Familiar Wife: Episode 16 (Final)

Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin still have a few lessons to learn about life as a married couple, the most important one being that you never stop choosing to love. Time travel may have brought them here, but that’s only one day out of thousands, and they still have to make it through their day-to-day lives. If there’s one thing to remember, it’s that no matter what happens, they’ll always have each other.

EPISODE 16: “Familiar happy ending”

Woo-jin makes Joo-hyuk propose to her on a roller coaster, and she agrees to marry him. Three years later, they’re settled and their two children have been born. They oversleep, and fight to be the first to get ready for the day — looks like things are back the way they belong.

But instead of an angry, madcap scramble, this time around Joo-hyuk remembers that he set the alarm an hour ahead, and they dive back into bed for a few more minutes of sleep. When they do get up, it’s Joo-hyuk who gets the kids ready while Woo-jin showers, then they trade off so Joo-hyuk can get dressed.

They’re in a hurry, but they’re smiling and helping each other, and they get the kids to the school van and head to the bank together. Even their bickering about running late is cute.

They arrive at the bank fifteen minutes late, and they sneak in, pretending to have been there for a while already. Jong-hoo stops them and asks if their scenario is that they got to work early so went for coffee, and he points out that their bags aren’t at their desks and Woo-jin isn’t in uniform yet. Busted.

Everyone gets the giggles as Jong-hoo fusses at Woo-jin and Joo-hyuk, saying that they would have been separated if they were at any other branch. Even Jong-hoo cracks a grin when he tries and fails to pull rank — he’s the team leader now, after Manager Byun was promoted to assistant branch manager.

When Branch Manager Cha arrives at work, he announces that headquarters has approved two promotions at their branch. Team Leader Jang is moving to another location to be their assistant branch manager, and Woo-jin is bring promoted to team leader of the direct banking team. Everyone is happy for them both, but sad that Team Leader Jang will be leaving them.

Hwan brings up the fact that with all these promotions, Joo-hyuk is still just assistant manager of the loans department. Joo-hyuk says he’s happy in his position and loudly congratulates his wife, but his smile seems just a bit forced.

He congratulates her again later in private, and she says she feels guilty for being promoted first. But he says he’s happy and proud of her, giving her permission to be as happy for herself as she wants. She does a high-pitched squealing happy dance, and she jokes that even though he abandoned her once (cue grumpyface from Joo-hyuk), she’s glad she remarried him.

The bank employees go out after work to celebrate Team Leader Jang and Woo-jin’s promotions. Team Leader Jang tells Woo-jin that she’ll be great as the new team leader, then Branch Manager Cha gets a little emotional as he wishes her well at her new job, though he says it makes him sad to think that he won’t see her every day anymore.

Manager Byun tries to lift the mood by having Team Leader Jang make a speech, but he forbids anyone to cry or they’ll have to pay a toll. She says that she’s worked at a lot of branches but never one where she was so fond of everyone she works with. She thanks Woo-jin, Hyang-sook, and Hye-jong for putting up with her demanding standards, and they all get choked up.

Despite his admonitions to stay unemotional, Manager Byun looks like he’s about to burst into tears as Team Leader Jang continues, thanking the loans team for helping make the bank feel like a family. He snaps, “I thought you were unaware!” when she thanks him for all his support, and Branch Manager Cha yells for her to skip him when she remembers that he once told her she reminds him of his late sister.

Everyone pays the crying toll to Manager Byun, but Woo-jin hides Joo-hyuk’s crumpled, tear-filled face and takes his wallet when he tries to pay up, hee. Awww, even Manager Byun has to pay the toll, then he pours a round of shots to make a toast.

Later, Manager Byun finds Team Leader Jang in the hallway and calls her by name for the first time. He says he wants to keep having dinner with her after she transfers, giving her the cutest pouty-lipped face, and she agrees — so long as he pays.

Woo-jin drinks enough that Joo-hyuk has to piggyback her home, where Joo-eun is babysitting their children. Se leaves after congratulating Woo-jin on her promotion, and Joo-hyuk puts Woo-jin to bed. She pulls him down and demands his arm to lay her head on, and as she drifts off to sleep, he smooths her hair affectionately.

