Arang and the Magistrate: Episode 20 (Final)

It’s time to say goodbye, and the finale of Arang and the Magistrate ties up our ends in a nicely complete way. Truths are uncovered, tears are shed, and things come full circle to give us just the right dose of closure while keeping the door open for our future.


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Ejected from the body of Eun-oh’s mother, Mu-yeon runs straight for Arang. But Arang screams, “NO!” and by virtue of her rejection, Mu-yeon gets thrown back like there’s a force field around Arang. In a way there is, because the host body must be willing.

Mu-young grabs Mu-yeon, who struggles to break free and begs him to help her. He says with a pained expression, “I’m sorry to have left you to suffer for so long.” How fitting that he sees her mode of existing as suffering, while she’s desperate to cling to it as a mode of living.

She starts to shake her head no in panic, especially as he adds, “Let’s go together.”

Mu-young pulls her to him tightly and says, “Let’s cut our ties now.” He plunges the Jade Emperor’s dagger into her back, and her body vanishes into smoke.

He’s left holding air… and then stoically sticks the dagger into his own gut. Wow. I’m impressed.

Arang watches in horror and recalls the conversation when she’d asked him whether reapers died. He’d replied, “We don’t die. We just disappear.”

Then Mu-young turns into smoke too.

Joo-wal comes by to witness the rest of the scene, though nobody pays him any heed. Sobbing, Eun-oh holds his mother’s limp body, and the hairpin vanishes from her chest.

Mom’s not dead yet, and he runs carrying her on his back, urging her to hang on a bit longer. She gasps out his name, though, asking to be put down. They both known the end is nigh and Eun-oh cries, “I’m sorry.”

But Mom looks more at peace than she ever has and tells him, “Thank you.”

Mom turns to Arang and gives her a nod, which Arang returns; it rather feels like a father giving away a bride to her groom. Then Mom closes her eyes and dies.

Joo-wal walks numbly, telling himself, “She’s dead. What do I do now?” Such a strange thing, to be finally out from under her thumb. I wonder whether he’ll be liberated by his freedom, or strangled by it. I… am not hopeful.

A new memory surfaces: He sees himself carrying Seo-rim’s dead body—and throwing it off a cliff. Whoa. It’s a pretty chilling image, and it devastates him anew. He trembles and says, “Till the last, I threw you away so terribly and didn’t know. Saying that I didn’t know may not earn me forgiveness, but I truly did not know. How many more memories will come back to me? I’m frightened. How am I to live on?”

Gah! You poor, pititful man. I really hope he doesn’t decide he can’t live on, and not just because I don’t want to see him die. I think it shows more strength and remorse to keep living, bearing the burden of his crimes. Alas, we know strength of character is not his forte.

Up in heaven, Hades tsks-tsks that Mu-young ended up saving Mu-yeon after all. Jade Emperor says that it’s a shame that negating one’s existence is an act of salvation. I suppose it’s because that also negates the weight of her sins? Is this the math version of soul-saving, where zero value is better than negative value?

But he adds, “Mu-yeon might have preferred hellfire. Don’t you remember? She hated the tedium of heaven, where she wasn’t allowed any desire. So she would probably have preferred to endure in hell, holding on to pain and feeling.”

Hades muses, “Then negating her existence may be the cruelest punishment.”

Jade says that at least his human came through in the end, though Hades chuckles that their bet is not over yet, and that Arang won’t be able to solve this problem: “So get that body ready to swap.” Heh.

Eun-oh and Arang pay their respects to Mom’s grave. She notes that the Truth Bell hasn’t rung yet, indicating that the truth of her death wasn’t Mom. Still, she thinks to herself that it’s okay going to hell even without finding out that truth, “because I’d have to go to hell in order to remember him.” Now that’s what I call the lesser of two evils.

Eun-oh tells her that Mu-young tipped him off on a way to find that truth. In flashback, Mu-young instructs him to take a look at the record book of life and death, which should list the true culprit. So… the gods knew all along? Was this just some big wild goose chase for the poor dead girl?

A living person’s records are up in heaven, but the dead’s records are kept in a library in the forest of the afterworld.

The catch is, Arang can’t travel the path to the otherworld until her allotted days are up. Literally, she won’t be allowed near it. So, Eun-oh decides, “I’ll go.” Say what? You mean… you’ll find a way to go while remaining alive and human, right? You’re not entertaining some insane death wish, are you?

Arang balks for the same reason, telling him he’d have to die to get there. Eun-oh starts to argue that Mu-young told him a way to go without dying (phew!), but she cuts him off to tell him to forget it. “I don’t have to go to heaven.” She corrects herself: “No, I don’t want to go.”

Eun-oh’s surprised. What can that mean? We know it’s because she doesn’t want to go to heaven and forget, but who else is getting ideas of a perverse drama where Arang becomes Mu-yeon 2.0? It’s almost funny.

Arang leaves first and trudges through town glumly, telling herself, “Even if I go to hell, I want to remember him.” Oh, honey. I feel for you, I do. But sometimes I wonder whether god gave you extra guts to make up for your brain.

Eun-oh asks Bang-wool if there’s a way to pull his spirit from his body (short of death), so it can go to the Afterlife Forest. There is, but a separate problem exists: He doesn’t know the way. The reaper is the one to guide the souls there, and as we know, he just lost his only reaper contact.

Bang-wool suggests he ask Arang because she’s traveled that path before, but Eun-oh tells her about Arang’s temporary restraining order from the area. So Bang-wool offers up a theory that he might be able to take just Arang’s consciousness along for the ride, to guide his spirit.

Eun-oh tries to persuade Arang to comply with the plan, because it’s dumb sitting here waiting for hell just so she won’t forget him. “You’re somebody who can go to heaven and find a way to remember.” Yes, thank you.
He urges, “Think it over carefully, why you came here.” He asks her to go with him and win her future in heaven; they can figure out the rest when they get there.

Arang thinks back to the day she’d asked Seo-rim’s newly discovered body why she’d just died like a victim instead of fighting. She’d vowed to find out who did this to her—words that ring in her ears now.

Meanwhile, it’s time for Eun-oh to honor his deal with his ghost crew, which I find so cute. He hears them out and gets to work.

Ghost No. 1 left behind a pregnant wife who hasn’t been able to properly name the baby without him. He asks Eun-oh to let him give the child a prosperous name.

Ghost No. 2 drowned, and his corpse was never recovered. Ghost No. 3 worries for his elderly mother, who still waits for his return; he was mauled by a tiger while fetching persimmons for her.

Eun-oh listens to these grievances with sympathy, then turns to Ghost No. 4, who bursts out, “Please marry me off!” Pwahaha.

One by one, Eun-oh takes care of the ghosts. A name is selected, a tombstone is erected for the corpseless man, Mom is given her persimmons and informed of her son’s fate, and Bachelor Ghost… is married off to another ghost? That’s so cute, and strange.

It’s a light-hearted sequence, but still quite moving to see the ghosts beaming at him, souls finally at peace, as they fade away to the beyond.

Eun-oh thinks to himself, “I have done everything I can in this place.” Please tell me you mean this place Miryang, and not this place earth. If you kill yourself out of nobility, imma kill you, I swear!

Eun-oh and Arang take a walk along the river’s edge, where she says ruefully that once she’s gone, time will continue on. Eun-oh replies, “I hated to hear the saying that time is faster than an arrow, above all else. Because difficult times always passed by so slowly. But as I’m with you now, indifferent time keeps going, and I resent it.”

Arang thinks to herself, “Where a flower once bloomed, a flower will bloom again. Where the wind blew, a different wind will blow again. But I will hold onto that feeling forever. Even though if I go to heaven I will forget you, and if I go to hell you will forget me. Even though wherever we are, we will not know each other.”

Eun-oh thinks, “With this heart, I will find you. If a man passes by you and stops, and tears form and your heart races—recognize that it’s me.” He says aloud, “Arang, I love you.” They kiss.

In the dark, Joo-wal gets dressed, then blows out his candle. Uh-oh. This seems ominous. He heads outside, just as his faithful servant watches him go. The man says, “Young master, please be healthy.”

Joo-wal heads into the forest, telling himself, “Days were black even when I opened my eyes. Time stopped even though I lived. These cowardly steps that I took with a fearful heart, I will now end. The me who could stick a dagger in people’s chests and remain unmoved, I cannot forgive.”

Joo-wal arrives at the cliff from which he threw Seo-rim’s body. He stands there for a long moment, thinking of Arang, of Seo-rim. Oh, this is so sad.

Joo-wal: “If ever we meet again, if that life permits, I will just stay behind you. From afar, as a black shadow, just looking, just hurting. I will not dare… to love you.”

He closes his eyes, and falls.

The next day, Eun-oh speaks with an air of finality to Dol-swe and the Bangs, thanking them for looking after him and asking them to keep up their hard work in the future. They ask why he’s talking like a person about to leave, and he answers that he must, having done all he can do here.

His last act as magistrate is to post a notice in town stating that there is a royal order not to hold one’s status against a person serving the government. Those who serve the citizens well will be promoted. He gives the citizens the power to elect their magistrate.

Dol-swe leads Bang-wool through the village, urging her to stand beside him rather than trailing meekly behind, which is enough to make me love him (though I already do). He grabs her hand, which practically gives her a heart attack, but he doesn’t care if people see and intertwines their fingers for good measure.

