also I realise I told you guys that I started watching The Untamed and then never followed up because I was so busy with school in Jan/Feb… but omg y’all. I loved it so much, I fell into the biggest slump after it ended. I DON’T FEEL LIKE WATCHING ANYTHING ANYMORE LOL.


    Watch the Special Edition?? Watch the donghua (essentially, Chinese anime) ?? Read the manga & the novel ?? Lol

    Welcome to the fandom and for becoming an Untameable!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


      YEEEEEEEES I finished the novel and the clq special edition (the new ending. sobs.), and I’m up to date with the donghua as well. Thinking I might go ahead and read the manhua next.

      hehe thank you for the welcome, I love it here 💘


    I know how you feel, I started reading fan fic again and now there are twitter fan fics set in modern times.
    If you are ready to start another drama, would recommend Someday or One day.
