Entertainer: Episode 2

This episode rounds off some of the jagged edges of everyone’s history, giving us more information about Seok-ho, Geu-rin, and Ha-neul in particular. Seok-ho’s motivations for promoting Ha-neul are brought to light, but at the same time, he starts to see the error of his ways and feel some genuine feelings about the way he’s been. Meanwhile Ha-neul is also holding onto some secrets, and not just about himself — he may turn out to have a hidden agenda of his own.


Having been mesmerized by the voice singing the study academy’s jingle, Seok-ho goes inside to ask where he can find the owner of that voice. He’s told that the student has dropped out of school and they can’t give out his contact information, but they can direct Seok-ho to his guardian.

Seok-ho gets a copy of the audio file as well, and takes it straight to Min-joo, claiming to have found a musical genius. He plays the jingle for her and Man-shik (hilariously rocking out to it, ha), and proposes they take the money they were given to promote Jackson and use it instead to produce this kid as a ballad singer. When Min-joo barks that that’s fraud, Seok-hoo simpers at her, “That’s why I need you!”

Seok-ho calls Ha-neul’s guardian, surprised when he gets a young-sounding girl instead of his parents. He launches into his credentials and Geu-rin, thinking it’s a scam call, hangs up on him. Twice.

So he resorts to lurking around the academy entrance like a creeper, asking all entering students if they know Jo Ha-neul. He finally finds some students who attend the same high school as Ha-neul, and makes his way there to look for him in person.

Ha-neul is in the counselor’s office where he’s been for several days, refusing to write a formal letter of apology. He quietly insists he did nothing wrong, even when the school counselor whips him over the head with a sheet of paper, calling him a sexual predator.

Seok-ho sees Ha-neul leaving the office and being pelted with sour milk by several students, who call him shameless and tell him to just quit school altogether. Ha-neul bears it with his usual stoic silence, then walks out of the building, followed closely by Seok-ho.

He follows Ha-neul home, and observes as Ha-neul stops to watch some buskers singing in a park. He smiles to see the first glimpse of emotion on the kid’s face, while Ha-neul closes his eyes and his fingers twitch in time to the music.

Ha-neul remembers a time when he’d been on stage with a band, singing and playing instruments, happy. At least, he’d been happy until Geu-rin had rushed in, sobbing with grief.

Back in the present, Ha-neul shakes off his reverie and continues on, eventually making his way to the roof of a building. He stands on the edge, looking out over the beautiful view, seeming about to jump until he hears a voice call out, “This isn’t the place!”

Seok-ho finally reveals himself, casually hopping up to join Ha-neul on the ledge and inform him that this isn’t nearly high enough of a jump to kill him. Heh. He tells Ha-neul that he has a good voice, and that he can always die later, but first he should do what he wants.

Ha-neul says he doesn’t have anything like that, but Seok-ho calls out the lie. He saw Ha-neul’s expression while watching the buskers, and he introduces himself as “someone who wants to produce your album.”

It’s intriguing enough to bring Ha-neul down from the ledge, and they go to eat (though Ha-neul is now acting like a stompy teenager, which amuses Seok-ho). Ha-neul refuses to talk to Seok-ho, though he does perk up a bit when Seok-ho claims to have created both Jackson and KTOP’s biggest girl group, Lucy Girls.

Ha-neul finally tells Seok-ho that it doesn’t matter if he’s a con artist or not — what matters is that he didn’t do enough research on Ha-neul himself, to find out that he’s a convict. HAHA, Seok-ho is all What in the what now?? He regains his composure and says that it’s fine as long as it wasn’t murder or sexual assault, only to do a literal spit-take in Ha-neul’s face when he says it was sexual assault.

Seok-ho asks if that’s why Ha-neul refuses to sing, only to get a thousand-yard stare in return. Ha-neul pays for his food and leaves without further explanation, leaving Seok-ho to gape at his bad manners.

But he’s determined to convince Ha-neul, and he chases him and tells him that he’ll put everything on the line for him, falling into his skeevy music producer persona. Ha-neul just says no thanks, but Seok-ho gives him his business card and tells him to think about it.

Ha-neul plays it cool, but once he’s on the bus he takes out Seok-ho’s card again. At home he takes out a box of old photos and music memorabilia, and there’s a younger Seok-ho in several of them. Interesting.

Geu-rin is happy to see Ha-neul here, and he lies that he told the juvie house guardian that he came to get some books. He shows Geu-rin Seok-ho’s card and tells her that he wants to make Ha-neul a singer, and she realizes that those calls earlier weren’t a scam.

Ha-neul lies awake that night, unable to sleep, and eventually gets up to visit his parent’s resting place. He talks to their photo, saying that he’s thought a lot about what to do with his future. Go to college and get a job? Work on a fishing boat? But no matter how hard he thinks, there’s nothing he wants to do.

With a quavering voice, he says, “Singing is the only thing I want to do.” He tells them that Seok-ho didn’t recognize him, and that even though he knows it’s wrong, he wants to sing with Seok-ho. Would it be a bad thing to work hard, and make music like his hyung couldn’t do?

Seok-ho is waiting outside the building when Ha-neul leaves school the following day, and today, Ha-neul has a different answer for him. “Let’s do it.” But he has one caveat — he wants to be in a band.

