My Secret Terrius: Episodes 5-6

Out of the NIS and into the KIS! There are so many teams working on the mystery of Chief Moon’s death, though several of those teams don’t know that’s what they’re investigating. Terrius is ahead of them all so far, but they aren’t making it easy for him. And while Ae-rin starts to make progress with a new job, the investigations bring new doubts about her husband’s death, egged on by the secrets a loved one can keep.


The building residents gasp at the August 31 security footage—Ae-rin’s husband seemingly chased by an unknown man. A wiretap sticker in the room tips K off to their suspicions, and he’s on the move.

The neighbors bat around the usual reasons for a man in trouble–grudges, loan sharks, and extra-marital affairs—but Ae-rin swiftly rejects them all. While they argue, Bon has slipped out of the room.

Bon has initiated Terrius mode and checks the navigation system in Ae-rin’s husband’s car and notes the search for MetaPalace, which he deletes from the search history. Bon grabs the SD card from the car’s black box and takes off.

Back in the security office, Ae-rin and her friends decide to investigate more before taking their evidence to the police and dash for Jung-il’s car. Once all eyes are off the security office computer, someone remotes in and deletes the footage from August 31. The culprit is Yong-tae, and he orders K to make sure there are no further problems.

The parents don’t find any clues in the car, having been stripped of them by Bon moments earlier. But they do have one detail Bon didn’t find in the car—Ae-rin’s memory of the tarts from the popular bakery Margo across from MetaPalace.

Bon reviews the black box footage. He hears Jung-il’s reaction to something in the parking lot, and with some zooming, Bon catches a blurry glimpse of Chief Moon’s assassination. The car camera also gets a clear shot of K’s face as he stalks after Jung-il.

Speaking of K, he is third in line to check out the car evidence, but finds nothing that the other two spy groups have left behind.

Ji-yeon starts her own investigation of Chief Moon’s death with the chief’s former maid. The maid recalls a new bag that the chief seemed troubled by, and how it disappeared from the house after his death. Director Shim isn’t too impressed with the evidence when Ji-yeon reports in, but Ji-yeon intends to persist with her lead.

Speaking of that missing bag, Yong-tae places it on a shelf in the forbidden room in his office suite. The room appears to be a strange shrine to his smuggling deals, bags labeled with names and numbers. He adds the label, “Ethan, failed” below the returned bag.

Yong-tae returns to his office where he’s surprised by Ae-rin, who is there right on time to take his lunch order. Yong-tae is feeling pollack stew today. Ae-rin makes the reservation, and just as she hangs up, Yong-tae calls to change his mind to pasta. And then short rib soup.

He finally decides on take-out sushi, but even as Ae-rin goes out to fetch that, he calls her on her cell to request ddeokbboki and soondae instead. Ae-rin is justly frazzled after she hangs up.

Still, Ae-rin’s efforts are praised by Yong-tae when she returns with the food. Ae-rin can’t help but get in a jab though. “CEO, are you pregnant? You’re acting like a pregnant woman today.” Yong-tae’s driver snorts a stifled laugh.

The neighborhood parents (and Bon) return to the security office, where they discover the footage is missing, with no evidence of anyone entering the office. While everyone else is flummoxed, Bon knows who is responsible.

Ae-rin meets with Jung-il’s boss after work, where she learns about her husband’s plan to visit an author client at MetaPalace. But the boss relays that Jung-il never made it to see the author.

While Ae-rin is out, Bon encounters his first distress with the twins. Joon-soo asks him to find Woogabar, which Bon mistakes for nougat bar, while Joon-hee has lost Pigius, which he of course mis-hears as Terrius at first. Bon is at a loss for how to resolve the problem.

Fortunately, Sang-ryul offered to exchange numbers in case Bon needs help earlier that day. At the time, Bon denied he would need any help, but Sang-ryul chuckled and took it upon himself to enter his number into Bon’s phone.

Bon gives him a call, and Sang-ryul takes a break from nerf dart shooting practice to supply images of Joon-soo’s missing mech toy and Joon-hee’s stuffed pig. The Superman theme plays as Bon uses his trained spy eyes to find the lost toys amidst the mess. Crisis averted, Bon notes that it’s already nine and there’s no sign of Ae-rin.

