I Hear Your Voice: Episode 8

I feel like all I do is talk about how I love this show, but hell, I LOVE THIS SHOW. It’s got my heart locked away in a steel box, and I’m pretty sure I know who’s got the key. The story barrels on ahead into darkness, and our characters start to crack under the weight of it all. Suddenly everything comes into question: truth and lies, right and wrong, and head and heart.

EPISODE 8: “For whom is this life”

We open on a news report, which can only mean the worst. Mom’s chicken shop went down in flames… and she didn’t survive. Noooo! Mom! I knew in my gut we were headed here, but damn.

Hye-sung faints in Su-ha’s arms at the hospital, and he just holds her close in the middle of the chaos.

Min Joon-gook survives with minor burns, and gets questioned as a suspect. But he asks the police specifically for a district change. We find out why, a few weeks later—Judge Kim arrives at Mom’s funeral and his colleagues tell him that Min Joon-gook’s case will be tried in his courtroom, of all places.

Hye-sung’s colleagues are all present at the funeral, where she just stands numbly, receiving condolences but hardly registering anything at all.

Lawyer Shin asks Judge Kim a favor, and requests that he and Kwan-woo be kept from having to defend the man who killed Hye-sung’s mother. Judge Kim says he’ll do what he can, but then adds that it’s unlike Lawyer Shin to even ask for such a thing—he’s a suspect awaiting trial, which means we don’t know if he’s guilty or not.

At the same time, Do-yeon is the prosecutor assigned to the case, and she listens sympathetically as Min Joon-gook tells her this is all a terrible misunderstanding, and that he ran into the fire to rescue his manager, who was only ever sweet to him and gave an ex-con a second chance and made him birthday food and everything.

She points out that he has an unusual connection to the victim’s daughter, which he also swears is a misunderstanding—he didn’t kill that man ten years ago.

And at that, Do-yeon turns on a dime. She reminds Joon-gook that there were two eyewitnesses to his murder that night… and she’s the other one. That’s an answer he was not expecting.

She looks him right in the eye and says that’s the thing about liars—once you find out there’s been one lie, you start to question whether anything else they said was true. She tells him they’ll meet in court. Excellent. Suddenly I’m so very grateful for you, Seo Do-yeon.

He gets transferred back to jail from the courthouse, and there’s Su-ha, waiting for him to come out of the building. Please tell me you’re not armed with a knife right now. There are so many ways this could go wrong.

Just as Joon-gook is about to get on the bus, Su-ha charges at him and starts throwing punches. He’s so enraged that three guards can’t separate them. He screams, “WHY?! Why did you kill an innocent person?”

Joon-gook swears he didn’t do it. But Su-ha reads his thoughts, and starts to strangle him. The guards finally put him down and put Joon-gook on the bus, and he turns to give Su-ha one last menacing look.

At the funeral, Kwan-woo finds Hye-sung mindlessly writing lists and wondering if she has enough relatives to carry the coffin. He brings her food and urges her to eat, promising to take care of the details.

She thanks him for everything and tells him to go home, but he argues that he can’t: “I don’t want to. I’m your boyfriend now. If I leave you alone I know you’ll cry, so how can I go?”

But she says, “Let me be alone… so I can cry. You can do that for me, right? Since you’re my boyfriend.”

She sits alone that night in the dark room, wondering what’s wrong with her that she can’t cry, thinking maybe she really is that cold-hearted.

Su-ha arrives and sits down next to her, and she asks where he’s been. “To see Min Joon-gook.” She asks for the truth, and he gives it—Min Joon-gook killed Mom. She asks cautiously if he saw in Joon-gook’s mind what Mom’s final moments were like.

Su-ha nods, barely holding back his tears. He says that Joon-gook let Mom call Hye-sung in her final moments. It only now occurs to her what that phone call with Mom really was.

As she plays it back in her mind, she starts to pound her chest. Now Mom’s words not to spend her life hating, her strange tone of voice, her wanting the call to linger… it hits her like a wave, and she bursts into sobs, crying: “Mom! Mom! I didn’t know! Mom, I didn’t know! I didn’t know it was the end!” She breaks down in uncontrollable tears, and Su-ha just silently stands behind her for her to lean on as she cries.

The next thing we know, Kwan-woo storms into Judge Kim’s lunch to ask for someone else to be assigned to Min Joon-gook’s case. What. Judge Kim says he did everything he could, but all the other public defenders rejected the case, and Min Joon-gook also applied to have Kwan-woo be his lawyer. Bastard.

Pretty the Paralegal freaks out that the office mood will go straight into the toilet, and asks Lawyer Shin to do something to keep this from happening. He cringes to think how Hye-sung will react… which is when she walks into the office and overhears the whole thing.

She comes outside, where Kwan-woo is wrestling with how to handle this. But she surprises him by saying that this is better—she was worried that Lawyer Shin would get the case, and he’d be a lawyer before a friend, but Kwan-woo will be different right? “You’re always on my side, right?”

Oh no, you can already see that this is going to rip him up. She asks, “You believe me, right?” He says yes. She leans on his shoulder and thanks him, but the look on his face betrays worry.

He steels himself with the reminder that he’s on Hye-sung’s side, and goes to see Joon-gook. But a guard comes out to say that he’s not available for a consult because he tried to commit suicide.

Kwan-woo rushes to the hospital, where he reads Joon-gook’s suicide note—a heartfelt sob story about wanting to make amends with Hye-sung and Su-ha but just causing them more pain, and seeking out Mom as a means of making up for his sins.

He describes how gracious Mom was to accept him and forgive him, and how caring she was. He says maybe it was his fault she died after all, because he knew she had been fainting lately, but didn’t do anything about it.

We see the version of his story play out, where he found her lying in the shop as the fire was going, and carried her out on his back. He writes that he doesn’t mind giving his life to have his sincere feelings conveyed, and that he’ll go now to join Mom, the only person who was ever kind to him. AUGH. YOU RAT BASTARD.

He wakes up, and Kwan-woo says he doesn’t believe this letter or the suicide attempt, but it doesn’t faze Joon-gook, who says that it could seem that way. Kwan-woo demands to know, “Why me?!”

Joon-gook: “Because if it were another lawyer, she wouldn’t believe it. If you—the person not on my side—can prove my innocence, then Jang Hye-sung will have to believe me.” Damn. He’s pouring on the heartfelt sincerity, and you can see it start to get to Kwan-woo.

He investigates the case, going over the crime scene and digging into recent events like the altercation with Su-ha. It’s starting to look bad…

The day of the trial rolls around, and Su-ha contemplates his switchblade. But he remembers Hye-sung asking him to promise no revenge, and he puts it away in his drawer. Phew.

He finds Hye-sung thinking at Mom’s picture that it’ll be okay—Kwan-woo will be on their side, and they head to the courthouse together. She pauses at the door, unable to bring herself to turn the knob. “Min Joon-gook is in there, right?” She says it’s just like ten years ago, and this time Su-ha opens the door for her and leads her inside.

Do-yeon presents the charge—murder by arson—and then the judge asks Kwan-woo for the defendant’s plea. But he’s lost in thought, and he looks over at Hye-sung. And that’s when Su-ha hears what he’s about to say before he says it aloud. Su-ha: “No…”

Kwan-woo stands up, and pleads not guilty. Min Joon-gook gives Hye-sung a chilling look.

After the hearing, Hye-sung rips into Kwan-woo, asking how he could defend the man who killed her mother.

He urges her to listen and gives Joon-gook’s account, from seeking Mom out as a means of making amends, to all the circumstantial evidence—the head wound that Joon-gook claims was due to a fall, or the lack of CCTV footage.

