Voice: Episode 4

A new case sends the emergency call center into a tizzy as they try to save the potential victim before it’s too late, especially when that victim is no stranger. Kwon-joo gets another step closer to figuring out who the killer is (perhaps a step too close) and Jin-hyuk has to decide who he trusts more: the cops he’s known for years, Kwon-joo who he’s known for a few days, or his own instinct.

Chapter 4: “Ringing from the Darkness — The Secret of the Chocolate Box Part 1”

Down by the train tracks, the convivial atmosphere of a group of guys hanging out is suddenly disrupted when a body falls from the bridge, landing right next them. When the police are called in, it’s revealed to be the body of Dong-chul.

Kwon-joo and Jin-hyuk speed to the crime scene, but along the way Jin-hyuk refuses to believe that it’s Dong-chul. He can’t be dead. Not yet.

The detectives from the Violent Crimes Unit are already on scene, collecting evidence. They determine that Dong-chul’s injuries came from his fall, and there’s also a suicide note in his pocket. Chief Jang tells the guys to keep it quiet so Jin-hyuk won’t find out, knowing the detective will throw a fit.


Too late, because Jin-hyuk and Kwon-joo arrive just then. The guys try to block Jin-hyuk from entering the crime scene, reassuring the detective that Dong-chul committed suicide. Jin-hyk insists on having a look himself, but as he struggles against the other detectives holding him back, Kwon-joo steps forward and informs Chief Jang that the call center received the notification first — he doesn’t want this to be a conflict between departments, now, does he?

Reluctantly, Chief Jang allows her and Jin-hyuk access, warning them that they only have five minutes and she’s responsible for Jin-yuk’s actions. Looking over the body, Kwon-joo is convinced that Dong-chul was murdered since his head wasn’t destroyed by the fall, but from the same type of metal instrument that was used on her father and Jin-yuk’s wife. She also points out that his bare feet are too bloody and broken for him to have merely taken his shoes off and jumped from the bridge.


She’s right, of course. A flashback shows a barefoot Dong-chul shuffling across broken glass as he tried to flee the hooded man with his gleaming grin, but it’s useless. The mysterious man bashed in Dong-chul’s feet with a hammer before pulling out his trusty kettlebell to finish the deed. Jin-hyuk lifts up the body, much to the consternation of the Violent Crimes Unit, asking what’s left of Dong-chul’s face to tell him who is the killer.

At his usual restaurant, Jin-hyuk downs glass after glass of soju as the news reports on Dong-chul’s suicide, declaring the three-year-old case officially closed. He thinks over Kwon-joo’s suggestion that the two of them should secretly investigate the murders themselves, since there’s definitely someone on the inside helping to cover it up. She promises to keep looking into the type of weapon the killer is using, while Jin-hyuk can investigate into Dong-chul’s whereabouts the past three years.


As he drinks more soju, he remembers the last time he saw his wife alive. He was rushing out the door to get to work, skipping her offer of a birthday breakfast. She later packed up the food to deliver it to him, but she ran into a murderer first. Jin-hyuk promises his wife that he’ll find her killer, no matter what.

Dae-shik barges into the restaurant to find a very drunk Jin-hyuk. He’s surprised that Jin-hyuk has agreed to stay on the Golden Time team, especially now that Dong-chul is no longer alive and the case is closed. But Jin-hyuk just tells him he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.


The granddaughter of the woman who runs the restaurant suddenly runs out to meet one of her friends, Hwang Kyung-il. She cutely greets him and he hands over a present of a DVD (Forrest Gump, which he says is favorite movie) and perfume. Grandma is suspicious, though, and goes out to greet him.

She’s gradually won over by discovering he’s a middle school teacher, and is surprised that Eun-byul would date a decent guy like him. But Eun-byul tells Grandma that she has no end of guys interested in her, as is proven when she gets a message from an ex just then.

In the morning, Kwon-joo and a medical examiner study the injuries on Dong-chul’s body. He agrees with her that they were inflicted by the same instrument that killed her father and Jin-yuk’s wife. He also points out that it’s an unusual kind of weapon — which means this is an unusual kind of murderer.

Eun-soo, the polyglot who Kwon-joo had wanted to join her Golden Time team, declines the offer by sending Kwon-joo a polite text message. Eun-soo is also the older sister of Eun-byul, who calls her at that moment to let her know that she’s going to be late tonight because she’s going to a birthday party.


Eun-byul’s in the parking garage of a shopping center on her way to get a gift and literally stumbles over an abandoned purse. Her sister tells her to leave it alone, but the younger woman’s curiosity is too strong and she opens it to see what’s inside. She recoils in horror when she discovers a memory stick with a note that says it’s a video clip of her, and “I know the dirty things you did.”

She never hung up on her sister — merely shoved her phone in her pocket to free her hands to search the purse — but the phone is forgotten as she looks around in terror, afraid of whomever left this for her. Listening on the phone, Eun-soo only hears her sister shriek and a car drive off before the call is dropped.

Eun-soo immediately calls the emergency center and Hyun-ho answers, taking in all the information about the situation. He starts the “golden time” clock for the abduction and contacts Kwon-joo, who tells him she’s on her way and to start tracking the phone’s GPS and any cars that were in the vicinity. When Hyun-ho radios for Jin-hyuk and Dae-shik, the guys are shocked to realize that the victim is their favorite restaurant ahjumma’s granddaughter, and they scramble to head out.


As Kwon-joo talks to Eun-soo to figure out who in her sister’s life might be the most likely suspect, a bound and gagged Eun-byul struggles in the back of a trunk, struggling to free herself and reach her buzzing phone. After enough wriggling, she’s able to free the phone and touch the right area on the screen to answer it.

