Hundred Million Stars From the Sky: Episode 7

Moo-young seems obsessed by the power that one person can wield in the lives of perfect strangers. As Jin-kook wrestles with his own troubled past, it’s possible that there’s a connection that explains Moo-young’s singular curiosity. Moo-young’s relationship with Seung-ah has served as a real life experiment, but what exactly is it meant to prove?

EPISODE 7: “One million dollars”

Moo-young loads his birthday cake with candles while he mulls over the reason that Jin-kang considers him pitiful — he has to win no matter what, with no regard for anyone who gets destroyed in the process. Moo-young recalls how he moved very closely to Jin-kang to ask if she had any feelings for him, but she managed to answer with a firm, “No, I don’t.” While Moo-young stares at the burning candles, there’s a knock at his door and when he opens it, he’s yanked outside.

Jin-kang sits on the steps outside of her home, deep in thought, and then stands up and walks away. She bumps into someone on the street on the way to Moo-young’s place and gets a look at the man when she apologizes.

When Jin-kang reaches Moo-young’s rooftop, she witnesses his attack and hides to call the police, but she flies to his side when he’s beaten with a pole. Jin-kang throws herself protectively in front of Moo-young, which forces the men to leave, and she’s able to see how badly he’s been beaten. Meanwhile, Jin-kook wakes up in his room, the flyer about the missing boy close by.

At the hospital, Jin-kang does her best to describe Moo-young’s attackers to a policeman. The officer explains that Moo-young needs to file a report at the police station in order to bring charges and sue his attackers.

Jin-kang goes to Moo-young’s side and cries at the sight of his battered face. Later, when Moo-young opens his eyes, he sees that Jin-kang fell asleep in a chair, her head on his bed. He reaches for hers hand but stops when she stirs, and then pretends to be asleep when her phone rings. She steps away to talk with Jin-kook, who scolds that she should have called if she had to work late. By the time she returns to Moo-young’s bed, it’s empty.

Moo-young opens his door when Jin-kang knocks and she follows him inside where he invites her to sit down. Jin-kang unleashes her anger, demanding to know who attacked him, but Moo-young is more interested in why she showed up at his place.

Jin-kang passes on the policeman’s message, Moo-young needs to file a report before he can sue his attackers. Moo-young knows that the men who attacked him were hired and reasons that it makes more sense to go after the person who wanted to hurt him.

Exasperated, Jin-kang sighs, “Fine. I don’t care what you do,” but Moo-young grabs her hand when she turns to leave. Moo-young asks her to have some cake but Jin-kang pulls away and walks out without a word while Moo-young stares at his empty hand. Once she’s outside, Jin-kang pauses to catch her breath, clearly shaken.

At the station, Jin-kook sits at his desk and ignores Cho-rong, who finally walks away to take a break. He runs into So-jung, who wants to know if Jin-kook has said anything to him. Cho-rong asks what’s going on and isn’t fooled when So-jung insists that she doesn’t know everything about Jin-kook.

Jin-kang pauses in front of a porridge restaurant on her way to the police station, where she checks to see if Moo-young filed a report. Jin-kang learns that Moo-young hasn’t reported his attack, which he must do to sue his attackers.

Moo-young wakes up and grimaces in pain when he gets out of bed to look for his cat. When Moo-young sits outside as his cat eats, he notices a bag from the porridge restaurant, but when he looks down at the street, no one is around.

So-jung visits Jin-kook with the groceries needed for him to make lunch. She thinks his place looks different in the daytime, since she’s only been there when she brings him home, drunk. So-jung asks about Jin-kang and smiles when Jin-kook informs her that she’s on a date with Cho-rong.

Jin-kang looks at rental bicycles with Cho-rong, who tries to steer her to the ones built for two. Cho-rong gets a call from Detective Gun, who later reports to Chief Lee that Cho-rong must be insane because he won’t be in on his day off.

Cho-rong happily pedals a bicycle for two with Jin-kang, who looks as if she’s miles away. After their ride, Cho-rong happily shares that he has a list of a hundred things that he wants to do with Jin-kang and riding a bicycle for two was one of them. Cho-rong extends his hand to Jin-kang, which reminds her of when Moo-young grabbed her hand at his place, but she shakes off the memory to take Cho-rong’s hand.

So-jung admits relief that Jin-kook is doing better than she expected after he mentioned Moo-young’s scar. Jin-kook confesses that he decided that So-jung was right, he was being overly sensitive about Moo-young and the missing boy.

As Jin-kook and So-jung enjoy their meal, she urges him to share his suspicions that Yoo-ri is the murderer with Cho-rong. So-jung wants to know why Jin-kook hasn’t arrested Yoo-ri and laughs when he explains that he’s waiting for her to turn herself in.

Suspicious, So-jung asks Jin-kook, “Do you like her by any chance?” It’s Jin-kook’s turn to laugh but So-jung thinks that she’s right, otherwise why would he fall to protect Yoo-ri and why does he want her to turn herself in.

When Jin-kook asks, “Why are you so funny? You’re so pretty and funny,” So-jung looks stunned. After Jin-kook adds, “You’re pretty, not Yoo-ri,” So-jung abruptly ends their lunch and makes a hasty exit.

Seung-ah finalizes the sale of her studio and walks out with two million dollars. She looks at the money and thinks back to her final meeting with Moo-young, when she suggested that they could run away to Greece.

After Moo-young announced that he needed to go home to update his resume, he confessed, “We’ve reached the end.” Seung-ah insisted, “But we love each other,” only to be told by Moo-young, “I’ve never loved you.” In the present, Seung-ah pulls out her phone and calls the university that Moo-young claimed Hee-jun attended.

Moo-young is in bed when Hee-jun calls to report that Seung-ah discovered that he’s not a student. Moo-young tells his friend not to worry and right after they hang up, Seung-ah texts with a request to meet.

Seung-ah doesn’t look at Moo-young, who’s hidden his bruises with a black cap and a hoodie for their meeting. Seung-ah tells him that she chose the location by the river because she wanted to end things where they started.

Seung-ah hands Moo-young the two million dollars but when he passes it back to her, she tells him that she prefers to think that he was with her for her money. Seung-ah stands up and walks away when Moo-young goes along with her scenario, “Yes, it was because of money.”

Seung-ah sees Moo-young limping away in a safety mirror and when she runs after him, she discovers his injuries. She guesses that Woo-sang was behind his attack but Moo-young brushes it off, “You gave me two million. Nothing else matters.”

