Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 5

It’s a day of emotional conflict for our heroine, which I think comes not a moment too soon. While I’ve been able to enjoy the role of Nae-il without feeling upset about the aspects of her character that disappoint me, I can see the reasons others feel dissatisfied, so it’s a welcome move for the drama to start giving her some depth in her inner life. In that she now has an inner life. Thank goodness for that.


Dvorak – Symphony No. 9, “New World.” 1st movement: Adagio, allegro moltoDownload ]

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Yoo-jin arrives at the rehearsal room to find the S Orchestra in the throes of despair, after seeing a recording of the A Orchestra and realizing they’re about to get spanked in the orchestra-off. Yoo-jin rips up Il-lac’s sheet music and states the cold hard truth: Of course A Orchestra’s better, as they comprise the school’s elite and have worked much harder than the S Orchestra has in a few short weeks.

Il-lac asks indignantly if he’s suggesting that they quit because they’re going to lose anyway, and Yoo-jin replies that it’s better than facing public humiliation. Hm, this isn’t going the way I was expecting, although you can’t argue that Yoo-jin’s comments have truth to them.

Then (Mini) Min-hee speaks up to say she wants to perform anyway, even if they’re not the best—this is the first time she’s worked this hard. The tiniest of smiles appears on Yoo-jin’s face, and Il-lac chimes in to agree. So Yoo-jin asks his orchestra if they’ll trust him to lead, and directs them to rip up their music. He says encouragingly that they can do it, invigorating his orchestra with renewed enthusiasm.

Min-hee steps aside to call her father, hesitantly asking if he can spare some time to drop by today. He gruffly says no, to her disappointment. Nae-il also slips away, an idea striking her at the last minute.

The faculty agree on a last-minute change to the judging panel, and Dean Mina supposes that they’ll have to leave the results in “their” hands to keep things as fair as possible. Ah, is there going to be an audience vote?

Yoo-jin’s mother joins her, and upon recognizing Streseman she grows visibly chilly toward him, in a cutely petty sort of way. Apparently the three go way back, and Mina gets caught in the middle as her friend takes jabs at Streseman for making her son his errand boy. I have to say I much prefer this version of Mina when she’s around Mom, because the coquetry she displays around her beaux is a huge yawn, but with Mom around her false front becomes funny.

Yoo-jin calls everyone together with a few minutes left till their performance, then looks around in puzzlement, feeling like he’s forgotten something. He doesn’t know what that is until Nae-il bursts in lugging a bag, and he realizes, “It was Flutterfeet.” Cute.

Nae-il proudly shows the orchestra the “uniforms” she ran home to retrieve: T-shirts bearing an “S” on the chest. Yoo-jin tells the orchestra to leave him out of it, but Nae-il makes a special plea, since she decorated his especially. Glitter! Pwahaha. He turns her down flat.

Il-lac’s Dad and Nae-il wait in the audience with bated breath, and then behind them an out-of-place father sits down too. Aw, is it Mini Dad?

When Yoo-jin joins them, he notices that the orchestra has sheet music, and Il-lac sheepishly admits that he felt they needed it after all, which cracks me up. After that big to-do? I suppose the important thing is that they gave their trust to Yoo-jin.

Noting that Yoo-jin is the only one to come dressed formally in his suit, Streseman harrumphs that that he’s got no sense of fun (which earns him another death glare from Mom). The snooty faculty head (I’m unclear on her exact title), however, approves of Yoo-jin as being the only normal one. Clearly she, like Teacher Do, is a big proponent of the conventional.

And then Yoo-jin shrugs off his jacket and unbuttons his shirt, revealing that he’s wearing his shirt too—with the glittery S worn on the back to face the audience. Aw, I love it! In flashback, we see him noticing Nae-il’s bandaged finger from sewing the shirts herself, and that sealed the deal.

There’s a bit of telepathy flying around as the musicians prepare to begin, as Yoo-jin assures his orchestra that they’ll be fine if they play without regrets. “Let’s have fun,” he thinks, using the same words he’d used before his piano duet with Nae-il.

They begin. Yoo-jin narrates for us the character of Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony’s first movement, all power and energy, and the performance perfectly captures the feeling. The audience is rapt, the doubters look surprised, and Nae-il marvels at how Yoo-jin has managed to captivate everyone. The A Orchestra conductor watches as well, looking uneasy.

The orchestra plays on and nears the finish, and Yoo-jin explains Beethoven’s struggle with his deteriorating hearing, and how he overcame that despair—feelings evinced in the symphony’s final movement.

As the music builds to a crest, Il-lac shoots Yoo-jin a sly wink. With a laugh, Yoo-jin thinks at him, “You’re really going to do it?” Il-lac thought-replies, “You said let’s have fun.”

The moment arrives, and everyone thinks in unison, “NOW!” So Yoo-jin signals the violins, and they shoot their instruments into the air, chins tilted way up. Sure it looks ridiculous, but the audience enjoys it. With a flourish, Yoo-jin brings the symphony to a close.

They earn a standing ovation, and Yoo-jin thinks, “Now I understand why the maestro chose these guys, why he made Yoo Il-lac the leader. Hearts that enjoy music. These guys have the biggest weapon in the world. Each and every one of them is Seol Nae-il.”

The disdainful faculty leader even says to Teacher Do disbelievingly, “I thought you said they were bottom-rate.” Teacher Do answers, “They were. What in the world has changed them?”

Despite the initial excitement, Nae-il starts to feel uncertain, growing subdued as she says, “I feel strange. Orabang is so big and far away.”

The A Orchestra can hear the wild reception from inside, and now it’s their turn to feel dismayed. They suppose that the success is all Yoo-jin’s doing, which makes their own conductor, Seung-oh, pipe up defensively that they’re just getting pity applause. He tells his orchestra grimly to show ’em what they’ve got.

The S Orchestra heads back to the rehearsal room in a festive mood, though Yoo-jin wonders at Nae-il’s absence and goes looking for her. Il-lac’s dad pops by, a blubbery mess of pride and love for his son’s awesome showing. I love this duo.

Min-hee finds her father outside, thrilled that he made it after all. Mini Dad had been as proud as the rest of them, but now his stone face is back in place as he complains about her music being a money suck, still wanting her to quit. She hangs her head apologetically, but he gruffly holds out a bouquet of flowers and says, “It sounded really nice. That’s why you can’t quit.”

That tiny gesture is enough to revive her spirits, and she calls after Dad to eat well and take care of himself. Mini Dad just waves her off brusquely. Gah, he is such a Korean dad and it kills me. In a good way, sort of.

