Master’s Sun: Episode 13

Longest week-and-a-day ever. Let’s get to it, shall we? Is Joo-gun a little dead, half-dead, almost dead, or a total goner? Now that we’re about to find out the answer, I’m not sure I really want to be shoved out of my denial. I like it here. It’s safe here.

A note: Master’s Sun has decided to extend after all, given the Chuseok preemption that kinda sorta forced its hand. Rather than end on a Wednesday, it’s adding an Episode 17 to even out the run. The show will now end on October 3.


Seo In-gook – “겁도 없이 (Without Fear)” for the OST [ Download ]

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Joong-won appears before Gong-shil as a ghost and says his final “I love you,” before disappearing into thin air. But you probably already know that because you’ve watched that scene about a thousand times looking for clues that he’s not really dead.

As Gong-shil collapses in tears, we cut back and forth to the operating room where Joong-won has flat-lined. The doctor charges up the defibrillator…

One spike… A heartbeat?

Charge two… a second spike…

Charge three…

Back to Gong-shil, who sits numbly in the hall. Aunt and Uncle rush in, and Aunt’s eyes flare up the second she sees Gong-shil, ready to place the blame on her for just being generally unlucky and bad juju for Joong-won.

The doctor comes out to tell the family that Joong-won’s heart did stop for a short while, but he pulled through. He’ll need surgery, but he’s going to just fine. Ohphewthankgod.

Gong-shil is stunned, and actually has to ask again, “He’s not dead?” She realizes that he must’ve come to see her like that coma lady at the hotel, and the first thing she says when she wraps her head around it all is that she has to go to him, because he thinks he’s dead.

But Aunt just keeps hearing the words “dead” and “died,” and slaps Gong-shil across the face for daring to put bad omens to lips. She tells her to stay away from Joong-won forever, and leaves her crying alone in the hall.

She sits there waiting in the same spot all day, caressing her sun necklace and willing the surgery to go well. Secretary Kim comes out to tell her that Joong-won isn’t awake yet, but the surgery is over, and she can sneak in to see him while Aunt has stepped out.

Gong-shil breaks down in sobs the second she sees him lying there, remembering how he said her world was too dangerous, but that that he’d gone ahead and let her bewitch him anyway. Naturally she blames herself for all of it, and cries, “I’m sorry.”

She reaches for his hand but can’t bring herself to make contact, and then Kang Woo arrives to check on her. She tells him that Joong-won came to her, and he thinks he’s dead—what if he never comes back and his body just stays here unoccupied? Augh, the Hong sisters and comas. Talk about bad juju.

She says that she can only see ghosts; she can’t conjure them. But that reminds her of the creepy shaman who warned her once, and she decides to seek her out.

The shaman tells her that it’s because Joong-won has seen the bright sun in the midst of darkness—that’d be her—that he thinks he’s dead. Lol, did he mistake her for the light at the end of the tunnel?

She says he’s preparing for death, not knowing he still has a body to go back to. Joong-won’s soul, meanwhile, sits in a chair and reads And Then There Were None. Hee-joo comes up to him, wondering how he can read. He says with no emotion that he can read because he’s dead now, and she’s just happy that he can finally see her.

Gong-shil pleads with the shaman for a way to call Joong-won’s ghost to her, to tell him he’s not dead. The shaman says she can’t see ghosts, but she can call them… for a price. She likes her ghost-seeing abilities very much, and offers to call Joong-won here if Gong-shil will become her property.

Oh noes. I don’t like the sound of this. Don’t make a deal with the devil! Gong-shil asks what that means to be her property, and the shaman just says vaguely that she won’t be able to do as she wishes.

The shaman asks if the calculations don’t add up, but Gong-shil needs no prodding: “I’ll become your property or anything else. Just bring him back!” Noooooooooooo.

The deal is done, and the shaman asks for a physical object that Joong-won will recognize. Gong-shil takes off the sun necklace and hands it to her. But there’s one more catch: the shaman says that in order to put Joong-won back, she’ll have to erase his memory of seeing “the sun that shines even in death.”

Gong-shil’s face falls to realize he won’t remember his “I love you,” but says that’s okay. The shaman clarifies: she needs to erase ALL his memories of her. WUT. Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, lady?

She says this is the price for brining him back. Will she pay it? But, what about the other price, where she’s already going to be your ghost-seeing slave? ARG. Gong-shil says through her tears that the crazy sun was going to have to get lost eventually, so it’s okay. Omg, has everyone drunk the crazy kool-aid today?!

And with that, the shaman begins her ritual. Joong-won finishes his book, and then starts to follow Hee-joo towards the bright white light. Don’t do that! He sees Hee-joo vanish and then walks toward the doorway… when suddenly the sun necklace appears in his hand with a gleam. The shaman’s voice stops him and says he needs to come back…

The room goes dark. In Joong-won’s hospital room, a woman’s hand caresses his face. Creepy. That’s not Gong-shil’s hand. It turns out to be Evil Twin, who says she’s been waiting fifteen years for the statute of limitations to end on her case so that she could finally see him.

Gong-shil runs down the hallway, pleading with Joong-won to wake up… and then he finally opens his eyes. Evil Twin is the first person he sees.

Gong-shil arrives just as Aunt walks up, and gets another stern warning that this is the end of the line for her. This time, when Secretary Kim tells her to wait for his signal to go in later, she shakes her head and says it really is the end of the line for her, and that she’ll no longer be someone in Joong-won’s life.

Secretary Kim is confused, until he goes in and Joong-won has no idea why he’s here. “Did I really get struck by lightning?” The last thing he remembers is asking to be struck by lightning if he was wrong… the night he met Gong-shil. Oh wow, it’s literally a rewind, not just selective amnesia.

Aunt keeps them from saying anything about Gong-shil, saying that they can sort out the brain stuff after he heals. Secretary Kim stops to exchange glances with Evil Twin, and I can’t tell yet how much he knows. Please just don’t be evil, okay ajusshi?