Enraged, Seung-ah drives away from her meeting with Moo-young and calls Woo-sang, who rejects her call. Woo-sang’s assistant reviews plans for an event to be held at the brewery until Woo-sang reads Seung-ah’s text, “I’ll never forgive you. If you bother him one more time, I’ll kill you.”

Woo-sang double-checks with his assistant who reports, “You won’t need to worry about him anymore. I think he has a girlfriend.” The assistant points to Jin-kang in a surveillance photo with Moo-young with Seung-ah as Woo-sang enjoys a cruel smile.

Moo-young sees Jin-kook outside a neighborhood convenience store and removes his hat as he sits down. He ignores the inevitable questions about his injuries to drink one of Jin-kook’s beers, and then admits that he was beaten up.

When Jin-kook looks at him disapprovingly, Moo-young takes out the two million dollars. Jin-kook wants to know what Moo-young has been up to, so he confesses, “Bad things. Seeing you makes me want to do bad things.”

When Moo-young rises to leave, Jin-kook warns, “There aren’t any freebies in this world. You’ll have to pay up eventually.” Moo-young admits that he likes the sound of that, “‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,’ is more my thing.”

Jin-kook arrives at work just in time to witness Chief Lee berating Cho-rong for not coming to work on his day off. Cho-rong is sent away but soon he’s back when Jin-kook playfully pulls him into a head lock and delivers him to his desk. Cho-rong promises that it will never happen again as Jin-kook smiles broadly at Chief Lee.

While Yoo-ri cleans her studio, she thinks of Jin-kook’s offer that she has a couple of days. Meanwhile, So-jung ignores Jin-kook in the cafeteria and when he runs into her later, she denies that she’s avoiding him. When she hurries back to work, Jin-kook wonders, “Why is she dressed so prettily today?” (How can a detective be so clueless?)

At a laundromat, Moo-young’s face darkens when he sees the shirt bloodied by his beating. He looks thoughtful before he tosses it in with the rest of his things.

Yoo-ri is waiting for Moo-young when he returns home. Moo-young pets his cat as Yoo-ri confesses that she’s been avoiding him because she was worried that he was angry with her. Yoo-ri wonders why Moo-young was nice to her and he answers, “Because you’re pretty,” but she thinks it’s because she doesn’t lie.

When Yoo-ri wonders if Moo-young ever sincerely liked her. He says yes, but then starts to tell her about his cat. Moo-young explains that he’s never had one before, but he likes it, even though it’s lots of work. The subtext is pretty clear, and Yoo-ri angrily says she knows that Moo-young thinks of her like his cat–a pet. He then gently warns Yoo-ri, “Don’t trust people. People are nothing,” but his face falls when she asks if it’s all right to tell Jin-kook everything.

Then next day, Moo-young stands motionless at a green light as he decides what to do. Cho-rong finds him waiting around their office and asks why he’s there, just as Jin-kook appears. When Cho-rong leaves the two men alone, Moo-young explains that he came by to get his driver’s license and wanted to say hi.

After the brief exchange, Moo-young walks away and tells Jin-kook, “You seem just fine, now that I see you.” Cho-rong rejoins Jin-kook and admits that he can’t remember where he’s seen his visitor, but he seems familiar. Cho-rong’s surprised when Jin-kook tells him, “He’s Kim Moo-young.”

At work, Moo-young sees an announcement for an event at his old brewery, featuring Woo-sang. Moo-young’s new boss welcomes him back and makes sure that he’s comfortable attending the event with his new coworkers. Meanwhile, Jin-kang’s design team arrives at the event and takes a moment to appreciate the posters that they designed.

Moo-young arrives at the brewery event with his new company and he and Jin-kang are immediately aware of each other. Everyone claps when Woo-sang makes his entrance, except for Moo-young.

A courier delivers an envelope to Seung-ah’s house, which the maid hands to Seung-ah. It holds the two million dollars that she gave Moo-young and a note. Seung-ah’s eyes fill with tears when she reads what Moo-young wrote, “I don’t know if it’s love yet. But let’s go wherever.”

Woo-sang delivers his welcome speech and sees Moo-young in the crowd as he raises his water glass in mock tribute. Later, Jin-kang’s boss stares at Woo-sang and teases that Jin-kang should get all of the design work for the NJ Group. When the man next to Woo-sang turns around, Jin-kang recognizes him as the man on the street the night of Moo-young’s beating.

Alarmed, Jin-kang glances over at Moo-young, who situates himself in Woo-sang’s line of vision. When the two men are alone, Woo-sang wants to know, “What are you trying to pull,” and Moo-young teases, “I’m asking you to play with me.”

Woo-sang wants Moo-young to get to the point, so he shows off his bruises and admits that they hurt, much like Woo-sang was hurt by Seung-ah. Woo-sang smiles wickedly as he divulges that he knows that Moo-young and Seung-ah broke up, and then he mentions money.

Moo-young admits that two million dollars isn’t bad for a two month effort. He offers Woo-sang half of the money since he was key to Moo-young’s seduction of Seung-ah. Moo-young heard about Seung-ah at the pottery exhibition and had no plans to approach her because she was out of his league, until he saw Woo-sang, and realized how easily he could make her fall for him.

Just then, Seung-ah calls Moo-young and learns that he’s at the brewery event. Moo-young warns Woo-sang, “Get your one million dollar share and get lost because I need to keep seeing her.” Woo-sang sees Jin-kang and calls them a good match since Jin-kang tried to use Seung-ah to get work for her company. Woo-sang praises Jin-kang’s plan to have her boyfriend get money out of Seung-ah.

Before they part ways, Woo-sang offers, “If you beg like a well-behaved dog, I might give you a few more bucks.” Moo-young tenses as he watches Woo-sang walk away, but when he sees Jin-kang, he gives her an encouraging smile.

Seung-ah drives to the brewery as her voice shares the contents of the note that she left behind for her mother. In a brief flashback, Seung-ah looked at her room one last time and then put on Moo-young’s bracelet as she explained that she wasn’t giving up anything for him because she found love, freedom and her true self. Seung-ah’s note closed with an apology as she walked away with nothing.

Jin-kang guesses that Woo-sang is behind Moo-young’s beating and wants to know what they talked about. He’s touched that she’s worried about him and confesses that he intended to tease Woo-sang, but he got the best of Moo-young in the end. Jin-kang’s boss calls, ready to leave, and Moo-young encourages her to go because her presence puts him at a disadvantage.

