My Unfamiliar Family: Episode 5

Our typically stoic sister’s world comes crashing down as she’s forced to face the fact that her marriage isn’t what she thought it was. To her surprise, her sister proves her biggest supporter and refuses to let her suffer alone. They may not always understand or even like each other, but they are family.


We return to Eun-hee and Eun-joo’s conversation in the restaurant. Eun-joo tries playing off the pill situation by saying their dad has insomnia, but Eun-hee isn’t buying that excuse. She knows that people in Sang-shik’s profession often suffer from depression.

Eun-joo takes offense at Eun-hee’s comment that things like depression and insomnia don’t fit with their dad, and things start getting heated. On the phone with Chan-hyuk, Ji-woo prophetically cautions him that things can go south quickly with his sisters, even if it seems they’re getting along.

Geon-joo’s call to Eun-hee goes unanswered. At the table, Chan-hyuk sits uncomfortably while Eun-hee brings up the time their mom left with Eun-joo. When they returned, Eun-joo would barely talk to her. Eun-joo clarifies she barely talked to anyone.

Eun-hee remembers crying every day, but Eun-joo came home smiling and holding flowers. Eun-joo remembers being cold and hungry while Eun-hee wore new clothes and ate home-cooked meals. She missed going to school like other kids.

Eun-hee catches Chan-hyuk’s eye and tries to lighten the mood, but Eun-joo continues that their mom never lets Eun-hee or Ji-woo suffer. The sisters start fighting about who worked harder in college, and Chan-hyuk gets Eun-hee to calm down.

At Geon-joo’s, his girlfriend notes how he always has his phone in hand and asks if he’s having an affair. Geon-joo claims it’s not an affair since they broke up. She argues they’ve been taking time apart, but that’s not how he sees it. He’s ready to make a clean break.

Eun-hee is properly drunk now and starts confronting “Yoo ajusshi” as if he’s there, and Eun-joo herds her home. At Eun-joo’s apartment, Eun-hee hugs her and wonders why she can’t be smart like her. Then, she cries about her dad. This girl’s a mess when drunk.

At home, Jin-sook thinks about Sang-shik asking her to accompany him to Ulsan, claiming he has no secrets from her. Meanwhile, Ji-woo uses work to hide from his family. He and Chan-hyuk get drunk, and Chan-hyuk reminisces about how he decided to enlist when he heard Jong-min and Eun-hee were going out. Hmmm…

Ji-woo supposes he liked his sister, but Chan-hyuk corrects him. He liked Eun-joo. “See? You liked my sister.” Chan-hyuk: “No, I didn’t.” Pfft. In his drunken state, Ji-woo lets slip that Sang-shik isn’t Eun-joo’s biological dad.

On the train to Ulsan, Jin-sook finds a love note Sang-shik slipped in her thermos. It takes her back to when he would tell her he loved her multiple times a day. Sang-shik smiles and recalls she would slip love notes in his lunch.

Back at Eun-joo’s, the sisters see the chatroom on Tae-hyung’s laptop. We flash back to when the family prepared to officially meet Tae-hyung. Jin-sook had wanted everything to be perfect while Sang-shik found it all ridiculous.

He accused her of only caring about the fact that Tae-hyung’s family was rich. She’d agreed, yelling that she was glad Eun-joo wouldn’t live like her. After their screaming match, Sang-shik stormed out only to meet Eun-joo and Tae-hyung out front. Sang-shik wakes up on the train and convinces himself it was just a nightmare. Oh, he’s remembering.

Meanwhile, Eun-joo locked Eun-hee out of the room and continues reading the chat. She sees a text from their dad on Eun-hee’s phone. Does she remember when they met Tae-hyung? Was he there? Overwhelmed, Eun-joo cries.

She finally opens the door and returns Eun-hee’s phone, saying she read the text from their dad. When Eun-hee texts him back, Sang-shik admits he had a dream. Eun-hee speculates to Eun-joo that his memory could be returning.

Eun-joo can’t focus on that now as memories of her IVF injections and doctor visits replay in her mind. She calls Tae-hyung, screaming at him to answer. Eun-hee cries as her sister rages. She refuses to leave, even when Eun-joo accuses her of just wanting to see her taken down a notch.

Eun-hee sobs she’s sorry, and Eun-joo lets out her pent-up anger at her sister. She rails at Eun-hee for barging into her life with nothing more than an “I’m sorry” after years of cutting her out. Eun-joo shouts that she knows Eun-hee didn’t mean it and doesn’t care.

When Eun-hee hugs her, Eun-joo screams at her to get off and leave her alone, but Eun-hee won’t let go. Eun-joo throws her off and goes to the kitchen where she grabs a pair of scissors. Eun-hee wrestles the scissors away from her frantic sister and holds her.

At Chan-hyuk’s, the boys wake and recall each other’s drunken confessions. Ji-woo is relieved to have someone else know his secret, but Chan-hyuk laments his fortune of being one sibling’s personal safe and carrying another one’s baggage. Ha.

On the beach, Sang-shik and Jin-sook listen to music on his phone. It’s a song from the first movie they saw together. He confesses he watched it before their date and bawled his eyes out, causing everyone in the theater to stare. Aw, Jin-sook smiles and even chuckles when he apologizes for crying again when they saw it together.

She reminds him they should head to meet “that kid.” Sang-shik reveals that, although they made plans to meet, he can’t reach him now. Jin-sook suggests calling a friend or Young-shik’s mom, but Sang-shik gets uncomfortable. She wonders to herself what he’s trying to confirm with this trip.

At Eun-joo’s, the exhausted sisters sit at the table. Eun-joo observes it looks like they had a fistfight and abruptly starts laughing at the absurdity of it all. She tells Eun-hee to go, but Eun-hee isn’t about to leave and let her sister hurt herself.

