The Producers: Episode 5

The complicated love geometry starts taking shape with this episode, as feelings become more concrete… and directed at people who are missing all the cues. It’s basically a one-directional merry-go-round, where everyone’s looking at someone who’s looking at someone else, and it makes for some great romantic angst. But what’s more important at this stage is that friendships emerge, and that our baby duckling seems to be finding his place within his new PD family.


Kim Bum-soo – “사랑의 시작은 고백에서부터” (Love Begins With a Confession) for the Producers OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 5: “Understanding editing”

Cindy suddenly starts to see the bumbling maknae PD Seung-chan in a new light when he very gallantly comes to shield her from the rain. By the time he’s got the umbrella open overhead, she looks positively smitten.

That is… until Seung-chan turns his head and notices the cameraman struggling to cover up their equipment in the rain, and ditches Cindy to go shield the camera. HA. All that build-up, and she’s now standing in the soaking rain in disbelief.

The documentary crew interviews Seung-chan and asks how he made his decision, and he answers very scientifically that it was about which could withstand the water better–Cindy or the camera. He looks pleased with himself, until they ask if he doesn’t think Cindy will be mad about it.

Cindy watches Seung-chan pitch their tent in the rain, then at the last step she comes out in front of the camera and pretends to help him. He doesn’t roll with the scenario the way she wants, so she spells it out for him that they could edit it to make it look like she pitched the tent, complete with the caption she’d like, done in pink lettering.

Seung-chan says he can’t do that, clarifying that it’s not the pink captions but the lying that he has a problem with. She argues that this isn’t a documentary; it’s variety. Seung-chan: “Yes, it’s REAL variety. Real wild road variety,” quoting 1 Night 2 Days’ famous tagline.

Main PD Joon-mo nearly cries tears of joy to hear that Seung-chan got Cindy to carry luggage and sleep outside in the rain, and the writers marvel that if it hadn’t been the clueless maknae PD, no one would’ve dared to make the big star do those things.

They all commiserate about how they couldn’t make their last cast do anything, and when one of the writers jokes that at this rate, Seung-chan might even make Cindy do dinner bokbulbok (the classic 1N2D luck game for food), Joon-mo tells them to call and make it happen.

But Seung-chan doesn’t even get the call because he’s already too busy running the game. Cindy spins and spins to try and win dinner rights, until she finally collapses on the ground and whines that it’s too hard. Ever the stickler for rules, Seung-chan shouts, “Fail!” then tells her that because this is the first episode, she has a special chance to call a friend, and if that friend offers a word of encouragement to her, she can eat.

It seems simple enough, but Cindy looks around anxiously and asks if she can’t do the elephant nose spins again. She picks up her phone to call someone, but really has no friends to call upon, and nervously dials her idol groupmates. One of the girls picks up and tells her that she’s got a lot of nerve, and to never call again. Ouch.

Seung-chan breaks the awkward silence with a half-hearted “Fail,” feeling bad. He comes to the tent later that night to set up a few cameras, and gives Cindy all of the things he prepared in his backpack, like music, a book, and a hat for her morning bed head.

She asks in a small voice for him to edit out that phone call, but Seung-chan says that’s not really something he has control over. Cindy insists that she’s not an outcast and she does have friends, trailing off as she says they’re just busy. Seung-chan just backs out of the tent quietly.

Cindy and Seung-chan rejoin the rest of the cast and crew in the morning, where Seung-chan has to be her partner for the breakfast speed quiz. He’s a terrible partner, who uses convoluted, esoteric explanations for things as simple as eel sauce and bokbulbok, which are classic things found on any season of 1N2D. The more he talks the worse it gets, which is pretty par for the course with him.

She finally gets one right despite his ridiculous clues, but when the cameraman calls for a cut to swap tapes, CEO Byun storms over to them and has a fit. Cindy hides her face in embarrassment as Seung-chan gets chewed out for his terrible speed-quiz skills.

CEO Byun has it out with Joon-mo privately, where she shouts that Cindy is a top star who makes or breaks their company. Joon-mo doesn’t want to hear about how much Cindy is worth, and argues that CEO Byun only sees people as media content and numbers, and asks if that’s how she let “that thing” happen to “that girl.” This must be whatever caused their strife in the first place, and CEO Byun grows incensed that he brought it up.

She points out that what he’s doing is no different–he’s starving a young girl and making her the butt of the joke because it’s good for ratings. CEO Byun: “Are my numbers shallow and your numbers elegant?” Joon-mo looks over at Cindy sitting off by herself as the rest of the cast eats and chats together, and the question weighs on him.

He takes his anger out on Seung-chan and yells at him for letting Cindy starve last night, as if he wouldn’t have done the very same thing. Seung-chan hangs his head and apologizes, and Joon-mo says that he’s run out of things to yell at him for because he’s always screwing up, and he’s sick of it.

Back at the studio, Ye-jin chats with PD Hong-soon who relays the 1N2D drama straight off the set, which he knows so quickly because he goes to church with their director. She laughs and points out that he used to be buddhist, and he says he was, when their director was. Ye-jin sighs when she hears about Joon-mo’s drama, knowing full well that he’ll regret yelling at Seung-chan almost immediately.

She’s right, of course, and the cameraman who was with Seung-chan all night tells Joon-mo that Seung-chan hasn’t eaten a single thing either, because he didn’t want to eat when Cindy couldn’t.

Seung-chan gets on the crew bus and keeps moving back a row every time someone else gets on, until he ends up sitting right next to Joon-mo with nowhere else to go. They sit in awkward silence, but before long they’re both asleep and leaning on each other, aww.

Ye-jin spends her Sunday in a staff meeting because they need to fill Cindy’s spot on Music Bank and plan for her summons at the Standards Commission. She tells her staff that Big Bang needs to make adjustments for their appearance, and the bratty writer gets it done in two seconds by texting Seungri directly.

The rest of the team gapes, and the writer drawls apathetically that she’s closer to G-Dragon than Seungri. Well her proximity to idols explains her outfit, because she’s constantly dressed like she’s going clubbing.

Ye-jin gets distracted when the 1N2D team returns, and she finds out from Seung-chan that Joon-mo went straight to the cast and crew dinner. Ye-jin warns Seung-chan that he can’t be going to staff dinners when he’s supposed to stay sober and tight-lipped about her living situation, and when he says he won’t drink, she gets a better idea and asks where he’s going.

Cindy’s manager is surprised that she wants to go to the dinner, but she tells him that she has to because the PDs wield all the editing power. She even attributes their frequent use of the word “cut” to be a reminder to everyone that they hold the proverbial knife in the editing room.

She says that CEO Byun made a mess of things with the PD, so now it’s up to her to make nice so that the PDs look upon her scenes favorably come editing time. Cindy’s lacking for a lot, but not industry savvy, I’ll give her that.

People start to gather at the 1N2D party, and Joon-mo notes that CP Kim’s wife and daughter are at the next table over. CP Kim acts like they just happened to be nearby, like he didn’t call them here to get a free meal.

Cindy hangs around outside waiting to make a grand entrance, and runs into Ye-jin and her Music Bank team. Cindy fails to greet them and asks Ye-jin who she is, adding the belated non-apology that she didn’t recognize her with no makeup on. Yikes, someone’s got her claws out tonight.

Ye-jin grouses but stops in the bathroom to put makeup on, then walks in with her team as if they’re just here for their own meeting. She refuses to join the 1N2D tables, calling their mood too light when her team has to prepare for a summons to the Standards Commission, and gives Cindy a pointed look.

It only takes two seconds for her own team to betray her and sit with the idols, and Ye-jin has to call them back to her own table like a warden. Eventually she’s sitting next to Joon-mo anyway, and starts needling him to agree with her that Cindy is a two-faced diva.

Joon-mo is feeling bad about the shoot and in no mood to badmouth Cindy, and it just eggs Ye-jin on to keep fishing. She keeps angling for something that Cindy did wrong, pelting Seung-chan with questions until he finally relents that she did complain a little about the suffering.

Ye-jin feels vindicated to hear that, only to deflate completely when she sees that Joon-mo has ditched their table to sit with Cindy. Her face falls to watch them laughing and drinking together, and Seung-chan clocks it all.

Eventually they’re all drinking and sitting together at one long table, and Ye-jin starts passive-aggressively asking what one wears to a Standards Commission hearing. Joon-mo tells her to just wear a conservative suit, and Cindy gives a half-assed apology that Ye-jin has to go because of her. Though she adds that she still doesn’t understand what was so wrong with her outfit, reminding her that Seung-chan said it was pretty. No, don’t bring that up again!

And then, Ye-jin’s infuriating writer points out in front of everyone that Cindy wasn’t acting out because she got yelled at by Ye-jin, and asks why Ye-jin told them that she taught Cindy a lesson that day. OH MY GOD, STOP TALKING.

Ye-jin swallows what’s left of her pride and offers her glass out to Cindy to cheers and put the past behind them. Cindy replies coldly that she doesn’t drink beer and sips her soju, leaving Ye-jin hanging. Ye-jin downs her beer in one shot to wash away the bitter humiliation.

Ye-jin stops Seung-chan outside the restrooms and warns him to stop drinking now, and he worries that she’s had a few too many too. She insists that she can handle her liquor, unlike him, but then he watches curiously as she takes off her shoes before entering the bathroom.