Now for the A Orchestra. Conductor Seung-oh leads, his narration giving us the background of Dvorak’s New World Symphony as they begin playing. They sound beautiful, but right away Seung-oh starts to get inside his own head, second-guessing his choices. “Cha Yoo-jin would do this more grandly, wouldn’t he?” he thinks, and thus begins the unraveling.

The musicians pick up on Seung-oh’s lapse, wondering why he’s losing a grip on the pace. Streseman can tell what’s wrong: “He saw Yoo-jin conducting.”

Seung-oh plows on, alternately too frantic and too plodding, all the while despairing that he’s lost his hold. Ack, this is a musician’s nightmare, being consciously locked inside a bad performance. It’s almost like Seung-oh is fighting with his players, who are meanwhile urging him to get a grip.

By the time the New World is over, everyone knows it was a mess. And talk about pity applause. Streseman notes, “The thing about talent is, it makes fools of effort and time.”

Feeling unexpectedly melancholy, Nae-il retreats to a practice studio. But her fingers won’t play today, stopped by some inexplicable emotion.

The kindly Teacher Ahn finds her and clues in to her mood, guessing at the reason. He suggests that if she wants to play with Yoo-jin, she has to study more seriously, to match her talent. Nae-il reminds him that he’d told her that playing music with enjoyment is the most important thing, and that’s what she’s doing.

Teacher Ahn suggests going out for competitions, but that word spurs a knee-jerk response in Nae-il, and she bursts out that she won’t do them. She argues that she’s going to be a kindergarten teacher and play piano with the kids—but Teacher Ahn asks if that’s really true, “Or is it that you want to keep playing the piano, even if that’s the only way?”

Gently, he says that she can’t live as a child forever. Nae-il blinks back tears, voice trembling as she asks a little defensively, “Living as a child forever—what’s so bad about that?”

Nae-il brings out the handpuppets for solace, and play-acts Yoo-jin Rabbit comforting Nae-il Rabbit. The real Yoo-jin snatches the dolls before they can kiss (Nae-il: “I was making them hug”), then takes her hand to pull the bandage off her finger.

Armed with antiseptic, he treats her fingertip and blows on it when it stings. For a moment Nae-il looks at him feeling bashful, but then she adds that her lips are injured and asks for him to treat those, too. Yoo-jin: “Go to the hospital.”

Nae-il rests her head on his shoulder, and he doesn’t push her away.

The faculty gathers for a vote, and acknowledges that S Orchestra had the better performance. Teacher Do admits this but points out that the A Orchestra is the more skilled one, and Streseman backs him up: “But the audience merely chose the orchestra they enjoyed, not the one that was more skilled.”

However, there’s a surprise in the results: The two orchestras are tied with three votes each (the audience vote counts as one), and that means one faculty member has abstained: Streseman. So he becomes the tiebreaker. If ever there were someone whose hands you didn’t want to put your fate in…

The orchestras wait anxiously for their faculty advisers to announce the results. It starts ominously, with Teacher Ahn saying, “I don’t know how to tell you this…” He explains that Streseman was the deciding vote… and he ran away. HAHA.

A frustrated Mina wails to herself at Streseman’s antics, clutching the note he left telling her he’s off to a music festival.

No matter for the S Orchestra, who celebrate anyway at Il-lac’s dad’s restaurant, where Yoo-jin leads them in a toast. They wonder what happens with Streseman gone, and whether both orchestras will get to remain intact, and even suggest that they prefer to have Yoo-jin conducting.

Yoo-jin gets a call from the ex-girlfriend, Do-kyung, who was at the performance and was impressed at his achievement. She invites him out to drinks (and is shocked to hear he’s out with the rest of the orchestra), turning down rival conductor Seung-oh’s invitation. He’s fallen in her estimation after today’s showing, and she says that she wants only the best: “And if I can’t be the best, I have to at least stand next to the best.” Damn, that’s cold. We’re not supposed to like her even a little, are we?

Things get drunker at the orchestra party, where the members bicker and mock-fight cutely about whose instrument is the best. Then Do-kyung joins them and brings the fun screeching to a halt.

Nae-il, Min-hee, and Su-min shoot her dirty glares and stew impotently when she joins them. Nae-il and Su-min dart forward to claim Yoo-jin, and Nae-il huffs to the intruder, “I’m sorry, but I am orabang’s wife. I believe you have just been rude.” Sometimes the direct route is best! Yoo-jin has to pry her off him.

But Yoo-jin makes friendly conversation with Do-kyung and doesn’t readily notice when Nae-il quietly takes her bag and walks away, hurt. When he realizes that she’s gone, he wonders why but isn’t particularly concerned.

After leaving the party, Nae-il takes out her hurt on the whack-a-mole machine, and then pets a mole’s head and apologizes for hitting it.

Yoo-jin notices Do-kyung coughing (…faking faker) and suggests they leave before she catches cold. But it’s a relief that his concern is purely friendly, as he shakes off Do-kyung’s arm and draws the line between them. Saying that he’s just doing this as her ex-boyfriend, he goes on without her.

At home, Nae-il thinks of almost kissing Yoo-jin when he was asleep, and how he blew on her finger, and wonders why her emotions are acting up: “I see him every day, but why am I feeling this way?”

She imagines hearing his voice calling her name, and shakes her head furiously: “No, I’m just Seollebal [Flutterfeet] to him, not Seol Nae-il!”

And then his voice actually calls out her name from her door, but when he gets no response, Yoo-jin just supposes she’s not home.

The drunk orchestra heads out for Round 2, at which point Min-hee excuses herself. The oboe-clarinet duo are smitten with her simultaneously, wondering when she became so pretty. They’re cute in a silly sort of way; I won’t quite call them Dumb and Dumber… yet.

Il-lac stops his crew before they get to the pojangmacha, spotting A Orchestra’s concertmistress Shi-won drinking alone there. He suggests that his crew drink at a nicer place today, then sends them on while sneaking off to join Shi-won’s table instead.

She’s feeling moody after the defeat today—they didn’t technically lose, but as Il-lac points out, they all know the S Orchestra were the victors today. She acknowledges that they were good and wishes they could have another match-up, because her orchestra would treat it more seriously instead of being arrogant about winning.

Love must be in the air, because il-lac is suddenly struck with Shi-won’s charm, and smiles after her dopily. Well, more dopily than normal.

The next day finds Nae-il still depressed, and Teacher Ahn is surprised when she isn’t jumping for joy to hear that Yoo-jin will be arriving soon. She hastily excuses herself, and asked to explain her reaction, she says that she can’t really face him right now. Teacher Ahn just chuckles, saying that it’s “that time.” For love, I presume he means.

Nae-il puzzles over his meaning, then scurries to hide out of sight of Yoo-jin. Even though she can’t face him, she still smiles in relief to see him, albeit from afar.