Joong-won looks down at his hand: “Something shone brightly and then disappeared…” Aw.

Gong-shil tells Kang Woo the truth, and then cries alone that night, reminding herself that she’s the one who promised Joong-won she’d leave when it came time. “That time must be now.”

Aunt makes Uncle and Secretary Kim promise to remain hush-hush about Gong-shil, but Joong-won can sense she’s hiding something from him. So when he comes home from the hospital, he pretends to take an interest in the food she prepared, and while she runs home to get it, he plies Uncle to spill the beans. Heh.

Uncle is dying to talk and he knows it, and he can feel that there’s something crucial that they’re not telling him. He notices the stack of children’s books on his coffee table and thinks that weird too—why would he have books?

He picks one up… and his eyes widen. Omo. The letters aren’t dancing around. He can read. He turns page after page, and he can read them all. He gapes, “What happened to me? Did I really get struck by lightning?”

Gong-shil puts on her sun necklace, deciding that it’s okay to wear since he won’t recognize it anyway. She tells herself that this necklace is enough for her, and forces a smile. Oof, her stiff upper lip is heartbreaking.

As soon as she steps foot inside Kingdom, she sees Joong-won walking towards her. She clutches her necklace and braces herself, as he walks right past her with a smile on his face without a second glance. Ouch.

Suddenly the trashcan lid flips (heeee) and it makes Joong-won turn around. Something about Gong-shil makes him stop and wonder, and he begins to approach her, but she walks away without looking behind.

Aunt sees him and calls him over to block the run-in, and wonders why he came to work in his condition. He beams that a screwdriver to the back must be a cure-all for his reading problem, because now he can suddenly read.

He tells Secretary Kim ever so proudly that he’ll be reading his own files from now on, and then gets a giant bouquet of get-well flowers sent from Giant Mall’s CEO. Joong-won’s jaw drops: “Are he… and I… on flower-giving-and-receiving terms?” Hee.

Secretary Kim says they even played golf the other day (double hee) and that the reading is no surprise to him, since Joong-won has been working so hard at it lately. He adds that the police want to give him a courageous citizen award, and that they have to make decisions about the children’s center he’s building. Pwahaha, I love that Secretary Kim is telling him without telling him.

Joong-won decides that Aunt must be feeding him drugs, because nothing else would explain this behavior. “Did the sun rise upside-down all that time?” Secretary Kim just shrugs in his faux-innocent way: “A special Taeyang must’ve risen by Joo-gun’s side.”

Kang Woo comes by Gong-shil’s office and asks if she’s really not going to tell Joong-won the truth. He says the accident wasn’t her fault, and she knows, but this was a wake-up call for her too.

She was always so happy and relieved to have found her emergency shelter that she never considered how deeply she had pulled Joong-won into her world, when he could see none of what she sees. She realizes now she should’ve been more careful, to protect the person who couldn’t see.

She says she’s got her head on straight now, sighing that people always have to lose something to see clearly. But that’s not what Kang Woo is talking about—the feelings were real, so what’s she going to do about those? Yes, good question. She points to her sun necklace and calls it a seal (like the kind used to seal letters): “I have my feelings, so they’re not gone.”

Joong-won steps out of his office, intending to turn right. But his feet go straight, as if his body has a mind and a memory of its own. He wonders what this strange desire is, like he’s following a habit he doesn’t know, and follows his feet down the hall.

It leads him to Gong-shil’s office, which he only remembers is supposed to be a storage room. He peeks inside, and Gong-shil immediately turns her back, while Kang Woo explains that it’s an office he made, and she’s the employee who’s quitting today.

Gong-shil can barely contain her tears with Joong-won standing so close to her, and Kang Woo literally steps in between them to keep Joong-won from seeing her face. Joong-won can’t shake the strange feeling that he left something there, but goes on his way. He sits at his desk, wondering why he feels so blocked up when he should be happy.

Kang Woo wonders what kind of seal is so terrible at sealing, and offers to escort Gong-shil home. She assures him that she’s got her Gong-shil doll to keep her company, and heads out.

Secretary Kim comes down to see Kang Woo with Hanna’s photo in hand, and asks if this is what Daddy Joo gave him. He sighs that Joong-won was doing so well lately in moving on from the past, and wonders what made him dig into Hee-joo’s case again.

Kang Woo explains that there’s one crucial bit of information that Secretary Kim doesn’t know: Hee-joo was in on the kidnapping, and Joong-won has known this from the start. OH. I forgot he doesn’t know this.

Secretary Kim reels at the news. He goes to his desk and pulls out a framed photo of the twins, and says to himself that there must be some mistake—Hanna was so bright and sweet.

A flashback shows Secretary Kim with Hanna, who calls him Uncle. She lives well with her adoptive parents in England, and has recently connected with Uncle. She says that she’s going to Korea to find her twin sister too.

Flashforward to some time later, after Hanna has discovered that Hee-joo died. She asks why Uncle didn’t find Hee-joo sooner, and cries that her sister led such a sad life. She blames him in part for not finding them when they were younger, and tells him not to forget Hee-joo’s name.

Back in the present, Secretary Kim decides he’ll have to find Hanna. Okay, so clearly she’s got a new face, right? If he stared right at her in the hospital and didn’t recognize her, she got a new face. At least there’s a reason the identical twins don’t look identical?

Kang Woo gives Gong-shil an emergency bell and tells her that he’ll protect her from now on. But she tells him that she isn’t going to hang onto someone else any longer because she’s learned that it’s dangerous for the other person. Poor bodyguard without a body to guard.

He heads out with a longing sigh, and then runs into Yi-ryung on her way to see Gong-shil. He interrogates her about her agenda, and drags her away by the hood when he sees that she’s here to gloat and poke at wounds, as expected.

