Healer: Episode 2

In a compelling opening week, we get the first clues that the three central characters are all caught in the middle of a much bigger web. The hints of grand power-plays don’t matter today, though, as Young-shin and Moon-ho find. What matters is connecting with loved ones, and saving whomever you can, whatever it costs — although nobody’s told the Healer that yet. But a spark of something has been kindled inside him. It’s not change yet…but it’s the possibility of change.


Young-shin narrates her father’s advice to make her job the thing she likes second-most, and her hobby the thing she likes foremost. This, she explains, is why her dad’s job is as a lawyer specializing in police cases, while he owns a café on the side, patronized by his “fans”: police and ex-convicts. She calls them her friends, and a flashback shows a younger Young-shin surrounded by proud and doting ajusshis as she masters how to pick locks and pockets, and doctor open a safe.

Late for work, Young-shin just makes the bus. We catch up to the previous episode as Jung-hoo boards right behind her. When the bus takes off and she loses her balance, he catches her but dodges out of sight as soon as she’s set herself to rights.

He takes a seat right behind her, and Young-shin narrates that from her felonious friends, she most importantly picked up a sense of intuition — so she knows when she’s being watched. Every time she snaps around to catch the spy, Jung-hoo ducks so she doesn’t see his face.

While he watches the back of her head, Ajumma Min-ja (knitting in her hacker’s den, lol) barks in his earpiece not to mess up — just a few strands of hair will do. Each time he tries to reach for them, though, Young-shin unintentionally foils him. His expression when she finally pulls on a hat is priceless. Ha!

He follows her off the bus, disgruntled that she isn’t easy pickings. Suspecting she might be on to him, Min-ja advises him to target her bag instead, which may contain a hairbrush or toothbrush from which he can get his samples.

He trails her, and quickly clocks the busy market street — fruit vendor, cyclist, empty can — and engineers a three-way collision with a kick to the last. That was kind of awesome. As fruit, cyclist and Young-shin go down, he takes her bag and scrams.

She’s quick to notice, and spots him in time to give chase. Meanwhile, he empties her bag out in a restroom but is increasingly frustrated that there’s nothing he’s after. At this moment, Young-shin bursts in and accuses him of thievery. She calls police to report the thief, barring the door from the outside with a pole.

Cap pulled down and hood up, Jung-hoo snaps the door open and drags her inside. Young-shin is tough, scrappy, and fights back — it’s not her fault he’s a professional. She glimpses his reflection in the mirror and, intent on protecting his identity, Jung-hoo covers her eyes and slams a fist into it.

Pinned against him, she sobs with terror when he goes for a knife, but he picks up nail-clippers instead… which terrifies her just as much. He tells her she’ll get hurt if she moves, and is it bad that I am laughing? I know he just wants a nail clipping, although she thinks she’s about to die horribly, or worse.

Having collected his samples, he tells her, “From now on, don’t just follow anyone fearlessly, or you’ll end up dead,” and vanishes.

By the river, Jung-hoo slips his nail samples into an envelope and is met by the third member of their operation, KANG DAE-YOUNG (Tae-mi). She rides up on her motorbike and calls him “hyung,” and amid her chatter, he tucks the envelope into her pocket and walks off.

She follows, urging him to recommend her to the boss for bigger jobs than deliveries. Only when she gives up does he march back to her. Strapping on her helmet, he tells her to drive safely — the only words he’s said to her all this time.

Dae-young deposits the envelope in a station locker, texting over the number and PIN code. It’s later collected by an unseen black-clad person. But that sleeve looks like what Moon-ho’s wearing today…

At ABS headquarters, Moon-ho assiduously avoids news chief Min-jae, but she catches him anyway. She confronts him about his delving around SooSun Company, their channel’s major advertiser, and he’s all, “Who, me?” He tells her he’s been chasing the story for three months, but she counters that it’s pointless, since it won’t be broadcast.

Min-jae accuses him of letting his popularity as “The Honest Reporter” get to his head, and warns him that his fans will throw him away sooner or later. But he’s well aware: They won’t simply throw him away, they’ll rip him apart and obliterate him, but he vows to keep going until then. And then we find out they are exes. I seeeee.

In the newsroom, Moon-ho asks his assistant to drop off DNA samples to the lab. The latter presses him for information about all these DNA tests, but Moon-ho doesn’t give anything away. Jong-soo warns his sunbae to watch out for the administrative storm heading his way, due to his off-the-script broadcast.

In response to her call, Moon-ho pays Myung-hee a visit, and she chides him for not showing his face these days, being so busy and famous. He starts to help with the cooking, which is all “veal mushroom porcini” and “steak with white wine sauce” and now you’re just showing off, lady!

It’s a comfortable atmosphere and Moon-ho, moved by warmth and affection, kneels at her feet and proposes they leave his hyung and run away to Seoul. He strengthens his jesting entreaty with a “Noona-ya~!” just as hyung Moon-shik arrives home.

Hyung points out it’s been twenty years and he still calls her “noona” instead of properly addressing her as sister-in-law. Myung-hee chimes in that it’s just as well, otherwise she’d have to call him “young master” and all speak jondae, which gets everyone chuckling.