He gets a text from Woo-jin’s mom asking him to come fix her water spigot, which has flooded her entire yard. He patches the pipe, and Mom tells him that she could live without Woo-jin, but she can’t live without him anymore, ha. They laughs that Woo-jin knows it and gets jealous, cracking jokes that they love each other so much they should just move in together.

Sang-shik calls Joo-hyuk to come over, and yay! He and Joo-eun are running their bar again. Sang-shik fusses at Joo-hyuk and Jong-hoo for not visiting him enough, and Joo-hyuk says that he knows they’re really here because his friends are worried he’s upset about Woo-jin’s promotion. He says he’s fine, and that he’ll get promoted next time.

Jong-hoo seems particularly down tonight and admits he fought with his wife. Sang-shik jokes that he was obviously wrong and to go beg for forgiveness. Jong-hoo says that she yells at him a lot lately, and that she even re-folds the clothes after he folds them, and gripes at him for recycling wrong.

This all sounds really familiar to Joo-hyuk, so he advises Jong-hoo to put himself in his wife’s shoes, and to call her by her name instead of addressing her as the kids’ mom. He says that mothers must hate losing their names when they have children, as well as the ability to dress up and go out with friends like they used to.

His friends are impressed that he understands women so well. He tells Jong-hoo to treat his wife well, and in return, she’ll treat him well. He advises the guys to give their wives a compliment once a day, and they’re fascinated and ask for more tips.

Some time later, Manager Byun reminds Joo-hyuk about some upcoming career training and testing, which will be on his next performance evaluation and could lead to a promotion if he does well. Branch Manager Cha passes out new tablets from headquarters, but when Joo-hyuk says he’s been needing a new one, he’s told that they’re only for team leaders or higher. Everyone else gets paper diaries, which they don’t even pretend to be happy about.

Woo-jin finds Joo-hyuk in the break room and offers him her new tablet, but he declines, vowing to get promoted just to earn his own tablet. Woo-jin tells him that he’s sexy when he’s competitive and pats his behind, and when he whines that someone might see, Woo-jin says that it’s her tush to pat if she wants.

Joo-hyuk is invited to a college get-together by an old classmate, and Woo-jin offers to go with him so they have an excuse to leave early. But Joo-hyuk says that she wouldn’t like his friends, and promises to just go for a few minutes then come home.

He’s surprised when Hye-won joins them, and she tells him that she heard about his wedding and figured that’s why he rejected her when they last saw each other. His friends want to go to another bar for round two, but Joo-hyuk says he has important training tomorrow and heads home. His friends joke that he must be scared of his wife, but Hye-won says with a smile that he obviously loves his wife a lot.

The guys move on while Hye-won hangs back to take a call from her mother. A passerby walks smack into her, making her drop her purse, and we see that it’s Hyun-soo. He peers at Hye-won curiously and asks if they’ve met before, and she spots the college logo on his hoodie and figures they must have seen each other on campus. They linger, seeming inexplicably fascinated with each other.

Woo-jin is waiting for Joo-hyuk when he gets home, and he tells her to go to bed since he plans to stay up and study awhile. His phone pings, and Joo-hyuk picks it up to see that a friend sent Joo-hyuk some pictures from tonight. She spots Hye-won in the pics, so she grabs a beer and waits for Joo-hyuk to come out of the bathroom.

When he emerges, Woo-jin says that Hye-won seems even more beautiful now, and asks if she’s the reason why Joo-hyuk didn’t want her to come along tonight. Joo-hyuk says truthfully that it was only supposed to be the guys. He begs Woo-jin to trust him, but she snaps that it must have been nice to see his ex-wife again, and that his ex-ex-wife is going to bed. Ouch.

After studying, Joo-hyuk creeps into bed trying not to wake Woo-jin. But when he turns to face her, she turns her back to him, and he’s forced to go to sleep without any cuddles. She’s still grouchy the next morning when Joo-hyuk reminds her that he’ll be at headquarters until late doing his testing, so she’ll have to pick up the kids from day care.

