The Best Hit: Episodes 27-28

Every relationship that Hyun-jae has built in this series will be put to the test, making him question when and where he belongs in this world. Sometimes things need to fall apart to make way for better things, but seeing the bigger picture won’t be easy when the immediate fallout is accompanied by heartache. But there’s no doubt that it’s time for Hyun-jae to face the music when it comes to his worst-kept secret and take a few important steps in the right direction.


Stunned and hurt by the revelation that Hyun-jae is the Yoo Hyun-jae, Woo-seung marches to the Star Punch building. Hyun-jae catches up to her, however, and they chat outside, where he confirms that he is Yoo Hyun-jae.

She’s unable to wrap her head around the idea that someone who disappeared twenty years ago suddenly reappeared one day, looking as if he hadn’t aged a day. Hyun-jae knows how strange that sounds, but those impossible-sounding circumstances happened to him. She warns him that this better not be a joke before realizing that this explains why all of his references were so dated.

Hyun-jae immediately apologizes, adding that he should’ve told her sooner. As someone from the past, he knows he should never have had feelings for a girl Ji-hoon liked, especially when there was such uncertainty about his return to his time. “But I couldn’t bring myself to do that,” he reveals, “because I like you.”

Getting choked up, Woo-seung asks if he’ll return to his time. Hyun-jae honestly says he doesn’t know and doesn’t know the way back either. “You can return to your time then,” she asserts, as a tear falls from her eyes. “Go back. Go back to the world you originally came from.” Her co-worker picks up on her despondent expression, but she assures her that it’s nothing.

Hyun-jae heads back to the bakery, where Ji-hoon doesn’t give him the time of day. Moments later, Kwang-jae and his idol girl group walk in through the doors, and the doors swear that they won’t ever ride along with Kwang-jae and wonder why Hyun-jae’s too busy to be their road manager lately.

Hyun-jae calls Kwang-jae out to chat, and they relocate to a cafe, where Hyun-jae divulges that Ji-hoon knows who he is. Kwang-jae admits Ji-hoon has known for some time now and suggests that Hyun-jae talk to his son. He understands Ji-hoon’s shock of meeting his supposedly dead but now same-age biological father, that his desire to become a star came from both of his famous parents, and that star power lineage is why Ji-hoon never got to live a normal life.

Hyun-jae sighs that it would’ve been better if his jump to the future happened in 1994 because he’d have knowledge of his relationship with Bo-hee and of Ji-hoon. Kwang-jae solemnly agrees.

Later that day, Hyun-jae ruminates over a torn page in his copy of his music notebook. Woo-seung happens to walk into the lounge just then, and a cloud of awkwardness hangs over their short and stilted exchange.

But she can’t help but think of Hyun-jae at home, where a triangle kimbap in the fridge reminds her of the first time Hyun-jae successfully opened one on his own. She breaks into an involuntary smile at Hyun-jae’s selfie still stuck in the freezer, but that smile fades soon enough. She takes down all of Hyun-jae’s photos and the doll he won for her and puts them away in a box.

Over at Star Punch, Young-jae is in awe of an app where he can buy an office chair on his own. MJ teases that Italian chairs are the best out there, but Young-jae drills in the point that people should do the work themselves before realizing that doesn’t apply to MJ’s career at all.

Letting MJ enjoy his sushi dinner, Young-jae broaches the topic of renewing MJ’s contract at Star Punch. He gives MJ space to ask all of his questions and perks up when MJ starts, “Well…” and then finishes, pointing at another nigiri: “…are you going to finish this?”

Young-jae promises to let MJ transfer to whatever agency he likes afterward if he renews his contract here one last time. Then MJ offers him a piece of salmon… only to eat it for himself at the last second.

Hyun-jae finds Mal-sook sitting alone and hungry in the bakery. He whips up some prepared food for them, then asks what happened to her friend caught in a love triangle. Mal-sook matter-of-factly replies that her friend gave up, having realized everyone would be happier that way.

He asks if that friend is doing okay and is told the adage that unrequited love happens more often in life. He leans in to ask if giving up is the right thing to do, to which she quotes Sailor Moon that “giving up also requires courage.” Hyun-jae sighs, saying that isn’t so easy for him, and then they mirror each other’s actions to keep eating.

Both Hyun-jae and Woo-seung contemplate whether or not to call the other while the montage from their first encounter to the many memories they shared play through their minds.

The next day, Grandpa is browsing nursing home brochures when Bo-hee walks in to remind him about the opening party for World Agency. He pretends that he was in the middle of his yoga routine and groans in pain when she leaves.

They head down to the office, where Grandpa immediately takes residence behind his old desk. Kwang-jae gently corrects him that he’s the CEO now, and Grandpa grumbles that no one sent him any flowers.

That’s when a large flower arrangement arrives from Kim Da-bong. Aww, Hyun-jae. Everyone laughs at the message of “Runny Nose” on the banner, and then Ji-hoon arrives with MC Drill, ready to work.

Kwang-jae sits both boys down to propose that they debut as a duo, naming all the famous duo groups of the ’90s (Deux, Jinusean, and Jay-2). Ji-hoon and MC Drill are onboard with the idea, so he has them think of a good name. That’s Grandpa’s cue to chime in that he can come up with a great name for them, and Kwang-jae says they can start practicing as soon as he finds a studio.

He assures Ji-hoon that he’s also looking into the choreography, and then Grandpa cuts in with an idea: “Hoon’s Drill,” playing on the idea that they can “drill through any wall.” Ignoring that idea, Kwang-jae instructs the boys to think of a name.

Things are still awkward between Hyun-jae and Woo-seung at the office, but they go about their daily routine. Small details like a triangle kimbap and a part-timer uniform constantly remind them of the other, and when they see each other on the opposite ends of the hall, they pass each other without acknowledgment.

Ji-hoon and MC Drill take a break from dance practice when MC Drill realizes that they’re out of drinks. Cue Hyun-jae, who brings a bagful of refreshments and asks how practice is going. He gets stern when he’s told it’s all right, saying that their performance needs to make the crowd go wild.

He sticks to his usual amnesiac excuse to explain his mysterious stage experience, but he quickly realizes that he’s unwelcome here. He gets up, sees the broken watch among Ji-hoon’s things, and leaves.

He heads back to the bakery, where he’s told to drive the idol girl group to their gig at Dongdaemun. He warns that he might not be able to keep up with this part-time road manager job for long, but Kwang-jae won’t hear another word and sends him upstairs to grab the schedule.

So Hyun-jae heads up to Kwang-jae’s room and rifles through his desk drawer to find the schedule. But he also sees the jewelry box tucked inside and opens it to see the ring meant for Bo-hee.

He then heads out (and half-jokingly reminds Mal-sook to call him “oppa” vs. “ajusshi”), leaving Grandpa to test out some of his group names on Mal-sook. She thinks his first idea of “Hoonie Beanie” is tacky, and then Grandpa roars in celebration of his next idea: JB.

But Mal-sook points out that sounds like “jebi” (aka a swallow) and can’t hear a distinction.

While Kwang-jae is hit with a flurry of bad news from his investors pulling out of World Agency, Ji-hoon catches up with Woo-seung at a cafe. She’s glad to hear that he’s practicing again since she initially thought he’d quit again right away. They exchange a few light-hearted jokes, and then Ji-hoon carefully asks if she still meets up with Hyun-jae.

Her hesitance speaks for itself and Ji-hoon admits he does see Hyun-jae on occasion. Ji-hoon gets up first, but he turns back to remind her that no matter what happens, he’ll always be on her side, so there’s no need to suffer alone.

Hyun-jae has just finished packing his things in the rooftop apartment when Ji-hoon returns home. After agreeing to head somewhere with him, Ji-hoon belatedly registers the camping equipment in the minivan. Hyun-jae reassures him that they don’t have time to go someplace far… they’ll just spend one night together.