Eun-joo assures her that’s not it. In the moment, she felt like she couldn’t breathe and wanted to cut her hair. Eun-hee presumes Tae-hyung’s family is in the dark about him, but Eun-joo takes the less optimistic view that there are things family sometimes pretends not to know.

Eun-hee worries he’ll do something drastic, but Eun-joo thinks Tae-hyung merely got tired of lying; he wouldn’t have left his laptop behind if he weren’t coming back. He just didn’t have the courage to say it to her face.

“I guess it wasn’t my fault.” It suddenly hits Eun-joo that Tae-hyung’s coldness and depression weren’t because of her. She even considered divorce. “You did well,” Eun-hee says. Eun-joo scoffs that she thought she was all that (Eun-hee: “You are.”) and could read people well.

Now, she recognizes all the signs he gave her. “I didn’t know because we’re family.” Eun-hee thinks Eun-joo is blaming herself for not knowing and defends her, calling Tae-hyung a “selfish, cowardly, irresponsible, shameless jerk.” Eun-joo can handle her own affairs and tells Eun-hee to go home.

If their roles were reversed, what advice would Eun-joo give? Eun-hee says she’d tell her not to be emotional and to get compensation for the years’ worth of deception. Ger her alimony and bounce back.

Sang-shik and Jin-sook visit Young-shik’s work, but no one has heard from him in days. His house has even been emptied out. A colleague pulls Sang-shik aside and, after chiding him for bringing Jin-sook to ask about Young-shik, confides that some of the guys lent Young-shik money recently.

The colleague is shocked when Sang-shik asks for Young-shik’s address. Can’t he remember where his hometown is? After asking around the area to no avail, Sang-shik decides to do a cargo run and sends Jin-sook home.

Before he left, Tae-hyung set up a doctor’s appointment for Sang-shik. Jin-sook and the sisters accompany their dad to what seems to be Tae-hyung’s family’s hospital. Eun-hee offers to go with Eun-joo to greet her mother-in-law, but Eun-joo says she’s not in that day.

While they wait, Eun-hee asks Eun-joo if she talked to Tae-hyung. Eun-joo frustratedly says she didn’t and tells Eun-hee to stop asking questions. Sang-shik exits with a clean bill of health, but Jin-sook stays behind to question the doctor.

Shouldn’t his memory be back by now? She’s worried because some of his memories of the remote past are inaccurate. Jin-sook thinks of his claim that she used to put love notes in his lunch. Ooh, so that never happened. The doctor notes that memories are flawed and can be tinged by desires or feelings.

In the lobby, Jin-sook pulls Eun-joo aside. If Sang-shik’s memories don’t return, they want to run some tests. She asks Eun-joo to talk to Tae-hyung about it when he gets back.

At work, Geon-joo calls Eun-hee to his office to give her materials for the meditation book she’s working on. They could go over them at his place, if she wants. Eun-hee declines. Noting her distance, he starts to explain why he didn’t contact her after he said he would.

Eun-hee cuts him off. What if she hadn’t called him before going up to his apartment? Reality hit after that, and the thrill of secretly meeting wore off. It’s tiring and makes her feel cowardly. Eun-hee clarifies that she no longer wants to go ahead with the affair. Geon-joo wants to talk about it later, but Eun-hee states she has plans.

Eun-joo gives her mom another envelope of cash. Jin-sook comments on how great it is to see her and Eun-hee getting along. She encourages Eun-joo to be lenient with her sister, even though she’s lacking and impulsive. Eun-joo defends her sister and chides her mom for how often she’s said those hurtful things in front of Eun-hee.

Eun-hee meets with Chan-hyuk who notices her off mood. She abruptly starts grilling him about his dating life. Then, she pivots and shares that she’s decided not to meet Geon-joo anymore. Chan-hyuk jokingly wonders if she’s saying she wants to date him now.

She pivots again and starts talking about how Eun-joo is driving Tae-hyung’s big car now. Poor Chan-hyuk scrambles to find the thread of this stream of consciousness style conversation. Eun-hee continues that, when she married, Eun-joo gave her expensive car to Eun-hee, claiming she was scared to drive it.

Eun-hee sold it and bought two used cars, giving one to her family. She hated that her sister was the breadwinner of the family since it made her feel indebted. She never realized how narrow minded she was.

Chan-hyuk is worried now, sensing something is wrong. Eun-hee remarks that Eun-joo resents her and believes she’s just pretending to be a good sister after ignoring her. Eun-hee recognizes she’s been accommodating to everyone but her own sister.

Chan-hyuk wonders if something happened between them, and Eun-hee comments she should’ve stopped her that day. At that official first meeting with Tae-hyung, they’d announced their marriage after a mere three months of dating. But neither looked happy.

Drunk, Eun-hee had asked what Tae-hyung liked about Eun-joo. His reply? She’s not too girly. Yikes. She’d been shocked when Eun-joo sat by silently, acting unlike herself. Eun-hee had assumed Eun-joo loved him and bit back her retort.

The discomfort she felt that day has weighed on her all this time. Chan-hyuk asks why she’s regretting this now, but Eun-hee changes the topic. He must like Eun-joo if he painstakingly developed those black and white photos and then held onto them for years.

Chan-hyuk exasperatedly points out with that logic, he must like her even more. How many of those type of photos has he done for her? Chan-hyuk won’t let her wriggle out of answering so easily and brings it back to Eun-joo. Why now?

Eun-hee recalls how Ji-woo has been constantly talking about feeling sorry towards Eun-joo and wanting to see her. Has he said anything to Chan-hyuk about it? Chan-hyuk cagily says Ji-woo will surely tell her himself if there’s something.

Eun-hee thinks Chan-hyuk knows Ji-woo better than her and asks him to let her know if he finds out what’s bothering her brother. He can barely meet her eyes as he agrees.