Seok-ho argues that he meant Ha-neul should sing ballads, but Ha-neul isn’t interested unless he can be in a band. Seok-ho throws a tantrum in the street, but he agrees, willing to do anything to get Ha-neul on board and restart his career.

Ha-neul reminds Seok-ho that he needs his guardian’s okay, dropping to banmal, and quipping “you started it” when Seok-ho objects. Hee, once he snaps out of his funk he’s going to be incorrigible.

They sit outside a convenience store, and when Seok-ho asks where his guardian is, Ha-neul points out Geu-rin, who’s working inside and glaring holes in Seok-ho’s head. Ha, she just rolls her eyes when Seok-ho bows politely to her, and goes back to glaring.

She’s not any more polite to him when she gets off work, just heading to her next part-time job (she has four part-time jobs, geez). She’s suspicious that he’s scouting his own talent, and he defends that he just happened to hear Ha-neul’s jingle while here on business.

Geu-rin promises to discuss this with Ha-neul and dismisses Seok-ho, which is hilarious and awesome. Once she leaves, Seok-ho asks Ha-neul if his noona is always that suspicious, but Ha-neul just wants to know how much he’ll get paid if she agrees to this. Enough that Geu-rin can quit some of her jobs?

Seok-ho tries to convince him that he’ll make more money faster as a ballad singer, and Ha-neul just starts to shuffle away. He’s really not interested, unless he can be in a band.

Min-joo is in Busan for a showcase, and she and Seok-ho go out for coffee. She hasn’t told her manager about Seok-ho’s plans for Ha-neul, which means they can’t move forward yet, but she wants to see the kid first. She accuses Seok-ho of just finding the first person with a bit of talent in order to satisfy his agreement with her label, and he doesn’t bother to deny it.

HAHA, a bucket of water hits the window near Seok-ho’s face, and he looks over to see Geu-rin with a squeegee — this is her next part-time job. She looks kind of pretty out there with the wind in her hair, and he stares at her, though Geu-rin stares back for a completely different reason.

He rushes out to sweet-talk her and nearly gets a faceful of water, and Seok-ho pretends to be worried over her working so hard. He says they should make Ha-neul a singer quickly so she can quit all these jobs, but she admits that she really has no intention of allowing this, as he’s going through too much right now.

A kid drives by on his bike and comes too close, so Seok-ho reaches out and grabs Geu-rin, sweeping her out of harm’s way. They freeze that way for a long moment, though Geu-rin’s hand holding the hose swings wide and douses poor Min-joo thoroughly as she leaves the cafe, ha.

Seok-ho couldn’t care less about Min-joo — it’s Geu-rin he needs healthy so he can get her approval to take Ha-neul to Seoul. But he follows Min-joo when she leaves, since she’s his ride. On the drive, he tells Min-joo that he’s going to create a band for Ha-neul, though it means a lot more work finding more guys to be his bandmates.

His first attempt to scout a band fails once they look him up online — not even dropping the KTOP name can convince them to take a chance with him. Seok-ho checks out another band which seems just okay, and he’s just about to leave when the guitarist breaks into a solo and whoa, he’s great.

And as it turns out, he’s not a regular member of the band, but was just filling in today. The band stiffs him on the pay they promised, and Seok-ho is there to pick him up when they shove him to the ground, offering to pay him honestly for his guitar skills. “How about starting up a band?”

With the addition of a guitarist, Min-joo is able to convince her boss to back this insanity, though she warns Seok-ho that he needs to take this seriously because her job is on the line now, too.

Geu-rin fusses at Ha-neul for helping her at work instead of studying, and he tells her that he’s made up his mind to sign with Seok-ho, and will be going to Seoul this weekend. She asks him to wait until she talks to Seok-ho again, but he’s already made up his mind.

Seok-ho takes the new guitarist, KYLE (Gong Myung), to the office he’d set up for his new company, Mango, only now telling Kyle that he’s no longer with KTOP. He gets a call from Geu-rin and is horrified to hear that she’s gone to KTOP looking for him, and of course she learns that he’s no longer working there the moment she asks for his office.

Joo-han overhears Geu-rin and recognizes her — he was in the police station when Ha-neul was arrested, and saw her arguing with the police. He approaches Geu-rin and offers to explain everything, and takes her to his office (which happens to be Seok-ho’s old office… traitor).

He tells Geu-rin that Seok-ho isn’t a crook, he’s just in a bad situation right now. He spills everything — the accident, Seok-ho’s “resignation,” and his prison stint. She leaves, convinced that Ha-neul is being scammed, but she’s distracted when she sees a girl in the lobby and seems to recognize her.

Geu-rin starts to follow the girl, but she’s stopped from entering a restricted part of the building. She declines a call from Seok-ho, still looking worried about the girl.

Geu-rin waits for Ha-neul at his juvie supervision home, but instead she finds Seok-ho looking for him there. She tells him to leave before Ha-neul sees him, but Ha-neul arrives home just then.

Seok-ho can tell that Geu-rin is angry with him, and she snaps that she knows everything, especially how he doesn’t even work for KTOP anymore. Seok-ho looks a little deer-in-the-headlights, at a loss as to how to explain himself, though Geu-rin yells that she doesn’t want an explanation. She just wants him to leave Ha-neul alone.

