Hundred Million Stars From the Sky: Episode 2

As Moo-young’s relationship with Seung-ah continues to develop, Jin-kang grows more suspicious of his motives. But the more they cross paths, the more Jin-kang unwittingly draws Moo-young’s attention. Meanwhile, Jin-kook continues to search for the killer while keeping a wary eye on Moo-young.


In a private room at a restaurant, Jin-kook has finally succeeded in setting up a date between his sister, Jin-kang, and rookie detective Cho-rong, but lacks the sense to know when to leave. Cho-rong’s clumsy attempts to drop hints miss their mark, but Jin-kang smoothly suggests they grab a beer and whisks him out of the room before Jin-kook can protest.

Over the phone, co-worker So-jung chides Jin-kook’s tactlessness. He assures her he’s on his way home… and crouches a little lower as he sneaks up to a table overlooking where Jin-kang and Cho-rong are continuing their date. Hee.

Unaware they have an audience, Cho-rong is smitten with Jin-kang as she talks passionately about her work as a designer. They start on their drinks just as an employee catches Jin-kook’s eye. It’s Moo-young! Moo-young makes eye contact with Jin-kook and holds his gaze as he makes his way over to the bar and takes a seat just a few feet from the young couple.

Bashfully, Cho-rong admits to Jin-kang that he hadn’t expected Jin-kook’s sister to be so young or so pretty. She brings up her brother’s nickname, “Manager Yoo,” and Cho-rong says he finds the nickname strange because Jin-kook can be quite intimidating at times. Jin-kang waves him off, sighing that her brother never has any interesting stories to tell her from work.

Cho-rong blurts out that he’ll tell her lots of stories if she’ll go out with him, causing Jin-kang to start and Moo-young to snort. Cho-rong walks back his dating proposal and says he’d like to start off by “officially having a flirtation” with Jin-kang and earnestly lists off the things they could do together. In his excitement, he accidentally knocks into a server, sending a tray of food sailing at Jin-kang.

Stripping off her soiled jacket, Jin-kang attempts to excuse herself while keeping her scarred arm out of view. She freezes when a hoodie suddenly falls around her shoulders and she looks up to see Moo-young walking away. On his way out, Moo-young tosses a quick smirk up at Jin-kook.

At home that evening, Jin-kook tries to bring up getting the burn scar removed but Jin-kang says she thinks it’s cute, teasing that it’ll grow on him. He sighs and asks about the hoodie instead, but Jin-kang just assures him it’s nothing and tosses it in the wash.

The next day Jin-kook laments to So-jung about Jin-kang’s scar. He can’t understand why she secretly saved up money in middle school to get it removed, and then suddenly changed her mind. Ever since then, she’s claimed she’s grown attached but Jin-kook worries about her future husband and in-laws.

Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Cho-rong running up with the DNA results from the crime scene. It’s a match for the victim’s boyfriend and Cho-rong starts to leave but Cho-rong suddenly stops Jin-kook to announce that he owns an apartment.

Jin-kook blinks at him and asks why he’s sharing this information. Cho-rong awkwardly says he just felt the need to tell him and then runs off. So-jung can’t contain her laughter and sputters that Cho-rong must really like Jin-kang, to Jin-kook’s delight.

Jin-kang meets Seung-ah for dinner and is embarrassed to hear that Seung-ah received a call from Jin-kang’s boss about the business proposal she was supposed to deliver to Seung-ah’s boyfriend, Woo-sang. Jin-kang hands it over, admitting she didn’t feel comfortable pressuring her.

Seung-ah waves it off, but is shocked to learn Woo-sang is now the majority shareholder of Arts Brewery, where Moo-young works. Jin-kang picks up on Seung-ah’s weird reaction and learns that she’s been avoiding Woo-sang. Laughing that Jin-kang’s proposal will give her a good excuse to talk to him, Seung-ah adds that there’s someone she wants Jin-kang to meet.

Jin-kang’s face falls as she sees Moo-young walk towards them. He sits and Seung-ah introduces him as her boyfriend. Shaking off her confusion, Jin-kang introduces herself. Moo-young cheerfully points out they’ve met before, making this their fourth encounter. Jin-kang is forced to admit she saw him at the Arts pub recently during her blind date. Moo-young is amused by her discomfort and Jin-kang quickly steers the conversation back to the menu.

Afterwards, Seung-ah pouts at Jin-kang to get a ride home with her and Moo-young, pointing out that he and Jin-kang live in the same neighborhood. Jin-kang politely refuses, and runs off before Seung-ah can argue.

Moo-young drops Seung-ah off and she presents him with a pottery piece she made herself. She gestures for a kiss in return and is disappointed when Moo-young just stands there. Pointing to a security cam, he says they have an audience but Seung-ah says she doesn’t care and kisses him anyway. Smiling, Moo-young leans in to return the kiss.

Seung-ah meets with Woo-sang and has him look over Jin-kang’s proposal. She’s angered when Woo-sang remarks that Jin-kang hung out with Seung-ah to use her. Snatching back the proposal, she announces they should break up because she likes someone else. Laughing cruelly at Seung-ah’s declaration, Woo-sang grabs her wrist as she leaves and says she’s free to date as long as she doesn’t sleep with the guy.

Jin-kang happens to spot Moo-young at the local laundromat and speeds off in the opposite direction. She returns just as he’s leaving and hands over his hoodie. He tries to tell her to keep it but she merely offers a curt thanks and starts to walk away.

Moo-young comments that she must live nearby, chuckling that their neighborhood must not be that big. Jin-kang awkwardly agrees and then wonders why he isn’t meeting with Seung-ah today. Moo-young replies she’s meeting with her grandma just as Jin-kang’s phone buzzes.

It’s Cho-rong, calling to ask Jin-kang on a date. Moo-young’s clearly listening in and when Jin-kang hangs up, Moo-young asks if she’s “officially in a flirtation” now. The words sound light but they seem aimed at getting a rise out of Jin-kang. Her face hardens and Moo-young asks if she’s mad. She snaps at him for eavesdropping but Moo-young clarifies he only happened to be within earshot. He airily points out they seem to run into each other often and apologizes for offending her.

