Flower Boy Next Door: Episode 2

What a breath of fresh air. This show has just the right mix of quirkiness, hilarity, and heart, with a really lovely indie sensibility. I love rom-coms in all forms, but it’s nice to depart from the glossy studio sheen on a lot of them. This world feels rich and lived-in, and every character feels real. Not necessarily realisitic, I mean, but grounded with an emotional truth even in the midst of all the romance-comic-book-like trappings.

What tvN has done right with its programming isn’t just throwing together a bunch of pretty people and slapping a “flower boy” label on them—or I suppose I should say, that’s not all they’ve done. Their dramas still remember to have an emotional center, and characters we care about, and that’s why I keep coming back for more.

There are a lot of things that Flower Boy Next Door is doing well, but one of my favorite things is a heroine with depths to explore. A bright, bubbly hero doesn’t hurt, either.


Flower Boy Next Door OST – “Ready-Merry-Go!” by Romantic Punch
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EPISODE 2: “Just leave me alone! Please!!”

Pulling back to the moments leading up to last episode’s ending, our scruffy cartoonist Jin-rak finds a folded note in his door from “Apartment 402.”

He opens it up to find: “How to Cut Down Apartment Management Bills.” Omg that’s so cute. Remember when Dok-mi was hurrying out to catch the puppy owner and got sidetracked by sidekick Dong-hoon, who wanted to know why she paid less than they did? She told him she’d write him a note giving him tips, and she actually did it. She’s adorable.

As Dok-mi’s voice narrates, we see her living what she preaches: Reusing every bit of water, hand-washing clothing, wearing outdoor jackets indoors. It’s living by the hot water bottle, and she’s an expert.

But she’s not totally ingenuous about it, because she caps the letter off with a P.S.: Could he take over for her as protest leader today? (She’d gotten roped into it by the security guard.)

Dong-hoon comes up to read the letter, and tsks-tsks at her stingy practices, like not flushing the toilet after every use. Shudders. His simplistic brain doesn’t pick up on what Jin-rak does: that she’s hiding her poverty with her miserliness. “How transparent,” he says.

Dong-hoon points out that this makes Dok-mi his ideal woman, since he looooves transparency in people. Heh. I don’t think he’s far off the mark on this one.

Since Dok-mi’s note asks for a response, Jin-rak heads out to give it but is stopped by the quirky new neighbor at his door. He’s Watanabe Ryu (played by Mizuta Kouki), and he’s freaking adorable with his muffin basket and ear-splitting grin.

They let him in and Ryu looks around in childlike wonder at everything. Grumpy Jin-rak grumps grumpily about the rock muffins while Dong-hoon sees the new drawing he’s drawn, wondering why their new webtoon character looks so familiar. Gee, why do you suppose?

We revisit the scene of Peeping Dok-mi getting caught by Angry Panda, aka Enrique, who by the way has matching panda slippers. He cracks me up and I love him.

Enrique stomps over to her building as Dok-mi freaks out and tries to hide under her desk. Lol. She peers out her peephole… and sees Enrique’s face in the fisheye lens, glaring at her.

He rings her bell repeatedly, persistently, and Dok-mi clutches at her pounding head.

We transition to either a memory or a fantasy: Dok-mi sits in a therapist’s chair, dressed in a school uniform, eyes closed as her shrink asks what she hates most. Answer: “The sound of pounding on a door. A telephone ring. The intercom. My name being called.” Ah, so this must be memory.

Why does she hate them? “Because it means I have to meet somebody.” The doctor asks how long she’s felt this way—did it start “after that incident”? Eyes still closed, Dok-mi starts to cry.

Present-day Dok-mi cowers at her door while Enrique gets madder and vows, “Well if digital won’t work, we’ll have to go analog.” You mean because frantic slap-dancing with the door button is your idea of finesse?

With that, Enrique launches himself at the door like a monkey, kicking and pounding. He threatens to call the cops on her, and Dok-mi imagines her face splashed across the tabloids for being arrested as a pervert.

The fuss is so loud that it draws the attention of the boys next door. Oh, is Jin-rak literally one apartment over? And Ryu is on the other side? Dong-hoon recognizes the crazy guy, and Jin-rak starts to scoff, “Why would Enrique even BE — oh look, it IS Enrique.”

Dong-hoon seems to have a fixation with capturing embarrassing moments on video, and he whips out his phone. But Ryu fidgets and the flower boy totem pole topples over, finally getting Enrique’s notice. They wonder whether Dok-mi could possibly be his girlfriend (which just makes the kicking-him-out–in-his-boxers scenario funnier).

Hilariously, Enrique he tries to affect an air of somebody who isn’t totally nuts and asks if they know the “man-person” who lives here. I love the bits of awkward Korean sprinkled through his dialogue. He launches into the explanation of how the man-person in Apartment 402 has totally been peeping in on him.

But the security guard grabs Enrique and calls him the pervert, which isn’t a strange conclusion to arrive at given his current state of pandawear.

Finally Dok-mi musters her nerve and steps outside. One good look reminds Enrique of seeing her at his (hyung’s) door yesterday, baby-talking to the dog. He starts accusing her again, and the men all jump to restrain him.

Dok-mi screws her eyes shut, then interrupts in a barrage of words: “Ajusshi-that-person-came-because-of-me-it’s-true-I’m-the-one-who-did-wrong.”

Jin-rak takes charge, telling Dok-mi that he’ll handle this and sending her back inside. He’ll also take over her protest leader duties. He tells the guard this is all a misunderstanding stemming from the two apartments being built too closely, and disperses the group.

Dong-hoon enjoys the idea of women peeping too, like it’s some sort of validation of his gender. Jin-rak, on the other hand, scoffs that she’s not the type to do that—she’s too nice and sweet and yes, transparent.

Dong-hoon gives him the shifty-eye and narrates, “Bachelor No. 1 has just expressed favorable interest in Miss 402.” Jin-rak shoves his foot in his face. Ha, I love their dynamic.