Woo-sang drinks from a liquor bottle as soon as he gets to his car while his assistant prepares to drive him home. When he sees Seung-ah arrive, Woo-sang gets out and tells her that Moo-young called her easy, just as he walks up and admits that she already knows that he’s trash.

When Moo-young suggests, “Shall we go,” Woo-sang grabs Seung-ah’s wrist and vows, “If you go right now, I won’t hold back anymore.” Seung-ah throws off Woo-sang’s hand and gets into the driver’s seat and drives away with Moo-young.

Incensed, Woo-sang jumps into his car just as Jin-kang tells her boss that she can’t leave with her after all. Jin-kang runs back to the event in time to see Seung-ah drive by with Moo-young, closely followed by Woo-sang. It starts to rain and Seung-ah and Moo-young exchange a determined look as she speeds away from a deranged, drunk Woo-sang.

Jin-kook walks out of the station just as Yoo-ri arrives under the black umbrella with the Beer Festival logo.

Seung-ah speeds along a raised highway while Woo-sang honks and flashes his headlights, fueled by more liquor. Meanwhile, Jin-kang arrives at Moo-young’s place and knocks on his door and when there’s no answer, she tries to call him.

Seung-ah nods when Moo-young encourages, “Don’t let him catch you,” but she has to swerve to miss an oncoming truck. Seung-ah’s car comes to a stop just as Woo-sang’s car plows into it, sending it down an embankment. Moo-young’s bracelet breaks and the beads are suspended in the air as Moo-young and Seung-ah spin in slow motion.

The glow of a fire shines on Moo-young as he hangs upside-down and when he hears his name, he remembers a happy childhood. There was a toy robot, an angel statue, an umbrella in a corner, a radio playing a song and water boiling in a kettle on a stove. The missing boy from Jin-kook’s flyer entered a kitchen just as a gun was pointed at a man seated at a table. In the wrecked car, Moo-young remembers a gunshot and then closes his eyes.


I should have expected that spectacular accident after that tension-filled car chase, especially since I’ve been worried about Seung-ah ever since she became involved with Moo-young, but it caught me by surprise. That’s because I didn’t realize that Woo-sang was Moo-young’s target all along, not Seung-ah — she was just the means that Moo-young used to get to the arrogant chaebol. Which begs the question, why? What was it about Woo-sang that got Moo-young’s attention?

It was the elaborate hoax that Woo-sang expected Seung-ah to go along with, the pottery of an established artist that he purchased to pass off as Seung-ah’s. His fiancée wasn’t accomplished enough in her own right, so Woo-sang had to “buy” Seung-ah the reputation that his status required. At this point, we know how much Moo-young hates lies, and Woo-sang’s ruse and his smugness when Seung-ah protested, is what prompted Moo-young to insert himself into their lives. Moo-young decided to find out how much one man could derail Woo-sang’s once untouchable life and how far Woo-sang would go to stop him. The accident proves that Woo-sang was just as unrelenting as Moo-young, just as dangerous and just as unconcerned about those around him.

Poor Seung-ah, if the breaking of her bracelet serves as a foreshadowing of her fate, it’s probable that she won’t survive the real-life duel between Woo-sang and Moo-young. Even though Moo-young used her to get to Woo-sang and never loved her, I think he was drawn to her internal struggles — money or freedom, comfort or love, Woo-sang or Moo-young. Moo-young seemed to know Seung-ah better than she knew herself, and he gave her permission to be someone other than the sheltered, rich girl she had always been. Moo-young cared not one bit about money, which was Seung-ah’s kryptonite, and I think that’s the one trait that attracted her the most. Moo-young’s disinterest in material things gave Seung-ah the courage to break free, so it’s no surprise that the one thing that she valued, the one thing that she took with her when she left her family home, was the simple bracelet that Moo-young gave her for her birthday.

Even more chilling than the accident were the old memories it triggered in Moo-young. He is the missing boy who’s been haunting Jin-kook, and he was once happy and carefree, until a gunshot shattered his life. One man, one event, and lives forever changed. It’s no surprise that Moo-young developed a fascination with the power that one individual can wield over random lives, because that’s what happened to him. It makes Jin-kook’s warning, “You’ll have to pay up eventually,” sound even more ominous. Jin-kook is the one who’s been living a lie for over twenty-five years — he’s not Jin-kang’s biological brother. There’s a reason that Jin-kook raised Jin-kang and an explanation as to why the missing boy still haunts him. It seems that Jin-kook could soon be the one who’s about to pay up.


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This show is absolutely great.

Got drawn in because this kdrama is my first... haha lame pun. Got drawn in cause of Jung So-min and staying because of the darkness and mysterious of it all.

Seo In-guk has been great, really emitting a cold vibe and keeping you guessing with what his ulterior motives are.


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Shitty Healing Hunter...hahaha. Love it


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What does this show want? I am dying to find out where it plans to take us? It feels like we are part of that car chase, blindly hurtling along, fueled by the devil that is Moo Young, or the writer- director in our case!

I love this too much despite it being a tale centred on quite twisted individuals, or maybe BECAUSE if that!


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How well shot was that chase! I was at the edge of my seat. And those moving out of focus lights.. This show is so awesome at so many levels..


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For a green screen car chase, the camera work was awesome 👏🏻.

SIG can’t film anything to challenging so I’m really grateful our PD-nim created such an intense car chase with just fluid camera flow, and haunting background music.


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Why can't SIG film anything too challenging? His medical issue is just with his ankles, isn't it? He was sitting down in the car chase. And there are ways around that. A few years ago Ji Soo was barely able to walk after leg surgery and had to use crutches and was still able to finish the drama he was working on.


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Although he never released official statements, PD-nim mentioned during the press conference he was concerned for In Guk’s health (more literally his body). In Guk low key responded to mc that he’s in therapy (didn’t elaborate what sort of therapy). I noticed he has shown is bare ankles since he returned. He was spotted in high top uggs in the middle of August when the drama started filming (fans made fun of him of course). He wore ugly white socks to the press conferences and during the vlive chat. This week a few scenes stood out to me where he wore socks with flip flops — the couch scene w the cat and the kiss scene. Also earlier a lot of on location sightings of him squatting against the wall when he’s waiting. Normally celebs rest back in their car or chair but he just squats down on the spot against anything. Maybe I’m just thinking too hard but it seems to me he’s not his usually active self. Even walks a tat bit too slow in the drama.


