Hi Bye Mama! : Episode 5

This episode, we get some much needed insight on the second wife in this awkward family situation. Mysterious Min-jung never revealed what was really going on in her head or her heart, other than the fact that she was somewhat unhappy. But within her own past love story and her current parenting story, there are signs that this awkward situation is actually a heartbreaking one.

EPISODE 5: “Every Moment When Chance Turns into Fate”

In the college days, we see Kang-hwa nodding off on the subway, a curious Min-jung eyeing him the whole time. At his stop, he jerks awake and scrambles out, accidentally knocking into Min-jung and leaving his backpack in her lap in the process. She keeps the backpack, even though she doesn’t know how to return it to him.

Lucky for her, when she gets to school, she comes to find that he goes there too. She witnesses Doctor Jang lecturing him out in the hall (even back then, huh?). And watching him act like a total doof, she smiles. She narrates: “There are some moments when a small coincidence you experience grows into a huge thing called fate.”

One day, she tries to build up the courage to give him chocolates, but hearing him and his friends talking about his new girlfriend Yuri, she walks past them, deflated. She figures right then that her supposed fate turned back into a coincidence.

But then, years later, Min-jung sees Kang-hwa again — in the hospital nursery, after Yuri’s death. Now a nurse, Min-jung sadly watches as Kang-hwa turns away from his baby and leaves for the funeral.

Back in the present day, Hyun-jung runs into Yuri and is stunned speechless. But remembering all the weird things that have been happening to her, it all starts to make sense. Yuri just looks at Hyun-jung, tears in her eyes, knowing that she can’t lie her way out of this one.

We cut to Geun-sang in the restaurant, still freaking out over the CCTV footage. Boy, does he really lose it when his wife comes in with Yuri right behind her. While he escapes to his room, Hyun-jung just turns to Yuri and embraces her, letting her emotions spill over.

At work, Kang-hwa gets a text from Geun-sang of what happened and he immediately jumps up to leave. Of course, when Doctor Jang comes by seconds later and learns the knucklehead left early, he collapses out of frustration, lol.

Once Kang-hwa joins the others and our two couples are reunited, they struggle to come up with a game plan. Hyun-jung suggests they go see her mom first, but Yuri continues her charade of amnesia and argues that her mom is too weak-hearted.

They at least want Yuri to stay at the restaurant instead of the hotel, but she doesn’t want them to fawn over her. “Just two months,” she says. “No, just 49 days. Just leave me be for 49 days.” After that, she promises, she’ll make up her mind.

With that, the group agrees to keep her a secret from Mom and to let her do what she wants. Hyun-jung tells her she did good in coming back and brings her into another hug. The guys go outside to give them some privacy, Kang-hwa wondering what he heck he should do now.

He tells Geun-sang that Min-jung already saw Yuri and that she assumed she was a look-alike. Though Geun-sang thinks it’d be better to tell her the truth, they both decide to listen to Yuri and leave things alone for a while, at least for the 49 days. “This should be good news,” Geun-sang notes. “So why do I feel like something’s wrong?”

Kang-hwa waits until Yuri and Hyun-jung are finished hugging and crying to drive Yuri back. He tells her that he’s glad Hyun-jung was so happy to see her and that he’s disappointed in his own initial reaction, thinking he should’ve been more happy than shocked. Yuri looks up at him, understanding in her eyes; she knows better.

In fact, Yuri remembers her night at the hotel, when the front desk kept calling her to make sure she was okay. Before she checked out, she’d asked the clerk why they did that, and he informed her that it was all Kang-hwa. He’d come by the hotel, even late at night in his jammies, to beg the clerk to check up on her. Aww.

“Idiot,” Yuri mumbles. She then tells Kang-hwa to drop her off there and gets out to walk. She goes all the way to her parents’ house, unaware that Kang-hwa is following her. They stay there in their respective spots, looking up at the house wistfully. Inside, we see that Mom is upset over some wild seaweed a friend brought over — the seaweed most likely some sort of reminder of Yuri. Mom retreats to her room to play a game of Go-Stop on her phone.

Meanwhile, Min-jung looks through Kang-hwa’s books to find the picture of Yuri, coming up with nothing. She later dismisses the weekly housekeeper, who jokes that their house is too clean and that her husband doesn’t leave any messes for the wife to take care of. She smiles at that, only to frown when the housekeeper leaves.