Moon-ho follows hyung out and they chat about his latest mishap, which hyung seems to know a lot about. Although Moon-ho jokes that he must have had dinner with his boss, there’s a taut undercurrent of doublespeak. Moon-shik tells his errant brother to pack up at ABS and he’ll set him up with a team of his own, since being the head of a cable outlet isn’t worse than being the tail of a large broadcaster.

Watching his brother go, the good humor slides from Moon-ho’s face.

Moon-ho helps Myung-hee into bed and gives her her medication. She asks him about any girlfriends, but he doesn’t have one: “They’re annoying.” She settles in, but falling asleep is the hardest part, she tells him.

Moon-ho offers to distract her with a story: There are people in a steel-walled room, and they’re all asleep. Eventually, all of them will die — but one of them wakes up. He presents the dilemma: Should the awake one wake everyone else, and try to find an escape together? Or, Myung-hee finishes, should he leave them to sleep and die in peace?

She recalls that that’s actually a study, not a story, and asks him why he thought of that, and he just laughs it off.

While she drowses, Moon-ho looks at her tenderly. He picks up the group photo on her nightstand, and remembers in flashback how a younger Myung-hee took care of him. Young Moon-shik was pretty forbidding, and he didn’t dare cry in front of him. But when Myung-hee tells him it’s okay to cry in front her, he breaks into loud sobs and she cuddles him.

Moon-ho lets himself into his brother’s study, which he notes is monitored by CCTV. Pretending to browse, he uses his body to block its line of view. He plucks a hollowed-out book fitted with a spycam he must have planted earlier, and changes memory cards, taking the old one with him.

Away from the estate, Moon-ho skims the video in his car, until he gets to the snippet of conversation between hyung and his secretary about the Healer. He replays it, listening to the two men scheme to get rid of both the errand boy and the gopher, and is troubled to see they successfully received the item he had tried to intercept.

He’s interrupted by a call from his DNA-lab friend, who congratulates him for getting lucky on his fourth try: The results are 99.999% positive, and since they are both female, they must be mother and daughter. Moon-ho is too overwhelmed by the news to speak.

We catch up to Jung-hoo on a job. He relates in voiceover that he’s been doing this for eight years — since he was twenty — and modestly admits he’s the best. That’s why he ain’t cheap. As long as there’s no killing involved, he’ll do anything, without probing for information or letting morality interfere.

While we hear this, he navigates his way through a company building, executing an impressive series of disguises through sheer on-the-spot ingenuity. As office worker, janitor, and lab-coated technician, he works his way into the (not so) secure core of the building.

Slipping into what appears to be a control room, he hides behind banks of computers and connects his jacking wires while Min-ja remotely downloads everything. There’s a hairy moment where he might be discovered… lol how can you be on top of the unit without the other guy seeing you?

He sets off an alarm when he finishes, but gets away without being seen, helped by his latest (dorky college student) outfit.

Taking a moment now the job’s done, he tells us he doesn’t see the need for friends. He only has three numbers on his phone: Ajumma (Min-ja), Minion (Dae-young), and his favorite chicken place.

Back in his lair, Min-ja interrupts yet again while long-suffering Jung-hoo tries to eat (“Ajumma, is there a camera in my house?”). She tells him Young-shin must’ve been the right girl, since the client wants another job. He’s already paid for the completed one (Min-ja: “I like this client!”), and each further item will result in a fat little paycheck.

Jung-hoo is impressed, but the list surprises him: to find out the girl’s family and background, and whether she was abused as a child.

In the guise of neighborhood nerd, complete with matching info-glasses, he scopes out Young-shin’s café the next morning. This disguise is a perfect cover, because it allows him to be gawky, clueless and nosy, without raising any undue suspicion.

While he scans the employees (literally — that’s what the glasses do), Min-ja feeds him intel about the family: Young-shin was adopted when she was eight. Her adoptive mom died in 2001 and she now lives alone with Dad, Chae Chi-soo. She tells him about Dad’s jobs and notes that his law office is right in the café (ha! Ingenious!), while he stammers out a breakfast order and settles into a corner.

Min-ja says Dad’s famous for taking care of his clients even after their cases are filed, such as the ajusshi who served him, a former pickpocket and burglar.

Young-shin clatters down and tells dad she had nightmares all night because of “that psycho thief.” She argues with him to play upbeat music, and he sticks in — oh my lols — a blaring record of Han Dae-su’s “Please give me some water,” while father and daughter dance hilariously along together (no, really!).

Both Min-ja and Jung-hoo are flummoxed by this display, and the Healer’s report reads that there’s absolutely no evidence of childhood abuse. Hahaha.

Young-shin sets out for the day, with Jung-hoo in Healer get-up on her tail. He deliberately bumps into her and slips a tracking device into her bag. Min-ja instructs him to find out about her job, how competent she is at it, and what her style is.

To that end, Jung-hoo watches her scramble around a car park and wonders aloud if she’s really a reporter — she looks more like a car thief.