*He hasn’t shown


I didn't know about his foot /ankle issues, but it does look like he lost a bit of weight for this role it could explain energy issues


@katrina Energy doesn’t seem to be low though. He looked quite excited in the recent bts... and he was eating the bbq props 😂


@sph_7 Oh, I see. Well I hope he is okay. I also thought he had slower movement in this drama but thought it might go with the character. Even back in Shopping King Louis he ran very slowly and very awkwardly, but then again, that could also have been the character.


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Louis had his lazy walk, but then he would jump up and run to things, like Bok Sil😂.

I haven’t seen MooYoung walk a full flight of stairs yet, just a few steps up or down.


Well that's good. I'm blown away by how much he is pulling me into this drama. I just wouldn't want it at the expense of his health, so if they're being careful good.


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Watching this drama is like taking part in extreme sports. It gives you such a rush, that you feel kinda exhausted after the hour. Then the adrenaline kicks in from the last few minutes and all of a sudden, there's no sleep happening tonight. #feelings


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Did you guys see how his face hardened when Yoo Ri said she was going to confess everything? If I was her I’d make a run for it at that moment because he looked like he could kill with his look.


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But more specifically, that she was going to confess to Jin-kook. Moo-young has a really bad history with JK. I'm dying to know what their connection really is, and if there's misunderstanding involved.


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We know from the flashbacks that MY is the missing boy JG was searching for years ago. And JG probably has something to do with MY’s father death.


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Scariest. Face. Ever. I recoiled from it.


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Also the scene that follows after this when he goes to JG and leaves just after saying hello. I cannot for the life of me figure out what he was trying to achieve...was he there to see if YR had already spilled the beans? was he there to simply rattle YG?


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That got me confused as well, I couldn’t figure out what he was trying to achieve...


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I was more scared of his "killer" look when Seung- ahs ex called Jin-kang a scammer


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This show gives me all kinds of feels. Love love love the show!


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The way the car chase was shot felt as if I was watching a movie scene. That is how well the scene was done.
My personal opinion of course :-)

Little about Moo Young.
When Moo Young asked Jin Kang to stay and have cake with him. The way he looked at his hand. I believe that Moo Young is afraid because he did ask Jin Kang what is worse "person who has feelings but is unaware of them" or a "person who doesn't have feelings".
In Moo Young case he turns to be the former and of course it terrifies him. I think those feelings that he holds deep down and were hidden are surfacing from the deep and he doesn't know what to do with them.

About Moo Young and Yuri
Moo-young and Yu Ri have what I would call a unique relationship. Personally I don't know what to label them as, which is what it makes so interesting to see them interact with one another.
At times they feel like "siblings" or even "friends" but I have feeling that Moo Young does care for her more than he did for Seung Ah.
If anything his care for Yu Ri falls in between the lines of a "brother" and "caretaker" relationship. Maybe he's both I don't know.


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Seriously I have no idea where the "menu" word came from just ignore that one. I'm not presenting any dishes here.


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MY himself likens his relationship with Yuri to that of an owner with his pet. But I also think that it actually goes a little deeper than that even if he doesn't realise it. I also think we don't need to label their relationship because it is unique in its own way.

I'm actually quite interested in how Yuri thinks of their relationship. In an earlier episode she protested every time someone told her she has a crush on MY. At that time I also thought that she 'doth protested too much'. But now I kinda believe her. Maybe he is like a safety blanket to her - one that she fears loosing. He did stop her from comitting suicide and by extrapolation from trying so again (well until she thought he was angry with her) and when she is in trouble he is the first person she turns to. He may very well be the only person she feels she can trust and so far he hasn't let her down.

It's actually a really complex and fascinating relationship. In my opinion maybe an even more complex relationship than MY and JK have.

I also love that all of the side characters feel like people and not just caricatures.


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I tend to think similar thoughts about Moo Young's feelings or emotions, that he does have them, but doesn't like for them to surface. I think he has taught himself to be "numb" to his feelings so that he can survive without so much pain. If he is numb to his feelings, he is less vulnerable to other people controlling him. If he is numb to what people do to him (like getting fired, for instance) it takes away the power of the person who set out to cause him pain. Being beaten caused physical pain and Moo Young seems more susceptible to physical pain than to emotional pain. Moo Young does seem to have a powerful obsession to control other people though, and will do whatever it takes to gain that control.


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The way I interpreted that cake scene was: MY was talking about himself not having feelings because that's what JK accused him of and JK being unaware she has feelings (for MY) because it is patently obviously to everyone except her that she does.

I wonder if MY sees a bit of himself in YR. Their childhoods are messed up and both of them were that shrink's subjects so there might be more similarities than we can see or have been allowed to see.


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Moo Young is afraid because he did ask Jin Kang what is worse "person who has feelings but is unaware of them" or a "person who doesn't have feelings". In Moo Young case he turns to be the former and of course it terrifies him.
I am sorry, but i think you got it wrong in this. this was MY statements on the context of him toward Seung Ah, and Jin Kang toward Moo Young. being the former is Jing Kang toward Moo Young. In eps7, Jin Kang complaint how bad MY was playing with Seung Ah feeling when he just didn't have any, and MY confronted her for not realizing her own feeling. that's when he said, he's better be someone who doesn't have feeling (to Seung Ah), rather than Jin Kang who didn't want to admit that she like him. MY does like Jing Kang, as he told it bluntly over and over. and personally i think MY has his eyes in JK since the get go. He was teasing her in the day Seung Ah formally introduce him to her, he was curious when Jin Kang on the phone with Seung Ah, he kept watching her on the day he date Seung Ah for the last time, and knowing the fact the fact that he did meet her a long time ago. this is somewhat that i found different from japan version where Ryo wasn't really sure about his feeling toward Yuko and doubt/scare about his action to get to close to Yuko, and Yuko's being to one who help him realizing it. it's kinda reverse in korean version (not that i complaint about it).


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I don't think that Moo Young has big plans, it's more like he's seing a situation and he plays with it. In the Seung Ah case, he saw a rich girl dating a jerk and he "saved" her from the jerk, had fun with her and in mean time he pissed off the rich jerk.

Now that Yoo Ri wants to tell the truth, he needs to run away and Seung Ah is perfect for that. He can take his revenche from the beatings too. It's a win-win situation. But I can't see him leave Ji Kang behind, so what he is thinking ?

