I discovered this band, The Solutions, a few weeks before I took the bar exam. They are one of my favorite Korean indie bands because their music is so infectious and joyful. Their sound reminds me of summer: dancing to my favorite bands at music festivals, wandering around the city with my friends, taking a walk by the lake, sipping on iced coffee. I remember I listened to this song between the morning and afternoon sessions of the exam, putting on my headphones while sitting in the bleachers of the basketball court where the exam was being held. I remember that summer was spent indoors studying while the sun was shining outside. I remember buying sunflowers at the farmers market on my walk home from my bar prep class. I remember listening to a lot of happy music that summer in order to keep my spirits up.

Immediately after that exam my life took a bit of a nosedive. The next few years were tough for me. My life needed to be rebuilt in a lot of ways from the inside out (it was a long time coming). But this song, this band – they were one of the last bright spots in that “before” time. So I like to listen to them when I feel a bit down. They remind me of how even a summer lost to study can have a little joy in it if you look (or listen) for it. Hopefully this brings a little brightness to you in these tough times.

“Love You Dear” by The Solutions