Ae-rin has stopped by a convenience store, mostly to dwell on her meeting with Jung-il’s boss. She recalls their discussion, and how Jung-il’s boss mentioned how stressed Jung-il seemed about his work responsibilities. The stress is news to Ae-rin, who can’t help but think of the way she nagged Jung-il.

When Ae-rin finally gets home, Bon worries that something bad happened. When Ae-rin seems unconcerned, he lectures her to come right home after work. Ae-rin mistakes Bon’s concerns for her safety as his frustration with her kids and apologizes to him for her tardiness.

Bon attempts to leave, but the gurgle from his stomach has Ae-rin making late night noodles for them both. Ae-rin shares her sadness about her husband’s secret stress while Bon eagerly slurps the noodles. Bon may not have been married or have kids, but he understands what it feels like to lose a loved one, and he comforts her the best he can.

K confirms with Yong-tae that the neighborhood mothers seem to have given up. When K asks why Yong-tae has hired Ae-rin, Yong-tae smiles that he likes to keep his enemies close.

After K departs, Yong-tae receives a call on one of the many burner phones in his desk. Whoever on the other end gives him instructions to order a new bag.

The next morning, Ae-rin is in a rush to get her kids to the school bus. Bon meets her in the hall and they all head down together. Ae-rin’s in such a rush she almost forgets to deliver some nose nuzzles to her kids, but at their reminder she runs back. She stands and almost leans in for some nuzzles with Bon, but they both pull back awkwardly.

At the bus stop, Eun-ha, Sun-mi, and Sang-ryul suggest a tea date to Bon, but of course Bon curtly turns them down. This drives Eun-ha, who knows everything about everyone, mad, and she’s further infuriated when Sang-ryul taunts her with Bon’s number in his phone.

At the NIS, Do-woo shares the name of the new chief of security, Congressman Jung In-taek, with Ji-yeon. The news hasn’t been announced yet, but Do-woo has worked his spy magic to turn it up. Another interesting piece of info—the congressman and Chief Kwon are old acquaintances. Ji-yeon tries to avoid answering Do-woo when he asks where she’s going, but it’s obvious that he’s tagged her with a tracking device.

Dressed as a janitor, Ji-yeon slips into Chief Moon’s home for evidence of the missing bag. She huddles in the closet when she hears a door close behind her. As the intruder opens the closet door, Ji-yeon comes out swinging and kicking.

Her combatant subdues her, long enough for the two to recognize each other: Ji-yeon sees that it’s Bon, dressed as an internet technician.

They move to a café to catch up. Ji-yeon earns Bon’s trust by agreeing that she thinks Bon is innocent, and her opinion is enough for him to trust her with the intel that he has about Chief Moon’s death. They both agree that it was an assassination, and Bon shares that he knows of a witness to the murder, though he won’t tell her who yet.

While Ji-yeon is out, Do-woo has an encounter with Chief Kwon. Chief Kwon suspects that Ji-yeon knows something about Terrius, but Do-woo is able to slyly avoid the chief’s interrogation.

Soon enough it’s time for Bon to go pick up the kids. He won’t tell Ji-yeon where he’s heading, only that it’s personal. She grabs the sticker tracker that Do-woo hid in her bag (she’s no fool, Do-woo) and slaps it on Bon’s back as she waves him off. As soon as she can, she’s on the phone, demanding that Do-woo find her location.


Ji-yeon tails Bon to the neighborhood playground. Ji-yeon’s first guess is that Bon married a woman with kids, but she overhears Sun-mi and Eun-ha refer to Bon as a sitter.

At work, Ae-rin swaps out the floral arrangement in Yong-tae’s office, and while she’s there, curiosity drives her to the locked room. She presses a few buttons on the keypad, but she doesn’t crack the lock code that easily.

Ji-yeon’s stalking is revealed by Joon-hee, who spots the smiley sticker on Bon’s back and asks if she can have it. Now Bon must walk a careful line, to destroy the tracker without upsetting the twins.

The easy answer to this is ice cream, of course. He takes the twins to the nearby corner store, and sneaks the sticker off Joon-hee’s hand and onto the store bin without anyone the wiser.

