-ki to the curb, and tells Joon-ha to confiscate all her credit cards and keys, and to make sure that no employee gives her even a cent in aid.

Eun-ki’s prepared for all this, but adds: “Perhaps, just maybe, ‘You did well. At least our Eun-ki protected the resort. The resort we were about to sell to con men. The last thing my wife left behind, that resort. My daughter protected it.’ Can you not, just once, know how to praise me like that?”

The answer to that is a big fat no, because of the money lost with the contract. He even claims that Jae-hee stopped him from filing a police report against her.

And while this is going on, Jae-hee and Eun-suk play happily.

Poor Joon-ha tries to mediate the situation as best he can, but it’s a no-go since Dad wants her to apologize and she isn’t apologizing for a thing. Eun-ki: “Saving Aomori Resort was the smartest and greatest thing I have done in my life. If this were to happen again, I would make the same choices.”

Dad orders her thrown out, and Eun-ki chooses to leave with only the clothes on her back. Once she’s gone, Dad grips his chest in pain.

After failed attempts to get Eun-ki’s attention by calling her “Director”, Joon-ha switches to the informal and adorable “Eun-ki-ya.” He tries to give her a credit card, not as an employee of Taesan but “as Park Joon-ha, the Oppa who has known you for a long time.” Aww.

Regardless, Eun-ki doesn’t want to cheat, and hands over her wallet after removing the cash. Joon-ha asks if she’s really going to leave like this, but Eun-ki recognizes that she doesn’t have a choice after causing such a big loss.

She asks him to take care of her father before heading off, all while Jae-hee smiles and praises her son for being the best.

Eun-ki hikes up to Maru’s house, but hesitates at his door. In the yard, Jae-gil is intent on dancing away his Yoo-ra related sorrows, leaving Choco to answer the door.

She recognizes Eun-ki from the time she picked her up with Maru, and tells her Maru’s work address when she asks.

As for Maru, he’s tending his bar while standing face to face with Jae-hee. She’s reserved the whole club so that her and Maru can be alone, and Maru doesn’t look too happy about it.

There’s a strange moment when Jae-hee asks him to stop playing around with Eun-ki, because she already makes Eun-ki’s life miserable and there’s no need for him to add more to her suffering. So… is she protecting her?

Maru serves her drink with reluctance and tells her to go home. Jae-hee: “When I said I will go back to you, I was being sincere. I also couldn’t forget someone like Kang Maru.”

This seems to get Maru’s attention, but they’re interrupted when Jae-gil sends Maru a warning text that Eun-ki is on her way, giving him time to get rid of any girls he’s with. It’s why Jae-gil chose to take Eun-ki via cab instead of just giving her Maru’s address, adhering to the Bros Before Hoes rule.

Maru gives Eun-ki a call, but leaves her on speakerphone so he can look Jae-hee dead in the eyes while he tells Eun-ki, “I thought I was going to die missing you.” This… is just wrong, on so many levels.

He even tells Eun-ki that he prepared a room at his house, knowing she’d get kicked out. “In my room, come live with me,” he tells her, all while taking pleasure in watching Jae-hee squirm.

But before she hangs up, Eun-ki nervously ekes out: “I love you.” When he doesn’t answer right away, she says it louder: “I love you!”

Jae-hee looks like someone just killed her family and ate her sandwich, while Maru just smiles darkly at Jae-hee as he replies, “Me too. I love you, Seo Eun-ki.”

Something does seem to be going on with Jae-hee protecting Eun-ki, since she tells Maru that Eun-ki sounds 100% sincere. “Using a pathetic girl who knows nothing, how are you going to be able to live with this later?”

To that, Maru asks if she’s sure he’s 100% false. “To an innocent, intelligent, beautiful, bright, and lovable girl on top of that… Does it seem like I’m 100% false?”

Personal opinion? Yeah, Maru. It kinda does.

Jae-gil acts like a Nervous Nancy the whole drive over, I guess not trusting Maru even though he just called Eun-ki.

To Maru’s credit, he is trying to kick Jae-hee out but she turns on him and asks, “‘Let’s just destroy ourselves together.’ Do you want to do that, Maru?”

And instead of giving him time to react, she grabs him in a kiss instead. That certainly gets his attention.

Jae-hee votes that they kiss when Eun-ki comes, that way she’ll learn everything about who’s using her and why in one fell swoop. Jae-hee: “Let’s destroy ourselves together, Kang Maru.”

Just when it seems like Maru is wiping Jae-hee’s cooties from his lips, he does a one-eighty an traps her against the column with a rough kiss, one that’s got her wanting out. He manages to snap a photo of their locked lips with his phone before pulling away, wiping his lips after.

He doesn’t think Jae-hee knows what “destruction” really is, and shows her the picture on his phone with a smirk: “Destruction is done like this, Han Jae-hee.”

Outside the bar, Eun-ki gets a text of a different set of locked lips – Jae-hee and Min-young’s illicit kiss. She dials Joon-ha.

Jae-hee thinks Maru’s lost it, but he asks her how a person with nothing to lose could win against someone with a lot to lose. That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?

“Didn’t you say you would come for me? Didn’t you say you would drag me down? No matter how high you go, you can’t have me.” And just like that, Jae-hee changes up the power dynamics in her favor, with Maru hanging on her every word.

Even though the depths to which she’ll sink may be bottomless, Maru still plans to bring her down (or up, if we’re going with this metaphor). Now knowing that he has no plans to stop, Jae-hee announces that she doesn’t plan on stepping down, either.

Jae-hee: “What can we do but go all the way? Let’s go as far as we can.”

But Maru can’t hide his concern when he sees Jae-hee stumble in pain. Either this is all part of the show, or Jae-hee’s sick. (And not just in the head.)

Min-young comes to pick her up, and when asked about her health, Jae-hee simply replies that her hip gives her trouble once in a while. She speaks frankly with him about his greed, and tells him to just take advantage of her instead of liking her. It’ll be easier for him that way.

Jae-gil is surprised to find Maru alone in the bar, and guesses something fishy went on with Jae-hee. Either way, he tells Maru that Eun-ki had to leave urgently and that he wants Maru to be his friend and help him get over his breakup.

There’s only one coffee shop in all of Seoul, and that’s where Eun-ki storms in to demand answers from Joon-ha.

Turns out he sent the picture to her just as an incentive to take a deal made with her father on how to return to the company. With her dad’s health waning, if she wants to stop Jae-hee, she has to be reinstated. Eun-ki registers all this while trembling in rage.

Chairman Seo calls Min-young to set up Jae-hee’s phone as a tracking device, so he can know where she is at all times. He’s grappling with chest pain in a half-empty bed, yet Min-young still lies to him about Jae-hee’s current whereabouts.

And when he tries to get Jae-hee off the hook, Chairman Seo reminds him that he still doesn’t trust women. Jae-hee, enjoy your last day as a free woman.

While Jae-gil gets thoroughly wasted, Maru remembers how Jae-hee originally hurt her hip – her father had mercilessly beat her to take her money, but since Maru had given it to her, she protected it with her life.

He swigs half a bottle of soju at the memory, and ignores Eun-ki’s calls.

She’s already moving fast on her reinstatement deal, which depends on her ability to negotiate with the protesters who’d previously egged her. She has Joon-ha there as a notary, and gives the Protest Head a challenge.

If he can beat her in a drinking contest, she’ll listen to his requests. Likewise, if she wins, he has to listen to her. They’ve got one crate of soju bottles and the whole night. Game on.

Choco comes to the bar to find Jae-gil passed out on the floor and Maru sleeping in his chair. She feels responsible for the whole Yoo-ra thing, and tries to make it up to Jae-gil by interpreting his drunken gibberish to mean “Maru’s watch.”

She doesn’t think twice about taking Maru’s watch and giving it to him, ha. Then she literally drags him out of the bar, leaving Maru to take care of himself.

The drinking contest begins, with two bottles of soju per bowl. Even if Eun-ki is a drinking champion, there’s just no way she can escape alcohol poisoning on this one. I love that Joon-ha’s facial expression sends such a clear message: This is a terrible idea.

She excuses herself for a moment and a concerned Joon-ha follows, but she reveals it as a tactic to get the ajusshis to take pity on her because she’s cute.

I like that she wants to solve this union strike without resorting to methods her father would use, like hiring professionals to beat those on strike. She knows her dad has given her a nearly impossible task.

So she lets Joon-ha in on her new grand plan… to run away before the ajusshis notice. Haha. But, she’s gone by the time Joon-ha brings the car around.

Meanwhile, Maru wakes up to find Jae-gil and his watch gone. Eun-ki calls him as he makes his way home, looking like she’s found her way to his house. When he asks if she drank, she lies that she had one bottle of soju. Whatever helps you sleep at night get your stomach pumped, Eun-ki.

She asks Maru what he’s done to her that has her thinking of him all day, every day. While she’s slurring, Maru follows the sound of her voice and finds her sitting near his house.

