Village: Secret of Achiara: Episode 3

For the wimps among us (which includes me), you may want to watch Village in the light of day, or at least with all your lights turned on. It’s not expressly scary, in that there’s no violence or gore or even a creepy paranormal angle. It’s more that the show plays up the suspense, creating tons of tension-filled moments to keep us on edge, and then making us jump with eerie music or surprise cuts or startling moments.

In that sense a lot of the fear is created by the director rather than the story, which is interesting. I find myself in the odd position of wanting the show to be less scary (my nerves are wimpy with suspense), but also a lot more scary (the plot could use some actual fright factor).


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EPISODE 3: “The woman nobody looks for”

It’s a rainy night in Achiara when high school mean girl Ga-young sneaks out and gets picked up by a driver she knows, on her way to meet her friends. The driver puts a hand on her leg, and suddenly Ga-young looks worried, while back at home her mother finds her bedroom empty.

When we come back to the car, though, it’s a woman who steps out of the driver’s seat, dressed in a tight dress and fishnet stockings. Hm.

At the police station, Woo-jae takes a late-night call. Ga-young’s mother heads out into town in the rain to search for her daughter, and the situation triggers a flashback, showing her through the woods in the rain, mouth gagged like she’s escaped from a kidnapper. She’d tripped in the woods as her attacker approached, a man dressed in all black.

Which is why Mom screams now as a man in black approaches her in the street, who turns out to be Woo-jae. He tells her to go home while he looks for Ga-young, but Mom seems locked in her memory, stammering, “P-please… s-spare my life.”

Ga-young appears in the street, thankfully safe, startled to see her mother out here in the rain. Her mother staggers to her feet, then sends Ga-young to the ground with an angry slap.

After finding that heart necklace in her apartment, So-yoon visits her family’s ashes. She assumes it’s another copy of the necklace unni once bought for them and opens the vault to leave it there, but something strikes her as odd. There’s an urn of ashes for each parent, but nothing for unni.

So-yoon checks with the office in charge of the vaults, insisting on seeing the records to see what happened to unni’s ashes. The office manager assumes she’s overreacting, but is shocked to find that only her parents were listed. There’s no entry for the sister having a space here.

Yoo-na goes to the police station to identify the mysterious corpse as Hye-jin’s, showing her matching bracelet to back up the claim. Woo-jae says that’s hardly proof, but she informs him that Hye-jin made them herself, so they’re unique.

Then Yoo-na joins her friend Ba-woo in the woods to dig up that time capsule. When they arrive at the site, they find a big gaping hole in the ground where they’d been digging the other night. It was dark then, but now they see that someone else got the capsule before they did.

Ba-woo points out that the two of them and Hye-jin were the only ones who knew where it was. Yoo-na wonders if Hye-jin had taken it, which means maybe it’ll be among her belongings.

Oppa Ki-hyun drives past So-yoon at the bus stop, and offers her a ride into town. Small talk leads to the question of where her family is, and she explains that they died in an accident. Ki-hyun doesn’t see until the last second that Yoo-na’s riding her bike in the road, and screeches the car to a stop before hitting her.

Yoo-na clocks that her brother’s with So-yoon and shoots him a glare. So-yoon mentions that Yoo-na’s mother talked to her about seeing dead Hye-jin and asks if it’s scary. Yoo-na replies that it was scarier seeing So-yoon that night: “The dead don’t scare me. It’s the living who are scary.”

Yoo-na says the dead body is Hye-jin, telling her about their matching bracelets. So-yoon wonders how a village resident could have escaped everyone’s notice, and Yoo-na replies, “Because nobody looked for her. I’m going to catch that murderer.”

Woo-jae puzzles over Yoo-na’s claim—she’s not exactly a reliable source, but he did hear the rumor of Hye-jin disappearing. The problem is, nobody reported that disappearance, so she’s not officially noted anywhere as being missing.

Woo-jae heads over to talk to the nosy ajumma neighbor, who turns out to be a fortuneteller. She shares her suspicions that Hye-jin didn’t leave willingly, recalling that before she went missing, she’d brought home a bunch of goldfish—not something you’d do if you were intending to skip town. When they eventually forced open Hye-jin’s apartment, those goldfish were all dead and rotting.

Woo-jae asks why ajumma didn’t file a report, and ajumma retorts, “Why should I report her? That’s for her family to do.” From her apartment, So-yoon overhears the whole conversation.

So-yoon goes to the police with the suspicion that her sister, whom she’d thought dead, may be alive. But she has no concrete clues, so Sergeant Han tells her they have no way of tracking her down.

Woo-jae interjects to say that the police system is super capable and will be able to find the relevant information right away. He tries to engage in a team cheer, which he has to finish on his own when the other two leave him hanging, ha.

He puts in the request to see the accident report with the traffic department, where his contact says he’s so busy he hasn’t had time to look into it. Woo-jae gets indignant on So-yoon’s behalf, but his colleague just tells him to do it himself if he cares so much.

