Doctors: Episode 8

Relationships are difficult. A lesson Hye-jung has learned time and time again. Whether it’s between colleagues, family, or lovers, it takes effort to forge a strong bond between two people. Sometimes a connection happens naturally; other times networks intersect and force two people together. While all relationships require time, sometimes the depth of an interaction rather than the length influences the strength of a tie.



The episode opens from Ji-hong’s perspective, and he watches Hye-jung happily talking with Soo-chul. He narrates, “The thing I most envy when a man and woman are in love is meeting someone who can bring out childish feelings.”

In his office, Ji-hong takes out a doll, from a drawer filled with plushies, and chucks it at a wall. Ji-hong yells, and kicks his shelves to defuse some of his anger. He narrates, “Childishness in a relationship between a man and a woman is healthy. Childishness is the best present I can show someone.”

The scene changes to Soo-chul riding his motorcycle next to Hye-jung, who’s in her car. Ji-hong calls her, and his face falls when he hears that she’s with Soo-chul. He jokingly tells her to stop meeting him, and she says that she can’t stop seeing her friend.

Soo-chul winks at Hye-jung and then zooms ahead of her. As he enters an intersection, a car suddenly appears, and Soo-chul collides head-on. Ji-hong hears Hye-jung panicking, and asks her what’s wrong.

Hye-jung exits her car and runs over to Soo-chul, who’s motionless on the ground. She yells at the crowd to call an ambulance, and her hands tremble as she lifts the face shield of his helmet. Soo-chul weakly smiles up at her, and Hye-jung suppresses her sobs at the sight of her friend, bloody and semi-conscious.

She asks if he can move his arms and legs, but he can’t. Fighting through her tears, she tells him to move his fingers, and he can barely move one. Hye-jung holds onto his hand to give him moral support (just as Ji-hong taught her in the past).

Ji-hong arrives, and shortly thereafter, the paramedics arrive, too. Hye-jung helps Ji-hong gently move Soo-chul into a neck brace, but Soo-chul is having trouble breathing. Ji-hong checks his chest, and finds a nasty bruise on his side.

At the hospital, Ji-hong performs a chest ultrasound, which shows Soo-chul’s lung filling up with blood. He inserts a tube to let out the blood, and tells Hye-jung that they’ve passed the first hurdle.

Pa-ran hears about Soo-chul from his assistant, and learns that the neurosurgeons will be going into surgery before him. He asks his assistant if it’s Ji-hong, and Pa-ran visits him and Hye-jung, who are examining Soo-chul’s scans. He advises them to finish their surgery quickly because the patient will die from blood loss if they take too long.

Once Ji-hong and Hye-jung are alone, Ji-hong asks her if she wants to stay out of the surgery. He tells her that it’s all right for her to stop now—especially since it’ll be too much for her to handle if the surgery doesn’t go well.

Hye-jung asks if she’ll get stronger if she participates. Ji-hong thinks that she’s plenty tough enough, but also tells her that being weak isn’t a bad thing. She tells Ji-hong that she doesn’t want to go in, and Ji-hong gives her an understanding pat.

Hye-jung visits Soo-chul before his surgery and reassures him that he’ll be fine because Ji-hong is a skilled surgeon. However, Soo-chul wants Hye-jung to do it because he’s scared. If it’s her, then he’s confident that everything will be all right because she can accomplish anything. Hye-jung is hesitant, but the look on Soo-chul’s face convinces her otherwise: She tells him that she’ll be there with him.

Hye-jung changes into her scrubs, and in the men’s locker room, Ji-hong does the same. While he’s washing his hands, Hye-jung walks up next to him and tells him that she’s assisting. Wearing a slightly amused expression, Ji-hong consents.

Tae-ho is watching a surgery video when Myung-hoon enters his office unannounced. Myung-hoon pretends to worry for Director Hong, saying that the director shouldn’t be stirring up trouble by holding a press conference. Tae-ho doesn’t believe Myung-hoon for a second, and tells him to drop the pretenses.

Immediately in banmal, Myung-hoon tells Tae-ho to stop interfering because he’s the owner, and Tae-ho should be satisfied as long as he gets to eat and live well. Responding back just as informally, Tae-ho says this is why he dislikes Myung-hoon, and asks if he can’t be more dignified. Myung-hoon accepts Tae-ho’s insult, but says that Tae-ho is a kite without a string whereas he’s a man with a silver spoon (literal translation: gold spoon) in his mouth.

Director Hong holds a press conference to address the recent scandal about his stocks. A reporter asks about the rumor that his stocks will be absorbed by the hospital as “donations,” and Director Hong loses his temper at the accusation. He tells the reporters to not believe such nonsense, and leaves in a huff.

He returns to his office where Director Jin is waiting for him. Director Jin expresses his disapproval of the press conference, and Director Hong yells at his friend for standing on the sideline. Director Jin tells Director Hong to step aside so he can help, but Director Hong changes the topic.

He asks if Myung-hoon is still pursuing his plans for the centers, and Director Jin wonders why he’s suddenly curious about that. Director Hong says that Myung-hoon is the person who would most want to see him in trouble. Director Jin defends his son, and tells him that Myung-hoon wouldn’t stoop to such a dastardly ploy.

In the hallway, Director Jin meets up with Myung-hoon, and dismisses everyone else. He tells Myung-hoon that Director Hong isn’t stepping down as planned, and Myung-hoon replies that they’ll have to see blood, then. I guess Kyung-joon wasn’t completely wrong with his theatrics; a war is brewing.

Stepmother’s face is back to normal, and Yoon-do tells Hye-jung’s father that she can be discharged tomorrow. Dad thanks Yoon-do, and follows him out into the hall to hand him bags of food from his restaurant, as a small token of his appreciation.

In Soo-chul’s surgery, Hye-jung preps and makes the first incision. She steps aside for Ji-hong, but as soon as he starts, blood spurts out. Soo-chul’s blood pressure drops rapidly, and the clock is ticking against them as the pressure mounts for Ji-hong to finish quickly.

Kang-soo is sleeping at his desk when an unknown hand yanks his hair. Of course it’s Kyung-joon, who berates the first-year for sleeping and doing a poor job. Joong-dae pipes up that Kang-soo is actually competent, but that only gets him in trouble with Kyung-joon too. To quell his superior’s fury, Joong-dae submits a flash drive with his scanned book, and Kyung-joon gives him a free pass.

Kyung-joon places the bags of food from Hye-jung’s father on the table, and Young-kook walks in. Kyung-joon grumbles that his timing is impeccable whenever it concerns food, and then he scolds Young-kook when he explains that he left the surgery because Hye-jung was doing everything.

They start talking about Hye-jung’s family, but then Kyung-joon (who first brought up the topic) yells at the residents for wasting precious time gossiping. Kang-soo pouts and lightly hits Kyung-joon on the chest before leaving. Before any harm falls on him, Joong-dae reminds Kyung-joon of the flash drive, and is allowed to leave.

Kyung-joon mutters that he’s going to explode, and Young-gook wonders aloud what will happen then. Kyung-joon demonstrates by throwing two punches at him, but Young-kook easily catches them. Kyung-joon, copying Kang-soo, pouts and hits Young-kook on the chest. That was hilarious.

Seo-woo waits for Yoon-do to finish his surgery, and once he steps out, she informs him that her grandfather and father want a meal with him today. He declines since there’s the welcoming party for their department, but Seo-woo knows her father will be persistent. Thus, Yoon-do reluctantly complies.

Back in Soo-chul’s surgery, Ji-hong stops the bleeding, and he finishes without any other major setbacks. Hye-jung and Ji-hong wait outside for Pa-ran, and when he arrives, Pa-ran assures them that he’ll do well.

Outside, Hye-jung waits nervously, and once Pa-ran emerges from the operating room, he jokes about having a meal. Hye-jung is too anxious to joke around, and wants to know clearly how the surgery went. In a singsong voice, he tells her that the surgery was a success.

Hye-jung looks over Soo-chul’s scans that Young-kook prepared, and Ji-hong joins them. Young-kook reads the atmosphere and quickly excuses himself. Once he leaves, Hye-jung addresses Ji-hong and repeats his words back to him: “What I’m about to do is from one human to another human.”

She takes a tentative step forward and slowly raises her arms around his neck. Now it’s Ji-hong’s turn to get nervous as she gets closer. Hye-jung reaches up slowly and he lifts his arms in preparation to hug her… but she just fixes his collar and steps back. Ji-hong’s arms limply drop down to his side.

She asks him what he was imagining, and Ji-hong returns to his playful demeanor. Hye-jung thanks him for everything, and he can’t help but smile, which flusters Hye-jung. She hurries out of the room, and Ji-hong fails to hide his giddiness.

Hye-jung visits Soo-chul in the ICU. She tells him that the surgery went well, so now it’s his turn. She knows that he can’t move his legs and arms yet, but she’s confident that he can return to his old self. She reminds him of the time when she wanted to die, but he stayed by her side because he’s considerate and cool.

Soo-chul remains unconvinced, so Hye-jung tells him to move his finger. He doesn’t think it’ll work, but when his index finger moves, Soo-chul is filled with hope. With his spirits lifted, Soo-chul even starts to joke and says that she shouldn’t date that old fogey (aka Ji-hong).

Ji-hong goes over the procedure of the awake brain surgery with Seo-woo and Hye-jung, and assigns them specific tasks. Once they’re in the surgery room, patient (and Olympian archer) Soo-jung lies nervously on the operating table as Ji-hong inserts a probe into her brain. They send one volt to stimulate her brain, but the tremors don’t stop.

As they continue, Soo-jung’s vision suddenly blurs, and she starts to panic. There’s a hemorrhage, and Seo-woo suggests that they remove the probe and wait for the bleeding to stop. On the other hand, Hye-jung thinks they should stop the bleeding now. After a pause, Ji-hong agrees with Hye-jung.

Seo-woo continues to voice her concerns even as Ji-hong is working to stop the bleeding, and Hye-jung snaps at her. In the viewing balcony, Tae-ho tells the residents to calm down as they all tensely watch the surgery. Luckily, Ji-hong successfully stops the bleeding, and orders another volt to stimulate the brain. With bated breaths they wait, and this time, Soo-jung’s vision returns. Not only that, her hand stops shaking, too!

Ji-hong comes around to face Soo-jung, and asks her to move her arm and do various poses. Soo-jung’s bow and arrow are brought in and given to her. She pulls back, takes aim, and fires. It’s a bullseye. Everyone celebrates the success of the surgery, but Seo-woo doesn’t look too pleased.

Back in the women’s locker room, Seo-woo confronts Hye-jung about her curt response during the surgery. Exasperated, Hye-jung explains that Seo-woo’s dissent was causing Soo-jung distress, so she rebuked Seo-woo to calm the patient. Before Seo-woo can continue their argument, she receives a call from Ji-hong along with a message concerning her behavior today.