The bank is very busy that day, and at one point an elderly woman starts to panic and yell that the ATM stole her card. Woo-jin sends Hwan to open the machine and get the woman’s card back, and she helps the woman sit and offers to get her a drink while she waits. The woman suddenly slumps over unconscious, and Woo-jin calls for someone to get an ambulance.

When Joo-hyuk’s class is over, he gets a call from the day care, wanting to know why nobody has picked up the children. He tries to call Woo-jin, but she’s not answering her phone, and neither is Jong-hoo when Joo-hyuk tries to reach him.

The bank team are all talking about the woman’s collapse, which is why Jong-hoo doesn’t notice his phone ringing. Woo-jin isn’t at the bank because she rode in the ambulance with the elderly woman.

At the hospital, Woo-jin learns that the woman has severe diabetes and her blood sugar level had crashed. Her grandson arrives, so Woo-jin finally checks her phone, to see multiple calls and texts from Joo-hyuk wondering why she hasn’t picked up the kids. She calls and quickly tells him where she is, and he says he’s already on his way to the day care, but that he can still take his test if he makes it back in time.

Instead of panicking, they make a plan. Joo-hyuk intends to pick up the children while Woo-jin takes a taxi to a location halfway between the school and the bank headquarters. If they time it right, they can hand off the kids and Joo-hyuk can get back to headquarters in time to take his test.

Woo-jin’s taxi gets stuck in traffic, and Joo-hyuk starts to worry when she’s not at the meeting place on time. He gets anxious that he might miss his test and end up an assistant manager forever. But thank goodness, Woo-jin’s taxi comes around the corner with seconds to spare, and she grabs the kids while he takes the taxi back to headquarters. He skids into the testing room with less than a minute to spare — safe!

Hwan, Hye-jong, and Hyang-sook are working late at the bank, and they play rock-paper-scissors to determine who buys dinner. Hye-jong loses, and after she leaves, Hyang-sook changes the music they’re listening to. Hwan gets excited that she likes the same singer he does, and they realize that they were even at the same concert last year.

As they talk, they discover that they have a lot in common. Hwan has tickets to their favorite baseball team’s game this weekend, so they agree to go together, suddenly aware of each other in a whole new way.

Joo-hyuk arrives home after his test to find Woo-jin waiting at the door, arms open wide for a hug. She tells him he did well before she even asks about the test, and Joo-hyuk says he did his best. He changes into his jammies and joins Woo-jin for a drink, though he sticks to soda while she has soju.

He tells Woo-jin that he barely made it in time to take the test, affectionately fussing at her for not calling him when she couldn’t make it. Woo-jin acknowledges that she should have called and apologizes, and Joo-hyuk gives her a look and says she should be punished. He insists he’s not thinking of anything sneaky, as he picks up Woo-jin and carries her to bed. RAWR.

A few months later.

Hwan and Hyang-sook glare daggers at each other all day at work, and Jong-hoo tells Joo-hyuk that they’ve broken up for the zillionth time, but will get back together soon like always. He admires their youthful energy, and confides to Joo-hyuk that he wonders sometimes what would have happened if he hadn’t chased his wife to the airport that day. Joo-hyuk tells Jong-hoo not to even think about it, making Woo-jin laugh behind their backs.

They’re getting competitive about whose kids are cuter when former-Team Leader Jang comes for a visit. She says casually that she’s got good news about Joo-hyuk’s promotion, and everyone congratulates him on his new appointment as team leader of the loans department at her bank. He and Woo-jin both burst into tears, awww. Branch Manager Cha runs in yelling that Joo-hyuk is being promoted, and they all pretend they don’t already know.

Woo-jin and his friends plan a little surprise party at Sang-shik’s restaurant that night. They dance and throw confetti, and tease Joo-hyuk that his new title is difficult to pronounce. Woo-jin presents him with a gift of a brand-new gaming console, and Joo-hyuk reflexively leaps out of his chair in fear before he realizes that this time it’s a good thing.