Haha. When he kneels in front of her, Eun-ki reels like she’s having this totally rad imagination party, dude. She even pokes him, saying, “It’s 3D!” Win.

Maru’s expression grows serious as he tells her: “It may be something you regret when you look back in time, but just think that you’re having a nightmare. You can wake up from nightmares. As time goes by, you wonder what you dreamt of, not being able to remember anything.” This sounds like a bad case of premature eguiltulation, especially if Maru is still planning on being awful to her in the future.

He takes her to his house to get some rest, and spends a long time just staring at her. He ends up talking to Joon-ha when he calls her phone, and reassures him that he’s caring for Eun-ki as her boyfriend.

Eun-ki wakes up the next morning to find Maru sleeping next to her, and smiles giddily. In contrast, we see Jae-hee wearing a sour expression as she lies next to the sleeping Chairman Seo.

While Joon-ha checks up on the kiss cam footage of Jae-hee and Min-young, he ends up seeing something he missed last time… footage of Maru bringing Eun-ki home. Uh ohhh.

He recognizes him from the picture he’s been using to investigate Jae-hee’s past, which is just bad news bears.

Eun-ki’s there to tell Maru good morning when he wakes up, and she asks about what she said or did the night before: “Did I say I’m crazily in love with you?” Affirmative.

She then asks him if he had a reaction, and he admits to it before trying to change the subject. Eun-ki won’t take her eyes off the prize, and keeps pestering him to tell her what he said, clearly wanting even just one loving word in return.

Meanwhile, Joon-ha is on Maru’s scent as he calls Secretary Hyun to confirm whether Eun-ki’s boyfriend is the Kang Maru.

Eun-ki asks Maru again, and he looks her square in the eyes and tells her that she’s unlucky because she got caught by the wrong man named Kang Maru.

Maru: “Do you want to run away while you can? Get up now, put on your shoes, and run away with all your might. You only have one chance.”

This definitely wasn’t what she was expecting to hear, but she’s so enamored that she thinks he’s joking. When he tells her that she hasn’t given him an answer yet, she asks if it isn’t too late… and kisses him. Omo.

Jae-hee gets treated to a photo shoot in her wedding gown, and I can’t really tell the difference between Min-young’s angry face or Min-young’s placid face.

She’s the perfect picture of a smiling bride, until she answers a phone call from her biological brother. We know he’s a terrible person, but he even sounds skeezy on the phone as he makes his little sister’s eyes go wide with terror.

Maru comes home (presumably from dropping Eun-ki off) to find Choco tending to Jae-gil’s broken face. Jae-hee’s brother, fresh out of prison (I wonder if he and Maru were pals in there?), beat him up to find out where Jae-hee was and stole Maru’s phone to get her number.

It’s worth noting that Jae-gil wanted to keep this a secret from Maru to save his friend from getting involved, only it doesn’t really work out with Choco around.

Meanwhile, Eun-ki meets with the protest ajusshis wearing the same clothes she had on yesterday, and without even a pen to sign the contract. She goes over their stipulations line by line, checking the ones she agrees with.

There’s one stipulation that requires her to pay for their children’s educations, and she agrees to sell everything she owns and take out loans to meet the demand. Joon-ha is not happy about this.

She even agrees to sacrifice her personal salary to reinstate fired workers, which has the Head Ajusshi asking if she’ll be okay.

“Even if I won’t be okay, at most, it’ll just be eliminating me from the family register and disinheriting me,” Eun-ki shrugs. Then she has the nerve to say they should finish early to go drinking. HA. I like her spunk.

Afterward, Joon-ha tries to get her attention while she waits for the bus, but Eun-ki’s too exhausted to think. He hands her an envelope and sends her on her way. That’s the Maru evidence, isn’t it.

A neighborhood ajumma stops her on the way to Maru’s house with an oddly-timed gift, a photo frame for Maru. But Secretary Jo’s presence in the background suggests that this is all part of a plan.

Eun-ki turns the frame over to see a picture of Maru and Jae-hee together at a graduation ceremony.

She looks shocked at the photo, and hides it when Maru pops out of his gate, all smiles for her. She doesn’t smile back.


I love how this show continues to play with our perceptions, since one episode ago I was half-heartedly rooting for Maru while wishing Jae-hee would just disappear, to now seeing Maru as an evil genius and Jae-hee as an almost, allllmost pitiable person.

Writer Lee Kyung-hee has a penchant for creating antiheroes that we can simultaneously scorn and love, an emotional roller coaster not unlike what our heroines end up going through. But as my pity and understanding for Eun-ki grows with each episode, so does my unease with Maru. I want to like him, and I was never really on the Jae-hee/Maru ship, but this episode was a first in that I finally thought that those two should end up together because they deserve each other.

Literally everyone is a victim in this drama, so now we have multiple tiers of victimhood and a sliding scale of douchebaggery. Jae-hee used Maru to get where she is, Maru is using Eun-ki to get where he wants to be, and Eun-ki doesn’t seem to be using anyone, surprisingly. Even Jae-hee could tell from listening to her on the phone that Eun-ki’s feelings for Maru were 100% sincere. Maru argued that he wasn’t being 100% Douche, and while there are shades of grey in that moniker, I think being 50% Douche, or even 25% Douche, is already too much douche for someone like Eun-ki to handle.

It’s almost worse that Maru is so self-aware, especially when he had enough guilt to tell Eun-ki that later on, she’ll look back on this whole thing like a nightmare and eventually forget about it. Why don’t drama characters understand that this never works? Especially with Maru saying these words, the very same Maru who’s embarking on a journey to the ends of the earth based on the memories of a woman he wants to abracadabra Jae-hee back into. Square peg, round hole.

What was the icing on the cake for Maru’s guilt scene was that not only does he know how innocent and trusting Eun-ki really is, he’s had her number one enemy say, to his face, that she’s innocent. And then in the same breath, that enemy tells him that he’s going above and beyond the level of misery she dares to inflict on Eun-ki.

So, if Jae-hee, the freaking mayor of terriblepersonville, asks you how you’re going to sleep at night for what you’re doing to someone, for God’s sake Maru, listen.

But, I guess we wouldn’t really have a drama if he listened. It’s definitely intriguing to watch Maru grapple with his vengeance/guilt, and I’ll be more interested to see whether there’s hope for redemption in his future, or whether he’ll lose himself in his struggle to reconcile his past with the harsher realities of his present.

The thing is, I’m down with the ends (bringing Jae-hee down a couple notches) but not necessarily the means (massacring Eun-ki’s hopes and dreams and shattering what little trust she has left in humanity). Maybe there’s another way to make everyone sad forever without permanently scarring Eun-ki in the process?


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Well, this is just ep6 so there are 14eps more. I think EK will match JH and MR with equal degrees of madness and obsessions either revenge or win MR's heart then step on it. Cuz what else is there for 14eps and EK is not a person who will be heart-broken and do nothing! And I do think someone might get killed, the dad's lawyer looks pretty scary.

I felt a bit disappointed that JH's bro popped up cuz it's the same old thing all over again.

Not sure what MR wants of JH, is it take back his love? Drag her down then what?

I just love lawyer Park, his bittered face when someone displayed meanness or craziness cracked me up, and I thought he should quit his job cuz his bosses were all crazy.


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Im still rooting for Eunki to get her bitchface on and use Maru back. Like manipulate him into thinking she's this lovesick fragile puppy, & make him fall madly love with her as a big FU to Jaehee. All while taking over her father's company.

Anyways why is it that I totally dont despise Maru? It is just my Song Joongki bias clouding me?


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Clearly, the only 'Nice Guy' in this drama is Oppa Joon Ha. But there's a chance that he's liar (he's supposedly gay, but he did a terrible job of convincing me. Or maybe Eunki knows he's putting up a front and just goes with it because ...I don't have a reason yet), and we still have a lot of time to learn of a shady past or whatever, so I can't put the angel wings on his just yet. But so far, nicest and most understandable person of the bunch.

He does things, and I have a good idea of his intentions. And I'm quite happy to have him, because he's the anchor keeping me sane in all of this madness. I love him.

Maru, I'm trying to understand you, but you are sending me curveball after curveball. Jaehee destroyed you, just planted a bomb inside your head and when it went off, it just damaged you all kinds of ways, didn't it? And you're mean, but you're nice, then you do things when no one's looking and it makes me question whether or not you're tricking everyone and trying to trick yourself but you're incapable of doing so, and you gives me headaches and heartaches and urgh. But...I still love you. How. What. Huh.

Jaehee... Mother!JH, whether it be for her son or whatever motherly thing she's got going when it comes to EunKi, I dig. Completely. Little Girl!JH, I pity and feel for. I support her, and her walk to overcoming her struggles. You go, past Jaehee! Adult/Manipulator!JH, I want to slap you. So hard. All day, everyday.