At home, Eun-joo ruminates on what she read in the chatroom about how wives and children serve as great cover. She sits down at Tae-hyung’s computer and looks like she’s about to enter the chat.

Eun-hee ignores a call from Geon-joo but finds him waiting in her neighborhood. He’s worried she took the following day off because of him. She assures him she’s not that immature. They head somewhere to talk.

Chan-hyuk receives a wedding invitation from his ex. Ji-woo and Seo-young gossip about whether the personal note included is a “screw you” or lingering attachment deal. Seo-young gives Ji-woo a private smile before walking away.

Eun-hee scoffs at Geon-joo’s smooth talk about how being a little deceitful can be healthy, so he’s finally straight with her and says he doesn’t want to lose her. Plus, he broke up with his girlfriend.

As they walk back, he asks why she took a day off, but she evasively says it’s a family matter. Jealous, Geon-joo wonders if she’d give that same vague answer to Chan-hyuk. Her silence confirms his suspicions.

Eun-hee knows Geon-joo’s breakup has nothing to do with her and won’t feel burdened about it. Since she shares that things are comfortable for her as they are, Geon-joo is willing to stay friends. He wants to put her at ease.

Chan-hyuk reads the note from his ex and sighs that he has no idea what she’s talking about. Meanwhile, Eun-hee thinks of her sister’s breakdown after seeing the chatroom. The following day, she pops by Eun-joo’s.

She knows Eun-joo lied about not driving well so she could gift her the car and thanks her. She won’t feel indebted. Eun-hee offers to drive her to her meeting, and Eun-joo lets her.

Eun-hee sees a new side of her sister as she watches her laugh with clients. She takes Eun-joo to lunch and wordlessly places a piece of meat in her bowl. Eun-joo looks at Eun-hee appraisingly.

Sang-shik sends pictures of pretty scenery in a family chat while Jin-sook visits her mother in a care facility. Seon-il shows up with flowers, and Jin-sook smiles. The kids respond to Sang-shik’s photos – Eun-hee’s response is particularly enthusiastic – making him giddy. Eun-hee wonders contemplatively what their dad thinks about on those long drives.

Eun-joo still can’t reach Tae-hyung who was supposed to be back by now. Eun-hee is concerned something happened, but Eun-joo thinks he’s just avoiding her.

At work, Ji-woo frets about whether it’s right to keep the secret about Eun-joo, but he can’t bring himself to tell anyone in his family. When Chan-hyuk asks if he should tell Eun-hee for him, Ji-woo helpfully hands him his phone. Ha. But Eun-hee ignores his call as she’s still with Eun-joo.

That night, Sang-shik asks Man-ho about Young-shik, but Man-ho claims the topic has always been hush hush. He thinks it’s better Sang-shik doesn’t remember since his relationship with Jin-sook has improved. If he remembers, it’s back to “marriage graduation.” Sang-shik, naturally, is confused.

Eun-joo receives a call that sends her and Eun-hee rushing to the clinic where they’re frantically sending patients elsewhere. Hyo-seok sees Eun-hee posting a notice of temporary closure and mutters, “cowardly jerk.” Eun-hee notices him staring at Eun-joo through the glass and stands in front of him. He scoffs and walks away.

Once everyone leaves, Eun-hee starts badmouthing Tae-hyung, but Eun-joo won’t hear it. It hits Eun-hee that Hyo-seok might have been referring to Tae-hyung earlier and seems to know something. She tries to tell Eun-joo, but her sister cuts her off and orders her home.

Ji-woo calls on his mom’s behalf to check on his dad who hasn’t come home yet. Sang-shik promises to be home by dinner. At work, Ji-woo thinks Chan-hyuk is making up excuses when he claims Eun-hee has been ignoring his calls and only believes him when Chan-hyuk calls her in front of him. Ha.

Eun-hee stops by the café to talk to Hyo-seok, but he took the day off due to a family emergency. Meanwhile, Eun-joo goes to see her mother-in-law who greets her warmly but appears nervous.

At home, Sang-shik comes bearing flowers and thanks Jin-sook for putting up with him all these years. He remembers everything, he says with a smile. They should do the “marriage graduation” now. Jin-sook stares at him searchingly.


I liked the theme of the subjectivity of memories that we often see as absolute. Eun-joo and Eun-hee had very different takes on the same basic memory from their childhood. Their feelings colored their perception of events, foreground some aspects and backgrounding others. Then, you have Sang-shik seemingly creating memories of Jin-sook based, perhaps, on what he wished had happened. Memory is a fickle thing, but it’s easy to believe our version of events is the “correct” one and take it as fact. I seriously doubt Sang-shik’s memory has returned since he’s still behaving very much as the 22-year-old version of himself. Maybe he got confirmation that Young-shik is his son and feels guilty. This version of him really wants to see Jin-sook happy, so I can believe he’d agree to separate if he thought it’d be to her benefit.

This episode was a big one for our sisters who continue to be fantastically acted by Han Ye-ri and Chu Ja-hyun. Eun-hee and Eun-joo embody the “I can talk crap about you but no one else can” sibling dynamic. They seem to do nothing but criticize each other, but Eun-joo even stood up to her mom for disparaging Eun-hee. I think this situation is making both sisters see each other in a new light. Eun-hee has a tendency get caught up in her own emotions and become self-centered, but she has really stepped up for Eun-joo. She’s trying to listen and see things from her sister’s point of view. And now, it looks like Eun-joo is starting to believe Eun-hee does care about her. I was glad Eun-joo confronted her about re-entering her life like nothing happened, though. Eun-joo often holds her feelings in, but I think they both needed that out in the open.

Eun-joo’s reaction to the revelation that Tae-hyung is gay has been interesting. I expected more justified anger at being lied to and used as a cover, but she seems understanding instead. Hearing that she’s been blaming herself for their marital issues and Tae-hyung’s depression even, it makes sense that she could feel relieved to finally have an explanation. There’s so much pressure on women in a marriage to be the good wife and mother and create a happy home. Eun-joo had the added stress of not being able to get pregnant and being made to feel like a failure for it. Knowing that the result for them would be the same no matter what she did or could do must be freeing for Eun-joo.