Yoo-jin arrives for his lesson with Teacher Ahn, who eyes him knowingly and comments on how nice it is to be in spring. Yoo-jin says blankly, “But it’s autumn.” Ha. I love that he’s speaking in metaphors and nobody knows it.

Yoo-jin asks about transferring to the conducting department, just as Teacher Do bursts in, indignant over more of Streseman’s work. It’s for the upcoming music festival, which is a storied and prestigious event for the top musical students in the country, with workshops and the like. Streseman will be there, and he’s submitted a completely ridiculous list of students to participate in the master class: Yoo-jin, Il-lac, Su-min, and the fart song girl herself, Nae-il.

Teacher Do refuses to allow a coveted spot in the class taken up by her. Just then, he gets a text from the maestro himself (who’s been named “Damned Old Man” in his phone). It’s essentially a bribe (or a threat?): Streseman will tell him who was playing that piano version of Beethoven’s 3rd if Teacher Do accepts the master class list.

We know that Nae-il was the pianist in question, and so does Yoo-jin, who takes note when he hears that Teacher Do has been searching for the identity of that student.

Nae-il interviews for a job a Mom’s coffee shop, and Mom recognizes her name and barrages her with questions—what her parents do, where she’s from, that sort of thing. The prospective daughter-in-law questioning has Nae-il confused, though Mom waves it off as the usual interview stuff.

Nae-il trudges home feeling blue, and wonders why her apartment is so clean. She sighs that she’s seeing hallucinations now… only to have Yoo-jin actually answer back. He’s sitting at her table, folding laundry and chiding her for accumulating so much junk.

She protests his unauthorized entry to her place (using the passcode that’s identical to his own, ha), which he counters with her history of trespassing. She says that was just so she could take care of him, and sighs that Do-kyung will probably be taking on that role now.

Yoo-jin replies that Do-kyung wouldn’t do that for an ex-boyfriend, and just like that, all is right with Nae-il’s world again. She picks up the hand muffler he brought her (which looks like a stuffed toy) and asks if it’s a “love gift.” He says he picked it up like it’s something he found lying on the ground, though he’s clearly trying to sound casual about it, which I love. He tells her to use it to take better care of her hands, and Nae-il happily agrees.

Yoo-jin informs Nae-il about the music festival, but she’s more occupied with the idea that she’s involved in a “some” kind of relationship (Korean slang for a flirty romance), and sings Soyou and Junggigo’s “Some” to herself. LOL. She doesn’t care about festivals, and rather than argue, he just reverse-psychologies her by saying that she can stay behind while he goes. Naturally, she’s suddenly ALL about the music festival.

Our main quartet drives down to attend the festival, and the other three see this as jolly good times while Yoo-jin is the only one who treats the event with the appropriate level of respect (and attendant stress).

So while he’s sleeping, the friends decide he needs a detour to loosen up—and he awakens from his nap to find that they’re at a water park, with Nae-il holding out the skimpiest speedo ever. He refuses to join them in the water, but Il-lac locks them out of the car, and Yoo-jin has no choice but to follow.

The three stooges splash around in the water park, while Yoo-jin remains curiously offscreen. This is unacceptable, because now I have this unrelenting curiosity about that awful speedo.

He doesn’t change his mind, though, and the others decide to take matters into their own hands to make some “good memories” for him. They find him listening to his hypnotherapy recordings, and Nae-il pretends that they’ve given up and want to head to the festival now. A relieved Yoo-jin totally misses the devilish glint in their eyes.

But then, we cut to Yoo-jin’s mother back in Seoul, worrying that the festival is near the ocean. What if he triggers that trauma relating to his old accident? Aie! Mom’s oppa drops by (I’m assuming it’s her biological brother, so let’s say Yoo-jin’s uncle) and sighs about his talents going to waste—no matter how much he conducts in Korea, he can’t make it big if he can’t leave. He suggests that Yoo-jin come work under him, wanting to leave his company in trustworthy hands, even if Yoo-jin says he isn’t interested in any work other than conducting.

At the water park, Yoo-jin is walking toward the exit when his friends suddenly push him into the pool, sure that this will lighten his mood. Seeing him splashing around, they figure he’s having fun in the water, not seeing that he’s gasping for air and flailing in a panic.

He’s thrown back to a childhood memory of being thrown around in the sea, so overcome that he doesn’t even think to stand. Honestly, he’s taller than the water level, which is why Il-lac doesn’t think anything’s wrong, but Yoo-jin’s locked in his trauma and his body goes lifeless.

“My body… won’t move,” he thinks, sinking to the bottom. “Have I fallen into the sea again? Will I die like this?”


Aw, this episode made me happy. I do find Cantabile Tomorrow to be very loose and maybe even a little messy, which normally would make a drama harder to watch for me. Slice-of-life stories are one thing, but meandering ones do try my patience. But here, I like the characters so much (and love the use of the music—though I still think they could do more with it!) and often find a silly grin has worked its way onto my face, and that makes this a nice pleasant watch for me.

That isn’t to say that the plotting is bad, because I like how the disparate threads are coming together in a thought-out way, such as with the simultaneous trajectories of Nae-il and Yoo-jin. It’s really satisfying for me to watch Yoo-jin’s bond growing with Nae-il in a way that isn’t even explicitly romantic. Of course I’m rooting for that to develop in its own time, but right now he’s curious about her as a person, as a musical talent, as an emotional being. She’s different from him in every which way, but he likes her as she is, and not expressly because he’s attracted to her.

I’ll never argue that romances with intense attraction are something I want less of, but this is a case where I don’t think this story works as well if they were both immediately attracted to each other. Or, I suppose to be more accurate, if Yoo-jin saw Nae-il through that lens. I love the moments of personal insight and interior monologue that we get into the characters’ minds, and in that regard it feels like Cantabile Tomorrow is something of a musical and emotional coming-of-age story.

So it’s gratifying to see Yoo-jin appreciating Nae-il and missing her when she’s gone, because even though she’s merely a mascot, she has a genuine place in this orchestra. I liked seeing the other orchestra members reacting to Nae-il’s reaction at the party, when they all clocked her hurt feelings at Do-kyung’s arrival. Whether they knew it or not, she became part of them, and hence the pouty glares that got sent Yoo-jin’s way on her behalf. Super sweet.

But even better than merely Yoo-jin’s trajectory drawing him closer to Nae-il is hers that pushes herself away from him. We saw a glimpse of that previously when she was scared off by her feelings for him, and that gets compounded now with this idea of Yoo-jin somehow growing too big that he’ll leave her orbit. She doesn’t even “have” him right now, but he’s part of her life and part of her circle, and she’s content so long as she always gets to be with him. But the idea of someone who’s accessible growing suddenly inaccessible? It’s too frightening to consider.

