Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 16

It’s hard not to find this episode frustrating, when an entire group of your leading characters are operating under false information and magically only encountering others who are equally misinformed. Everyone has the best intentions, of course, but I could do with fewer good intentions and more communication, especially when lives are on the line. I guess it’s a good thing our hero happens to specialize in saving damsels in distress. Hurry, scholar-nim!


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While Yang-sun is well on her way to sacrificing herself to Gwi, Sung-yeol learns that her mother died at Gwi’s hands—it means that their blood won’t kill him.

Meanwhile, Hunter Baek is followed by the local loan sharks, who keep calling him hyungnim and beg to be taken in. They say they know he’s part of the black hanbok brigade, which is funny since Hunter Baek has never heard of such a thing. It must be what the townspeople are calling anyone who rebels, since the latest royal decree was about arresting anyone wearing a black hanbok.

King Yoon is told that someone is wandering around in a black hanbok and taking the girls who are meant for sacrifice, and that it must be Sung-yeol. Yoon orders an immediate arrest, even though he knows full well that he’s the one wearing the black hanbok under his dragon robes. Hye-ryung helps him undress, and he wonders to himself where Sung-yeol is.

Sung-yeol sets out to rescue Yang-sun against Ho-jin’s protests, and someone cloaked in black watches him leave.

Hye-ryung asks if Yoon isn’t afraid of Gwi, and Yoon says he’s been afraid of him all this time, and was even willing to sacrifice his oldest friend to kill him. But it was seeing Hak-young turned into a vampire that woke him up. He shakes as he thinks of Hak-young, and Hye-ryung comes close to take his hand.

Yoon says that he will no longer sacrifice any of his people to kill Gwi, and he doesn’t need secret plans that involve letting anyone else die. He asks Hye-ryung not to sacrifice herself either, because he couldn’t handle losing her too. What a difference from her father; how could she not be moved?

Gwi decides that it’s time to poke at the king’s advisor to see what they’re up to, and calls him down to the underground lair for the first time. The advisor warily approaches, and Gwi taunts him with his grandson Hak-young, who’s now a rabid feral vampire and Gwi’s pet.

The advisor is horrified to see his grandson in this state, and begs for Gwi to just let him die in peace. Gwi is more than willing to comply, just as long as the advisor promises to pay him regular visits down here to tell him about what the king is planning.

Hunter Baek’s new minions tell him that there’s actually a black hanbok brigade, moving in stealth to free the girls who are being sacrificed to Gwi. Hunter Baek doesn’t know who they are but he agrees with what they’re doing, and learns from his minions that there’s suspicious activity happening at the gibang.

It’s where the girls are being taken to be dressed up before entering the palace. In the scene that closed the last episode, Su-hyang takes extra care with Yang-sun, sympathetic to the fact that she had no choice to be born into Gwi’s bloodline. Yang-sun says that it wasn’t her choice to be born, but it is her choice to die this way, and wishes Sung-yeol well.

Sung-yeol, meanwhile, is looking for a way into the heavily guarded palace before dawn breaks. He’s noticed by some guards who chase after him, and he’s almost cornered until a man in black leaps into the fray to distract them. He gives Sung-yeol a message that someone wants to meet him.

He’s taken to a house where all the men are dressed in black and their leader is shrouded behind a screen, also cloaked in head-to-toe black. Gonna guess you guys are the black hanbok brigade?

It feels a little bit like Eumlan Seosaeng’s style, and their leader asks Sung-yeol what side he’s on. Sung-yeol says he’s simply on the side of the people, and if he did anything wrong, it was to test the king’s loyalty.

The leader asks if there’s anything left to hope for in the king, and Sung-yeol counters that there is, just as he’s a vampire and there’s hope left for him. Sung-yeol pulls the screen aside and is met with multiple swords to the throat, but the leader tells them to withdraw. He stands up and reveals his face, and sure enough, it’s Yoon, back to his secret rebel ways.

Yoon asks for Sung-yeol to give him his trust, and asks if he’s really going to give up fighting Gwi because of his love for a woman. Sung-yeol answers, “The reason I have been able to fight Gwi as a vampire is because I have not lost my human heart.”

Sung-yeol says that he hasn’t given up control to his beastly nature because he still remembers Prince Jeonghyeon’s wishes for the future of his nation and his people, and adds, “It’s also because I loved one woman more than my life.”