She counters that she’s going to keep at it the more he likes Gong-shil, so the only way to protect her is to stop liking her. HA. He says she really is a black-whiskered whale (what she called herself when he said he wasn’t interested in fishing in her pond), adding that he looked it up and it doesn’t exist, at least on this planet.

She misses the boat entirely on his insult and fixates on the fact that he looked it up: “Why, you thinking of raising me in your pond?” She promises she won’t even need tending to, and she’ll just grow really really big until he can’t chase her away.

He wonders if this is how Gong-shil sees him, and Yi-ryung pouts, thinking he means she’s pathetic. But he says she’s cool, and it’s made him realize he isn’t as pathetic as he thought, and that he should be bold like her… to Gong-shil. Haha. So not the intended effect.

Yi-ryung pouts in her car, and Kang Woo runs to Gong-shil and totally plagiarizes her whale speech, substituting “dinosaur” for “whale.” LOL. This has to be fake.

The music swells, she looks into his eyes, and they embrace. They land on the bed as the Dooly doll kisses his girlfriend… and Yi-ryung shakes herself out of her nightmare fantasy. She decides that something must be done, but what? Please tell me you’re going to meddle. Go forth and meddle!

Joong-won sits in his house pondering his wolf-goat books, while Aunt tries to get his attention after inviting Hanna over. He just asks about the books, and Hanna lies that they’re hers.

Gong-shil is at the bookstore looking at the very same books, when Yi-ryung calls. She says she has something important to say and calls her back to the same restaurant where they met their friends. And then she calls Joong-won to send him there too.

When he arrives, Gong-shil is sitting with her back to him, but it’s the book in her hands that he notices—she’s bought a set of the same books. He starts to approach her table, but just as he does, that waiter ghost shows up and scares her.

As she jumps in fright, he grabs her shoulders, and the ghost goes poof. Without turning around, she knows he’s here, and struggles to hide her tears. He asks if she didn’t feel something strange just now—like a charge between them.

She lies no, and he walks away, wondering if it sounded like a come-on when he meant it literally. Gong-shil waits until he’s out of sight and sighs, “Even if your memories are gone, you’re still my emergency shelter.”

Even when he sees her leave he doesn’t recognize her face, but the encounter leaves him pondering the sensation when he touched her.

Secretary Kim asks for some vacation time since Joong-won can read on his own now, and Joong-won lets him go reluctantly with the reminder that his place is always by his side. Secretary Kim says with a heavy heart that he’s headed to England to find a niece, and then afterwards he has some important things to tell Joong-won.

After stopping by the coffee shop to see her sister, Gong-shil runs into Hanna, who recognizes her because of the stalking. She compliments her taeyang necklace and Gong-shil turns to go, when she sees Hee-joo’s ghost and calls out her name.

Hanna freezes, and wonders what Gong-shil could’ve seen that made her call out Hee-joo’s name. When Hanna goes up to see Joong-won a short while later, she’s wearing an exact replica of the sun necklace, which gives Joong-won pause. Arrrrrrrrrrgh. You’re so creepy.

Gong-shil tells Kang Woo about seeing Hee-joo’s ghost today, and he reminds her that there’s nothing she can tell Joong-won now because he won’t believe anything she has to say. He assures her that they’re close to finding the kidnapping accomplice and urges her to let it go.

As Hanna tells Aunt a little of her backstory, Secretary Kim shares what he knows with a friend. The twins’ birth parents were poor artists who died in an accident, and there was no family who could raise them at the time. Hanna was adopted and led a nice life, but Hee-joo grew up in the orphanage. What Secretary Kim doesn’t know is what on earth happened when the two girls met fifteen years ago.

The neighbor boys from the gositel come to claim their toys from Kingdom, except now Joong-won has no memory of them and is sure he would never do such a thing. But they have his card, so he lets them take the toys, and they sass him that they read for him and told him that he was “her special person” and everything.

“Whose special person?” “Gong-shil noona. Taeyang.” He stops cold. Does he remember?

Hanna asks Aunt about Gong-shil, and Aunt admits that she was close to Joong-won once, and that she used to say crazy things about calling forth the dead to heal wounds. Hanna agrees that it’s crazy.

Gong-shil arrives home that night to find Hee-joo’s ghost waiting by her door. Hee-joo says she knows Gong-shil loves Joong-won… and asks to borrow her body. Gong-shil asks if the message isn’t something she can convey for her, but Hee-joo insists the possession is necessary. Gong-shil asks if she can catch the kidnapper this way, and Hee-joo nods. Suddenly a hand grabs Gong-shil by the shoulder and Hee-joo poofs away. Eee!

Joong-won whirls her around: “On a stormy night—in that book, that’s the secret code so that those two recognize each other. You know me, don’t you? Who are you? Are you… Taeyang?”


First things first: he’s aliiiive! I don’t even care that it’s the obvious cop-out. I’LL TAKE IT. I’ll buy two and keep the other for a rainy day. I do think we would’ve gone to some interesting places had he died for realsies, but none of them would’ve been a happy place, so I’ll take coma ghost, thank you. As far as that save goes, it works within the confines of the universe and the rules that we’d already been given, so I’m totally fine with. Giddy even.

Now the amnesia I have less love for, partly because I feel like that shaman is just making up her own goddamn rules all willy-nilly, and I don’t trust her. Why are there TWO costs to bringing him back, and what is this vague you-be-my-personal-ghost-seer-property clause about? It feels like a just-in-case insurance plot point, especially on top of the amnesia. I think it would’ve been more effective to just have the one cost, no matter which—having both lessens the effect.

I’m okay with amnesia if it nets something interesting, and I do think we get some good angst out of Gong-shil being near but not able to touch, or in Joong-won feeling her absence but not knowing what it is. But I can’t help but feel that amnesia was the easy way out of their very messy you-take-responsibility-for-ending-things relationship, because it forced the separation for them. I really wanted to see them figure their own way out of that situation, mostly because it’s a mess of their own making, and I wanted them to face the consequences of touch first, think later.

