Sly and Single Again: Episode 13

Jung-woo continues to pull out all the stops to convince Ae-ra how much he likes her, and there’s a good chance that all his cute (and adorably clumsy!) attempts at affection might actually be working. Even so, Ae-ra continues to rebuff him — but not as much as she rebuffs poor Seung-hyun, who seems to be in the final stages of transforming from cute second lead puppy to soulless second lead who must win at all costs. Oh, and Yeo-jin throws a hissy fit. Or two. Or ten.


We pick up this episode where we left off previously, with Jung-woo finally admitting that he does indeed like Ae-ra, and proving it with a kiss.

She slowly starts to kiss him back, but then her eyes open and she pushes him away. Jung-woo is still caught up in his lovesickness frenzy and repeats in desperation that he likes her.

Ae-ra points out that just because he feels that way, doesn’t mean she feels the same way about him. She likes her life right now; she’s discovered the joy of working hard for a goal and being rewarded for that accomplishment, and she’s determined to go to the interview at Shilla because it’s a good opportunity for her.

As she turns to walk away, Jung-woo stops her, offering to give her a ride to the interview since she’s now running late on account of him. But as they head across the street to his car, a mysterious person takes paparazzi-style photos of them. Uh-oh. This can’t be good.

On the ride to Shilla Hotel, Jung-woo coaches her on how to answer the interview questions, telling her she should emphasize her passion and dedication (such as working overtime on her birthday, even though he admits that was his fault). She’s thankful for all his tips, and he says that if she’s really thankful, she should meet him for dinner after the interview.

When Ae-ra says she can’t do that, the car screeches to a halt. Jung-woo hunches over the steering wheel, and a worried Ae-ra asks him what’s wrong. Instead of answering, he uses the closeness of their faces to try and sneak in another kiss. Ohhhh, now who’s the sly one?

Ae-ra shoves him back, and when she demands to know what’s wrong with him, he clutches at his chest: “Lovesickness.” Ae-ra isn’t falling for it, but the way Jung-woo acts like a pouty little kid asking mom to fix a boo-boo is kinda adorable.

Seung-hyun waits anxiously on the roof of the Dontalk building and, aw, he tries unsuccessfully to be the iron for his own furrowed brow. He’s hoping to hear from Ae-ra about how her interview is going, but instead is surprised by a visit from Director Oh. Seung-hyun cheerfully asks why Director Oh is really there, since it can’t really be to talk about his father’s health, and Director Oh hands over some photographs.

Seung-hyun’s smile fades as he sees the photos of Jung-woo and Ae-ra kissing. Ooof.

He requests that Director Oh keep it a secret from his father, and not to worry, because he’ll take care of everything. But his reassuring smile doesn’t quite match his eyes.

Yeo-jin’s secretary reminds her that it’s time for her regular doctor’s visit, but she insists she won’t go (and has another paper-tearing hissy fit to prove her point). Seung-hyun watches through the doorway, concerned.

Ae-ra waits in the hotel lobby with a few other interviewees, who all proudly share their impressive work histories and then scoff when they find out she’s just an intern. She escapes to the restroom and tries to settle her nerves with a mirror pep talk, and as she’s freshening up her lipgloss, the touch on her lips reminds her of the kiss. Unsettled, she rubs at her lips to remove the lipgloss (and, no doubt, the memory of Jung-woo’s lips on hers).

One of the bitchy interviewees is also in the restroom, and she confronts Ae-ra, saying that the only way Ae-ra could have possibly gotten an interview is if she has a “sponsor” (as in, she’s sleeping with one of the higher-ups). Jung-woo, who’s been eavesdropping outside the restroom, takes offense at this, and frets about the fact he can’t barge into the women’s restroom and save Ae-ra from Bitchy Interviewee.

But Ae-ra doesn’t need any help as she shoves Bitchy Interviewee up against the wall. HA!

Bitchy Interviewee (okay, okay, she has a name: Jolie Choi) cowers in fear as Ae-ra goes into full-on gangster mode, letting her know that her mental and emotional state is very sensitive right now. If she tries to bother her again, Ae-ra threatens to jump her.

But it doesn’t look like that will be necessary, because Jung-woo also manages to help in his own way — by convincing Jolie Choi to walk up all twenty flights of stairs to meet the Shilla Hotel higher-ups on the rooftop. Pfft. She may have an impressive work history, but she’s not that bright.

After the interview, Ae-ra and Jung-woo stop for frozen yogurt. She picks out the nuts from her sundae, and he eats them (which is such a couple-thing). When she tells him he has some frozen yogurt on his lips, he leans in with the expectation that she will kiss it off of him. But she roughly wipes it off with her hands instead. Hahaha!

