
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Episode 7

Working in the palace may have its downfalls, but when it has perks, it has perks. Su gets to know the princes a little bit better, and the princes get to know her and her bubbly attitude even more than before. She makes an impression on everyone she meets, that’s for sure—but with the hearts of at least two men (and counting), these relatively uncomplicated days might soon seem like a faraway dream.


Su tries out her new court lady digs to face Court Lady Oh (who I’d mistaken as a concubine—in reality, she’s sanggung, the highest attainable rank for a court lady, charged with managing the palace), who asks Su about her knowledge of herbs.

She’s more than happy to tell her superior about how much she knows about both herbs and cosmetics, but when the court lady asks her whether she can read and write, Su shrinks considerably as she murmurs, “No.”

Outside, she finds So waiting, and is chipper as ever as she tells him about her new appointment and how great she’ll be at it—did he know she was good with makeup? She also acknowledges that the whole affair with the king must’ve been shocking for him, but wasn’t it great that she didn’t have to marry him?

Suddenly, So grabs her bandaged wrist. “You could have died,” he finally says. “If the cut were any deeper, you would have.” Su’s smile disappears as she somberly says that she didn’t die, but that’s not good enough for So, who tears into her about scarring herself and the ramifications of becoming a court lady, since she might never be able to leave the palace now. If that’s the case, he asks, why didn’t she just marry the king?

“I don’t know!” she answers in her defense. She tells him that she just couldn’t go through with it, and knew that only she could save herself. Tears well up in her eyes as she tells him this, but So just answers by calling her a fool. Then, his soft underbelly shows as he adds, “Don’t think about doing that again. I won’t ever forgive you.”

So gives her a pessimistic tour of one of the palace lakes, explaining the rigors of palace life and how everyone within its walls is alone. Relentlessly optimistic, Su says she’ll be fine since she’s not alone, and indicates the prince standing next to her as proof.

She’s confident that no matter what happens, she’ll be able to endure, and even So is inclined to believe it just based on her positive attitude. Though he doesn’t resist quipping that palace life certainly won’t be boring with her around now, he can’t help but smile once he’s turned away from her.

Princess Yeonhwa has a candlelight chat with her brother Wook, telling him that she’s looking into another match for him. Wook says one arranged marriage was enough, but Yeonhwa feels deeply about this issue—if he doesn’t marry advantageously, then they may as well let Queen Sinmyeongsunseong drive their family out of the palace.

It seems like she’s alluding to the queen’s dark past since Wook says he’s forgotten it, and he advises Yeonhwa to do the same. But she keeps going, insisting that since third prince Yo entered into a political marriage, he must have eyes on the throne. If the evil queen drives Crown Prince Mu out, then her and her brother’s future is obvious: “We die, or we get cast out.”

Wook switches topics slightly, and asks if Yeonhwa still likes So. She replies that she would like anyone who can help her, whether that be So or anyone else. “Whether it’s an arranged marriage or I’m sold off, I will not enter into a marriage that does not help you,” she adds, making it clear that her endgame is to see Wook crowned as king.

Meanwhile, Crown Prince Mu mulls over his own future as Astronomer Choi treats him for his illness. That same illness caused him to miss another morning assembly with the king, causing the crown prince to worry that he might be dethroned.

Astronomer Choi does his best to cheer the crown prince up, assuring him that he was born under the star of an emperor—he wouldn’t con the nation about something so huge, so all the crown prince needs to do is focus on his illness.

We’re introduced to Grand General PARK SOO-KYUNG (Sung Dong-il) and his daughter, PARK SOON-DEOK, who wears men’s armor and who seems, for all intents and purposes, to be a warrior. Her relationship with her father is adorable, as she refuses to give him the skin of a bear she presumably killed, claiming that it’s for someone else.

They’ve arrived at the palace, and Grand General Park goes straight to see King Taejo. From their discussion, it sounds as if fourth prince So was once in General Park’s care, and he’s the one who taught the prince martial arts. It’s clear that he thinks highly of So, enough to suggest that were it not for the scar on his face, he’d make a fine crown prince.

After the general and Astronomer Choi have a thoroughly ajusshi-like verbal sparring session, we find all the princes having a bit of fun. Split into teams of four, they each hoist their champion onto their shoulders (for Yo’s team, it’s fourteenth prince Jung, and for Crown Prince Mu’s, it’s tenth prince Eun) to do “battle” with the other team’s champion.

Yo eyes So on the other team specifically as he says that he won’t lose today, and both teams rush each other in an attempt to knock the other’s champion off balance. There’s laughs and smiles all around.

Next we see the princes at their studies, but before we have time to figure out what’s going on, we cut to So (in his team outfit from earlier, strange) and Grand General Park doing some catching up. Though So insists that he’s been occupying his brain during his time at the palace, the grand general cavalierly mentions all those men So killed before setting them on fire.

“They all deserved to die,” So states, but it’s clear that the general isn’t so convinced. Despite the fact that he taught So how to kill, he clarifies that he only did so in order for So to have the power to protect someone else, and he didn’t intend for him to use those powers for murder.

So still insists that what he did was just because it helped the royal family (and thus the nation), leading the general to ask what’s keeping him in the palace. He doesn’t get a straight answer out of So, and seems to know that all the answers So gives him aren’t all that truthful.

He knows that only one prince will remain in the palace, and that’s the prince who will sit on the throne. Again he asks what So’s real reason for staying in the palace is, but So gives him a silent look rather than an answer.

Court Lady Oh and Su go to check in on Queen Sinjeong, who’s been suffering from chronic headaches lately. Su is as bubbly as ever as she tells the queen that she’s happy in her new appointment, and offers to make her more soap if she liked the last batch.

But before she can step in to adjust the queen’s makeup, Court Lady Oh sends her out, since she’s still too new to attend to a queen. Once they’re alone, Queen Sinjeong admits her genuine concern for the court lady, who she knows suffers from chronic stomach pain. She wants to arrange for her to see the royal doctor, but Court Lady Oh politely demurs.

Su ends up drawn to the sounds of a man screaming, and it turns out to be Crown Prince Mu. Shirtless, his torso and arms are covered with angry red sores, and he screams that it feels like insects are crawling over his body. Su seems to recognize the symptoms of eczema, and rushes to stop the prince from applying cold water to his skin, which would only make it worse.

The crown prince angrily grabs her by her clothes for her interference, but is calmed somewhat when Su asks if his condition gets worse after eating certain foods, or after sweating. Now that he’s listening, Su advises him to only take baths in hot water, and looks through the available herbs to make a concoction she can apply topically to soothe his symptoms.

Court Lady Oh sees this and throws a fit, which includes throwing Su to the ground. She punishes Su by having her hold up heavy medical texts while kneeling, though she’s the slightest bit interested in how Su knew to use peppermint for itching. Su explains that she knows how to treat it because her mother suffered from the same illness, but Court Lady Oh warns her never to speak of the crown prince’s illness to anyone. She seems to be coming from a caring place, at least.

Su is sent to water the plants in the garden, unaware that she’s thrown water onto a napping Prince So. He hears her grumbling about how she doesn’t like her job, and when she mentions running away, he makes himself known: “Run away? Where do you think you can hide from the king of Goryeo?”

She blusters that she didn’t actually mean it, and So seems to know this. He hears her out as she complains that she has so much talent that’s just being overlooked here, and catches her slip about being right about how to treat the crown prince.

He warns her to be careful about what she says, since another slip might land her in a much worse place than Damiwon Palace. She gives him tips about how the crown prince can manage his illness, and he puts to bed her groundless worry that Court Lady Oh went too far with her—with the crown prince’s life on the line, Court Lady Oh actually let her off easy.

Then, with a smile, he adds that based on what he’s seen with her watering skills, she’s not so much overflowing with talent as she is lacking talent. He proceeds to give her some tips on naming plants in order to help them grow, and seems to be coming up with tree names on the fly to try and cheer her up.

So then tells her about a tree he named when he was in Shinju, though he also tells her of how he burned it down on a cold night to ward off wolves. But then he abruptly switches to a much lighter tone as he pokes Su in the head and tells her not to think about running—she should commit to the choice she’s made and work hard.

She does as he instructed and throws herself into her work, however exhausting. She’s still a bit clumsy, and Wook steals moments of her time before Court Lady Oh can notice. Awwwww. Just seeing him seems to re-energize Su.

Su makes some sort of poultice for tenth prince Eun’s fingers, though we don’t know why. He’s annoyed at having to leave it, until Su informs him that if that herb is left on until the first snow falls, then the wearer’s first love will come to them. He looks at Su and smiles, thinking that he’ll finally have some luck then.

Wook comes upon Su trying to practice reading and writing, and corrects her mistakes. This is the first he’s heard about her not being able to read, so when he asks her how she was able to read his poem, she tells him that Lady Hae read it for her. His face falls at that, as he says to himself that he owes his late wife.

He watches her continue to try writing and laughs, eventually covering her hand with his own so he can help her write properly. She’s too busy staring at his close proximity to notice what he’s doing with the paper, and he draws even closer to her as they start their next character: his name, Wook. “It means the rising sun,” he adds, and she smiles.

The smile leaves him when he notices the scar on her wrist, now old, and he ties a bracelet onto her wrist to cover it. The red thread is to protect her from misfortune, and the jade symbolizes a happy relationship. “Please promise me… that you will never take it off,” he says.

Su looks up at him and nods, breaking out into a small smile. Wook assures her that he’ll return her to where she belongs, and tells her to wait for him. Then, he leans forward and kisses her on the forehead, causing her to really smile. D’aww.

She studies the character that stands for his name that night, and thinks on the meaning behind it. She also studies her new bracelet, and mulls over how she’s happy to wait, because she likes Wook. “If I’m with him… I think I would be okay being Hae Su, and not Go Ha-jin.”

Baek-ah gets caught drawing pictures of the common people by a common girl, who calls him out for looking down on them and mocking their suffering. But she’s not so common after all, since she wears an expensive trinket, and the men attending her call her “Princess.” She must be in hiding.

It’s tenth prince Eun’s birthday, and the princes all gather for a ceremonial dinner and round of drinks. Wook spends his time not-so-subtly looking to spot Su from the crowd of attending court ladies, while Eun’s brothers (under Crown Prince Mu’s direction) switch out the alcohol Eun’s drinking for something that’s probably much stronger.

Princess Yeonhwa organized the event, and makes it known that she’ll be married off soon to a powerful family far outside the palace. Yo is not happy, and Eun doesn’t know any better, since he gets wasted in no time at all.

Yo drags Yeonhwa out to tell her to just come to him rather than be married off (yes, he means it exactly the way you wish he wasn’t), since he knows that she wants to make her brother, Wook, the king. But if that happened, she’d still only be a princess—if she married him, she’d be queen.

For as mean as Yeonhwa can be, she aptly fires back that she wouldn’t be Yo’s first wife, so this whole queen talk doesn’t really hold much water. Would he give up his other wives for her? “I don’t give up what’s mine just to get a girl,” Yo growls, before pulling her in against her will. Then, he leans in to kiss her…

But thankfully So sees and interrupts before he can. Yo leaves in a huff, and So tells Yeonhwa to take Yo off her balancing scales (implying that she’s weighing all her options), because she won’t get what she wants from Yo. She counters that if he doesn’t want her to marry Yo, he should offer her something better: “Do you not want to step onto my scale?” Every time she comes onto him I feel like hitting her with a rolled-up newspaper.

After being given leave by Court Lady Oh to throw her own party for Eun, Su sets up decorations, replete with her own chibi drawings of the prince, she finds Eun drunkenly stumbling back to his quarters. He’s so drunk he sees three of her, and she just shakes her head.

Thirteenth prince Baek-ah and fourteenth prince Jung also leave the party, only to come face to face with a bear… or rather, the general’s daughter, Soon-deok, wearing her bear pelt. Baek-ah recognizes her immediately, and she just brushes past them with a surly look on her face, intent on getting to her target.

Eun is over the moon when Su shows him the party spread she’s prepared for him, and is more than happy to wear the silly birthday hat she’s made for him. Su thanks him for being the first friend she made in Goryeo, and tells him she has an even more special gift: She sings “Happy Birthday” for him, while adding some flourishes of her own. Wait, is that… the robot? Is she doing the robot?