In his office, Ji-hong reprimands Seo-woo’s attitude during the surgery, especially since the patient was awake. Rather than listening to his words, Seo-woo sulks and thinks he’s being excessive. She asks if he would act the same if it were Hye-jung who spoke up.

Frustrated with Seo-woo’s obsession over Hye-jung, he clarifies again and again that the problem they’re addressing right now is her work attitude, but Seo-woo isn’t willing to listen. Ji-hong tells her to stay out of his surgery room for the time being and dismisses her. Seo-woo leaves without a word, and Ji-hong mutters that he’s going crazy.

Hye-jung is making her rounds with Kang-soo, and they run into her father. Kang-soo acts friendly towards Dad, but noticing his superior’s icy behavior, he scurries away. Dad tells her about Stepmother leaving tomorrow, and Hye-jung merely gives a terse response.

Ji-hong visits Soo-chul, but Soo-chul isn’t too happy to see him, thinking that Ji-hong is dating Hye-jung. However, Soo-chul quickly deduces that the two aren’t dating, and then Ji-hong learns that Soo-chul got married (though Ji-hong doesn’t learn that he also got divorced).

Ji-hong’s attitude changes completely, and he smiles at Soo-chul, acting extremely friendly and cheerful. He tells Soo-chul that he’ll get better through physical therapy, and even says that he always knew Soo-chul was cool from the moment he saw him—pfft.

On her rounds, Hye-jung warmly explains a patient’s condition to a guardian. From the doorway, her father witnesses the exchange and looks disappointed. Hye-jung notices him too, and her face falls.

She meets her father outside, and he yells at her for her cold behavior towards him. Ever since she left, he worried about her every day, and he doesn’t understand why she’s acting this way. She asks why he’s trying to act friendly all of a sudden, but he says that it’s because she suddenly reappeared: While a child might forget a parent, a parent never forgets a child.

Angry tears pool in Hye-jung’s eyes, and she vehemently replies that they can’t suddenly decide to be close when they’ve never been close before. Even a parent-child relationship is a human relationship, and between them, they share no past. Her words strike a chord, and Dad stands there numbly, unable to respond. Hye-jung walks away, and cries for a brief moment.

In the residents’ room, Joong-dae and Kang-soo prepare for the welcoming party, and Young-kook walks in, his spirits high. They’re also celebrating Young-kook leading his first surgery, and Joong-dae merrily asks Young-kook if he’s ever been dropped from residency. Young-kook smiles at him: “Now I know exactly why Chief Kyung-joon wants to hit you.”

Hye-jung meets Kyung-joon in the ICU, and he tells her that Yoon-do commanded him to prepare her for an upcoming surgery. Yoon-do is outside and talking on the phone to “Director Jin” (most likely Myung-hoon). He says that he’s not joining the board of directors, and only notices Hye-jung once he hangs up.

She brings up the surgery, but Yoon-do interrupts her to say that it’ll be a good experience for her. She tells him to do it with Seo-woo since they originally worked together, but Yoon-do asks if she only gets close to people she originally knew and only dates people she originally knew.

Hye-jung thinks his analogy is stretching it, and Yoon-do admits that her word choice of “originally” made him furious. She laughs at his straightforward confession, and Yoon-do compliments her smile. He asks if she knew that her father gave him soup and that he ate it deliciously.

Hye-jung looks away awkwardly, and Yoon-do sighs that it didn’t make her laugh. She stares at him quizzically, and Yoon-do says that he likes this expression. She cringes in embarrassment and tells him to stop. Yoon-do says that cringe-inducing things become addictive, and he even uses hand motions to demonstrate his point.

Yoon-do declares that he sees her as a woman, and tells her to eat at the hospital cafeteria with him tomorrow before the surgery. He answers “yes” for her before she can reply, and as he walks away, he gives himself a victorious fist pump.

The celebration begins at Soon-hee’s café, and nearly the entire neurosurgery department is there. The emcee for the night is Kyung-joon, the self-proclaimed eternal cutie, and they’re celebrating Kang-soo’s inauguration and Young-kook’s first lead surgery.

Tae-ho is given the microphone, and the crowd chants for him to give a speech. Since it’s a celebration, he decides to say something short and predictable: The neurosurgery department deals with brains, the brain governs the body, and therefore… The crowd cries in unison, “The neurosurgery department governs everything!”

In stark contrast to the jubilant festivity, Seo-woo and Yoon-do arrive at a fancy restaurant where Myung-hoon and Director Jin are already seated and waiting for them. They talk about the future of the hospital, and Director Jin says that they need talent like Yoon-do.

Unfortunately for them, Yoon-do has no interest in management, since he became a doctor to be free of political power plays. Myung-hoon tells Yoon-do that he can just support Seo-woo, then. Yoon-do abruptly excuses himself from the table, and Seo-woo follows after him.

In the hallway, Yoon-do tells Seo-woo that he’s leaving, and makes it clear that he’s never felt a spark for her. Lashing out, Seo-woo predicts that Yoon-do will be miserable because it’s Hye-jung’s jinx that everyone around her will be miserable. Yoon-do replies, “Then I’ll be miserable.”

The party is in full swing, and everyone is having a blast. Tae-ho raps, the residents belch out songs, and Ji-hong adorably bobs his head to the music. Of course, no party in Korea is complete without copious amounts of alcohol.

Yoon-do arrives, and Kyung-joon hands him a drink as punishment for his tardiness. Yoon-do drinks it in one gulp, and then another, and everyone cheers. Kyung-joon announces that it’s initiation time for Ji-hong, but Hye-jung offers to go first since he doesn’t know what to do.

Hye-jung slams her head on the table (making the shot glass fall into the beer), and drinks it in one swig. It’s Ji-hong’s turn, but Hye-jung says that she’ll be his “black rose” (the female version of the “black knight,” meaning his substitute).

Ji-hong wants to try, and mimicking Hye-jung’s actions, he slams his head on the table. His first attempt fails, and though Tae-ho tries to stop him, Ji-hong is now too embarrassed to quit. He tries again, but only worsens the big red bruise on his forehead. Hye-jung chuckles at him, and Ji-hong laughs out loud to conceal his humiliation and pain.

The atmosphere is tense at Seo-woo’s dinner, and Myung-hoon reproaches her for allowing Yoon-do to belittle her. He doesn’t know how he can entrust the hospital to Seo-woo if she can’t even manage a single man. Seo-woo looks heartbroken and shovels food into her mouth, holding back her tears.

She takes a bathroom break, and receives a text from Young-kook. He sent her a group photo from the party, and asks when she’s coming. Seo-woo notices all the happy faces and, in particular, a smiling Yoon-do sitting next to Hye-jung. Tears spill from her eyes, and she calls Yoon-do a bastard.

It’s time for Kang-soo’s “bowl ceremony,” in which everyone fills a pot with alcohol for him to drink, and while everyone’s attention is diverted, Ji-hong motions Hye-jung to follow him. Kang-soo drinks the entire pot, and smiles at everyone until he falls to the floor.

Young-kook and Kyung-joon rush over, and Kyung-joon yells that he’s not breathing. Oddly, Tae-ho is super calm and tells them to do an intubation. Kyung-joon says that they have no equipment, but just then, Joong-dae brandishes everything they need from his bag like a superhero. Kyung-joon says his usual pun about Joong-dae actually bringing something (his name sounds like “joon-dae” which means “to give”), and even plants a kiss on his cheek.

Ji-hong is taking Hye-jung to another place as thanks for being his “black rose,” and Yoon-do watches them leave from a distance. Ji-hong brings her to an arcade, and Hye-jung easily beats him at shooting and basketball. Thus, Ji-hong takes her to his specialty (the claw machine) and wins her an armful of dolls.

Ji-hong notes that Hye-jung seems to really like competitions, so he decides to take her to a new place. They arrive at a soccer field, and Ji-hong races Hye-jung to the goal post. She beats him, but Ji-hong is having too much fun to care about winning.

They decide to race again, and as they walk back to the starting line, Hye-jung tentatively reaches out and grabs Ji-hong’s hand. She smiles at him and says that she’ll lose on purpose this time. Ji-hong looks awestruck, and thinks to himself that this is the first time a girl has held his hand first. Hye-jung leads him down the field, and the two of them run around in circles, holding each other’s hand.


I much preferred this week’s episodes, and I like how the show played to its strengths. Undeniably, Doctors is clichéd and cheesy, but those traits aren’t negative on their own. I actually think the show does best when it embraces its cheesiness, and allows the scenes to flow rather than try to build up romantic moments or manufacture tension. The difference between the cheesiness of Episode 8’s ending versus the ending from Episode 6 is that the director isn’t trying to manipulate the viewer’s emotions, and is letting the scene speak for itself without the heavy-handed delivery or over-the-top effects.

I also liked how the episode balanced important character moments with lighthearted ones. The show doesn’t take itself too seriously, and it’s the comedic beats and chemistry among the actors that reels me in. While I think that there isn’t much plot to the story, it actually makes it feel more like a slice-of-life drama, and often while I’m watching, I keep thinking that the show would make a great sitcom. Hence, I get the impression that Doctors is one of those dramas that you have to like subjectively as a viewer. That’s not to say the show is without its objective merits, but it comes down to preference at the end of the day with shows like these. Thus, when I watch Doctors as a slice-of-life drama with a good dose of romance and sprinkles of comedy, the show is entertaining and breezy, and I hope it stays that way.

In the beginning, I was frustrated at Seo-woo and her insistence that Ji-hong was treating her unfairly, but at the end, I found her character sympathetic (much of it due to Lee Sung-kyung). Myung-hoon probably loves his daughter, and from previous conversations, it seems that he’s proud of her, too. However, he was a complete jerk during the dinner scene, and his warped view of relationships explains, in part, why Seo-woo can’t seem to have many relationships herself. She’s grown up in an environment where relationships are only seen as connections for power, and this upbringing has caused her to fail to see the more complex social ties between people beyond the “zero-sum game” mentality she’s been taught. I especially liked the bathroom scene because it revealed the chasm Seo-woo has created around herself, and revealed a deeper longing for happiness and human interaction within her. I wish the drama would depict more of Seo-woo’s loneliness and struggles rather than her continued obsession with beating Hye-jung, and give her some character growth where she finds happiness outside of Yoon-do. While I’m sure having Yoon-do will make her happy (because he’s adorable), I think what Seo-woo really needs is to learn to love herself and others without comparing and quantifying love.

While I sometimes dislike and sometimes sympathize with Seo-woo, I almost always love Hye-jung, who’s an awesome lead. She’s confident and spunky, and doesn’t expect others to come and save her. Hye-jung plows forward, and her tenacity and passion help her accomplish whatever goals she plans. It’s no wonder that she has so many suitors after her. I like how Hye-jung is now taking the initiative in her own love life, and I might have developed a girl crush when she grabbed Ji-hong’s hand and told him that she’d lose this time (ah, the double meanings!). I’m one of those viewers that don’t care about ships or shipping wars, and never get hurt over someone not getting the girl or boy. That being said, you guys can fight over Ji-hong and Yoon-do (who are both, in my opinion, swoon-worthy men), and I’ll just quietly be in my corner with Tae-ho and his sparkling hat. Oh, and all the residents, too, because they’re just so lovable and hilarious together.