Remembering Moo-young’s comment about meeting her three times previously, Jin-kang only recalls the pub incident and Seung-ah’s exhibition. Moo-young cheekily replies she’s wrong and Jin-kang says it seems like he’s only saying that to get her attention.

Leaning forward, Moo-young starts to say it was a long time ago, at some place, but trails off as he stares into Jin-kang’s eyes. They stare at each other for a long moment until Moo-young finally says she feels like his little sister that he lost a long time ago. Sitting back, he grins and adds “a cute little sister.”

Jin-kang’s expression remains deadpan as she asks how old he is. Moo-young quickly replies they’re the same age, but then admits he doesn’t know how old she is. Jin-kang says from the start he’s given her an unpleasant feeling and she now realizes why—he is the kind of person who thinks he can treat people however he wants and thinks all women are in love with him.

Moo-young wonders if he’s really like that and Jin-kang replies he’d know better than her. She starts to leave but suddenly shouts and races over to a truck that was about to pull away. Moo-young reaches the truck first and scoops up the cat that would’ve been crushed beneath the trucks wheel.

He asks if she plans to keep the cat, but Jin-kang shakes her head. Moo-young holds the cat up and smiles. He doesn’t respond when she asks if he’s going to keep it, but tucks the cat under his arm and starts walking home. She notices he forgot the hoodie and calls out to him, but Moo-young just tells her to keep it.

The following day, Jin-kang makes her pitch to Arts Brewery and her passion for their product goes over well with the team. Meanwhile, on the other side of the brewery, Hee-jun corners Moo-young with an envelope of cash he’d just received from Seung-ah. Smiling, Moo-young tells him to use it for tuition and Hee-jun balks at actually carrying on their lie.

Hee-jun questions Moo-young’s motives behind the farce, but Moo-young merely replies, “I wanted to know what would move a rich girl’s heart.” Outside, Jin-kang celebrates with her boss and co-worker over the response to the presentation. As they’re about to pull out, Woo-sang drives up and Jin-kang looks on warily as he walks into the building.

Her concern is well-founded as Woo-sang immediately takes an interest in Moo-young while being given a tour of the facility. Following Moo-young over to his work area, Woo-sang notices Seung-ah’s pot sitting on Moo-young’s desk. When asked about it, Moo-young simply replies it was a gift but Woo-sang already suspects he’s Seung-ah’s new boyfriend and bitterly replies that it doesn’t suit him.

Over at the police station, Jin-kook is grilling his scooter thief while Cho-rong tries to surreptitiously pack up for the day. While the other detectives are focused on chiding the rude thief, Cho-rong makes a break for the door. He’s caught and sheepishly announces he’s leaving, then bolts before anyone can argue.

At the theater, Cho-rong is so enamored with Jin-kang, he hardly watches the movie. As they leave, Jin-kang sees Moo-young with a young woman on his arm. All four make eye contact as they pass. Cho-rong sighs over the woman’s tattoo, but waves it off when Jin-kang gives him a questioning look.

Meanwhile, the woman, Im Yoo-ri, grumbles to Moo-young, identifying Cho-rong as the cop that questioned her. Moo-young asks if it was about her late friend, but Yoo-ri prickles at the term and snaps that the girl was no friend of hers. She stomps off and Moo-young just stares after her, his expression unreadable.

The next day, Jin-kook banters with his sister over the phone and has to slam on his breaks to avoid running over someone who darts into the road. Moo-young stands up with his terrified cat in his arms, but the cat is otherwise unharmed. Moo-young apologizes, explaining that his cat suddenly dove into traffic. Jin-kook is surprised that Moo-young knows Jin-kang is his sister and balks when Moo-young asks if he was stalking her at the pub the other day.

Jin-kook insists on driving Moo-young all the way home and Moo-young wonders if he’s nice because he’s a police officer, adding that he wanted to be a cop as a kid. Jin-kook looks shaken when Moo-young says his father was a cop in Haesan, but shakily denies knowing anyone from there.

The car stops but instead of getting out, Moo-young asks if Jin-kook has ever shot someone. Jin-kook tries to laugh it off, but Moo-young is persistent. He suggests Jin-kook did shoot someone and wonders if that person died. He asks what it feels like, to be the cause of someone’s death.

Growing serious, Jin-kook replies that it feels like everything is over. After a beat, he chuckles and says he’s only joking and would have no clue what it’s like. Moo-young says that killers claim to feel like gods. Jin-kook says once you kill someone, you’re no god, only a vicious murderer.

Moo-young cheerfully thanks him for his clear distinction and hops out of the car. Jin-kook asks for his name and wonders if they’d met years before. Moo-young denies it and they part ways, but both men’s expressions are dark.

At the station, Jin-kook sidles up to So-jung and not-so-nonchalantly asks her to look into Kim Moo-young. She barks at him for being so obvious and playfully shoos him away, griping that she could lose her job. But when she sits back down, she repeats the name thoughtfully.

Seung-ah shows Moo-young her studio and he’s drawn to a picture on her desk of her and Jin-kang. She receives a call from Jin-kang saying they won the bid for Arts Brewery and Moo-young listens in. Jin-kang asks if she’s free tomorrow because her boss wants to treat Seung-ah and the team but Moo-young shakes his head.

Jin-kang guesses Seung-ah has a date and starts to say something about Moo-young but Seung-ah snatches the earpiece away from Moo-young and steps outside. We don’t hear what is said, but when the girls hang up, Seung-ah returns with a sour expression.

She says Jin-kang saw him and wonders if he knows what he did was wrong. Moo-young feigns ignorance and Seung-ah’s face breaks into a smile as she says Jin-kang saw him looking bored when he went to the movies alone the other night. He jokingly apologizes for going by himself and as they hug, his expression becomes thoughtful.

Meanwhile at the station, Jin-kook runs into Cho-rong and learns that the victim’s boyfriend used his credit card in Canada and is being extradited.