Ae-rin chooses this moment to check in on Bon and the kids. She admonishes him for ruining their dinner with ice cream, but Bon tells her that he’s busy right now and hangs up, ha. Your nanny is very serious business, Ae-rin.

Ji-yeon realizes what has happened when she sees Bon exit but Do-woo reports her location as still in the store. She finds the sticker inside, but no sign of Bon.

Once home, Bon puts together the similarity of the tracking device sticker from Ji-yeon and the sticker the twins gave him earlier. He discovers the wiretap hidden in his sticker and promptly microwaves it. An interrogation with the twins reveals that K gave them the sticker pack. Bon quickly realizes that basically the entire building has been wiretapped as the two list off the long list of sticker recipients.

Bon’s got to sweep and clear the wiretaps, and Sang-ryul’s his first target, under the guise of a play date. Once inside, Sang-ryul pushes Bon over in a fight for the comfy spot on his couch and serves him coffee.

Bon spots the wired sticker on Sang-ryul’s son’s door, and sidles over to it, pretending to be impressed with Sang-ryul’s interior design sense. Bon rips the sticker off when Sang-ryul isn’t looking and sidles back to the couch, nudging Sang-ryul out of his spot. But this is not Bon’s final stop on the play date tour.

Bon travels to each neighbor’s apartment to collect the stickers, including the ones on the playground and in the security office. But the final stop is Eun-ha’s place, and she’s a much tougher audience.

Eun-ha invites Bon to join KIS, which she spells out for him as King Castle Information System. It’s basically a big gossip network among the moms in the King Castle apartments, but Eun-ha clearly runs it like her very own spy network.

At first Bon chuckles at her play on the NIS, but he soon realizes how serious the KIS is when Eun-ha already knows how much he enjoys interior design, ha ha. So Bon has no other choice but to join up with the KIS.

The KIS gossip reaches even busy Ae-rin, who wonders at the strange behavior of her sitter. Meanwhile, Bon has collected all but one of the heart stickers.

When Ae-rin gets home, she asks Bon to avoid upsetting the other mothers in the neighborhood. But she can’t help but smile, surprised that Bon is more sociable than she had observed. Again, Bon feels watched.

With the intel from Bon about the witness, Ji-yeon get permission from Deputy Shim to open an official investigation, and to bring Do-woo along as her partner. Operation: King’s Bag has begun.

The operation gets its own storefront, in a bag shop called King’s Bag. Do-woo escorts Ji-yeon to a secret room at the back, where all their spy equipment resides. Do-woo has parsed Chief Moon’s phone records, and discovered a cloned phone from a restricted number. The more frequent location the calls were made from were Star Tower.

Ae-rin deposits a delivery from Italy on Yong-tae’s desk. He asks her to stay to watch the reveal—a beautiful handbag. Ae-rin’s jaw drops when Yong-tae tells her it’s worth $100,000.

On the bus, Ae-rin wonders what type of woman carries a handbag that expensive. She easily calculates out that she’d have to save $1000 a month for eight years before she could afford one. These thoughts almost make her miss her stop, and while she makes it out, her handbag gets stuck in the door. As she yanks it free, the shoulder strap rips off.

Ae-rin stumbles on King’s Bag, and as she stares up at the display, she recalls how she acquired her current handbag. It was a gift from her husband after she gave birth to the twins. Instead of flowers, he gives her money for a handbag, and they smile warmly together.

Ae-rin managed to find a beautiful knock-off bag with the money. Now in the present, the worn bag sits limply in her arms.

Ji-yeon and Do-woo grow nervous at Ae-rin’s lingering near the store. Ji-yeon opens the door and shoos Ae-rin away. Ae-rin huffs that she wasn’t interested in the bag anyway.

Bon passes the day exhausting the children with all sorts of activities, including a round of push-ups. When Ae-rin returns to eat dinner with her kids, she laughs to hear that Bon is very effective at wearing the rambunctious kiddos out. The kids duck out of dinner early, leaving Ae-rin to eat their leftovers.

Ae-rin recalls that Eun-ha was supposed to give her a call after work. She reaches into her pocket, but there’s no phone to be found. That’s because it’s sitting on her desk at work, annoying Yong-tae.