At the dinner table, Assemblyman Seo asks Yoo-na why she lied to the police about being attacked in the street. Ji-sook jumps in to give the smooth answer, that Yoo-na fell and got dirty and thought lying would get her in less trouble. Assemblyman Seo sighs that his elder child never gave him this much trouble, but Ki-hyun says that he had his phase too—Dad just didn’t know about it since he was busy all the time.

Yoo-na’s amazed to hear that her brother hated Ji-sook when she first became his stepmother, and Ki-hyun answers that for a year he wouldn’t speak to her. But she tried daily to connect with him, writing notes in his lunch, showing concern for his well-being.

Out of the blue, Yoo-na announces that Mom lied just now, and tells her father accusingly that she saw Hye-jin’s ghost, and that the body is Hye-jin. She seems awfully angry at him in particular—does she think he had a hand in killing his mistress?

Ji-sook looks at the assemblyman with some fear and tries with no success to shush Yoo-na. Assemblyman Seo is ready to lock her up in a psych ward, saying seeing ghosts means she’s crazy. Ji-sook says that their daughter wouldn’t be in this condition “if that thing hadn’t happened.” He retorts, “You didn’t do anything good either.”

Assemblyman Seo puts in a call to see whether the police have identified the corpse. Hearing a negative, he wonders where Yoo-na got her information.

Yoo-na drops in on Ki-hyun to ask oppa for a favor—to get a job at Dad’s company for an unni she knows. It’s the demand Ga-young made of her in exchange for information about that body.

Ga-young shows up at school with her hair hacked off in ungainly chunks. A mother’s punishment, perhaps? She perks up to hear that on the outing she missed, her friends ran into Agasshi (Lady). In a photo, we see the fishnet-clad woman we’d seen stepping out of the car—and I don’t suppose it’s too much of a giveaway to say it’s a man in drag.

Ki-hyun takes up the school director post at the middle-high school, where he tracks down So-yoon to ask about Yoo-na’s request. He finds it strange that his sister would ask this kind of favor of an older student, when she doesn’t have any friends her age. Ki-hyun has agreed to give the job, intending to keep an eye on the girl, and So-yoon promises to pay attention to Yoo-na.

Yoo-na meets with Ga-young to tell her she’ll get her job, and asks for the answer about Hye-jin’s killer. Ga-young says she won’t tell until she’s officially employed. Yoo-na asks about her hair, and Ga-young just replies that something huge happened, but a kid like Yoo-na doesn’t need to know it.

Ga-young lights up to see art teacher Gun-woo in the hall, stopping to primp. But he’s waylaid by another student, who flirtatiously asks for a pass on her homework. Suddenly stone-faced, she walks by without a word, glaring at the other student. Eek, I wouldn’t like to be that girl right now.

And wouldn’t you know, as that girl walks by her on the staircase, Ga-young gives her back a shove, sending her tumbling down the steps. Gun-woo didn’t see the push, but as soon as he meets eyes with Ga-young he seems to have a clue as to what happened. That she’s a devil-child?

So-yoon sees not only the push down the stairs but also the strange exchange between Gun-woo and Ga-young. Hm.

Ba-woo breaks into a locked storage closet containing Hye-jin’s belongings and starts rooting through her things. He beams upon finding what he’s looking for—the time capsule.

Gun-woo prepares a romantic dinner at home for his (secret?) girlfriend, pharmacist Joo-hee. It’s their third anniversary and he presents her with a necklace, and throws out a proposal. She replies, “I can’t marry a con man like you.” He replies that if she’s going to be conned, she might as well get married and be conned right. So… yes, shady teacher is shady.

Gun-woo tells Joo-hee of the new school director, and she comments that Ji-sook was after the position and must be smarting to have it go to her stepson. Ji-sook looks like an angel, she says, but she’s full of ambition. She adds that she’ll put in a good word to get Gun-woo upped from temporary contract to full-time teacher, which makes him happy.

In an art workshop, So-yoon sits next to Yoo-na as they work on glass sculpture and casually asks whether Yoo-na has any close girlfriends to confide in, and why she thinks Hye-jin was killed. Yoo-na replies that Hye-jin had said there was a monster in their village, and that the monster would kill her. She doesn’t know why, but she intends to find out.

It’s Ji-sook’s studio, and she overhears the exchange nearby. She asks So-yoon how the chat went, though it’s still too early for much to have come of the attempt to bond.

She steps aside to take a call from Woo-jae, and is stunned to hear that he confirmed her sister survived the car crash and were taken to the hospital. Next he’ll have to confirm with hospital records, and he assures her that he’ll let her know what he finds. She thanks him profusely, lighting up with hope as she confides to Ji-sook that her sister may be alive.