Still peevish, Enrique takes a seat right in front of his window and plants himself there, facing Dok-mi’s window. He starts writing something.

The next morning, Dok-mi opens her curtains to find Enrique at his window, waving at her with a gleam in his eye. She ducks away, but he’s still there the next time she ventures a peek, and the third time he’s gone but has posted a sign to let her know, “I will be back soon.” Are those devil eyes he drew under the message? HA.

Dok-mi finds her fridge is empty and her rice stash low. But she doesn’t want to leave the apartment, nor does she want a delivery. Sigh. Which is the lesser evil?

Jin-rak explains his new webtoon concept to the supervising PD, explaining how the heroine is happiest when alone at home, but the appearance of the girl’s next-door neighbor draws her out into the world. The PD wonders how Jin-rak could have come up with such a complete story, and he says he’s been working on it for the three years since he moved into his apartment. (Aw, is he using himself as hero material?)

The PD is practically wild-eyed with interest, waaay too invested in this webtoon. It’s great. She demands, “Why can’t that guy just confess his feelings already?!

Jin-rak gets just as impassioned in his reply that you have to consider what the confession would do to the woman, and in her confusion the confession could get rejected or their acquaintance cut off completely. Thus there can be no shy confessions in this world, just bold ones. “He’s afraid she’ll be thrown into chaos! He’s afraid she’ll be hurt!”

She gives them the good news: the webtoon is a go. Send over the preview and make plans for Episode 1.

The boys are thrilled. They move in for a high-five, and Jin-rak high-fives Dong-hoon’s face. Ah, I love this show.

That afternoon, Dok-mi apprehensively joins the neighborhood meeting on the rooftop, and Jin-rak gets in touch with his inner hero (wannabe)—all of a sudden he’s gung-ho to lead the protest in Apartment 402’s place. Hee. Dok-mi sends him a little nod of thanks, which totally makes his day.

After the meeting, he hangs back to address Dok-mi alone, his voice hilariously dropping another register to sound extra-manly. The added formal inflection sounds vaguely sageuk-y mixed with a dash of lawyer. Oh man, I need a Jin-rak of my own.

Of course, Dong-hoon waits outside to protest that he’s totally going overboard, and Jin-rak slaps his mouth shut and hisses for him to shush.

Enrique, meanwhile, arms himself with a video camera and a murderous glint in his eye. He heads over to the roof and confronts Dok-mi. Alone.

She wills herself to keep silent, but he presents her with a voice recording: It’s her call to emergency services about the neighbor’s dog. Ah, so the emergency workers did drop by, and Enrique asked for the recording. He realizes she must’ve been peeping in on the dog, not on him, and pesters her to reply.

Dok-mi keeps her sarcastic thoughts to herself, but unnervingly Enrique uses the exact same wording back at her, which startles her. She thinks, “I’m not an ajumma, I’m in my twenties. Just go away!” He goes on, “Say something like ‘I’m not an ajumma, go away!'”

He adds that he overreacted this morning and wanted to explain. She thinks longingly of being in her own room, and he pesters, “Don’t just think of how you wanna go home and answer me!”

Wide-eyed, Dok-mi looks straight at Enrique and thinks at him, “Can you hear me?” He answers, “Yeah!” which freaks her out, then adds, “…that’s how you should look at someone when they talk to you!” Haha.

Okay, so he’s not a mind-reader but they’re working some uncanny telepathy, since she wonders why he thought she was a man, just as he wonders the same thing himself.

In any case, he makes sure she understood his explanation, and Dok-mi just nods and nods and nods in a nervous motion. Enrique stops her with a finger, telling her one was enough, and then… there’s a moment. Silence, recognition, something in the air between them…

…at least from her end. ‘Cause then he just chirps on like it was nothing, leaving her staring in confusion.

Enrique suggests moving their conversation out of the cold, but in the second his back is turned Dok-mi darts for the door. Hee.

She scrambles for her keys, but in a flash he beats her to the door and keeps on chattering. Oh my lord, he’s adorable and puppy-like and he TALKS SO MUCH. He’s like a 9-year-old on speed.

The thing is, Enrique’s chattiness seems as much an affectation as anything, and there’s a perceptive guy underneath all that gab. He rattles off how a goalkeeper seems like a great position in soccer ’cause you can use your hands, but it’s actually lonely and you’re left defending the goal all by yourself. “You’re the goalkeeper,” he tells her.

He says it’s a really tough position to play, and lifts a fist in encouragement: “Be strong!” Off he goes.

Dok-mi heads inside, touching a hand to the forehead he poked. She growls, “That little kid dares mock an ajumma?” Then she shakes her head—wait, he’s got her thinking she’s an ajumma already!

Enrique leaves the building complaining that the ajumma didn’t say a word, though he wonders why it felt like they’d had a conversation.

He heads out into the city with his camera out, which gets the paparazzi’s notice, and heads over to give an interview. He starts out charming the reporters, but his way of talking through the bullshit (but with a sunny smile!) sours some of their moods. He takes a bus home, and already the internet is abuzz with photos of him being seen around the city—but with derisive messages about how he’s childish and cocky.

Seo-young texts about the Enrique pasta he promised to make for her, and now that he’s not in front of her he’s not working so hard to keep up that I-don’t-care-that-you-chose-hyung attitude.

Seo-young texts hyung Tae-joon next, who turns out to be a doctor. The way he sighs at her message (about seeing each other tonight, a year since the last time) suggests her love just might be the one-sided kind. Either that or hyung feels guilty for taking Enrique’s girl.

Dok-mi ventures out to take care of some errands, and ends up in browsing the same grocery store Enrique’s shopping at. They miss each other as they roam the aisles, though she does perk up to hear his familiar voice.

And then… the arrival of a mysterious woman. She parks outside the apartment building in a fancy-looking car as a man reports that it didn’t take very long to find that person, who moved here three years ago. Hm, Jin-rak’s ex perhaps?