She starts to cry as she says that Ha-neul didn’t do anything wrong yet he’s suffering, and it’s breaking her heart. Seeing him dragged into Seok-ho’s band scheme is one thing too many. Seok-ho tears up a little himself, thinking about how he took the kids in Jackson from nothing and made them famous, only to have them turn their backs on him when it counted.

He even admits that he was on his way to that composer’s funeral when he got in that accident, which is why he was driving drunk. He tells Geu-rin that he’d decided to kill himself — then he heard Ha-neul’s voice. That voice made him dream again, but he feared rejection, so he pretended he was still with KTOP.

He honestly admits that he defrauded Geu-rin and Ha-neul, but he asks them to see the sincerity behind his actions. All three of them are crying at this point, and Ha-neul does understand his position. He says it’s the same for him — no matter what the truth is, people will only see him as a sex offender.

But he tells Seok-ho that he can go to Seoul on weekends while he’s still on probation, and when Geu-rin objects, he says that they still have to trust people. Seok-ho promises to send him the address, thanks Geu-rin, and leaves for Seoul.

Soon Ha-neul heads to Seoul for his first weekend with Seok-ho, and Geu-rin runs into the nervous little boy from their neighborhood. It turns out that he’s Ji-young’s little brother, the girl who accused Ha-neul of assaulting her.

Geu-rin asks if he has family in Seoul, because she saw a girl there who looked just like Ji-young. The boy grows suddenly anxious and runs off, and now I’m definitely suspicious.

Seok-ho introduces Ha-neul and Kyle, and he gives them the song to rehearse for their first audition, for the TV show Kpop Star. They’ll audition as a duo, then grab more band members later. Kyle is tasked with making a new arrangment of the song, and Ha-neul seems to hit gold when he suggests they use “longing” as a theme.

Ha-neul spends all of his free time rehearsing the song, determined to make this work even when Geu-rin continues to argue that Seok-ho is a bad bet. He just quietly asks her to come to his audition, but she’s determined not to support anything Seok-ho does.

Seok-ho wigs out when he hears that an article is being written about him and the ratings-boosting scheme. He reminds the hacker that he didn’t act alone, but the hacker warns him not to give him up, too, when the prosecutors come around.

It’s audition day, and Seok-ho is kind of adorably terrified to show up at the Mango office, and he conscripts Man-shik to take Ha-neul and Kyle to their audition. He tells the boys that he’s entered their band under the name “Ddanddara Band,” which literally just means “Entertainer Band,” and which Kyle immediately declares lame.

Seok-ho explains that it’s lame on purpose — you show up with a crappy name, nobody expects much out of you, then you blow them away with your awesomeness. Kyle doesn’t think that sounds better, though Ha-neul gives a tiny smile, at least until Seok-ho sends them off with Man-shik. On the way, Man-shik calls Min-joo to go check on Seok-ho, worried that something is seriously wrong.

Back at the Mango office, a strange man rushes in and without a word, punches Seok-ho square in the face. He screams that he’s the brother of the composer who killed himself, and punches Seok-ho again and kicks him viciously, looking like he’s fully prepared to kill him.

At the audition, Ha-neul grows anxious as time goes by and Seok-ho doesn’t show up. Min-joo finds Seok-ho beaten to a pulp in the office, but he croaks that he’s not dead, and jokes that this was just his karma coming back to him. He asks her for a ride, “to settle things.”

It’s time for Ha-neul and Kyle’s audition, but Ha-neul pauses so long that the judges ask if he’s okay. Kyle starts playing, but Ha-neul misses his music cue, and just stands on stage with his eyes closed.

He’s thinking abut his family, his parents and Geu-rin. His father had objected to the news that he was out with his band again and had rushed to stop him, his mother right behind him… oh no, is this the day they died?

Outside the building, Geu-rin rushes to make it in time to see Ha-neul’s audition, while Seok-ho and Min-joo also head in that direction. Seok-ho tells Min-joo that he’s resigned to tell Ha-neul that he conned him, for real this time, and send him home.

Ha-neul finally starts to sing, and his voice is sweet and pure. But his timing is still off and he pauses again, thinking about the accident that killed his parents. He’d been with his band, and Geu-rin had rushed to find him, sobbing so hard she couldn’t speak.

Ha-neul looks up to see that Seok-ho still hasn’t arrived, but the door opens… and Geu-rin runs in. It’s an eerie echo of the day his parents died, but today she’s smiling at him, and it gives him the strength to continue singing. This time his voice is strong, and gains confidence when Seok-ho joins Geu-rin.


I knew the bromance between Ha-neul and Seok-ho had a lot of potential, but I didn’t expect them to be so flippin’ adorable together, right off the bat. I love how Ha-neul took control right away, refusing to give up what he wanted (to be in a band) even for this famous music producer. It puts Seok-ho in the unusual position (for him) of not being in charge of what’s happening, which I think will be an important first lesson for him. He had too much power and not enough compassion in his role at KTOP, and if he wants to make a fresh start and build his career again, he’s going to have to do some real changing. And I like how Ha-neul isn’t demanding or arrogant about it, he just knows what he wants and isn’t willing to compromise. I think their personal and professional relationship is going to be really cute, and really moving at the same time (and I’m dying to know how Ha-neul knows of Seok-ho!).