She spits right back that there’s no footage because he cut the feed, pointing out that the last thing on that security tape is Min Joon-gook walking towards it. But Kwan-woo says that’s all speculation.

Su-ha’s been standing by, and he finally erupts to say that the head wound is from Min Joon-gook beating her. And ohgodohgod—we see it in flashback as he bludgeons her to death.

Kwan-woo says he could be right, but so could the other possibility, where Min Joon-gook is innocent and tried to save Mom. Su-ha turns to Hye-sung, who’s just thinking with pleading eyes at Kwan-woo, “Please, don’t do this. You’re not supposed to be like this. You’re supposed to be on my side.” Su-ha can’t handle watching her heartbreak and tells Kwan-woo to stop, finally punching him in the gut just to make him shut up.

Kwan-woo starts to dig into Su-ha’s dad’s case as well, and sighs toward Hye-sung’s empty chair and says that he feels lately like he’s become the guard to an evil king.

Su-ha comes home to find Hye-sung cleaning, which alarms him, and she tells him to go home now, since Min Joon-gook’s in jail and there’s no need for him to live here anymore. Su-ha: “No, I don’t want to.” She flares up at him that she hates everybody right now, and even wants to pick fights with the dirty dishrag in her hand. She begs him to leave her alone before she says things she’ll regret. Su-ha: “No.” She asks if he’s a child, so he retorts, “That’s right, I am a child. I don’t understand what you’re saying, so go ahead and say anything.” Aw, are you letting yourself be her punching bag?

She rails at him: “I’m hating you thousands, tens of thousands of times a day—that all this is because of testifying in that courtroom ten years ago; that all this is because of you!” Oof. She asks with tears in her eyes if he wants to hear worse, and even though it clearly upsets him, he says, “Go ahead. I’ll listen to it all.” He walks over to start helping her clean, and adds: “Say it. You can swear too. I’ll sit by your side and listen to it all.”

She wipes away a tear and comes up next to him as he starts washing dishes. After a long meaningful pause, she says, “Su-ha-ya… that’s cooking oil.” HA. She asks if he read the judge’s mind during the trial, and he says he’s split 51-49, leaning more towards acquitting.

The next day Hye-sung spins and spins in her revolving door, going ’round in circles between “I can do it. I can’t. I can do it. I can’t.” She decides she can, and then goes to Do-yeon’s house. Just standing in the street reminds her of Mom coming to her defense when it mattered most to her, and she struggles to even ring the doorbell. Judge Seo watches from the balcony as the two girls meet on the lawn.

Hye-sung asks how Do-yeon thinks the trial will go, and Do-yeon says it’s difficult with nothing but circumstantial evidence. Hye-sung reminds her who Min Joon-gook is, adding that if she had testified that day, she’d be suffering the same fate. Do-yeon says she wants to put the guy away too, but the evidence…

Hye-sung shocks her as she blurts: “Then falsify it.” She gets down on her knees and pleads, “Please help me, Do-yeon-ah. I didn’t know a day like this would come. I didn’t know the day would come when I’d kneel in front of you and beg like this. But I’ve sold my pride—I’ll sell it all, because I have to catch him.”

She says she’ll do anything, even apologize for ten years ago. And she does—she says it was all her fault and that she’s sorry. That really catches Do-yeon off-guard, and then Dad comes out to ask if she really means it. Hye-sung struggles against her pride, and thinks to herself, “I’m sorry, Mom,” as she cries a tear. But she steels herself and says yes—she’s sorry for all of it, and asks for his help.

They sit down together and Judge Seo says they have to make evidence, and asks if there’s someone else they can get to testify like a cellmate from prison. Hye-sung remembers that Lawyer Shin’s friend shared a cell with him, and says she can find him.

Judge Seo says the man will be dying for parole, so he’ll put in a word to leverage that for a deal. Do-yeon turns to him in shock: “Are you saying we should get him to perjure himself?” He says that to catch the killer, this is what they have to do, and says baldly, “You’ve done it before, ten years ago.” Damn. So he knew all along that Do-yeon was lying when she swore Hye-sung shot a firecracker in her eye.

He says they have to be willing to do anything to catch a killer, and turns to Hye-sung: “You agree, right?” Oh man, did she just sell her soul to the devil or what? She answers yes.

Su-ha finds her on another cleaning spree when he comes home, and she says she got on her knees to beg Do-yeon for help, and even sank so low as to take the blame for the fireworks. She starts to cry, and he reaches up to wipe the tear from her face, but she pulls away.

Do-yeon questions Joon-gook’s cellmate Hwang Dal-joong, but he says there must be a misunderstanding—Min Joon-gook was nothing but sweet and good-natured. He did mention Jang Hye-sung once, but all he said was that he owed her a debt.

Do-yeon gets him right where he’s vulnerable though, and asks if he doesn’t want to hurry and get paroled so he can search for the daughter he lost twenty-eight years ago. He asks if that’s possible, and she says it can be, depending on how he answers her questions.

Lawyer Shin goes to play celebrity bingo with his friend Dal-joong and looks up in surprise at the news that he’s going to testify for the prosecution—didn’t he always say Min Joon-gook was a nice man? He hedges and says that’s not all there was to him, and Lawyer Shin raises an eyebrow.

Hye-sung gets ready for the next day of the trial, and holds up Mom’s picture to tell her that if it goes well she can get a conviction. She thinks back to what Mom had said about why she stood up for her—because she was right.

“I’m right this time too, right? Tell me that I am.” She hugs Mom’s picture close, lip quivering to keep her tears in check.

She runs into Lawyer Shin outside the courthouse and he says he came to ask her something—did she make a request of his friend Dal-joong that she shouldn’t have? She denies it, but then turns back to challenge him. “And what if I did?”

He asks if she’s really breaking the rules, and she admits, “By following the rules I’ll lose everything.” He says that doing so will just bring misfortune back around on her, even bigger than before—doesn’t she know that?

Hye-sung: No! I don’t! Have you ever been a victim? In this country, a victim can do nothing. I never got to ask Min Joon-gook why he killed my mother, because I’m not allowed to see the defendant. In the courtroom, the judge listens to Min Joon-gook’s words more than mine. The victim can’t breathe from the injustice, but can’t do a single thing! Innocent plea? Rational rules? That’s all dog shit. Now that I’m the victim, rules and means are all dog shit. And all lawyers are sons of bitches. And I’m a dog just like them.

She yanks off the scales of justice pin she always wears on her lapel and chucks it to the ground as she walks away. Lawyer Shin picks it up and wonders—if Min Joon-gook gets acquitted, will Hye-sung remain a public defender?

It’s time for the cellmate to testify, and Su-ha confirms that the judge is split 50-50. Hye-sung says that’s enough for the testimony to give them an edge. They watch as the man testifies that Joon-gook talked about his plans to get revenge on Hye-sung.

Joon-gook lights up in anger, and Su-ha flips the locket on his phone: Heads, for guilty. They’re sure the case is all but won, but then Kwan-woo gets up to cross-examine him, and tears his testimony to shreds.

It’s horrible in so many ways—what they’re doing is wrong in the first place, but he’s clawing Hye-sung’s heart out with every word. Su-ha flips the locket back the other way, and Hye-sung cries into her hands.

And then Min Joon-gook leers at Su-ha the exact same way he did ten years ago, and thinks the exact same thing—that all these morons believe him this time too. And that his next targets are Su-ha and Hye-sung.

Hye-sung clutches a picture of her and Mom as she lies in bed that night, thinking back to the time she fixed a computer and Mom called her a genius and told her to go be a computer science major, or the time she did Mom’s makeup and Mom called her Picasso and told her to go to art school. *tears* Mom just always thought the best of her, no matter what.