So sees the display and laughs, much to Princess Yeonhwa’s ire. The other princes soon come upon them, with Crown Prince Mu revealing that he was in on the plot to let Court Lady Oh let Su take the day. It’s hilarious how all the princes get after ninth prince Won for comparing Su to a gisaeng, even though he meant it in the good way. (Gisaeng were known for their singing and dancing, which wasn’t a very common practice for noble ladies.)

But the boys all want her to sing for them too, even though Eun would rather keep her all to himself. Su obliges, and they all fall silent as she launches into a simple, yet thoroughly modern song. So and Wook seem most entranced by her, but it seems safe to say that all the boys have now fallen under her spell.

So seems especially moved, and once he becomes aware of it, he awkwardly leaves. A morose-looking Soon-deok watches from beneath her bear suit—is she looking at Eun? I can’t tell.

Jealous over Su’s little display, Princess Yeonhwa tries to send her off when the boys aren’t looking. Su doesn’t take kindly to the princess reminding her of her place, but luckily, Crown Prince Mu intervenes. It was he who gave Su permission to throw the party, because Eun enjoys spending time with her. That was the present he thought to give to his little brother.

Princess Yeonhwa acts nice as she takes her leave, but not before shooting Su a terrible glare. The crown prince and Su get to share a friendly moment, with him thanking her for helping him, and Su promising to help him in the future if he ever needs it.

Eun gets his presents next, and while some are toys (which he loves), Jung gifts him a book, which he’s much less happy about. Wook and Su smile at each other as Eun opens his gifts, but then they all get a shock when Soon-deok, still dressed as a bear, lays a paw on Eun’s shoulder.

It takes a moment for Eun to recognize her as Grand General Park’s daughter, and she stutters that the pelt is for him as she hands it over. She stutters enough for it to seem like a problem, and Eun breaks her poor heart by not liking her gift. (From the sound of it, she used to gift him bear pelts when they were younger, which he didn’t even like back then.)

So takes some time to himself, but he can’t stop from thinking about Su. Baek-ah tries to bring him back to the festivities, and resorts to pulling him back when So doesn’t want to go.

Inside, Yo seems to deliberately ask Eun what gift So gave him, only for Eun to reply that it was enough that So even came. Yo claims that there’s a special present only So could give before whispering something to Eun, only for him to reply that So wouldn’t give him something like that. I wonder what game Yo’s playing.

Eun runs over to Su to ask if she knows anything about the gift, and if she can help him get it. That’s when Baek-ah drags So back into the party, and he can’t help but smile a little when he catches Su smiling at him.

Yo puts So on the spot for not getting a gift, so So offers to get his younger brother anything he wants in return. Eun makes him promise, and once he does, Eun innocently asks: “Show me your face without the mask!” So that’s what Yo suggested. What a douche.

Crown Prince Mu admonishes Eun for asking for such a gift, and Eun ends up implicating Su in the plot, because he can’t seem to take a hint. So relents and carefully unties his mask in front of everyone.

Revealing his whole face, his scarred face, causes Princess Yeonhwa’s hand to go to her mouth in shock. So locks eyes with Su before he finally can’t take anymore and leaves. Yo laughs, and Yeonhwa demands that Eun apologize to his older brother. Crown Prince Mu admonishes the lot of them, but mostly Yo, for exploiting people’s weak spots far too often.

Yo scoffs at the crown prince’s words, and wonders aloud if he must’ve taken it personally when he said Mu’s in-laws were too lowly, and that he had a lot of nerve to remain as crown prince. Yikes.

Su chases after So, who ends up taking out his frustration on her. She tries to get him to stay so that he can hear Eun’s apology or else he’ll rip all the brothers apart, but So uses the hand she lays on his own to push her up against a column.

“Look at me. Look at me properly!” he commands, face to face with her now. “That look… that look in your eyes… I hate it so much that it makes me crazy.”

Su can only stare at him with that look, and he stares right back.


Way to go, Eun. You’re young, but you’re not so young that you wouldn’t understand social cues, or the difference between right and wrong. It would’ve made more sense if he was still drunk, but he seemed to sober up rather quickly between the first round of festivities and the third—why’d he have to go and do that? And just when So was trying to be an accommodating older brother, too.

It feels like So gets kicked every time he’s even remotely happy, which is more of a reason for him to turn his back against the world than if he were to get kicked every time he was down. Every moment of happiness has to be earned, and it always comes at a cost, so it figures that So would be extra wary of opening up to others and becoming vulnerable. And though Yo might disagree, what So did in unmasking himself took more guts than it would’ve taken to just keep his mask on. He made a promise, and he had his pride to consider. Now, all bets are off.

This now seems like a minor issue when there’s such systemic editing problems going on, but I do wish the production had been a bit braver with So’s scar. Though the show established how unwanted any bodily flaws are among royalty, enough to justify why So would be ashamed of even light scarring on his face, it’s not enough to even distract from how pretty he is. I totally realize that’s hardly a valid complaint, but it would’ve been truly tragic if the scar was more than just a couple scratches, enough for So to feel like he had to hide that ugliness from the world. Right now, we have to kind of put ourselves in the time period to understand just how big of a deal that scar is—of course, it wouldn’t be pretty in any time period. Maybe it’s just that Lee Jun-ki sells it too well, so on this side of the screen I’m just left to think that the scar isn’t as distracting as it seems meant to be. Again, hardly a complaint, I know.

I like that this episode more or less established So’s crush on Su, and for once, warranted an actual flashback montage of their moments together. We needed to be reminded that they did have these meaningful moments, and it would make sense that So didn’t think much of them until his new feelings came to light. Now, he remembers every moment because it means something, which means trouble is bound to brew for the too-cute Wook and Su couple. (That calligraphy scene? Stick a fork in me, I was done.)

It’s a bit harder to reconcile the vulnerable So we’ve kinda sorta come to know with the cold-hearted, brutal prince that he can be, and nothing brought that more into focus than So’s conversation with Grand General Park. Though we barely got to see General Park, it became clear that his moral compass operates much differently than So’s—and that So, even when reminded of this, would choose to stand by his horrific actions without even a shred of remorse. It didn’t seem like false bravado as much as So being fully convinced that what he did was just and good, which is actually more frightening than if he was just putting up a front. Don’t let the dark side have you, So!

On the other hand, it was refreshing to see Su having more interaction with the princes, which helped to justify their attentiveness toward her. While it’s still strange to think of the levelheaded crown prince temporarily losing his mind, it served to help him see that Su only ever means well, effectively netting her another strong ally. Plus, that birthday party was adorable, and even more so because the crown prince sanctioned it. Regardless, Eun’s going to have to work to make up for what he just pulled, birthday or no. Good luck.


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Wow!!!! Thank you sooo much!!! (is that punny? XP )

I love this show!!! I really hope it does well ❤ fighting!


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So much indeed ;)


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So i was checking wiki for ratings and i saw that Sept 14 have Episode 7 part 2 (special) . Is this true? Will Streaming sites will broadcast this like normal?

I also came across this article. Can somebody explain what this is exactly?



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I think the Content Power Index is a way of checking what's getting the most online buzz/what people are talking about (via social media etc).

I'm not sure about the article either because the number of points Scarlet Heart scored seems lower than the points listed for Moonlight and the next show after that. If it's first, there should be more points.


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Here is the correct result:
The one in yibada must be typo. The real CPI score for SH is 294.3 and it's at the top of other dramas. It means SH is the most influential tv show for the 1st week of Sept. Wish they could keep it up.


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" “Do you not want to step onto my scale?” Every time she comes onto him I feel like hitting her with a rolled-up newspaper."

And then go be sick in a bucket.

Also that calligraphy scene? SO MUCH SWOONING! SWOONING EVERYWHERE! Freaking Swoony Mcswoony Pants Wook! The sweetness of their relationship is only going to make it's inevitable end just that painful, if not more so. I really shouldn't love the Su/Wook couple as much as I do... It can only end in tears...

Ever since episode 2, So's vulnerability is absolutely heartbreaking. The cause for his shame over his face has to be more than just vanity. And I'll bet good old mommy dearest has plenty to do with that.

In other words, episode eight cannot come soon enough!


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Since this is epi 7 already, I think we had enough for complaints for the acting (at least from my perspective) except if it a new role introduced in this episode like Seohyun. As for IU, probably we just need to already accept she is not really great for the role, she is doing well in some scenes but maybe not in some other scenes. In fact, other than Lee Jun Ki and Kang Ha Neul, we had acknowledge their limitation in acting (don't we?). We cannot expect an average acting to change into golden acting after few episodes.

But that's from my persepective, of course we all have different opinion.


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I have accepted the acting, the good, the bad and the downright cringe-worthy and am rolling with it. My concern now is introducing new girls in the mix of unnecessary boys by the genius writers. Among the constant edits and re-edits and all the technical flaws the biggest problem for them has been establishing believable character relations through meaningful interactions so far. We already have a puppet loving imbecile for a supposedly 14-16 year old prince who talks and acts like a mere 8 year old, why do we need to suffer by introducing a bear-lover tomboy girl for her, enlighten me. They are as it is, struggling to cram in the story, plot progression, character evolution into the show and a lot is left to our imagination, a whole lot with two different versions airing right now. Why add more to the mix when the result is likely to be pretty much negative for them.


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wow! thank u so much for the recap.?
i actually saw it earlier & read a little..but i need to control myself since i need to do my work first.
i've been dying to read the recap but i need to wait a little bit more for my break time.?
so happy, truly!


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Wook's mother Queen is such a nice lady, I'm glad not everybody is out to get Hae Soo. Crown Prince is nice too, and the general seems to be a decent guy.


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I really liked the Crown Prince's interaction with Hae Soo this episode, and the way he stepped in during the birthday part and stopped Sister Princess from hassling Hae Soo for just plain being nice.

It can't hurt to have Wook's mother Queen look kindly on Hae Soo, either.


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No no no no ... wook's mother in not nice at all.

If she was nice she would have at least tried to honour lady hae's wish regarding wook/su .

She was happy that HS is now firmly in the palace as a servant and away from wook. And also the possibility of a court lady marrying a prince are negligible (is it even allowed?)

She is happy to get rid of the complication and now will find someone powerful to get her son married to


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Your explanation makes sense. I thought she was nice. Maybe she is the one of those people who look very nice on the outside but very selfish on the inside. You know, people who don't do anything unless it benefits them in some way.


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I really agree with you. The queen does love her daughter-in-law because her family help her son to be establish as a respectable prince. Even though Su (in this story) came from the very same family, it does not really matter again if Hae family help them or not cause the prince and the queen already have power within their hands.

The queen would not really want a ordinary girl with no powerful family become her daughter-in-law cause it would a waste


@abcde - +100


In the original Chinese novel, a court lady marrying a prince is allowed. However in actual history it's highly unlikely this was possible. All court ladies are by implication the King's women, and not allowed to have relationships with anyone else.


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Since the court ladies are the King's women, does this mean the only way the Princes Wook and So can marry Haesoo is if they become kings themselves?


In this version, Hae Soo has a scar so even if So or Wook becomes king, they can't marry her and even if she hides her scar, it's not allowed. They will be in love with her and Hae Soo will change her love from Wook to So. However, I do not think she will be married to either one of them.


except with the permission of the king.


she is nice, but she is not dumb. she will not endanger her and her children's status and place in the court in this situation.


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To be fair, I don't see Wook scrambling to marry Hae Soo either. Maybe the situation just isn't right and it's out of the queen's control.


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Well, as others pointed out, it seems impossible for a prince to marry a court lady, not that they would even think of the possibility at that time. I think that Wook at this point does not want to repeat his bad experience with lady Hae and this is why he does not want to marry. Regarding Soo, probably he is thinking of taking her as a concubine I guess, and I bet he is serious about taking good care of her.
Anyway, not that this takes away the thrill of the romance...boy, that calligraphy scene made my heart skip some beats ? I find the writers too cruel to make us enjoy such a sweet romance only to destroy everything later. For those who are fans of LJK is ok since they can only expect for things to get better, but for us KHN fans is hard to swallow...


