Seven Day Queen: Episode 16

Wow, what a doozy of an episode. I’m still amazed at how this drama can be so delightful at times and then so effectively sucker-punch me a moment later, and make me like every part of that roller-coaster experience. What this show never lets us forget is that actions have reactions, and consequences are never far around the bend—it’s a sobering truth, but perhaps also one that reminds us to savor the highs when they come, like the characters in the drama.

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Presented with (Myung-hye’s planted) evidence of the Snail Brides’ treasonous plans to overthrow Yeonsangun, the king declares that Minister Shin will have to give up his life for abetting the traitors. Moreover, his wife and daughter will also die for his crime.

Minister Shin begs for Chae-kyung to be spared, insisting she knows nothing of any of this. Chae-kyung wants to stay with her father, but she is dismissed while her father remains with the wrathful king.

Yeonsangun asks if Minister Shin let Yeok go when he could have captured him, but Minister Shin declares that the accusations against him are false. He explains that it took him a while to pinpoint the headquarters of the Snail Bride operations, which is the only reason he delayed making a report to the king. His error was in allowing someone to use this trumped-up excuse to turn him into a criminal—at that, he shoots the smug Secretary Im a look.

Secretary Im says that Minister Shin is lying to save himself, scoffing at the idea that there were other headquarters to be investigated other than the pawnshop. But Minister Shin surprises them by calling for a map, and a flashback reveals that Yeok had relayed a plan before escaping the pawnshop.

Now we see that when Yeok had returned to the headquarters to find it overrun with the king’s soldiers, he’d told Myung-hye that this would be her chance to right her wrong. His plan: Clear out the pawnshop of Snail Bride evidence, then scatter those materials in other hideouts, creating multiple bases throughout the city.

Yeok had told Minister Shin which locations to search, and when men are sent to check out the minister’s claims, they find a hefty supply of Snail Bride materials—books, pamphlets, flyers. Thus Yeok’s plan proves Minister Shin’s claim of innocence, thank goodness, saving his neck for now.

But wait, there’s more! Found in the storeroom of a certain estate was a secret ledger logging the corruption of numerous government officials. And who should that storeroom belong to… but Secretary Im. Booyah.

Now it’s Secretary Im sputtering that he’s been set up, and Minister Shin turns the tables on him, accusing him of framing innocent people as traitors. He says that materials can be forged, and holds up the crumpled flyer (the faked one declaring Yeok the true king), saying that the Snail Brides always stamp their flyers. This one bears no such mark.

Secretary Im tries to protest, but can’t press too hard because he’s also been implicated with planted evidence and risks condemning himself. Yeonsangun declares that he’s tired of hearing both men talk, and tells Minister Shin to continue his investigation until more concrete evidence is found, giving him one more chance.

Yeok storms into Deputy Commander Park’s home to challenge him on going to such extremes. Park’s initial reaction is to lie that there’s been a misunderstanding, but Yeok says that Myung-hye told him everything and insists that he doesn’t want to become king by using other people as his weapons and shields just to keep himself safe.

Deputy Commander Park tells him that this is what politics and the throne are about, and that he will learn that you can’t get things done purely on beliefs and conviction. Yeok asks what meaning the throne has when one’s beliefs and principles have collapsed: “Is that any better than a tyrant?” He instructs Park to disband the Snail Brides in a way that causes no casualties.

Deputy Commander Park heads back inside to his guests: government officials he is recruiting to the cause. They note that Yeok is just as he used to be, in the way he faces the king and says what needs to be said without caving to fear, and are impressed with his resilience.

Minister Shin returns home to a worried wife and Chae-kyung and assures them that all is well, and that Yeok’s quick actions got them past the immediate threat. He sits down with Chae-kyung to explain that in helping her and Yeok, he wronged the king, which troubles his highly principled nature. To atone, he intends to focus his efforts on serving the king and government. Saying that he has done all that he can as Chae-kyung’s father, he tells her to live only as Yeok’s wife now.

She protests tearfully, saying that before she was Yeok’s wife, she was her parents’ daughter. But her father tells her firmly that now that she has married Yeok she must toughen up in order to survive—and if that requires cutting ties with her parents, that is her fate. He instructs her to leave the city and never return for any reason: “That is for the benefit of you, the prince, the king, and our family.”

Yeok returns home to find Chae-kyung’s belongings pulled out of their drawers, and he recalls Minister Shin’s urging to leave the city with her. He runs outside just as she arrives in a palanquin, and he grabs her in a bear hug. He bombards her with frantic questions of whether she’s okay and whether she’s heard of her father, and Chae-kyung calmly takes his hand, assuring him that she’s here.

Chae-kyung shows Yeok the scroll given by the king that grants permission for them to leave the city. She says that it was thanks to Yeok that her father was saved, but he says it was because of her father that they were. He supposes that him leaving the city will ease the king’s mind, while she focuses on making the necessary preparations.

Minister Shin’s mind is troubled that night, thinking back to earlier that day when the king had suggested killing Snail Bride members every day until the leader presented himself. Minister Shin had pointed out that they don’t know their identities, but Yeonsangun had used his twisty logic to reason that any citizen who received their gifts of rice are complicit in the Snail Brides’ treason. Minister Shin had protested that those recipients were innocent, but the king had retorted that those receiving gifts from traitors are harboring treasonous feelings.

Chae-kyung lugs in rolls of cloth brought from her parents’ house, a little winded from the effort, and Yeok takes this chance to massage her arms. She begins measuring him for a set of traveling clothes, stretching out his arms and circling his body with the measuring stick. He points out that he has a lot of clothing that could be used to measure, and teases that she’s using this excuse to get all handsy with him, which she protests.

But he goes along with it, and outstretches her arms and compares her body measurements using his own, noting the differences in their arm spans, heights, and hands.

He references her words from earlier about how the food she cooks for him tastes the best, and says that no matter how the clothing turns out, whether too long or too short, he’ll happily wear them. Ha, spoken like someone who expects the worst. Chae-kyung beams, though, telling him she’s taught him well.

Morning finds Yeonsangun slumped against a bookcase in the library amongst empty liquor jugs. It looks as though he’s been up all night, probably because Chae-kyung is leaving today, since she tends to trigger his drinking binges.

Out in the hallway, two eunuchs start gossiping about the previous king’s secret will. That sets off a chorus of whispers in Yeonsangun’s mind, accompanied by his father’s voice issuing the decree for him to hand over the throne to Yeok.

Moments later, Yeonsangun opens the door and grabs one eunuch in a stranglehold, his face frighteningly blank as he chokes the life out of him.