He refuses to give up one or the other, and at that, Yoon asks if he’ll fight alongside him. Sung-yeol asks in turn if Yoon is willing to sacrifice his people to fight Gwi, and if what he really wants is to reclaim the throne for himself.

Sung-yeol wants to know if he’s willing to give up the throne for his people, and Yoon says of course—he’s even ready to give up his life. Are we finally on the same side, guys?

There’s no secret handshake or anything, but Yoon hands over Sung-yeol’s sunlight-blocking black hanbok, with apologies for Hye-ryung’s theft. It’s only now that Sung-yeol fills Yoon in on Yang-sun’s mother dying at Gwi’s hands, and the fact that Yang-sun is on her way to sacrifice herself.

Yoon tells him that the girls are being kept at the gibang, though he warns that it might be a trap for Sung-yeol. It doesn’t matter to Sung-yeol, who dons his protective hanbok and a mask to blend in with Yoon’s men. They look more like the reaper brigade, but in any case, it’s pretty hot.

Yang-sun waits nervously with the other girls and gives Su-hyang a letter, asking for her to give it to Sung-yeol later. The other girls are terrified and one of them starts weeping when she hears that they’ll enter the palace tonight, so Yang-sun tells her calmly that they’ll be okay.

Hunter Baek and his minions scope out the gibang looking for a way in, but find it too heavily guarded for the three of them to handle. At the same time, Sung-yeol arrives with Yoon’s men and tells them to provide a distraction so that he can slip in quietly.

Yang-sun keeps the girls distracted with stories about the night scholar, and promises that he’ll rescue them all. The prime minister arrives to survey the girls, and stops when he sees Yang-sun. He can’t quite figure out where he’s seen her before, but tells her to follow him to a separate room. Ew, please don’t.

Sung-yeol’s men charge the front gate, giving Sung-yeol a chance to hop the wall. Hunter Baek is pleased to help the black hanbok brigade, and tasks his minions with getting the girls to safety once they’ve been rescued.

Hunter Baek jumps into the fray, and meanwhile Sung-yeol takes down an officer and drags him away.

The prime minister stares intently at Yang-sun, trying to figure out how he knows her. He lifts her chin up to face him, and she nervously insists that she has no idea who he is. Thankfully they’re interrupted when the fighting comes indoors, and the prime minister tries to slip away.

He’s caught by Sung-yeol, who’s now dressed as a guard. Sung-yeol demands to know where Yang-sun is, but the prime minister doesn’t recognize the name. Screams from the other girls come from down the hall, and Sung-yeol runs toward the sound.

Hunter Baek is the first to find Yang-sun, and he tells her to run while he fights off the guard. He manages to catch the prime minister as he’s trying to sneak away, and angrily holds a sword to his throat, thinking of all his friends who died because of this man’s treachery.

Yang-sun and Su-hyang find each other outside, and when Yang-sun hears that the rebels have come to free the girls, she says that she can’t be rescued. Nooooooo. They decide to hide and enter the palace quietly.

Sung-yeol puts down the last two guards who are with the young girls, but Yang-sun isn’t with them. When one of the girls asks if he’s the night scholar who’s come to rescue them, he realizes that she was here just moments ago.

Hunter Baek uses the prime minister as a hostage to force the guards to back off, giving the others a chance to flee with the girls. Sung-yeol continues to search the rooms for Yang-sun, and discovers the letter she left behind.

She writes that she’ll take back her words now, from when she asked him to remember her for as long as he remembered his last love—she says it’s impossible now, because the blood of the enemy who took that love away from him flows through her veins.

She says that she’ll use the life he saved to repay him: “I love you. I’ll take all of this love with me, so please don’t remember me when I’m gone.” He opens the second parchment, and inside is the hawthorn necklace he gave her.

He heads outside, where the other officers are closing in on Hunter Baek. It doesn’t look like he’ll be able to get out of this alive, even if he kills the prime minister. When they see an opening, one guard charges and gets Hunter Baek alone—it’s Sung-yeol, which shocks him.

Sung-yeol quickly tells him that he needs to find Yang-sun inside the palace, and asks him to hand off the prime minister. With a quick nod, they push each other and Sung-yeol orders the other men to chase after Baek, leaving him alone to defend the prime minister and escort him into the palace. Nicely played.

Yoon stops in to see his mother, which is his cover story for being outside the palace today. Mom asks after Hye-ryung and admits that she wondered if Hye-ryung had approached them intentionally. She’s decided that Hye-ryung isn’t a bad person though, and thinks that she seems sad, like she’s been searching for her place all her life.

