Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 17

We’re in our final two hours! I am simultaneously looking forward to the ending tomorrow and a little loath to get there, partly because it’s been a pretty awesome ride that I’ll have to say goodbye to, and partly because I still don’t know how we’re going to get to where we’re going in the time we have left. Today is jam-packed with events, both of the momentous nature and the small meaningful kind—and also moments that are, in line with this drama’s forte, small but feel momentous. Grab a kleenex or two, settle in, and get ready for a roller coaster of emotions. *grabs armrests*


EPISODE 17: “An ending on behalf of a beginning”

All hell breaks loose at the interrogation, moments after the order is given to execute Ra-on. The disguised rebels turn on the soldiers, while Byung-yeon turns his sword on the prince, holding the blade to Yeong’s neck.

Minister Kim orders the soldiers to capture all the rebels, but with Yeong’s life in danger, the panicking king screams at everyone to not take any action. Head Eunuch Han orders everyone to step aside and clear an exit path, because preserving the prince’s life is the priority.

The rebels free Hong Kyung-rae and usher him and Ra-on away. Yeong whispers, “No,” looking on with teary eyes as she leaves with them. Ra-on sends back an anguished look back at Yeong, and then is pulled away.

When they’re safely out of the courtyard, Byung-yeon turns back to the prince and re-brandishes his sword, causing everyone to tense. As he looks at Yeong, one big tear rolls down his cheek, and we flash back to a conversation they’d had recently:

Yeong had stated his intent to find out what Baekwoonhwe, the rebel organization, was all about, and also to figure out what the wall is that is getting between him and his people. Byung-yeon had said that the nation Yeong is trying to make will be over that wall, and had said he wanted to see it. Yeong had replied smilingly, “In order for that to happen, I’ll need your help.”

Now as Byung-yeon holds his blade to Yeong’s neck, he asks him to forgive the offense: “The world that Baekwoonhwe hopes for and the Joseon that you dream of—I believe that they are not different. Over that wall between you and your people, the nation you will make—I wish to see it.” Byung-yeon smiles through his tears, and Yeong’s face takes on an alarmed look.

Then, reinforcements pour in and point arrows at Byung-yeon, who starts to step back. Urgently, Yeong tells him not to retract the sword: “The moment you do, I will lose you.”

Byung-yeon closes his eyes and seems at peace with his fate, but Yeong orders him not to take back his sword. Byung-yeon replies through more tears, “I cannot obey that order—I am sorry.”

Yeong watches in horror as Byung-yeon drops his sword, and immediately is struck in the chest with an arrow. Then another in the leg. Yeong calls for a halt, but a soldier slashes Byung-yeon with his sword, and Byung-yeon topples to the ground, mortally wounded.

Yeong forces his way past the soldiers and kneels by his dying friend, cradling him in his arms and gripping his hand tightly. He tries to force down his sobs and smiles down at Byung-yeon, telling him, “Do not forget. If I only had one person in the world that I could trust, it would still be you.”

Byung-yeon says, “Thank you for trusting me.” He reaches up with his hand as though to wipe Yeong’s tears, but before he can, his hand falls slack and his eyes fall closed.

In a flashback to the lantern festival, we see Byung-yeon at a distance from Yeong and Ra-on, who watch their lantern float up into the air. Byung-yeon sends his own wish up into the sky: In the last moment, that I may be only a friend. Oh god, I’m a mess. A blubbering mess.

The rebels, still dressed in soldiers’ uniforms, lead Hong Kyung-rae to the palace gates, where the guards eye them suspiciously. But Head Eunuch Han arrives to show them an official pass, and the guards open the gate.

The rebels are halfway through when the pursuing soldiers catch up to them, shouting for the rebels to be stopped. Fighting breaks out, and as half of the rebels hold them off, Hong Kyung-rae and Ra-on are led outside. Head Eunuch Han closes the gates on them, saying that he’ll buy them time—and although Ra-on and her father are loath to leave him behind, they’re compelled to hurry away.

The eunuch is slashed across the back as he starts to close the gate, but he marshals the last of his strength to stab a soldier who tries to follow the fugitives. Then he shut the gates closed, and Ra-on and her father witness the scene sorrowfully before they’re whisked away on horseback.

Eunuch Jang and Yoon-sung intercept the palace servant who’s wheeling out Byung-yeon’s corpse, and bribe him into leaving the body with them (as a criminal, he wouldn’t get a full burial). Yoon-sung breaks down in tears as he looks down on his friend, grasping his bloody hand…

And then, that hand ever so slightly twitches. Omo omo. Yoon-sung registers the motion with shock, then hope.

One month later.

The prince’s retinue gathers outside his door in the morning, awaiting permission to enter… which they don’t receive because the prince is not in his chambers. He’s outside the palace, having left his dragon robes behind.

Currently, Yeong sits stone-faced in a gisaeng house, watching a gisaeng dance while another pours him a drink. She notes that it’s his first time in this establishment, but Yeong’s reply is cavalier—he doesn’t remember, since he’s often drunk these days.

At the palace, the king confirms with a displeased court that the prince has missed yet another session. The prime minister argues that he is taking his regency too lightly and indicates the stack of scrolls in front of him, which are calls for dethronement. The king dismisses that prospect, but Minister Dumb pipes up that it’s necessary, and that he poses a danger to the state.

At that, Minister Jo retorts that the prince did not endanger the state, and accuses the ministers of linking the prince to Baekwoonhwe’s actions without any proof, and inciting the scholars at every chance. The prime minister presses on, though, insisting that the prince has lost all support and spends more time at gisaeng establishments than at his official duties. He argues that it’s time to dethrone the crown prince and name a new one, in order to set the government aright.

Dumb and Dumber chime in, and the rest of the ministers join the plea. Minister Jo is vastly outnumbered, and the king looks cornered. (Not that that’s difficult, as he seems to have taken up residence in that corner.)

As Yeong leaves the gisaeng house, he hears a familiar voice and turns to see the queen’s eunuch, Eunuch Sung, heading inside. Hm. That gets him thinking.

The prime minister visits the queen to inquire after the baby prince, and she answers a bit nervously that he’s in fine health. The prime minister is pleased, and says that he will soon be made the new heir. The pronouncement excites the queen, although her reaction is dimmed by the memory of Yoon-sung’s threat: that her discarded daughter is still alive.