Woo-jae inquires at the art academy where Hye-jin once worked, and while the director tries to fob him off with vague answers, she has a chipper assistant who offers up all the information: Hye-jin worked here for six months, and was terminated after not showing up for a week. The director admits remembering after all, saying that it was quite a pain covering Hye-jin’s classes, and that she tried to call and got no response.

Woo-jae is appalled that the extent of her interest stopped here, and that she didn’t try looking further into the disappearance. The director replies that she doesn’t know Hye-jin’s family, and employees skipping out on work is hardly rare. He asks for Hye-jin’s hiring documents, and gets them from the helpful assistant.

A police sketch is submitted for the unidentified body, and Woo-jae scratches his head over the poor quality. (The face is beautiful, though nothing at all like Hye-jin.) He was able to locate Hye-jin’s mother, but they’d been out of contact for five years and the mother hadn’t known anything.

It’s a good thing Woo-jae has the level-headed Sergeant Han to direct his efforts, since he’s the one who suggests finding Hye-jin’s dental records through her health insurance. Just then, he gets a call alerting him to a theft from Hye-jin’s old apartment.

Nothing was stolen, which is puzzling because the lock was clearly broken and the contents searched. Hearing that the tenant in question was Hye-jin, Woo-jae looks through the belongings and takes a photograph of Hye-jin lodged in one of her books.

He runs into So-yoon on his way out, and she guesses the photograph is of his girlfriend. Heh, I notice that Woo-jae is becoming flustered and awkward around So-yoon, and he blurts that it’s absolutely not his girlfriend, which is a thing he doesn’t have. He identifies it as Hye-jin, insisting that it’s only for investigation purposes, and that he has no other interest in it.

Assemblyman Seo checks in with the police chief about the status of the investigation, displeased to hear that they haven’t ruled it an accident as he wanted. The chief insists (feebly) that the corpse was once a person, who deserves to be investigated properly. Assemblyman Seo lauds him for his righteousness, but advises him to be more efficient about the process. Message delivered. The chief agrees to rule it an accident if nothing turns up by the end of the week.

He gets a call from pharmacist Joo-hee, and while they talk pleasantly, I’m guessing there’s a river of dislike between the two in-laws. She mentions Ki-hyun’s new post as school director, and guesses that Ji-sook was disappointed not to get it. The assemblyman just laughs that it was all Grandma’s doing.

Ki-hyun calls in Ga-young regarding the job, and asks why she wants to work at the company and whether she’s friendly with Yoo-na. Ga-young replies that she likes Yoo-na for being quirky and cute, and promises to continue being friends with her: “Yoo-na and I communicate our feelings quite well with each other.”

He agrees to take her on as a secretary’s assistant with a three-month probationary period, and his father happens by as the meeting finishes. Assemblyman Seo looks approvingly on the pretty girl (ugh, of course he would), but Ki-hyun looks at her sharply when she knows who the assemblyman is on sight.

Dad instructs Ki-hyun to promote Gun-woo to a permanent teacher position, which must have been Joo-hee’s reason for calling. Ki-hyun asks why, only to have Dad say all he needs is to do as told.

Woo-jae posts Hye-jin’s photograph next to her police sketch, finding it a poor match. Then he pesters Sergeant Han for a hint regarding that serial killer mark that he mentioned earlier, swearing to keep the secret. Sergeant Han gives a partial clue: The serial killer left something in all the victim’s bodies, but that wasn’t found in Hye-jin’s.

Hye-jin’s former dentist is located, and Woo-jae jumps to move on to the next step of comparing her records to the corpse’s.

Ga-young meets with Yoo-na now that her job has been secured, and this time she obliges Yoo-na with a photograph of Hye-jin’s killer. She hands over her phone, and on it is the photo of “Agasshi” her friends had taken the other night. Yup, definitely a dude.

Yoo-na stares blankly, and Ga-young explains that Agasshi is a notorious pervert. Yoo-na wonders how she can know he’s the killer, and Ga-young leans in to whisper the answer, which makes Yoo-na’s eyes widen. Ga-young adds that she went to the corpse site to confirm it with her own eyes.

Ga-young is pretty cavalier about the case having nothing to do with her, but Yoo-na tells her the body is Hye-jin’s, and that seems to mean something. At the very least it makes her care.

That night, Yoo-na sits through another crafts session, this time at So-yoon’s apartment, though she’s more interested in texting Ba-woo that she found who the killer is.

Looking around the room, she sees the painting of a woman and baby and seems to recognize it, though she’s surprised to hear it was Hye-jin’s. So-yoon calls it a warm picture, depicting a mother and child, but Yoo-na finds it more along the lines of horrible, eyeing it darkly. I’m with the kid on this one.

Yoo-na excuses herself abruptly, since Ga-young has arranged to meet her at “that place,” and hurries to a dark shack in the woods where Ga-young waits. Agasshi has just left the premises, but Ga-young is too nervous to go inside, though she promises to call Yoo-na as a sign to run away if Agasshi returns.