Eun-hee’s affair didn’t last long, did it? Although, if Geon-joo and his ex were already broken up, I guess it doesn’t count as an affair. Why didn’t he tell Eun-hee that in the first place? It’s odd he let her agonize over it rather than clarifying his relationship status. He comes off as untrustworthy to me, so I’m glad Eun-hee has taken a step back. Even if he’s single now, he is still her boss which is a whole different issue. A boss actively pursuing their employee the day they arrive on the job is just kind of icky. But I can’t imagine their saga is over yet, although Chan-hyuk probably wishes it were.

Poor Chan-hyuk is now the designated confidant and fixer for two out of three siblings. They’ve basically co-opted him as an honorary family member at this point. It’s good they have someone outside their mess to provide some perspective, but I worry for Chan-hyuk’s sanity as he gets dragged into all their problems. At least he doesn’t have to keep Ji-woo’s secret from Eun-hee anymore.

One of the (many) things I love about this drama so far is that the interactions feel real thanks to a combination of good writing and acting. The things that are said or left unsaid, the frustrated interactions between family members, the ease of conversation with good friends – it all feels natural. For me, that’s the difference between this and a lot of makjang family dramas. Even if there are multiple over the top situations happening, the reactions of the characters to these situations feels realistic. The characters lend it credibility and keep things somewhat grounded while the makjang gives us that dramatic flair that spices things up. The balance is working for me, and I’m just hoping it can keep it up throughout its run.


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Loving it so far, fantastic acting. I’m a little disappointed in Eun Joo. But we’ll see what happens next week


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Thank you Quirkycase, for your excellent recap. I love your analysis and observations about this chaotic family. I love it! It feels so real and lived in. I can't wait to see what is next. And yes, the situation with Geon-joo does feel icky. Nice description.


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I agree with you about how understandable Eun-joo's reaction was to finding out that her husband was gay. Relief would be the first reaction after carrying around the burden of failed expectations from her in-laws. Of course, initially she took it out on her sister and the way that Eun-hee refused to run away and stayed there to support her sister tells me that she is no weakling.

Still, Eun-joo is not done with this situation yet. She has every right to be angry with her husband and probably her husbands family and I have a feeling that she is going to follow her sisters advice- she knows that the best response involves not just divorce but compensation- not violence or emotional acting out but the use of proper means to unleash a whole lot of grief on her soon to be ex-husband and probably his family too. This is what is in line with her character. It is as natural as breathing to her. Remember this always: The very best revenge is a really really big check.

We might also want to re-think the Chan-hyuk getting together with Eun-hee idea: Chan-hyuk may now see that instead he has a second chance to be with the woman of his dreams.


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Agree - the big check is the most practical and reasonable exit route. It's not worth anyone's time to dwell on things further. Of course, there will be emotional scars for all concerned, but that can be handled independently without resorting to dramatic confrontations (that said, when the two do meet in the next episode, post-reveal, the confrontation is electric and terrific.)


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Yes, sir, big check always.
Some people only feel in the pain in their pockets not in their heart.
And I want EunJoo to make an enormous hole in her mother in law's pockets and bank account and anywhere she keeps her damn money.


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If the person in question no longer has a heart then the pocketbook is the only place to hurt them.


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Is Eun Joo really Chan Hyuk’s dream lady? Is it just me but I feel like Eun Joo sounds like a deflection from Chan Hyuk? Of all the characters, Chan Hyuk’s feeling is one we’re not privy to. Even Dad’s memory isn’t as vague as Chan Hyuk’s thought. He’s been the listener, the voice of reason to the family, but none of it were his personal stories.


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I feel like Chan Hyun liked Eun-hee and missed his chance to confess. As for his feelings for Eun-joo, it feels more like an admiration.


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I respectfully disagree. If he really wanted Eun-hee he would not have stayed away from her for years. He would instead have given her a few weeks to cool down and then would have worked on rebuilding their relationship. And we keep getting references to a girlfriend who dumped him and married someone else- maybe because his heart was always set upon Eun-joo.


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Possible. Though he seems to be the type that waits for the other person to come to him rather than be forefront with his intentions.


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I still don't know what to think about Chan Hyunk and Eun Joo, but I'm also inclined to think there's an attraction between them. When they are together feels like there's something unsaid.
His relation with EunHee is, on the contrary, open and they freely speak about anything. Yes, they have great chemistry together but (so far) not THAT kind of chemistry.


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I thought we were about to see the old friends to lovers trope in the first ep. When EH finds out about the cheating BF, it's the knowledge that CH knew that ilicits the strongest reaction from her. And the way those 2 fought,I thought for sure they both had some unprocessed romantic feelings for sure. But once they reconciled, I'm not too sure..there seems to be no trace of any romantic feeling from EH.This EP, she was straight up trying to ship him and EJ

From what we've been shown so far, EJ just seems to just see him as her younger sister's close friend.And I can't see these 2 have actually had anything more than surface level interactions that we all do with our bestie's families

Now CH is an enigma ..From the coy way camera pulled away from showing whose pic he carried in his wallet I had a feeling we are about to get a twist. He definitely has a 'crush' on EJ and thinks she's the bee's knees. Now whether it's something more deeper than that remains to be seen ..
But then there's the fact that CH seems to be looking at EJ in the banner of the show🤷


Eunjoo as a deflection. Wow, didn't think of it, but it makes sense to me!

Agree that we still need to find out more about CH's feelings and backstory. In an earlier episode, he tells JW that he doesn't know what a dysfunctional family (don't remember any more the exact words he used, but that was the meaning) - and JW was all like "my family's got secrets too", haha- so my guess is that he also has his own skeletons in the closet... Can't wait to find out!