The next morning, Kang-hwa declines Min-jung’s offer to make breakfast, instead downing an energy drink. She brings up Yuri’s picture, making him do a spit take (haha). At that, she drops the subject and goes on to get him an umbrella since it’ll snow. But her face falls as she notices he already has an umbrella.

They say goodbye, Kang-hwa off to work and Min-jung left deflated once again. She turns to Seo-woo’s backpack, putting a boxed lunch inside, and is confused to find handfuls of red beans at the bottom.

Cut to: Yuri (in a new outfit!) gathering up all the ghosts near Seo-woo’s school, using the oh-so-powerful red beans. When the ghosts refuse to leave, Yuri whips out Midongdaek’s bell rattle and forces them up in the trees until they finally comply. She lets them down and they run away from the school, making her feel triumphant. That is, until she turns and sees the kindergarten teachers staring at her like she’s crazy.

Yuri skips off, stopping when she comes across an arcade full of crane machines. A pink toy catches her eye, and thinking it’d be perfect for Seo-woo, she heads inside to play the machine. However, she loses over and over, wasting a good amount of money, and she’s jealous when she notices the young man across from her winning toy after toy and stuffing them in a plastic bag. And whataya know, it’s the ghost family’s son Pil-seung.

Yuri asks Pil-seung if she can buy one of his pink toys with her leftover money (three dollars, haha). He’s unwilling to sell, but he does help her with the crane machine she’d been struggling with. Before they can get the pink toy, the ghost family sees them together and cries out, scaring Yuri and subsequently scaring Pil-seung.

The family informs her who he is, and she remembers the toilet paper incident. “Wow,” she says, eyes darting between Ghost Dad and Pil-seung. “How could someone with your looks have a son like this?” The family begs her to cook a proper meal for him, initiating an argument, but all he sees is this lady talking to herself.

Through with the ghosts, Yuri snatches the pink toy and attempts to run away, instead smacking face-first into the glass doors and falling to the ground with a bad nosebleed. Pil-seung takes the pink toy back, smirking, and gives her a stuffed dinosaur instead, which she has no choice but to accept.

Yuri leaves disappointed, the ghost family still following and pestering her to take care of their son. They threaten to hang around Seo-woo if she doesn’t, making her whip out the bell rattle and threaten them right back. But then Midongdaek appears and takes the bell rattle, furious that Yuri stole it from her.

Everyone returns to the columbarium, where Yuri’s secret is officially out. Midongdaek explains the situation to the ghosts, also forbidding them from asking Yuri for any favors. Some folks figure that God must have a plan for Yuri, and Midongdaek states that despite her praying, she hasn’t gotten any answer as to what that plan is.

Midongdaek thinks that Yuri should at least see her mom, but Yuri doesn’t see the point when she’ll disappear soon. “I’ll just give her false hope,” she says. So she’d rather handle her business with Seo-woo and leave peacefully; she’ll be happy with that.

Min-jung takes Seo-woo to an English learning center, worried when Seo-woo doesn’t respond well to the lessons. The teacher asks Min-jung if she speaks with Seo-woo, saying that would help her progress, and Min-jung admits that she only speaks with her when necessary.

Afterwards, Min-jung and Seo-woo go out for ice cream. They don’t talk much, and it seems to bother Min-jung, especially when she notices a nearby mother and son being silly and loving. That night, she comes home to grab her secret bottle of soju and sees that it’s almost empty.

At a convenience store, Yuri and Hyun-jung sit outside with a table full of food. Yuri’s about to dig in, freezing when Hyun-jung asks, “Aren’t you curious about what kind of person Seo-woo’s stepmother is?” Yuri smiles and states that she’s sure to be a good person, and Hyun-jung agrees.

Yuri’s smile drops and she immediately jumps up and runs behind the corner. Hyun-jung turns to see it’s because Min-jung is coming their way. Min-jung greets her and then heads inside for more soju. And watching through the store window, Yuri sighs. She remembers when she was a ghost and when she watched Min-jung drink late at night, impressed with her choice in hard liquor.

This time, Min-jung turns away from the soju and buys a can of beer instead. Hyun-jung tries to keep cool the whole time but is stuck in a tight spot when Min-jung comes out and joins her at the table. They make some awkward small talk about the neighborhood moms and how they’d probably judge them for drinking out alone. Min-jung insists the gossip doesn’t bother her, but the eavesdropping Yuri scoffs that she’s just trying to act tough.

