Heirs: Episode 12

So, this is crazy, but STUFF ACTUALLY HAPPENS. I know. I wouldn’t believe me either, so I wrote it down just in case. Eun-sang makes a decision, Young-do actually begins to feel feelings (I think), and Tan takes a stand for something. I wish I could tell you that this changes everything, but let’s not look a plot horse in the mouth, eh?


Moon Myung-jin – “또 운다 (Cry Again)” for The Heirs OST [ Download ]

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This time our love triangle plays Come With Me, No With ME in the middle of what must be the longest red light crosswalk known to man. Either that or obeying traffic signals is for the little people.

Tan sticks out his hand and asks Eun-sang to turn metaphor into reality (or is it the other way around) and take his hand to go forward with their relationship. (I didn’t promise it’d be a deep metaphor, did I?)

Eun-sang slowly raises her hand up to his, but Tan can tell this isn’t her reaching out to him—it’s a goodbye. He yells at her not to do this, but she says they’ve come a long way already, and they can’t go any farther.

With that she lets go, forces a smile through her tears, and gives a casual “I’ll see you around” before walking off. Young-do says rather sincerely at Tan: “You’re still always making people leave you.”

Young-do catches up to Eun-sang and quizzically examines her tear-stained face, as if trying to compute what leaky ailment has possessed her. He complains that people will think he kidnapped her (well, you’re not wrong), and when she bursts into a full sob, his response is: “I want to party. Why are you crying?” Pfft. This right here is why you suck at human role-play.

He asks if she wants to ditch first period and party, and even through her sobs she manages to throw a barb his way: “Ninety-eighth place would say that.” He watches her go with a long face, sighing to himself that she refuses to be caught.

Okay, so I died laughing to discover that after all the dramatics in the intersection, Tan and Eun-sang share first period gym. I guess “see you around” meant see you in twenty. He walks into class and stares moony-eyed at her, which she doesn’t notice until Chan-young and Bo-na walk in.

Bo-na runs over to Eun-sang and asks where she ran off to so early, and from the other side of the gym, Tan asks Chan-young if he housed Eun-sang for the night. Chan-young knows nothing about Eun-sang sleeping elsewhere last night, which only freaks Tan out more. The clues are tipping in Young-do’s direction—she’s been to his hotel room before, and he found them together this morning looking awfully chummy.

He runs into Young-do in the locker room and asks if Eun-sang cried a lot this morning, and Young-do refuses to answer his questions, which is maybe the first thing he’s done that I actually like. Tan tells him plainly not to think of this as an opportunity to win Eun-sang over: “This opportunity—it’s mine.”

Young-do doesn’t say anything in response, but then sits around googling Eun-sang all afternoon. Bo-na and Myung-soo rifle through the photos from their camping trip, and come across a telltale pattern—Young-do gazing at Eun-sang over and over again in every picture.

They both whirl around and exclaim, “Do you like Cha Eun-sang for real?” Young-do looks at the pictures and smiles to realize that’s what he looks like when he’s looking at Eun-sang. Myung-soo can’t understand why of all the girls in the world that’s his first love, and Bo-na can’t believe it’s taken him this long to have a first love.

Tan comes home to a nagging Madam Han who interrogates him about having any more contact with Eun-sang. He asks his mom if she’s genuinely happy living this way—never being introduced to anyone as his mother—and she answers honestly that it makes her sad, but it’s all worth it for his future.

He points out that if he marries Rachel and all that comes with it, he may never get to introduce his mother as his mother. But despite her feelings, she doesn’t budge on her stance about his future and about Eun-sang. He lets it go for now, and asks her give back the bunny socks she’s been wearing all this time, saying that they’re his. Ha.

Eun-sang spends her afternoon apartment hunting and calls Mom to bring her a change of clothes.

Tan calls Hyo-shin out and casually drops the bomb in his lap that Director Jung isn’t his biological mother. Hyo-shin thinks it’s a joke at first, but Tan says he’s testing out the confession, to see how it feels. He admits he’s shaking, and decides to run another lap to sort out his thoughts.

Won now has his guard up around Manager Yoon, not knowing what kind of things they can even talk about anymore. Manager Yoon doesn’t pretend to be on Won’s side, but tries to soften the blow when showing him the article that’s going to be published tomorrow, of Hyun-joo’s new position at Jeguk, courtesy of the lifetime commitment to charity on behalf of his family.

Won’s face hardens to realize this is why Manager Yoon was meeting with her, and then he basically implodes to find out it was all his father’s doing. Ah, so this is her equivalent of the envelope of money sliding across the table. She gets the big dream job in exchange for leaving Won.

He storms home and opens the door to Dad’s study, to find Hyun-joo sitting there waiting for him. Dad points out that this is all Won’s doing, and if he had taken care of his love life properly, Dad wouldn’t have to step in like this.

Chairman Dad says in no uncertain terms that Hyun-joo spat in the face of his generosity by daring to date his son, and Won does nothing while she says she understands and walks out. You deserve to lose her.

She leaves the house crying (Why is this the norm around here?) and runs into Tan. He stops to ask if she’s okay, and she recognizes him right away. She just asks that he holds his brother back, and leaves him wondering who she is.

Won steps out, and Tan tells hyung where the girl went and that he’s supposed to hold him back. He asks what’s going on, and of course Won doesn’t tell him, though he does add a tip that he should be careful because Dad’s hired people to spy on them. Nothing like scary invasive fathers to bring estranged brothers together, eh? This family.

After seeing Won zoom off with no intention of going after the girl, Tan feels compelled to go find her. He finds her at the bus stop and sits down next to her, and conveys the message that hyung isn’t coming.

He asks if she’s his brother’s girlfriend and how she recognized him earlier—does hyung ever talk about him? Hyun-joo says he did, and repeats Won’s words: “My little brother is affectionate, honest, he’s grown very tall, and his eyes are just like mine.” Aw, did he really say those things?

They sit there in silence, and Tan remains there long after Hyun-joo has gone.

Mom gets dressed to go meet Eun-sang, and tells Madam Han that she’ll work until the end of the month, after which she’ll have to hire new help. Madam Han is hilariously broken up about it but trying not to let it show, and freaks out when she thinks Mom is leaving the house right this instant.

I’m pretty sure she would’ve cried, but Mom says she’s just going out on an errand, and Madam Han calms down. How will you live without her?