Moo Young really loves to provoke Ji Kook. He always shows him his worst side or says things and watch Ji Kook struggling.


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I don't really think Moo Young was planning on running off with Seung Ah, at least not for anything more than very temporarily. I think he was just "taking things wherever they happen to go" and continuing to play his game with the rich ex boyfriend as he had provoked him beyond his tolerance. I don't really think Moo Young is particularly resistant to the possibility of being arrested (enough to run off to Greece) as he may consider arrest an unwelcome but necessary part of the game from time to time. But I have noticed that the translations sometimes change depending on who is translating and even just a word or two of difference can make a huge impact on our understanding (those of us who do not speak Korean)


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He totally wasn't running away. In fact, he set up the sequence of events like a master. He knew he was putting his life on the line and he just didn't care which is perhaps even more frightening than anything else. He provokes Woo Sang before Seung Ah gets there, going so far as to say that he needs to continue dating her, egging on the rich chaebol because he knew the man's ego would cause him to act out. When he sees Woo Sang following, he tells Seung Ah to make sure he doesn't catch her even though the probability of an accident is high in those circumstances. So I don't think he is just going along with the situation. Initially yes, but this is all very calculated. MY is sly and dangerous but whether he is evil...I don't know. I don't think he presents himself as anything other than what he is.


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yes, i agree with this and somewhat not. Woo-kang was not MY target in the beginning, not until woo-kang messed up with him. as he said to Ji kook, he's the type of guy of 'eyes for eyes, tooth for tooth'. he reached out back to Seung Ah after dumped her solely for this purpose. but, i also don't think he send that message to Seung Ah as runaway from Yoo Ri case. there's still some mystery around Yoo Ri case. at best, he just tried to manipulate Seung Ah with the 'eloping' idea. but i also don't think, despite his feeling toward Jin Kang, he will take Jin Kang as consideration to his any actions. he's pretty much did what he did as he wanted. yes, he likes jin kang, but at the same time, she's still not part of his decision, yet (eps8 seems promising to make this man really 'obey' whatever jin kang said). so, whether or not he will leave Jin Kang in the process of his game, it's not relevant.


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Yea, like @zzthorn and @nafiza I also think he had no intention to run. He wanted to use SeungAh to hurt WooSang.

He’s not sure if YooRi will confess or not. So he went to the precinct to check. But I don’t think he was ever afraid she will rat him out. After his conversation with YooRi, I’m starting to think YooRi CAN lie. She said (paraphrasing) “I heard you said I don’t lie”, like it’s something new to her. I’m starting to think this was just an inception to throw JinKook off. Like when he tells SeungAh that his coworker is a struggling student to trigger her sympathetic nature, turns out not true but he somehow played along with MooYoung. Getting JinKook to think YooRi can’t lie so he will completely believe her confession is what I think MooYoung is trying to do.


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I think jin kang guest starred in this episode. Patiently waiting for the next recap to write down my thoughts about this week episodes.


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I think jin kang guest starred in this episode. Lol. Gonna wait patiently for the next recap to share my thoughts. But before that, I need to say this. I think mooyoung intentionally walked like that in front of seung ah. He knew despite the cold attitude that seung ah was showing, she still care about him. That's very cruel of him, using and manipulating the girl to the very end.


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Many viewers complain that JinKang is sidelined, but unfortunately that’s just the way the original version was. Especially the first half, when I seriously thought her character was a support cast. I think the K version increased Somin’s screen time already and gave her more solo scenes and her own dating story -- ChoRong was nobody in the original and disappeared soon after they meet thru a blind date. Hopefully we could see more JinKang presence in the second half.


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i never felt that Jin Kang was being ignored all along, because while her screen time is short (which i didnt realise it too), her scenes are always so impacting that it left a mark in the show for me. take for example, when she grieved for Seung Ah this episode, it felt so real and raw that i had flashbacks to my own memories of grief.


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I didn’t realize that Woo-sang was Moo-young’s target all along, not Seung-ah — she was just the means that Moo-young used to get to the arrogant chaebol.

I don’t think MooYoung targeting SeungAh had much to do with Woo Sang in the beginning. He didn’t even meet WooSang yet when he stood near SeungAh’s car waiting to be hit by the door. WooSang was also acquiring Arts, so messing with him would cost him his job. It was apparent the gossip of SeungAh interested him. He was truthful when he told WooSang he felt it would be easy after seeing him. Everything else he said at the event was just meant to piss off WS, enough to make him make him act irrationally.

Since he doesn’t value life, I don’t think MooYoung plans much far ahead. If he finds something fun and plays with it — like that cat.

He also likes to sabotage relationships because he doesn’t believe any relationship would last. He’s said and done a lot to test the Yoo siblings, to test SA and JK’s friendship, and ChoRong and JK’s relationship. Ep6 we also learn he knew the dead college girl personally, which is YooRi’s friend. I even think, had Tak responded she is Jinkook’s girlfriend, he may even work his charm on her. So... he wanted to seduce a rich girl from her chaebol fiancé. The fiancé fired him, so he was starting to get pissed. The beer was delivered as “an eye for an eye” to piss off WS. I don’t think he expected WS to beat him up — which WS seemed to have done because he found out MY dumped his fiancé more than the beer instigation. After MY got beaten he stared at his blood stained sweatshirt for a while (we didn’t see him do laundry for no reason). This time he wants “a tooth for a tooth”.


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We were writing similar things at the same time. :) I also never felt MY had such big plans for them, he just starts the games and reacts as seems more amusing to him at the time.


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yup, same thinking. MY is more like 'live in moment' type of person and only take his game whenever some opportunity come to him. he never contacted or gave his number to Seung Ah in the first place, it's always Seung Ah who reached out him first directly or through Jin Kang, and he just played along with it.


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Yes. Some people ask how could he have possibly think of such a plan to kill WooSang? But like he said to JinKang, he’s not thinking and that’s how you win. He knows bad things will happen if he enraged WooSang with SeungAh. However he probably didn’t expect him to die, just severely injured. He didn’t expect SeungAh to die either but he just doesn’t care if she did or didn’t. Probably come up with some way to drop her on the curb again after he’s done avenging WooSang.


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exactly my thinking. could not phrase it better.


Maybe he likes to test people and sabotage their relationships because he is envious of their capacity to have feelings for one another?