Alone, Yoo-na heads inside the creaky shack lined with wigs and women’s clothing. Gack, this whole scene is nerve-wracking, as Yoo-na makes her way through the hovel, finding lots of junk and clutter but no real clues.

Outside, Ga-young spots headlights approaching in the distance and hurries to hide Yoo-na’s bike out of view. Huddling in the bushes, she watches Agasshi step out decked out in party clothing and inspecting a tire.

The police receive the results of the dental record comparison. At home, So-yoon hears that her sister was released from the hospital healthy, not seeing Yoo-na’s dropped phone ringing—she’d forgotten to take it with her, which means she can’t hear Ga-young’s warning calls.

Ga-young looks on in horror as Yoo-na’s flashlight shines brightly through the window as she looks around. Outside, Agasshi doesn’t see because he’s hunched over to fix the tire, but it’s a precarious situation….

Intent on inspecting something on a shelf, Yoo-na sets her flashlight down—pointing straight out the window. Yoo-na reaches up to retrieve a box, which falls to the ground and spills a stack of photographs—all of Hye-jin.

Woo-jae reads the dental results: They’re a match. Hye-jin is the dead body.

Inside the shack, footsteps sound behind Yoo-na, and she turns slowly to face the sound. It’s Agasshi.


It’s an interesting choice to identify the corpse for us right away, given that it solves one of the biggest mysteries for us before the story has gotten very far. And while I leave open the possibility that Agasshi isn’t the killer (or that there are additional killers afoot), it also seems rather likely that he’s a culprit and criminal. So how will the show maintain its level of suspense when these questions are already answered?

I don’t think it’s impossible to accomplish, and I have seen dramas that continued to be compelling after we found out who the killer/culprit was. And for sure, the why question could certainly be more interesting than the who, especially since it seems as though practically anybody could have done it. Even outwardly sweet Ki-hyun, who had a moment where the camera seemed to linger on him meaningfully just as Yoo-na was vowing to root out the murderer.

Given a lot of obvious suspects—the ruthless assemblyman, the smarmy Gun-woo, the town pervert with Hye-jin’s photo in his shack—I hope the drama will manage to at least twist the explanation in an interesting way, so that we get more to the story than the obvious answer.

I’m intrigued by the unexpected alliances that are starting to crop up, such as Yoo-na and Ga-young, the latter of whom I wasn’t sure I’d ever like; I dearly wanted to smack some sense into her last week. I could find myself warming to her depending on how her relationship with Yoo-na develops, though she is also the jealous brat who literally shoved a girl down the stairs for flirting with the cute teacher. That was a pretty evil place to take her if we’re then going to turn her around, considering her lack of conscience about it.

I do also like our bumbling officer Woo-jae’s burgeoning interest in So-yoon, because it’s making him even more bumbling and cute, and adds some appreciated levity to the proceedings. I do wish he were a little quicker on the uptake since he seems pretty naive for an investigator, but maybe he’ll need to join forces with So-yoon and Yoo-na in order to be his most effective. Right now he wins points for caring and pursuing the case—it’s partially because he’s just bored at his job, but also in part because he has a genuine interest in asking after Hye-jin and seeing through the case, as he feels every decent neighbor and citizen ought to feel.

I’m less interested in So-yoon’s relationship with Yoo-na thus far, mostly because it’s still in the forced stages. I was hoping So-yoon would find a genuine way to forge some bonds, and I still expect some kind of turn down the road, but right now she’s doing the annoying adult thing of trying to act interested in a child and gain their confidence, thinking the child won’t know it’s all a calculated ploy to gain their trust. Which is the total opposite of how trust works.


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I just really wish SBS would license this to Viki or Dramafever for subs. I can't understand why they're doing this.


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Viki already sub it.. but we need to be patient.. Ep 3 haven't subbed too.


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Its on Viki now! :))


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Oh yay! That's good to hear since I haven't checked in a while. Time to play catch-up now! Thanks girls :)


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It's still a fan channel so you may not see it on all platforms. Like, I can see it on my tablet but not my smart tv.


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I get viki on my SamSung TV...


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On another note: cool new rating system for posts, DB! :D


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I was hoping we'd get a post explaining it. Who gets to vote on it exactly??


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Ignore this comment I literally just got the rating popup for the first time after I posted the comment above LOL. Very cool feature!!! Can we also get likes back DB? *wink wink*

Anyway thanks for the recap!


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Ahh i was wondering the same thing yesterday. Wow I like this new feature!

Anyway, thanks for the warning jb! I was planning to watch the first 2 eps tonight but now I think I better wait because I only use one small lamp at night *shivers*


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i have to coment to ssee what you are talking about. loe this drama.