How poignant that she feels this at the very moment that he’s drawing nearer to her. It’s great to see that he isn’t above taking the step forward, though, because after not seeing her for a full day he goes to seek her out, cleaning up her place in a domestic gesture that I find thematically significant. Nae-il has been referring to herself as his wife, and she defends her constant interference as wifely care. So then he returns the gesture with spouse-like care, even though I doubt he even realizes this.

Nae-il’s fear, I think, is part and parcel of a greater fear, and one that exists outside of Yoo-jin. It’s just Yoo-jin who highlights the conflict and brings it front and center—this feeling that Nae-il is purposely hiding her talent away because she’s afraid of… losing something, or growing attached… or maybe simply failure. I love the scene with Teacher Ahn gently prodding her, not letting her go too easily with the excuse she’s constructed for herself. She says she wants to teach children and is focused on her silly fart song, but today even she didn’t sound confident about her reasons.

While I don’t advocate people forcing goals upon others that don’t come from within that person, I don’t think that quite applies to Nae-il, whose resistance seems to conflict with her desires, not support them. If her dream were to teach, there’d be no cause for defensiveness or tears, and she must realize that. I don’t know if she understood that before Teacher Ahn shone that light directly on the issue, but now that things have been framed in such a way, it’ll be hard to keep pushing it away. I mean, she can try, just as Yoo-jin does to her, but I think we’re rooting for both of them to fail on those fronts.


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@JB, wow, super fast recap... Thank you very kamsa ??
It's super fluffy romcom today... Very cute


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Man, I'm still liking this a lot. This episode made me very happy as well. And as always, reading your thoughts, javabeans, is very insightful.


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thx nae il is less annoying here


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Agreed. SEK is superb in this episode. She is so natural. I wish there is article how awesome she potray naeil now. I am one those that would say she is not getting into naeil in the first few episodes, she seems forced to act.

This episode, i think is really obvious that SEK really get into character. Like someone say, seems like SEK become more sincere toward naeil.

Naeil cantabile is getting better and better!


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I think this is because now, her character will be the one who is going to be in center. Yoo Jin had already made his mark as a conductor. Now Nae iL is going to embark in her journey as a professional pianist. We know she is good in piano but she had to polish her skills more. I cannot wait to see her playing the piano.

>still having that fluffy feelings even after a few hours<


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I agree on naeil is getting more depth now, yes, but i was more incline with how natural SEK portray naeil now, i mean you can still see how crazy she is but just a bit more natural than before. I don't know how to explain it. lol. nevermind.


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There have been very few scenes of a genius pianist. I am enjoying the drama as I would any Kdrama now. But as Nodame character who has a clear obsession with piano and Yoo Jin, Nae li has dramatized just Yoo Jin obsession but not the piano at all. Hope that will change in the coming weeks.


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Thank you for your Recap and especially with your comments.

Can I just quote you.

"But the idea of someone who’s accessible growing suddenly inaccessible? It’s too frightening to consider. "

When I read the manga and get to the part where Nodame was in this stage where she saw Chiaki as becoming harder to reach, this is also what I understand with the manga.

I am glad TC is able to get this thing through. Though I already know the plot of the story, I am looking forward to how they will have it in the drama. And I should say, for me who loves watching TC, it made my heart warm and I now feel rather fluffy. Lols.


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I thought the telepathy parts were a bit weird but other than that, I liked the episode. Too bad that Speedo wasn't put to good use, lol.


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I love that telepathy parts though ^^ I think it shows that the S-Oche members has great understanding of each other.. That's their strength!

While the A-Oche conductor was engrossed on his own and can't even hear the inner voice of his members.


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In the Japanese version, there's a little segment on how the concertmaster is supposed to understand/read the mind of the conductor. And so I understood it when Yoo-Jin and Rak "mind-spoke". But then Yoo-Jin started conversing telepathically with everyone else and then I just rolled my eyes at the whole thing, as I've been doing for most of this drama.


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PSA - Public Service Announcement!

For those that have been disappointed with Kdramas this year, that have tried over and over again to get excited about a drama, only for it to derail in the middle and crash hugely at the end.

For those tired of the same cliched plots, draggy stories, nonsensical plots, bad acting, bad writing, bad directing, and just blah dramas over and over again.

For those tired of the OTT makjang, tired of every genre drama being a love triangle, no awesome sageuks/historical dramas, then I have a solution for you.

Check out the Chinese Dramas, henceforth Cdramas. For a while, they were the ugly step child, once in a while offering a good historical drama, but lately, they have stepped up the game in their modern dramas. So many beautiful and well done dramas.

Subbing is still hard to find - but you can find some on Viki, such as the recently completed Boss & Me.

*this was a bit tongue in cheek, I am not being paid to advertise Cdramas, but just a disappointed, staunch Kdrama fan, who couldn't find a decent drama to watch*


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I am not tired of watching Kdrama especially if with Joo Won on it.... so shooooo!!!!!


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@ capadetucci: what would you recommend? I wouldn't say I'm tired of kdramas per se, but it's always good to try new things. I've watched taiwanese dramas, but no cdramas.


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Yap, you should try watch CDrama. THey have been a number of very good CDramas. They have improved leaps and bonds.


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I second "Boss and Me/ Shan Shan Comes to Eat". It is very well acted with great chemistry between the leads.


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Finally, I looked for subs a few months ago when it first came out. Happy to know that Viki has them now.


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This is me too. I like kdramas but I'm willing to try new things. If you're still looking for some great Chinese dramas--"The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "Bu Bu Jing Xin" are the best I've seen. They're both historicals with female protagonists. "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is a time-travel drama where a girl from our era is transported to the Qing Dynasty; it's atmosphere is more bittersweet love story and it feels a bit like a fairytale. "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is the grittier and darker of the two; the romance isn't as captivating as the female cast of the show. All of them female leads are complex characters, that feel human and real, locked in a battle of wits for prestige and survival. Zhen Huan, the protagonist, who starts off as innocent and kind (with a dash of intelligence to match), has to outwit the schemes of the ladies of the inner palace. (As you can probably tell in this, I like LZH more--but I find it so rare to see complex female characters like this, not to mention more than one. I'll suppress my gushing up to here, but I agree: there are some real cdrama gems.


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I haven't watched Cdramas, except for the few Jin Yong Wuxia ones from a no. of years back, and the ones of Imperial palace intrigue, of Kang Xi and Yong Cheng eras. Those were truly masterpieces. I don't care for nor know the rest. But I hear that they've gotten very sophisticated.
One that got rave reviews is about royal concubines, Yin Wuan Zhuan, but that too is a couple years old. I don't know their stars and can't kick start myself into trying cdramas. But after 12 years or so, I find fewer kdramas truly exciting anymore.