She interviews with docu crew that she’s not drunk at all, and then they cut to Joon-mo, who says that you can always tell that Ye-jin is drunk when she says she isn’t drunk. As everyone files out to go home, Ye-jin starts yelling at Seung-chan loudly, “Did you tell people that I’m living with Joon-mo?! Did you spill my secret?”

Seung-chan hurriedly tries to shush her while pointing out that she’s about to out her own secret, and when she tells Joon-mo that they should go home, Seung-chan quickly ushers them out while saying loudly, “Yes, let’s all go to our respective homes!”

Joon-mo interviews that Ye-jin’s drunk behavior is worse than most, because she starts spilling secrets left and right with no filter, and becomes an aegyo monster who only speaks with cutesy affectation.

Cut to: Ye-jin cooing for round two with an unsettling amount of aegyo, as Seung-chan gapes and Joon-mo tells him not to be too alarmed. This is so great. She runs between them and throws her arms around their shoulders and squeals as they carry her down the street.

Cindy sees them from her van, and looks on with longing at the group of friends. Her manager asks how it went with that maknae PD who was supposed to fall in love with her, and she backpedals to say that she said she could make it happen, not that she would.

Seung-chan’s parents cluck disapprovingly when Cindy’s Music Bank performance comes on TV, and when his little sister points out that Cindy is on the cast of oppa’s new show, Mom worries that scantily-clad starlets will be all over her son.

Ye-jin has successfully wrangled the boys for round two, but when Joon-mo gets excited at the plate of live octopus, Ye-jin yells at him for being cruel when the octopus just wants to live. Joon-mo: “You ordered it!” He argues that she always orders raw fish because she loves it and then cries because it died, hee.

She keeps insisting that he’s a cruel person, and when he asks why, she finally says what she really means, and asks if he’s really going on a blind date with the pretty prosecutor: “Then why did you kiss me?!”

Seung-chan’s eyes dart open at that. Ye-jin calls him cruel for shaking her up and then going about his business of relationships and blind dates as if nothing happened. Joon-mo either doesn’t know what she’s talking about or doesn’t acknowledge it, and Seung-chan stops Ye-jin from reach for another shot of soju.

Ye-jin: “What’s really hard on me is that when I used to like somebody, I’d come tell you all about it. But now that I like you, Joon-mo, I have no one to talk to! That’s… that’s the really hard part.”

Her confession shuts everyone up, and Seung-chan removes his hand and lets her have her shot. She looks like she’s swallowing back tears as she drinks… and then the moment is undercut when she immediately falls head-first onto the table. SPLAT.

We cut right to morning, as Ye-jin jerks her eyes open and shakes off the bad dream, only to realize that it wasn’t a nightmare at all. She inches out of her room and cringes when Joon-mo comes out of his, but he acts as if nothing happened.

She sighs in relief and thanks her lucky stars for his drunk behavior, which is to forget everything that happened. They’re both startled to find Seung-chan asleep on the couch yet again, and nag that this isn’t some bed and breakfast.

Ye-jin’s little brother Ye-joon comes home and they share an awkward breakfast. Ye-joon eyes Seung-chan warily thinking he’s trying to squat here for free, until he learns that he lives across the way in the building with the large expensive units, and suddenly he’s offering up his noona like a real estate bride. Seung-chan in turn asks Ye-joon not to stay out all night so often because it leaves his sister alone with a man. It’s cute that he thinks she needs to be protected from Joon-mo.

Ye-jin is jumpy as she heads to work and Hong-soon guesses that she got drunk and started a fight. She wonders if that’s what people think of her, and just wails that she’d like to strike yesterday from the record.

Hong-soon asks if the Toner Nazi (or really, all-purpose Office Supply Nazi) gives her team paper without a fuss, and Ye-jin sighs that it must be nice that his biggest problem is paper. He gets rejected for paper again until his team learns to recycle properly.

Ye-jin calls Seung-chan up to the roof to ask what he remembers from last night, and when he jumps to say “nothing at all,” she can tell he remembers everything. She tells him that she has a habit of lying when she’s drunk, and Seung-chan has picked up enough Ye-jin-speak by now to just roll with what she’s telling him.

She asks what “lies” she happened to tell, and stops him when he gets to the part about the kiss. She hands over her car repair installment for the day, only she says that this isn’t for the car–it’s for a special mission. She tasks him with finding out how much Joon-mo remembers about last night, because her last hope is that he blacked out and remembers nothing.

So Seung-chan gets all into his secret mission, preparing a health drink for Joon-mo to butter him up and get him talking about how much he drank last night. Joon-mo agrees that he drank more than usual, and says he really doesn’t remember much.

He asks what they ate on their second round because the receipt was for a large amount, and when Seung-chan mentions live octopus, Joon-mo doesn’t react and says that Ye-jin must’ve ordered the stuff she likes. Seung-chan stares like he’s trying to bore into Joon-mo’s brain to see if he’s telling the truth, and Joon-mo wonders what he’s staring at.

The Sherlock theme song plays while Seung-chan reports to Ye-jin about all the telltale signs that Joon-mo is more hungover than usual today, and she interrupts: “Are you watching Sherlock lately?”

The soundtrack cuts out and she tells him to stop detectiving and just tell her what Joon-mo said. She’s happy to hear that Joon-mo paid for the second round because she has the habit of paying when drunk, and Seung-chan delivers the bad news that she insisted on paying for the first round with the entire 1N2D team.

After having Seung-chan demonstrate Joon-mo’s drunk walk home (which she calls not quite sideways enough to be his full drunk walk), she tells him to stay close to Joon-mo all day and gather more intel.

Seung-chan turns to go, then stops for a moment and contemplates something, and comes back to say that if she ever needs someone to talk to and doesn’t have anyone, he’s a good listener and is good at keeping secrets. Aw, that’s so sweet. It’s unclear if she remembers her own words from last night, but agrees to come to him if she needs to talk.

Joon-mo shows Seung-chan around the editing suites, filled with rows and rows of bleary-eyed PDs. In their suite they have a saying taped up on the wall: “Even if it’s shot like crap (literally dog-cake), it can be edited to stick (sticky-cake).”

Seung-chan asks if it’s okay that everyone suffers like this, and Joon-mo interviews that they’re not okay, and that the last 1N2D PD Yoo Ho-jin (that’d be his current 1N2D PD in real life) suffered from a lack of vitamin D and was asked by his doctor if he worked in a coal mine.

Of course Seung-chan knows none of this and excitedly tells the docu crew that he finally feels like he’s doing a real PD’s work, describing editing as a process with no end and no answer, because you never finish a thing–you just stop editing it.

He then struggles to turn the computer on, and gets his first assignment as the maknae PD: dinner orders. It turns out to be a stressful job, and he spends his evening standing in the lobby waiting for deliveries with other anxious managers and team maknaes.

And then he gets yelled at for ordering from the wrong place, and has to get advice from his FD sunbae about how to navigate the minefield of dinner orders. Talk of Joon-mo’s childlike taste buds reminds Seung-chan that he ordered jajangmyun even though he usually hates greasy food when hungover, and he reports this new clue to Ye-jin.

She calls it inconclusive, and Seung-chan asks if it’s really best for Joon-mo not to remember–if what she said was a lie, then it shouldn’t matter, and if in case she meant what she said, doesn’t it mean he ought to know?

Ye-jin replies, “You’ll find this out as you begin to edit, but when a person says something and gets no reaction, you have to edit out those words.” She says that even if on the off chance that Joon-mo does remember her words, she says he’s treating her the same as if nothing happened: “Doesn’t that mean he’s edited my sincerity?”

Seung-chan understands now: “So that’s why you hope he forgot, in case he’s edited you.”

Cindy only has two hours to sleep before an early day, and struggles to fall asleep that night. She remembers Seung-chan’s music and book, and opens up his copy of Demian to find a passage underlined:

“Nobody loved him. Nobody was his friend. He was a good person, but he didn’t try to be liked by anyone.” She underlines the passage too, and soon falls asleep with the book on her pillow.

Seung-chan sits by Joon-mo’s side as he edits all night, and Joon-mo stops to ask at one point if it’s four in the afternoon or morning. He stops at the scene where Cindy doesn’t get chosen by any of her castmates and asks Seung-chan for a brilliant caption to make the moment funny.

All Seung-chan can come up with is bland and generic things like, “Cindy gets left behind. What will she do?” and Joon-mo accuses him of being a spy sent from Running Man (their timeslot competitor on SBS), heh.

Many bleary-eyed hours later, Joon-mo finally hits upon something interesting–Seung-chan’s footage with Cindy, where he stops to tie her shoe. Joon-mo makes sure that Seung-chan isn’t running from debt collectors or living a double life on the internet and decides that it’s safe to air his face on TV.

Seung-chan doesn’t like the idea, but can’t manage to argue with Joon-mo’s nail in the coffin: “So you’re saying you won’t do it for the good of the program?”
Joon-mo interviews that Seung-chan has an innocence that could come across well onscreen, because an audience can tell right away if you’re going in front of the camera for selfish reasons.

We cut to CP Kim, who sidles up to the Office Nazi to ask what he gets paid for doing the opening of 1N2D, and whines when he hears it’s a measly sum because he’s an employee of KBS.

Hong-soon hears this and gets all fired up about the Office Nazi and invites everyone into a group chat room devoted to bringing her down. The only people who stays in the chat room with him is the Office Nazi herself, and he deletes it in a hurry.

Seung-chan thanks the FD sunbae for the food advice and says proudly that he got praised for his lunch choices. He nearly cries at the thought of dinner though, and blubbers, “I wish we only had to eat once a day!”