Thus, Ji-hoon has no choice but to follow Hyun-jae’s orders at the camping grounds. He takes over after Hyun-jae injures himself in his attempt to set up the tent, and they clap and dance in celebration once they’re done.

Realizing how happy they are, Ji-hoon stops first, and Hyun-jae breaks the awkward silence with the suggestion to eat before sunset. He cheerily reminds Ji-hoon that he brought everything they need and adorably pets Ji-hoon on the chin. But when Ji-hoon opens up the case for the gas burner, he finds a drill in there instead. Whoops.

The drill vs. gas burner mix-up spurs an argument, while MC Drill hears a ringing in his ear and wonders if someone is talking about him. Lol. Meanwhile, Ji-hoon figures they can just pick up some food at a nearby convenience store and continues to scold Hyun-jae about the mix-up on the way there.


Kwang-jae pleads with the chairwoman in person to reconsider her decision to withdraw her investment in World Agency. He’s told that a better offer landed on her desk, and despite his argument that he has another idol group in the works, it isn’t substantial enough for the chairwoman to change her mind.

Night falls on the camping grounds, where Hyun-jae and Ji-hoon still argue about the drill they accidentally brought (and MC Drill keeps wondering who’s badmouthing him, ha). Hyun-jae opens up the floor for Ji-hoon to ask him anything, then apologizes for not telling him the truth from the start.

He explains that he wasn’t sure if people would believe him, and he felt guilty about how the people he knew lived such different lives than what he imagined for them. Ji-hoon asks what year he came from, and Hyun-jae replies, “1993. I only knew of your mom’s name back then. I found out she was Kwang-jae’s hometown friend, and we hung out a few times as a group.”

Ji-hoon acknowledges that Hyun-jae doesn’t know anything about what happened after he jumped into the future. He was always curious as to why his biological father abandoned him and Mom, why he was never in touch, if he knew if his son existed, or if that son was doing well.

Ji-hoon apologizes for condemning Hyun-jae on the days of his life that he hasn’t even lived out yet. Hyun-jae understands that Ji-hoon can’t help feeling that way; he may not have physically lived out those days himself, but acknowledges that he was self-centered and arrogant back then. Having grown up without a family, he led a carefree lifestyle and didn’t know how to lead a normal life.

It was only when he started living with Ji-hoon and the others did it feel like he was living with a real family. “I always thought I did everything myself,” he admits. “I thought everyone else who stayed by my side was there to use me.”

Ji-hoon remarks that it feels strange having a heart-to-heart with Hyun-jae, who chuckles in agreement. “But, I’m sorry… that I couldn’t be by your side,” Hyun-jae adds. “I’m sorry, for making you feel lonely. I’m sorry, for doing the things to be sorry.”

Hyun-jae is unable to sleep while Ji-hoon sleeps in the tent that night. He covers Ji-hoon in a blanket… and then puts a finger in his nose and giggles. Pfft. He then sits outside and looks at pictures of Woo-seung and the other friends on his phone.

He sends Woo-seung a text to check in on her, and when she replies that she’s studying, he figures that he shouldn’t bother her and sends her bits of advice: “Don’t live so diligently, don’t live so much for the future, and don’t focus on what’s above you. Everything that’s fun in life is already around you.”

He utters the last piece of advice aloud: “Don’t become an idiot who knows nothing, like me.” He signs off before Woo-seung can respond and refocuses his attention to the stars above him.

Hyun-jae returns the next morning to find Kwang-jae stressed out over losing all of his investors. He’s told that someone must’ve swooped in with another offer on the table, and that Kwang-jae is busy looking into alternatives. After assuring that he and Ji-hoon had a good chat, he gets a call from MJ.

He meets with MJ in the recording studio and has him listen to one of his latest compositions. MJ’s comment that the track sounds great leads Hyun-jae to wonder how someone with a great ear for music like him ended up being signed under Young-jae.

Hyun-jae chuckles when MJ admits that he didn’t think much of it at first, but hearing him talk about how his initial goal was to debut and eventually became greedy for success, thinking that would bring him happiness reminds Hyun-jae of himself back in his glory days.

He asks when MJ’s contract with Star Punch expires and proposes that he sign with Kwang-jae. The identical “-jae” suffix Young-jae and Kwang-jae spurs MJ to crack a lame “Two Jae” joke. Hyun-jae chides him for not listening to an adult, and then adds to the joke, offering, “Yang [Double] Jae.” You guys are two peas in a pod.

Hyun-jae heads back to the rooftop apartment and feels the void Woo-seung left behind in the storage room. He drags over a box to see if there’s anything he should take with him. He puts a cassette player in the keep pile and places a piggy bank that jingles on its side in the garbage pile.

But then he sees a coda mark on the bottom of the piggy bank and remembers seeing the same mark in the music notebook. He cuts into the plastic pig and discovers the item that was jingling inside: a key.

Hyun-jae heads to the bank, where the employee confirms that the key is associated with a safe deposit box opened in 1994. He’s asked to input his pin number, so he racks his brain to think of the most important numeric combination to Other Hyun-jae. Remembering the importance of “22198,” Hyun-jae inputs that number and waits with bated breath until the employee confirms that it was correct.

Led to the bank vault and left alone to check his belongings, Hyun-jae opens the safe deposit box and opens it to find an envelope. Inside is a banker’s check worth two billion won and the missing page from his music notebook.

He’s proud of Other Hyun-jae for converting the cash into a banker’s check, but whatever he’s written on the page brings tears to his eyes. “Was it all because of this? What’s so important about this?” he asks himself, getting choked up.

Over in his office, Young-jae shuts down the idea of offering more money to MJ in his renewed contract, citing that his success is all thanks to him. Hyun-jae walks in just as MJ’s manager leaves the office and says he has good news. He knows Young-jae was eyeing the World Agency building in order to find the bagfuls of cash he stashed away years ago, then hands over the envelope containing the banker’s check.

Young-jae tries to mask his astonishment by asking if Hyun-jae’s motive of moving into the rooftop apartment was to find this money. But Hyun-jae is here to strike a deal with him with this money: Young-jae can take the money if he calls off renewing his contract with MJ.

Young-jae thinks on the idea for a few seconds before agreeing to Hyun-jae’s terms. He hands over the written copy to MJ’s renewed contract, which Hyun-jae rips up. He warns Hyun-jae to be prepared for the public backlash on MJ because the agency took the extra mile to cover up his tracks over the years, but Hyun-jae is hardly concerned about that.

Kwang-jae makes a fuss once he hears that Hyun-jae simply handed over that large sum of money to Young-jae. But Hyun-jae has a plan: If Kwang-jae comes back to the chairwoman with a guaranteed successful artist in tow, she may reconsider her investment.

He listens to Kwang-jae’s pragmatic argument that a star like MJ would never think of signing with a small company in debt like World Agency, but tells him to draw up a contract anyway, because they don’t need to worry about a down payment for now.

Little does Kwang-jae know that that banker’s check was written by the same bank that went under during the IMF crisis. Young-jae belatedly connects the dots in his office, and has his secretary confirm whether or not the check has any value. LOL.

Kwang-jae manages to grab a quick meeting with the chairwoman and introduces her to the newest artist World Agency has signed. Cue MJ, who walks in and happily greets the chairwoman with a wink. Just outside the door, Hyun-jae sends Kwang-jae a thumbs up.

On the ride back, Kwang-jae notices MJ inspecting the dusty minivan and assures him that they’ll upgrade their ride soon. Hyun-jae peevishly snaps that Kwang-jae never showed him the same consideration, and Kwang-jae reminds him how he used to piggyback him after a night of drinking.

When MJ reminds Hyun-jae to keep his promise of teaching him songwriting, Hyun-jae replies, “How can I teach you that? You have to be born with that talent.” MJ realizes that he’s been lied to, but Hyun-jae encourages him to take a crack at it and see if he’s got some natural talent in music composition.

Kwang-jae assures MJ that he’ll have Hyun-jae write him some great songs, and MJ immediately changes his loyalty to Kwang-jae.