Gwi commends Hye-ryung on getting Yoon to trust her completely, and wonders if she isn’t afraid of being abandoned when he discovers that she belongs to Gwi.

He admits that he doesn’t have human emotions, but he always thought he and Hye-ryung were most alike. He’s curious about the love that moves people to sacrifice themselves for each other, and tells her to go ahead and try growing a human heart for the king, confident that she’ll discover it’s a mistake.

Sung-yeol leads the prime minister back to the palace, easily gaining entry to his room. When he lingers behind, the prime minister assumes he wants a reward for saving his life and opens a chest of silver. That’s when Sung-yeol charges and grabs him by the throat, getting close enough that the cut on the prime minister’s neck makes him vamp out.

His eyes go red and he growls, “You’re bleeding…” He gets ready to bite down and the screen goes black…

But when we return, the prime minister is alive and tied up in the corner. Sung-yeol changes out of uniform and growls one last time in the prime minister’s direction before heading out.

The king’s advisor finds out that one of the girls intended for sacrifice has arrived in the palace, which goes against the king’s wishes. He tries to stop them, but Yang-sun reveals herself and says that she’s here willingly, knowing that her one sacrifice will save many. So of course the king’s advisor leads the way. Aaaack.

Hye-ryung discovers them on her way out of Gwi’s lair, and when she learns what Yang-sun is about to do, she actually tries to stop her. The advisor wonders why, even accusing her of trying to protect Gwi, but Hye-ryung says that Yoon wouldn’t want this.

She admits that she’d like nothing more than to sacrifice Yang-sun and kill Gwi, but Yoon has made his decision to fight without sacrificing another of his people, and she wants to honor his wishes. Wow, I’m shocked.

But Yang-sun is fully committed to being the sacrificial lamb, and makes a break for Gwi’s lair on her own. The only one who goes after her is Su-hyang, who is supportive in her own way and insists on going with her, to help ease Gwi’s suspicions.

She leads Yang-sun in by the hand, and they’re taken aback when Hak-young jumps out at them. Gwi sends him outside to go feed, knowing that the king’s advisor is nearby. Hak-young happily goes above ground and attacks. Please don’t eat your own grandfather. Please don’t eat your own grandfather.

Gwi is suspicious when he recognizes Yang-sun, and wonders how she came to be one of the sacrifices, and happened to be the only one who wasn’t rescued. He asks about her relationship with Sung-yeol, excited by the thought that her death will enrage him.

He asks repeatedly if she loves Sung-yeol, so she finally answers that she does, and that she doesn’t care if he’s vampire. Gwi goads her, musing that Sung-yeol will stay young and beautiful and live for centuries, while she’ll grow old and be forgotten.

She angers him with her resolute answer: “It doesn’t matter. Even if I die right here, my heart will never change. You could live thousands of years, but you will never know that heart.” Gwi seethes, and in an effort to calm him, Su-hyang says that he loved someone once too.

Up above, Hak-young gets ready to bite his own grandfather, when Sung-yeol flies in just in time to knock him against a wall. They bare their fangs and charge at each other.

Gwi reminisces about the woman he loved, calling it the first and last mistake he ever made while living amongst humans. He says that she found out what he was and ran away, and when he found out she had his child, he killed her.

He went after the child too, since he’d heard that his descendant could kill him, but he couldn’t trace the lineage until after a hundred years, when he found and killed everyone in that bloodline.

Su-hyang asks if he drank their blood, which he confirms, and she realizes what this means: Yang-sun’s blood won’t kill him. It dawns on her just seconds before Gwi leans in towards Yang-sun’s neck…

Hak-young starts to overpower Sung-yeol, so his grandfather starts to join in the fight, and Hak-young retaliates with a bite. At his grandfather’s pleading that they die together, he seems to come to his senses for a moment and looks horrified at what he’s done.

Grandfather falls dead, and at that moment, an arrow comes flying at him from above, where Yoon has just arrived. Seeing his chance, Sung-yeol takes out his dagger.

Down below, Su-hyang stops Gwi by suggesting that Yang-sun will make good bait to lure Sung-yeol here. She puts herself between them and asks to become a vampire, and for Gwi to keep her by his side for a long time.

He tells her that it takes enormous self-control to live as a vampire with her will intact—she’d have to withstand the enormous hunger, which would kill most people. He points out that Hak-young couldn’t do it, and ignores her pleas, pushing her aside.