Young-shin passes a car, attention grabbed at a thug knocking around a woman in the backseat. She’s shooed away by henchmen, but detours back. The woman limps out of the car while the bully inside continues his diatribe, telling her to pretty herself up. From the dull dread on her face, it comes off like a pimp forcing her into jobs.

Young-shin turns away when the guards mouth more warnings at her — and in a stroke of luck, she immediately spots the celebrity she’s been chasing for her scoop. She runs after him, but gets locked out of the building while he vanishes into an elevator.

As she tries keycodes, the door is unlocked by someone else. She rushes in in time to confirm her man disembarked on the ninth floor, and suddenly notices the person who opened the door was the beaten woman.

They ride the elevator together, but the woman makes no move to get off at her floor. Young-shin gets off at 9, with a look back at her stricken companion, but shakes it off and sets about getting her scoop. Changing into a police-uniform disguise, she notices the elevator keeps on going right to the top floor. Oh no…

Jung-hoo tracks her and tells Min-ja she must be some kind of stalker, skiving off work to chase a man: “I find that kind of woman more frightening than a serial killer.” Ignoring his gripes, she tells him he has to get video of her.

Meanwhile, Young-shin tries to get access to the celeb apartment parading as a police officer. Jung-hoo catches the same elevator, and when he reaches her floor, Young-shin sees the woman’s discarded bag and asks Jung-hoo about its owner. He doesn’t know anything.

After a brief struggle with her conscience, she curses her luck and gets in. Jung-hoo gives her sidelong looks as they head to the top floor together. Seeing no sign of the woman there, Young-shin runs for the rooftop, where she finds her about to jump.

Panicking, she begs the woman to stop, and calling her “unni”, urges her to listen to her. But the woman only takes a step closer to the edge. Scrambling for the right words, Young-shin tells her she’s been there, too: “When I was seven years old, I stood there in your position.”

She describes a painful childhood: Discarded by her parents and found next to a garbage can at the age of five, she was shuttled from orphanage to orphanage. When she was eventually adopted, she was beaten. “It hurt so much, I wanted to die. When I was seven, I though it wouldn’t hurt if I could die,” she says, choked up.

The camera pans out to show Jung-hoo out of sight, recording via his glasses, an unreadable expression on his face.

Young-shin continues, “If you just endure it a little, it all passes.” She holds out her hand, and asks unni to trust her. Haltingly, the woman reaches back, and stumbles down into her arms, and both of them cry. Jung-hoo stops the camera, and tells Min-ja that’s enough. Taking off earpiece and glasses, he leaves.

That footage gets sent to Moon-ho, who watches it alone, taking in Young-shin’s story of her childhood. Grief fills his face, and he can’t bear to watch any more. Closing the laptop, he thinks back to another childhood memory.

A younger Moon-ho plays in a scrapyard while his brother works. Calling him to him, Moon-shik asks if Myung-hee gave him the flowered handkerchief in his hand. He offers to wash it for his little brother, who happily hands it over. Later, we see hyung clutching the handkerchief, gazing at Myung-hee with a sad expression as she laughs with her boyfriend.

Elsewhere, police tape cordons off the scene of a death, and blood stains the rocks. A cyber police investigator, YOON DONG-WON, arrives and hears that the body was thrown off a passing train from the bridge overhead, but nobody knows if the victim was dead or alive at the time.

Investigator Yoon is handed a note found in the victim’s pocket. It contains one line: Healer’s email address. Despite the detective’s protests, he snaps a photo of it, explaining that he’s been after the guy for five years.

Min-ja tells Jung-hoo that their client was very satisfied with what they’d sent, and has new instructions: Find out what Young-shin’s dreams and aspirations are. Jung-hoo, staking out Young-shin’s café, snorts derisively and tells Ajumma to do it. After all, girls do that social media bloggy stuff, don’t they? The problem is, Young-shin doesn’t.

Min-ja reckons he should have a blind date with her — then he could ask all that stuff freely — and follows up with an aegyo-tastic impression of how he should do it. He tells her to get a grip, and goes to work.

Healer gets his Spiderman on and scales the café building. Young-shin is still inside with Dad and Unni, whom she brought home, so he lets himself in through her window. In the dark, he riffles through her things, hoping to find a diary or something.

Min-ja’s computer flags up a warning, and she sees the police report for the earlier death. She alerts him that he’s now a wanted man, and he is all, “So what’s new?” But scrolling through security footage of him with the gopher, Go Sung-chul (the client he’d met on the subway), she tells him this time, he’s a murder suspect — because Go Sung-chul is dead.

Meanwhile, Young-shin brings Unni up, and heads to her bedroom for spare clothes. Switching on the lights, she collects them and leaves…and then the camera pans up, where Jung-hoo has hidden himself. He really is Spiderman.

He drops down, and looks around the now-lit room. His eyes land on the most recent additions to her personal gallery: the poster of Kim Moon-ho, flanked on one side by a picture of herself, and on the other, her stolen picture of the Healer.

Min-ja tells him to get out and lie low for a while, but eyes fixed on the unsettling tableau, he cuts her short: “You asked for her dreams… Then I’ll have to stay right beside her, to really find out.”