The other eunuch drops to his knees, and Yeonsangun just shushes him with a finger to the lips. Then he heads to his bedchamber and lies down to sleep, only to have the whispering in his ears intensify. He twists his ear in agitation, and asks Nok-soo if she has seen this secret will, suddenly talking like there’s no reason his father could have left such a thing. Nok-soo says appeasingly that it’s just a groundless rumor, and Yeonsangun asks if she knows why those rumors persist.

He motions her closer, and says in a paranoid tone, “Because my mother was a deposed queen. That’s why they look down on me.” He mutters that that’s why his father left a secret well, because he didn’t trust him to rule—and then catches himself in horror: “Did I just say secret will?” Oh man, he’s losing it, and Nok-soo looks seriously concerned.

Yeonsangun is now fixated on reinstating his deposed mother’s status, and calls for Secretary Im, intent on finding out which officials were responsible.

Nok-soo informs Secretary Im of this turn in the king’s thoughts, and thinks this will be a good chance for them to win back his confidence.

Yeok and Chae-kyung pack up their belongings, and then she takes a last look around their house, thinking of her father’s words to live only as a wife, and not as a daughter. Yeok takes hold of her hand, telling her that they’ll leave behind their sadness and pain here, and leads her out to start their journey.

Seo-no lies low at an inn, where he broods over that moment when he saw Myung-hye shiftily stuffing papers away and how he later found those traitorous flyers. Cries from outside interrupt his thoughts, as men insist that they’re not Snail Bride members. Seo-no starts to slip away quietly, but pauses to see two men being manhandled by royal soldiers. Ack, no, don’t be a hero! Or do I want you to be a hero? I’m conflicted!

Seo-no ultimately can’t stand to see the innocent men captured and takes down the two soldiers, but there are many more on the way. The entire city, in fact, is overrun with soldiers raiding homes and dragging out ordinary citizens, all of whom protest their innocence.

Seeing this unfold, Seok-hee gets fired up to save one man who frequents their pawnshop, but Gwang-oh warns that this is intended to lure them out. Seok-hee growls that they should have killed Minister Shin while they had the chance.

Minister Shin uses the king’s badge to order a crackdown at the city gates, to prevent criminals from escaping.

Yeok and Chae-kyung take a break during their journey, and he asks why she doesn’t whistle anymore. She says it’s been a while since she whistled, since it makes her think of him. Yeok asks if she knows how he survived, and she recalls how Yeonsangun informed her that a woman saved him, which turns her mood snippy.

“You saved me,” he says. “Your whistling saved me. Even as I was dying, I kept whistling, and Myung-hye heard that sound. Myung-hye made my body heal, but ultimately what saved me was you. So do not worry about Myung-hye.”

Mollified, Chae-kyung smiles and asks why he’s telling her when she didn’t ask. He replies that they’d said they wouldn’t keep secrets from each other, and it made him uneasy that she didn’t ask about it.

“In truth, I was afraid to ask,” she says. “I was afraid that she did more for you than I did. That she might be more important than me.”

He assures her that it’s not the case, and that he wanted to tell her again that she’s the reason he lived, since he wasn’t sure she believed him the last time, amidst all the lies he’d told her.

That night, the prison overflows with accused citizens who insist to Minister Shin that they’re not Snail Bride members. He looks dismayed at their plights, but Secretary Im snipes that surely he’s not just going to let them go.

Deputy Commander Park confronts Secretary Im angrily over this latest turn, and Im merely says that by keeping this up, the leader should present himself eventually.

Park tells Myung-hye that they should have cut off their tail properly, upset that Seo-no is nowhere to be found. Myung-hye asks if there’s no other way, and he replies that this won’t end until Yeok comes forward.

At the palace, Yeonsangun’s murderous rampage continues as minsters are paraded in and executed for their role in his mother’s dethronement. Some of the men who pushed to depose her are long since dead, but Yeonsangun says coolly that they have graves, which can be dug up so that punishments can be meted out posthumously. In between calm bites of his dinner, he adds that their descendants can bear the punishments, ordering them all killed. Secretary Im looks alarmed, but he agrees.

The executions are carried out in public, and Seo-no watches with helpless fury as innocent men are cut down before their wailing families. “Do you not see?” he thinks to Yeok. “The king does not change.”

Yeok and Chae-kyung put up for the night in an inn, and the innkeeper apologizes for the meager dinner table, as she has been unable to go to the market with the city gates shut because of those traitors. This is the first they’re hearing of this, and it weighs heavily on Yeok’s mind.

He stops by another room to ask the travelers if they have any news from the city, and one peddler shows him the king’s decree that anybody connected to the Snail Brides will be executed, and that the deaths will continue until the leader surrenders himself.

Chae-kyung knows what Yeok is thinking, and speaks first to urge him not to do anything—those are state affairs, not something for them to involve themselves in. She adds pleadingly that they’ve already found land to live on, and that she has plans for their new home: “Just trust and follow me.”

She excuses herself while he changes his clothing, and he pulls out an unfamiliar bundle from his bag. In it, he finds baby shoes and clothes, with a note from his friends congratulating him on his marriage. Each friend has written a line, with Seok-hee wishing three children for the couple and Gwang-oh promising to visit.

Seo-no’s reads: “Even if our paths diverge, I will always be hyungnim’s Seo-no. I will live and die with the heart of that young Seo-no with the black eye.”

It moves Yeok to tears, and twists him up even more inside. Chae-kyung hears his sobs from outside, and wrestles with her own feelings as she thinks of her father’s warning to stay away from the capital no matter what.

Seo-no finds Myung-hye drinking alone in an inn, and when she sees that he’s safe after all, he notes darkly that he wasn’t meant to be. She says that they needed one sacrifice to ensure that everyone else could get away safely, and he says that it wouldn’t have been so bad to die as the leader of the Snail Brides.

Myung-hye tells him to get angry with her, since it would make more sense to threaten to kill her (yeah, no kidding), but he returns, “Why would I kill you? You’re already living in hell.” I don’t know, I’m not quite satisfied with the level of hellishness in her life, but I suppose he has a point.

Seo-no points out that she has no cause to smile, which makes her life hell. He predicts a lonely life for her when she loses everyone, and urges her to do some self-reflection. “Now you do not even have a friend to drink with,” he says, pouring her a bowl before leaving the room. He walks away thinking that there cannot be more deaths like his father’s, vowing to kill the king with his own hands, for the good of everyone.

Yeonsangun asks the queen dowager for her help in restoring his mother’s status. She argues that he would be flouting his father’s orders, while abiding by the prior king’s decision is a way of strengthening his own power. Yeonsangun points out that his lack of power is not due to his father’s wishes but his mother’s status as deposed queen, which calls his legitimacy as king into question. He blames that for the people looking down on him and supporting the Snail Brides.