@Yuki ^^^ this was just in response to bips99 saying that the Queen wasn't nice because she didn't honor Lady Hae's dying wish to marry off Soo and Wook. Like I said, maybe it just wasn't appropriate and didn't mean that she looks down on Soo or something.


The mother queen couldn't tell Wook and Su to get married though, cause Myung Hee just died then the Hae relatives showed up right away to sell her off. I mean mother queen was nice to Su even before she became a servant.


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i wonder.. is this drama in the same timeline with shine or go crazy? are the princes the same character?


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Yeah, the character Lee Jun-ki's playing here is the same historical figure Jang Hyuk played in SOGC.


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Thanks for the recap :D

By this point in time the only thing I care about is Lee Joon-ki, how Lee Joon-ki will get the girl, how Lee Joon-ki will stare at the girl when he gets her, how Lee Joon-ki will be when he gets the girl.

Aren't there any stress free rom coms with Lee Joon-ki as the lead??


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The closest you'll get to an Lee Jun-ki romcom is Arang & the Magistrate (2012). His chemistry with Shin Mina was <333

The last actual romcom he starred in was My Girl (2005), and he was second lead there. Not that that stopped me from falling for him anyway, that was my intro to Second Lead Syndrome.


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I would love to see Lee Jun Ki in a rom-com soon! Even though he's really born to do sageuks lol


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I watched it on and off before, but he never stood out to me in that he's now the only reason I watch, haha. I guess there's the answer to Starfall's question: I like him better with his (long) hair down >.<


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But the gat! You miss out on Lee Jun-ki's face with the gat!


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That's why, for me, it's pre-Joseon or bust. ;-)


Lee Jun Ki in Joseon Gunman is very swoon worthy *_*


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All aboard the Lee Jun Ki love boat! Do I want LJK with his hair up or hair down? LJK smiling or with a dark expression? So many questions! Also, he hit 700k followers on Instagram so that's like 200k follows in a week! Our ship is getting wonderfully full!


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Haha, I was one of the few new followers and I turned on the notifications because he's so cute and hot and dorky in one?? How does that even happen.


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He's always been a goof, he's nicely active and watches out for what his fans want to see. I've been following him from a while back and dutifully clicking like on his pictures of his food, his face, his little dogs, even a couple of shirtless pics (lol just from the shoulder up though!). I love that he tries his gosh darn hardest to throw in some english for international fans here and there XD


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I liked LJK before SH. But after this, he is my crush for life. ... Seriously LJK with that mane of glory playing this wounded love starved puppy - Oppa!!!

He does seem to care about the opinions of his fans alot. Because he did mention that there were a lot of fans who were disappointed that he signed a saguek again. plus he feels he is too old to play a prince

So the next one will be a modern rom com i think


Hehe, LJK is so adorable in real life it seems. When I'm watching him act, I sometimes have difficulty reconciling him as the same guy who posts a pic of himself and a hostess twinkie on instagram and the one threatening to melt down my screen when he's being His Royal Hotness....

Totally enabled notifications for whenever he posts too and nooo of course it's not in the hope that he could potentially be close enough for me to go and breathe the same air as him. Nope, not all.


Yes! It was actually the english and the plethora of emojis that made me realize he's such an adorable dork. :D


Let us create a prayer circle for the modern rom com, please, @bips99. Haha


Can I join in that prayer circle, please? Get oppa a good romcom, and a good costar in it <333


I'm all for a prayer circle. I think most of us have even forgotten how he looks in modern style


please sign a new show soon. learn from SIG. Back to back shows are the way to go!


LJK is a very outgoing person. He once said that if people doesn't talk to him first, he will go and meet them. He cracks jokes to make it easy to interact with new people. He said that Shin Min Ah was uncomfortable with his tactics and told him to stop. Lol.

In the Running Man episode, he is so weird and funny. A goofball.

Something came to my mind now. He once said that when he was younger, he really loved a girl and was brokenhearted when they broke up; so, he tried to take his life in front of his family. That made me so sad. And seriously, who would ever reject him?? What was wrong with that girl?????


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omg nooooo @your last paragraph :(

Oppa is such a sweetheart on-set, from what I've seen he's really into making sure everyone's ok/taking care of people. It made me laugh to hear that Shin Mina asked him to stop, though clearly even if she was uncomfortable with him at first it didn't impact their chemistry.


Omg @last paragraph, that's awful :( when did he talk about this?


@metebelis3 - I think it was a Healing Camp episode.


i also stalk his instagram and to be honest i dont realy like kind of guy star like him. But he realy nice actor. His role in SH made me realy in to this drama


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Ya...i noticed the huge jump of his instagram followers. Before SH broadcast, his followers were less than 500k and by episode 7, he reached 700k followers. So, that is like average 67k per week. Imagine how much more now that there will be more LJK screentime? So, despite SH not doing well domestically, this drama is a huge hit among international audience. I am so happy for Jun Ki.


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I know. Scarlet Heart is doing so well internationally that despite the poor domestic ratings, I think SBS, NBC and YG still get a lot of money coming in to them. It would be nice to see the Korean audience appreciating this drama too but there's Moonlight with solid appealing storytelling, acting and editing compared to the choppy editing and storytelling in Scarlet Heart, it'll be difficult. Unless in the next few episodes Scarlet Heart picks up, it'll probably won't receive the medium ratings. At least Monster is ending soon so I hope the ratings will get better :D.


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Try Hero. It's not a rom-com. He is a reporter in it but the drama mostly has a light tone and has comedy. He likes the female lead and vice versa but not much emphasize on romance. The drama wasn't a success but I loved it.

Like Pogo said, Arang and the Magistrate is great!


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The magistrate! You defo should watch LJK in Arang. I, in fact, rewatched few episodes while waiting for the episodes of SCR.
He was all kinds of amazing in Arang, loved his chemistry with shin mina too..


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Seconding this! Arang was the first LJK drama I watched, and I promptly fell in love. I think I plowed through the entire thing in about three days, so definitely check it out.


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Me too. *swoons*


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Oh my, @rhia my t


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Thank you for the recap, Heads! Significantly better editing this episode, not as choppy as episode 6, and enjoyed it sooo much more.

Ok so I know that they won't be end game, and they won't be this happy together for long, and I have so many conflicted feelings about Wook and their relationship, so why do I find Wook/Su so cute? That moment when he steals her away for a hug, and when he teaches her how to write his name--swoooooon. I found the latter most compelling, given the importance of names in the Sinosphere. In the past one's given name could only be used by certain people like parents, older siblings, and significant others. Everyone else usually had to settle for another title--kind of like "Mr. Smith" or "Miss Park". People could know your name, but not necessarily use it as easily. To know and use one's personal name is so intensely private and intimate, for royalty even more so, and for Wook to have personally shown and given his to Su for use... wow. She was never on the same level as he was--she always had to call him "8th Prince" and now that she's a palace maid she can't call him by anything but that--but he has pulled her up to stand beside him now. And it's one of her first Hanja characters too. Really well done, and also heartbreaking.

And So. We watch him fall in love and then get his heart crushed all in the same episode :( I really love the way he and Su get along, even though he was all intense on her in the beginning of the episode. He can't express his feelings very well, but I loooove that his body language tells us what his tongue can't. It says a lot that So considered a tree in Shinju to be his best friend and he's being so open to Su now. How cute was he telling Su to work hard, combined with the montage of him doing his best to learn in the palace? Super adorable. And we know that So is trying his best, because this accompanying "brotherhood" puts him in this chokehold that he can't get out of. At best it's hoisting Eun on his shoulders while they play fight; at worst it's having to take off his mask for Eun just because he promised, just because they're brothers. I hate that Yo the master manipulator is the one who sees So's desire to fit in the most clearly, and uses it against him the most effectively. The others see it, yeah, but cherry pick when and where to use So's latent propensity to do anything in exchange for their brotherhood--Eun, Jung, even Wook and Mu. Ugh, only Baek Ah truly cares. I wibbled a bit when he told So not to listen to Eun. Good boy. When So was smiling back at Su just because she was smiling at him, when he thought that Su was in onto Yo's cruel humiliation of him, when Su told him that they were "still your brothers", when he told Su that he hated the look in her eyes so much that he was going crazy... cries. You don't hate something without loving it too much. Lee Junki is such an amazing actor.


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I take back all my compliments about Eun being cute last episode. How old is he to not realise that Yo is using him to publicly humiliate So? And the way he treated Sun-deok was the worst. I hope he realises his shallowness soon, because Sun-deok is going to be the best wife he can ever hope to have okay. Sun-deok and her father General Park are so cute lol. I snorted at Taejo being put off at General Park's teeth and outfit--yeah you do your superficiality shtick. But their arrival also signifies a new player entering the game, now that we know General Park was So's martial arts instructor under orders from Taejo. It feels like Taejo has a personal motive in giving So such training, but what is it?

Cringed so much at Yo telling Yeonhwa to come to him. How is it that the both of them can't seem to resist objectifying everyone around them? And for Yo to wear his sneering heart so openly on his sleeve--does he seriously think his dad has no idea about his usurpation dreams? How does he even manage to become Jeongjong, I have no idea. So much for Yeonhwa loving So as well--the revulsion on her face when she saw his scar basically just seals the deal that her "love" is nothing more than just obsession with taming the beast.

I'm still really interested in Won. His expression during So's mask removal made me feel like he was on Yo's side, but yet he did assist Su in her attempt to run. I feel like he's the one everyone truly needs to look out for before he stabs them all in the back and they die without knowing what hit them, so we'll see how it goes.

Ah and I just realised that the drama uses a different version of For You--I like this one with the piano instrumental more! Pity it's not the version I purchased, lol what is up with MLSHR and its multiple versions of everything. Next week can't come any faster though!!


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Seriously I've spewed annoyance at Eun all over this post but I have to say it - I'm glad his love line is here, if nothing else because it hopefully means we get rid of him and he doesn't blight our screens any more. I'm done with the brat.

I didn't sign up for this drama for pointless boyband fanservice - if you must have a gratuitous cute boy spending time with Su, at least let it be Jung. Or Baek-ah - aren't they supposed to be friends? And yet they get like a scene and a half, while Eun gets puppets and an entire damn birthday party complete with cutesy performances.

And yes, I noted that Yeonhwa looked away when So revealed his scar too. (also, good point on Won - he's just sort of there, going along with the flow of whatever's happening, but he does feel like he's putting on a facade of being as bumbling as his younger brothers when he's actually.....not. What is he hiding??)


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At first Eun was kind of cute because at least he was being genuinely kind to Su, but now I'm just like ugh you need to GROW UP. If put in the hands of a better actor I'd say that his character is a representation of the innocently ignorant privileged born into the top levels of the Goryeo system, but Baekhyun... not the best option.

All in for more Baek Ah, really, that boy is the only one who truly cares for someone other than himself. Also if they're following the novel they need to ensure his screentime now.

Right?? Won is so enigmatically creepy, in that he seems to go along with his brothers but he's not actually that incompetent. His character profile says that he sways to wherever the winds of power blow, and that's kind of telling. Also that look he exchanged with Chaeryung a few episodes ago? Yeah... what is he up to?


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As a representation of the innocently ignorant privileged, I think Jung would be much better - not only is Ji-soo a better actor (not that you would know it, given his character here and the fact that he's mostly on one mode ie cutesy - barring that one scene with Lee Jun-ki) but Jung actually had that experience of confronting the consequences of his own privilege just last week, when Su, So and Wook saved him from the man who wanted his arm as revenge. Baekhyun is just....everything I do not want on my screen. I don't care if his fangirls come at me, the boy had no place in a production like this, and he takes up far too much screen time considering his negligible abilities.

And yes, I noted Chae-ryung looking at Won too! I wonder if anything will come of that, considering that now Su is out of Wook's house and Chae-ryung isn't her maid anymore.


@pogo: You're so right, Jung could have been a better representation of that. His birth is of the highest nobility too, given that his mother is a proper queen, and Eun's mother is just a concubine. Ji-soo's acting is sorely underutilised here, and ok Eun just needs to disappear into the background. Can you imagine having to watch him be mean to Soon-deok, a sweet girl who has been hunting bears and giving their skins to him every single year just because it's the only way she knows how to express her affection for him, for the next few episodes??