Healer’s visual and tonal resemblance to City Hunter is strong enough that there’s a little thrill beginning in my toes. If I say it, does it jinx it? A good action thriller is exactly what I want right now (read: all the time), and man, I hope this show brings it. Moderate my optimism? Why?! (Don’t make me eat my words, Show, I’m warning you: A sad fangirl is a bad fangirl.)

I really like Park Min-young as a sort of everygirl, and she’s playing Young-shin with wholehearted panache. She’s someone who works for everything. She doesn’t have genius or resources to fall back on, but it doesn’t stop her from thinking fast or being resourceful — surprisingly, her predominant traits aren’t dissimilar to Jung-hoo’s. She seems to have built her inner character around persevering, and I love that she has such great backup/surrogate family in the form of her dad and the ajusshis. She’s driven and conflicted (cf. how she reluctantly abandons her big scoop), and although her life and upbringing are as atypical as it gets, she’s still completely relatable and her tears don’t feel cheap.

Although I think I hit the screencap button on Ji Chang-wook (i.e., breathlessly badass Healer) about 508,953 times (the last time I did that: City Hunter), what I find most compelling are how textured all the relationships are, feeling fully fleshed out with interwoven backstories and mixed motivations. The layered storytelling, with just the right amount of tension, really brings out the dimensions in both the characters and the plotline, and it feels like the setup is in place to launch the central story.

In the first episode, Moon-ho mentions two key times: 1980 and 1992. We have some idea of what things looked like in 1980, but the second event has yet to be revealed. He obviously has some reason to mistrust hyung, rooted in more than his shady boss activities (although that’s reason aplenty): Both of them constantly try to outmaneuver each other, but neither shows it on the surface. Since we don’t know how Myung-hee ended up in a wheelchair, I wonder if 1992 was some kind of accident that resulted in her disability and her erstwhile family’s death…except her daughter didn’t die, and maybe it wasn’t an accident. DNA test aside, the maths certainly adds up: If Young-shin (present age 27) was abandoned when she was 5, that was 1992.

I’m speculating somewhat here, but it seems like Moon-shik’s point of departure from good guy starts at his crush on Myung-hee. But there’s no obvious tension in their present-day relationship, so it will be interesting to find out what his story is, and why Moon-ho is so determined to catch him. What he ultimately wants out of his brother is unknown and difficult to guess, but because it’s family — maybe his only family — it won’t be as straightforward as just wanting to bring him to justice. Maybe this is why he’s so desperately searching for Young-shin, the daughter presumed dead. If hyung was responsible for her abandonment (and it seems likelier by the second), then what lengths would he go to to stop it coming to light, and shattering the life he’s built with Myung-hee since?

How Jung-hoo factors into the mix is another big question. His connection to the 1980 Five is in here somewhere (their photograph is in his lair), but I wonder if he’s aware of anything himself, since the events of 1980 are several years before he was born. He’s the only one of the central trio whose past remains a mystery. All we know is that he runs almost solo, and if he buys his island, he also needs a yacht to run cargo. How did he come to be “The Healer”? What was he before that? Who are his parents?

I’ll admit right now, I’m a sucker for (fictional) damaged badass characters, so that’s why that lit spark excites me. For the first time, Jung-hoo has a personal stake which is going to lead him down the road of throwing away his “ethics” (which we all know is a euphemism for not giving a crap, as long as he gets paid), and he’s going to have to make choices whose consequences matter — he’s already made the first one. That jaded devil-may-care attitude is going to crack, and I hope it does so splendidly — petulantly, kicking and screaming (because isn’t he most fun when he’s most whiny?).

Now a murder suspect via his role in the opening job, I’m wondering about what kind of Pandora’s box the gopher had to die over. What is it and why does everyone want it, and what do they want to do with it? Does it have a connection to the past, or is it some new villainy?


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That does it. One more show I must start watching.


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i've been waiting for ep 2 so i can decide if i'll be watching this show, too or Saya's recaps are just getting me excited. heh. i've always loved badass characters and i've been reading a lot of comparison to City Hunter, which just spikes my interest. MT: Healer, WT: Pinocchio, SS: Modern Farmer..yup, i'm booked. :P


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Thanks for the recapping. Someone suggested reading your recaps and I am glad I did.The first episode was rather confusing. A lot of characters were introduced in a very short time.
However reading it like this makes a lot of sense.
You must spend quite some time doing this, so THANKS!


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Yay for recaps! I'm so happy. Thank you so much!

Really enjoyed the first week, and can't wait for more!


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So far so good. Fingers and toes crossed.


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Thanks for the recaps. I love reading your comments and thoughts about the episodes.

Healer looks so interesting and fast paced. At least the first two episodes were fun to watch. And you are right - it reminds me of City Hunter. This might become another of my fave current show after Misaeng and Pinocchio.


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I loved that Myung-Hee used a manual wheelchair and was shown pushing herself around and as an accomplished woman before and after she became a wheelchair user. Though I was a bit annoyed that Moon-Ho had to help her into bed. On the other hand, it was another example of skinship between them!