He’s about to bite Yang-sun, but seems to sense that she’s been bitten once before. He reveals the scar in her shoulder, and asks how it is she survived a vampire bite without turning into one herself: “Do you have vampire blood in you?”

Hak-young is too strong for Sung-yeol to overpower himself, so he drops the hawthorn dagger instead so that Yoon can pick it up. Sung-yeol urges him to hurry, but Yoon hesitates, unable to do the final deed.

But in that last second, Hak-young comes to his senses. He runs over to Yoon and clutches the hand holding the dagger, pleading, “Kill me, kill me.” He pulls the dagger into his own heart, and breathes his last in Yoon’s arms.

Yoon trembles with rage at what Gwi has done, and Sung-yeol tells him to stay up here.

Gwi has Yang-sun by the throat, and she can only spill silent tears as she fights to breathe. She calls out to Sung-yeol in her head, and just like that, he appears. Gwi senses his arrival and turns around with a smile, dropping Yang-sun to the ground.


Guh. I find these kinds of episodes to be the most aggravating—the ones where the entire conflict could be done away with if people could just have one conversation that clears up all the misunderstandings. You can’t even be mad at anyone in this situation (or okay, I can be mad at the writer), because everyone is doing what they think is the right thing at the time, and you can’t exactly fault Yang-sun for being willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Again.

But it’s so deflating when we’re told that the sacrifice is totally moot at the start, after which we continue to watch her avoid rescue (bah) and walk right into the lion’s den. I hate that it was a pointless act of sacrifice that didn’t need to be made, and because of that, I spent the whole episode either yelling at Sung-yeol to hurry or yelling at Yang-sun to slow down, when I don’t want to be yelling at either of them. It might be different if the story had advanced somehow because of her sacrifice, but overall this week’s episodes amount to mostly plot filler, to pad out the episodes before the final conflict.

The only real development was Sung-yeol and Yoon getting back together on the same side, and Yoon showing that he still has a bit of the old Eumlan Seosaeng left in him. I did feel bad for Yoon when he had to kill Hak-young, but by then I pitied Hak-young more, because seriously, how many times do you need to sacrifice your life for your best friend before you’re allowed to die in peace? It was a nice moment between the two devoted friends, and I’m glad for his sake that he was freed from an afterlife spent as Gwi’s pet, though I worry about Su-hyang following in his footsteps. And it was nice to see Hye-ryung honoring Yoon’s decision not to sacrifice his people, which made me think that loyalty might’ve turned into love the moment he asked her not to sacrifice herself for him.

At least I find Gwi’s obsession with Sung-yeol interesting (did he not look positively ecstatic to see him at the end?), especially his jealousy over Sung-yeol’s ability to find love. He insists that he doesn’t feel human emotions, but Gwi seems entirely driven by very base human needs, and what he struggles with is why he can have endless power and wealth, but never love. He seems slighted by Hye-ryung’s disgust, hurt that the one woman he loved abandoned him for being a vampire, and jealous that Yang-sun (and Myung-hee before her) could be so devoted to Sung-yeol when he should be exactly like him.

He’ll never see it, of course—Gwi will never be loved because he thinks he’s better than human, while Sung-yeol believes he doesn’t deserve love because he’s less than human. So he will always be throwing his life on the line for the one he loves, and she’ll always do the same in return. It’s no big secret, but I like that Gwi is stumped by this, having only experienced betrayal. I guess living a thousand years doesn’t grant you much wisdom when you’re still just hung up over the pain caused by your first love. Is that really all there is to eternal youth? Because a hundred lifetimes of teen angst is not my idea of a good time. But seriously, can they fight already and make me forget that the last two episodes were spent putting our heroine in danger by mistake because information travels like molasses in this town? No more secret plan-before-the-plan! It’s go time!


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YAY we got both the Iljimae/Joseon Gunman AND Satto-style costumes this ep! Is today oppa's turn to revisit all his past 'sageuk superhero' costumes? I did like all the fight scenes, even if this was another episode of 'rescue Yang-sun' limbo.

R.I.P. Hak-young. Poor kid clearly came to at the end, imagine knowing what you are and what you've done..... I almost wish Sung-yeol had adopted him instead but it was a nice character moment between him and the King (also, he made an insanely hot vamp).