Eunki.... I think she's basically me, the viewer. And I want to hug her, and tell her everything will be okay, but I have no idea because everyone's backstabbing everyone and wanting revenge and lying and cheating and not trusting and it's just so confusing and urgh, I want the next two episodes right now. ;-;


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Hahahaha...you are so cute!


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Really admiring your writing skills!! Thanks for the recaps & in case of the drama it's well written ,,after every episode I'm craving for more kk Daebak story plot


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can any1 tell me where can I find korean drama with eng softsub ..pleeeeaase x(


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I watched the eng sub drama in http://www.mykimchidrama.net or http://www.epdrama.com


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i hope Maru won't hurt Eunki too much.. She have already suffered enough (no scratch that, she has suffered TOO MUCH).. First losing her mom then there's Jaehee bitch trying to steal all the things that is rightfully hers and then there's Atty. Ahn who, like Eunki said in episode 4, is one of her most trusted person in the company suddenly back-stabbed her and be Jaehee's dog (like Eunki put it) and there's also this one guy Eunki have love so much before & even take the fall for him and MOST IMPORTANTLY there's Dad who is always trying to hurt Eunki, giving her excessive punishments, being so cold and mean to her, personally i don't even think there's one time that he became a father to Eunki.. Eunki became the way she is now because of HIM and now that she finally opened her heart again to love someone Maru will just USED her?? Imagine how broken she'll be to learn that this guy who she learn to love enough for her to start wearing make up & using dresses for the first just FOR HIM, who she trusted 100% to even give him her heart is just using her to harm/hurt Jaehee?? The fucking stepmother who she hates the most for seducing her father and for causing her mother to left home.. The very root of her suffering?!?!

After that do you even think she'll be able to trust someone again or love again?? SO PLEASE MARU DON'T HURT EUNKI MORE,, SHE HAS SUFFERED MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!


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According to you about all what you said.
I liked Jaehee more in this episode. Even if I will never love her because she's still bitchy to me, she's faaaar less crazy and manipulative than Maru.

I sincerely hate Maru. Really. To me, he's already a monster and I don't see how the writer is going to make us like him more in the future. Redemption? Guilt? Love for EunKi?
I don't even know if such things are going to happen.

For now, the only thing I want is seeing EunKi fighting for her pride.


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Sigh, I kinda wish Eun Ki will be smarter and not give all of herself to Maru, 'cause he is starting to creep me out and I feel really sad for Eun Ki that she will be manipulated like a puppet by someone she thinks loves her back.


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I will be happy if he's fake stance turns onto his real one and he genuinely loves Eun ki, uses his passion for her to actually help her and in turn Jae Hee loses her power over him and Eun ki gets to oust her. But we'll see.


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What would be really cool:

---> Eun Ki getting her own revenge on Maru.

I mean, Maru is getting her revenge on JH for being a bitch with him. But by using EK, he's being even worst than JH.
Then it would be logical for EK to get her revenge on Maru for what he did while she truly loved him.

That's what we call a vicious circle. But that would be a pretty nice way to continue the drama!


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Now that Eun-gi's found out, i really hope next week the tables will turn, reality will hit her, and she'll regain her bitchface back.
*fingers crossed*


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If I were the writer of this show I'll follow this plot line: Eungki pretends not to know and continues being Maru's gf, only to make him really fall for her, and then when he is head over heels, she dumps him and shows him that the revenge is pointless. Then she runs off with the cute lawyer who just pretended to have been gay all the time. Or.... somehow we find a way to redeem Maru and have him reclaim his love and life with Eungki. The show rocks!


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greets Chick--

i LOVE that EunKi, et al are finding out about MaRu+Jae Hee relationship.

no hiding. at least we know that 'their relationship' won't be the BIG REVEAL. makes me think that something even BIGGER.DARKER.BADDER is in store.



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I think my heart breaks for Maru more than it should. I want to hate him, I really do. But, I've stood there, the crossroad in real life and I can tell you the pain is excruciatingly unbearable. He is trying to survive, he is trying really hard but you can see that he is not lucky as he is. I genuinely believe that if Jae-hee had not betrayed him and actually been there for him when he needed him, he would still be the Kang Maru that she knew. That kind guy that would always protect her. That goes to show just how much you can screw people up because of your own selfishness and desires. I dunno, maybe that is what the drama was trying to show - greed, fear, if you let it be the master of your life, you'll not only destroy who you are, but the people who truly loves you and would put their life on the line for you.

As for Jae-hee, I cannot pity her at all. People had come from harsher life and get out of it without letting someone to take the fall for a murder. If she had owned up to it, Maru would have still be the guy who would waited for her. The guy that would sacrifice everything just for her. I understand fear, but, I know that lies is something else that could eat you up. I do feel sorry for her when she was younger - that girl who was a punching bag but still had a smile. Whatever happened to that girl? She could have been a great person if she remembered that girl. The girl who treasure a gift given by someone.

Eun-ki... My pity meter just broke. I feel bad for her and I feel like I just wanted to jump into that scene and be her best friend and protect her from all the cruel things in the world. The more her wall comes down, the sadder I feel for her. I wished she could have stayed that icy cold business woman - that way I can just decide I like her because she's awesome. Now, I have to pity her as well and this is harder than I expected.

And I LOVE Kwang-soo - I mean Jae-gil. I love that despite his dorky and silly appearance, he was more than just that. I mean, he is something. He stick by his friend and he's becoming just a secondary character -- he have a story there and I am actually looking forward to it.


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This writer does a perfect job of making these characters human, if you get my meaning. Some shows either make a person too good or too bad that all the human elements are gone and they are just boring and predictable.

I have a slight confuzzlement over something. I thought in the first or second episode Eun Ki already knew about Jae Hee and Maru? Or was it only about the money JH used to pay Maru off? Someone explain!


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Well, tried to pay off.


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I totally agree with you.
This drama has me in the edge of my seat because I want Maru to be happy in the end but I don't know how much he deserves that happiness now with this episode and him being stubborn.

My excuse is that, either he is liking Eun Ki against his will and he has not seen it yet blinded by his love/hate for Jae Hee, or he is carving his own hole in the ground as a character. Which then will lead me to think this is not going to end well, and not in a Fashion King way, but even if it does, it wouldn't be out of character for these two; Maru and Jae Hee.

My wish for this script is to take a turn for the better, or worse, and have Maru fall so terrible in love with Eun Ki that at the end when she finds out he has been using her, she kicks him to the curve for ever. So our characters all end up where they first started, and that would be their own fault. I mean, it only seems fair. Poetic justice.

I see Maru as someone who wants to reach the heavens and be with a goddess, while on Earth there is someone loving him. Once you fall and touch reality, then its too late. This is what I would want out of this drama in the worst possible scenario.
But the way things are going, Im not sure if the writers have intentions of giving Maru a wake up call of this sort.

We'll have to see.


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Joon Ha, come here and let me love you forever <33

I seriously want to like Maru, probably because of my huge crush on SJK, but still!!~ and because of the end of this episode, I hope Eun Gi is smart enough (& not yet too lovestruck) to figure out the sitch and even reverse the whole betrayal and use Maru against Jae Hee. Even if that doesn't occur soon, I hope it does because my dear Eun Gi is going to be so heartbroken /: sobs.

Joon Ha is such a cute puppy ^^' .. but I'm getting my tissues ready ):


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I had a presage that Mary would die at the end and so would Eunki. However, now I think that it won't be Eunki, it will be Jaehee


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I had a presage that Mary would die at the end so would Eunki, but now I think it will be Jae-hee not Eunki


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i really loved that million doller question..literally it was said by jae hee first AND LIKED how ma roo repeated it...i love how these writer are so GOOD...


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Oh yes. i think that was one of my favorite lines this episode!
And Jae-hee does have a point there. But at this point, given the circumstances of everything that happened as of now, Jae-hee is living under a roof, with a child, and about to establish herself as taesan's high authority. Eun-gi is on the streets with nothing but the clothes on her back.


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Maru is hard to figure out. He displays compassion and caring at times and then becomes detached like a psychotic at other times. Totally separate from anything to do with Jae Hee, he uses women to get what he wants, but does not display any hate or contempt towards them, they are just things, objects.
Old saying that it takes one to know one so I am going to guess that the reality of the character is that Maru is a psychopath also, with his obsession being Jae Hee as Jae Hee's obsession is wealth.
Biggest clue to me that he was always that way is that as a medical student he knew his sister was so ill that she was dying, but he abandoned her to someone else to come rescue when he ran to help Jae Hee without even knowing what the crisis was about Jae Hee was involved in.

I do not have a clue what the writer intends, but if there are two psychos on the loose both with heavy agendas it seems that one or more people ending up dead who get in the way is a good possibility.


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I think Ma Ru has a kind of mental disability or some such thing that makes him fixate on certain things. I just don't think he's bad but that he's incapable of seeing anything outside of Jae Hee. There is something missing in his emotional make up.