Woo-seung’s ears perk up when she hears Hyun-jae’s voice call out “Part-timer,” only to realize that it’s her boss addressing a pair of part-timers. She’s instructed to look into repairing a busted printer and looks through her call log which is filled with mostly exchanges with Hyun-jae and Ji-hoon.

Hyun-jae returns the van key in the World Agency office, where Grandpa is taking a cat nap. He’s spooked when Grandpa suddenly wakes up and recognizes him as Hyun-jae and accusing him of running off with the large sum of cash.

It doesn’t occur to him that Grandpa’s memory has temporarily reverted back to over twenty years ago until Grandpa shouts that he’ll have Hyun-jae blacklisted in the industry. Hyun-jae takes this opportunity to apologize to Grandpa as CEO Lee for his wrongful actions.

He asks CEO Lee not to hate him too much because he didn’t know any better. Realizing that this is a sincere apology, CEO Lee says they can move past this if Jay-2 produces a second album, and asks about if the letter Hyun-jae sent him was important. Hyun-jae has no idea what he’s talking about, but that’s when CEO Lee comes down with a migraine and snaps back to the present, blaming Hyun-jae for looking so much like the Yoo Hyun-jae he once knew.

Hyun-jae gets a scathing call from Young-jae about the now worthless banker’s check. Young-jae warns that he no longer lives in Hyun-jae’s shadow and won’t let Hyun-jae get away with this. But there’s more bad news in store because a sound engineer runs in to inform him that Hyun-jae must’ve anticipated that they’d try to steal the USB drive.

He plays the track for Young-jae, and Hyun-jae’s singsong voice plays through the speakers: “Be a nice person, Young-jae. Come to your senses and don’t covet what belongs to others.” Ha, what a perfect revenge.

Hyun-jae tells himself that Young-jae got what he deserved, and when he goes to charge his phone, he sees the broken watch on the desk. He goes shopping to get a new watch for Ji-hoon, and later that night, a customer drops by the bakery just before closing time to check the CCTV footage to see if she left her wallet here last night.

He plays back the video footage for her and confirms that she took her wallet with her, but then he sees that Kwang-jae stood behind the counter and did something we don’t get to see. He does replay the footage for Bo-hee when she returns, though, and now we see Kwang-jae practice placing the ring box on the counter and acting surprised.

Hyun-jae makes a quiet exit while Bo-hee watches Kwang-jae practice getting down on one knee and presenting the ring.

Hyun-jae heads down to the World Agency office, where Kwang-jae thanks him for everything that happened today. He has Kwang-jae promise to get Grandpa get checked out by a doctor and turns to him to ask if Kwang-jae can’t spend one day living for himself. His advice for Kwang-jae is to stop putting things off and to do whatever he wants.

Kwang-jae heads upstairs to the bakery afterward and apologizes that he left Bo-hee to close up on her own. He walks over to put away some boxes, which is when Bo-hee hugs him from behind. “Just for a moment,” she says into his shoulder, a tear about to fall from her eye. “Let’s just stay like this for a moment.”

She holds onto him for another minute as a tear rolls down her cheek and the CCTV captures the moment.

Up in the rooftop apartment, Hyun-jae surveys the space one last time and heads out with his things. He sits outside and texts Woo-seung, asking her to meet him here. He follows up with the message that he feels like he doesn’t belong in this time and place, but wanted to see her one last time and says he’ll wait until 10 PM.

His deadline comes and goes, and Woo-seung neither responds nor shows up. Still, Hyun-jae waits an extra hour and a half before giving up. Woo-seung is at home studying when she suddenly bolts out of bed and runs over to the rooftop apartment.

She arrives, sweaty and breathless, only to find the space empty. She checks the rooftop, where the tears welling up inside her fall from her eyes. She ekes out, “Thumbs Up…” and a hand turns her around.

It’s Hyun-jae, who gives her a tiny smile, then pulls her into his arms. “How can I leave you behind?” he asks. “So don’t go,” she answers, melting into his embrace. “Don’t go anywhere.”


Kwang-jae’s idol girl group walks into the bakery, where Mal-sook hands them a USB drive and a note from Hyun-jae, which says: “Just trust and follow me.” They check the contents of the USB on the laptop and discover an upbeat, updated version of their trot single. Remarking that the song is so much better now, they sing and dance along to the revised tune.


Right off the bat, this pair of episodes contained so many things I wanted to see from Hyun-jae’s character the moment he landed in 2017. While I understand that he himself had to realize that he was no longer the selfish and arrogant star who only lived for himself in 1993, I wish that the many little things Hyun-jae did for nearly everyone would’ve been spaced out throughout the series, rather than being accompanied by his preparations to bid them farewell.

But perhaps that’s what makes all of those moments feel bittersweet, because hardly anyone anticipated the idea that Hyun-jae was preparing to leave behind the people who felt like family. I do have to admire all the active steps Hyun-jae made this hour, including fooling Ji-hoon into taking a spontaneous overnight camping trip with him. Whether or not Hyun-jae is Ji-hoon’s biological father, it was important for them to clear the air and allow each side to explain themselves.

It was good of Ji-hoon to recognize that he couldn’t blame Hyun-jae for not remembering a time he himself hadn’t lived out yet, but I was more impressed that Hyun-jae didn’t let himself off the hook either and acknowledged that he was a different man back then. I can’t help but think that the similarities between Hyun-jae and MJ aren’t simply innocuous references. Furthermore, the two both enjoy lame humor and share a passion for music. It’d be a hilarious twist if MJ happens to be Hyun-jae’s son (a theory some of you have previously mentioned), especially since we’ve never been told of MJ’s parentage.

As sad as it was to see Grandpa temporarily revert to the ’90s in the World Agency office because of his Alzheimer’s, I am glad that it gave Hyun-jae an opportunity to sincerely apologize for his actions. Even if Hyun-jae were to return to his time, there’s no telling if he’ll retain all of his memories made here to be able to make that same apology. Not only that, I’m so relieved that he thought ahead to troll Young-jae on both the music track and the banker’s check. I have to admit I didn’t connect the dots about the foreclosed bank until Young-jae did, which made that moment doubly hilarious.

I’m afraid I can’t speak much on the romance in our main couple since both characters went the traditional route of going about their daily lives while thinking of one another, and ultimately Woo-seung made the choice to stay with Hyun-jae and beg him not to go. If anything, I’m happy that Hyun-jae gently helped Bo-hee be clued in on Kwang-jae’s feelings for her, which led to an opportunity for her to reciprocate. Hyun-jae may be ready to leave this chapter of his life behind, but it’s safe to say, we’re not willing to let him go just yet.


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I knew it!! Of course I can always depend on Hyun-jae to con Young-jae back, release MJ from his company, and help Kwang-jae securing investment.

I love watching Hyun-jae and Ji-hoon bonded over camping and ranting about the useless drill. (Ha! That intercut with MC Drill complaining about his itchy ears was priceless) I like their unique dynamic. Sometimes, I forgot which one is the dad and which one is the son.


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Human MC Drill vs real drill appearing everywhere is the gag that never gets old ^^


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Wow, this episode made me cry. A lot. Especially the camping scene.

But, it wasn't without laughs. Drill's real name is Won Bin! ? I feel like this episode brought back the stuff that made me love Best Hit in the first place. Too bad it's ending next week.


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The camping scene! YSY's acting is on point! ? And him pulling the blanked over Jihoon! Sweet ? (Though the nxt thing he does, not so. Hyunjae is nothing if not playful. ?)


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After reading everyone's theories about the ending, I'm beginning to think that those theories will be better than what we will actually get. With two episodes left, I can only imagine that the ending will feel rushed and incomplete. I hope and pray I am wrong.


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I'll join you in that prayer circle. So often the problem with time travel is that it provides a nice setup but the resolution is muddled. The writer has raised millions of questions but there can be no easy resolution in the two episodes we have left. My theory: either Hyun Jae goes back and dies, or 1994 Hyun Jae dies. Either way I am seriously worried about Dabong. One thing - I will not accept a 'here's hoping for a second season' open ending.