The residents gather in front to have their daily protest, just as Dok-mi heads home with her purchases. Aw, who else feels a terrible sympathy pang for the way Jin-rak just lights up to see her? His voice booms even louder as she joins them, while Dong-hoon practically starts singing “Jin-rak and Dok-mi, singin’ in a tree…”

The mysterious woman, Cha Do-hwi (Park Su-jin), steps out of her car and grimaces at the dingy building. She follows the voice to the courtyard, and then…. the scene takes on a rosy glow, angels sing, and she fixates on the hottie leading the demonstration.

Then Do-hwi spies Dok-mi hanging back in the group, and calls out Dok-mi’s name in surprise.

Dok-mi doesn’t quite look thrilled to see her, but Do-hwi squeals in recognition and hugs her.

Flashback. High school. Do-hwi is the mean girl, Dok-mi is her bullying victim. Dok-mi asks, “Why are you doing this to me?” Do-hwi says, “Just because.”

It must not be Dok-mi that she came to find, though, since this run-in comes as a surprise. Enrique pops by and joins in the conversation, and when asked who he is, he replies that he’s the guy on the opposite side of the impeding-view fight, “Like Romeo and Juliet, we’re enemies in the apartment battle, but we became friends.”

Dok-mi reels in shock this whole time, perhaps retreating into her schoolgirl trauma, though nobody notices. Granted, it’s not like she’s a talker even on a good day. But when the crowd gets boisterous and Enrique starts to head over to check out the fuss, Dok-mi grabs his arm and actually holds him back.

She looks at him with those big, tearful eyes and ekes out, “I… I…”

It sounds like she’s asking him for help, but before she finishes the thought she falls in a dead faint. Enrique grabs her before she falls.

Maybe it’s a flashback or maybe it’s a dream, but we watch as Dok-mi writes another passage in her work-in-progress. Scenes from earlier today flash by in her mind, illustrating her words.

“Her mouth is like a broken faucet in a mountain village. When it’s needed, not one drop comes out, and in the middle of a silent night it flows on its own. In that moment, all the words she couldn’t speak come pouring out belatedly. She vows, Next time, I should answer like this, I should make this retort. That woman speaks the most impressive lines when she’s alone.”

Now she sees flashbacks to her high school days, when she was singled out for bullying.

Dok-mi stirs awake and finds herself on a couch. That dog, Hippo, goes trotting by. She’s in a strange apartment, but she looks around and recognizes items from her days peeking in through the windows. She imagines Tae-joon here too, going about his day, smiling at her.

Enrique’s in the kitchen preparing dinner, and tells her she fainted. Since his hyung is a doc, she can get him to check her out since he’ll be home soon.

That won’t do, and Dok-mi quickly excuses herself and heads for the door, thanking him for his help. Enrique stops her with an arm, the way she grabbed his, and finishes the plea she’d started earlier: “Help me.” He says he’s about to do something “really hard,” and it would help to have her with him.

Just then, the door beeps open. Tae-joon walks in. Enrique shoots her a grin. Showtime?


I don’t know what magic potion tvN’s taken, but they’ve done such a great job with this Oh Boy/Flower Boy series. What impresses me is that they feel like fully conceived artistic works, in the way that films maintain a stylistic constancy from start to finish. I don’t doubt that this is more difficult to produce in a television show with many more episodes, but the number of series that are bolstered by this kind of cinematic touch are certainly in the minority. Whether or not you’re a fan of the tvN shows (or even cable at large), they have managed to be a step ahead of broadcast television in letting directorial flair and tone shine through. I’ll always take a great story over those things, but once you’ve got a compelling story in place, I appreciate the drama that sets up a world, an atmosphere, a stylistic sensibility that pulls the whole thing together rather than just looking cool for the sake of cool.

Now, for this story: So far my favorite thing about it is Dok-mi. Thank ye for an interesting heroine for once! Okay, so it’s not like they don’t exist in dramaland, but they do appear to be, sadly, a minority population. The heroes get all the good, meaty stuff and the heroines just… are there to be motivators, sometimes catalysts, and in the worst cases, objects.

What strikes me about this pairing is how alike Dok-mi and Enrique are, despite appearances suggesting the complete opposite. She barely ever talks, and when she does it’s a hushed flurry of nervous words. He speed-talks like a grade-schooler, his vocab peppered with tons of cut-down words and slang and aegyo tones. He puts me in mind of a hummingbird buzzing around a flower, actually.

But it’s hinted that Enrique’s talk is a defense, just as Dok-mi’s is avoidance. He puts on that sunny front and bombards you with dialogue, and barely lets you—or himself, I suspect—register that there’s anything beyond that surface.

In that sense, I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually were a genius, though perhaps not simply in the way the world defines it, as the kid who designed a game at 17 years old and now is wildly successful. Perhaps it makes him more emotionally acute, seeing as how he honed right in on Dok-mi’s sense of loneliness. It’s something nobody really notices or pays mind to other than Jin-rak, and he (1) has had three years to study her, and (2) is still kinda wrong. At least in defending her as transparent and pure and totally not looking in on that apartment when she’s totally peeping the hell outta that window.

So what we have are two isolated, lonely souls with an uncanny ability to communicate despite their respective obstacles. Maybe the whole telepathy thing is a little out there, but I appreciate the idea behind it.


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Thanks for the recap!
I'm actually liking PSH so far! I feel that her character is quite relatable.
And YSY is so charming, I'm falling in love with him all over again :) His short-shorts scene was hilarious, omg.


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I loooove Dong Hoon's side eye glances to Jin Rak. Hahaha.


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I don't think Jin Rak will be daddy long legs anymore. Here is character description about Oh Jin Rak in DB article before

"And then we have Kim Ji-hoon who plays Oh Jin-rak, our heroine’s next-door neighbor. He’s the only person in the building who’s ever even noticed Dok-mi, but he knows all about her strange life and looks out for her in little ways. He even takes to communicating with her via post-it to encourage her. But when the cocky Enrique arrives, he starts to worm his way into Dok-mi’s world too, and Jin-rak suddenly finds himself having to fight for Miss Lonelyhearts."