The queen dowager snaps that he’s having all those people all killed, and he replies that it’s just a temporary measure—in order to establish his legitimacy, he must reinstate his mother.

Yeonsangun returns to his quarters, where Minister Shin awaits to deliver news: The Snail Bride leader has been caught.

Myung-hye receives this news too, and her first reaction is alarm that Yeok has turned himself in. But Deputy Commander Park reminds her that Yeok couldn’t get back into the city with the high scrutiny at the gates, and Myung-hye wonders who it could be—just as her mind flashes to her last meeting with Seo-no. Ack, no, he’s being the hero again!

Sure enough, it’s Seo-no who lies bloody and battered in his prison cell. Secretary Im drops by and clucks his tongue disapprovingly, figuring that the king will be disappointed.

When Yeonsangun arrives at the interrogation room, he notes that it’s not the face he wanted to see. But Secretary Im says that Seo-no was Yeok’s right-hand man, and that if they press him hard enough, he will name Yeok.

In a weak whisper, Seo-no says it’s a wasted effort, since he’s the leader. “Just kill me,” he challenges. “Just like you killed my father.” But Yeonsangun laughs that he promised Seo-no’s father that he wouldn’t kill Seo-no, and asks why he would sacrifice himself when Yeok fled to save himself. He urges him to admit that he was acting under Yeok’s command.

Yeonsangun leans in eagerly when Seo-no starts to reply—but Seo-no sizes up the torture implements nearby and moves quickly to knock aside a guard and grab a sword. Aha, the weak act was a ploy, and he thrusts the blade straight for Yeonsangun’s chest.

He very nearly succeeds, but Yeonsangun grabs the blade with his bare hand and shoves Seo-no back. Seo-no is subdued swiftly and pinned down with several swords to his throat.

Seo-no growls that killing Yeonsangun would have saved the country and stopped the people from dying. Yeonsangun thanks him acidly for showing such concern for his country and his people, and orders him executed in public, his body hung for all to see—especially Yeok.

Yeok and Chae-kyung lie awake that night, unable to sleep. She takes hold of his hand and urges him to rest, and he explains that he used to have nightmares, but that he can sleep more peacefully next to her. “That is what home is,” she tells him. “I am your home now.”

He smiles and agrees. “You are my home. No matter when or where I am, you’re the home I must return to. That is why the home must always be in the same place, do you understand? So that I don’t lose my way back.”

She tells him he wouldn’t lose his way if he didn’t go too far from home, and her wistful hope is heartbreaking. He agrees with her, but she can’t stop tears from springing to her eyes and turns to sewing for distraction. In her haste, she sticks herself with a needle and Yeok immediately fusses over her hand.

She asks if he’s worried, to which he replies automatically that of course he is. But she clarifies that she means his friends—and whether he’s unable to go to them because of her. He denies it, but Chae-kyung doesn’t buy it in the least, knowing that he’s dying to go back to the city, and that he will end up going anyway.

He can’t deny it, and she hits him in the chest, asking why he can’t lie to her now. He reminds her that they agreed not to lie to each other. She tells him to go, set on accompanying him, and he assures her that they’ll just check on the state of things and then head down to their new home as planned.

Myung-hye slips into the prison dressed as a man, scanning the cells for Seo-no. She finds him a dirty, battered mess and asks why he’d choose to die for people who have nothing to do with him. He answers that no matter who they are, he sees every poor, downtrodden citizen as himself: “Every time they die, it feels as though my father and I are dying too.”

He wishes he’d succeeded in his attempt, saying that he could have relieved a bit of Myung-hye’s burden too. She calls him foolish, and he looks her in the eye to say solemnly, “Yes, that is me.”

“Who will I drink with now?” she asks, in tears. “When will I smile, if even you go like this?”

Seo-no asks her to smile now: “I would like my last memory of you to be your smiling face.”

Execution day arrives, and Seo-no is dragged out along with the other accused prisoners. He tells Minister Shin that the others have nothing to do with the Snail Brides and insists that they be released. Minister Shin looks out at the distraught families of the accused, and as Seo-no’s voice grows more insistent, he gives the order: Let them go.

All goes silent in surprise. Minister Shin insists on their release, and suddenly the crowd erupts into cries of relief as the men are released. But for Seo-no, time seems to slow as he looks around and thinks to the first time he met Yeok and Chae-kyung, and how he’d sworn then that because Yeok saved his life, he would die for him.

“You will think I was foolish,” Seo-no thinks. “You will resent me for leaving this way.” He thinks of how he liked Chae-kyung’s and Yeok’s methods—hers foolish, his rash—as his friends arrive in the crowd, their faces stricken.

Minister Shin asks one last time if he acted alone, telling him to name his accomplices. Seo-no affirms that he has none.

“I thought that I would like to die as a person who resembled the two of you,” Seo-no thinks as Yeok and Chae-kyung race toward the city.

He looks at Myung-hye’s tearstained face in the crowd, thinking again that he wants to see her smiling at the last, and it looks like she tries her best to muster that smile. Then his mind flashes to all the happier times in the past with his friends, because I’m not already a sobbing wreck. Minister Shin reads out his sentence, and the order of execution is given.

“Your highness, Lady Chae-kyung, please protect each other,” Seo-no thinks. “I have nothing more to protect in this world, and so I am doing what I must and leaving.”

Yeok and Chae-kyung push their way into the crowd just as the sword is held to Seo-no’s neck. Seo-no looks over and sees their faces in his last moments.

The sight of Seo-no twists Yeok’s face in agony, while Chae-kyung receives an extra blow to see her father carrying out the execution orders. Then the deathblow is struck, and Seo-no falls.

Yeok falls to his knees, wailing, as Seo-no closes his eyes.

At the palace, Yeonsangun drinks with Secretary Im, asking whether Yeok has shown himself yet. Just then, his doors burst open as the man himself storms through, his face thunderous.

Swords are drawn and keep Yeok at bay, but a seething Yeok knocks the swords aside with his bare arms and takes on the guards, seizing a sword and launching himself into a fierce fight.

Yeonsangun calls for a halt, and Yeok asks what he wants from him. Yeonsangun asks, “If I tell you, will you give it?” but Yeok knows that he’ll ask for something impossible, that he will demand something he cannot have.

“And so, I cannot give it,” Yeok says. Yeonsangun asks if Yeok will accept something from him instead, and Yeok asks what that is.

“The throne,” the king says. “Take the throne.”