Jung-woo gets serious for a moment, and asks her if she really doesn’t like working at Dontalk. She admits that she does — she likes the work and the people, but it’s just because of the awkward situation between them. He says he understands, and then becomes the playful suitor again as he whisks her off to dinner.

Only it’s at one of those “dining in the dark” restaurants, and Jung-woo explains it’s so no one will see them eating together. But it seems more like an excuse to try and get a little handsy when a piece of his pork cutlet goes flying to her side of the table. Ae-ra slaps away his attempt at skinship.

Jung-woo apologizes: “Because everything was so dark, I didn’t see you.” Ae-ra thinks he means literally, but he explains that ever since he heard about her interview at the Shilla Hotel, everything became darkness in front of him. “But I think I can see things one by one now.”

He realizes how much her heart must have felt wronged, and how resentful she must have felt. Even so, he asks her to watch how hard he’ll work to get closer to her from now on. Instead of answering directly, she cuts up a piece of pork cutlet and feeds it to him.

Afterwards, Jung-woo walks her back to Seung-hyun’s studio, and the goofy way he repeatedly wishes her goodnight as he stumbles backwards down the stairs reminds me of the adorkable Jung-woo of old. He’s like a cute eager puppy. But above them on the landing is Seung-hyun, silently watching the entire interaction.

As she walks up to the studio, Seung-hyun gently chides her for ignoring his calls all day, adding that “a normal couple would be nagging each other” in situations like these. Once he realizes she’s about to explain that she doesn’t see him in a romantic way, he quickly makes his escape. His attitude towards Ae-ra is breezy and nonchalant, but his eyes brim with tears as he walks away.

He meets up with Jung-woo at a bar, and as Jung-woo concernedly tries to get him to stop drinking so much, Seung-hyun drunkenly confronts him about being caught between two women. Jung-woo plainly tells him that he’s going to try and start over with Ae-ra, and is offended when Seung-hyun asks if that means he’s just going to throw Yeo-jin away, having used her as much as he needed.

Jung-woo says that he cares about both Seung-hyun and Ae-ra, and will do all in his power to look after both of them. Seung-hyun: “What if you can only choose one [of us]?” Jung-woo: “I hope that won’t happen.”

The next day at the Dontalk offices, the Mobile Shopping Team gives a department presentation to the board of directors. Jung-woo walks in late (in slo-mo hero glory, ha!) and Ae-ra is very aware of his presence. The topic of the meeting is about the luxury items the Mobile Shopping Team will start selling, but what’s more important is all the subtext in the exchange of glances between Ae-ra, Jung-woo, Seung-hyun, and Yeo-jin.

Jung-woo is super cute with how he maintains his professional CEO demeanor as he sends a message to Ae-ra, telling her she looks pretty today (which she totally does, largely because Lee Min-jung is finally sporting a flattering hairstyle). She’s a little flustered by his attention, and even more so when he clutches his head like he’s in pain, only to send her a little wink through his fingers. OMG so adorable.

But these cute interactions are not lost on the Kook siblings. They are not pleased.

Later, while waiting for the elevator, Team Leader Wang surprises Ae-ra (and me) with some sincere encouragement about her job. When the elevator finally arrives at their floor, Jung-woo and his nameless aide are already onboard. As they ride down together, Jung-woo tries to hold Ae-ra’s fingers behind Team Leader Wang’s back. He’s pleased with his secret attempt to be romantic, until Ae-ra tries to tug her hand away, which makes him only hold on tighter. This provokes Ae-ra to pull harder to free her hand…

…only the force of her exertion causes her to slap Team Leader Wang on the ass. (And I cry with laughter as I rewind and watch that scene a dozen more times.)

Back in the Mobile Shopping Team office, Ae-ra overhears Manager Kam on the phone, talking about Dontalk’s investment issues. When she asks him if the company is really in trouble, he says they are and that the CEO isn’t exactly liked by investors, especially since he punched one potential investor in the face (which Robert Kim totally deserved, though). But he reassures Ae-ra, telling her not to worry because the last time the company went through a crises, the CEO and Director Kook were able to find a way to fix it.

That night, Ae-ra meets Seung-hyun outside his studio, where he asks to hold her, and before she can answer, he pulls her into a hug. She resists, but he clings tighter, begging to just let him hold her a moment.

After she shoves him away, he tells her that he’s finally realized just how much he likes her, and that he’s not going to step aside. It doesn’t matter if he’s not the only one to like her; he’s never giving up on her.

At Jung-woo’s office, Yeo-jin gives him a list of investors who can provide immediate funds. Jung-woo refuses it, because it’s a list of shady investors with dirty money who, he says, will ultimately destroy the company. Then Yeo-jin pulls out the big guns and asks if Jung-woo wants to release a notice of their marriage, because that’s the safest and most reliable way to get their money. Uh-huh, sure.