The good news is that dinner is taken care of when CEO Byun comes by with a cart full of food with Cindy’s face on it and feeds the whole variety department. She admits to the director and CP that she had another tiff with Joon-mo, and they balk at her request to do something about the edit, because they know not to try and get into a turf war with Joon-mo over his show.

So she’s forced to head down to the editing suite herself, and Joon-mo greets her coldly and asks if they drank together and made up and he forgot about it. She hands him an envelope and he threatens to call the police, thinking it’s money, but finds a lottery ticket instead. She tells him that he has to keep taking her calls now or else she’ll assume he won the lotto and tell everyone.

She says that this show is the first thing Cindy has wanted to do, and asks that they take care of her. Joon-mo orders his dinner from Seung-chan just to spite her.

We see the dinner rush happen all over again as maknaes run around (and one gets chewed out over at Gag Concert), and CP Kim’s book is opened to Chapter 5: “Understanding Editing: Leave only what’s most important.”

Hong-soon tries to close the elevator doors before the Office Nazi can catch him, but is forced to share the awkward ride. Cindy is so engrossed in Seung-chan’s book that she doesn’t seem to care that people are snapping pictures of her. And Ye-jin takes out old pictures of her and Joon-mo, as kids and as tenagers, always together.

Seung-chan heads back to yesterday’s pojangmacha to pick up Joon-mo’s dinner, and is surprised to hear from the ajumma that Seung-chan was the drunk one and that Joon-mo was sober enough to haul them both home. At the same time, Joon-mo realizes that he sent Seung-chan back there and quickly calls to change his dinner order, but Seung-chan has left his phone behind.

Seung-chan scans his memory for what happened last night, and then he remembers: Ye-jin passes out on the table, and then when Joon-mo gets up to haul her home, Seung-chan throws his hands out between them and declares that he won’t let them go home together.

Seung-chan drunkenly slurs, “Ye-jin sunbae said she likes you! She likes you, so I don’t want to let her go. I don’t want to send the two of you home alone. I don’t like it… that she likes you.” OMO. He crashes with a thud right next to her on the table.

Back in the present, Joon-mo runs out towards the pojangmacha and finds Seung-chan plodding towards the station, lost in thought. He makes an excuse about wanting to add to his dinner order, but Seung-chan says that they don’t take credit cards at the pojangmacha.

That means Joon-mo lied about the receipt from last night and also about not remembering, and Seung-chan asks, “Do you remember now, Ye-jin sunbae’s words from that night that you edited? Do you remember?”


Various PDs are interviewed about editing, and CP Kim says that editing is time, like a contract with viewers that you’ll keep time. Real-life 1N2D PD Yoo Ho-jin says that he always just picks what’s funniest: “Like the slightly funnier-looking mountain, or the funnier-looking cloud.”

Hong-soon says that editing is an arrow, to piece hearts. He adds that viewers are important, but his bosses are more important. Ye-jin says that editing is makeup, because makeup can make anyone look better, as long as you have the confidence to back it up.

Joon-mo gets contemplative and decides, “Editing is… giving up. When you have something good and something better, you choose what’s better and give up what’s good. Because you can’t have everything. If you get greedy, you can lose it all.”


Aw, Joon-mo, don’t be like that! You won’t lose her if you stop being so scared! I love the twist on the drunken night, because I was expecting that Joon-mo was hiding something but had no clue it would be Seung-chan’s drunken confession on top of Ye-jin’s. I find Seung-chan’s puppy crush on her to be so endearing, especially his dogged fixation on them not being alone at night, even if I’m still rooting for Joon-mo and Ye-jin to get their happy ending (how can they not, with their adorable lifelong friendship?). But the more that Seung-chan is there for her as a friend and trying to help her figure out her mess of a love life, I can see him winning her over. And I admit that when he offered to listen because she confessed that not being able to talk to Joon-mo about her feelings was the hardest thing for her, I totally swooned.

I didn’t expect Ye-jin to be the one to develop such a cute friendship with Seung-chan, given their rough beginnings and her attempts to “train” him with impossible tasks and indecipherable messages. But they’re becoming a really cute alliance, with their secret spy missions and their doublespeak (now that Seung-chan has picked up on her way of saying the opposite of what she means, of course). I will admit that the comedy was better when he didn’t understand her at all, but in exchange their friendship is cuter.

And now that Seung-chan’s feelings are in the mix, it’s even better because it gives Joon-mo a run for his money. I know that right now he’s trying to bury everything because it’s complicated, but Seung-chan has a way of being direct and going after what he wants, so it can only be a good thing if he starts to pursue Ye-jin and makes Joon-mo wake the hell up.

It took a long time to get here, but I’m finally enjoying Cindy’s arc now that we’ve seen her softer, more vulnerable side, and I especially like the moments when she’s feeling like an outcast and trying not to let the loneliness get to her. The lonely at the top storyline is a bit cliche, but it’s a believable problem that the famous starlet with millions of fans feels utterly alone, and it makes her relatable when she can’t manage to call any friends because she doesn’t have any. When she gazed longingly at Ye-jin running down the street with the boys, it was a nice reversal to their earlier passive-aggressive fight at the restaurant. She may have won publicly (she always does), but privately, she’s always alone.

I find it ironic that an episode all about editing felt really really long, but I generally enjoy the mundane concerns on this show over things like food (so much pressure!) or office politics, as long as there’s humor to be found in it. Overall the relationships progressed nicely in this episode, and I especially liked how the concept of editing got worked through everything from the work of a PD to the way we choose to edit and repackage our memories of what someone said. The question that hangs in the air is why Joon-mo did it–because he really doesn’t feel quite the same, because of Seung-chan’s feelings, or because he’s just plain scared to risk their friendship? Because if he doesn’t act fast, he’s about to mess up three potential friendships, and counting.


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This episode warmed my heart and broke it at the same time. Junmo and Yejin's relationship is so sweet.


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i want them together... T.T


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SAAAAAME waaaa this episode kind of tore me into small bits ... Joon Mo's words in the epilogue were really telling, but awfully sad.


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I have mixed feelings about his editing epilogue. It's bittersweet in the most heart tugging way, but why is he equating Ye Jin w/ 'good'?

CTH is so great in this role. I also think GHJ and KSH are great, but I really like CTH's understated performance. It's like he's not even acting AT ALL!


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Maybe according to the damage it may cause? Like in every I-love-my-best-friend story, 'good' is Ye-Jin, 'better' is their friendship. If JM goes with the former, and turns out their relationship won't work out, they'll be stranger not even friends anymore. The damage is bigger. So he chooses the latter.


Ah, and for CTH, yasss! He's underrated, maybe because he's trapped in this kind of role since his iconic Gyunwoo. He excels in master-slave relationship and boy-next-door. He said himself he's not trying to act, he'll just be Cha Tae Hyun who becomes a PD.


I think because the Better is 20 years of friendship and The Good is Love relationship to Ye jin that he really afraid..


I think he is equating all the other women he dates as "good" and Ye Jin as "better". He said he did not want to be greedy so He just settles for "good" and not go for "better" because the fallout would be a lot worse if it doesn't work out. At least, that is how interpreted what he said.


"..Like in every I-love-my-best-friend story, ‘good’ is Ye-Jin, ‘better’ is their friendship. If JM goes with the former, and turns out their relationship won’t work out, they’ll be stranger not even friends anymore. The damage is bigger..."

I totally agree with this statement. Many people doubt that a man and a woman can be best friends. They say, sooner or later one or both will fall in love with each other. I believe many tend to choose to do what Joon Mo did - edit the feelings once we sense it exists. In a friendship, we can argue like friends but when we argue as lovers, things can get pretty bitter (that's why many couples who dated for years lasted only one or two years in marriage).

Joon Mo chooses friendship.... but I still would like him to give himself a chance to return Ye Jin's love... awww....

If he can stand her for 25 years, surely he can stand being married to her... right? :) :)


Ah! Yes, that makes sense that he's comparing friendship and love as opposed to Ye Jin and other women.

Friendship = Better
Love = Good

"When you have something good and something better, you choose what’s better and give up what’s good. Because you can’t have everything. If you get greedy, you can lose it all.”

Awwww *sad face*


Like other good romcoms, this drama has good writing/superior dialogue and there is actual depth behind both the feelings and writing (unlike most other romcoms which just go through the motions in a paint by number superficial way).


I never thought I would tear up with this drama, but that epilogue got me all sad and stuff. It's the unchanging dilemma of "I love my best friend, but I don't want to ruin our friendship, so I'm choosing to stay friend and mute my true feelings." TT. CTH was excellent, KSH is surprising me with every episode, GHJ is superb and IU is doing good imo.


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Is it just me who is on YeJin-SeungChan ship??


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nope i'm for them also
but i'm also on the Yejin Junmo boat as well.


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Yep, this ship is hard to choose.


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Lol yeah I don't mind yejin-junmoo too ;)
I'm definitely a gong hyo jin fan cos I just want her to be happy with the 2 boys haha


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hahah me too :)


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me too


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I'm with ya. :)


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Sure seems like it, huh? I'm with you, though. I ship them so hard.


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Me too. Their chemistry is undeniable. They look so cute together.


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I adore Seung-chan with Cindy, but I cannot deny the amazing chemistry between KSH and GHJ too! GAH! I'm okay with either ship if I were honest.


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There are 3 ships at the same time. I'm really shipping Seung-chan and Cindy but oh my, Seung-chan and Ye-jin are just so adorable too.