He adds that Yeok can’t just leave like this, telling him he must keep up his revenge and fight for the throne: “That way, I can hate you and torment you.” I’m… pretty sure you’re doing a good job of that anyway…

Getting that manic glint in his eye, Yeonsangun says how entertaining this all is, that Yeok would charge in and challenge him with the sword. He grabs the sword by its blade, not even registering that it slices his palm—and then yanks it toward himself, into his gut.

Horrified, Yeok tries to remove the blade but can’t with Yeonsangun’s fierce grip, and Secretary Im shouts that Yeok is trying to kill the king. Guards rush forward to separate them, and even with a blade in his abdomen, Yeonsangun manages to smile and says, “Go well, little brother.”

Yeonsangun falls to the ground, looking triumphant while Yeok reels in shock.


Just when you thought Yeonsangun might be getting predictable in his murderous rampages and jealous fits, he goes and pulls this. I’ve always found him a fascinating character, but I have to say that he’s growing even more riveting as the drama goes on. What’s particularly intriguing about him these days is that his words do make logical sense to me, but because his temperament is growing increasingly unstable, they come off as unhinged rants more than reasonable beliefs. For instance, his insistence on his mother’s status being the cause for his lack of respect does make sense, to an extent, but he’s approaching the matter with this frenzied intensity that makes me think he’s grasping at straws. He’s always been brilliant at deflecting his own responsibility by turning it around on someone else (the classic “You made me hurt you!”), but now it feels full-on delusional.

It’s also particularly chilling to see him growing positively cavalier about killing people—when he killed the eunuch accidentally, we saw his immediate shock at his actions, but now he’s far past the point of feeling that twinge of guilt. And worse than rage-fueled violence is the blank-faced kind, as though he’s broken with his sense of moral code, which I find infinitely more chilling. It was a particularly nice touch to have him eating dinner while giving orders on how to desecrate dead bodies, like the matter was so trifling that he couldn’t be bothered to tear his eyes away from his beef while issuing it.

There’s something visceral and discomfiting about watching his lusty appetite for food on full display, as though it correlates directly with his bloodlust—early-series Yeonsangun seemed tightly in control and intellectually sharp, but now it’s like he’s letting go of that control and letting his impulses drive his actions. Which is, of course, a heckuva lot more dangerous than the cat that toys with its prey without killing it. Granted, he’s a cat that’s going to kill his dinner ultimately in any case, but at least before it felt… I don’t know, civilized. Not like you could go at any moment, in any number of gruesome ways.

As for Seo-no…. waaaaaaah! *cries a river*

I was startled at how much Seo-no’s sacrifice moved me (there was some seriously ugly crying going on)—not because I didn’t like the character or the plot but because I thought it was completely expected and in character. I’ve always thought that it felt fitting for his character to go out with the cause, for so many reasons, but mostly because in my eyes, Seo-no was the cause. That seems strange given that it’s Yeok’s rebellion, but Yeok has always been pulled in multiple directions and fielded layers of conflict, and has at points doubted his reasons behind it. It’s part of why it’s such a compelling central storyline, because every part of Yeok’s life is intertwined in this rebellion and he’s in so deep that there’s no way out of it without messy, painful casualties.

Meanwhile, Seo-no has always felt like something of the pure hero to me: He lives for this one reason, and is able to pour everything into it because he doesn’t have anything else to lose. It’s not that either friend has it easier or tougher than the other, but it makes Seo-no a symbolic type of character—he is the nation’s hopes, and appeals to that side of Yeok’s desires for a better future. He’s not conflicted about the mission the way that Yeok is, which makes him an idealistic voice among them. With his death he now becomes a martyr, and therefore, I suspect, a galvanizing force for Yeok—just when he thought he was out, he’s pulled back in.


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Thank you for the recap, this is my first saeguk ever.

Let me wipe my tears as I mourn for Seo no death. He didn't deserve it! Why are you doing this to us, writer? T_______T


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what a heartbreaking episode... even the happy, cute moments of our lovely couple are tinted with nostalgia and the looming, unavoidable fate that gets closer every episode. It's like we can never be completely happy about them being happy because we know it won't last. I can't even begin to praise Seo-Noh's character, because it turned out to be the one person who was most affected by the Prince's and CK's presence in his life. he turned out to be a hero BECAUSE CK showed kindness and Yeok supported her. and he wound up paying that debt. *cries*
Yeonsangun is beyond good and evil, he has so much blood on his hands he can't ever even begin to make up for ending those lives. Such an interesting character and an excellent performance by Lee dong gun.
finally, our Chae Kyung, you were always too precious for their world, thank you for being awesome all the way


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Good Holy Mother. Seo-noh, you poor wonderful soul. I was expecting at the very least that he will live to see the moment that Yeok becomes king, but this was completely out of the blue. I have been praying all this while for Nanny, and now they go and pull the rug on Seo-noh!

Minister Park. YOU F*CKEN W*NKER!!! You shook hands with the devil and now you're protesting about his methods? You honestly think he's trustworthy? I just can't. And people say Chae-kyung is naïve when at the very least she knows how to be wary of Secretary Im. People are dying and you go about cutting tails??? ARE YOU A LIZARD? You definitely know who you're talking to when you gave out that information and you honestly think he's just going to bring down only Minister Shin?!!!

Myung-hye. HOW DARE YOU. You go in and cause this chaos and you have the bloody gall to cry?! You were even disappointed that Seo-noh was alive and well when he came to drink with you and now you go and bloody cry?!!!! Seo-noh was the only one who understood you perfectly well!

In a different front, Yeonsangun's madness is unnerving to say the least.

The next two weeks are going to be tense.


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Seo-no yaa.. ??????


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I saw a spoiler for this ep and that picture of SN dying and knew I couldn't watch this ep. Not until I get a giant vat of wine and a lifeguard on duty to make sure I don't drown in wine and tears.

I don't know what to say about this episode. Yeonsangun...Seo No...Myung Hye...the main couple...everyone is just miserable. Argh now I realized another reason as to why I love 7DQ so much--it reminds me of Les Mis! In the sense that life in general is a real B, like all the time. Everyone is stuck between a rock and a hard place--even Nok Soo and Secretary Im. Yeosangun is just tortured by his paranoia and that poor eunuch oh my god.


