Shin Hye-sun follows Five Kids with Legend of the Blue Sea

We’ve got another addition to the SBS buzz project Legend of the Blue Sea, otherwise known as “That Jeon Ji-hyun and Lee Min-ho Show, Brought to You by the City Hunter Director and You From Another Star Writer.” Sold, sold, sold, and sold. I’m sure there’s a plot and everything, but there’s so much star power there that the hype is expected, inevitable, and perhaps even justified.

With mega-star headliners Jeon Ji-hyun and Lee Min-ho in place, casting is continuing on to supporting players, with Lee Hee-joon (Yoo-na’s Street) recently being added and now Shin Hye-sun as well. Shin had small supporting roles in Oh My Ghostess (as the hero’s sweet wheelchair-bound sister) and She Was Pretty (as a cute and materialistic magazine writer), but it’s really her current role in KBS’s weekend drama Five Kids that’s given her a surge of popularity, thanks to her crowd-pleaser of a romance with Sung Hoon.

Legend of the Blue Sea will be a fantasy romance that is inspired by a folktale of a mermaid who was caught by a fisherman and the governor who returned her to the sea. The drama will take elements of the original Joseon-era tale and set it in modern-day Korea, with Jeon Ji-hyun playing a mermaid who comes to the city, where she meets “the wickedest con artist around” (Lee Min-ho) and ends up falling in love with him. Hm, I knew he was a con artist, but the wickedest-on-earth descriptor is new and interesting — I’m used to seeing Lee Min-ho playing reserved or aloof, but I’m not used to con artist charisma or blatant charm from him. It’d be a nice change of pace, and I’m intrigued.

Lee Hee-joon is set to play another con artist who initially guides Lee Min-ho, while Shin Hye-sun will play Lee Min-ho’s university hoobae who’s now a researcher at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). The character is pretty, smart, and logical, and displays a lot of affection for weak and powerless people and animals. Does that extend to people-animals like mermaids who steal away her sunbae’s heart?

Shin Hye-sun will start work on Legend of the Blue Sea immediately after wrapping up work on Five Kids. This will be a Wednesday-Thursday drama premiering in November, which follows Gong Hyo-jin and Jo Jung-seok’s Jealousy Incarnate, which follows Wanted.

Via Star News


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I sincerely hope the hype is worth it. ? This is Min-ho's last project before he goes into the army right?


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Man, all the good talk about Five Kids makes me want to check out the show now...but it's almost finished and soooo long.
And sawwry Lee Min-ho-ssi but the title of the wickedest con artist of 2016 is already taken by an +alpha colleague. *hides from fans and runs back to the 38 corner* :-D


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Hmm if you want to check it out just for the Shin Hye-sun couple it will only take a few hours! I did it a few weeks ago and no regrets they are adorable


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You need to check it out! Her love line with Sung Hoon is the sweetest I have seen in a long time! I am a fan of hers after this show.


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I will help you hide in "our" corner :D... Wickedest con artist is definitely off the table for 2016! Better luck in 2019 perhaps?


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yeah, the Con Artist of the Year title has most definitely been locked up, come sit here in our corner and celebrate!


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I knew I wouldn't be the only one to first think of him as soon as I read Lee Min-ho's character description. Boy is going to have his work cut out for him...


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Can't see how LMH as a con artist can come anywhere close to SIG in 38.


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Sorry not sorry!
Current female crush Lee Yeon Doo - Shin Hye Sun.
All time fav con artist genious Yang Jung Do - Seo In Guk.
Can they make a drama couple instead??? I tend to skip Lee Min Ho's dramas for the hype but really love Hye Sun and want to check out another con drama to verify the level of it comparing to 38. Should I watch it or not? Now I'm torn...


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I have been watching Five Children from the beginning and its been a great weekend show. The romance between Shin Hye-Sun and Sung Hoon is so cute. I have really stayed committed for them. If you watch their appearance on Happy Together, it will convince you for sure. The sparks fly.