Mom waits for Eun-sang outside the convenience store, where Young-do happens to plop down at the table next to hers. He calls Eun-sang for a date and gets rejected, only when she arrives to meet Mom, Young-do is there in plain sight.

Thinking quickly, she calls him back and agrees to eat with him, making him meet her elsewhere. She ducks out of sight until he’s gone and meets with Mom to tell her that she’s looking for a place and sleeping at a friend’s house.

She goes to meet Young-do, who notes that she’s coming from the direction of the convenience store, and then he sees the shopping bag in her hand that Mom had. A light bulb goes off in his head and he tells her to wait here and rides off. Uh-oh.

He waits at Tan’s front gate, and sure enough, Mom arrives home after meeting with Eun-sang. He’s suddenly all sweet and polite as he asks if Eun-sang is home and if she’s her mom, and after getting away with a nod here and there, Mom finally has to type a reply into her phone that Eun-sang is at work.

He passes by Tan on the way out, but remains cryptic about his reason for being here. Seconds later, Tan gets a text from Won that they’re playing golf tomorrow with Young-do and his father. Wait, we’re putting metal clubs into their hands? Who thought this was a good idea?

Young-do finds Eun-sang long gone, but he waits anyway and she gets a text from Mom that her friend on a motorcycle came to see her. She runs back in a panic, and as Young-do watches her approach, he says to himself that it’s Explanation 6 (for why she lives at Tan’s house): daughter of housekeeper, with a disability.

She knows that he’s figured out the whole story now, and asks what he’s going to do, not caring if he wants to tell everyone or harass her for it—she just asks what she should prepare herself for. He doesn’t seem very interested in lording the secret over her head, but she’s fixated on what new brand of torture he’s cooking up, and demands a response.

Young-do blurts that he has no idea: “I don’t even know what to do about my own scars! What am I going to do with yours?! I was just sad when you weren’t here, and I’m happy that you’re back, and your secret is heavy, and that’s it.”

She still doesn’t believe he won’t do something to her, and points out that that’s what he does to others, to her. But he says that’s why he can’t do anything to her now, and decides they’ll have to eat together another time and rides away.

The golf date rolls around and both Won and Young-do’s father remind each of the boys that a business deal is at stake. They remain civil enough for a while, until Young-do asks nonchalantly if the kids at school would be more shocked to hear about Tan being the son of a concubine or Eun-sang being the daughter of a housekeeper.

Tan recites his usual stay-away-from-Eun-sang line, but this time Young-do turns it around to say that he’s not threatening Eun-sang with what he knows; he’s threatening Tan with it. He says that if Tan stops protecting Eun-sang, Young-do will protect them all, and keep their secrets. Dude, even when you’re doing the good thing, why must you find the most evil reason to do it?

Tan says he’s been trying his best not to live like his past self, but threatens to return to that if he has to beat Young-do. He takes out his claws and says he’ll retaliate as Jeguk Group’s second son, and go after his father, his father’s company, and everything he owns. Young-do scoffs that it’s big talk for an illegitimate child, but Tan points out that he’s still his father’s son.

Another flashback to their past brings us to the moment Tan had warned Young-do he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Present Young-do says he should’ve come sooner, but Tan says he was mad at him, and held it against him for all of five minutes…

But those five minutes turn out to be the last chance Young-do had to eat a meal with his mother before she left him. The boys run in to find a table set for two, and his mother long gone.

Tan says now that Young-do is the one who lost the chance to see his mother because he was so stubbornly trying to win against Tan. He warns him again not to touch Eun-sang, and pleads with him to let this fight go: “I don’t have the time to fight with you because I’m preparing for a bigger battle.”

At school the next day, Eun-sang can’t help but be disappointed when Tan walks by her locker without acknowledging her. She meets Bo-na in the broadcast room and sees the mound of presents for Hyo-shin from his fangirls (he won a student short film contest). Bo-na tells her that Young-do likes her thinking it’s a big secret, and Eun-sang awkwardly pretends to be surprised.

Tan comes by to congratulate Hyo-shin on the film contest, which is obviously an excuse to be in the room. But my favorite part is Bo-na’s firm belief that he’s here to see her, which she says out loud to everyone. HA.

Hyo-shin chitchats with him and asks why he really came by, and Tan just stops with his back turned to the room to say it’s because he missed her, without the “her.”

Tan goes to Director Jung to apologize about ruining brunch with Rachel’s family last time, and asks her to invite them to dinner so he can fix things. Meanwhile Rachel attends one of her mother’s work parties, and learns the shocking tidbit that Ye-sol’s mom is a room salon madam.

Director Jung finds the in-law dinner a perfect excuse to put Madam Han in her place, and invites everyone over to the house on purpose. Madam Han comes out to find her hanging a family picture in the living room, and is brought to tears when she’s told that Tan is the one who set this dinner up.

While that’s going on at home, Tan is waiting for Eun-sang to arrive at work, and asks, “Are you happy now that you moved out? Are you happy now that you don’t see me? Are you happy now that you’ve let go of my hand?”

She deflects and tells him to go home, and he kisses her instead. He says he’s not really one to listen to her (yeah no kidding) and pouts about how she left him standing in that dangerous intersection and didn’t even call to check on him, when she obviously missed him too.

She denies it, so he kisses her again, daring her to lie one more time. He finally tells her what he came here to say—not to come home tonight, no matter who calls.

Back at the House of Two Moms, Madam Han stubbornly stands her ground in the hallway, refusing to leave. But Madam Jung knows to call her bluff, and tells the maid to open the door and let the guests in, and of course Madam Han has no choice but to run to her room in tears.

Mom comes in to comfort her and gives her updates on the dinner, which she’s grateful for. Downstairs, the family goes through their usual round of pleasantries over dinner, and Tan shows up late with apologies.

He asks to show Rachel his room, and once he has her alone he apologizes in advance for what he’s about to do. He says he’s going to show her what it is that Young-do saw when he came over.

Madam Jung comes in to rub the whole thing in the mistress’s face, and notes that she’s seen her look the same way eighteen years ago when she caught her sneaking around with her husband. She throws a glass of water in her face for emphasis, and Tan comes in to see his mother get crushed yet again.

He steps in to wipe the water from her face sweetly, and even Madam Jung can’t hide her jealousy at that. Tan takes his mother’s hand and asks her not to let go, and then leads her out of the room. Omo.