Bang-wool softens, and says shyly that it’s amazing that the road she walked a thousand times now looks different because they’re walking it together. Dol-swe totally misses the comment but he does earn points for taking her to a street artist to have their pictures drawn.

Then Dol-swe pulls her over to a table of jewelry and asks what she likes. She says she’s not much for accessorizing, but gives a jade ring a longing glance. Oho, are we going jade to suggest marriage?

That night they puzzle over their portraits, wondering if that’s really what they look like. She tells him that his macho aura is spot-on, while he tells her, “You’re like a great big moon.” Which makes her wonder dubiously, “Well, it sounds like praise…” Ha.

Dol-swe presents her with the jade ring and places it on her finger, which it’s a perfect fit—he was taking note when he held her hand. Then he pulls out a second ring and holds it out for her to return the gesture.

She slides it on his finger, and he takes her hand to say, “Till now, I’ve lived thinking that being a man was all about being strong. But I found that’s not so. An ordinary man uses his strength for a woman, but a real man uses his heart for a woman. Will you accept my heart?”

Aw, that’s so sweet! You big lug. She tells him he can’t take his heart back, and they hug.

On to the Forest of the Afterlife. Eun-oh and Arang lie down while Bang-wool ties their wrists together with red string, and I’m gonna be honest, this is not how I envisioned them being tied up in bed. But okay, I suppose they’ve got more important concerns at the moment. Bang-wool explains that this way they’ll stay together in the forest, and she’s attached bells to alert them to come back.

She warns that they must leave the forest before the break of dawn—otherwise Eun-oh dies. Also, they may be tempted by visions, but must resist: “Just look straight ahead and run on.” Is anybody else having second thoughts about this plan?

Bang-wool begins the rites, and they open their eyes to find themselves in the forest. Arang leads the way and sure enough, the path is lined with dull-eyed ghosts reaching out to them. Eun-oh shakes them off and presses onward, until Arang spots a familiar face—Seo-rim’s dead servant. The old woman tells her to come with her (“I’ll take you, there’s something I must show you”) and Arang starts to follow.

Thankfully Eun-oh isn’t affected, but Arang follows the woman anyway, arriving at a scene from Seo-rim’s childhood: her mother’s death. This is a mental journey rather than a physical transportation, and Eun-oh shakes Arang awake in the forest, wiping her tears and urging her to get a hold of her mind.

On they go, until they arrive at a building in the woods, where a warrior stands guard with a huge scythe. Eun-oh asks to see the Book of Life and Death and is told he’s the first living person to ask to see the record of a dead person.

Eun-oh says that he has his reasons and asks to be let inside. The guard warns him that once he enters, he has a time limit—and if he fails to find his answer, he will be unable to return to his life. Eun-oh answers that he’s prepared for that possibility. In he goes, leaving Arang behind in the courtyard.

It looks like a tall order, because it’s a large library with stacks upon stacks of books. However, he doesn’t have carte blanche to look at everything; he can only seek one answer here. The guard instructs, “In your heart, ask yourself what it is you wish to know. Then the Book of Life and Death will answer you.” His time will be marked by the red dots that have appeared on his hand: He has until the last one disappears.

Eun-oh gets to work locating Arang’s records. Already he’s lost two of the five dots. He closes his eyes and chants to himself, “I will find it. I can find it.”

Something comes to him, and he heads in a particular direction. He locates Arang’s book, and starts flipping through it, all while repeating his request: Who killed Arang?

A page wipes itself, then the answer appears. Eun-oh: “The one to kill Arang… was Arang herself?”

Stunned, Eun-oh puts the book back and starts to leave… and sees another book right next to it. Kim…Eun…Oh?

He opens it and reads, “I died at six years old.” A flashback comes to him:

The Jade Emperor carries Eun-oh’s six-year-old body and tells him that he leaves him a debt, and his time is not his own. One day he would remember this.

Eun-oh wonders why the Jade Emperor brought him back to life. If he does not own his own time, then who does? He bellows up toward the sky, “JADE EMPEROR!” I’ve got a few choice epithets to add to that.

Suddenly, he’s somewhere else. Gasping, Eun-oh opens his eyes… to find the gods awaiting him in heaven’s garden. Jade Emperor speaks: “Speak up, Kim Eun-oh. What is it you want?”

Eun-oh asks why he was saved, and Jade replies, “You were the human I needed.” Eun-oh asks if he was the tool to capture the fairy, and gets back, “Yes, but not only for that.”

Glowering fiercely, Eun-oh informs him, “Know this: You may have started this plan, but the one to finish things was my own will. Plunging the hairpin into my mother’s chest was my choice!”

Eun-oh tells Jade what he’s discovered, that Arang was the cause of her own death, but as she is immortal the bell cannot ring. Hades chuckles: “That’s why I said she could never solve this problem.” Aw, so did you sadistic old fogeys purposely give her an impossible task? This is why we mere mortals have laws against entrapment.

Eun-oh is furious, accusing them of sending Arang on an impossible mission and cackling to themselves as they watched from their heavenly perches: “If this is your game, at the very least you should have given her a problem that could be solved! Shouldn’t gods be fair?”

Hades says that he’s relatively fair himself, but this other guy “is rather wishy-washy.” I’LL SAY.

Mr. Wishy-washy tells him, “From the start, Arang did not come here in order to go to heaven. She came to know her truth, and to know who she was. Thus I allowed her to know what she wished to know. If Arang were to realize on her own what you have found out, she will have been rewarded. The matter of heaven and hell comes after that. Now tell me, Kim Eun-oh. What is the real reason you have come here?”

I suppose god-maiming is off the menu? Next thing we know, Eun-oh is bursting out of the library to rejoin Arang in the courtyard. He grabs her hand and starts running back through the forest.

In the real world, Bang-wool frantically rings her bell and begs them to hurry back. But Arang trips and falls, and Eun-oh turns back to find she’s gone. Arang wakes up. Eun-oh remains asleep.

Arang pleads at him to wake up… as her body flickers and vanishes. Arang reawakens outside, in front of a gaping black vortex. The door to hell.

It starts to draw her in, all the while she looks back at the house and begs Eun-oh to wake up: “Tell me that you’re alive. Tell me you’re okay. Magistrate, be well. I’m the reason you can’t wake up.”

As she stares into the abyss, being pulled in, Arang realizes, “Everything was my fault. The one who caused my death was myself. That’s why you didn’t tell me, because I cannot die and am meant to go to hell in the end.”

Eun-oh’s eyes open, thank god. He bursts outside and runs for Arang, darting in front… getting drawn into hell instead…

A flashback shows us how Eun-oh had named his request: Since he caught their rogue fairy for them, he wants Arang’s bell to ring. Jade asked what he’d do in exchange, and Eun-oh replied, “I will give up my life.”

Only, Hades had said a life wasn’t enough: Could he go to hell in her place?

Now Eun-oh looks back at Arang as he’s pulled into hell, hand outstretched. Arang screams for him… the vortex closes… and a bell rings.

Arang sobs, and her body vanishes.

We reopen some time in the unspecified future. Dol-swe is dressed in the magistrate’s robes and assured by a happy Bang Trio that everything here is safe and sound, thanks to him.

Bang-wool gives a taste of her pork-and-kimchi wrap to a tavern mistress, who declares that they should go into business together. Soon they’re drawing crowds and raking in the compliments.

She hasn’t forgotten her roots and takes a few plates out to the ghosts in the yard (with Lord Choi in the mix, HA). What’s even better is that in the ensuing fight, Lord Choi’s minion gets it. Lord Choi balks but the minion is all, “So, whatchoo gonna do about it?”

But! All’s not lost for our main characters, as we find when Hades tut-tuts to Jade Emperor about Eun-oh’s whereabouts. He was going to offer Eun-oh a place in heaven for his sacrifice, but Eun-oh insisted on returning to the living world. He wonders why humans are so intent on living there, and Jade replies, “That’s why they’re humans.”

Hades is bummed at the close call, too, saying he really thought he’d get Jade’s body. To make up for that disappointment, Jade offers a gift, and calls out, “Mu-young!”

Pan to: a white goat. Aw, so he didn’t disappear from all existence after all? True, he has to live as a goat, but hey, he’s a heavenly goat. Hades chuckles that this is the best thing Jade Emperor has ever done. Jade says that it IS breaking the rules, but he couldn’t resist since Hades seemed to miss Mu-young so much. So he reincarnated him. Ha, and also, let’s hope Jade doesn’t set off a whole new chain of misfortune with his well-intentioned rule-breaking.

Hades figures that living out his days in heaven is adequate punishment for Mu-young being unable to cut his human ties properly, and declares, “I’ll have to visit often.”

There’s a new crop of reapers to replace Mu-young… and one of them is Joo-wal. Awwwwww.

Back to earth. In a field, a little boy comes up to a little girl in a field of flowers. Omo. Is this… what I think it is?

A voice calls out, “Eun-oh-ya!” It’s Bang-wool, his mother.

Eun-oh ducks out of sight and tells the girl she looks familiar. The boy’s a little player in the making, saying that he’s met loooooots of young ladies in his life (all five years of it?), but she’s the prettiest.

He asks her name, and she says, “I’m Arang.”