I do think that Seok-ho is starting to think about his past actions already, and regret the way he’s handled himself until now. I believe that he’s still acting in primarily selfish ways — for example, I don’t think he unburdened himself to Geu-rin because he felt true remorse, but because his sob story might convince her of his sincerity in making Ha-neul famous. The problem is, his basic motivations are the same, as he admitted to Min-joo… to take the first person he finds with talent and make them famous, to restore his own career. It’s not that Ha-neul isn’t talented, because he is, it’s just more significant that he happened to be in the right place at the right time when Seok-ho needed someone to promote.

Seok-ho’s biggest problem is that he still thinks that the ends justify the means, which is why he lied to Geu-rin and Ha-neul (and Kyle, even) that he was still with KTOP. But he needs to learn that lying to get what you want, is the worst way to get what you want, and truly change for the better. Until Seok-ho takes a good hard look at why he does the things he does and the way he uses people to his own ends, nothing is really going to change. This new band he’s putting together will be just another flash in the pan unless he truly changes, and for the right reasons. For that, I do think that Ha-neul (and the rest of the band he’ll put together) will be the exact right people to help him, with a little healthy nudging from Geu-rin and her moral compass.

Something I didn’t mention in the first episode recap that I’m really appreciating is the fantastic OST of Entertainer. The musical cues are just spot-on and perfectly chosen, and the music itself fits each scene wonderfully (though I already miss the Abba songs from the first episode!). The music is never too obvious, and provides just enough background information to set the scenes without manipulating our emotions and telling us what to feel. And since this entire show revolves around music, I’m excited to hear more as the drama goes on.

This show seems to be a polarizing one, with viewers either liking it or hating it. I’m falling on the “liking it” side so far, because while there are no surprises in the plot or the characters at this point, there’s something to be said for a show that delivers a lot of heart and food for thought, even if it’s not entirely innovative in delivery. Plus, I’m hoping that the entertainment value kicks it up a notch once the actual band stuff starts up. In fact, my only complaint at this point is Geu-rin’s character, who seems a little over-zealous in her reactions to things — and I can’t tell this early in the show if she’s written that way, or if it’s Hyeri’s interpretation of the character. I worry that she took the criticisms of her acting being a bit bland in Answer Me 10988 and is swinging a bit too far in the other direction now, and if so, I hope she tempers the shrillness a bit from here on out. But on the whole, I’d rather see an actor over-perform than under-perform, and it’s not that obvious. Just something I’ve taken note of, that’s totally fixable.

All in all, I think the show isn’t earthshaking, but it’s got a lot of potential. I think once we get the rest of the band put together, and a direction for them and for Seok-ho other than “make Ha-neul a famous singer for slightly vague and possibly nefarious purposes,” the plot will get a lot more interesting. I’m willing to hang in there and give it time, because there are so many shows that didn’t really warm up until four or so episodes in, that I would regret having missed if I’d given up on them. It’s a bit scattered and confusing in places, I’ll give its detractors that, but I can still see how it might just be trying to fit a lot of information in just two episodes. What’s good about Entertainer is good enough that I’m holding off on any criticism until we get all our players in place and see where the show intends to take us.


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Thanks so much for these quick recaps! I had been waiting :P


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Wow, it's only 38% English subbed right now and your recap is already up! Watched first ep because of your recap and liked every second. I think it will have plenty of heart, at least I hope so. Thanks to you!


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Aww, no ABBA this time? I won't even get to watch ep. 2 'til tonight, but I was so happy to see the recap I stopped by now anyway. Thanks!


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This drama reminds me of Jerry Maguire. Definitely NOT likeable at first, and then he won me over.

Looking forward to the "You had me at hello," moment :)


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And it's Ji Sung. I think he had us at all at, "Annyeonghaseyo!" ?


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That staircase explanation scene nailed it for me... ji sung acting was on spot.. surprisingly kang min hyuk is good to... he was best adorable thing in heart string...his voice really good...

I don't care about romance ..
just let the bromance coming... I want all four boys to drive ji sung crazy while managing them that's what I'm signing up for....


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I really don't know how to feel about this drama. There was more evidence that the siblings aren't actually related this episode (pictures at the family memorial with no noona in them) and the unanswered questions around that and how he knows Seok-ho will keep me coming back at least for a little while.


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Oh the family photo! I totally didn't catch that until you mentioned it. Hmmmm.


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Yup!!.. i'm thinking the same..


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Well they arent related. I read that Geu Rim decides to take care of Ha Neul once he becomes an orphan. My guess is that "noona" was dating older brother.
And in the last scene of this episode when Ha Neul was looking at the door and acting anxious is (in my opinion) because he was waiting for Geu Rim, not Seuk Ho.
Anyways I'm in for the ride, the last scene did it for me, plus Minhyuks beautiful voice was the selling point.


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thanks for the recap!
idk if I'm dumb or what, but the seoul-busan-seoul-busan and how they messed up the continuation with their wardrobe were confusing and a little ammateur for me. unless I didn't understand the timeline or something lol

I'm still on the fence about this show because the sexual assault thing really bothered me and how they're still going with it is.... ugh.