He takes her out to the living room, and Rachel’s mom recognizes her as Eun-sang’s mother. Tan says she’s mistaken, and announces in plain words that this is his biological mother, and he is an illegitimate child.

His mom cowers in fear the entire time, but he refuses to let go of her hand. He apologizes for the lies, and breaks the engagement knowing that it’ll now be mutual on both sides. Rachel’s mom fumes in indignation and hauls Rachel out, and Madam Jung chases after them.

Dad is livid and gets up to slap Tan across the face. Twice. Mom cries that it was all her fault and she put him up to it, but Tan doesn’t let her take the fall for him, and tells his father that he’s not sorry. He says he’ll apologize if he ever comes to regret his actions today, but he’s fairly confident he won’t regret them.

He challenges Dad to kick him to the curb if he likes, “But Mom is your woman, so you take responsibility for her.” He finally lets out the breath he’s been holding all this time, and Mom cries, asking how he could drop a bomb like this.

She continues sobbing up in his room, and asks why he did it when she endured so much to give him this life. He apologizes sincerely for thinking differently and just sits at her feet as she cries.

Eun-sang is distracted all evening at work, knowing that something is up with Tan. When she goes out to throw away the trash, she finds him standing outside waiting for her. As soon as he sees her, his eyes well up with tears and he starts to cry, and without knowing why, Eun-sang mirrors his tears and cries too.


Okay, so I’m just resigned to the fact that I’m never going to understand why in this world, Eun-sang saying goodbye means Come by and kiss me whenever you please, because in MY world, when a girl says goodbye, she means goodbye. I don’t even blame Tan as the only culprit here, because this writer likes to have her heroines say the opposite of what they’re feeling, thinking it romantic when a man refuses to listen to her words because he can see through to “what she really means.” Why it doesn’t occur to her that this is a slippery slope and a dangerous game (Uh, no means no, anyone?) is beyond me, but I feel like I’ve just got that fundamental block with her and I’m just never going to get over it.

I’m not trying to harp on it, but in all honesty it’s just a thing that keeps me from engaging with the romance emotionally, because Eun-sang is clearly acting like a person who wants to be with Tan, but saying things to keep him at arm’s length. It makes me frustrated with both of them—him for not listening to her and her for constantly giving him the misdirects in the first place—when all I really want to do is just root for a couple who wants to be together. Running away once because you’re scared, okay fine. Running away twelve times gives me the impression that you don’t want to be with him, so if you DO want to be with him, stop being so confusing. A stalker’s resilience is not a thing I want cultivated in my hero. Just sayin’.

The same can be said of Young-do, really, whose behavior does so many cartwheels of assiness to hide the vulnerability that he doesn’t want exposed, that by the time we FINALLY get to some human emotions and signs of a soft underbelly, I’m too far gone (and so is Eun-sang) that his nice behavior is circumspect. I do believe that he likes her, and if she really is the first girl he’s ever liked, okay, I even understand that it’s the first time he’s trying out foreign feelings, and why he ends up blurting emotional vomit at her like a boy who’s angry at the girl he likes for being pretty. You’re new. Fine. But you don’t get extra points for that. That’s just your bad. I’m sorry you’re at an emotional disadvantage because of your militant cyborg upbringing, but you know what would be impressive? Maybe you overcome said disadvantage and be a good person anyway.

I was disappointed that the boys just returned to their same cyclical dynamic when it seemed like there might be a glimmer of hope once Young-do had real feelings for Eun-sang and a vested interest in winning her over after she rejected Tan. But they continue to make this all about them, and that just makes me continue to roll my eyes. At least Tan DOES something in this episode, which is sadly such a rare occurrence around here that I was shocked. The mom reveal was a rather sweet mother-son moment, and I was happy that he at least stood his ground for one relationship in his life. In that respect he really is better than Won, who simply stood by as the love of his life was crushed and ousted from his life without even getting to confess how he really felt. Talk about a pitiful character.

I really liked Tan’s brush with Hyun-joo in this episode, because they’re strangers and yet so similar in that moment. I just liked their silent connection at the bus stop, both hurt by the same person and both wanting to be loved by the same person, knowing he’s not coming for either of them. I would hope that witnessing his hyung’s sad romance go down like that might make Tan a little more proactive so that history doesn’t repeat itself with Eun-sang. I’m just hoping Tan’s apathy and inaction is officially a thing of the past. Action Tan, are you here to stay? And while you’re at it, could you maybe get Says What She Means Eun-sang and Soft Underbelly Young-do to come visit more often? I so do like it when they come to play.


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I am also very surprised by this episode, thinking to myself that SOMETHING ACTUALLY HAPPENED!

I hope that the drama keeps this up!!


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As for "No means no," the writer is Kim Eun Sook after all. She of the Secret Garden forced bedroom scene that made the heroine actually fall for the hero.


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I love love love this show!


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I really wonder if Tan and Young Do have two different stylists. Tan's clothes are cringeworthy while Young Do looks pretty sharp.

Why maroon jacket? Flowery print shirts? Those clothes are criminal.


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I quite liked the maroon jacket to be honest... hahaha.


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Hahaha errr I do like some of the flowery shirts too.
One mans meat, another mans poison


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Loved the maroon jacket but hated the flowered shirt and the pants.


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The last two sentences - brilliant writing.



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I need Lee Bo Na and Eun Sung to have more scenes because they feel more like real friends than any other relationship in this drama. But I cant complain because we actually had some movement in this episode (or lack of KT/ES kiss). But aside from all the tug-oh-you-know-my-feelings-war, I hope to see more interactions with the brothers because they could use that support.


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Cha Eun sang Kim Tan rock my heart now


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Thanks for the recap Girlfriday.

I was going to ask this yesterday but forgot. What in the world is a room salon madam?


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I'm guessing the owner/pedlar of a hostess bar where you get to order drinks as well as pretty ladies... Hence the bottled water metaphor :D

Hope this helps


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yes finally. so glad that stuff happened too and there's change. hahahaha oh at least a new song came up in this episode (yay, so glad it wasn't "Love is the momeeeeeennntttt.....")


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Don't do that! I might cry if it gets stuck in my head again. :)


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Ooh, stuff happens. And good now can we get Hyoshin together with his ex tutor. The only sane ones in the drama deserve to be together. Ahem. One track mind sorry.