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This is a slice-of-life drama and is driven by its characters. I thought everyone could have realized it by now.
The recap is slightly better than the ep 6's but I still wish recapers would drop the drama if they don't enjoy it....


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This is just my opinion, but I think it's not fair for you to expect all recappers to be completely in love the shows they recap. Firstly, no one can control what will happen in a show, and it's normal that there will be parts that are good and bad in a drama. Also, just because they point out flaws in the drama, doesn't mean that they aren't enthusiastic or enjoying the drama. Lastly, a lot of time, personal preferences play a big role in whether you like a particular style of writing, so perhaps I'm reading too much into your comment, but I feel like you are being a unfair by hinting that the recapper should quit recapping this drama. Sorry, just my 2 cents, because I do appreciate any recap and insights into the drama that the DB team provide for us.


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Recapping is time consuming hard work. I for one am thankful towards our recappers.

Also, respecting or loving or enjoying a show doesn't mean one has to be blind to its flaws. I mean, we don't even expect people to love their spouses or fluffy pets while totally oblivious to their problems, much less a kdrama. The criticism/critique can be part of the viewing fun.

I'm still enjoying this show, though it isn't anywhere close to 'good' objectively speaking. Was ready to drop live watching last week, but episodes 7-8 pulled me back. Like lovepark observed, Doctors is strongest when it delivers its materials with a light, reserved hand, and not take itself too seriously. I enjoyed this week's episodes because it felt like the show was aware of its flaws, and decided instead to play up its strengths by cutting back the makjang and utilizing the comedic chemistry of its attractive cast.

I also agree with lovepark's sitcom comment. If only!!! A Scrubs type of medical comedy with this cast would be amazing. Too bad the hospital politics is a total drag, and Seo Woo needs a personality makeover. The script is totally hinting at her unleashing the kraken soon (CRY). I freaking love her when she's being hilariously bratty and petty. If only she was more Emma Woodstock and less psycho-in-waiting.


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ooops. I meant 'Woodhouse' lol


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I think it's just a matter of personal preference. I actually started watching the drama only after I had read up on the recaps, and I found everything way over the top, the music overbearing and I couldn't really embrace it. It's like I enjoy the giddiness and cheesy moments in concept but not in execution. Anyhow, I've gone back to just reading the recap for Doctors, it undercuts the cheese.


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By your logic, shouldn't you stop reading and commenting on the recaps if you don't enjoy them? It's pretty easy to do.

Thanks for the recap, lovepark!


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I 100% agree with the recapper and it's refreshing to see her honesty. I always enjoy a recapper's comments section the most for every drama and always skip the recap section, going right to her comments for personal interpretation. I am just disappointed that Lovepark didn't comment on the basically AWFUL music accompaniments to various scenes (except for ending songs). The music has ME banging my head on the table!


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Many thanks to both lovepark and Dramallama for your good recaps.

A recap only needs to give readers a sufficiently good idea of the plot movement in an episode. That in itself is a lot of effort and not easy to do, and there's lots of time spent in editing and re-editing before 'publishing' as well. So muchas gracias!!

Even if a recap was written as cut and dried, but true to the show, it is a good recap and gives us, the viewers, the added advantage of not being swayed by another's emotional reaction. This is a perfectly valid style of recapping.

Any extras like mini-analyses or personal reactions within the recap are not necessary and can be considered a nice extra (or not, depending). On top of that, with this site, there is a great sharing or thoughts in the comments section. This is very generous.

Readers may prefer a different style of writing that appears to them to be a sign of the writer being more positive or negative about a show, but readers can be mistaken.
Regardless of 'feelings' about the recap, I'd like to say to all recappers, thank you for committing to and doing the job, and doing it so well! :)


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Sorry to said but I am one person who only read recaps cause I enjoyed it more than watched it
So this recap is good and make me think better of this "cheesy" drama
I just drama can't connected with the acting, maybe not their best role in term of female lead but It's a very good read,
Agaij reminds me of otome game, my imagination like this


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I am just thankful there's someone recapping this for free...thank you and it's nice to read another take on the episode...keep writing @lovepark


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(Sorry if I'm breaking any commenting rule) on the soompi forum for this drama some people were angry that the negative hancinema review was being posted there... which made me ponder about and like DB recappers a lot more! This recap does not veer into extreme delusional adoration or complete hate which I never really appreciated till now :)
I kind of prefer SW in this drama but that does not mean that I do not admire HJ... AND i hope that the drama does not make SW go off her career cause she did work to become a doctor too irrespective of any personal issue


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Thats quite selfish of you to ask the recapers to drop it. Cause theres alot of people inc myself who loves reading the recaps. I may not agree with all their sentiments but always appreciate their 2 cents. Recaping is hard work. Im thankful to all those who take their time to write for us.


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This show definitely reminds me of an American sitcom, which isn't bad, just not what I was expecting. It's enjoyable, light, and breezy. You could probably skip a few episodes and pick up whenever.

Although I have to say, if anything bad happens to Tae-ho during this drama, I'm going to be really upset on Lovepark's behalf.


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I keep mixing it up with the other, darker shows I'm watching and I'm scared for Tae-ho's life cos he is too nice and in the middle of some shady hospital politics. :O I need Jang Hyun-sung in a nice guy role, demmit!


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Yessss watching Beautuful Mind in addition to this makes me utterly paranoid.


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He is quite nice in Dear My Friends haha. Oh and he even sings in it!

I was coming from Signal and watching that drama.. I got worried about him being a bad character


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Haha someone said in a DMF recap that his character was too nice and maybe he's a serial killer!


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Like Lovepark I Really enjoyed this episode! So much cute between Hye Jung and Triple Hong ?
Of course it's probably the calm before the storm but I shall enjoy the cute while it lasts.

Unfortunately I still dislike Seo Woo and especially her family- she is really a spoilt snobby brat, and her dad is worse. She was Super unprofessional- doctors really should never argue in front of a patient. I also really dislike this culture in Korea where they put so much importance on what kind of family you come from. Sadly I felt not an ounce of sympathy for her while she cried tears of self pity in the toilet. She could have had a different outlook on life if she hadn't cut off ties with her friends in school, and that was from her misplaced sense of entitlement and pride too.

Also, I think she is being really stupid about this grudge against HJ- she could have just pushed JH and HJ together, and then she could have prevented YD from chasing HJ. Instead she acts up in front of both YD and JH, just because she wants to "win" over HJ. So now both boys see her petty manipulative side. I'm not sure how the writer is going to redeem her character before the end because I dislike her and her family so much right now I don't think she deserves a chance to be happy.

Hopefully the writer will prove me wrong and we can get her some kind of happy ending. Just not with YD- even if SW is reformed, he still deserves nicer in laws!


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Not just YD-JH noticed SW manipulative side. TH also noticed it too.


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I feel sympathy for seo woo... I really do. Her parents have taught her nothing that would have made her a good person. My problem is that every time I'm almost about to un-dislike her, like how she shows concern for the restaurant owner, she does something that prevents me from feeling anything but anger at her.
Yes, she's been taught wrong. But even without it, she has a shi***y character. Her problem is that she is unable to take any blame. Any problem that she encounters, she blames it on someone else. It's like she's incapable of thinking of herself as at fault (maybe a subconscious defense mechanism since her parents are always reproaching and criticizing her).
She's like Chae Soo Bin's character in Sassy Go Go, but without the guilt, without the conflicted moral code, and just with 100% confidence in her righteousness. At least, with CSB's character, we could see that she most of the time didn't mean what she said, that it was just a way to lash out under pressure, and she recognized it for what it was.
I don't know if the characters are different by design, or because chae soo bin could bring out a nuanced portrayal, but while I can sympathize with on, I'm finding myself struggling to like seo woo.


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I agree that one of Seo-Woo's defining traits is her self-righteousness, but I actually find the trait kind of interesting in this case. While we've these kind of "I'm 100% in the right" types of female second leads before, the writing on Doctors does a good job of presenting Seo-Woo's perspective as legitimate (or, at least, demonstrating why Seo-Woo would see the perspective as legitimate, even though it's really not.)

One of the biggest examples of this is Seo-Woo's recollection of the warehouse fire. From her perspective, Hye-Jung and Soon-Hee lured her to the warehouse to beat her up, and Seo-Woo ended up being hospitalized as a result. When Seo-Woo tells this story to other characters (namely, her college friend), there's no indication that she's lying or exaggerating in order to get her way--this is honestly what she believes happened in that warehouse.

I've mentioned this before in another post, but I'll say it again here: Seo-Woo thinks that she's the protagonist of this drama. On another show, I can imagine Seo-Woo being the main character: an insecure sadsack whose high school bully -- a beautiful, perfect, smart, funny girl that everyone loves -- suddenly comes to work at the same workplace.

In a way, the fact that I can see this "other show" happening in Seo-Woo's mind in all of her scene is interesting facet of the character, and it makes her sympathetic to me.

However, that sympathy is already starting to grow a bit thin. Unless Seo-Woo experiences some serious character growth over the remainder of the show, she's going to seem petty, vindication, and -- at the end of the day -- just plain uninteresting.


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Both of you bring up interesting points.

Seo Woo is tricky. Yes, there is reason for the way she thinks, but most of the time, that reason wears thin because it's based on her pride.

Individually, it seems that in each case, there's some room for understanding, but when you compound it all, it makes her extremely unlikable, and she appears selfish, delusional, and overbearing by blaming all her shortcomings on someone else. They say how you view others is a reflection of yourself, projection or whatnot. In this case, the way she views Hyejung shows how she herself is petty.

She's beaten in maths: Hyejung's fault for deceiving her, lying about not being able to study (even when she heard the iq was 156) instead of thinking it's her own "fault" for not achieving the grade

She loses her friend: Hyejung is stealing the friend v. her fault for not treating the friend correctly

Her teacher likes someone else: hyejung is a witch instead of thinking that this is a case of the teacher being unable to like her

she makes up a rumor to ruin two lives = not her fault, they were shady. refuses to renege her claim at the board meeting out of pride

fire accident: she started hitting hyejung, asking to be hit back, but the assault is not her fault, she's the only victim

she meets hyejung again at hospital: hyejung must have come here to plague her and seduce teacher

her sunbae doesn't like her: hyejung's fault. his fault.

and I can go on, and on, and on. Her perspective is completely warped, and that's because her personality is ungenerous, petty, insecure, and thinks others are like her.


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I would say that sense of self-righteousness is really a form of entitlement.

Seo Woo basically suffers from a full-blown case of "because I deserve it." It's like when people living in the first world complains about outdated iPad models or inorganic food. The question isn't whether they have access to or deserve something. There's already a default assumption they are entitled to technology or bountiful available food.