I've watched the Chinese version (and read the novel a little) so I kind of know how the story goes. But I'm still really intrigued by how they're going to put their own twist on Chaeryung and Won. You're right though, now that Chaeryung isn't her maid anymore, how are things going to play out? I don't think Su is going to leave the palace anytime soon (sorry Wook), so this is definitely interesting.


@kumoiwa - seriously, thinking of the contrast between Ji-soo in Sassy Go Go and Ji-soo here, makes me want to howl - that boy can unleash some serious feels if you just let him, why waste him this way?! And focusing on Baekhyun instead? What even. That's like keeping a beautiful steak in the freezer and setting out stale fast food for dinner - why would you do that?!

Can you imagine having to watch him be mean to Soon-deok, a sweet girl who has been hunting bears and giving their skins to him every single year just because it’s the only way she knows how to express her affection for him, for the next few episodes??

EPISODES? Plural?! Nooooooooooo!!!!!! Just get him off my screen!


@pogo: I need to know how old exactly the director and writer think Jung is, because how do you cast such a competent actor like Ji-soo and criminally underutilise his skills to such an extent?? Jung can be innocent and unknowing of the perils of the world, I get it, but at this point all he's doing is just being a child to Su. Like, literally he does nothing else. WHY would you do this??

That’s like keeping a beautiful steak in the freezer and setting out stale fast food for dinner – why would you do that?!

HAHAHA ok that has to be the best comparison I've seen in a while!

EpisodeS yes, plural yes uuuuugh. It's in the preview even. Ok for everyone's sake Eun's storyline needs to be wrapped up ASAP.


@kumoiwa, I think Jung is 14 or 15 years old, because he is younger than Haesoo who's supposed to be 16. But I think the hints are there that Jung will grow up and become someone great. He's still a rich privileged kid right now.


@Livi: Thanks for the info! I do think Jung is meant for greater things as well, but we're seven episodes in and he hasn't really demonstrated a whole deal of growth yet. I know it's not his fault, but I hope something big happens that thoroughly shakes him up and makes him reevaluate his life--and prior attitude towards So and his other brothers.


When So stiffened in response to Eun's request, everybody noticed and got tense. Everybody except Eun. Seriously that boy is dense and/or a simpleton. It would have been understandable if he was like, 5.


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I was like okay maybe, maybe because it's his birthday Eun thinks he's entitled to everything he wants... then I decided to stop making excuses for a kid who has no idea when and where to keep his mouth shut. If someone knocked on his head it'd probably sound hollow, at this point.


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Have to echo the thanks for the speedy recap ^_^ Also what a great fandom y'all are, so many smart and funny comments! One of the best parts about this drama is having so many friends to spazz about it with!


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I will join in my thanks to Heads for the speedy recap - you rock, Heads!

(and also the commenters, it really does make the experience so much better to share with)


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Hear, hear! Not only is it a speedy recap, it's an intelligent one too! Thank you Heads :D

And yeah, totally appreciate everyone's investment in MLSHR as well, makes things so much more fun \^o^/


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Yeah, that's right, Heads did a great job! Heads choego!!

I actually took a day off work just so that I could leisurely watch the subbed ep7 and read the recap. Only jun-ki's drama can make me do this, lol!


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@kumoiwa - about Su/Wook - I knooooooow! I had some serious swoon myself when he teaches her to write the character for his name, precisely because of that significance you spoke of - name usage, especially without honorifics, is a huge deal in manga and I remember how much I used to swoon when someone switched from using a title/honorific to just a name (also old-school romance novels where using someone's 'Christian name' was a big deal). And as you said, she never spoke it out loud before, and as a court lady she certainly can't do it now - but he taught her the character anyway.

And while I loved that scene of So playing with his brothers, it's so heartbreakingly true that he just wants acceptance from them, even if he knows he'll never get it from Yo - to the point where he plays along with everything (though how cute was Lee Jun-ki's face in that scene?!) and even takes off his mask at the request of Eun, whom any sane person should know was being a spoilt, easily-manipulated idiot.

Also this:

he thought that Su was in onto Yo’s cruel humiliation of him, when Su told him that they were “still your brothers”

I didn't even think he'd see it that way, tbh - but it makes sense of his subsequent anger towards her. We all know Su is a modern girl, and a scar to her wouldn't be the kind of shame it would have been to Goryeo-Su, so it makes sense that she'd assume he'd be safe taking off his mask in front of his family, and assume Eun's request was proof that they wouldn't be ashamed of it either. But obviously she's clueless about the brotherly dynamics, even if in the end she turned out to be the only person who just saw him.


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Oh man I swooned like there was no tomorrow when he held her hand and taught her how to write his name. And it was so prettily written too! It's such a subtle way of saying that he loves her, so much so that he wants her to be able to know and use his name, and think about him everything she sees something associated with it. It's a sweet, lovely thought of Wook's, and okay I was so sold on it despite not being a total fan of Wook/Su in general. Ahhhhh thinking about it again--he could have given her his zi (like an East Asian middle name of sorts), or his pen name, or something, but no he gave her his personal name. SWOON.

So is really the only one who's trying at this point. All of his brothers have their own personal motivations if they're nice to him (Mu needed him to be possibly killed in his place, Jung kinda uses him to feel better about himself), but still he tries to fit in because he truly treats them as his blood brothers. I was so angry at Eun when he insisted on So removing his mask, because come on who is THAT dense?? He must know that is So's greatest taboo, and yet Eun continually places himself over his elder brother, even after So has promised to get him any present he wants (and tells him to make it a difficult one too). I'm so upset at the way nobody sees So's efforts except for Su. And maybe Baek Ah.

Yeah I think Su kind of panicked though, because she didn't expect Eun to make such a stupid request (since Yo whispered it into his ear, ugh that ass). And she couldn't take back her words quickly enough when she heard the actual request too. Yes I think that Su doesn't know a lot about the brotherly dynamics yet, apart from "everyone fears So and his scary scar" and "one of you will kill everyone else", so from her point of view she just wants to keep them friendly with each other for as long as possible, because she knows of the bloodshed ahead. But it's also because of this that she totally misses the blind spot of brotherhood being the major factor that hurts So the most, which is why So is stuck between loving and hating her at the end, I feel.


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Exactly, he taught her how to write it and it's the most private, personal thing between the two of them - she may never use it, but he taught it to her anyway. SWOON.

I have some hope for Jung since I buy that he may have complicated feelings about So after being fed the So-is-awful party line for years by his mother and #3 brother, and while he did lash out at So in his own embarrassment after having to be saved from the thugs in ep 4, I think he doesn't really believe it - partly because he spends most of his time with his other brothers, especially immature Eun (and I want to see if getting Eun out of the way might herald a positive change in Jung's character - I mean, at least he's interested in something other than toys and seems to care for Su). And he immediately jumped to So's defence the minute their mother walked in on their fight - I hope that wasn't a false start.


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I'm such a sucker for scholars sigh but well, Wook is the second lead after all. But still--SWOON.

That's true about Jung--he doesn't seem to be as antagonistic of his own will towards So, though he does harbour a bit of a superiority complex (that totally came crashing down when he had to be rescued)? From, as you've mentioned, probably whatever rubbish about So his mother has been feeding him with. But yeah, I wonder how he'll be if he doesn't associate with Eun as much, and goes around with Baek Ah instead. It feels like Baek Ah is the only prince with a shred of common sense at this point.

Potential spoiler though: in the original 14 and 4 aren't bromantic to the bitter end :( But hopefully they do get some nice scenes here? Please??


I know, he teaches it to her even though she can never speak it out loud - SWOON all over again. Scarlet Heart may have messed up a lot but they gave us two equally swoonworthy ships that are still different enough from each other to be appreciated in their own right. I'm also appreciative of the fact that Wook is not the typical kdrama second lead, in that he's actually allowed to be imperfect (can't get much more flawed than being married and falling for another woman anyway) and have Su reciprocate his feelings totally (and they both know it).

And yeah, Jung totally did have a bit of a superiority complex towards So - one that really did come across as more of a 'repeating what your elders tell you' thing than something he truly believes. It's a shame that we haven't seen any forward movement for his character after that, he just went back to being Eun's shadow.

I just wish they'd take Ji-soo back out of the freezer already.


You're absolutely right. There are many flaws in MLSHR, but they've done their two main ships a great service by making them believable. I mean, I'd never have thought that I'd actually be convinced by Wook, given that he owes Lady Hae big time for everything, but it's this sincerity with which he's been written (and acted by Kang Haneul) that makes it work. I can get behind the idea that his love for Su is genuine, at the very least. And don't even get me started on So/Su, because friends-to-lovers is my most fav trope ever, and the fact that So trusts Su so implicitly because she doesn't see him as a freak? SWOON x infinity.

I know Jung is the youngest, but that's really no excuse for the lack of character development (and waste of Ji-soo's talent). Hopefully when Eun is married they'll stop wasting screentime on him and devote it to Baek Ah/Jung instead. Also now I have Eun's voice stuck in my head--it's repeating his horrible request to So--and I'm just aaaaargh


Did he think Soo was in on Yo's trick? Only for a split second though right? Before she corrected it? Or do you think he believed she'd do that to him and decided to take off his mask anyway? :( That's making me teary!

God I love So. How can one man say so little with his mouth and so much with his face? Ugh, every So scene is magnetic.

Also am loving the General and his daughter. She was adorable and definitely too good for Eun. :(


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I do think that he thought Su was in on Yo's humiliation stunt, because of the way his face hardened when Eun went all "but you said he would do anything for me!" to Su. She's the one who is closest to him and knows him the best currently, and I feel like So is conditioned to think of betrayal at the slightest indication of it? It's sort of his survival mechanism, I suppose, and he's trusted Su so implicitly that I believe his predeposition to defend himself against betrayal shot up even faster when Su sort of admitted that yeah, she totally told Eun that So would give him anything (but not in that way, So!). Lee Junki's micro-expressions were magnificent, like you could totally see every single emotion flit across his face. How does he do that??

I love the General and Soon-deok too!! Man she's too good for Eun--where else can you find someone who's willing to hunt bears down for you?


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It's only 20 episodes, can't we have more of Baek Ah making shiny eyes at So? I'd rather have their bromance and court intrigue instead of Eun. He's done, he can exit now.Same with that rap song. Not liking the previews for the next episode, So's being a kicked puppy over and over again :( But hopefully he'll start swinging back.


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I'm totally here for Baek Ah x So scenes. IDK what they'd do, like...braid each other's beautiful long locks, or what, lmao, but please, more of them rather than Eun. T_T

...and honestly, I enjoy seeing Nam Joohyuk pull Lee Junki around, lmao. It's a strange kind of k-drama reversal, since instead of the broody prince pulling the main girl around, he's getting pulled by the wrist instead, haha.


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"I’m totally here for Baek Ah x So scenes. IDK what they’d do, like…braid each other’s beautiful long locks, or what, lmao, but please, more of them rather than Eun. T_T"

I cracked at the image of them braiding each other's beautiful long hair ???


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That was so sweet!


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Thanks for the recap!~~ I am so glad we have two interesting sageuks to watch this season. I have never been a big fan of IU but she has done really well in this one. I enjoy watching her. She is one lucky girl here to have those princes after her. I am totally on Team Wook's side although it's bound to end up in heartbreak....ahhh, but how can you not fall when Kang Hanuel looks at you like that ....*_*)


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Wook's name means the sun that rises in the morning
but the scene where Su was thinking about Wook and their promise, she was also looking at the shining MOON outside her window
and the drama title is MOON LOVERS
(some Korean fans even analyzed So's name and it seems to be related to the moon too, its main meaning is "being bright/brilliant")

I just wish this drama could have been done well in terms of editing and production as much as the details and symbols, which are so good I can't find my way out despite all the flaws


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That's why Wook is the 2nd male lead, So is her one and only true love !


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the way they build So/Su relationship is so beautiful
I'm really curious how she'd move from Wook to So cause now she seems totally in love with Wook (though they look so happy together I already found their love already being shaken and how Wook just keeps covering Su's scar!!)


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I actually wonder about that! (Wook covering the scar). Literally EVERY TIME he has seen her since she got the scar he as covered it up.