The next morning Seung-ah comes downstairs to find Woo-sang chatting with her mother. Seung-ah pointedly ignores him and leaves the room in a huff when he tells her mother to expect good news. When he finds her in her room, Seung-ah tells him she’ll explain things to her mother and that he should leave.

Unperturbed, Woo-sang says he finds her most attractive when she behaves like she’s better than him when really she’s just as shallow. He retracts his permission for her to date and suggests they get married. Irritated, Seung-ah cries that she’s not an object, but a person. Woo-sang replies that whatever she is, she belongs to him.

Spotting an Arts Brewery truck, Jin-kang investigates and finds Moo-young eating lunch in a nearby restaurant. She storms in, calling out an order as she plants herself across from him. Moo-young appears neither surprised nor bothered and she immediately asks who was the woman he was with at the movies.

Moo-young nonchalantly replies, “My sister.” Jin-kang scoffs that he must see all girls as his cute sisters, but Moo-young says he only has one “cute sister,” indicating her. Ignoring his comment, Jin-kang points out that Seung-ah has real feelings towards him and wonders about his.

Flipping it around, Moo-young wonders about her and Cho-rong, noting that he also seems genuine about her. He lists off Cho-rong’s pros but sighs that he’s naive and wonders if Jin-kang is capable of loving him or if it’s just dating. She continues to stare him down so Moo-young asks if she really wants to know how he feels.

Moo-young asks how she’ll feel if he’s not sincere and Jin-kang replies she’ll be angry. He doesn’t believe her, thinking she’ll likely be gratified to know that she was right. Jin-kang spits out that he must get some sadistic pleasure from seeing the people he loves hurt and Moo-young doesn’t deny the possibility.

He thinks she’s probably interested in him, perhaps without even realizing it. Without breaking eye-contact, Jin-kang replies, “Sorry, but those tricks don’t work on me.” After a beat Moo-young says that he’s serious about Seung-ah. Jin-kang continues to stare blankly at him until he urges her to eat before her food gets cold.

Jin-kang rolls up her sleeves and Moo-young’s gaze falls on her arm. She asks if he’s never seen a burn scar before, but he says he has. He continues to look and she wonders if it bothers him. Moo-young counters that it seems to bother her since she tried to hide it from Cho-rong. Jin-kang explains that’s because it was a blind date. Moo-young asks why she doesn’t care if he sees it and she replies she just doesn’t seem to care about him.

At another restaurant, Jin-kook expresses his concerns over the murder case to So-jung. She doesn’t understand what he finds so strange about the boyfriend using his credit card, but Jin-kook argues that’s awfully careless for someone who supposedly murdered his girlfriend and fled the country. Furthermore, his apartment was extremely messy despite the meticulous way the snow globes were rearranged on the shelf at the crime scene.

Moo-young’s phone rings and the name “Yoo-ri” flashes across the screen. He can’t answer, however, because he’s in the shower. While washing, he suddenly stops and flashes back to Jin-kang talking about her scar earlier. He shifts and the soap rinses away to reveal a large burn scar encompassing his right shoulder.

Back at the restaurant, So-jung slaps a handful of papers on the table—the results from her Kim Moo-young search. Jin-kook sighs that none of them are the correct Moo-young. So-jung says that at least his guy has a clean record and asks why Jin-kook is looking into him. Jin-kook admits that he’s not sure, but whenever he sees Moo-young, he feels anxious and his heart races.

Finished with his shower, Moo-young reads Yoo-ri’s texts, whining that her sink is clogged. Meanwhile, Jin-kook runs back to the station after learning the boyfriend is being brought in. It’s chaos as the suspect is escorted inside, but Jin-kook spots Moo-young in the crowd.

Once the boyfriend is inside, the crowd disperses and Moo-young appears behind Jin-kook commenting that the suspect looks too normal for a killer.

Yoo-ri tweaks the pipe on her bathroom sink to clog it and then calls Moo-young to ask when he’ll be there to fix it. He coolly replies that he never agreed to come and she demands to know why. In response he simply states that he’s looking at her and she immediately perks up and asks where he is.

At the station, Jin-kook exits the restroom to find Moo-young isn’t waiting where he should be, while Yoo-ri runs outside and deflates when Moo-young is nowhere in sight. He repeats that he’s looking at her and now we see that he’s looking at the murder board in Jin-kook’s office—specifically the pictures.

His gaze shifts slightly to the left where a mirror hangs and his expression deadens until Jin-kook appears and asks what he’s doing in there. Smiling innocently, Moo-young says the door was open. Jin-kook kicks him out and checks the board before following as we zoom in on the photo Moo-young was fixated on and see that Yoo-ri is smiling at the camera along with a few other girls, the victim, and her boyfriend.

In the hall, Jin-kook questions why Moo-young didn’t wait by the bathrooms like he was told, and instead wandered into his office. Moo-young apologizes, stating he didn’t know he wasn’t allowed. Jin-kook asks what he’d been so engrossed in and Moo-young says, “The murderer on the wall.”

Jin-kook assumes he’s referring to the photo of the victim’s boyfriend, but Moo-young is looking at his own reflection in the door when he replies, “Yes.”


Oooh! That was spooky. I love that Moo-young is such an enigma that we never really know what he’s thinking. So many things he says could be interpreted multiple ways and so far the only people that seem to pick up on his doublespeak are the Yoo siblings. It’s always an interesting dynamic when you have an ambiguous character like Moo-young who could be stone-cold evil or just misunderstood.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve been getting a bit of Devil/Mawang vibes and that’s not a bad thing. Something I loved about that show was the narrative about good and evil and the vast gray area in between. Moo-young is swimming in that gray area right now because he very clearly is manipulating Seung-ah, but to what end? So far, his behavior has been deceptive but not particularly malicious.

It almost feels like he’s running an experiment with her, testing how much he can get away with before he’s exposed. He deliberately set up that encounter at the movie theater, knowing Jin-kang would be there, and seemed to be expecting her to tell when she called Seung-ah the following day. Instead, Jin-kang surprised him by not ousting him. Where I suspect he views Seung-ah almost like a toy, I think he’s genuinely intrigued by Jin-kang.