Su-ha calls her out to dinner, but she doesn’t answer, and he sees the millionth ignored text from Kwan-woo on her phone. This time it says that he’s waiting outside until she comes out to see him.

Su-ha goes out instead and says she’s hanging in there, but it might be hard to see her for a while. He hears Kwan-woo think that he really doesn’t want to give up on Hye-sung, so he says that Hye-sung likes him very much, and that’s why she’s having such a hard time with all this.

“So give her time, and wait for her.” Aw, kid, you’re killing me.

Kwan-woo thought Su-ha didn’t like him, but Su-ha just turns to go without answering either way. He calls out to ask if he hates him too for taking Min Joon-gook’s side. Su-ha pauses, changes his face into a smile, and turns around to say not at all, and thanks him…

And then when he turns back away, he thinks to himself: “Thank you… for giving me the chance.” Oh noes. To what? To kill him yourself? Gaaaah. My heart can’t take this.

Su-ha puts the date of Joon-gook’s verdict into his phone, and looks down at his knife. He’s absent from school yet again, and then we see him look around Hye-sung’s apartment for stuff to fix. No, are you leaving? He changes all the light bulbs and fixes the little things that he can, and then he picks up his bags and takes one last look around. He puts the shoes back in place—the men’s shoes she didn’t need while he was living there—and then heads out.

Hye-sung visits Mom’s memorial and says that ten years ago she was really scared, but she testified because Mom told her she was always right. “But I was wrong. Life isn’t a fairytale. I should’ve run away like Do-yeon did.”

Su-ha shows up behind her with a flower for Mom, and says he read her mind this morning and knew she was coming here. He asks if she’s not going to work, and suggests they go somewhere else instead.

So they go to the aquarium like they promised, and he says he says he finally got to come after four tries—he was supposed to come with Dad but he died, and then a school field trip but he got sick, and then with Hye-sung the last time. She points out that he’s the one who didn’t answer his phone that day, and he just brushes it off. She asks why he wanted to come here so badly, and he says, “You know that my world is noisier than other people’s. I thought it’d be quiet here, and peaceful.” She agrees that it is.

After a while he turns to her and says he packed and moved out today, but she needn’t worry because Min Joon-gook won’t ever hurt her again. You’re making my stomach churn right now. She asks how he knows, and he lies that he read Joon-gook’s mind and she can trust him. She wonders if he brought her here to say goodbye, and he nods, adding that there are a few things he wanted to say to her first. She looks up at him nervously, “What is this? Are you never going to see me again?” He lies (again!) that he’s a senior in high school and has to study.

The first thing he wanted to tell her is that Mom was proud of her until the very end—he read it in Joon-gook’s mind. Flashback to Joon-gook telling Mom why she’s about to die: because her daughter testified against him ten years ago. Joon-gook: “Don’t you regret it?” Mom: “I do regret it. If I had known she was that brave, I should’ve praised her more.” Hye-sung’s eyes fill with tears, and Su-ha adds: “And she said that she’d be dancing up in heaven.”

The second thing is for her not to be so hard on Kwan-woo, because he likes her a lot, and really believed this was the right thing to do. He doesn’t know the truth, and he did the best he could. She nods that she knows.

He takes a breath before saying, “And this is obvious but… you like him a lot too, which is why you’re having such a hard time. So don’t hide too long, and go see him. It’ll be better for both of you.” *whimper*

He says that’s it (THAT’S IT?!) and turns to go. She calls out after him, but trails off, unable to finish her sentence. She just says “thank you” for everything, and tells him to study hard.

A tears trickles down his cheek as he stands there, stuck between coming and going, and then he turns back. Omo.

“There’s one more thing you don’t know.” Omo.

And then he puts his hand around her waist and pulls her in close for a kiss. Omo.

Another tear falls as he kisses her, and then he smiles one last time before turning to walk away, into the dark. Ohmygah, I’m a blubbering mess. Why am I crying? It’s not even over. Stop crying.

An epilogue as the credits roll:

In the scene where Kwan-woo had confessed his feelings, he had asked for a re-do on their date. But she remembers that she made plans to go to the aquarium with Su-ha and says she can’t push it because he’ll be really disappointed.

“I’m sorry, but my promise* to Su-ha comes first.” …which he never heard because he walked away heartbroken.

*[“Promise” is the same word as “plans” in this context, so it’s a play on both: I made plans with Su-ha first, but also My promise to Su-ha comes first.]


This episode left me dead. Gah, I knew Mom would probably die in service of the story, and even though I hate that she’s gone (not to mention that when you get a confluence of top-notch character and actress, it’s doubly painful to let go), I’m with this story and where we’re going. Mom’s murder takes the stakes to a place that’ll carry so much of what comes after this, and there’s a new depth and darkness in Hye-sung’s character to explore.

I love the conflict this sets up between right and wrong, Kwan-woo and Hye-sung, and Hye-sung and the Seo Family. And because we loved Mom so, we feel the same exact struggle—she does the wrong thing, but why does it feel satisfying when we think it might work? She shouldn’t have sacrificed her morals for revenge, but why do our hearts sink when it fails and the killer will go free? I like that I’m conflicted, because my heart is with Hye-sung even if I know that she’s hitting a low point and making the wrong choices.

It was a great conflict for Kwan-woo as well, and fitting for his character to do the right thing, even if we’re screaming at him that he’s wrong. It’s almost tragedy-proportions of bad fate—he does the right thing, but has the wrong information, and she knows what’s right but chooses the wrong way to get that result. And the fact that she gave up her conviction to join forces with the Dark Lord of Relative Truths is just extra salt in the wound. I hated that she gave into the fireworks thing. It has pretty much come to define her—the fact that she never let them win even when they levied her schooling and Mom’s job at her—that it really felt like she was giving up everything when she caved to the lie. The whole thread of lies worked really well in this episode, from Su-ha’s white lies as he said goodbye, to Hye-sung’s choice to declare lies as truth, to Kwan-woo not knowing truth from lies when it came to Joon-gook.

I’m terrified that Su-ha’s going to do something stupid, which is pretty much a given at this point. I don’t actually think the story’s going to let him be a killer, but I do think he’ll go as far as trying, and he’s going to end up in a deep vat of trouble when it goes south. I like that he walks that dangerous line, but now that Hye-sung really does feel like she’s out of options, there’s nothing holding him back from throwing himself into the fire. That kiss broke my heart more than made me swoon (okay, but it did make me swoon), because it’s goodbye. Realistically, of course, I don’t expect the hero of our story to go down in flames halfway through the show, so we’ll focus on the future, which will come to pass as long as nobody goes stabbing anyone, right? Right?

I’ve always felt that Hye-sung’s relationship with Kwan-woo was more head than heart—he’s the guy you want to date and marry, so duh, she accepts his confession and they start to date. But when he wants to stay by her side at the funeral she asks him to leave, and when she asks him to leave he really goes. When she tells Su-ha to get out, that she hates him and blames him, he refuses to go and insists on staying, even if it’s to be her punching bag. That just says everything, and that’s before he actually plays cupid to mend their relationship because it would make her happier. Gah. How are we not to swoon?