One weekend, Mom offers to take care of the kids so Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin can spend the day together. They’re all Well, okaaay, if you insist… and get out as fast as they can. They go see a sad movie that makes Joo-hyuk cry so loud Woo-jin has to cover his mouth, then to eat afterward (Subway, naturally).

Later they go for a walk at Joo-hyuk’s old college campus, and Woo-jin reminds Joo-hyuk of the first time he brought her here. She jokes that she’s pathetic for falling for the man who abandoned her once, and Joo-hyuk jokes back that he’s just that charming.

More seriously, Woo-jin asks how scary she was that he abandoned her. Joo-hyuk says that it’s not important — what’s important is the history they both remember. He wonders how much more they’ll face in the future, and together they imagine their son’s kindergarten graduation, their kids’ first loves, and which of them might become seriously ill first (a hilarious scene in which a tearful Joo-hyuk runs beside Woo-jin as she’s being taken away on a gurney… for a colonoscopy. LOL).

They vow to grow old together, and to band together against the kids when they give them a hard time. Woo-jin warns Joo-hyuk that if he makes her mad again, she’ll go looking for another magic coin. They admire the moon, happy to be sharing a simple, nice night together.


Such a sweet, simple ending for a sweet, simple show. Life goes on and love continues, as Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin make the decision each and every day to cherish and support each other. They really did end up in the best of all possible timelines, but it was never because of how they changed the past — it’s how they live now and in the future that matters.

I loved all of the parallels in this episode that called up scenes from the first episode, yet with a gentler, more loving spin. The rush to get ready for work but this time helping and supporting each other, the sneaking into work together, and especially when Joo-hyuk found himself unable to reach Woo-jin about the children. It was so good to see them handling the same issues but with a lot more love and understanding, and most of all, teamwork. They aren’t perfect, and they still fight and disagree, but now they act as a unified family and deal with problems in a healthy way instead of fighting and screaming and destroying things in revenge.

Joo-hyuk has grown so much that he’s even advising his friends on how to be good husbands, which is wonderful, because there were times I feared he’d never grow up and be capable of being a responsible partner. Ans Woo-jin got a chance to be a better wife and partner because Joo-hyuk chose to be more aware of his own part in their relationship. She didn’t have her spunky, fun-loving side stamped out by neglect and disappointment, which in turn makes it easier for Joo-hyuk to be the good husband he should be. I’m so proud of them both for learning the lesson that it’s choice, and not fate, that makes a marriage work.

Familiar Wife wasn’t a show with a complicated plot or high stakes — it’s entirely character driven, and the characters were really the best part of this drama. It had some continuity issues (it never did explain how the time travel worked), but I honestly didn’t care, because I just loved all of the characters so much. It must have been fun for the actors to play three different versions of their roles, keeping true to their personalities but with slight differences due to the shifting circumstances of the three separate timelines. The bank team were such a fun part of each episode, and I never got bored of the shifting friendships and romances going on at KCU bank — I even teared up along with everyone else at Team Leader Jang’s farewell party, and when Joo-hyuk finally got his promotion. I’ll miss the quirky gang of misfits and how much they all loved each other.

Recapping this drama was an interesting experience for me, because while Familiar Wife was a sweet show and I enjoyed it overall, there were times when I really, really disliked Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin. Luckily I never disliked them both at the same time, so I was always in one camp or the other depending on who was being more horrible or hopeless at the time. But in retrospect, I appreciate that the characters were flawed and realistic, and even though the story relied on a few travels through time, it still felt grounded and truthful. Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin could be any couple who once loved each other but let their disappointment in life change them and their relationship — they just got lucky enough to encounter a bit of magic to help them find their way back to happiness. But as Joo-hyuk said in the end, what matters isn’t the past, but the memories they share and the ones they’ll make in the future. They won’t always do the right thing or remember to be good to each other, but there will always be love and happiness, if that’s what they choose.


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Thank you for recapping this fantastic drama. I'm first. Woohoo.


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Lovely ending for a lovely show. Everyone has their happy endings. The couple learnt to compromise in their daily life and instead of bickering and blaming each other, they reach for solutions. It might not be an ‘ideal’ situation in real life marriage woes, but its not entirely impossible either. And I LOVE the 2 kids. So cute!! 💕


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I love this show. It is full of wisdom about marriage. We see how all the outside pressures can make maintaining the relationship very hard. But in the finale, they have finally figured out how to love and support each other through those very difficult and stressful times. I love that she was the first to get promoted, and he was kind and supportive.