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Loving this drama. Was not fully subbed on Viki so I had to renew my Dramafever premium after watching first episode. I hate having to watch through ads. PPL inside the drama I can live with.

Definitely watching because of Ji Sung. He looks like he's having fun with this character.


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Loving this drama so far. The OST is spot on, Seok Ho has me hating his guts at the very moment when I think I'm feeling sorry for him and Haneul's brother mystery is getting me really interested. I have this feeling that Seok Ho helped produce Hanuel's brother's album. The question now is, did he play a role in his death? Also thing Seok Ho's slime of an ex assistant manager probably has something to do with Hanuel being accused of being a sexual offender. Like he saw something the slime didn't want him to see(say paying the fake patient or) and so slime offered Ji Young a chance to be in an idol group and be famous all so she can frame Hanuel and keep him from blurting out what he knows.


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Nah, dropping this. I still find this boring and for lack of better word mediocre. Maybe if things change, I'll marathon later. Ji Sung, pick something better next time. This ones just not doing it in the least bit for me even with Ji Sung in it.


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This drama is everything you could predict but it also has something that makes me listen to my heart which wants me to keep watching it, instead of my head which says there is nothing new here.

What is that 'something'? Maybe it is Ji Sung. Maybe it is Min Hyuk. Or maybe it is the songs.

It might just also be the belief that if a hero (/ anti- hero) started so low in our likeable scale, the only way forward is the way up. I am looking forward to how Shin Seok Ho changes for the better and helps himself and people around him. Basically, I am in for the ride because I can see the potential here. And things can only get better now.

So here is to optimism. Looking forward to next week.

P. S.- It also helps that Ji Sung's character looks like a cross between Shin Se Gi and Perry Park from Kill Me Heal me. :D


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@lollypip I just got done with my review on IG and we think alike!

My HONEST thought about #entertainer with first 2 episodes

I liked it. Not because JS is in it but because the story has promise.

Suk-Ho: Working in kpop industry has turned him in to a sleaze-bag. But you can see that he was not like that by his interaction with his close friends. Ha-Neul remembers him fondly as his hyung's best friend.

Min-Joo: Sukho's friend. I like that the writer-nim made her likable and not crazy x-girlfriend.

Ha-neul: Having lost his hyung and both parents, I can see that he feels burdened. But you see his charming side come out when interacting with Sukho and Guitarist Kyle. I hope writer-nim develops his character more.

Gau-Rim: Sigh. One demential character. Not sure if it is writer's fault or she still lack acting chops. Fighting Hyeri ??

Bottom line: I hope hope that writer does not get too much focused on love lines. I like the band bromance, newbie-mentor relationship.


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I loved the scene where Ha Neul told Seok Ho that he's a convict, it was just priceless for HN's emotionless face and SH's stunned one lol! I'm starting to warm up to Min Hyuk's acting a bit and Seok Ho wasn't as manic as the first episode. I also appreciate that they're not actually making HN a musical genius, because that was honestly so farfetched. The fact that SH would sign him at all (being a "sex offender" and all) still bothers me as no agent in their right mind would do it, but if the plot doesn't have too many of those kind of holes in it, then I'll eventually accept it as something that "just is".
Hyeri was still annoying though. I wish she/the writers/the PD/whoever would stop making her character cry so much. It's getting ridiculous.

Did anyone else notice Seok Ho's face when Kyle talked about the band name being "forever"? I'm pretty surprised it wasn't mentioned in the recap. Clearly SH doesn't think they'll be a band forever, at least not under his management. He just needs them for him and then he'll throw them away. At least that's what those looks seemed like to me. There was a glimmer of hope though, when he said he wanted to tell HN, but I doubt he'll do it. I think that performance is making him actually want to help HN succeed or at least it's planting the seed for that, so hopefully he won't need to tell him he's conning him, since he won't be.


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Also, I'm definitely thinking that Seok Ho was HN's hyung's agent or something alike and he was somehow a part of why HN died/changed because of it.

I'm still so confused about the missing Busan accents. Are they really missing or is it just me not being good enough at Korean??


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extras and side characters seem to have strong Busan accents, but our mains who are meant to have grown up there don't seem to have them at all. Makes me sad! I love the Busan accent like whoa.


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Glad it's not just my imagination! I did notice that some of the extras like the academy teacher had it. And yeah, it's such an adorable accent and it just doesn't make sense that the "siblings" don't have it. It doesn't help that I just finished watching Reply 1997 where the actors really went for it with the accent!


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From my understanding, HN's family moved to Busan after his hyung passed away so since they aren't natives it's unlikely that they'll have the accent.


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Oh yeah, that's true! That at least explains HN's lack of accent. Not necessarily Geurin's though, but maybe we'll get an answer to that at some point.


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oh is that it? I thought they'd been there forever because they mentioned he'd, like, grown up along-side the neighbors.


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They did mention that he and Ji Young (that's the lying girl's name, right?) had pretty much grown up together. Ugh, now I'm confused... *tries to unravel lapses of logic but ends up ceating black hole*


From what I gather, since HN only had pictures of him and his brother when he was a kid, it is likely that his brother passed away when HN was fairly young and his family moved to Busan afterwards. So it is still possible that he "grew up" with the Ji Young girl. Also since his family aren't natives, it is still unlikely that they'll develop the accent.