Seo Woo's entitlement complex is so bad that she is psychologically unable to cope when things don't go her way. Because she literally feels that she deserves whatever she wants. Case in point:

- Doesn't get 1st in math. Typical reaction: resolves study harder, some disappoint or anger, but knows result is because another person out-studied or outsmarted you. Seo Woo: literally thinks HJ tricked her ... like the natural order of the universe should be that she comes out first, and that the reason HJ succeeded was because she scammed SW into helping her study.

- Isn't loved back by guys she's interested in. Typical reaction: heartbreak, maybe some directionless anger. Seo Woo: literally thinks HJ 'stole' her guys. Like she's entitled to whatever dude she has her eyes on, and it enrages her if they don't like her back.


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YD has to be really naive to have not noticed SW's trademark sense of entitlement and her righteousness to be honest. They've been senior and juniors and seem to be close family friends. What I took from that scene is that he outgrew it and it bothers him now. I think if we look at YD alone, he hasn't changed much. He was unbelievably rude to both SW and her parents in the dinner, I think more or less people would agree on this once we take the fact out of the picture that SW is a not a likable character to us viewers as we are all aware of her follies. There's better ways to handle a family dinner and to turn a girl down. He chose the worst possible time and rudest possible method. Her claws and teeth came out for good reasons here. I did sympathized with SW at the end of the day but to be honest it has more to do with Lee Sung-Kyung than the writing. She made me feel for her so I hope the writers give her an interesting arc instead of reducing her to a cardboard cutout villain and do justice to her acting abilities. Even villains can be interesting, look at Hong Joo in MOTW. Fine, I don't expect magical arc for her but interesting enough to engage me in her experience as a doctor and as a person.

Secondly, I have to say this. I think I finally can pinpoint exactly where Kim Rae Won's character baffles some not all viewers. He is basically a second male lead perfect all throughout but he is the main lead and guess what its pretty safe to assume he will get the girl. And I think he is a very well balanced character too. I know many people wouldn't notice the subtle shifts in his acting but he is corny and cheesy when its needed and mature and professional when its required. He was in control and completely professional while handling the accident and later the awake surgery. He also took a step back when he was jealous. You don't notice this but its very likable traits in a person. So, I was happy when Hye Jung took his hand at the end. He took a step forward and now she has taken one step forward towards him. That's my kinda girl!


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YD can be a complete ass, but I find it much easier to accept it than SW's "villainy." And that's because YD might be an ass, but he knows it, owns it, and has a reason and purpose for acting that way and is upfront about it. He didn't like HJ because she broke the regulations, and when he talked to SW's father and gf, he told them point blank he didn't like it. He told SW he ignored her feelings bc he didn't like them, and when he left her to fend for herself with her family dinner, he told exactly the reason why he's acting like an ass on purpose. In short, he's selfish, but knows it, and tells people exactly who they are dealing with. And when he's wrong, he owns it just as well. The only thing I find unforgivable was his way of trying to kick her out, although it was not risky since she's a doctor, and he planned for himself and then JH to be there.

SW on the other hand, does not recognize her own flaws. And when she acts, she almost always uses another excuse for the real reason behind her actions (her dislike and jealousy of HJ) by veiling them as righteous ones.

There is some charm to people like YD (a la Sherlock) who prioritize their own comfort but are willing to accept that selfishness for what it is, but none at all, or very little to people like SW who are consumed by jealousy, and don't even recognize it for what it is.


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I respectfully disagree. Sure, SW's jealousy has made her blind to her own shortcomings which makes her frustrating character. But I don't think YD being an ass and selfish the way he is in the show is charming to me personally. Rude is rude, inappropriate is inappropriate. I still can't forgive him for trying to kick Hye Jung out of the hospital by putting a patients life at stake to be honest and can't really overlook his behavior at and post the dinner with SW. I also maybe a minority but find his change of behavior around Hye Jung and to the extent it has changed a bit extreme but its a drama so acceptable.
Now you pointed out Sherlock, Sherlock's an ass but he is a genius with his unique quirks and he has Watson to humanize him so there lies the charm. Same goes for character like Dr. Gregory House, an ass but a brilliant jerk which really is where the charm comes from. You respect what they do so much that you overlook their shortcomings. Last I checked YD isn't one of those gifted surgeons so no I find him annoying so far. Just my two cents.


YES! I also want to point out that the reason SW can't recognize, or refuse to own to her jealousy, is because she can't think of herself as in the wrong. Every time somebody points out that she views HJ as a threat, SW just refutes it "How can be threatened by such a person?" It's so tragic, it's almost hilarious.

I've asked myself whether or not I'm being too hard on SW, instead of YD because she's a girl. But that's not it. Physically, I find LSK much more appealing, and she has loads of cute moments in the drama which are supposedly designed to make her likable. But those moments turn to ashes the moment she's with HJ. Any aspects of her personality that are likable disappear when rivalry rears its ugly head. Instead of finding respect in her rivals for being good, all she feels is jealousy.


@Melissandra One more comment before I lurk again. Seems to me that the reason SW is so jealous, is because she was at the top of the social ladder since her childhood. She had no one to threaten her position until HJ showed up and made her insecure. She's probably one of those people who might have the best toys, but still don't like to share just one toy they see as theirs.


@ Gem

I think a lot of people misunderstood YD's maneuver against HJ in episode 5. Remember before Hongx3 intervened, he was going to go into that surgery with HJ, first as lead surgeon and then as the primary assist when HJ declared she's uninterested in assisting/learning from his surgery. If his intentions were to kick HJ out by utilizing a patient death or botched surgery, then he is stupid. Because as lead surgeon or primary assist, he would be equally responsible (or at least partially culpable) for anything that goes wrong, and his reputation would certainly be tainted. I think his idea was to catch HJ making a mistake during surgery, and to kick her out as an attending surgeon who is technically in a supervising position over her. He has the authority to make that call if HJ was in fact a shitty surgeon (which he initially assumed to be the case, because she was from a regional hospital and had a 'gangster' attitude).

YD strikes me as one of those nerdy high IQ low EQ types. Notice the Gundam figurines in his office. I've had friends/classmates like him in high school and college. Socially awkward and not necessarily emotional. Left brain dominated and very strong in math/sciences. But just terrible at demonstrating outward empathy, and comes off as brusque, straight forward, or plain rude. They may be very kind to people they like or care about, but then will retreat behind their intelligence by talking down to people they don't like.



Ur right, rude is rude!! But rude CAN be charming to some pple, its rlly a matter of taste. Personally i dun mind a bit of bad boy in my characters. I like sherlock & house not despite their rudeness but (partially) BC of of it. kkkkk I like that they dont bother to b respectful 2 pple they dont deem worthy of respect... ive got friends like the ones Sylvia describe, not geniuses by sherlocks standards, but quite smart (MIT/Harvard maths& EC & physics, apple, google, etc.). normal pple dont understand them, but im used to behaviors like that. i find that i like them more than "regular" pple bc they're genuine pple. simple in their dislike, would argue passionately for hours but also relatably quick to admit wrong when they're wrong, and quick to forget conflict. so i understand YD. kkkk. mayb its bc we live in our own bubble world, but we're quite happy. on the other hand, pple like SW are the reason we dont want to go out in real world, where too many pple are scary.


sarah loves psh, now that you mentioned being scared of SW, I finally know who SW reminds me of! :D I couldn't pinpoint it before. She looks nothing like him, so that's why I had a hard time putting my finger on it so to speak: Trump! No accountability whatsoever, goes around acting childishly, and blaming the consequences on whoever strike their fancy as being guilty, and never tale back their words or opinions even if its all BS, and thinking the world of themselves while looking down on "little" poor people.


Excellent observation about the second lead-iness of Ji-Hong!

In another comment, fangirl sy pointed out ways that Doctors subverts drama cliches, such as by having Hye-Jung play the "male hero" role (e.g. pushing Yoon-Do out of the way, beating up the gangsters, saving Seo-Won from the fire, wrist-grabbing Ji-Hong...honestly, with her quest for vengeance on top of that, she could easily be the protagonist of a show like Healer or City Hero.)

Ji-Hong sidesteps the typical tropes of the "cool, arrogant male lead" (a la Secret Garden) and "pigtail-pulling man-child second lead" (a la Flower Boy Ramyun Shop) by being a genuinely nice (and mature!) guy.

I know there are plenty of people who want to write off Doctors as silly, saccharine froth, we should give props to the writers for constructing their characters in new and interesting ways.


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I'm having a hard time believing Seo-woo's character at all. She's beautiful, intelligent, successful, and wealthy. I cannot imagine a way for her to have become so pathetic, insecure, and unsuccessful with men and other humans, even if her adolescence was rough. I find that I must suspend disbelief to make sense of her.


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Yep, I with you in the corner with Tae Ho and also the rest of the brain department.

I like the womance in this drama ie. HJ and SH. Hope that Soo Chul will bounce back so he can be with SH. Want to see his little kid too.


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This episode was way better.

Ji Soo's accident was somewhat predictable but the scene with Dad was very heartbreaking for me.

From the flashback, HJ's dad was never there. And HJ grew up watching her parents fighting. And that disgust face he showed as he left to little HJ, was all the more reason to find this character despicable. Father or not, you don't just try to butter up to your now-successful daughter, or a stepmother (oh, don't get me started on how awful this character is) and a stepsister who looks somewhat lost all the time...

I think HJ has come a long way. And she's starting to break her own walls around JH. And that's a good thing.


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Yes! I also cannot stand HJ's dad. He only marginally loses to SW's dad for Worst Dad Ever.
If she wasn't successful, I doubt he would have bothered to look for her at all, and he can't possibly not know how horribly his current wife treats her. I couldn't stand how self righteous he was as if it was HJ's fault alone for their estrangement.


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I also cannot stand the dad. The worst part is that he will probably be forgiven and the show will end with a reconciliation between Hyejung and her despicable family...I hope I am wrong because the idea just makes my blood boil.

Forgiveness should not = forgetting, but rather letting go.

You can forgive someone and still refuse to maintain a relationship with them. Hyejung needs to deal with her family issues but I hope that in the end, they part ways once more. It's important that Hyejung understands that she was not at all to blame for the way her family treated her and that she does not owe them anything.


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Yes definitely. The part that made me most mad was when he said that HJ ran away from him- as if that absolved him from all responsibility as a father. She was a teenager for crying out loud. It's his responsibility to care for her even if she tried to run away!

So unless suddenly dad and his wife are diagnosed with brain tumours to explain how nasty they are behaving, I also don't want a reconciliation.


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He also dumped her on her grandmother (Which was the ONLY good thing he ever did for her).

But seriously they disgust me.

And even though I think the half sister does not seem so bad I am wondering if HJ ended up with a terrible life and needed their help would that half sister be this nice or would she snob her too.

And the father doe snot deserve forgiveness all her accomplishments were done on her own.
And if he does not even know or think his action are wrong than he has no sincerity. He and his wife are exactly the same but being her biological father makes him 1000% worse.


I hope the drama will be realistic in providing the closure to HJ on her family. Dramaland loves to end things positively, but I hope this will break stereotypes in showing that reality is not easy. And like you said, forgiving does not mean forgetting.