Ae-rin tries to drop the kids off with Bon while she retrieves her phone. He’s not home though, so after a pause, she takes the kids with her to the office. Oh, this is such a bad idea.

Ae-rin can’t find her phone on her desk, so she slips into Yong-tae’s office. And that’s when it hits: all that extra food has been digested, and she needs to go to the bathroom, stat. The twins are thirsty though, so she gives them juice from the fridge while she ducks into the bathroom.

With their open juices, the twins explore Yong-tae’s office. They’re intrigued by the fancy box on the desk, and once they remove the lid, they’re even more impressed by the fancy bag inside. Oh god, I can’t watch…

Joon-hee picks up the bag, but her brother knocks it out of her hands. They get into a slapping fight, and their juice goes flying all over the floor, where the handbag is located.

Ae-rin returns to find her children not where she told them to stay. She enters Yong-tae’s office, and gasps in horror as she spots the bag on the floor, discolored from the dark juice, as the twins try to wipe away the stains.

At the apartments, Bon returns from a run. When he gets to his floor, his eyes meet Yong-tae, heading out. What is he doing here?

The elevator doors start to close, but Bon turns back, suspicious, and he throws his hand out to catch the doors. They open back up, and Yong-tae looks into Bon’s glaring face.


I was so nervous the moment that Ae-rin walked into the office with the twins. I had to watch the last five minutes of this episode through my fingers. And then as soon as the box for the bag came into view, and their open beverage containers hovered over… Oh god, my stomach started to hurt worse than I imagine Ae-rin’s felt at the time.

And let’s not forget that first encounter between Bon and Yong-tae. Sohn Ho-joon should be no match for So Ji-sub, and yet, when their eyes met at that elevator door, I felt like Yong-tae was a presence not to be taken lightly.

It’s weird that Yong-tae is in the building, and it should seem nefarious, and yet… I think there are a few reasons that we’re supposed to consider. One is that he is suspicious of Ae-rin and is trying to keep tabs on her. But the other possibility… makes me think that he might just be a little more tender-hearted than he first seems.

Because sure, he could be keeping his enemies close. But he could also just feel really bad for this woman who is now a widow because of him. He came off as a misogynist during that first interview, but what if he specifically said no married women with children because he didn’t want to endanger someone with a family with his illegal activities? And his reason for being in the building, doesn’t it make more sense that he was there to drop off her phone, because he felt bad for her? If this is the case, I will be delighted. Because that means we could see him change sides at that last minute, and I love a good villain-to-the-good-side swap.

Bon reveals himself in this episode to be equal parts super self-sufficient man and lost child who needs someone to make him food. And I swear Bon was just waiting for his turn to have his nose nuzzled by Ae-rin in farewell. This man just obviously needs a hug, stat. I kind of hope it’s the twins who are the first to break through that self-made emotional shield Bon’s been wearing for a while.

Small details, like Ae-rin easily doing the mental math for the handbag savings keep her characterization grounded. She’s smart and competent, great character development for someone who could have been a one-dimensional housewife, and stuck in a job that doesn’t appreciate just how capable she is.

I feel like Yong-tae set himself up for Ae-rin’s sneakiness. If he’d just given her real work to do, she wouldn’t be so bored and wouldn’t need to sneak into the off-limits room. But you can’t take an intelligent woman like Ae-rin and plunk her in an office where she has exactly three responsibilities and not expect her to misbehave.

I love a good bonding scene over noodles, though the idea that Bon and Ae-rin’s relationship could take a romantic turn concerns me a little. So far the show itself isn’t pushing more than a good friendship, and I hope it keeps it that way.

There is of course the building tension between Ji-yeon and Ae-rin, which could definitely be construed as jealousy and the start of a love triangle. But I don’t feel like that will actually work with this set up, so while the basic structure is all there, I feel like the story will be more about building a team of trustworthy friends rather than a love connection.

Bon totally took note of the similarity between the tracker that Ji-yeon placed on him and the wiretap stickers the twins distributed. He already doesn’t trust the NIS, but this revelation could derail his trust in Ji-yeon for a while. Do-woo might be the obvious candidate for NIS mole, since he is the one distributing this tech, but I think he might be a red herring. Chief Kwon is next in line as a suspect, but again, she might just be too suspicious. Does that leave me with sweet Deputy Shim as the mole?