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hey Carole--

i think spending 5 yrs in prison for a crime not committed AFTER the love of his life BETrAYED him has a lot to do with his view on the world.

show keeps portraying his 'give your all to serve and protect' nature. so it seems his fixation is equivalent to protecting, no?


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Loved this! --> Literally everyone is a victim in this drama, so now we have multiple tiers of victimhood and a sliding scale of douchebaggery.

You guys always make me laugh out loud. Not only are you all great recappers but you're all so witty as heck.

Gotta say re: Ma Ru: Song Joong Ki is just incredibly wonderful as the baddie. We all agree on that. But the innocent boyish face! Wow, that nails it! Anyone can look cute and gorgeous....but to look so innocent, the part could only go to an actor with a face that screams "innocent little baby brother." I can't think of many A-list Korean actors who have the gorgeousness, the vulnerability, the talent, AND the innocent face all rolled into one.


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3 things.

1. while i've prepared my heart for a dark and evil ride into dramaland revenge...my head can't get over the chairman's arc. he only trusts women 30% but it appears that he didn't have anyone check Jae hee's background before involvement. this especially irks me because everyone else is background checking everyone else. hard to turn off the logic missing on the chairman.

2. Jae Hee has a very clear advantage to protecting Eun Ki from MaRu. Eun Ki is MaRu's ammunition, passcode, foot in the door. If Jae Hee can convince MaRu to leave Eun Ki alone, then Jae Hee removes the 'spill-over' threat that MaRu can cause and keeps MaRu at a distance ... especially from the chairman. on a side note: the phone call conversation between maru/eunki observed by jaehee was TITTILATING. MaRu was showing Jae Hee his hand and thoroughly enjoying it...too much. chills.

3. there is no unicorn farting rainbows in this drama. even the little boy is going to lose out. but here's why i keep watching: the revenge is cleverly calculating. the usual over the top kdrama-screamfests obvious revenge plots have been replaced with kewl calculating players. i hope others are enjoying as much as i am.

4. ok---4 things. thanks for the recap <3


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In response to item 1/2.

Look at lawyer Park trying to run a background check on JH only to have lawyer Ahn do an end run and change all of her records beforehand. If it's done once, it's done twice; and I'm betting JH thought of it first where her son is concerned. ;)

In response to item 3.

Yes, I am enjoying this thoroughly this drama and hope the writer does not mess up this thriller with rainbows and pigtails for an ending. To the baddies all the way.


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*this thoroughly and hope....


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I still remember the first time I watched this episode the RAW version without english subtitle even though i dont understand any words they are saying.

When Maru called Eunki in front of Jae hee I have my heart rate faster until the part Eunki said Saranghae, i literally open my mouth.

This drama is so good that I can feel the tension eventhough without english subtitle... :p


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This drama is soo cliche, but I love it! Worst case scenario is the little boy is actually Ma Ru's son! If that happens, I will literally __________


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Please answer the following questions:

1) What disease do EG and Choco have?
2)Who is the father of the little boy?


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I feel like I'm always late to the Nice Guy party! About halfway through episode 6 and I feel like there's SO MUCH to talk about!!


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Gosh, this SHOW! I'm emotionally invested in the characters, I'll give it that much.

I guess I'm eating crow for dinner, because I was TOTALLY convinced that Eun Gi was playing Maru. Now that it's clear she's not, I have to say that I'm disappointed with how the show has (IMO) inconsistently characterized Eun Gi. I know that love makes you do crazy things, but the Eun Gi we encountered in the first two episodes would not have brushed off the fact that her motorcycle brakes were cut, would not let a strange man get under her skin without investigating the hell out of him first, and would certainly not have overlooked the glaringly obvious jealousy that Jae Hee displayed whenever Eun Gi mentioned Maru (especially at the bath house! I mean, come on!! A blind bat kindergardener would've picked up on the fact that she was overly curious about Maru). Furthermore, I know that Lawyer Ahn is corrupt and all that, but I find it highly suspect that Eun Gi didn't have Joon Ha do at least a cursory background check on Maru, which would've revealed that he spent 5 years in jail (at the very least).

Plot holes aside, this show is one hell of an emotional roller coaster ride. Mostly because the only character that I adore unreservedly (Eun Gi) is getting the short end of seemingly every stick in Korea.

Shockingly, I find even Jae Hee a more compelling character than Maru right now, even though I frequently want to play whack-a-mole with her head, because her motivations are so complex/obscure.

Maru seems to be driven by one thing: his undying love for Jae Hee. Which makes him come across not only as weak and delusional, but also needlessly cruel. What I can't stand about him is that it's painfully obvious that he still wants to protect Jae Hee, not get revenge on her. For all his talk of bringing her down, I think he really wants to take her away from the corrupt world she has embraced because he views that as a way of saving her soul, if not her life.

If he truly wanted to take Jae Hee down, the smartest line of action would be to openly partner with Eun Gi and conspire together. I think that by obscuring his past & intentions from Eun Gi, Maru is actually protecting Jae Hee. He could easily oust Jae Hee from her elevated position by presenting their history (and her continued attempts to meet with him/pay him off/etc.) to Eun Gi and the Chairman. Instead, it's like he's repeatedly giving JH the chance to willingly leave that life and choose him. And of course, when she doesn't take that chance, Maru just throws his own life away in the process. Oh, and let's add Choco's life and Eun Gi's life to the pyre, as collateral damage.

It's a credit to Song Joong Ki's INSANE hotness and charisma that I care even a little bit about Maru right now. I'm all for twisty drama leads, but it's hard to root for someone who is so out of touch with his own delusion, ya know?

I'm not even convinced that Maru and Eun Gi are the OTP of the show, anymore. I would like them to be, but given how much Maru's forgiven Jae Hee for, it's hard to fathom her doing anything worse to make him jump off of her sinking ship. I mean, Maru doesn't seem to give a rat's ass about anything but her. He's already basically committed to a suicide pact with her. What could possibly happen to loosen the inexplicably strong grip she has on him? Maybe if she killed Choco with her bare hands? Even then, he seems willing to abandon just about anyone to be by Jae Hee's side.

I have to add, Joong Ki's doing a magnificent job as Maru, and the actress playing Jae Hee is deliciously infuriating. But nobody onscreen grips me quite as much as Chae Won. Everytime she's onscreen, I sit up a little straighter. I pay a little more attention. The dialogue crackles a little more intensely.

I loved her in The Princess's Man, but she is just exquisite here. She's this amazingly vulnerable, prickly, earnest, badass bundle of nerves and brokenness. I don't think I realized quite how amazing she was until this episode, when I found myself getting frustrated with all the Maru/Jae Hee scenes and thinking of how magnetic the Maru/Eun Gi & Jae Hee/Eun Gi scenes are.


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Omo, where is the "edit" button when you need it?! Should read: "blind AS A bat kindergarTener"


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Oh dear, you really show post at the NG Soompi forum, I love reading your comments - both insightful and entertaining. Lols.

I'm going to address a couple things abt EG characterization.

1) MR did not cut the brakes - scripts did not have that indication. Therefore it could have been a malfunction given how rough EG seems to handle all her rides. So if she did complete an investigation, the result would have been the same - no tampering.

2) EG is extremely limited in her dealings with men and romance. In fact, her dealings with people in general is piddling compared to MR's psychoanalytical EI. She is also a very emotionally charged person - who believes in what she sees and feels. MR basically inundated her with so much brass, mystery, and seduction, she could barely keep her head straight. Not to mention everything happened so fast. Before she knew it, she was knee deep into his family dysfunctions and "sordid" history. That car ride was the "trust test" ride. And MR passed with flying colors.

3) Notice how Writer Lee sets up her plot points. There's the talk of her leaving her throne behind and then she moves into MR's house. At brunch with Papa Seo, EG says that she did not care about MR's past (which obviously surprised and touched MR) but his present and future with her...and now in Ep 7's preview, EG is seemingly wanting to get to the bottom of it before she condemns MR. It's blind love...rather it's EG's faith in what she feels and believes in that makes her innocent. She truly does believe in the good of ppl. Even when JHa showed her the pic of JH and Ahn, she thought it could have been PS-ed. That's JH, the wicked witch EG hates.

4) EG is definitely the lead in this drama. Granted, JH is not going away, since she is so vital (and PSY is killing as the complex 2nd lead) to the development of EunMa. But EG is the salvation needed for this drama. Remember, the Editor's Note for this production was that it was a drama essentially about love, rather than revenge, about redemption and things people do b/c of love.

Truly, come to Soompi, all the scrolling and finding replies here is too much effort for a lazy person like me. Lols. http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/377606/drama-2012-nice-guy-the-innocent-man-%EC%B0%A8%EC%B9%B8%EB%82%A8%EC%9E%90/p152


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Oops, it *NOT* blind love.

*Sigh* No edit function.


Oooh, these are all really excellent points!