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Having said what I’ve said earlier, I’m more of a wait and see with this drama - and am not shipping! The layers just keep unraveling. I just want to know what is in Chan Hyuk’s noggin!


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The photographs are a sort of proxy for his personal stories, aren't they? Eun-joo's wedding photos and Eun-hui's college photos. It's hard to tell which sister he really liked. Everyone is reading it as Eun-joo, and he acknowledges it himself at some point, I think, but he could have grown out of it, and Eun-hui could be the real candidate. That said, I am not shipping anyone with anyone right now. The twists and turns are so delectable here, I don't know what is going to be thrown at us next.


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I am getting a huge Reply 19xx vibe right now when it comes to Chan Hyuk. Especially Trash. The non-family member who knew everything about everybody, and who ended up with the girl despite all the redirections. I hope they don't go that route, because there are some things I really don't like about a Eun-Hee Chan-Hyuk pairing, but it is a possibility. Why I don't like them together is a) Chan Hyuk has a tendency to be very critical/dismissive about Eun-Hee (a lot like her mother, actually) and obviously never felt like he had anything to apologize for when he kept her in the dark for 3 YEARS about her boyfriend's cheating because somehow it was her fault for not 'caring enough about the relationship' (that would be such a deal-breaker for me) and b) he's got some sort of thing for her sister. I don't care if it's puppy love, a passing fancy, but even if it is meant to confuse us it is still Something, and frankly you never want anything ever between your sister and your husband except a polite and friendly comradeship end of story. Those pictures? Sorry, another deal-breaker for me.


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I really want Eun Hee and Chan Hyuk together. For once, it will be a couple who know and understand each other and care about the other one. Not like some couple who don't know anything about each other like the name, the job, their friends or one being investated and the other one cold, etc.

The little brother hides his intelligence pretty well. He tricked Chan Hyuk and was super happy to not be the only one to know this secret.

For the sisters, I find Eun Joo pretty unfair with Eun Hee. She was not nice with Eun Hee after the break-up and she didn't try to appologize, she did nothing. It's Eun Hee who did the first step and Eun Joo critizes her to do it? I understand she was hurting a lot when she told it but it's not the first time she's hard on Eun Hee.

For Geon-joo, I think he was honest with Eun Hee. Even if they broke up, the ex was coming in his place like it was her home, knowing the code and he never told something about it. It was not really a clean break-up.

For the gay husband, I'm surprised Eun Joo didn't see anything because she's very observant with other people. I'm surprised she wanted to leave her family that she married him only after 3 months. She seems more smart than that. But she's so right to be angry, she suffered a lot to try to have a family.

Poor father, it was so hard to discover his own life by piece like that.


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Totally agree JiWoo is pure gold!


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I've seen several comments saying that Eunjoo is awful, but I feel so much for her. Being intelligent doesn't guarantee that you take smart decisions in your personal relationships. She's clearly suffered a lot during childhood: her parents' sour relationship, her birth secret that skewed family dynamics (she might not know what it was but she probably felt something was off... She wonders why did Mom only take her when she went away). My take is that Eunjoo is cold, superficial (she married a chaebol, and enjoys her luxury clothes and appartment) and she's possibly vengeful, but she's all that because she has trust issues and possibly doesn't love herself too much...


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Same. Imagine having that thought that your own mother wanted to die with you at such a young age. It's no wonder she wanted to cut ties with her family.


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I agree she suffered a lot. But Eun Hee is not responsible for that. Eun Joo's word are really strong against Eun Hee when she's doesn't say anything to her parents, the ones responsible for her pain. She's expecting Eun Hee understands her pain when she won't talk to her.


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True, she doesn't tell off her parents, she vents on Eunhee. Because that's their family pattern! If you look closely, you'll notice that no Kim ever talks directly to the person they want to talk to, they always circumvent through someone else.
My verdict: they all need therapy (like pretty much everyone else in Dramaland 🤣)


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Clearly this family has difficulties with communication! All of this is the fault of the parents, they don't talk to each other and there are a lot of misunderstandings between them. The children have to navigate between all of that and it had clearly influence their own relationships.


My take on Eun-joo is that she's a Fixer. Whenever there's an issue, she'll take it on herself to take action or tells the other person what action they need to take to sort it out. Like giving the car, supporting the family, telling Eun-hee how to get over cheating ex. She fixed her own live by quickly marrying a guy so that she's now no longer poor and she got out of the family.

Fixers can be useful when you need something fixed but also reaaaaally annoying when all you need is emotional support and then they tell you where you've gone wrong to get yourself in this situation. It's not that she's cold, she just doesn't see the point in just listening to Eun-hee when she can instead tell her what she should be doing to solve her issues.

I absolutely loved the moment where Eun-hee turned the tables and gave Eun-joo the advice that she would have given her, about her husband.


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She's a fixer, that's a very good point! She's very practical minded, and sure is a tough cookie - too much for her own good, no need to soldier on and go to work with a freshly broken heart, I'm glad Eunhee took time off to support her. Loved that scene too!


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She's a lawyer, it's her job to fix things. But with her family she should be a sister or a daughter. With her mom, I totally understand why she's cold, the mum really messed up.
I like her advices, she's right but the way she gives them doesn't show a lot of empathy.


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I like this explanation.
There's always a fixer in a family. Someone everybody turns to when there's a problem. She's been carrying that burden since she was almost a child. Remember when she told EunHee that she earned as much as their dad being a tutor while studying and giving it to her mum.
She's not only a fixer, but a provider.