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I wish her role is more of a mermaid-fangirl so she can be bestfriends with Jeon Ji-hyun's character like the girls in Surplus Princess. :D

Imagine her sneaking yummy food and pretty clothes into the lab so the mermaid can enjoy them. Hehe~


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Five Children is a good weekend drama and I've grown to like all the relationships. I like this actress well enough, I just ask she start opening her mouth when she speaks and , please, no more little girl voice. I don't remember her doing that on Oh My Ghostess so I think it is supposed to be a cute thing she does with her guy.

I didn't love MLFAS as much as everyone else did, but I loved JJH's character so much. Actually she made the drama more than the guy (don't hate me). I'm interested if the writer will give her a non-sassy type character to play.

I think I am going to try to stay away from drama sites while I watch this. When it comes to LMH, people can go a bit over the top with both fan and anti-fan comments.


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The aegyo does get annoying from her. I like when she goes full throat and acts like a person (especially in interviews)


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I know right!!! I thought I was on crazy pills. I can't handle the little girl talk/pout-talking, then Shim Yi-Young ears. For her brief appearance in Beautiful mind, that was all my head focused on.. I kept trying to see if she wore an artifical ear.

I seriously need sleep and a break from anything related to mutants or elfs.


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Frankly speaking, JJH was almost carried the MLFAS on her own. She was just a scene stealer with her sassiness. Not saying KSH not good, in fact he is talented enough, it is just for me, his role without JJH will be nothing. I cannot remember if KSH got Daesang for this drama, but honestly JJH was more than deserve for Daesang for her role.


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I agree. The PD made things feel a bit more natural than the usual trendy and few of the veterans like Kim Chang-wan were cute, but without Jeon Ji-hyun, nothing could have made me watch that show lol.


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MLFAS was basically a soap, but the writing was a bit better than the other big soap-oriented hits and yes, JJH carried the show, along w/ Shin Sung-rok as the "baddie" (SSR's awesomeness prevented the baddie in MLFAS from being a typical K-soap caricature).

The rest of the characters weren't memorable, including KSH's alien character.

For those reasons, MLFAS was watchable despite my distaste for soap/makjung dramas.


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omg yesss, I was thinking the exact same thing! She uses a baby voice and does not open her mouth when she speaks. Frankly, those scenes of her acting were annoying me a little lol (like please just open your mouth and enunciate ur words girlllll!). I thought that was the way she spoke but after watching her interviews I'm guessing its suppose to be something "cute" her character does lol. Anyways really hope there's none of that in her new drama and hopefully none of it in the remaining episodes of Five Children. #praying


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Love this actress. I liked her well enough in She was pretty, but I absolutely adore her now. Love her performance in Five Fingers, it's gold, her acting is so real. She actually glows like a woman in love. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought she was really in love. Maybe she is, who knows?


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She is definitely in love...in love with Sung Hoon! Their chemistry is sizzling and off the charts! They've both almost confessed their love on Happy Together. Wish these two date!!!! Please Date!!


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Just finished watching the clip of them on Happy Together (KBS World). They are adorable . Their real life chemistry is so sizzling I can believe they are not yet dating. But I ship them.


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Along w/ "Five Kids", SHS's profile/popularity has been raised by her appearances on HT - both the one w/ Sung Hoon and the one before that.


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It's funny, I don't like her acting in Five Children (the chemistry however is off the charts, I'm definitely sure they're really dating)...but I didn't realize till part way through the drama that she's been in Oh My Ghostess and She Was Pretty, both of which I actually enjoyed her acting.....so I give her credit for being versatile since all the roles she's done so far have been very different


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If they were really dating, their chemistry wouldn't be quite so hot. There's usually a saying in show biz, that when actors are in a real life relationship, their onscreen chemistry tends to fall flat. Not in all cases, of course .


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I think Sung Hoon really likes her, because he admitted as much in one interview, but he didn't want to confuse his feelings while still in character, plus he said he wouldn't pursue someone unless being told or hears that she feels the same way. I think Shin Hye Sun is the one being vague about her feelings, like she likes him but not enough to date him.


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it should be titled "When City Hunter Meets The Star" or "The City Hunter from Another Star" instead. Lol


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I cannot wait to watch it just for her. I've loved her in five children. She's super hilarious and get into her character. She's amazing!