Then the girl bursts out, “Look here, magistrate! I told you not to drink from that well of forgetfulness! Did you drink it? *SIGH* This is too much. What are you gonna do?! What good is it if I’m the only one who remembers, HUH? Can you really not remember? Really? AHHH what do we do, you AMNESIA?”

Arang heaves an adorable sigh of long-suffering and starts her story about a long, long time ago when there was a ghost named Arang and a magistrate named Eun-oh… Her frustration is freaking hilarious, and uncanny.

The picture blurs, giving us a version with adult Arang and Eun-oh. She rants in frustration while Eun-oh stares at her, wearing a smile on his face that seems reassuring. You’re faking this, right? You’d better be faking!

Arang beats him on the arm in exasperation and reminds him he wasn’t supposed to drink, and he finally speaks up, “I know!”

He says, “In any case, for us, what’s most important is this moment right now.”

She smiles, and plants a kiss on him.


Ahhh, what a cute, heartfelt ending. The concept itself is a tricky one to pull off, because if conveyed clumsily I could see this being a real disappointment of a resolution—you create a world and a problem, then pull the plug on the whole situation and just reincarnate them? Sounds like a cop-out, right?

But this is a drama where life/afterlife/rebirth is a central conceit, so I have no issues whatsoever with this answer. I’m perfectly satisfied with it, and I think it directly addresses two major issues I had with two recent dramas, Rooftop Prince and Big. In the first instance, I thought our ending was lopsided, making me feel sorry for one-half of the pairing and less so for the other. And in Big, we also dealt with an ending image that wasn’t technically representative of the reality of the situation—that is, refusing to show us the characters as they really were, choosing instead to end on the illusion.

Arang and the Magistrate, on the other hand, completely works for me. The reincarnation is exactly what I would’ve wanted for Rooftop—they both missed their chances, so they both get new ones together—but in keeping personalities intact, I don’t get the letdown of thinking they have to start all over from scratch. It’s not as vague an ending as hinting that they’ll end up together because they’re Fated To Be, which is a solution that would have driven me nuts.

Instead, I really love this idea that these two earned their next lifetime together, and the fact that they retain their memories and meet as children. Because both lived fairly heartbreaking lives in their previous existences, and this way I get the assurance of knowing they would enjoy every single last minute together of the new ones. These kids get to have their cake and eat it too, starting off already in love and appreciative of it. They get to skip all the heartache they endured in the previous life, and ostensibly starting an ordinary, boring, and long life together. I guess that’s what happens when the great big god in the sky owes you a solid; you get lots of cake-eating.

I also love how the drama highlights that Eun-oh had autonomy, the whole way through. Yes, the Jade Emperor pretty much predicted everything that was going to happen, and he stepped in enough times to steer the situation into being. But he didn’t have the power to force anybody to comply, and Eun-oh still had to prove he was up to his burden.

It’s interesting that Arang and Mu-yeon are once again shown to be of similar mind in the way they both regard hell—that pain and suffering is better than nullity. Maybe that’s a lesson Jade could learn from, because one wonders what kind of place heaven really is if you don’t feel that conviction of emotion.

Joo-wal’s ending was a nice touch that took away that trace of disappointment at his suicide, even though I was in no way surprised he made that choice. All along I’ve felt very moved by his character—never supporting his decisions, but still understanding them. That character was really bolstered by Yeon Woo-jin’s affecting portrayal, because he drove home the desperation and vulnerability at every turn. I find Joo-wal to be pathetic and weak, but not unsympathetic. So even though his new incarnation as reaper is rather grim (hur hur), it eases my mind a bit knowing that he does get another existence. It’s not necessarily a bright future, but he will serve the gods whose rules he defied and have to do his penance in a way he can bear. Perhaps it’s also assuring to feel, as the drama tells us, that a continued existence of any kind is more comforting than just vanishing into the void. Perhaps that’s the best gift for his character.

All in all, the drama showed that it had its story and world well plotted in advance, which is a pretty effective argument against the live-shoot in my book. I’m sure there were aspects that were written as the show went along, but you don’t create this kind of intricate world with expansive rules and sprawling mythology on the fly.

I loved Shin Mina and Lee Jun-ki’s chemistry together, both in the cute romantic scenes and the more melo turns, and it’s thanks to their connection that I felt the pathos of their characters’ situation. I did miss the early comedy, but they sold the emotion so much that in the end it was just all about them earning their happy ending.


Awww. Yay for an adorable ending. In any other show, I might have hated having the couple reunite in an afterlife (and was dissatisfied with the mixing of the two in Rooftop Prince, for example). But in this drama where life and afterlife, and the destinies of two lovers carrying on for multiple lifetimes is built into the universe, and both of them are reborn to get a fresh new start, it’s a nice satisfying conclusion to the story. And how much do I love that Dol-swe and Bang-wool named their son Eun-oh, and he’s actually Eun-oh reborn? So. Cute.

The thing I was most concerned about was the issue of memory, so I’m glad that it was the primary concern for Arang as well. That felt right to me, that she’d consider going to hell just to remember him. The well of forgetfulness (and Eun-oh being called Amnesia this time, heh) was a nice touch, but I also would’ve loved to see them fight to come back rather than just be told about it later. Mostly I’m happier that we end the series with the feistier Arang who started the show, because she spent a good long while making so many self-sacrificing choices that she began to lose her spark. It’s probably my biggest complaint about the late stretch of the show, because at some point, plot-wise, it began to feel like we were just biding time until the end.

It would’ve been nice if the ending had something a little more mind-blowing, like Eun-oh finding a loophole that completely turned heaven’s rules upside-down, or Arang discovering a secret that changed everything we thought we knew. This ending felt in tune with the series and the world they set up, but didn’t rock my world or make me go Ooooh, I never would’ve come up with that! That’s what I want to feel at the end of a fantasy mystery, so while the ending was satisfying (on the emotional front), it wasn’t totally awe-inspiring (on the story front).

Overall I did thoroughly enjoy this show from start to finish, because it really did feel like thought and care was put into the construction of an entire world, where mythology and rules were important (because they certainly are to me). And visually, I’m a big fan of this director. I did see a huge gap in quality between the earlier episodes and when the show began to catch up and shoot live, so I think it’s a show that benefits massively from the extra edit/CG pass, but it was certainly a show that cared to tell its story visually, which makes me a fan.

I thought the contemplative goodbyes in voiceover for each of our main characters was a nice touch, and reinforced the life-affirming, cyclical nature of everything in this world. I’ve always had a soft spot for the epic romances that span multiple lifetimes, but they can be tricky to pull off in a satisfying way. It might’ve worked even better for me if they had crossed paths again as adults, but I do enjoy the humor in having a pair of kids meet with their adult personalities and memories. The chemistry between the leads was so good that it actually transfers onto the little kids, because you can see their characteristics so clearly. I think at the end of the day that’s what made the show so compelling—the world was populated with rich, distinct characters, and they had a sparkling kind of chemistry. It was nice to come along for a ride with a planned story from start to finish, and a really successful balance of humor, action, mystery, suspense, fantasy, and romance. It’s not often genre shows can manage to do all that, with so much heart to boot. And I’m not even mad at the moon anymore.


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The ending was so cute and satisfying for me. I just loved all things about AATM, a riveting storyline and a beautiful OTP and great supporting roles. I loved the comedy in the beginning but I also loved the melo parts. These two were just meant for each other.

It took me awhile to put all these moving pieces together, but I was so glad to see the progression of Eun-Oh changing for the better since he met Arang. I must say that jealous Eun-Oh was one of my faves. Too cute.

In the last scene where Eun-Ho is just looking at Arang so freaking sweet. My heart melted for them. How could they not be together? :) So glad that they were reborn with their previous personalities - and Arang with her memory :)


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I keep saying it, but I'm fairly certain Eun-oh remembers, too.


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Thank you so much for your recap! Loved reading your analyses after watching, really cleared stuff up at times.
I do have one question/thought about this one though (not sure if anyone else has asked this above):
Does Eun-oh really remember everything, or does only Arang? I believe that he doesn't ever remember his previous life due to his drinking out of the well because in the last scene, they were like:

Eun-oh: I've heard it (their story or her scolding about the well) so many times that I've memorzied it!

Arang: Well, memorizing and remembering aren't the same thing!

So yeah, just wondering if anyone else came to the same conclusion.
This made the ending slightly bittersweet for me, but I'm so happy they got their second chance. And Joowal was just amazing throughout. He needs his own lead role soon! Loved Arang and the Magistrate..one of my faves this year. Thanks again!


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I'd like to think he DOES remember her and he was just teasing her all this time. Why would he drink from the well of forgetfulness after everything they've been through to NOT forget? But yeah regardless they've still fallen for each other, and that's what counts. :)


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I'm in the camp that believes he does still have his memories of their earlier life, remember he kept bugging JE to let him go back to Earth even after he was in heaven. And since people in heaven are supposed to cut all ties with Earth, why would he keep wanting to go back if he didn't remember?

Arang's not the only one whose love is stubborn enough to break celestial rules of forgetfulness >_<


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Thank you GF and JB for the recaps. Now wednesday and thursday gonna be wasteday and thirstday without AAtM!!!! Miss you Arang and Sato


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This was my first drama to watch while it is being broadcast. It was a great drama that was made even better because of this website. The timeliness (and quality) of the recaps coupled with the readers comments made Arang a collective or community event for me. THANK YOU for this website and the always excellent recaps!