Instead, amnesia sort of forces her hand into being the noble idiot and pushing him away for his own good. Blerg. Perhaps it even makes her more noble than she could’ve been had he remembered her. While I understand her reasons for blaming herself, still, I’m screaming, But he said he loved you! Twice!

I suppose we can look on the bright side and focus on how they’ll find their way back to each other, though given the number of metaphor clues, meaningful objects, and inside jokes, you’d have to be an idiot not to pick up on them, amnesiac or not. I like that the book is their code to recognize each other, and it is entertaining to watch Joong-won’s reactions to all his changes post-Taeyang.

Joong-won’s rediscovery of feelings is admittedly a straight-up retread of things we so recently discovered the first time around, but her heartbreak feels real, and she grounds it emotionally. Also, I can’t be the only one whose biggest relief (after Joong-won survived, of course) is that Secretary Kim isn’t eeeeeeevil. Now THAT would’ve been a disaster.


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First of all..YES! Joong-won didn't die! But I'm scared of what that ghost lady is going to do to Tae-Yang =( but maybe TY being in danger will snap JW out of his amnesia? Let's hope he remembers her soon.

And I totally think this current Hanna is the real Hee Joo. I think Hee Joo took Hanna's identity and life back then. I bet Hee Joo was the manipulative mastermind behind the kidnapping and Hanna died in the fire so Hee Joo took over Hanna's life and went back to England. I bet Hanna only voluntarily switched identities with Hee Joo because she fell in love with Joong-won and needed to pretend to be Hee Joo to go to school together with JW.

On a side note....did anyone else notice what BEAUTIFUL hands So-Ji Sub has?! I don't normally notice hands but his are very long, slender, graceful but still manly hands. I've always loved SJS and his hotness but woah he has some sexy hands! =P


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I think Hanna is the real Hee-joo too. In flashbacks with Hee-joo and Joong-won pre-kidnapping, she's always in jeans, and pre-kidnapping Hanna is always in skirts (talking to Secretary Kim). But Ghost 'Hee-hoo' is in a white dress, and in the pic of the twins you see that one of them's in jeans and the other's in a dress. My money is totally on Hee-joo being alive as 'Hanna' now.

And YES HIS HANDS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. It makes me choke a little inside every time they do a close-up of them when he's touching Gong-shil.


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YES he has the sexiest hands I have ever seen on a man, not that I pay that much attention to hands usually but his hands are impossible to ignore.

Did you see the interview where GHJ says SJS has really beautiful hands to which he replies that GHJ has really nice legs?


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If it weren't for the existance of that photo, I'd be claiming that the body Hee Joo's twin is wearing isn't her own, and it was stolen by the evil twin.


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Either way, if this Hanna is anything like the Hanna is the movie of the same name, which I was watching yesterday because her name reminded me, the body count and count of ghosts in this drama is going to get pretty hight by episode 16.


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Is that movie any good?


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Only up to through the first half, but that first half is excellent. 'Hanna' suffers from having the exact same plot as 'The Bourne Identity', 'Salt', 'Columbiana', 'First Blood', and fifty other lethal fugitive movies, but the execution, actiing, dialog, and visuals thus far are sharp and smart. The lead actress looks so fragile and vulnerable you can't help but empathize with the horror of being a homicidal monster in a child's body.


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"Seriously, Jongwon Aunty is so careless not to do a background check on this mysterious Hanna?"

Hanna is not mysterious, except to us. She's a well to do young lady from abroad with a public prefession and persona who has been in and out of Korea often enough that she doesn't have a foreign accent. When you combine "not foreign" with "rich", "well off", "beautiful," "very rich", and "has a lot of cash", there is nothing about her to set off Aunty Joo's alarms.

And did I mention that she was very wealthy?


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Thanks. I forgot that to Auntie she seems legit.

Doesn't mean I don't still want to squash Han Na with a ton of those books.


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For people speculating on whether the mysterious woman is Hee Joo or Hanna, one of them was not raised in Korea and should have a noticable accent.

Hah! Just kidding. Even in my limited experience, I've seen a number of Kdrama characters who were allegedly raised fully or partially overseas, and never has anyone in Korea noticed their accents. They don't even accidentally speak English or whatever when someone slaps them or shots them.


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. . . Yeah, especially you, City Hunter, otherwise known as "Lee Min Ho Does Hanna."


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"It's ok, baby"


Also, and want to say that I love looking at Hwang Sun-hee in whatever role she plays, that she has done quite well in her career for someone with a fused spine. In all her dramas, you could replace her with a mannequin on wheels for any shot below the neck. Her body just refuses to bend . . . or twist . . . or shrug . . . or nod . . . or much of anything else. It is the most unnatural thing in kdrama not caused by plastic surgery.


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A twist I sort of hope to see, partly because it would make more sense.

Ha Na found her sister in the orphanage, they had fun fooling everybody by Ha Na pretending to be her sister sometimes, and she's the one who really loved JW. She is also the one who died in the accident.

The survivor is the twin who grew up in the orphanage, with nobody to love her, which is why she's so nasty. She's taken over Ha Na's life, but has always been bitter about JW's wealth and success, hence her return.

And that's why the ghost must protect her sister- not only to protect her from the ramifications of the kidnapping 15 years ago, but because her whole life is a lie.


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Oh, you posted while I was writing my post! We are on the same track here.


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My prediction as to what happened with the twins.

Hee-jo was twisted and resentful of the fact that she didn't get the advantages growing up that Han Na did. We know based on the flashbacks that she basically was a tease, that she was playing some major manipulation games with Joong-won and even called herself "Bad B**tch."