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yeahh the rating system is cool! :)


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ikr. my first was d-day's post hehe..

and gonna rate this post high cuz i love this show :D


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This ep gave me so many chills it was great! I only read the recaps for the first two eps.. and I just love it.

I think the pharmacist is the murderer! maybe..aha.


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I'm a wimp too.. But even then I agree with JB, this drama needs to be more scary.. It's only get scary occasionally, especially towards the end of the eps. The cliffhanger can give someone a heart attack.


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That was fast javabeans. Thanks for the recap. I watched the show live yesterday and was pretty much jumpy and scared towards the end. But....I wondered what exchange actually happened between Ga young and the driver. I was guessing probably the driver was the smarmy Gun Woo. No? ar...so much of suspense.


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Also thought that the driver was Gun Woo. I dont´t think Ga Young would have gone overboard over a tiny flirt if they didn´t have something going on. I find her quite fascinating. Instead of bullying all the pretty students out of Gun Woo´s radar, she does the math differently. The push down the stairs was a clear sign for Gun Woo (not the girl) that HE´s the one who should be careful and stay away from other women (hee! "women"!). HE is responsible if something happens to them.
I still like her. Maybe it´s because she still has some girl-next-door vibe to her. Even after the push I don´t see her as an alien from some meanland, but an actual person. Perhaps I´m just getting used to the Village, where everybody´s a bit (or a bit more) shady, greedy, harboring a secret or two and what-not.


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I saw it as a warning to Gun Woo too. However, I still think she's a bully and a liar. Hopefully she can become a better person by bonding with Yoo Na.

Does anyone else think Ga Young might be a child of rape? Her mother's flashback points to a long history of hidden evils in this town.


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Heol! Didn´t think that far:D


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Yes! I thought that Ga Young was a child of rape after that scene too, plus they didn't show Ga Young's dad so far, so I think its actually highly possible.


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I'm guessing that the cross-dressing driver is the shifty looking guy that popped up in front of the notice board when poster of the victim's clothing and effects was put up, back in ep 2(?).

Thanks for the recap, JB. Quite an engaging show. :-)


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I find that Aghassi very creepy>_< I knew he was behind yoo-na in the last scene but still i creeped out.

Could it be so-yoon's sister is hye-jin?


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I hate to think it may be her sister, but I do.


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Off topic but was "she was pretty" not aired today? I've been expecting all day long only to come home and not find it on Viki or even a raw online.
I'm sure this drama will find a way to keep the suspense. I always find myself hiding under the sheets while watching. Still don't know who the real murderer is.


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ep 9 of She Was Pretty will air tomorrow..apparently there was a baseball game that was still airing during their time slot so it was canceled. :/


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SWP is not aired last night in Korea due to baseball game and tonight MBC will only air ep 9.
Next week will be ep 10 and 11.
There are tons of SWP fans who are disappointed.. But probably it will be the chance to take a look at The Village? Haha.
I watch both shows, btw.


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So many people seemed to be involved and yet no one seem to know what's happening. It keeps me guessing ...I like it.


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Was it just me that thought 'Aghasshi' was not scary/creepy at all? Other than being called a pervert by highschoolers there was no indication of them being a bad person or a creep (unlike like practically everyone else in the show). The part with the trio of girls was completely vague. Maybe there is a reason there but they seemed to scream just at seeing Aghasshi's appearance.

Also I weirdly emphasized with them when they were fixing the tire. I feel like the director did it on purpose. It's hard to explain but Aghasshi's facial expressions/reactions throughout the whole ep were like normal/grounded and totally not creepy. They really didnt seem like a bad person and I actually wanted the kid to get caught bc i honestly felt like she wasnt in danger and was interested to learn more about Aghasshi. Also, seeing all the clothing+wigs this seems more than just a hobby or sth.

It was a pretty interesting ep. THanks for the recap!


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No, you were not alone. Agasshi wasn´t creepy at all, though it remains unclear why she had the pictures of Hye Jin and what was it that Ga Young saw that made her think that Agasshi did it.
I don´t think she´ll do anything to Yoo Na. Maybe only scare her a little. I´m sure that Yoo Na is not the first one to come poking around her shack out of curiosity, to pull a prank or for smth else. Agasshi is bound to draw some unwanted attention if she´s the notorious pervert.
I do like the parallel of her and Hye Jin in this episode, though. They´re both women that everybody´s trying to ignore to the point as if they´re not existing, or that she ever did in Hye Jin´s case.


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I also wasn't bothered by the character. I also thought the scene with the three girls was told by one if their POVs so who knows what his actual expression was at the time and his actions were indeed vague. It's just being different automatically gives you blame - and I've found that, at least in kdramas, the word pervert is used too easily. Then again I don't know what the clinching "evidence" was that was whispered in her ear. I imagine he has photos of women he wishes he looked like. With the mannequin and stuff I felt like they were trying to link to Silence of the Lambs....but more to okay off viewer expectations instead of him actually being like that.


