Now that California is on lockdown and I have to work from home indefinitely, I kind of want to go stay with my parents until this whole thing is over but I’m not sure if I can go visit them because of the lockdown and even if I can, I feel like I shouldn’t because what if I’m carrying the virus and they get sick because of me?? 😭😭😭


    Oh, I totally get that. Now that we’re officially working from home a part of me considered going back home but didn’t for the same reasons. As much as I love living alone, the isolation is starting to get to me a tiny bit (and I LOVE being alone. I live for isolation. Its the not having a choice in the matter that makes me want to go out and lick a stranger)


      Same. I don’t normally go anywhere other than to work and sometimes out to dinner but I haven’t gone ANYWHERE at all since last Friday and it’s kind of driving me crazy.


      I upvoted this before I realized maybe shouldn’t advocate the licking of strangers pandemic or no.
      I dont even want to hug a stranger ever.
      Unless it is Gong Yoo.


        Gong Yoo is not a stranger.
        Hug him in confidence.
        I would.


    That is a hard decision. Just what ever is right for your family. I think you can still go even though it is in lockdown, though I could be mistaken. Some people will have to deliver food to others.


    I think you can still go out, it just has to be at a distance from others. I’ve been walking my imaginary dog in the early morning to get some exercise.


    We’re on lockdown here too and I can’t decide if I want to go to my mother’s place as well. I’d rather not be alone, and I feel bad leaving her (though as far as I can tell she’s just facetiming her sisters all day) but there is NOTHING to do at her place and I can’t work there. But I also worry that I’m carrying and I get her sick, so I’d rather be safe. (I also don’t want to become a murderer and I’m pretty sure our limit of one another is 3 days.) I’m thinking if I get too stir crazy then maybe by midweek I’ll go.


      I’m more used to living with my parents than without them since I only started living on my own two months ago (kind of regretting that decision now 😕) It would be a lot more fun for me to be quarantined at home with them. But since they are older, I don’t want to put them at risk.

      I hope you are able to come to a good decision. It’s a tough choice. Stay safe and healthy.


        I’ve lived on my own for nearly eight years, but my mother is close by and I stay with her one night a week because I work by her two days a week. I see her a lot, so it’s strange to not see her. Even when I was home last week I was making her keep her distance and it was strange. I think the last time I didn’t see her for this long was when she was in India for nearly two months. I want to go home for her more than for me, because she’s very social naturally and I can tell this is killing her. But I also have a lot of work, and a new project, and I know I’ll work better at my own place. So it’s tricky. I may go for a few days but I’m wary.


          Maybe you could Skype with her over dinner or something to get some quality time together without fear of infection. I was getting tired of eating by myself so I skyped dinner with my brother and a friend and it was pretty fun.


            I may have to try that. I showed her the first episode of Father is Strange when I was home last week and she loved it. It’s the first time she’s liked a drama, so I really want to go watch more with her, and she won’t watch on her own, or even over the phone with me or anything. I’m playing it safe for the weekend and will see how I am on next week. I may see if my cousin who lives nearby is up for a walk if the weather is decent tomorrow.

            Hopefully you can see your parents soon, but I totally get being wary. Hopefully this all ends soon and we can put this mess behind us. I’m all for being social distancing and being conscious of others, but that doesn’t make any of this any easier.


            My parents live about 12-14 hours away so if I go see them I might as well just move back in with them for the time being. I wish I knew how long this would last. If it will just be a month or two, I think I can handle that but if it’s going to be 6 to 18 months like some people say, then I’d rather just go home. I do talk to my parents on the phone every day which is good but it’s not the same as being there in person for all the little things that happen throughout the day.


            I know someone who facetimes her mother often. I think they even watch movies together this way, lol. I think it is sweet because I was one of those that my mom was also one of my best friends too.


            @bcampbell1662 That’s so sweet. My mom has always been my best friend too.


    ahhh i feel this. ive been wondering whether i should do the same. but if i stay in my apartment where i live alone, i can run errands for them if necessary without tisking to infect them which will be pointless if i stay with them…

    im starting a full on self quarantine just in case once i get my last delivery hopefully on monday. im already home all the time, but there will be no other contact with the outside world for two weeks (no takeout, delivery, groceries, walks). if i HAD the thing, itd be gone after two weeks. then if i wanted to, i could go back to my parents (assuming my car is corona free).

    im guessing ill be able to handle a few weeks by myself but if this keeps up for months ill regret not going back home.


      I wish I could run errands for my parents too but they live out of state so that’s part of the reason I want to go back so I could run errands and they could stay home. Things don’t seem very bad in their state though. They have a few cases there but they aren’t even severe enough for people to be hospitalized.


    I know the feeling. I don’t live with my dad but I see him every weekend because we spend it together. Not now that we are in a lockdown. It will be my third week without seeing him, and I really don’t like it.
    But I have to say this: don’t go and visit. As hard as it is. Stay home and don’t go out.
    I live in Spain and the situation is getting dramatic here.
    I have to go out to the office because I still cannot work at home (hope it is solved by Monday) and even if I’m not worried because I take all the precautions and so does my company (our posts are disinfected twice a day and we’re only 12 people working where we used to be 95 and we keep distances), the moment I am home, I won’t be out but only once a week.
    Please stay home and stay strong.


    Things are so uncertain now, and that is probably one of the hardest parts of the situation. That’s good you talk to your parents everyday but it’s difficult to stay away from family especially at a time like this. Hang in there! I think we just have to wait things out and hopefully the social distancing and all will have a positive impact