Re: the last episode, I screamed NO! At my screen when eo got sucked into the vortex.
The actor who played joowal is very talented, I am a big fan of both of the main actors but I think "joowal" might be able to act circles around them . Or perhaps lee joon gi and shin mi ah were exhausted or did not have the time for a second take.
The last kiss was the best kiss.
Dol swe and bw so cute!
As was reincarnated satto and arang. Adorable

Jb and Gf, thank you for your hard work!


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Thanks for the recap.

I was wondering why Arang's mother looked like Bang Wool's granny?


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Thank you so much for all of the wonderful recaps, java beans! I love this show and your recaps!!! But, I think that I love your recaps more :D

I was hoping that the Jade Emperor will send them all back to the past, as a reward. So that they can start out anew. But, I guess he can't do that because he will be breaking the rules so he just let them reincarnate.

I am going to miss Arang and the Magistrate. But, I am content to know that they are together at last. The ending was just so cute! With little Arang nagging at little Eun-oh! LOL. :)
At the end, I wasn't sure if Eun-oh had remembered Arang or not. It seems like he DOES remember her but was just pretending. But, it also seems like because of her filling in the details of their past love, he just believes her. So.. I was a little confused at the end. But, I'm still happy about the ending.

I felt sorry for Joo-Wal. Even though, he was a pathetic serial killer, I still felt sorry for him. I was speechless when he went to the place where he threw away Seo-rim's body and thought about Arang and Seo-rim before killing himself there. It's like he is trying to follow the only person that really loved him. So sad :( Whaa!!!
A part of me wanted Joo-Wal to live on, while another part of me was okay about him dying because I know that the pain was too much for him to bear. How can one goes on living when he remembers that the person who truly loves him died for him and then died again because of him, all the while he felt nothing in return? That's just so sad... *tears*


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I think he does remember her, since JE said that EO wanted to go back to Earth even though people in heaven are supposed to forget about everything there - but I want someone to ask the writers or LJK if he does remember so we have it clear.

JW's storyline is just so sad. On one hand, he's a character who should be repulsive because of what he does, but it's also easy to feel for him - YWJ did a terrific job of that, playing an essentially weak character and showing us how pathetic (in a sad way) he really is. JW is selfish and self-centred almost all the way through and pretty much the only time he breaks out of it is to warn Arang away from Demon Mom, and even in just the previous episode he told EO that he has everything that JW wants - at a time when EO is in extreme pain, it's still all about him, JW, however easy it is to understand why his thoughts take that track (and he doesn't even seem to value the loyalty of his servant). I'm glad they stayed on that track with him and didn't have him become a last-minute hero/saviour of young girls, his suicide is sad but consistent with his character - redemption was never going to come easy for him.


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I still can't believe he threw away her body like that! No wonder he broke after remembering that. Even if you don't know the girl, the girl still saved your life. Shouldn't you feel a little bit compassionate? Could have been a little bit nicer and buried her somewhere or whisper a thank you.

I felt really sad that he became a reaper. I sort of want to see him reincarnated into a happy guy with a large family. But of course given that he's done a crapload of sins, he would have done centuries of work before getting reincarnated into happy Joo-wal-with-a-large-family.


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I was so glad this drama has come to an end. The screen writer should've shorten the episodes into 16 or 18, instead of dragging it out. I guess she or he was trying to milk what's its worth.

Also I feel that it was pointless of Arang to see how her mother died. From episode 1-19, we all know how her mother died. They could've use that part to add more romantic or funny scene toward the end, rather than rushing it.

Overall, the drama is alright. At first I was amazed by Arang's strong character when she was a ghost. But by the time Arang turned into a human, she lost that quality. She became stupid and keep doing dumb stuffs that get her into trouble. Like wtf is going on here?!

Oh well I would rate this drama 7/10.


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I disagree. I'm satisfied with the development of Arang's character. It is the most complicated character to play. She is living but not a living (immortal), trying to find herself, her memory while walking the memory path. Living a new as a human but not human.

She still has that spunk but she growing into a person. She is reckless but not stupid.


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i have a question. please answer this! why arang was the cause of her own death? howww? not eun oh's mother? and why the bell did not ringing? please someone answer me! i don't understand T_____T . i beg youuuuu.


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Because Arang made the choice to give up her life to save Joo Wal. Techincally it was Arang's "choice" to die and it was her action of intervening when Eun Ho's mum was trying to stab Joo Wal that killed her, so she was the cause of her death.


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1. She caused her death for choosing to save JW.

2. Remember that JE said that the bell would ring only if the person who caused Arang's death dies. The bell didn't ring because Arang is immortal thus, making it impossible for the cause of her death (who is herself) to die.


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I am sorry to disagree with your opinion. As the one of AATM folower, I've been watching each episode of this drama for more than 3 times.. We discussed it not just on dramabean, but also in other site especially in soompi forum. Arangsatto is part of our discussion team in raving, ranting n spazzing of this drama.

Note that, It's not about how Arang's mother die, it's about Kim Eun Oh's @ Satto's mother tragic fate. (wonder if you really watch this drama or just simply watching it)

I love how the Writer draws the story line, how the PD-nim create the plot to injects more soul in this projects. The cinematography, each characters is well developed, and it's not dragging at all.

From your comment, I guess perhaps you are more into romantic comedy type fo drama. AATM is horror fantasy saguek drama instilled with romantic comedy scenes. It's brave for the writer to create this kind of flavorful drama without being too overwhelming.

To conclude, I've learnt a lot from this drama, the importance of making the right decisions, n how hardship in life can make you mature each day.. From Arang, I've learnt about the importance of being yourself more, loving more and giving more.

Nuff said.


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Agree that Arang's character was inconsistent, and that the writer could have done a lot better job at resolving the drama. Granted that there were so many fantasy elements, she/he could have given us a fantasy-worthy ending, not the uninspiring "reincarnation" thingy that honestly I am getting a bit tired of this year... Too many dramas opted for that resolution and it's getting too cliche for me.

All in all agree that 18 eps would have been better with a feisty Arang from beginning to end.


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I agree that it should have shortened to 18 episodes or even 19, but I was, for the most part, okay with Arang throughout. I thought Arang's development was not unrealistic. She also wasn't all that smart as a ghost either and got into her share of troubles. She was an embarrassingly brash, grasping ghost who fights like a madwoman over offerings. It didn't matter other ghosts were starving too and that they got there first.

Being a ghost allowed her the freedom of being strong and forward. As a human, I admit that I don't find her as interesting as brash Arang and want to see more Ghost-Arang. However, I understand where she is coming from as a human. And humans err a lot and sometimes do really shitty things (looking at you, Joo-wal!). In the end, it's not about watching her kick ass, but about watching her learn all these little truths about herself, about life, and about death.

actions much, but all the little truths she has found about herself as revealed through her "conversations
with Lee Seo Rim and gaining insights as to what it means to live and what it means to die.


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What a fantastic show. Arang and the Magistrate was everything I wanted it to be and more. It will remain a one of my favorites for a very long time to come, perhaps forever.

For awhile there, I was really nervous about how they were going to get their happy ever after. Reincarnation seems to me to be the best way to go, especially since they have their memories of their previous lives intact. That was a bonus.

Shin Mina proves once again that she is an amazing actress and can play the comedy with the heart so well. Arang was feisty and selfless and brave and all around amazing. If I ever meet a ghost, I hope she's like Arang.

Lee Jun-ki I've not seen in anything else besides this, but I am totally a fan now. He is so adorable and can do funny and serious, comedic and heartfelt, just as Shin Mina can. Eun-oh started out as a lazy-bones and turned into an take charge kind of guy in the end. I think his growth was the best of the entire show.

I'm so happy that Dol-swe became magistrate and married Bang-wool and named their son Eun-oh. Did that mean they didn't forget him? Also, I like the fact that the glimpse of the "future" Eun-oh had in episode 19 is starting to happen in their new lives. Dol-swe is magistrate, and Eun-oh and Arang have a chance to be happy, get married, and have kids. Just like in the vision.

I felt really bad for Joo-wal. After Mu-yeon's defeat and his final vision, it all just became to much for him to bear. I admit I didn't think he would have the strength to continue and he didn't. I cried for him, because he was just such a sad, pathetic character. At least he got a chance at another form of existence as a reaper. It seems fitting somehow.

All in all, one of the best dramas I've ever seen of the fusion sageuk variety. Now, I can't wait to see what everyone does next!

Thanks for the recap and comments, JB and GF!


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Well said.:)


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Thumbs up ;))


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well said. I know there's been a lot of LJK love in the comments (with good reason, he's excellent here) but SMA deserves her share of kudos too for her portrayal of Arang.

And EO and Arang are really fantastic roles for them - LJK gets to portray a whole range of emotions from comedy to melodrama to romance as well as showing off his martial arts skills, while SMA breathes life into a character who could have been just a typical sassy kdrama heroine or a wimp, by turns - unlike some on this thread, I never felt like Arang's character was inconsistent, just that it had developed over the course of the series. She didn't become a wimp, a wimp wouldn't be sassing Lord Choi for having Eun-oh arrested, or teasing Lee Seo Rim at her grave by calling her 'the girl with the hood'. The drama would not have worked if either of them had failed to pull their weight, and they were wonderful.