That could very well be.

I noticed that Geu Rin weren't in any of the pictures, so I think she's probably from Busan and only got to know them when they moved there? Otherwise it would be a bit weird that she wasn't in any of the photos since she seemed pretty close with HN's parents too, not just him.


I'm getting a jerry Mcguire type vibe from this drama:-D thanks for the recap:-*


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Oh that girl lied. Hopefully her little brother goes and reveals the truth. Really hope that part of the story doesn't drag out too long. Telling such a lie is disgusting and want to see the girl get what's coming to her. Plus it'll be worse than bad once the Ktop CEO and Joohan find out about it and use it to try to squash SH.


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I like it so far.
Thanks for the recap!


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" Ha-neul grows anxious as time goes by and Seok-ho doesn’t show up. " Pretty sure he's waiting for his sister and not the manager. He emphasized to her she has to be there, and with the family tragedy in the past, well, he probably wants to see her standing there safe before he can sing.


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I agree he wants his sister there, all the flashbacks support that.


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Is there any bromance scene in this drama?


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Thanks for the recap! I like your recaps better than watching the show. The recap gets rid of the pointless, bizarre and tangential throw away lines or actually make them relevant.

I agree the OST is great. I think I am hanging around for that. Plus, I feel like Ha-Neul's story is getting more interesting. But I need the story to pick up a little bit in a comprehensible form. Right now, there are too many loose ends thrown out there with no coherence that really cuts away from the pace and story.


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I think the second episode did pick up the pace quite a bit. I really only stick through the first episode for Ji Sung oppa. The first episode is kind of draggy at times. But the second episode is actually more promising and the storyline is better than the first episode. I have no problem with Hyeri's acting and I hope there will be more surprising element in this story that can hook me to watch till the end.


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This show DOES hold a lot of promise. I really hope they chose the right path to take it.

Also <3 to bromance.

Also <3 to the siblings for ganging up on Seok-ho with their sass.

Episode two is what I feel to be the right balance of comedy and emotion. I was mostly but not 100% onboard after episode 1, but episode 2 sealed it.

I love the plot and characters but I do have tiny complaints about Ha-nuel's character and his acting. I know he's got a lot of fans so bear with me...;_;

First off, his acting. He hits emotional beats nicely and I know he's purposefully portrayed as stoic but there's such a thing as going over the edge into unnatural and fakeness territory, and for some reason I'm feeling that here. This discrepancy is VERY masked, but the uncomfortable vibe is still there, and I can't help but feel that sometimes he's not portraying his character to be...well, his character. It's like he's going by the lines of a book and playing it cool during cool moments and sad during sad moments but not...blending these emotions together very well so it feels like there's one person instead of two? Or maybe it's like he's thinking one thing at a time. It's rather hard to describe. I'm making this out to be a much bigger deal than it actually is, and I don't know if this is just me feeling it anyway(this problem is small to begin with).

His character is the thing I really have to gripe about. I personally am NOT a fan of people who can't separate personal emotions from work when needed, and I really disliked his attitude during the last parts of the second episode. Dude, he's performing with another guy! Who is he to decide when he starts or stops singing??? The guitarist's success is also dependent on him! Good voice or not, he shouldn't be faltering like that during a performance, ESPECIALLY because he was so determined to play with a band and create music in general.

Even if he got the news of his family's death in the exact same spot, the fact that he didn't even seem to consider his team, along with the fact that he seems to be contradicting his own music desire when he seemed to firmly , tugs at my nerves. Ok, his circumstance was dreadful. But he seemed more sad and lost and didn't even seem to think that he HAD TO GET IT TOGETHER. I think that's the thing that gets at me the most. All in all, I can't overlook that and I hope the show doesn't either. The entertainment world is not such an easy place to survive in (as portrayed in episode 1) and show should be consistent with that fact. I know I'm being really harsh here, but leave the emotion for later. Performance, for yourself, your buddies, and the people who support you should come first. They are the present and the now, and that counts for a lot of things.

On the bright side, I loved Geu-rin better than I did in episode 1. She was a little too heavy last time, but she's great here; she's spunkier, and I just love how she's encouraging...


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Anyway, I just love how she's encouraging him to make music while having(legitimate) concerns about Seok-ho. Her attitude was just a bit too emotional before, but it lightened considerably along with the mood. She should keep this up.

I know I wrote huge blocks of criticism on one character especially, but all in all, I really liked Ha-nuel and this show as a whole(actually, I liked it a LOT). I can see this show going nowhere but up. Well, except for due to maybe one thing. The villian plotlines for both Seok-ho and Geu-rin seem to be riddled with landmines, but one can always disarm them...right? Yep, hopefully. I'll probably eat my words later.


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I agree with all your points about Min Hyuk's portrayal. He was stoic without a level of angst that I expected to see in someone wracked with guilt over the death of his parents. He seemed to just be walking and walking thru his scenes. I could just see glimpses of interaction with Geu rin and some definite backbone with Ji Sung so I hope he will settle into his character by next week.

And how could he not stand up for himself in a sexual assault charge!! What kind of self loathing does it take to allow a hinted at false accusation to stand. Again all I saw on his face was stony acceptance. That's quite a burden to bear but I''m not seeing it in his acting.