Is it guilt that she had to go that far to save herself?
Is it that he secretly has ambitions for the throne and knows now that they can never marry?
Is he just like everyone else at the time an horrified by it?

So many questions.


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Because it is chuseok, that's why the MOON takes the central stage and we ended up having two MOON sageuk fighting each other. I'm wondering why we don't have any commercially made mouth-watering songpyeon thrown in as ppl. ;-)


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Can someone explain to me Su's stare in the final scene?

I could read LJG's quite well, but not IU's. To me, it sort of looks like maybe Su was staring so hard at Wang So because Wang So is a beautiful man. But I don't want to project my own thoughts on to the character...


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It looks like pity to me tbh


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I was kind of huh??? at Su's stare in the final scene to be honest. I mean - So reacted so emotionally that I was expecting to see SOMEthing, anything on her face - like a muscle twitch or anything to convey to So and the viewers what she was thinking/feeling.

But instead we got that O.O look again. Sigh.

At this point, I don't know if it's the acting or the directing, cause it does some skill to emote a feeling/thought that doesn't have dialogue to go along with it. But IU has done so much o.Os at this point in the drama that I have a feeling it's mostly the directing to blame.

Like I was confused by her look. Was it pity? fearlessness? sympathy? I couldn't get a proper feel


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That's exactly the look IU was going for. She is literally just [i]looking[/i] at him.

In the scene prior to this when he unmasked himself, his siblings either looked at the scar in revulsion and looked away with horrified expressions or averted their gazes out of respect for him. However, cut to Hae Soo and she does neither of these things. All she did was look at him with compassion and empathy. I really bought that she was feeling for him in that very moment.

All So's life he's been judged for the scar on his face, and his unveiling moment really showed that when people look at him, they see the scar.

However, cut to Hae Soo and she's looking right at him, and she doesn't look away. She's looking beyond the scar and seeing him. Judging by his reaction, no one, not even his own mother and brothers have been able to see past the scar, especially when it is in plain view. He is visibly taken aback by the way she looks at him and it completely throws him that a stranger can see what no one else could.

My take of the words he said "I hate the look in your eyes like crazy" is that after all this time, he's fully believed that no one will be able to accept him as he is, scar and all. However, that look she gives him, the way she simply just looks at him, flaws and all, says otherwise and he hates it. It's a reminder of what everyone else (who by all means should look at him the way she does) hasn't done and he legitimately doesn't know how to deal with it.


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First time commenter (hi everyone ?) and clearly I have no idea how to italicise on here ?


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kekeke welcome!

It's <i>like this</i>


I was also frustrated trying to read her eyes (and face) and find nothing. Merely surprised/shock for being slammed to the wall/bar? I mean she could at least made a twitch at the last sentence because hearing your friend says he hate the way you look at him to the point of crazy will at least make you move a muscle, no?


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Maybe, it's a cliffhanger, and we are supposed to find out next week?


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To me her stare more like "I can see right through you. I can understand your pain and anguish. Let me heal you." That is why So said he hated it because it made him crazy - that he let her see right into him when he has been building up walls to others all along. He hated that source of weakness.


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he asked her looking at his face, and she looked at his face. she simply did what he wanted: without fear, without pity, without curiosity - she only looked at him.


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Omgah 1OO+ comments already! I thought I would be early lol....

Every time she comes onto him I feel like hitting her with a rolled-up newspaper.
^HAHAHA!! I laughed too hard at this.

Thank you so much for the speedy and great recap, HeadsNo2!

This episode was much better than the previous one. Lots of So&Su moments. I loved seeing So becoming more aware of his attraction to her.

I wish the bgm hadn't interrupted Su's singing. And her robot dance was adorkable!! *-*

I didn't want this episode to end! I wanted to see Su telling So that she was not disgusted by his scar and that she could help cover it up with her makeup skills.


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Will you be recapping episode 7 part 2? It will air on SBS at 14:00 KST. Idk if the episode would be available to drama-streaming sites.


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Eh there's a special?? Do you know what is it?


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Episode 7 part 2? Is that an actual episode or just a special?


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It says "Part 2 (Special)". In the ratings section. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_Lovers:_Scarlet_Heart_Ryeo


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It should be available on aqstream? It's titled ep 7 part 2, but im not sure whats gonna be in it...


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So, the special is currently airing on SBS Korea and it seems to be only a recap episode of the most important parts of the story. It has not moved the story forward what so ever. :)


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This episodes makes me liking the exo ost. i don't even care the song earlier but i fall in love with the song in this episode. it sounds good and imo, suit with the scenes.


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OMO. THAT Sneaky quickie hug!! That calligraphy scene!! Thank goodness Im home alone coz I SQUWEEEEE!!!

But they need to amp up So's romance now because I may drown so much with Wook and Su, I might not be able to recover from this second lead syndrome. (Which is what happened in School 2015, among other dramas)

But I am confident I will recover tho. THAT STARE!

My golly, is Prince Eun 10 years old? My goodness. ;/

Background music still sucks tho less sucky this episode than the last one.


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Honestly, they should’ve made So’s scar quite a bit uglier.

Even with that scar it’s impossible to believe that people would find Lee Jun-ki anything close to ugly.


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I am not ready to see Wook being broken hearted, no body should dare enough to broke his heart.. b-but So needs hug. So IDK lol

Also, i can relate to why Soo will finally choose So instead of Wook. Soo is an independent and have the free will to live. Wook is always feel like trying to overshadow her, to tame her (the bracelet scene) to be an alpha for her. Trying to blend her out with other, while So is the one who is proud of her braveries (kinda?) and is able to accept her as she is (kinda?) without trying to tame or blend her out.

As much as i am not ready to see Soo broke Wook heart, understanding Soo's personality, it will be just about time..

on another note, Kang Haneul smile is just sooooo kyuuuute


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I think that BBJX benefited a lot by using segue - segueing from scene to scene in one episode - showing different days/weeks/months - and interactions between Ruoxi and various denominations of the Princes. Some scenes were really short.

Collectively they formed and explained the bond between Ruoxi and the Princes and why they would literally jump into fire to help her. It also showed affiliation of the Princes - as the Princes if not by themselves were always with their pod.

The narrative here suffers because it lacks the anchor on which to launch certain motivations and responses.

It's like the show is saying - "So, you guys watched BBJX right? So I don't need to tell you why Su likes Wook or why Su and 13th a besties nor why 4th is not in scenes but you know that he's in orbit - right? Right?
What!! You need me to show you?"


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I felt that the story is finally developing further. And it's clear that there were a lot of similarities between Soo (Hajin) and So. The part on how Soo mentioned she just wanted to survive at the start in the forest scene, the part where only So understands \^o^/, and the part where Soo said that she knew she has to save herself in order not to marry the King. I guessed all this parts would be contributing how the relationship between Soo and So will move forward. And I'm excited!

Wook has been a great guy. Any logical lady will fall for him. But I just love how intense the relationship between Soo and So is heading and definitely support #TeamWangSo!


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The crown prince seems to be a really nice guy and a level-headed person. And he seems like he would be a good candidate to rule once he sits on the throne but at the same time getting to actually sit on the throne at this point would require some level of planning and scheming with the likes of Evil Queen and Prince Yo around. He and the king does seem to realize that those two are behind his assasination attempts,i hope he is doing enough to protect himself . And Prince Yo also seems to speak quite fearless even going so far as to insult the Crown Princes' in-laws. How come his power hasnt been checked till now. Perhaps because his mother,Evil Queen seems to have quite a strong hold?!?

Also i wish Yeon-hwa hadnt been given the classic Second-lead bitchiness characteristics and instead made her more layered and complicated. As a girl she had no chance to sit on the throne. But damn if she isnt trying to make sure her brother sits on it and her family is protected. As of now she actually seems to have the most ambition for the throne among the entire lot of prince.

Im really liking how our main leads romance is progressing slowly.They seem to be quite comfortable now to chat with one another like friends. Its very different from Soo-Wang's romance which was almost like instant attraction. Also that un-masking scene was good.As Su looks around to see the reaction,everyone seems to be either horrified or too disgusted/shamed to meet his eye but only Soo looks at him unflinchingly. Awesome lead couple moment right there. :D

Also i wonder how Wang is going to get Soo out of her situation. She is a court-lady now and not even a noble agasshi so marrying her is looking quite impossible now. :/

Lastly,im with you HeadsNo2, Yeon-Hwa needs a smack on her head with a rolled up newspaper and so does that immature 10th prince for being so utterly clueless and hurting our dear Soo.


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I don't think that the princess is having a case of second lead bitchiness.

She wants the throne. She is betting on Yo and SO to get there. I always see her trying to weigh in her options and pitting one against another. Who can get the throne? Who can she control ? I get the feeling that she thinks SO will be easier to handle plus he has no wife. As the first wife, she will be queen.

She hates HS because she is the only one who is actually seeing SO melting towards HS and upsetting her equations


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This Queen stuffs make me confused. Why King Taejo has two Queens (Queen Yoo and Queen Hwangbo)? Why Yeon Hwa so adamant on being the first wife then, cuz if we're looking at King Taejo, both Queens are alive. Anyone can shed some light?


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I think that it's likely due to the first wife being the principal wife of the prince. For one, Yeonhwa's maternal family doesn't seem to have a lot of power anymore (seeing how they were cast out of the palace once and only made it back in because of Lady Hae's clan), so if she were to be Yo's principal wife, she would have the authority and right to be in charge of his household, as compared to being a secondary wife who would have to be married to him later. If Yeonhwa is able to raise her status to be alongside that of Yo's (as women had significantly more rights and agency in Goryeo), then she would be able to amass her own clout and therefore become the most powerful queen in Yo's harem once he becomes emperor--aka present Queen Sinmyeongsunseong.

But since Yo already has a prior marriage engagement, Yeonhwa can't be his principal wife even if he did marry her, and everything above would be moot. So yeah, Yeonhwa really wants that sort of ultimate power, so Yo's not gonna be her best choice.


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I see. Thanks for answering my question.

So in the ends it boils towards power, instead of having the title only. Now I see why she keeps pitting Yo against So. Well, I for once amazed at her ambition. Girl should dream big ^^


So that random poultice Su was putting on Eun's fingers? Fingernail dyeing with bongseonhwa flowers. The prince let her do his nails for funsies. :p


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Thats what theyre doing? Lol was she trying to make modern cosmetics through traditional methods? :p


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Haha yeah! At his birthday you can see that his two index finger nails are orangeish from the dye. It is actually a oldschool Korean way of nail decor, my grandma used to do it as a kid.. but since I have no idea how old it is, I guess to those in Goryeo it would/could be modern?


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Wook aahh (read:my guilty pleasure) , don't do too much..
Su is for So..
Don't worry wook ahh.. you can have me ;)


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you are so fast at recapping. I barely got off work and you finished....


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Can we take a moment to appreciate the Women in Goryeo ?

They have such strong personalities. All of them

1) Queen SMS - Evil witch of the north. But damn! the women has a one track mind. I love watching her and So face off.

2) Queen Nice - But secretly not so nice. She smiles and then cuts your feel. poor lady hae begged her to let Wook marry HS but do you see one ounce of regret on her face? She is playing a deeper game than 1)

3) Princess Incest - She loves her brother but not enough to give up the idea of being Queen. And she doesn;t mind throwing her 2 half brothers against each other in order to win.

4) Court lady - not enough info yet. but doesn;t seem like any wilting flower. plus the king cares about her opinion to sway on his decision regarding HS

All the ladies are ambitious. I love it


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I love them all too! I like that all of them hide behind a facade, and that they all have their own motivations/ambitions and do what it takes to get them whatever they want to be. And they all seem like very complex people in their own ways.

It just adds so much intrigue; I rather this than the the usual cookie cutter female characters.


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Based on the court lady official character description, she was King Taejo's former lover. She's with him before Taejo became A King. She's tough but she actually just wants to help Soo. I think it's safe to say that she's in our good side.