She masterminded the kidnapping, and, when Han-na came to visit her, she guilted Han-na into going along with it as her accomplice. It's likely her motive was the reward money, so that she could start a new life with all that she previously lacked, materially. Han-na felt guilty about kidnapping Joong-won, and was the one that appologized to him. Perhaps she even developed feelings for him.

While everyone thinks that Hee-jo was killed, it was actually Han-na (the good twin).

The ghost is actually Han-na.

When Han-na died, Hee-jo took her place. This accounts for the personality difference that her uncle noticed when he visited her at some point after "Hee-jo's" death.

This theory explains "Han-na's" obsession/stalking of Joong-won, and, yes, she's still a Bad B**ch. At this point, she likely blames Joong-won and/or his father for her sister's death. She's got revenge on her mind. The ultimate goal here is making people pay, not marrying Joong-won. I'm not sure if that is an intermediate step she has planned, or if cozying up to Joong-won's aunt is simply a way of ingrating herself into the family.

Whereas ghost "Hee-jo" is a caring person (earlier wanting to protect her sister, and then eventually, as we see in this episode, to expose her when she realizes that Joong-won is somehow in danger).


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yeah, I agree with this - Hanna appears to have been a habitual skirt-wearer as a teen, while the real Hee-joo wore jeans most often (even in the pic of them). The ghost of 'Hee-joo' now wears a dress, which suggests to me that it's really Hanna.


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I got the switched twin sisters's story but what I don't understand is her reason for return. She doesn't seem like she likes JW. It seems more of a revenge, hatred that I see in her demeanor. Why? Revenge for her dead sister?


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I don't think she is after revenge so much as claiming the last thing Hana had that she wanted - JW. She has already taken over all other aspects of Hana's life (name, family, career, etc.) but because of the SoL she couldn't claim JW before. At least there is some "reality" in JW's reaction to her as he probably has run into this type of smarmy, clingy reaction before to his wealth and position.


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Am I the only one who is loving Uncle VP?! ahahaha! I mean he is so funny and lovable... he is like a secretary kim in some way~ it's just that hes always being rubbed off HAHAHAHA!


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Seriously, I think that this drama is good in the beginning but it becomes somewhat illogical and sometimes boring as it continues. Ju Joong Won's life is not endanger by Tae Gong Shil's fate but it is how Tae Gong Shil handles problem put Ju Joong Won's life at risk. I wonder why on earth would she walk into the car repair centre when the kid hinting her that his bodies is somewhere around there. It's really obvious that the guy who talks to her in the car repair centre has something to do with the dead body. She shouldn't walk into the car repair centre on her own instead she should call the police! Being thoughtless will not only put yourself in a life threatening position but it will also jeopardise the life of others.


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Sometimes curiosity and impatience take over logical thinking


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Wow, how I was NOT disappointed with this show. I loved it. Everything was amazing. I love Hong-sisters, they are truly talented in their work. Now I have to wait another week to see the next two episodes. Some dramas should just continue on forever. I love Master's Sun :)


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Ugh! I hate that we only had one episode today, now I have to wait one more week to know what will happen :( can't wait for the end so they maybe happily ever after cause I cannot take this anymore!


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Totally love the amnesia, especially since JW didn't lose his intelligence. He knowns something not right and he not letting it go. He not letting his Aunt spoon feed him BS when he feel there something missing.


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JW's "not letting his Aunt spoon feed him BS when he feel there something missing"

Haha, you put it so well! :D


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I'm telling myself to be optimistic. Our CEO is not as young, and stupid as Gu Junpyo in Boys Over Flowers, who thought he was in love with a girl because of a stinkin' lunchbox *sigh*.

Even though Evil Hana/Heejoo-whichever-one-she-is is luring him with counterfeit necklaces and stolen children's books, he only seems hooked by the items, not the girl. And thanks to the kiddies, he knows about the real Sun (Taeyang), and hopefully he'll see the necklace this time since he snuck up on her. Anyone else notice how she keeps covering it up whenever he's around?

What sweet justice would it be if every time the Twin showed up with her necklace, it made him think of Gongshil.

I could go on and on, but I'll leave some space for others to vent : )

I thought of more reasons to be optimistic, though, if anyone wants to check out my blog. (www.dramarookie.blogspot.com).

Thank you JB and GF for giving us such witty, interesting recaps to tide us over until next week.


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If there isn't an adult behind the whole kidnapping,it'd be rather unconvincing ! How can two mere teenagers stage something so horrible?


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Did I forgot to mention I like Joong Won's uncle in this episode. He totally gave Hanna (Hee Joo) the 'shame on you' look when she claimed the books were hers. Uncle Joong Won, please spill the beans! In the early episodes, I thought he's the villain.


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I still don't get though why Uncle VP wants to get all this info on GS, though. Is it just curiosity now that he's not longer trying to find JW's "weakness"?


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Does anyone know when ep 14 will be out?


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this week only one ep airing, so for ep 14 will air next week and the recap usually will out the next morning after aired.


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I love this ep, it's HURTS! for sure, but the more you get pain, the more the feeling become depper and the bigger chance for more passionate romantic in next episode.

I dont hate amnesia in this ep, for me it has well done. Once again really adore GHJ-Onnie acting, she deserve top excellent actress of the year, even more deserve than when she stared the greatest love.

I really like her, mostly after watching 577 project and Running Man when she became a guest. I love her personality, unic fashion style and acting style!

In other side, while I cried and sad for Taeyang, I laugh because of Jongwon back to him old self... really funny and cant help but want to bite him, SO CUTE!


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Also, since I read last day a comment in somewhere (sorry, I forgot where since I visit many site), that this ep wasnt balance like before while for me, this ep is quite balance...

it's not only have many tears from TY side and many angst from auntie and fake hanna (alive hee jo) but also strong laugh from Jongwon, Yiryung and sweet from Kangwoo, so I love this ep as one of my favorite.