Jin-kang doesn’t buy into Moo-young’s flippant, cocksure attitude and is immune to his charms. I really like their dynamic because it’s so electric and there’s a lot to mine there. The long, charged look when Moo-young was about to say something about their possible shared past? And that similar scar on his back? Oh, I’m so excited to find out what it all means!

Alternatively, Moo-young has an equally fascinating—albeit more disturbing—connection with Jin-kook. Both the Yoo siblings wondered at having met Moo-young previously but Jin-kook’s curiosity holds more weight because he’s much older and therefore would remember better. Plus, their odd conversation in the car just added a slew of questions to my ever-growing list.

Whatever Moo-young’s true intentions may be, I’m happy to spend 14 more hours staring at Seo In-gook on my screen.


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I have so many thoughts.
1. Moo Young is manipulating Seung Ah - to what end is less important. The fact that he's manipulating her like this alone puts him in my bad books.

2. Moo Young's scar is on a side on his back. Jin Kang's scar is on the same side but on her arm. It makes me think he was covering her when a burning branch or something fell on them.

3. Seo In Guk is a mesmerising actor. He looks simultaneously unkempt, ungrommed + attractive all at the same time.

4. At first I was surprised Jin kook would sit and answer all those questions & not tell him to get lost. But I think con men can be somewhat hypnotic. You do fall under a sort of spell - and that's what Moo Young seems to be laying out.

5. Moo Young's analysis of Jin Kang's thoughts on Cho Rong was frightening. How accurate! (I think)


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SIG embodies this character.....there is something about the way he carries his body. The shots of of his back with hunched shoulders really stick with me.


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That’s what made me shiver too... his whole body language screams that he’s dangerous...


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I was just about to mention the same thing! People talk about how good actors have expressive eyes and stuff but SIG expresses everything with his whole body! Just the way he carries himself is so mesmerising. I remember commenting something similar on db on a SKL episode and it's almost crazy how different these two characters are!
SIG needs to win a daesang at some point in his career. He's just too good to be ignored.


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Yes! With a lesser actor Louie could have easily turned into an immensely frustrating and annoying character, but SIG makes the man child adorable, sympathetic, and charming. What a powerhouse talent!


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@greenfields About your number 5) that was extremely chilling. The grey-dark (not bright) repartee between MY and JK, that is so filled with wit and yet hinting at twistedness in how words can be interpreted, struck me with both unwilling admiration and horror.


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#4 I feel like they were playing each other. That Jin Kook was reading Moo Young at the same time. It is interesting because much like MY will go from charm to blank face JK will go from affable smile to cop face.


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Agreed on point 5. I think out of all the charming and intriguing conversations he started with her, that's the one that rattled her. It's never easy to hear other people cut through our personal justification for what we did, and I bet it's even more disturbing when that other person is someone as enigmatic and (dare I say?) alluring as Moo-young.


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At first I thought that Jin-kang did tell her over the phone about seeing Moo-young in the cinema with another girl and that Seung-ah made the whole thing up, but now I'm starting to have doubts.


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On this point, I was more surprised when I thought Jin Kang HAD told Seung Ah. When I realised she hadn't I thought it was more normal. It's hard to say such things - what if you misunderstood? Would you be causing unnecessary hurt? Even a more petty - I don't want to fight with my friend who won't believe me.


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I think it is more about what kind of friend Jin Kang is. She is supportive, but not judgmental.
She doesn’t call her friend out for two-timing her boyfriend, though she was uncomfortable to find it out.
She is concerned, but not meddlesome. She is worried about a dubious guy suddenly appearing, but doesn’t challenge her decisions or badmouth him to her.
She knows what kind of person Seung-ah is: charming, but wilful; generous, but mercurial; sweet, but spoiled if she doesn’t get her way. She probably knew gossip wouldn’t change her course, but she wanted Moo-young to know she was evaluating him.


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#4. It was almost like both of them wanted to get to know a little more but not give away too much. Not to mention how easily mooYoung turns on his boyish innocent charms and defusing a tense situation and putting jin-Kook back at ease.

#5. Wow! That scene.


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I would love to join the discussions but am afraid of spoilers and comparisons made to the Japanese original.
Would it be possible for 100M⭐s Beanies to give spoiler alert warnings?


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Or even just preface with a Japanese ver warning. From the episode 1 recap, many Beanies don't realise/don't intend to spoil a plot thread - but in comparison, they end up doing so.


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Yes, it is unintentional, but so much is given away when everyone hints at the ending, lol.


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Am going to stop right here. Or will only read comments from known beanies.


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The smirks are killing me.
The gazes are killing me.
The manipulation is killing me.
The mystery is killing me.

And I am enjoying being killed like this.

I want to pinpoint so many scenes that I absolutely enjoyed but I fear I will end up talking about every scene! 😂

Also while I am interested in the two new Burns and the history behind it, I am more interested in Moo Young's history with Jin Kook. He seems to be touching sth in Jin Kook that no one else has been able to. He clearly KNOWS something that has happened in the past. Did he kill someone and like it? Did he kill someone Moo Young knew? Is this revenge? Argh! I want the next episodes NOW!

Thanks for the recap Sunny!


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I think Jin kook killed Moo young's father. I think they were both detectives from the same precinct. Min young deliberately mentioned the name of the precinct, and Jin kook's face changed. I think that Min young met Jin kang in a burns unit, and convinced her to live with the scar. That's why she changed her mind about the plastic surgery. That's why he says they've met three times. She can't remember, but he can. I think he likes her, and feels an affinity with her. I feel that they are bound together, somehow, and the brother has secrets about their pasts, and the fire, whatever it was, involved both of them. They're the same age, too...is that another hint that they are connected through their pasts?


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Hmm I also thought that Jin Kook might have killed MY's father but there might be reasons behind it- be it because the father might have been a murderer himself or sth. But as he said, once you killl someone, you are just a murderer, nothing less, nothing more.