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It looked like it was trans-phobia at work. (Remember, -phobia means fear and aversion which is more how transphobia and homophobia typically manifest). It was very disturbing, and seemed like some mean kids picking on a local person just because she is different.

Speaking of, it's appropriate to refer to a transgender person as whatever gender they're identifying as, so the pronoun should be she. (Admittedly maybe this is a guy dressing in drag for ~reasons~ and not a trans person but since the makeup is not theatrical looking I'd assume trans. I haven't seen ep 4 yet though.)

Anyway this sequence was disturbing and I rather hope it turns out to be a case of holding up society's knee-jerk suspicion instead of the cliche of the gay/trans/weird person actually being a pervy villain. The thing is, Korea is decades behind the US on not flipping out over these issues and normally any gay character is either coded or ambiguous. If it's explicit the part is minor or very negative (victims usually). It's definitely a "stage" in social development, and the US went through it too.


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She was Beautiful wasn't air due to baseball matches.


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I don't understand how these kids have the nerve to go around the village at nighttime, especially in a village where serial killings happen or where a recent dead body was unearthed. The kids' parents don't tell them to stay inside at night? I am scared as an adult. If I were a child, I would be scared triple times.

P.S. The child in God's Gift: 14 Days was the worst wanderer of them all.


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Cool ratings system btw :)


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I would be absolutely terrified... I haven't even watched the drama (only read the recap) and I don't want to turn any lights off or get out of bed...


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I also get scared for sometime after watching scary shows.


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Technically, the village isn't where the serial killings are happening. They're all over the province, so there's some general fear, but Achiara remains (technically) crime-free.

(I'd still keep my kids inside, though!)


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Ok thanks, JB! :)


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Frankly, if I thought someone was a murderer the LAST thing I would do would be going into their house at night by myself. At any age! However I am pretty sure this was a lie on Ga Young's part to get a job.


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Ikr?! I wouldn't even go in the neighborhood of that house.
Btw, the next episode says why Ga Young said it :)


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Nine (9) year old Han Saet-Byeol sure was. Watching Ahn Seo-Hyun play Seo Yoo-Na, a couple of times I couldn't help but wonder about and imagine her playing the Han Saet-Byeol character in GG14D.

I'm so glad you posed this question. I've been wondering about it too. Once upon a time the general rule of thumb for most parents was that kids/children said goodbye to friends and came inside from playing when it got dark outside.


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I really was hoping this drama wouldn't be too creepy... But I get chills just from reading the recaps.. Guess this Drama isn't for me... I look forward to the recaps though.. :)


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What an intriguing series. Thank you for the quick turn around on the recap. I'm loving this show.

As for ahgassi, I'm looking forward to know that new character. She is not creepy, just walk like she is ready to beat the crap out of someone.


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Thanks for the recap JB! And so fast!

This is the first time I have watched a Kdrama raw, and while I missed a few details, I did get the gist of the story. I have to agree with javabeans that a lot of the suspense is due to the music and editing/cutting, rather than the story. I do like how it's starting to line up the "innocents" against the people who have something to hide. Or that could just be the setup for a twist; we'll see.

I too did not get the creepy vibe from the cross-dressing guy, YET. I wasn't sure if the photos were just for cross-dressing inspiration, like a teenage girl would hang pictures of models wearing clothes she likes in her room, or if they had a more sinister purpose. I think I will be very disappointed if this guy is the killer. Just too easy, too cliche, but there is some connection with Hye-jin. And I find it strange casting to pick an actor to play this character who has such obvious male characteristics. As soon as "she" took one step out of the car we knew it was a man. I can think of a lot of idols and actors who could carry the look off much more convincingly, and add another layer of mystery to the role, or at least make us wonder a little longer.

The actress playing Yoo Na is doing a really credible job. And I like how the writer is developing her character. She seems like she has nerves of steel, or that combination of youthful belief in her own immortality with innocence of how evil humans can actually be. Regardless, the acting feels very natural.

And where is walnut guy?

So happy to hear that Viki is subbing! Thanks subbers!


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Right! Where´s the walnut guy? What the heck was that about anyway? We spent the first two ep scaring So-yoon with rainy Wednesdays, rolling walnuts, strange guys, flickering lights ( I really wish they´d fix the light in the corridor, it´s getting silly), corpses etc, that I felt little confused that she suddenly took the passanger´s seat this ep. Yes, she found out that her sister didn´t die, but that was pretty much it. On the other hand, I like having Yoo-na in the center. She´s helluva bad-ass little inspector.


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I have to say I'm loving how well the character of creepy teacher has been written. He started out as a complete jerk in episode 1 and proved to be an observant capable teacher in episode 2. It's reflective of the fact that humans are complex beings with varied life experiences and are capable of both good and bad things. In fact, this is why, when a popular person does something horrible, people have a hard time believing it, because they have seen the person do genuinely good decent things. More so, his decent side is visible in his public behaviour and his jerk side in his more private interactions. Which also comes across as realistic.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying I like the character, but I'm liking the complexity in the writing.