But Jung-woo resists her crazy-second-lead logic by saying he doesn’t want to receive funding by lying to the investors. Ooo, burn.

She continues to persist, demanding to know if the reason he won’t agree to marry her is because of Ae-ra: “Are you thinking of remarrying her?”

Jung-woo sidesteps her accusations by explaining that he doesn’t take care of business matters with personal feelings, before finally telling her straight out that he can’t accept her feelings. But Yeo-jin persists, informing him that she’s given him the only options to save the company, and that the decision to be with Ae-ra or to save Dontalk ultimately rests with him.

Conveniently, just then Jung-woo meets with the CEO of Shilla Hotel, who expresses an interest in investing in Dontalk — but with a stipulation that the Shilla Group gets to have a say in how to manage the company. We don’t find out Jung-woo’s decision on the investment proposal, but the Shilla CEO leaves the meeting and gets into Seung-hyun’s waiting car.

The Shilla CEO cheerfully tells Seung-hyun that he made the proposal exactly as he asked him to, and that even if it was motivated by a favor for a friend, it still seems like a good investment. When he asks Seung-hyun if this proposal is a knife in the back for Jung-woo or a shield to protect the knife, Seung-hyun sighs and says he’s not sure yet.

That night, Jung-woo pensively walks along the Dontalk rooftop, and comes across Manager Kam on the phone with his son (yelling at him for being more interested in girls than in studying, ha). Manager Kam hurriedly hangs up, but Jung-woo sits down next to him and offers him a beer. Aw, is Jung-woo cashing in on his promise of a friendly drink?

Jung-woo says that it must be nice to have someone to talk to when things get hard, and Manager Kam agrees, but he adds that it wasn’t like he hasn’t had his family problems. Early in his marriage, his wife had wanted to divorce him because he’d wasted all their money trying to start his own business. But as they were fighting about whether or not to get divorced, his wife got pregnant, and they decided to make a fresh start with the birth of their second child.

When Manager Kam adds that children are hope for their parents, Jung-woo is reminded when Ae-ra told him that even if Jung-woo had been able to repay all their debts, it wouldn’t have been enough to revive their lost hope.

He rushes to go meet with Ae-ra at Seung-hyun’s studio, and as he affectionately surprises her with a back-hug, she’s startled and instinctively elbows him in the face. Ha! And ow.

But he’s not going to let the moment be ruined, so he spins her back around and hugs her again. This time she doesn’t resist. She’s not willing to cater to his sentimental mood, though, and asks him how he can seem so happy when the company is going through a financial crisis.

Her pragmatic attitude doesn’t deter him, and when he learns that she’ll be moving out of Seung-hyun’s studio soon, he’s even happier because now all his stress has suddenly faded away. As he’s leaving, he turns back with a serious face with the intent to ask her about that night on the rooftop and the “lost hope” — but decides to pleasantly bid her goodnight instead.

Yeo-jin arrives home with her secretary, who continues to be worried for her boss’s health as she sees Yeo-jin painfully clutch at her prosthetic leg. When Yeo-jin petulantly tells her to stop nagging about going in for a check-up, she loses her footing and goes rolling down the hill.

From a nearby window, President Kook watches his daughter struggle to stand. He has the photos of Ae-ra and Jung-woo kissing (wait, wasn’t that supposed to be kept a secret?), and he angrily crushes them in his hands as he curses Jung-woo.

The next day, the Mobile Shopping Team prepares for the live broadcast that will show the luxury goods being appraised. Jung-woo looks around for Ae-ra, and happens to run into Seung-hyun. The two men silently exchange meaningful stares before Seung-hyun cooly shoves past Jung-woo.

Jung-woo finds Ae-ra in the warehouse, carefully inspecting the items. Drawing from her previous experience in selling luxury items, she explains how to tell whether or not an item is fake — but Jung-woo is just happy to have an excuse to be this close to her.

Yeo-jin happens to be walking by, and upon seeing the couple’s playful banter, interrupts to remind Jung-woo he’s on his way to a meeting. Yeo-jin’s jealousy flares up once more when Jung-woo wishes Ae-ra good luck on the broadcast by putting a friendly hand on her shoulder.

Once he leaves, Yeo-jin tells her that this project will be Ae-ra’s last at Dontalk.

After Ae-ra leaves to meet with the appraisers, a mysterious person swaps out the luxury purses with fakes. Oh no! When Ae-ra goes to retrieve the purses, she bumps into Yeo-jin’s secretary, who’s holding the same yellow-plaid shopping bag of the person who swapped out the real goods for fake ones. Is Yeo-jin actually going to sabotage her own company just to destroy Ae-ra?