1. I didn't mean that Maru cut the brakes (that would be very shortsighted of him & wouldn't make sense for his character), but that's a very good point that it's possible she did have that investigated off-screen and didn't find anything conclusive. I just thought it was odd that that her *real* attempted murder was introduced as a possibility and not followed further by the narrative. Then again, there are still plenty of episodes left. Because if Jae Hee WAS responsible for the brakes, assuming it was not a malfunction, that makes me read her character ENTIRELY differently.

2. Really good insight into EG. I agree that she's pretty emotionally naive. And that her introduction to Maru (in which he rescued Choco from abusive parents) probably set off all her repressed childhood fantasies (being rescued from an emotionally and perhaps physically abusive father figure) and catalyzed her fast-and-furious love for Maru.

3. It is pretty amazing how much faith EG has in other people, in spite of her attempts to protect herself with a prickly armor.

4. YAAAAY! What a relief. I didn't read the Editor's Note and am so excited. I find a drama about redemption & love SO much more compelling than one about revenge. Especially since I adooooooooore EG & have a small sliver of hope for Maru, too.


Also: your comments on Soompi are UH-MAAAAAAAAZING. Honestly, I've been avoiding posting on Soompi b/c while I love the option of editing, I hate that you can't respond directly to a specific post & start a separate chain of thoughts like you can here. It makes catching up on all the conversations that are happening over there a bit daunting. Usually to keep up with the DB boards, I just refresh obsessively and ctrl+f my username so I can easily skip to the conversations I'm a part of to see if anything's been updated. That said, if the obsession continues to take over my life like it has been the past few episodes, I may well be on Soompi next week. LOL.


Hiii! Exquisite is the perfect word for Moon Chae Won. I adore her. And yes, Song Joong Ki is ridiculously hot. Like, it's almost unfair.

Ma Ru. Ma Ru Ma Ru Ma Ru. He's been kind of inscrutable to me the first few episodes, but this week I'm starting to get a better handle on him. First, he just has this thing for vulnerability in other people. He's attracted to it. In the flashbacks to their childhood it's clear he started liking Eun Ki even before he'd even met her. He'd just heard that she was the prettiest noona in the neighborhood. And then she comes hurtling into his world, all damaged and weak, and it was like her beauty and her weakness combined to just engulf him. He says it was the greatest moment for him. So this moment when Jae Hee is beaten and bruised and scared was a fabulous moment for him. (I wonder if that's how Jae Hee remembers it?) And in this episode the second he sees her limping he starts to reconsider the words he's just said. Second, the thing he's angry towards Jae Hee about is not that he went to jail for her, not that she sent him to jail again, but that she's ruined the image he had of her before he went to jail. He could have moved on, if only he'd had the past to hang on to. But (according to him) she's taken even that from him. So he has no future (because he's a felon) *and* no past. That's why he's punishing her and not getting revenge, why he's more offended by her hypocrisy than her betrayal, because he can't freely love whatever he's made of her in his head--her living the way she is now is constantly challenging that image. He's struggling with these feelings he has for someone who doesn't exist--because he made her up--but who kind of does--because she's standing right before him. I think. I'm still really confused by him.

I've said this before but I'm sticking to it: Jae Hee is not interested in romantic love. It only brings her pain. Just look at what she says to Lawyer Ahn. And honestly, I think the obsessive "love" Ma Ru has for her is a burden for her. It's wearing her down. And now the Chairman (raging asshole that he is) is tracking her every move, like she's an animal. For all the effort she's put into escaping her childhood, has she really been able to form better, more supportive relationships?

I think the worst part about Eun Ki not figuring Ma Ru's past on her own is that it's such a missed opportunity! The narrative we could have gotten if only she'd known who he was from the get go. But hey, maybe we'll have a flashback next week? And oh! Do you remember what you wrote about the visual parallels between Jae Hee's dream and Ma Ru's dream? This doesn't have Jae Hee, but it's still very pretty: http://stinabong.tumblr.com/post/32325361952/


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This: "The thing he’s angry towards Jae Hee about is not that he went to jail for her, not that she sent him to jail again, but that she’s ruined the image he had of her before he went to jail."

and this: "That’s why he’s punishing her and not getting revenge, why he’s more offended by her hypocrisy than her betrayal, because he can’t freely love whatever he’s made of her in his head–her living the way she is now is constantly challenging that image."

I am swooning so hard over these comments! Yes, yes, yes!

It's almost like Maru has Stockholm syndrome, in that he can't just let go of the person he needs Jae Hee to be. In order to make sense of his own life, he has to cling to the idea that Jae Hee fits into the fantasy that he has of her (which undoubtedly got him through jail and which probably intensified/became even more unrealistic because it was all he had to cling to).

I came to the realization in the first page of comments that I think Jae Hee views her emotions as secondary to her goals. She has a very calculating, practical way of making decisions, so she is always able to move forward with what is in her self interest, regardless of what she's feeling or who she's hurting. Maru, in contrast, lets his emotions drive him obsessively forward to his own destruction, without regard to what is in his (or Eun Gi's, or Choco's) best interest.

I agree that Maru's love is a burden for Jae Hee. It's so fascinating to me, because you don't often encounter a character like hers in a kdrama. I don't think Maru's love has any hope of "reforming" Jae Hee or anything like that, because I agree with you that it's wearing her down rather than energizing her. Just like Maru's lost the fantasy-Jae Hee of his past, Jae Hee has to deal with the fact that she's completely obliterated the fantasy-Maru of her past. And frankly speaking, Maru's extremely codependent and that has got to be tiring. So now, Jae Hee's forced to see him and contend with him as just another antagonist, to be manipulated and kept at an arm's length (emotionally speaking, obviously not physically speaking!).

Also: I love the link you shared of the visual parallels between Maru & Eun Gi! I commented on page 1 how Maru and Eun Gi are both visually tied to the natural world & these wide open, green outdoor spaces, while Jae Hee is often shown in closed-off, claustrophobic, unnatural spaces. Maru & Jae Hee's big confrontation scene occurred in a dark, oppressive bar, while most of Eun Gi's & Maru's big scenes this week took place outside. Even the morning bed scenes highlight this contrast--Jae Hee in her fussy, Western-style modern bed, and Maru & Eun Gi in the simple golden-hued room lying facing each other, with natural sunlight pouring in to illuminate them.


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Tell me about it heartie&ladida.

I can just imagine NG being so much more badass if only there was no character inconsistency with Eun-gi.
Then we'd get an epic revenge story, not the typical use her/him, then throw away. Can you guys imagine the EPIC possibilities of maru+eun gi working together all the while falling in love with each other?
I'd love if lee kyung hee ventured off from the typical revenge story, but i know she mentioned NG is a project she's kind of trying out.

BTW, heartie, you've watched TPM?! hope you loved it as much as i did!


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Omg, TPM. Locked myself a way for 4 days and marathoned it. I was a blubbering mess by the end.


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LOL. oh man. so you didn't have to suffer the torturous 2-a-week kind of ordeal.
watched raw multiple times before subs came in.
man. ON EDGE.
Favorite saeguk, hands down.
Not to mention my top 3 favorite OTP include se ryung& seung yoo.


Omo, I'm with Mangos. I was so on edge waiting for eps. You should be thankful you could marathon it. It was excruciating to wait.

Funny, it's how I feel now. *sigh* MCW, you're going to be the death of me.

P.S. You gals need to post at Soompi! All the non-editing and scrolling and finding is killing me!


It'd be really nice if DB had the option of editing comments / knowing which ones were fresh


@ilikemangos: YES, omg yes! I drive myself crazy searching for my username & trying to figure out which comments are new. Drama gods, hear our pleas! :)


Heartie, i hope you use the ctrl + f option to search for your username. that's what i use to check if my comment got an responses!


Yes, I do, otherwise there would be no hope for me. I still feel like a madwoman, though, trying to keep up with other comment threads that I find interesting. I've taken to doing a search by day so I can see what's been added, but it feels a little obsessive.

Oh, who am I kidding? I am to this board what Maru is to Jae Hee. Minus the whole crazy revenge bit. So maybe, I am to this board what Eun Gi is to Maru?

(You know you've got it bad when you start understanding your own life in terms of show analogies...)


OMG, the awesomeness of a Eun Gi + Maru team is just mind-exploding. I still have a vague hope that at some point, they'll knowingly join forces & wreak havoc on the world.

And the TPM thing is sort of a typo that I didn't bother to addendum-ify. I meant to write "I'm loving her in TMP" since I am about halfway through (on episode 13!). It's really good! There were some slight lulls around episode 8 or 9 for me, but episode 12 was daebak and I'm super excited to see where it goes. It's been a while since the OTP have had screen time together (aside from a REALLY INTENSE choking scene, OMG), so I can't wait for them to be reunited in angst and love :). I do find the baddies a little simplistic in their "let's sit around a table and laugh evil-ly about all the people we killed!" but I love how complicated all the relationships are, and the plot is dark and gripping, overall. I can't wait to see where it goes from here!