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sorry, I keep forget what the thing I want said in previous of my comment, this is truly the last this time, I promise :)

I cant wait for the time when JW finally remember TY, that she is the sun of his life, how much he love her, much she is hurt because have to sacrifice her feeling to save him, that moment the feeling between them must be in climate,

I really waiting for that epic moment! ^_^


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On Wed, Oct 25, 21:55 KR time. More or less in 4 days and 12 hours.

In short, NOT SOON ENOUGH. ;)


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This is just a strange thought that I keep having but could GS accident and the accident that killed HJ/HN be the same accident?


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I am with you - how come we are not talking about GS accident?????? They keep bringing it up and we still don't have a clue regarding - how it occurred??? Why does she have the ability to see the dead??? She was in the hospital for 3 year - does the time frame of her accident correlates with Oppa's accident????

There must be a connection to her accident, HJ and Oppa....what is it????

I agree that the evil twin and the amnesia are arches to investigate but the Louse-Lip-Security is digging into GS accident for a reason...What Is the REASON????

Can someone help me?


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well GS do not remember how she came alive, don't she?
so this things happen to JW may linked to her coma state before,
i think there will be an explanation


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I'm curious if GS's accident is somehow related but the timeline seems off. The kidnapping and Han Na/HJ 's death happened 15 years ago. GS's accident happened 6 years ago. It somehow can be tied with the time JW came back to Korea after being shipped abroad by his dad after the kidnapping. This was also about the time fake HJ presumably followed him too.


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This was a heartbreaking episode ; A ;
But it's been nagging me for a while now, is anyone else curious in why the show won't re-veil the accident that causes Gong Shil to be able to see ghosts?


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Itunes has Crazy of You and Touch Love! (among others) Will be listening to non stop and hopefully it will hold me over until the next episode! Now, if only I could speak Korean...


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Is it just me, or anybody else think that Taeyang getting hit in the head 2 times(ep 7 and 12) is a foreshadowing? I've been re-watching episodes that's why I noticed.

We all been wondering how Gongshil got into the accident but what if there's a head trauma that is latent though her body healed around the wound. Gong shil got her head banged pretty badly twice,ep. 7&12 and 1st head wound is on far left side, while latest wound is still on the left but nearer the center forehead. What if this is a clue ?I really hope I'm wrong but the times where she banged her head were always emphasized ,the wounds too.....OK, now is the time to tell me I'm over thinking it :(


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Oh! And can anyone recommend other romantic comedies to watch? Korean, Japanese or taiwanese are welcomed as well! Thanks!


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Secret Garden, Coffee Prince, King of Dramas, Rooftop Prince, Answer Me 1997, Full House Take 2


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Thanks!! Saw all except Rooftop Prince and Take 2. I'm obsessed! LOL.


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Some things just never would work in reality. How is someone who grew up in Korean supposed to pose as someone who grew up in UK? How would she know english and what accent would she have? How could her step parents not realize? If that's what the Hong sisters are going that is as ridiculous as a twin that grows up to have a different face.


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The code word for JW to remember TY is "get lost". Maybe it is her turn to tell him get lost. He still has her last text message, the only text message, in his phone. He saves her number as "get lost". Just thinking....


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You're on to something...maybe auntie Joo took care of that detail? Lol.


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He is alive, my hero is speaking again !!! I am very very happy, never waited sooooooooooo long for a peak of him :) Thankyou for the recaps you are never biased or disappointed me. Love your comments GF. I dont really care about Amnesia or any other thing other than the story and seeing those two onscreen more ...Again it feels like a decade to wait for next episode. !


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While amnesia is such a groan-able plot device, I think I can stomach this one, because it was explained and it gave several really cute reminders of how things have changed since that stormy night.

I loved how Joongwon's body remembers things, because our being is not only spiritual, it also has the intellectual and the physical aspect. While he cannot intellectually recall Taeyang, there are these habits of his: his foot stepping the wrong way, the way there was the electric tingle when he touches her - it provides an interesting idea that Joongwon loves Gongshil whole heartedly, whole mindly, whole bodily, you get the drift. he loves her with his whole BEING. That's so romantic.

This reminds me of Kang in 49 Days. Like when you love someone you'll remember that person, even if they're in another body.
This time it's "When you love someone, you still love her - even though you don't remember".
Something like that.

Coffee Ghost. You need to do something more than mooch off coffee off of Gong Shil (wow that's alot of ofs. Whoops another two, not even sure I used them all correctly).
After all the care she's shown you, you decide to disappear in one of her darkest (pun intended) moments?

Last random point: I don't think I've seen a Korean drama with such shippable second leads before.


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I personally fine with the amnesia as a payment for living again, at least he isn't dead
from what i know people who called from the half-dead condition to comeback is not able to understand what make them back (i almost hear that is ancient story and stuff involving magic), and because that shaman using an item then the item should not be recognize, also anything related to it.
it's like a rule
like in 49 days, people who success will not remember anything they did in their 49's journey right?

but the spell linked to memory is not like amnesia just like this drama, JW still felt there's something missing
so this is ghost story and I think this even may have linked with how TY Back To Life before, TY ever in coma and comeback but yet she still didn't remember anything cause it's never reveal in drama,

lastly, hope everything will be great later


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As if this ep is not sad enough I'm being such a masochist with thinking how GS hated the hospital bec of ghosts yet she waited alone. Love our 3 cupids here, Sec.Kim, Uncle and lil'Sun. Perhaps KW will spill the beans to JW when GS is in some danger (ursula) coz in her case no one else can do...it has to be JW.
*on a side note, Joogoon looks mightyfine in that grey sweater <3 rawr


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Not that sad that only one episode was aired this weeksince there's a one-ep extension!!! Its a blessing in disguise :)))


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It is hard to see which sister was which. That is certainly a total drag at the moment.