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i didn't plan to follow this drama (as is the case for some of my other drama chasings haha) but i'm so glad I ended up doing so. such an experience watching two acting veterans interacting with each other, and in such a genuine way too. it was so easy to see that everyone in the show was enjoying what they were doing! i'm almost embarrassed to admit that i've not watched any of Ji Sung oppa's dramas (I've watched his RL wife's dramas more) but better now than never, I suppose? :) glad everything came full circle in the best possible way. going to properly watch some of the episodes i'd missed out on, and search up more filming locations! https://koreandramaland.com/jobs/?search_keywords=%22Familiar+Wife%22&submit=


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If you thought Ji Sung was good in this, you should see him in Kill Me, Heal Me. He is mind-blowing in that drama. It may take a few episodes to find its footing but it is so worth it for Ji Sung's performance alone.


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thank you @mysterious! yes, i've not heard the end of how i should watch KMHM from one of my juniors haha. i've also seen snippets of his performance in it (like one of the 'OPPAAAAA' scenes with PSJ at a coffeeshop) and am certainly amazed at how he's able to effortlessly switch between sides! will have to be on my watch list then :)


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Thanks @lollypip, for a nice recap and review.

I did enjoy this show, although I jumped in at Ep 4 onwards. I briefly watched Ep 1-3 with FFDing to avoid scenes of shrieking wife and brow beaten husband. It was great that it was such a simple premise and that the show stuck to it, keeping the plot simple, but ensuring that characters were rich.

I really liked how the series toggled between Joo Hyuk's point of view, and then Woo Jin's and then brought them together on the same page to work on the marriage together.

Joo Hyuk's growth arc was wonderful. He really paid attention to how his friend's treated their wives well, recognised his selfishness and committed himself to the 3rd timeline relationship. His generous acceptance of Woo Jin's promotion was a true test of his putting his ego 2nd behind his wife's happiness - not an easy feat for any man.

I like how all the characters remained true to themselves regardless of the timeline and how they gelled together well as 2 caring communities (the Bar of Commonsense Community and the Bank Community).

I felt that it was so good for Joo Hyuk and Woo Jin to be together in the work place so that they knew what was going on at home as well as out of it, and knew how to support each other better. The late pick up of the children was a wonderful illustration of this.

In the end, we never did see who threw that last coin into the toll booth machine. Might it have been Hye Won who came to see how things fared in another timeline? But that was also a test that Joo Hyuk passed with flying colours. There were no lingering doubts or regrets, just committing to his decision, going forward.

I thought that Woo Jin's being upset about Hye Won's presence was true to life, but again, she knew better to let it blow over in the face of greater concerns.

Anyway, it's great to have a show about how to make a marriage work. It's rare to have this rather than just the falling in love or falling out of love, or just the get back together parts as the main theme. Marriage is hard work and it's good that it wasn't trivialized by the magic, but that the magic only helped the OTP know how better to execute their choices.


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I still wonder why they showed the last toll booth scene.


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The time traveling may be over for Woo-jin and Joo-hyuk but we already know that other people have experienced the same things, like Woo-jin's mom and the doomsayer/taxi driver. So maybe someone else is about to have their own time travel experience.


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@ndlessjoie mugyuljoie
Just a wild guess ... maybe they showed that toll booth scene just to let us know that if they had chosen to, Woo Jin or Joo Hyuk could really have gone back in time, but that they chose not to. If it has no link to our OTP, it was really a weird, random scene and should have been edited out!!!


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I thought it was to show that while Woo Jin and Joo Hyuk chose not to go back but instead to look to the future, there remain desperate people out there who want to change their lives.


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Thank you for the recap!

This show has made me feel extremes. Good thing I did like the latter half. Its great that they finally worked to make their marriage last.
How adorable were those kids!