They’ve tracked down the GPS on her phone to direct Dae-shik and Jin-hyuk where to go, and Hyun-ho patches in Kwon-joo on her phone to be able to listen to the radio feed so she can hear the sounds around Eun-byul. Jin-hyuk yells into the radio that there are too many cars where they are — how are they going to figure out which one is the right one? Based on the way she could hear Eun-byul struggling, Kwon-joo estimates that she must be in a midsize sedan or larger.

That narrows it down a little bit, and Jin-hyuk orders Dae-shik to get closer to the larger sedans ahead of them, much to the frustration and anger of all the other drivers as they swerve around while repeatedly honking the horn. Even though they get cursed at by nearly everyone, Jin-hyuk realizes that these are not the right cars.


According to the GPS tracking, the detectives are close to Eun-byul, and as Jin-hyuk rattles off the license late numbers in front of him, none of the drivers seem like likely suspects. But then he notices a pick-up truck with a covered bed, and realizes that the cover was moving from where Eun-byul was trying to kick at it. Kwon-joo argues with him, telling him tat she clearly heard a sedan’s trunk, but Jin-hyuk bluntly tells her that this time, she’s wrong.

Besides, if this was a planned abduction, then Eun-byul will likely die if they don’t catch her abductor right now. He reminds her that he’s a trained detective, which means he knows how to analyze situations. They turn on their siren and order the truck to pull over.

Back at the call center, Hyun-ho has pulled up the information on the truck’s registered owner, Min Ji-suk. He finds it odd that the Ji-suk and Eun-byul share a similar phone number, and when he uses that number to search on a social media site, he pulls up a photo of Eun-byul with the Ji-suk. Apparently they used to date, and he’d posted that he’d do anything to be with her again.


Armed with that knowledge — and a gun — Jin-hyuk approaches the driver’s side of the truck, ordering Ji-suk to get out of the vehicle. Meanwhile, Dae-shik investigates the covered truck bed and verifies that Eun-byul is inside. But before he can figure out how to open it, Ji-suk steps on the gas and drives away. Jin-hyuk hops on the running board and does his best to order Ji-suk to stop, but even he’s thrown aside.

The detectives race back to their car and speed off in pursuit of the truck. Both vehicles weave in and out of traffic, but eventually the detectives are cut off when the truck smashes his way through an intersection and Dae-shik has to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting another car.


But they’re stopped in the middle of the intersection, and a truck of doom barrels down, crashing into them and causing the detectives’ car to roll. The men are still alive (whew!), but injured, and Jin-hyuk calls for an ambulance for Dae-shik. Eun-byul’s phone turns off and Hyun-ho panics when he realizes they can no longer track her via GPS.

Back at the station, Commissioner Bae is furious that not only did the Golden Time Response Unit lose the suspect, but they also caused a major accident. Chief Jang has no problem blaming Kwon-joo for misidentifying the abductor’s vehicle, He reassures the commissioner that the Violent Crimes Unit is forming a special investigation team to take care of everything.

Eun-soo blames herself for her sister’s abduction — she’s a detective, yet she didn’t know that her sister was receiving threats in the first place. Grandma arrives at the station just then, throwing herself into Jin-yuk’s arms as she cries about what they’re going to do. Eun-byul’s teacher friend Kyung-il is there, too, also worried about her since he couldn’t contact her.

From across the room at his lonely Golden Time desk, Jin-hyuk listens to the other detectives report their findings on Ji-suk. He’s a coworker of Eun-byul’s, and the truck isn’t actually his, but they have proof he rented it this morning. They also found a lot of videos of Eun-byul in his room. It’s also odd that Ji-suk cancelled all his credit cards that morning — it could mean he’s planning to commit suicide.

They question Eun-byul’s other coworkers, who are convinced that Eun-byul broke up with Ji-suk because he was abusing her — they found bruises on her arms, even though she wouldn’t tell them how she got them. Then Ji-suk continued to stalk her, even though she kept telling him to leave her alone. He retaliated by threatening to post videos online of them having sex.


Jin-yuk’s figured out that Kyung-il knows Ji-suk, and he asks the younger man for more information. Kyung-il admits that Ji-suk had difficulty accepting that he was now dating Eun-byul, and even though they hadn’t been seeing each other very long, he’d been hoping things would start to get serious with her.

He asks Kyung-il if Eun-byul was seeing other men — someone with a different body type than either him or Ji-suk, but Kyung-il insists that he doesn’t know about anyone other than Ji-suk. Even though both men are in a private interrogation room where no one else can hear them, Kwon-joo arrives in time to overhear their conversation as she’s walking down the hall.

She apologizes for her earlier mistake, and is curious why Jin-hyuk is asking about other men in Eun-byul’s life. He reveals a printout from a CCTV camera at the car rental agency, which shows two men with their backs to the camera.


The Violent Crimes Unit are starting to be curious about Kyung-il, but Jin-hyuk barges into their meeting to tell them that they’re after the wrong man. Ji-suk is tall and thin, but the man in the camera and that masked figure he saw driving the truck is of a much burlier man. Chief Jang scoffs at this supposed evidence, but Kwon-joo cooly informs them that the Golden Time Unit will be taking over the case, reminding him that for kidnappings, the “golden time” is the first twelve hours.

It’s now two hours after Eun-byul’s abduction. Kwon-joo listens to a recording of the the phone call from when she was trapped in the truck, and realizes that she was wrong in insisting it was a sedan. Focusing on the call, she wonders why there would be a shovel, and then remembers when Kyung-il left the station, realizing that he called Ji-suk to warn him that he’s been found out.