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I'm so, so sad Seo No had to die in such a horrific way, but as you said it does completely fit with his character. I just hate that while our couple has had a few moments of happiness with each other, it's been essentially at the cost of Seo No's chances of being happy in life. I know he consciously made the sacrifice, and I think he saw it as completely fitting given what they did for him in childhood...but it doesn't make it any less heartbreaking.
I think my favorite scene in this episode was the one in the hotel room when Yeok and CK finally have to admit to one another that they're both aware they're going to go back. Their mutual agony is so intense there. It's incredibly poignant that even in that moment they continue to try to hold onto tiny shreds of hope that somehow they'll be able to escape the approaching darkness, even while knowing within themselves it won't be possible in the end. They keep telling themselves lies even as they are talking about telling the truth, because the truth is just too painful to contemplate.
And...that ending...
I don't know how I was expecting Yeonsangun's plans to climax, but I certainly didn't expect him to do this!!! I find it interesting, though - LDG's portrayal of this character has always reminded me of the story of King Saul in the Old Testament in the Bible, and King Saul actually committed suicide by falling on his own sword, so somehow this felt oddly fitting as a route for Yeonsangun to take. He just can't go without taking everyone's happiness with him, can he? I hate that I feel like he won even in losing...his instability hasn't blocked his genius in planning the demise of the hopes of our OTP and their friends at all, and I love and hate him for that.


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RIP Seo-no. You will be missed! And I really thought he would be the one to accompany Chae-kyung during her exile. *sniffs* (Show, please don’t take Nanny!)

One thing I love about this show is the continuity and closure of some scenes/situations. Recently, we had the “red beans and ghost’ moment of the couple in Episode 15. Previous episodes showed us the token scene, promise scene, etc.

So going by this argument that the writer leaves “clues” in certain episodes, I sure hope that there will be continuity regarding the baby gifts that Yeok received from his friends. *cough* Secret Baby *cough*

But I think the writer is actually reading the fans’ comments because some complained about Yeok’s limited hanboks despite being a Grand Prince and all. That’s why I LOLed so hard when Chae-kyung was taking Yeok’s body measurements because aside from the token fanservice and skinship, Yeok will finally have a new set of wardrobe!


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I too am hoping for a secret baby.
But lets see where the next episodes will take us.


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But with the bleakness of this episode, I'm afraid it's too much to ask for more sweet OTP moments.

Then again, you're right about that. We'll just cross the bridge when we get there.


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ooh i hope he is reading our comment ...xo plss writer nim give us an open ending if a happy ending is too hard to pull


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Can someone kill myunghee for me??? I hate her very muchhh....arggghhhhhhhhhhh
And SeoNoh you will be missed?????????????


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She is trully the worst


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Agree. MH is two faced & ambitious. Her liking Yeok is linked to her wanting to be queen. ?


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I gotta admit I felt a teensy bit sorry for Myung-hye when she tried to smile (and mostly failed) for Seo-no before he was executed. However, I still can't forgive her seeing as she and her uncle had every intention of turning him into a sacrificial lamb.


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Yes agree


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Just awful, but in the most amazing way possible. The next two weeks are going to end me. I'm shocked at now near-perfect this drama has been and keeps being, probably one of the most consistent I've ever seen.


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SeoNoh!!!! ??? I am a blubbering mess right now. I know its within character. That oath he made when they were younger would come back to bite him. But still... noooo! ????

Then that final scene..that man is absolutely unhinged!


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whoaa show..just whoaa..
it's episode 16 already and you never failed me.


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The king is delusional & crazy. I just want him to be deposed quickly so the killings & torturings can stop already. The last few episodes made me realize that Yeok doesn't even want to be king. Yes, he wants to stop YSG from being a tyrant, but it doesn't mean he wants the throne for himself. Without revenge as his motive, he really doesn't want to be the country's ruler as well. This week's ending was a real cliffhanger. I don't even know what kind of twisted plan he has to frame Yeok for "stabbing" him & make CK beg for her husband's life. IMO, it's also the king's punishment for CK because she chose Yeok & gave him the secret will. Really crazy! But kudos to LDG for portraying it very well that I really really hate his character.

I feel really bad for CK & Yeok. It's like they can't even have moments of happiness that is free from worry or trouble. On a side note, I love how Yeok talks to CK (or is that YWJ talking to PMY irl ?) his voice is really gentle & manly. I don't recall him being this manly in his previous dramas. Saguek dramas & his hanbok style really suits him. Or is it his chemistry with MY that makes him really stand out in this drama?! I'm really rooting for them to be together irl! I hope he's not dating someone else (saw him send a coffee truck to one of his female co-stars in introverted boss ?) Call me delusional but I really feel that he likes PMY! ??

Excited for remaining episodes but at the same time I'm sure it will be pure heartbreak & tears. ?


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In "The Moon Embracing the Sun", (spoilers) the king punished the princess' husband by proxy, and the punishment was that they would divorce and he would lose all the benefits and limits associated with being a royal in-law. They all knew this was to give him back his freedom and to let him use his intellect for greater purposes in court, which he couldn't do as a royal in-law, but they managed to do it through a "punishment".

I wonder if Yeonsangun plans to do something similar. Like, "Grand Prince Yeok tried to assassinate the King, and must be punished. By relation in marriage, his wife, Lady Chae-Kyung, must also be punished. However, due to her father Minister Shin's merits in court, her only punishment will be to divorce her traitorous husband."

After all, Yeonsangun said he regretted marrying her to Yeok, and that he therefore would rectify it. Thus, Chae-Kyung can come and beg for Yeok's life, and Yeonsangun can allow it if she becomes "his". Since there will be no marriage anymore, nothing morally stops them (except that YSG is married to her aunt, but I guess the king is always an exception).

I mean, I kind of hope so. While Chae-Kyung is the main lead, I wish she and her actor get to do more and take more actions, since for a while she has mostly been cute with Yeok or worried with others. Since this is ye olden times, I can accept that Yeok and YSG discuss her almost as property at the end of the episode, but I still wish she could confront YSG too next episode in another manner than being afraid or crying and begging.


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i hate the king in this episode for the death of na oh and trying so hard to separate yeok and CK to the point of insanity and murder


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oh my~YWJ oppa's voice is what i fell for 1st than the man himself..'Marriage not Dating' was my intro to him and somehow I began to notice his voice more than what he was doing on screen..especially when he talked to his clients calmly..ooh! I was a goner~ <3 <3


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Thanks for the lightning fast recap JavaBeans!!!
But sounds like it's going to be a angstfest when i catch it tonight...
Truly cry me a river....
Amazing job in trying to flesh out yeonsangun's character...rather than a one dimensional character....so much so that he now has sympathisers and a what if scenario...
In reality one wonders if there was mental illness running in his genes given his family history....
Wish we could have basked in the afterglow a little bit longer for our OTP
Am a little too invested in their little romance
Kudos to the actors and the writers for literally bringing them to life...