And yeah pretty sure it was MY who who convinced Jin Kang to keep the burn scar.

Also they aren't real siblings? What's the bet that Jin Kook was also involved in the death of Jin Kang's real parents and initially took her in out of a sense of guilt?

I feel like I am reading too much into it but also can't help but do that! The show really is that interesting!


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It's weird that they're the same age...twins separated when they were young? Yes, I feel Jin kook did something really terrible, and that's why he's been demoted to a desk job.

Perhaps the burns happened when they were very young, and Min young remembers Jin kang because he has a photographic memory, while the latter has forgotten him.


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They are not the same age. MooYoung was just joking. It is a cultural thing in Korea to say you are the same age — same age ppl should be naturally closer to one another. That’s why JinKang was pissed when he answered her that way.


If Jin Kang met MooYoung in middle school, she would remember him. The premise of our mysterious boy is that he’s not forgettable to those who’ve met him. I believe the middle school incident has more to do with Jin Kook


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I thought she only saved up for the surgery in middle school. I thought that the accident had happened before that. And if they were small children, surely she might not recognize him easily once they are grown.


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I was referring to @yyishere and @obsessedmuch ‘s theory that MooYoung convinced JinKang to keep the scar in middle school. What I think is that JinKang found out Maybe Spoiler something related to JinKook. Specifically, Second Warning at the eve of her skin procedure she may have learned that she is not JinKook’s biological sister, in which case her scar is possibly the only clue find to her biological family. And that’s why she’d rather live with it.


I really adore Jin-kook and So-jung's friendship. Their banter really provides some necessarily comic relief for this drama.

I am really love Jung So-min and her interpretation of Jin-kang. The noodle eatery scene between JK and MY is riveting. So is the scene in the car between MY and Jin-kook.

I wonder if Mo-young purposely placed Seung-ah's pottery gift on his desk at the brewery purposefully for Woo-sang to see?


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Re the pottery gift, he probably did. EVERYTHING seems calculated with Moo Young


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I even wondered if that laundromat was the closest to his rooftop apartment, or he intentionally went to the one that he knew would provide him opportunities to run into Jin-kang.


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Every move of his seems calculated. I don’t doubt that at all.


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speaking of premeditated... i bet that MY wanted to see if JK was someone he remembered frm childhood...

coz right after he gazed hard at her while she was chatting animatedly with the policeman guy date, his co- worker appeared to ask him what he was chuckling abt...

and next thing we know, said co worker comes on policeman guy's LEFT side and knocks food over so that it would spill on JK's RIGHT jacket sleeve.

that wld make it necessary for JK to take off her jkt rt?

It all seems so accidental... yet it can be something that was calculated as well.

if seen frm this light, how do we read MY 's throwing his hoodie to shield JK's scar ? empathy? a calculated move to draw JK's attention?

sigh. I really do like MY and I do want him to genuinely kind vis a vis JK but i cant shake off the nagging doubt that at this point in time he is being manipulative and exploitative.


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I want to talk a bit about the scene when he got off the car. I almost thought he left the car under the wheels. Even when he went home his back was facing us and I wasn’t sure if he was faking holding the car. Will try to screenshot it and post on my wall. Did anyone else worry for the cat!!


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😆I kept psyching myself out about the cat too, @mayhemf!
Is he really gonna take care of the cat?
Is he gonna toss the cat?
He is really gonna abandon the cat, right?
Did he really take the cat to the vet?
Was he shielding the cat from the car?

For now in his murky game of manipulation, he might use the cat as a way to gain trust from Jin-kang? The moment he harms the cat we know that he is beyond salvation, which probably means that we won't be certain of cat's fate for another few episodes. 😭


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If he harms the cat that's the end of my love for him (the character). I kept think he's going to fling the cat off the rooftop or something? T_T


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I got the chills when he called her “A cute little sister.”
What’s going in his head ? I need to know!!!


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Ooh agreed. I don't think he has lied at all so far - it's double speak and twisted words but never a lie. So he probably does see "a cute little sister". Is he referring to Jin kook here?


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FirSt he said she is not pretty. Then now she is cute. But a little sister.
He got her attention. But I have a feel she is no innocent girl either.


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He said she wasn’t pretty after she said she wasn’t the owner of the expensive car. It seemed like he was targeting a “rich girl” from his interest in the car and Jin Kang turned out not to be her. Though his attention was peaked by her genuine interest in his brewery’s beer as it wasn’t what he expected.


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He was toying with her to the max - he gets her annoyed by calling her his ‘sister’ so in a way indicating he’d never see her in a romantic sense, but then says she’s ‘cute’, leaving her thorougly confused. It’s horrible, but I love it. Such a mind game.


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It's hard to tell what's in his mind which is quite intriguing and scary. i am also wondering the same thing. Calling her a cute little sister was it to brush a single little doubt about his real intentions and emotions,?! or is there more to that sentence?! i'm really curious about the next episode.


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For those who've watched the Japanese version, please there's no reason to show off here. It's great that you've watched it, but we have no cookies for you.


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I just love the way you recap - you seem to capture the emotions of the characters perfectly, so it’s really enjoyable to read (it’s like I’m legit watching the episode again!)

I love love love the dynamic between JKang and MY - so much tension and unresolved underlying stuff that’s just waiting to explode. The fact that they’ve hit it off (in a negative way) from the get-go and get under each other’s skin for no apparent reason gets me more excited to see how this high-strung relationship will take a turn when romance comes into play. I’m sure a lot of us are asking how these two will fall in love, if they even are, but I have no doubt that it will be just as magnetic, if not more, than their chemistry now.


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Thanks for the quick recap @sunny
So deliciously chilling! 😋 The fact that Moo Young seems to be everywhere, to not mind being watched or noticed, that he appears to be 'honest' and truthful while the expression in his eyes sort of slides, is so creepy.