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I know writing this will make me look at a LMH hater which I am not, just disappointed at a once "could have been great" young man I saw in BOF. No time to watch the entire episode but just the part where everyone was oooh-aaahing over - the last couple of minutes of Kim Tan where tears well up as he cried. I agree 100% he looks Really Pretty crying but is that it? Maybe my heart is made of stone, but it didn't get to me. I am spoilt by very good crying scenes by Korean actors but not this one. And why is ES crying again? I mean at least make her say something, right? The show portrays her as a crybaby, bet she doesn't even know why she cries. If she was written well, at least we can say ES empathized with KT so much that she teared instantly at the sight of his tears but this reaction doesn't gel with her behaviour.

That said, this episode seems to have rev the engine up a bit, hope it won't splutter to the end


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From the beginning through the end of Episode 12, it was a sight to behold...fully witnessing Kim Tan ascend to a different level (of the game/playing field).

It was remarkable to watch Tan's transformation from a person of idleness, hibernation, and abeyance to a person internally and externally exuding maturity, courage, compassion, and wariness in dealing with everyone around him.

On the crosswalk - Tan spoke honestly to Eun- Sang (1) hold onto my hand; (2) I will not pretend nor will I promise that it would not be difficult if we are together; (3) let us have courage, faith, and support with/for each other on this journey together.

Literally running to meet up with Hyo-Shin and confessing his birth secret to Hyo-Shin as a "Trial Run."

Astute and gauging of the situation between Kim Won and Hyun-Joo...Being a gentleman to Hyun-Joo in spite of Won's desertion.

On the golf course - Tan laid all the cards on the table /broke it down for Young-Do the issues between them...the choices and/or repercussions of their past/current/future situation with each other... You want to fight, don't make me go back to my old self... My battle is beyond you, but if you insist on an unnecessary battle against each other, then as the 2nd son I will use the weight my father's power to destroy you and your father's company...

Ruse of congratulating Hyo-Shin on a film contest as a way of letting Eun-Sang know that he misses her. Forwarning Eun-Sang not to come home tonight.

Tan tenderly attending to his mother Ki-Ae after her encounter with Ji-Sook.

To those in attendance for the dinner party - Apologizing to Rachel ahead of time...With his mother tightly holding his hand because he asked/needed her by his side as he gathered the strength to follow through with singlehandedly revealing a truth that was purposely hidden for the past 18 years...


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You saw a single scene. Without watching the context of the previous 58 minutes, that scene would have no meaning to you.


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If KB is such a jerk and can bring fans to his ship and etc, something must be right, or maybe LMH is lacking - doing something wrong. I think it is more the later, LMH is bland imo and is just good at staring others, while PSH is good crying her eyes out every.single.episode.

I just can't.


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One reason can be the way in which Tan's character is written. Another reason is that WB's acting as YD is great. Even though YD is/was evil, his character draws you to him. Charisma, I guess?


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I think it's more to do with Tan's character. He is meant to be laid-back, lazy and not pro-active. And that is the way LMH has been portraying him. This character is written differenttly from other roles that LMH has had to portray. And i suppose that is what people are missing. He has always had the role of a strong, in-control guy. I actually like this laid-back character for a change. Pity that most don't alpreciate it coz he's actually doing it very well.

I suppose people have expectations...


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The writer intentionally meant for Young-Do to be a charismatic larger than life character and for Kim Tan to have the opposite persona with a laid-back placid temperment. As contrary and polarizing forces, they are simultaneously different and seemingly similar to one another.

For Example:

Yin / Yang
Sun / Moon
Life / Death
Light / Dark
Fire / Ice
Hot / Cold
High / Low
Up / Down
Synonyms / Antonyms
Parent / Child
Teacher / Student
Male / Female
Love / Hate
Wealthy / Poor
Success / Failure
Positive / Negative
Happy / Sad
Pleasure / Pain
Interior / Exterior
Young / Old
Add / Subtract
Ancient / Modern
Past / Present
Friend / Enemy
Winner / Loser


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Yay for something happening!!!

I would've thrown things if we had another appendage waving session, but luckily the only face-to-face-I-will-now-kiss-you-just-kidding moment between Tan and Young Do actually told the story of two boys who messed up their relationship and Young Do genuinely reacted to Tan's begging to move on.

Also, Young Do's been sort of endearing in his psychopathic way these two last episodes and Eunsang should really go eat some ramen or japchae with him sometime, poor kid :D

Thanks for the recap GF!! Waiting for Reply 1994 next...


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I know! She should at least be friends with YD. He was soo happy when she told him that she will eat with him :) Loved his smile.


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I just don't accept that Tan has done such a wonderful thing in outing himself as illegitimate in such a way. What's good about it? He asks his mother if she's happy living the way she does and that she can now never be publicly acknowledged as his mother if he marries Rachel. His mother admits it's not the way she thought her life would turn out but that it's been worth it because Tan will have everything and that's enough for her.

Tan then engineers a dinner with his fiancee, her mother, his father and his putative mother by lying and, in the process, causes his mother great distress when she must keep to her room while the legal wife gets to play lady of the house. He then drops a large grenade into the gathering by dragging his mother, against her will and completely ignoring the sacrifices she's made for him, and outing not only himself as illegitimate but his own mother as a mistress.

His mother isn't the brightest bulb but she thinks what she has done is worth it because she loves Tan. She wants him to have everything she obviously couldn't give him if he'd remained the illegitimate and unacknowledged son of a probable bar hostess. What would have happened to Tan then? Maybe he'd have become a gangster instead of the second son of a wealthy and powerful family?

Tan doesn't respect his mother at all here and it's actually pretty horrible. Okay, so he doesn't want to marry Rachel but does he really have to humiliate his own mother to do so. He wants to leave? Well then go. He's concerned about his mother's dignity as a mistress and the mother of an illegitimate son? Let his mother worry about her own dignity.

Tan has also put her in a horrible situation. She's been a mistress for eighteen years and before that she was probably one of Madame Bang's bar hostesses. Now she's lost what has been her only protection, her own son. What's she going to do? Tan says to his father that he should only blame Tan. Kick him out but protect his "woman". Yeah, right! As if that's going happen.

We have just seen how ruthless Mr Kim can be with Won and Hyun-joo. He won't hesitate to rid himself of a mistress to punish a son who has disrespected the family so. I am not a believer in corporal punishment at all but this is one place I think the slaps Mr Kim gives Tan are well deserved especially given the culture. Where is his mother going to go? And, again, what is she going to do? Get her old job with Madame Bang back? Write a tell-all book? Ask Eun-sang's mother to help her get a job as a housemaid? Her options at this point are pretty limited. I think what Tan has done is dreadful but entirely consistent with his character.