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You should watch First Female Prime Minister (CDrama). It's good. It's like Empress Ki but without the killing of the gorgeous Leading Men. Hehe.


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That was very nasty, wasn't it? t didn't watch the last 2 eps of Empress Ki, cos I didn't have the heart to watch him die! I pretended it ended when the Korean King went home!
Thanks for the recommend. Will google to see what that's about.


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i cry so much when Wang yu die but i still watch the last episode but ep 50 seem more like final episode to me


Funny that you mention this. I just started my first ancient Cdrama; Perfect Couple, so far I'm enjoying the OTP moments; I'm not familiar with Chinese history; I'm not even sure it's set in a real era or that it's fantasy, but I like it thus far (I'm at ep 17).

Though I'm not tired of Kdramas, I'm not watching any at the moment. I decided to let TC be for the moment. I think I'll enjoy it more during the winter holidays. Iron Man is on hiatus as well. I'm looking forward to the November kdramas though.

I'm actually enjoying some Jdramas as well, like Kyou wa kaisha yasumimasu (which happens to also star Tamaki Hiroshi); and Nobunaga Concerto (has nothing to do with a concert).

And I'm watching some TWdramas like Go, Single Lady (really enjoying this one). Some sites have it as Cdrama though, so if that's the case I'm watching two Cdramas;)

I like Asian drama's in general, so even when I have no Kdrama to watch, I usually watch a drama from another country. I wish they where subbed as fast and as easy to find as Kdramas, though.


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There should be an edit button;) I meant to say CT instead of TC


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This episode finally made it for me. Something just clicked, as windparis said, i also found nae il less annoying today, and more background stories developed, and some nice ties in the characters formed as well. I enjoy a lot the music background as well, although they can bring on some more diversity.
Thank you for the speedy recap and the insightful perspectives, javabeans!


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I agree. This one felt more "of the world" of the sensibility of the manga, and I love how they are setting up Yoo Jin's mom. She was such an influential character in the original story, but got little "screen time" and I love how they are making her meddlesome like the mom in "Itazura na Kiss." I like that she's already on board with Nae Il, and even asking about all her birth signs like she's a marriage partner. I think they are starting to catch their footing. To be honest, I thought the first few episodes of the Japanese live action were kind of bonkers, and I didn't really get into it until the S Ok got into it. I'm re-engaged.


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Oh? sudden I'm very interested in this drama again. Something changed and it's a good thing.


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Oh my, the recap is fast, thank you javabeans.

And Joo Won is downright adorable.


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This episode was the best so far. Well paced, coherent, and lively. I liked, but was not 100% sold on, SEK's Naeil, but this episode, especially the "turning point" scene with her teacher, turned me into a convert. Naeil finally felt like a real person, and her fears, fantasies, and passion resonated with me. At the same time, in the humorous scenes, her delivery was perfect, simultaneously earnest and off-beat. It's too bad there isn't much appreciation for SEK, especially with everyone comparing her to the j-drama version, because I think she just elevated the character of Nodame to one of the most interesting female leads we've seen in a while.


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Can you elaborate on your last sentence? I haven't fully watched this drama yet but am curious as to how SEK is elevating Nodame's character.


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Well, I meant that she was bringing something special to the characterization of Nodame, which is not a copy of the manga or j-drama but adds to our understanding of the character.

Also, her character is unique among female TV characters overall.

I find myself watching this drama for Naeil.


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I am so, so happy to see more Nae-il. It's not that I dislike the Mina/Franz stuff (er... exactly), but I am legitimately confused by it. When I first heard about a K-drama version of Nodame Cantabile, I had plenty of concerns, but never in a million years would it have occurred to me that they would downplay the heroine's story arc in favor of time spent watching two successful, middle-aged, (presumably) unattached adults make cow eyes at each other. Seriously, why am I supposed to care about their troubled past? JUST HOOK UP, PEOPLE. Where's the conflict?

I'm not saying I haven't enjoyed the show so far, because I have, but more focus on Nae-il's musical coming-of-age feels seriously overdue.


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He's still just a creepy mccreepster to me - I don't want to see them hooking up.


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I don't want to see it either, but I'm more taken aback at the idea that the show's writers think it's a story worth telling. Where's the drama? I mean, if nothing's *stopping* them from getting together... why don't they? I'm tired of the tortured glances and flustered silences for NO REASON, particularly when I feel like it's time that would be better spent watching the heroine do pretty much anything else.


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Tbvh, the Franz/Mina love line is boring me too much. I wish they'd just cut it off. It's just like the "Kim Suk-hyun and Jung Yoon-soo" love line in "Heartstrings." So annoying. It is so annoying when the middle-age/adult pair are given more screen time and storyline compared to the main characters. That would have been forgiven if their lines have been touching and memorable, but if they are only going to flirt, then, their screen time should be cut. I am here for Naeil and Yoojin, not for Mina and Franz.


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That scene between Nae-il and Teacher Ahn felt so genuine. SEK's acting there was definitely spot on.


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I felt she wasn't acting. Like.., it's her true feeling.


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I guess that's Naeil or should I say Shim Eun Kyung's strength? She delivers Naeil's insecurities perfectly.


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I want to add that, in this episode, the changes from the manga started to make sense and add new insights as an interpretation/adaptation. For example, I liked that how they changed the way A Oke lost. They didn't have a ridiculous meltdown due to a fluke -- rather, the conductor cared too much about expectations and they didn't enjoy the music as much as S Oke. So it set up the differing philosophies of the orchestras nicely.

Earlier, I wasn't sure about the switch out of Beethoven's 7th, which doesn't have a name and served as a blank slate for S Oke in the manga, for the more well known 3rd "Eroica," but the explanation they gave about the piece fit with S Oke style, so I was fine with it. The musical choices in this episode were good overall, especially the music that captured everyone's reactions when Do-kyung crashed the party. Omg, that was hilarious.

Ilrak's relationship with his dad was given more detail, with the revelation that his mom is dead (or somewhere far away). That explains why his dad dotes on him so much.

It also worked to make the contrabass player's dad a rough guy from the country, rather than an eccentric who let his family suffer due to weird reasons. That was quite funny in the manga, but this version was more touching.

Even Stressemann seemed to improve this episode, although it's hard to tell because he did not have many scenes or lines. I hope he redeems himself in the upcoming music workshop episode.