That Myung-Hee, she's still got it! And as a middle-aged lady myself, I approve.

The scene between Young-shin and her father dancing and singing in the cafe was too cute. I'm liking all the characters and the way they're presented and their relationships between each other.

I like heist/action shows and I really hope Young-shin gets to use her lock-picking, etc. skills soon. As for the City Hunter comparison, that was the second or third K-drama I ever watched and if Healer is anything like CH, I'll be happy.


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I also want a good action thriller all the time.
especially when cutting open felted balls is all the exitement I get at this point of life.

but I dunno. it will do, but it is not all that.
blah, I want the go-to ninja Lee Jun Ki.


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I was here for Ji Chang Wook and Yoo Ji Tae.. and it turns out Park Min Young has shown a solid acting too.. HEALER FIGHTING!!!


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Ajumma Hacker is awesome! You can use here picture for the header in the next webcast!

The adorable Park Min Young is definitely working on her acting. I'm seeing at least two new facial expressions this series.


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Does this means the recaps for this show will continue? I recall it said that the decision would be made after watching episode 2.

Yes, the show reminds me of City Hunter a lot. This is both good and bad... we shall see how it turns out. I feel this especially with Chae Young-shin's character, she's just so similar to Kim Na-na. It doesn't help that the same actress played both roles. Not that I have anything against Park Min-young, she's one of my favourite leading ladies in kdramaland.


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Really? I actually get completely different vibes from Chae Young-shin. In fact, she feels a lot different than Kim Na-na to me. I like both characters, but I find her more fun to watch here.


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@Happymess, I agree with you! PMY in CH was more reserved, straight-laced while CYS is more of a wild child, impulsive, animated, winsome. Although not very evident in this episode, I like how her line of thought is not always linear, kinda more like all over the place. I know some people who are like that, smart but can't pull it all together. Probably that's why she didn't do well in school. LOL.


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Agreed! I think PMY acts differently here than she did in CH AND Sunggwon-something Scandal. And I rather like that her hair isn't black, but dyed!


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Yay! This got picked up for recaps!! The opening week is really good, and I'm itching for the next episodes to air just to see how the mysteries will unravel.

Re: Healer's connection in the parents' mystery. I think the Healer is the son of one of the five friends, as evidenced by the family picture shown in his lair in Ep. 1. Im assuming Healer's the baby in that picture, which is displayed next to group picture of the 1980 friends.

If this is so, then the lives of the central characters are more interwoven than as what is presented thus far. I've been also camping in the drama's soompi page for a while now to get character descriptions and whatnot (and just be around Healer watchers since recaps are not yet up here). And I don't know if this bit may count as a spoiler or a character information, so read the following at your own risk, i guess?

As of ep 2, we already know what happened to three of the five friends (Moon-shik, Myunghee, and Gilhan - the heroine's father). Plus the show has hinted that one of the remaining two friends might be Healer's father.

Completing the five, the last one, according to the drama's page/info in soompi, is also the Healer's teacher (of what, I dont know, but Im guessing he's the one who trained him to be the Healer he is right now). And he might know what really transpired in 1980 and 1992, and may have taken Healer under his wing after those events.

Right now, all we can do is speculate. But i love me a drama that is already keeping us on our toes as early as the opening week, and has a pretty solid backstory to support the present. Im sensing this will be my new drama crack right now, and Im really excited for the weeks to come!


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Oooh interesting! Makes much sense, too. Thanks.


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Oj I knew about the possibility of the healer's father being one of them from the photos but the rest is a surprise. Thanks a lot this is getting much more interesting :D


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I'd guess that the guy in the far left of the picture might be Jung Ho's dad. That leaves the one standing next to him as the teacher...


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I dunno who Tae-Mi is, but she is definitely fit. When Dae-young got frustrated she threw a kick straight up about to her own eye level.


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she's taekwondo player. I hope to see more taekwondo skills from her...


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Oh, she's the one who did a crazy air flip while throwing out the first pitch at a Korean baseball game.



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Oh, wow, we're gonna need to see some action from this girl sometime during the drama! It's been a lot of years since Angela Mao was in her prime. We need Korea to produce a native Taekwondo action queen.


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It will be a waste if the show does not give Tae Mi more screen time and a chance to get physical, and I mean in the sporty way :)


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I thought I knew her from somewhere. I also hoping to see some awesome action scenes from her.


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It occurred to me watching the first episode that Ajumma probably had a camera in Healer's apartment. And judging from the reactions to Ji Chang Wook here, most of the commenters would have done the same thing!


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Mahahaham, do you want to say that Ajumma is just as much as a perv as we are? :3


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I'll be surprised if she's not. ^^ Ji Chang Wook...holy moly!


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She's stuck in her lair all day - you can't blame an ahjumma for trying! (Plus he doesn't actually seem that disgruntled by the fact lol)


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Ajumma's can have dreams too. Can't they?


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i liked the first two episodes. wow, that back hug scene when healer was collecting young shin nail sample. so hot.


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The scene in the restroom was pretty awesome. I especially like when the Healer punched the mirror to hide his identity from in the reflection.