Byung-yeon is alive, thank goodness, though not quite recovered from his brush with death. Yeong visits his friend and watches him sleep, wondering when Byung-yeon will finally be able to answer his greeting.

Yeong sits there for a bit, then tucks him in and leaves—and moments later, Byung-yeon’s eyes briefly open.

He’s been entrusted to Teacher Dasan’s care, and Yeong asks if he will be okay. Teacher Dasan says that the injuries are healing, and supposes that his prolonged sleep means that Byung-yeon is merely preparing himself to see Yeong.

Yeong asks if he has heard from Ra-on, but Teacher Dasan has not. He asks if Yeong is disappointed, and Yeong says no: Thanks to Teacher Dasan, he’s been keeping busy playing a game of “catch the tail.” It sounds like he’s on a hunt to find a lead (“tail”) that’ll take him to the head, and he explains that he’s keeping a close eye on all the comings and goings at the Kim clan: movement of money, land documents, people.

Teacher Dasan reminds him that merely stepping on a tail doesn’t mean the hunt is over, and that the prey can always cut the tail off to run away. Yeong takes in that warning, then says that he is making good progress with his preparations and advises Teacher Dasan to prepare to “fill a large hole” in the political scene.

Trembling in fear, Eunuch Sung reports to the queen that Yoon-sung is likely telling the truth about the discarded princess, having gone to the gibang to confirm the story in person. The queen is fraught with panic.

Yeong encounters Prime Minister Kim in passing, who tells him that being dethroned needn’t be a terrible thing, and that there are princes who have enjoyed life afterward. Yeong plays along, and says that it sounds appealing, but for one thing that holds him back: “You, Prime Minister. With you left in government, I do not think I will be able to leave it.”

Ra-on surprises Teacher Dasan by dropping by, having heard that Byung-yeon is here. She’s relieved to hear that he’s improving despite not having woken yet, and speaks to him in a cheerful voice, urging him to wake before too much time has passed.

Ra-on’s mood gets more pensive as she asks what the palace is like at the first snow of the year, thinking with a heavy heart that it must be quite pretty under a layer of snow. And then, Byung-yeon’s voice cuts in, “It’s beautiful.”

Dryly, he chides her for being as talkative as ever, and Ra-on lights up in relief, overjoyed to have him back. I feel that feel.

Yeong sits outside the building Ra-on and Byung-yeon used to share, recalling the happier times the three of them had spent there. At the sound of footsteps, Yeong looks up in anticipation… and then sees Ha-yeon and deflates.

She asks if he’s disappointed that it’s her, and he replies that he was merely surprised. She admits to nursing hurt feelings recently, after finding out who it is that Yeong loves. She supposes it’s too much to want more after insisting that she’d only become princess as part of a deal, and informs him that she will honor her original intentions.

“I may not be able to console you as she could,” Ha-yeon says, “but I will remain as your helper in keeping your position as crown prince. Because the person who can be at your side through the end is me.”

The queen summons Yoon-sung and asks how much longer he will interfere with her and her son, given that Yeong will be dethroned soon. Yoon-sung says warningly that he has restrained himself thus far because of their blood tie, and adds that he’d thought she’d at least want to see her child once. In a steely voice, he tells her to confess her actions, calling this his last act of mercy.

And outside the door, the prime minister turns around to leave, having heard the exchange.

Yeong receives a report from Young Master Jung, who confirms the capture of the man who organized the attempted assassination plot. Yeong heads out immediately.

The complaints against the prince’s unseemly behavior mount, and the ministers press the king about his removal—although notiably, the prime minister is quieter than usual. Just then, Yeong is announced at court, and when the king asks if it’s true he left the palace incognito again, Yeong readily confirms it. He’s surprisingly flippant in the face of their outrage, saying that the reports are accurate, and that he visited gibangs and gambling dens.

As scandalized murmurs break out, Yeong adds that a good king must listen to what his people are saying; he can’t hear anything by staying in the palace. Therefore, he spent his time listening to the citizens’ words.

Minister Dumb asks if those citizens were gamblers and gisaengs, and Yeong confirms it, asking if there’s a problem. The ministers burst out into another round of appeals to dethrone Yeong, and the king feels as trapped as ever.

But Yeong doesn’t look worried, and says that he understands their concerns, but feels the desire to share some of the interesting tales he has picked up from making the rounds at gibangs and gambling dens.

At the same time, the queen visits the gibang where Yoon-sung took her baby, and asks the madam to see the child. The madam wonders at the queen’s interest before gasping in shock, guessing at their connection.

Then it’s the queen’s turn to be shocked when the madam informs her that the baby was taken away earlier today, by someone claiming to be from the palace.

Yeong scatters drawings of men’s faces on the ground, telling the ministers to look closely to see if any trigger recognition. Minister Dumb asks why all the drawings show men with their eyes closed, and Yeong replies, “Why do you think? Because they are all dead.”

The Kims look particularly worried as Yeong deduces that they were killed to silence them—yet even so, there was a wealth of evidence left behind to connect the dots. He announces that he’s found out who’d gathered the men, paid them off, and organized the attack on him. Minister Dumber stammers that they already know the rebels of Baekwoonhwe to be the culprits, but Yeong snaps that they can just ask for the answers directly.

He calls out for the witness to be brought in. A disheveled prisoner is dragged forward and set before the court, whereupon Yeong asks if the mastermind is in this room. The man looks around at the ministers’ faces, and answers in the affirmative. Haltingly, he points to Dumb and Dumber as the ones in charge.

The royal investigator confirms that the payments doled out to the assassins originated from Minister Dumb, and produces secret ledgers as evidence. Yeong presses the prisoner again to identify who ordered the assassins and blamed their actions on Baekwoonhwe. The prisoner confirms again that it was Dumb and Dumber.

The irate king asks the ministers for a response, and Minister Dumb proclaims his innocence in ever-feebler (and ever-falsetto) exclamations. Yeong orders that they be imprisoned and interrogated, and their full crime exposed.