And now on to Young-do. Dude, the correct response when you finally suspect you are seeing a glimmer of hope with a girl you think you like is not, "Wanna party?" This will get you nowhere fast with a girl like Eun-sang. I realize you are probably channelling your philandering father here, that your exposure to women has been limited to his sex partners during the so important teenaged years and that guy looks like he really knows how to party but, just no.


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You say: What's good about Tan coming out and telling them he's illegitimate?
Well, the main reason he does that is so that his mother doesn't have to hideout in humiliation anymore (we see the scene prior where he finds Madam Jung has thrown water at his mother). Sure, it came as a shock to the guests, but whichever way you present it, it will be shocking news. It hurt him to see that his mom couldn't even say she was his mother to others.
Also, Tan is tired of living in fear. For years Young-Do has held the secret over his head and threatened to tell all. If he tells others before he does, the fear that's been haunting him is no more.

Sure, Daddy Warbucks may throw them out, but not likely. So in your view, while he may have risked losing his inheritance/ money, Tan won in his view because he is not controlled by his fears anymore (fear of exposure, fear of humiliation).
I'd say that took guts and for that courage, I tip my hat to him.


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I'm not saying that the truth shouldn't come out because the secrecy around Tan's illegitimacy is toxic for everyone involved. It's living a lie and that's never a good thing. It's not the fact it has been done but the way Tan has done it. He has, once again, made it all about Tan and not about his mother at all.

He is not considering his father here either. We may not like Mr Tan but he seems to have gone to great lengths to protect his second's son's interests. None of this secrecy could have been achieved in the first place without Mr Tan's permission. Tan and his mother are brought into the home, Tan is legitimized by a lie and given full standing as a legal son of the house. The legal wife may now be Tan's official mother but, as it's clear she was never going to divorce her husband, what would have been the alternative for both Tan and his mother? She might agree to divorce him now but it's a little too late for that.

If Tan doesn't want to accept his inheritance, fine. I probably wouldn't either. But he isn't really sensitive to his own mother's needs and has put her in a really horrible position. The job of live-in mistress is kind of old fashioned in this day and age and not really a viable career choice for any woman. But it is Tan's mother's life and he has made the choice to change the situation without consulting her or at least giving her a head's up that he's about to do it. If they get kicked out, who will support her? Tan at 18?


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Also, I don't think that outing their situation really sets his mom free at all either. She's still going to have to hide out at home because, if she goes out she will be "That Woman" and wont be accepted anywhere in their circle. Before, she couldn't be honest about who she really was but at least she had some level of anonymity. Now, everyone knows who she really is. She is more a prisoner than ever. Even if Tan rises to take over the company one day, do you think that will change the way other people look at her?


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Some factors I love about the show/this episode.

I love YD's dorky "romantic" ways. Lol. And how cute he looks when he smiles and is in love. (Oh yeah, major YD/WB fan here). Be friends with Tan. Being polite to ES's mom. We are showing some good changes toward everyone now, aren't we? Kudos for letting go of your hatred towards Tan even though you had a genuine reason.

MS's funny nature and foolishness. "You lost your mom's friend?" cracked me up.

Bo Na's self-centered behavior in a cute way. I don't know how she pulls it off. May be how YD pulls off the bad boy so well?

YS - can't wait to see YD's reaction when he finds out you have a crush on him. Hopefully he will be nice and may be even reciprocate your feelings. And I know you're jealous but please be nice to ES. Otherwise, YD may end up keeping you at a distance.

Rachael - I thought you were a spoiled brat. But after episode 11, I am understanding your situation more and you have my sympathy. Engagement is broken. As much as it hurts, this is better for you.

ES - Please go eat Ramen with YD. Be friends with him. I think I don't care whether you become romantically involved with him or not.

Tan - Waiting for you and YD to be friends again. Both have been hurt. Liked that you shared your birth secret. Probably felt good to be free of that burden.

ES and Tan's romance - I don't know what to expect here because I prefer YD+ES pairing better. However, the writer is going to make KT/ES end up together. Oh well.


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Tan's and ES's mothers - Hilarious pair. The negotiating for the notebooks was really funny.


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Writer, don't hurt Young Do too much. If you were planning to hurt him badly, then you should not have made us feel for him. Should have discouraged KWB playing him like that. Now that you did, give him a good arc. Let him get over that stupid crush so that he can move on and do something good to redeem himself. Let him remain the snarky self but do good with his powers. :-)


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I don't want a tame YD but I wouldn't mind an Avenger YD. :)


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I would love to see him redeem himself too. Even though I find some of the other characters funny and cute, YD is the one that makes me watch this show. Keeping my fingers crossed for a happy ending for him :)


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This show is a piece sewn together with Korean drama cliche with many popular young actors and actress get together so that their popularity can gain the rating and postings as much as possible. I hope this drama is not the sign of Korean drama's down fall from this on. At this point, even badly written drama can generate the rating as far as there are popular actors in the project,,,, however the viewers are not that stupid,,,, at one point, they get sick of its cliche and fewer will be willing to watch those dream come true theme drama. until then we bear some cliche ridden drama for the sake of wasting our time and enjoy criticizing the drama.

KT's character is not deep, ES's personality could have been deeper given her circumstance. DY can redeem himself with the help of ES but I guess the writer is determined to ship KT and ES so I guess this is not going to happen.

I rather blame this insipid drama on the writer and the director.


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I don't think the outlook is great. Above 15% for this standard of writing, direction and acting show that viewers just laps up anything as long as their favorite actor or actress is in it. There are a number of good dramas getting less than 10% but a lot better than Heirs. So this shows that the producers and broadcast networks know what they are doing. Get a well known writer to produce a genre where they can fit all these idol actors or popular actors and Bam! they get a hit. The numbers tell us as much as we think it's crap, rehashed, a Frankenstein of all drama tropes, they are right.Didn't you read this show is the buzz in Korea and has fans from students to ahjummas?

Some people say LMH and PSH are going to go down with this. I don't think so. This show has done nothing but propel them to greater heights of fandom and sell more albums and CFs. Woo Bin and Choi Jin Hyuk are in this because they are using it as a stepping stone to be a lead actor in their next drama. The rest of the underused cast are here simply because each digit of rating they draw from their fans adds up to the numbers.