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I agree. He is really well written and acted.

Do you think the necklace he gave the pharmacist was bought with the money he stole from her? They have a really twisted relationship.


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Also, Ga-young's behaviour seems pretty odd. I haven't seen the episode yet, but from the recap it's implied that Agasshi was the driver of the car she got into right? Why would somebody willingly get into a car with someone they think is a killer and pervert? And the fact that she was so happy that her friends later met the woman. I mean she (ga-young) met her too right?


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Thanks much JB for the recap. I too hope this show can continue to be interesting and suspenseful.

But today's episode got me confused. When Woo-Jae learned about Hye-Jin's dental records matching that of the dead body, did that confirm Hye-Jin is not Soo-Yoon's older sister? I thought the previous episode hinted that Hye-Jin maybe Soo-Yoon's older sister through the necklace. Aaah, I think I need to re-read today's recap and watch ep 3 soon. :-)


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It doesn't make that connection, but it also doesn't deny it either. Right now they are 2 different people and we only have our imagination to connect them as one and the same.


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I just downloaded epi 1 and 2 with proper subs. I am a little late from everyone.


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where did you download it


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You can download it from dramacool.com. Usually I will use "standard Server" or "Server HD" for download. It is easy, just right click on the video, and click on "Save Video As".. Otherwise you can use other server, if i am not mistaken "mp4upload". There will be download link there.
Hope it helps :)


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That last scence.... Oop


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I'm too scared to watch the show, but i'm really enjoying the recaps! Thanks Javabeans!


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Thanks JB for recap ??


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Thanks for the recap JB. I can't wait for tonight's episode.

I have to say this Agasshi character doesn't look like a killer to me. I don't know, I think he just really likes pretty girls. There was this one scene where he scared a bunch of girls and I thought maybe he just wanted to be friends with them. That sound silly I know but that's what I got from that scene and from the looks of the preview I wouldn't be surprised if he developed some sort of relationship/friendship with Hye-jin as well. Wouldn't that be adorable, maybe he could even help identify the real killer. That walnut guy though, when the Agasshi guy was first shown I thought it could be him because they had similar built and his profile is kind of similar too but now I don't know.

I must say, I really enjoy all the characters from this show. All of them are doing an incredible job even the smaller characters like Ba-woo and Sergeant Han.

P.S. How long was Ki-hyun gone from Achiara? I wouldn't want it, but if he ends up being the killer I wouldn't be too surprised.


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Gap Dong vibe very strong here.

How many suspect killers are we going to have?


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I have 7 right now.


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I see at least 5, and maybe a few more that are involved by withholding evidence and/or covering things up. But my idea of who is the main changes every 15 min.


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Loving this! Thanks for the quick recap JB! Thrilled it's getting subbed!


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I accidentally clicked one star---I though I had to click all the stars to give a five star rating!!!


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Well, about the walnut guy, probably every guy in this show (including police, art teacher, agasshi, etc) has short hairstyle similar to walnut guy. So I can't draw conclusion.
Anyway the first time I see walnut guy (ep 1), he's really scared me. Wth, is he a stalker? Just average townsfolk?


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I'm wondering if he isn't the crossdresser?


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I suspect so.


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Did anybody notice that the car Ga-young got into and the car that Aghassi got out of aren't the same? She was riding in a sedan and he got out of a hybrid(?). I don't think we're supposed to think the driver that touched her is the crossdresser.

Similarly, the car Ki-young tapped Yoo-na with and the car he was attaching her bike to were also different. However, that I think was either a misstep or some very misguided PPL. The way they cut the scene was shifty, but I think he's driving a new Maxima. So I briefly wondered if HE was the mystery driver, so I was trying to compare the bodies of the cars. But when he's messing with the bike they show a hybrid. You can't mount a bike on a maxima (or possibly an Ultima), so I assumed he was just gonna awkwardly stuff it it in the trunk. I guess since they needed Yoo-na and Corpse teacher to talk longer than it would take to do that, they kept him occupied by switching the car. Does this dismantle the first theory?


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What about the jacket? The man in the car had a jacket that looked similar to the jacket Yoo Na's brother laid out on top of the car. Or do I need an eye exam?


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I hadn't noticed the car guy wearing a jacket and didn't see the jacket on top of the car. Maybe I need an eye exam. Went back and checked and I think they're both leather so you may be right.


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Woops, his name is Ki-hyun, not Ki-young.


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I don't think Ki Hyun was the mystery driver.

When he interviewed Ga Yong for the job, there was nothing to show that they knew each other. Whereas Ga Yong was quiet pleased when she knew who the driver that had been following her was and acted with some familiarity with him, until he put his hands on her thigh that is. Further, if she knows Ki Hyung personally, she wouldn't need to get the interview through Yoo Na.