I also agree that Joo-wal's ending seemed fitting, Yeon Woo-jin played him so well that it was impossible not to feel for the character even as you see that his choices are terrible ones.


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Hey.. I still dont get it. Arang killed herself.....??? How???


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Arang killed herself, when she jumped infront of Joo-Wal and took the stab for him. Remember when Sato's mom was getting possessed by the Fairy and was fighting her off? The mom tried to stab Joo-Wal, but Seo-Rim (Arang) jumped infront of Joo-Wal to protect him because he was the man that she loves. In return, she got stabbed by Sato's mom and died. So, technically, Sato's mom did not kill Arang because that was not her intention. It was Arang who sacraficed herself for Joo-Wal's sake.


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oooh, then it means Arang is not that smart, how come she still wonders who killed her since the bell didnt ring, and with SAto and bangwols help they went to the afterlife forest just to know who killed her.

That's stupidity for Arang, when her memory of her jumping infront of the dagger came, then she should have realized she cause her own death, no need to go and retrieved that info.

aahhh, what is this...


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Arang probably thinks she hasn't got back all her memories in full. She remembered jumping in front of the dagger and getting stabbed. But the bell did not ring. Even when EO's mother died, the bell did not ring. So, she thought there must be something else that she had forgotten.

Not only Arang could not figure out who killed her, we viewers couldn't either. There were all kinds of speculations on the forum discussions about who killed Arang, from Lord Choi to Joo-Wal, to Joo-Wal's servant...

We were all tricked by Jade. LOL.


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Jade and Hades should switch places! Is an emperor of heaven allowed to con ghosts like that?! And using a technicality to do it too!


This. I believe that Arang probably have realized that she was responsible for her own death but the bell didn't ring so she assumed that there must be something else that happened (just like how we viewers speculated about it). We all forgot that the bell won't ring until the cause of her death dies making it impossible since she has an immortal body.


It probably did not dawn on her initially that by throwing herself to save JooWal she "murdered" herself, since she was fixated on the "truth" (read: superficial, surface) that EO's mother stabbed her. But then we see her doubting the "truth", and resolved that the truth is not what it really seems. In some movies, there's this plot development (or twist?) where in the realization that the same person is actually held responsible for all the miseries s/he has experienced is revealed in the end part, and I think the writer just pulled this off due to time constraint (which, technically counts to poor writing). Nevertheless, I'd rather not fixate on this detail anymore and just enjoy the the endgame. Now this is one of the rare shows that I can apply the adage "the end justifies the means." :D


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Maybe Arang doesn't think sacrifice her self as killing . Jade Emperor has planned all this. Actually the writer has planned this since the beginning. To answer un -revealed questions. Like JE said ...some day EO will remember their meeting.

Actually I did think she was killing her self when she run & cover JW. When she sacrifice her self. But then I thought maybe at that time she is not totally death yet.( half death) ... later on J-W or Lord Choi killed her & put her corpse in the mountain. That's why the Bell didn't ring yet.

Sometimes Arang made me felt ...' upset" ..she was better when she was a ghost. Brave & naughty. When she was re-born as human....she made many mistakes. EO was cried so sadly .,..when Arang told him ..his mother killed her. Gah .....when I remember this....made me angry . LOL ! When Sato cry ... I want to cry too.


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It is not her fault for not knowing she is the one who is the cause of her own death. It is all Jades games and playing and torment her to the end of the cliff.

Why did they did used her as a bait, left her to discover her memory and her death and waiting (all smiling and cheekiness) to wait if she can solve her own mystery when they know the bell can't ring becasue she has AN IMMORTAL BODY!

Cruel game!

And please dont blame Arang. I can't understand why some people very protective and biased towards Eun Oh when everything happen to him. It is not Arang fault.

When she is ghost, she didn't have responsibility, memory nor she is a living.

She is just well a wandering ghost.

And I can't understand why people can't understand feel deeply symphatize with Arang.

-She has to endure all pains, misery, confusion, while trying to know who she was before without any single memory or even a name on who she was,
-discover what is her memory and has discover many shocking and painful memories along the way,
-and to living as a human being but not a living person.(immortal when she thought she is just a human)
-She has face with so many deaths and reincarnated again. Painful deaths I have to say since deaths is not as simple as abc. It is painful as hell. First, to be killed by JW, Second, accidently fall from the cliff, Third, saving BW, Forth saving EO. All of it is not easy.


You know this things about amnesia, it being such a common them in kdrama. I never bought story lines built around it, although it conveniently allows the stories to move forward with dramatic effect.

However, in AATM, Arang losing memories of who she was and how she died TOTally makes sense. It was MY clearing out her memory so that the scheme of hers, staying out of heaven's radar, will stay intact. Same goes for JW's case of not being able to recall. Then when the memories come back to them, it's cause MY's powers had weekend since she missed her feeding this leap moon.

Aww.....they all make sense. Unlike the other amnesia cases. But of course this is a fantasy genre so the flexibility is greater. But at least the writer did not give himself a free hand to pull ANY tricks out of the fantasy bag. Good restraint and Great writing!


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i dunno about you guys but i'm not going to nitpick. I JUST ENJOYED IT. and looking forward for the mbc award show, hope SMA and LJK will be there looking oh-so gorgeous together ~in stylish modern clothes this time~ and winning for their excellent acting.

ok so i guess most of us will have our own re-runs this weekend huh? >_<


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A humongous Thank You Very Much! to you both, javabeans and girlfriday, for your wonderful recaps...totally vivid and entertaining in descriptions, details and comments. I am an appreciative fan of both of you for the many moments of wit, humor and insightful comments provided by each recap you both present.

Best regards,



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oh and joowal...i never hated you...i just couldn't. i'm also now a fan of yeon woo jin. and to the cutest jadey baby...why are you too young?! hahaha!


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The same here. I'm Fans of JUnki .... but I like Jade E too. I've watched many of Yo Seung Ho drama. I could say I like him too. Though I'm Fanatic Fans of LJK. Well, I don't hate Joo-Wal. I think Joo Wal acting is quite Good too. He is better than SJK in Innocent Man. Sorry SJK Fans. No Hard Feeling. This is my private opinion.

JE looks young ...to give the viewers .... feeling.....that as Heavenly King he is FOREVER YOUNG ....never get olds....though actually he is thousand or millions or eons.... years old.

In confucian literature ... heavenly beings looks younger than their real age. Hope this will help you understand...a bit of Confucian.


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oh what i mean was he's too young in real life. :)


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Hahaha...see what you mean. He is young but he is a good actor though.


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thanks for the recap..


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Did anyone feel that Arang's personality change throughout this series? From headstrong abd independent to cowardly and stupid girl?

I wish the writer kept her ghost's personality throughout the episodes. Human Arang keep doing craps that she know she will get into trouble and causing everyone headaches. It's like Smart Ghost Arang turned to stupid human arang.


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I don't know why many can't understand Arang's character development in this drama. It is well develop and well establish.

Actually in episode 19 really highlighted the contrast between two different human being that is BORN and GROW in TWO distinct path. It is like one is like normal human being while the other one is a character mix with mythological+human+ghost. It is very contrast:-

A) Eun Oh: normal human being, living the life and has experiencing with loss, being rejected, pains and walking the path as a normal human being. Being growing alongside the painful discovery of life and getting to know what is love. Mature and carry a heavy responsibility. Act sensible and respond sensible too. Whenever he is face with problem is very calm and act accordingly.

Facing one of the toughest call in his life, but he still can act rationally.

2) Arang/LSR: Grow in three different stages:-

Aa LSR:- Always in a comfort zone, protected and never knew any kind of painful or the dangerous of outside world. Suddenly so deeply in love and discover shocking/painful truth just before she died and dead for the sake of love.

As Arang:- Waking up as a wandering soul/ghost. Trying to survive and adapt with the tough life as ghost. Moreover, having no memory make everything more complicated.

Reborn again:- Living and finding herself in a very complicated and conflicted circumstances we ever can think about. Simplistic. Never before carry a burden or responsibility but love teach her all. Thought with love, she can do everything and will do everything. How she find herself is very beautiful, heart breaking and yet reckless in certain cases. But that she is. Living but not living. Just discover what is human heart is and what is human should do but really not really aware what is responsibility of a big pictures really means. YET.


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except when she went to the scene where Eun Oh has to settle I think that is unnecessary but it is more fault at the writing not she herself. Her being there is more like a dramatic effect rather that plot device.


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Make sense. She has been a Ghost for 3 years. Hard to adjust as the fact ...now she is human. She is unable to understand LSR too. She pondering a lot . But at least she did realizes LSR love J -W but she love Sato. She doesn't hold to the past. Well, she still made me upset sometimes. I love Sato character in this drama. So hooked to this drama bec of LJK superb acting . I'm really engrossed with his emotions. Sato looks so real.


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I dont know where she is stupid or caused anyone troubles.

It is circumstances and never once occurred me she was the one who caused it. I think it is pretty obvious that way.

However the scene when she wanted to sacrifies herself in ep 18 is something I can't understand and accept.