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Another fun episode filled with babysitting shenanigans. This show is actually cute as buttons when So Ji Sub is a stoic babysitter navigating his way with the troublesome twins.


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His babysitting scenes are actually the ones I’m most looking forward to. There’s just something so funny about a stoic mountain of a man taking care of the kids 😁


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This reminds me of the time on Superman Returns when soccer player Lee DongGook's daughter SeolAh emptied a whole year's worth of popped rice onto the ground while he went away for just a minute.

And also the time when he again stepped out for 3 minutes and returned to see his twins and son disfigure his soccer cleats.

Hehe. There is no stopping brats.


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I love that show but don't watch it enough. But the kids are so precocious and sweet.
The kids in this show are borderline brats, but not necessarily bad, just not enough boundaries.
Still, I love the two of them and Bon. LOVE them!


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I want to believe that Yong-tae is a good guy.. from the moment he took her in i think there is more than just to keep his enemies close.

Do i sense a love triangle between Ae-rin, Bon and Yong-tae? I look forward to this.

Thank you for the nice recap @abirdword ; you have put it nicely into words of my inner thoughts about these two episode.


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Thanks for the recap @abirdword.
I'm liking this show more and more. I've moved it up from my 'Watch When I Can' list to my 'Definitely Keep Watching ASAP' list. This show has a charm of it's own especially when it comes to the warmer moments between the adults and the kids. It's done a wonderful job of meshing together seamlessly (and even juxtaposing) the comedy with the serious spy stuff (KIS), the villainy underfoot and the laughable spy stuff (NIS), the warmth of friends and the loneliness of Bon.

I found the Chief of NIS most unprofessional in his attitude towards the death of Moon Sung Soo and finally in letting Ji Yeon have her own set up because he favours her. NIS is a farce in this show, but all the better to show off how much more effective KIS is and will be.

I'm wondering if the last missing spy bug sticker is in Ae Rin's bag. That missing sticker is bugging me (pun not intended!), and we have not seen Killer K listening any more to the bugs. Has he even gotten wind of the fact that they have almost all been disabled?

Speaking of K, I'm finding it hard to seriously find the villains disturbing or rather to take them seriously. I think it's the way our brains are wired to admire the beautiful, because these guys Son Ho Jun and So Tae Kwan are just too good looking. I have to remind myself that behind the pleasant features danger abounds.

Also, Yong Tae's driver being able to snicker openly at him without getting hit is a plus point in Yong Tae's favour. Yong Tae is an interesting villain. He's not a one-note character, and show has not gone the trope route of making him 'all bad' so that we don't have any doubts in condemning him. I can't see why he should consider Ae Rin an 'enemy' that he needs to keep close, since she would have stayed out of his business if he'd let her alone. I can't even see what need he has for any secretary most of the time. 😝 So he remains a bit wacky and intriguing and I hope we get to see more of his personality as we go along. 😃


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I would expect nothing less from the Shopping King Louis writer. That show also had really "bumbling" villains. It even turned out that the main villain was even trying to kill the male lead in the first place. Yong Tae definitely has guilt towards Ae Rin, and while he will face the consequences, there's still a chance for redemption


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Why does it feel like deputy Shim is actually the mole? He is too non chalant about Moon’s death, and it feels like he just approved Jiyeons mission to keep track of the ‘witness’ she mentioned.

Or maybe im just too burned by good guys turning to be bad guys un movies i watched recently 🤷🏻‍♀️


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I will not be at all surprised if Ji-yeon is the mole. She has too prominent a part in this show otherwise. Best-buddy-still-inside-the-service doesn't add up. (And Chief Kwon is being set up as a red herring.) But if Ji-yeon were the mole, she would have betrayed Terius personally because he fell in love with the North Korean agent, and she'll be ready to do it again over Ae-rin.


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My fave scenes will always be Bon and the twins. And that almost nose kiss.. 😄 I like that Bon and Aerin are bonding. It is too soon for any lovelines since they are still hurting from previous loves.
Those twins are a handful. But I think they will be the ones who will thaw Bon's heart. 😁


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Thank you for recapping, abirdword!