1. Yes, i think it is him who draw a cartoon in dokmi's milk box
2. He will fight for dokmi!

Yippiieee :P :P


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" And I think eventually, Jin Rak will earn some money by illustrating the life of Dok Mi as he observes her daily. and probably Dok Mi will read about it because she is a manuscript editor and will question his encuragement and thoughtfulnees towards her."

p.s. - just my thoughts

enrique geum will probably bring her out of her shell and help her maximize her potential because he came to Korea to "encourage" people because he has big achievements at 17.

p.s. - just my thoughts again


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Wow, way ho spoil the surprise, DB.


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Oh what i'd give to be in Park Shin Hye's shoes!
The set of Flower Boy feels like Infinity Challenge when gorgeous dudes guest and the female writers just can't contain their excitement!


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I'm very happy. That's all to know :)

Thank you JB and GF for sharing the happiness


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Great recap!
And oh my gosh, i love this show! I really get this big smile everytime I see that channel 15 logo pop up..cause I feel as if I'm in good hands. So channel 15 is tvN? Soo neat!

I love Dok-mi..so much. So many stories with male hikikkomori characters and at last one with a female one. And someone wounded from high school no less!

I liked Enrique the first moment i saw him but i still kinda wanted Dok-mi and Jin Rok to end up together...cause -- oh maybe the whole first dibs/first come kinda thing. After all, Jin Rok liked her first. But then i thought...."to heck with that! Enrique is perfect for Dok-mi." Whether it's Asperger's mixed with hikkikomori or emotional woundedness of some other order, these two have issues that will meld and heal each other. So there went any possible second-lead-syndrome pitfall I might have fallen into.

Can't wait for former bullying girl to get her come-uppance. Right now the idea of isolationist Dok-mi being liked by possibly four guys (Yeah, i'm totally going all out with my hope here....Ryu, Jin Rok, Enrique, and Enrique's hyung...) well Dok-mi would be mega-helped and redeemed by fate.

Speaking of fate.... a lotta that came up in the first episode. I'm wondering how they're gonna play with that notion. Just loving this show.


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Pssst....the 15 is the age rating, I THINK. It's on pretty much everything I see.


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Wow! Is that it? *facepalm* I'm so clueless sometimes. I always thought it was a channel number or something. Little Queen Inhyun's hand reaching toward the letters and all. Okay...now i know. Thanks!


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towards the *numbers*..sorry. AAArgh! Brain!


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Absolute love from the first minute, with increasing devotion as the seconds go by. Beautifully filmed, interestingly written, well-acted...hilarious, touching, intriguing - this is just amazingly good so far.

Yay TvN, you guys rock!

Already at this point, I smile just at the thought of Jin-Rak, Dong-Hoon, Watanabe, Enrique and Dok-Mi. Even the security guard - and is he the dad from Fly Daddy Fly?

Woori or whatever she goes by now and Tae Joon less interesting so far...and the girl who just showed up: I hate that girl every time I see her. Well you know, not her, but her characters. I just want to smash their faces. It's this sudden incredibly violent SURGE of rage at her FACE that catches me by surprise...but I just never ever ever like the people she plays and now I can't even see her face without residual hatred. Makes me feel bad.


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Thank goodness I'm not the only one. Never thought of it as residual hatred, lol.


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The guard is not the guard from FDF. That is Lee Moon Shik. I love LMS!
This is Lee Dae Yeon who he was recently in:
I Do, I Do (MBC, 2012)
The Equator Man (KBS, 2012)
The Princess' Man
And lots more dramas and lots of movies.


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you have to get over that feeling, because these are just her roles in dramas. not healthy for your heart and mind.


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It's just sad she has to play these hateful characters all the time. Must be a tough job =/ (though the villain seems to be a very fun role to play, but if you're just plain annoying...)


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well, she did play a nice character in Boys Before Flowers, but that was a cameo and the rest of that show might make you want to have a surge of rage.


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i wasn't planning to watch this series, but after reading the recap for Ep. 1 and the fact that Dok-Mi and i are in the same line of work, i have decided to join the bandwagon. looking forward to the next episodes :)


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ahhh so sad that i have to wait until next monday for episode 3 :O

thanks for the recap!

so impressed with tvn recently! :)


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Finally, a heroine that speaks volumes to my soul.
Didn't LOVE flower boy ramyun shop as many did, and haven't watched flower boy band yet.
I'm think this might be my favorite of the series.


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Gonna get back when I'm done, but...
Park Shin-hye & Yoon Shi-yoon = High Kick 2 reunion. Sorta. XD

Though not too much since:
Yoon Shi-yoon = Daniel Choi's nephew (even though they're '86-liners and stuff)
Park Shin-hye = the grown-up version of Jin Ji-hee (the immature brat in TMTETS, who falls for Kikwang dancing to "Rainism" while she's reading her manhwas); who eventually ends up marrying Se-ho (B2ST's Kikwang who miraculously didn't age at all).


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This is indeed what we need, a romcom with heart and depth
And Kudo for Shinhye as Go Dok Mi


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eek!! this show is really interesting so far...thank you totally for the recapped since i watched ep1 and i just couldn't wait for the subs to come..


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i liked the way they introduced the characters, it's really clear as in who's who, though they're all flower boys :p
and, finally an actual Japanese actor casted as a Japanese!


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I so agree that who's who in flowerboy land is clear from the get go. I thought the same thing about Watanabe Ryu (I want to call him obi wan kanobi) as Japanese up front!


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i know! I was so happy to learn that he is a Japanese actor. Yay for corroboration and not just "ehh...we'll just use a korean actor."


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Keep up the good work FBND.

Thanks JB!


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this drama is great great great great great.... congratulations to everyone involved, including those who are recapping and subbing and writing their comments.

beautifully written piece. its like a movie, yet a drama...

korean drama can become great...without those "an eye for an eye scripts which started at a young age, until they grow old...those generational bitterness... that seems to be well-received in korea.."

i truly love this drama .... park shin hye is good...even the flower boys... from ysy, kjh and to the new ones i just encountered in the drama...