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To me, its definitely the best 2013 drama so far. Every single episode is thrilling. I miss Mom...she is one of the best mothers on earth seriously. I hate Min Jun Guk A LOTT. He doesnt know what is right and what is wrong and is a selfish human being. The scene in the Aquarium just literally torn my poor heart apart. Hopefully Soo Ha is not going to really kill Jun Guk cause I dont want him to become a murderer.
I am mad at lawyer Cha. Well I know he did not do anything wrong. Its just that he got the wrong information (totally agree with you here dramabeans), but I am still mad. I am a little upset when Hye Sung knelt do


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To me, its definitely the best 2013 drama so far. Every single episode is thrilling. I miss Mom...she is one of the best mothers on earth seriously. I hate Min Jun Guk A LOTT. He doesnt know what is right and what is wrong and is a selfish human being. The scene in the Aquarium just literally torn my poor heart apart. Hopefully Soo Ha is not going to really kill Jun Guk cause I dont want him to become a murderer.
I am mad at lawyer Cha. Well I know he did not do anything wrong. Its just that he got the wrong information (totally agree with you here dramabeans), but I am still mad. I am a little upset when Hye Sung knelt do


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cried my eyes out for ep 7 and 8 and omg i am sailing happily on the ship of suha+hyesung!!!!!!


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Such a sad episode this was,when i was watching it like a almost cry wuth all the mom moments,so sad that one of the best mom got that ending...
I still can't get the fact that the forensics cound't tell that it was murder screaming out there and not that stupid story that all believed,he smashed her head so many times with that hard thing,how could u believe it's just one blow...
KW did the right thing in doing his job but made a huge istake when he promised HS that he'll be by her side just to stab her afterwords,much more worse...
I totally understand her even if it's not right what she did..
I really hope the writer doesn't turn SH to the dark side,form some ep we already see glimses of dark in him awakened and i hope they don't make him a bigger monstar that the one he already fight,it would be so sad for a wonderful character like him...
i still remember when i read in the very beggining the story sinopsis and it was about 2 lawyers defendig a twisted guy that could read minds and they didn't know if he was guilty...don't go there show,don't make our SHH a devil...i don't want HS to defend him in court,i don't want him to become a murderer,it would be all to waste like HS told him once...The goodby date was such touching and sad because it felt final


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Hye Sung has feelings for SuHa as well so one reason to find a good boyfriend was to get over her confused feelings for him.
It is somewhat like the film- More than where Lee Bo Young as cream pretended to love the good doctor while she was actually in love with the dying Kwon Sang Woo.
YES! So she has feelings for SuHa but can't act on it for many reasons.... Hopefully by the end of the drama....we'll have a happy ending...
This episode was grim, sad, exciting, dramatic, romantic, etc...etc... LOVE it!
Can't wait for Episode 9 and 10....and more! :D


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That would be an amazing twist to pull on us, but I'm pretty sure if Hyesung had any hint of romantic feelings towards Suha he would've known, being a mind reader an all lol


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I think she was thinking about something entirely different from what she said when Soo Ha was trailing off that made him come back and kiss her! Or he just couldn't resist kissing noona :p Oh my I really love this drama!


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I actually watched this episode by streaming, without any subtitles. I understand Korean a bit, only the main idea but not into the slightest detail. Despite that, I cried a lot when I were watching this episode T.T

First, Mom's dead is unpredictable for me (I have to admit that I'm fooled by the preview) and I feel sooooo bad for that. I thought Sooha and Hyesung will save her, so I kinda surprised that Mom's couldn't be saved.

Second, this episode shows a lot of conflict between the characters. Not only towards each other, but also towards themselves; Gwanwoo with his confusion about putting his job as a lawyer first or standing beside his girlfriend first, Hyesung with all of her anger and sadness to lose Mom but at the same time blindly wants Min Joongook to be punished no matter what, Sooha who is heartbroken in many ways. I actually started crying when Hyesung yells at Sooha that it was all his fault from the start, but Sooha just takes it all.

I hope Gwanwoo can solve this case cleanly without making any false evidence (like Hyesung and Doyeon did) because he is a good lawyer and he will gain Hyesung's trust again.

Third, Sooha's confession is just sweet, but it hurts a lot.

This is the first time I cried since the first episode (Hyesung's past story). I have to appreciate the hardwork and the dedication of the actors and the crews for making this drama. This episode is a lot darker than the previous ones, which is surprised me because this drama is supposed to be a rom-com drama so I suspect to laugh a lot.

I'm a very emotional and sensitive person, so I got drawn into the characters (I have to give credit too to the actors, which give us a 1000000 stars worth of acting) a lot. When this episode ended, I was still crying and kept asking myself, "What should I do? What will happen after this?". It may seem exaggerating, but I really did feel that way.

I have to say that this drama is my best favorite one, then followed by Reply 1997 ^^


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Omo, i cried too... How is she supposed to say goodbye after that kiss..... Suhaa~ <3 *Pyong Pyong*


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Has there been some hint of a timelapse somewhere that I missed? Why is everyone speculating on how long it'll be? Our Su Ha has a date with a killer o the 3rd of the next month! Not to mention the killer isn't going to wait for three years and for Su Ha to get a few years in law school before coming after Hye Sung AND Su Ha. There is an urgency to the show - a ticking clock of revenge. No way is there going to be a completely useless time lapse.
Not to mention how is a grown up Su Ha a better hero at this point than a school boy who is still learning how far he can go and much of himself h e can give up to protect the girl he loves and must protect. It's an awesome character arc that'll be ruined by a time lapse of anything more than a month.
Though if it's the Su Ha shippers worrying about morality then I'm all on-board for a time lapse before an HEA epilogue. Give us a grown up Su Ha then - all dapper in a suit and maybe even a public defender in Hye Sung's office! =D

Something that sticks in my craw about this episode. You know when Hye Sung asks Kwan Woo if he believes her and if he'll be on her side even when he's 'defending' Min Joon Gook? Yeah he should have done everything in his power right then to rid himself of that case instead of drowning his morals by considering for even a few minutes that he'd sabotage Min Joon Gook's case because he 'was on Hye Sung's side'.
That to me was the equivalent of Hye Sung and Do Yeong (whatshername) asking Min Joon's cell mate to commit perjury.


So it's not like Kwan Woo won any morality or ethics awards on this episode. I admire his stand to defend his client fairly, but that was only after he began believing Min Joon's bullshit. Before that, he'd gone to the hospital KNOWING that he wasn't going to keep his lawyer's pledge because he was Hye Sung's boyfriend.

So it's alright in his mind to mess up a defense if he doesn't believe the client but not if he does? Why does HE get to play judge?


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Calendar shots showed that it is currently 2012 in the drama. We do not know when it will come, but we will definitely have a one-year time lapse soon.


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It's also possible kwan-woo fooled himself into thinking that's really the truth because he'd rather not defend someone who he knows is really a cold blooded murderer. That's always the thing with kwan-woo. He always wants to think the clients he is defending are innocent, which is evident in the beginning of the show. His subconscious probably kicked in and eventually, he ended up believing in min joon gook and that it was all a misunderstanding.
I think it's within his character; it may have been too hard knowing that he might be the reason why a murderer is released, let alone a murderer that killed your girlfriends mom.
I love kwan-woo, but after this it is quite obvious nothing will be the same between him and hye sung, even if she forgives and understands him.


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Actually, Kwan Woo came strait out and told Joongook that he didn't believe him and didn't want to be his lawyer. He even said that he thought that the suicide was bull because he did it in the middle of the day when someone was sure to come in and save him. It wasn't until he listened to his sob story that he changed his mind. So I don't think he ever considered purposely botching the trial.


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Ignoring the huge body of forensic evidence in the trial is a real weakness in this otherwise great drama. It is a sign of a lazy writer, who doesn't take the time to think things through, which makes me worry about how this drama will play out.

It would have been very simple to prove that the mother was indeed murdered, by autopsy - but, Joon Gook could still be let free, by virtue of not being able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was him that did it, because of his supposed "rescue" etc. That is more believable than the Moronic legal system that is presented. Seriously the lawyers of Korean look like idiots.