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I think out of most commentors here Im one of the only ones that came to this drama practically blind. I had NO idea this is supposed to be a tragedy. And Im going to pay hell for it. Many people are saying that this version is supposed to be more like the novel than the C-Drama, but that does little to calm my dying heart. I did read in Wikipedia (very resources much truth) the ending to the novel, and it really better evade some of that mexican telenovela crap. But Im going to give me permission to jump boat of this drama if the ending is like the novel. I dont do tragedy very well. I see it and live it in real life. Dont really need that in my entertainment also. Because the ending is just waaay to unsatisfactory for me. Endings are everything to me, the ending is enough to ruin the entire thing for me. Because the way the novel ends makes me feel like everything So went through is pointless. His smiles and occational laughter becomes pointless at the sight of an ending that practically leaves him with nothing. He starts with nothing and ends with nothing. Pointless. Well to me at least. I can deal with sad endings no problem. But Shakespeare-everyone-dies-nothing-happy endings... yeah not for me. ;.; it makes me sad just to think about it... Since Im always looking forward to this drama, it's going to be pretty shit if all the suffering is for nothing.


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Although the ending of the original novel was super sad (cried many times reading it), the K version ending might be a little different. Kdramas rarely do bad endings, we'll just have to wait and see!


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love LJK in this episode..he is awesomely pretty with those scars.?
I keep coming back here to read comments. i pick up bits of information that helps me understand the story more & actually understand their culture.
though there are a few loopholes which some of the commenters pointed out of concern, scarlet heart still manages to make us smile, laugh, cry & patiently wait for the subbed & the recaps every wk.
Isn't it amazing, despite the flaws, we enjoyed it so much.?
Despite its flaws, i love it so much that I look forward for it every wk.?


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For someone who's so keen on surviving, Haesoo sure acts like she has a death wish. Anyone else feel ep 6 & 7 were less engaging?


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1 & 2 - poor to mediocre, 3- good, 4 & 5- stellar, 6- mediocre, 7 - good. With this trend, I'm betting the next episodes will be stellar again. But lots of trouble in the wind - I think we might have seen the princes happy as a group for the last time, and I'm good with that because I find those scenes the hardest to take and the worst-directed, when they all flock around Soo like she's the best thing since sliced bread (or kimchi?).


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Totally agree with your rankings for the episodes! I can't wait for the princes to start taking sides already because that means we'll no longer see them being forced into each scene as a huge royal herd of sheep, since their group scenes really do little for their characters and are usually just poorly included fanservice scenes.


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but she is the best thing for them :) she is looking at them as humans, not as princes:
crown prince: he was suffering, and she wanted to help, not for political reasons, not for duty - simply because she did not want him to feel pain.
baek-ah: she understands how disturb him that he is to have to live under the rules and may not be free
wang eun: she don't spoil him, she is the only one who expects him to behave as adults and she treats him equally and don't make fun of him as his brothers
wang jung: she is a doting older sister for him, he can show her that he is worth, she make him proud
wang so: she cares for him, she understand him, she conforted him, she is not afraid of him
wang wook: he fall for her


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You just said it :D. Thank you. I am shipping Wook and Soo now but I'll be switching sides later. I am such a betrayer. lol I think it's similar in both the original novel and adaptation and this version that between the 8th prince and main female lead, there's a lot of reasons to why she likes him and he likes her but ultimately, it probably does not come from the heart but it is still a good feeling of love and great memories. Just not the kind of sincere love to last.


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That is what I think of Soo. I actually don't find her very smart; and rather impulsive actually, for someone that is "fighting" to survive in her new world. I liked her in the first few episodes but she's actually starting to annoy me a little. At worst, she seems like a typical K-drama female lead - spunky, bubbly, cheerful (aren't they all?), impulsive, hardworking etc. Kind of like a candy in sageuk clothes.

I think I'd have enjoyed her character more if she was written to be, say, more introspective, thoughtful, wise and observant. That would also show growth and character development. Right now, it just seems to me that she hasn't really internalised and mulled over the fact that her life in Goryeo is a permanent one. Like Idk, I don't feel that from her.


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I had the same feeling at first. I’m starting to like that the main character is so different from the novel version. It’s nice to see that she doesn’t become downtrodden and resigned that she’s stuck in Goryeo. And, she does have her moments like when she says to So she understands that he lives in a world where he has to kill to live (although those words seem really out of characters compared to her usual behavior) and when she tell Lady Oh that she was knew and was willing to pay the price for not marrying the king, or that brief moment where she does breakdown from her cheerful facade when So says she could have died.

I can’t tell how much time has passed since she woke up in the past. It doesn’t seem like much time has passed since the first episode. I’m hoping they show a time jump and to see more character growth in the next episodes for her and the younger princes.


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Thank goodness for dramas like this, cos there aren't many in kdramaverse, showing the reality that it is possible to genuinely fall in love with not just ONE person in your lifetime! I came in this knowing So will be end game, and I know I will be jumping ship soon, but Wook-Su's romance is doing things to my heart.

I absolutely love the unmasking, btw, cos it certainly showed all the characters' personalities in one go. Yo laughing which shows he is an ass; the 9th almost managed a subtle smirk which shows he may probably be an ass as well, but really I don't care much for him; Princess YH gasping which shows she didn't think she'd care too much about his scar, but I guess she does, she probably thought she can handle the "animal", but not so much now; CP and Baek Ah not even moving their heads to look, shows a bit of shame for So, but also shows their respect for So to not even look; Eun, ugh, just stupid; Wook, looks at him straight, but looks away, which shows just enough respect for So; Su and Jung looked straight at him, but with concern. I bet many of you here will come up with the symbolisms/analysis in their reactions. I cannot wait to read them.


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I think you just did the analyzing job yourself - good job.


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I just wish someone would look at him and say "it's okay" with a hug maybe. So is so accustomed to people looking away from seeing his scar that he manages to stay calm eventhough he's broken inside. I think he even feels he deserves this kind of reaction. So by refusing to see or looking away will just confirm his belief and add more to his misery.


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Great analysis!


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I wonder if the humiliation towards so's by uncovering his mask could've been done differently.. If it was done in a less hostile way, would we still be able to be as sympathetic~?


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Well what do you mean by less hostile way anyway? Imo if the unmasking is against his will, whatever way it is, it will still be wrong and deserve sympathy. Yo can say that it's So's will to unmask but he is under pressure of losing his pride from breaking the promise to Eun. Scumbag Yo just have to put the blame on victim.


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If the reason for him unmasking wasnt as petty as it was now, would we still be as engaged with so?

My point is that.. thats why we needed to have douche yo and gullible eun, so that we could be more sympathetic to so..


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I just realised: why doesn't anyone notice that the song Su is singing is totally anachronistic to their time? Hahaha I mean she is a great singer and it's a nice song, but why doesn't anyone ask, hey where's this song from??


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Every time So comes on the screen I just want to give him a big hug and tell him everything will be okay! He looks so pitiful, Lee Jun Ki is so good at showing emotion just through his eyes.


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This is the first show in a long while that I've been obsessed about, all because of LJK lol Moon Lovers has flaws, and if the story is simply told better it would've been something special (like the Chinese version). Now I don't really care that much about the bad editing, OST etc. Not like it's possible to have something that pleases everyone. ML is different than the C-version and that's great. K-netz are being really harsh about ML, I bet they don't even watch. Patiently waiting for the next eps. Can't wait for more So!!!


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I'm more convinced than ever that my hypothesis last ep that Lady Oh is the Crown Prince's mother or a close relative to her is correct. Too low born to become queen, but helped make her husband a king, and still wields more influence with him than any other woman in the palace, as well as being in charge of the whole shebang.


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Many Thanks for the fast recap! I really appreciate your effort! ???

I like watching this drama as LJG nailed it at every single scene. However, I cannot helped feeling that the way the production team edit and create the flow of the drama, lacks of the exciting impact. With all the additional scenes that they added at "the last min", I believe they do have enough material to go about and create a more smooth flowing drama.

It is really a pity for those who worked hard in delivering excellent acting chops as I doubt the drama rating (for Korea itself) will increase much. This means lesser opportunity to be nominated in the year end awards. I sincerely hope LJG will receive at least one for doing such a great performance in this drama!


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This is the correct minimal amount of LJK and So-Soo moment in one episode, I was nearly suffocated with happiness due to the lack of LJK in previous episodes. Soo should have moved earlier to the palace though, that way she seemed running into So everywhere and everytime, incidentally or not lol. I love every moment they share together, they are either super tense or super cute.
That last scene is heartbreaking. I don't know how Eun can be this clueless, now I know Won is garbage just like Yo, and I hate that they all (except Soo) just go silent and shift their looks, like confirming that the scar was something unacceptable. Baek ah's reaction too, as So's closest bro is totally wrong. I feel like watching So's wall of confidence crumbling with each stare to his bros/sis, and when he looks at Soo, there's no more wall. He's done.
Which makes me wonder why he hates the look in Soo's eyes (as I can read nothing from there). Does he misinterpret it as pity? Or is he ashamed she sees him in that condition now that he realizes he loves her? Or is he afraid of revealing more of his internal scar now that she's able to look through his external scar?
I have to force myself to accept that his scar rly matters to the Goryeo people tho because it's not even that bad and given it's LJK's face, that scar means almost nothing lol
LJK's acting is versatile. He looks broken, ashamed, and angry but beautiful at the same time. It's almost too painful to watch.


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I feel like the last episode was just a really clumsy bit of manoeuvring to get Su into the palace, but thankfully she's in and we finally get more of Lee Jun-ki on our screens.

Seriously that scene was so painful to watch, and I mean painful because of what it meant to So. And I get their reactions - I mean, in the modern world we know perfectly well that Lee Jun-ki is one of the most gorgeous men to ever walk this earth, scar or no scar, and our collective reaction to the unmasking of his face is basically swooning spells across several continents.

But the drama has taken care to drive home the point time and again in big ways and small, that physical flaws/scars are absolutely unacceptable in Goryeo - and So's family are all Goryeo nobles, who've had that standard drilled in their heads since birth and mostly prioritise power over familial loyalty. Of course that would be their reaction!

And in that situation, Su's 21st-century attitude is something of a double-edged sword because she's working under the assumption that this family is something like a normal one (which leads to her telling So to take off the mask in front of them, because she believes they'll be nice and supportive), and that they'd put the fact that he's their brother above the fact that he's scarred. But at the same time, she ends up being the only person there to look So in the face without apparent distress or revulsion - because she isn't a Goryeo girl after all. (I'm wondering about the look in Su's eyes myself - IU is usually pretty good at eye acting, but I get that this is a look that gets So to project what he thinks she might be feeling)

And I don't even know how Lee Jun-ki does it, and does it in a way that makes me want to howl at whoever's on screen to stop hurting him.


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And I don’t even know how Lee Jun-ki does it, and does it in a way that makes me want to howl at whoever’s on screen to stop hurting him.

THIS. Exactly THIS.

He is just making me care so damn much with a screentime of barely a few minutes. How is he portraying so much pain without going overboard? I liked LJK but i was never "crazy" about him. But here he is giving me all the feels.

I just want WS to smile and be happy and feel loved. I just want to reach into the screen and hug him.


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Thanks for the recap, Heads!

This ep was a marked improvement from the last simply be said there is more LJG screen time! I loved all the So-Su scenes and it is great to finally see them conversing with ease, building their friendship, being amused and laughing, being intense or touched, etc. I find that So is currently trying to wrap his head around this girl who has obviously caught his attention and interest. Something is different about her and intrigues him. She doesn't fear him or find him disgusting, unlike others. She has "unconventional" thoughts according to Goryeo times about the perception of beauty and status/rank. In essence, So is probably thinking that he wants to get to know this girl better since he feels drawn to her, and she's already proven her trustworthiness and that she's willing to put her life at risk for his sake and the sake of other princes. She considers them friends who need protecting. Inside, he's probably hoping that someone finally understands him and doesn't judge him. Yet, he has no guarantee because he's never encountered anyone who doesn't avoid and back away from him after immediately seeing him. This is brand new territory where he can potentially be deeply hurt again, yet he can't help but wonder if there really is someone out there who can accept him for who he is and love him. I see a tiny flicker of hope in his heart and that's why he can't help but look for her when she's not around, and find that he can't peel his gaze away when he does find her.