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I loved the teamwork between Woo-jin and Joo-hyuk! This is how a marriage should be: it's not perfect, and life throws curve balls, but when you work together, you can overcome the obstacles. I'll miss everyone in this show. And I'm so glad that everyone got their kids back. Yay!


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Thank you for the recaps! A lovely ending indeed. And I also teared a little when Joo-hyuk got his promotion hahaha. Glad everyone got their happy endings and I’m so gonna miss everyone in this show, especially the Joo-hyuk, Jong-hoo and Sang-shik trio 😂


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Lovely ending to a very enjoyable drama. I also loved all the parallels to the first episodes. One of my favorite scenes was how fast Joo Hyuk jumped back when he saw the play station lol.

I thought Joo Hyuk's growth arc was well done as was how they portrayed Joo Hyuk and Woo Jin's marriage in this episode.

I loved that Joo Hyuk was so supportive of Woo Jin's promotion, and that he got his promotion in the end. It made me a little sad that the bank family was getting broken up. I've said it before, but I really loved the bank setting and its cast of characters, which is not always the case for me with office settings.

Joo Hyuk, Sang Sik, and Jong Hoo were such an awesome trio.

Aww, Mom grew to love her Son-in-law Cha again.

I often find endings on the saccharine side as the writer has the characters reiterate the lessons we are supposed to take from the drama; I thought this drama, however, was saved from the saccharine with the humor of the future scenarios Joo Hyuk and Woo Jin were imagining.


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in the original timeline woo jin marries joo hyuk right out of high school. so she doesn't get a chance to go to college or explore her own professional development, that contributes to her own self-esteem. it's pretty clear that she wasn't only not happy at home with joo hyuk, but not happy with her employment, where she wasn't respected by her employer or the customers. what the other timelines gave her was the opportunities to grow as an individual & find contentment with herself & her life. oh i forgot also about her mom's alzheimer being an added stressor. that's why she was so angry in the original timeline. she was unaware of how to ask for help to handle all these stressors being so young & inexperienced. joo-hyuk's transformation was up & center for this drama, but as they say it takes 2 to tango. he married her too young. so it great that she had a love life before him & when she meets him in all the other timelines she is more his match & they can grow together .

again thanks for the recap!


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True @maryv mvl
She was too young and had no qualifications yet before she got married. She only managed to get a job as a masseuse and was ill-treated by her client there as well... more added stress. It was no wonder she was shrewish.

Ahh it would be nice to have the wisdom of past mistakes and a new timeline to avoid them in!!! 😆


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It was a happy ending for all involved, so that’s nice. Thanks, @Lollypip for the recaps! It was a really sweet and simple show, and it never made promises or expectations about itself that it couldn’t keep (I’m looking at you, MLSHR).

It was great to see Joo Hyuk’s growth arc, although the exposition seemed a bit forced. And the third timeline really did seem like the best possible outcome for everyone, so that’s something to be thankful for.

But, I was distinctly dissatisfied. Laying aside the problem with the children in the 3rd timeline must be different from the children in the 1st timeline (and therefore Joo Hyuk really did eradicate his children’s lives), I’m just not satisfied that Woo Jin is happy without her memories. In fact, the original (and in my opinion, true) story of “how Joo Hyuk and Woo Jin fell in love” is actually erased. All the ways in which Woo Jin wooed Joo Hyuk, all of those sweet moments are gone.

But, I don’t want to be dampen anyone else’s joy in a happy ending. It was a good ending. I’ve certainly seen worse (looking at you, BOTWG), so it’s been fun, Beanies! Till next time!


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As always, Ji Sung was great but I was disappointed with how the storyline played out with Woo Jin never getting back her memories of her first timeline life. While Woo Jin seemed to constantly reproach Joo Hyuk for "abandoning her", it always felt like empty words since she lacked the memories of the person that he abandoned. I was also disappointed that neither Joo Hyuk or Woo Jin regretted the loss of the children that they had in the first timeline as both seemed happy with their "replacement" children. Given how much they seemed to argue and the continued imbalance in their relationship (with Joo Hyuk now seeming to carry a disportionate larger portion of the load) I wondered a few times during this episode if their marriage could really survive the long term. The kids just didn't seem to be a priority to Woo Jin, especially how easily she forgot them when a work issue arose.
Overall, a drama where the actors were better than the story.