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Yes..this sounds very accurate. She's a doer at heart- analytical and action oriented and as we all agree not very popular when you're looking for emotional support.
She also seems to have a chip on her shoulder on behalf of her favourite parent. Both she and her father seems to believe her mother looks down on him for his inferior educational credentials and blue colour job. So she has grown up resolved to rise above those roots. To a certain extent, she's even right, her mother sees her as special coz of her intelligence & academics and is happy that she married well. (I don't think JS is as mercenary a these 2 make her to be,btw) She claims to hate her mother but has achieved pretty much everything she thinks her mother values the most. She's also jealous of EH coz she perceives their mother loves her more.


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I love EunJoo. She's just a reflection of how she grew up. As you mentioned, her childhood affected the way she is, and being the oldest, and realizing how things are in her family... I totally understand her need of getting away. She's hard but I can understand her so much.


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Even brilliant people can make poor decisions- and that appears to be what happened with Eun-joo- and her husband too, who is also a highly intelligent man.

Eun-joo is really unfair to Eun-hee, and this demonstrates the simple truth that she is far from perfect even if Chan-hyuk thinks otherwise.

Chan-hyuk still appears to be stuck on Eun--joo, but you are right in thinking that it would make more sense to be together with Eun-hee. That being said- his difficult financial situation is a barrier to being with anybody.


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I would have a terrible time being a “good sister” to Eun Joo. She is a real prickly pear. She clearly has resentments stemming back to their childhood. And she really doesn’t seem to welcome any opinions or questions of her marriage or about her inability to get pregnant. So I have to say I don’t completely blame Eun Hee for distancing herself from Eun Joo because she is so critical of Eun Hee about everything. Although 5 years is a looooong time to stay away from a difficult family member.


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Just gotta say: I love Ji Woo! He has great survival instincts.
I hope he has success making family dramas some time in the future cuz he has great perception.


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My favorite character so far.


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I cried when the sisters were crying together after they found out tae hyung is a gay. Maybe many people hate eun joo being so rude to eun hee but deep down, I know she loves eun hee and vice versa. As a first child, I can understand why eun joo act like that. She has to be smart, has a good career, married with someone who has best quality, the pressure as a first child and have to be a good example for her dongsaens.
btw, watching this drama making me excited every week, I can't believe myself when I shout "Monday please come faster!"


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This ensemble of casts is amazing! The nuances in the acting and thanks to the directing, it brings out the emotions quite well. And agreeing with quirkycase that this drama feels real, like I can see this happening to my neighbors or even my own family.

Poor Chan-hyuk being caught in between the siblings though. Considering that he was cut off from Eun-hee's life for the past few years, it was pretty easy for her to share anything personal. That just goes to show how much she trusted CH.

Glad that Eun-hee stepped back in her relationship with Geon-joo. It still feels weird why he didn't just say in the first place that he had broken up though I don't think they have. Since it looks like girlfriend does not think so and isn't breaking up a two-way thing? or no?

And that conversation with Taehyung's mother. Looks like she knows and pushed Taehyung to marry someone so as not to taint the family reputation. That's cheap.


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Taehyung's mom is the worst! She totally knew what was up and the "he's depressed" coverup followed by "he never crossed the line" admission, ugh. I could kimchi-slap that woman


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Include the seaweed slap!!


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And the suggestion that he is ill.
I loved Eun Joo telling her he was not ill.
Kimchi-slap and glass of water (including the glass) to her.


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“Kimchi slap the woman”

The mental image made my day 🤣👏🏽👏🏽


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I’m getting the feeling that the fruit grocer might be Eun Joo’s father who was unable to take responsibility for getting the mother pregnant when they were young. Prior to having the store, wasn’t he a professor? So he needed years of schooling and money, 2 things in short supply when you have a child young.

As soon as I saw him with the flowers, my KDrama Radar pinged.


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Good point! Let's see if that's the case


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He also had a child, Eun-hee meet her in the fruit store, so he could well have been married.


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I don't think so.
It didn't seem from the flashback scene that she was rejected by her boyfriend, not that he wasn't able to take responsibility, just that he didn't want.
I believe the fruit grocer is just a gentle widow that has been nice to her forever and their affection grew while trying to fill their empty hours, his because his wife is death and her because her husband is no longer a husband.


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I hope so, I really hope that the endgame is not for Mom to fly back to the arms of the guy who left her pregnant and crying at the side of the road. Yuck.


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Thank you for the excellent and quick recap, @quirkycase! This is such an intense show. I agree with you about the commentary on memory keeping and memory creation.

In the first few episodes, we were bombarded with situations that created moral dilemmas for the characters. And what was previously a relatively more subtle focus on memory has now taken centre-stage. I love the different ways in which this is being shown. Eun-joo's wedding, for example - heartbreak for Chan-hyuk, who thinks she looks like a beautiful bride, but the couple looks like the worst tragedy of their lives has struck them. Similarly, the memory of the suicide/abortion attempt is remembered different by the mother and the two sisters. And finally, there is Sang-shik himself, hardly the archetypal patriarch, but in a sense, he is the memory-keeper for the family - what he chooses to remember (or fabricate as his memory) affects how everyone else around him will respond to him and react to each other.

A third theme that is emerging in non-standard ways is that of 'family', and what it means. Is it consanguineous? We are clearly being told it is not, with Chan-hyuk's omnipresent role as confidant and quasi-sibling for at least Eun-hui and Ji-woo. But more importantly, the show is asking the very interesting existential question - across generations - of why so-called families should be there at all? Jin-Sook seems to have first chosen Sang-sik in attempts to save face and avoid living as a single unwed mother, but then wanted to abandon that life, and go to another man (does she want to get married to the prof., though?). Similarly, we have Tae-hyung's choice about wanting a superficial heterosexual (='normal') relationship to show the world he also fit into social norms. (There is a terrific cathartic outburst in the next episode in this regard, which I won't spoil here, but suffice it to say, I thought it was the highlight of that episode.) In this desperation and obsession to conform to external standards and have or make 'families', people like Tae-hyung and Jin-sook lose sense of their own identities.