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So, I'm really actually liking Entertainer so far, but for different reasons than I first thought I would (ie Ji-sung in all his glory). In both episodes now I can't help but think about the Youths Over Flowers Iceland recaps, when they would talk about how hard it was first starting out and everything they did to get going in their career. How much someone has to love music to do that. And that's really the vibe Entertainer gives--that here is a band of people who love music, who are willing to go to great lengths to surround themselves with it, and the struggles they go through to share it. It makes me wonder how many people there are in the world right now struggling to do just that. Maybe I'm just romanticizing, but I've got believe some people think this way--otherwise we would have hallyu stars reminiscing about it on top variety shows.

Seok-ho especially is a really interesting character so far, because while he's a total cuss sometimes, I think he kinda knows it--and it chips away at him. He can remember being good, he wants to love music--but he's just empty now. Plus Ji-sung does a really good job of making him a jerk--but dang if he's not just likable. And he's so flipping cute with Ha-neul!

So far as Geu-rin goes, I'm not terribly bothered by her yet. I know a few people a lot like her, actually--rock hard to some people and a marshmallow to others. I actually think it's a really good setup for her character--how much would it wear on a person to suddenly be another's guardian at the prime of their life? Someone they love dearly, yes--but I can see how she might end up that way. It lends insight to their closeness, too: she's an older sister and 'mom' to him now. They're all the other has. Of course they're close--and it makes it all the more fun to watch them interact.

I'm also looking forward to watching Seok-ho and Geu-rin fall in love. I just feel like it'll be a lot of fun watching their personalities clash as they come to grips with the fact that 'what? I like him/her?' Because their personalities are so opposite.

Haa, I wrote more than I thought I would. :P Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the recap. Cheers!


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I reaaaaaaally reaally really do not want that SeokHo-GeuRin loveline. Why must we have that? It's not even the age difference that's bothering me but I just reeeeeaaallly do not want it.

If there has to be lovelines, I'd rather SeokHo ends up with MinJoo since they seem more like equals and fit well together.


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Totally agree with you! There doesn't even need to be a loveline in this drama for me.


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Ha Neul and Seuk Ho's bromance is great. I didn't think about it before, but I like their contrasting personalities.
Seuk Ho can try to be suave one moment or full of jokes the next, but Ha Neul can see past all of that and be firm with what he wants.

I'm so curious about their past connection. I can't wait to see the moment Seuk Ho realizes it too. :)

This episode was better than the first, for sure.

I like underdog stories and seeing people change for the better. Seeing friendships made and dreams conquered. I would like it if Entertainer focused on this instead including a love story.


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I'm very confused about the love line, Minhyuk looks is still to chanyoung with that hair, and uniform again, but with different personalities


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Thank for recap


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Did you guys hear that the first two episodes will be reedited and aired again because of the backlash? They will include cut out scenes and produce them all over again, supposedly.
I like this, I really really like this. Even though I liked the second episode even more than the first one, I appreciate producers taking actions and complying with viewers wishes. I hope this means that we'll get even more improved versions and every doubtful viewer will finally get hooked on this drama.

Anyway, I'm going to repeat this over and over again till it happens: I want separate lovelines for Geurin-Haneul and Seokho-Minjoo. Drama Gods, have mercy on me and make this happen, cause unfortunately I don't see myself enjoying Seokho-Geurin romance.

Nevertheless, I will keep watching it for Haneul. He is so far the most interesting character in this story and makes me want to root for him, so I'll stay just to see him overcome the obstacles and succeed.


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Have rather liked these 2 first eps - which have done a pretty good job of introducing the characters and setting up the story-line (and adding a bit of a mystery element to boot).

I enjoy office/business/political/palace machinations but all too often they are done poorly or are just stupid (see "Rooftop Prince" or "Oh My Venus").

While not breaking any new ground - the office/business machinations here have been solid and pretty much grounded in reality (seem plausible).

Ji Sung is great as usual, but Hyeri, despite having a few emotional scenes early on, has done a pretty good job (better at the emotional scenes than other more veteran actresses).

Having said that - the romance angle doesn't really interest me as opposed to the bromance, character development for Seok-ho and seeing the progression (all the highs and lows) of SH's fledgling agency.

Haven't seen Chae Jung-ahn in anything since "Coffee Prince" - like her character (as in CP - never understood why her character in CP got so much giref) and she looks great, but at the same time, she looks older (time has certainly flown by).

Starring opposite Hyeri must be deja-vu for CJA.

9 years ago, she starred opposite a young Yoon Eun-hye who had just achieved major stardom and became a CF queen like Hyeri is now.

In addition, YEH and Hyeri were both maknaes of decently successful girl groups, but didn't really start to get much individual attention until they appeared on variety shows ("X-Man" for YEH and "Real Men" for Hyeri).

1st time seeing Kang Min-hyuk in anything and he's doing a pretty decent job as well (think he's a better match for this role than PBG would have been).

Again - liking this thus far - both the story and the emotions ring true which is a sign of good writing.


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Love love love episode 2 and i know i'm repeating myself Love LOVE LOVE JI SUNG. I know every one's commenting the show is predictable but almost every kdrama is. As long as the drama got a hold of my heart, have an actor i lo ve, have actors i like, made me cry a little while made me smile i'm in.
And i'm so thankfull for your recaps ♡♡♡


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Apparently SBS is going to air new versions of the first 2 episode due to the criticism. Would you be recapping those then?