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Thanks JB! I look forward to reading your recaps as much as watching the episode.
I’m liking SEK more with each episode. She felt more sincere today.
I also loved that Yoo-jin was the one seeking out Nae-il, even though his feelings aren't romantic yet. It's a nice change , and shows he appreciates her presence beside him.


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OK, I'm in. I was always planning on watching this, but didn't have much time and, honestly, became a little bit hesitant when I heard the interpretation of Nodame's character wasn't going so well. Mostly because I felt like the balance between the two lead characters in the anime and original was part of why it worked so well. Still, I was definitely planning on watching it anyway. Because I could watch this story a 100 times over, in a 100 different ways and still love it (Yes. That was slight exaggeration. But what can I say? I love classical music and coming-of-age stories <3). And I was definitely wanting to check out Joo-wan's much-praised portrayal as well as Go Kyung-pyo. And now that I find the overall comments from this episode reassuring, I will definitely be checking this out soon.


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We need a screen cap of that mini speedo w polka dots.
We need to see JW in it!
I watched the last few eps feeling much detachment, FF-ing. But this ep brought me in. Nae Il feels like a real person instead of a cousin of Roadrunner for the 1st time. Yoo Jin too shows he has feelings besides arrogance and scorn.
Now I look fwd to their development, for all of them.
Nasty Teach doesn't outrank the great maestro, so I'm not worried about him at all!


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YES!!!!! to Joo Won with mini speedo with polka dots!!!

This episode got more the feels on it. I am looking forward for Nae iL's piano play here.. ohhh, is that an spoiler. :D

>fluffy feelings<


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Ohhh wait, that would be the next episode... :D


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Aaaah! This episode made me so happy! All of last week my only real complain was that the drama hadn't made any efforts to make Nae-il known to us beyond her crazy outsides. It was such a lovely surprise to have this episode delve so deeply into Nae-il's psyche because even though the scenes were few and short, they did a wonderful job of explaining her to us. The daughter-in-law questions told us all about her life (parents, lack of siblings, etc.) and the scenes with the piano teacher that show us glimpses into a little girl who's too afraid of the world to grow up? So great.

Yoo-jin is quickly becoming one of my favourite kdrama heroes. I'm so tired of the stereotypical "rich asshole that learns to become a better person because of the love a good woman" male leads. I'm not interested in changing a bad boy! I want a nice guy who is his own person and who is simply made an even better person by being with me! And by adding myself into the equation I mean to say that I look for the same in my drama boys. Yoo-jin is a bit detached and definitely on the quiet side but he's not a bad guy, he's not an asshole, and he's not above making an effort for the people he cares about (friends, family or romantic partners). I think that's just great. Now, if you only pop out of my computer screen and into my life I'll be satisfied.


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Awwww... I like the part when you said Yoo Jin popping out of the computer screen.

... this fluffy feelings sure making me grin sheepishly. I cannot wait to watch the next episode.


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glad... i am not the only one who still like this drama. i like scene about Il Rak and his fathe. I hope i can have father like that.... hha


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Yap, really touching for me.


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I love them! They're probably my favorite part of this show. I hope we continue to have scenes with both of them throughout the show.


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I teared up everytime Il Rak's abeoji comes on screen. He looks funny but he makes me wanna cry T T


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Woah, was anyone else shocked but thrilled when Yoo Jin let Nae-il place her head on his shoulder? or when he went into her home?!! XD

So many cute scenes where we see Yoo Jin become more aware and closer to Nae-il. However, I'm still adjusting to how Joo Won has his character showing more affection/emotion then the Jdrama version so any tender scenes with him and Nae-il are kinda SHOCKING! lol.

Looking forward to the next episode. Thanks for the recap!


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Awww I had tears in my eyes and a silly grin on my face at times throughout the episode too.I haven't been as excited for a drama since MLFAS and am soo glad Joo Won has decided to take on this adaptation despite all the doubts. At Epi 5 and Cha YooJin has already become one of my top 3 faovurite male leads ever.Thank you JB for recapping this awesome coming-of-age-story.

*returns back to her fluffy clouds swooning over Orabutt..er Orabang*


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Yay!!! I have a fellow person having fluffy feelings.

Yup, Joo Won made me walked on fluffy clouds today.

First, he looks so hot conducting.

Second, he made me cry when he look at Nae iL's cut fingers and then viola, he wore the S orchestra T-shirt. Tore his white shirt sooooooooooooo dam-n sexy in front of the orchestra... Ohhh EEmm Geee. I just want to peel that black shirt out too. Did it even have buttons... the white shirt, I mean.

Third, being so nice to Nae iL and treating her wound. If I am Nae iL, my pervertness level will be on its highest level and I will probably overpower Yoo Jin. kekekeke. And then letting *or did he just offered* Nae iL lean on his shoulder, its like giving Nae iL a treat. *If I look back in manga, this would be when Chiaki let Nodame kiss him in the cheeks, heeen should it be like this too?*

Fourth, Ilrak's Dad. Waaah, I liked him when I first saw him holding that knife... and then seeing him cry like a baby... awwwwwwwww.....

And then seeing Yoo Jin's expression when he sees the swimming pool place. I cannot stop but laugh at his discomfort. And then seeing him sinking on that swimming pool that is just waist high... awwww, Joo Won we know you swim like a seal but you really make me want to jump on that pool with the Speedo polka dots.

>goes back in fluffy mode and tries to blow Leila's fluffy clouds<


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I finally get why Joo Won is known for his acting prowess. He may not be the most popular but damn, this boy can act. And such charisma too!


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Totally agree with you on Joo Won, all his popularity and fame he has received up until this point is due to his acting and acting alone, he doesn't have a pretty or a very handsome face like most Kdrama leads have but he has so much charm and charisma that it more than makes up for not having a pretty face, i first saw him in 'O Brothers' and my first impression of him was 'oh he looks cute but has pretty average looks' but as you can tell my mentality of his image immediately changed within 1 or 2 episodes of watching him and now i was thinking how a guy can be so charming and handsome. I was fangirling him so hard. I've loved him every role he has been including this one.


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Javabeans, I think when Yoo Jin tore up the music sheet and told S orchestra that it's better to give up than face humiliation, he did it to jolt them to their senses. They had already practiced hard and improve much in these few weeks. However listening to A orchestra make them afraid and lose their confidence.

It would not have worked as well if he simply told them to forget the sheet music and follow his lead or have some confidence. They had to come to realize it themselves. Minhee said she may have no talent but she really practiced hard and wanted to be on stage. Il Lac said it best when he declared it is more humiliating to not try than to lose trying.


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That was my take on this scene too. He tore up the music as a dramatic gesture to shock everyone into re-thinking whether they wanted to stick to just what was safe and pre-determined or whether they were willing to take a risk and enjoy themselves.