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Yes...very well executed. Scary for Young Shin though we know Jung Ho won't hurt her. Ji Chang Wook really looks snazzy in black. *faint worth*


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Finally!! Being refreshing this page to see if the recap was up.Loving everybit of the drama..Young shin is becoming ma favourite.Thanks for the recap.


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Thanks Saya, Javabeans and Dramabeans for recapping this!

We're in for awesome action thriller romcom judging by the first 2 eps. Seo Jung Hoo and hacker ahjumma is so cute with their bickering convo!! They become one of my favorite alternate pairing here. Second alternate pairing, Chae Young Shin and her dad.. OMG, their dance is sooo cute and funny! Kudos to the actors. Third alternate pairing, Myung Hee and Moon Ho. Is it wrong that I hope romantic relationship between them? They have chemistry like lovers, not noona-dongsaeng, although it feels so wrong...

I'm still undecided on OTP because they have so little interaction so far although there definitely sparks between SJH and CYS. I just hope Moon Ho won't be alone in the final ep.


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Thanks for the recap Saya! I hope your liking this show means there's lots more to come :)

This is definitely going to be a show I'll follow. It's so intriguing. Let's see if the writer can keep up the pace and not keep the secrets for too long, and let's hope that the weight of the secrets are worth the wait!! :D


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I'm loving Ji Chang-Wook in his character.. He's so good-looking. Healer and City Hunter have similarities in several aspects. I have liked city hunter so I would love this show for sure. The action scenes are breathtaking. Also, the chemistry between Park Mi Young and Ji Chang-wook is very interesting.


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Thanks for the recap Saya!


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This drama make me want everyday are Monday-Tuesday.. really.. just watched 2 ep and im really enjoy the show.. and until now im still keep rewatching 2 ep lol


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Between neighborhood nerd getup in this, the young lawyer version of the neighborhood thug in Pride and Prejudice, and the young Dal-Po in Pinocchio, this has sure been a BAD year in wigs. :-D


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True. But if we get nerdy, awkward, adorable disguises every time he dons hideous wigs, then I'm all in! What I love about that scene was that the Healer fully committed to playing the geeky character, instead of just looking like one. With this example, I am really excited to see him in other personas in the future. Give us more disguises, Show!


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Yes! I love disguises!
And in that scene I got a momentary flashback to Kurosagi, a show which had its flaws, but which I adore nonetheless because of the lovely masquerade. :)

You go, Healer! Fun disguises are much more efficient than just walking around in black clothes - that basically screams "Look at me".


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I know! His whole black get-up, complete with glasses, cap, and hood, cannot be any more noticeable even if it tried. It’s the exact opposite of inconspicuous, much more so in broad daylight.


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Haahaa but we can't deny that he rocks it with his black getup clothe ;)


I really love Hacker Ahjumma! Whoever is writing her lines really deserves praise. Did anyone notice she was actually singing 4minute's "What's Your Name" when she was telling Jung Hoo to go on a blind date with Young Shin?


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Me! :)


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Haahaa really? So cute, in loving her character so much :)


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Oh yesss totally ;)


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I gotta put City Hunters on my must watch list. Keep reading its praises.


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what??yu've nt seen City Hunter??A must watch.It's really good.


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I know. Silly me. I'm going to have to make the time for a marathon.


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City Hunter was nice. And healer is so amazing as well, it instantly became my favorite kdrama ever♥


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It's not even a multiple personality drama, yet we get multiple disguises and getup from Ji Chang Wook ;)


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That's the best kind of multi-personas...all of the pretty or funny costumes, less of the mental anguish.


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Lol yes couldn't agree more :) and he totally owns the different disguises


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Who can beat that father-daughter dance? No one lol. I was on the fence about picking up this drama, but episode 2 sold me on it. Looks like it's going to be more rom-com than thriller, though, from the screen shots after ep. 2.


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Yesss that dance sold be as well lol :)

But it will still be very thrilling only with a romantic storyline :)♥ ❤ ❥


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Another hot bad ass lead character! Yaaay! *happilyfanmyself*


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Haahaa yes, very different from other kdrama characters :)


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I'm not sure, if I'm sold.

On the one hand we have JCW, and he is awesome (and pretty, that lip *mmmh*).
The girl is bubbly, the reporter is clever.
The relationships are obviously really tangled...

It's just that the direction kind of sucks. (They do make some pretty weird choices to portray things.)
And I just feel overwhelmed by all the information that I can't connect just yet.

Well, it was time for JCW to have a stinker anyway, let's just hope it won't really become one and will keep getting better like Pinocchio. :)


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Pollywood it becomes a masterpiece, only stick with it :)


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Thank you Saya for the recap. ^^


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Thank you for the recap!
I hope that Jung Hoo will show up as a reporter intern or something like that in episode 3.


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Yes and it will be soooo adorable. Jcw is such an amazing actor when he acts in both personalities :)


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Yay for recaps!!

I'm actually not sure how I feel about this show. I think the tones shift a lot and there is a lot of information thrown out there which we naturally aren't supposed to be able to fully put together yet. I think this show could go either way for me depending on what they do - but I'm along for the ride.