It cracks me up that the Tiny Terrors have us quaking in our boots more than the professional hitman. Probably because they are so doggone cute while wreaking so much havoc.

More and more I wonder if Eun-ha is a retired spy.

I like your idea that Yong-tae doesn't want to hire women with children in order to keep them out of harm's way. Um, so what about siccing your assassin on a dad with two kids? -- Oh, right, the assassin did it on his own.

I'm enjoying the show, especially the twins' effect on Bon. ;-)


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Re: Eun-ha. It would not surprise me is she is a former executive or CEO. Her knowledge and investigation skills and wardrobe match that.


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So happy I decided to give this show a try. Breezed through all 8 episodes in two sittings. So far it's very engaging, perfect balance of fun and tragic. I see a lot of healing and growing for the main characters.
Oh, and So Ji-sub simply nails this constantly worried and mildly paranoid expression.


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He’s perfect for this role as a cool stoic spy who’s pretty helpless when it comes to “normal” world 😀


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I really enjoy the show but NIS shenigans are so laughably bad, they should be kept at bare minimum, and it seems the only semicompetent spy person (the middle aged lady) is poised to be evil character, I want to see KIS and SJS working toghter, this gonna be so good.


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So far the KIS seems a lot more efficient than NIS :))

It’s a fun ride so far. And like you, I too don’t want a romantic angle. But knowing it’s a kdrama I see that is bound to happen.


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Im at episode 8 already and Im thinking of dropping this series. I find Ae Rin stupid. Yes, she's good at math and competent with computers but she doesnt seem to be making the most well thought out decisions. I'll read the recaps from now on and decide if her character wisens up in the next few episodes.


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I have to admit some of her decisions have not been the best.


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I don't mind her too much, but I don't quite get her. She's been mom long enough to know that leaving her twins unsupervised in the office was bound to be a recipe for disaster. They don't follow instructions... and I've known them for only a couple of episodes!

To be honest, I also think she was too trusting with hiring Terius as a babysitter. (He's a good guy, lucky for her, but you don't hand over your kids that quickly to someone!)


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I'm a mom of twins and yes it's a force not to be underestimated 😁
Though leaving them unattended in the office was a mistake of a beginner, Ae Rin!!!


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i had only one and she left me breathless most of the time! the kids are a joy and a terror - it's funny when it's not your kids, of course. but it really cannot be prevented, most of the times they manage to get into things.

we all did the same, just ask our moms!
; )


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My brothers are twins and some of my Mum's stories about them as children are astounding and terrifying. They're lucky they're still alive and that's not an exaggeration. But I think even the best mother gets herself into these situations. And I even understand her wanting her phone now and not waiting till the next day - I doubt she has a landline and that phone is her only recourse in an emergency.


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Started this show for So Ji Sub but Jung In Sun has really impressed here with her oldish young mom.I totally buy her living that mum life 😍.
The kids are lil terrors but how do u stay mad at those munchkin faces.😊
I was really worried for her in ep 1 when she was dragging the kids to the school bus and the neighbors looked to be squaring up for a fight,but instead of harsh judgemental words,they chided her,lovingly sorting out her hair,offering encouraging words and my heart just melted a bit.Definitely staying on for the KI society,Bon and the kids and ae-rin hopefully getting to rediscover herself as a kickass career lady on top of being an awesome motha


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I like your theory of soft Yong-tae, abirdword... or I wish you are right because I have a soft spot for Sohn Ho-joon??? 😆


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I find Yong-tae so funny coz I like Sohn Ho-joon and he doesn't look villainous sure the deeds he's doing is of a villain.


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I think the KIS is going to prove to be more effective than the NIS.
This is just the beginning that he is getting along with the KIS team members. They have adapted to the society and can blend in better than NIS.
They pick up things quickly. Fact that he doesn't want to socialize, showing up all over different places and has mysterious job makes him suspicious. For them talking about him is their new hobby.
But ex-NIS agent should have some bugs detector in home, right?Thank God he discovered and collected them. Stickers hunting was funny.
I suspect Terius love interest is still alive since we are yet to see or hear about how she died and maybe she is the mole.
So Ji-sub being JOHN KIM again making kids healthier here. LOL!
He can blow my BUBBLES anytime.😍


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I'm also rooting for Yong-tae to be a good guy, I think it's the Sohn Ho-joon effect. His hand gesture of swish-swishing Ae-rin away is so ridiculously funny.