After a beat, Min-jung asks, “Is Seo-woo really that strange?” She then dismisses her own question and sips her beer, while Yuri and Hyun-jung’s expressions turn sad.

The next day, knowing it’s parent participation day at the kindergarten, Kang-hwa tries to get out of it by pretending Seo-woo is sick. But innocent little Seo-woo says that she’s fine, so there’s no way around it. Hyun-jung and Geun-sang show up as well, Hyun-jung embarrassed because her hubby and son are sporting matching coats.

Everyone’s on edge, afraid that Min-jung will bump into Yuri, but Hyun-jung actually hopes it happens, thinking it’d be best if she knew what was going on. Eventually, Min-jung does bump into Yuri, when Yuri’s bringing a bowl of red beans to the children, and she’s obviously suspicious. Yuri just ducks her head and gets back to work.

The kids play with the red beans, and one mom scolds Seo-woo for stealing some of her daughter’s. Hyun-jung tries to defuse the situation, but the mom keeps at it until she’s showered by a whole bowl of beans. Yuri smiles slyly and states she’s simply making the atmosphere more fun. (Ha, can’t stop a mama from defending her child.) Unfortunately, Min-jung takes note of this, even more wary of this supposed look-alike.

For the next activity, the families make their own fruit skewers. Yuri is excited for this, thinking back to when she was pregnant and she had a huge craving for strawberries. She also thinks back to her ghostie days, when Min-jung had given Seo-woo a piece of cake without strawberries; she’d grumbled that Min-jung didn’t know Seo-woo at all. So when it’s time to hand out all the fruit, Yuri makes sure to give Seo-woo extra strawberries.

Min-jung stops Yuri, saying they don’t need the extra strawberries, but Yuri keeps insisting she take them. Then a teacher hurries over and tells Yuri that Seo-woo can’t eat strawberries — she’s allergic.

Yuri steps aside, surprised, when another girl bites Seo-woo and makes her cry. Yuri is on Seo-woo at the speed of light, acting way more concerned than a simple kitchen worker should. Kang-hwa fidgets nervously as Min-jung stares wide-eyed.

Once at home, Min-jung searches through Kang-hwa’s desk until she finds what she’s looking for in the bottom drawer. Now, holding Yuri’s picture, she looks as if she can’t deny her suspicions any longer.

At Hyun-jung’s restaurant, Hyun-jung is reassuring Yuri that the allergy thing is no big deal, but Yuri isn’t worried about that. She’s more worried about Min-jung discovering who she really is.

Hyun-jung argues that she’ll have to tell Min-jung some time. “Will you continue to live as a kitchen worker?” she asks. “Aren’t you going to raise Seo-woo?” Yuri averts her eyes and answers, “No.”

Hyun-jung demands to know why, so Yuri comes to a decision. She tells her friend to lean in, ready to reveal her secret… But then Min-jung walks in, disbelief in her eyes as she takes in Yuri.


In 2015, Min-jung starts as a nurse in the gynecology department. Mere moments after she’s introduced to her team, the nurses are called into the OR for an emergency. Min-jung is one of the first in, and she’s immediately handed a newborn, told that the mother was in a car accident. Just as Min-jung turns to leave, she hears the mother’s heartbeat monitor suddenly flatline.

Min-jung turns back and sees Yuri on the operating table and then looks down at baby Seo-woo in her arms. We see Yuri’s ghost walk out of the OR, walking straight towards Min-jung and Seo-woo. She cries seeing her daughter right in front her and knowing she’s unable to touch her. Min-jung narrates, “Coincidence was already making itself bigger and bigger unbeknownst to me.”


Phew… @abirdword wasn’t kidding about those framing flashbacks. They really do some damage to the heart. So far, the opening flashbacks always leave me with this feeling of Oh god, I can’t handle this drama, it’s too depressing, but then the rest of the drama unfolds. And it’s so delightfully funny with just the right amount of heartbreak. If I had to describe the drama with just one word, I’d describe it the same way I would Yuri’s journey: bittersweet. There is no episode with just crying or just laughing. It’s both all the way through, and it makes for quite the viewing experience.