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I'm shipping them too! The chemistry is so obviously there, I think they'd be so amazing with some intensity injected.


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It isn't just you! I'm rooting for Seung Chan and Yeh Jin. I love that there's No lead and second lead. The 4 characters are all lead.?


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I think so too!


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me too :) i love this couple and they are cute together and i really want them to end up together :)


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It was the cutest thing I've watched in a while, I quite enjoy the long episodes and the overall style of the drama!

I'm rooting for Joon Moo x Ye Jin because I do feel like they are in a bit of a standstill in their lives emotionally because at the end they are secretly yearning for each other. I feel like the 'block' that Ye-jin had with all her exes was kind of mirrored with Joon Moo's lack of comitmment in his relationships. They obviously gravitiate towards each other and rely a lot on each other, it's just that they need a new element, a catalyst of sorts - such as seung chan - to drive them even more into each other's arms.

I feel like Seung Chan is a catalyst for many relationships, Cindy is growing into the softer, more vulnerable person we came to see in this episode. CEO Byun and Joon Moo are forced to see each other again based on Seung Chan's actions inadvertantly. Likewise, I think the overall theme is how people rub off on other people - and we can see this through several examples:

1- Ye-Jin questioning gender roles during sorting trash and having Seung Chan's mom finally talk back at her husband and feel like she is something other than a wife and a mother

2 - CEO Byun actually denting that iron-clad stubbornness of Joon Moo with the number talk - you can see that he actually takes it to heart and as they say, things roll downhill and we see that being translated onto Seung Chan a bit with the yelling.

There are more examples I noticed but I can't seem to remember. This is my first real comment on here, let me know if it's all worthy of being edited in, or edited out!


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the bit about both Joon Mo and Ye Jin being at a standstill was a fantastic point


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Thank you! That makes me a bit less worried about posting comments!


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I think you hit the nail on the head with Seung Chan! I love the affect his sincerity and innocence has on other people. It has a way of deflating people when they're proud, and helping them when they're vulnerable.


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Yeah, like you kind of hate him for being too perfect because all he does is remind you of your own flaws! I think this is why Joon moo doesn't like his straightforward work nature so much because they have the same values, just varying degrees.


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A good observation!

I didn't see it this way before and I totally agree with you! In this episode, Cindy's manager refers to Seung Chan as The Umbrella PD, CEO Byun refers to him as The Hotteok

Ooh...gosh..! Baek Seung Chan.... he's playing multiple roles... and you give him The Catalyst.. ;)


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yes yes! BSG forever stirring up ALL THE POTS!


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Wow, that's pretty good analysis! That makes BSC all the more interesting =D

I've noticed how Joon-mo is a bit of a wuss in a lot of matters (except to Byun-pire). He tends to not notice his own mistakes unless someone else points them out, but then takes out his anger about himself on someone else. Like Yejin's scolding to be more responsible and stop wasting Haejoo's time - he remembered it when he messed up the apology to the elderly actress, but only after giving BSC an earful. And Byun-pire pointing out painfully how he's 'using' Cindy's pitiful state for her ratings, which he takes out again on BSC. Guy needs to work that out, man.


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I think his extra cowardice with Ye-Jin shows how much he cares about not losing her. Can't wait to see him snap and fight BSC on that one!


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Seung Chan as a catalyst for many developments in the characters! Spot on!


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Still find CEO Byun to be not as "real" as the other characters and more of a caricature (the actress playing Byun tends to overact in too many moments), but yes, glad the character got a little more depth in this ep.


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I feel like Joon mo's something good vs somethjng better is about his relationship or potential relationship with yejin. The good is romantic relationship and the better as he knows it is their friendship. i feel like he knows that relastionship wise i the romantic sense, him and yejin are not that good at it. With yejin's and his not stellar dating history. But their friendship is tried and proven for 20 years the best. i know its a little cowardly for him to not respond to yejins confessiin but i understand why he thinks it would be greedy to pursue romance on top of childhood bestfrisnd relationship... oh joonmo, if only you were were courageous. you and yejin would be the cutest... but then again i am loving yejin and seungchans budding relationhip...


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I actually took it as he meant something good "Joon-mo dating ye-jin" vs something better "BSG dating Ye jin". I didn't at all think that he meant himself in both the good and the better. Interesting, we'll have to see what he means with this one!


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I too thought the episode felt really long; I checked more than once to see how much time was remaining.

While I loved the twist, I also was disappointed by it...I didn't sign up for a love triangle! I still hope that Seung Chan and Cindy are end game. Cindy's vulnerability was really killing me, most especially during the scene when she was in the tent.

As much as I love Yejin's outfits, that blue smock thing was just...no. The pink dress paired with the choker, however, was great.

Looking forward to tomorrow's episode...thanks for the recap!


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Me too. What is with kdramas and love triangles/squares? It's so cliché. Can't we just have two parallel relationships develop? That is Ye Jin & Joon mo and Seung Chan & Cindy? Why does the plot even have to emphasize the romantic lines? I guess I was kind of hoping for a Misaeng-like type of program where the emphasis would be more on their work and everyday challenges than on their romantic lives. And as usual, KSH falls for the older woman, leaving the younger woman in the dust. I think it's only in Dream High that he had a same age pairing.


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Could it be that when Seung Chan said, "I don't like that she likes you", to Joon Mo:

he just meant that he doesn't like the fact that Ye Jin likes Joon Mo (the man who had hurt his first crush)?.

Maybe, he prefers Ye Jin to go for other men (in his opinion who is much nicer than Joon Mo)?

In previous episode, he did mention that he empathised with Ye Jin for he knows how it feels to love someone who doesn't love you back (referring to his unrequited love for his Noona PD). So, maybe he just sympathises with Ye Jin. Being someone from a religious, caring family, I think it is just his nature to care and sympathise with people easily (that's why he refused to eat that night at the camp site since Cindy also couldn't eat anything).


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I really hope that's the case!


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Joining you guys on crossing my fingers for that too. *totally in the BSC-Cindy camp*


Nah. If you watch the previews for the next ep, they make it pretty clear that they're pushing the Seung Chan pursuing Ye Jin storyline.


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I wouldn't make a judgment yet as I think/hope the writers here are just teasing w/ the whole love triangle/square and not going full-in as other good romcoms have done.

Coffee Prince, He/The Man Who Can't Marry, Miss Korea, My Princess, etc. - all had brushes w/ the whole love triangle thing, but thankfully, they were brief interludes and not a major part of the storyline.


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I really do not like her sense of fashion. Sometimes YJ clothes are less ugly than other times.

On a side note, I was so, so happy to hear Lee Jin Ah from Survival Audition K-Pop Star S4. She was absolutely great and from other world with her ethereal voice. It really fit the scene to be edited.


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I don't like the possible love triangle, but Joon Mo breaks my heart. I know he knew, it's just I don't think he would completely 'edit' Ye-Jin's confession. When he said on the epilogue... that he decided to give up on one thing to save another because having both is greedy, I died a little inside.
Many giddy moments in this episode, from the coal mine until the real Yoo Ho Jin PD's view about editing (I kind of believe at least once in his life he DID try to pick which one was the slightly funnier cloud). Surprised at the development of Jongkook-Goyangmi.
Also, I love how they talk about editing. Even when JM asked SC to give funny caption, I couldn't think of one. It seems really hard to stay all day and night just to pick out funny moments and give captions.
Looking forward to the next episode. Kind of hope they tone down the love triangle.


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Yeah.. Im feel heart broken... for joon Mo.. I think he really love Ye jin... but he need to sacrifice his love to her.. UGH.. I cant... Im JoonJin Couple.. so its really Heart broken to me T.T

I hope he realize that GOOD CAN BE BETTER. and BETTER can not be Better. PLEASE JOON MO!!


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So I guess Kim Soo Hyun is in for another noona-dongsaeng romance? From Han Ga In to Jeon Ji Hyun & now Gong Hyo Jin? Wahhh he does get the best leading ladies in SK. I just wish in this drama he'd ended up with iu somehow. I love their cute/hilarious interaction. After watching this ep, it seemed like he's going to be the 2nd male lead? u know the sweet man but never gets the girl. It's a change but also a surprise given his status. But he's acting alongside Cha Tae Hyun who rarely do drama so I guess people won't mind


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LOL, KSH is obviously not the second lead. just based on air time, character focus and publicity, its obvious who the lead is. but since the production says its 4 equal leads, i'd go with that.


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Whether he gets a girl or not, KSH is not the 2nd male lead. People do mind, so the impossible won't be possible.


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First leads aren't just determined by who gets the girl - specially when there are two equal female leads (as per the production's consistent statement). KSH is quite unarguably the biggest draw of this drama both in Korea and in China where most of the money come from. Almost all the feedback regarding the episodes is targeted towards Seung-chan. He's so not the second lead in a drama where he gets most screen time, attention, hype.


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KSH as 2nd lead?


If he is 2nd lead then this drama is doing a really bad job of showing that since all translated article comments from knetz are only praising KSH KSH KSH. I think in the 5 eps aired to date, I saw CTH's name come up twice in most upvoted comments.


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Can't imagine anyone would think KSH is the second lead. Lol. He's the biggest star of all of them. What I don't get is why would SC fall for YJ? It seemed to be coming out of no where. Anyways, I'm rooting for the umbrella couple. They look so cute together! I like JM with YJ, it makes more sense.