I feel the Show is asking the audience to think about what it means to "be yourself" - is it ceasing the day without a care in the world, like Eun-hui embodies; or not lying to yourself, contrary to Tae-hyung; or something else altogether?

Nicely done, Show! Hoping this keeps up till the end.


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I love your comment, and specially the part in which you talk about JinSook and TaeHyung trying desperately to fit in a society that sees them as people who doesn't fit and they lose themselves in the way.
TH has been suffering since the moment he realized he was gay (probably in his teens), which makes me feel how terrible his whole life has been so far, not a single moment of self indulgence (but for the moments he would disappeared), of being his true self. Watching his mum's reaction was so disgusting. Even EunJoo was mad at her. He's not ill, he may have hurt her but he's not ill. I loved EunJoo for saying this.
And regarding JinSook, she lost herself so long ago... I hope she can find a way to be happy again. I can understand her bitterness.


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"He's not ill, he may have hurt her but he's not ill." Y! that was so well said, and in that one dialogue between Eun-joo and her mother-in-law, strikes at the universal (and problematic) response to homosexuality. This was a necessary takedown, so perfectly chillingly delivered by the actress playing EJ.


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The acting has been superlative, across the board.


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Absolutely! That's what made this *such* a compelling watch. It's a fine fine turnout by the entire ensemble. They've elevated the makjang genre to a whole new level.


gosh so many typos - "seizing" the day!


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@quirkycase, love your insights about this drama! The riffs about memory, Eunjoo feeling relieved about husband's secret, Chanhyuk getting increasingly sucked into Kim's problems (my guess is that CH will eventually need to draw some boundaries, because the Kims are a handful, hehe), Geunjoo being fishy...

My favourite thing about this drama is that it feels real to me. Maybe it's because my family is a bit makjang-y, the stuff that is happening feels only a bit exaggerated for drama purposes, but not unrealistic. And the family dynamics - the comings and goings on the telephone, the group chat reactions, people using middlemen for everything, everybody second-guessing everybody, all the colliding memories and interpretations, gosh! It feels like the Writer's family is eerily similar to mine, hahaha


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Family feels real.
My sister and I also talk about my dad in our family chat as if he's not there instead of talking to each other. My dad talks to my sister and then he tells me what she wants to tell me and I do the same. It would be easier for us to talk to each other, but we love using our dad as a middleman 🤷🏼‍♀️


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You're lucky if it's only your dad as middleman! Every time there's a disease/divorce/money problem/etc in my family, we play a kind of massive Cluedo game: everybody calls everybody - except the ones living it in first hand- in all directions, exchanging more or less censored information and half-backed assumptions. We would make world class spies (or drama-writers!) 😋


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This drama may feel makjang, but it’s so real! My family stories can spin out multiple daily makjang... Quoting all the grannies in My Dear Friend: “Life is makjang!”


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A version of at least two of the storylines have happened in my extended family so "Life is makjang" indeed.


Outside of CH-EH current dynamic, the siblings are my favourite. Poor maknae JiWoo,forever collared into making calls on some one else's behalf, but also sheltered from most of the childhood scars the older two seem to bear.
The sisters- they say the meanest things to each other but the maknae best keep his mouth shut😂


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He's such an adorable puppy. My favorite character so far. And he's smarter than he shows. I really need to see more of him.


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Eun-joo and Eun-hee are like my sisters combined xD


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Thanks for the recaps and comments.
I just love the acting. All the cast is just fantastic, but the fact that the story gets to all so well is just not the acting, but also de writing and the directing. I particularly like the fact that the "cliffhanger" of the previous episode is not shown in the new one until almost 10 minutes in the new one.

So far I don't know what to think about Chan Hyeok. I have said this in the beanie wall. His presence is everywhere. Even when he is in the background. I don't know where he is with the sisters: I don't feel any romantic feeling with EunHee, and I know there's something more happening between him and EunJoo. When they are together it feels there's something about to be said, and yet it is not. We will have to see.

I also want to talk about SangShik and JinSook. I'm terrible sorry about the 22 SS who is discovering the man he became and he is so scared. Surely the situation in this marriage didn't change from love doves to enemies in a blink of an eye, but right now that's what's happening: he was a loving father and husband, but that person is lost and now that he's back no one seems to recognize him. I can only imagine his agony. He's must be thinking about the person he became so everyone is so mad at him, specially the woman he loved back in the day. And also JinSook position is no good either: she suffered so much along the years, and when she's about to be free and live her life, the man she once loved comes back to flirt and love her. How can she forget the years that she's been suffering?


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Sangshik's situation. First of all, kudos to Jung Jinyoung, because he really pulls off the almost double character thing: his wide-eyed lovey-dovey 22 year old self is delightful, his 60 year old patriarch is infuriating. The glimpses of his 60 year old self that are starting to come out are scary, it looks like he's violent. There was also a flashback of Jinsook with a bruised face... How did such a sweetie become an abuser? He does tell that he was fending for himself at the age of 14.
This is a big assumption, but he might have escaped a harsh background to just end up repeating the same patterns. He must be scared to discover how he became over the years, but my heart goes to Jinsook. How terrible to be stuck with him (and living his transformation of sweetie into a beast all over again) when she was about to be free!


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My heart also is with her. She's been living in hell, enough to decide to get rid of our beloved maknae because she didn't want to have another bond with the man he called husband.
She's been suffering for too long, too long.
I just hope she gets the freedom and piece she deserves.


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*freedom and peace*


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The scenes between the sisters were so good. Great acting. The score when EJ was breaking down really added to the scene. I liked EH taking the day off to drive EJ around and EJ telling mom to stop putting EH down.

Dad mixing up wishes and real memories made me sad. His 22 year old self is so sweetly in love that I want him and mom to work things out but then we see the jerk he turned into, and I want mom to graduate from the marriage and go get some Korean melons. Dad is such an interesting character though.