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Amen to SJK's INSANE hotness making Maru remotely likeable and VERY interesting.

His off the charts sexyness has a lot to do with intelligence. He seems so much smarter than everyone around him.
Always one step ahead of the game.
It was true in SKKS, Tree and this.

It is a tribute to him that in Ep 5, even while tripping over his English, he managed to pull off cool in the resort not-selling scene. Most people speaking non-fluently in a second language appear less confident than in their first language. Not this guy.

SJK is a beautiful beautiful man. (I have to say this in every recap in order to remain calm. I makes me feel better about not actually knowing him IRL and seeing him at my breakfast table every morning.)


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Playing with our perceptions, indeed! I am not really sure how I feel about this ep because Maru gave me a serious case of heebie-jeebies and I do not know how to compute that! I've been on Maru's bandwagon from the get go but now... I kind of want to get off? I mean, I still want Jea-hee taken down, but not at Eun-ki's expense.

At the same time, I do love all the lovely, lovely shades of grey. Just, don't go totally evil on me, Maru. Please?

Thanks for the recap!


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I'm on the same boat. Song Joong Ki's face + Ma Ru's actions = confusion.


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Thanks for the recap!!! ^^
Love this drama!!
But I feel the typical sad-main role die-Kdrama ending in this drama (just like I am sorry I love you).

Well,,,, sad ending doesn't always mean bad story.....


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From last weeks episodes to this weeks I have left all the feelings I had for Maru in the trash! How can he hurt an innocent person for revenge against someone who is a decieving bitch that only wants power and status.

Eun ki & Joon Ha <3


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With all the hates for Park Shi-yeon and Jaehee I kinda miss the smart and awesome Eun-young in Coffee House LOL
Am I the only one?


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Dear MR,

Please know that JH as a former reporter on justice knows exactly how to topple corruption...You do it from within, under cover.

I can see the sad day when you regret having judged her incorrectly.


Still love you babe!


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First of all, I love SJK since I spotted him on Triple. *a very sweet drama, but I don't understand why people don't like it, or watch it for that matter*

SJK is so sweet and such a beauty with a combination of rainbows, candy, puppies, chocolates, and sunshine. Later on, his acting in TWDR shocked me. Hey, this cute little boy can be something else!!! And he's so good at it! *he's also my favorite character in SKKS*

Seeing him as MR breaks my heart, in a good way. I'm so happy cause not only he's proven that he's not just a pretty face, he also prove that he's not afraid to look *ugly*. I noticed that a lot of pretty face actors in korea are so afraid looking ugly, and that stops them from being a better actor...and that's a shame. Luckily for SJK, he breaks out of that stereotype. *and I'm so happy for him*


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Does anyone ever thinks that JH is on a revenge on her own??? I mean, she really wanted to take the chairman down for making her "sacrificing the man whose more precious than her life 6years ago"???

Again, the 1st episode still got a lot of unresolved mystery.

1. What's in that brown envelope that JH gave to the chairman the day she killed that man? *did she really killed that man?*

2. Why is JH, a reporter at that time, who's in a search for a news in Taesan Group (remember that elevator scene with JH and the lawyer?), can get involved and doing favors for the chairman? So, who's that guy in the motel???

That's all I can think right now, but its only been 6 episodes and we're already got on this whole crazy ride with our the characters that we deeply love but we hate so much that it hurts us more and more. Again, SONG! JOONG! KI!!! No matter what, we still hope that he's gonna end up being the Nice Guy at the end...but I highly doubt it, cause he's just too twisted in his own little mind games.


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I think so. If you look at reporter Jae Hee and mistress Jae Hee there are completely different. It's like she did a complete 180. I wouldn't be surprised if revenge is on her mind since she has being saying to Maru wait a while I will come back to you.


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I actually have a love/hate relationship with Nice Guy. The writers do a lot of very confusing things that I'm hoping they'll make up for later on. HOPING BEYOND HOPE.

Like wtf did they just do to Eun Gi's character?! I must be the only one who hated where this episode went. how could she fall so hard and fast for Maru??? without even checking his background?! I would totally buy it if she started to fall for him DESPITE his link with JaeHee, but that's not what happened. I'm just scared they'll totally ruin her character (and the amnesia isn't even here yet...) since she was my favorite in the earlier episodes.

I'm still gonna hold on to the Nice Guy train, but barely, at this point. I don't think it's going to end very well, plot wise. :( Having this many doubts early on has never worked out well for me.


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Oh no, there are a lot of us who felt there were some inconsistencies with EG's character. You are not alone, and you will DEFINITELY not be alone if they morph her into some wilting lily. :)


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haha We'll all go down with this Titanic together.


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I really don't like what they did with Eun-ki either. Rather than feel that sorry for her I mostly find her pathetic right now. She's not the characters she was in the first couple of episodes. I know Maru is cute and all... but her falling for him and being so dependent and trusting just doesn't sit well with me.

JH and Maru are the characters I watch the show for right now. Hopefully they do something interesting with Eun-ki. The amnesia thing doesn't sound that great to me.


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i can't wait for the next episode..! dying of curiosity now..why did that secretary gave eun ki that photo? how would she react after this? will she go and play along with ma ru's plan?


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I think lawyer Ahn gave it to her because he wants MR to have no access to JH directly or indirectly through the family.

Apart from the current MR and JH's brother, he's one of the scariest characters in the drama.


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Oooh interesting theory! I would LOVE it if Lawyer Ahn started his own machinations, because then it would show how tenuous Jae Hee's grip on the men in her life is. Like, sure you can manipulate all you want but there ARE downsides to exploiting the men who love you.


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thanks for the re-cap :)
I'm kinda thinking..since it turned out that lawyer Ahn and JH's relationship is more than what I thought it should be..maybe it will turn out that he's the father of JH's child..keke

Rooting for EG and MR :))


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No he isn't. He used to spy on her for EunGi so JaeHee appealed to him to be on her side.


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Ahn used to spy JH for Eun Gi? that isn't right. He wasn't. He's chairman Seo's right handed man but definitely wasn't EG's spy. The one that work closely for EG is lawyer Park.


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By knowing that 'amnesiac thing' haven't even start yet, it already makes my heart break for EG.


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Meh. She is a self centered bitch. Even if she did not want to leave with her mother she knew her Mom loved her and was hurting. There was no reason to treat her that way.
And then the demanding way she basically commanded Maru to tell her that he loves her.
She is no saint, just not full blown evil.

All that is left is to find out the gay attorney and Maru's friend are bad guys too and they are all baddies or crazies romping around together.


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Spoiled. Temperamental. Does not know how to demonstrate love perhaps, but definitely not self-centered. If she was, she wouldn't have risked so much to defy her father for the union strikers, nor given so much of her personal wealth to satisfy the strikers' financial stipulations.

Even if you said money isn't what she values, but rather love...why can she not demand her mother's unconditional love? Why can she not get upset that her mother was going to leave the house, with or without her daughter, EG? And lest you forget, why can't she seek the man who has said he's in love with her to confirm for her his feelings?

One was her mother. The other, a man who's shown he could be there for her, understand her, shelter her, and love her. I'm confused with how you get "self-centered" from EG when she's only asking for what others should and have said they wanted to give her.


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Well said, Kgrl!

If EG is self-centered, what JH is then? LOL. Hah.


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She was going to get kicked out if she did not end the strike. She did not want to deal with it but had to. That was the condition laid down to her.

If you have a parent so distraught that they are leaving it is a good idea not to make them even more miserable or they might kill themselves. Venting fury on a depressed or frightened person is always a losing strategy if you care anything about that person.

She spoke horribly in front of a small child totally not caring that it was a child and scared the child. Classic. Self centered people are like that.

A lot of people would not like the first time they tell someone they love them to be over a phone, even if they do, and seeking/demanding confirmation on the run on a phone is taking that choice away from them. Self centered people always act on what makes them feel good/better without taking the time to put themselves in the other person's possible situation.

If story is about redemption, seems she is the one who will change most likely as being self centered often comes from massive immaturity and she can grow out of it since she is still young enough to do so.

At this point in story all three main characters are mad, bad, and dangerous to know to me though. Two intentionally and one out of tunnel vision.


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I think all 3 characters will change, but perhaps the most will be MR or JH, not EG.

Treating ES, who she doesn't consider as her brother, so horribly isn't what I would call self-centered, it's mean and immature. She has transferred her hate for JH to the child.

I can not agree with your reasoning for how EG treated her mother when she left. Perhaps, I place a higher value on parenthood, but it seemed to me EG's mother "did not protect" EG from whatever pain/void she had whilel growing up. At this point we do not know what transpired between EG's parents, but from the news and leaks I've read, EG's mother is probably a more crucial factor as to why EG grew up the way she did.