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Too much sad feels for this ep ??? (you know what i mean when you have watched or read this recap already). I literally cried buckets of tears (my bed was actually wet after watching HAHAHAHA)
As always, this drama did not fail to shock me with twists not only at the end but also in the whole episode... I was actually shocked by the ending, but I fear what will happen after that scene. YWJ and LDG's acting on that scene are on point! I suppose with this ending of the episode, we are nearing the scene which was presented way back in the first episode-wherein Chaegyung was queen and was eventually deposed (please dont come too soon huhuhu)

I am actually happy for our couple, chaegyung and lee yeok, since finally they get to be 99.99% honest with each other and how chae gyung lives as his wife by following him always, be it in sad or happy moments. As I end, I just want to say Kudos to the staff and writers (and of course the cast) for making such a brilliant masterpiece.


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I'm still too gutted by all this. This show constantly chokes me up, so that I don't even know how to get my thoughts out. I mean, how many times have I written an identical comment to this one on a recap for this show. I really don't know how to sort through the sadness, anger, fear, and fleeting hope the show puts me through all in a course of an hour. This episode outdid all others. It was too brutal.

I somehow had convinced myself that Seo-no wouldn't die, even though that was one of my earliest thoughts in the series. Maybe Rebel has been influencing me, since I always expected more of the protagonists to die in battle towards the end in that, but they fared so well. As soon as SN's testimony released the innocent people though, I knew there would be no last minute save and that his impact had been felt. But it still shocked me when it actually happened in such a horrifying way.

Lastly, I wanted to offer a thought I had. Since Seo-no said he felt as though he were dying too when he saw the poor and weak suffer (what a speech!), I hope he was able to see himself in those he saved towards the end and found peace.

I can't even start on that ending.

Thanks for the recap!


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You know what gets me the most? Yeok talking about how what his supporters do in his name count as his actions, and he doesn't want to be that sort of king. That if he and his followers are no better than his brother, then there is no reason he should be king rather than Yeonsangun.

I've been trying to read up on the history for this show, see what is historically accurate and what is artistic license. There's not a whole heck of a lot of English language info out there on the internet, but what I did find says that Yeok's reign was dominated by others, and that yes, he did become That sort of king. Better than his brother, but that's a rather low bar.

And it breaks my heart thinking that our lovely, idealistic, principled Yeok will not be able to survive becoming king. That the evil, manipulative, power hungry people around him win.


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uh i wish this drama wasnt based on history xo that all the bad guys could loose in the end...this drama is soo grey..no blac or white


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This episode was just devastating. Just watched this in my office and I sobbed in the stairwell. RIP, Seo-no. ?????


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I watched this on the way to work in bus and I was crying too. Now wondering what others around me would have thought.


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Only 2 weeks left I already feel THIS heartbroken. How can I survive through the tragic ending?? TT.TT
I didn't expect Seo no to leave this soon. Noooo. I thought his dead would be the cliffhanger but Yeonsangun really outwitted us all.
Can't wait for Wednesday to come!!!


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tales of two cities.... sobs.


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By that I mean SN's death scene reminds me of Carton's, of course.


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WTF............ Seo-no noooooo. He was like the main voice of reason how could they kill him.....! And to think all of this killing and murders happening over daddy issues omg.
Also hats off to Lee Dong Geun honestly. This is some wicked psycho acting.
The part where Minister Shin tells Chae-kyung to live as only Yeok's wife I was like T_T NO. She was your daughter first! But sighhh


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Actually if you read wiki...opinions are fairly divided as to whether king jungjong was a weak king torn by various factions or a masterful tactician who stayed on the throne but played his ministers against one another...
End result...he continues to sit on the throne til he dies a relatively natural death...
Ie not deposed....secretly poisoned etc
His portrayal in this drama...again is wonderful because it shows to some aspect that both co exist ..
He is intelligent and good hearted but in being good hearted.. .he is manipulated by park n the queen dowager who play on his initial thirst for revenge and then later his need to protect his people.
Bizarrely am actually extrapolating it to other k dramas in which he is portrayed post CK....
He was portrayed as a paranoid manipulative king in saimdang...a good but somewhat weak king in dajanggeum...

Me a big lee young ae fan...both saeguks she was in were in the reign of king jung jong post CK.

I started to cry buckets while rewatching the episode where saimdang visited the deposed queen...because now we have a back story ...i didn't cry at all during the original screening....
What is 7DQ doing to me....??


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i didn't realize that the deposed queen in saimdang was queen dankyung (shun chae gyung) and it was king jungjong reign ? i didn't follow saimdang after episode 4


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Ok.. First.. The Blue royal robe is so beautiful!! I am loving the color and design!! It's so different from the regular royal robes and has caught my attention!!!! And Next Yeongsangun is horrible, very very much much hateable!!! Lee Don gun is doing a very good job and I am loving him here!!!

Finally, could the drama please give the couple a break!!!! Guys they met after so many years only to go through this!!!!


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That blue hanbok is soooo dang pretty! I love the dragon design on the shoulders too. Lee Dong-gun is killing it in this role!


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Woah, as usual, the last 10 minutes... Killing Seo-no isn't enough, Yeok is framed for trying to kill the king.

Seo-nooo ??? Ah, they don't like wasting time (this is what I like from this drama), I thought he'd die in the next week episode.
thumbs up for Chansung's acting!


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I'm also surprised at how much Seo Noh's death affected me as I agree with everything Javabean wrote about him.

And seeing how the episode end, he is the catalyst that will move the rebellion into a break neck speed, with no turning back and reprieve this time. I can't imagine how Yeok is going to get out of that mess (but then again I lack the imagination to be a good writer).

Thanks @javabeans, your analysis as always, is illuminating.


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agree with you
seo noh death is really a big lose for me ??? i really love seo noh who always support every desicion yeok made, his admiration toward chae gyung ,,,really breaks my heart...i don't ever has this kind of feeling for the supporting role ?


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This drama is so painfully-heart wrenchingly beautiful. And it's not the end yet... RIP Seo No.. T_T


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That last scene was so riveting! The extent Yeonsangun goes to kill Yeok! I also noticed how Yeok addressed Yeonsangun as 'Your Majesty's but when Yeonsangun deliberately stabbed himself, Yeok called out 'Hyungnim'. They can never be free of the blood that ties them to one other and torments them both.


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RIP Seo No!? The tears started when he thought about how he wanted to live like Yeok and Chae Kyung. He was a good friend, good leader, always gave good advice to Yeok and followed what was right and just. He will be missed!


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agreed. and now I know to whom I can blame all this brother messed up relationship to. the late king and the sacred letter he was made. like, seriously, everything could have been just fine if the stupid letter never exist and nurture whatever madness and paranoia young Yeonsangun had that created this fate to Yeok.