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I felt unsettled in this timeline until this episode. Everything was packaged so shiny and perfect for us that I had to smile. They really did wrap everything up nicely, and though I wondered who went back in time when they didn't, I realize at the end it mustn't have had to do with them.

Yes, the biology doesn't make sense, but we even got all five kids in this timeline.

Random thought: Poor security guard Jung Min Soo. I wish they'd have given him more of a presence in the drama since he was there all along. They didn't really include him fully in the office fam. Same for Jong Hoo's wife. I wish she could have had some presence with the friend group. I wondered if she ever hangs with them? But I know this drama already had a lot of great characters and the writers probably felt that they had to draw the line somewhere!

The sweet and happy moments were really very nice. I did support and like both characters (excep WJ in the very beginning) throughout the whole show. I do feel a little funny and sad though about them never returning to the original timeline. I feel bad for the WJ in the first timeline. I wish JH could have gone back and made HER happy, although she didn't exist anymore. Their shared memories are gone too, which is the toughest one for me (now that the children issue has been resolved!). For him, they've been together for probably around 13 years, and for her, maybe 3 or 4!

But of course I have to appreciate how she was able to have a career, omma is doing better, and all around everyone is better off in this timeline. I especially love how they work as team in this one. :)

It was fun, folks! I enjoyed watching with you all.


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I watched this til the end (for Jisung) hoping something will surprise me. Nada.

The marriage lessons are wise, but the story still didn’t redeem the character’s bad choices. At the end they were still giving up parts of their lives to gamble for a different outcome. I’d prefer they work to make things better in the timeline they were in already.


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I loved this drama. My favorite so far for 2018!


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I loved the show. But I have some problems with it. Woo Jin the second time around seemed so different than the woman the third time around. I didn't like her much the third time. I feel like their chemistry went flat after ep. 13, it felt too forced. Here I am complaining. I loved it so much! I just think something was off for me.


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I just made an account because of FAMILIAR WIFE! I'm not #DramaOnGoingTeam, so i just finished it and i just wanna say... this drama is totally awesome. It's simple and relatable, i cried, i laughed when i watched this drama. Such a beautiful chemistry between Ji Sung and Han Ji Min. Congratulations for Familiar wife team! I really enjoyed this drama


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I've just gotten around to finishing this drama and I love how they've wrapped up things. Woo Jin and Joo Hyuk really have come a long way and have learned to listen and understand each other without venting it with hatred at some future date. Whilst I wished JH would redo some of the past memories with WJ just because she's missed out on so much I'm glad they're able to make new, better memories.

I'm so happy that the story and plot was written by an assured hand because it meant that the drama reached its best possible outcome without crashing and burning. Despite the lag in the middle things really caught on when Woo Jin went back in time and actively changed things. A great drama with stellar performances!


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I'm so late to the game, as I got more into K-dramas last year. One of the best K-dramas I have seen and that's counting the recent stuff I watched as well.

Just finished this gem of a show, and I love it. What a lovely show, I say masterpiece? Han Ji Min and Ji Sung were perfect together, they had such perfect synergy.


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This drama reminds me of why I watch tv - to experience life that I otherwise won't get to :'(


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I love this show! You’re right that this is character-driven. I really love all the characters in this show and the first series of Ha Ji Min where I luuurve her character (didn’t like her much in One Spring Night nor Hyde Jekyll Me)! Joo Hyuk and WuJin were so relatable as characters and as a couple. The story is simple but I am sure so many couple can relate to and learn from. Very good drama!


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Of course life is easy when there is a second chance to do things. Like another commenter said, the solution was making the characters rich. Many people comment on how Joo Hyuk was self centered and negligent on how he handled his relationships. My stance is that he never really stood up for himself until things got ugly. Woo Jin is a character who was allowed to get away with self centered actions. She never saw the version of herself Joo Hyuk abandoned. She took advantage of the time travel by becoming the perfect person, because her job and peers remained the same.