Unaware of the swap, Ae-ra heads to the broadcast control room, where Seung-hyun shows her how the webpage is set up for the live broadcast. The purses onscreen catch her eye, and she realizes that they’re actually fakes.

Frantic, she runs down to interrupt the broadcast. Just before his meeting starts, Secretary Gil updates Jung-woo on the chaos, adding that the internet forums are ablaze in criticism. Jung-woo wants to rush out to find her, but he’s trapped at his meeting.

Things are not looking good for Ae-ra, but when Manager Kam mentions that she was the only one in the warehouse before the broadcast, she remembers seeing Yeo-jin’s secretary.

The secretary is now in Yeo-jin’s office, and, to her credit, Yeo-jin is shocked to discover that the sabotage was ordered by her father. I guess it’s a relief that she isn’t totally evil, but Ae-ra walks into the lobby just in time to overhear Yeo-jin tell her secretary to cover up any evidence of tampering.

Yeo-jin turns to leave, and comes face-to-face with Ae-ra.


Oh, Yeo-jin. I was your number one champion since the beginning of this show, but now I’m just so done with you.

It doesn’t matter that this cockamamie scheme was her father’s — the fact that she’s more willing to cover it up and let Ae-ra take the fall makes me so mad. I’m also annoyed about her ultimatum to Jung-woo, where she demands that he decide between losing Ae-ra or losing the company, like those are the only two options available. Puh-lease. Not to mention how messed up it is to be willing to trap a man into marriage just for business purposes, knowing full well he doesn’t really love her. I’d feel pity if I could summon up some empathy for her, but I just can’t. She wearies me.

Thankfully, though, Yeo-jin was really the only dark spot in this episode. Sly and Single Again may have had a bit of a bumpy start, but each episode just gets better and better, and I’m really happy with how this show has matured into a fun and thoughtful rom-com. The production team has finally found the right balance of hilarity and sweetness, and I’m fully invested in all our characters (well, almost all of them).

Which is why my heart breaks for Seung-hyun and the path he’s chosen. Even though I know it’s practically k-drama rom-com law that he had to eventually turn to the dark side, I really hate the fact that he’s now following in his sister’s footsteps and becoming more manipulative. One of the things I’ve adored about Seung-hyun is his cheerful honesty, and even though he’s been careful not to reveal who his family is, I never felt like he was playing games. I’ve still got some wild hope that his optimism will win out and he’ll live up to his promise to respect Ae-ra’s decision. But that uncomfortable hug with Ae-ra seemed to mark the official moment when sweet puppy Seung-hyun gave way to the cold, calculated Seung-hyun who’s determined to win at all costs. But I’m just not ready to see the puppy go!

No matter how I feel, it has to be done — because that means we get lots more cute couple moments with Jung-woo and Ae-ra. And I have no complaints about that! In fact, this episode has won me over completely to the idea these two could end up together (again) and be happy. All those minor glimpses into their comfortable familiarity only make me hungry for more. And maybe some skinship, too, even though it’s been loads of fun watching Ae-ra deny all his ridiculous attempts so far.

I adore the fact that Jung-woo has decided to start wooing her anew. I love seeing Ae-ra flustered by his wink and swooning over the “you’re pretty today” message. It’s really like watching a relationship grow from (almost) scratch, and now that so many of the issues that separated them previously have been addressed, their gradual courtship is just so dang adorable I can’t help but goofily grin whenever they’re together.

What I appreciate the most is that Ae-ra is no dummy. Even though I’m wary about how the show has treated various other characters, I’m so grateful that the writer continues to respect Ae-ra as a person and let her be strong, opinionated, and true to herself. She hasn’t had to go through some Dramaland lobotomy just to make it easier for her and Jung-woo to get back together. Instead, the show has managed to mature both of them to a point where they are sincerely supportive of each other, and that mutual respect makes me more weak in the knees than any grand romantic act ever could. (Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Jung-woo now acts like an adorable lovestruck teenager whenever he sees her.)

When the show started, based on how they treated each other back then, I couldn’t accept that there would be any believable way the show could bring them back together. But now I’m fully anticipating my happy ending where Ae-ra gets to redeem her years of working terrible jobs to support Jung-woo, by having him now support her in a career she enjoys and finds fulfilling. (Because that’s what’s going to happen, right, show? Right?)


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really loving this series esp with the latest developments...
hope they will really end up together <3


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Will the sun rise tomorrow? Will the earth revolve around the sun Tomorrow? I am pretty sure you have nothing to worry about. Your couple is safe.


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Joo Sang Wook's laugh is very distinguishable.
And I also enjoy this episode.
Thank you for the recaps, odilettante.


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I know, right? Also, ones reaction to his laugh depends on who's with him. If he's CEO doing an interview, you think he's the coolest ever. But if he's caught by Sec. Gil & it involves Ae Ra, he's the dorky lovable Jung Woo!