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Seo noh!!! *cries in the corner*
Is this what you mean when you said one day you will pay for their
(Chae Gyung and the Prince) kindness? It would have been better if your way is to be beside them until the end. It really hurts! I'm a mess right now.
This show is so intense it's already 16 episodes and for me everything is still perfect from the very start. This is driving me insane!!!
Not until now, I can really say, the king already lost his sanity. Getting yourself stabbed for setting your brother in treason. All the pity I have left for him is totally gone. Waiting for him to be dethroned!


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sooooo much tears in this episode ??
i love how their friendship remains the same though the prince made his own decision without telling them...
how i love yeok telling about chae gyung whistle which saved him!!!!...i wait him for saying that on the previous episodes and it's granted in this episode ?? they are unseparatable,more honest to each other and become one ,,yeok's pain is also chaegyung's pain,,????
seo noh execution really breaks my heart,,,i cry and cry a lot !!!! and the speech of seo noh!!!! recall the moment when he was younger, how he cherish, love yeok and chae gyung for helping him so he's still alive until now,,,and how he is ready to die for them.. i love him soo much ???
i really wish yeok and chae gyung said "STOP IT!!!!" when they arrived in seo noh execution place,,,but it went that way.... really just in my dream??
and i love the humming sound as the backsound song too,,,really wish it will be released as the next ost,,,???


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My, how can Yeonsangun outdo his own twisted self every episode? I really thought I saw his worst but wow, he actually put the sword into his gut this time. He is just impossible. If only Seo-no was able to stab him that time. Poor Seo-no...I'm glad he saw Yeok and Chae-gyung before he was executed and that he was able to save a number of people. This show just knows how to break my heart.

Thanks for this recap, Javabeans. This is a sad but I must say a really good show. I'm dreading for the ending but I just couldn't wait to watch the next episode. I don't know what to expect now that Yeonsangun appeared to be attacked by Yeok with an unfortunate witness in Minister Im. I was like "great! Now, we really are in big trouble, what now?". Our couple really are ill-fated, couldn't even have a day without any disturbance. I mean moments of joy are so fleeting that I just couldn't help but be sorry for them. By the way, what happened to the seer who told them about the prophecy? Why was she killed by the previous king? Was that even relevant?


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She was not killed, merely really hurt and maybe supposed to be killed but survived.

The twist was kind of that it was never a prophesy, only a warning. The seer said that CG and Yeok had chemistry and could protect each other, and the king wanted to bring favoritism to another level and to make Yeok king in the most assholish way possible. So he hid the secret will that would make him king, and put the hiding place's name on the back of Yeok's future bride. Thus, the royal who sleeps with CG will see her tattoo and figure out that is the hiding place.

The seer realizes that this is a horrible thing to do, not just as a father but as a king, because the secret will is going to cause chaos in court. So if CG marries Yeok, the chaos will get even worse. So she warned them to not have her marry anyone in the royal family, as they might put the dots together. CG's parents, however, thought she meant it as a prophesy (and she couldn't say more because SECRET will).

At least that is what I got out of that. The prophesy/warning was what cued CG in that she had something that would cause chaos in court, and the seer that gave the prophesy also gave her tattoo, so she used the tattoo to find the thing that would cause chaos.


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Oh my, how can I hate Yeonsangun? I mean, he's evil, but he's evilly genius. The ending got me shook. It's interesting how Yeok is always one step behind him.

Anyway, RIP Seo Noh. You'd done great. Be happy with your father in afterlife.


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true no boring moments or draggy part...this show goes to prove that u dont need to separate the otp to have angst bcos this otp is always together but there is still angst and a lot of unpredictable twists
i hope the writter and the 3 leads win some type of award


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couldn't agree no more,,really really they deserve many awards ???


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Dear seo no I am crying deeply why in the world did this happen to you. Last episode I was so happy that our adorable otp that I just want them to run away to that countryside and live their life happily. But now I can't even think about it, plz just avenge seo no's death I don't want his death to go in vain. Whenever a person sacrifices his life for some1 else, I can't help but feel burdened.
It's never gonna be a happy ending. Though it's hurts a lot I can't realize why I am still hoping and waiting for a happy ending


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Poor Seo Noh! I agree, his death is defs very consistent with his character. And more heartbreaking than I'd expected. *gross sobbing*


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I wasn't planning on watching this drama. I really wasn't! I was just going to follow along with the recaps, and skip around to the cute between our OTP ('cuz, sad ending). But every week (!) I ugly-cry. The writing is so good; I cry when the characters are happy AND sad.


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I started to shed tears when Yeok found his friends' gifts and letter for him..then Seo-no's conversation with Myung-hye made me cry..as the episode went by, my eyes started to brim with tears when Seo-no took all the blame on himself and demanded the commoners released...I was still very calm with my tears when he was dragged for execution..but then he started his monologue and his childhood memories and promise to Yeok was shown and I LOST IT! I WAS A WRECK!! I WAS GONE! or..so I thought..because the moment Yeok and CK arrived and Yeok's and Seo-no's eyes met...OHGAWD!!!! I WAS WAILING!! UGHHH!!!! this is my 2nd time sobbing at a tv screen after I cried rivers for the 1st time in Hwarang, for V :'( :'(
i guess..i don't have anything else to say now....other than to wait for the next episode!


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The last two episodes have completely gutted me. I almost couldn't get myself to power through this one, because I knew how it was going to end, and oh boy it wrecked me. Seo Noh always felt, to me, like Yeok and Chae-gyung's strongest ally - he always was in their court, rooting for them. And then somehow he always understood Myung-hye too, and was able to centre her and act as her conscience of sorts. Now that he's gone, I'm terrified for all of them.

Yeok and Chae-gyung continue to pull me in and I love all of their scenes together. There have been so many times I wish I could just watch cuts of them being sweet, but then I guess all those moments lose their gravitas without the backdrop of what's going on, and maybe then their story wouldn't hit as hard, or make me feel as much.

The King truly has gone off the deep end, but I'm in love with Lee Dong-gun's portrayal because I feel like even now, I understand where he's coming from. I'm undoubtedly still horrified by how worthless everyone's lives seem to him, now, but at the same time it's easy to see why when he's gone crazy with paranoia and fear. And while I saw Seo Noh's death coming, the ending of today's episode amazed me once again and I'm glad the writers have continued to be unpredictable about how they use these key events. The self stabbing was something I did not foresee - and boy, next week's episodes are definitely going to be heart wrenching again.