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I'm a big fan of whodunits so I have to agree with you with the forensics in the show. Then again, if they had invested more time and effort on the crimes, I doubt the show will have enough time to concentrate on other, more important aspects of the show. I can buy the story that her mom's murder couldn't be conclusively proven because such mistakes do happen/cause of death cannot be accurately detected etc etc. Just gonna take it as a) the show doesn't have enough time to delve into such specifics b) they don't play too much into the integral storyline c) fits into the whole SH crisis (taking revenge into his own hands).

The thing is with a show like this that has so many different elements (fantasy, procedural law, revenge, romance)... I am okay if the forensics part suffer just so that the other more interesting elements get their sufficient runtime.


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i am in love and still in distress...thanks dramabeans! and to my friend,alecs for recommending this drama..totally hooked since the start.
team su ha! love the unexpected kiss!
*cries from start to finish*


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@ Paroma Yes, i agree all about the supposed time lapse, it cant be that long. Theres a killer on the loose, lol. A whole year itself is unfathomable in this situation!

And as for the so called "impropriety" of their relationship, fuck that. Maybe its because im just out of hs myself, but in no way do i see suha as still a "kid". I would argue that he has been the most mature and understanding at various points during this drama, but of course there still are moments of rage and typical teen behavior; hes not perfect. His relationship with hye sung so far has been mostly emotional in nature, but it has been built so strongly, that even if it takes on a different nature, it would still feel wholly natural to me. And besides, they already jumped off the diving board by making them kiss this episode. Backtracking or prolonging their desire/feelings would be totally cowardly(& too much unnecessary suffering esp on suhas part).

For my first kdrama this certainly hasnt let me down yet, and by the look of things i dont think it will. ;)


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2 things that i loved, surprisingly:

1. I am actually glad that Lawyer Cha stayed true to his character and tried to believe in his defendant. His faith in his defendants could be his strength AND weakness, but i am just really relieved that he took on the case in the way the drama has painstakingly built his character up to be for the past 7 eps. He did not let his relationship with Hyesung and his personal emotions blind him from his own beliefs, he did not compromise on his own moral judgment. (Though there was an internal struggle within him and i thought it was well acted out.) I know some of us are upset that as the boyfriend, not only did he not make enough effort to give up the case, he even took the side of the villain in court... But Soo Ha was right - we know the truth and are thus frustrated and disappointed, but thing is Lawyer Cha doesn't know the truth. I don't know, I'm just glad Lawyer Cha reacted in a very Lawyer Cha-ish manner through this whole thing.

(Though i must admit my initial thought was actually 'oh yesssss and this is where the Lawyer-Lawyer pairing weakens to give a chance for my Hyesung-Sooha otp to rise!')

2. Second thing i'm really happy to see is that Hyesung and Doyeon's plan of having the cellmate fake up a witness account did NOT succeed. We want justice, but this is not the way to get it. And this is not how Hyesung's mom would have wanted it.

This ep broke my heart in so many ways (tears started falling during the part where mom went "I didn't know she is this brave, I should have praised her more.") but the pain was the good kind of pain and i'm absolutely in love with how the characters have such realistic flaws and complexities in them.



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Oh and just adding one more thing - it is interesting how we as the audience are able to hear Soo Ha's thoughts. He is thus so much more complex than he seems (i.e. his beha, his words). I thought that brought out one of the drama's themes really well - your understanding of a person would be different if you are able to hear his innermost voice.


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I agree with you completely on Part 1 about Lawyer Cha! He doesn't know the full truth/history like Soo Ha and Hye Seung do.


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I wonder why they didn't use more evidence in the trial e.g. the phone tracing that pinned Min Jong Gook at the scene of the crime for longer than he had claimed and potentially a search to trace/find the cell that Min Jong Gook was using to send the "I'll be there" texts.


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I wanted to kill Kwan-woo as much as i wanted to kill Joon-gook for siding w/ him.And as much as i loved this episode,there's no way in god's teeth am i going to believe that the lawyers all resigned and even if he(Kwan-woo) was asked to be his lawyer,he can ask some one else to take his place. But hey,someone has to be the better man.Soo-ha deserves to be the one to get the girl.

Thanks for the recap.Til next week!


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Yeah, Lawyer Shin was still there to take the case!

But apparently it was more important that Mingook get his favourite lawyer from his wishlist...


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Sooha's punch in Kwan-woo's stomache felt soooooooo good. XD


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I'm curious if we are ever going to find out why Jingook killed Suha's father in the first place. Also, I clearly saw the message, "I'll be there," on Doyeon's phone. What was the purpose of that?

The emotional aspects of this episode were amazing but I wish that the legal aspects were handled more realistically and with more care. Let's not talk about the forensics! Like how repeated blows to the head in both of Jingook's murder trials could be dismissed as the result of a car accident in the first case and the victim hitting her head once after collapsing in the second case.

I don't like that Kwanwoo fell completely for Jingook's lies. He was doing his job as a public defender but I cannot understand how he could totally believe his client's words...that is just too naïve. I want to see his character grow more. I love his commitment to his job but he needs to become wiser.


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the "I'll be there" message is another plothole.
we all clearly saw it on do yeon's phone so the fact that min joon gook looked surprised that she was the witness from 10 years ago doesn't fit that.
I'm just going to assume that the staff is recycling phones and forgot to erase that message lol.


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This episode is a turning point. I believe Lawyer Kwan woo has lost Hyesung and it's Suha all the way. I think HS will chase after Suha and together they will gather evidence to get the killer. Can't wait!


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Thanks for the recap:) this is it!!! I am definitely rooting for su ha. I dint expect kwan woo to be stupid enough to believe min jook. N now that su ha kissed hye sung n she knows his feelings... She'll love him too right??? He deserves all the love in the planet. Hye sung... Go for su ha!!! Go go go!!!


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This drama is just utter perfection. I probably cried, laughed, smiled, and gasped in every single episode so far. Future episodes of I Hear Your Voice, please be good to us ~



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this freaking drama! i have been really disappointed with kdramas lately. none have really interested me but good lord this drama is AMAZING. just gah! i need more!


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I couldn't stop crying when mom died. I was hoping that maybe it MJK had hidden mom somewhere else and got a replacement corpse. But I guess it was only my wishful thinking. HS's flashbacks of her mom's last words really broke heart, and both she and SH really touched me. Although I knew it was wrong for her to approach DY to make false accusations of MJK, however, I empathetized with her plight. The frustrations of not being able to nail MJK for killing her mother, and for KW to be so gullible to believe MJK so easily. I just dont understand. On one hand he said he would not believe what was written in the suicidal note, however, how easily he fell into the trap when MJK complimented that KW is the only one to make HS believe that he is not the murderer. How very stupid with the way he convinced himself that MJK is not guilty. How he could believe MJK so easily but have not trust in both HS and SH.
But whether HS and SH will be a pair, however, I have no doubts that both will stick together, although SH is leaving her to finish off MJK the day he is walking free from the case. They have been through too much and they share too much together.
1) During the funeral, HS told KW she wanted time to herself to grief and told him to leave. But, when SH joined her after hitting MJK, she actually asked him where did he go as she missed him the whole day.
2) When she wanted to sue the grandpa for hurting SH, and he rejected, she was angry but would readily forgave him and showed concern for him.
3) Although she was worried about MJK, but she never wanted SH to kill him, telling him she would take care of her own safety.
4) Both of them tend to help each other, it is not a one sided affair. When she was in danger, SH was always there for her, and when SH was in need of help, she too was there.
5) Like all said, she had more feelings for SH probably they have been through thick and thin, so when SH was wrongly accused by the police for stealing the gun, she would rush home without any second thought for KW. So natural for her to go protect him as well.
6) At the end of the episode, it showed how HS rejected KW's date, saying that she had a date with SH and would not postpone it so as not to disappoint him. So to HS, SH is still very close to her at heart.
So bearing all these in mind, I am very sure, that after their goodbye kiss, HS would have thought something would be wrong with SH. She will not leave SH alone for too long. They are too intertwine with each other emotionally, psychologically and mentally.
I am going to buy that she will probably need the help of KW and DY to help SH before he could even go anywhere near MJK to kill him.
HS would probably remember her mom's last wish of not revenging the murderer.
KW had actually asked his ex-police colleague for help with information on SH's dad's case, so probably he will see the true colours of MJK and help HS and SH and together with DY nailed MJK. I think it would be useful when DY disclose in court the threats by MJK and how he tried to lie to her when he murdered HS's mom.
But really, with the good bye kiss, I am also doubtful if HS will still be able to be with KW, that I have to leave it to the scriptwriter.
I am dying for Episode 9, but alas, to wait for another 6 days, which is when the 1st episode will start on SBS OneAsia on 3 July.