Regarding, the rushed "I love you" in the car. Don't forget, this is after MR first said he was attracted to her, said he would take her in, flew all the way to Japan not sleeping well and encouraging her in her battle over something precious to her, said he loved her too...can you blame the girl for asking again, to confirm when she's been betrayed and has so little experience with men? If she didn't seek confirmation, didn't have insecurities, I would have disappointed at the inconsistency in the writing.


Just because EG's father raised her to take over the company, EG's mother also raised her to enjoy herself regardless of his efforts based on the Barbie visual. If anything, Mom told her to "fake it" and go along with the program. Only mom got tired of faking it.....

Make no mistake about the poor, little heiress, she's a bitch and was raised to be The One.

Only she's not wearing too many designer clothes, and jewelery with only minimal makeup to hoodwink the masses (e.g. the drink night). Yeah, daddy stripped her of her toys when he threw her out, but she opted to leave her clothes behind. Pfft. Wanting a taste of freedom only to understand it will be short because she's an heiress groomed to take over TS.?

If the PD dressed EG up like the aristocratic bitch that she is with her mouth and attitude, then you'd be calling her a bitch too, but no. It has to be downplayed to show that innocent miss is being taking advantage when the rich take advantage all day long.

As for MR, his sacrifice was not selfless if he wants to bring JH down. He told her to move on and not look back. He made her end the phone call to the police; and from the FB, they were getting married so he was her fiance and I understood why he ran to JH's side. (He's still doing it with the ladies. All they have to do is call and MR comes running....)

Again, the writer is excessive in her portrayals of very bad, bad, and not so bad. I think all of the characters made their own hell. Love and dependence on another person to make you happy works as long as they toe the line to keep you that way. In this regard, EG and MR are a match made in Barbie and Ken heaven.


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I'm not getting some of your points. But where have you seen that EG uses her riches to take advantage of the poor? Or that she condones that kind of behavior?

I, for one, think EG is a little bitch in her own right. But that doesn't mean I think her innocence in love, and trust in the goodness of people deep down, conflicts with the above.

Didn't come into the show with biases against or for certain characters. I've seen the greys of all 3, and the nuances the production team/actors are trying to convey. Humans were never made that simple, so I'm happy that for the rare time, all the leads have so many flaws and attributes. It's refreshing in Kdrama world when it's usually one or two (or none) of the leading cast that challenges the set drama stereotypes.


I've seen her heir apparent condescending attitude with JH during family time, etc; indifference to atty Park throughout (exc when she called him oppa, which was cute); her business dealings with the board and chairman; and the contempt for her mother shown during their brief scene.

I have not warmed up to her character and don't get the innocent label given to her to be honest. She does not have a lot of experience with men romantically, but business wise, she's sharp and that does not go away entirely unless she pushes it aside like she's doing now. It's her choice to be vulnerable and go with what she's feeling. Good for her in that she's getting up again.

As for the biases, they were built into the character profiles.

Now she attracted to a guy way out of her neighborhood, and finds it refreshing; so refreshing she remarked why she never did this before or was it allow her self to fall in love again? So I see her "being in love" with a guy so different (poor) is what's happening here. Guys from the other side of town are tough and amorous as opposed to the jerk(s) she's known before with silver spoons in their mouths. MR is not asking the heiress for anything and only wants to help her. Incredulous.

Question: When did MR tell EG he loved her first? I need to go back and watch that scene.


A poor kid across the neighbor isn't the allure. It's MR responsible and direct way of handling his misfortunes that impresses EG. He doesn't think people owe him, nor need to pity him.

Lols, you misunderstood. I only meant that he was the first to say he was attracted to her. Later on, he was showing, gesturing, and finally saying, he cares and loves her.


What does she know about MR's misfortunes or how he handles them? Remember, she's not interested in his past (or how he's overcome his trials.)

If you're referring to the going to get Choco scene, well that is one aspect of MR's pitiful life and seeing any guy allow his sister her moment is sweet. :)

It's not the actors but the writing I'm afraid....If the writer is trying something new, God bless her.


Not caring about MR's past errors/indiscretions doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate what he's overcome to be with her in the present and future. I'm sure EG understands that MR's past contributes the person he is today, and which is all the more appealing to her.

She knows and can imagine what her family turmoils may be, can speculate his responsibilities growing up without a mother, and now both are dead, his poverty.

So far, other than the Aomori bit that was a too convenient, what is wrong with the writing?


I'll reserve my comments about the writing for another time.

SJK <3<3<3


i want Eun-ki with her close-Oppa/lawyer.. that'll do her good x]


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wait i thought the guy that beat her was her brother. either way, eun ki seriously just needs to be with her attorney.


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ohwat. guys the money she was protecting from her brother isn't Maru's. it's HER money that she saved up for his tuition because she knew he didn't have any money and wouldn't be able to pay for it.


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how do u know?


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cause i'm korean....


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Even halfway through the recap, my heart is breakinggg for Eun Ki - feel so emo and Aqualung's not helping either (HeadsNo2, you sure know how to set the mood!). She's so trusting OMG. Whatever happened to the ice queen I read in the synopsis! I can't wait for Maru to fall for real. It's gotta happen right?! Sigh as a non-watcher I find myself unable to sympathize with Maru. Poor Eun Ki - hope payback's gonna be a bitch. I want him to PAYYYY.


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hey guys i want to throw a party here just for the sake of NG's awsomeness but oh not friends that are fan of NG.
eungi loves maru all her heart inorder to out of love completely with him after she knows the true between maru and jh but sadly it's time for her to forgets it after the accident. i think. just imagine how happy eungi was when she headed to maru's house after being kicked out broke my heart.


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one more comment on this ep and the whole drama so far...plot holes there are many. However, the degree/levels of passion the first episode alone evoked is what Bad Guy should have had for all the hype it had. No matter who MR ends with (I believe my philo sem prof would be proud) or who we want him to end up with is a reflection of how we see the world. Should MR and JH self destruct it's karma. If he ends up with EG then it's the power of love.

In any case, what I hate about so-called revenge melos in kdrama land is that the rich stay rich and the poor who are trying to right a wrong (even if two wrongs don't make a right) always get their A$$es handed to them.

But the point of this post was to say that this series has reawaken my compulsive tendencies...i have re-watched all 6 eps at least 3 three times and I can only come up with one conclusion...something stinks...and the chairman is going to get away scott free with his i'm-soon-to-die convenient plot line.

One more thing...so what if EG had a sad childhood...she's a bitch to everyone...but no sympathy for JH come on...point is JH MR EG are all damaged and need therapy ppali quick and NOT with Dr Drew hahaha


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hey.. i thought Eunki will lose her memory as in the dramawiki stated ?


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If this drama ends with a HEA where the rich girl throws away her inheritance for love, the drama should be 16 episodes because we've already seen MR do the same thing (in an alter universe) and people are hating his character for it.



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In the spirit of dialogue, I'll engage! :)

I don't see that happening, but even if it did, I think there is a world of difference between Eun Gi's situation and pre-jail Maru's. Eun Gi would basically be turning her back on a war zone: an abusive father, a bloodthirsty stepmom (who, regardless of whether or not you like her, I think you can agree is out to take Eun Gi down), a world in which she is literally working herself to death. Could she make a better life for herself without giving up her inheritance? Perhaps, but I don't think that will be remotely possible until she gets out from under her douchebag father's emotional death grip. And he's made it pretty clear that she's to do what he says, when he says it, or else she's dead to him.

I don't see how that is at all the same as Maru abandoning his sick sister and his skyrocketing medical career to take the blame for a murder he did not commit. Furthermore, I don't think people hate him for that specific decision (though many of us question his sanity), I think they hate him for being so hung up on a woman in spite of her repeated efforts to tell him to move the f*** on already, that he uses an innocent woman to enact some weird half-assed revenge that may or may not be revenge at all.


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Well, in the end she chose her father over her mother and stayed similar to MR chosing his lover over his sister.

It's clear Choco was not going to die and her being sickly was like some hold over him too all those years. Until she went to her birth mom to demand that she look after her 20 yo ass, LOL.

So many want MR to be by their side and it's causing him immense pain because he's wearing a mask now. I hate it. When JG told him about not being able to cry or feel down around Choco or at home it had a real ring to it. MR has been holding things in all of his life and I want him to let go of the things that bring him down or ails him....

I loved the drunken JG scene. Everytime I replay his singing while drunk, it makes me laugh.


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Yeah, but Eun Gi seems to regret everyday the choice she made. So she's doing whatever she can to atone for that decision, it seems. While under the specter of her abusive dad, that is. Whereas Maru seems to be hell-bent on somehow justifying the decision he made, even if that means destroying himself. It's like he's unwilling to reflect on it too much, lest he have to face the fact that the Jae Hee he went to jail for is not the Jae Hee in front of him now.