They are dragged out of the room, and then Yeong levels his hard stare on the prime minister. In a flashback, we revisit the conversation when Teacher Dasan had warned Yeong that stepping on a tail would not guarantee a successful hunt. Yeong had asked what he needed to do to prevent his target from cutting tail and running, and Teacher Dasan had replied that a target with an overly large body would be difficult to capture all at once: “First the right arm, and then the left. Until you can cut off the head, you must not let down your guard.”

So now, Yeong trains his eyes on his final target. After the court session is over, he speaks privately with the prime minister to show him another drawing of a face. This time it’s a woman, and Yeong explains that a court lady recently died, having just given birth to a child that disappeared. He asks the prime minister if he isn’t curious to know what happened.

The queen returns to the palace, and is struck with horror to see that Ha-yeon and a court lady have a new baby in their care. Her daughter.

The queen’s hands shake as she receives a visit from Ha-yeon, who tells her that the prince asked one of his court ladies to temporarily watch over the baby. She found the child so cute she’d asked to be allowed to take her for a while, and shows her to the queen, who merely stares, frozen and afraid.

Yeong visits Byung-yeon again, this time awake, albeit too uncomfortable to meet his friend’s gaze squarely. When Yeong asks why Byung-yeon slept so long, Byung-yeon replies, “I must have been too ashamed to face you.”

Yeong reminds him, “You protected me and the woman I love. More than anything, I thank you for returning to us.”

Byung-yeon says that Ra-on sometimes comes to tend to him, and Yeong replies, “When all preparations are complete, I will bring her back to my side. I will make it so she can be as before, laughing, chatting with me, and being happy. I am nearly there.” He suggests that the three of them return to the palace for a drink when the time comes.

The two friends smile at each other, and around the corner, Ra-on listens with a smile on her face.

The prime minister cuts right to the chase when he visits the the queen, asking why she is so intent on enthroning a child who isn’t of royal blood. The queen insists that she gave birth to the child, and the prime minister just tells her that everybody believes that, and must continue to believe it. “If you are unable to do that,” he warns, “you will not be able to avoid death.”

He starts to get up, but for the first time, the queen pulls rank on her father, referring to him formally by title and ordering him to sit. She asks if he thinks he will be safe, because just as he has a tight hold on her lifeline, she has one on his.

She warns that he may have managed to raise her up from her lowly origins as a gisaeng’s daughter, but that is itself a disgrace to the Joseon royal family. (Presumably, he would be punished if that news came to light.)

The prime minister finally looks something less than smug, and he warns her to shut her mouth. The queen tells her father that if he means to mess with her, he had better be prepared to handle the consequences.

That night, as they look up at the moon, Yeong and Yoon-sung reminisce on their childhood together, trading bittersweet recollections: Yoon-sung envied Yeong and always felt that ultimately, he was a vassal, while Yeong was always longing for friends.

Yeong wonders, “Is that why we could only amount to this much? You, Byung-yeon, and me. Why is it that we cannot but fight?” Yoon-sung admits to always wanting to flee his grandfather and his family, “although you may not believe it.”

“I believe you,” Yeong replies, explaining that he has also felt the desire to throw away things he couldn’t. “I will do what I must do,” Yeong adds. Yoon-sung nods, telling him to do what he believes is right.

“But, I worry that you may be hurt,” Yeong says. Yoon-sung says, “I worry too—that I may want to protect my family.” They turn to look each other in the eye, and Yoon-sung continues, “But no matter what happens, there will be no reason to feel sorry—either for you, or for me.”

Prime Minister Kim sits alone in his room, thinking back eight years ago to the day he’d had a face reader look at Yeong from afar, and heard that the prince’s face spoke of an early death. Moreover, one of his companions had an “unusual energy”: a good nature, a strong spirit, and the face of a good king. That boy wore a hat bearing the image of a crane, and we see that he’d been speaking of Yoon-sung.

Now, the prime minister thinks to himself that if the Yi royal lineage is to be disrupted, they may as well put a “proper” owner on the throne. And just then, Yoon-sung arrives in accordance with his summons.

As the court ladies brew medicines in the courtyard, a shifty-looking figure hovers in the background…

That night, Ha-yeon visits a tired Yeong as he sits up reading, and brings him a tonic meant to help with fatigue. The court lady tastes it first, and then Ha-yeon serves it to the prince.

Yeong starts to drink it, just as Ha-yeon looks at her hand and notices something—a discoloration on her silver ring.

Alarmed, she grabs for the bowl and tells him not to drink—but it’s too late. He’s already taken a mouthful.

Across the city, Ra-on thinks of Yeong cutting loose his eternity bracelets, sending its beads scattering everywhere.

As Ra-on touches the spot on her wrist where her bracelet used to be, Yeong’s eyes widen and a pained expression crosses his face.

He starts to keel over slowly, and falls to the ground with a thud. Unconscious.


This show is going to be the death of me. I was an ugly-crying wreck when Byung-yeon died (he didn’t die, technically, but boy did the show kill him off beautifully anyway), and now they’ve gotta go and put Yeong in danger? I don’t believe for a second that he will die this way—there would be rioting if the production killed off Park Bo-gum!—and yet, there’s nothing like a late-game poisoning to remind us all that this was the way that the historical figure died (suspected poisoning at the age of twenty), making everything feel just a bit extra unsettling. Then again, he’s also supposed to have fathered a child by now, so I suppose we can take solace in this drama’s intentional historical inaccuracy.

Byung-yeon’s death scene was an emotional highlight of the episode, and the show did a good job of not making it feel like a cop-out when he didn’t actually die. Or maybe I’m just so relieved that he’s not actually dead that I don’t care why he didn’t die as long as he didn’t. It feels a bit like getting to have our cake and eat it too, because he got his glorious send-off, which felt right, and then also got to survive, which also felt right.

That gorgeous farewell with Yeong was in many ways more stirring than anything a romantic heartbreak could have wrought. It felt earnest and pure, capturing two friends caught between greater forces and unable to do anything about it but to wish in their last moments to be the best friend they could to each other. Personally, I don’t believe that Byung-yeon drew a sword on Yeong as a diversion, or as a noble sacrifice meant to save Ra-on and Yeong; I really do think he was carrying out his role as a member of the rebels. The acting performance, with all its heartbreaking nuances, supports that reading, and doesn’t quite fall in line with the diversion/sacrifice explanation. But even in that moment, I don’t believe he switched allegiances; it seems to me that he was always trying to honor both of his loyalties. He would never have harmed Yeong, and in effect chose to die rather than carry his role in the rebellion any more than was necessary.