They definitely had to make that decision themselves so that they could own it and make it work. They had to trust each other and the conductor to lead them. And it was wonderful!

I really liked Yoo Jin's growing awareness of his orchestra, of them not only as instruments (he used to call them by their instruments' names) but also his appreciation of them as persons with real love for music, regardless of talent. It took 4 episodes but I'm glad it's happening now.


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Dude is following closely his teacher's style. He threw the glove to his fellow musicians in the orchestra to challenge them and inspire them. Stressemann's style.


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I am so happy to see most of the comments here are positive. i used to get exhausted with all the comparison and negativity. I know my great awesome lovely cutie pie SEK will done well. She always does. Hwaiting Shim eun kyung!!

Can I just say it again how wonderful yoo jin character is? I know somebody already mention it, but his tenderness towards naeil is rare in Kdrama. This should be a trending male lead character, im tired of cold chaebol really.

and il-lak, can he just be my husband now please? You all can have yoo jin, though i love him too, but if i need to choose between them, i choose il-lak. he such a funny guy. Oh no wait, i want yoo jin too, he's sweet and handsome. Oh mommy, im conflicted over guys that didn't even existed.

I know what you guys think, but Im actually older than my comment, lol.


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I don't know about you. I watched it raw last night and now, watching for the 2nd time subbed, I still wear this big smile on my face throughout S orchestra performance. Actually it started from the time Il Lac came on with a big smile and Yoo Jin tore off his shirt. And finally when the performance was over, I felt like one of those in the audience who stood on their feet and gave them a standing ovation. I felt as proud of Il Lac as his Dad. I felt like high fiving someone like Yoo Jin's mom. I felt near to tears like Naeil. Ohhhhh...drama! What have you done to me?


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Awwwww..... You are not the only one SS.

This episode really put me in a fluffy, warm mode. And yes, like you, I only watch the raw and look what it turned me into. What more if I can understand what they are saying.

I am already in standing ovation when Yoo Jin tore his shirt.. no wonder my panty just went sliding down. Maybe I should not wear one when watching Tomorrow Cantabile.

I am looking forward with Nae-iL's improvement. And also more hot moment with our Almighty God Cha Yoo Jin. He is my S-God.

>fluffy feeling intensifying<


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It's the first time for me that I am actually "living" with the characters. Emotionally, at least. And not with praticular one, but with all of them. I was crying and smilling like a psycho this whole episode. It was so good, so amazingly good.
I am falling in love just like Yoo Jin and Nae Il are.


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The intertwining weaving story of Nodame-Chiaki-Classical Music are the important things that make Nodame Cantabile such a success. I am glad to see that the Nae Il element is coming at last. But the classical music is still very very much lacking. PD, would you please use the original scores in Manga or pick then mix-and-match? There are loads in the original Manga and Japan version of Cantabile. Without the classical music, it isn't much of the Nodame Cantabile. It will just be an average drama, that's all.

P.S. SEK is endearing. She will be a good Nodame, if substantial and in-depth role is given to her enough. I hope the Cantabile won't miss this opportunity.


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I think Tomorrow Cantabile is deviating with what the manga/anime/Jdrama used. That is why we are hearing a different set of classical music.

Also, I do not mind if they use other scores, as long as it matches the situation. Not all of the viewers also knows the original scores used by NC so I think they will not mind what they are now hearing. Besides, they are still using classical music if I am not mistaken, but not the one used by the original one.


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Of course they can and should go for their own musical elements (both as plot elements and as OST elements).

That said, I was rather disappointed during the first episodes, because
(a) the in-show piece performances didn't match their functions in the plot (and often stand in stark contrast to the explanations given through voice-over)
(b) the OST elements were randomly selected pieces of program music with no connection to the scenes they overlayd

It's kind of sad when a show devoted to classic music shows less respect for that music than a random shonen anime.

The 5th episode did a bit better though ...


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I thought Traumerei/"Dreaming" from the work Kinderszenen/"Scenes from Childhood" as the motif for Naeil's introspective scenes was a pretty inspired choice in the recent episodes.


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This is what I love about dramabeans, even the humming of the heroine is referenced. Nice!


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I love Shim Eun Kyung in this episode. I watched Nodame Cantabile and I felt that neither Chiaki nor Nodame was able to bring out the emotions of their character. Shim Eun Kyung is even better than Ueno Juri in this aspect. She makes me feel for her fears.


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I decided to disagree, sorry. Juri-Tamaki have done perfect acting for the characters, thus they earned Best Actress and Best Actor awards. SEK is only getting better than her own acting on 1st ep.


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"Yoo-jin notices Do-kyung coughing (…faking faker) and suggests they leave before she catches cold."

I thought that he noticed the icy atmosphere and the glaring from the orchestra members after NaeIl left and that's why he wanted his ex to get out of there "so to not catch a cold" from the cold glares. :D


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lol that's what I was thinking too. He was eyeing the orchestra members and how they were looking at her when he suggested they leave.


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sooo many romantic scene that Yoo Jin and Naeil... so cuteee!!! omg!!


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I don't really like the portrayal of the ex-girlfriend in this one. In the manga and Jdrama she had her own storyline and was not much of an antagonist, and that added heart to the story. Nodame saw her as a threat, but she wasn't really one nor was she trying to be one.

She had her own issue in the Opera field, and she had to overcome it as well. I think CT loses out by making her into a stereotypical scheming ex.


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Very relieved this week to find that CT is finding its feet and its rhythm! Stresemann running away was a nice touch - and very much in character! Like that they're focusing more on Naeil and her relationship with her piano.

Things gelled a lot better for me this episode, and I actually liked the kdrama "take" on things - btw, Soyou and Junggigo’s “Some” is a perfect song to describe Yoo Jin and Naeil's relationship!

Thanks for the recap, jb!


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Good stuff this episode. Naeil is maturing, she's developing womanly (not just childish) feelings for Yoo jin and those terrify her. On top of those are concerns for the future and past trauma yet unresolved. I'd say we're shaping up to see more growth and growing pains from Naeil.

I love Yoo jin, he's the consummate gentleman. Well aware of the fact that his new orchestra mates didn't care for the way his ex barged into their celebratory party, he was still careful to preserve her dignity. Though the person he REALLY wanted to spend time with was Naeil. I like how they are developing their relationship as good friends who care deeply about each other before any romantic entanglements. And Yoojin is a very caring person, humble, hardworking, willing to learn and a perfectionist. I love how the bonds of genuine friendship are being developed between him, Naeil, Min Hee, Soo min, Ilrac and the other members of Orchestra S.

As for Il rac, I do hope for a (mutual) romantic connection with the concertmaster of Orchestra A. I can't help but like her, although they are rivals and she's super talented, she's also open and honest, honorable and wears her authority well. I can't help rooting for them as a couple.