I'm actually really enjoying the intergenerational relationships in this. I think a lot of shows have people mostly interacting with their own age group. I understand that Korea has some pretty strict behavior lines on how to act with people not of your own age and so those scenes may often not be as vivid but this show is breaking those rules....and I'm loving it. They're really breathing life into these different interactions. And I loved the dancing scene. It was really unexpected and I did actually laugh out loud.


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@4D love your line of " breathing life into the characters" simply beautiful. And the more the story progresses we get to see so much of that breaking the rules of kdrama cliches, and becoming something greater on its own


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:D Me too. Watched it again and laughed all over again. So awkward and so cute and the other ahjusshi's expression while *literally* cupping his ears LOL! And Healer's and ahjumma's shocked faces!! *grinning*


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@Growingbeautifully haahaa that scene had me in stitches even though I watched it a billion times, it doesn't get old seriously. :) love healer's reaction, his face expression is priceless :)


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From the first ten minutes of episode one, I was hooked on this show. I'm so excited for it and afraid my excitement is going to come back to bite me if the show flops!

On a side note, I super like Park Min Young in this role. Hopefully we'll get to see more of her spunk throughout the show!


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@Anna totally loving the show sooo much, and thank god it remains so incredible and amazzzzzzing until the very end. A beautiful beginning. And a mesmerizing end♥


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Originally, I tried out the show for Ji Chang Wook, but now I'm loving it! Thanks for the recap!


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@leah yes he is so amazing, but the show itself is so beautiful. The story draws you in, and possesses you until the end♥ ❤ ❥


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I love this drama!!! From the first few moments into the drama I got hooked. It pulled me in and which to reminded me very reason why I got addicted to Kdramas. The last time I watched something around this theme was City Hunter and boy I love CH, mainly because Leeminho's in it but also I find myself attracted to action-y romance dramas more. And so this drama is becoming the bomb for me. I especially love Ji Chang wook, he's such a good actor as with the others, but he draws me towards him like gravity. I mean seriously, their are only a few exceptional talented actors/actresses that can do that(leeminho,kim jaewook, soong joongki, Jun Jihyun,Kim soohyun,etc, to name afew) and so he's made it to my list of hot kdrama actors. I love him. And this show has me addicted!! Go healer:P


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@leeminho lol your absolutely right. There is something about ji Chang wook that makes you obsessed with him, and if you stuck around until the FINALE, you would have seen the rabid fangirls that this guy created lol. An awesome actor, and I regret that I haven't discovered him sooner :)


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Thanks Saya for the recaps! :D

Lol @ "I think I hit the screencap button on Ji Chang-wook (i.e., breathlessly badass Healer) about 508,953 times." Same here, I probably broke the screen capture key because of him. I can't help it. He's just so purrrrty.

Definitely sticking with this show. Hope it'll maintain its great pace all throughout!


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@omomo fancy seeing you here original healerette :) but lol you are not the only one who watched that like a billion times lovedd this episode :)


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I am hooked after watching park min young's cute little dance. yey! compelling character at last!


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@neri lol my favorite scene in this episode..simply put, you gotta see it, to know how awesome that dance scene is :)


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Wow never realized it before buy thanks a ton @saya for the recap...
I think JB got yoo excited after this and decided to take the candy all to herself !


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Wow @gb and @giegie you gals Following from the ultimate start.... Wow..I boarded the train very late ... But better late then never ...


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Yup I was watching from the beginning but can't say I remember that much. I did have to re-watch some of it or most of the earlier episodes. So it was delightful that the train as you rightly put it, really took off in Ep 8 onwards. I was just jumping for joy to suddenly be on a great ride with many others ... until then I was still not sure if many others were loving the show. Such a thrill (even from hindsight) to be in on it from the beginning. :)


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Yep! I started watching from the start. I like PMY and action/thriller/romance genre is very much my thing. ;) I was also watching Bad Guys when Healer started airing. ^^


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@@Giegie did you ever finish bad guys? It's on my to watch list. I love that actor who was in city hunter, such a fantastic actor. :)

As for me, once I started Healer, all the other side shows I was watching, were put on hold, because my focus literally was solely on healer and my new fond love for jcw the actor :)♥ ❤ ❥


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Trying to remember my impressions when I watched for the 1st time and I realized:

I found episode 1 interesting
Episode 2 solidified my interest in the show

I loved then and even now, the interweaving of action, hint of mystery, sentimentality, and humor.


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@ottoke totally agree. Watching it for the first time, I thought first episode was cool with all the action scenes. Then second episode, made me like it so much more, because it delved into the characters more. :)


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That part where young MH comforted young Moon Ho, he can cry, she will make sure nobody sees, it gets me teary-eyed everytime!


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@ottoke I loved that scene so much too, very heart felt, and it also makes you appreciate the affection between moonho and myunghe even more.


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Hi @GB and @Sumee *waves*
@Omomo, excited to see that you're one of the original commenters in the recap thread! *waves*


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Hi Ottoke!