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My alarm bells have been going off for exactly the same reason.


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Kwang-jae and Bo-hee finally! And some moment with Hyun-jae and Ji-hoon finally! As long as Ddabong is happy, I'm happy. I can't believe this show will end nxt wk ? I can watch Malsook giving advice, Gramps forgetting things, MJ's lame jokes and Young-jae getting trolled for 50+ eps


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Grandpa and Mal-sook bickering over JB vs. Jab was such an adorable scene.


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I agree, it's a hilarious scene with more great Korean wordplay. Mal-sook cracks me up as the sage mite who comes across as so much more sensible and mature than most of the big people around her. ;-)

He then heads out (and half-jokingly reminds Mal-sook to call him “oppa” vs. “ajusshi”), leaving Grandpa to test out some of his group names on Mal-sook. She thinks his first idea of “Hoonie Beanie” is tacky, and then Grandpa roars in celebration of his next idea: JB.

But Mal-sook points out that sounds like “jebi” (aka a swallow) and can’t hear a distinction.

Well, if jebi refers to swallows, that's actually apropos for the duo who are birds of a feather. They've both busted their butts to launch their singing careers and slogged uphill against an antagonistic system.

If MJ ends up joining them and they morph into a trio, I wonder what the "flock's" name would become. LOL!

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that Hyun-jae will find a way to remain in, or return to, 2017 -- when he pursues a lucrative career with World Agency as a Yu Hyun-jae impersonator performing on the same golden oldies bill with Helter Skelter, and finally making good on that second J2 album he'd promised CEO Lee. Or he could bury the hatchet with Young-jae, and they could embark on a pseudo-reunion tour -- to the delighted screams of their legions of middle-aged panty-tossing fan-girls. ;-)


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As soon as Mal-sook said JB sounds like jebi, I immediately thought of the famous Swallows of Mission San Juan Capistrano, who migrate every year from Argentina to California to rebuild their mud nests.

Da-bong returned to the rooftop from the past, and now he'll be heading back to 1993 -- or will he?!


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" I can watch Malsook giving advice, Gramps forgetting things, MJ's lame jokes and Young-jae getting trolled for 50+ eps " me too! That's what I thought when everyone mentioned that the show will end next week... ???


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If only this was a family drama, I could watch all the drama tropes and lame jokes for another 16 ep. I will miss our awesome foursome, Mal -sook & grandpa, Kwang-jae & Bo Hee, MJ, even YJ and his secretary. I will definitely miss this drama badly *sigh*


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I cant believe we only have a week left. Hyun Jae dont go. Im not ready to let you go. T T
Im so curious what that letter from HJ 1994 contained. the show may be predictable with the kdrama usual tropes we see but it is doing mini reveals so well every week there is somethibg new to look forward to. ai dont want Friday to come too soon as Im not ready for the end but I cant wait for the next episodes at the same time.


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Hyunjae's time blip has taught him lessons he couldn't have learned back in his own time, there was just no way at the height of his career he would understand some of the things he does now. We see now that he truly cares and treasures his friends, family, songwriting, and the girl he likes, and he's willing to do whatever he can to protect them because he was unable to protect these things before. This drama teaches us that life isn't just about second chances, because at the end of it all this wasn't a second chance: Hyunjae will have to return, he cannot undo Bonghee's pregnancy or Jihoon, and he can't take back what he did to ruin World agency. Second chances are rare, but new chances are even better. Hyunjae received new opportunities of realizing what truly matters at the end of it all, and he's become a completely changed person because of that and that's what matters.

Also Kwangjae and Bonghee...T T


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"Second chances are rare, but new chances are even better. " +10000 ?


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YSY's hugs look so warm.. like he puts his heart and soul to them! Aww <3


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YSY should totally have free hugs day! I'll fly to SK for that! Lol


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Need a travel partner?


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Hahaha! I won't decline! ?


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We could start our own beanies tour group! That would be fun. I was in Korea for only 3 days a couple of years ago and I left against my will. Imagine that, after YSY hug day we can go for Korean BQ, get drunk drinking soju, piggyback each other, avoid white trucks, karaoke and more soju, chicken and beer, and so much more!!! If we are lucky, we can accidentally trip and kiss a cold chaebol looking for the warmth of a simple girl. ✈️??


@dramamama this is the best idea ever!!


@dramamama that plan sounds amazing!! But I dunno if I would be able to do all that after being hugged by YSY because I'm sure I would just melt away and/or lose my mind. lol


I'm in sounds like an amazing trip.


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LMAO! That sounds fun and drama-like. HAHA! I'm in anytime. :D


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Are you guys suggesting we "enjoy your creative Korea®"? ?#datsongjoonkismiletho


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OMG yes!! count me in!


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Am super super curious to know what's on that piece of notebook in the safety deposit box!
Feel so anxious for Woo-sung, she is craving for stability and leery of beloved people disappearing from her life, and she had to fell for a time traveller. Dunno how this time-travel thing is going to be solved, but I need a happy ending for everybody! T_T
On the other hand, celebrating the fact that everybody that matters are now under World Entertainment, woohoo!


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"On the other hand, celebrating the fact that everybody that matters are now under World Entertainment, woohoo!"

Well, almost everybody who matters. Woo-seung is still working as an intern at Star Punch. I bet she'll end up collaborating as a songwriter with MJ at World Agency. ;-)


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Yeah, this is what I have been waiting for: MJ sitting in that rickety old van. And Helter Skelter's song at the end was really good, I was left wishing for more!

Also really intrigued by that paper left in that safe... it didn't look like good news to Hyun Jae. :/


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Aha, yes, totally forgotten about closet artist Woo-seung ^^ Am reminded of my early wish of rooftop roomies (plus MJ now) becoming a full band, but her as a songwriter makes more sense, since her singing didn't impress MJ at all, haha.
The existence of that paper makes me hope for a great plot closure; it looks like a well thought plan. Please show, don't prove me wrong!


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i didn't even know this drama ends next week until reading the comments, & i'm truly confused on how that is possible... there are so many questions that haven't been answered!


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This is what I've been waiting for. Jihoon has always been understanding so I wasn't surprised at how mature his approach is about talking things over with Hyunjae. Ahh I wanted more of this Jihoon-Hyunjae relationship.

Kyaaaa~ MJ's at World Agency now! Is it too much to ask that we get a trio of him, Jihoon and Drill? Duo is good too though.

Lol. Youngjae and his Italian chair gag will never get old.


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Hyun jae is so straight forward with his feelings it saves us from a lot of unnecessary drama thank goodness!


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Yup, he's the man who can't lie ?


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Da-bong is the man who can't lie -- and then there's Young-jae, who has no problem doing so, especially when it comes to projecting an image.

With Da-bong, what you see is what you get. He may be childlike at times, but he's grown up to be honest and truly appreciate of the contributions of others -- with a playful way of busting the chops of those who aren't.


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I know they'll solve the puzzle next week but what I've never understood is if hyun jae goes back to his timeline, will he father ji hoon just for the sake of it so that JH exists even if he likes woo swung so much?? (If he's actually ji hoon's real dad)


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"... will he father ji hoon just for the sake of it so that JH exists even if he likes woo swung so much??"

This question has been on my mind as well. Hyun-jae might think that he must return to 1993 in order for Ji-hoon to exist. But if Ji-hoon is someone else's son to begin with, it's unnecessary. Bo-hee has kept mum on Ji-hoon's paternity, and it's driving me bonkers. It'll be a totally nuts if Ji-hoon is Kwang-jae's son after all.

Regardless of the paternity issue, I can understand Hyun-jae's wanting to go back to 1993 so he can return the money to CEO Lee.


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" Bo-hee has kept mum on Ji-hoon's paternity, and it's driving me bonkers. "
You are not the only one, it's driving us all beanies crazy to the point that we are coming up with crackpot theories of our own lol.