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I watched both. Yesterday, I just couldn't acces the ep 2 raw and I tried all sites including tvN.

Thank you for the recap JB.


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Enrique is startlingly cute ~ not for me, but for Dok Mi. On the other hand, Doctor Bro, can I just butter your toast?

Dong hoon and Jin rak act like total idjets when selling their idea to the publisher gal (she's a scream) - luv them three together!

And Watanabe Ryu - you are so beautiful to me (can't you see . . .)

I can't believe they all bother to show up at the tenant meetings - ha!

I think I need new neighbors.


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Dong Hoon looks like Siwon of Super Junior (except that DH jaw is better contoured).

Watanabe Ryu is like Lee Min Ho?

Yoon Shi Yoon is adorable in his role as Enrique Geum.

KJH is everybody's crush.... he doesn't look Korean.

PSH is fantastic. (She won Best Actress for her role in "Don't Worry I'm a Ghost") No wonder scriptwriters wanted her for this role. She's really good because I feel for her.


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Before January 7, when I read about FBND I thought that Dok Mi was peeping at KJH character and Enrique is his cousin.

I was surprised that Dok Mi's unrequited love is Tae Joon and Enrique lived with him.

Looking forward to Episode 3. I hope to hear the voice of Tae Joon. And Watanabe went to Korea to learn Korean cooking, I hope Dok Mi will give him Korean cooking lessons.


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I thought that too!
That's why i was super confused when first ep came around.
I had to pause and read descriptions every now and then out of confusion.


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Aw, I love this show! I thought the telepathy thing was cute, too. Someone who can understand her even if she doesn't speak... but is gonna make her speak anyway! Just what the doctor ordered. Jinrak's too much of a softie to help Dokmi in any way - nope, what she needs is a whirlwind force of nature like Kkaegeum.

And if ever I fall on hard times I am definitely gonna be using some of Dokmi's tips ;) HAHA!


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I am in love with both male leads. But as others have said, while Jin-rak is adorable and sweet, he is only encouraging Dok-mi to remain in her protective bubble. I also think that it is wrong of him to think of Dok-mi as some completely pure and transparent person, as if she were some idyllic woman from a fairy tale or medieval romance. He is sweet and loveable and I adore his manly posturing at the demonstrations, but at the end of the day, I can see how Enrique is meant to be the one. The analysis of his rapid, child-like speech being a defense mechanism is a good one. I like how after he reads the gossip reports about himself he basically asks, "Who is this Enrique person?" (That was not an exact quote lol). This question that he poses, in addition, to his goal-keeper analogy shows that, deep down, he is a complex character with a lot of insecurities. I am really liking this male lead and hope that he never turns into the typical snobby male lead. I would like to see him help Dok-mi, and perhaps she can even help him in her own way.

As for Dok-mi, what else can I say other than I am already a fan. It's nice to have a complex, and emotionally-thought-out female character in a drama. I am sure that many viewers (myself included) will find many things pertaining to Dok-mi's character with which they can relate, even if her case is an extreme example of someone unable to cope with the difficulties of life. I loved her analogy of the malfuncitioning fountain. How many of us have so much to say but are unable to do so in front of others?

I could write much more, but I should stop lol! I am hoping that this show continues to get better and better with each episode. P.S. That Watanabe Ryu is so kawaii!


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I'm just..amazed. They have come up with ANOTHER interesting story in The Flower Boy series, the humor..hilarious. I've never laughed so much in dramas than with The Flower Boy series..Each one has heart as well. We slowly see the main characters in the dramas change over time, gradually, but they do change. Shut Up Flower Boy Band continues to be one of my favorites, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop was HILARIOUS! I literally fell out of my chair laughing at that one. I was hesitant to watch all of them too. I was like, "These are going to be just comedy with pretty faces and no plot.." How glad I am that I was wrong. I can very much relate to Dok Mi and I've met many Enriques(as in people like him)..I'm scared of people, I can't stand crowds. My chest starts to squeeze around a lot people, my knees go weak, and I can't breathe..I've had to many times keep myself from blacking out. It's really difficult to live with. So, from the start, I'm in love with our heroine AND our hero. Enrique really needs to shake her out of her comfort zone like I have to shake myself out of mine. That's the only way she will get better, but I sense a sadness in him as well..and that's probably what helps him connect to her..also what helps is that handy telepathy..can I have some of what he is having too? Please? Pwetty please?

My only compliant is..I wish the show was longer! I could probably watch this show if the episodes were two hours long! I'm so entertained with it that the show just seems to fly by..Keep it up directors, fighting!


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I see Yoon Si Yoon still likes to take his clothes off in weird moments. Gotta love that guy. Angry Panda. So friggin awesome.

And the webtoon guys and the nerdy high five miss slapp in the face. How perfect was that?

And Tam Tam, NICE catch on Mars.

This show is just going to MAKE us pay attention.

Well, isn't this show chock full of character? There is no way Dok Mi is going to be the only bruised banana in the bunch. And is Enrique just as Mad as the Hatter over in Cheongdamdong, or perhaps even more full of the wacky? I hope this series will live up to the the promise shown in these two episodes without turning too melo and making us want to stab our eyeballs out, or conversely doing a comb over on something serious to keep it light, and inciting cries of whatthefuckery. The fact that FBRS was fun yet layered and many people are fond of SUFBB and consider it a quality show(I could not get into it myself-personal taste-can't comment on the quality) gives me hope that this will be consistently good. Well, that and the cast and the sets and writing and production seems just seems to be stellar.


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I absolutely adore this show!!! Just what k-drama land needed these days...things were getting serious and sad with the lot of dramas on right now.....I love how this show is shaping up so far!