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Prime example is Gu Family Book. It was so obviously floundering but fans(including myself) of LSK and fans of Suzy, I think, are what kept the ratings up. That and, up till the last, I was still hoping that the drama would redeem itself. But it never did. Sad. That was very sad.

Hopefully, Heirs would continue with its upward course from hereon.


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This show is like a PSA for Why You Don't Wanna Be Rich. Must everyone be miserable? Except for Bo-na, who lives in her own hilarious little deluded world where it's all about her. Why do I kind of love her for that?

At least we can smile at the recaps. Thanks, Ladies : )


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Episode 12 is clearly Minho's episode. He was so good. I knew his acting chops will come out soon. What a dramatic episode. I love how he showed his love for his mother. Besides, they are both beautiful. You cannot even think the chairwoman is Tan's mother 'cause she's ugly. His biological mother is beautiful. It makes you wonder what will happen next? His 18th birthday is coming and his Dad bought a lot of shares using other people's names for his birthday present. I can't wait.


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I'm so glad at this point no matter what dad does she can't win. I so wish Tan would go to Won to ask for his help and support and through this they discover dad's deeds and gang up on him. If daddy Kim doesn't give the shares to Tan Won won't have anything to fear and can go to his girl (though said girl shouldn't even look at his face after that last encounter - talk about inaction, the guy didn't even confess in all these years? Tan was blamed for inaction as well, I guess it runs in the family). If he gives the shares to Tan what is he going to hold hostage to force him to do his bidding?


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I find the recaps for Heirs is much more interesting that the actual drama. lol. the side comments are hilarious.


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I'm just praying someone gives kissing lessons to Park Shin Hye before this drama ends...


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Everybody including her fans have been hoping and wishing for that since like her first Kiss scene in a drama but years later nothing changes she's still the worse kisser in the entire dramaland. Maybe even a miracle won't help now, so don't expect too much.


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I suggest LMH.


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Sorry, but so far it appears that even LMH is subdued by PSH's physical coldness. She put him in his place at the press conference, so this doesn't surprise me at all. She's a great crier, though.


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Ah, PSH, I've said this before, "Grow up!" Grow up with the times girl! Your routine was cute up until Heartstrings. Beyond that, it's just tiring.


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This drama would work so much better as a parody.


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oh, isn't it a parody to begin with? I cannot take the drama seriously at all.


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First off, let me just say that I officially despise both Chabeol dads. KT's father is every bit the son-of-a-bitch that YD's is. Seriously.

Second, I absolutely loved this episode because something (a lot of somethings, actually!) happened to move the story forward. It was like watching lightning hitting the shit house. The stakes are officially raised, and there's no turning back. Bravo Kim Tan! It's like he's awaken out of a long, apathetic sleep. You can tell he's just done the scariest thing he's ever done in his life, but that he's suddenly found the reasons to be brave and risk upending his whole existence. His character just got interesting. I can't wait to see what happens next. Though one thing's for sure, there's no way the whole truth of Kim Tan's illegitimacy won't soon be revealed to the whole school, as well as the fact that Eun Sang is (gasp!) his maid's daughter, so the fallout from that will soon hit also. And it's not going to pretty.

I'm amused by the developing friendship (almost against their will) between Bo Na and Eun Sang. I think when it's time to form alliances within the school, Bo Na will cast her lot with Eun Sang and Kim Tan. Of course that will be after she comes to the shocking realization that Kim Tan got over her looong ago. LOL!

I like that we see how Won really feels about his illegitimate little brother, how heartbroken he is over the realities of his relationship with Hyun Joo and his anger with his father over the way he's exploiting the girl while sabotaging any possibility that they can be together. Sadly, Won isn't nearly as brave as his little brother. But, I'm looking forward to when the brothers will join forces to defeat that manipulative and heartless old bastard. Am I just indulging in wishful thinking? I hope not.

I never thought it would happen, but I'm actually beginning to be somewhat sympathetic to Young Do. It's got everything to do with how vulnerable his feelings for Eun Sang are making him, his cluelessness as to how to handle those feelings, the way they are causing him to slowly change. He's still a dick-head, but not as bad as I originally thought. Kim Woo Bin is playing the hell out of this role, and there are lots of instances during which I feel compelled to do a slow clap over his performance... I still can't stand Ra Hel, though.


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I don't think it's wishful thinking to expect the Kim brothers to defeat their heartless father. KES had a similar storyline in City Hall.

[spoiler alert]

Actually I just realized the hero there was also illegitimate and in the end he outed himself to the media to beat his father in a much more dramatic scene and got his girl. The father was way more evil there though I suspect we have only seen the tip of the iceberg here.


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I am unsure as to what exactly is the etiquette about spoilers in a show that aired in 2009 and has been extensively recapped and discussed on this site but:

Spoiler alert!

The big difference is that Jo Gook, in his late 30's and not 18, has spent his entire life trying to please his father and doing everything his father has asked of him including becoming engaged to a Rachel-type to further his father's political career. Jo Gook has also never been acknowledged by his father and the stigma of illegitimacy has seriously compromised and scarred his life. The press conference comes as the climax of a long struggle with his father when he finally chooses to make a life with the woman he loves.


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This episode was kickass... A great way to start my weekend.

That is all.


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Thanks for the recap...I kynda enjoyed this episode,hope show continues like this.


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When I first watched the episode, I did not understand some things you mentioned here about his reactions. I thought his hurt was because ES still looked at him as a person who would bully her. It is true – until that scene, ES did not take his confessions seriously/thought he would use the knowledge against her – I don't blame her either. But I loved it how you said that he was hurt also because he was regretting his past actions . Good for him! Rooting for YD :) WB showed YD losing his cool exterior and getting emotional extremely well. WB is gaining a loyal fan here, with his performance of YD. Hehe.

Sorry had to re-post this paragraph again because of some grammar errors in the last one. Lol.



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@Moonbeans - The former post was in reply to your post where you detailed YD's emotions and reactions in this episode. I guess I messed up when I posted. Aargh I am tired. Sorry.