I wasn’t completely into Min-jung’s character, other than feeling kind of sorry for her, so her voice in this episode was very much appreciated. We still don’t know a whole lot about her, and I’m still craving that flashback with her and Kang-hwa’s courtship, but I’ll take what I can get. Now knowing she had a one-sided crush on Kang-hwa long before any of the tragedy happened, it changes the way I view her. It tells me that there are real feelings involved that don’t necessarily revolve around pity. She had these feelings, yet they were always overshadowed by Kang-hwa’s feelings for Yuri. That was the case then, back in college, and that was the case a few episodes ago, back when Kang-hwa was drowning in grief. I’m now seeing all the small moments when Min-jung tries to push herself into her husband’s life and he reflexively keeps her out. And it’s not entirely that he’s self-sufficient; he just doesn’t let her be a wife.

Then there’s Min-jung’s relationship with Seo-woo. It’s obvious that Min-jung loves Seo-woo and vice versa, but Min-jung is holding back. She’s being a mother, but she’s not being a mom — someone who is 100% feeling that role, like Yuri does. Sadly, I do think Min-jung’s reluctance stems from her feeling of being second best. In her head, Yuri will always be Kang-hwa’s beloved wife and Seo-woo’s birth mom, while she’s the intruder. She’s the ghost that’s not welcome. What’s important to note, though, is the fact that Yuri doesn’t see her as an intruder. Maybe she did before, but there’s certainly no hate in her heart now. As much as Yuri wants to take her place as Seo-woo’s mom, she knows that she can’t. It’s interesting that both female leads feel as if they can’t replace each other. Hopefully, they both learn to see their value in Seo-woo and, of course, Kang-hwa’s lives.

I’m not sure how Min-jung will react to Yuri being alive. She saw the girl die on the operating table with her own eyes, so she’s sure to be as freaked out as Geun-sang initially was. What I hope is that she doesn’t see this as fate trying to kick her down again. As Yuri coming in to fix her mistakes and save everyone. Contrary to what she believes, Min-jung has actually done the best that she could, her only downfall being lack of communication. But with where her head is now, I fear she’ll continue feeling like that college girl with the one-sided crush — the girl who could never compete with Cha Yuri.


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I'm glad we finally got to hear Min-jung's story in this eps. For all her tough, cool appearance, she clearly worried a lot about her family especially Seo-woo. It's sad to see her struggling alone to be the heart of her family. She might be the quiet one in the family, but it's clear that it was Kang-hwa who keeps putting a distance between them. It was painful to see him refused to "impose" on her even for the smallest thing, which is a very strange concept in a marriage. Watching that, it makes total sense now why Min-jung also kept everything to herself, why she never told him about the problems she has to weather through. Knowing her, it wouldn't be easy for her to bring that up to Kang-hwa and tell him that it makes things hard for her. Someone has to intervene, and I couldn't help thinking that it probably would be Yu-ri.

It's ironic, bittersweet, yet also oddly endearing that among all these characters, the one who knows Min-jung best was Yu-ri. It shows what kind of a person Yu-ri was that she one-sidedly tried to "make friends" with Min-jung knowing that Min-jung is a good person. I love their rendezvous night together with a bottle of soju. And now that they have the chance, it's not too far-fetched to hope they'll truly become friends, right??


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My thing is Kwang Hwa does not love Min Jung.. he is so obviously in love with Yu Ri.. I like Min Jung but I just feel like she is a bit of a second lead.. I am too scared to get my hopes up because I think this drama will break my heart but I am hoping Yu Ri can come back somehow..


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I am really curious to see where they go with Kang-hwa. The most unrealistic ending would be that Yuri formally lets him go and then he falls in love with Min-Jung. The reason I feel that is unrealistic is that you can't make yourself fall in love with someone; you can admire and respect them, appreciate them, but you can't manufacture passionate love - it's there or it isn't. He could somehow learn to better show his appreciation and respect, so that they could rub along together better, but he's never going to have what he had with Yuri and he knows it.


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I don't think we have the full insight yet to the whole scope of KW and MJ. The fact thaf YR likes MJ, doesn't seem to resent her relationship w KW and doesn't seen to even entertain any thought of coming back as KW's wife, must've mean that there's something more in KW and MJ relationship. It may not be the kind of love that YR and KW once shared, but it could still be love.
At the end tho, KW can not be with both women... So we're bound to be heart broken regardless 😥


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That's what I thought too. Yes, we got to see Min-jung's side of the story and how she loves her family in her own way in this eps. But we still haven't seen Kang-hwa's side of the story regarding his second marriage. I want to believe that him marrying Min-jung wasn't some random decision he made one day. There must be actual reason behind it. And I agree that while this couple isn't as vibrant and intense as Kanghwa-Yuri, it might still be love between them.