This is not the first time I wish Yang-sun had been written to be slightly smarter (I don't fault her for her actions last ep, but Hye-ryung literally says here WAIT till Yoon comes back, and what do you get but Yang-sun making a run for it to the lion's den, with Soo-hyang's wits the only thing between her and certain death).

and yay for another Gwi/Sung-yeol scene! I love it when oppa and Soo-hyuk are together.


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Gwi is bored!!!! Sung-Yoel is his playmate and other half as in vampire. Gwi just wants to play with his fellow vampy and then kill him off. Just another day at the office for him.


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I totally agree with your review!!!
It was so frustrating to see Kim Sung Yeol and the others take so long to find out where Yang Sun is or has been taken!!! ahhh! my poor nerves!!!^^ I spent the whole episode yelling at Kim Sung Yeol to hurry and at the others for reavealing important information which could prevent Yang Sun from sacrificing herself for nothing!!!

I also had the impression almost till the last quarter of the drama that this was the final episode! the characters' actions, the flashbacks that Sung Yeol and Yang Sun both have at the beginning, all of this seems to imply that we were nearing the end of the drama, so I was like "oh no, not the end already, I want more scenes with Sung Yeol+Yang Sun"!!! at the same time, I thought strange that they didn't hurry to go to Gwi's cave and save Yang Sun!! and many things are still unresolved and besides, we need to have the final battle Gwi vs Sung Yeol! :) ;) <3
Actually I enjoyed very much this episode! especially the last quarter!!! there were very beautiful, intense moments, for exemple with Hak Young who begs his best friend, the King to kill him and put an end to this beastly life!! <3 and I agree about the scenes with Gwi + Yang Sun + Su Hyang!!! very interesting too! I'm very pleased with Hye Ryan's development arc too!!! She's a very interesting character and the actress is very good!
Hope these two final episodes won't be a disaster and won't have too many useless scenes! ^^


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Well, I want to say "Fighting, Lee Jun Ki Oppa"!!! You're awesome as Kim Sung Yeol and I totally understand why you chose to this ghow! Sung Yeol is a fantastic character and you 've brought him to life!!! ;)
I don't care if ratings in Korea are low. There are many people outside of Korea like me who love this TV show!!!
And I know I'll be sad when it's over next week! -( I'll miss Kim Sung Yeol and the others very much!


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~~Agree :) And I love listening to the OST. Beautiful music & compliments the drama.


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Ohhh.. aigooo... this episode really made me going crazy. !! Haha. I 'm just cant wait to see next episode. What will happen. I'm teary my eyes out when its come to the majesty who must kill his best buddy.... its so sad. I hope that Gwi finally will find his true love since he looks like he really wants to know about the feeling of been love. Happy ending to everyone. I hope so...


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My first kdrama was my girl long time ago but was attracted to the 2nd lead though I don't know his name. My 2nd kdrama was family wonder. Nobody attracts me. Last year I had the opportunities to watch more dramas but mostly KSH shows. However till date I have not forgotten the actor who caught my attention many years back. I knew his name is lee jun ki only last year. I watched SWWTN first few episodes but gave up.

Pls do not scream at me if I express the hope that LJK will act with KSH in a drama. I realized that these 2 actors expressed their emotions through their eyes when necessary while most others through their face mainly. I hope that there will be a scene where both of them use only their eyes. Wah seh.


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Thanks for the recap, GF!

I'm also a bit tired and frustrated by the repetitive plotline. Are they out of ideas with 4 more eps left???

Anyway, glad that SH finally realizes sacrificing YS is NOT the answer.

HR being moved by Yoon was touching to see. Never having felt love from her dad, this really means so much to her that Yoon cares about her to this extent.

HY killing himself when he came to his senses was so sad to see. I can see Yoon's heart breaking again... And SY standing by... It must have reminded him of his friendship with the Crown Prince Jeonghyun.

I wonder if it's a given that you can detect someone has been bitten by a vampire before when you're a vampire. Curious what Gwi plans to do with YS. And yup, Gwi sure is excited to see SY! LOL


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The hilarious part is that Gwi is so excited to see Sung-yeol that he pretty much tosses Yang-sun away even though he's been wanting to have her for dinner since episode 2 or so. Like, THAT'S how badly he wants Sung-yeol lol.


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Also the costume designers continue to do an A++ job on the hanboks this ep, since Yang-sun's jacket/top has flower appliques on it, just like Sung-yeol's.

It's a nice visual tie between the two of them.