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Please don't let this feeling of mine be true:

Tan will be disinherited then he will live a hard life because you know, rich people when facing hard financial situations get stupid and imbecile (in dramas I think/hope) and/or because Daddy'o will pressure all the companies he will get into. We will then be questioning on why he did not prepare in advance by like getting some money before the big reveal, he certainly should've watched lots of dramas(because Dramas should exist in Dramas too, right?) to not believe that when you go against your rich Papa all your money sources will be gone. Something will happen to Eunsang/Mommy that will force either one of them to surrender their love in exchange of peace/money

This act of his will then be a catalyst for him and Won to get close and in the end the two will put up a fight against their Dad for their freedom.. It's either they make him incapable of doing things to them or he dies of heart attack (Dad's too far off for a 360 character turn around)

(Young do on the other hand will marry Rachel and who knows how many evil babies they will make??)

(Chan young and Bona-- Well.. they will live happily ever after because they deserve it)


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Hii can I ask what the song name/ title during Eun sang crying in front of Yong Do in the beginning episode 12.


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About time..Tan finally got some gumption and some back bone and outed his real mom to Rachel and her mom. Could stand him being a wuss for so long in dragging on and on the engagement.Tan's dad still thinks it is on?

Why does ES gives weird faces when Tan tries to kiss her? She said she likes him so why does she look like she smelled a dead fish?


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Even though Heirs isn't doing it for me the way some of the writers past works have, I don't think it's as bad as some people do. I actually find it hilarious, granted I don't think most of what I find so funny is actually supposed to be funny, except Bo Na she's definitely supposed to be funny.

About Young-do I think I saw some people defending him and saying he's not a bully in the last episodes comments. Here's the thing though he is definitely a bully and that's all he'll ever amount to until he beats his father at judo and gets over that psychological blockage.


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I believe YD is showing signs of becoming a better person, without beating his father in judo. Don't get me wrong. I would love to see him win over his nasty dad but I don't feel that that is necessary for him to be a good person. My thoughts :)


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Every time i see Hyun joo, i say to myself that she is the future Eun Sang. It's sad. too sad story which have no cure


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I have nothing constructive to say about this episode other than that THEY FILMED IN FRONT OF MY APARTMENT.

The red brick building that Eunsang checks out when she's house-hunting is my buillding, that's where we park our car, and as she's walking away my window is literally right above where the shot is cut off. I got to watch (and listen to) them fill that scene like ten times lol. And the staff guy who asked us to move our car complimented my dog lol.

Also, the intersection later where Youngdo confronts Eunsang about her mom is literally right in front of my house. And the intersection in the first scene is ten minutes from my house, called One Mount. And they were filming in the neighbourhood where I work too.

My neighbourhood is so popular haha.

And they must be filming pretty close to their deadline, because all this was in the past few days.


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That is so cool! I totally understand the whole 10 takes per scene that you are referring to. They are filming the interior school shots at my son's school. For every 30 second scene it takes them hours to set up and shoot from every conceivable angle. I'm not complaining though because I can watch KWB and LMH all day long. In fact, they probably think I'm a stalker because I'm always placing myself in strategic locations so that I can see them as much as possible. They probably think I work at the school. Also, the script is usually not ready until Friday night for the following week's episodes.


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Oh wow!! I envy what you two got experience!! But oh no they're in live shooting now:(


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@Kender & @Rachelle
You're both so lucky. And your english are fluent. Can we chat outside this forum? I really wanna have friends in Korea, thanks. ^^
I'd love to have friends from anywhere, you can mention me on my twitter @maysavitri.


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Hey , my first comment- its cuz I really loved dis episode - melodrama and whatever- I hope dis lasts all tru d series pls quit d neg and give support - I luv my fav stars :D


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This episode was amazing. I cried so many times in it .
I am feeling really sad for all the main characters here. I understand ES and how this love is extremely hurting her , you cant say that different social background does not matter.
KT was breathtaking in this episode . He stood for his mother. for the first time , I felt that T and his brother developed some brotherly relationship .
Also, I underdstand that YD is lonely but this is not an execuse for what he is doing .
I loved the last scene alot as if the pain that he is feeling is passing to her just by looking to each other .

KT and ES Fighting


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First! Why am I watching this show again?

Second! Let's burn Lee Min Ho Stylist! Please? For humanity's eyes safety!

Third! I know halloween is over but I'm pretty sure Eun-sang's costume was a burrito! She loves to be wrapped around and tose aside by people!

Fourth! Worst excuse ever Young-Do! Ok, you missed your last meal with your mom because you were with Tan but SHE WAS GOING TO LEAVE ANYWAY so blame her you moron! Did you have an brain damaging accident with your bike? 'Cause that would explane a lot!

And finally, Choi Jin-Hyuk, dude, you're hot! Really! I mean, I need a refrigerator near me when you're on tv but if you never go after the girl, you don't deserve her!


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Lol, so true and so funny.


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I think you misunderstood what he said. Tan asked YD to come with him. YD called him a bastard and walked away. Tan became angry and did not tell YD that his mom was waiting for him. Tan waited 5 minutes to tell YD about his mom waiting for him. By the time they reached the restaurant, YD' mom was gone. In the mind of a 15 year old, it is an understandable reason to hate someone for causing to miss the last meal he could have had with the only person who ever loved him.


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Oh! That sure explains 3 years of insults, bulliyng and hatred! Don't get me wrong, it's not your explanation that's pissing me of...it's them lol!


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How did you get to this conclusion? I wonder.


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@jaglaine - Because that's what they showed in the Drama. And I understand that YD is a teenager.
@Yue-lie - I am not providing excuses. I am just saying that's how YD's mind works. And it is hard to forgive when your loved ones wrong you than when strangers do that. On a side note, YD's mom could have waited longer for him unless his dad dragged her away from there.


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Thank god Tan finally had enough backbone to stand up for her mother and introduces her to Rachel & her mom. And to defend her against Dad. It took him 12 episodes but i am going to forgive him for that and just be happy that he finally did stand up for his Mom. Now it's only Eunsang who needed to find a backbone for herself because were at Ep. 12 and she still has none.

Please lessen Eunsang's screen time and focus more of Tan's family problem, Youngdo's problem, Won & Hyunjoo's hardships and it wouldn't kill the writer if she let us know more on Hyoshin & Bona who is clearly loved by the audience. An additional 5 minute screen time for both Hyoshin & Bona won't be bad. With this 'The Heirs' will actually be a better drama and maybe they'll finally get that #1 spot.