In reality, there r many parents mishndlng their children. And they blame their children for being useless. :(


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Thanks for your recaps and reviews this week "lovepark"!
I kinda enjoy and agreed with you this week episodes more enjoyable and the story lines flow so right.

The most part that annoyed me so much, I have to scream so loud when HJ father ask her what he did that was so wrong???
Heh? Did he suddenly have amnesia or brain cancer?
Like some say, Parents not always right.
They are just a life guide for their children, not God who's will not admit any mistakes. SHIT!
If I can jump inside, I will smacks that HJ father faces. Also smacks that withes stepmom. kakakaka...

Anyhow I love SH, SC, Samchoon, KTH, YD and many... many Hospital residents in this week episode.
Except Seo-Woo Garbage Family Clan, I can't tolerate their dirty mind. What a piece shit they are talking!!!

Most importantly HJ and JH, what a great progress so far.
The way HJ initially hold his hand first was so sweet and touch me. Awww.... so in love with them.
Hopefully next week JH/HJ cheesiness or sweetness will not less than this week. I'm okay if I have Diabetic issue after overload with their sweetness. Kya....

So far... Doctors the Best KDrama this year for me.


I too cannot sympathize with her father. I actually commiserate and sympathize with HJ for her cold reception.

Remember in one of the earlier scenes HJ said that "our relationship stopped when you brought that woman into the house". We learn later that she was physically abused by that woman as a kid. So did he. He hit her.

She was dumped into her grandmas care as a teenager. When the grandma died, the father and step-mother appeared and the step-mother almost flaunted that they took a payout on the grandma's failed surgery, and HJ begging her dad to do something to investigate her death and never did anything about it?

If she left home after this incident I understand her pretty well. It's good that she turned her life around and made something out of herself rather than self-destruct.

This would make her a very strong personality. making ANGER as her motivation to succeed. I like that.

In contrast to SW who had everything going for her in spite of her pettiness and jealousy. Her character development seemed to have stopped in her teens. She still acts like a brat and insisting that whatever she wants she gets including a man... Wooohhh, this is kind of desperate isn't it? I feel that women have to have more self respect. It is demeaning to keep running after a man when you are rejected several times..

Imagine also her machinations at the very start when she met HJ, going to the Department Head and insisting that she be removed from the hospital? She is insidious and scheming. Luckily they see through her acts.

I can't find it in my heart to pity her when she cried. She brought it all to herself.

And her professionalism? need I say more about this?


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Can i just comment how much i love Doctors opening credits? the imagery has something to do with the overall story of the episode and i really like it, kinda remind me of the opening credits of Once Upon a Time <3

that said i like the that this episode is quite lighthearted.. also was kinda disappointed when Seo-woo mentioned that whoever is with Hye-jung becomes cursed but my heart cant help but tear up when Seo-woo cried :(

Im looking forward to what Yoon-do will bring to our love triangle next week.. he is such a cute dork:p


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i forgot to ask.. did Ji-hong really bang his head on the table? cause it looks so realistic to me..


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It must have been. He looked slightly dizzy afterwards.


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Your question remind me how it look so real. We can hear the bang sound upon he knock the table with his head. So cute and funny of him to show off.


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Any empathy that I can conjure up for Seo-woo is absolutely because of Lee Sung-kyung's performance because on paper the character is just 100% hateable, but she manages to tease out some non-hateable moments.


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I have to disagree... The writer clearly makes her pitiful and she will no doubt redeem at the end...
LSK's acting is good but the writing is the main part.
Just like how everyone is head over heal over 2nd lead, it's not his acting but rather his character that makes people likes him


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The opening credits are my faves too. A very unsubtly way for episode's teaser. I almost had a jump when they show a bike on episode 7, just because.


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YD's little adorable crush will cost HJ a lot..SW is a sore looser and the easiest target she'll find is HJ.... I want her to react differently but its evident that she won't.. (I really wish LSK to play a likable character once ...T_T) ..SW might still act like a high schooler but HJ is more capable and has some solid backups...i'm really looking forward to upcoming eps..

I totally agree with lovepark TH and rest department are adorable..( I'll place my every penny that TH will be the head of the hospital when they reach final ep)


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Tae-ho and his sparkly hat were perhaps the big highlight of this episode for me because it was just beyond adorable.

I wasn't super sold on Yoon-do at the beginning, which was frustrating because I've loved the actor ever since I saw him on Faith, but I'm really liking him now. Not necessarily enough to develop second-lead syndrome as I truly melt every time KRW smiles (seriously he has one of the most warm smiles I've ever seen), but a lot more than I did a couple weeks ago.

Oh Seo-woo, I mostly have huge issues with her and especially with her idea that everything has to go her way. This sort of mentality was sort of understandable during the high school years, but it's definitely not now. Her character type (the girl who has everything she could want except for one thing) is really frustrating to me. Of course the whole idea that a guy should be with her just because she has feelings for him, even when he shows zero romantic feelings for him....well I can't help but want to yell at the screen that she's 31 for the love of Pete and she should've outgrown such a childish view of love.


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And what was up with Hye-jung operating on Soo-chul? I'm pretty sure that their relationship is such that she shouldn't be in the room operating on him.


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not exactly.im a med student and i remember one of our head surgeons got final approval as a surgeon after operating on his own terminally ill father.


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That's interesting. I work with healthcare publishing and I know that I've seen at least a handful of articles on why the whole "don't treat family or friends" ensures that those the doctor is close to receive the best possible care. Plus with American medical shows, there's at least one episode where someone does treat someone close to them and then gets into massive trouble for it.


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There arent official rules, but the logic is that if you are emotionally attached to the patient, you have a higher potential to make a mistake or panic, especially if something goes wrong during surgery. And if anything does go seriously wrong there will be a lot of guilt too. Some doctors are willing to take the risk, while others don't want the added stress. But it's usually up to the doctor's discretion.


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Yeah, a certain level of emotional dissociation is required when you cut open a body. This partly why they isolate the area being operated on from the rest of the body and face. The surgeon needs to maintain focus.

I think I read somewhere that surgery is one of those professions with the highest percentage of sociopaths, since surgeons enjoy a high degree of prestige, god-like powers, control, and stimulation. So, in this sense, Lee Young Oh from BM isn't really that rare or strange of a creature as the show is suggesting.


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is it just me or Yoon Do is getting even more adorable by each episode? I really love that little fist bump and his silly hand gestures i love ji hong, i really do, and so far i still prefer him with Hyejung. But i really need more cute adorable interactions with Yoon Do, cause the kid is so adorable and he's whipped. Lol

Thanks for the recap! :)


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I really appreciate lovepark's recap, it gives me the same feeling as the episode did: well balanced.


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I was already wondering why Ji-hong had so many stuffed toys in his office at the beginning of the episode and then they perfectly connected it to the arcade scene at the end. Sigh, where do I find myself a HongHongHong? (What, stuffed toys are childish? Pfff...try telling that an Asian. :-P )

And omg, I loved that party scene so much. Tae-ho rapping while wearing a sparkly cap, HongHongHong being so freaking adorkable, trying to impress the girl while bumping his forehead again and again, then there are all those residents who are too cute for words...I wanna work with these people!

I don't care whether people find this drama cheesy, full of clichés or whatever, I'm enjoying it, especially a heroine who is no candy but holds her ground impressively whether it's considering her job or her family. You go, Hye-jung!

Oh and I still don't like Seo-woo and am disappointed the writer has written her as a Baek In-ha 2.0 (so far).
She's a petty, entitled, spoiled brat to the max and did not mature a bit in the past 13 years. Thinking about having her as anyone's doctor makes me shudder, professionalism...what's that?!


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Agreed, angieya! Yes on all 4 points.

If I remember it correctly Honghonghong even has that stuffed toy arcade game in his home so I'd like to believe it was not just a random detail thrown in.

Loved "cool" Taeho too! I like that he's a warm, competent and now, even fun head for the department.

I get where everyone's coming from with the show being cliche-ridden but in Doctors' defense, they have subverted quite a number of cliches as well - mostly with Hyejung's character who I love. Just a few examples I can think of, leading lady protecting YD from oncoming danger (or just a rushing person in this case); female character saving guy mob head and male doctor; successful professional who don't go through so much trouble just to lie about loud and embarrassing friends. lurve her!

On point Inha 2.0 comment! haha. I wish the show could make her look more professional so there would be an actual competition between her and Hyejung.


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Never drink with dramaland doctors

1. concussion from banging head on table
2. alcohol poisoning
3. passing out while department head in sparkly hat drunkenly slurs "intubation .. someone do intubation"
4. everyone's too busy lol'ing while underachieving 10-year resident is the one trying to save your life


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woow!! yoon_do is so adorable.


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This is slice of life drama. And I LOVE it. It bring smile in my lips and warm in my heart. I love all the cast too. Love the party scenes, it's like a real party and not just acting. And the ending, sigh, just the simple gesture of holding hands but very satisfying to watch.


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Whole heartedly agreed! It's such a light and beautifully crafted slice of life drama that every episode gives me a happy sigh (not in those angst driven episodes where sw being a total arsehat with her horrible fam - not to mention Hj's dad. How do you forgive a man like that? I would never) - i swear to god i'm going gaga over krw oppar/ahjussi more than ever. He looks a bit like Takuya Kimura on certain angles or maybe it's just the healthy tan he's spotting. I'm just in loooove.

I understand some people's preferences are different but I definitely adore Doctors 10x more than DOTS. In fact I stopped watching DOTS after episode 7 (sorry, guys). I feel like it is unfair to say this drama is bad because it's a lot like Grey's Anatomy... Maybe 40-50% of it anyways. Most of my non Korean drama friends religiously catch the episodes and urged me to watch them. Super glad I did!

I found a new purpose in studying for the new semester by rewarding myself with Doctors episodes.


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or alternatively you can visit the blog whose recaps you like. what is with picking on recappers? if in the middle of the show they don't like the direction its taking should they just abandon their job and shift it to someone else ? why? don't they have a right to an opinion? just because they r not squeeing over the otp u have an issue? its a recap blog not a fanclub. what's with being rude to the recappers every week simply because their opinion does not match yours.


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I felt bad for Seo Woo to the point that I want to hug her. But I feel like hating her too because she is the one who decided to live an unhappy life.
She could have started to look for another guy when Yoon Do openly rejected her feeling. Or she could have been grateful that she still has Young Kook on her side as her loyal friend. She should stop comparing herself with Hye Jung so she could get her own life. But then we won't get a 'fantastic' plot story if Seo Woo became a good girl.

And I felt like I was being a bipolar person this week. I have been developing a severe second lead syndrome but now I want to slap Yoon Do when he was being rude and arrogant toward Seo Woo. I even felt satisfied when Seo Woo cursed him at the restroom.

Oh, and another note. I love Yoon Do's new hairstyle. Yoon Do looks more handsome when he shows off his forehead. Did he change it because of Hye Jung? Boy must be crave for some attentions..