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Yeah, the costume design team is really doing a marvellous job for the production! ???

They deserve an award for this!


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Su-hyuang's hanboks have the same style as the gisaeng (Kim Hye-Soo) in "Facereader". I wonder if they have the same costume designer.


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LJK posted on his IG yesterday wearing blue contacts. I believe he was on set & getting ready to work. Someone mentioned in Soompi that this may be a clue to Sung-yeol's power. If that is true, then that means Yang-sun probably had a mishap when Gwi tossed her like a rag doll. Maybe she got hurt and bled. Since SY is still not completely recovered and Gwi is winning the fight only because of sheer physical domination...YS quickly sprinkles her blood on SY's lips and Voila! man sexy beast comes alive!!!! Where is Dr. Jin when you need a quick blood transfusion?


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@ Ice

LOL, that is one pretty imaginatively hilarious scenario! Am not sure whether I am hoping that happens for otherwise(?).

Most reaction to the blue eyes seems to be what that will mean for the OTP and skinship scenes between them. LOL

Hmm, are that many people interested in seeing SY bite into YS? Since it appears that YS might not turn into a vampire even if bitten, many are hoping for that vampire-story defining neck-bite. I suppose we need some erotic fix after the mess of Ep 16. ???


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Hahaha....the imagination has gone beastly while anxiously waiting for Wednesday.

I don't want SY to bite YS to the point where he will kill her. Can he just borrow some blood from her? She's his lifeline and the kingdom's lifeline for that matter! He is going to have to admit it sooner or later when he figures that out.

But I'm worried also because once Gwi is rid of, then SY has said that he will leave the human world, too. I don't want him to leave YS alone. ??


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We have 4 episodes to go, Sung-yeol isn't about to leave Yang-sun for good next ep, anyway. ;)


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I'm really enjoying the show, even with all its flaws. It's introduced me to the amazing LJK! I'm planning on watching, what I can find of his previous work.

I felt the Hak Young storyline was a good way to show the horror of Gwi's actions.

I'm also a long time fan of Dr Who and feel the old series has prepared me for shows that have a lot of running around for little gain. ;)


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Just can't help replying to thank you for the laughs. While I have no clear idea what the plot of Dr Who entailed (though the name of this series is sort of familiar), the "running around for little gain" has me LOL, so, thanks! ???

Agree with you too, on the Hak Young storyline. His treatment by Gwi was terrifying.

Like you, I will also be trying to catch up with LJG's old works (though have been a fan for quite some time).


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Thanks for the welcome. Its been surprising how quickly I've become a fan of LJK. His reaction to the squirrel getting away was priceless and all without a word.

I look forward to hanging out with other kdrama fans here.


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I just read yong pal recaps, many have disappointed with last two episodes, nothing is perfect as we think. i will stick to sung yeol till last breath. :)


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I definitely need to set a date for The King and Clown; have been remiss as a fan to have ignored LJG's masterpiece for so long.

@ Kiara

'Fate' is a beautifully haunting song, not to mention epic and bittersweet. I don't understand the lyrics, but it still tugged at my heart!


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tenoh27 Here's one with English sub.


The whole soundtrack is beautiful :).

I think director Lee Joon-ik is kind of a perfectionist. He wanted his characters to be portrayed as accurate as possible and would go to length to make sure that he gets everything right (or close to it). The costume, the soundtrack, the history, the clown etc.
He even met with Kim Ki-bok (who is considered the last surviving itinerant clown) and asked for his input. He said in an interview that it was difficult for clowns to get married since they were poor. On a team of clowns, there was typically one male clown called biri who was feminine and beautiful.

If you have time before you watch it, read the history about King Yeonsan.

My English is terrible or I would've explained it better. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.


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A couple of my friends won't give a chance because they misunderstood it's theme. The director once said in an interview that his movie is not a work about homosexuality.

I think you can interpret it however you want. To me it's a movie about love, friendship and sacrifice. I don't care if it's between a woman and woman, a man and a woman or a man and a man etc. Love is love.


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@ Kiara

Many thanks for the link and background information. Those info is utterly fascinating!

Btw, your English is more than excellent! ??

What has me hesitating to take the plunge for so many years has nothing whatsoever to do with the man-to-man theme. I wholeheartedly agree with you that 'Love is Love', and I have never been bothered by whatever flavour or colour the love chooses to come in.

The theme of sacrifice, love and friendship are what has me afraid all this time. ?