I'm glad to see Su easing into her court lady role. I think her knowledge of cosmetics and herbs will definitely come in handy and I hope she wins over Court Lady Oh before long. I like that she's impacted almost each prince in a certain way, romantic or not, and that's why most of them adore her. It felt so satisfying to see the crown prince putting YH in her place by saying he was the one who granted Su permission to throw Eun the birthday party.

Eun ah... Are you a babo??? Don't just go with what your Yo hyungnim told you to do!! You got a brain and I can't believe you seriously do not comprehend what it means for So to unmask himself?!?!?!

SDI is finally here!! I like the verbal exchange between Grand General and Astronomer Choi. I'm all for people on Team So!! I hope that having taught So, the general is the one who has been acting like a father figure in So's life. His daughter is a little out there with the bear pelt for Eun. LOL But she seems likable.

YH continues to annoy me with all her matchmaking--first with Su, then with Wook, and even for herself so she can fulfill her ambitions as queen. Yo creeps me out with that near kiss. So glad So intervened.


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Lots of cute moments with Wook-Su, but I don't ship this couple. I know why Su likes Wook and they are attracted to each other right now with Su not even considering So in any romantic form. But I find So-Su to be more compatible since they get each other. Right now, it's just that Su is smitten by Wook, but honestly, how much do they truly know each other? Not a lot. In any case, this is just part of the story and I can't wait to see how things develop for Su to change her mind and heart.

I loved little moments that are subtle and effective, like how So gently caressed Su's wrist in that initial confrontation when he told her she could've died. All the little glances and smiles make me giddy cuz I can see Su's effect on So already, and the layers and layers that he's masked over the years are slowly unravelling. He's becoming a different, happier person just by being around Su. \^0^/


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omg, i thought i was imagining thing! He was caressing her wound, wasn't he? He was mad at her for doing what she did, but he's worried and cared much about her..

Only LJK could make such tiny moments so effectively swoon-worthy..


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Yup, he really did!! Such a sweet scene really. Already swooning since he came on screen and just love his every moment with Su. I think especially during the flashback when he was thinking about her... Probably even he is surprised that he cares about someone so much, is worried about her, and that he has to entertain the possibility that he's falling for her--which he finds unbelievable still, judging by the way he was trying to shake off those thoughts.


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Wang So. Character precariously placed on the edge of sharp blade to either "shine brilliantly" as his name implies, or cause bloody mayhem. I don't want him to lose that cruel streak that environment has given him, while also not wanting him to be so bad we can't like him. It's still possible that it's Soo's fate to soften those edges, but I'm hoping the edges remain - just makes him a more interesting historical character.


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It's interesting, because I don't know if you're coming from this direction, but the Hanja for So's name "昭" has a literal knife "刀" above an edge "口". So literally he's living life on the edge, with a knife in hand. It's just my interpretation of it, but I thought it was appropriate!

Also his name has the sun radical (日) as well, similar to Wook's, and I was just thinking of how there can never be two suns in the sky. One of them has to go... but how?


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Oh, one's the morning sun - Wook - first light/first love, and one's the setting sun (all that orange setting sun imagery for So) - last light/last and final love. Soo's the moon and all the "suns" or "sons" are in love with her. Moon Lovers. Or Moon Embracing the Son(s). :)

I wasn't coming at it from Hanja, which I don't know, but from the point of view of "Shine or Go Crazy", which also had the Wang So character. So means to "shine brilliantly", but it had the double edge of "going crazy" instead. His fate was to do one or the other, depending on whether he met the right girl. I do think this drama is incorporating the exact same thing.


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Oh what a lovely way of putting it! I went and looked up the character a bit more, and it does mean what you've said here--it's also "light in the darkness", so yeah that definitely signifies him winning that race to the throne in the end doesn't it.

It does seem to be that way, I agree, that So will become one or the other depending on who he meet. Maybe that's why Su was sent back in time--to ensure that he will shine in the darkness, and not be engulfed by it.


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Yes, I think it's one of two things. Either she was sent back to ensure he shines instead of being engulfed, and history is changed from the one she knows; or she was sent back to ensure he does the exact same things he did in history as part of a causal loop, and history stays the same as the one she knows.

This is why the question we talked about before - did historical Wang So really kill his brothers? - is important. Su seems to think he killed a whole bunch of them, but in real Korean history he only killed Won, justifiably. So is the history she knows different from real Korean history? Does she prevent Wang So from killing his brothers, and thus when she returns to her time, history has changed? From my understanding, in the novel, she can't change history. But that doesn't mean she can't change it in this adaptation.


I do agree--it's either a causal loop (like the original) or she totally renavigates history to what we know it is like today. I believe it may be the former though.

Oh right, I found out a bit more about Gwangjong and replied it to your comment in the last episode! Anyway, I think a causal loop is more likely because for one, Goryeo records are scant. Both Mu and Yo ruled for a short period of time before "dying of illness", but who's to say that they weren't murdered and then recorded as dying sick? I believe that given Yo's current animosity towards Mu, he's likely to want and kill his brother off once he becomes emperor. And for that very reason, So may do the same to Yo as well.

I mentioned it in my more-about-Gwangjong comment last episode that he murdered a whole bunch of nobles/officials Taejo was indebted to after he ascended the throne. Given that Taejo married his children to each other, and that his daughters had mothers coming from powerful clans he used to help unify Goryeo, it's likely that the show may posit So killing off these nobles as a way of clipping the wings of his other brothers and subjugating them completely. He may not kill them for real per se, but still lots of blood would be shed.

Idk, this is just me theorising haha.


Thanks! I agree it's probably a causal loop; we'll have to see. It's just the prince info that's off. I don't think they'd actually make So even more villainous than the historical So, though, do you? He killed off a hell of a lot of people even if only one brother. All for the "greater good" of a stable realm but still. It's fun to speculate!


Oh no I don't think they'd necessarily make him a villain, but drama So definitely has to make some tough decisions for sure. You're so right about the "greater good"--that's essentially what will tear all the princes apart, as well as Su and So I feel. Is the greater good really for the better, or does it just make things worse? This has always been the core conflict of BBJX and I am sure hoping this will play out well for MLSHR as well :D


Oh that's really interesting. Thank you for sharing!


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You're welcome! It's really cool for me because So is his historically accurate name, but everything just seems to fall into place so nicely.


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Thank you so much for the recap, Heads! And thank you to all the other commenters for the comments, SH is so much more fun to watch with you.


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soooooo true!
The whole experience becomes so much more fun when you watch the drama - then read the recap - then read ALL the comments, analysis, theories etc. Even the criticisms are somewhat fun to read which is like weird. Lol

We're all in this together. Hahaha


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So many things to love in this episode. (...did I just make an unintentional pun? O_O)

Prince Zuko-er, Prince Wang So in the house!! To (slightly mis-)quote LJK, "I say Wang So, you say Awesome!"

"Wang So!"


As if we needed more proof, Wang So's elevated screen time and presence in the episode did wonders for it IMO, which you know, should be obvious-the most dynamic plot progressions center mostly on him, Hae Su and Wook, and now that we've had our fill devoted to Wook-Su's developing love line, it's time to let Wang So retake center stage.

I loved so many of WS's scenes this episode, but off the top of my head, in no particular order, the favorites have to be

-When he was laughing at Hae Su's ridiculous (to him) dance. Omo, that's the first time we've seen him laugh, and I'm pretty sure I could hear hearts all over the world skip a beat and shoot straight into everyone's eyes at that glorious sight. Or maybe that was just me??

-When he realized that LOL-ing was seriously undermining his dark-prince-emo aura and he got a hold of himself. My swooning immediately turned into laughter at that point, especially at Mean Princess's stank face

-The forehead flick. Really, their whole interaction in the garden was great. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love that they have this foundation of friendship between them. They can have easy conversations, they can have tough conversations...a previous comment mentioned how refreshing it was that they are having actual conversations and not just bickering, which I find adorable too, but I like these real conversations even more.

-His "what-is-this-strange-feeling-in-my-chest-it-better-be-heartburn-but-could-it-be-that-I-might-actually-like-this-noisy-person-OHNOES" moment when he was listening to her sing. LJK totally sold that scene for me. I probably rewatched it five or six times just to full appreciate the play of emotions across his face and you can see the EXACT moment he realizes there's something more than friendship going on there

-The way he was so serious about that game they were playing. All his brothers were laughing and having fun but it was most likely the first time he'd gotten to participate in something like that and he wanted to do a good job and I just...LET ME HUG YOU WANG SO!!

-When he allowed Baek-Ah to pull him back to the party. Hehe, another wrist grab scene, I hope this becomes a thing for these two. I would be so much happier if Eun's airtime was halved and given to Baek and Jung instead but I do like that they are building up the relationship between them. Please show, can I have some more of these two???

There's more, and I haven't even gotten into those heart wrenching last five minutes of the show but yeah, obviously the message is clear...More Wang So = Better Episode.


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So agree with your last line, and loved your blow by blow of his thinking when listening to her sing!


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Thanks, Barbrey. Jun Ki's just excellent at letting you 'see' what's going through the characters head via his expression, I'm just in awe.

I re-watched the episode, with subs this time and ugh, the feels are strong with this episode.

I felt even more terrible for So during the gifts scene this time around. It was painfully obvious that he's so much more at home and in control of himself during a fight or when he's on the defensive, trading barbs with Yo.

A party situation is completely alien to him which is super sad, but Baek made the request and so he went, and it was such an 'aww' moment when he saw Hae Su smiling so brightly at him. You could see him relax a little at that point, enough so that he was making so much effort to join in and be a part of the gift giving (apologizing, gamely agreeing to give Eun whatever gift he wanted no matter how difficult).

Aaaaaaaaand then it all went to hell and it was terrible. I hope this doesn't jeopardize his bromance with Baek, I want Eun to make this up to him BIG TIME if he even can, and I want to punch Yo in his smirky mouth.

A lot of discussion has already gone on on the topic of So's last line to Su. My two cents is that having just realized that he could potentially have a thing for the girl, the last thing he wants is for her to view him as something to recoil from, just like his family did, or even view him with sympathy and pity, we've already seen that he has an immense amount of pride.

Basically, let's just give So all the hugs for this episode, or better yet have Su give them to him.


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I loved all your WS moment. Lovely account @ivorylight.
Finally all those close up shots are actually of some use because you see LJK change expressions in like seconds

Within the big moments there are so many tiny beats

- When he is angry at her for cutting herself. She says i realised "only i can save myself, no one else" . Watch his face. Thats the story of his life. How painfully he realised that he had to save himself. no one was coming for him.

- the teeny tiny humour that escapes him when he is naming the trees. "fartie" ??? lol ... But doesn't someone find it sad that this supposedly brutal man is used to naming plants and trees... maybe because he has no real person of his own

- and i loved your observation about the last scene.. he was happy. both with his recent realisation of liking HS and being part of the brother's circle. He was just so damn happy! and then it went to hell.


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oh! and i am still laughing at your



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Couldn't agree more with you!

The forehead flick showed more significance than all of Prince Eun's scenes combined. It's cute, easy, comfortable, organic, natural, a little poignant and sweet. Aaannnddd that part of the scene was like what - 3 seconds??? Yet it managed to give me feels worth 3 episodes. Lol


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HOLY MOLY What the hell !!!!! His scar is just like drawing by eyebrow pencil are ou kidding me? LOL *crying laughing*
Just let go the mask, Your beautiful yet the mask cover your tiny face.

Finaly Seohyun first appeareance she's so pretty and have mature aura don't like IU who is just like a kid with no breast like she doesn't have body line cuz so flat IU shocking mix confused looks 0.0 expression annoyed meeee stoooppp doing that don't be a surprise again since it's not your first 1-2 days live in goryeo jezzz!

Eun caracter is suposed to be like YongHa the caracter who is playing by Song JongKi in Sungkyunkwan scandal, while Song jongki did a great job to make the caracter likable, cute, funny and all, but baekhyun is fail to potraying eun cuz he's annoying and doesn't fit the saeguk, certainly have no aura asan actor! please stick with singing just like snsd sunny!!! ahahahahahaaha!!! *cough cough


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Seohyun.... is that the girl who looks intended for Nam Joo-hyuk's love line since she rips up his drawings?