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So if Ye Jin ends up with Joon Mo, KSH is automatically second lead? That's just so ridiculous lol. The guy's last drama was "You From Another Star" He ain't playing no second fiddle to anyone in the drama industry and the whole drama industry knows that.


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Ermm guys... chill. I didn't say he's the 2nd lead. I said, it seemed like he is... with a question mark. It's a question. I asked because I don't know. But thank you all for the lengthy clarifications. I got it now.


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Lol, apologies if I sounded aggressive. That's definitely not the intended tone. I think most of us are just shocked to have someone suggest KSH could be 2nd lead.


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Yeah I'm shocked too when people misunderstood my comment but no biggie. I just said that based on my experience watching k-dramas, the 2nd leads usually have a crush on the girl & always treated her nicely despite not getting the girl in the end & it seems Seung Chan fit that character. I honestly didn't know there'll be 4 equal leads.


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LOL..dreaming much!Kim Soo Hyun is definitely not the second lead... Only a person in denial would still think that way... Without him...even CTH could not save this drama. This drama is definitely relying on his star power right now... Judging by the screen time that he got...only a blind person would think otherwise...


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Nope. Not in denial. In fact, I'm a fan of his. Chillax ;)


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I think this drama will stand on its own even without KSH. All the main casts are excellent so far. The whole production is good. But having KSH in it makes it better. Not because he's a money magnet, but because he's a very good actor. As good as CHT and GHJ. IU is also not bad. I can see why KSH agreed to cut his talent fee to take this role.


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Correct - the best part about this drama is the writing/dialogue.

Excellent performance all around (for the most part), but there are other actors/actresses who could have filled these roles ably.


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I hope this drama need not follow the conventional formula, where the lead actor always gets the lead actress. The writer should be confident that the audience are mature enough understand it is not a compromise if Seung Chan finally pair up with Cindy.


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KSH is the main character here. Not just based on screen time but also based on Seung Chan's involvement with all the other leads. Didn't you notice that his role is the one who brings about the plot development in this Drama.

It was him who suggested the concept for 1N2days this season.
It was him who managed to convince Cindy to join as cast member.
It is him who is in the middle of Ye Jin-Joon Mo relationship now.
It is him who is in Cindy's mind now :) :) :)

I pity IU who was promoted as the fourth lead and yet her character screen time and development is vey shallow. What has happened to the script? I can't even make her as in a supporting role, let alone a 'lead'.


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Haha KSH fans so defensive to comments about him being second lead. I think they've been clear from the beginning that all four are equal leads, regardless of how fans try to convince themselves otherwise.


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And it's clear KSH is the lead regardless of what they say about all four being equal leads.


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LOL Baek Seung Chan!! I cant even when he said "FAIL" after Cindy gets the phone slammed on her. seriously, he is such a doofus sometimes but then he makes up for it by being supperrrr sweet and giving her a book to read and music to listen to. wish we saw them both eat together. being super strict with "real variety motto" is one thing but its clear he doesnt want her to suffer. hope to get more of the umbrella duo instead of the other couple. there is something extremely predictable and bland about them, just cant place my finger on what. i'm expecting better from tomorrows epi.


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I don't think seung chan means he likes her but more towards he feels unhappy that it's joon mo that she likes. Like its more to do with joon mo then ye jin liking someone.

I feel he's not the type to fall for someone who so obviously in love with someone else.

I was not a fan of ye jin before but after this episode I feel so sorry for her and a bit mad at Joon mo for editing her out.

Last two weeks I was really like Ling the guys but this episode was always about the girls. I hope Cindy and ye jin can become friends, they both need one so badly. Since both are outwardly strong but internally soft they could support each other.


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Loved what you said about the women. I totally agree!


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I can't wait ep 6. Who will be the first? joon mo or seungchan? Actually we didn't know who is the main lead here, so we don't know who will be the couple in ending.

Joon Mo and Ye jin is like my story.... Like Ye jin, I like my bestfriend... But I'm afraid to know that he don't like me.. So I feel it...

But I'm still hoping that Joon mo and ye jin will be together....

But after I watched ep 5... I think.. ye jin ... will be give up to her feelings to Joon Mo.. if he always do that to ye jin... My ship will be down... and down.. and ... down.. :(

So Joon Mo, GO RUN! and make sure you will be the first in hospital and to see Ye jin. FIGHTING!


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Haizzz...there are no second leads in this drama my dear... All of them are leads! I think the production team has been consistently saying the same thing. Same goes to all the articles out there. So dear... it doesn't matter who ends up with who in the end... they are still winners...


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Lol I love Ye Jin when she's drunk. Her aegyo is hilarious!


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LOL. I always laugh ahead of time when GHJ is in a "about to get real drunk" scene in a drama. They always give her the most hilariously bizarre drinking habits XD


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Her drunk scenes are the funniest! Also, only GHJ can pull of that denim hospital gown outfit.


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Sorry but I personally didn't think she pulled it off. To be fair, I doubt anyone can...that thing is hiddy!


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I thought the dress was ok from the front. Knowing GHJ's quirky style, it's understandable she'd wear it. But when the camera showed the back part, I was like, why in the world would she wear a hospital gown in the office?? Let alone going out in that. No matter how weird her style is, the dress/hospital gown is hideous. Period.


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Im pretty sure she wore a black version of this on That's Okay, It's Love. Over a red underdress. Still Weird.


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Her aegyo is both cringe-worthy and hilarious!


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Opposition sorry GHJ was actually corny and was trying too hard because her acting was Dunn the past few episodes so she was trying to make it up....that actually came out contrived. I felt she was actress acting a role rather than YE Jin......


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I died watching that scene! First with the taking-shoes-off scene in front of the toilet and then with all that aegyo! Hahahaha


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You know, when d camera panned to her stockinged feet, i know something bad will happened later.. she actually poked seung chan awake with it.. ewwww...


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I don't understand that part when the camera shows her taking off her shoes outside the restroom.

Is that a norm in Korea? Or it is just to show that Ye Jin has a weird habit?


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Hahahaha it shows that SHE IS DRUNK! :') She thought she's at home that's why she took off her shoes. But there she is, standing with a straight face saying that she's not. LOL


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Oooh.....I see.... LOL...!

Thank you! now I got the joke...hahahaaa.... :D


It somehow reminded me of Tae Gong Shil when she was posessed by the French ballerina ghost. But it's really cute though. Hehe


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I love the character development in this show. It's really subtle but definitely there. Maybe it's the use of the confessional that allows us to see how multi-faceted the people are but it's refreshing to have a cast with so much dimension. Every one of them is so human and becomes even more so with every episode.


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Haha. I'm not sure if it's subtle since it seems quite obvious when they're growing but I do agree with you on the character development being great. The show does a really great job of flushing out the characters instead of just providing fanservice by showing cute scenes (though interjected in the right moments, these scenes are to die for). I am really enjoying the progress of these characters. Let's hope the show continues to do a better job with each episode!


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Finally this show has hit its groove!

The first 4 episodes really dragged, but now the character dynamic has been established and the rough outlines of a plot are in place. It just got interesting!


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Cindy didn't know how lonely she was before, and now when she does, it hits her so hard... It breaks my heart to see her like that. Seung-chan really should be be responsible for stirring up that emotion in her, she was totally fine before that. She didn't care, now she certainly does. Watching her makes me want to give her a big big hug.


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This x 1000...when she looked like she was on the verge of tears in the tent, I really wanted to hug her!


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To be fair, she did not present herself in a likeable way, so it's not surprising she was rebuffed in such a hostile manner during the call session. Yes, I didn't feel sorry for her during the tent scene.

Look at how she treated Ye-jin when they encountered each other outside the restaurant. She said she couldn't recognize Ye-jin due to the lack of makeup on her face. Is that what a person should say to another? A simple "hello" would have sufficed, but Cindy couldn't even bring herself to say that. That's rude. Ye-jin, despite all her flaws, has not done anything to Cindy to deserve that treatment.


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Oh come on, I could turn right back and say Seung Chan doesn't deserve the treatment both Joon Mo and Ye Jin gives him day in and day out since he met them. She has no right complain of someone being rude to her when she exercises the same attitude herself. Cindy and Ye Jin clearly don't get along and are competing in some sort of pissing game. No one is better than the other. The only reason Ye Jin can't treat Cindy the way she treats Seung Chan is because she needs Cindy is a big star and thus needed in MuBank.

If the argument is Cindy isn't supposed to be pitied on because of how rude she is, then Ye Jin should fall in the same category by default.


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Is there any reason why Ye-jin has to be pitied? I don't recall any scenes that requires pitying Ye-jin for suffering the consequences of her rudeness.


I agree with you.
And may I add, Yes, Cindy is portrayed as the cold and jaded character. But Yeh Jin not any warmer than Cindy. I have yet to see any genuine kindness from Yeh Jin.
The 'warmest' act of kindness I saw was when at the grocery store, she taught Seung Chan what to buy for the shoot ( previous ep). But this kind of tips is equal to the lunch/dinner tips given by the FD.


At the same time, supervisors tend to give the maknaes a hard time until they have proven themselves, and really, both Joon Mo's and Ye-Jin's initial treatment of Seung-chan was mostly huff and bluff (set up my some misunderstandings).

Cindy, otoh, has been cold and b!tchy to everyone - from her fans to continually dogging her poor manager.

Plus, Ye-jin is the elder in the entertainment industry so that comment was off-putting from Cindy esp. since the "trouble" btwn Cindy and Ye-jin was started by Cindy's underhandedness about covering up her stage outfit.