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My own theory would be: Young Jae is the dad and the note in safety box has a clue on that, as well on why YJ disliked HJ to the point that he had to disappear. That's why (current) HJ said “so all these happened only because of this?” when reading the note.


@boomboompow July 17, 2017 at 11:20 AM

I've been suspecting Young-jae as Ji-hoon's father as well. I like your hypothesis that the page from Hyun-jae's notebook has evidence to that effect.

Here's another wack-o idea: We know that Woo-seung's mother has been married umpteen times. Since she was a stylist or whatever for Bo-hee, is it possible that Young-jae might be Woo-seung's father as well? That would automagically get rid of the love triangle! Ji-hoon loses a potential romantic partner but gains a sibling who's been his best friend their whole lives (which is maybe why they've been so comfortable around each other until recently). One more time with feeling for the Birth Secret Trope. ;-)

Voila! Da-bong is off the hook as both Ji-hoon's dad and rival in romance. HAR!


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LOL, I love this. More birth secrets to solve the current birth secret. Bo Hee is driving all of us mad. At this point I'm ready to believe anyone is Ji Hoon's father and she was hallucinating. I'd be touched and greatly amused if it turns out to be Kwang Jae, just sayin'.



"More birth secrets to solve the current birth secret."

Ah, yes indeedy -- this is the homeopathic approach to tropes: treating like with like!

Q: If you pile one instantiation of a trope on top of another, do they cancel each other out the way double negatives do in English?!

At this rate, I'm about ready to believe that Ji-hoon was delivered by the stork, fell off the turnip truck, was begotten by parthenogenesis, or might be Kim Min-jae's clone. Or he might have sprung full-blown from the head of Zeus. - Nope, that couldn't be it. There are baby pictures. ;-)

If Ji-hoon does turn out to be Kwang-jae's son after all, then why in blazes did Bong-hee not tell him and let Hyun-jae take the rap instead?!

Maybe Ji-hoon is actually Bong-hee's kid brother a la MY SECRET ROMANCE. Or nephew.

Another of my theories is that Young-jae was the one surreptitiously sowing his wild oats -- while Hyun-jae had the "bad boy" reputation.



It struck me that Da-bong is like the mythical wild white unicorn who is attracted to and tamed by a maiden (Woo-seung). He often wears light colors and white, which reminds me of the unicorn tapestries in The Cloisters museum in New York.

Unicorn mythology also fits Da-bong as the father of the Pure Fairy's son Ji-hoon since the creature was emblematic of the Immaculate Conception in medieval times. HAR! Seriously, when are we going to find out who Ji-hoon's father is?


Now that you mention it, Hyun Jae did start out wearing all black. As he became less self-centred his clothing also turned to the bright side.

Or we're being really philosophical and he only wanted to be up to date on the white trouser fashion heehee


Grandpa is back is: browsing nursing home brochures" which... Awww ? The subs I watched were prolly incomplete bec I missed this part.


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That makes me so sad as well. I don't even want to imagine him in a nursing home!


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Same. I also didn't know what he was browsing.. ?

Thank God Da bong realized there's something different with Grandpa and he let Gwang Jae know.


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My earlier try at posting this seems to have vanished into the bit bucket. One more time, with feeling:

The Kiss Asian subs I read had Grandpa marveling that the first nursing home looked like a luxury resort hotel. Then he muttered that the second place looked like a concentration camp.


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The stolen track fakeout was so awesome! I replayed that scene like 5 times. I wish the song was longer though.

I love this set of episodes of Hyun-jae leaving all these heartfelt gifts/moments for all these people he cares about - including the two trot singers (loved their song, btw!). I wasn't feeling the WS+HJ romance jumping into sad-eyes, mopey territory (can't you go on one last fun date or something?!), but the other 50 minutes were gold. The mix of humor and warmth was perfect. In between laughing at how HJ trolled YJ, kidnapped JH, forgot the burner, and shared a corny joke with MJ, I'm crying inside seeing him bid farewell to our characters without them knowing he was saying goodbye. Especially when he asked KJ to live for himself and helped bring BH and KJ together.

I agree with you, @gummimochi, on wishing that all these things that HJ did would have been spaced out throughout the series. He did all the things I wanted him to do (including noticing that grandpa needed to see a doctor!). I'm glad he got to it now than never.

One more week. I think I'm going to assume that I won't be entirely satisfied with the ending and that there will be plot holes that leave me gnashing my teeth - par-for-course for stories that involve time-travel. I'm just going to revel in episodes 27-28 and in how YSY/HJ stole all our freaking hearts these past few months.


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The trot song sounds catchy and familiar, I wonder if it's actually a famous one and if it has been played in other variety shows like Running Man or something.


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The song has Hong Jin-young written all over it ahaha


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I totally can't imagine how this drama would end! Will HJ go back to the past? What about Kwang-hee and Boo hee, I mean, if HJ does go back to the past, Ji Hoon won't be alive if HJ and BH don't hook up. And don't get me started on Wooseung! I admit, I was not expecting to ship WS and HJ but the past episodes really tugged at my heartstrings and there was always something so filial about JH and WS's love line that never got me on board that ship. I want HJ and WS as end game but how??


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What?? We're at episode 28 already? Only 4 more left/ 1 week to go? ㅠㅠ this is one of those shows you enjoy watching so much and feel so comfortable with that everything just seems to zoom by. I'm not ready for the end!!! *cries*


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I loved the Hyunjae and Jihoon interactions most of all, followed by Bohee finally making a move. I didn't mind Hyunjae (seemingly) tying up all his loose ends this ep. It was nice to get answers to some mysteries, and I love that it forced him to realize he's a different and better person than he used to be. But so help me, if they don't give Hyunjae and Kwangjae happy endings, I will go after that writer with a pitchfork because I can't take sad Cha Tae Hyun and Yoon Shi Yoon.

p.s. I didn't expect MJ to turn out to be such an adorable character. I really love him to bits.


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MJ finally grew on me during this episode. I think he will be a great addition to World Agency.


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It was really nice to hear MJ tell Hyun-jae, the composer of his hits, how bad he feels about being given credit for work that was not his own.

I'm still wondering who MJ really is. I hope he isn't actually Young-jae and Kathy's son. It would be just like Young-jae to drive such a nasty bargain with his own kid. Harumph!


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All those bittersweet moments I am choking up...no words to explain this episode it felt like a goodbye and I am not ready yet. All the characters shared an touching moment with one another and that epilogue really was nice seeing Hyun-jae's consideration for everyone and the bond he made in 2017. Hyun jae surely is a good puppy caring for those around him I can't believe he is self centered and arrogant person even though time changes the nature of a person doesn't. Hope everyone gets a happy ending.


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The show trolled me for a good 5 minutes there when Hyun Jae pulled a noble idiocy card and hand Yoon Jae the 2 million dollars for MJ's freedom. I was screaming (in my head) on why is he such an idiot and swearing that the writer would dare to prolong their misery until next week. Or so I thought.

Man I was in tears laughing when the cheque turned out to be from the bankrupted bank and worthless. Hyun Jae, you da bomb!

I was almost in tears again when Grandpa has an episode, it was heartbreaking. So happy that Hyun Jae told Gwang Jae to take him to the doctor, I really hope the writer won't be so mean and do anything funny to Grandpa in the last week. I have long accepted that (my) ship Hyun Jae - Woo Seung will sink because they come from different world but if anything, Grandpa and Malsookie has got to have a happy ending!


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The camping trip was so cute. Ji-hoon is such a good sport about Hyun Jae entering and interfering in his life.


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I love the way Hyun-jae shows how different he was from his 1993 self. His outing with Ji-hoon is priceless since he already planned to leave the nest.