As the Violent Crimes Unit (plus Jin-hyuk) hurry to where they’ve tracked down Ji-suk’s phone at an abandoned amusement park, Kwon-joo calls Kyung-il to ask him if he’ll do her a favor and deliver some items to Eun-byul’s grandmother. Hyun-ho searches for anything online that will give them more information about Kyung-il. He sighs that there isn’t anything out there, but when he clicks on a forum link, he’s shocked to see a pornographic video.


Kwon-joo brings out the boxes “for Eun-byul’s grandmother,” pleasantly remarking that Kyung-il must spend a lot of time outdoors when he’s teaching, since she’s noticed the much on his shoes. He seems vaguely confused by her statement, but agrees with her. Kwon-joo insists on putting the boxes in the back of his truck herself, despite Kyung-il offering to take them for her.

Meanwhile, the Violent Crimes Unit finds a truck and surrounds it, ready to take down the driver. Except when they open the doors, the driver is dead. Very dead. And the truck bed is empty.

As is Kyung-il’s truck, and Kwon-joo tries to hide her reaction at finding it empty. Her radio crackles as Hyun-ho calls for her, asking if she’s with Kyung-il. As she steps aside to answer, he warns that, even though Kyung-il isn’t the abductor, he’s still a dangerous man, and she needs to get out of there right away.


She freezes as she hears Kyung-il advance towards her, and he holds a knife against her neck as he sighs that the police are such a pain, always trying to catch him but never succeeding. He takes out his retainer and flexes his jaw, and as he does so, the sound is eerily similar to the distinctive crackle of the Kettlebell Killer’s jaw. 

But Kwon-joo fights back, easily disarming Kyung-il and drawing her gun, which she points at him as she radios for back-up, adding that he’s also the one who killed her father and Jin-hyuk’s wife. Except Kyung-il has his own back-up, as a burly man suddenly appears and knocks Kwon-joo out by hitting her in the back of the head with a baseball bat. Kyung-il and his accomplice put her in the trunk of the truck — just like they did with Eun-byul.


Meanwhile, the detectives investigate the truck, and it looks like Ji-suk committed suicide by burning a charcoal briquette in the cab of the truck, causing him to suffocate. But Jin-hyuk points out the body is unnatural positioned and there’s no smoke marks anywhere in the truck. He was murdered and placed there on purpose.

Unable to track the GPS on her phone, the Golden Time team begin a “code zero” clock for their leader. Hyun-ho radios Jin-hyuk, letting him know that Kwon-joo has been abducted and a, and that Kyung-il is the suspect. He also reveals that Kyung-il is responsible for running a “revenge porn” website, where videos of rape are posted for paying customers to watch. Ji-suk had figured out Kyung-il’s online identity and had threatened to report him, which is why Kyung-il killed him.

The Violent Crimes Unit rushes into action to the last place it’s determined the truck could have been, and Jin-hyuk is ready to join them until they have to literally drag him out of the van, reminding him that he’s no longer a part of their team. But Hyun-ho tells Jin-hyuk privately that he’s found out that Kyung-il seems to have had a constant psychopathic rage against women ever since he was young. This won’t be good for Kwon-joo — or Eun-byul.


Krung-il’s truck is parked in the middle of an empty field, and Kwon-joo struggles in the back of the truck. She’s bound and gagged, just like Eun-byul was, as well as wrapped in a cloth bag. She can hear Kyung-il and his accomplish digging, and she listens to them complain about the chaos of this morning. The men have a boat as their planned escape vehicle — and Eun-byul is still alive, even if she’s locked away where no one will find her.

As the accomplice continues to big a deep enough hole to bury a body, Kyung-il posts on his site that he’ll be leaving for awhile, but he’ll be uploading one last video later tonight.


After calling in a favor to get information about secret shortcuts in the area, Jin-hyuk arrives at what looks like a blocked off portion of road, but based on his tow truck’s buddy’s advice, he removes the tarp covering to reveal an unpaved road leading through the snowy field. He stops when he sees recent tire tracks and calls in his location so they can send in a back-up team.

Kyung-il’s accomplice drags Kwon-joo out of the truck, and removes her gag so she can have one last word before she dies. She pleads with Kyng-il to free Eun-byul. He’s amused that she’s not begging for her own life, but she wants to know if he’s ever felt guilty for the way he’s treated the women he’s hurt? She also knows that she’s not the killer she’s looking for, after listening to him speak and figuring out the cracking jaw isn’t the same.


She spits out that he’s nothing more than worthless trash, but he just sighs that she’s the real trash. He orders the accomplice to throw her into the hole, and as they gradually bury her under the dirt, Jin-hyuk makes his way through the tall weeds of the field, his gun at the ready.

It’s three hours and fifteen minutes since Eun-byul was kidnapped, and forty-five minutes since Kwon-joo was kidnapped.


Ahhhh, yes. The nail-biting cliffhanger — I knew we’d meet again! And I doubt this will be the last time, either. Even though I know, logically, that there’s no way Kwon-joo will die (after all, she’s the lead and we’re only four episodes in), I’m still stressed about waiting to see how Jin-hyuk will save her. As well as Eun-byul, since her “golden time” has been going on for longer, and there are fewer hours to successfully save her.

I hadn’t fully realized until this episode that Kwon-joo doesn’t know what the murder weapon is. In retrospect, it’s pretty obvious that she’d be baffled by the unique shape of the kettlebell, especially since the killer doesn’t leave it behind at the scene of the crimes. That won’t stop me from calling him the Kettlebell Killer, though, even if it will only make sense to us omniscient viewers (or semi-omniscient, as much as OCN and their purposefully obscuring ways will allow). It does explain why she has all the details about the different types of steel and oddly-shaped weapons on her wall o’ evidence.