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Honestly, I think he married Min Jung for the wrong reasons because he wasn't over Yu Ri... I think Min Jung was someone that helped him continue to live but no real love. Min Jung was convenient to help care for Seo Woo and get him to go through the motions of life again but I don't think he loved her deep down. This may be an unfair analysis but Kang Hwa was literally on the verge of suicide so I think he needed Min Jung to help him live again but there was no love. Plus when Yu Ri asked him why did he remarry? He said it just happened, thats a pretty messed up thing to say.. he should have said I feel in love or as Yu Ri pointed out, you were dead so I had to move on but he didnt say those things. I guess we will see soon enough though. I definitly want to see if toilet boy will fall for Yu Ri and if KW will get jealous.. or at least learn what toilet boys connection is


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Well I'm afraid he's too shock to be coherent around YuRi. He never seems to know what to do around her, and honestly, it happens the same to YuRi. From the very first minute they met they haven't acted like the couple who's madly in love we've seen in flashbacks. So I wouldn't say so gladly that KW doesn't love MJ, because he does. Not as he did YoRi. Sure. Ask any remarried widow. They will always say "it's not the same".


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Lets agree to disagree because They cant act like a couple because he's remarried.. lol and Yu Ri knows it. Yu Ri doesnt want to come between them and all the flashbacks seems to be how much they were in love.. Also, him checking on her every 2 seconds was the sweetest thing I have seen and him following her when she was standing outside her parent house. Personally, If he was in love with Min Jung, I think we would have seen it by now. I am not ruling it out but i just don't see it with MJ. I think she is sweet but like the poster said, she is like the ghost, standing in place for Yu Ri, at least thats how it seems so far


To be fair to KW, can anyone give a coherent and non-awkward answer when your supposed to be dead spouse asked you why you got remarried? 😝 I'd probably be too flabbergasted to even make a sentence.


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If the heart was able to love someone unconditionally than it knows how to do it again.
We are all screwed if our hearts can only love once.

Here is for second,3rd,4th... chances.


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Cheers to that.
Besides, loving Min-jung doesn't mean Kang-hwa has to stop loving Yu-ri. The heart is capable of so many different and equally moving love, and I would be really happy if that was the direction this drama heading for.


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I'm so into this show if the writer will continue to keep the good vs evil out of it.

The role of a stepmom is so challenging and I love how this writer is keeping it real with Ming-jung.

There are many wonderful stepmoms out there who don't get the credit they deserve.


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In fact, right now I hope that's the direction the show will take.


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Totally agree with you.
You may not love your second love as you loved "the love of your life" but it doesn't mean it's not love.
I thinkh KH loves MJ, but right now he's too confused and doesn't know how to deal with his feelings... who would in his place?


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Recently I have watched the chocolate series with my love miss ha ji won acting as its protagonist. I only watch this series for the sake my love madam ha ji won play on it. Otherwise I didn’t watch it.
Because it was boring series. This series events rhythm was sluggish too.
Before I said that so popular superstars alike madams ha ji won and park shin hye that shined in so marvelous series like hawang jin and empress ki and heaven tree,….mustn't hurt and spoil their popularities with other series alike the neighbor flower boy and chocolate series.
Because I as their extremely fan sorrow a lot for them if they play in these later series and alike. So as I said before it had better that they read their series and films scripts before of their plays in them. I as one ordinary onlooker have so more expectations from these very lovely and popular superstars forever.
For instance the hawang jin series, as one of the best series that I have watched so far isn’t comparable with the chocolate series at all. Although in all of them my love ha ji won play is so cool as before. But from my standpoint, this matter isn’t sufficient at all.
Again I extremely stress that so beautiful series alike hawng jin and empress ki and heaven tree are some of best historical and modern series that I have looked at hitherto. Even I watch them for million times repeatedly, I don’t become saturated from their watching at all and I watch them again and again enthusiastically.
I extremely love some of Korean very attractive series as my best favorite movies because of their fabulous themes and music and songs and plays mainly. Korean romantic songs and music cause that I feel high inwardly from their watching. Even Korean romantic songs and music increase Korea country popularity extremely as well.
I believe on that chocolate series,…could be so more better relatively.
What? If these aforementioned pivotal factors were harnessed on them simply!
It seems that the chocolate series is alike a documentary series and not alike soap opera and …at all. Even some of viewers believe on that the predominant space on the chocolate series is so mild and natural and documentary. Just as the players have been submerged on their roles and no one can understand that they play film and it seems as if we watched real phenomena. That is why some of people adore this series. But from my standpoint this isn’t sufficient. Of course this series have moral messages a lot. But I personally prefer to watch the series alike hawang jin and empress ki and heaven tree and six flying dragon and sad love story,…for million times repeatedly.
I wish the chocolate series romantic songs and music and scenes and dialogs were increased considerably.
I want to watch films and series in surrealistic and romantic,…forms as well. Superb series are appropriate mixture of exaggerative and natural events. Just as we can not distinguish them each other.
For instance some of Indian films and soap operas...