That made it feel especially poignant later when Byung-yeon was feeling shame and guilt toward Yeong after his recovery, and Yeong was the one to read protectiveness and sacrifice in Byung-yeon’s actions. I love that Yeong has such strong faith in his friend to believe the best of him regardless of what he said. And when we saw that his most earnest wish was to be a friend in his last moments, it drove home that his loyalty never broke.

Ra-on really took a backseat today, which was a little disappointing, but I suppose we had too many other important storylines to address to cram in everything. I appreciated having an episode more focused on the three friends, because they form such a perfect representation of the conflict at large, but injected with heart and soul, to make their dilemmas and crisscrossing fates and loyalties really come through in the emotion. I actually wish the show had focused a bit more on the three friends throughout the entire show, but at least we have episodes like this one, where they speak openly and communicate. Even if that means they remain on opposite sides, despite their hearts wanting them to be on the same one.

I was relieved to see a return of shrewd Yeong, the one who plays things close to the vest and gets everything prepared quietly while his opponents relax. It was clear (to us, at least) that he wasn’t just carousing out of recklessness, but I like that he used that impression as a tool to gain information without arousing suspicion. And I was thrilled that we saw again how perceptive he was, getting to the baby first and tucking away his trump card before the other side even knew to be worried. Whenever Teacher Dasan is involved, I always find myself breathing a bit easier about wit and smarts winning over pure power.

I’ll admit to being a little nervous as we head into our last hour, because we have a lot of ends to tie up and I (1) want the conflicts resolved to reasonable satisfaction and (2) also want to be able to bask in the satisfaction for longer than a minute as the show ends. But we’ve come this far, so what’s one more hour of putting myself at these producers’ mercies? Here’s my heart, Moonlight, beating and bloody and hopeful—now just don’t break it, please.


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Now my heart is a wreak havoc and scatterred everywhere just like the bracelet. How are they going to save and give a happy ending to all our kids, i really don't know. We are counting down to the finale and one hour wouldn't be enough to cramp and give a satisfying resolutions to all of them. In fact i am really conflicted and feel that the show should be like 20 eps to have all the problems addressed and solved properly but then i couldn't imagine to wait another week and have my heart swollen and burst the whole week, no wayyy show.....So i am just glad that we are finishing the last episode tonight.

This is one of the best show that i hv ever watched eventhough i am still uncertain on how the PD will take the ending. I really hope they are going to give us a happy ending though part of myself feel that there is a possibility the PD may choose the sad ending. If the ending is sad or left open, for sure i will not be able to sleep the whole night and blaming myself for daring to watch this show before it ends airing which i never did before hu..hu..

Now, i think the first half of ep 20 will belong to CP and YS, and the 2nd half will be the real final resolution whether happy or sad.

I am putting alot efforts to prepare my heart embracing the finale...


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I have to disagree about 20 eps instead of 18 eps
I think production team knows how many problems they are saving to solve in the final episode.
they were saving the final conflicts for ep 17 and 18, which kinda made ep 15 and 16 a bit draggy, but still amazing. If it was to go for 20 eps, this drama would be too draggy in my opinion as conflict would have to be drawn out more, and nothing get solve or just vaguely address in order to heighten the final episodes.

18 eps were good, and the production knows how much they have to offer, that's why they declined the extension.


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I agree with you. Though I'm not yet ready to let go of this beautiful, beautiful show, I think sticking with 18 was a good decision! I believe the show knows what it's doing so I'll have faith in it!

Don't betray me show!


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ahh sorry, i mean to say first half of ep 18 (and not 20) will belong to CP and YS, and the 2nd half will be the real final resolution whether happy or sad.

I am also glad the show ends with 18 eps...

Hope no one dies at the end, i mean our CP, RO, BY, YS, HY. They all are good people so they deserve to live happily...


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I agree. What we've seen so far seem to be truly the original plan of the writer even the reappearance of Raon's parents. Like what someone pointed out in the previous recap, Raon's father was the same actor who was in Episode 3 in the dream of the King. So the writer has things planned originally for 18 episodes and I wholeheartedly would choose that over an extension even if the original plan for the story is not as smooth as I'd like it to be.

I also understand why we have all these events in this last week because dramas tend to save the last episodes for all the dramatic impact and climatic points in the story. We can't have two episodes of lovely otp moments for sure (even though it's tempting hihi).


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I've got to hand it to CP and Dasan yet again... Their strategy session really gave me hope that Yeong will be able to clean house at court. Dasan advises that he has to cut off the right and left arms before he can go after the head... lest the enemy cut off its own tail to slither away to live another day -- and strike back.

What CP comes up with next takes the cake, and I believe it is thanks to Yoon-Sung making good on his promise (not threat) to the queen. Did he give Yeong a heads-up? I can only think he did... Otherwise, how would CP avoid direct confrontation with the Prime Minister after his lackey ministers were arrested?

After mulling it over some more, I recall that Yoon-Sung usually protects his family against other factions -- even as he often acts on his laudable sense of duty to the nation and goes against his grandfather's schemes in private. Maybe it really was a matter of CP hearing the scuttlebutt about the baby girl and reconnoitering at the gibang. Still, it sure looks as if the Prime Minster's learning that the putative infant prince was not the queen's baby had been deftly engineered by Yoon-Sung.

Now I can enjoy watching the queen duke it out against her "father" in a delicious case of mutually-assured destruction. The two of them have sullied the succession by: (1) marrying off a gisaeng to the king, and (2) throwing away the king's girl child and substituting a court lady's son. They're both guilty of treason, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the chickens will come home to roost in the nick of time.

I can barely breathe because my seat belt is so tight. ;-)

Picky Nerd Aside:
It seems that the bowl containing the "tonic" was the actual poison... So why didn't Crown Princess have a physical reaction herself to touching it with her bare hands? Perhaps the hot liquid had to leach poison that had been applied earlier to the bowl's surface? Or the hot tonic's ingredients had to interact with the metal and be ingested -- so merely touching the dry metallic surface with bare skin was still safe? At any rate, Crown Princess is being framed.