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I only watch this because of woo bin's brilliant act of the Bad Boy. His eyes, smirks, the way he speaks. Lee Bo Na is naturally funny, Kim Tan mummy and deaf mummy very sweet. I want to see Senior Boy grab the tutor one day when he becomes insanely rich. as for kim tan and heroine..sigh..boring and cheesy and cringe-worthy. I dont get why they like this girl. Young Do actually works at the hotel cleaning dishes. Kim Tan? useless heir who moons over a girl adn is too lazy to study because why bother? He will inherit trillions anyway


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Young Do win me over this episode. Well, sometimes he can be a jacka**... but there's a warm heart buried under that monumental angst still.. Tan should've introduced his mom at a timely dignified manner... not when she's dripping wet and lipstick-less and swollen eyes of crying.. but he's just too pissed off to care. Like mother like son, very passionate and reckless ~ sometimes cutely funny, other times so exasperating..


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Everyone who needed to be there for the reveal was already gathered. One can hardly expect him to think, "Uh, I'll do it next time coz Mom just had water thrown in her face."


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I never hated Won, i actually pity him more than i ever did with Tan. He must have hated Tan's mother so much because she's his dad's mistress, who knows if she's already his mistress even before Won's mom died and that may have cause his Mom a depression, sadness, feeling alone etc. & eventually died like that. Of course it's given that that he will hate the mistress and her son. He must have felt like it will be a form of betrayal to his Mom if he treated the mistress's son kindly. And it's not helping that Tan's mom is plotting his downfall so Tan could take over Jeguk.

It's also obvious that Dad love Tan more than Won and that must have fuel his hate for Tan even more. His the legal son while Tan is illegitimate, it must not have make sense for him that Dad like Tan more. And on top of that he has no one is on his side while Tan has Dad, his Bio Mom, his fake Mom, Secretary Yoon and his also engage with Rachel which will give Tan an even more shares in the company than he has. All he has left is Jeguk Corporation and he may even lost that because of Tan. He doesn't even have any friends (he's probably too focus for Jeguk's future), the closest to a friend he has is Secretary Yoon who is also his enemy and never, not even once, takes his side but we have seen him takes Tan's side more than once for an unknown reason.

All of this might have been hindering his affection for Tan. We have only seen this on Tan's point of view but never on Won's POV so i think it is unfair for us to judged him. I still believe he exiled Tan to America before to hurt his father and the mistress. Since this might have been the only thing he can do to hurt them where it really hurts. I have a friend that is like on Won's situation (though Won's situation is way worse) and she always confide to us how she feels about her younger brother etc. and i do really understand where she's coming from, until now she still don't like her brother and they never had a proper siblings bonding she doesn't even like being with her family and choose to be always with us. She lived in an apartment with one of our friends now and only go home during Christmas & New year when they force her too.


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I really don't understand why Yoon likes Tan so much, unless its that his boss, the dad, favors Tan.

I find Yoon pretty two-faced. He's there as the day's spy and to control Won as a seat warmer for Tan. He barely controls his distaste for Won on top of everything else. And his cooking scenes with Chanyoung are just annoying.


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lee min ho......fighting...


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Gyu Jun Pyo is all I could think about when Kim Tan said that his old self could destroy everything. (his long description about everyone he could destroy was kinda nice)

and I didn't see this, but I actually kinda flutter every time Young Do began to soften. At some point, he was indeed.. adorable.


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Alright settle down people, we still have episodes to go. You never know, things might go back to the way it was next week! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth is what I'm doing.


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By the end of this episode, my big joy was that Rachel wouldn't have to marry Tan. There's nothing that sounds worse than marrying a guy who hates you. So I'm relieved for her.

Daddy Kim had this coming by a) letting the concubine live in the house, b) not just acknowledging who the real mother was (has he never heard of Donald Trump?), c) having Eun sang go to Tan's school where he could meet her a lot.

Oh yes, and d) pay your help enough salary that they can get their own homes. Or provide lodging on your massive estate. And separate meals for them. Hasn't he seen Downtown Abby?


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I don't think Tan hates Ra Hel but he will definitely grow to hate her if she forces him to marry her.


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He's said at least twice, once to her face, that he doesn't like her.

And he's promised her to be nasty as hell if this marriage goes through. What a jerk.


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i really cant put myself watching again...just reading recaps since episode 8...my interest just stopped....really cant understand the writers thinking I do like 10 times Jun Pyo BOF much character for LMH.

*sigh* im satisfied just reading now...


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Hmm idk what to say about this episode I guess it sounds beTter from the recapping cos I stopped watching in episode 9 and I'll wait till its complete before I watch it,I just want to say I wish LMH didn't take up this drama that's all


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LOVED this episode. Kim Tan is finally taking control. I know many are frustrated with Eun Sang's actions and words not what they seem.I think she truly likes Tan but knowing he's rich/she's poor, Mom works for his family, she has no dad,etc, the differences that asians tend to class people's worth by their material wealth is holding her back. You know "I really, really like him but we'll never be accepted in society nor by his family. Plus she doesn't want him to go through unnecessary trauma and scolding from his family.she's just trying to protect him.
Next Wednesday can't get here soon enough!!!


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I agree. Action Tan is the best Tan and I would like Eun Sang to finally make stand for her relationship with him, no more running away!
I am also done with the war between Tan and Young Do. Can't they repair their bromance??


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All my discontent for prior episodes aside, FINALLY! You have 8 more episodes to redeem yourself now, Show. Let's get to it, chop chop!


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This show has so much promise, but every week I see really good actors being wasted by not being shown or seen not heard. I knew there would be a love triangle but why are these women shown as so weak, she(Eun-sang) is always crying. On one hand they show her as strong free minded womand and not a push over and then she is shown cowering away and crying. I hope next week is better.


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I don't think working at jeguk high school is Hyun Joo's dream job.. isn't she sort of forced to do it? i remember in one of the earlier episodes with her and yoon, she said she can't refuse something that when daddy kim ordered.


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PSH is overated n I'm JOO EUN is underated. I imagine if IM JOO EUN cast as eunsang... It probably will be awesome.


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Agree about the first part, but then she has KHN as a suitor and Gumihot... Not that bad. Also, I'm not a fan of female characters who spend their time crying. ES needs to take some lithium for her depression.


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Bwahahahaha! Just had to laugh there. Lithium! LOL! Don't think she's at that stage yet. How bout trialling her on some paroxetine first? Can't help laughing.


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