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I think so too. He’s doesn’t understand the compassion people feel for each other so he definitely longs to feel it. Once he started feeling it through JinKang, he got confused.


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He likes to manipulate people and observe their reactions. I think he's fascinated by their reactions to situations. He deliberately starts an act that forces the actors in his little game to react to the act. He makes it impossible for the actors to remain in their safe little comfort zones. He acts, and waits, and gets a kick out of their reactions to his act. He acts in a way that provokes them to resort to extreme acts, in their reaction to that act that he initiated. He makes it impossible for the actors not to react. He doesn't care what happens, it's all part of his little game. So be it if he dies, or anyone else dies in his little game. What matters is that he pulls the strings, and everyone else dances to it. He is the puppet-master, he holds people's lives and deaths in his hands. If he likes you, he'll help you find a way out of your messy life; if he doesn't like you, he'll make you pay for it.


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I don't think MY had any big plans for any of them. He just likes to play with people, especially rich arrogant people, and WS and SA were perfect for that. After SA became completely in love with him he was no longer interested in the game, except her fiancee kept annoying MY so he just kept her to get back at him. In this ep he just showed how far he can go to play his games and how little he cares for anyone, with the possible exception of JK, for reasons yet unknown.

I confess I did not understand these girls in this episode. Why did JK run? To have cake? She didn't seem to have anything much to say. Later, why couldn't she have the cake? She will sleep by his side until he wakes up but can't have cake.
Why did stupid SA gave him 2 million? I get giving him some money to make it easier to forget him, but all the money? When she knew she still needed that to get away from her mom? Is she crazy? After she gets that note from MY she just forgets what he said about liking JK? Again, is she dumb? It's like she has become obsessed with him, but I never considered her to like Yuri so I expected a more rational behavior from her.


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i think Jk run to convey her feeling to MY, but got interrupted (and seems forgotten) by the beating. the timing just got ruin. then she got chicken out, then Seung Ah dies, so goodbye confession. but also, MY kinda frustrating her with his nonchalant attitude. dude, you almost killed, i am worried as hell, then you just went around, made me searching for you in the middle of the night, i told you to sue the thugs, you didn't want to, and all you can say, let's have a cake ? nope, i am going home.
as for seung ah, i have theory of 'break it all'. when you really like someone, then you got a heartbreak, but part of you still don't want to believe that your relationship is over, that's when you go far ruin yourself to make sure of it. in seung ah case, part of her still didn't want to believe or accept that what MY has been doing all this time was all lie (she somehow still believed there's some truth on his action, or worse, that he's not like that). so, she needs to be ensure, yes, this guy only after my money, yes, he's a jerk,yes, he didn't love me. rather than being half deceived, why don't make it 100% ? so deceit me for 2 million despite small amount of college fund. let's break it all and have final closure.


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Lol, we have been on same page for most of this *handshake*

Why did JK run? To have cake? She didn't seem to have anything much to say. Later, why couldn't she have the cake? She will sleep by his side until he wakes up but can't have cake.
Haha, that cake was probably to celebrate SIG ‘s birthday. J/K. I think she ran back to tell him something. Maybe that she had feelings too. Maybe that she still thinks having no feelings is more pitiful. Who knows. I think she can’t stop herself from caring, but she also can’t bring herself to join him in an irresponsible relationship. Forget SA or CR’s existence, she simply longs stability and he’s simply dangerous.

Why did stupid SA gave him 2 million? I get giving him some money to make it easier to forget him, but all the money? When she knew she still needed that to get away from her mom? Is she crazy?
SeungAh was calmer than I imagined. I think the check was an ultimatum for herself. If he takes it, her fantasy for love and freedom is over. She will return to her regular life and stay as her mother’s pawn. She doesn’t give a sh*t about money since she decided to step out that car. She just needed money to start a new life. Her new life is no longer possible as far as she can see so the money is useless to her.

After she gets that note from MY she just forgets what he said about liking JK? Again, is she dumb? It's like she has become obsessed with him, but I never considered her to like Yuri so I expected a more rational behavior from her.
When she saw his injuries, I think she pretty much convinced herself that JinKang wasn’t the true reason MooYoung wanted to leave her. JinKang probably never admitted anything happening either. She probably thinks MooYoung lead her to believe he’s unfaithful because her fiancé was threatened him. So when she got her check back with a note seemingly suggesting he will run away with her, she fell in love all over again. Think about it — despite paying him to leave, despite someone threatening his life to make him leave, her lover still can’t let go of her... any romantic will be deeply touched. I really don’t think she’s that dumb, just extremely blinded by fake love.


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"Maybe that she had feelings too."
I think that's what the drama wanted us to think, I just didn't buy very much because for me her attraction turned to something like love too fast, like I wrote somewhere else, it's the instalove so common in dramas.

"She will return to her regular life and stay as her mother’s pawn."
Yes, that's the only reason I guess. That's why he could take all the money, many people said she was just using MY to free herself, but if she was, she didn't understand that.

"I think she pretty much convinced herself that JinKang wasn’t the true reason MooYoung wanted to leave her."
Yes, thanks, that makes sense. She is crazy about him so she must find excuses however strange they might seem for people on the outside.


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Also the note was specifically designed to seem sincere. He didn't say 'I lied! I love you! Let's be together forever!" He said he didn't know for sure how he felt but wanted to try. That isn't inconsistent with him having feelings for Jin Kang. It just means he's willing to give her a shot rather than her friend.


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I think that the reason why Jin Kang will sleep by his side but not stay and have cake with him is because just after he was beaten he was in no condition to see her help as encouragement for his attention. While he is asleep or unconscious in the hospital he is not aware of her protection of him. But the request by him for her to stay and eat before she left would have been different. She would have given him a bit of hope or power or whatever.... if she had stayed. He would have felt he had won (at least a battle if not the war). For her, as long as she does not encourage him, she can still hang on to a bit of her loyalty to SA or at least have less quilt than she already does have about MY. She knows that if she had stayed for the cake on his birthday, that she would have given him something very important (comfort, kindness, compassion, friendship, an emotional part of herself) and he would have been encouraged to intensify his pursuit of her. How long can she hold out.


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Didn't she already gave up resisting when she first ran up to meet him at the rooftop? I think the girl who shared that meal and stories about childhood with him would not have let an orphan have his birthday cake alone after being beaten up like that.


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I would run back to have cake. And eat that cake, and more. Lol.