SC has bonded w/ YJ and JM and hasn't really done so yet w/ Cindy (thus far, it's only a one-sided thing on Cindy's part where it is just the oddity of a guy not hitting on her and having such an ulterior motive).


Agree for this! Is cindy hate YJ? Why? Is because cindy's mubank outfit?


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I wouldn't judge her since it's still very little information on how she has lived her life until now. She's been in the industry for so long, and during that period, it could very well be so that she was hurt enough to push everyone out of her life before they could make a damage on her. At the moment, Seung-chan is the only person she cares about. I won't ask her to change what she has become through 10 years to something else in an instant.

The tent scene was sad but the sadder scenes to me were when she looked at the other 3 from her van, and the time when she went to bed but then woke up to read. With the scene from her van, it was like she realized life could be like that as well, but it was not for her. And the scene when she went to bed, she looked so tired and lonely. Look how young she is, how come she's so jaded and bearing such a burden in her heart and soul?

This episode made my heart sink. I feel very sad and just want Cindy to be happy.


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Me too.

I was really mad at Seung Chan for starving her all day and denying her breakfast too. I'm glad Joon mo called him on it.


Me too!!! I hope Seung Chan realizes they're meant to be together.


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Awwww, Seung-chan and his puppy crush is so adorkable! I think I'll end up shipping him and Ye-jin if he continues to fall in deep with her. I sure hope not because I really loved the dynamics he had with Cindy last week. Its so much more fresh and cute than yet another noona romance. I really feel attached to this kid. He's so raw and honest to a fault sometimes, but it always feels as though in the world he belongs to, no one else can get the job done without being that way. Seung-chan treats everyone with equal sincerity and its difficult to ignore how innocent he actually is.

I love his scenes with both ladies. With Cindy, I think he hasn't quite gotten a look into who she really is or how lonely and lost she feels. I think he needs to spend more time with her and really find the little girl lost within the tough mask she always puts on. He's managed to get through Ye-jin, and it would be nice if he could do that to Cindy as well. I'd love to see him protect her and be the friend/lover she really needs in life. I'm also loving his friendship with Ye-jin and how protective he is of her. Its really cute considering how they started off, but I hope its doesn't go much further than that if she isn't going to like him back. I really don't want him hurt in the end even just a bit. He thankfully got over his first crush easily, I hope it can be the same for this one too!


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right. I think producers should give Cindy more scenes (meaningful scenes) where she can open up about her life. At this point, we're still wondering about her family, how come she has no real friends and we're in need of scenes that will really show her "Jo In Yeong" vibe. Can we hear someone say her real name pls? we're in episode 6 already. The scene with the 3 PDs walking together made Cindy really sad. The show's title is "The Producers" but Cindy plays an essential role here, she's the type of character that can be loved by many if only the show would show us more of her vulnerable side and make her interact with other people other than her manager or agency staffs for more than 2 mins...We need to see her sadness getting noticed by Baek Seung Chan, we need her to be friends with PD Tak Ye Jin, we need to see PD Ra Joon Mo mentoring her about how variety show works but how will they be able to show us that if they're too focused with love triangles and stuffs? The reason why knetz keep on criticising IU here is because producers haven't stripped her character to the core yet. Reply 1997 or 1994 can do it with each of the characters in each episodes but why can't "producers" do it? they're so used to fillers and fail to give us more background about the characters. Baek Seung Chan shows us his not perfect and his character is relatable since he's a rookie, they showed us flashbacks of Tak Ye Jin & Ra Joon Mo (childhood too) but with Cindy? we need more of her.


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Honestly, I think the drama is doing a brilliant job in establishing everyone including the side characters. Cindy is just not written to develop a deep relationship with anyone other than Seung-chan who is her love interest/inspiration. She has a non existent relationship with Joon-mo and an antagonistic one with Ye-jin which is how I'd like it to remain. But because Seung-chan is who this drama revolves around, he instead has an active relationship with everyone in the drama which ends up decreasing Cindy's screen time.

IU has said in the press before Producer aired that she won't get as much screen space as GHJ. Also, she received a lot of negative reviews initially which might have added to the problem. I don't mind not knowing Cindy's history tbh, I just hope she can actively be a part of the trio and I assume 1N2D is the start of that.


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This show is adorkable when it focuses on Seungchan, his mishaps and his romance. The 1n2d scenes in the first 15 min were simply hilarious.

Not a fan of Joonmo whatsoever, his cowardice or denial or whathaveyou is unappealing so I'm all for Seungchan to be with Yejin if he loves her. I still prefer Cindy for him tho.


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great episode! its sad that producers is only 12 episodes wish that it would be 16


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With a running time of 80 minutes per episode, it's almost equivalent to 16 episodes. That said, with the amount of story and characters this drama is well suited for 20 episodes.


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I want 1N2D's lighting director/international ref to pop up in one episode. That is all for now.


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I think the lighting director/international ref had already popped in this episode... Am I wrong.?


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where? which scenes?


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If he showed up, in this episode or in any previous ones, I haven't noticed :(

So they should bring him back again and give him more face time! Hehe


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MEH. Joon Mo is the type of guy I absolutely loathe in real life. He doesn't take responsibility for his own mistakes (and nope, regretting it the next second without apologizing is no excuse). He is so dishonest with himself and those around him, he's cowardly, irresponsible and a liar. I don't believe for a second that he'd give up on Ye Jin just because a rookie in his team has a crush on her; specially when he obviously dislikes the guy. If Junmo knows how she feels, the question is why wouldn't he just confront her? a. He's a coward b. He's not into her. c. Both. Whatever his answer, it just solidifies my dislike for him. Hate people who can't just grow some balls, act like an adult and talk things out. I suppose Ye Jin is no different than him so they do suit each other.

Seung Chan was adorable in this episode, nothing new there. I'm fingers/toes/everything crossed he stops his silly crush on the she-devil because I see no reason for him to like someone who treats him like crap. She's only gotten marginally better over the past two episodes and if this is the production's attempt at creating tangled love lines, then I hope they stop it right now. I'd rather be seeing Seung Chan succeed in his career, learn how to be a PD (instead of getting sent for chores) and maybe fall in love with Cindy given the chance. He's such a precious character and I'm happy for his growth and maturity even if I wish they'd leave the puppy love out.


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Totally agree with you. Forget about the stupid love triangle. I just hope they stop focussing so much on it. I just want to see BSC learn how to become a successful PD and keep doing all the funny stuff to make us laugh.


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I agree with you Klaus. Unless Seung Chan is a masochist, there is no reason why he should fall for someone who treats him like crap. They should forget about the love triangle or square and focus on other things


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gosh.. porr cindy.. pukpukpuk..
its oke lady..


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I didn't feel the episode was that long though I guess it's because I don't usually notice those things.

This episode was great and I am really enjoying the 4 leads. At this point, I'm not sure who to root for because I'm genuinely enjoying the development among them. The contemplation among the 4 leads and their response to hardships is surprisingly endearing and makes me all the more invested in the story. I am really looking forward to see how they pan out. As always, keep these great reviews coming.


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How surprisingly is it that I'm very cold on the older pairing even if I love this friend-turn-lover cliche? CTH and GHJ have zero chemistry imo. The first time seeing GHJ not sizzle with her on screen costar. GHJ and KSH's rapport and chemistry is so much better but the umbrella scene in epi 4 was the one that made my heart flutter. BSC+Cindy are cute and youthful ~~ they have sparks instead of being zzzzzz


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Things I noticed this episode:

The writer is kinda stretching SC's noobness a bit too much. How can he not know how to turn on a computer?


I guess KBS got scared that this drama has become too experimental. With the director replacement, it's starting to look like a regular drama.

I have no clue what is up with that blue dress Ye Jin wore at the first half of the episode. It kinda looked like something they make you wear when you are a patient at a hospital. lol


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From what I see when SC interviewed in the edit room, he was just acting as if he was using the computer. It's not his desk and computer so I don't think he had rights or intention to actually turn it on.


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I don't think it's that he doesn't know how to turn on a computer but rather that different models have the power button in different places.

I work with the IT team at my uni and we check classroom equipment every day – and I can assure you that I've entered a room I've never been to before and it has taken me five minutes to find the switch. Because in some cases the switch is on a big hard disk tower (easy), sometimes on the screen (in front, behind), and sometimes it's hidden somewhere else because they've got a part of the computer locked behind some panel somewhere to prevent theft!

I actually liked that dress! Like, a lot!


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Coming from a Windows user who had to use an iMac for the first time recently... I had that same problem. Because the power button is BEHIND the MONITOR (I'm used to looking around the front of the CPU), it was something I'd never have imagined! Maybe that's also the way they want to portray it? Like he's so nerdy he's not 'cool' enough to know how to use Apple stuff?

(For the record, I'm far from an Apple fan... just conjecturing based on general perception...)


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Actually, when I got a new Macbook Pro last Oct, I had a half hour (seriously!) freak-out because I couldn't find the power button... they had moved what was a separate button on the metal case to the keyboard itself (as in: just another key on the keyboard). Probably no more than an inch from its previous spot, but I swear I didn't see it! I was looking for a silver, external button, not a black key!

When I finally found it, I felt like a total idiot of course.


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Love this show more with every episode <3
The Sherlock theme music made me laugh so much...
shipping-wise, how about a big happy three-some? or four-some? :D


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Is Sherlock a Korean locally made television show in SK right now? I don't understand the reference here.


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No, it's a British series by BBC, a modern remake of the story. A great serial, I might say. It's the theme song.