I don't care about their bodies (and it's gross to comment on them that way since it has no bearing on their acting skills) but I have to say, IU is far and away the better actress.


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I dont think yongha is similar to eun. While both are aimed as comedic reliefs, yongha holds more significance in the series. In regards to their personalities and abilities, yongha is in the end still a scholar at sungkyunkwan, he is a smart person.
While eun is the dumb, naive, gullible kid. He's very pure and has no eye in power or money at all.

The scene when he asked so to uncover his mask, is quite parallel with the chinese counterpart, when the crown prince gifted 10th prince a very valuable gift (which is not supposed to be gifted to anyone but for the crown prince to keep). 10th prince was very reluctant to give it back even though 4th and 8th had asked both crown prince to cancel and 10 to return. He didnt see the gift as a power matter, but simply because its 'his' gift, why should he return it?

Just like in here, eun simply thinks he wants a special gift, and we have yo firing it up by suggesting the mask uncovering. So yes, eun is dumb and maaan he lacks sense, but i think this particular unmasking by force scene is significant for story progression. And i appreciate that by having it this way, i am able to sympathise with so more.

Therefore really i cant agree with saying yongha and eun are similar characters, when they have very different mindsets and personalities. Even their degree of 'comedic relief'ness is different.


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Yeah, I was a bit puzzled at the idea of Gu Yong-ha being anything like Eun - Yong-ha hides his tremendous intelligence and private feelings behind the facade of a flirt and jokester, while Eun is (like tvtropes says) Exactly What It Says on the Tin. i.e. dumb childish prince.


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Although in that sense, idk if it had been younger song joongki playing eun, would people be more accepting then? Bcs the way i see it, eun's character cannot really be improved further acting wise..?


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I think we'd have found a young Song Joong-ki actually bearable and even a little appealing in a role like this. A huge part of what's so irritating about Eun is actually Baekhyun's acting/voice/line delivery, he makes me cringe even harder than his character otherwise would.


I kept refreshing the page over and over just to see the episode and wasnt disappointed! Episode 7 is the best one so far, FINALLY shifting more of the focus to So.

Just near about died inside watching the scene in which So was forced to take out his mask by senseless begging of Immature-Eun. (Din get the his fuss, what was he supposed to be? 3??) Poor So was close to trembling cause of that blockhead! :(((

But I did find that scene poignant in many other ways (other than yunno everyone turning away at the "scar"). I feel that the fact that the episode is a clear reminder to us that only maybe Hae Soo isn't entirely bothered about superficial things like the scar. Almost everyone, including Wook, turns away or looks sad about the scar as though it no longer makes So human. This is resonates with the fact that Wook gives Hae Soo the bracelet to hide the scar (no matter how well intentioned), because the cut is somehow seen as a flaw. I hope that in the future trying to dispel this notion will be one of the reasons she takes the bracelet off.

With all that said and done. Can't believe that our 2 episode dosage for this week is already over. :'(

CANT WAIT FOR NEXT MONDAY! meanwhile .... *runs off to re-watch SH*


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So, the special is currently airing on SBS Korea and it seems to be only a recap episode of the most important parts of the story. It has not moved the story forward what so ever. ?


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Oh so it's just like old scenes? Eh.


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I never get excited about a so-called "special" anymore ever since the CITT producers promised us deleted scenes for a "special relaxing time" and all it was was recaps and propaganda. When I read "special" now I just assume recaps.


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Just watched the special, they basically edit the whole 7 eps into an hr long ep, with more insights on the connection b/n few scenes.

For e.g. The reason why haesoo went into the forests and managed to witness the killing spree, was because she saw so in the market and was following him in intention to return the hairpin, but got lost midway.

Then the little monologue haesoo made when she encountered so ruining the praying stones, she managed to come up with it due to her conversation with wook regarding the killing people thing.. Thats why she came up with the idea that everyone was just as hopeless, how killing was the only way to survive..

Theres not any additional scenes though.. Well at least compared to the sbs versions that i had been watching :) but still hopefully this ep will get uploaded as well..

Oh they did add the explanation of goryeo for the first 15 minutes, how women had much more equity then compared to other periods (including joseon), that goryeo was made up of gugoryeo who tackled shilla and baekje (princess woohee's kingdom) etc...


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Oh LJK, how did I just discover you, you shmexy master of micro expressions...

I keep feeling like this drama tries to be both a light rom-com (in the vein of Moonlight DBC) and a gritty, dark drama (more Six Flying Dragons), and it has a hard time balancing the two. Perhaps, as people mention, if the drama was longer the transition would be much more nuanced, but it could be accomplished with some decent editing. I mean, how awkward and weird was that transition from the bro-chicken fight to "studying" aka. splashing water out of a basin (what were they even learning ?!?!?) to So's conversation with the general. My grandpa could edit better than these fools.

I think the Wook-Su relationship is starting to exacerbate me a bit. The scene where he gifts her a bracelet to cover up her scar just proves that rather than seeing her for how she truly is, he sees her how he wants to see her through his lens. It's like he fails to recognize the more nuanced and bold/modern parts of her personality, and prefers the strange, clumsy girl he envisions her to be. However, both Kang Hanuel and IU are totally selling this love story, so all the more to them (as long as they are happy).

For So and Su, when he took off his mask, she was the only one to not look away. She was way more concerned how he would feel being "forced" to show his very very very very beautiful face, than how she would feel seeing it. I think her modern traits really suit him quite well, and you can tell he really is astonished at her complete acceptance of him.

Also my skin totally crawls every time Yeon-hwa propositions herself to So. eeeuuugh. It's not even the fact that they would have really genetically confusing children because #history, but So is totally weirded and grossed out by her too! His face shows it all. It's really creepy! Just stop lady!


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Two more quick points:

1. I really am starting to like the 13th prince. He really seems to be the most level headed out of all of these princely fools.

2. I wonder if Yeonhwa actually likes So... Clearly she is just as disgusted by his incredibly gorgeous, and middle scratched , face like everyone else, but she consistently hits on him all the time (and we can tell she "likes" him not just for her own political gain). How does she plan on marrying someone that she can never fully look at or want to look at? Is she pretending to be this insipid uppity royal just to give her brother the throne when in reality she doesn't really care about the scar. I think this duality in her personality is both interesting and strange.


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Touching on point 2:

I too once thought that perhaps she really liked So. But after episode 7, seeing how she turned away with the most disgusted expression just makes me feel like she sees him as a conquest. Like taming a wild animal that will not let anyone close except for her. Which is twisted. :/


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I'm kind of enjoying the Wook-Su relationship because it's quite a realistic one to me. We all put our lovers on pedastals at first - can we handle the scars and nicks and quirks of them as we get to know them? A real question for everyone, I think.

I also don't mind a bit of delayed gratification in the slow So-Su build. Have you ever noticed how in dramas, the main couple tends to culminate and confess around episode 8 and the rest of the drama surrounds how they're going to be together. A lot of the romantic tension disappears for me after that. In Moonlight Drawn, for instance, they've had their first kiss, and there's been a confession, and I noticed this last episode was just a little lacking in romantic tension. I'm not criticizing - I love it - but just noticing it's following the same trend you see in most dramas, and the tension has lessened for me because of it.


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I keep feeling like this drama tries to be both a light rom-com (in the vein of Moonlight DBC) and a gritty, dark drama (more Six Flying Dragons), and it has a hard time balancing the two.

My feelings exactly. the sad part is I can totally see it be more like SFD had someone better been on post production.

For example the missing scene of YH saying she doesn't mind marrying anyone if it gets wook on the throne. Who in the right mind would even leave out such an important scene. I can't even begin to imagine all the footage they have carelessly slashed.

weed out the kiddies, and the show could have been epic. because all the main characters are selling me their story.


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Honestly, the best parts of this drama for me have been the ones that are more SFD that MDBC. I think the plot and directing of the intense scenes in this drama really stands out for me (ie. anything regarding So). The fighting/slaughter scene, So's arrival at the palace, the princely dancing sequence were amazingly shot and built up.

If they just lost a couple princes, and maximized the intensity, and sold it as an epic rather than straight up romance it would have worked better, and not had such a huge competition with MBDC, since they would be too difference saguek's.


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Same sentiments @bips99
Based from the trailer (40"), the one that has closeups of teary eyed characters and with IU teary eyed as the last frame, before the title card
(That musical score, too!)
"I want to be king/ The crown is mine."
I was actually expecting then that MLSHR is gearing to be an epic...


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I'm glad that there are a lot of us here showing love for this drama. It just breaks my heart that it does not get enough viewership in Korea. ML may have a lot of flaws (editing and background music and well raw acting from some actors) but I think that the plot is compelling enough to get anyone invested. Plus, of course we have an amazing actor in LJK who just nails Wang So's character and all of his scenes. This is my first time to watch a LJK drama and I'm mesmerized.

I can't wait for the next episode. I'm really curious if this drama will show the other princes learning of Wook and Soo's relationship and what their reactions will be especially Wang So now that we know he's falling for Soo. I hope they give us a bit of cute jealous Wang So ... I know it's out of character (I can picture him throwing things around or threatening to kill Soo or punching Wook) but a girl can hope...


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It's ok, we can still watch and show our love here. I feel bad for LJK that the ratings are not good but it's still doing well on youku so he gets lots of international fan love.


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That's why I like reading the recaps and reading the comments. I like seeing fellow fans rave about this show and validate why I'm quite obsessed with it. I am also watching Moonlight but every Tue and Wed morning I watch the new Moon Lovers episode first. I guess it also has something to do with my LJK bias.


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Yeah it's not even that big a scar, something like that could never make Lee Jun Ki's face less beautiful.

#3 prince with his half sister was so weird and disgusting, I understand it was normal in Goryeo to marry like that but it's so weird to see.


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I actually liked that it wasn't that scary a scar though, because it shows how superficial the Goryeo royals are. It's just a mark, and yet they can't get over it to the point where So needs to be exiled. I thought it was a good way of showing how shallow their ideals are.


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Good point


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My sentiments exactly.


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A++ point as usual, @kumoiwa


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"I hate that look in your eyes"
So might have felt that HaeSoo is seeing the scar for what it really is: Pain brought by his own mother. He probably hates it because it is the truth and it is her who sees it clearly and doesn't look away.

While So scanned their faces when he took off the mask, different expressions are shown by the spectators. Yeonhwa for sure looked horrified, Eun looked down embarrased, Yo (the evil douchebag) scoffed, Wook looked surprised but i mostly think it doesntt really bother him, BaekAhn refused to see his brother's wekness and Crown Prince doesnt need to see something he himself already witnessed, Jung looked normal..i mean he was just plainly shocked.

Sorry for the long read..it's just that there are MANY PRINCES to talk about! hahahahahaha

Thanks for the Recap!^^
I watched the episode twice and still i love to read your recaps here and personal comments!


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about Baek Ah x So
I really like their relationship, how Baek Ah always checks for his brother (the tea scene), trying to connect him with others, and boy do you really need to grasp your hyung's wrist every damn time you see him oh boy GO FOR IT!

about Baek Ah's reaction when So unmasked, it was not something unexpected for me, and boy I was sad :( But well I'd excuse myself that he was a powerless prince and didn't have such a voice among others.
another thing, Baek Ah already closed his eyes before So unmasked. I don't think he didn't want to see his scar, more like he wanted to respect his hyung whom he really likes. But probably that was what hurt So more, he needs someone who could directly see him as he is and there's only Su, a non-Goryeo without all the judgements (though her look still makes me confused, maybe So too that's why he hated it)
I'm pretty sure Baek Ah also felt guilty cause if he had not dragged So there the painful scene would have not happened.

I'm excited about how they'd strengthen this bromance in later eps, as according to the highlight Baek Ah will fight with So. I mean kid is such a flowery artsy hipster boy but but but he would pick a sword and hop on a horse for So??? how??? (I'm already too invested)


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Yeah, that's how I interpreted Baek-ah's reaction too - he was simply trying to be respectful to his hyung by not looking at him unmasking himself (when he was basically forced to do it).


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Great points! And lol at the "flowery artsy hipster boy" description, it's super appropriate. Baek is definitely a lover (we already know he's a ladies man) not a fighter at this point.


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