OCN also seems to be trying a little too hard to keep the identity of the Kettlebell Killer a secret while also dropping red herrings along the way. I don’t mind if these are done well, but even though Kyung-il’s jaw cracked, I never really thought that he was the killer since that was the only similarity. He’s too short! His voice is all wrong! (By the way, I’m convinced that OCN added a new tonal element to the way they’ve been disguising the voice — sometimes it sounds deeper and more synthesized, and other times it seems like it’s not as manipulated. Are they really working that hard to convince me I don’t know who it is, or am I just crazy?)

That’s just a minor complaint, though. Overall, I’ve really been enjoying the brisk way the show has been maintaining the plot, both with each case “chapter” and the mystery around the Kettlebell Killer. Everything happens in a tightly edited, quick pace, and the way the show Kwon-joo’s “hearing” is a stylistic choice that’s really growing on me. I can totally imagine her trying to mentally mute the other sounds around her as she focuses on the most important one. My respect to the director for being able to subtly convey something that could easily seem hokey or ridiculous.

What I loved most about this episode, though, was that for once Kwon-joo was wrong and Jin-hyuk was right. As much as I’ve been wanting him to learn to trust her sense of hearing, it’s also important that she trust him as a detective. Her super-hearing isn’t infallible and it won’t always save the day — she needs someone who has good instinct and the ability to assess a situation on the fly. In that way, I think this is one of my favorite episodes just because I feel like the team is actually starting to work as a team. It’s not just Kwon-joo calling the shots, but everyone is relying on the other person’s strengths to help put all the puzzle pieces together so they can save a life. Whether it’s Hyun-ho’s internet sleuthing skills, or Kwon-joo’s hearing, or Jin-hyuk’s deductions, they all have important skills that become useful when it’s a part of the whole. I’m also eager for Eun-soo to officially join the team, which I’m sure she will when the Golden Time Unit are the ones who save her sister (because they totally will, right?).

Unfortunately, we’re going to have to wait a little longer to see if they do. Next week’s episodes will be pre-empted due to the Lunar New Year. I know. I’m pretty sure that’s the worst torture this show has given us yet, and I can only hope that Jin-hyuk will come rushing in soon to save us.


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We know the Main killer being rich is quite influential and mostly probably a rich dude.

But the way this Pinocchio police officer dude cracked jaw clearly gave us an indication that he has some information on Main killers. They are part of a group? Maniacs who seek entertainment in others misery and pain. There partner is now the main villain in "Innocent Defendent"

Kyung-il's business model actually happened in real life. Their milder version was revenge sites which were also taken down by respective governments.

This episode again signifies Jin Hyuks fast judgement and observation skills learned overtime as well as Kwon-Joo not having any super ability. Kwoo-Joo better concentration as well as hearing skills and she uses these skills with her sharp analytical abilities and reaches the near about accurate conclusion.

This cliffhanger isn't typical cliffhanger as you worry about the HOW part of the rescue of both Kwon Joo and Eun-Byul rather than "whether"part.


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So currently we have psychotic killer(s) here and another one in Defendant (sorry I didn't watch the latter cos I don't really like legal drama)....as for Missing 9 , we still need to wait to see what truth of the mystery it will reveal, hopefully nothing too psychotic....


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Excellent episode and totally agree about the teamwork situation. I really didn't want this to be about her being right all the time, and him the befuddled detective. I feel like the show has settled in now and am looking forward to it when it FINALLY airs again. Ha!


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Indeed, it's a good balance between the two leads. I look forward to see more of them, bonding and working together as a team.
It's being a very entertaining ride and my only small complain would be that I would like the show to dwell a bit more in character development, since for now all we are getting is action. Anyway, I like it a lot and cannot wait for next episode, they have to save the two girls!!


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I don't know man, even though Kyung Il can't logically be the killer I full on had a meltdown when he made the cracking sound.


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Me too! But he can't be the killer. It's way too soon for that yet.


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I was more,how come he knows the killer(like this dude knows all the criminals in Korea or what) and what deal did they made to make him mistlead them...And when it started as it is somehow soooo perfect that this creep knows who she is and so on,like who knew he would end up meeting or him being found out on his own deeds to have the oportunity for this...


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This episode puzzles me a lot too....how come he knows about the killer whom Kwon Joo is after ??? how did he knows all this? did he know how to mind-read or smth like tat ??


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@Kdramawatcher2609 I think he knows the killer.. perhaps he will esacape after this case ends and both of them will appear together in the last episode


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wow, seems like the kettlebell killer has more accomplices that I think...not forgetting the car of bad guys waiting for him while he killed Kwon Joo's dad and also the person(s) covering up for him in the police force.


It can be that he knows the killer, but then probably he will die next episode and they will not be able to get any information from him, hehe!


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yeah right, good thinking, he will die mysteriously then their lead is gone (again)....


This was the best episode yet. I'm glad they are functioning more as a unit. Especially Jin-hyuk. I know how hard it was for him to trust Kwon-joo and up to a point I agreed with him but know the truth is out and I'm glad we're moving forward! I had a feeling Kyung-il was involved in the kidnapping. Something about him seemed off.


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Yeah really a great episode.. too bad that we have to wait 2 weeks to see the next, arrrgh......


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Me too, I have a hunch that he is the culprit when he came to the police station with the grandma, normally 'honest' person looking at him seemed more suspicious for me in kdramaland...hahaha


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*looking like him


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I'm beginning to think Teacher Hwang was trying to attract the profiler's attention. I wonder if he was only pretending to be on the phone when he whispered, "They're onto you"?

Which reminds me: In episode 1, when we first see Detective Moo's wife staggering along in the alleyway, she passes the side alley that leads to Byul Diner.


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I think so too...if you want to make calls on your illegal stuff you are doing, won't you wait till you are away from the police station to make that call... ? He seemed to make that call on purpose ?? (maybe he knows that Kwon Joo have super hearing ability too??)