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I think the poison have to be ingested in order to take effect.

I sincerely hope Hayeon is not being used and framed. As much as I'd like her to leave her spot for Raon, I don't want her to go this way.


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That scene when Yeong was looking at the Repentance Hall reminiscing the good times with Byungyeon and Raon really got me, cause he's really so lonely at the top.

But I guess the loneliest is Yoonsung, poor boy.


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I think any drama that live-shoots will have a very hard time matching the quality of this show. I thought the editing, music, and the scenes flowed together beautifully which rarely does for the dramas that I have seen.

What I totally loved in this episode alone was the scene between Kim Hun and the Queen. The bgm and the dialogue between them. It was filled with tension and just the right amount of fear that we have 2 crazy people literally duking it out for power and control.

Can I also give a shout out to the villain that is Kim Hun? So poised, so in control, such a poker face. What a worthy opponent for Yeong! It's like he is not human at all at times with what he is willing to do to achieve greater power but he isn't comically evil like minister dumb (or is it dummer?)

I appreciate how cunningly smart he is and so satisfied that we are starting to see the slow unraveling of his grand plan.

Also I can see why he would want YS to be the new crown prince. Bloodlines were everything during that era and it is only fitting he would want the rightful heir to take over the throne he so covets.

Now my big question is, was there any other purpose for him to kill off Yeong's mother aside from putting another pawn aka the queen in her place??


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Not a lot of people appreciate PM Kim as a character, but he absolutely exists in our world, too. He's flawlessly corrupt, unable to see why his way is wrong, and the perfect reflection of our Prince who is the exact opposite of him. Yeong, who burns with passion, and PM Kim, who wouldn't melt in the desert.


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I applaud Premier Kim. He is such a pro at being villain. He does not get shaken unlike Minister Dumb and Dumber.


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100% this! His moves are so calculated, I got worried for a second how Yeong would get him. All the loose ends and noob villain mistakes were made by his subordinates or the queen, not by PM Kim so far.

Then I remembered the little Princess. I guess it's been a while since PM Kim had to get his hands dirty, but he can't escape his shady past. I'm so excited for the little Princess to put him to his place!

Sooo, to take things literally, the tail of the tiger was Dumb and Dumber? The head is PM Kim. Is the left arm the Queen, and the right arm... Yoon Sung? Nooooo!


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True, this drama has been consistently delivering despite their super tight schedule, and I'm always amazed by the quality of this drama even though I do have some misgivings about the later arc of the story.

I love to see how nonchalant Minister Kim's face whenever he has a face off with Yeong, it's so riveting to see. I kinda love it that his facade cracked a bit when the queen pulled rank on him and threatened him.


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...It goes to show that he's human and isn't entirely unaffected by fear.


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Yes, he is super cunning. And not in a blatant twirling-my-evil-beard/mustache-and-gloating kind of way. He is so subtle you can never really know what he is plotting until he reveals it. It's like the perfect poker face.
I'm not trying to say the actor is bad, in fact I think it's harder to portray this kind of subtle but deep rooted evil character more than the maniacal cackling kind.


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Yes, this show really did so well despite the schedule. The small complaints from last week's episodes were more on the story/writer. Other than that, all else is still on point. The music, the cinematography... ahhh. I am so loving the angles they use and the shots. So so pretty.


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Tbh as much as i like Crown Prince with Ra On, i felt that the best romance in this drama is the bromance between Crown Prince and Byung Yeon as well as both of them with Yong Sun


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This show has just broken some of the 'stereotypes' in korean saeguk dramas.

1. A very smart, good CROWN PRINCE who has guts to face his enemies, and is not acting as the minister's or the King's puppet. He is doing work on his own, to create the type of the world he and the people are dreaming of.

2. Best Bromance between a CROWN PRINCE and his good friend BODYGUARD. That loyalty and trust is hard to find in these dramas. I loved when CP said to Byung Yun, when he was in his arms, that without a change, the only person i would trust would be YOU! Wow. that is so rare between friends, between royals and commoners.

3.A CP who is trying to save the woman he loves , her family, his best friend at any cost.

4. 2nd female lead and 2nd male lead are not evil. They are kind. They are caring, and understanding.


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Re: #2, my favorite crown prince-bodyguard BrOTP is Myong-Nong and Kang-Bok in THE KING'S DAUGHTER, SU BAEK-HYANG. Jo Hyun-Jae's chemistry with Yeo Ui-Joo rivals that with leading lady Seo Hyun-Jin. In this case, the bodyguard is not dealing with divided allegiance, so the pair get to have some humorous light moments I'm still chuckling about 3 years later.

Totally agree that Kim Hyung's death scene with Yeong is one for the books and is in keeping with their deep caring for each other. The flashback to the lantern festival hit me where I live.


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I really like the notion that 2nd male and female lead don't become evil just because they don't get any love from the lead in return,

sometimes there are much more than just love and it more believable than starts hating the lead because their love didn't reciprocate


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absolutely loved this episode. and while we didnt get any raon-yeong scene, surprisingly I didnt miss it. i was too invested in the friendship story that I felt it was right for the romance to take the backstory today.
Im glad to see that i wasn't the only one ugly crying in the BY "dying" scene. and now its CP ughhh :'(


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I also did not miss Raon that much because my bromance was delivering on all fronts. We'll see our Raon in the final hour for sure and I hope this time we get to see her in pretty hanbok. Please.


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I watch Moonlight at work because it comes out at that time in my country, I watched this episode at work too and GOD that was a big mistake! My eyes were filled with tears, my throat was getting dry and sore, I was trying so hard not to cry but I just couldn't, the tears came streaming down, and there I was losing it to ugly-crying, did no explaining to my colleagues and not planning to!

Byung-yeon ah! My heart dropped the moment he dropped the sword, I said last time that he did it for Yeong but this time I'll agree with javabeans, he did it to fulfill his role to both, to prove his loyalty to both the rebellions and Yeong, but the lantern scene, Ooof, as if I wasn't a crying mess already!

I love how Yeong is so understanding, he doesn't question the people he loves, he'll believe whatever they'll say to him and just accept them the way they are and try to protect them, he did the same with Ra-on and here when Byung-yeon was holding his sword to his neck, he knew that Byung-yeon is a friend he trusts the most and had it not been for the circumstances that forced him he would have never drawn that sword at him.