That's what I love about Eun Gi's barbie. It's not a symbol of happier times or her mom's unconditional love. It's a symbol of the guilt that Eun Gi's feels over her decision to let her mother leave alone. Contrast that with Maru's memories of Jae Hee, which are basically a montage of the same unbelievably happy moments between them. Undoubtedly there were some clues to this other side of Jae Hee, but Maru only remembers the fairy tale aspects of their love. Ladida & I got into an interesting discussion last week about how Maru fancies himself a protector, and that's largely why his relationship with Jae Hee worked out so well. He was able to play the knight in shining armor to her damsel in distress. In doing so, though, he put her to this unrealistic (and for her, confining) pedestal and now that he's confronted with a three-dimensional, flawed, ambitious person, he can't reconcile his memories with the woman in front of him. So the only thing he can think of to do is destroy her.

I still don't think that choosing to stay in the comfort of one's current life when one parent chooses to abandon you is comparable to Maru's decision to leave everything he knows to protect Jae Hee. I'm sure that part of Eun Gi's decision to stay was motivated by anger at her mom for leaving her behind. Yes, the mother mentioned (almost as an afterthought, if I'm recalling correctly) that Eun Gi should come along, but...dealing with separating parents at any age is difficult, and uprooting oneself and abandoning the idea that one had for one's future is hard hard hard. I'm sure on some level, Eun Gi felt betrayed by her mother.

On a structural level, though, I do like that both had equally life-defining decisions to make about their futures. And that the decisions that they made (and how they deal with the aftermath of these decisions) are very revealing of what makes them tick. These two were forged in fire, that's for sure.

I loved that drunken scene, too. So funny.


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I don't see where EG's mother abandoned an adult daughter (24) all that traumatic...Shocking perhaps, but not traumatic. EG wanted her mother to fight (with her) and not give in to someone she considered a GD. How much fighting does mom have to do for her? Seeing this only through EG's perspective is limiting so I cannot follow it blindly.

Poor MR. He's probably digging his own grave.


I think that it hurts to be abandoned at any age, especially when you're raised in an emotionally repressive & abusive atmosphere where you're told basically everyday that you're useless, stupid, helpless, etc. I'm actually amazed that Eun Gi's matured as much as she has, but given what I imagine her childhood to have been, it's no wonder she carries a doll around wherever she goes.

As for feeling abandoned by her mother, I don't think that Eun Gi expects anyone to fight FOR her, I just think that her mother's probably the only one in her life who's ever fought WITH her. Eun Gi is not one to ever back away from a fight (as we see in every one of her interactions with Jae Hee and/or her father), so losing the one ally she had in her life would of course be incredibly traumatizing. Come to think of it, that's probably a major reason why she falls for Maru so hard and so fast--she recognizes that he's a fighter, too, and is totally taken with the idea of finally having someone to fight alongside again. I can't imagine how lonely and isolated Eun Gi has felt in a house with her father and her mortal enemy. I'm not saying that she's not partially responsible for her isolation, but that doesn't make it any less real.

But I'll grant you that we probably don't know enough about the circumstances surrounding her mother's leaving to do much more than speculate at this point. It's so fascinating to me how many little mysteries are built into this show. More I think than in any other show I've watched. Even mundane conversations spark dozens of questions for me. I have no idea how/if the show will answer them all, but it sure is fun trying to figure things out!


rearwindow, it's always so great to read your thoughts. Have you taken a look at a "half-insider's" look at Ep's 5 & 6? You'll love it.



Aaw, thanks, Kgrl! I always find myself nodding along to your comments, too. I love your insights.

And yes, ever since you mentioned that tumblr to me, I've been obsessively following it. LOL. Does clairiere work in the film industry, do you know? I'm wondering where she gets all her info. It's amazing!


@rearwindow, on

There are one too many unknowns for me. EG is the only one offering up a rationale for the separation of her parents so forgive me if I'm not sucked in by her narrow communications on the subject to see her POV. I love it when she and her father interact and want to see more before he leaves us.


@rearwindow, she goes to DC Gallery and knows people who knows insiders. Lols. New spoilers have been out, but I'm not going to spoil myself. Going to wait until tomorrow to watch all the delicious scenes 7 and 8 is going to bring. This week is going to be awesome I've read.


This episode was amazing. But now that you guys have mentioned it, Maru might or could be ES's father. It's scares and excites me at the same time. What will happen to them if that is really the case? And haven't Jae-hee told ES that he's just like his father; he's the best. This might be a clue.

And along the way while we're trying to put one and one together, what will happen to our Eun Gi? She's already falling hard and once she breaks, she'll never be the same again. It's hard to put something that shatters apart back together. But she might also surprise us and be understanding and accept and forgive Maru. Again though, she has abandonment issues and so she's going to get extremely hurt in the process.

Ah, I'm dying to see what will happen next!


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Me too! Can't wait to see what develops! However I pretty postive that Eun Seok is not MaRu's child seeing as he was gone for six years and the kids only four.
Also in regards to Eun Gi, I'm also interested on how it will end up. I want to know if her situation is going to go 'humpty dumpty' or completely opposite, which would be better but is highly unlikely. After watching three melodrama's and boat load of romcom's (of korean and tawinese and japanese origin) I don't see her having a forgiving side...but maybe a loaded gun, perhaps? lol/jk


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How do you know ES is four, everytime I saw him I keep guessing how old is this kid, is he 5 ? if he's 5 then he could be Maru's son....

I still have no idea.... and keep guessing it makes me crazy...


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Do not hurt Eun Gi, she is an innocent woman. At the same time I am rooting for Maru with Eun Gi and also Eun Gi with Joon Ha. So confused here, I like the 3 of them. Let us see how the story will go. Can't wait for this week's episode.


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I love and dislike this drama at the same time..but I guess that's a good thing in my perspective..

I wonder when EG will have amnesia though and I wonder what kind of amnesia it is..if it's the kind where you forgot everything or if it's the kind where you just forgot some parts/ certain time in your life..


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Song Joong Ki has the emotionless stare done so well. He looks really creepy in those scenes. Best actor award for SJK? I think he deserves one.


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I couldn't understand how Eun Ki could fall for Maru so fast and so hard as she was raised to be tough and whatnot. And then I thought about how she defended her ex boyfriend/douchebag and even tells him that she did that not for any other reasons but because she loved him. In that way, she experienced what Maru did but only at a totally different level. The writer probably included that scenario to show how Eun ki is the kind to actually fall in love easily as a contrast to her image of being the tough and never-a-damsel-in-distress kind of girl. They have established grounds, in a way, that Eun Ki can fall for someone and would love him to the extent of doing anything for him; like how Maru had done for Jae Hee when he took the fall for her.

Maru, on the other hand, I can still barely understand. Is his main aim to bring her back because of his possessiveness or is it just because he wants revenge? Or is it half of both? I don't know. But honestly, I hope that he sees in time that Eun ki is right for him because she is one who can love someone as much as he had for jae Hee. She is one who can take a fall for him just because she loves him. Seriously, for Jae Hee to tell Maru that he should let Eun Ki off the hook is really something to consider, isn't it? On one hand, Jae Hee probably wants to make sure that she still has a firm grip on Maru in the way she had years ago.

Jae Hee may have loved Maru but that is once-upon-a-time and most definitely not now. Even so, there is barely any sort of humanity left in that shell as she is one who is far more concerned for material wealth than her own heart. She is the type of antiheroine who sees that money is more important than true love. I mean, in a way, you can't blame her completely. Knowing which kind of background she had come from. And because she has come so far, she probably see that there is no turning back. Despite all of that, she has been kind enough to ask Maru not to mess with Eun Ki's feelings (at least some fibre of humanity left in her huh?) She probably knows Eun ki better than she lets on; probably also knowing that Eun ki had done things for her own ex boyfriend. Even if she didn't, she probably knows that eliminating Eun Ki as a means to secure her place is already more than enough for a girl to take. But emotionally destroying her shouldn't happen. Not that bad after all.

I can't wait for the next episode!!! :D


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This show I predict will generate many comments in the future; there is so much to talk about and NG followers are such intelligent&insightful viewers.
I've missed threads like these on DB!


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Oh this drama...what to say except HN2 please ready yourself with tissues and lots of soju, this is going to be a bumpy ride. I could tell from the very first 10 minutes of the show MaRu was an implusive kid who thought about repercussions of an action at the same type he was doing it. Now he has gone and started down a road that will most likely lead to his ultimate downfall and he thinks that he's ready cuz he bought make shift parachute. Otoke?(what to do)
I sincerely hope he doesn't screw loose before everything unravels because he looks he might. His humanity is causing him conflict and so it should. His big heart couldn't take the pain back then and certainly isn't holding up right now either.
This show seems like Bad Guy except...ya know...nice guy. -_-' lol I want it to end nicely but at the same time I want it to end right...which probably won't be nice. Aissshhh!!!! Why did I click on another drama just because To the Beautiful You didn't have another episode? Pabo! hehe


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