He appears to be doing an experiment as he puts different ideas into different person's heads and observes with wry amusement their reactions, their understanding or misunderstanding; not correcting their errors and probably withholding information.

I agree that while the subject of his 'attentions' is ostensibly Seung Ah, because she had exposed her weakness and he could play into her likes and dislikes of Woo Sang and his ways, ultimately the target for him will be the more challenging Jin Kang, who had seen him in the past and who does not trust him. She will be the challenge that he will want to subdue and bend to his will.

On top of that, he seems to be manipulating several gullible 'little sisters' concurrently, who just can't resist clinging to him. So disturbing.

I'm thinking there'll be death(s) and much tension in the following weeks... is it bad that I'm looking forward to that? 😆


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I feel Seung ah's boyfriend, Woo sang, is also playing with Seung ah. Poor Seung ah, so innocent, and so naive. She's going to be devastated when she finds out the truth.


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Yup @YY
Seung Ah is definitely being treated badly by bf as well. In the usual style of kdrama chaebols, bf sees her as his property, as an object to be used as he pleases, aganist which she herself has protested.

Horrid though Woo Sang is, I'd tend to believe that he'd not actually physically harm Seung Ah, at least, not yet. Of course, until the killer has been found, he's as much a suspect as any other person, unless it can be shown that he has no link at all to the dead girl.

It's worrying though that the next dead girl may end up being, Yoo Ri or Seung Ah ... so ... 😔


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although if I werr seung ah .. MY would be a real breath of fresh air for me! and that's why he is so dangerous ... i know i shouldnt fall for his charms... but yet i am.


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Yes, its interesting that he is obviously playing at something but doesn't mind being seen. He shows up everywhere. But then I find him suspicious and feel like he should act guilty.


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Moo Young definitely has genuine interest and curiosity in Jin Kang, whereas his interest towards Seung Ah feels manipulative (that smirk on the firework night). I wonder what his intention was to that girl in cinema. To me, they seem to be partner in crime or some sort -perhaps she killed that girl, and he did the post-murder cleanup? But why?

Yeah it intrigued me too how Jin Kang and Jin Kook seem to have such huge age gap. At first I thought he is her uncle!

I am looking forward for the next ep!

As about spoilers...I have not watched the japanese version, but i think, just like all adaptations, there will be some differences here and there, so actually i dont mind reading about japanese version, because it doesnt mean that everything and everything will be 100% the same -at least that's what i think. I personally will still enjoy the korean version, even if I have read/hear/watch the japanese version. Even so, I totally understand if most people feel annoyed by spoilers, so refraining from pouring out spoilers is actually a good thing to do.


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Best scenes

1. The end scene when Min young says "I'm looking at the killer" and he's staring at his reflection in the glass door.

2. The scene before that when he says, "I'm looking at you" and smiles, a slight enigmatic quirk of the lips. Creepy.

3. The strings that intrude on the most powerful moments, haunting and slow, interspersed with lulls, powerful and provocative, evoking the same conflict of emotions I feel with Min young.

4. That screenshot of the shower scene, possibly the most powerful scene of the entire episode. Thanks, Sunny. I haven't seen a shower scene in ages, and was stunned for a second when it played on my screen. I was like WHAT IS THIS? I KNOW THIS FROM SOMEWHERE IN MY PAST. The sound of running water, the frothy little hills of suds, perpetually in motion, and the tantalising glimpse of abs, shimmering in the dark...once upon a time, dramas abounded with these scenes. I don't miss them, not a bit.

I'm writing a fanfic, from Jin kang's pov, to fill my time until the next episodes.

Check it out here



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The shower scene was actually very well done! It was not there as a "cue: we need to show the actor's abs and have to show him brooding as well so let's just have a shower scene"! But rather it had a purpose! This drama doesn't do things just because they are supposed to be done that way.

I also love the attention to details. When Moo Young's car ran in front of the car, he explained that he was coming from the vet. Now some ppl were talking abt whether it was deliberate thing on MY's part so that he gets to talk to Jin Kook but what I noticed was him carrying a tiny packet which ostensibly would be the medicines for the cat. So the story checks out but not in an in your face way but very subtly. It's up to ppl to notice or not!


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I also love the attention to details.

For a moment there, I thought that you were talking about the abs.


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Hahaha no! 😄


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Speaking about attention to details, I really love that the PD picked out a cat that really looks like a stray cat one could find on the street, instead of some perfectly groomed white fluffy pure bred just so it would look cute.


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I was so worried for that cat, the part he put it down once he was alone I was like oh no, he's going to strangle it, or throw it off the rooftop. He didn't, and that was when I thought, hey, maybe he's not the killer after all.


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I will be transferring my fanfic to aff. It's more writer-friendly on this site.

Please note that the link is listed below.



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I checked out your link @yyishere, but it just brought me to it's homepage. Do it need to register to be able to read?


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Yes, I think you need to register first.


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I posted that comment before I saw your updated link, and I enjoyed it very much. If it's not a bother, please keep me updated! Thank you!


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I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully, it'll have a happy ending. Sure, I'll update on the progress of the chapters on the recaps every week.


Boy, Kim Moo-young is devilishly charming and I don't blame those girls one bit for sticking to him after only knowing him for a very short time. His effortless lies, his unapologetic attitude, the way he cut through other people's pretty words and 'white lies', and that mesmerizing gaze. Honestly, he did nothing worse than many other jerk male leads we've seen before, yet his every words and action unsettled me, no matter how innocent it seemed to be. Even when he took that kitty home, my only thought was "Nah, he couldn't be a murderer if he cared enough about a street cat, right? Right??" Heck, even a simple niceties like "See you tomorrow" suddenly became laden with unwanted meaning when said in his proximity (or maybe that's just my paranoid mind playing trick).

As for Jin-kang, she is an easy heroine to root for. I just love every interactions she has with her brother, friend, colleagues, and also our mysterious male lead. That's why her lie to Seung-ah about Moo-young being alone at the theater, and how she used her burn scar as what I perceived as "go away" charm to tell him he better redirect his flirting attempt somewhere else became extra interesting. I'm not sure I saw it right, but her palpable nervousness when she deliberately rolled up her sleeves seemed to be giving credence to his claim that she might be, unknowingly, getting more interested in him. I'm also curious about what happened back in middle school that made her decide to not conceal her scar.