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Oh, Seo night :'(
I saw the friends surreptitiously pushing something into yeok's bag last episode. But, the cynical and jaded person that I am becoming, I thought it had something to do with the snail wives to remind yeok of their cause and bring him back to the capital. But, when I saw what they had actually kept (those adorable tiny shoes), I teared up. From there, I was just a sobbing mess. unlike myung Hye or the queen, these guys cared about yeok's happiness and had respected his decision. Until the last minute, I was hoping that Seo Noh will get saved. I homestly didn't expect Seo noh's death to affect me so much. I sincerely hope that this drama has a cathartic ending in store for us, otherwise I don't know how I will be able to handle it.


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I meant *Seo Noh, not Seo night.


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Waaahhhhh I never thought Seo No would die *cries*
If this drama will end in tragedy, I think viewers deserve a whole episode of happiness at least. If not, please make up something or anything for a happy ending!!


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Thank you for your recap and commentary, javabeans!

Holy cow, this was a humdinger of an episode. Coming on the heels of episode 15 with all its twists and turns, it's a real one-two punch to the gut.

Just when things were looking so bleak for Minister Shin, Yeok comes up with a terrific escape plan that doubles as a deft counterattack on Minister Im. Dang, I didn't see any of that coming, but it's believable. None of that deus ex machina stuff.

Alas, Yeonsangun did not summarily sashimi Im, which was a great disappointment. I'm not going to relax until I see his head on a pike.

As for Myung-hye and her louse of an uncle, I now totally hate their guts with a passion. Their machinations are exactly the kind of reason why the Noisy Hongs of REBEL continued to dispense their vigilante justice long after Yeonsangun was deposed. In their methods and ruthlessness, there's ultimately little difference between the various factions. Yeok has seen it playing out, and I can't blame him from wanting to remove himself from the snakepit. Unfortunately, his brother insists on including him in his fevered mind games.

Hats off to Chansung for a memorable performance as Seo-no. Damn, I feel like I'm watching the LOOKOUT finale all over again.

I should have known that the lovely dovey "let me measure you so I can sew you some clothes" scene was a romantic diversion before the show lowered the boom on us. Gaaah!

The showdown in the final scene between Yeonsangun and Yeok was a stunner. It was one thing to see Seo-no attempt to assassinate the king to save the country and its citizens from the tyrant. But to see the king stab himself in the gut to frame his brother?! Totally insane! The king is crazy as a fox.

*staggers off to find Da-bong*

I need to chill out for with THE BEST HIT. Here's hoping that the finale turns out well. I'm already facing enough heartbreak with SEVEN DAY QUEEN.


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i hate to break it my friend but you won't get it. for once i did not find any peace with Da Bong & the gang.. it's truly a sob fest this weekend. cried when i watched the raw, cried when i watched the subbed, cried again when i read the recap. silly me...


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What an emotional episode. Seo-noh, this was your moment to shine. I will miss your character.

Little detail from this episode: I loved that Gwang-oh and Suk-hee wrote in Hanja in their letter to Yeok, while Seo-noh wrote in Hangul. This obviously makes sense, but I just loved that little detail.

Seo-noh, no......! :(


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That detail was beautiful. Different status in life, different writing, but they all wrote congratulatory messages to their friend on the same piece of paper. Something about it makes me happy. A small step into equal privileges.


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Wow... I... there's just so much-- I have no words. My heart is tight and it's aching.

I'm also startled by how much Seo-no's sacrifice left me a wailing mess. Partly because he was only brought in and touched upon here and there but the pieces seen were enough to know his sacrifice was in line with who he was. And I think what really broke me was your point: he's a pure hero, a living embodiment of the cause. There was this innocent maturity and purity to him in his singular, idealistic vision and purpose, this understanding and empathic, unified connection of himself with everyone around him. While he was a simple guy who stood on the sidelines, he was the most aligned and genuine to the heart of the cause and his values, the one who cared the most. You just knew he'd run at a moments notice and find a way to aid anyone in need like a knee-jerk reaction, an inherent quality. With nothing to lose, witnessing people in pain firsthand, and knowing others needed protection, the decision to sacrifice himself was simple, immediate, easy, right. He didn't need to think about it or discuss it with anyone and something about that kills me. The act of making and enacting a decision alone. God did I bawl my eyes and nose out.

When Seo-no told Myung-hye he couldn't help but see himself in every person he saw, I thought it was a nice callback to when Yeok told his mother that she and the snail brides are an extension of him. With his death, he'll really become the symbol of the cause for Yeok to ascend the throne.


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With SeoNoh die in this episode, I did shedding some tears but not enough to make me crying out loud ( like scenes in CT ??). Like we all know in kdramaland, fiction characters usually became collateral damage. So, having to know it earlier I have expected someone must die to make full impact of great drama. We have 4 more eps right? Come on writernim, I am waiting for your great finale touch ( definitely will rooting for your next project, as this is a great masterpiece for a rookie ?).


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I try to wrap my head around what happens but it seems like I know it will happen like this but not exactly to this extent.

I know seo no will pay back his debt but not like public execution in front of everyone and his attempt to kill yeonsangun is just so heartbreaking. He is in that chair, the same one with his father, telling the king their principal and how they have dignity but also get sentenced the same.

I predict that chae kyeong and yeok will be back shortly and I love how they did it with being made and go together but I didn't expect them to see seo no right away and seeing minister shin do that.

yeonsangun is intelligent and I think he must have something up his sleeve but I can't fathom that he will go it in a direct way. Everyone that in the room he frame yeok if they really think but he just goes in and understands that people who are not in the room will believe what he said. He is awful but he knows what he is doing.

Ah my heart, the shows keep delivers and keep being satisfying so kudo to the production team,


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Myunghee why were you even shocked.. you even discussed and planned to sacrifice Seo-noh! TToTT

The bgm for this drama is on point <3


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i just realized this is the second time Chansung got killed off... Suspicious Partner and now this...
: [


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Episode 16 wins the most bucket of tears! My goodness. Minister Shin cutting ties with his daughter; Yeok reading his friends' letter; Chae Kyung understanding Yeok's heart; Seo-no's sacrifice... I'm blubbering mess through the whole thing! ??? And the intense closing, gah! What do I do 'til Wednesday next week?!


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Finally caught up with this amazing drama. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

This episode was painful. I couldn't enjoy the lighter moments that much because I was dreading the rising doom. And because Yeonsangun had become more violent and unpredictable. He is irredeemable now.

Seo No's brutal death had me bawling so hard. He was such a pure, kind character. I'm glad he was able to save some people at the end and that he got one last glimpse of Yeok and Chae Kyung.


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this is so heart wrenching!!!! Got swollen eyes and heavy heart after watching. all I can say is BRAVO SDQ! Could not agree more with all your beautiful comments guys. This is one of the best sageuk I have ever seen.!
100000000000 times...


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