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Aaah.... thank you :)

It must be popular in SK now for the writer to include the reference in the script :)


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Ditto. I loved that show so much. It makes me giddy.

Anyway, some people is saying that the love triangle between GHY-KSY-CTH is all KBS doing because they are desperate for rating and 'cause people don't like IU, etc. I don't believe so, I really think its necessary for the story. And I don't mind it all. I love this show.


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Actually, I feel like even if Seung Chan x Ye Jin doesn't happen, or he ends up with Cindy, he is the main character of the show. He is the one the drama is following and we see him affecting everyone's lives. So while I'm firmly on Joon Mo-Ye Jin ship, I just don't think Seung Chan is a 'typical second lead' in any sense.

I identify with Cindy so much that I really want her and Seung Chan to make it work. But the way it's going, it will be weird for SC to suddenly fall for Cindy...


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I feel the same way. seung chan's crush is very sweet but not what I want to happen, I just want ye jin and joon mo to work outtt


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me too T__T


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Was bummed watching E5 since BSC-Cindy scenes were scarce... also his burgeoning crush on YJ depresses ME, heh.

BSC why you no like Cindy?!


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I squealed when Yoo Ho Jin Pd made a cameo hahahaha he should have done his lobster-claw cutting gesture when he talked about editing :)
He really does look like he doesnt get much sun. hahahahaha
Go 1n2d!


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WTF Soohyun. His character should be oblivious, not dumb. How fucking stupid can he have no freaking sense, especially when he was with Cindy in the rain.

If he was real, I'm pretty sure someone would have knocked some sense into him so that he would have more common sense than a nutshell.


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Uhm, how is it senseless to protect the camera from the rain and thus potentially saving a whole day's work from getting destroyed. That is common sense. Not saving Cindy from the rain because getting wet won't kill her but it will kill the tapes.

If this was real life, I'm sure instead of getting "sense knocked into him" he would be praised for using common sense.


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I have to agree. I mean he went to law school, you don't make it to law school when you're "dumb". (However I can believe he's very book-smart but not street-smart because I know a lot of people in real life like that). But only in dramas would a character like Seung Chan be charming and endearing. In real life I would've smacked him and given him some common sense in the process...

The same goes for Joon Mo too. Even Ye Jin, but the guys are more negative to me...


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what about starving her night and day and those weird explanations at the games


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Street-wise people will never understand how the mind of a straight-arrow works :D

I was a very straight-arrow person when I was in my teens and 20's. I could laugh at a joke with people who were making fun at me, not realizing that the joke was actually on me (I knew later only after being told by good friends). I was scolded / yelled at by my seniors when I first started working whenever I screwed up ( :D they gave me the look just like Joon Mo gave to Seung Chan at the game site that morning, bewildered that a person like that can exist... hahahaaa.... )


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The show already got two awesome OTPs to begin with. The love triangles/squares won't make the show more interesting, it's the superb storytelling & character build ups that would make a difference.

Shipping is part of a kdrama watching but if you've already got two OTPs with much potential why confuse us this much if you only got 6 episodes left to air? stop experimenting with couples, be straight to the point.

Same roof couple is rootable & umbrella couple is a breath of fresh air. But now they're making everything predictable by setting up noona-dongsaeng romance again. Surprise us, producers. Surprise us.


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Thanks for the recap, GF!

I love how the scenes that start out one way are usually juxtaposed with a totally different direction, which is so funny since it's unexpected. Like SC's decision to switch umbrella from Cindy to the camera. XD It's also done to provide viewers with insight, such as what really happened after that drunken night second round.

Every time SC is on screen, I just LOL by his adorkable nature and KSH simply captivates me in this role. I loved his scenes with Cindy, YJ, and JM. He's influencing all of them with his sincerity, straightforwardness, and sensitivity. You can see how bad he feels for Cindy not getting food and getting that harsh phone call from the Pinky4 member. It was sweet of him to pass his music, book, and hat to her. I was also touched when SC offered his listening ear to YJ in times of need. Hope his presence will push JM to act instead of staying still. I can see SC and JM developing a family like relationship as time goes by.

JM has some growing up to do. Seems like he only reflects on his actions when someone calls him out on it. This time was CEO Byun about the numbers and ratings. Then, JM usually shifts his anger and frustration with himself to SC. Poor rookie. I'm glad the cameraman spoke up for SC. As for JM's epilogue about editing, you can tell that's what he thinks about YJ. So, I hope he will find the courage and realize that being with YJ can be the "better."

YJ confessing when drunk and worrying whether JM remembers is understandable. I can relate to the feeling of liking a best friend and yet not wanting to risk the friendship if I don't think he feels the same way. So, when JM didn't show any reaction, somehow it's more comforting for YJ to think he didn't remember than to think he heard and didn't say anything, meaning he's already rejected her. I like YJ's growing friendship with SC and it's cute to see how he's developing a crush on her.

IU's scenes as Cindy made me care for her. Can't imagine being lonely and friendless, and it's been an ongoing thing for the past 10 years. I hope she can soften over time and not be so sharp with her tongue. It's true that there are people like that who would say things that come across to others as harsh and unexpected, causing others to feel awkward and embarrassed. And the worst would be like that rookie writer who everyone wish would keep her mouth shut. *facepalm and headdesk* But with Cindy, it seems it's just a facade to maintain her appearance as a top star. Somehow she feels she needs to distant herself, not be too emotional or friendly, gotta stay cool, etc. I hope she can just be herself, especially as she warms up more and more to SC.

As of now, looks like Cindy likes SC, who likes YJ, who likes JM. I don't mind who ends up with who as long as there's character growth and meaningful plot plus great humour. Looking forward to the next ep!


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I feel like cindy is just putting on a cold-sarcastic mask in front of others because of she wants to protect herself (since she's in this industry) but at the same time she's sort of awkward with human interactions. I hope we'll see more of cindy's stories in the future episodes and hope she'll open up more and be her real self!


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Yes, I agree that the cold front is just a protective mechanism. And on top of that, there's a lack of social awareness--seems either not to know/care about the social norm, thinking that's the sort of attitude a top star should have. Maybe she feels that everybody wants something from her and uses her to make money or do other things. Since no one has shown genuine care and concern for her, she puts up a fort around her heart. I think she will slowly open up as SC's sincerity touches her and lets her know that there are people like SC out there that defy her expectations.


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Thanx DB... I couldn't download the episode due to a bad net speed :( ... I am shipping Cindy and SC because in Cindy's he is like oxygen!!! When Cindy was struggling to find a friend SC starved because he won't leave Cindy to starve alone..

And " lets all go to our respective homes!!!!" Ha ha ha cracker!!!! :D


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And now we're left with only 7 episodes! I cannot imagine which direction we're heading now since they're so tangled right now. Just when I thought they were going with the Cindy-BSC, JM-YJ way now they switched things all around again! T_T my heart can't take it!

Still loving all their performances and can't wait for lee seung gi's cameo tonight!


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Obviously Joon moo sees his friendship with Ye Jin as more powerful than a romantic relationship. Sometimes that happens, the thought of being with your best friend might be stronger than when you actually get together with them and realize you two can't work as a couple. I understand why Joon mo is behaving this way. It's cowardly but understandable.
On the other hand I can totally see Ye Jin falling for Seung chan and I hope they do. I hope they won't make Joon mo up his game because look at it, YJ has been with countless other guys and Joon mo still don't budge. He's been acting this way for 20 years! I know they're super close and all, but that could just it. SC cares and notices YJ, I think they can totally work. With Cindy and BC, like someone said it'll be weird to see him suddenly like her since his attention is towards YJ only. He doesn't notice her romantically at all.
Ye Jin and Seung Chan fighting!!!!


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I am really shocked with the ending, as in, I know that Ra Joon Mo had a vague knowledge on that night, but what a heck, Baek Seung Chan! is a real revelation, He has a crush on Tak Ye Jin, and my gosh, at first it would be like, Tak Ye Jin - Baek Seung Chan- Cindy, but another triangle here, Ra Joon Mo- Tak Ye Jin- Baek Seung Chan plus a possible One sided love of Cindy, huhuhu, I feel Cindy's loneliness and I rally hope She'll end up with baek Seung Chan, Oh please, That's the best, and I don't want Seung Chan oppa! to be an antagonist to RJM-TYJ romance!!!!!!!!!!! hahah I ship Ra Joon Mo- Tak Ye Jin!!! Seung Chan-Cindy


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i don't care what others say, i just love the puppy love >.<


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loving this show!! don't want to choose a ship yet though.. :)


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I'm not feeling or seeing this chemistry between KSH and GHJ everybody's talking about. Maybe the shallowness in me can't get pass how much older she looks next to him. If they're going make them a couple, at least make KSH look older, something like in his tous jes jours commercials. Gives me the shivers thinking of them doing a lovey dovey scene like he did with JJH in YWCFAS (which I love to the moon and back).

In the ep 6 preview, it shows both JM and SC panicking and starting to run off after hearing about an accident. Am I the only one that thinks JM is running for YJ and SC is running for Cindy? YJ and Cindy were at the same location preparing for a performance.


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you're not alone dear, I'm a huge gong hyo jin fan and absolutely loved the chemistry with her previous leading men but here I dont feel that chemistry at all, not with Kim soo hyun, I cringe thinking about a possible kiss( if they end up together) between GHJ and KSH.


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Yes.. A kiss would be scaryyyyyyyyy!


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That blasphemy.


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ship versus ship?