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That's true. Unless their manner was formal for that particular setting to keep up appearances (offices always have glass windows in dramas for some reason), and his confusion/suspicion was because he knows her well enough to know that she and Yoo-na wouldn't be close. She maybe went through Yoo-na because she knew he wouldn't have helped her and she wanted to be nearer though he wanted them on the dl.

Reading this back, I know I'm reaching, but I'm pretty sure Ki-hyun is guilty--maybe not the Wednesday killer, but of something. So far, except for Boy Wonder and Corpse Teacher, everyone else has something to hide and they haven't hinted at anything for him yet.


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I'm suspicious Ki Hyun because he left town at around the same time Hye Jin disappeared. They never said why he left did they?


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I think Ki-Hyun was driving a Volvo (SUV, Cross Country Wagon, or Plug-in Hybrid) when he was attaching Yoo-Na's bike to the car.


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Wasn't sure about starting this drama but now I am completely hooked. Thanks for the recaps ^^


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My first guess - There are 3 killers. Two are the serial killers and the other is the killer of the teacher.
Clue to 2 serial killers to me - Wednesdays when it rains. This seems very by appointment and made that way so that both can do it at the same time.
Clue to teacher killer not a serial killer - the body was hidden away in a building and not in a splashy look at what I did style

But I think the body being found drew the serial killers out in the Village area, where they may have been hiding and keeping a low profile before that.


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Why does your theory scare the beejeezus out of me?!


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Thanks JavaBeans for an excellent recap! I've been switching back and forth from watching it raw and reading the recaps to make sure I'm understanding everything correctly. It's probably how many watched it before fast subs. Thanks!

Does anyone have a theory as to why the 2 girls were declared dead in the newspaper article? Why the girls were separated? Why Soo Yoon didn't know her unni was alive? If the accident really was one? The only thing I can come up with is a land grab by the assemblyman-cheating-greedy-pervert-misogynistic-father. (Yeah, I really don't like him.)


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I have to say that I dint fubd this show scary at all. I think the scary music is overused...it's used almost every other scene and since it often leads to nothing I've gotten rather desensitized to it already. It seems like it's mostly who feels this way but I actually fubd the use of music rather amateur. Hitchcock was a master. Also silence or something really unexpected draws bigger reactions out of me.

But I do enjoy this show! I just think for me it's actually a bit more campy/funny than it's supposed to be (not a lot, but a little). What I do love though is the interweaving of so many characters and trying to figure everything out. I have a lot of guesses. Some seem pretty obvious but some seem really well hidden. It's a fun show.


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I think I'm desensitized too. I've watched all 4 episodes and none of them have scared or spooked me even the tiniest bit. Nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks the scary music is overused - and not in a good way. However, I will keep watching for the mystery reveals even as I try to figure things out beforehand.


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if there are no ghost maybe I will check ep1 later ...


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I love Village so far despite my huge hate toward horror/scary stories like this. All the secrecy and on-the-outside-sweetness got the best of me; it intrigued me so much that I don't care if it's a horror. And I agree with javabeans, I can see how the director trying to startle us with those 'fake' suspense that I wasn't afraid anymore but at the same time: PLS DON'T BE ANY SCARIER THAN THIS.
I'm glad that the body is identified already cause then we can move onto the next big question. I'm interested to find who's innocent and who's not, because right now everybody seems suspicious for me.

P.S. Why do I have a feeling that Agasshi is actually a nice person? Is it only me??


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I'm going voting crazy!


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Here's my working theory:

I think that the person who drove the truck that killed So Yoons family is related to the assemblyman somehow. Maybe it was Ki Hyun while he was running away, maybe it was Yuna's mother while she was pissed. Maybe it was just a worker from the company doing some suspicious activity. But when they hit So Yoon's family, both the parents died but the children survived and were sent to the hospital. But the assemblyman covers up the story because he doesn't want any scandals by saying that So Yoon's father was drunk or something and veered into the truck instead. He makes the media spread this news, but since the children are alive they don't keep quiet about it. So Yoon probably lost her memory through shock so they leave her alone but Hye Jin didn't and they go after the child to shut her up. But who ever he hires to go after Hye Jin doesn't actually kill her, maybe she runs away but she escapes for sure, the guy just tell the assemblyman that things are taken care of and that everyone is dead. The grandma is forced out of the country with So Yoon to tie up all loose ends and its released that they all died. But Hye Jin grows up and vows to take revenge so she comes back to Achiara and seduces the Assemblyman in order to create a scandal and ruin them or threaten him into revealing the truth about her family. But she knows that she may be killed so she buries a time capsule with evidence of who she is and maybe some evidence of what actually happened that night. Someone finds out about her intentions and she is killed. I actually don't think she's related to the serial killer. And Ki hyun is my prime suspect at the moment as her murderer.


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