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I have been looking forward to the next Oh Boy/Flower Boy drama from TvN ever since Shut Up? Flower Boy band ended last year. There is just something about these shows that feel so complete, like the writers and producers and directors and just everyone really sat down together and planned every little detail. I love that, and I feel it is sadly lacking in many dramas, especially the ones that are awesome and then lose steam half-way through. These TvN Flower Boy shows don't do that. They build and build and build, and make you love every character so much. I absolutely love it.

Now, Dok-mi. I adore her. She's just so great. Doesn't hurt she's played by a really talented young actress, either. I find I really sympathize with her and identify with her, too. I wasn't bullied in high school, but I do have a similar fear of speaking up for myself when faced with adversity, or even when I'm not. I don't like speaking to people, I have a great fear of public speaking, and would like nothing better than to sink into a hole in the ground when at the center of attention. So I really get that. But I try to get over my fear, and I hope that Dok-mi can too. Of course this is a drama and everything will be resolved in 16 episodes. It's harder in real life, so I persevere.

I love the dynamic that Enrique and Dok-mi have. It's just beginning, but I can already see hints of what is to come for these two. He can read her so well, it makes me eager to see more of this show.

I am anticipating episode 3 and 4. I cannot wait!

Thanks for the recap, Javabeans!


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This episode made me actually like Enrique (he still seriously gives me Kwanghee from idol group ZE:A vibes); he's very perceptive and quick on the uptake. But, gosh darn it, poor KJH's character is soooo being set up to be just like Lee Ki Woo from Ramen Shop. Sigh.

One day, just maybe, Korea will make a drama where the "obvious" male lead actually isn't the lead and DOESN'T get the girl. It gets boring when it's predictable whom will get whom.

But, I digress... Park Shin Hye's Dok Mi continues to be the best thing about this show. It's great to have the heroine be the most interesting character in a drama.


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Agreed, I already want Jin-rak to get the girl.


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"when "obvious" male lead isnt the lead" but doesnt that just defeat the purpose of being a lead? lol that might annoy some of the lead's fans.

Anyways, I don't think Enrique is an obvious male lead per say. And by obvious I mean cliche. Most Korean dramas, or at least the ones I have seen, seldom have the bubbly cheerful character as the main male. It's refreshing to me. Especially since Enrique has already been able to creep into Dok Mi's mind (literally or not). And like you've mentioned, he's pretty perspective. I like that. Although he's a bit on the chatty side and seems always sugar high, part of me feels that it's a coverup. Partly becausewhen he read the negative comments about himself, he responded with a serious "who is this Enrique person they are talking about?"

I don't think I'm going to get second lead syndrome this time around. Although Jin Rok is charming and sweet, Enrique's boldness is what Dok Mi needs the most.


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One day, just maybe, Korea will make a drama where the “obvious” male lead actually isn’t the lead and DOESN’T get the girl.

Psst, they already did (see: Chuno)


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I'm happily impressed with this series so far. I just couldn't get into the other two flower boy series because the first two episodes were awful. This one grabbed me from moment one and I agree, the heroine is delightful, but then again this is PSH and she never does boring roles.

I agree that these characters feel really flushed out and are presenting depth and a quirky sense of humor that matches mine. I was laughing so hard at the door scene while he was still in his pj's.

Of course, as funny as the episode was to watch, your recap kept me in stitches as well. Nice job.


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Just ♥♥♥♥♥.

(And thanks for the recap!)


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thanks JBS,

What dong hoon was observing is also what we are observing that jin rak is actually in love with dok mi, three years observing from next door, what the heck ! definitely not a pervert !. SO!,

I would say that bachelor no. 1
without realising it is interested (in love) with the woman in apartment 402 !.

The sageuk conversation really unexpected from jin rak !! hah ha ha.


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Unrequited love Dok Mi with Tae Joon.

Unrequited love Enrique with the guitarist girl.

Jin Rak ............. with whom ?.


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With Dok Mi for now but I think it won't last long...


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Damn... Enriquez won me over in only 2 episodes! I love this little world of zany neigboors (plus one hot doctor). The leads are too adorable together and don't you just love Dong hoon, Jin rak AND Watanabe.. and not to leave out the editor, she is a riot! oh... so much love. First drama I've watched raw.


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I'm wondering if the milkman is the doctor instead of Jinrak. It would be hard not to notice someone peeping on you about 20 feet away.


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exactly what i was thinking ..the view is so clear it's odd that Enrique is able to figure it out on the first day but the doctor isnt able to? although it is a tad bit strange for him to willing let her spy on him without a care


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yeah. I think he maybe he feels sorry for her, and is using the notes to help her out of her loneliness.


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Pillowhead!! How can you like this and not FBRS?? There are many similarities and difference is in shades only .. Are you liking CWGM? Talk on OT although I am likely late again.


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question: at which unit/where relative to dok mi's unit does Ryu live? Is he at unit 403? would that be across the hallway?


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Watanabe lives in 403. It's across the hallway from Jin Rak and Dong Hoon's.


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wait... if he lives in 403, which is across the hall from 401, why was he at the 402 and 401's side of the building when he was moving during the first episode? shouldn't he be on the other side?


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In the first episode? It's because he was at the wrong room. That's why he told the ahjussi when he came down from the lift that the apartment was not his. Hope that clears it up ^^


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oh...but won't he be at the other side of the building? it must have been a really big mistake. thanks!


TEAM JIN RAK! ...although i know it's a losing battle.


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I never thought about it that way but Dok Mi just reminded me of me - happiest when I'm alone, no tel calls, no door bell ringing or my name being called.

I thought I missed the sanity of being all peaceful and alone after years of pitching & selling but this show just reminded this part of me that is very anti-social, which I have unconsciously don't want people to see.

I really like the telepathy part. This show is so complete, so well done and it's only the 2nd episode and I don't want it to end.


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they are kindred spirits are what Dok Mi & Enrique are. I can see how they are gonna fill in the episodes with some crazy he likes her but she likes him but there's also her that like him too etc etc & of course the mystery of Dok Mi's withdrawal. FBND had me in ep 1, especially seeing Enrique all pissed off in his panda head apparel. 1st few seconds of ep 2 panda head gear + panda slippers = panda cuteness explosion with embers still glowing hot... till next week ep 3 see ya ladies!