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&@#6ing hell, there's such a conflict of interest for all of her immediate colleagues, that I can't forgive this show.

Nor for the police moving Lord Misaeng (that's how I think of this actor, sorry) to Hyesung's district.


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I didn't recognize him as Bidam's uncle


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I honestly never saw SooHa's feelings for HyeSeong as 'puppy love.' For people who are like, 'Ew, she's too old for him...' Uh, hello? 10 years or more apart happens in real life all the time, especially in South Korea. A couple of my friends' parents are 10 or more than 10 years apart and doing well. He's starting his senior year in high school and he's (in my opinion) more mature than most guys 10 years older than him so I don't think it's too much of a stretch if SooSeong ended up together. Lawyer Cha never really worked his way into my heart for an OTP but up until Episode 8 I was willing to accept it if him and Lawyer Jang ended up together, albeit reluctantly. Now I'm firmly rooting for SooSeong.

I also am hoping the drama won't make SooHa into a killer. I think he will confront JoonGuk and have his knife as an intent to kill, but will pause at the last second and maybe end up getting stabbed by JoonGuk himself. In the course of trying to kill JoonGuk he'll have second thoughts and the tides will turn against him, ya know? Of course, speculations get no one anywhere in this drama 'cause it constantly throws curveballs we're not expecting, so I'm taking my own speculation with a grain of salt. B/c at the same time if that happened, then JoonGuk can just use the 'wounded/murdered in self-defense' excuse and get away again. Then who will save HyeSeong? (btw: The scene where SooHa 'thanks' KwanSoo; with that look on his face how could you assume he was talking about anything other than having a chance to kill JoonGuk himself? I thought it was painfully obvious)

And a separate special shout out to the best k-drama mama ever. I sobbed at the end of episode 7 'cause I KNEW what that phone call was gonna be about. And then I sobbed some more :34 seconds into episode 8 b/c even though I KNEW from episode 7, I was still in denial. Idk. All I know is that Wednesday is way too far away.

My feels ended up all over facebook. One of my poor friends tagged me in a post saying I blew up her news feed. Oops. But in all honestly, this might just top Gaksital for me, and I thought no drama was ever going to be able to do that. We'll have to wait and see what the rest of the episodes bring.


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I can't believe there's only 4 weeks left of this show.
I'm going to definitely go through withdrawal.


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Thank you thank you for the recaps . I'm loving this series, every week I tell myself I wont watch it and wait until its finished and just marathon it ( so my heart doesn't break every week) but nooo I have to see it. I even see it without subtitles at first.


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all my feelings for this ep and drama. Ans its been a while since a drama made me cry and broke my heart to pieces!! Goooooooosh


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Anybody thinks that MJG 's friend in prison is hye sung's father? He seemed to mention about his daughter a few times before and i think HS 's mom also mentioned her father in the flashback ( was i wrong ? ) .


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I think he's Do Yeon's father. They have already establish that she is adopted. Plus, Hye Sung seems to clearly remember her father, she has mentioned him before too, so she probably would have remembered him in court. They also have stated that he died and she didn't cry when he passed. So I would assume that she was old enough to remember his death and to be pretty certain of it. Plus, this guy has been in jail since the girls were young kids. If he were Hye Sung's Dad, there is no way she would have memories of him, which she clearly does. I know death is not always permanent in KDramaland but it's a Cardinal Rule that when you have and orphan child and a parent in search of his/her offspring in the same drama, the two always go together. So all hints point to Do Yeon.


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I'm just posting to let you all know that you are totally underestimating Cha Kwan Woo. He does not believe Min Joon Gook. At this point, he is merely doing his job and representing his client's intention/plea in the best way that he can. However, in time, he will be the one who will deliver true justice. He will either find the evidence that puts MJG away, together with a courtroom performance that is completely ethical and yet results in his own client's incarceration, or he will end up being the one who kills him to save someone else (probably Su Ha). By now, you should know better than to let these writers lead you by the nose so easily!


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Thank you! Thank you!

People are way too SH biased. Even if he kills the man he'll still be ''perfect'' and will all go crazy if he goes to jail.

People forget that Cha was just doing his job. Being professional, defending his client as he should - not putting personal feelings in it, but going by evidences and facts. He couldn't do much.

I also don't think he believes 100% MG, but maybe he wants to, because he has to defend him anyway and it is hard for him.

Public defender lawyers have to defend murderers, rapists and etc, it their work, they can't refuse and etc, if they do, this job isn't for them, and they better be presecutor or etc...


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No, I don't think SH is "perfect" if he kills MJG. If you read my posts (here and on the Open Thread), you'll see I have said that if he kills, he will be no different than MJG. If he kills, he should go to jail.

Public defenders have to defend murderers, rapists, etc. but that doesn't mean they cannot turn down a specific case, and in this instance he has two very good reasons to turn it down: a) conflict of interest and b) he wants to be in a relationship with HS.

Plus, sometimes you have to make a choice whether you do your job or whether you stand up for something (which here would have been to trust and support Hye-sung). If it's the first, well, it makes him a professional lawyer but not a life partner. But maybe that's all he wants, in which case that decision is fine.


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hI, Glad have some SH fans that at least aren't that biased.
Sorry for generalizing.

I'm a bit disappointed on the writer to be honest. Because It seems like she did it on purpose to people jumper over SH ship, because now even I who defend Cha, can't see how HS and he will work. Poor Cha...

But the writer made this this way... made me so angry. Because like you said there was

''a) conflict of interest and b) he wants to be in a relationship with HS.''

But, the writer just decided to make KW look stupid - yeah I know he is naive, but would he really side / believe on MG? No I don't think so.

But the writer made his character do so.
And even failed to see the huge plothole: conflict of interest, never KW would take this case or be allowed of doing it... the judge himself should let, his boss instead of ordering him to take the case, should not allow it, the criminal evidences were all gone for the sake of MG go free and etc.... this makes me so angry. Wth... even if KW must take the case, at least writer could make MG go to jail, not be claimed innocent thanks to KW doing his job.

Well, I'm waiting for KW be the one putting MG on the jail, hahah beause then It'll be great.. but by then HS will already be in love with SH because this drama is predictable...


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I am judging Kwan Woo on what we have been told about him:
- he is gullible
- he takes clients at their word and does not look any deeper
- he is a talker, but not much for action

So you really think he is going to come in and save the day? But he has done his job, and from his point of view, it is a job well done. Time and time again he is shown that his vision of the law is more important than relationships or even even facts. He talks about "being there" for the girl he supposedly likes, but does not back this up with any action. This is the guy that will swoop in and save the day? If he does, I will consider it very weak writing, because the characterization we have been given does not match any sort of heroic inclinations.