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Lemme just say that I am happy for the new ward robe of our mamma! 🤣


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YES! Haha, I was cheering like a lunatic


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Truly! I kept wandering if until the end of 49 days will we keep on seeing her on the same dress ever! Hahahaha


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honestly, I was worried about this because I was thinking if she wore the same outfit, she probably wont be able to stay but I am hoping the wardrobe change means she can stay.. I really love Yu Ri character


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I am hoping too! But half of me says she will has to leave at some point. Maybe, some things might still happen, I dunno either. I am curious as well as to what will happen to our great characters 🙃


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I was happy for the change of clothes aswell but can we get an explanation pls? Like did someone get those clothes for her or did she buy them with Jang Hwa's card or what? For soem reason these small details always bother me! Like for example, in still 17 initially Sae Ri's hair are open and we do not see a hair tie but after she moves in with the boys we see that she has started to tie her hair and all I kept wondering was where did she get the hair tie from? It's not hard to take a leap and assume she asked Jennifer but I would have liked it if there was a small line or scene explaining this!


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Iknow! These small things bother me as well! Haha. The phone (hello ppl) was explained as well as the hotel stay but the ward robe change and the fact that she applied in the kindergarden with a different name! Like, how?! Why?! Haha (we crazy?! 😅)


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Yess!! Applying with a different name does not make sense at all because surely the kindergarten would have asked for some kind of id documents, right?
Similarly in #Still17 it does not make sense that Hee Soo --no matter how nice of a CEO she is--would hire someone without id documents. Yes Sae Ri was talented and was needed plus she was living with Hee Soo's friend of 10 years but nonetheless it's plain stupidity that no competent business man/women would make (and hence a plot hole for an otherwise awesome character)! I would have liked it if they had a scene or two where she actually goes to have her id made!


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Ok I should stop referencing some other drama again and again when we are clearly talking about Hi Bye Mama😅


I feel you right there! Hahaha. We have invested too much feelings that we need answers, comeon writerneeeeems! Hehe. This is why I love DB, I keep finding someone with the same sentiments (whatever it is, hehehehe) ✌🏻 Chillin out 😘


This episode left me unsure about what kind of ending I'm hoping for. Yuri and Gang-hwa have amazing chemistry. When I watch him, I can really feel his love and anguish. Part of me wants to see Yuri be allowed to stay on earth and resume her life. Not sure how that would work story-wise, though. A reset, like time travel, that somehow reverses the accident? But I also have empathy for Min-jung now, and I can see that she has been trying very hard. I can see an ending in which Yuri's role is to help everyone move forward, after which she goes to heaven/ gets reincarnated. In this scenario, she would help heal the rift between Min-jung and Gang-hwa. I like to know which ship is going to sail from the beginning of a drama, due to past disappointments, esp with supernatural/ ghost dramas like 49 Days. But I guess we will just have to wait and see how it all plays out.


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Kang Hwa is letting Min Jeong take care of his daughter.
He's not letting Min Jeong take care of HIM.
If he had, would he have let Yuri go and move on?


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hmm she is the ghost and not Cha Yu Ri.. I like that analysis alot. I actually truly can say I don't know where this drama is going because I dont know if Yu Ri will leave in the 49 days or not..I hope she stays.. I dont hate the step mom and think Min Jung seems like a nice person but I dont get any love or chemistry with Kang Hwa and Min Yung.. Kang Hwa seems like a different person with Min Yung than he does with Yu Ri.. it seems like he is going through the motions with Min Yung but he really isn't ' there'. I dont know what this means and maybe it will change but he seems to be fully in love with Yu Ri still. As for Yu Ri, I think she is not allowing herself to feel emotions like envy, jealousy, anger, etc about Kang Hwa and Min Young because she feels like shes not entitled to feel angry plus shes seen all the pain he was in when she was gone but i think she very much loves her husband still. I love how unselfish Yu Ri is, I dont know if this will change but I love that she isnt trying to stay or overtake anyones place.. so far she just seems like shes trying to help her kid and husband.. I cant wait for her to see her parents.. or at least I hope she does.