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Thanks for the wonderful recap! This has to be my favorite episode till now. The more you watch this show, the more you begin to hate the Guk siblings. I mean, give up already! Their obsession is creeping me out, guess it runs in the whole family. The whole family needs a serious therapy session.
Lee Min Jung looked pretty throughout the drama but she looks gorgeous with that hairstyle. It's a crime to look good sporting the hairstyle that she had before.


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yeah, i know what you mean...the Guk siblings are so adamant NOT to follow papa Guk's footsteps...and seung-hyun even went as far as to cement it in ae-ra's (and our minds) with the fairy tale story.
and see what happens? both of them cheaply use the only power they have at their disposal -- money -- to "contain" and "control" the situation.

exactly like their daddy. i hope they really wake up soon and realise binding another person to you by force doesn't mean you can make him/her like you.


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odilettante said that Yeo-jin was the only dark spot in this episode, but I have to *strongly* disagree. The scene where Seung-hyun forced Ae-ra to hug him, and then would not let go when she struggled (twice!) to get away from him absolutely ruined his character for me.

Poor Ae-ra: this guy went from being a friend to someone who physically restrains her when she tries to get out of his embrace. And right now, he's kind of like her temporary landlord! Ugh, he has become terrible, and it makes me so sad. >_<


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I just love that every time you expect the male leads to "save" Ae-ra from any tough situation, she springs back and takes care of it herself. Can we get more girls like her in Kdramaland please?

I don't know why I find this couple so endearing. Is it because their personalities are well matched, or because they look good together, or because there is something very sweet about being married once?

Can't they remove the scenes in which the siblings appear and give us more fluff? Sigh.


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Agree on all your points!

LMJ is especially good at the affectionate and compassionate look that speaks a lot louder than her denials. I think we know how much she still cares because of it. I love JW with her mostly because of it. He is just so perfect for her and she knows it.


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Jomo. It's great to see you here! I am a devout fan of your recap of SLA (In fact, I love your recap more than the drama!)

Lee Min Jung actually has done a fabulous job for this drama. She can be comically expressive as seen in earlier episodes, but she also excels at emoting in later episodes. Her crying in episode 14 is so effective and real that makes the absurd setup of the scene irrelevant. (I guess Koreans never lock up their doors? LOL).

Admittedly, LMJ is quite limited given that she tends to choose or gets offered only rom-com roles. She probably cannot or has no ambition either to become a first-rate actress. However, it's a delight to see that she keeps trying, despite failures, in the same genre and has improved so much in this drama. While Joo Sang Wook provides the audience with comical relief and hunky hotness, it is LMJ's well-grounded performance that makes this drama tethered to reality. NAR is probably one of the very few realistic and aspiring heroines who we can relate to, even though we might not agree with her decision.

Hopefully, the scriptwriter did not sacrifice this great character!


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Yes, where is the truck of doom to remove the Gook siblings when we need it?


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Well it did already strike once. It must not be in the budget for a second guest appearance.


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I really love how adorkable Jung-woo is. At first I somehow see its a bit impossible for them to get back together but I totally forgot about it now.

Argh for Seung-hyun turning to the bad side! His sister is enough.

I'm trying so hard not to comment about the next episode!

Thanks for the recap!


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I always fall for the second leads. Why can't these shows make everyone happy!

I just watched to the beautiful you and I was so sure Seung hyun was in one of the scenes (painting the guys face as a ghost). Although he wasn't credited, was he in it?


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I love this episodes! Adorkable Jung woo is swoon worthy! I love how he put his face close to Ae ra for a sneak kiss and his 'secret' wink in the meeting. And his super cute "you look pretty" text to Ae ra while doing his CEO thing. Awww! And holding her hand in the elevator....*squeee* ???


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Thanks for your recap. We do need to say "Aloha" to the second leads who don't annoy. They could have stayed relatively sane, but, noooo, we have to switch to crazy mode. Oh Show, we love you anyway.


Torn choosing my favorite: the sweet JW who keeps saying goodbye and won't leave, the one in the sunglasses (cruelly) sending Jolie to the roof, the all business - "We can make this company work" man, the honest friend to YJ who restates he has no feelings for her and won't take advantage of her for his company, the Hyung who really wants the best for SH, and the sincere apology ex who speaks his heart in the dark...JSW can do all these moments without making me think he is different people.
Plus he looks awesome in every shot. His hair, I just want to run my fingers through it....sigh...


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That "Jolie" scene was hilarious! He is so funny


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Totally agree! He really cracks me up. What's even funnier is I pictured Ae Ra in her dark glasses with him in the drum in the previous episode. These two really are just like two peas in a pod! LMJ & JSW never fails to make us LOL!!!