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I'm just thinking that perhaps Jin Kang's sudden attitude change wrt her scars could be related to Moo Young? Perhaps she needs the scar for him to recognise her again or something.

I haven't watched the Japanese version as well and I'm so curious!


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Thank you for the recap Sunny


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Episode 2 solidified my preference of the Korean version (so far). All the actors have great chemistry. This really is a dream cast. Even the support cast is stellar.

Few of the great scenes that may seem unimportant but left a great impression to me: (continue in reply)


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1) KT had a bird in the original version. MooYoung now has a cat. When he brought the cat up to the roof, he let it down for a minute to let it go. The way I see it, that whole minute had a deeper meaning. He always gives his target a chance to escape, like he let Seung Ah go at the boat dock. It’s part of his game. A false “free will” that he grants his pawns. Only if they stay does his game begin. And they always stay, or in the case of the professor, Seung-Ah, and JinKang, they wander back to him.


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I though for a minute he was going to shove the cat away


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2) I don’t feel MooYoung has any genuine feelings for JinKang yet, but his interest in Seung-Ah has definitely died. She was way too easy for his taste. It’s like he’s setting himself up to be “broken up”. The way he looked when Seung-Ah questioned him after the phone call almost seems like he’s hoping she will throw a tantrum and his smirk low key screams “Yes! I’m caught!”. Yet when that didn’t happen, he wasn’t disappointed, he was amused to see an unexpected outcome. You know, like us drama addicts: the only thing we love more than making the right guess is that unpredictable twist.


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3) I love the dialogue between MooYoung and JinKang, but it is apparent that JinKang’s intelligence is no match to MooYoung. And she can only keep telling herself his tactics doesn’t work on her, yet it does. Her attention to him may not be romantic (yet) but it is definitely emotional. From the moment he purposely stood at a spot to be doored by her, she had no choice but to pay him attention. Every encounter afterwards he triggers a different level of annoyance, to the point she can’t ignore him and walk away. She especially hates how MooYoung calls her out for being fake or hypocritical. She feels wronged because she takes pride in living honestly and sincerely, but she is indefensible because the way he words it is 100% true. So when she says his tactics don’t work on her, it’s not true, but rather is her way to fight his hypnotism.


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I kinda feel like Jin Kang roled up her sleeves, exposing her scars deliberately, in order to gauge MooYoung's reaction.
She may be over his subtle cockiness and over him in general, but she's none the less drawn to what he says. She probably wanted to hear his comments regarding the scar.
Another part of her negative feelings towards MooYoung may be annoyance by her subconscious attraction to him.


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Yes, she definitely put a lot of thought into rolling up her sleeves. We know JinKang is not entirely comfortable showing the scar since she thinks it will turn off potential boyfriends. So by rolling up her sleeves, she essentially enemy-zoned MooYoung. MooYoung asked knowingly. The more she purposely fences him off the more obvious he is right, she subconsciously is interested. Also agree, her resentment increases as she gets annoyed by her own uncontrollable attraction to her bestfriend’s douchebag boyfriend.


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Ugh love your analysis of each scene! Especially number 1! That sort of an interpretation didn't cross my mind at all, but it makes so much sense! Thank you!


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Wow, expert analysis of these scenes, reading deeper meaning into little things that may not seem to matter.


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SIG is really creeping me out. But I need to know more. I need to know what his motive is and I need to know what his connection is with the Yoo siblings.

I am really glad that Jin Kang is not giving into any of MYs BS. But for how long. They have a connection. And I want to know how their scars are connected.

My theory is that MYs friend killed that girl and he just cleaned up the mess. They spent way too much time focusing on his accurate memory for that to not be the case.

My hubby made a really good point too. What did Jin Kook do or almost do, to keep him from working on these harder cases and just working on crap. He’s a good detective and notices inconsistencies before everyone else, so something had to have happened in the past that keeps him at arms length from this case. Though I think it’s super cute how he help clue Cho Rong in on these things.


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I agree about the friend. I also see the "coincidences" as well. Such as the accidental food spillage. That seemed to much like a set up of sorts. MY really seems like a puppet master who adapts well to different changes that happen around him.

I am still waiting to see how the therapist in the first episode comes into play for all of this. So many clues.


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In the Japanese series, the detective was washed up, burnt out, waiting to retire. The female cop has hope to someday marry him. They care for one another, he more like brother and sister, she’s worried he has given up and needs someone to care for him.


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I'm feeling that Seung As was just a opportunity to approach Ji Kang for him. She was easy to seduce (easier than Ji Kang), her boyfriend being a jerk, we can understand why she's so happy to meet Moo Young.

For the murderer, his "Little" sister could be the one who did it. She knew the victim and it could explain why he cleaned up.

For the past, we don't know a lot for now. He was 8 years old when he met the psy. Intelligence and youth, it's not the best combo to deal a traumatisme.
I wonder if his father was really a cop or he was just trying to provoke Jin Kook. But he seems to think that Ji Kook is responsible for the death of someone and he took a certain pleasure reminding him.


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I am really curious how the Korean plot would shape up, in a good writer's hand it could turn out to be something memorable, but a mediocre writer could totally mess this up regards to make the ending less horrible but still making a lasting impact.
About seung ah, I remember this line from the trailer, moo seung kept saying, every new relationship, every girl is the same, they don't affect him at all, or something like that. I think that's the case with seung ah too. If you remember how they met first, moo seung was just passing her a judgment on how she herself was also interested in the pottery show, but still was only blaming her boyfriend for it. He was just really quick to catch up onto her thought process and at first, that was his only intention, to question her, to make her see her own mind, not to romance her. Actually, he has been like that with everyone around him, jin kook too. He also tells his friend, I wanted to see what moves a rich girl's heart. But since she was interested in him, he went along with her and didn't refuse whatever was happening. It is, of course, wrong, but IMO he has stopped differentiating between what's right and wrong. Something really horrible must have happened in his past/ childhood to have scarred him this much.