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She will see her parents. Guarantee... I bet it's coming up within the next 2 weeks. And it will be tears fest for sure.


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Seeing Min-jung's silent love for her family really broke my heart, because although we saw her in the previous episodes trying to file for a divorce and trying to give up her current family, she is still striving to be there with them. Min-jung and Yu-ri are really quite alike in a way: they both think that their position in the family is a place that someone already took, and they can never replace it.

I'm still hoping that Yu-ri stays, and that she can spend her life being Seo-woo's Mom and being a daughter to her precious Mom, but I do hope that if the show ever goes to that direction, the love that Min-jung gave the family will be reciprocated back to her. Or this show could go on a complete dream sequence like in Clannad (so no one gets hurt because it's just a dream) or a great resolution like in Be With You (sad, but satisfying).


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My thing is Kang hwa doesn’t seem to love Min Jung.. she seems like a female second lead , I could be wrong but Kang Hwa seems more alive with Yuri around


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That seems to be the problem too. Kang-hwa is really different whenever he is with Yu-ri then and now, unlike when he is with Min-jung. The way he looks at Yu-ri (full of longing, love, and sadness) is very different than the way he looks at Min-jung (more of a thankful look).


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I may have cried buckets at the resolution in Be with you but I appreciated it.


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The resolution in BWY was well done and reaaaally satisfying.


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This drama breaks my heart. Over and over and over again. It is breaking it completely.
So, I also don't know exactly what to expect. The title HI, BYE MAMA says a lot. Those thinking Yuri will stay may end up disappointed because she won't. Seo woo gets to greet her mother but then says good bye to her as well, peacefully.
Now, what I am interested is, of course, the healing process and bidding farewell to a loved one. Heartbreaking in every sense, because we were not created to have to die.
But this is also a story that remind us to enjoy life while we have it, to live simply with a sense of purpose.
For Yuri right now, that is her daughter.


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That title, i hope the writer doesn't literally summarised her plot in that title...
I don't know why i keep watching when i know my heart will for sure get broken. But it sure does hurt so good...


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It hurts and I am loving every character, even the gossip ajhumas 😂😂😂😂😂
What I don't like much is the mystical Buddhist ideology behind being dead. But the feelings toward being dead or the feelings from the grieving ones... these things definitively make us meditate in life as well, and being grateful for what we have now.
Definitively, it hurst a lot, but we cant help it.


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The only way this works for me is that the powers that be do a “reset” if Yuri finds her place again, making her accident never happen. I want Min-Jung to have a chance at a real marriage.


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Interestingly the writer previous drama, Go Back Couple, is about going back in time and do a reset 😄


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"Sadly, I do think Min-jung’s reluctance stems from her feeling of being second best. In her head, Yuri will always be Kang-hwa’s beloved wife and Seo-woo’s birth mom, while she’s the intruder. She’s the ghost that’s not welcome."

I so agree with you on this. The real ghost here is Min-jung and only Yu-ri can understand that.
I see a special bonding relationship between the two in the future and I'm in this for the two moms.

Enough with evil step-moms. There are more good than bad in this world.


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I do not think Min-jung thinks she is second best. I think her demeanor is from being an outsider. All the school mothers are moms while she is the step-mom. She loves See-woo because the child mirrors her step-mom's personality: shy, quiet, reserved and noncommunicative. But she blames herself that See-woo is somehow "different." Min-jung is not a bad person or a bad mother; she is not getting any support from anyone (Kang, Yuri's parents, her own parents(?) or close friends).
I agree that the problem is with Kang's inability to get past his grief stage for Yuri. He has become irrational: why would a man attempt to kill himself to leave an infant orphan? Why would he not fight to get himself back into control so he could support his family?
I wonder if Min-jung saved him during that suicide attempt. Did Kang marry her out of appreciation, guilt or need to find someone to care for his daughter?


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I'm glad Min-jung isn't turning out to be a bad person: she just had the unfortunate luck of falling for someone who had already found his mate. I do wonder though if Kang-hwa simply wanted a motherly figure for Seo-woo or if he did pursue Min-jung somewhat romantically after some time had passed and he no longer felt debilitating grief.