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i agree that YD was a bit harsh, but i feel like being blunt and kind of tactless is part of his character. plus, SW kind of needs to be refused harshly.. she's the type to be persistent despite the other person rejecting her and wanting her to stop. :/ that's another thing i dislike about her. she thinks she can just force someone to like her over time, but it doesn't work that way.


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i think it's very telling that Hye jung can have her emotional baggage and yet be a brilliant doctor while Seo Woo can only be petty and jealous. That's so one dimensional. All the scenes with Seo Woo are either of her being manipulative or being jealous. Why can't she be manipulative and brilliant at the same time? i hate that her carrier takes a back sit so we can see her being petty and childish over men who were never hers to begin with.


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Just how much did the initial scenes move me to tears. Esp hye jung crying bitterly for her soo chul. It makes me curious about what happened in the past and what role did soo chul play in stabilizing her initially. It's heartening to see such a deep emotional friendship between them.

Some characters just want you to root for them. And i just wanted to do that for soo chul today cause a few scenes was enough to do that for me. Especially when he showed his son's photo. For that very reason i cried for him. I wanted him to be get back on his feet asap just so that his one sincere wish of going back to his son comes true.

It was good to see Hye jung win another battle here, in going through with soo chul's surgery.

I esp liked ji hong telling hye jung it's ok to be weak sometimes and depend on others - a luxury hye jung never got in her life, so it would be difficult for her to decipher. It's absolutely unimaginable for her. She cannot afford to be weak, just because she has to survive in this world alone with no one to have her back. That broke my heart.

Its good to see seo woo breaking down just because it's a reminder of how much human she is. I guess its relatable at some level seeing all her colleagues together but her alone. At the end of the day, no one wants to be alone. I agree, it's high time she goes beyond her obsession with hye jung and stops being paranoid about her. Maybe have ji hong help hee with that, despite it being frustrating cause at the end of the day he is her teacher n well wisher right. There is much more the writer can explore with her, maybe develop a love line with yoon do too.
(Same here. No ship wars for me. I m more invested in individual journeys here)


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As a person who rides motorcycles and races them as a hobby, PLEASE ... PLEASE never take the helmet off of a rider that has gone down without first stabling the neck. In the real world, helmets on very tight and the helmet can't be easily removed by a third party without significant trauma to the neck if not done properly.

Rant Off.


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Ha, I had the same reaction. At least they were talking a lot about stabilizing his neck while taking the helmet off, but I have no idea how you'd do that in actual practice - do hospitals saw the helmet off after the rider is transported? Either way, the entire process was WAY too fast, though that's because a TV show can't spend 5 minutes showing the painstaking stabilization process.

I thought they did okay, right up until Ji Hong went to put on the cervical collar and jostled the entire head. Whoops.


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I can help answer this!
No they don't saw the helmet off.
The neck is stabilized by 1 person and the helmet is taken off by another person or 2. The process of stabilizing the neck is medically called "manual in-line stabilization"

This is the simplest link (minimal medical jargon) with pictures I could find.


Hope this answers your question ?


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Oooh, awesome, thanks for the link. What a relief we have all kinds of professionals on DB hehe.

Btw I was already thankful she didn't move him at all after running to him, you know the usual picking-the-person-up-and-shaking-them-for-dramatic-effects, medical drama or not. ;-)


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Oh yes and the reason they can't leave the helmet on and take it off only in hospital is because they need to stabilize the neck before moving the injured person anywhere. And the cervical collar won't fit properly on the neck with the helmet on. ?


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I was extremely pleased with this episode, because I got what I originally came for - seeing Kim Rae Won all smiles. Additionally, I am enjoying the slice-of-life perspective that lets me observe the characters and their interactions. As I stated somewhere before, I rarely care about the plot, because it has been all said, done and shown before, so I don't mind what is being used as canvas for characters in this drama.
I loved how Ji Hong talked about being childish at the beginning of the episode and how his more or less childish actions were shown later on. The epitome thereof was the scene with recuperating Soo Chul. I couldn't help but giggle and rewatch that part over and over again.

I am also intrigued by Hye Jung - how will she sort out her relationship with her father and his family. Will she be able to overcome her childhood trauma to build her own relationships, her own family?

Also, I was finally able to appreciate Yoon Do's character. The transition from a cold jerk all about hierarchy and rules to an adorable dork who tries to find his way out of the world where everything is about status and power. It was a smart thing to become a doctor - it is a very respected profession, gives you status, but at the same time you get freedom that would be much more difficult to find as lawyer or businessman. I think Yoon Do did take advantage of his family's social status while getting to where he is now, but didn't have to give anything in return that would make him uncomfortable. I am looking forward to how he develops.

Did I mention I am enjoying this drama immensely?


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this ep was the best.
much more like real life and im sure its going to be better.
actually im sick and tired of those dramas with a rich guy and a poor girl falling in love.we need some fresh air to breath.i think this makes difference between shows like DOTs+ doctros with some others like UF that only has beautiful faces in it an nothing else.


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Yup, too many chaebol in KDramaland fall in love with poor girl. And they use money plot to twist the story, what a random story. To much similarity over these few years in KDramaland. This FRESH and NEW.
Also lets enjoy the NEW ERA where will coming another heroine like Hye Jung who have a pretty charming look but can kick bad ass, and smart and cool career minded doctor.

I'm a woman, but I love Park Shin Hye who's spell HJ charm over me.

PD-Nim and Writer-Nim hope you heard what I said here, don't make another boring heroine next times please!^^


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i don't know why...but i love hj n yd moments... ahh.....second lead syndrome...ㅋㅋㅋ he's so adorable n funny..


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Hmmmm...... I confess to shipping her with the second lead, too. Maybe because the romance between Hye Jung and Ji Hong peaked too quickly. I find myself shipping her with YD. Slow and steady burn. Lol.

It doesn't help that he is so adorable.


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I hope they would stop on the cheesy parts.. I really like the chemistry and the side characters! I hope to see more growth on Young gook, I wonder how he and Seowoo become besties.


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Yeah! I like their relationship. Am I the only one looking forward to the possibility that these two end up together? It's so boring to have always these stories of heartbroken second leads, I would like Young Gook to help Seo Woo to discover what's love ;) That would be awesome.


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GD, Jay Park, Eric... step aside and make way for the new rapper in town, Jang Hyun-Sung Ahjussi!!!!


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You forgot So Ji Sub


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I'm more excited whenever Yoon Do and Hye Jung are on the scene. The boy is getting helpless and adorable I just want to squeeze his cheeks.

But.. just say he doesn't get Hye Jung at the end, does he HAVE TO end up with Seo Woo? That's not a universal law, right? I hate it when second leads are not into each other for 19 episodes but end up as a couple on the final episode.. just because.

Me thinks Yoon Do shall get another awesome woman out there. .. like me. :D


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No, Seo Woo should not get Yoon Do. They fundamentally are nothing alike, and I can't remotely imagine the personality overhaul that would have to occur for Seo Woo to mature enough to merit him. Maybe Yoon Do can pair up with Hye Jung's sister, which would be hilarious and cause Seo Woo to literally implode.


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Hahahaha omg, let's get you in the Doctors writing room, STAT.


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I like that idea.


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if my HJ/YD ship sinks (and let's be real, it's going to sink so hard), i will be 100% behind him ending up alone or with anyone but seo woo. i just cannot imagine him with seo woo at all, even if she changes. like he said, he's known her for over 10 years and hasn't ever felt any sparks even though i'm sure she's mostly shown him her good sides (since her bad side comes out full force mainly when HJ is around). i don't see how that could magically change.


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YES I am completely with you on that. I'm going to be pissed if he ends up wit Seo Woo, after all that time he spent brushing her off. Also, Seo Woo has done nothing but piss me off in this drama (although I did feel bad for her in the bathroom scene).
Watching the drama while your ship sinks is the worst feeling ever. I get so sad as I continue watching. :( It's like a slow and painful death.


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*Goes off to update Car-of-doom list*


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I know I'm supposed to feel sympathy for Seo-woo, but I don't. Only so much of her attitude can be blamed on her childhood/upbringing. At some point, she needs to take responsibility for her actions and stop treating people like objects. Her constant ideas that someone "belongs" to her just because she wants them to is really off-putting. It's like she hasn't grown at all mentally in 13 years. Whereas Hye-jung is just amazing. She has her hangups, but she is willing to try and work things out, without staunchly insisting that things go her way. When Hye-jung loves someone, it is genuine. And if she loses that person, the pain is genuine. With Seo-woo, if she loses someone, she throws a tantrum as though a toy was taken away. I reserve the right to change my mind about Seo-woo later on, but as of right now, I can clearly see why people love Hye-jung and flock to her, whereas people seem to slowly but surely move away from Seo-woo.


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"..I’ll just quietly be in my corner with Tae-ho and his sparkling hat. Oh, and all the residents, too, because they’re just so lovable and hilarious together."

I still remember Jang Hyun Sung as the evil Chief in Signal and how I resent him. It surprises me how I also adore his character as Tae-ho. Tae-ho Songsaengnim jjang!

As always, thanks for the recap :)


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Oh he's also quite endearing in Dear my Friends (singing "Yesterday", having a noona crush) though his role is quite small there.


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I wonder how the step mama and dad would have treated Hye Jung if she didn't turn out so successful? What if she ended up a bum and drifting from job to job, would they have been so eager to acknowledge her then? So, because now, she's a very successful neurosurgeon in a top hospital, and they can benefit from her association, they're singing, "My daughter, my daughter", to anyone who would listen, with no thought to the difficulty she faced in her struggle to climb to the top after abandoning her thirteen years ago.

Hye Jung is right to be wary of all of them. What hypocrites! How can they be so shameless?! They didn't care about her and we're ready to dump her with her grandmother, allowed her to cut ties with them for so long, and now because they can gain from her, they want to reunite ties that never existed! Smh! I feel bad for the step sister, she seems like a genuinely nice person but I can understand Hye Jung wanting to distance herself from her, too.


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yeah, the dad claims to be guilty for leaving her, but it just doesn't feel right. when she was a rebellious teenager who didn't seem to have anything going for her, he threw her out and treated her like trash. maybe he changed and really does regret how he treated her, but i'm not too optimistic about it.


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I was really, REALLY happy with PSH's acting in the motorcycle scene.

Hye Jung hung on but wasn't perfect, did the essentials but was simultaneously overwhelmed, and it struck an absolute chord in me as being a very realistic representation of a first responder reacting through shock to an event involving a friend. PSH didn't stick with one emotion, she played it like this was one of the worst moments of her life and only sheer determination was breaking through the shock to do the things that needed to be done.

When Hong Hong Hong showed up he was spot-on too, correctly assessing her reaction and appropriately bolstering her, but I don't think I've seen many emergency scenes where a character is reacting in a way I find nuanced and genuine (rather than 100% emotional or competent) and I was dead impressed.


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I don't get the double meaning of her statement.
"She smiles at him and says that she’ll lose on purpose this time."
Can someone explain please....
Thanks ?