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Agree !!
Joo Sang Wook making me crazy in this drama. I'm crazy in live with him, now :D


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Wow, I enjoyed your thoughts as much I did this episode! Thanks odilettante!

I absolutely love episode 13 the mostest! Finally, there are so many cute & sweet moments for our OTP. Besides, I get to see again the adorkable side of Jung Woo when he's around Ae Ra. I couldn't be happier!

That ice cream scene was just so cute & adorkable! Whoa... the pitch black dinner date was both funny & heartwarming! I felt Jung Woo's honesty & Aera's softened facial expression really got me. That elevator scene was so darn cute & way too hilarious! Geez, I just love the way he held her hand...... soooo sweet! But goodness me, the aftermath of that holding hands scene made me laugh so hard! Poor Team Leader Wang. I could just imagine the shock she might have felt, when Ae Ra's hand suddenly came out of nowhere...... and BAM, slapped her tush!!! I just savor all the OTP scenes but my ultimate favorite has to be....... the backhug scene! Geez, he had 2 backhugs there so my adorkable Jung Woo topples Seung Hyun's......... and SCORES!!! Oh well, the 1st one was met by Ae Ra's karate moves (LOL!) but the 2nd one was soooo endearing!

I'm really pleased at how the miscarriage is being handled. Jung Woo is slowly putting two & two together, thanks to Manager Kam. What I want now to happen next is, for Jung Woo & Ae Ra to share together the grief, frustration & utter emptiness that she alone went through before. I hope they would heal old wounds, let go of their sad past, & give in to their deep feelings for each other coz clearly, they are still very much in love & truly deserves that 2nd chance!

Aaaaa...... I want nothing less than a HAPPY ENDING for my adorable OTP!!!


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I love it that JW has shed his cool executive facade! Joo Sang Wook has always played such serious roles but he is so charming and sweet in Sly and Single.
Which reminds me that after Good Doctor, I saw him on a weird talk show (Happy Together) that takes place in a sauna...he was so funny and talkative, nothing like his typicle onscreen persona.


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so true! sometimes I am the one being embarrassed to the things that he do!
hahaha! so awesome!


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Joo Sang Wook went on Running Man a few times as well. If you want to see more of his talkative personality, I recommend watching episode 169. He is also in episodes 76 and 77 along with Ji Jin Hee, Kim Sung Soo, Lee Chun Hee, and IU. Both of these episodes are great.


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I'm so happy with the progress between AR and JW in this episode. JW is probably the most adorable non-cool male lead I've seen in a drama in a long time. AR is a female lead that doesn't take s**t from anyone and she is a joy to watch when she stands up for herself. The other 2 leads...well there is a lot I want to say about them but I'll wait until the recap for ep. 14. This was a cute episode though and I enjoyed it a lot.


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Am I the only one who think about the Monday Couple ref. from the frozen yogurt date?

Anywayss... YJ is hope to the less. SH, man he looked really awful now. Let's hope nothing really bad happened next.


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I'm so, so happy that Ae-ra is such a self respecting woman. I don't care if the plot that revolves around JW and AR becomes a crazy mess as long as their characters stay intact. They communicate and support each other in the best ways--ways I never see rom-com lead characters do. The highlight was totally in the first scene where AR asks why she has to like a guy back if he likes her, and JW understands her thoughts and offers to take her to the interview because he made her late. I'm so amazed and proud that he did that--and if that wasn't enough he even helped her prepare for the interview and build her confidence in a realistic, kind manner. K-Drama male leads, THIS is how you win a woman.


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Jung-woo is awesome that way, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but he has never done a wrist-grab, has he? If I can get through a drama without a wrist-grab from its hero, the drama will automatically be that much better.


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He actually has, several times. Scenes from the rooftop and Superman photoshoot come to mind.


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"THIS is how you win a woman"
Exactly! JW's kiss and confession didn't really do much for me and I think it's just because I didn't feel like AR was there yet. But, that car scene melted my heart. I love how she describes her strength as being diligent and he comes back with a whole list of her strengths.


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SH and YJ boggle my mind. They totally ignore reality and are shocked!!!! when they are turned down again. They both seem to have relationships in their mind with AR and JW that AR and JW aren't aware of. I don't really like how JW and AR constantly have to be apologetic to them either. They were clear in their feelings, if the siblings can't get it then it's not their fault. I'm not sure if it's emotional issues the two (or three included the dad) or they are just so spoiled rotten they are used to getting what they want.

A lot of SH's earlier actions make his change pretty believable. I mean, the guy did say he wasn't going to give up going after her. I guess he wasn't lying.