Listening to the OST already induces tears, I could not imagine the resultant tears and heartache from the movie. Basically am trying to avoid bathing in tears, coward that I am.

Nonetheless, this movie has always been on my "To Watch" list, so, will work up the courage to finally watch it soon.

So, thanks a lot for the push. ?


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tenoh27 and Ice You are both too kind. I want to be able to explain more than just say that a movie is good and beautiful because it's way more than that.

It's good to know a little bit about the history when watching sageuks. Personally in this movie it'll help you understand where Yeonsan is coming from and appreciate Jung Jin‑young's interpretation of his character.

He is so different in Dae Jang Geum and it made me miss this movie even more. He is a total one dimensional fairly tale king there.


Correction he is only mentioned in the beginning of JDG.


Just finished watching The King and The Clown. Standing Ovation for the director and entire cast!!!!!!?????????? That is what legends are made of!!!!!

The uploading Gods were on my side tonight. True story....been wanting to watch this movie for quite some time but could never find a good quality upload with English subs. Strangely like the scholar that walks the night, it magically appeared as the top video.

I've never seen such an touching Korean movie. Life imitating art, indeed. It was lyrical, beautifully acted, and visually stunning. Kinda speechless right now. Makes you ask yourself how far you will go to sacrifice for love and friendship. But excited because I just solved a mystery that the CP memorandum couldn't. Now I know why of all profile pictures Lee Jun Ki can use...he choose that one pic for his IG profile. It's his Gong-Gil character!!! Paying homage to that break-through & award-winning performance of his!!!!

Side note: LJK +++++++++++


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Yay! <3.


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Lovely, tragic music.


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Fun fact: "Fate" wasn't written for the movie but it was a perfect addition.

(It's still popular to this day and have kept "The King and the Clown" fresh in people's memory). Every time you hear it you think of the movie.

Here is K-pop version of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4T9vaPVo0Y

Lee Sun-hee is shown sitting with the audience a few times.


Thank you for sharing! :)


@Ice, @Kiara

Finally took the plunge and whoa! I second and third your comments, @Ice! My poor eyes... ?

The King especially terrified me, and LJG, with his beautifully haunting face and tragic eyes, made me fall once more. Truly a masterpiece all around!

Thank you.


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The King was psychotic! But I pitied him because he had personal demons. To see him laugh was therapeutic in a way.

LJK is so enchanting...<3 <3 <3


@tenoh27 I have to admit and confess I haven't seen "The King and Clown" as well, one of his best works and launching him to instant stardom. Forgive me Lee Jun Ki, my baby boo. I will make it right, my dear. Tonight I will make time for you, baby.

@Kiara I swear I looked on Youtube for the Eng subs to "The King and Clown" and couldn't find a reliable video that was decent to watch. I'm kinda like an HD freak I need quality pictures! Thank you for the link I will check it out later when I'm off work. *And whatever, your English is like your first language! :)


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*Spoiler Alert*

Appears like from the newly released BTS, we have a vampire down. Our man in black. Predictably, he's still not strong enough to fight Gwi.


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I'm sure He has to drink our heroine's blood, any way she won't become a vampire since she has vampire blood form the birth.


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This solution is so convenient, and a great way to pave the way for a happy ending for our lovely SY/YS couple. LOL


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Imagine what will happen if he drinks a cup or more of Yang-sun's blood. Seems like with just a few drops our vampire is able to escape certain death a couple of occasions. Yang-sun needs to start eating more vegetables/vitamins if she is definitely going to be the source of power for our Sung-yeol.


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She is half vampire so that does make her a vampire, right?


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It's very confusing with no set rules here unlike other vampire stories/dramas/movies. I'm guessing that they did it on purpose since the script wasn't completed and it's more convenient to add to it depending on the situation.

In some vampire novels/movies a half human and half vampire child remains human unless beaten by another vampire.

If Gwi were to bite her I think she would turn so it's safe to say that she is not a vampire yet. She doesn't even have any vampire traits or abilities that we are aware of. The only thing that she has that separates her from the other humans is the vampire blood from her maternal line. It has been 200yrs so that blood can't be as strong as the first child's blood. It's a relief that the maternal line survived for this long lol.