Actually we CAN'T never understand why she did that. Actually I wouldn't understand at all why she has to do that last weeks. I can't justify it no matter how I have collected all reason I mentioned above BUT

In episode 19 answered all when:--

“I don’t want to go! I don’t want to let you go! I don’t want to leave you behind and go!”

Omo. That just killed me!!

The fact she acted like that which is I wouldnt even ALLOW nor UNDERSTAND at the first place is because she didn't want to be forgettable both from herside that from Eun Oh. She want to live to be remember and to remember.


I just can't even......

I cried to my heart content.

She want to

to live,
to love,
to be remember/remembered,

Her pains keep appearing in my eyes.

and heart.


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Well said arangsatto! Kudos..


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Thank you Javabeans & Girlfriday for your hard work and dedication for bringing us wonderful recap of Arang & the Magistrate.

Yes! I'm so happy and satisfied with the ending. I'd rather have this than other dramas where I end up saying "huh" or "what the...". At least here, I end up grinning and smiling and my heart fluttered when I saw Lee Joon Ki's facial expression at Shin Min Ah ~ I just imagined that he was looking at me! LOL!

Another YES! That I don't have to run around with a BOLO looking for JE's goat! He's freaking smart turning Mu Yeong into a goat because now I have to think twice if I can cook Mu Yeong and turned him into goat stew...eewwwww...

Those two kids are so cuuuuteee that they really added some spices into the final scene. I wonder if the writer knew that LJK likes boosam, correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's one of his favorite dish, that's why they added that in the drama...LOL. I wonder if Eun Oh can still see ghost since now his mother, Bal Woo, has that ability hehehe...It's so sweet that they started to have their love affair early in that age, although I don't know if I'll allow that if I have a kid at that such age and will tell me that he/she is in love...hahaha

Hmm...so is Eun Oh really just playing a trick and denying that he really forgot their past, not because he drank the water or was JE did it in purpose because he's such a prick?! But, just like EO said, even though he forgot their past, the important is now and making more sweet memories with her.

Ahhhh I will miss this drama~ Time for AATM marathon ^_^


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oooppps I don't know why my comment was here but since it's already here..

@arangsatto & @ booboo
I totally agree with you. Yes, Arang change and I also don't agree that she became a stupid human arang and a lot of comments already explained that so that's all I'm going to say :D


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Indeed what arangsatto said is true. The Ghost Arang had no other concern but to 'survive', fighting for food. Although she did make conscious attempts to find out who she really is by meeting the previous magistrates, I guess she never really expected that it would be so intense as having to be born again as a human to find out the truth of her death.

And right after she became human, she has to deal with conflicts like falling in love with Sato and having only 2 months to solve the whole mysteries. I pretty sure many would mellow down thinking that you don't have much time to live.


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I think as a ghost she is automatically stronger than a human being. Because as the latter she became more independent of other humans. And perhaps a ghost is physically and mentally stronger...


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Thanks a bunch for everything GF and JB!

Love this drama to bits.

I have lots to say but one thing I disagree is I think the final should give us a BANG of another mystery or discovery. I think it should all be on resolution. Even while wrapped the resolution we still have question so I'm satisfied for not having any BANG on the mystery level. We had enough of that for the entire 19 episodes already. Hehe.

Well, that just my two cents.

Thanks again. So much.


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typo: didn't have to give a BANG (surprises)


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Agreed. They are still mysteries even in the last episode (O_O) I wonder what is that EO wants for Arang, what really happen in the underworld, how they get themselves reincarnated n who's the reincarnated Arang's parent (since she's wearing noble lady hanbok n noble lady hair accessories).

Kekeke.. I've been beggin for LJK-SMA BTS as well as a 70 mins Special Episode for EO-Arang in forums.. Hopefully the Producer-nim come across me beggin them!

Hahahaha :))


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Thanks much for the recap of this entie drama.
Like you, I loved the ending and thougt this drama was really well made from start to finish. It is a complete package! Kudos to the PD, writers, and actors! :)


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aaaand its over.. Arang, you shall be missed * in fact i'll watch whenever I miss the awesome Satoh and sassy Arang~ snif2x

I lub you, show!

flower goat, be glad that I won't roast you for dinner~


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Thanks for the recaps!!! It's been awesome :D

I was super confused with the end, but I'm just gonna go ahead and believe that he does actually remember. I seriously cannot get over how freaking adorable the young actors were. Definitely one of the best scenes EVER. The young girl hit Arang right on the head! She was perfect!

Can you pleeeeeeassseee recap May Queen? Purdy please? LOL I don't have time to watch all 30 episodes! But it's good enough that I want to know what's happening!


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And just a side note about RTP...I disagree with DB's interpretation of the ending. I think he DOES remember. Lol...just had to put that out there because I loved RTP as well. I don't see how he can't remember.


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bloomingbird recap May Queen


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and I'm a little appeased with Lord Choi's ending, at least in the ghost world there are no orders and ranks,
so for the rest of his ghost existence , he had to fight
his way to survive, like arang did. What a pity, his old
, so he doesn;t have much strength to fight other ghost.
So he will be always hungry, and if incase he will get caught my the reaper Jo-wal, then he will be send straight to hell. Oh I would love that scene Jowal and Lord Choi in the boat to hell.


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Thank you thank you dear javabeans and girlfriday for brining this series to a close hehehe I furtively avoided ALL SPOILERY things because I made a (wise, hehe) decision to watch both episodes at one shot... hhahaha

The ending for Arang is strangely muted - for not really serving up any twists like I had expected... But these last two eps was so chock-full of emotions and had me tearing up ever so often at all the little details of each characters, which is like picking up the crumbs of a very yummy rich dessert..

I also love that these two episodes are well thought out , and never felt rushed to me, because they addressed each different aspect and no one got left out, from the fate of evil bad Lord Choi to the four spy-ghosts... I thought they had such big plans for vengeance, but it just turns out they were little things, but meant the world to them for them to hang back..

The last part is just plain adorable... Even though I am not a fan of using reincarnation as a story device, here I will make an exception, because it gives both the characters a whole (new) beginning, to spend their childhoods together, but still very much knowing how difficult all of this came to pass...

It is just so cute that Bang Wol and Dol Swe will no doubt be doting to Eun Oh, which will make his little heart so glad because all he wanted was a loving mother..

But ahem, kiddos, remember you are still in your small bodies, so please keep your make out sessions very much PG pls. XD


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I'm only about halfway thru "Arang"; I'll get around to finishing it, but parts of it had started to drag for me.

Anytime SMA and LJK are on screen together or the deities and their minions, it's fine.

The problem is w/ the 3 "baddies" - the "evil mom", the old dude and evil mom's young disciple.

None of them are particularly compelling and I find my mind begin to wander they appear on screen.

The actor who played the "old dude" just doesn't have the screen presence for a "baddie" as say, Kim Eung-soo or Lee Won-jong.

Even in something as awful as "Dr. Jin" - Kim Eung-soo just oozes presence as the baddie minister/nobleman.

And while I prefer Lee Won-jong as the jolly goodguy henchman to his evil roles, he does a great baddie as well.

The actor who played the old guy here - meh.

Same goes for the young disciple - totally not interesting or compelling.

Now, for the 'evil mom" - not only did the actress overact when it came to her evilness w/ some of her facial expressions - her face also just bugged the heck out of me (totally unnatural in the way her features moved).

Basically, the storyline that involved those 3 just weren't interesting (at least for as far as I have gotten) and really slowed things down compared to when Arang and the Magistrate dominated the scenes.

Hwang Bo-ra who played the half-gifted shaman was a total find. Not only did she have great comedic timing, but her facial expressions were priceless. Hope she gets some leading roles down the line.

One other thing, that wig that was on top of Yoo Seung-ho's head was just awful.

Totally reminds me of the "granny wig" that the Maknae FD wore in Running Man to portray an elderly mother character.


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Watch it more.


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Aaaaww, it's over. :'( Although the overall feel of the last episode wasn't so WOOOW for me, I still liked it and I'm really happy that we got our happy ending. This show just doesn't seem like it would go well with a sad ending. There's too much spunk and smart ass Arang talk in it to end so tragically. hahaha! And the kids were too cute! :3

I really love our OTP! <3 They have so much chemistry and they portrayed their characters really well that this whole time I wasn't seeing Shin Min Ah or Lee Jun Ki but Arang and Satto. I'm going to miss seeing this two every Wednesday and Thursday. T____T

Ah, I really loved this drama. It is so well written and thoroughly planned to the last bit. It's not so often that we get well-plotted and well-executed shows like this. Now I have to figure out what show to jump into next...


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UGH cutest ending. But does this mean Eun-oh has /all/ of his memories in tact, as in, this five year old knows he was the master of his uh, father in his previous life? Ehehehehe.

This was such an amazing drama with two stunning recappers. Thank you so much. <3


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Ahhhh!!!! It's the end of this mythical world .... :( Just got off work. I will read this in a bit. As always, thanks for the recaps. I use this as my reward, so I'm a happy camper!


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WOW! great ending,love it,shin mina and lee jun ki acted powerfull,LOVE THEM BOTH :* thank you for recaping this show ;)


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Hmmm after read and watch it I just realised that Arang and Sato is Nocturnal Couple. Everytime they share sweet moment it always happened at night maybe it describes the time limit they have. Then after watched the last episode where they are reincernated they share sweet moment at daylight it shows that they have very long time being together ^.^


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Javabeans and girlfriday, thanks a ton for the recaps for AATM for the past three months! Time flies when we are having fun.