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1-let him win in running
2-she would let him win her heart over and let him have her


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Haha, I was also thinking about the second meaning and didn't get it first. Lose her heart to him.


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Thank you very much ?


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your welcome.


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Thank you for the recap, love park!

I am enjoying Doctors so far eventhough I wish it didn't start out as icky as it did. Totally agree with the recapper on its strength being the lighthearted part. Love the rapport between the neurosurgery department and just skip the politics part altogether.

SW should be thankful Youngdo is brutally honest instead of giving her false hopes and should be even more thankful to have a friend like Yonggook. I think he's the only friend there is for her.

Maybe they became friends because he seems so happy go lucky that SW never considered him as a competition?


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Can't believe I forgot to mention the first thing I should have mentioned - so happy Soochul is alive! His cute winks are still coming our way!!!


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Woah.. Park shin hye's acting during jisoo's accident was so damn good.. Goosebumps.. Her acting as hyejung is so on point that it makes me love the character more and more. One of a kind indeed. And yes in a way, jisoo's accident helps hyejung to open up her heart more and how she is there for her loved ones. Their exchanges were heart-warming. Also, during the surgery scenes, both kim rae won and park shin hye have the ability to express through their eyes even when their mouth is covered by a surgical mask. I love that how ji hong remains calm while performing the surgery.

"Thus, when I watch Doctors as a slice-of-life drama with a good dose of romance and sprinkles of comedy, the show is entertaining and breezy".

Yes, i agree. Its not completely "just another medical drama" as some non-fans seem to address it. Its more of a humane drama that touches you in a way that you are able to connect and feel along with those characters.

I loved how they switched to a light and fun scene between hyejung and jihong immediately after soochul's surgery. Haha.. That scene was so hilarious. Hyejung trolled the poor love sick cute puppy jihong. The whole scene where she bring her hand around jihong's neck and jihong unconsciously bringing his hands around her waist and stopping midway as he realizes what she meant and her cheekily or more like innocently asking "What were you thinking?".. Lol indeed. haha.. Jihong's expression was priceless.

Also during the second surgery, what seo woo did was un-professional. If the patient was unconscious may be it wouldn't have been an issue to discuss or voice our opinions midway but considering the situation where the patient is conscious I don't think its wise to do that. If the doctors argue while the patient is awake,it will scare the patient and ultimately might even lead to some other risks. The doctors need to be calm and make the decision wisely. And ultimately the decision making lies in the hands of the head surgeon is what i feel.

I can't completely sympathize with seowoo yet..even though i did during her school days..as i was able to understand how she would have felt.when a person suddenly coming out of nowhere and taking up what you thought belonged only to you(eventhough the other person,ie hyejung studied hard for it which you aren't aware off..)cause only so much so..can be taken off by putting the blame on family upbringing. As a person grows up,its upto them how they want to mold themselves. Take hyejung for example, she had the worst of it..and its solely by her own credit she turned it to the best.

And loved loved loved the party scene. The whole ambience was so fun and entertaining. Hyejung or more like park shin hye continues to amaze me by these stunts she does. I loved how she leaves both hands while riding cycle in the earlier episodes and now this head shot. I love how jihong immediately laughed and covered up his humiliation after failing to do that head...


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(Lol.. ending part disappeared.. got carried away and typed a big comment more than the limit i guess. Embarrassing. But i love this drama so its ok.haha)


...shot. And their sneek-away. Hyejung being hyejung winning all those games and jihong cheering adorably. And yeah.. He is the master when it comes to that claw machine and we all know why.. lol.

And the ending where hyejung takes the initiative and hold his arm saying she will lose on purpose this time and jihong's awe and big happy smile. Absolutely loved it.


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Oh, Seo Woo. *sigh*

I still have a great deal of sympathy for her, and I think this episode did a good job of demonstrating how deeply lonely, sad, and isolated she is as a person and how that's contributing to her bad behavior (i.e. her hatred of Hye-Jung, her possessiveness of Yoon-Do, etc.).

However, there's a statue of limitations on how sympathetic she can be without simultaneously growing as a character.

I think the awake surgery scene, for example, could've been a good place for the writers to show how Seo-Woo can grow. Arguing with Hye-Jung and Ji-Hong during the surgery was (as the show itself points out) very unprofessional, but I can see how Seo-Woo would think of herself as being in the right if she really thought that Hye-Jung's method would end in the patient's death. I can even see why she'd think that Hye-Jung and Ji-Hong's obvious feelings for each other influenced Ji-Hong when he decided to use Hye-Jung's method.

But the fact that Seo-Woo defended her unprofessional behavior (even after realizing that Hye-Jung's method WAS the right thing to do) showed that Seo-Woo didn't take this situation as a learning opportunity.

The window for the writers giving Seo-Woo a satisfactory character arc is getting narrower and narrower. If she hasn't started to explore new avenues of personal development by Episode 10 (or Episode 12, at the absolute latest), then any sort of redemption story that happens during the show's endgame will end up feeling unearned.


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Kang soo drank a big bowl of alcohol, passed out and stopped breathing! I'm not an emergency room worker but isn't that alcohol poisoning? and could easily be fatal?
Granted he is at a party full of doctors, all who have been drinking with abandon. But then we get a laugh because the one guy is prepared with an intubation kit in his back-pack.
I've seen many many kdramas show extreme levels of drinking but then ignore this very real possibility of alcohol poisoning but I am surprised that this show then turns the stopped breathing part of it into a joke. A missed opportunity perhaps but definitely relegates this show to sit com level of doctoring.
Sorry for the rant but I just couldn't believe that situation.
BTW who is on call in this department? Surely there is someone not drinking who is covering call duty. And also, I would Not want any of these doctors operating on me the next morning!!!


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I also found that part a little unbelievable. I guess they didn't want it to turn into another cliche emergency but really! All the doctors not apart of the cast or seen on the show was on call that night.


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Must be seo woo than. Seems like she is the only person that would be sober hehehe


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Yes, this drama's forte is about the different relationships between people be it family, friends, enemies or lovers. I like the way the writer has written this drama. Enjoying every single moment of the cheesiness ppl keep hating but when hasn't a kdrama been cheesy?


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I know right? This is korean drama we are talking about... But all the sudden people hate it here...
And it's not even that cheesy... only a few moments between the main couple


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While everyone is going on about the main leads, can we also take a moment to appreciate the comedic beats of the residents Kang-Soo, Young-kook, Kyung-joon, and Joong-dae? Can i just dub them as the R4, you know, like F4 but residents-style?

who else also finds it funny that poor Kang-soo is sleep deprived and meal deprived but still finds time to sort out his hair color? #importantprioritiesinlife ;)


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I might be shallow but gotta say. I can keep watching this drama just to see KRW's goofy yet sweet smile
Had loved him for his acting prowess in his previous serious role, but now I am just in love this actor... Also like his character portrayal here despite all the cheesiness so that's added bonus :)


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I dont know why but i couldnt connect with PSHs acting in the beginning scene. It seemed like she was 'acting' rather than it feeling natural. However, her scene with her father felt a lot more natural. Sometimes HJs character seems inconsistent idk if its the writing or the acting.


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I feel the same way. I can't connect with PSH's acting because it looks too much like acting to me. Every time there is an emotional scene her lips quiver, she blinks a couple of times, and her eyes kind of dart back and forth. It doesn't feel effortless to me.


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She got a lot of praises for that scene in Korrea and online... But she can't please everyone.


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And I think you don't understand Hyejung... not that the writing is inconsistent or acting


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Yes. Not PSH issue.
She get many praise for HJ character here.
Maybe you should understand HJ first.


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1. Thanks for the recap lovepark. Its a breeze to read minus all the cheesy part.
2. Am not complaining. This show is so cheesy and sweet it might gve me diabetes and i still love it. Lovelovelove it
3. Am glad that this show is slightly like grey anatomy. At 1st i wish it to be moreee greys anotomy. I hope hj n jh had some sort of 1 night stand then have to work together with all the sexual tension and akwardness. Would be so interesting since i dont like that the fact that she is 31 n he is somesort of 40 but they act like some sort of 15 years old virgins with each other.
4. I forget everything else when KRW smile. It so contagious too. Like a sunshine just melt everything


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I forget things when i remember KRW smiles. I love the fact that JH is so manly can be upfrontly macho n all but at times he let HJ win n take a seat back to be. Childish with her soften her up. When they were younger, even though he let her win the bicycle ride thingy.. he is not like this. He was strictly senior teacher ish. Or as he put as not ready to be in love and going crazy for love.


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was anyone else wincing when PSY said the "human to human" thing and fixed his collar? THEYRE JUST SOO AWKARD! I SEE NO CHEMISTRY.



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I can hear you, sista!
I want YD tooooooo~~~

Please don't fall into the boring, super-evil, full-of-revenge 2nd lead, YD!


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We must have watched 2 different dramas because that scene was on fire yet hilarious....
They have wonderful chemistry


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Their chemistry is off the chain. And I like that the attraction is one they developed from admiration and mutual respect.

HJ would eat that other doctor alive. Yes he is adorable but he can't handle her. Case in point when he was trying to get a date. She totally took control. Most of the shippers seem to want her with him because they themselves find him attractive. I guess it doesn't matter whether or not her character does also.

JH is up front with her. Even when she misunderstands he correct her. He tells her his intentions and instead of forcing it on her, he waits. How that is creepy is beyond me. As for the age difference. Seriously! How many couples have an age gap. My father is ten years older than my mom. And his age had nothing to do with how good of a husband or father he was. And I know of may other couples that have an even bigger age gap. That issue should be dead by now. If her character is comfortable about it and has no issues with it. Why should we?

As for him being her teacher. He never acted on anything. I don't even think he realized how much he might have fallen for her until Seo woo first confronted him about it in the lab. When HJ got in trouble, it was then that he realized how much he wanted to protect her. He quit his job as a teacher to try and help take the heat off of her. He didn't go after her because she was his student. Now that she is off age he is going to try his best to show her how much he care. And the feelings between them is obviously mutual.


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so logical.lovve your answer.
if they only could understand.....!


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Logic is not going get people from thinking it is weird and somewhat creepy. For me, he looks old and is not especially cute like YD, so he loses in my book. It does not matter the age gap in general for me, if the guy is adorable its fine, Jisung and Hyeri work (Entertainer) they are both cute and adorable. But, Hong Ji Hong seems so old compared to Park Shin Hye's character. It is more entertaining to watch YD than Hong Ji Hong. In my case, I do not care about the romance anymore, YD isn't wining so there is no point. I am weirded out by the fact that he did fall for her while he was a teacher, whether he knew or not. He should have not being thinking about her that way and that means even if Seo Woo was lying she really wasn't because they were in that kind of relationship without defining it. So, no this is not okay in my book. Plus, I think it would really funny if she falls for YD because then we can do a crossover from Pinocchio and make it seem like the boys were fighting over her and both winning.


to be fair, lots of people prefer JH because they find him super dreamy. it goes both ways lol.

i personally prefer HJ's interactions with YD, but that's just my opinion. i also find the whole former-teacher thing a bit icky after thinking about it. i see why people defend it, though. in my eyes, however, the fact that he was a grown man starting to develop feelings for a teenager was a bit weird. some people just can't shake that feeling they got in the beginning.