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Ae-rin is one of the few lead actresses that actually makes me feel bad for her situation. She tries so hard and yet can't seem to get a break.


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Also, I think it's clear we are heading for a family of Bon, Ae-rin, and the twins at the finale. That's why we aren't seeing her heart break over the death of her husband. He's going to fade out, and Bon's going to fade in through his above-and-beyond care for the kids.


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I also think this is where we’re heading - he’s already a father figure to the twins. They’re probably aiming for “he loves the kids for themselves.” That’s why they’re establishing the relationship between Bon and the kids first... so that their relationship wouldn’t feel forced when he comes to like AR.


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I find the lack of heartbreak very unrealistic though. It's like the husband never existed. Same for the kids never asking for their dad.

But I guess this is the drama's general superficial take – not dwelling on anything that would require some more nuanced thinking and writing. The other part where that is obvious is NIS – the whole spy part in this drama is ridiculous, which unfortunately means I can't take the drama as a whole serious. It's cute fluff, but there's nothing much at stake. Not sure I'll last because I do miss this tension/depth that there could have been.


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I agree but it's all too rushed.

I get the writers needed his death to be part of the plot as a reason to draw everyone together. But at the same time, that means he died yesterday but everyone is so freaking happy already. It's a bit much.


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Ok, so I'm not a parent but I don't think you have to be one to know that you don't leave twins (even a single child) alone like she did. Not only that, she's had plenty of examples of her children misbehaving and/or not following directions. I know the writer is playing up the kid antics for laughs/cringey moments, and I won't say they aren't effective because we do find ourselves holding our breath when those twins make an entrance anywhere, but c'mon now. I know the children aren't evil beings out to hurt anyone, and I know mom is doing the best she can, but they certainly are in desperate need of some effective discipline.


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: D
you'd be surprised how FAST kids can get into things - in the blink of an eye - even when you're in the room but with your back turned...

they are so cute when they are babies and just lay in one place. but they do grow up and become mobile, so one second they are where you left them, and the next, they are out of your sight...

it's a joy and a terror, actually... mine is finally in her 20s, but sometimes she still scares me...


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And because they are a bit unruly, the devils twins work nicely as plot devices.


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@egads Yup! That's for sure! :)


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@spazmo Oh I believe you! :)


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I thought episode 4 had me finally hooked on this show, but now I'm not so sure. I think this drama is still trying to find its footing. The comedy is one point, but the spy aspect just doesn't seem detailed enough for me to have interest in it. Out of a whole agency, we only see a few people. And it just doesn't seem big enough to take seriously. The bad guys also don't seem to be all that bad yet. I guess I just don't feel like I have anyone to root for since the stakes just don't seem all that high. Yet.


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Thank you for the recap @abirdword


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I like your theories regarding Yong-tae @abirdword, I want to believe that he is actually not a textbook villain. I have theory that maybe he has trauma being left by his mom for remarriage, or being left by his girlfriend or wife to marry other guy.

Also, if The Magician aka Killer K doing all of his dirty work for Yong-tae, why he acts like they are in the same position?

Actually Ae-rin with the twins are 100x way scarier compared to Bon with the twins.


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Ae-rin was genuinely impressed with Bon when she discovered his push-ups for rewards way of tiring the kids out. I get the feeling the housewives network is going to play a really big part down the line.


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I just need to say that the twins CANNOT BE LEFT ALONE. Why oh why would you do that at your work office where the boss doesn't seem to be warming up to you.? And why would you give them an open bottle of juice, in your boss' work area, just before leaving them alone? I get that nature called but Ae-rin is smart woman. Her kids messed up at the bakery, her KIS friend says they are a handful, the twins went off with a stranger, and they were jumping all over the office sofa...bells should be ringing in her head to NOT leave them at the work ALONE. No kid is perfect but as a mom, that grated my senses to watch.


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