Is this a good old-fashioned ending I was seeking? Very much so! In recent K-dramaland where we see so much time travel and serious memory lapses from our PD-nims, what's the harm of a reincarnation that's done in good taste and being entirely, logically reasonable at that?

EO and Arang are both technically dead so I don't see a future for them in the three dimensions the way they were. The whole premise was to resolve the chaos caused by Mu-Yeon 400 years ago so Jade couldn't have continued to allow EO and Arang to exist as loopholes in the system (Recall Mu-Young's talk about good spirits lingering on earth and getting warped).

Unlike most open-endings which I usually end up hating, this is one which surprisingly, delivers the most. It's open to interpretation of course. If you recall EO's descriptors for the drama, 'playboy' isn't one of them. So a very likely reason for little EO to have met many girls is that he was looking for Arang. And his reactions when he spoke to Arang was sooo.. like EO: easily frustrated when Arang did not reply, shocked when Arang told him her name (probably didn't expect the grl to be Arang) and totally taken aback when Arang called him Amnesiac (EO's term of "endearment" for Arang). And of course Arang knew it's EO becoz his mom was shouting for him. And then the transformation from the kids to the adult Arang and EO? Perhaps it was to let us have a satisfying last view of the sweet couple together, but we could also take it that the kids grew up together and till this day, Arang is still trying to figure out whether EO has regained (or even lost at all) his memories. EO has always shown himself to be ever vigilant (so all the more unlikely that EO has drunk the forgetfulness water; imo, Arang has the greater tendency to do something stupid like that) and there was that talk he had with Arang by the river about time passing by too quickly when he's with her (which was echoed again in the last scene when EO told her to treasure only the moment). Of course, there's EO's playful grin which says so much more...

I thought it was interesting that the PDs chose to let EO be reborn as Dol Swe and Bang Wool's son and let Arang's parents be anonymous, only sufficient for the viewers to know that they both come from good families. In a way, doesn't this allow them to live as before? EO still being the young master in the magistrate's office and in town and Arang following him everywhere he goes. Dol Swe is now the magistrate, giving a possibility that young EO will also become the magistrate one day. And then Dol Swe can dote on him like a father, like a brother, like a servant... haha And more interestingly, EO being BW's son - will it imply the possibility of him inheriting the potential to see and connect with ghosts like before? Arang's parents had never figured so it doesn't matter who her parents are.

So, imo. the ending nicely wrapped up and echoed what was shown to us (the dream EO had and EO's previous encounter with the girl near his house when he was a boy). The only difference being that this time it's happily ever after. :D


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Eeeepppp JK, I'm really gonna miss your comments! As if you understand every but of my heart. :)


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Yehey! I've been looking/waiting for your comment coz I know you can express what's in my mind! LOL. Are you a mind reader? hehehe

Thank you again and I will miss your comments here.

The only thing I wished the writer added in the drama is Arang & EO finding out that Joo Wal was the one who killed all those people. Joo Wal could have at least left a letter or something to Arang and really beg for forgiveness before jumping on that cliff instead of just thinking that to himself...sorry if I sounded so mean...As I see it, Mu Yeon maybe responsible for all those deaths by taking their souls, and manipulating Joo Wal, but it was Joo Wal who stabbed/killed all those people. :D


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I wish that too ...but well, the writer has different opinion...at least all the problem solved and everybody happy. That's it.


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"So a very likely reason for little EO to have met many girls is that he was looking for Arang. And his reactions when he spoke to Arang was sooo.. like EO: easily frustrated when Arang did not reply, shocked when Arang told him her name (probably didn’t expect the grl to be Arang) and totally taken aback when Arang called him Amnesiac (EO’s term of “endearment” for Arang)".

Exactly what I thought when I saw it! He remembers it and he was looking for her! But, as mostly (gender biased point - at least in my own culture) men, EO is not really concernd with a resolved past. The present is what matters. And in the present he is with (teasing) her.


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I really love your comment dear~♥


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Good point JK.


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JK, l've always looked forward to read your comments; they're well thought out, well-written with perceptive points and details of the show. Love this take on the reincarnation scene and EO's response. And thanks for sharing them on this blog.


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I'm tearing up again. nice job JK.


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I'm with you JK - little EO totally does remember Arang, and even if his shock at her using their old nickname didn't jolt it back to him, the look on his face while adult Arang is ranting at him should be a dead giveaway that he does remember.

As always, thank you for your amazing comments - they've made the experience of watching the drama that much better, a lot of what you say is just so spot-on.


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What another joyful ride, Show! I did not regret picking you up over your competitors; it was worth it. Kudos to the cast, the leads (Lee Jun Ki! Shin Mi Na!--am gonna look forward to your future projects ), and the entire production team who made the fantasy world believable and organic. :D


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In case you are interested to watch LJG live in Japan where he's now in town to showcase AATM, you can watch it live here


I read that he will come on screen live at about Japan/ Korean time 5:30pm. Enjoy!


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Thks JK. Thks for always Up date us with LJK pics & vids. I've watched all those vids & download all the pics. I don't miss even 1 pic. Even after this drama over ... I'll always remember you. All your kindness. Thks for being JUnki Fans. He will be proud ...have a Fans like you. I haven't done anything for him. Btw, do you know how to vote for him ???
I wish as his Fans I could do something for him . Like you ... you share pics & vids. I share it to my friends too. Hopefully ... will spread JUnki virus ..... Hahaha.


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JK ...I've watched this channel... Love it ...the way the change the color is amazing ...into sepia & grey . Looks Fantastic ...and the background music is Junki voice. Wow ...amazing . I love this one better than the korean version !!! This japanese version ...looks Fantastic !!! Once again , Thk U JK.


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@yaya, actually it's a series of events in which LJG appeared in certain segments. I found out retrospectively the event started at Japan time around 4-ish pm and lasted about 2 hours. I missed the opening ceremony (LJG was there) and his first interview but I caught the second interview. I didn't really understand entirely what was going on - only know enough that the cast was all tired out, he was making fun of his interpreter and being animated and his funny self despite the fatigue. I'm hoping someone would put up the videos - hopefully with translations because the interview discussed his role in AATM and experience acting with SMA, the romantic and kissing scenes namely but I didn't understand his answers! :(


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Argh ......I have a Good news...my friend has uploaded some Junki video for me... I knew exactly what you mean ...she has 4 videos...the interview in japanese language .She said she will upload those vids at U - tube very soon . I don't understand the language but I really enjoyed those. JUnki looks so handsome & he can speak japanese ( * fluently) . Too bad my friend doesn't know any japanese or korean ... I don't know where she got those vids ...so no translation. But I still enjoy it very very much. Just watching him made me happy LOL !


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Hello again JK,

JK this is the link .... you mean this interview , right ??? My friend got it from korean website ...only 4 vids ..about 35 minutes.





I don't understand ...japanese and sub no no translation but ...watching him ..made me happy. So, it's fine with me. Too bad Junki didn't sing "One Day"....

Enjoy JK . Once again Thank You. If you have another JK nice pics...please share.


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Thks JK ... It sad the drama has ended . Thks for all the information you gave us. Really enjoy it ! Thks for your nice recaps & insight. I'm glad able to know you . Able to meet another junki fans. See some other time...next junki drama .??. I'm sure you will be there for him . Right ?


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@Donna, Nice to know you too. I think next to his other fans, I pale (very much) in comparison!! Haha In any case, looking forward to his next drama, whatever it is. Hope it doesn't take too long a wait.. In the mean time, let's chat out other dramas on dramabeans.. haha


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Awww..i loved the ending!! hehe so soooooooo cute <3


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What a lovely, satisfying ending :) I don't feel like the reincarnation was a copout at all and I especially love that they kept their memories even when they returned. That was what made this ending tick for me.

Arang was a breezy, fun watch and Shin Min Ah totally won me over again (just as she did in MGIAG) I admit her character seemed similar to Mi Ho, but kudos to her for doing what she does well really well!

I especially loved Junki in this series <3 And although I could never quite make up my mind about the actor playing Joo Wal, he REALLY came through for me in these finale episodes. Only wish he could've woven more nuance into his earlier acting.

In the end, I think what satisfied me most was the depth each character was given, especially Lee Seo Rim/Arang. That monologue Arang gives LSR at her grave was so beautiful.. and I loved that when she had the vision in the forrest she connected herself to LSR and when she realised who was to blame for her death she acknowledged it as HER (not just LSR meaning she identified herself as both LSR and Arang). It was a lovely way to say good bye to LSR and make that transition completely to Arang before they were reincarnated. Because Arang was always like the reincarnated version of LSR..trying to live a better life than what (she thought) her former self had lived. I mostly loved that she acknowledged that LSR wasn't just a fool or coward, dying defenselessy as Arang had first thought she had.

So I really enjoyed Arang :) Thanks for the wonderful recaps! Haha I do wish though that for some reason or other we could've seen Jade and Hades swap bodies (maybe had plans not gone exactly according to Jade's plan or something I dunno) because that would have been cherry-on-top-of-whipped-cream-on-top-of-chocolate-fudge-cake hilarious!