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I really really loved today's episode. I really love the camping scene of HJ and JH. I love how mature JH is and understands that it's not even fair to condemn HJ for something he hasn't even done yet and I am so proud of HJ for saying sorry to JH and of how much he's changed from the self-centered HJ to a HJ who now learns the value of family, friendship and love! I love how he fooled YJ not once but twice! Lol! Also I love his interaction with MJ and I'm so amazed by their uncanny similarities! And most of all I love how he apologized to grandpa and told KJ to think of himself for once and helped him with BH. Well it's about time!

I know a lot of people are skeptical with the loveline between WS and HJ but I think it was really necessary for him to really fall in love and learn the value of caring for a woman other than using them for fun! I think that falling in love is one of the formula in the complete transformation of HJ.Also, despite the reunion of HJ and WS I believe that going back is definitely inevitable for HJ. We have 2 more episodes left and there are still things to be answered so I really hope that they can cover it all up next week! I just really hope that everybody will have their happy ending I don't care how but happy ending is really a must! Lol! Aaaaaah! I don't think I'm ready to say goodbye yet to all the characters especially my baby HJ. I am really so imppressed by YSY here. I know he's a good actor but I really haven't fully appreciate him until now.


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I know a lot of people are skeptical with the loveline between WS and HJ but I think it was really necessary for him to really fall in love and learn the value of caring for a woman other than using them for fun! I think that falling in love is one of the formula in the complete transformation of HJ.

I agree wholeheartedly about Hyun-jae's transformation via falling in love with Woo-seung. You got me thinking about the roles played by other aspects of love as well. Thanks for the inspiration. See thread #35.

When I stop to think about it, Ji-hoon is very much like Kwang-jae. He's mature and down-to-earth -- and initially just as reticent to tell Woo-seung how he feels about her. Shoot, it took him 8 years to fess up. If he didn't speak up, he ran the risk of ending up just like his father, who has been thwarted by bad timing from plighting his troth to Bong-hee. Perhaps a similar fate awaited Ji-hoon -- except that Woo-seung does not reciprocate his feelings.

Maybe that line from Sailor Moon that Mal-sook conveyed to Hyun-jae (“giving up also requires courage”) also applies to Ji-hoon. It reminds me very much of the Kenny Rogers song “The Gambler,” which isn't really about poker.


Hyun-jae and Ji-hoon are both endowed with persistence. But sometimes you really do have to call it quits. One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. But since it takes two to tango, the idea that the other party might just change their mind is legitimate... and oh, so seductive. The best thing you can do is speak your truth, and allow others the freedom and respect to express their own -- with no strings attached.


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i have yet to watch it but reading the recap.. makes me tear up. HJ sounds like a person who know he's going to die soon..so he has to tidy up everything before leaving forever. he make sure everything is in order..everything is okay.. sniff. if and when he returns to his own time..he knows that he had done something for everyone..and unto himself..a change for the better. he might leave woo seung behind but he knows she will have ji hoon (& drill) by her side.


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@Kennedy Rose,

"HJ sounds like a person who know he's going to die soon."

It's not just that page torn out of Hyun-jae's composition notebook that concerns me. (What could have triggered his tearful reaction when reading it? Please, not a terminal disease, not that!) I'm wondering what's in that letter he sent to Grandpa. When CEO Lee slipped his clutch by 20 years and asked Hyun-jae what was in the letter, he didn't answer, presumably because he had not yet written it in 1993. -- Interestingly, the envelope had a postage stamp, but didn't seem to have a postmark.

I'm still wondering why those thugs were after Hyun-jae in 1993. Had Grandpa put a hit out on him for absconding with the cash? Maybe Grandpa has felt guilty for doing so even if the thugs never caught him -- and decades of remorse have taken their toll on his memory.


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Oh gosh, what you say is plausible - please don't end in tragedy show! I.AM.NOT.READY. Don't kill off the Ghost of Christmas Present! @pakalanapikake I think it was you that talked about this in the last recap, which I read but didn't get to reply to. Hyun Jae's name means 'present' right? All of the things he did this episode were like gifts to help people live their present better. But if he is indeed the Present, his is a fleeting presence; the present will be here in the future and then become the past.

Now I'm sad.


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@WishfulToki, @Kennedy Rose,

This is why I was bummed out after this weekend's episodes, especially after the LOOKOUT finale last week. I wasn't happy with Lee Sun biting the dust in RULER, either. Sheesh.

The photographic images in this week's episodes brings to mind this song that was written by a teen prodigy songwriter 20 years before Hyun-jae disappeared. The lyrics are eerily apropos for him. Joan Baez does a great cover on “Diamonds and Rust,” but the original version on “Late for the Sky” includes all the lyrics and wonderful turns of phrase.

Jackson Browne - Fountain Of Sorrow ( + lyrics 1974)

My sense of dread stems from Da-bong's penchant for doing internet research on himself, and the fangirl's post that the guy performing J2's “Say It” at the talent competition looked “like Yu Hyun-jae back from the dead.” SAY WHAT?! On the other hand, wouldn't Kwang-jae know if his remains had been found? Unless they were unidentifiable because he had no living relatives whose DNA could be used for comparison (but Hyun-jae in the future recognized the time period and place). I've gone and depressed myself some more, darn it. I hope we're just being trolled.

Yes, it was me with the references to "A Christmas Carol." I think you're right about Hyun-jae's name meaning "present." -- Thanks for reminding me.

You also reminded me of a saying whose origin I do not know, but which I first heard about 30 years ago:

"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, which is why it is called the present."

Now I'm getting a metaphysical vibe. Perhaps Hyun-jae is a personification of the Zeitgeist (literally, the Spirit of Time). You could even say that he has been a walking exemplar of the 1990s Zeitgeist, not only fashion-wise, but in his sensibility and musicality as well. Or maybe he's an errant Time Lord who uses a wooden “flying carpet” instead of the TARDIS. ;-)

It's funny how in this episode Hyun-jae is very much like Father Christmas as he bequeaths gifts -- and two metaphorical lumps of coal (a worthless cashier's check and dinner at a swanky restaurant)!


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The "drill" issue during the camping scene is so funny! I laughed so hard and how MC Drill keeps on saying who on Earth talked about him. LOL

At this point, I don't mind Ji Hoon being Hyun Jae's son though I'd been denying it for the past few weeks. I love how Hyun Jae said if he came from 1994, maybe he would care about Bo Hee and Ji Hoon more and I love Ji Hoon for being so understanding about it. The man who sat next to him during the camping may be his father, but he's just a 23 y/o guy who's just like him. It's kinda sweet of Ji Hoon for not expecting more from Hyun Jae. Though at this point, Ji Hoon might be Hyun Jae's real son, I don't find it weird for Hyun Jae to pursue his love with Woo Seung because let's face it, they're in love and Hyun Jae is not a 46 y/o man, he's just like any other 23 y/o guy who falls in love with a girl of his age. He tried to avoid it because of his circumstances, but he couldn't.


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Da Bong !!! You are PURE GENIUS! I love how sly you are without being malicious (does that make sense?) I almost thought you were overestimating yourself when you called yourself amazing. Show please don't end yet, i can't...


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"I love how sly you [Da-bong] are without being malicious (does that make sense?)"

It makes lots of sense. Da-bong is a trickster, but unlike Loki, he doesn't get anyone killed. He dispenses humorously just comeuppances.


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I thought Strongest Delivery Person doesn't start until 4 August, so we have four more episodes of The Best Hit right??


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Strongest Deliveryman is starting August 4. So this will end next week, not this week...correct? So we still have 8 episodes left (or 4 full-length episodes)...right? Or no??


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"whatever he’s written on the page brings tears to his eyes. “Was it all because of this? What’s so important about this?” he asks himself, getting choked up."
So I'm wondering if Hyun-jae becomes terminally sick in 1994. If he leaves 2017 a changed person, has his relationship and makes preparations to disappear because he wants to "make it easier" for everyone.
I dunno I hope not that would be REALLY weird but he starts helping everyone act & preparing to leave after the bank.
My other theory is that he leaves 2017 goes back to 1993 then jumps back after 1994 to the future 2017 or beyond.