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After dramaland offered us in 2016 " Weightlifting Fairy, Kim Bok-ju", in 2017 they decided to step up the game, dramaland presents you " Weightlifting murderer, Sseu Re-ki" !


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Starting trauma became legit trauma from abuse/kidnappings.

Btw anyone else have signal nostalgia when they get out the walkie-talkie thing (might have been in an earlier ep). I almost felt like it was a parody, but the drama's nature is so serious it can't have been...right?

Also, what are the chances of Kwon Joo receiving an emergency call from someone in a subway but the sounds of food being made in the background distract her to the point that the cliffhanger ends up as 'will Jin Hyuk save the victim or will he buy Kwon Joo her footlong sub?'
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if us 'beanies' became 'subbies' one day. And it would fit since we watch these episodes with subtitles...


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Signal nostalgia whaddup! I half expect Jae Han/Hae Young's voice to be on the other end. Also, I can't help thinking that the serial killer could be the same actor who played Han Se Kyu in one of the cases of Signal. Though some sites listed Kim Jae Wook as a guest star... Endless mysteries! But cases go cold when someone gives up so don't ever give up!


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We will be reminded of the awesome Signal and our impatient wait for its season 2 whenever we see a walkie-talkie now ! :P


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Same about loving how the teamwork is slowly falling into place. I was especially touched at how nice Jin Hyuk was about Kwon Joo's mistake.

I mean, when she apologised to him later at the station, I was totally expecting him to give her a fierce dressing down about being overconfident when a victim's life is on the line, but instead he was almost comforting with the way he said we make mistakes because we're human and it's our job to make them right. And I imagine that Kwon Joo herself --who's been accused of being to blame for so many things that weren't even her fault and was almost certainly been beating herself up with guilt over her mistake this time-- must have found that even more relieving than I did.

A++ for the beginnings of a partnership that seems to be showing solid foundations of constructive criticism and support.


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There was some stupid in this episode. I understand uncompetent police is a thing, but I thought we were better than that after Signal. Calling for back up or telling someone you are suspicious of a suspect is just basic policing. SIGH, I had such high hopes.


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Well, at least Jin-hyuk did call for back-up to tell them his location when he was halfway walking. Glad that he didn't just budge forward unthinkingly.


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I’m so annoyed. How is it that she couldn’t hear that someone was behind her? And when the criminal pulled out a knife, he walked up to her and she couldn’t move out the way
They really made the cops seem like idiots in this show
How did the criminal know that she was searching for someone with that voice?


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I got the impression she knew clearly he was behind her but let herself get caught so she could find the victim,maybe she didn't think there would be two at the place...How she believed she would be savaed is another point


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Uhmm... because she's too focused on Kyung-il? Sometimes I don't hear someone calling me when I'm too focused on something.


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That's a good point. It might be illustrating the differences between the highly-focused attention needed for voice profiling versus the more diffuse situational awareness that beat cops rely upon in the field.


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I'm still confused about how her super hearing ability works though.

When she can hear the littlest sound around her, the world must be so noisy for Kwon-joo. But when we're in a noisy place, isn't hard to hear a little sound? Let's say I'm in a middle of rock music concert and then suddenly someone's trying to talk to me. Human's voice is definitely still in frequency range of normal human hearing, but focusing to hear that someone's voice won't make me able to hear it. That person has to speak louder or come closer to my ear or I should try to lip-read him/her.

But how Kwon-joo can distinct one sound from the others in her noisy world?


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I have a feeling that this is something that we'll be seeing in flashback(s). The fact that the actor who plays her father is shown among the supporting actors as opposed to being listed among the cameos makes me think we'll be seeing quite a bit more of him.

How much do you want to bet that Kwon-joo avoids rock concerts like the plague? Everyday ambient noise must be painful for her. When she was crossing the street in Seoul after returning from the USA, wasn't she wearing headphones to block out the noise?

It seems that withKwon-joo, it's a combination of greater than normal ability to discern softer sounds as well as to discriminate between simultaneous sounds. Maybe there's more to it.

Her hearing ability reminds me of white-haired flutist Cheon Eum-Ja (played by Sung Hoon) in FAITH, and how he was thwarted by the good guys' random noise campaign.


Ahh.. that white hair flutist.. I rem they devised a ploy and made his ears bleed...


Me too, I thought she have super hearing but maybe she is too focused in saying smth to Kyung-il ....


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She was probably too focused on holding the gun at the bespectacled guy in front of her. And yeah, how did that guy know that she was searching for that cackling voice? I suspect that he knows the real killer.


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LOL @ Jin Hyuk and Kwon Joo approaching a corpse and her bare hands are on the bloodied ground and he shakes the damned corpse... Talk about completely contaminating and ruining the crime scene.

Same in the first episode with his wife... the police just let him completely ruin the scene. Not one cop wearing protection on their shoes at least.

I'm overlooking these things and I still enjoy the story but small details sometimes throw me off.


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Idk. With some of the police statements and reports I've seen come out of S.Korea, I think it might happen like that irl, too.


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Those little details bother me too. And also the little things like Kwon joo switching between talking to the victim and police during those golden time calls. In some instances, she does click her headset to presumably switch channels.


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There will be no new episode this week???

B-b-bu-but I need it! T_T


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1) That alleged suicide note is suspicious. It was typed and printed out? Probably because the killer couldn't forge the victim's handwriting -- samples of which should be in police evidence, or retrievable from other sources, such as family members.

2) MRI or CT scans of the victims' skulls might be useful in determining the approximate size/diameter of convex/spherical weapon(s) and the number of blows/points of impact based on the patterns of skull fractures. They could be used to envision the 3D characteristics of the murder weapon(s). Maybe medical examiners and homicide detectives do this in their heads. ;-)

3) As for Dong-chul's broken neck: was it cause of death, or post-mortem?