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Moo Young has been growing on me despite how awful he is to Seung Ah but the moment he chose to involve her in his head games again, I truly despised him. To me, it definitely looked like he was exaggerating his limp so she would see he was beaten so he could further manipulate her.

((As someone who knows the end of the jdrama and p much nothing else, the slow burn leading up to the reveal is killing me lol))


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yup, this waiting for final revelation killing me. but i expect different truth as following the same story with the jdrama would kill the mystery that this show has been given. so far, kversion seems consistently following jversion but at the same time is also felt different. maybe because i got different vibe from the characters and relationships between them.

as for MY, i don't think he was intentionally or planning to use his wound to manipulate her in the beginning. it was just merely coincidence that open opportunity for him to get back at woo-sang.


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He was walking fine later and his expression when he walked away was suspiciously smirky.


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ah really ? i thought that just some miss in production. as to show SA aware what happen to MY, the PD needed to make him walk limp, cause it will be impossible to see someone wound or not from his back only. i mean, to think that MY notice the mirror, and made a clear plan like that is just not fit his character at all. but well, i might be wrong either.


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He did exaggerate his limp. By the time he got back to his neighborhood he was walking fine. That &$&@&)#%%|


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I also despised him for taking things with SA so far, I thought he would play some head games and break her heart but never be so cruel to people that never mattered to him.


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That whole scene with covering up his injuries and limping was specifically designed to fit into her romantic fantasy. The question is why he does this. Why does he feel the need to pretend to be whatever these people want?

He follows this up with seeing the Detective and instantly stripping everything off so he can see the bruises.


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What I love about this show is how it builds things for a great cliffhanger. That whole car chase was so intense that I barely breathed through it all. Thank goodness I decided to save both 7&8 to watch together but live watching this show is absolute torture.


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The accident scene was beautifully taken with the shattered bracelets!
Did Woo-sang really love Seung-ah? Or she's just part of his ego and pride?

I can't wait to see what's MY and JK relationship in the past? What happened to Jin-kook back then? Did he kill someone related to MY? Is that why he was outcasted in his department?


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I’m sort of leaning towards WooSang having some true feelings for SeungAh. Someone mentioned he “made” her an artist to raise her social status — meaning she was not good enough to be a wife of his family. As ugly as he acted in front of her, he did give JinKang business after they talked. He didn’t do what he could have done to her when he found out she slept with MY. He told her to wait and regret but he didn’t retaliate like I’d expect him to. He fired her dad and fired MY. Yet nothing happened to her. He didn’t even call off the wedding. His real rage came after he found out MY ditched her and played her intentionally. And I think he was crying when he was drinking and driving. He’s been mad and knew about their relationship through words of his assistant, but this was his first time seeing them together with his own eyes. His rage was so heightened that he accelerated to kill them — a hurt ego would probably be hitting the breaks by then.


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Ah, that makes sense now. Another policeman told Jin-kook that he intentionally hit his car to Seung-ah's without even trying to stop it.


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I agree with you that he loved her, and I want to add that he was already getting teary-eyed during the confrontation when Seung-Ah was defending Moo-Young in front of him.


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For me, he didn't love her. He loved possessing her. She belonged to him. He's a rich guy with a lot of things and Seung Ah was one of them. He never listened to her and really cared about her, he cared about the appareance.
If he didn't brake, it's because he was angry and completely drunk. Alcohol is not a good advisor.


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The cop said he accelerated, so he didn’t just not break, he consciously ran into them. I wouldn’t call it love because he was unwilling to make sacrifices, but I think he had feelings for her and she broke his heart. When he told her he finds it cute that she thinks she’s different than him, I think it’s actually the opposite. He probably turned hateful and hostile because she thinks she’s too good to marry him and always act pissy in front of him. WooSang is another broken character that I wonder how he grew up. His feud with his own sister because of inheritance makes me pity him. We don’t see him making any moves against his sister, but she’s always poking at his wounds to entertain herself. I’m guessing she lost heirship simply because she’s not a man. If a once lovingly sister turned hateful because of money, then his idea of relationships could be twisted — that at the end of the day, money is what matters most to women. (Yea, I definitely over analyzed him, lol)


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I don't know if he was unwilling to make sacrifices though, Woo-Sang is a prideful egomaniac, but if you see his interactions with Seung-Ah before he found out about Moo-Young, it was all very one-sided. Seung-Ah would be pissy and annoyed, while he kinda tries to pacify her in his own way, like calling her cute and pretty when she got mad that he accused of Jin-Kang of being a user, and then suggesting a trip to Japan when she was still upset. Maybe his feud with his sister has made him feel like he can't put his guard down? LOL I still remember the scene where he didn't even drink the beer until he saw his sister take a sip first, probably worried that she might have spiked it. His sister seems even more crazier than him tbh.


Popping in to say hi, and bye.
Really, really busy, guys, so I'm so sorry, I won't be able to keep up with my faithful uploading of Chapters 10 and 11 this week, and will have to wait until I'm freer to continue, probably towards the end of next week. But I'll keep you all updated. But, despite my hectic schedule, I had to find time to watch episodes 7 and 8, and they were just brilliant.

You can catch my fanfic here...how long ago it seems, when the show just began, because with episode 7 and 8, we're gone beyond a point of no return, and you know what my feelings are at this halfway mark? Dread. I feel a sense of impending doom and dread.



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I used to love it when kdrama leads showing some vulnerability. But I guess that's before I watched this drama. Because Moo-young showing his vulnerable side in front of Jin-kang somehow only makes him even more dangerous.

I have to admit that for the last 20 minutes or so, I was busy yelling to my screen that I don't understand what Moo-young is trying to do. At all. I can understand him giving that money back to Seung-ah, but I don't understand him asking her to run away together. I it's even more perplexing that he tried so hard to rile Woo-sang up. I was so caught up in yelling at him during the mad car chase that I couldn't see the obvious, until the show is kind enough to remind me through Yoo-ri's appearance at the police station. I still couldn't fully understand Moo-young's reason, but now I can be sure everything is under his careful calculation, and highly possibly related to that college student murder case. Now, let's see where this accident will bring us.


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Seo In Guk is such a stellar actor. It's both disarming and disconcerting how he is able to shift his facial expressions as easily as flicking a switch; like that tense scene between his Moo Young and Woo Sang his initial smugness seamlessly changed to intense fury when WS started badmouthing Jin Kang. His eyes are able to convey both depth and breadth, something not many actors are able to do.