He's not a hero, he's a drone, and he's a bad lawyer - HS was a bad lawyer because she always believed her clients were guilty, and did nothing but get them reduced sentences. Kwan Woo is a bad lawyer because he always believes his clients are not guilty, even when faced with someone so loathsome that even he is forced to wonder if MJ isn't an "evil king." YA THINK???


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Yeah, there's no way KW is going to come in and kill MJG to save someone. It's not credible with the characterisation he's been given.


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?? Sorry but he is lawyer - even if he knows his client might not be innocent, he has to defend them, because this is his job, to defend them all without being biased, defend following the law and evidences... even if he knew the guy really was guilty he still has to defend them...


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There is no indication he does not believe MJG though.

- He's been set up as a character that believes his clients 100%.
- He's also been set up as a character that investigates to the little detail the background of his cases, here he does some of this but dismisses all questionable aspects (CCTV, MJG's past) – though we have to add that there are major holes in forensic evidence that have less to do with Cha ignoring them than the writers no understanding their subject and pretending that there is no evidence (which is not plausible).

- Suha has read in his eyes that he believes MJG. This we could in fact question because we only get this info relayed when SH tells HS in a conversation when he does tell another lie (i.e. that he read that MJG will not come after HS anymore). That said, the conversation KS has with HS where she brings up all the suspicious facts, he has an explanation for each and everyone of them. Why would he lie to her if he were in doubt about any of them?

Lawyer Cha is "doing his job" but his job is not to automatically declare his client as innocent, it is to defend his client. That could be by admitting to charges too. He has opted for an "innocent" plea. We have no reason to believe that he has doubts at this point.

I do think it's likely he'll eventually find evidence that will make him change his mind – he is, after all, waiting to receive the documents about the trial 10 years ago and he'll probably dig deeper.

Regardless of that all that though – this is a job he should not have taken on to start with. Professionally, there's too much of a conflict of interest, it's difficult to believe they let him defend someone who may have possibly killed his girlfriend's mother. He's NOT the only public defender in Seoul, and not the only one in the district. Lawyer Shin would have had less conflict of interest (although I think there is some conflict of interest there too).


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I'm interested to see if Kwan Woo ever learns of Soo Ha's mind-reading ability... if ever there was a time to bring him in on the know, now would seem to be a pretty good time!


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I believe this could have been mentioned before: Is that prisoner who act as the witness Hye Sung's Dad? It was mentioned a few episodes back that he got a daughter her age, I wonder how would that comes into place if it is true. And who is the real murderer of Soo Ha's Dad as Min Gook is just the murderer hired. Could it be Seo Do-yeon's Dad? LOL


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the last scene teared me up real good!

this drama is definitely on top of my list every week.


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Does anyone know what the title of the song is that started playing when SH kissed HS?


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Hi guys..(cannot fake a happy note when i'm still whimpering.. Soo Ha yaaaa!!)

I'm surprised and relieved that there are so many people suffering as I am right now. I've watched ep8 few times already and cried so many many times. I thought my tears were all spent, but as I read all your comments I keep on crying and crying..

This drama really grabbed, twisted, tickled, pinched and broke my heart and pieced it back together only to be broken 10 times more. I've never felt this way when I watched other dramas of any country.

There are many scenarios that could and would go wrong for Soo Ha and Hye Sung, but even after all the bad and dark and heart wrenching events happen, I hope only one thing remains. Soo Ha and Hye Sung together.

Please..i beg you.. Let Soo Ha be happy, finally together with the woman he's sworn to protect since he was a child.

Yeah.. lee jong suk is a noona slayer. I'm totally in the list.


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That goodbye kiss....that goodbye speech.... I THINK I GOT IT! Su Ha is NOT going to kill min jook but make it so happen that min jook will kill SuHa intead so that he will definitely go to jail and this way SuHa will be able to save HyeSung. SuHa read mn jook's mind about how he will kill them both after he gets releases and by the procedure of the court, it is known that min jook will be released. In order to protect HyeSung also keeping his promise to HyeSung to not kill min jook, SuHa is going to sacrifice himself!!! GAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...............Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......
BUT since he is the main lead and it is only Episode 8 now and still in 2012, we can hope for something different....
I played the last part in which SuHa is saying his bye to HyeSUng so many times over.... the feel of that scene is so serene, heart wrenching, the background music is also so calm, poignant, romantic too if seen in a certain way... Lee Bo-young and Lee Jong-seok played their scenes so beautifully.... so perfect!
The drama is tearing my heart apart.... I cried and cried and feeling soooooooo blue now!
Su Ha <3 <3 <3....


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Andae!!!! Nooooo!!! Didn't think about the Noble Idiocy possibility. *Soo Ha pretends to stab the killer and once stabbed himself reveals he was empty handed.*
Kill me now, Show.


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I'm not ruling out the possibility but that would be sooo dumb. Why would you have yourself killed just so a murderer (who could end up being ruled innocent again) be put away for a certain amount of time and not for life? It's just too many chances of MJK coming back for more revenge.

Su-Ha would do better by killing MJK so that he's gone forever. Su-Ha might go to jail but it has to be either ten years or less or else the show is being contradictory with sentencing. (Although I heard that the twins get 15 years in prison for planned murder but MJK got 10 for a similar action? So confusing.)


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NOOOOOOO! MOTHER NOOO!! ;(( I cried soo bad this episode, since I saw the preview and the mother was still there I thought she was still alive...

God, this show is damn good !!!



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This drama hits me from left field EVERY SINGLE TIME!


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Gah! I knew this was going to be a traumatizing episode (I love the Mom!!), so I had to wait and read the recap to help prepare me before I actually watch the episode. Thanks!! I better get a box of tissues now before starting up..... *sniff*


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Mom's dead. I'm in shock. How could a show that had such bright, cheery goodness in the budding romances turn so dark? Maybe I should have been prepared ... after all Dad got beaten to death in front of his 8 year old son ...

* shakes head * the world is upside down and I feel such loss.

If this were Heartless City or Shark, I would have been expecting death, but I thought IHYV was my happy refuge. I feel so naïve.

Mom ... you were such a great character! How could they kill you? Is there some rule in KDramaland that if a parent has a great relationship with their child they must die?


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It is ironic, isn't it?

I guess that is the nature of the 20 episode narrative beast. You want to thrill your audience and keep them tuned in for what's next, but you can't kill people off early.

In Shark or HC, people keep getting stabbed or hit with blunt objects or cars, but don't die. But here, BAM!, she's gone! This show has done a good job building to and executing on emotional punches. No fake outs, which, really after a while get a little tiresome.


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Just a random note:
Have observed since the time Suha started living with HyeSung, their clothes matches like couple wears!!! Watch the all the episodes again if you didn't notice it. Their clothes, style, colour, structure, etc somewhat matches like couple in love...
Now stop crying....we can be hopeful for the episodes ahead. :)


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Yes I first noticed the black outfits at home in the think-talking scene... Really cute. Wonder if Suha does it on purpose!


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Yes, totally noticed that.
Wardrobe's complete give away for who the OTP is.


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T_T This episode made me cry so much. From the funeral scenes, to the aquarium scene. Finally , after 4 attempts he gets to go to the aquarium. Can't wait for next week!


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I don't want Min Joon Gok to die. Ok, let me re-phrase it. I think death would be to let him off too easy. He should be beaten thoroughly, totally, a great final defeat, so he realize he's the sore loser. And they should do it in the courtroom, like give him a life penalty, with no chance to ever see the light again, or something like that. In a dark dabby bad-smelling dungeon maybe. For the rest of his life - and make it a long rest of his life.

Just stop Soo Ha to kill him. >_<


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This drama is the BEST!

I love that the writer for this show wasn't afraid to kill the Mom. She, literally, was the funniest mom ever. And most caring ever since we saw her take her daughter's side in the fireworks incident. But there's a saying for writers, sometimes you need to kill your darlings for the story to go on.