Well I ship IU & Kim Soo Hyun. For real, outside PRODUCERS.

IU has more friends than Cindy. IU is loved & like by many as well. Smile, Uaenas! Cheer up! Hoping EP6 is better.

Cha Tae Hyun is Cha Tae Hyun. Clap clap for his chemistry with Gong Hyo Jin. He's no So Ji Sub, he's no Jo In Sung but come on, his onscreen chemistry with Gong Hyo Jin is amazing.


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I agree, Cha Tae Hyun will always be Cha Tae Hyun and that is why im a big fan of him.


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I adore Seung Chan (and Kim Soo Hyun). Aww, he didn't eat because she couldn't eat. Poor Cindy with no friends. How cute was he giving up his seat when clearly the other people could've sat in the empty seats themselves? Then when he tried to stop Ye Jin from blurting out her own secret and declaring loudly, "Yes, let's all go to our own homes." Classic aegyo: referring to yourself in the third person and doing that hand-grabby thing. I do find his feelings for Ye Jin were too sudden given how she was spiteful to him since his first day on the job, but I love how the reveal played out. Despite memorizing her confession word-for-word, everything else after that was made up -- he did not take them both home nor was Joon Mo staggering drunk. So jealous of that girl who's friends with Big Bang. Thanks for recapping, girlfriday!


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So I am here commenting again, after a hiatus of 1 year hahas.

Over this 1 year, I experienced a lot in which my experience is very relatable to this episode. Not in the romance sense, but how we tend to 'edit in'/'edit out' memories.

I tend to get more sensitive to relationships, well, i used to be too affected by them because i kept them in my one episode of memory. However, they just dun look good on screen, so I thought i 'edited' them 'out'.

Now to think of it, I highly doubt i edited them out. Rather, we tend to just shrug them off and pretend that nothing happen. It is something like...... Keeping them in the data bank of the editing software, and left them there for ignorance. What appears on screen, in this context, what we show to others, is simply our pretence.

I really hope Joomo and Yejin relationship will flower. Joo mo, it is time to resume ignored parts out from the data bank and show them on screen!


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I love this episode! It's long and I knew it, but I didn't get bored. After watching this episode, I have three love lines that I want them to work out.

The first one is Joonmo and Yejin. Well... I know how Joonmo feels because there are lots of cases out there when bestfriends become lovers and it's not working, then it ruins their relationships so sometimes it's safe to stay just as friends. They are cute together, but the problem is Joonmo's denial. If he has courage, then Yejin wouldn't have to wait like this. Does anyone notice that when Yejin being rejected by Cindy as she offers beer to cheers, Joonmo is fast to take his glass and cheers with her instead? It's not a big deal, but I find that they care for each other, and Joonmo likes Yejin too.

The second pair I root for is Seungchan and Cindy. I feel like Seungchan's sincere actions are somehow healing for some people. Now that he cares for Yejin, I wish he would do the same for Cindy. I think she needs it more than Yejin is. Actually, being lonely can be considered as a big problem, because it's hard to break from it. Only a real good friend can help her going through that, and I hope Seungchan will be that kind of person to Cindy. Well, after Seungchan's done caring for Yejin and helping Joonmo's get his acts together, I wish he comes to Cindy and help her too.

The third pair is my favorite... it's Joonmo and Seungchan! Haha I love seeing them getting closer to each other like brothers. I just can't help but blurts "awwwww" at the bus scene when they're sleeping and leaning to each other. They're just so cute and watching them, I wonder if there's PD in real life who as good looking as them HAHA.

Can't wait for the next ep, but the fact that it's already halfway of the whole drama makes me a bit bitter. Anyway! I'm looking for Seunggi's cameo in the next ep!

Producer, fighting!


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KSH can have chemistry with a rock, so I'm not surprised to suddenly be swayed to the SC-YJ train. I just want to see YJ fall in love with him if that is the end game of this drama. Or I want SC to have only friendly feelings for YJ and fall for C instead. I'm fickle obviously because both ships are great to me :p


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KSH keeps impressing me and the older couple keeps making me yawn. There's just no chemistry between them so I have to pick a guy for YJ, it is most definitely SC. I cannot choose between YJ and Cindy; if only SC can be split to two!!


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I know how it would most likely play out, with YJ and JM ending up together while Cindy and SC end up together. However, I really do hope this drama does something different here. It's still early so I'm really hopeful that the drama keeps me on my toes with these love-lines.


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can't wait for the episode where PD Yoo of 2D1N will appear ... yay


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I.m all for bsc and ye jin..


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I think my favourite scene was the numbers game with CEO Byun and PD Ra, because it was one of the moments that made me go oh. I felt she was right in that regard, that talking money is considered rude, but talking ratings and doing things in furtherance of it is just showbiz. I loved the moment where she said that a lot of people were dependent on the company, so the stock value mattered, that was such a different angle to her money-talk, even though her tone, mannerisms and general topic of conversation were the same. I'm starting to really enjoy how well-developed the character is, considering she could easily have been one-note.

Cindy killed me in this episode with her defiant talk about how she's totally not an outcast, she has so many friends, they're just... busy at the moment. I loved the TYJ/BSG buddy-detectives scenes, but I'm not feeling the romantic chemistry at all. Maybe because TYJ's actions towards BSC haven't been framed in any romantic light yet. Like in the rain-umbrella or lace-tying scene between BSC/Cindy, we know BSC wasn't/isn't romantically interested in her, but the framing was definitely romantic; the sloooow motion, the music, the general looking-at-each-other, which is why it was difficult to tell what SC was feeling till we were explicitly told a scene later. The BSC framing this episode re:TYJ was definitely romantic, but we haven't seen TYJ actively be a participant in that framing. (And by framing, I only mean framing: in that SC may not be interested in Cindy, but with the way the scenes were shot, he was an active part of the romantic framing, made to do things meant to be construed as 'romantic' even if he didn't mean them that way and Cindy was the one confused, but with TYJ, BSC is alone in the framing, in that TYJ has shown almost zero interest in BSC, and has never done anything that was meant to be construed as romantic. An example would have been that when he said that line about how she can talk to him, the camera should have lingered on her so that, regardless of whether she felt affected or not, it would seem that she was, but it didn't

At this stage I find it equally hard to see how BSC will fall for Cindy or TYJ for Seung-chan, when there's been no reciprocity as yet. On the other hand, I find it even harder to see how BSC/TYJ can logistically end up together considering TYJ has loved RJM for almost all her life and that never changed even when she was dating others, and that Cindy and RJM would have to be left alone since there's no way they'll be paired up now, considering they haven't even had scenes together. It would make sense for them to be alone at the end if their narrative arc was about something else; professional success etc. But out of the four, these two are the ones whose arc has defined how they're afraid of love for different reasons & their professional lives are already set, so for them to be alone at the end would make no...


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narrative sense. It could happen, of course, but it would shortchange the characters. Comparable is Eunjung's character in Coffee House, whose narrative arc was specifically about professional growth and success, so even if she wasn't the romantic interest, it was okay and didn't make her any less of a 'lead' character. But that wouldn't apply to Cindy or RJM, since their character-growth depends on them being able to give and receive real love, as they've been unable to do till now. Unlike, say, Seung-chan, whose narrative arc could easily be about professional success and no romance at all and would still make sense for the character (although obviously the only one definite of being paired off right now is KSH.)


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You, my dear sir/madam, hit all the nails on the heads. All of them.


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I really like how you describe about the scene between CEO Byun and PD Ra, and I totally agree your point about Cindy's and RJM's character development. It doesn't make sense to me if they've been trying hard to learn how to really give love for once in their lives and in the end they will still be alone. It's just simply very weird.


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Shipping matters aside ... I just want everyone to stop shitting on Baek Swung Chan. Felt so sorry for him in this episode.


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you know, i kinda wondered if Cindy has a family. Doesn't seem like it. Dang that's really lonely.


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oh i think there was a bit of a lovely moment during Cindy's conversation with Seungchan about how she's not outcast. she actually mentioned about not wanting her other member to look bad. that part sounds so genuine that I feel that she really do care about the people around her secretly. she may not look like she does and that she seems selfish and only thinks about herself but she actually do care. the moment even happened off camera so it's definitely not her 'acting' like she cares. i am actually the most intrigued by Cindy's character. It feels like we are slowly getting to know the real her layer by layer. Just like how she is also discovering her real self which she have lost and forgotten years ago. We are all in the same journey as her.


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Oh, I loved that scene so much and how IU played it; she looked so small and vulnerable, like she was drawing into herself. And I definitely felt her concern for her former bandmate was genuine. I also loved that it mirrored CEO Byun's unexpected concern for her employees. That these two seem hard and jaded and utilitarian on the surface, but there's so much depth to them. And yet that doesn't mean their public personas are only for show alone either, they ARE hard and jaded. These conflicting characteristics really makes them seem like real people than character archetypes.


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Sorry, but I don't see any romantic chemistry between GHJ with anyone here. And I am not convinced (yet) why Seung Chan or Joon Mo like Yeh Jin.
At the moment, Yeh Jin's character is the least intriguing of the 4 leads.


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I feel that too, not feeling any chemistry with either of the leading man.


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Sooooooooo totally agree!!! I am so happy that someone actually saw this!!!


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Me neither, there's no chemistry between them. I also don't like how she's always taking advantage of him by telling him to do stuff for her. The way she's trying to weasel out of paying him back for the car damage is off putting.


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It is like "answer me 2015" !!!! :P


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