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I am still in a crazy-happy state because of Lee Min Ho! ?? I feel like dancing all the time. ??????Finally he is coming back with a drama. I think 3 years have been worth the wait. I thought he was gonna give up on dramas and enjoy movie. 100% Satisfied with the drama being MODERN. ???? *Goodbye* baggy Joeson clothes ????
I believe there is NO love triangle. Right?? :)))
I'm wondering if LMH is gonna keep his current black hair for his con artist role.

I have always wanted Lee Min Ho to play in a sad melodrama. Is this gonna be melodrama or rom-comedy?!

Does anybody know what are the "elements
of the original Joseon-era tale"?!
It used to be based on the Hans Christian mermaid story. Now it is based on a Korean folktale. But what is the difference?! Is the plot totally different?!


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I know right!!! I thought I was on crazy pills. I can't handle the little girl talk/pout-talking, then Shim Yi-Young ears. For her brief appearance in Beautiful mind, that was all my head focused on.. I kept trying to see if she wore an artifical ear.

I seriously need sleep and a break from anything related to Mutants or Elfs.


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The story line has me intrigued. Though I just wish they'd find an actor more fitting for the lead "con artist" role. Hyun Bin would have been a good choice, he did a fabulous job playing the smooth talking gigolo in Late Autumn. Plus he and Jeon Ji Hyun would have made a great pair onscreen, looks and age wise. I guess changes in lead casts most likely impossible at this point. Because it's all about the money making opportunities with Chinese audience. Crossing my fingers, hope Lee Min Ho delivers.


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Ooh, Hyun Bin would have been an interesting choice. I rather like that idea now that you've mentioned it.


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Now that you mentioned it, I wish this had been the original casting for this show. Lee Min ho's performances have always been hit-or-miss for me, which makes me a little wary. Just my personal opinion, nothing against LMH or his fans.

And I'm certain a slick, smooth-talking con artist is straight up Hyun Bin's alley. Would've loved seeing him reprise the role.


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Glad to have two people agree with me on this! Feeling sad now for what coulda been, shoulda been...

I am hoping for a miracle swap of lead actor! But if it has to be LMH in the end, I will stay positive and hope he delivers.


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Lmao.. this is so empty one person replying to he/her self. Who is Hyun bin?

And second question when has lmh never delivered his the king of dramas. let the questioning atleast be on legitimate grounds


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Dude the original poster already said no shade to LMH or his fans. They were just expressing their opinions which they are entitled to, just like you are to yours. No need to make things unpleasant.


I shared my opinion as well. I don't even know who Hyun Bin is.. We only Know Lee Min Ho. Anyone who says otherwise is not healthy


Lmao.. btw just joking about the healthy.


LOL. It is unbelievably absurd how immature some of these LMH fans get whenever a commenter expresses his/her preference for another actor over LMH. *rolling eyes* It's as if they do not know that other actors exist in this world other than LMH. Obviously this Kalun person fits the bill. LOL

Seriously fans of such need to educate themselves and learn to read comments carefully before jumping all over anyone who shares an opinion differing from theirs. They need to learn how to differentiate between sharing of one's opinion vs. down-right mean put downs. From what I've seen most people who shared their opinions on LMH wrote their comment in a civilized manner. It's the oversensitive, immature fans who make it unpleasant for everyone.

A piece of advice for you, Kalun. Don't get yourself all worked up when someone says LMH is not the best actor. You are in fact losing brain cells in the process. Why not put your brain cells to better use? It will make a healthier you, ya know. I am positively sure your idol LMH would give you this same piece of advice if he saw the way you wrote in your comments.


Can definitely see Hyun Bin play a slick con-man; or maybe Joo Jin-mo.