And so glad to see teacher Dasan back and Yeong Back into action, now that dumb and dumber are out of the picture, can't wait to see how Yeong will take down the Prime minister, it seems like he's thinking of Putting Yoon-sung on the throne but how's he planning to do that?! He can't be the one telling the king what the queen's done with switching the babies and all because she's already proved that she's not going down that easy, so is he the one who poisoned Yeong?! if so does he really think he can get Yoon-sung on the throne by doing that?!

can't wait for the final episode, thank you JB for the recap.


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OMG so your co-workers saw your tears? haha!

"I love how Yeong is so understanding, he doesn’t question the people he loves, he’ll believe whatever they’ll say to him and just accept them the way they are and try to protect them"

THIS Yeong is truly a wonderful character.


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Yup, they did and they also gave me sympathetic looks, LOL!


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Haha, where will we be without out ugly crying in tow when watching Moonlight?


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Yesh, the emotions I went through in those first 10 minutes were surreal. When BY started to withdraw his sword I was holding my breath, crazy thoughts crossing my mind like is he going to commit suicide because he won't make it out alive anyway. So imagine the big sigh of relief that came out of me when he dropped his sword but at the same time I was yelling at my screen no no no, take CP as hostage and get your ass out of there (I was actually expecting this to happen from the very beginning, not him staying there on his own while the rebels are fleeing. But then I remembered the title of this episode...).

Then they shot and slashed him, followed by the heartbreaking last moments and I was a blubbering mess but also livid...oh no you di'int show, you didn't just really kill him. I said in the last WWW post that I'm flying to SK and have a word with the production team if they dare to kill any of our three musketeers. Then his fingers moved, heol and I was cursing at them for scaring the heck out of me.

My only fear now is that YS won't make it out alive.
I'm certain CP is fine but actually wondered for a second if it's not his own plan to get out of the palace and reunite with RO but scrapped that thought right after since Evil Kim's still not taken down. Where's the little princess, we need her telling everyone what happened back then stat.

Had to watch Drinking Solo immediately after this episode to calm me down even though it was midnight already.


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I wondered too why byung yeon didn't take yeong hostage. But, then I realized if he had did that, it would have been like he was really threatening yeong and also saving himself which would have been uncharacteristic of him. But, what the drama gave us played out really well and pulled at our heart and showed just how strong their friendship is.


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My thoughts too. And it will be more difficult for Yeong to save him if he really held him hostage. Yeong will be placed in a difficult decision of defending and protecting someone who threatened the crown prince and in the end, Kim Hyung will still face death.


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LOL, am once again late to join in with all the fun here in DB, awww... but it's so good to see how excited everyone is about this episode!

Episode 17 wasn't of the quality of the earlier episodes we had seen with Moonlight where the pacing and the transitions were so smooth you didn't find yourself filling in the blanks, or inferring/ assuming what happened in between scenes. I know this is a direct result of the live-shoot time constraints (just imagine how awesome this could have been if there was more time or if it was pre-produced!). Still, considering the serious shortage of time for the cast and crew to produce it, it was GOOD.

The Byung Yun 'death' scene in the first 10 minutes which everybody and their mother is talking about here was nothing short of amazing. Masterfully executed to the hilt. I have to hand it to the director and the production crew, their skill in being able to draw out the big moments and make them sit with us is simply outstanding.

They have been doing this so consistently throughout the entire show (with the odd lapse in episodes 15 and 16 maybe), that my heart is now renewed in terms of confidence in this team to be able to send us off well tonight with a satisfactory, warm-the-cockles-of-your heart ending. Yup, this is despite that troll of a cliffhanger ending we had in this episode, haha! (Like Javabeans, I don't believe for a second that Yeong will die. It would be the greatest FAIL for the drama if they did this. They will never be able to live down the ensuing uproar if this happened.)

It's sooooo good to be able to anticipate good things again, it's like a breath of fresh air! I know we may not be able to completely tie every single loose end in tonight, but am confident that a good endgame awaits in the wings tonight! Wheee~~~!


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Also, can I just say that my eyes have been enjoying so much lovely candy in the new hanboks that Yeong and Yoon Sung were sporting in this episode!

I mean, did you SEE the new hanboks? Especially Yoon Sung's hanbok in that short scene where his grandfather PM Kim was contemplating putting a "proper" ruler on the throne i.e. Yoon Sung, and then we pan to Yoon Sung standing in the doorway in all his new deep emerald green jeogori with the red flower embellishments? Wow!

And Yeong's dark blue hanbok! The lush colour and texture! I think it really brings out the colour to his complexion, make him look less tired than a pastel coloured one might do. And the silver gat-strings to compliment the whole ensemble is love!

I even liked the deep red hanbok the queen wore to the gibang. None of the huge gold badges on the shoulders and chest, but still a lovely aristocratic one befitting her royal status. Very nice!


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Yes. I especially loved YS's outfit that you mentioned. He looked good enough to eat!

Maybe because PBG always looks good that I didn't notice his so much, but YS really really looked good in that shot.


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I know, right! When I saw that shot of Yoon Sung in the doorway, it was like BAM! WOW!, and then in the close-up of Yoon Sung in that scene, my eyes were all *_*. I actually paused my video to appreciate the detailing in the outfit, lol!

Yeong's outfit when he was at the gibang and later went to visit Byung Yun at Teacher Dasan's place, was elegant glamour personified. Deep blue with silver vine motifs, matched with his silver gat-strings, it was so lovely.

I can't say this enough but the costumes and accessories in this drama is first-class stuff. I wish someone could do a full costume post or blog about it because it deserves its own love. <3


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There are blogs. I will try to look and put up the link in the final recap. :)



THANK YOU! I only know of 1 blog and that is on semi-hiatus, boo! Will look forward to your costume link post tomorrow! ^^


And I love the way Park Bo-gum walks confidently in his hanboks, I think he rocks all of his hanboks, there's not a single hanbok wasted on him.


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Nothing is wasted. So much eye candy. I need him to do another sageuk in like 3 years. lol maybe in a period other than Joseon.


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Ugh, I'm not a fan of sageuk, lol. The things I have to do for my dramas, lol. I picked up Moonlight solely because I really adore Kim Yoo-jung.