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Ahhh, and so it ends. I really liked the ending. Yes, I know the writer could've done it another way or the drama could've been better, but dearies, it's hard to think of plot that will make you brainstorm and fall in love at the same time. I'm more than satisfied with what the drama gave me. Besides, this is like only the 3rd project of the writer. It's pretty impressive actually.

On to the story, I was crying at the 37 second mark because of Muyeong. I cried so much during the first half and smiled like an idiot during the next half. Although I must admit how worried I was on what kind of ending we will get. Hihi.

Joowal's character really got to me. His crying scenes, when he asked himself what he was supposed to do now that muyeon is gone, his wors before jumping off the cliff. Ahh, Yeon Woojin was fantastic. I couldnt imagine Joowal played by another actor. He totally nailed this one. I'm happy that he became a reaper! Great ending for him.

Hahaha. Lord Choi. I can see how much hardship he still has to endure as a ghost. Serves him right!

I find it interesting how he ghosts had such simple wishes. Just shows that simple things are what actually matters in the end.

Dolswe and Bangwool scenes were so cute! The exchange of rings as if it was a wedding. Awww. Same with Arang and Satto by the river. As if they exchanged vows. I love how they did not say those things out loud. It made it more meaningful how they didnt have to say the words coz their hearts already know.

Eun Oh finally said the 3 phrases he wouldnt say before. The thank you to arang during the shoulder scene, sorry to mom, and finally i love you to Arang. He has changed so much from the first episode.

I must also add how I loved that Arang-satto's mom moment. That nod spoke so many different things. It's beautiful.

The little Arang wad so cute. Totally like the Arang we know. And Satto teasing her. Ahhh the way he looked at her. Damn, get married already!

Thank you javabeans and girlfriday for the recaps! This was the first drama I've watched thay I also read recaps form you. I've known db before but through Arang that I got to love this place. I guess I'll be staying. Haha. And to everyone here, thanks for all your insights on the drama. It's wonderful how we all think about how this will turn out and exchange opinions. It's amazing how my mind works better here than when I'm studying for midterms.


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I am not sure whether I like how the series ended or should there a better ending that I wanted but it left me with a warm feeling that no matter what happened, Arang and her magistrate will find one another.
However I like a couple of facts:
1. While the young Arang complained that he drank from the well of forgetfulness and the adult Eun Oh retorted that what matter is now. I kinda like that because it does not matter whether they have the memory of their past lives and their love, what matter is their love now, they are creating a new memory together.
2. I like that Eun Oh is the son of Dol Seo and Bang Wool, the son of a magistrate. The best is he probably inherited his mom's ability to see ghost and all the freaky knowledge of Bang Wool's family trade.
I wonder what a couple they will make if Eun Oh has the past memory and Bang Wool's family knowledge of the after life and his ability to see ghost with Arang, who has all the memories?
I enjoyed this series very much and thank you for the recaps and everything.


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Thank you for your great recaps, Javabeans & Girlfriday :)

The Finale is so Great…Love it!! ♥♥♥
Very happy for our OTP getting a wonderful cute ending :)
Lee Joon-gi & Shin Min-ah, you both toooo sweet~ Best OTP Ever :D

Wishing the Best for you winning many awards with A&M, really deserved true impressive actors.
Joon-gi oppa is rocking my world as always, together with this drama!! ;)

Love “Arang & the Magistrate” soooo much~ You’ll be in my favorite list for a long time…a very memorable drama ♥♥
A&M, I'll watch you many times with DVD~ Cheers…!! :)


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Completely satisfactory. Thank you for the drama ensemble, the dubbers ensemble, and the reviewers (especially the top of the line, Dramabeaners) ensemble. See/watch/read you all soon!


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Thanks to JB & GF ...Nice Recaps. Thks for all the hard works. Nice Jobs. See U again ...next project.


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Thank you so much for the recap!

I have so much love for this story. The concept is fabulous and I love that we finally get a complex drama where all the loose ends are tied up. I can only imagine how much care went into writing this story. I loved the bit where Eun-Oh discovers about his death at six, because I found that jarring, but I felt that it was important that he would eventually find out about that.

At first I was slightly dissatisfied that they only got their reunion upon reincarnation, but I suppose it is a fitting end and I do like Javabeans interpretation that their reincarnation helps them re-live their lives, but with so much less suffering that they had both endured in the previous life. How cute is it that Arang is the only one who remembers!

Lee Jun-Ki and Shin Min-ah have such lovely chemistry. I know couples are rarely paired up again in dramaland, but I will cross my fingers that I see these two together again! Perhaps in a rom-com next time, because my heart needs some time for recovery after this drama!


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though I'm happy for the couple happy ending but there is some disappointment. The way Mu-yeon did was just too easy and quick and they didn't explain the how everything work properly.


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....and so it was.ending wasn't bad.i guess they want the ending in a much lighter note.it ended w/ just the right seasoning,i think.i prefer it this way rather than for it to be mind blowing.it leaves us thinking,could there be a better ending??

i like what javabeans said about mu-yeon and arang's choices and ju-wal's character."not supporting his decisions but still can understand them"...that's a rare quality of a person...

anyway.. what's the title of the next drama,anyone??


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That is a good question...What is the title of the next drama?

Any suggestions?


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HAPPY END Gomawoo for the first girlfriday and javabeans 4 ur recaps <3 and the director, writers, all the staff the characters of Arang and themagistrate :) thank you for your great work, to give us a great drama!!!! :D it's the end :(:( i feel so sad :( ill miss all of this drama satto,arang all others caracters :( I love your final comment javabeans i'll miss your recap for this drama :( thank you love you :$ i liked to read the comments of all!really enjoyed it a lot we cried laughing with them!!! lee jun ki my lovely actor best come back ever i'll love and support youuuuuuuuu for ever <3<3<3


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1stly, humongous thank you to the marang team for the subs. 2ndly ginormous thank you to ms. javabeans & ms. girlfriday for the recaps i read faithfully after watching each episode (watching k-dramas then reading the recaps here is like peanut butter & jam, they just go together for me).
the few minutes at the end was so freakin adorable i would have sat through all the slower bits of this drama a thousand reincarnated lifetimes just to enjoy that ending. so sweeeettt. if only life was about sitting amongst flowers getting kisses from your destined loved one & none of the nasty stuff *sigh*


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Now that this drama is over and I have time on my hands, I think I will open up a Pork & Kimchi Wrap franchise in my neighborhood. And I won't forget to feed the ghosts!

I will miss the shaman. One of the best supporting roles ever!


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:big, big, big grin up in this hizzy:: Mercy and sweetness all around. At first I thought the "book in heaven that tells the secret" bit was a deus ex machina but because of the flashback, I'm like...oh, so they mentioned this already. It is all interwoven already in the fabric of the story and not just something the writers grabbed out of thin air to please viewer folks.

I'm still a bit confused on the reincarnational after-life. So, it's basically:

If you are really evil and unrepentant, you go to hell and you are forgotten by those on earth who loved you.

If you don't do the great work Jade Emperor assigned to you (or you make a bet of some kind with him and lose the bet), you go to hell and those on earth who loved you will forget you.

If you're good but still clinging to the non-ideal of human emotions because the fairy you love is going to hell and you can't push away that love, you go to hell (But even then, the Jade Emperor has the power to offer you mercy and grace.)

If you're dead and clinging to some good emotion or some deed or spiritual assignment or some unfulfilled desire, you become a ghost and you can't enter the afterlife until you've accomplished what you wanted or have put aside the unfulfilled desire. Unless a reaper finds you.

If you're dead and bad and need to understand how the other half lives (Lord Choi) then you will become a ghost but not go to hell or heaven until...such time as a reaper comes to get you.

If you're good you will go to heaven for a time where all your memories of love and past times will be washed away in preparation for your next life.

Is that it?

I am so glad Joo Wal has some redemption. Maybe he'll be a goat one day as well. Thanks for the recap. ;-)


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cant help but cry.. its the best ending ever :))))
though Joo Wal.... its tragic :(((


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Joo Wal is not tragic ...though he threw him self ...but he ended as a grim reaper. Can't ask more than that , right ??? consider he has killed many innocent girls in the past .


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I just want to say thank you so much for your hard work JB and GF! I really enjoyed your recaps a lot! ^-^ I'm going to miss both lee junki and shin min ah together as well as arang and sato >_< really looking forward to their next projects


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Thk to JB & GF for all the recaps. Thks to JK , joongirl, albert, pogo , drama, yaya, waiwai,kiara & all the commentators here. Love the recaps , all the comments here ( good & bad). This drama has ended. Wish every body happy. I'm happy with this ending.


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pardon me for saying this;
the whole scene spirit leaving the body kinda remind me of THAI movie that ive watch "THE EYES 2"

feeling :-
SAD : cos no mo AntM
GLAD : no mo OBVIOUS eye bag for these poor actor
HAPPY : OTP is together n happy ENDing


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Haha ...yes . Lee junki said he doesn't really care of his wrinkles & eye bags . He will not do anything for it. He more concerns of his acting skills. He has worked really hard almost not sleep for more than 5 months. Work 24 hrs a day. But i'm glad ...after some rest his eyebags & wrinkles has went away. Even with wrinkles & eye bags he looks sexy ! What do you think ? His voice and his glare melt me.


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Im gonna miss this! Best drama of the year apart frm RTP.:-)


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