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It took me until the second viewing to understand what Enrique meant when he needed her help. At first, I thought it was straightforward, like cooking since he had the apron on. Only after watching again did I realize he wanted her there because he didn't want to be alone with Tae-joon and Seo-Young. Awwww, so cute.

I love this show so much already.


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that high five slap could jolly well be a ng take but too good and hilarious to dispose of!

anyway, tvN has been doing a great job with their dramas. simple but yet warm hearts.


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I'm already in love with Flower Boy Next door!!!! I really appreciate that the lead female, DoK Mi, is someone who is relateable and believable. We've all had our moments when life becomes almost unbearable and you just wish that you could shut it all out.

Enrique is another fascinating character because beneath his cheery exterior is an insecure and fearful young man. As others have suggested, I really hope that Dok Mi and Enrique can help one another overcome their fears.

As for Ryu, I hope that he is destined to be more than just the happy-go-lucky foreigner with a flare for exotic cuisine.


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THANK YOU JAVABEANS,thank you Dramabeans,for the recap/s!!!!All you said was right.I find it interesting that there are things on my mind that i can't all figure out and when i read the recaps,all of you from DB point it all out for me.I was like,"that's it,that's what it is"!!

Thank you tvN for coming up with this one.We love the glamour and glitzy world for our heroines or that our Cinderella would be rescued by a prince but sometimes it's also great when our heroes are normal people living ordinary lives.It doesn't work all the time so i'm all praises with this one coz it works for me and i'm loving it.I have great hope for this drama.


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Finally watching this and so if anyone answers, I'll be really thrilled: why does this woman have to attend resident meetings? If she pays her bills and rent and doesn't disturb anyone, she shouldn't have to do anything else. Is that a Korean culture thing? Because in the US you can't force participation in community activities like that.


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My eyes roll when I see "flower boy". Its like F4 of Kdrama, dorama and Tdrama are enough for me. But tvn changed my flower boy misconception!

Thanks for the recap. For some reason your recap, it doesn't feel spoiler-y :)

can't wait for next week!


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Thank you JB! Your comments are always awesome!

Today I thought that Park Shin Hye is a really lucky girl.


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This recap made me laugh as much as the show did. Which is saying something, because I laughed a lot. Love them both :)


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this new drama series is an eye opener for me this a.m. much to my surprise it was already avail w/subs & soooooooooooooooooo happy to see my fave k actors in one....not often u'd see your faves in one drama & my guy is jin rak or kim ji hoon how i missed him since his milit days! i think i won't consider him 2nd lead here for me all 3 are leads well that's just me hence my uname here is jazme! :) i luv kim ji hoon & luv yoon shi also since baker king but i hv to choose kjh i can't explain it! luv him his eyes, curvy lips & all that! can't wait to see the rest when i get home!


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I'm pretty sure it's "sitting on a tree..." not "singing in a tree..." hahaha It's amazing how everyone knows this. I suppose it came from America, that's why.

Ah, I hope this show is trying to discuss something I've noticed. Some people get together because they like each other's characteristics, a lot. And while it's easier to live like that, it's kind of frustrating when there's no connection, Even if there was, it has to be actively maintained.

Another kind of relationship is based on connection. Not telepathy, but very close. Like I may not know what you're thinking exactly or we may not be speaking in deep terms but we know exactly where the other person is coming from. That kind of connection, even if they live in different worlds, cultures, it doesn't matter. Long distance relationships need this.

What's dangerous about it is that because it is rare, people who find it tend to fall in love really quickly. Then they find out, or perhaps they already knew, that they are actually really different. And their personalities and habits clash often. They end up divorcing because they simply can't live together. To live together means that a lot of habits have to change, whether character wise or behavioral aspects. When they realise that, it can be too overwhelming to handle. Hence, they fall apart because understanding is not enough anymore.

I don't think this drama would discuss it in much depth. But to mention and even put it out there is good enough for me.


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Everybody seems to be head over heels for this drama. I am clearly not. I may have a look at the next two episodes, but as of now, it hasn't resonated with me. Huh. Happens.

Contrary to everybody's opinion I just cant warm up to the characters. Maybe except for Dong Hoon. They plainly annoy me. Dok Mi for digging herself deeper and deeper into her phobias and not knowing that using washing machine is actually more economic than handwashing. Not to mention that hot water bottles are hot only for a short time, even wrapped into towels. For a person so "frugal" she's got an ridiculously big TV - worth more than a season of heating her flat. I'm fine with people being hikikomori, but if you confine yourself in your own room, do it in a smart way.
It is sad that she thinks it is love that she feels for the Doc in the apartment opposite. To me that feeling is really not different from liking a picture or a drama character - something you look at, but the object of your attention will not look at you (Why? Because she clearly doesn't want to be seen). I can't think of a love without any relationship. It's good Enrique will pop her bubble - the sooner the better.

The flower boys aren't as big of attraction either. I guess I am spoiled by Anthony - a sharp, unique character. The guys in FBND are nice (or hyperactive, which is not nice, like Enrique) but I've yet to see them as distinct characters with something more to boast than their looks. More off-the-wall would be great. JinRak's pseudo-protective attitude is surely well-meant but seems counterproductive. Instead of showing Dok Mi that places and people outside her room can be friendly too, he shoves her back into her den. It's like putting on a pink band aid and taking painkillers instead of disinfecting the wound properly. Something that hurts a little, but all in all saves you worse trouble.

I am far from the enthusiasm for this drama. I' staying open-minded till the next week, but I don't expect wonders. I guess FBRS utilised all my interest for flower boys and nothing much is left for the following parts of this project.


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you know this drama is inspired by ... a WEBTOON right?????

It's not supposed to be realistic. The actors and writer did an awesome job to make the drama feel "alive" lol
And the big TV is there for A REASON, if it follows the original webtoon
... I mean you don't have to like it but I just want to let you know that this isn't based on real story :)


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It's not about realism actually. If I start to nitpick on details it means I am not really icaptivatde by characters or plot and look for something else to absorb my attention.