Yes, I've been here since the beginning, watching it get better and better and rejoicing in more and more commenters getting excited about the show. I believe my excitement fed off from the commenters' and vice versa, and the rest is history or our present! LOL!


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@@Growingbeautifully aww it's so nice that you were from the first people who realized what a gem this show was. It was a hidden treasure waiting to be found. The popularity it grew into here on dramabeans as the most popular show, was simply for the beautiful community it created. Love HEALER because it made me meet such great people like you :)♥


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I just saw ep. 1 will rewatch this one tomorrow. I am running a few days behind everyone on their rewatching marathon. Enjoying it so much more this second time around because I understand it so much better.


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@nutella agree with every word. Rewatching makes you appreciate all the events we already know will happen, because these small details really capture the beauty that will unfold in later episodes♥ ❤ ❥


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there was so much that I missed the first time around and rewatching makes everything fall into place. I actually think it is much better after rewatching which never happens for me.


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@nutella same here sweety. Even when I rewatch my favorite shows, I never pay attention to so many details as I do with Healer. There is something magical about itღ♥


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Re-watching ep 2 now…

YS: …when I was seven I thought it wouldn’t hurt if I could die. Do you remember when you were seven? Not many people remembered but I remember it well. It’s as cold as today in winter and it hurts where I was hit because my ribs were broken. But it doesn’t hurt anymore. Everyone has their moment but it all passes. If you endure a moment it will pass. Trust me. I’ve done it before…!

And THAT’s when the feels started for JH… I think!

WOW… in Healer-land, best things do happen on rooftops!

*second viewing really makes a different… I’m so in to this! Ditching work has never been this fun! kekeke!!!


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@Polaris umm ditching work?lol your so cute, hopefully you won't get fired, because believe me in our real world, not even HEALER can save you ;)


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Your also right about the rooftop. Lol because both you and I know the great things that will happen on the rooftop. Best is yet to come :)

Polaris your totally right, that watching it the second time around you tend to notice more details that you weren't aware of from the beginning.

A totally Daebaek show :)


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i was just thinking that
I just saw it again. I remember thinking the first time that he bonded with her during that moment bc his expression changed. But after rewatching, CYS talking about her desire at some point to commit suicide and being abandoned by everyone really hit him.

Then I think when he saw his picture in her room it really picked up his curiosity about her.


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Episode 2 epics:

1) YS’ lock-picking history (using bobby pins & stethoscope)

2) Ajumma’s cute and amazing hello kitty knitted scarf (hah! can’t believe I saw that one!)

3) JCW’s display of his awesome soccer kicking prowess using a soda can… YESSS! ala-JH (wohoo! daebak!)

4) YS’ bag without hairbrush, grooming kit and toothbrush (at least she had a nail cutter)

5) JH & YS as Mr. & Mrs. Smith (sexiest fight in dramaland! and healerious too for the nail cutting)

6) Papa Chae & YS’ song and dance number… and JH/Ajumma’s epic reactions

7) YS’ saving the actress, monologue and all (I especially got mesmerized on the focus of their hands, there’s something on it with the bright sun that’s captivating)

8) Ajumma suggesting JH to blind date YS… which is healerious to her reaction when THEY actually had “the most ridiculous blind date” hehehe!

9) JH as Spiderman!!! Yey! (and first window crashing… I’m counting it!)

10) JH riding a motorcycle back to back by a nekkid JH dressing in front of a mirror! *watching closing credits has never been INNNTERESTING!* off to the gutter


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@Polaris omg love all the epic moments you listed. I was just rewatching the episode just now, and it literally left me breathless. What an amazzzzzzing episode, considering that I'm not even watching it for the first time. You truly appreciate the show even more, watching it for multiple times, and never a dull moment. :)

Loved their meeting on the bus, when she fell into his arms and how he protected her from that fall. Epic :)


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@@latewatch thank you so much for all the links so interesting to read all the different reviews on the episode :)


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I just rewatched the episode. Omggggg its sooooo Daebaek :) :) I love the dance between young shin and her father soooo cute, and Healer and ahjumma's reactions to it, are soo hilarious.

So we learn this episode that our healer, is a very expensive errand boy. Because let's face it, he is so good at what he does. But, his only condition is NO KILLING. Which is an interesting philosophy, considering he is needed to do work for higher up clients.

Judging the show so far, I could tell you that I'm already so in love with all the characters, especially our main couple. Love that young shin, is very street smart, and knows her surrounding. Unlike most kdrama heroines, who are naive and oblivious to the world around them lol. But, I think it's this aspect of her character that makes her stand out in front of our HEALER.

Love it so much :)


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If you love the dance scene, you should really check out this FMV:


First posted in the earlier threads, sorry can't remember who. I'd call it Asian Fusion! :-D


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Sawrry, can't be in an earlier thread if this is ep 2 recap. :-( In ep 20 mode as I post this. :-D


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@patinaleee lol I know we are such future people going back in time to comment about our favorite show :) it's such an out of body experience, reminds me of time travel hehe :)

Ok I totally lovedddddddddd that video omg sooooo adorable and awesome. Thanks sweety :)


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Here is also a similar video, cute with the dancing :)



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