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I like both these theories! Fingers crossed for something good, please Show please!!


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i really feel like these last 2 sets of episodes had so much important things going on. i was wondering where all of this was during the episodes before them. it was starting to feel like there was no real point in having him come from the past.

and um..woo-seung finding all this out...just a little awkward. dating your bff's potential dad. and jihoon with his crush dating his potential dad. shivers...lol


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i can't see there being any kind of happy ending with the time warp thing... and DaBong getting involved with Woo Seung...

so i'm hoping against hope that he will either be able to stay in the present time period, or return to his former time period and we will get to see how things then turned out in the present.

but if he stays in the present, i hope he lets his son (if he IS his son) have the opportunity to explore his relationship with Woo Seung...


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The entire episode felt like a set up for Hyun Jae's departure, with his one-on-one moments with each character. I don't quite recall when he decided he had to leave, and that decision of his took me by surprise. I thought he decided he wanted to stay ???

After this heartbreaking decision, you have Bo Hee and Gwang Jae's moment at the bakery. Tears of joy everywhere. Finally.

I don't want Hyun Jae to go, but what if that's all he was meant to do in that timeline? I just hope the show ends this neatly and with everyone especially Hyun Jae happy. Please? Hahaha


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YSY is so onpoint with his acting..cheeky, funny and poingnant n thpughtful all within seconds. How does he do it.
So glad that JH isnt blaming HJ and the camping scene was so wel done.
Theory time---I dont know how the writer plans to explain the time slip but this feels more n more like the christmas Carol. HJ has changed into a better person n finally changed his selfish ways..could it be that the future was all a dream n 1993 hj was just in a coma till now??? WS n JH etc might just be people who he knows in the past ??


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I seriously need work on my spellings!!


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This epi is sad, but still funny. I laughed so hard at the song he made for Young Jae ?


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As much I want Hyun Jae to stay, it wont work right. Because if Hyun Jae didn't go back, then Ji Hoon will not exist in current time. Right?


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Does anyone know why KBS world doesn't show The Best Hit?


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Two cents. They can't air the scenes that were heavy on the usage of Western songs (i.e. Lalaland theme) without being hunted down by YT police. If you watch 1N2D especially Yu Hojin PD's era, many episodes were edited on Youtube. It's okay for variety, but no way in drama. But that's just prediction.


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Thanks for another dandy recap and your insights, gummimochi! I've come to think of THE BEST HIT as a time-slip Kpop version of Charles Dickens's “A Christmas Carol.” See my late comment in the previous recap thread.

Regarding the barrage of Hyun-jae's good deeds in this episode, it makes sense to me. It has taken the sum total of the time traveler's experiences in 2017 for him to reach critical mass and blossom into the thoughtful, mature-yet-childlike young man who feels as deeply for others as he formerly felt only for himself. By returning to his rooftop home in 2017, he unknowingly enrolled in a school for living, and received a total-immersion crash course in Growing Up 101. The most potent part of the curriculum is the transformative power of love, be it eros, agape, bromance, or metta.

In surviving and adapting to his solitary and tragic family circumstances, Hyun-jae had become self-centered and oblivious to the two-way street of human relations. In the high-pressure environment of a working and touring musician, the closest thing he had to a family was his partner Young-jae, the scarily-thuggish CEO Lee of World Agency, and his only friend, road manager Kwang-jae. Given the industry-standard exploitation of performers, no wonder he had a chip on his shoulder. Plus he may not have been privy to all the behind-the-scenes planning, wheeling and dealing, and dogged footwork his CEO and manager went through on his behalf. When everyone is telling you what a genius you are, it's easy to lose sight of the seemingly-insignificant contributions of support staff. (Sez she who worked as a secretary. Harumpf!)

Even with all his baggage, Hyun-jae is essentially a good person. Once he finds himself stuck in his old home with a bunch of same-age roommates in similarly trying circumstances, he starts wising up, and develops empathy, patience, and caring. The twin shocks of meeting the child he has allegedly fathered, and learning that his old friends and colleagues are now living difficult lives because of his thoughtless actions in the past, forces him to wake up. He sees that some things haven't changed in the music business when it comes to exploitation of talent. If anything, it's maybe even more difficult for young people to follow their hearts into music now than when he started out.

All of these realizations make Hyun-jae appreciate the efforts and sacrifices of CEO Lee and Kwang-jae. Because he is a person who cannot lie, and is impelled to express his feelings, he persists in acting on those feelings in ways that he determines will be most helpful to the people he has come to care about. Instead of hoarding his talents for monetary gain, he shares them, and sets an example in the process. “Follow my lead until you know” applies to all aspects of life, not just romance. It applies to his contemporaries and proteges, not just the Part-timer who has stolen his heart.


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What the heck is written on that page torn from Hyun-jae's notebook? It was important enough for him to put it in the safe deposit box along with the cashier's check from the now-defunct bank.

I can't help but wonder if Hyun-jae will be able to remember the bank insolvency when he returns to 1993, and will get the cashier's check from the institution where he obtained the safe deposit box. It looks like it was large enough for him to stash his composing notebooks. Hmm.

Although it was fun to see Hyun-jae bust Young-jae's chops with the useless cashier's check, I can't help but wonder whether his frenemy would have lived a different life if our diva had treated his singing partner better. What was it about his background that made him such a money-grubber?


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Yoon Shi Yoon is really doing a great job portraying Hyun Jae.
Thumbs up!


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This episode was so bittersweet, so sad that HJ was saying good bye to everyone and no one noticed. What will happen to our OTP who knows.

But I wonder if HJ goes back in time if really hook up with BH, my take is that if he really goes back to 1993 he will not hook up with BH, but then KJ and BH get together and JH is their son.
Also money will be returned so no one has to go all the hardships that they went through because HJ took CEO money.
So of HJ really goes back and correct the wrong, will he stay in the past or will he be able to go to 2017 to find WS?


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While watching this episode, I misunderstood that Bo-hee was from Young-jae's hometown, not Kwang-jae's. Thanks for setting me straight, gummimochi.

That shoots down my juicy theories about Young-jae, darn it. ;-) Oh, heck. Here goes a non-canonical alternative reality anyway:

Young-jae has a crush on Bo-hee, who's from his hometown (as is Kwang-jae), and gets her pregnant. In the mean time, Young-jae is being pursued by a wealthy noona 12 years his senior (Kathy), and cannot publicly acknowledge his child's paternity. Kathy blackmails Young-jae into dating and later marrying her, with the added enticement of wealth and power. Hyun-jae and Kwang-jae both help Bo-hee, with Hyun-jae taking the rap for the pregnancy.


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I personally feel it would be awful for Bo-hee, if that's the truth think about her feelings she seems to have genuinely loved Hyun-jae and also their secret code "22198", it must have been important to the other hyun-jae as well to use it as a bank code. So at this point Woo-seung and hyun-jae surely are a cute pair and I don't find it awkward even if hyun-jae really is ji-hoon's dad and bo-hee has also seemed to move on from her love towards hyun-jae. So even though your theory makes sense I don't want that to happen plz Ji-hoon and hyun-jae makes the best son-father duo (even though they are in the same age)


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@Aneyo July 17, 2017 at 5:49 AM,

I can think of one scenario regarding the pager code that might provide a loophole. Why didn't Hyun-jae know what it meant? Aside from the fact that he had not yet met Bong-hee in 1993, maybe he merely passed it on to Kwang-jae without knowing what it meant. I admit it would be kind of strange for his road manager to not have a beeper. But who knows. ;-)


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Well, the other HJ is a future HJ from our point of view. If HJ goes back to the past, 1994-HJ is older than 2017-HJ, he will already know that 22198 is the code to be used in the bank. So there is no need for it to mean anything. Also, 1994-HJ will leave himself a note in the bank safe, and I assume if I was him, I would tell my 2017-past self in that note what I need to do in order to go back to the past, since 1994-me already has gone through it and knows everything. Well, I know it's too complicated, ? but either we have a HJ that plays in a way that the time-loop is kept the same or he would destroy everything and make impossible what we have seen in 2017 to happen. The other possibility is that indeed the person that goes through 1994 is a different HJ, not the one that we know...but this would be too complex to handle in the remaining two episodes...