4) I was surprised Detective Moo touched the body with his bare hands. Shouldn't he have been wearing gloves? Same goes for Profiler Kang.

5) The news broadcast stated that Dong-chul had been hiding in the Philippines for three years, according to police sources. Riiiiight. As if I'd believe them. Who/Which organization is in a position to fabricate and disseminate the "evidence" to back up that statement -- if it even exists? I'm beginning to wonder if a National Intelligence Service operative has gone rogue or off the deep end and the cases are being covered up.

6) I'm willing to bet a baker's dozen doughnuts that the killer lured Dong-chul out of hiding and slipped him OTC medication that would make him groggy, such as antihistamine.

7) My suspicions have been further aroused as I ponder that call that came in regarding an alleged break-in at a politician's residence at the same time that Detective Moo's wife was killed that was supposedly caused by a dog. That report from the field could have been totally bogus to provide an alibi for a carload of police up to no good. Another potential alibi: Profiler Kang's father's partner was off-duty at his mother's purported 70th birthday party, which left him alone. Maybe later we'll find out that his partner was actually a motherless orphan. Now I'm starting to suspect that her father was silenced because he might have seen or heard something germane to another case.

8) One more possibility: that the politician's residential security company is crooked or in cahoots with baddies in the police or National Intelligence Service.

Dang, my tinfoil hat is getting awfully snug. To quote a poster I had hanging in my post-Watergate college dorm many moons ago: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."


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"I was surprised Detective Moo touched the body with his bare hands. Shouldn’t he have been wearing gloves? Same goes for Profiler Kang."
Yeah they're not very particular about proceadure in this show. I've noticed it before. But okay, its fun enough for me to overlook it.


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OMG He could be the K2!!!!!! Get?? Kettle bell Killer?

... I'm just gonna leave now...


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No no please stay.. do tell.. :)


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Oops. Let me rephrase part of 7):

My suspicions have been further aroused as I ponder that call that came in regarding an alleged break-in at a politician's residence at the same time that Detective Moo's wife was killed. That report from the field that it was a false alarm caused by a dog could have been totally bogus to provide an alibi for a carload of police up to no good. (Maybe we will find out later that the politician has severe asthma or is allergic to mutts.)


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I must comment tat I like all your theories... :)


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Gee, thanks. ;-)

I arrived late to the party for the episode 3 recap, and posted over there, too.


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Yes, I did posted over at the recaps of epi 3 too :)


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*Paging Doctor Michykdrama!*

I know it's not your specialty, but... ;-)

Wait a second! Truck of Doom rolls our heroes' SUV 360 degrees -- and the steering wheel and front passenger dashboard airbags do not deploy. No sign of side-curtain airbags, either. (Maybe the vehicle predated those safety options?) How do they not get carted off to the hospital after that impact and the g-forces that would have tumbled their guts like a front-loading washing machine?! How do they not have whiplash?

I know, I know. Deployment of airbags would block the view into the cabin.


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Did you see the BTS video which Jang Hyuk and Baek Sung Hyun were inside the vehicle and they literally rotate it over 2 times in front of a green screen? Wow didn't know that they filmed it this way, kudos to the actors !


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No, I haven't seen how they filmed it. Will have to take a gander at 720 degrees of rotation. Yikes.

I've been looking for it on YouTube, but no luck. Could you post a link for it? Many thanks! ;-)


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You can watch it on Instagram, it was posted by Baek Sung Hyun. His account name is 'sunghyun0130'.


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Holy guacamole! They look like a giant rotisserie chicken!

Totally different vehicle from the one that was totaled, which has a higher, boxier roof line. For the closeup, it doesn't matter. So that's how they do it. Very cool. And a lot easier on the innards.

Thanks for that link. ;-)


I was wondering too !! why did Jang Hyuk get injured more seriously (except for DS who was admitted into the emergency room)....JH still can continue with his police work after that !! is he a robot or smth ???


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Haha no he is not a robot.. he is just a typical Kdrama hero who needs to get his job done lol..


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Anyway, this truck of doom reminds of another recent one in last epi of Goblin, too bad the lead gal wasn't as lucky as Jang Hyuk and DS here in this episode....


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I mean, the crash of both Truck of Doom are nearly the same but different fate all together .... one dead, the other only (lightly) injured - Jang Hyuk


*not get injured more


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Eek! As Detective Moo is talking, Profiler Kang hears the teacher speaking on his cell phone as he leaves the police department. He tells the other person that the cops are onto him. How much do you want to bet that he'll end up dead as a doornail, too? 10 to 1 odds are that he'll be buried in the same hole with Profiler Kang. He's now a liability -- and this way his partner will not have to share the profits from their perverse internet business.

I suspect that the guy doing the shoveling -- who appeared as the jaundiced manager of trot singer impersonator Num Jin in the penultimate episode of ROMANTIC DOCTOR, TEACHER KIM -- works as a landscaper, gardener, or farmer. I've bought compost in yellow woven plastic sacks similar to the one holding Profiler Kang.


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I also think that the big guy doing the shoveling will end up being killed off too..cos he kept digging and asked Kyung-il whether the hole is big enough to bury her then he said no keep on digging ...I kinda lol-ed when I finally see how BIG the hole is...do they need such a big hole to bury Kwon Joo and maybe Eun-byul ????


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It reminded me of an episode of REILLY, ACE OF SPIES, in which a henchman with poor impulse control was put down by his master. Yikes.

Maybe the intention was to grab Profiler Kang so that Detective Moo would come running and get bumped off, too. Along with the cohort whose cover is blown, and Eun-byul, as you pointed out. Hmmm.