I second Park Bo Gum doing another sageuk! He carries hanboks so damn well, it is criminal! LOL.



I am crazy about them. Every episode I look forward to seeing new hanboks on our boys. If there were fashion models in the Joseon period, Yoonsung and Yeong will be the top models.


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LOL, I was wondering when you'd come squealing about them!

Yes, Yeong and Yoon Sung are rocking the hanbok look! And so would Ra On too, if the production team had time to select female hanboks for her, grrrr... It's such a pity that they had time to lovingly dress Yeong and Yoon Sung, but none for Ra On. >_<


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The costuming has been another great part of this show. The new hanboks (who knew they had even more left to show us) were gorgeous but even Ra-On's simple hanboks that she is wearing as a commoner now appear well-made.


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Yes, I was also surprised that they had more left to show us, and what a pleasant surprise it was too!


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No, I don't believe for a second he'd die, but my heart dropped when he collapsed, like I totally wasn't expecting that at all! Also, might have to do with the scene interlaced with Ra-on having bad feelings while remembering the broken bracelet. Can't wait for Ra-on to sneak back into the palace to see Yeong, this would be her chance to turn the wheel of her own destiny and to take fate into her own hands. I know the palace isn't the safest place for her, but I'd really love to see her risk it for Yeong, and for once, do something for the one she loves, because we've only been seeing Yeong doing the active work in this relationship.


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Yes, am also looking forward to seeing Ra On taking a more active role in tonight's final episode. Yeong has been working very hard all this time, and while I know Ra On has limited power and ability to assist thus far, am hoping she will step up to the plate in the next episode instead of fading into the background.

I think now that Minister Dumb and Dumber are out of the way, PM Kim and the Queen fighting to keep their own seats, Ha Yeon knowing the truth about who Yeong loves, and Yeong himself making plans to bring Ra On back to his side, there is less danger for her coming back. Also, the White Cloud Society at least was cleared of the crime of attacking the Crown Prince in this episode so if Ra On returns, it is not with the additional burden of being an accomplice to a treasonous attack.

The clouds are finally clearing and spots of sunshine are finally coming through! Can't wait for everything to clear and we have bright sunny skies back again! ^^


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I'm really conflicted with Raon. As much as I want her to do something, I cannot think of anything she can do in order to help others than provide emotional support to Yeong, so I understand why she's rather inactive and I don't want to call her out for doing nothing. My sister said the same thing. She though Raon was passive and she wanted her to do something. I asked her what does she want Raon to do and she could not answer me as well. She was like, "I don't know. I just want her to do something." But what exactly is that something? I'd hate for her to try and do something only to be a burden in the end.


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A couple of things which came to mind concerning Ra On (my personal 2 cents) ...

1. That knife-wielding stunt which I will probably always have beef with. I will maintain to this day that she did not need to resort to such dramatic, hurtful actions in order to cut ties with Yeong. In fact, I would argue that her actions, instead of sending Yeong off 'well', sent him off badly. When you can send someone off without hurting them vs sending someone off and deliberately inflicting hurt on them, I will always choose the former. What Ra On did then was worse than passive, it was actually detrimental and hurtful. She is fortunate that Yeong is such a forgiving, understanding, loving, kind and gentle partner to overlook all this.
So yeah, here, I think she could have done better.

2. I don't know whether this will be fleshed out further in the final episode, but in an alternate universe of Moonlight, once Ra On found out about her identity as Hong Gyung Nae's daughter and the icon of the rebellion, if she wanted to make an impact, she had the means to do so. Am not saying that she should condone the plotting of rebellions, but that her position as the daughter of the group's figurehead (prior to her father appearing), gave her some influence and power should she choose to exert it. She could have perhaps tried to persuade the Society to work with the Crown Prince or to at least reconcile them to the fact that while the current King may be pretty useless, his son certainly isn't.
I don't know, I'm speculating and imagining lots of things here and goodness-knows there's plenty that could also go wrong in this scenario, but what I'm trying to say is that some plotlines could potentially be expanded and Ra On given a more active role in assisting Yeong.

Anyway, all this is moot, but I thought it would be interesting just to throw it out there, lol.


@suegarbaby both your points are really valid. Your second point is so true, she could have really did something, since she knows yeong also wants to make a better country, she could have influenced the baekwoon group.


Exactly. She would know that Yeong wanted to build a new nation for the people, and here she is with some measure of influence and ability to do that if she so chose. It would have been a tag-team for the ages - Yeong working from inside the palace, Ra On working from outside the palace amongst the people. If we could see small clips of her working on this on the ground while Yeong was trying to clear the corrupt ministers in court, that would have been a nice touch to show that she is an active worker and a great assistant to Yeong.

Ahh~~~ the could-have-beens... (Who knows, maybe we will see this in ep18? *still waiting for the subs*)


When I first watched this episode, I could only watch till the part where byung yeon died. Then I had to do something I couldn't put off. But I did it so slowly, moping around basically thinking "they killed him" on loop.

When I finally watched the whole episode I was so relieved to see he didn't die! Yay!

Also, I noticed how love in the moonlight is not explicitly for yeong and ra on alone. When byung yeon was holding the sword to yeong's neck, they showed the moon. When yeong and yoon sung were talking, they showed the moon. Its awesome how love in the moonlight shows the different kinds of love yeong has for these three people.

*sending a wish latern stating that our fabulous five lives and for yeong and ra on to be together and making joseon a better country*

Since all of their wishes came true, I sincerely believe my wish will come true too. Please don't let me down, show.


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That's why it's moonlight drawn by cloud, not love in the moonlight.
It's about the royalty and theirs people (incl officials and commoners)


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Yeah! I read about that interpretation in the previous threads.


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Can you point me to the post/threads? Would love to read it.


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So you endured thinking Kim Hyung died for like hours?!?! Only to find out he's alive. I feel for you. At the same time, I'm laughing. hihi! At least he's alive and well now. Next time, make sure you have time to finish the episode before venturing into it or you'll suffer the same thing. hihi


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YES! I basically believed he was dead. I actually shouldn't have started watching it at all because I know I wouldn't be able to finish it but I was so anxious to see what happens, I couldn't help it. Now that I think about it, its actually pretty funny. :p


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i definitely don't want park bo gum staring at me like that.. it's chilling..


