Reading the premium support program made me miss @javabeans and @girlfriday. 😢 I want to support this community as much as I can, but similar to the other beanies on the comments, will need a bit more info.


    To be perfectly honest…i do but I dont. I love db. I love it a bit less since jb, gf, and Mary left. I’d whole heartedly have thrown money at this site when they were still here now that their not. Meh.


      I dunno. If not supporting DB means it will have to close, I think I’d pay – more as something sentimental, you and I have been on this site for years, I don’t think I can imagine a day where I won’t go to DB to fangirl and have nice and meaningful conversations with people such as yourself. I don’t think I could give that up just yet.


        See, this I do agree with. The fanwall and the beanies are everything. I super value the conversations about dramas and kpop and everything else that I’ve had here. Db has seen me through many a breakdown and towed me through to the other side. The friendships made her–invaluable. But the rest of the site? I barely read the recaps these days. No offense meant to our current crop of recappers, but they aren’t as engaging as they used to be. I used to read the recaps specifically for the opinions at the end before diving into the recap comments. Not anymore. And how often do you see someone complaining about how negative or insane recap comments are these days? Db isnt the same, its sad, but when the originals are gone and its run by a corporation its only to be expected. This is still my favorite place online, but, I want more information before I’m willing to throw my 2 dollars in the ring and when JB and GF were at the helm? I wouldn’t have needed that before donating


          Agree with all of the above, my experience is very much the same. And true, recaps used to be the backbone of DB. It’s the reason I discovered and stayed on the site in the first place – so yes, the current situation is really sad. I don’t even go to the recaps section anymore, I mostly just lurk on the fanwall and engage with Beanies there.

          Definitely agree that we need more information than what they’re giving. Been googling about the issue for a while, it seems this has been a problem since 2018? (Geez, I was really out for a long time) Hoping they could just talk to us and be transparent about everything that’s happening. We all want to support this community, but if we’re going to give our money (aka also our blood, sweat, and tears), we have to be assured that it’s going to the right hands.


            Its been frustrating for a long, long time. I know that they don’t owe us anything, they don’t have to tell us anything. But when they are asking us for money every month? And they still wont tell us who they are? That just doesnt sit right. What really happened to JB and GF? Are they really and truly 100% gone in every capacity, no part of DB? Are they behind the scenes working on that part of the site doing the things that makes this place what it is but being among us isn’t something they have time for, anymore?
            Again, I love DB. Its not what it was and thats sad but ok. Its still an amazing site, but some transparency–thats not too much to ask. I really want to know why now. Why are they asking for this now, if this is a step that was taken last year would we still have JB, GF, Mary?
            Also, that vip bean is extremely cringe-y. Just…no bueno.