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Haha you guys are so funny... yeah perhaps they really have the intention to dump 4 bodies into that BIG hole


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Serious question: Are car accident/collision deaths very common in Asia (South, East, and Southeast?) I've noticed that it's a common plot line in movies from that area for characters casually strolling along to get mowed down by cars.
So, questions--Is flashing your lights and honking your horn instead of hitting the breaks a viable legal excuse? In the US, pedestrians generally have the right away, so long as they are jay-walking. Is "they should have moved" a legitimate defense?


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In the US, pedestrians generally have the right away, so long as they are jay-walking.

I think you're missing a "not" up there. ;-)

For readers outside the USA, "jaywalking" refers to a pedestrian crossing a road outside of a designated crosswalk, and/or ignoring traffic signals. Some jurisdictions have laws on the books that prohibit it at the risk of being fined, but whether they are actually enforced is another thing.

I've wondered about the origin of the term, and found it here:


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nothing is more painful than waiting 2 weeks after a cliffhanger


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I was wondering why Jin-hyuk didn't drive to the location, but chose to walk among the weeds instead ?


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So he could quietly sneak up on them. While impersonating Arte Johnson.


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That place is full of weeds and I think vehicles can't go there, so he walked over there....


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But didn't the bad guys drove there?


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I replayed the parts where the kettlebell killer spoke and YES I think they synthesised his voice! In ep 1 and 2, he sounded similar to Dae Shik but in the recent episodes, he sounds similar to those synthesised deep voices that we always hear in other crime procedurals where the killer uses it to hide their identity.

I don't think it was necessary for the show to do that. Him with his face half hidden from his hood suffices.

That red herring Kyung-il... I'm hoping the writers gives us a tie-in on how he knows of that tidbit. Does he really know the killer's true identity or did the media was present during the court case and published that bit of info.

If the kettlebell killer is truly someone within the police force/justice system, what in the world is his motive for killing. Did the wife witness something they shouldn't, relating to the false breakin of the politician's house? So many questions and we gotta wait til after the Lunar New Year *dead*


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I have lots of things to say,
Bbuuttt, . .2 weeks waiting for next episode????
Why do you do it? Why OCN?
Can't you air just one episode, plss?


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To give our nails a chance to grow back? ^_^
But yea, 2 weeks is really a long torture!


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haha, our poor nails !!!


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It was nice to see Kwon Joo out in the field instead of being in the call center all the time. I'm glad we saw that she wasn't perfect and still made mistakes despite her super hearing skill. Jin Hyuk's calm reaction to her mistake made me look forward to their budding partnership. I can see them slowly getting along and becoming a strong duo.

Kinda funny that even the Truck of Doom makes an appearance in this show. XP The cinematography was cool though.

I swear the actor playing Kyung Il has played a creepy character before.... But I don't remember the drama. So I was already suspicious of him in his first scene. That and his glasses.... Lol

I avoided looking up this drama's wiki info, but I still have an idea of who it is. I wish they had chosen a different actor. Someone lesser known that wouldn't stand out.... Or somehow, I wish it wasn't him and the show could still surprise us with the true killer.


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Kyung-il was kinda creepy in Let's Eat 2. Maybe that's it?


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Kyung-il is played Lee Joo-Seung, my guess is you watched him in Let's Eat 2 playing a shady guy, which is the reason why I was giving him side-eyes too. He was cute in Producers & Pinocchio tho!


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His name is Lee Joo-seung, you can wiki to see which dramas he had acted in before.


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The actor playing Kyung Il played a creep on tvn Let's Eat 2 with Seo Hyun Jin & Do Yoon.


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Ahhhh you guys are right. It was Let's Eat 2!

I faintly remembered one of his scenes in Producers and he wasn't evil there, but that was all. xD

Thanks yall! :)


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me too.
The moment I see him on screen with that girl, I was telling my sister she will be the next victim.
He played a good guy before but i keep on remembering his creepy character in Lets Eat 2.


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The moment Kyung-il made the crackling sound I was flabbergasted, what the what what! Coz basically Kyung-il is like a chibi version of the real Kettle-bar Killer... Props for Lee Joo-seung, he can be guileless in one minute and villainous the next; I mean, his eyes can look so... dead somehow, ah scary.
Am loving conspiracy theory, but it's kinda ridiculous that after 3 years now suddenly Kwon-joo meets with people who knows Kettle-bell Killer left and right. Unless they have been keeping an eyes on both her and Jin-hyuk all this time *dun dun dun. Or... maybe it's an evil version of Bad Guys where all the assassins are trained to crackle their jaw when killing.
Anyway, has lots of hope from the people behind the scene for a cohesive and twisty plot.
Loved odilettante comment, happy that the team is getting more and more solid together.


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And he has such a baby face! I was surprised when they said he was a teacher, I thought he was a student! Googled and discover he is actually 27yo already.


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Oow, I thought he was like 24... It does feel kinda wrong watching him married with (a lot) of children in Pinnochio, he is such a baby-face. Maybe it is also the height factor, you know, they say that short people tends to look younger (speaking from a short side here).


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haha I'm another shorter one... :P

Anyway, he's really baby-faced, I think he could still act like high school student for Kdramas....


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The moment Kyung-il made the crackling sound I was flabbergasted, what the what what!

Maybe he has temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues.


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LOL! Loved all your theory about the big big conspiracy theory, and interesting fact about the soil. Maybe all these killers meet on a clinic to take care of their TMJ issues instead of the gym in your theory below ^_^
*Poking fun at show since we do have two whole weeks to waste until we got some answer...


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My jaws actually do "snap, crackle, and pop" when I have had to keep them open for the dentist and then try to close them. But they don't make those clicking noises when I talk, thank heavens. ;-)

If all the killers have TMJ, they probably meet in the waiting room of the sadistic dentist in LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. Steve Martin does a great Elvis impersonation. The late, great Levi Stubbs of the Four Tops provides the voice of the man-eating plant, Audrey II. -- Get the popcorn!