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Thanks for the recap, lovepark!

Knew that SC would make it. I really love SC-HJ interactions. You can tell how deep their bond is and it's cuz they've been through a lot together. Now, HJ wants to repay SC for being by her side during her darkest hours. So happy he felt encouraged when she asked him to move his fingers and he was back to his winky self. XD

The SC-JH scene was hilarious! JH thinks SC is off the market just cuz he's married. Little did he know that SC is already divorced. =P The reaction was too funny and SC probably thought this guy was on drugs.

Love the welcoming party!! TH is so awesome with sparkly hat and his rap. All the doctors are really adorable together. LOLed at JH's failed attempts to get the shot in his drink. Too funny!!!

Glad that JH-HJ had some fun times at the end. It's rare to see HJ smile or laugh, and seeing her play those games was like giving her a part of the childhood that she never had. Also love that she is slowing letting down her guarded heart and even reach for JH's hand first!

SW is really hard to empathize with... So unprofessional of her to act like a spoiled brat who didn't get what she wanted during the awake surgery. You should never cause a patient anxiety, and you should never undermine your superior's decision during a surgery like that. No wonder JH was pisssd and HJ told her to stop. I'd be so angry, too!! And she wonders why people gravitate towards HJ... The end scene of her crying in the bathroom did elicit some sympathy, but I don't cut her any slack cuz I find that she chooses to be like that. At least YD refuses to be sucked into the corporate world and power relations. If HJ had been like SW with no change in character or attitude, she would've definitely become a gangster or gotten into trouble with the law.

Wow! The nerve of the dad to say those words to HJ!! Where were you all these years?!?! Just mind-boggled to see him try to pin the blame on his daughter like that.


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I love the Hyejung-Soochul duo. They haven't seen each other for a decade, but they moment they met, they clicked. If Hyejung and Jihong are interesting because they are argumentative intellectual equals, then Hyejung and Soochul are likeminded spirits. I really like how the drama takes the time to develop characters and make sense why they would get along.


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Love how your described HJ's relationship with these two men. I also found it heartwarming that she has a close friend like SC and they can just pick up their friendship where they left off. JH has been so good at understanding her and telling her it's OK to not be so strong all the time. And yes, so funny that HJ got super excited about the awake surgery, so JH will be a great intellectual partner for her. ^^


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seriously guys?!!!!!!!!
are you kidding me?!or maybe you are trying to kill me?!
is there any body out there who knows a not cheesy rom-com?
secret garden -rooftop prince - oh my lady - full house 1.2-fair lady-coffee prince(my favorite of all time)-master sun-it is okay it is love-fated to love you-heirs- my love from another star - DOTs blah blah blah they whole were so so so unreal that i just find this one more possible.
a girl who has a crush on her teacher- a teacher who is interested in his student but hold himself back for the sake of morals. so it is more logical to act a bit clumsy after 13 years of waiting.
much more normal than those dramas in which the first lead falls in love at the first sight and then tomorrow put his life on line for her sake and then they are called super hits in somewhere like china.
but it really dosent have that much sugar in it at all and each time JH do some thing silly HJ calls that out and embarrasses him.do you guys really watch the drama or just come here and leave a comment. as a professional in kdramas after watching at least 1000 one of them im sure you even are not that familiar with them to judge them.if it is what you think just quit watching kdramas or you will get tired at every single scene that you call cheesy.
doctors fighting!


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I agree but keep calm.its just a matter of time and they will all enjoy it at the end.


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Just let go those random peoples critics about Doctors cheesiness!
Just let them DROP it if not like it. Its their loss then.

Many Doctors patients who love JH/HJ overload cheesiness/sweetness. gaga for it!


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the best part of a love life is the foolishness. as soon as you feel it in your own love lives youll appreciate it. for now just enjoy the ride or youll regret it later.


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Does anyone else feel Hye-Jung shouldn't reconcile with her father? I know the show will give those two a happy ending but I feel her father doesn't deserve that. He has never been there for her and I can't help viewing his sudden interest in rekindling their parent-daughter relationship as a result of her success. I can't think he would have been half as interested if she was now a female gangster or a cleaner or something. The time when he leaves her crying after fighting with her mom and when he provides her no support when her grandmother dies show that he's a bad father. But he seems sincere in wanting her back now... And I'm just very confused about this aspect of the show. I also couldn't fathom Him Blaming Her for their bitter relationship and acting all hurt with the way she treats him.


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I agree with you.

I understand that is hard for him, that he misses her, that he reminisces probably a good time in the past...but really, he or any one else cannot brush away all those years when it was hard for her all alone, when he left her, when he didn't care....

I agree with his aproach towards her only from one point of view: the father coming to ask for forgiveness.

I consider that nobody should live holding grudges, so Hye-Jung would really show a maturity level if she forgives her father until the end of this story, but he isn't in any position and doesn't have any right to ask her repair their relationship.

That's rude coming from him and unappropriate. He's making the whole thing looking like she's to blame - and the worst thing is that everybody seeing them are going easier with this choice.

It's like: "she's though, she has always the last word, she was a gangster, so she must be the bad one in the whole father - daughter relationship!" When it should be vice-versa, she's like that because of being all alone all her childhood.


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I can't stop laughing, it seemed to me that in the last scenes Ji Hong resembles Shrek - with that cheeky full face smile and with the arms wide spread - he is really a handsome, slim Shrek!


Don't take me wrong, I am a huge fan of Kim Rae Won, but it just came to me :))))))) ^_^ hihiiiiihiiiiii


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Okay, here goes.

First let me say I really enjoy and appreciate the many characters in this drama.

That being said, I was so disappointed in the writers making Hye Jung and Ji Hong’s first sweet, adorable, seemingly carefree date the VERY SAME DAY that Hye Jung’s dear friend was in a horrific motorcycle accident. Couldn’t they have done a few-day time jump at least? Hye Jung is such a fabulous, badass, and lovable character, and I agree that she’s awesome for all the reasons that Lovepark listed. However, I became so hung up on the fact that she seemed to be in truly, lightheartedly enjoying herself in what seemed like the happiest date/night of her life the evening Ji Soo got into a debilitating motorcycle accident...in front of her very eyes. I know the surgeries were successful, but Soo Chul's in an awful, painful state, and he got there on his way to taking Hye Jung out. I personally felt she might have stayed by his side a bit when he was alone, but I understand he may have been sleeping and she may have needed a breather. It felt like when she said “It’s all up to you now,” and he was transferred that they were saying goodbye. After, it seemed like he wasn’t even on her mind. Her emotions in the accident scene were beautiful (good job PSH), but I just think if most people experienced something as traumatic as witnessing a loved one get run over, it'd be hard for you to be 100% happy-go-lucky that same night. And that’s whether they gave their all performing surgery for the friend and whether the person got hurt taking you out, or not.

I know dramas shift tone quickly and that Ji Soo isn’t a lead character, but from a human standpoint, that just made me a bit sad and distracted from the sweet date scene.


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Actually SC's accident is the big main reason when Hyejung decided to open her heard once again.
It's the same with 13 years ago when the pregnancy woman changed her. She has always been confident and strong but her friend was dying before her eyes making her weak and hopeless like she was when she was a trouble teenager.
JH once again was next to her, calmly support and went through it with her... You can see her attitude started changing after the surgery.

I thought it was well-done from the writer
JS's role did have an impact for HJ- is that it makes her open her heard once again and give JH a chance.


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Actually SC’s accident is the big main reason why Hyejung decided to open her heart once again.
It’s the same with 13 years ago when the pregnancy woman changed her life. She has always been(trying to be ) confident and strong but her friend was dying in front of her eyes making her weak and hopeless like she once was 13 years ago

JH once again was next to her, calmly supported and went through it with her… You can see her attitude started changing after the surgery.

I thought it was well-done from the writer

That makes JS’s role did have an impact for HJ's life- is that it makes her open her heard once again and give JH a chance.


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Interesting! Definitely something to ponder. Thanks!


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I just have so much bubbling in my brain about this drama that I am taking my second train of thought and putting it in another comment. Pardon my rambling!

I know that medical dramas, American as well as Korean, have a lot of outlandish situations that you have to just accept and move on from. For this reason I love how Lovepark connected it to a sitcom. It would be even easier to swallow some of this if it were a sitcom, and I think I can enjoy it even more if I view it that way.

I once read a comment that this drama could have easily taken place in another setting, like a restaurant. I think it would have worked well at a college. Call it “Professors.” Then it makes sense that they can each and everyone be off at night or on the weekend and how they might be able to binge drink and all have Sunday off, or perhaps have to teach with a hangover and not perform neurosurgery the next day!

I thought it was wacky how the whole department and more (nurses included) went out together binge drinking to the point of intubation (What?! I guess they should have brought some stomach pump equipment while they were at it.) Because doctors can laugh in the face of alcohol poisoning!

I know it’s for the sake of the plot, but let’s forget about rotations. The docs are almost all always there at the same time and I guess it’s fine if they are all not there at the same time too! And what of the patients? I guess they're left to play archery by themselves.

I wonder if someone will be doing gymnastics, pottery, or perhaps throwing a jangchang spear during the next surgery! ;-D


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I do not know about the rest of you but, I am thinking of dropping this drama. For me, I am not one to stick around when it feels like nothing is happening. I like an interesting story and I am not feeling this one. It may also have to do with the doctor politics which I always hate in every medical drama. The couple is together already why is this drama still going on. It feels like this drama has already ended, I do not seem to care about any of the conclusions. Sorry, to the viewers who like this drama I think it just does not click with me, I prefer Uncontrollably fond, Bring it on Ghost and I am eagerly waiting for W-Two Worlds, not to mention the historical drama period ones that are coming out.


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i'd drop when i see a lack of storyline too but i can't because kim rae won just melts my heart and i don't want to leave him


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Finally caught up! I find it hard to understand parts of the drama because whenever Yoon Kyunsang is on screen, I just stare at his face. I don't read the subtitles nor hear what they're saying. Does anyone have a cure to this? I'm in too deep. Help!

On a more serious note, I really like Seo Woo's character. I know she's mean and all that but I just feel for her. It's probably because Lee Sungkyung is really doing well at playing Seo Woo. Even her slightest facial expression, a twitch of the eyebrow, gives more depth to the emotion. I don't know. She feels so real to me and I care for her. I wish she would see that she's an awesome lady worthy of being loved. She doesn't need to compare herself with anyone. I wish for her to have a happy ending more than anyone (but still paying for what she did wrong). Fighting, Seo Woo!


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I totally agree. I think Lee Sungkyung has bought a depth to her character which the other three first/second haven't. The best scene for me was her bathroom scene.


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