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I have cried several times watching Moonlight but when BY almost die in CP's arm I was a mess. That right there is what friendship is all about.
My best friend & I have know each for over 30 years and if there's one person whom I trust without a doubt it's her. So when the CP said those words to BY it really bought it home for me.


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OMG! I can’t believe this..Yeong!!! My tear ducts didn’t have any rest in this episode. Are you trying to kill me with a Joseon blade, show? Gooodness! At first, I couldn’t believe it’s Byeong-yeon who’s about to be killed, then was killed, then thank God he’s alive!!! So I gave you some slack, show. But well, I couldn’t believe that last scene, jeez. Not Yeong please. I know that Lee Yeong, the real person, died at the age of 20 but well not in this show, please. I mean this is a drama, romance at that, so what’s the romance without the guy, right?

I know Yeong will survive, I mean, he’s the lead, right?! Never mind history, just be kind to us, show! I mean you didn't have the heart to kill Byeong-yeon (and I agree with you JB that I don't know how he got out there alive and with those injuries, you know, coughing up blood and all. But whatever, I'm so glad he's alive!). So surely you will spare Yeong's life as well?! Chaebal!

I wish that Yeong will soon recover, then the wedding would be put off permanently since the would-be crown princess will be kicked out of the palace since she’s to be blamed, although of course, she’s innocent and Yeong will never agree to her execution. It’s sad since she cannot marry anybody else, but times are changing and she probably will be allowed to later on. I’m sorry for her but that's that. Young and Ra-on love each other so much so can we just let them be? Maybe, just maybe, the people and the palace would live peacefully and in harmony since Crown Prince Yeong married a commoner, and the daughter of the rebel leader at that, so surely, the voice of the masses will be heard. I mean, that would really be perfect, right? Can’t you see that, show? Everybody would be happy except for the Kims who will just kill each other off anyway. While Yeong becomes the King who has his teacher (Ra-on’s haraboji), his future brother-in-law (yes, that guy) and Byeong-yun by his side. I really don’t know what to feel about Yoon-sung right now. Has he revealed the secret to Yeong? Why is the baby in their care if not for Yoon-sung? So is our band of brothers intact? I love the scene when Byeong-yeon let go of the paper lantern with his wish, I was just so touched...but the best part of this episode was when he was about to "die" and Yeong was holding him in his arms and telling him he's still the one he trusts the most, well, I was a goner, yes, a blubbering mess as well. Thanks for the recap JB! I'm really glad I'm not alone with this...Can't wait for tomorrow...


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A beautiful song accompanied by some tender moments to keep us all hopeful till tonight.



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With Moonlight about to end, I will surely miss the discussions in the recaps. I will miss everyone and their inputs. So sad to say goodbye to the show and to the wonderful community we've created here. A few hours before finale!!


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Me too! I'm gonna miss everyone and read everyone's thoughts. Where will we all be next week? I can't imagine my Mon-Tues without Moonlight. Hah, I'm legit shedding tears as I type this, lol.


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@celine, yeah right, i'm gonna miss the discussions here. The next day after the show airing i always check to this site and enjoy reading the thoughts of everybody, how we feel in each episode.... really great.

But the truly gem is, the show itself is a complete package: the story, the actors, the acting, the cinematography, the songs, all executions are perfect that it makes me a little sad that we are going to say goodby to our favorite show

Bring it on...finale


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I know the end is near but watching Moonlight with all you beanies has made it such a fun ride. We're laughed, cried & learnt so much from other. Here's hoping for happy ending tomorrow to end this ride in a high.


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Gah, I was expecting posts of this kind tomorrow but to see it here now makes me feel all maudlin. >_<''


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Let's have a party in the final recap. I hope we get to party, meaning we have every reason to party because the good guys won and OTP got their happy ending. /fingers crossed

or else the final recap will be filled with tears and rage. LOL


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Me too! This is the second drama that I was able to watch with the fandom after W. But, W was mostly plot speculations, theories and understanding the context (lol). Here, it was all about emotions, we squeed, laughed, cried and are now anxious together. It was so much fun. Also, I think we can all give each other a pat because we were all one well behaved fandom. *sending virtual hugs*


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MDBC officially ended in Korea now or about to end and I have to wait hours before seeing it. /anxiety attack


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I will definitely miss the discussions in these comments. Everyone chooses different dramas so all these beanies may not be in the same "comment rooms". I've been so entertained by the comments as a companion to the show and the recaps!


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Please! There has to be a way for us to stay connected. I came in late in the game. It was somewhere around ep. 9. PBG's sign language that caught my eye. A short video viki posted on Facebook.

Just 2 months ago I stumbled upon kdrama and decided to use it as an outlet, a little detachment from daily life's stresses. Little did I know that I would come across this wonderful forum (many thanks JB!!!) that brought us together. I'm not done bonding with you all so please!


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Me too! There's gotta be a way we can stay connected, I feel like we have a sisterhood bonding here, lol.


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Great solid episode! Looking forward to the finale!


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So the prince dies and the two best friends ride off into the sunset together? Guess that is one option the writer had in mind from the start.


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So proud of these 3 best friends forevah!!!! Plus Ra-on!!! Add in the eunuchs and the princess with her friend! ❤❤❤


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Arghh! Finally got the chance to catch up on the last two weeks and first I'm crushed then gleeful that Byung Yeon dies but lives. Now the crown prince looks to died and I have to wait 7 hours to find out what happens. I should have waited till it had all been subbed.

A 7 hour wait for the final episode is a loooong time. Guess I can do laundry.


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That scene showing Byung-yun's wish on the lantern was so sad, moving and poignant that it almost made me want that he died in such a graceful note instead.


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Can somebody explain to me the prime minister flash back about Yoon Seong? I'm so confused! Why didn't prime minister push for him to be king instead earlier? Isn't YS his grand son? Why was be pushing for the baby son to be crown prince instead of YS? I feel retarded asking this but this one point is so confusing to me.
Still catching up and watching 마지작희 tmrw! Hoping Yeong gets where he wants with the country and we get to see our main leads together! ?


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I really love each episodes of it I wish it will be my best drama.


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