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If in reality, someone have such crackling sound, maybe he would end up with a dislocated jaw ? hahaha


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"I’m pretty sure that’s the worst torture this show has given us yet, and I can only hope that Jin-hyuk will come rushing in soon to save us."

This....hahaha.....he could only 'save' us next Sat ... what a long and torturing wait ....


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Is it just me? I always see and hate to see the stupid higher-up boss yelling and scolding their subordinates whenever something goes wrong and trying to push the blame....what else can they do in that comfortable office other than scolding their subordinates ?? (especially the police commissioner or such)


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Random observations:

1) If the dead guy in the pickup truck were killed by carbon monoxide, his skin would be bright cherry red from the carboxyhemoglobin that forms in the bloodstream.

2) There wouldn't have been smoke inside the truck. Charcoal burns smoke-free. Oops.

3) The mud on kinky teacher Hwang's shoes is reddish (iron-bearing red clay?), whereas the soil where Profiler Kang is being buried is yellowish (yellow ochre?). Profiler Kang noticed the reddish soil, but didn't say anything to her associates about it before she went running out after him. -- This is reminding me of an episode of NCIS, and maybe also of BONES, in which soil type, in conjunction with pollen, was used to determine location.

4) Teacher Hwang mentioned something about going to the gym when he was meeting his girlfriend and her granny outside Byul Diner. Maybe this is a case of "Strangers in a Gym" making deals to bump off each other's victims. One of them happens to favor kettlebells.


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Kang hyuk is a great committed actor! I love to see his dramas!
Beautiful mind: kang hyuk was super here!
Kang hyuk never fails to deliver good acting!


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Just to add, from this episode, we know why Jin Hyuk is so obsessed in finding the murderer who killed his wife :

(1) Guilty feelings 1 - If not becos he skipped his meal, his wife won't have to bring packed food to him, hence getting killed;
(2) Guilty feeling 2 - He did not pick up his wife's distressed call becos he was away catching the bad guys ;
(3) His wife obviously died on his birthday :(


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I have one complaint. Usually a psychotic likes to 'work' alone for the satisfaction of planning and executing everything. So I find it odd that Kyung Il has another person to do the dirty job. And this is as far as I know is a personal motive murder plan, not a robbery etc. What's in it for the second guy? What is the motive? I believe teacher has too little money to pay someone for doing this.


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"He also reveals that Kyung-il is responsible for running a “revenge porn” website, where videos of rape are posted for paying customers to watch."

Quoting the above to answer your question, they are running an illegal business so that guy is Kyung-Ii's business partner in running that website...I believe both of them are NOT psycho killers, their main objective is to kidnap young gals to fulfill their means of running that website and earning money from paying customers and maybe later getting rid of them after they are "used up"....


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Oh BTW @Odilettante, you mentioned this in your comments at the end of the last episode, that you recognise the killer's jawline. I felt that way too. At first I thought I was the only one, but then you said it and I was like Yiippeee! But I was hesitant to commit, but the I saw this episode, and I saw the stills you posted and I gotta say I'm ALL ON BOARD. Of course we could both be wrong, and cause we cant really discuss a name here, we might each be thinking of a different person, but maaannn it's gonna be fun to find out!


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So xD

First time here! And I want to say one or two things.

First: Why the hell did she not hit the bad Guy???? Seriously, are you a police woman or what??? I'm supposed to be paralysed, but you are an entrained woman, with super hearing AND you are thinking he is a suspect.... ARGHHHHHHHHH, so annoying....

Second: Too many coincidences for me, the same bar when they drink, it's the bar where the girl works, she is a cop's sister, Who happens to be (or will be) in the same team as our heroes. So ok, there are coincidences in this world or there is a conspiracy. I love the conspiracy theory!!!!

And too many psychos, I can imagine a way all psychos know themselves xD, there is that korean movie "I meet the devil", where OMG all psychos live with happiness LOL


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haha, sorry I guessed that you have to live with dramaland....cos most drama are like that, lots of "coincidences" and sometimes (in some scenes) our protagonists are stupid and antongonist are clever becos they need that kind of plot to keep on with the drama....if protagonist are overly clever , won't the bad guys be caught in no time, hence lesser episode of drama or maybe no drama at all already...


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Hey, my first time in commenting.
As everyone said I have to agree this show knows how to give its viewers heart attacks, especially the cliff hangers, really what do they think of us huh!? I have wait for a week to know what happens next.??
Apart from this, this show really made me wonder about the society we live in. This drama has so far been brutally honest with the issues they handeled. The last two eps on child abuse really shook me. Its not that I have'nt heard or watched such things in other dramas (most dramas deal with this issue). But the struggle of the mother who fears the one who caused her pain and unknown to herself wanted to protect the child left an impact on me.
Dramas, movies have always been the best communicators of many social issues and how they are handeled. They show the other side of the world we live in and they are indeed the tools to create awareness among people. I am glad this drama is no different.??


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I feel like I know who the killer is. His voice (the actor's voice) is familiar.

(Potential SPOILER)
Initials are KTW starred in TWTWB

What do you think?


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Am I the only to think Baek Sung Hyun's character is frakkin' shady? But I don't want him to turn out to be that sick serial killer


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Waiting for recap here ;(


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Not a bad series after all! Though Episode 1 was weak for me 'cos they were still working on meshing the plot and cast together and quite a few things felt pretty flat. Thank gods things picked up.

But y'know, I just wish the female leads would fight back more when they're in danger. As it is, she just... let the guy clobber her. She should've beaten him plus.

Also didn't OCN already use that "killer knows killer" trick?


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