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? Actually I'm not liking her enough in Five Children, but she is serviceable. What made her interesting because of her relationship with Sung Hoon ( and Sung Hoonnn is just a scene stealer with his weirdness??). But this girl is better than the one who is playing Jin Joo. Call me old fashion, I love the main couple the most and Sung Hoon is just so awesome in his role. But this girl deserves chances to prove herself so good luck with your new drama..Working with JJH and LMH is like dreams come true. ❤


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Wickedest con artist around? Naaahhh. I think somebody already took that title with our heart and adorble smile. Lee min ho has to work reaallyy hard on both acting and expression department to reclaim that title from Seo In Guk. Damn that man has climbed upto my all time fav actors now!
Anyway whatsup with dramaland and con artist thia season? I am glad shin hue sun is also part of the cast. She and sung hoon are just way too adorable in Five children.


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Lmao? Seo In Guk who??? The name is Lee Min Ho king of K-drama. When the hell has he not been up to dance. Are you saying that his all coincidence or fluke or somthing. stop drunk writing and atleast come with legitimate reason or just stop wasting time


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Well he is the 'king of k-drama' because of his popularity and not because of his acting skills. We all know what his capabilty as an actor is. I was a die hard fan of him when i started watching k dramas at the beginning but after years of experience with dramaland and innumerable drama watching I've come to a conclusion that he's not much of a great actor. A very good looking and charming yes, but not a great actor. I still really like him but i would prefer other k drama actors in the same age group as his to be a better actor. But nothing beats the popularity right?
That being said we all know what a gaint popularity this show is going to bring. I just hope to see an actor lee min ho in this show and not a ratings-smasher-king-king-dramas-popular lee min ho. No hate please✌

P.s. If your ignorant self really doesn't know who seo in guk is and what a gem of an actor he is i would likely recommend you to watch his currently ongoing drama 38 task force/squad 38. You'll know what i mean.

P.p.s. I would really hope you're not drunk while watching that show?


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What popularity? Lee Min Ho never really seeks any attention beyond his time on screen which means he don't Tv-shows, constantly updating etc etc. His very private and only lives thru his work. Atleast lets be honest about someone.

Lee Min Ho's magic entirely happens his time on the screen and no his not the best looking since there is millions good looking guys. His creative and has an x-factory aura and amazing character who really lives up to the expectation and conquer emotions. That my friend is what you call a true great actor and the Houdini of 21st


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Don't confuse popularity w/ actual acting talent.


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It will be hard for them to meet high expectations if not EVERY aspect harmonizes with each other smoothly. I have never seen Lee Min Ho as a great actor, just a good one and I hope that this won't just be a popularity drama.


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I want a sad and unforgettable ending for this drama. Then it would be the first tragic ending for lee min ho in drama.


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Oo yes!! I love shin hye sun :D what I'm more curious about is the synergy/chemistry between JJH and LMH.. I can't say I see a good match as of now, but I'm crossing my fingers that they will prove me wrong.


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I don't get it what is so good about MLFTS, The story is awfully ridicoulous! Annoying, weird as hell!

Can't believe it the 'MEGA STAR' Jeon Jihyun will play as a MERMAID, with that acting abilities, known as popular actress, sure her caracter will be typical lead female on dramas who is cheerful, kind, dumb and naive.

And again she play a drama with the actor who is younger than her! when i watch MLFTS cheon songyi's describe younger than Doo minjoon, but serously in my eyes i still seeing her as 32years old something, the face and her aura can't lie!!! the fact that Kim soohyun face is so cute like 21years old guy :-p
with that acting abilities why don't choose a drama like signal, god gift, ect!

The writter too her last drama wasn't good, Now she's back with new project, just adapted from a folktale for a kids!!

I see no different this writter and Kim eun seok, Just using a MEGA STAR popular actress & actor to make their dramas wacthable just bcz that pretty faces on your screen!


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JJH does have her movies that shows off her skills (just basing it from the summaries of her recent movies) so I guess she'd rather play lighter roles for her dramas.


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It's nice to see the actors on Five Children starting to break out from the popularity of the show. Like others I didn't realize she was in those other two drams. I really liked her in OMG, so it's great to know she can play less whiny easily.

Actually I think playing a shy, subdued person is technically pretty difficult because you can't act so much with words you have to be in your head and use your gestures and body.