But props, too, to Jung So Min! Her portrayal of Jin Kang is no less impressive. She is able to effortlessly act her way through the paradoxes of JK's personality- from vulnerability to strength, friendliness to antagonism. I couldn't think of better actors for their respective roles.

I love Asian dramas but don't get too obsessed with them too much with the exception of a handful of dramas like the more recent Goblin, Reply 1997 (with SIG!) and Because this is My First Life (with JSM!)- but this one has got me hook, line, and sinker!

Here's to hoping the drama stays as compelling until the very end (still hoping for a happier ending compared to the tragedy that was the Jdorama original).


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Moo-young has been playing me this whole time. I see Seung-ah, and I find her sympathetic, but then Mo-young convinces me she's just a fake who can't live without money and I believe it. I see Seung-ah clearly head-over-heels in love with Moo-young and my heart breaks for her, but then Moo-young waltzes in and mentions the fact that she never apologised to Jin-kang for that slap and I get angry about it.

Is either representation of her completely accurate??


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Guess mooyoung is not only manipulating the people around him but also the viewers. I see swung ah as a very innocent,naive,sheltered, and almost selfish character. She doesnt even see the world as black and white not to talk of the speckles of grays in it. And that really show when her character said but she and mooyoung loves her each other. I was like dude, he never acts or said that! Her character assumes but never considers. Which is why she never apologized to jin kang and she assumed mooyoung loves her. She even assumes her freedom is based on her relationship with mooyoung. I actually pity the character. She never blame mooyoung for anything and to me its pretty disheartening.


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Your last sentence is what I would like to comment on.... about Seung Ah never blaming Moo Young for anything as she does question his motivation a number of time, but rationalizes it. I want to take that a step further though and say that most of us here are lined up to blame Moo Young for EVERYTHING, and I don't think we should. After all, that accident would never have happened if the rich ex boyfriend weren't such a despicable person and Seung Ah weren't such an entitled and self centered young woman. No matter what Moo Young did, it all depended on the imperfection of others to work. I do not consider Moo Young the exclusive cause of the accident. At least give the rich ex-boyfriend some responsibility in this and not claim Moo Young gets full responsibility.


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I blame MooYoung because he made sure certain things happened. He wanted a bad outcome. Let them be entitled or self-centered or whatever, they didn’t deserve to die. If she didn’t “luckily” caught MooYoung’s interest she would be married and living a rich superficial life. WS would have never did anything to his insignificant employee. Everything leading up to the accident wouldn’t happen if MooYoung didn’t seek joy playing god.


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True, he DID want a bad outcome, but I don't believe that death was exactly what he was aiming for specifically. I don't believe that was the pictured goal of his manipulation. Since you've seen the Japanese version though, and I have not, perhaps I am being too sympathetic toward Moo Young, believing that there is good in him and something left to salvage, when maybe there isn't. One thing though, about Seung ah.... if I remember correctly the first time I saw her in this drama she was crying and miserable. I don't really picture her happily, (yet joylessly) married to the rich man. And if I read the interpretations correctly, the rich guy was playing nasty games with Seung Ah from the start. There were already "bad" things happening without the entrance of Moo Young, but he just brought everything to an explosive conclusion by pushing everyone to the limits of their tolerance.


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@zzthorn I didn’t say SeungAh would be happily married, just married, living a rich superficial life, and not dead. Same for WS.


@sweetsour Yes, I still love watching MooYoung and JinKang together, despite how wrong I personally think he is. It’s like second lead syndrome, like you know it won’t end well but you want her to reciprocate some feelings and even if they don’t end up together at least drop us viewers more intimate moments, so we can rip our hearts apart when they finally part ways... except he’s THE lead :)


Would she be married though? According to her mother in an earlier, Woojerk had been dragging his feet on marriage until SeungAh wanted to leave him for MooYoung.


@lydibird haha, WooJerk

Well he didn’t call off the wedding. Her mom’s POV is just funny because she thinks her daughter is playing hard-to-get. I think WooSang still wanted to marry her. Rather than “dragging”, I think he just never pushed the marriage forward because he had nothing to gain. He suddenly pushed because he had something to lose.


He deserves most of the blame because he played them. They fell right into his games and never considered he was leading them towards a path so violent, not many people would think others are capable of such behavior.


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I just don't really think Moo Young had an exact plan or endgame in mind. He just wanted them to hurt. I don't think violence was necessarily in the plan. People seldom to exactly what others think they will. For instance, Moo Young would not have known that the rich exboyfriend had alcohol in the car and was going to continue to drink it. He didn't know it was going to rain or that Seung ah would swerve to miss a truck and land in the perfect position to be tboned by the exboyfriend. There are many other possibilities that could have happened and I think Moo Young would have been open to other endings. People DO have freewill, even when being manipulated. Their are choices continually being made. But.... I am a huge, huge Seo In Guk fan and I am probably just blindly defending the character he is playing in this drama, hoping that he has good in him.


Oh no!! I can't believe I did that *there not "their" --- I am so embarrassed since I am a teacher. Thank God it's not an English teacher.


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@zzthorn Your love blindness is totally understandable — I would for SIG too but I’ve regretfully seen the original :(

I also believe MY didn’t plan to kill (made a similar comment somewhere up this page). I get people have free will, however if WS didn’t drink and walked away scratchfree, I think MY will continue his game another day, with even greater enjoyment. So WS being easily triggered and drank in his car merely speeded up MY’s victory. So it’s still MY’s fault whether WS gets injured today or on another day.


Am gonna blame him for everything. I like SIG and for unexplainable reason I like mooyoung too and I pity him but he is the cause of seung ah misfortune, yeah I find seung ah decisions irritating but she didn't deserve to die. And as for mooyoung, I have this feeling that mooyoung was hoping to badly hurt woosang, I don't think he even have any problem about him dying.


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@zzthorn, I am with you here. Playing games with people is not nice, but they are people, responsible for their own actions, not sheep.
And we shouldn't judge them by the original, come on


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Thank you, @panakuh It's never a good idea to allow someone else to take responsibility for our actions even though they might be working hard to influence us. You are right... we are not sheep. Ultimately, we are to blame for our decisions.


Well she can be both and I think that's something of which he seems unforgiving. Yes, she's spoiled, entitled and selfish. But that doesn't change that she's an abused, infantilised woman treated as an object by everyone around her. He seems to always want to dig down and find the worst in the people.


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