What’s up with Young Shik disappearing.

Mr. Player still seems like a player, but a little less sleazy since he had apparently broken up with his girlfriend. It’s still messy, and I’m glad EH put the breaks on.

Poor Chan Hyuk. Ji Woo was pretty slick dumping the responsibility for the birth secret onto him


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"I want mom to graduate from the marriage and go get some Korean melons" 🤣


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Are we gonna have Team Tangerine Vs Team Korean Melons? 😅


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So far I'm Team Korean Melons.
As adorable as 22 SS is, we've seen glimpses of the actual 60 SS and I don't like him.


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Thanks for the wonderful recap @quirkycase
Wow, this episode was a ride..
*This was the EP of the sisters.
It was touching to see how EH desperately held on no matter how hurtful EJ was being,coz she knew her unnie was hurting badly. And EJ couldn't have leaned on anyone else or let anyone else see her so broken.
*So one of these days, are CH & EJ gonna give EH a long due apology,yeh? Sure she cut off contact with them, but neither one of them were innocent parties in those situations. I love that EH has taken the initiative to get both of these people back in her life but one of these days,I hope they'll stop making her feel like the only 'wrong' party in the story.
*Jeez, their parents marriage has done a number on these two,esp EJ. Those contradictory memories explain so much of how they started viewing each other and their parents. EH's response to a mother who seemingly left her behind was to always take her side while EJ chose to fiercely love the father who let her leave.
*That fight SS and JS had was erm,intense. So many harsh words were said and from the way they were delivered, it's clear it's not the first time either one of them were saying or hearing them. Marriage graduation shoulda happened a long time ago for both of their sales if that is how openly toxic it had all become. Also this is the Nd time life insurance was thrown into their arguments?🤔
*LOL'd at JW and CH's drunken 'confessions'. If the current trend continues,CH would be the official Kim family secret keeper. I too fear for his sanity.
*Already suspected TW's mum knew from her face at the end of EP and from reading a few comments,my fears look to be confirmed.


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"So one of these days, are CH & EJ gonna give EH a long due apology,yeh? " Omg! Only now realized that CH and EJ might have had their own thing going on during the time EH wasn't talking to them. But, wait, maybe that's just my imagination running wild, because Unnie was already married by that time. This drama is full of mysteries


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Oh ,my comment was more towards the individual apologies they both owe EH for having their respective spats.
I don't think EJ&CH have had many 1-on-1 interactions altogether. The feeling I got was that EJ was aware of him peripherally as her sister's friend and CH may be had a 'noona crush' on her.
I think EJ had asked who he is when his name was mentioned in the first ep and omma or JW reminded her that he used to come around home all the time with EH's ex.
But with this genre of drama, you never know 🤷 This is my first time watching weekend makjang genre so I'm braced for them fabled crazy plot twists


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Right! It was just a fleeting thought, but I think you're right, probably CH was just little sis' pal to EJ's eyes


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Don't get me started again on the need for apologies from Chan Hyuk and Eun-Joo to Eun=Hee, lol. Both of them are excusing their own bad behavior by blaming it on Eun-hee: Eun-Joo was cold and judgy because Eun-Hee was not being sufficiently mature about her hurt and sorrow; Chan Hyuk excused his 3-year-long stint of lying by blaming the cheater bf (he said he was going to tell you...) and blaming Eun-Hee (she obviously didn't try hard enough or care enough about her relationship...). And so it's all Eun-Hee's fault and they get top marks for being so understanding as to let her into their lives again. A pox on both of them.


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Still love it. Fantastic acting and writing. I still find Eun Joo too hard on her sister, but I hope with time she will soften a bit for her own sake. For some reason, I like the boss and Eun Hee. I think they have chemistry and I appreciate the way they are both honest woth each other. As for the parents, i am really curious as to what could have happened to their mariage, especially the Dad! I cant imagine the 22'yr old boy and that screaming husband were the same! Great acting by the way. What happened? And is Mom really cheating on him??


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I love all the characters in the drama. I also like how it shows each situation from both sides. I often find that I react one way when the situation is portrayed from one character’s perspective only to have a different reaction when seeing the same situation from the other character’s perspective. It’s fascinating. I like that the characters are more like real people who have good intentions but make mistakes and are flawed.

I don’t get the hate for EunJoo. To me she’s just like a regular person who is dealing with difficult situations as best as she could. As far as romances go I’m most invested in JiSuk and SanShik romance than anything between either of the sisters and ChanHyuk. Although Kim JiSuk looks very handsome and deserves a romance 😍

The only character I find myself side eyeing a lot is GeonJoo. I find his attempts to date EunHee very problematic. Him pressuring her to share her personal details and date him is very problematic not just because he might or might not have broken up with his girlfriend but because he’s her boss. I hope EunHee distances herself from him completely and they don’t push that romance.


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For me the highlight in this episode is the sisters. They have been a constant eye candy from the first episode but in this one..... I just love it so much how Eunjoo actually shows how dissapointed she actually is with Eunhee cutting off for years and just approach her again with a mere sorry. Little did she know that Eunhee has constantly living by her perspective in life by going "what would Eunjoo do". Then Eunhee giving Eunjoo advise on this base on her "What would Eunjoo do" gah *chef's kiss*

I really have no interest whatsoever about the whole Geonjoo stuff, bcs him approaching Eunhee when he KNOWS he still has a messy break up to deal with just seems like a jerk move. And it does feel like they chose Shin Dongwook to make this character seems convincingly swoon-worthy instead of just some random jerk lmao.

But what's frustrating for me is that I begin to give less attention on the whole Sangshik and Jinsook stuff..... I guess they didn't give time for me to cheer over their old love story to care enough about their stuffs now. I mean I barely gave any damn about their marriage graduation stuff let alone a child out of wedlock.


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