JW and AR are super cute. Every scene with them is just a joy to watch. They are really the sole reason to watch the drama. JW is quite endearing and I can see why AR fell for him the first time. I liked how he offered to drive her to the interview and helped her out. He has come across as clingy in the past, but when it matters he's more than willing to let her go do her own thing.

AR you can totally see how moved she is by JW, but I like that she's very cautious about the situation.


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Seung Hyun, please realize that Ae-Ra is not going to like you, not just because you wear more lipstick than she does, but because you come from a family of crazy people.


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His lips remind me of the Joker (Batman).


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. . . What we definitely need, before this series is over, is the female leads, other than Yeo-Jin, doing a karaoke version of Beyonce's 'Single Lady.' Probably in their pink bathhouse outfits.


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Hey now that's a great idea! That'll be a piece of cake for LMJ coz I heard her sing in one of her movies (the title just escapes my mind) where she plays a singer in a girl band which disbanded then she became a DJ. She sounds pretty amazing too! Know what? Since watching this drama, I've been singing Single Lady quite often. LOL!

Yay ..... I'm all for it...... in pink it is for the ladies!!!


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Something something Radio.
Kwang Soo was in it too, and they were a hilarious pair.
And I agree, she sings well!


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Wonderful Radio


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Yeah, that's it! Thanks.


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Seriously, the crazy Kook family has ruined this show. I hate the way that Yeo-jin and Seung-hyun act like they deserve love from either Jung-woo or Ae-ra. How on earth did Jung-woo lead Yeo-jin on? And since when is investment in a company a good reason to hook up with someone? She acts like she's the one wronged, but wtf investment works both ways, the company does well, the investor does well, end of that "debt" Ugh, she's such a whiny bitch.

And Seung-hyun? Wtf happened to bros before ho's ? seriously dude? Just get it in your damn thick skull that nobody is going to like you. Ugh, he's such an ass, and every time I see him on the screen I want to punch his face.

Too bad, because the main couple is so cute. The show is just being ruined by the extras. Get a life people. No means no.


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Agree with every single word. What gets me is that Seung-hyun accuses Jung-woo of playing two people. Um, he's made it clear who he loves. It's Yeo-jin's fault for denying it. The same way you are, Seung-hyun.


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So true. Since when did working with someone on a professional level entitle you to "have" that person?? Really. And JungWoo already made it clear in a previous episode that he didn't have feelings for her.

And that kid is driving me insane. Please go away! She doesn't like you!


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I'm totally gonna pretend the Guk siblings don't exist because they make me seethe. I don't need to be seething when I should be swooning and feeling giddy with Jung-woo and Ae-ra's renewed relationship!

But yeah, I wished Yeo-jin hadn't turned out the way she did since I liked her at the beginning. Like you said, I can't even feel sorry for her anymore because she's done nothing to earn what she expects. It just really boggles my mind why these people can't accept "no" for an answer (that damn forced hug from Seung-hyun definitely moved him from the likable 2nd-lead group to the detestable 2nd-lead group). Ugh.

I'm just glad we got some cute moments and forward movements with our OTP because that's what really matters at this point. Jung-woo is such a dork, I love it. I also love Ae-ra's forthrightness.


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I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU PUPPY! I believed in you! Your sister was doomed to bad writing from the start, but you had potential.

Ugh this episodes (and then 14) infuriates me in regards to those two. Part of it is what they (particularly Yeo jin) do, and part of it is the bad writing. I wish some K-drama could make it so another love interest wasn't the villain, or if there wasn't a villain at all. Some romantic J-dramas don't really have villains, just people figuring things out, or some external problem like a huge event or sickness or such.

It just comes off as lazy writing to me -__-

NOW, for the positives.

Other than the cute moments, there are two things I liked in here:

1. Hot Shilla CEO has returned. Need I say more?

2. Team Leader Wang. She's gone like the opposite way of Yeo Jin in regards to treating Ae-ra. She stated off really hard and tough on her. However, throughout the show she slowly became less hardened. During the funeral she was tough on her, but I'm happy she didn't really criticize her like Song Hee and then had everyone help out too. As a boss, I can kind of see why Ae-ra's constant leaving bothered her, even if she was a but unfair at some times.

It's nice to see the support she's starting to give her, and it seems like Team Leader Wang is a single lady living on her own too, so I think she can relate to some of the trouble Ae-ra faces.

Hehe I love when I can start analyzing side characters.


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Your so right about bad writing for Yeo Jin. It is so backwards of the writers to make her ashamed and secretive about her prosthetic leg. The writers make the leg into something creepy. It is so offensive.


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I can understand how she feels about it, but I have issues:

1. No one seems to say that it's okay to have a leg like that. That yes, her leg is a prosthetic, but it doesn't mean things are over.