My heart broke for her when Kang-hwa kept rejecting her attempts to take care of him. I don't think it's done in malice or cruelty but just an emotional absence on Kang-hwa's part as a husband which, now that I think about it would probably hurt more.

I don't want Yuri to stay beyond her 49 days, so I'm hoping part of Kang-hwa's journey will involve actually looking at the wife he does have as opposed to the one who died or letting her go if he is unable to give himself wholly to her.


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I'm with you on this.
It was really painful to see how KH didn't pay attention to MJ. I don't think it's not because he doesn't see her, but because he's too confused. He and YuRi haven't acted as the couple they are, they haven't even hugged or talked about their feelings. YuRi has told HyunJung how much she's missed her and how much she loves her and not a single word to KH. I know he's married now, but they are adults that are not talking about the evident situation. There's no way any of them can move on if they don't talk to each other.


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Just for the briefest moment as I was watching I thought, "Min-jung and Yu-ri should raise Seo-Woo together--without Kwang Hwa."


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I loved what we learned about MinJung in this episode.
She's a shy introvert woman who fell for KangHwa in college and was too shy to confess. I guess she was attracted to that funny guy, so different from what she was.
And even if almost everybody thinks he married her for the wrong reasons, I can't agree with that. KH is probably not over YuRi's death (who would) but surely he found in MJ what he needed to go on with his life and be happy. Because you can see happiness in the three of them in the smiling photo in the kindergarden, or when they were walking in the street and playing with SeoWoo.
What breaks my heart is how KH and YuRi are not communicating. That scene when he sees how SeRi and HyunJun are hugging each other crying and telling the other "I've missed you. I loved you". I felt his heart was broken, asking why didn't he say that to YuRi, or even worse... why didn't YuRi told him...
It's too soon to tell, but in this moment, I would be ok with YuRi leaving after her 49 days and helping heal all the wounds her death have caused.


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This was an interesting episode for character and story development. I like how the writers show the characters as shades of grey, no one is overwhelmingly bad or good, just human. Story wise, i think it’s too easy for Yuri to come in and fix everything in her husband’s new marriage then leave. Back in episode 2, it looks like Kang hwa struggled alone for a few years before he actually let Min jung in, so her aloofness is likely that she hasn’t been a step mom for long and is ill equipped. She’s going through the motions helping him raise his daughter, kind of like how she toted his bag around until he was ready to take it back and not get acknowledgement. She clearly had a long time crush on her husband and it had never been reciprocated. I don’t think Kang hwa can’t love anyone else, just that Min jung doesn’t seem to be the one. Though i’m sure the next few episodes will reveal their courtship. She deserves more and seems like she knows it too. She’ll get what she deserves..that weird son? hah
Yuri and Kang-hwa’s relationship will blow up very soon. They have so much to say to each other and the truth will come out. Yuri admitting she has 49 days to fix things before moving on, leaving out the getting her place back and him finding out about it.. will be very interesting! I think Yuri is guilt ridden having seen her husband suffer so much and Kang hwa has moved on to an extent wondering why she’s back. I’m also hoping for some kind of reset. So far, parts of the story are so ridiculous it can totally be a dream!
Im really liking the cast minus some of the annoying ghost characters. Kim Tae Hee is doing a lovely job as the main lead as is the husband and the supporting cast. I’m so annoyed i started a drama while it’s airing, i can’t wait for the weekends!


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Great episode. Thank you for the recap! So I keep thinking that possibly the only reason Kang-Hwa married Min-Jung was to have a mother for Seo-woo. My nurse’s ex married her after his wife died to raise his 3 kids and then divorced her when the last one tuned 18 and he had no other kids for her to raise. Now, she’s a single mom of her own two children (one with him). Kang-hwa is more sympathetic, of course, but these marriages happen more often than we realize. I’m interested to see what happens to this little family. Hopefully, it’ll end up better for Min-Jung than it did for my nurse.


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But, wait a minute... your nurse married this guy who already had three children, had another two with him, but he only wanted her to raise the first three children and divorced her after the youngest was 18, and left her with own children (which were also his)????
That guy is despicable!


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Yep. Selfish doesn’t even begin to describe him.


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She actually had one before she married him and then they had one together.


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Oh, i see, but still... The more I know men, the more I want to have a dog.


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