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Why SBS need to re-air the first 2 episodes, they don't need to do that, they just need to listen to why viewers were so critical, and ensure that future episodes are well edited so theu can tell the story the best way possible. My personal wish is that they don't repeat My Lovely Girl love line, I couldn't buy it through out the whole drama.


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Whoa. I didn't know SBS is gonna have editted versions of these episodes... I didn't know the criticism was that bad? Gee..


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Hope they didn't go for a more makjang edit...


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I like the show so far. Ji sung is great as always and I think both Min hyuk and Hyeri are doing a good job here.

Seok-ho is a jerk and I love seeing his little freak out moments when things don't go the way he wants them to. And I agree with LollyPip (I only just realized that it's not Lollypop, my apologies!), he only shared his story with them because he knew it has that impact of drawing them in and making them sympathetic towards him. He's selfish and his expression at Kyle's Forever didn't escape me, his pause at that said a lot to me, he only wants them to make it so all the rumors fade and so his image would be restored, once he's back in the business he thinks he can do better than them!

I find Ha-neul's character really interesting, he doesn't say much but I think he's got a lot to tell! How does he know Seok-ho? Maybe Seok-ho was his brother's agent or a friend? and maybe that's why he's putting his trust in him or maybe Seok-ho did something to his brother that caused his death so Ha-neul's doing it for revenge, once he reaches the top he'll crush Seok-ho! Or maybe I'm just over thinking now!!! we'll see!

Why did Ji-young accuse him? we still don't know but seeing how she was at Ktop and having Joo-han recognize Geu-rin, something's fishy!

Thanks for the recap!


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I am enjoying this a lot more than several dramas I've been watching lately. I think the (so far) main dynamic of Ha Neul and Seuk Ho is working really well--I'm impressed with both actors' performances.

Hyeri..I'll wait till they give her more to do before I decide how I feel about her.

Speaking of which, I also feel like this drama has built a strong infrastructure to deepen the characters. I agree with some comments that Seuk Ho kind of had this coming to him, but there's something gratifying in his acknowledging that after being beaten up (at least, on DramaFever, the subtitles said, "You reap what you sow.") I'm looking forward to seeing the depth of character that they've set us up for and to exploring the relationships here. I think that they are interesting, and I feel invested in seeing them going forward. That's a win for me.


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Love this drama!


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I am enjoying this drama a lot. This episodes started giving us some more answers and it looks like episode 3 will give us some more too. The bromance is growing as is the start of the redemption arc.

As for the backlash, I don't know why, but I feel like most shows that have music as one of the main plot points always get bad reviews. There are a few dramas that are really good (Shut Up Flower Boy Band and Dream High) but the majority have not been successful.


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I was really excited for this drama after watching the teasers. Thought it was going to be light and fun..Hm..the story started out too serious but i get it that they have to set the stage..Ireally like all the characters but i cant really see the chemistry between ji sung and hyeri. I love them both individually but the age difference is showing and as someone in a previous post of Entertainer said, Ji sung looks like Hyeri's dad, a sexy fun dad, like he had Hyeri when he was very young. dont know..maybe the chemistry will get better. Here is hoping!


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Maybe his bro is that song writer that died in 1st episode??


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Second episode was good. I think it's a show that won't keep us waiting for the good stuff. So glad when Ji Sung finally got out of that white suit. He looks terrible in all white, and whoever is doing his makeup isn't doing him any favors. He has a good looking face w/angles and dimension, so, this all one color pale look they are pasting on him isn't doing him any favors.
I think this Hyeri girl is over acting any chance she gets. Oh no, not another K-female actress who screams,cries,whines and loses her balance at any and every "dramatic moment". Geeesh!
Romance btwn JS and the sister will be stupid to watch, kinda creepy too. Honestly, she's not a pretty girl, just kinda cute.
Ha Neul's character is interesting. But, as badly as he wants to do music, those long moments of silence at the try-out made no sense. Starting slow from nerves, yes, but, the 2nd pause was inexcusable.
I don't see a Bromance, I see mentor and pupil, maybe, but not a Bromance. Ji Sung puts his all into everything I've seen him in, so, I they respect his experience as an accomplished actor and don't set his character up to do un-believe able things, like get romantic w/this too young girl and force a chemistry that's no there.


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I think Ha-neul is going to be the heart of this show for me. The whole show is good, but his story is what's driving my interest. Looking forward to the next episode and thanks for the recap!


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what title song when Ha-neul stops to watch some buskers singing in a park? plz tell me.. :)


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The original song is "Burn" perfomed by Terra Terra Terra


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Geez, I wish we could go back into our comments and edit mistakes. Lesson learned...don't get wordy late at night.


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Thanks for this :) I hope you'll support Entertainer more :)

Does anyone know the title of the OST?


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gary ft miwoo :) tantara... really, sinchaa?


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I don't like Hyeri's character. She cries over everything and I feel many of her reactions are too grand for the situations.

Also the question. Are they really siblings?


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Does anyone know what song he sang at the end of the episode or if thats even a real song?? Please tell me because I LOVED IT!!


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