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In the original timeline, they married and had kids at a younger age, specifically because as WJ told Yoon and JH (in 2nd timeline) that she was miserable after her father's death, and her mother was lonely and she was an only child and wanted to give her mother plenty of grandkids. She didn't study hard and failed to get into university and hence ended up as a mere masseuse, while JH had a higher-paying but terrible stressful job. They were unable to handle the 2 children and careers and while JH was selfish and whining, WJ was an ill-tempered wife from hell. They didn't even have a conversation, she just screamed and he cowered. So IMO, they may have been in love, but getting married without financial security and then having 2 babies under 3 years of age in quick succession took a toll on both. He avoided her by going to dinners and bars to sit with friends.

I did not blame JH for thinking out loud what a mistake he'd made with WJ. I am sure WJ was thinking the same thing (though they only showed her explosions and bad habits).

In 2nd timeline, WJ has had time to work on herself, her father died early, so she is extra conscious of being healthy (to the point of obsession, IMO), she has studied, worked and is a lovely positive single woman, handling a dementia-afflicted mom with a hired caretaker. JH is married to a narcissistic rich bored woman who looks down upon his family and has cast him away from them, apart from scolding him for his faults. He avoided her by going to dinners or bars with friends. So his pattern of running away from reality remains the same.

And that rich woman cast him aside just as easily he cast WJ out of his life, even though he realizes in 2nd timeline how much in common they had, with love for family, friends and natural chemistry.

I think too much of emphasis was made of the fact that JH chose to get rid of his wife and kids as opposed to what both JH and WJ had become in 1st timeline and ownership of problems as spouses.

In 3rd timeline, JH and WJ are partners in marriage, and despite 2 pregnancies and definite pregnancy leaves, WJ is still made manager in 3 short years before the guy (JH) who worked in the bank for 10 years! That was unfair. And though both have high-paying jobs, they don't have a nanny. That was crazy. But still they are in their thirties and hence mature and think of all the scheduling and juggling as fun and not stressful or tiring (that road trip to hand over kids in the middle of nowhere to wife to make it back in time for exam gave me a headache).

The lesson was partnership and communication, and they were the best versions of themselves in the end, though WJ kept reminding him of how he dumped her, I mean after 16 episodes and 3-4 timelines, it felt to me like they had been together for centuries! It would've been better to show them as an old couple!

Good drama/comedy, series dragged after Ep. 13.


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Just finished this one. While the drama overall was great, way above average for korean dramas, the time travel aspect got a little disturbing by the end in my opinion. There were better ways to wrap up the multiple timelines in a more satisfying way without changing the main story beat.

JH has 10 years of memories with WJ (both good and bad ones) than WJ has of JH. There is this whole other WJ that exists, that JH fell in love with and has many beautiful (and ugly) moments, and that WJ is forgotten! She is "left alone" with a shi**y husband and two kids with a job she hates. Besides the fact that from the point of view of JH, he basically killed off his original 2 kids, and WJ abandoned her own 2 kids she never got to know! It creates so much confusion!

The easy solution was to have 2nd/3rd timeline WJ (3rd WJ after waking up is just the fusion of 2nd and 3rd WJ? Same as how 1st, 2nd, and 3rd JH all fuse?) somehow get all the memories from 1st WJ. Then, both WJ and JH (which would have the accumulated memories from 1st,2nd, and 3rd timeline) would be in exact equal grounds in terms of lived/shared memories! They both forgive each other and live happily ever after, just like the ending.

PS: It also bothers me that we don't understand what happens after 2nd WJ and JH go back and get run over by the motorcycle. They just wake up in a 3rd timeline. But how come they didn't get separated? Weren't they together 10 years ago? Does JH keep running away for 10 years? Or after getting run over, they forget everything and live their lives with no memory, and regain their memories one day in their 30s??


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Not commenting on this episode but on the series. I'm very late to the party, just finished on Netflix USA, but I enjoyed it a great deal. Anytime Han Ji-Min is on the screen is a gift, add in Lee Jung-Eun and a very capable cast, and what's not to like...
Nicely done, liked it overall.


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