2. I would have liked her slowly gained more confidence with her leg. In my ideal mind, it would have been Ae'ra who did that. Seung-hyun always told her how nice her confidence is.
I imagined a scene where she wears a dress showing off her leg and her and Ae-ra walk together down a flight of stairs at some big event and the shows the whole world her leg. Lol my imagination.

3. They did make it into something creepy, especially with some of the music. Her trying to accept it as part of her is great, but I haven't really seen that in the slightest. It's more like "No one will accept her with her leg like that except JW, so that should be her motivation to want him."

I mean, they could have shown that he was similar to her ex in ways, or made her comfortable with him, or even better, he knew and accepted her already, so she falls for him and that motivates her.

But we didn't get any of that. Instead, she seemed to use t as a weapon against Ae-ra.


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What was up with the managers toothache?! I really think the actor was hurting for real, if not it's a weird character detail adding to the drama, What I found most hilarious about it is how he all of the sudden wasn't overacting all the time and therefore gave a better and a more subtle performance.


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Your probably right! The toothache was a strange detail. I kept wondering why his supervisor didn't insist that he immediately go to the dentist.


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You are so right! BEcause the actor has to cover his mouth all the time, now I can finally be relieved from that "O" look the actor puts on his face all the time…phew!


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the tooth ache is stress induced,,like jung woo's ulcer


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I hate 2nd leads who don't know when to give up. Have a little dignity, please.


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C'mon. Just 1 wk left and the show is still giving the 2nd leads too much air time. At this point, the leads should be together and tying up loose ends. It's so frustrating seeing the Psycho Kid and Bionic Sister with their crazy maliciousness right up til the end.

And the Bionic lady said she never wanted to be like her father, using people for selfish gain --- Umm, well, that's what she's doing now. Hypocritical, I'd say.

And that Psycho Kid: Would you please take "no" for a "no"? So controlling. Nothing cute about this kid.


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After the king 2 hearts, it is the show that I am enjoying so much. I replay many times eventhough I replay the king 2 hearts more.

I find that I like Joo sang Wook more. He's so adorable...the fact that he acted along with ha ji won in the huntresses, make me happier. I am HJW bias.


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Omo the elevator scene! Hilarious!!!


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Thanks for the recap, odilettante. Your recap perfectly reflected my thoughts on the episode.

What kind of idiotic restaurant would give you an entree that requires the use of a knife in a pitch dark room? (Imagine luring in an enemy with a free dinner and then doing a jab and run.)
I know that JW likened the dark restaurant to the darkness of possibly losing AR when he found out she was going on the interview, but I thought that analogy also applied to their marriage. I felt like things were so hard for him and so dark for him that he couldn't see AR during their marriage and that's why he was so oblivious to her physical and mental state at the time. That would be a better reason than if he's just normally an incredibly oblivious guy, which I don't think he is.

I love how AR doesn't just defend herself against Jolie but goes full gangster on her.
(Btw, I know we were supposed to hate Jolie, but I thought she did a better acting than a few of the female leads and idol cameos I've seen in past dramas.)

I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when Team Manager Wang got spanked. Funniest scene of the episode and possibly of the entire drama so far.

As soon as YJ walked in with those shoes, I knew they were going to do a prosthetic leg scene.


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Sigh, I kinda hate the writers for what they did to Seung-hyun's character. I feel like he started to become a real threat as a potential partner because he was so likable, so they made start acting like an asshole as a cop out. Blah

It sucks because I like when the female character picks between 2 great guys. The suspense hurts so good!

When they stick the second lead in perpetual "no way in hell you will get chosen because you're cray cray" land, it lessens the tension, in a not good way.


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Thank u for the recap!!! I always look forward to them!!
I liked this drama because it was simple and fun but know it seems like a repetition; it seems like I have seen it before!! I want some thing more fun and exciting not the old mambo jambo!!!
any ways this is just how I feel!!!!
. 10q again 4 z recap!!!!!


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hah!with this show i am now a certified Joo Sang Wook fan.
what a great actor indeed!Tried to watch happy together where he was one of the guests and my oh my he talks a lot and i love that side of him.very charming.


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I have a question that i have been very curious about. WHY does manager kang keep covering one side of his cheek? he's been doing that for a long time now and I was wondering if that was suppose to be in the script or does the actor have some sort of problem with his cheek....


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Anyone know the background song played while they were in the yogurt shop. I really like the song.


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Whoa! It was Yeo-Jin's father who ordered the sabotage? All this time I thought it was Yeo-Jin who had done it.


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amazing... the show reminds me of how i met your mother - 50% comedy, 25% tears and 25% heart. the leads gets to be funny and show all dimensions of their 'work' self and 'personal' self.

i was awed by CJW's straight face after AR slaps mgr wang's butt and she's looking around for a guilty face. WHO IS IT? And he just looks casually that says what just happened?


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