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but that's what I see you doing though...


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Although i don't know much about the original webtoon, my guess is that Dok Mi's big tv will be used by Enrique as an excuse to visit her apartment - since he complained about the small tv in his cousin's place.


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The thing is that what Dok Mi has for Doctor Taejoon is a deep admiration. She saw him on an autumn day, a day when she decided to step out for a bit. Since then, her feelings just grew stronger and stronger all the while peeping at him. I think Enrique is plenty "off-the-wall" lol and you basically just elaborated on why Enrique is ultimately good(?) for Dok Mi rather than Jin Rak. You probably were not meaning to but it happened anyways ^^


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I meant Enrique did the better thing for her, but I didn't mean she needs to get into a relationship with any of the guys only because they happen to live next door.


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How is using a washing machine more economic than hand washing though? O.o


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maybe is she washes every 2 weeks? lol
but most Asians don't do it that way... ( at least my mom and Granny who live there, like to handwash their clothes when they take shower lol)
... But Dokmi does use washing machine though, when the doctor does... :P


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maybe if she washes her clothes every 2 weeks*


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The economic and environmentally friendly thing to do is to do the laundry when you've collected enough clothes to fill the washing machine. For example my wm needs about 40 litres to wash 5 kg of laundry. I am not sure I could use less water by handwashing that heap not to mention the time needed. I this time I can earn money to heat my house, do the loundry and even feed myself ;)


@kopytko: You realize she lives by herself right? And they don't do it that way in Asia, as a far I as know...


Maybe because washing machine uses electricity and hand washing doesn't? Electricity is really expensive in most parts of Asia, more expensive than water.


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"It is sad that she thinks it is love that she feels for the Doc in the apartment opposite. To me that feeling is really not different from liking a picture or a drama character – something you look at, but the object of your attention will not look at you"

I think that's part of the point of the narrative. Dok Mi is supposed to move on from this, supposed to heal herself and move on to a relationship that is healthier and hopefully reciprocal. It's about the journey she going to go on, which is why in the preview for next week's episodes Enrique said he was going to show her the world. It's like the heroine from Can We Get Married said about the love she felt for her former boyfriend and the love she then felt for the man she was going to marry, "[She] was ashamed that she called that love, now that she knew what it really was." And it's not just her who is suffering from this: Jin Rak idealizes her just as she does with the doctor, netizens and the public idealize Enrique (and his public persona), and Doo Whee idealizes Jin Rak. The idealization of unrequited love and how that's not necessarily a good thing is a central theme of the show; that's why it's so important that our male lead, Enrique, has decided to let go of his unrequited love in the second episode. That is so rare. We're not going to get a dragged out story about him being torn between two women because he has actively chosen to move on.

As for her TV, (as well as all her books and her huge bookcases), here's how I interpreted it: as someone who is living on a limited budget, Dok Mi chooses what she wants to spend her money on. She's a story teller: she buys things that pertain to her interests, and when she buys them she buys the best there is. And actually, it's cheaper to wash your clothes at home in the tub and hang them up to dry than it is to go to the laundromat and wash them. Especially if you wash your undies while you shower. And we also have to consider that if she does that then she'd probably have to interact with other people, which is something that puts a big strain on Dok Mi. (This part is just a general observation, not a response to your comment: Dok Mi isn't poor. She's broke. There's a big difference. Poverty is something chronic and generational and very hard to get out of; being broke isn't.)

Which brings us to "digging herself deeper and deeper into her phobias". Dok Mi has social anxiety issues. As in a psychological condition. She had to see a psychiatrist because of this. It's a medical as well as social problem. Look at how she's responded to the two biggest interactions of these past two episodes: when Enrique kept banging on her door she basically broke down (she was holding her head and was crouched down) and when her former bully came back she actually fainted. This isn't a situation where she's being stubborn and petulant and all she has to do is "suck it up" and "pull herself up by her bootstraps" or whatever.


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"Which brings us to “digging herself deeper and deeper into her phobias”. Dok Mi has social anxiety issues. As in a psychological condition. She had to see a psychiatrist because of this. It’s a medical as well as social problem."

That's what I meant by using the medical term "phobia" rather than some derogatory word. I wrote this part of my comment because of a radio segment about social phobiacs and their ways to heal. The general message was that when you cannot overcome your shyness on your own, it won't get better by itself and you need professional help. To get the help needed you must make the effort of leaving your room. Dok Mi doesn't and thus deteriorates her condition. That's what I meant as digging herself deeper.


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.....and here's the rub, 'professional help' with any mental health issues is often hugely stigmatised in many Asian cultures.

Dok-mi might have a shrink in her fantasy/memory, but between poverty and just plain unwillingness to admit how bad her problem is, it makes sense that she finds it easier to stay in her protective shell that is her apartment.


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Is it just me? I don't see any guys in the drama attractive enough to be labeled flower boy, except Oh Jin Rak!!! So H.O.T! Anywho, it's been a while since I really enjoy a drama since QIHM. It's gonna be good run! Fingers crossed! As always, thanks for the recaps!!!


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Not even Tae-joon??


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Really? Jihoon is hot but he's the least "flower boy" to me. Must be the facial hair. When I think of flower pretty boys I don't usually picture facial hair lol Enrique and Watanabe fit the flower boy image to the tee though.


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I'm only watching this for the non-dufus writer guy. And we need more puppy.


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Stayed up last night to watch this. SOOOO GOOOODD!!!! I love the humor - I hope we don't get too melo with her background story. His character is so much fun to watch!! It's refreshing to not have a rich, broody hero, but a cute, just-wanna-pinch-his-cheeks hero. And it is kind of weird - he's only been with her for minutes, but he understands her already. Although...after you've said "showtime" that makes me think...is he trying to set her up with his hyung? That's going to cause all kinds of problems, but as long as it's of the light, fluffy, hilarious variety, I'm alright with that :D


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