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All the elements for hype strike me except LMH... Im soo sorry but Im not into him... but good thing is the CH director brought the best of him in that project so I hope his performance is solid plus he might be playing a different leading man than his various cringey characters. But more importanty, Im pressed about the writer claiming the lead character is the biggest con artists in the hood when theres this dude over OCN who might steal his socks without taking off his shoes!


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If you don't want to watch, then DON'T!! This drama has all this buzz because of Lee Min Ho!! Why talking about other drama here?!
In dramabeans, always there is people like you who say bad things about lmh!!
Haters say what they wanna say, Lee Min Ho's Gazzillion fans always support him and that's what matters!!


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You're not alone. I couldn't bear watching City Hunter because of a certain someone's baaad acting. I'm sure the other actors (especially Lee Hee Joon and Jeon Ji Hyun) will outshine him.


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Hilarious. Cry me a river. What you are doing is called fighting words not reasonable and out of the protocol


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i cant wait for it to start. REALLY exited!!!!!
but is this really LMH LAST drama before he is off to the military?????


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@jgs luver
Yes this is gonna be the last before military. ????????


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Am I the only one skeptical about her acting? I'm not sold on her performance in Five Kids since her character has no depth and acts all cutesy, with a baby voice :/ but if she's been successful as a side character than all the best to her, I just hope the casting delivers when it comes to actors besides the leads.


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Agree with you.
All the hype about Shin Hyesun x Sunghoon in Five Children brought me to watch their relationship only.
She was just okay in Five Children, her acting was bearable to watch thanks to her sizzling chemistry with Sunghoon in that show.
It wasn't as bad as Suzy's aegyo acting but I didn't buy her acting. Watchable but not near to good.


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While I agree her acting is just so-so, and I dont buy with her acting either, but let's give her fair chances, she is just newbie, and only playing supporting roles so far. For someone who is new, I'll give her credit for her efforts. I do think SungHoon is the one who made their relationship interesting.But this girl playing her role nicely, considering she is still green.


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Gu Jun-pyo says ''You wanna die'' the ShinHwa Group leader has spoken you're all dismissed


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I can't wait for this drama big fan of LMH.. I'm always supportive of JJH. looking forward to this drama real much.

The writer and everything comes well together


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The waiting is finally broken and LMH decides to come out of movieland to kdramas. love the guy to pieces and great guy. can't wait


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I'm totally excited to watch this one. I've liked all of lee min ho's dramas before heirs. So I'm looking forward to watching this so I can wipe out the heirs memory. I believe that he'll do amazingly well.
But what I'm really looking forward to is jun ji hyun. She had impressed me so much in mlfas.
I think with all the hype surrounding it this is gonna be like another "dots".


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Lee minho + city hunter enough said. Counting on the airing date.


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I love her and Sunghoon in Five Children, honestly I watch it for them but Tae Min and Yeon Doo's big brothers are hot too... I hope for the best for Shin Hye Sun and Sung Hoon's acting future!

After I watched Sung Hoon's horriblly awkward attempts at wooing her at Ep.25, I marathoned all the scenes I missed since then and agitatedly look forward to a new episode every week! They are very addictive and this weekend drama is pretty good as a whole.


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I think everybody is entitled to their own opinion. If some thinks another actor will play a part better that's truly only an opinion, regardless of its relativity to truth. Each actor brings his or her aura to a character. Truly if you expect a certain aura then there are artists who will present it better than others. So while Bin might be a better con artist to some, Lee Min ho might fit the bill better for another. To me as long as the drama is entertaining and fun (whether its melo or romcom) I appreciate the actor performing. A different actor presents a different feel and that's all good. We never know if a drama will truly be better because a certain person played a part because the drama changes with the performers.
I've seen hundreds of drama where A-list actors did not deliver in my opinion because the supporting cast was inefficient, the PD missed the call or the writing was off; so there are many different reasons why a show does not meet everybody's fancy.
I do enjoy and appreciate each artist's deliverance because it is truly art to imitate.
I am a fan of both Won Bin and Lee Min Ho and can appreciate either playing the role, but I know the drama will have a different presence depending on how each interpret their role and the supporting case interacts with him. Of course this is just my opinion!


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