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My head is spinning. Excedrin Headache #432! What a missed opportunity for PPL. ;-)

Actually, I like your explanation. It's a no-brainer for Da-bong to leave himself a note in the safe deposit box. It's the keeping track of multiple Da-bongs in multiple timelines that is overloading my circuits.

Maybe we have to keep things simple the way Hyun-jae does. I bet we're all overthinking it. ;-)


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I didn't realise next week is going to be the last week TT_TT
By now I don't really know how they'll wrap things up with Hyun Jae. I wasn't going to ship Hyun Jae and Woo Seung (because Hyun Jae is supposed to be Ji Hoon's dad. and that's weird and all) but the show's effort on showing how OTP-able both of them are, finally works. Mostly because the chemistry between the actors. My baby Woo Seung looks so happy and comfortable with Hyun Jae and now she has to let him go? and he has to let her go, too? ;A;

and I didn't know I needed MJ-Hyun Jae bromance moments until now and they are so precious?? Like MJ's character had so much potential to be explored, too.

GRANDPA AND MALSOOK AAAAAA ;A; Grandpa don't think you're burdening them and all (with the brochure seemed like he is thinking of going to the nursing home? ;A;) I need more malsook - grandpa moment. so precious.


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Maybe HJ is just moving to a different house cause he really don't know how to travel back.... hahahahahha (i swear if this is what the writers will give us I'll flip my computer out of dissapointment, I HOPE NOT!! PLEASE DRAMA god!!!) ahem* anyway it's nice that HJ make amends with everyone and did what we expect him to do....he also rearranged Helter's song... he is so sweet... I just want to see the ending yet i don't want the drama to end and I won't be seeing YSY for a while in drama land....such an ambivalent feeling I'm having...this what TBH has done to me..... hahaha!!! FIGHTING TBH!!!


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@41 chieklet July 17, 2017 at 4:41 AM,

Maybe HJ is just moving to a different house cause he really don't know how to travel back....

HAR! I like it. Hyun-jae has been promising to move out for a while now. Maybe we are being mercilessly trolled. And then, when we least expect it -- poof!

It's not as if Kwang-jae hasn't already tried to send Hyun-jae down StairGate SG-1. We know how well that worked. On the other hand, it was during clear, sunny weather. Maybe there has to be another typhoon blowing for the stair portal to work. Luckily, as Hyun-jae has noted, the rainy season is in progress. One of the alternate titles for the show is THE BIG BLOW -- which sounds like something an old sea dog would call such a storm. Hmmm.


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I know right? I'm thinking the same thing... no typhoon no time travel and also the wooden poster of Pogo endorsement (hehehe).... without these variables TIME TRAVEL is out of HJ hands,,,, I just want to know what happened to him in 1994, why did he dissappear???
Please Writer-nim i just want to know?! don't disappoint us viewers by trolling us big time!!?


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Dang! I'd forgotten about that wooden signboard he slalomed down on. Maybe it has to be biodegradable, not plastic! And maybe it has to be at 1:20AM.

I'm still thinking back on that scene where his car was discovered. When Hyun-jae returned to it, he found remnants of some of his stuff there (including the framed photo with Bong-hee's inscription). I hope the CRIMINAL MINDS team doesn't find a 2017 smartphone nearby.


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This unusual family is made up of quirky members coming together to form one sound piece. I'm not ready for Hyun-jae to return to the other timeline, because he seems to fit right in place here.


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I love this show! I wish it would go on forever, or at least maybe 100 plus episodes. I could watch them all go about their daily life, and Ddabong being amazed at all the futuristic gadgets he encounters and never get bored...


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Omooooo so funny! Totally agree that MC Drill, hyunjae n MJ were hilarious

Sad that it's ending next week (no more yoon shi yoon oppa!!!) but I also don't want Show to outstay it's welcome


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That’s when a large flower arrangement arrives from Kim Da-bong. Aww, Hyun-jae. Everyone laughs at the message of “Runny Nose” on the banner...

Is Hyun-jae alluding to Kwang-jae's being a “snot-nosed brat” in comparison to retired CEO Grandpa Lee?


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Hyun-jae will return back to the past, right? But I'm not ready for sad ending.. *sigh*


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I really feel like jihoon is someone else's son and hyunjae just decided to step in to take responsibility to avoid bigger scandal for bohee. I feel like it is somewhat related to the person who gave hyunjae that huge money? in 1993, he just accepted the money thinking it was for the contract but maybe it's more than that? lol I'm getting makjang here. Another theory, the music on the safety box must be the song he wrote for wooseung?? That "I wroted this sone thinking of you" song. Whatever I'm saying doesn't make sense but what if that hyunjae who lives on until 1994 has already came back from 2017. He even started writing ballad back then which was seem unusual for him bc probably he misses wooseung and everyone from the present lol. I don't even understand what I just wrote haha


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Ah, it's the old "time folds in on itself like origami" trick. ;-)


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Please don't mention origami, I have been folding sharks all week


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LOL! A truly bizarre coincidence! ;-)


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My heart hurts for Woo Seung the most in these episodes. She was so used to relying on herself and Da Bong comes into her life. Keeps saving her and she just started to let herself go. To trust and depend on someone again. But now she knows Da Bong is Yoo Hyun Jae. What probably hurt her the most is not that he was Yoo Hyun Jae from 20 years ago, but that he is some magical fantasy thing that could disappear any time soon. She was afraid that she will be left alone again like how her dad, mom, and recently ex-boyfriend+best friend left her. It's only fitting that at the end of this episode, it's her running to Da Bong and telling him not to go anywhere while hugging him tightly. It must have taken a lot of courage for her to expressed her inner feelings. Gah, but I'm nervous of how it ended because the way Da Bong came to her was spirit-like which might have just been all Woo Seung's imagination.

I wonder where Da bong was going. He has no where to go or a place to stay. After reading the paper that he left with the money in the locker, he created trouble with Young Jae which was his only money source. Has he found a way to go back? Will have to wait until next week.

In the same time, I can't believe that it's ending next week. I'm not ready to let go of this drama. There's still so many things to be explained. But I'm just going to enjoy the last episodes as I always did for the rest.


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@ 48 yen,

Woo-seung has two more people on her side who care about her a lot: her old roomies, Ji-hoon and Drill. They literally are not going anywhere -- she's the one who left. She's taken the giant step of moving forward on her own now that she is financially able. Part of the reason she can do so is precisely because she has people truly rooting for her. Although she cannot accept Ji-hoon romantically, he's still her old buddy who wants only the best for her.

You're right about her finally letting down her guard and falling for the white unicorn known as Da-bong. He is a mysterious legend, and it was miraculous that she even caught a glimpse of him. (Unicorn mythology is quite fitting for Da-bong, actually. LOL.)


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That hug in the end made me melt. These two shouldn't be separated, ever. I have gone through so many theories that I am already tired of thinking about what will happen, haha!! I just want them to solve it in a way that HJ stays in 2017, because here is where he truly belongs, with his Alba and the rest of the family.


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I hope the resolution is that he is not anyones´dad and can stay as a same-age friend and boyfriend and manager and we can well see he and Kwang Jae can get stuff done regardless. It seems like Kwang Jae has finally accepted him being there as a matter of fact - he was so desperately trying to send him back when he first found out. Now it´s like, "Ok, don´t slack off, we´ve more to do, get moving!" not even thinking of the possibility HJ might be forced to go back. It would now truly be even a greater blow for them to have him disappear from their lives AGAIN now that everything finally clicks.

MJ - gosh, who does this kid remind me off? Scooby Doo perhaps? at the back of the car like this. It is like they adopted a very weird puppy who hangs there at the back not making much sense but being so devoted (to whichever master smells like food...)


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