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She's a vaman. Vampire-Human. :)


Lol I like it. Good one Ice.


i'm not sure, can say she is a hybrid but weak one, because that blood line is lasting for 200 years. but here gwi said even you bit by a vampire you still remain like this, do you have vampire blood, so we can assume even sung yeol bites her she won't become vampire, but possibly if he consume more she may die.
sorry about my terrible english :)


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Our "Engrish" is fine mido. I think most people understand since we still get replies to our comments lol.

That actually makes sense:). Her mother didn't turn according to hunter Baek's short flashback.
So can we assume that Yang-sun is the human that Prince Sadong was talking about? The royal (Yoon), a human (Yang-sun) and the guardian (Sung-yeol).


@mido, your English is fine! Don't put yourself down. :)

Obviously, the vampire DNA/blood whatever you call it (I'm not a doctor) is not the dominant gene...the maternal gene is. So going along the lines of what you and @ Kiara already said she's not special in terms of gifted abilities except for her blood. Her blood cures and gives nourishment to Sung-yeol. Don't know if that rule applies to other vampires. If so, will she use her blood to save her great grandpa Gwi if he succumbs to a fatal injury? Maybe this will make him have a change of heart to humans?


I think I would be ok with Gwi leaving Joseon in the end. If Yoon cast him out then he won't have any power to return and rule over humans.
The human kings would sacrifice people with no apologies so I don't expect a vampire without a heart to know better.

If he dies then that'd be fine too.


Uhm ... Love to read all comments here ...


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@ice ..
. Vaman ...what a Lovely .... Nice nickname ...


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@Mien, lol, glad you like it. Too much time on my hands while waiting for our next episode. :)


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I like it too... Good One ... Hahaha ... LOL


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LOL, thanks! :)


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Can't wait for tomorrow ... Next episode .... I love this drama ...


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this is to who loves Lee Jun Ki. really delight to watch
Specially i dedicate this to Kiara, Ice, tenoh27 and all others.


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Thanks a million for the link, @mido!
Always a pleasure to be able to enjoy another round of the awesomeness that is LJG! ?

(My apology for sounding so fan-girly, couldn't help it whenever I see him ...??)


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@mido That is so sweet of you to think of us! LJK's fan girls are so considerate and humble.

Did you hear his helium voice on IG? OMG, he is the cutest thing ever! If you haven't, you should check it out. I almost died laughing so hard because of cuteness! <3


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Awww thank you Mido :). You are the best! <3.


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I really want to be that lady that is fanning oppa and wiping his sweat. But of course, only cuter so he can notice me. LOL.


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Thk U Mido ... What can I say ... LJK is like Korea - Jacky Chan ... he did the stunt him-self .... all dangerous scene ..he even help the choreographer on the fighting scene ...


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Hmm, hope that is the only thing they have in common, @yaya. While I admire JC as an action star, his hard work and movies (some), am no fan of his at all.

Unfortunately, am those judgemental person who don't really separate an entertainer's personal life from their professional life (on some issues, at least), so am really hoping that aside from their professionalism on set and success, there are not much other similarities. It would really be upsetting if I cannot even have LJG as an actor to fangirl over. ?


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Preview for Ep 17:


Seem we might be in for more "fabuliciousness". ?


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This was one of the better previews that we've seen. Yayyyyyhhhh, can't wait!!!!


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Thank you so much tenoh27 can't wait for today's episode.
@ ice. no i haven't yet, i will check it out.


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Oo LOve U soooo much tenoh ... . JUnki shi with Long Hair ... so HOT HOT HOT ....Gonna watch it tonight (Raw) ... Can't wait !!!


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Plus the fact that some of us will be having a wish come true for a villainy LJG (even if he just appears for 2 minutes)! ?


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I second that @ a villainy LJG!


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yaya, I have to resist to not watch it raw! You are very brave.


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Oh my..I watched a short preview of episode 17 in you tube & I feel like I'm hyperventilating..
He is so handsome..so pretty.^_^
I watched it several times..so mesmerizing...those eyes & long hair.
I can't take my eyes off him..so handsomely pretty..
I am very excited for the coming episode...happiness overload for us all.^_^.


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So happy!!!
Happiness overload to us all!!!
Can't help myself.^_^


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..watched the raw videos & I can't understand a thing.
regardless..I'm still so happy.^=^
hope to read the recaps soon...


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5 stars for this episode


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This show could’ve been AMAZING! But the writing and flow of it was just not good. Also a bit of over-acting. The story was there and I really wanted to love it because I LOVE me some K-dramas! So I was bummed how I had to basically force myself to finish watching this series.


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