I mean according to Secretary Kim Hanna was supposed to be nice and sweet and then after her return from Korea she became a totally different person more cold and completely cut of all ties with her uncle. Twin Switch most probably. Since the uncle would know his niece quite well it would be a risk being with him thus she would have to do that to be on the safe side.

But then the question arises why would Hee Joo be like that. According to JJ Won (memories that we can gather) she was also very nice and sweet. Plus what she said to him when she possessed Gong Shill that he wasn’t deceived and that she loved him. This shows that both were nice people so something must have changed at some point but when and where.

It is possible that he was friends with Hana but if that was the case why was she using her sisters identity. Though perhaps there was some sort of struggle between the two. Perhaps some deal which went wrong and thus ended up in the kidnapping plot and then death of one sister.

for instance she lures both people to the warehouse on different pretexts. tells her sister what has happened and even shows herself to him thus now telling her sister that she has no choice but to help her now he as seen her face and now she has become an accomplice to this crime. But still who was who is a question that is making me wonder. Have to say that while she has still kept her name no one is curious about it (esp her uncle) guess he still didn’t hear it yet. Just hope JJ Won realizes that her movement matches his trips in time. Hanna is certainly creepy at time. Beautiful but Creepy :)

I wonder if I explained why noone could recognize her but it is understandable. No one saw her for such a long time that even if they were to see her now it would be next to impossible to recognize her unless you knew her real well or something. Has happened with me so I know what I am speaking about.

Let me guess what we can expect in future episodes.

!4 will all be about denying that they know each other. So by the end of it there is going to be a wedding scene with Hanna and JJ Won. Since she will have integrated with his family and him and perhaps even convinced him that she was the only person for him, dream girl etc..
Now we can’t have that
So someone will crash the wedding (Secretary Kim hopefully) and leave with the Cliff Hanger. Cha Hee Joo is still alive…
15. Continuing from where he left of (perhaps he even revealed who it was then) So escape is in order.
Then revenge Arc continues (more like Dog in the manger) If I can’t have him then no one else can. Thus she kidnaps Gong Shill (have to use the Panic Button after all.)
16. Will be about the rescue and being together. :)

darn I just realized we have another eps and I covered all the points. Perhaps without the extension I would have been correct. :(

So lets see in the final eps the deal with the creepy shaman lady comes into play. JJ Won to the rescue. This time he will become her sun and lead the way to him. Will even tell her did he tell her to leave if not why did she try to leave him. Hey will even scare of some ghosts by using his fav line Get Lost 3* maybe even to Shaman Lady.

In return Gong Shill will lose her abilities to see and help ghosts. (a shame really) I guess that will be the price that she has/had to pay or for nearly dieing. :( but atleast she can now live a normal life and not be a radar anymore.

The price the Shaman asked for the two things can be explained. Instead of money (she has to paid for her services) she asked for Gong Shils abilities and the thing that she required to bring him back was his memories of her. She could have either asked for money and done the same thing but to really benefit from this deal she asked fr the sacrifice from her. Makes Sense to me atleast. Was it fair. Probably not.

Plus I have heard that there is a drama not to be mentioned by the Hong Sisters. Which one is it. I am now really curious. Please help me out. Was it Hong Gill Dong cause that is the only one I know that they did and I loved it. Reminds me of Harry Potter though. He Who Must Not Be Named. :)

Any way take care and I hope to hear from all of you soon


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Big - but you didn't hear it from me


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I have to agree that show was a total waste of even my time and the only reason that I stuck with it was that I don't generally like to leave things in the middle. Should have used my time to catch up on the few shows that were left such as Athena and King 2 Hearts. :(

Had a good concept but then they mucked it up. Apparently they ran out on how to fix it. Ah well what is done is done. :)


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I think this is the best Master Sun episode ever!

Drama - check!
Comedy - check!
Creep Factor - check!

Check! Check! Check!

My fave parts are Tae Yang's acting especially in the scenes where she's pained. It's soooooo heart -wrenching and there's something about Joong Won feeling somewhat happy, yet empty that makes it all so delicious as a story.

I also enjoyed the KW-YR interaction, and the Vice President's antics. The KW-YR is really cute despite being unusual and I love that YR is choosing to be the bridge and to swallow her pride just to get to live in an aquarium.

Gaaah! I can't wait for next week!


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Thank ye gods!!! and Thank you Girlfriday for your recap. I don't even know where to begin.

1. am happy JJW is alive
2. i am not so touched by TGS' heartbreak b/c i feel it is her fault that JJW got stabbed (I can't forgive her; she should have waited)
3. the amnesia crutch shows the Sisters were not ready for an extension...the story should have progressed until TGS was assured that he loved her for her and JJW believing that she loves him for him
4. I was kind of hoping JJW would die so TGS and Kang Woo would be the next OTP

I know I'm not the only one who hates Hannah with a passion and wants her to trip and break her neck (although she's very pretty *jealous*)

With the new storyline, I hope Hee Joo is not planning on tricking TGS but find a way to stop her sister. Maybe if TGS truthfully answers JJW question...he'll remember and no need for possession plot line.

btw...when will TGS' sister get a love life...she deserves happiness too

Anyways, I'm stuck for the duration...this better not turn into a their last 'drama that shall not be named'.


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Finally got to sit down and watch the ep in full - jotted down some random and pretty long notes (apologies if it's been said before *hums the refrain to Barenaked Ladies' "It's All Been Done"*).

1. If JW's already subconsciously remembering (if there is such a thing) things about his Tae Yang, then I've gotta say, the shaman's skills are pretty dubious, after all!

2. Always felt like teenage JW's relationship with HJ was portrayed as an emotional tug of war/manipulation game and lacked resonance as a romantic attachment, so I never felt the "first love" thing was a real issue - certainly nothing to stop him falling in love with GS.
But even so, it was a bit jarring to see teenage HJ face to face with 30-something JW (in his coma), telling him, "now you can be with me forever".