The scenes between Min hee and her dad - priceless! You could sense his deep caring underneath his scolding. Loved the scenes between Ilrac and his dad as well.

Prof Franz Stresemann is a riot. I haven't laughed so hard in a long while! The scene when they announced he ran away without coming to a decision had me in stitches. I was also roaring when Yoojin's mom let him have it for making her son run around in circles for no good reason. I'm really loving this drama and I'm hoping for more of it. Hopefully with his near drowning Yoojin may be able to get over his past child hood trauma.


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This episode was all tears and smiles for me.

Im glad you all are enjoying this drama because Monday and Tuesday are a squeeee fest for me.

Naeil's fear of failure was so poignantly portrayed by SEK. Fear can be such a criping emotion and her nuanced performance was perfect.


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I'm gonna watch this tomorrow. The reviews here are so positive! I wanna see a rise in ratings.

Go Kyung Pyo, I will note. I know he usually gets cameo roles, but he's so damn good! I hope he'll get a lead role soon. I hated him in "Jungle Fish 2" and made me laugh here as Il Lac. He's budding actor already!


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I'm a fan of both versions (Japanese and Korean) versions of Nodame Cantabile, both are good in their own ways, I guess some of the humour in the Japanese version wouldn't work very well in the k-drama context, and I'm liking the warmth from the Korean version (especially the r/s between the child and the parents) that was not particularly highlighted in the Japanese version.

Casting wise, I thought Joo Won and Hiroshi Tamaki both acted out the character well, albeit in slightly different ways (Orabang is somewhat less subtle about his hidden warmth than Chiaki senpai). I would feel that Shim Eun Kyung and Ueno Juri were a bit more different in their interpretations of Nodame, but nonetheless, I had no issue with it except that Nae Il shouldn't be too child-like (?), cox it would make me a bit hard to understand how she managed to get into a top music academy (assuming to be of tertiary level), which means pls show us more scenes of Nae Il showing her hidden piano!!! (that aside, I really like SEK in Miss Granny, so I have faith in her acting/more biased towards her, heh, indifferent towards Joo Won as this is the first drama I've watched with him casted, but really liking his gif-able facial reactions!)

As for the other characters, while I was initially reserved towards Il Rak and Ma Su Min (cox I really like the Japanese casting - Eita!! and Koide Keisuke) but they eventually grew on me, and I liked the part where it sorta properly addressed the issue of homosexuality (?) / liking the same gender through a brief scene of a chat between Soo Min and the A-Oke concert mistress in a previous episode. (felt that the issue was sorta overlooked/glossed over/addressed superficially as a humour relief in the Japanese version)


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[continued from above]

Music wise, I was hoping they would retain Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 and Beethoven's Pathethique Piano Sonata (Nodame's version), felt that it really fit into the story well, but other than that, was okay with a different music repertoire as it would be nice to listen to other classical pieces (although the pieces in Cantabile Tomorrow episodes til now seem more of popular pieces, would like to hear/be introduced to some which are less well-known).

Oh other things I like about Cantabile Tomorrow, Orabang!! I don't know why, somehow this sounds much more endearing than Oppa, does anyone have the same feels as me? hehe! would be nice if the drama can introduce more phrases from the Jeju dialect... oh, and their accommodation sure is nice: Orabang gets a two-storey housing (!) (though I read in an article that the Nodame manga author was questioning whether Nae Il was able to afford her accommodation when she was supposed to be poor...)

One thing I'm not so sure about the drama: Stresemann, felt like not much focus was put into the context of the character, until now I still cannot view him as a capable conductor or as a conductor at all, since scenes of him conducting are very few, too much focus was put on the supposed romance between him and Mina which does not push the plot forward, hopefully the future episodes can bring more justice to the Stresemann character!

All in all, will give my support and sarang <3 for Cantabile Tomorrow till the end! Hopefully it might extend to a Paris special and movie like for the Japanese version!

Sorry for the long comment, as it's my first comment in Dramabeans and it's my most favourite drama that inspired me to learn classical piano!


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Thanks Javabeans. I really like the way you point out the significance behind Yoo-Jin's house cleaning - the wife/husband roles. AND I love that Yoo Jin is NOT above take a step forward in this relationship between him and Naeil. AND he is not nauseatingly sappy about it. Love them.

How much do I love this Il-lac and his dad? They tear me up. They have the sweetest relationship but it doesn't feel saccharin. It has depth too. LOVE them.

Can't wait for the next ep. ESPECIALLY with that deliberate cliffhanger. That was just mean.


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My fave scene in this episode was Il Rac and his dad. I thought these two actors look like they are having so much fun weeping all over each other. They're both so cute!


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As the music builds to a crest, Il-lac shoots Yoo-jin a sly wink

Can I just say, this image killed me stone dead. If I wasn't smitten with Il Rak's character before, I sure am now.


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Did anyone notice that their "identical" passcode looks like it's just 1234? Super smart code there. Lol.


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I really enjoyed this episode. I don't think it's quite a big a "turn around" episode as others seem to but overall it just really made me smile.

I'm enjoying the developments with the individual orchestra members and their families (always up for more Il-Rac and dad). And awwwww even mini min hee has boys crushing on her! I do like that changes are starting for our lead heroine but it's definitely much more complicated then simply 'growing up'.

I really hate the idea of people being thrown into water though, especially when they weren't sure if he could swim - shallow end or no.


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Still bored by this show, but there were some highlights: Il-lak's wink, Yoo-jin's face, Nae-il being real.

The sky is blue, the Pope is Catholic, Stresseman and Mina are still boring, etc...


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Love this episode! So touching and cute! Loving all the characters! Aww.


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Interesting... that you are swayed this easy into the 5th episode, JB. I still don't feel any speck of greatness; this show has failed to move me as like its original and we're already a quarter into the series. Oy~


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Interesting...you are still watching. Can you tell me what's your secret? I don't have time to watch shows that bore me. Is it morbid interest? A need to prove a point?

JB loved many shows which I don't and I just don't get why she must like or dislike the same drama as her readers.


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Nae Il calling other people strange.. that's funny! hahaha

Totally love her quirks.


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kim yu mi in tomorrow cantabile wear skirt without pantie in ep 6 at 26:02


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good ! Nae Il calling other people strange


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Nae Il calling other people strange Nae Il calling other people strange


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Thanks Javabeans. I really like the way you point out the significance behind Yoo-Jin’s house cleaning – the wife/husband roles. AND I love that Yoo Jin is NOT above take a step forward in this relationship between him and Naeil. AND he is not nauseatingly sappy about it. Love them.


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