I'm totally for the Su Ha and Hye Song ship. Everything so far...just makes me want to root for them. I'm not sure how romance will brood between the pair, but I feel secure in where the writer has led us so far that I'm in until the end.


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My goodness, this show TT__TT can i have a su-ha to myself pwease <3
it's true though, we know she's doing the wrong thing by caving in to the lies but at the same time you support it because all you want is that bastard to go to jail. sigh. and although it is much more aesthetically pleasing and realistic for lawyer jang and lawyer cha to be together i still really want su ha and lawyer jang togetherrrrrr ): gahg my heart can't take this.


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I was under the impression that HS' father was dead. If the cell mate was her father, how could he not know about her mother?

I also believe it's very likely that he's the prosecutor lady's biological father. But, I guess that's up to writer-nim.

Lawyer OSKA's character, from the beginning, was not very believable to me. I saw the OTP as HS-SH from the first episode. They have too much history together.

I really love Dream High, and I had to laugh, because of the 'high five' kiss thing. In this one, it was the hand. In Dream High, it was a kiss on the cheek. I don't know about any OTP switch. I saw her lined up with SH from the first episode.

A TW-drama called 'My Queen' had an OTP with a relationship of an 8 year difference. It was believable. Maybe this seems a bit less so, simply because he's younger, but there was also a Jdrama forever ago with a student--teacher relationship, and it was believable.

Oh well, I am on the HS-SH wagon. Have been from the beginning. I think I have to watch again from the beginning.

One more thought. The villian. I haven't seen a villian that's creeped me out so much since I saw King-2-hearts. That guy creeped me out, evil and perverted all the way. This guy seems to be along the same lines, but it's even closer to home... because he isn't in charge of a huge crime syndacate. He's like the real leeches. A true psychopathic killer.

He uses his cunning to get SH to act out. He is also having non-verbal conversations. Talk about using something to the best benefit. He doesn't even care about hurting himself. He got burned, almost hung--he plays his game for keeps. He is an amazing villian.

I am glad someone mentioned the premonitional dream... that it was SH that dove into the water when HS was drowning. He's the lifeline.

I cannot wait for next week. Normally when I get too involved in a story, I step back... let it finish, then marathon. I am unable to do this. I haven't had such a good drama since last year. I'm glad that I found one. Crazy!!!!!!

Happy ending PLEASE for our OTP. I don't want a City Hunter ending, or a Rooftop Prince ending... or heaven forbid-- a BIG ending. The ending of Dream High was a little bittersweet, but we knew who was with who. Wishing for the same here.

We could use a couple more OTP kisses. They're both over the legal age. What's the problem? ^^

Okay, spoke my mind.


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IKR!! I was just thinking that... MJG is scaring me so much... like the villain in King-2-hearts did... so scaring! and you know... maybe more! bc he is like a wolf disguised as a sheep and everyone is believing his ruse. :S

I second you... we could use a lot of our OTP kisses as medecine for the weekly tension! (Is it one per week too much for ask?? hehe...) yep, they are both adult, only 7 years appart (that´s nothing,... one of my friend, her mother is like 6 years older than her father,... you cannot see the gap at all!). SH is 19, HS is 26... after the time jump, he will be 20 and out of school, and she 27. it´s ok. (I know, right now, the gap may feel more bc he is at school but it´s temporary)

*I want a happy and satisfying ending... Please Mr. Writer... PLEEAAASSSSE*


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LOL bong gu from K2H was nuts.
he will forever remain as the nuttiest/weirdest villain ever (for me) in k-drama, which is why i still remember his name.
He acted like a little kid with a lollipop and turned on a dime to kill without hesitation. Evident when he killed his father off just for the heck of it.
yes, that kind of crazy is hard to top (for me).


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I agree! Bong Gu was a different kind of crazy lol


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This was the episode that really broke the tie between SH and KW for me. If I had been torn apart by who I thought she would be happier with, I am no longer.

Thanks for the recap, as always.

I love the themes this drama explores....fantastic. Please, Show, don't disappoint us!


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Just completed jury duty so I was able to watch law and legalese in action which just happen to coincide with this drama. The writers really put you on an emotional roller coaster because of so many unpredictable plot twists in this episode.

If I were in trouble, I would want Kwan Soo in my corner.Unfortunately, he believed in Joon Gook's false angelic behavior in pretending to save Hye sung's mom in the fire and got him off. I almost jumped off my chair when Su Ha told Hye Sung to wait for Kwan Soo. Didn't their romance go down the toilet when he got Joon Gook's acquittal? loved the actress who played MOM. She was terrific and will be missed!

Swoon.....Loved Su Ha's surprise kiss. OMO! But he left her... I hope there is a time jump and he comes back as an adult to kick ass.


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I'm terribly worried about what Soo ha has in mind. He packed, left HS's place, and made several comments that point to handiing things on his own. He has the 3rd of next month in the back of his mind, he thanked Lawyer Cha for giving him a chance now, he's got his knife, and sealed it all with a kiss.

It is such a burden to hear what people are really thinking. And, now he has sort of lied to HS that he heard some things that he really didn't just to make her feel better. That, I believe, will come back to bite him in regards to their relationship. Which I am shipping.

Love this drama!


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This ep drove me insane. Absolutely insane. I honestly was not expecting the kiss at the end. I was expecting them to end up together but I did not expect a kiss until the last few moments and even then I was like what what what. This writer is AMAZING.

My personal favorite scene was the epilogue scene. That was so ingenious and rarely done, it was a brilliant idea. Unf cannot wait for the next ep. >_<.

Thanks for the recaps, girlfriday!!


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I am so in love with this drama like a quicksand that's even quicker (if that even exists). I mean, how can you not love this drama? It's heart-mending and heart-wrenching at the same time and also like a carousel. Just going round and round on that cycle. I looked like a hobo after all my crying episodes just for this single episode.

I know Su-ha isn't going back to school but maybe investigating for the case. I don't want him to kill somebody even if that somebody is Joon-gook. But with that look on his eyes going on and off like lights I couldn't tell. I only hold on to what Hye-sung made him promise about not getting revenge. And Lawyer Cha... GHAD. So many heartbreaks. This episode definitely ended with me considered by my dad as a puddle of shame.


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I am just disappointed because it was really good up until now. And then, the writers took the easy and predictable way to play things out. They could have used a different court; the weak forensic and investigative thread makes all the characters look inadequate to the point it's hard to swallow the inconsistencies and unrealistic turn of events. Plenty of comments pointed those in detail so I won't waste your time repeating all of it.

I really hope that they won't turn their characters into brainless puppets who start a succession of nonsensical choices and actions.

I hope they give us the option to enjoy a smartly written and beautifully played out thriller where those who deserve to be vindicated get closure and those who need to redeem themselves help catch the bad guy.


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Me too, I disliked how the writer handled it and how she didn't think of a greater reason to make people jump to SH-HS ship. She had to make KW do something people would disapprove off...


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So guys, I've had a revelation about Lawyer Oska! You know how Suha said that he's doing this (defending JoonGook) because he likes her so much and wants to do what's best for her? I think in his mind, if he can prove that it's just an accident, it's better off for Hye Sung because she can have some closure and move on. She doesn't have to live with the guilt of her mom's murder being indirectly her fault. She doesn't have to live in fear of Min Joon Gook. In a way, he's making himself into the bad guy and being the biggest Noble Idiot but in a more subtle way that we're used to. I don't think that Suha would tell her those things about Lawyer Oska and encourage her to go to him if he really were just choosing the law over her. He is genuinely doing this for her.


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Lawyer Oska - I Can Hear Your Voice in a Secret Garden:)


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