3. when Aunt slapped VP SexyLips on the mouth to shut him up - oof, that looked seriously painful!

4. Cure for dyslexia: a Magic Screwdriver. Oh Joong-won, you're so funny. If you believe that, of course you'll believe in ghosts!

5. When Secretary Kim "reminded" JW about the award and the child protection center - I thought he was having a Yi-ryung "floaty contact lens" moment, the way JW's eyes rolled back in his head! Also loved how he was all, "but why didn't you protect me from myself?" to Sec. Kim.

6. Secretary Kim's heart-clutching moment - seriously, he'd better not have a terminal illness or anything! Or if he tries any heroics (like trying to stop Hanna), to help the OTP end up together... *grinds teeth*
I don't know if Hanna's capable of killing someone, but we've already had to go through IHYV this year ("best mom ever"), so please don't kill off another favourite character!

7. Agree with everyone's comments - isn't Yi-ryung a fantastic 2nd lead? And isn't Kang Woo too much?!


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Always felt like teenage JW’s relationship with HJ was portrayed as an emotional tug of war/manipulation game and lacked resonance as a romantic attachment

Yeah, that's what it seems like now - especially once we know of the existence of the twins. Joong-won's never had a true, reciprocated romance in his life until Gong-shil (well, if Gong-shil would admit it) because Hee-jo just scarred him that badly, even if he kept up the facade of going on blind dates.


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first off, I'm happy he survived. second point, did they bring in the amnesia plot coz of the extension just to drag things a bit? I really like the second pairing..they are so funny together =)


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Ahhh cried buckets! I cant believe taegongshil (tgs) wants to - as you say - act as the noble idiot! My heart is crying. It hurts to see her in so much pain when he cant even rmb her.
AND that shaman is from the evil woman in arang and the magistrate!! (which was also written by the hong sisters if im not wrong)
PLUS that ha na brown is an ass of all asses!! first she lies by saying she was the one who brought the story books, she also copies tgs by wearing the sun necklace, confusing joongwon. so awful!!! im so suspicious as to why she wants to stay by him so bad though.. i have a feeling she wants to avenge her sister's death by idk making joongwon's life miserable?
DANG IT having to wait another week before the next episode airs is so frustrating! ): i cant wait!


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Arang & The Magistrate was written by Jung Yoon-Jung not the Hong Sisters.


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I'm so glad that Secretary Kim isn't evil. I'm so puzzled that he doesn't recognize Han Na. She must have gotten a lot of plastic surgery. The whole twin thing still confuses me. Just who is the evil twin? At this point I swear both of them are in their own creepy ways. The way that Han Na is trying to set herself up to date(?) Joong-won feels like she's Ursula in the Disney version of The Little Mermaid, trying to bewitch the prince. To Joong-won's credit, thankfully he's got more of a brain than your average 90s Disney prince. It doesn't help that Han Na always wears black - just like Ursula I tell you!

I'm glad that everyone's predictions came true and Joong-won is alive, but this episode wasn't as swoon-worthy since he spent it playing catch-up and the viewers spent it waiting for him to catch up. It's inevitable, no matter what Auntie does.


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He is alive, so I'm fine with him having amnesia. And it's not amnesia like the usual ones we've seen.. it's a bargain and a sacrifice made by Gong Shil for Joong Won. Despite that, Joong Won is still drawn to her, and moves to keep them apart only brings them together again.... it is heartbreakingly good, I love it.


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I think the evil twin, Hanna has a different face because she grew up. As you see, Jong Won has a different face from 15 years ago too. Hee Jo has the same face because she is already dead so she can't possibly grow up.


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The amnesia angle really sucks but I can take it as long as HE IS ALIVE! Saints be praised! Hehehe. I can't wait for the last 3 episodes.... I guess I'll just have to beat counting my fingers and toes for the meantime...^^


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I thought he would have stayed in the coma longer, appearing as a coma ghost to Tae Yang, trying to run his kingdom through her, a bit like secret garden, confusing the hell out of everyone kekeke

their relationship felt a little bit like secret garden to me anyway, they can't stay away from each other, but it cannot last and one day she has to disappear and bubble away like the little mermaid...

ok maybe it's a good thing they didn't copy secret garden even more, although I love that drama


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Ahhhhhh he's alive!!! And Secretary Kim isn't bad and keeps on shipping Gong-Shil and Joong-won!!! At least that lessened the sting regarding the amnesia thing.

Anywayyyyy, has anyone read "On a Story Night?" It made me really curious and after reading, it kinda gave me a theory on how the plot would continue heeheehee I hope "kkojyeo" would bring joong-won back hahahahahah


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I forgot to mention one thing - thought it was a nice touch that at the end of Ep 12, JW had a screwdriver stabbed in his left side near his heart. Then at the beginning of Ep 13, GS's top has a corresponding "hole" on the back (you can see it as he's walking away from her, towards the trashcan ghost), 'cause now she bears the scar of that memory and what it meant.


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DramaBeans, I am so grateful for your balanced recaps--your wonderful combination of really smart viewing, direct emotional response, and humor. I am also grateful to the many people who sincerely love kdrama and write in to this site so knowledgeably. Kdrama strengthens and lifts my heart, and I can watch it better because of you all! Also sometimes it is SO GOOD that I might cry if I couldn't come here where others love it too!


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that hanna . u ppl should watch her in "sign". my god she was so scarry.


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Disappointed that MS resorted to amnesia (at least the Hong sisters came up w/ a somewhat rationale explanation) but the whole twins adopted by different families in separate counties w/ Sec. Kim happening to be the uncle is really following into cliche K-drama territory.

The latter really takes away from the good dialogue that the Hong sisters have written thus far - and dangerously starts to put MS on the edge of being a K-drama parody.


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Can smone tell me wht the title of song since tae yang n joong woon at cafe? Tht song vry nice,,,


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