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*Ok Moo Young, not seung. Sorry for the typo!


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I think he did intentionally romance her. His interest began as he heard the staff mention SeungAh at the freight elevator. How pretty he is, how her boyfriend gave her a nice car, how she is envied by others. Although Hongbin showed interest in her openly, MooYoung was silently listening and calculating. He walked back to the lot and stood right where the door would absolutely hit him, thinking Seung-Ah was going to step out.


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Its quite funny that no one is worried about the cat. I am more worried about that cute little thing in his hands than anything else.


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I don't think that Moo Young is a sadist who tortures poor animals... So no, I'm really not scared for the kitten.


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The moment the main lead hurts an animal the audience will divert their sympathies somewhere else. You can always make up at least understandable reasons to hurt/kill a person but not an innocent, cute, defensless animal.

So that being said, I also don't fear for the kitten because the show works because you don't know what side of the moral grey area MY will fall on. And hurting a kitten... that's unforgivable... there is no coming back from that.


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Nah, I don’t like cats 😂


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I was praying that he doesnt hurt the cat. Because that would put me right off from watching the show.


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I was, too! I kept waiting for him to hurt it. I think it's safe for now, since it's been a handy tool.


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I'm a big fan of the podcast My Favorite Murder, and one thing I've learned from that is that psychopaths usually have a history of cruelty to animals. When I saw this, I thought, "YES! He's not a psychopath!!"


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oh my god...i already love this drama so much and 100% got hooked by those cold gazing from MY. SIG is really perfect as MY, his gesture, smirk, gaze and how he speaks is so charming! If MY look at me like he look at JK, no way I could look back at him like what JK did, i'm going to melt! How can someone smile be so different in a span just 2 sec? also, the last scene when he was smiling to his own reflection? CHILLS!

after the 2nd episode i got really curious and decide to read the reviews of the japan version, but thank GOD, i decided to stop because curiosity kills the cat and i don't want to die now, not yet. , i'll go down with MY till the end, whatever his true identity is, good or evil. can't wait for next episode, can wednesday come fast?


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So in these two episodes, Moo Young seems to be heavily suggesting that
1) Jin Kook killed MY's father, or at least was partially responsible for the deed.
2) Jin Kang may be MY's little sister.
3) He's been searching for or stalking Jin Kook and Jin Kang for a while.

Call me simplistic but with dramas like this, there's always a love angle of sorts between the main leads, which also suggests to me that MY will be set up as a love interest of Jin Kang at some point. As it is, they're already laying on the tension, with MY claiming that Jin Kang is interested in him. But because he already knows/believes that Jin Kang might be his sister, I'm confused to how the love angle would play out. I mean, I know there were K dramas where long-lost siblings fell in love then realised they couldn't be together, but in this case, one party already has an inkling.


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I have tried to remain spoiler free but I keep thinking is Moo Young really turns out to be the bad guy are we going to support him? Will it be like Dexter, the tv show? We all root for the serial killer not to get caught? So intriguing....I cannot wait to see the end!

SIG is superb here! Mesmerising!


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Oh, goody. Nooooo. Not another Dexter in drama/showland. Dexter ended years ago but man, I'm still wondering how it got me rooting for the lead character until the end XDD


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Same here! When I think back it chills me to my bones!


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I’m definitely not going to “support” MooYoung, but I still fully support SIG!

I used to look for hints of justification when my bias plays a bad guy. Unfortunately my Hong Kong bias takes pride in playing absolutely scumbags with no redeeming quality. I’ve learned to separate act from actor. Many times I root for his downfall, and that can be a joy to watch in itself. For a great actor, downfall is even more enjoyable to act than success, with the unlimited range of possible expressions.

So, even if MooYoung is super bad, just sit back and enjoy the show.


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We just have to wait and see now, dont we?


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Just one thing....Seo In-Guk is PERFECT!!
I rest my case! 👐


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The whole discussion between MY and JK in the car. Holymoly. It was bad enough that he started the subject but then he kept asking questions like, O.O jeez, you can stop with the questions now, man /sweats/

I was holding my breath the whole time x____x


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@sunny, Thanks fir the recap.

Moo-young asks if Jin-kook has ever shot someone. 😟😨😧I would bet Jin-kook has never been questioned like that before.


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I first thought Moo-young’s coworker-friend was naive, but come to find out he is aiding and betting Moo-young’s games with women. I think Moo-young told him to spill a tray just to throw a wench into Cho-rong’s lame wooing and give him an opportunity to do something a little swoony, i.e. covering her with his hoodie. Coworker-friend is a pick-up artist apprentice, but i don’t think he knows the deeper Moo-young.


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I somewhat got the same vibe of the coworker. I haven't quite decided yet if I like him or not... The next couple episodes will hopefully shine some more light in that direction.

But at the same time it made me wonder that if MY asked him to spill something on JK then he must have known she wouldn't want CR to see the scar. Which means he knows about the scar. Many have theorized already that he was the one who shielded her in that fire... but how does he know she is embarassed about it then if they haven't seen each other since.


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i've seen the japan version. so i already how messed up (good messed up i mean) the story will be. SIG is sooooo eerily masculine and attractive in this one. KimuTaku will be proud.


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I really wish they won't go there, but they are and that breaks my heart


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Thank you Sunny for the recap and the great comments on this episode.
I loved the way this episode began with the "date". Since I am a sucker for the kdrama maknae I might as well go on record now with writers-nim (I gave a similar warning during LOM).
"Please do not mess around with our maknae Officer Eom Cho-rong. At the end of HMSFS I expect Cho-rong to be breathing and walking on both feet". You know what I am saying.


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Yh that sister of kim moo yeon is the killer. He helped out by cleaning up for her and putting back the snkw globes.


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If this is a guess it's ok, if it's from the japanese please don't post about the original story in the recaps.


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